mans. PHOTO STUDIO I Wurriy Street, N. Y. Kill: Wm-Inn. DIVER llann- And nmmnh O AB'i'ETs swI'rH1n#k1NG;rnozo. TECH SK ATES, find `of various designs and "prices always in ntook. Allordorl willro- % `ooivo careful attention. gcongrogatlonal Church cotusn S1 . %mn`Is. OPPOSIEKI `IE! I 5|-I Coinmnl *For one month-the three monthly rate with `IE ' oent. added. 1-- two monthe-the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. Q` Preferred positions in the pa. er will be sold at an advance of one third on 3 ve rates. This rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- 100 of intention to change advertisements must be handed in to the olce not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock. and the co y for such ghange n_1qst _be in the A_I_)VAN_CE o_ ce not later 1In`ch.;..... .... sham .......... .. 6 Inches. } Column. lolnohes.` {Column ll '-`I.__ I I"-I.__.._ VIII-Vnfn-ovsaanal nu v unonnuunsugs LL70 Condensed advertisements on First Page such as Wants of all` kinds. Lost and Found, Property for Sale or to Rent, S ecic Articles. Eto..Etc.. must be accompanie with the cash. and will be inserted--F1rst insertion. 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent 1- word gnomes, addresses, and gures counte as words but a. reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions or the same matter-exceed Form. oommcwnu prmclplel, and. as they will be Ittlctlyodhered to in making new contracts utter prgsent contracts expire, there will be only one price for all: Duuuruuy at AU 0 uwux, unu. H16 ogy I01` Bucn must be Anvnecn o later thnn 2 o'clock noon on Tuesday, in any week ; otherwise the advertiser's announcement may not be made public until the week following. l.I-on-68..-... ...III .....A. 1.... ..11-_..-J L- ___- L`__!.. A tisement A -wu --my -.-- .aI.I1Q\I unsung 1: `Ivan Lvnlv 77 5:53. Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising anyhin outside their own [regular business. he they do so, transient rates will be charged for such adver- nnxvnnlvuu-h A vutvirruluilsu u nu-n\vnu-1 n: ll0llTllE_l_l|l AIIVAIIGE A ruvvinrsrnvnq VA: 7! A l'lI'l'lIc| - uuj cw - j-uuu -2 w --vu-wt: V ADVERTISING RATES. run AIIVANOE nus A CIlICUbA'l'l0N on mcnrnlmnunnnnn corms, `Almost, if not quitghgoublo that of any other T _ Paper pu bed in Barrie. "ADVERTISERS SHOULD NOT]! nus mcaz (12 lines solid nonparell make one inch). ms " Vxs1"'wi.nv'r(VVAri'>vnn-rvi TEs'.""" First insertion, 10 cents per line. Each sub uent `insertion. 4 cents per line. notices, 10 cents per line for that In- -sertion {E cents per line tor each subsequent Insertion of the same matter. 1.001` nfninl and (Intros-I-nvnnnf nunnvflnn UEBTUOD OI E118 B81116 [DSC15813 Legal. Olcial and Government advertise `menu win he charged at above rates. A` following rate CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract. advertisements will be taken at the :4 zhich are drafted on correct nommeminl n n -nlm, sum ha 011:: mm 1.. uuuuiuv Iuvurulleuluubl Wm 06 uuren at H18 [following rateghjw ich commercial 1) plea, and. they will be Itriotlyndhered to mnkimr new mntmnn HE SCIENCE OF LIFE. the great Medical Work of the on Manhood N_er- vous an Physical Deiauny Premature Decline. Errors 0 Youth. and the untold miser- ies. consequent thereon, 300 8 vo., 125 prescriptions gR"m b Clotli, 01181111 , o . ymai s - /. ` ~` ed. Illustrative sample free to all your and middle-aired men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to theauthor b the National Medical Association. Address . O. Box 1895. Boetom Mesa. or Dr. W. H. PAR- KER. graduate of Harvard Medical College, 25 yearal !R1-actice in Boston, who may be consult- edco dentially. Specialty, Diseases of Man. Oice. No. 4. Bulnoh St. Iv 14 o `'6? " ' "i'.;" `E `in. ",0." man &$e g%nto, gurgoon n tohtho Mex- T . d Inm-mu-y d Ooulist a .'l:r*3o`t1':e Sick Children : ho'$'i;1ta1, late 0173: - cal Auiltsnt Royal London hthalmlo Hoaplx talk Mooroelds, and can London Throa. an Eu-Houpud`. has removed to 60-(1ollege Avenue. Toronto; ~ be consulted with re- ootoDiseaaeaot ellye, Ear Throatand inn] ]0AKLEY PARK FARM. xv; Lualusw ya; uusunua sun; Lu `Y Hcarthy, Poplar 85 uncanny, Janaa15y24,h;_a9T; iin. aaoncfs. nvsnsou 1:48. 0. P., L. R. O. B. 3., ' 1--_A....'... -.. 4.1.. -m_. 11-- ___1 nn____;. on_n_.. ll PTIIRE The last 26 years I have adjusted more Trussesthan any man in America. Valu- ; able Patents, m own Invention, in Truss- es, 8 inal and lub Feet Instruments. Rupture-I guarantee tohold largest Rupture without touching your hip, no straps whatsoever. waterproof. Largest stock of general Trusses also the great Cluthe Spiral Trusses in stock. Rellable for ommnnm BY MAI]. ._. _ splnallnstrumen 3:.',%::,:`;: `.3: and more effective. c E`|'I claim the only me- ohanical system to straighten born Club Feet(Patented.) Iwill proveto anybody that tion never did not can st:-aigh Club Feet. _8end6 cent stamps for Book. ' 1311 l*.I.lI'I'IIl_ `IIR Klmr St W.. Tnrontm FOR SALE! E B r I 1018111115116 O'l1lyI1.`ID- W prove to Feet. _Bernd 6 (BIAS. CLIITIII, 1I8 King St. W.. Toronto. I will visit protc ssionally : BARBIE. Barrie House, Saturday. July 13. ORILLIA, Orillla House, Friday, J my 12. i5'!ED `;|MB!9!P rem -uv:v-- vvvu -cw --vvw, av-to -villi:-Q` Bay; 1uuund.1>om.' For Rights in Canada. anplyto 'QQ`Q--IQn'.j"j- j--n ""U"C ` %MAa'rIm B"oL1'oN, h L L Nowmu-kot.Z0nt- `. "I-l.II VI 4;pgp{mar:u_Ana|AaaLIoEnIu `._.._-_-. .3 1-3 Spools! nttontlonto Oroau Ereund Oatu-not For further particulars apply to I ll WIU|{`UVUl" IJIIIIIVIII VI IIIIIVI IIUII. ' 0 womnltwho undo the pudding hrs: been crusted. Then is much oxoibamont Among" the nogro po ulutlon boom 0! the auger- mtitlon that t 0 padding was "conjured. mm I cnuoiiifsi W" Biiziifzss, ovsrersm onorsv INDIGESTION. numzrimc I 1 muscle: or nu: HEART, ERYSIPELKS ACIDITY or 1 sm Rmzuuh, me sromcn, HEARTBURN, onvnass , HEADACHE or THE sxm, A d ' 1 dis agxn "&z{r:}3sL}vmR "I`5:31>N1.'Y sronuca, BOWELS of: 32.001). M `ICC KQ' `C R ll R.-._..l AL-an Exunustan VITALITY. ---cow. aunnovunnonnvn l'\`_ ruin`-n nlojzvn-A J1? '7 I-lid` 'r.M1LB1mN' & 00., No. of Inches %JA%M;ES- %VE1)4Vvv1m:1;Ds, - "tIrnu u-ri._=...nnnsnqs' ; II-u--uv-v t q---- -- -2:: u j-It pneui':e` 29, 1836, No.-25241. Ivnn D-II` nun. Dania Tn. Illnnlnn in (`Can- CURE OR RELIEVE EONDENBED ADVERTISEMENTS. . mm THROAT AND NOSE. OR TO LEASE. ` tuned by "Ooujnrod" Pmldlnc. .. ~..D.,nIv1-um. V&-..,Jan- L6_.--A... remarkable. caadof poiaonlnghu created some excite- ment here.` On Sunday. Jack Cantu, 5 A` flun nnn{Iv-A A n`3nA A` v-vrw--1--7:7: You-Ion AI` run .E*; N Inse Ibna. (goa) -T"'T`13* Ono Inser- Inuer tions. (smog) 62 Inner- tiohl. L11:-> Z ! 0 50!; 2 sol; I LU LIIIIVU 6? HEART,` me l 4- on non" 600 875 vnvv 826 1500 '1; 3'0 24 90 '5:-Jp?:${.."' `N TORONTO.` ; Inga;-. in`:..tho British Mutual V in hot 20.130!` ' Tt tgryour mondyujroll u inuurnnco on yonrklnfo. E (1 yr.)' --.v- --uuou -w-v --wuI IIIVUI II C III. -I new Yerlr. *Nnw YORK, Jen. 16.--A re broke out in t e blacksmith shop. of Henry Hess, 717` East Fifth-street, st 11 o'clock to-dsy, and spread re idly to the three upper floors occupied the New York Potent Ci 1' Box Menu scturing Company, where is were st work. The remen were econ on the spot. Three irls, however, were cut `of from esce en lost their lives". Lens Schmidt, w 0 was taken out through the . winanw man an handles and 6L..L -l.- I.- L- JohI1"I1ixc:)-r;-,'c>-f-I7r`:.t'c:;:., : way to recover `from one of theinonlz remark- Iblc curgicsl c rations on record. Tues- Aglcy of lost wee Dr; J. Minnich, of Worth- m5'ztcn,' Ind., `removed. mm Hiuon c body olmoat allot thefth rib on`tl_1`o3 left side, 1 ing directly over the hc_urt.' The c rat on was made .I,1,B_0Il'y b auabceu 17 `oh hcgooto :If)t3aret1a Vute care .330. .Las Moy 3 cmill piece of IIA -|`|u nA"A l"n`n van: Jugvo ` .uuueu_qInI.u Q Ieunu luuvu In Bone wo:kea;shpopg,1a;'1':he..u;aoe. Ofhte his life wen den ' of.. Dr. Minnioh decided/to: me 0; e knife. Hixou was on the operating table about an hour. The rib. when exposed, was found to be much deco ed`. Itwee removed from its eheaifh, end; eeth it the notion of the hoop: yea visible. A large ebeeu was diucovez-ed= and removed. "Hixeo'n e`w ife` wee `present during the operation, Mk- $.31.` ."-.'..` nmn -nq;-An'n'-.u-`-`-- uuloua \gu__u vlavupvlvu . _ _ _ The rib. yrs`; removed successfully. Since the opetetion Hixuon" hen regained his a.poetite,.`snd has suffered little pain. Dr. Minnieh in I greduste of the Univer-, sity of New ,York`, of the clue of 1856. Thimin the first time that he has perfum- edlthil operation; _It is; indeed, we very rate one, though` medical record: mention men `of the kind. ` - -`EA `owe! l'_Ire. ' ML, II; `Q5.-About 6.30 o'clock elin e frame eteble belong- - l _ land owned by Geo. V -- V, ed to be on fire in the .~ glott, a. ,y_q1a5otelly destroyed. There A lneur ce 0;: fer as` known. The "ot6gra.phg ` ery of S. M. Smith, Printer Sanderson`: harness shop and Ga.ble a 'ewelry store were considerably damaged. he cause of the re is unknown. vrjvuv -vvu cw -vvv-Iv us - This in vililt " Bob Bui'da't;"o"u"a-y7|'about thg_u_:attgr: _ j i i ` " ' ' . ' w;l'1`e':t;::t_ e newspaper in a. town evhere nobody. went: e peper ; ` nu mkn-1; `hang nun ningnoin Ana nnnnun - vvuuvu w CU6 , _W5::vheI`o there no `already ve papers in atwo-paper town ; 74 ~ - nn 5` Q `hum nu:-nan Innnn `HA: In -5vnn`._n 6I"i?i'.lf'f$'S 5":i'.". gn ... me. to umv. noumro . paper - t I 0),; if 1;: rugmn eight-column pt ronu WW0-o'o,lll_l.I,n*` in` L g-,i!.ho'I.ia hig ' hgn..\ ttlyertinin. and inc` Havana A! a vf, u u `Jun 141! uypglv IuV_U out raven for foreign adu. ; , `A -'lIIG' Uuv {upon nu` gutyoggg 9 `u _g. I ' _ . 701'. `*1 5. Itfout Y `Rims ! 33 #91111 fqrujtgn-oen1;.6binb';' g j ' , . " _Or, 1! he gtgrtgfpappp. beoau`s oTh e; ha`: ts1l_e_c_1 at eygrything alng ;; 1 ` `- V. ` Than. -indbiedy _hath he bitt9n.o' (moxe than human mutmta; and.hiI..papor. he'- ove1(`irb4yrtho >godu,V'will' die young and I) III .Vllll\lI> WI Ill] , uu, i""`7`*"`i1Axcnre~% 1I?r#e9eI:e2r1~i* vr'aj_1i`ri6s`." 3 ; ' % .x'rnt'u:a,c`war:.A % I 1`Vrat&1*;tak?at:id:.bi3 5195 ii.%.fre ` #119? jkiL&`E'~;n.& '.'*1-- jE`75'Y:% 7: 1! . ml . by` ' kkiabinz an 'u11 nn1 . , Ivouvnlnthlo-_-A. . . V . . Having used: B: B.~:B. Iombiousneasnnd to:-pid; lives: with the very ;best results} % would recommend: ;_it: ,to_ all, thus troubled. ..The medi'cinoT is;.:wo;'th itpuweight inlgold. .' ;'I?i1lie Whitdgmanitowdning, Ont. ' t~ . 4 . . _ ~ , .Il'n..|.I. -41. LAND %-we Jziua "." saysa. N. 'reep1e,~o_r Or- well` "Ont; 7,thre it di ` Iithea in our nei`g m:iorha'sa.' =1aob&ra*+aa-' 1? he `and day, B1:o'u' 3` my ;i,$1ii1di'e but \I lt' ragut,to~H` btd'b"_ e11ow1o'1raud4 rd "m}r_n_rou 'h,?"al1` rs` um Yell `0il cures dQ1i1pl1St,'ux_i&f C. lllilhnlaburg, 2;; Vice-Progfonllslg , . - ' V ' "N" `M 5 . `L ". ident`: Joust an u, on Dover, fit V!oo4PreIi- dent; Ju..McBurn , Simcoe. 2nd Vice- "Prouident; Geo. cCsll, Vittoria , Soc.- Tron. IIIUIIU III'l`Uu \I_lI L7IIll\lO an ' dflnmito of the jivii, r:;;i:'e,`lJ 0? in Luca jiixdding from his wife; "He thou ht it was tricked and refund tout it. \ enterds Squire Fawkes, another in- mn % of thoj I. ate tho ridding and , wqn` u `y n ukoutok and to: digd in ,4 u `a ny wltlyevery Iymtom of acute po '11. n `nnungiruyhn mgr`: Hun nnrllna Inn: Isuzu UIJI`ilIlIIo~.v-ilr.~_vv-I-V,-av ,-`vow:-_-y-_t`---, ,-y_,-g-_- H - . ii?` lo:-ur`e_ "t6g`ol1;'reo.t1y_nx;it_eg1ii11base -of_,s\1 an q ' dent `injn3'.`~~:.1t1s:well.i :o ` rqporefomifohtbniergen ass: ` 8 be` . . . .-Ya dwoil`-`ih_-thohcddiuneflnnownxfon " "ii * -I 1:'uliImi'd',I11?wouIIds.of .thQ~ ;W` >3 ` ' ,;ing"gi;][ ll"`FJ~"": l?3` :9.unWnt"" an-`IA L. `g;1,_i phi 51!-'_=in._ flweryt ousenom g gm.` '.`.? *;,'.f.3z cg: 3!` '3;I,;) '..J :,-. -~s-V *2 him ._ `II? .`?91,,is. I 1 X6 i.m:a;re-A b ` kaging if 4mrd'.s% a 4',` :".|'; l 'shg-? w-@E7d&ei'-`E: -`3it1'!'8-;~_::IVB9.|3.I 3.382 '.`h8`f Sold.:Ie`7eI haul ;{$_>,. y;-:1 Y .:lr~`.8 WV. Jl\L_..|_g..n . I . _ r v A A Au Illluwa lulsery Inn-M. Oszuwa, Jan. 15. --'l`his mornin _about 1 o o lo'k re broke out in the bu ery ' of Ayloaworth & Leek, and although the re brigpdo was soon on the spot the building `wu `burnt to,phe ground. The building be- lo,u'go_d to the43~`:Dntario Loan and Savings ' Com" _, y sud insured. ..s ..,'. g;.:'Tl) -1 , V u-.J.-. /.-o,`lc.l I.- -u1m:g._:;1n9.u.: msnlw 992$-.9; 92*" ; zsdd .-ne:yen hotdiu: ,tq~$\y-1 Ypxlris 3 ggnix M.` , rr|u;? -1:-1 llreo (III-In their uv hm E-..h_ IIVIII \l|-!\ HETUHIWCH3. .~$;'rr.,A = ,~i-rm '7 W Mcpftlu or .u.uu,.jy; oi"po n Inna! ` ` I I` h 5%` `I, ,, 1 n 1%"? I * T . v.. L Those oioeru worg electnd: North Ridin ---John Kitchen, Delhi, President; J.. Wycko -,~'1`ownund. lit Vioe~Px-eoident; J 0. Ron, Tilaonbnrg, 2nd Vice-President; H. B. DODIV. .qAl|.,.'l`I-an. ..w.Wn-.61. |'3?s'e?*` Bill "101! IIUEIIIIUIIHFULI,` 6-xtitiid " v3%'v`rii`rismo;l'I -`o'c I [LL `u`.i'.`.'.i - -u"b'|{:i + ` $3631 W . undone: `ohm ' `u"Ol'y .,` '3...` `Q ` s\( .\ !\ auuuunug.'uu. sums, I90! - E >1,--P"I>lH}!`IUmnB&31llQQ!,I10zen B. B.. _ .2--. ..u .. ......1:..:..... :...nm alum. D8, ARD8.' when Hot to a. rape . ,_-.11-; I\-I. `I\,, _'_,I-uA - , .1 ,, Wl:l0R'FOLK l3EmE0l3ME..x_ jut Maplsth, 1337. n.-nmblvnniunnnn vlnnnnvnn B I 1`HE~'NORTHER_N ADVANCE. taken tln-oju In th; `..`:" ;= . ,y?w v UL` V:9993r`**?*%;9n*: Io": `_ , ` , 5 ;'.I'a*uh{ rthik .:n.;~.'u>&`..n'-n . LUUI` F`9}S. I001` AND SOE STORE pom JuIt.Iet;ne.whiu . It.will do you good;to, | listing of the latest glieh and American styles. 9 . Peqple are eevingmoney and securing the beat] . ` J35-I Ill Ul-II |lU!IIl'UillUlIKu -LUV 1111"` IIUVUIIIIUI CHU- of. , `on. 4 Pnggn ;t,lu;_p.lqwest1eva_r known for rst-class goody. Custom deachpzgx: rst-olhu in every particnkr. ' V ' - ,AiI`d don't forge}: that there will be no hard times for you if you buy of Broivrnhg B_1bcE._ 1 Door East of th;-Ba}:-ie Hotel. ' FY] ALVII $\JUL_lIJ IL` -..: ,`, ,,|,,_ ;. ~ ' .. ` (H/;`;: ';';. = ,. , ,_ )1 k ` _ . . L 9 x "."`x.-.'i"l9. `"5 '3""- . FINE A:ND`\;;lAl3n'.l`*W`_EIi3KEYS. `$109!. fnhii Ann onvs*rAI.x%A|;:s. xxx roam. %-._HOUS E ! jmi. A . --mj :..j:..-.-j ICHRISTMAS G00l)S zl CRUETS; V KNIVES,` V Forms, 4 SPO01\IS,;. 4. V . Burrrnn coomns, &.c. % Also a qiiat rt`ityf of sw,1ssV _vvA:rcH%s and cnocxs, . f .{ .E:_\.`.= $2.". ., jg 5 *` ' 5` ' Ourliotto-will-boI-ra-oldu good`: 9t"M6dbut.e- Prices. . We buy for cash And ID for ouhzotly; by ucdohgawe will have no bud debts, and can give our customers .7:'GoodI infany po;:t'gf;:t:l6f{'!,'1:It;g1\.. __,_ _ :'. ` Kai 31:`; L T.` a an __ _ ."?TT$j-I` win on: Inc. rvqye ,w,v_q\:y_u,`un-g;, `\ 4 tmpn Jrgnramom, , , , - .- A. . . ' 4 j-2 - mmsnmea %.EBE.I!** rmoms. % 7 ` PLAx'ro1 1 4 ; L j-"wt-.r-' '*"" A E R. '_, . .. _ g .~,`; : -_4_ ::, _< lmenhfnrnished oom- ' ' `. L . ` ' Plate. 0`_ 1\etund Cot. ` I -I swam :'.~r? EA s`roa>1-:. " `ih";`"` : F3"*"3`;~3 j ' '-`'i -`-_` -U- `'- : :- 1 I .3. ._ 9 y. _ ' ' Just let .whiJ>e t. ' It lee our big stock of Fall Attraction, con- ina nf Hun Infant mall-In Ant` Amnringn nlmlnn . " D kn` `{0} w w `Ch. rGAG! 5 UIIU Qlllallll CIIII 3-IUIIUCII U Eagle ind thuJi;:t by purohuing 11-om our choice selections in $I9.o0[BEnnooM sums: ` eoemqlin snore. sumns, mums. ovensnois.-1c..:1c. uignmenu v ufi_etyjln all our departments. The leading novelties and standard styles on. Priced th,,loweet1_ever known for first-clue goode. work of every yhtIy' , (iii mu:-Antad 'HIihLi:l'n:n in Airnrv nnrlzhi-nh-p. 0" RETAIL DE-FR IN AT 4| MULGASTER ST. lTiWI.LL PA Y YOU TO SEE THOSE CUTLERY, V 1838. .s0I_Jfrn gmn '.(J0IaLIl!_J3IA No. 129. At .3. HE;NDERsoN's. A.%i.mts% chnarenf man; VOINTER! nib: E1,_Ec1jR PLATE KNIVES,` -'--Ir izmw: .2 . 1;}!!!-'B'E'1?a. ..1s SELLING- from "$3.00 to $5.00 per dozen.` 1 Permanent erjlargements by a ` `new and beautiful pnfocess, % %B%ofhJvvoVj| sB.lo_k, Barrie. 4 FIRST I-nlztnnnili '_nToi I88 ! to I885. ARRAU D