Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Jul 1889, p. 3

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nJ IIIIIGUIIJ JUL IU- A Yes," she answered. How pale she , `A :1. Lad y Strathspey. She looked positive `_-\ ill, I thought, poor little creature. " She looked very ill," said her ladyship, ur hledly, the shadow deepening upon her ' xzntcmmce. I must go and see her. `ihe had been watching the rector's daugl1- ' 1- z keenly during the last month or so, and :54: result of her scrutinywas not very satis- 22.. my. Naturally, she had told her- .~< If , the girlish face would lose something of yts brightness under the dispelling of this. Lrxx romance. She had seen girls grow pale e .`,3furc now, when an unpractical fancy had `won overruled" by wiser and more matronly m-ads ; but in her experience the fancy had llways died away in no great lengthof time, and in the end its death had come to be re- garded as 0. natural and fortunate result.` But here was something new--something ; new enough to trouble her. The shadowy szulness in the girl s face was dee er than she l,'Urrc(l to see ; and there was not ing of . the . srtlnnnnhnrn nf ah-Huh innnnunnt-. nhnnf 80- w BAIIIIIE. ""- ""--- ---1 -I. -I-uascu-u unnuan In '%|j'0 -*3|`IlI'l%'| ':' :1?-W399. - L.lquors% and cigars. IIYII `fII`lZ~`BV_ Q 1 an insane: n . - . -.. gpnnnassfvszatumci mm UTE mm nriu"r.n15nmma~.uim Opposite D. J. Mnrchison s Dry Goods Store. The following are a few of the many lines rve would call your attention to : Builders Hardware, Carpenters Tools, Lawn Mowers, cheaper than ever offered before; Peuchen s Mixed Paints, L Gardening Tools, White Lead, Linseed Oils and Colors, Farming Tools, Cutlery of all Kinds, Fishing Tackle`, Machine, Oil, Leather Belting, Files, Lace Leather, Etc., Etc. 11:. D. MORTON, M.D., W. A- Roan `M n 8. EUGENE BALLS. INsIncroR. Buuun. II --:\q`---_ __ _ IlL\Al IAIU All Hull {UK nut. She rose at last. It w.ouId'not do to re- main there any longer, `she told herself, and" she must go to her room. _She heard Mar- jury moving about in tlxqkitchen for an hour, making preparations for retirin , and she went out to her, as she always id, to Lid her good-niht. - R115. 11*. fkn :4-I-Lav: Anna 1.`... .......-...I M}n . ROSS, M.D.. Medical Advisers. Tomi mun '. .......... Invested Funds .......... .\ Annual Income ..... . . Investmenuln Canada .` .PB.EMIUMS Accmvrnn HALF-YEARLY ABSOLUTE SECURITY. REASONA SATISFAOIORY PROFITS. Pom: 'I'.I'IAI7Q Ailivnuwz-qua-n A`. -...-_._ NEW GOODS smaw PRICES: smmnnn uri: Assumes ooliiinnv, OF EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND. (ESTALIS2HED 1825.) Head Olce for Canada, so0'l"1"s BOOKSTORE - BARBIE. At 110 Dunlop Street, j * :11..%-`.391`1I%-8IDi='15VI5L01`sritm, -. . NE:XT.;DQORTO THE CANTON`-TTEA s1'c`mE .% . -~.: 1. .-- _ , 9; v %.=vms "1-ova: % L A M Iusrmmmgnm. 1'H1u.msr um ?BEa'rir:1ne1sHnas % A.1`; 1!A1iT!IFAG1`URERs' PRICES. ` ~ A- ` \'n'n'Aa.','.*.'.LT-,*.';`~_.L`.. _._=_._`_;..-; :__,~ Lu ".l`he shadow of the trouble had been upon her so long, with its constant torture of _ . changing hopes and fears, that she was` too weak to bear it. Now. it was becoming more than a. shadow, and she felt her ftrcugth drifting away from her, so she ` melt. The helpless, hopeless wearing had been too much for her. gL,_ ______ -L I__; T. Ii" . Q MARRIN Hausa: V " :E:B'.tuL:B:I:.:I:sz;:aj:`s `im -is`: ' V. -- --oannlllsl, T L SPADES, SHO vELs,W `G`ARDE_N. TOOLS or ALL KINDS, PAINTED WIRE. WINDOW SCREENS. - Neat and easily tted. gv ~ HARDWAREV. A EIRON AND STEEL MERCHANTS, MCALI41 ,` , V 1 _ ._`-- v-g- +'- -- nu WTU T` '1'` W" ' lVllI'l'90ldASI_-`1IJAIi'l`_ AND BYE WHISKEY, . . . . . .. . .0 1.60 PER GALLON. 5 yn'.3' ` `cs 3` u` M W u ;. ' ' 9,90 so . so Oonolo-Ion All ..nI.-_ 1\--J.. un__a__--; .,, ,, 4- HARDWARE AT Rock ao'r'roM PRICES. .uIus ,:%&i4fruxm;.s . %I3LEnnA1n:%runriiAI`E1 mi ' D `r V. '&t; am: A I: _ A Our um. be rs:-clad for cull ? ohln by" iodoimz until!`- wHyuv's BABY cnnmnmzs Shrlluil ueeii mu on uiinaiy 00 this end, while. he~-she stop ed here, remembering thelnlmlstmle, care ess face, and the eyes \\'l`.l(.'ll had smiled her down. `Her heart began to beat wildly; it was only` a girl`; . heart, and the handsome face and smilin eves had won it from the first. _ She coul nht blame him yet-a woman. niighthave done so, .1 girl never. I almost think that if it had lmvn possible to. blot out all` the remem- larzuice, with all its present andf nture pain, him would have chosen to keethe memory, rzitlier than stand where s 13 had stood` twelve months before, losing the recollection of the blonde, cavalier face, and the great- thrills of foolish` bliss it had brought her. There were so many memories. she wore the white fuchsias in her hair; here, at this window, she had waited-a hun- dred times, only to see him pass by with his gun over his shoulder ; the box of mi no- nette still bloomed upon the sill ; the fa ed, - little brown sprig lay between the leaves of her Bible u stairs, and this moment she felt the tone of the great golden mustache upon her lips, and heard his footfall ring upon the walk as he passed out in the moon- light. Would he never come back again. Perliaps not. She found herself imagining blindly how the old life would seem when she returned to it, and looking forward, with . a great shuddering ang, to the time when Miss Franiley woulc come to the Coombe as Lady Stratlispey, and sit in the velvet-lias- soeked pew, week after week. She could go no farther than that, without the wild heart-beating, and she slipped upon her knees beforethe empty basket-chair, inging up her arms--she was ' so crushed, so strick- en. . what its There, upon ' _ the hearth, he had kissed her hand the night watched e`very'new shajdeiqof I allorroh -the 'pr_ett , quiet face she had he faith ul b derstood settled u 080_m in its babyhood ; she had un- the dreamy; listlessness which had {on it, and she had understood also e inning -had been, and where its _ rift to. So she did not prove 1'] lp_031_?1ng-. as she thought over the mat- er,` and. replied to hervisit,or. s.w,el1-bred syn) thetic questions .5 .. _ I. ` I` " `3 was sorry to` see_,,-t,h'a_t_y tress did not lookyggu `d_5y:,:`:M jory, h_er ladyship.said.7at}len`7gtlii TI` ' I She was na weel, myleddy, answers Marjory, unbendingly. often is weel now, I he Straths ey. I should be sorry to believe that iss Renfrew is a dear little thing and we cannot afford to lose her. Her father canna afford to lose her, my leddy, Marjory replied, with an uncompro- mising face ; but if she dinna mend, `I'm e en of the mind he will. ' Her mither lies in the kirk-yard. She was na much aulder than end would ve t puir young thing I" Prue, an she was happy wi the man she` , luved. -There's a taint 0 consumption in the Renfrew bluid, your leddyship, and sor- ' row aye helps it to its work? - The immaculately-gloved hand was drawn ' from the table with a slight start. ` You surely do not mean it is so bad as that ! her ladyship exclaimed. , ' I mean naething else, returned Mar- ory, sternly. Prue Renfrew s heart is roken, your leddyship, and An us, Laird Strathspey, has broken it. I m ut a puir body, but I speak my mind 'invthat., ` There was no use in diplomacy now; This straight-forward strong Scotchweman,_ a i hireling 118 she was. had onnn tn the nninf. I 1% against `her pmr: I canna, say the , pee it isnothing serious,said Lady ` Largest LAWN MOWERS, , -,___._. ....._-av: a. nnvugrl. Bl'4'l.".I. nn`1V1lSN'1`S. LTISFACTOIIY PROFITS. POLICIES FREE FROM RES'I'R|GT|ON_ LOANS ADVANCED ON POLICIES AT LOW RATE OF INTEREST. Joan: SALL8. -w. M." RAMSAY, INSBECIOR, MANAGER, Moxrnnn. M.D-- )-- -. - . _ , -I Q BACLIII A an:---- Painters Matefials, and Gneral Hardware, _3AI{mE AND STROUE .%$rA$LIsiia3*ia3a; SOUTH SIDE COLLIER STREET, No. 129. ' 4 ` -- Another Good: Boducqd In proportloxg. I VI HALF-YEARLY on QUARTERLY, Wrmovr EXTRA CHARGE. Y. REASONABLE BATES. PROMPT SETTLEMENTS. `OFITS. I I'I`I.'Il`.I"ll!Q 2322 2153-. --------- - - .3/1`o1,ooo,ooo 34,000o000 . 4,500,000 4.000,000 OFFER AT LOW PRICES: --_--STOCK OF- Complete stock of COFFINS AND GASKETS OF ALL KINDS E In stock or Made to Order. ' J. Ins; luJ@, KJJTCIDE, And all Funeral Requiaitea Furnished. A.2!1;z`liee1(-is Telegraph or Otherwise, Promptly G. 0. DOLMAGE, Maneger, Stroud. srmn wonxs AND snow ROOM, l"I'\'f'_',?EI`$3n-Ila ~- _ :____. ___ . _. `we V `IL coJ:.x.1:x:ai.s'.I:-.,;A.a an:-1 VIVID? Xi??? unyportoft "u not nine to encounter such '5 ptobabillt . . Y Accordmgly, the next day (mud her LIL N0. 1 Bonuses Distributed.) . . . .$ 22,000,000 Claims Paid in Canadm. 2,250,000 Deposit with Government at Ottawa for Canadian . Policy Holden . ....... . .$ 1,180,000 E5 Dunlap-It., South Side, Barrl. Cheapest LAWN RAKES, ion tux" ' toil MONTREAL. Barrie. 3 -'2 at I9 3|`. II Barrie. Ont. .n(] 111 SIICIIUL7. Men liud amused tlzemselves with women often before, as women had amused them-s gm-s with men ; other women had awaken. ed fr-`sin foolish, tender, delicious d_rea,ms of imppmess; but few women had ever, awak; med with such 9. shock,_ leaving behind in u;e,pd.st so much of innocent faith and jgunrmlt trust as this poor- little d_eso..7. hlte Prue. ,l-lntlllle .m0'l'nin she had met Iiwendollne Emmley in c urch, aha she had never dreamed that the `wide differ. ence between herself and her lover couldwbo an obstacle ; sheihad thou ht of nothin him. her love, and this love ha :0 misting, so pure. She saw it a Slluluul been led on blindly to this end, ...La In-..-.:lm ntnnnml horn mn~........I...._:._._ been` no ir iuh, ll now.` 0 1,180,000 ~ :- u 1 have some work to do," he laid to her, go I must go to my rpfnn. Gbgod-nigh_t, . e_ jrfte Mffi h`l(:ood-night, P93 131.10 niglterqd stead-_ ilv. and then he. eft. her; ;_ .-3 _A . _ the did not stu: after by wagggne, Ind she found herself alone. .. Theffmgon was W, ooding the rowan-t,rees _w1th"itu phin-I in light. and she watched 11; novgleggly, gm] in silence. - H...` lmrl mnuwd thmnnnlvma mi Eh u'm....... I July -4,. 188g. bl IIU |IlIllUs And you think that this is the cause of " your young lady s illness? . I did na say I thought it was. You aresure, then,f said Lady Strath- spey, a trieimpatiently. I regret to hear it-extremely ; but I hope you are mistaken in sup ing the consequences to be so seri- ous. t is .very natural you should be an- xious. I am anxious myself. My son has acted imprndently, of .course ; but men are not a t to be cautious. I only see one way out o the Idiiculty. He has thou` ht of re- turning to London with Miss Fram ey-and I dare say that it is best that he should do so. I shall certainly encourage the idea, and after that we can only hope for the best. Miss Renfrew is very youn , and I have no doubt she will get over it. (Observe, my readers, that her ladyship was not exempt from the popular belief that grief may be got over. ) QC-III dam and`): .-J }~`\:n Ln-s `ma- -- `.l|:l CLL ll|l DUI! LIB VIICIU WJID IIUUIIIIIE VI UIIU zmm_sphere of girlish `sentiment about it ; which, `in most cases, with its sli ht tinge \ ml love-lorn ludicrousnees, general y count- eracts the outeider e sympe.thy.. In` their drives they often met her cerrfdng the little basket and the well-worn Bib e which her pensioners knew so well; and she always returned their greeting with the sweet gravity which was naturally her own ; but the faint pallor was a. faint one. no longer, and the slender ngure looked an thought more slender ; end as the summer advanced, Lady Strathepey found herself. feeling *U1m2elv anxious. ~ ' . .. us... .-__, . . . .v l -- .' ueai lien fuprdIod' ` % re that rfnomigg on} the hill-u_i_de, ago! he` IIK UIIIBHU YOU` I" DO IIKUQO ' - . Yes, "she o.nivv'Tere3._ .`_I_ have been watching the affair "fol-"'v9 ve`elta?, and this morn- ing I went to the Rectory to inquire into it, as well as I could.-~-No one was at home but the old serva.nt,-ra.ther a. presuming -old '-*"'- by 131 wax. f.a.ith1u1.9a,Ib.9 I'1iscovered`th_q1t my teen wefgugt _r_ - less. The girl : health is suffering . O! couree, it is out of thequestiouto suppose that you could;r._huve mardechlegjgyrg and you wereifulgy cognizs_iiEo-2? ,0. by A'l`.'II1l\I! nnf. III`! `:{"5a W I \ 9- 1" good 1 QII (III G`! enlign geloreh T t back *9 the _ own` .15. ,-99+ -. brown .y9J3}1'wm'h Jud l'>on`;lrp1`IlI9,d. to ` OLA`: an-6 unnungnn All Qh Ind u vlu uuu uuuu: wwu u uugub Bwri. . . `. I . tory, , _ Laird pair 'invthat. i usein now; Scotchwoman, l hirelmg as she was, had gone to the gint. at once, and her ludyshi was fain to fo low. She had not intended oing so, it is true,. but shewas a sensible woman, her pride to the contrary, and since her diiculty had _' faced her, . she met it in a matteinof-fact C -_ - l nvnuvn.` Han n1nunJ Rant` n *'l:f....3A.... IIUJ 5|]: , To tell the truth, her ladyship had had a love affair herself a score of years ago or so- a very romantic love affair, with a hand.- some, empty-pocketed, titleless detrimen- tal, who, but for discreet maternal interpo- sition, might have s carried the day ; and though this love affair ended as most of such romances do, she had still a recollection of its ephemeralvsadness, which softened her heart toward this girl, who was `undergoing - a like experience. _ She turned her head sli htly as Strath- spey came in, and motions him to a chair. .I want to talk to you, Angus, she said, sit down,if`you,pleaIe. > - , `_ UR IIU VV [GU59 I U: V She sent for her son shortly after reaching 3 the Coombe, and he came toqher mornin - roomto find her standing by the low marb e mantel-piece, restini a. full, shagely arm upon it, and looking oth disturbe and an; nnvbr` , He threw himself in a chair, carelessly, in his ulupl, iqdqlexgy yet raceful sahion. It was chardotrietic of t e `man that he uquld n0t_lQ0k ungreceful. H fluynnnunn la n1}|nn kn ugh` Ralf urn- noyedt. t- W`t'ai1, in spite of this belief, her face was not quite clear when her call had ended, and the footman closed her- carrizfge-door upon her. The square, uncompromising form and dry voice had `shaken her . self-"possession somewhat, though she did not deign to acknowledge it. - Qhn can}. for Bar unn uknrfln nffnn v-nnnlrnn -r. uu-5, u: n vuuuxuuri . But: ouancu. Uwcndoline was. interested, at once. She alwztys did notice little Miss Renfrew, and Lad always noticed her from the first ; the M own-eyed face of the rector s daughter had znuched her heart the morning she had rnmrhf. qinhf. nf H-. nn/Inn I-kn nlnin IN-iln nun uuuquvl.` DUUUU IIUIUIJU HUI} I have feared this, she said a sin. I have feared it from the first, an d tried_ to prevent it. How long has it been going on ?" ` -wasted no time. ,, ;I ! w`;From the first week that `Lord _Stro.th- spey came to Coombe-Ashley, grimly. He 1: A,,,1 I A` . .u- o .u - uuv uvvvll, But: uuuu, `IL Uluillvll o no `'1. ~ am anxious to talk to you about t at. I l have feared this before. MT ___. _L__,l-_,,,, 1 I 11 n> ' .1 { I can stun as wee}, my leddy, was the good woman's dry reply ; so her visitor was obliged to pursue her. conversation, looking up at the square gure` _a.nd,s'quaro face as her listener stood beforo her, ` 1 `Intro `manna; |\:n -`Ln -4:.` A.-..:_ It 1' "uSJ1;e Qvdved her gloved hand to Marjo1'.y with quiet` decision. - 1 Sit down. she naid. -nr'nn+.inn.Hv T E wuu vvv unuuuu uuoru. W 1086 ner." ' father her, I'm the ` She ; l The Immnnn`nf.nIu_nlnunA lug-ul Iuvnn J-..----- .vLvwu us wum now, pun` young tmng I` _ ` hope Lady ` Renfrew and nan toot.-- ........... -a.~___1 L- 1--- L -uu us uoxnesort she did. s 4 ' , ` .,.~ -But Marjory was not fond of Lady Strath- , spey at the best of times, and she was less T partial to her than ever in'these days.` _ She was quick enough, in her ' Scotch shrewd- ness. to understand that the delicate im- maculately-gloved hand, which rested on the table ashergvisitor 'talkedto her,~ha'd not been wholly idle in theinalgtnrn of the game, and the knowledge did not detract from her. nas turally uncompromisin manner. She had watched every new sha e of allor on the prett quiet face d her faith bosom in ; she un- the dreamy listlessness in n it, also ital: had end would not very sparing, as ter, and her visitor s well-bred athetic questions. _ j j . y sorry to see that your young mil- look VQPV Vlflv Mnn;` ', "`}.`f"-.`.~.-,.. $".". V V A .1 1G1~`r1s;.s1!.,r wt 839 1`.`t ,: ' `us work e}-`P -25*. `:?"f"~I: at home, but as there was some probability I 3 ., > AA. 5` She did not find either Prue that their absence would not be a long one, she decided to waits. short time. Marjory was there at least, and might possibly serve her purpose` even better than any one else, and in some sort she did. ' l o _ 1- I I cu -- ~\- ~` . Hf. Mllhinhvu u... _ A .--u\_I|u\| u\.I ucuuu vuu xuuxuulg nus: uuu taught sight; of it under the lain little .-muv -hut/in the square pew, _an she had 9. ;_'3l'li:4}] sympathy for it. \'r-u V u`\n Y`IV\E`I7l)IVl'A>t` 4\IIl u;se.`A AL- of her resolution of payixg: Krisit; toithb-e Re}: 3; ;8here,ifot1lfi , 6l1arlI,l6ne as _: I ~n`?1!!3!p tears. to -`hgsel -i 31" `??!`d `.!viE" 12 m :P`b1Y '1 repair` ~_mew .9 hivfmendins Anzu=%'9W..-r A Gir1siine1W,V,f0}j% in jime.` 9'_d % ` i_ . _ _, _ `nun Eluncu ucumluu. _ . . 1 S11; down, she said, ptacticullz. I3 m nnvinnn tn tn": in Lynn nhnnf. 1*. at T omrwnn IX. seq wuwyour young mu- 'ery Lwell yoaterdty, Mar`-' i.'..`j.?`E.";3`.`._`!:- . -`sboht "two. vyeek_s'.7_ Most of ` us have V5,7l`liII' poslngAi1o_bh:elw V' orTotl_Ier' `to: ` Ol.'O',y.,l_f1,ifi_. M ' " C0lIIo'IpbjI'l10l? From wheredo all the-Vie'As ooine'I The question is often s'sYe'ci,` `and seldom re- oeiyes gs sstisfeotori: snswer as has been "given by alcontolnpoi-iiiy'i The com- mon_ y l_ays n_1ox`e,'tha.n'__100 eggs`, and the. tim'e`*om eggjlsyiugto maturity is only studied: geometsiosl : regression. Here we`"see_-`it 'illustts_ted,?%8uppose one: _o nm5h.v3t`f` ;`otmu!tip1vtiW1I rpldhibs` *h.! ~h_ 15. .9`-W391"-L 9711119 1515311 lived, would give 15_0. ~ Suppose sevn ` -` fe of these ere -fsmslfss, tJuly,1.ewou gl ntn 2-_ .._-`--g K `QR A` `h --A' IIVA UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVUI Ilv Juvvusvnv _c.-up-/. uuww , I 250 ies. Snppolo 5,625 of then orb` fe- Ill! wvulu In; .-In vuvv . "` I; think -you'll` ;do !; Take eat!` our '*!i`, `,`.JT"',`?9;?iA4`!%I'.I`?.*? -""`- .% yuu Mp,` Ina-- _ % - ff ;`1)1|t"if,enough ! the wonld`gx- 1 Ii}I`|.-`I. .' . Y0?! W011 ? 34? 5.0.13 3119. T00 91": thpm,t,uneI.bo. Goqda.dIy,!" . ; _ ' _ .0n the oj_on'tury,`if_ thoapplioant answer- ed.3. K` :01: It ` .M9r-*1v.% A`!!hiit1 `9n!n:o'. Dod1:';9r. 1. 99.93? Fl?-15 ;`9r T!%*1-hr I er -;IIqx,9mp.?.or% of`t1.ntiort;?" the cu-pointer would uyntionoo : . I H T 'n.:..1. .unn In I V Tglin .-n .1-mnr v-m -quguary IIIIALVHIO she was not a herd earted women : '1 have said, in 3 its of rvery n&W1"_!1,w,`k' neaaes, and Pgue had elweyellga .` great attraction for her. She In like rho!` simple, innocent ways, and had warmly. Id- mired the unfa.il' eweetneu. which mllda the girl such amfavorite with the P"' clues. Her childlike faithfulness to 1101` duty had touched herledyship ih"v WW" count, had often drawn a. sigh form her in it: con- trast with her own 1d01 !._..!mi!!bl9_._i|!_m:9' In fun` Ln Ln,` `Ag; an Illnll h- ant care and a. eotion`fo`r"'her fethbl A _boaa carpenter in `Maine had one question which he always asked of journey- menl who applied to be taken into his emp o`y.' A If the applicant was found to poueaa the otheridneoaiazry qualications the on " won as In : '- ` What are your favorite tunes `I I wwhy, what do you want to know that or F A , - - kY'<(>1u whistler and sing some at your wor ` on t_ you '7 ' `"_('),h,y`os." . A _ - W '11, whiatl tune; do you generally _.9 A...,,,. .. whlgt|l:9rgin{.l . . 7 . ,:_therea ` Oldtliundred and `Auld Lona-3. ."!d 'D9`.'.'` "1919 W1>ins. .`v;l12wA n . z .; . ' , . 1 1 AL -_u_-__'_I;/hr A_I.'-`I......- _'...1.I`._;: ` H'Do you play :43 baseball, if you do, you can buy an a lacrosse shoes at 500.. boys, 400., youths, - - . Clayton & Co's. ' uuu. uuv uuvu uu nun: UIIU uuuuanuvua which had come upon her; and she tried. to counterfeit her former cheerful `irlishness and content; but even he won d waken from his reveries nowfand then, or look up from his work to see what Marjo saw so often, the faint lines on the white orehead, and the tired brown eyes xed far away. He tried to convince himself at first that it would wear awa in time, and held` his fears within his own osom, forbearing to speak of them ; but at last the change in her was so great that it forced itself upon him with a foreboding as new as terrible. - I'D; `A IVA-Il.n_.-J` _nv_uvA I1IAlUU,' vvuevv, JUUII5 LIEU- But no one knew the truth so well as Marjory. In her first sudden weakness Prue hadrested in the strong arms, and let her faithful old friend guess at her story with- out any effort at concealment.` T bnnlu an Idfln ulna `o`6AnnJ Ant 3.. LL- '"it .e'?1"`o`b"Z`if} }`S`.`e`Z':'eZ` 'c'Zi:er i father would learn how heavy her trouble really was, and she strove against it day after do. ', in her efforts to conceal it from him. S e tried to hide the listleuneu A _______ __ . . '...I..:..|. I... 1...... -_.1 -L- L_:-.1 A- all any uuuxu av uuuucllnulluulau ` I knew so little, she fsltered out in the ` end; and I thought he loved me. I scarce- ly know why--he never said so; but once he--he kissed me. It wasn't his fault, Marjory, [with weary quietness. How could he love me? It was mine because I was weak and foolish, and knew so little. T` nnnn at` `A kn an tannin`-an` `Ann LL-L 1--- nnd finlhthe lrillaglehle In to wonder`i'n' the something" they he. lost in the fresh v_oice and sweet smile; and some of the more observing began to whisper among themselves their kindly sorrow for her. 1 The little basket was not so easy to carry, she found at last; and the mu 1:, sturdy, bare-legged bsdrns fell into t e habit of carrying it for her, trottin along at her side silently, and` yet in all t e intensity of their wild shyness, castin wistfhl glances ntjher quiet,- white, young sce. ` Hui: nn nun lrnnur Hm 1-.r-nil: an urn .- avusvvvuula uuuurruwu 10. From the night when Prue had fainted at A the kitchen-do'or a change had been's1owly creepin over her.` She thought at first that r it wonl not be easy to 0 back to the quiet- she had left in the past ; ut in the course "of time,experience tau ht her that it was im- Rossible. ' The simp e contentment which ad `made her happiness was lost forever. The freshness was gone; ths untried peace was gone. The days which had been sci ce_-A ` ly long enough to contain` liertender dre ms, now the dreams had fallen into ashes, grew weary and `intolerable. If she had known more of the world, if she had been less ignorant .of sorrow, the blow she had re- ceived would not have been such a heavy one ; but waking suddenly to the reality, she was strangely helpless, and a blight fell on her whichshe could not overcome. There" was _nct an atom of weak sentiment about it, ` and her hidden trouble only showed itself in the new, soft allor, and an added uiet- ness in her life; ut in spite `of herse its shadow grew upon her every da . A ' Her nnm~`nnminnm~.".*mnn +. . hill ..:.1-. unuuuvv '5l.UVV upuu uu1'cycl'y (ll! Her poor` pensioners pon t o hill-aides in the v_ill_ag_e began A wonder in .thn `nnnihthfnn 1-J-mu Inn 1...; L. H... :..--I. He made no repIy-he. had nothing to say; soheonly lingered for a. few minutes, - and then returned to the dining-rodm, and there, for the time the matter re/sted. But, wisely as her ladyship had disposed of. it, it is quite likely that she had not overrsted ` its seriousness, on the contrary, she had somewhat underrated it. ' ' 111_-_.LL-_:..I_L__-L_,,1~n_,1 1 n -V . c `""' "MI Her 1ao1'a.J.am1a949W ..In9,u!r- .e7 .- In fact, she had come as near chor- fhmg I sort of well-trained qection for `er 9-9 was in accordanou withfhernaturo. I (;I'hxa morning she had been-`a.lm"o'It nupt- I9 the face under tife little straw but had 0ked so worn, .and, Vcontraut9$1..`Wi$~hth. {Heat dark eyel, Io.Itro.ngo in"iI;g._12,!'q:,_p_o`.l-VT or. Was it pouiblo that iho 3310? dxscreet diplsmacy-:vioro`:?`tbz;b9 ah `8 than she had ima ined! O! oouuo. h `acould not have acts otherwlsathan Iho ` done under the circumstances, but the Ac:ors%:..::%:.3:"::::';*:1':.2:*:.":':%t.x; .. -_...- .... -,.vu. .-on guano "snug, `and thoh h` deeency Jill compel on to pay a farewe visit to the Rectory, trust you will not be guilty of any greater indiacre- tion. ~ I wish to heaven, Angus, with a and- dentouch of woman : passion in her voice `which `startled him. I wish to heaven our ` foolishness hadbeen more honorable an leu M cruel. ' ' ' `I"l'- .. '| ` vvvuiuuw perseujn tn-me._ . . ~ It was an easy way outof a diiculty cer-- tainly; and not an V unpleasant one. Even Coombe-`_A.shle had been rendered bearable with I Gwen`do ine 'Framley s assistance,_ and surely Londonwould her side. She had overruled his ckle fancy for the rector s daughter ; she-had, novv and then, alrnostoverruled his remembrance of her, sojlhe found `it not so diicult a `matter to perinade himself that his mother was ri ht in saying that Prue would live her gir- li -.-trouble down. Besides, the was in ear- nest now, and was desirous of having his `fate decided. ` .,I am ready "to o as soon as Gwendoline is,l`hesaid. _If f have been a fool, I am sorry for it. ' - So am I, returned Lady Strathspe , concisely. _ Gwendoline returns next wee , and thou h decency will you farewe` visit to the R.-,+m-V fun n unu- be worth the trying at '"`=*&*!i*_|s 11 yoq remn1e_d to London with Vth`;V1,1 .0 me. Girls outlxve the_se sort of \ `"85, and I have no doubt this one will oveieome herself in time. It um: nu mm ....... -.-4. -2 - Jzth ,, u. `_' `EU 1 '5 claryde A-.. Known by 'I`iou Tunel. A KW VYELIIIIUI "(Wu oonumuaq IU-I5. `x Intend- owzruzi-. Straits` .1 - (8. IL I-rnzn bl! ISIEMUVNU UAUQ. '.l'U'lSA.- 1W gap as 1888.--whenhe will be edto e klndso Auction. Sales, 8 eautemn ,_ty.Vand inn: ted .. ye , eslvmmqgglt _ - no:-a'?f' c `:i:%""3:3m .m.na.ao:' -`gs V - - !.' '..'_'. '.'.-..;:;?..':":;F"'.?:l '_ L. WILL BE REMOVED BACK T0.-BARBIE. by taut. l888.when-howill propu- Azl I'll hand an blnn AQ A-uuhnu nlgnn -.`Il'n-nu l' V---JuUo-dv l% aa%n? mpRma. pms ma. so ;I;".?.1T::12......a`, J;...'.`.E;?t`f.`..;. CHAPTER VIII. Lady Strathspey sat in one of the parlor: of the Coomhe with a faint shadow of anxiety ` on her handsome, well-preserved features.` She had just returned from church with her" son and their visitor, and she was gender- ing,:o11c might have fancied from er ex- pression, upon a subjezt which caused her some misgivings. She was a worldly wo- man, this Lady Strathspey, but at her` cold- est and worldliest, she was never a hard- .hc2u'ted one ; and for the last _few :weeks something of distrust had been cree ing over her before perfect contentment. t was a .~ah:ide deeper than usual this morning, and A it showed itself in her handsome eyes, and in her handsome Strathspey face, with its pi_s!_l'iCiZ|1.1 Saxon features, and last` it reach- ed the surface. 7\2.1 -____ A, :1-I an" `n 1- -I- I'll "'.'h`' ` ; ` Lot 9, Ooh. l.`60aore'o.ll or N.}- H0; 0011.12.60 loam. N. gollgood clay loam, good in 3's o.oleorod.. sores`. ' hard.-good house. ho pout-buildings. on $3 , to. All or any gas of tho .mYe_Yp%E . 1111119.` ven. be -o1a..wm; or without oro ._1nd'i ' .011` 0 ram ' '1 no"1 : i :`a'i -x5'ii:":`6` V tn" iaea,` b}'Ye{ .toPamw1okP,p._. A 9 M mtg THE % 0|.|J RELIABLE '.Mll}T|0NEE . ` `. . ' '}.t " -. V" *- . ' , ` . . U. . , . . . ., ` , ..._._ ` _` . 'I1 r`l`r.I"`. nu! 1$'nIi|ih17`iI\t`I'\ n Arch mhiia Autu ` vsf ..:`n -`.".' ) `. rl; .' .._'; ~i c. - '_ v :_1g.x ( ....;:..-.~..1, .-.-1'.` ., .. 3;. -V -. _ . If'.` -unu- W="nts..wunts. mm --o1r Am. `xVmns'-- IN BRONZE ON n nun Ann PADKAGE ysmoluus mmo AFINER THAN EVER. `SEE . 7 4 ` I Just to hand an immense stock of New Turnigeseeds, direct from the growers. which must cleared out. . Horse-Tooth and Canadian Co :-n Reps. Millet Buckwheat. Hungarian, and a_l staple varieties of Field and Garden Seeds. - \._~.n LIIL4 gun u.I.\.!:., Did you notice little Mis Renfew this mu:-ning, (Fvvendoline ? she asked. llulrnvulnnnn innn :n4-n-uni-AA at .-....... CL- MYRTLE! TUHN|P%*;,tm TURNIPSMQ TURNIPS3; TURNll?_s - ~ One of the. latest n.-en`-stionahl at! `ca! - evoperationslwaeg 'a'tL3'ed"a;* En"g1`an_d, lwfer Mi`."Ma"yo Robson` iceehtullyi` ragt- "ed two and a half 1'n'ch'e_`a` `of nerve" " en from -a man : thigh into a gapiin `the mediannerve of the forearm of _ a girl; The girl. had had a tumoxfremoved, "and Mr. Robaon a'rat idea-was to -graft on a piece of rabbit nerve. but another surgeon nallymrranqed with him to amputate a` -ma_n aleg, which had to_ come off, in such a V8! that he `could utilize the . posterior , tibial nerve, which was taken from the amputated limb before it was cold. Thirty-six hours after the nerve had be( n grafted sensation had "so far returned in the parts supplied by the median that the touch of a pencil could be localized. Sensation has since that time` been getting continually more acute. ` ;n1!u:'s':,` `h. v3' uiy`1'5:, ies. For tour of'biid'f iI1"'ams I will not ca.li:I'ate7 whiatksept. 15.. " _. _ -55-..- --..a-ou-an, vnucv `_` Ayer s medicines continue to be the standard remedies in spite of all com- etition.-T.- W. Richmond, vBear ake, Mich. . T Ayer s Sarsaparilla, vuvswnuu . -.-._. __- PREPARED mt Dr. J. C. Ayer 8: 00., Lowell, Mas'. Price $1; nix bottles, 35. vWorth $5 I bottle. We l"1a.ve sold Ayer s Sarsaparilla. here for over thirty years and always, recommend it when asked to namethe best blood-purier.-W. T, McLean, Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. ' ll A--.-..!A. -..-.J:-.Q..-_. ___.49,, . n -- One of my children had 8. large sore break out on the leg. We ap lied simple remedies, for a while,-thm ng the sore would shortlyeheal. But it grew worse. We sought medical advice, and were told that a.nfa.ltera'tive,medic1ne gvais necessary. Ayer's Sarsaparilla e ng ` R__ee_ommep_ded _ _ __.____---u above all others, we used it with mar- velous results. The sore healed and health and strength rs. idly returned. -J. J ._ Armstrong, We er, Texas. I find Ayer s Sarsaarilla. to be an admirable remedy for t e cure of blood ' diseases. I rescribe it. audit does the wnrlr Avnrv 1-. ma _ II`. T. 'Do+n- `M `D -__...- -_v--vuu avn uuv vusu UL IJIUUII diseaseii" the work every 1: me. E. L. Pater, M. D Manhattan, Kansas. ' (I `T . L`... _-I A .a A. ' --- ruu nun b'UU\-I'll! D But at the icitchen door she paused, strzuxgely dazzled by the light, and Marjory lucked up at her to see her wavering, with v.'l:ite lips. - ]\nn f nn]` v\nr\n \/'..un..uu- -1... .....'.I Drew lilood, modefn doetors cleanse it ; hence the increased demand for Altera- tiwfes. - It is now well known that most diseases are due, not to over-abundance; but to impurity, of .the Blood;" and it : is equally well attested that no blood. medicine is so eicacious as _Ayer s Sarsaparilla. The Old \ Doctors 18' Special Prices to Dealersfb V J. M.notnwLL, ENSILAGE CORN. CUT AND PLUG THIS YEAR'S By the Ton. Vsmszn For [Heavy Soils. For Light Soils. -To Suit any Soil. vzshe fell. " call apa, lV1arjory;" she said, ' hc.]p]C881y. P ease don t call papa. ; and the next instant Marjory had caught her as

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