Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 12 Jan 1888, p. 1

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-'1`he Ladies Aid of the West End Methodist Church will hold a parlor nooinl at the residence of Mr. Henry Sewrey to- morrow evening. ' lI'\I , __,I _ _,,__L-j 'I\2_-:_2__._I nm--_ --Congregational Church. Preaching aer- vicee ovary Sabbath at Ila. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School at 3 p. m. Prayer meetinge. Sabbath at 10.15 a. m.. and Wednesday at 8 p. :11 Rev. J.- R. Black, B. A., pater. Strangers welcomed. 32 -The Barrie Loan and Savings Company in paying four per cent. iuereat for money deposited with them. Thoee pereona de eirone of depoeiting their money for (chart or long perioda will do well to call on them at their oice in Barrie. They advance money on mortgage only. T Kai "I,,I, I,,,,`I,,AI,, for 3 sum of money WII run last Friday between 8. Hindu and David Campbell, the great Oro sprinter. Campbell was the winner. V V i '- _--- v"--'1" v---, o -W. J. Bell. of Bands, hu 3 Shorthmn Grade Heifer, calved first of J uly. I886, which `weighed on Januiry 2nd, 1887, (one song: and n;w unnn_hn\ INIR `ha Rh; 1:: V 1- -fZ3;>;1Vnt-y '(:};mn'cil will begin its J musty session on the 24th. " V 1 ;oi1fo_<>l;-;a`ro re-opened on Mondsy last with a large sttondsnoe. --Tesmsters still iaersist in stopping their tesms on the-street crossings. llll, "I\ III can :05 I CII -The( ii;-vi i>hi{1iL_;1;3i'Boud will zneet and organize next Wednesday. ` ' ---Barrio needs a more eoient night watch s_ar\`r`ioe, especially for the earlier. part of the mg 1:. ' V Z ::'i`here were evidence: of more vondnliun in front of Mr. Freeman : store last Monday morning. ' T-7--'l`l-x:unusl quiet of Sunday afternoon w_u broken by the Mxdnight Express passing through town. ` V I ' .'-'i3;u}'." la the British Empiro Mutual and cat 20 per cent for your money as well `as inaunnce on your life. -1: mm rooponnblo for his belief? in tin` question to be mawered at the Congregation` | Church. noxtsnnday evening. , `II A 31 win resume Lnelr classes 1n vocal and m- nrumental Music, January ord. Terms mode- ,u.__ 59.?! -The new Town Council will meet on Monday next to take their declsrstion of oice and in the evening they will hold their `first union. ' | --Lodieu, we have just rec-ivod I consign- ment of American goods, `the bent; over ahown in Barrie. Call in and I60 them at W. J. Paul's. v ving good. L-Linicenc winter weathei and sleigh- V eclipse of thebmoon on Satnrdsy, A28`th inst. _ Mr. Com-on in reported as still nnprovmg. 'l\____ ._-_J, A, , an Q . in 0; -`-Dr;a7|:-goods from 10. per yard at R.'A. Stephen: & 00. V ` v was g nxvvu v-u-n jun on Chants: of hood EIIOOIT. -Buaines in Barrie up` to the average. -Snow storm on Wednesday morning. M --Fresh pork and unssgea at Mound:-ells'. --There are about forty shing boxes on the Bay. - on . `.. .- - ---- jPAB.AGRAPHEB. 8 PENOIL PUINTM v:-iievvw; Mr.'Goforth, ordainiod miuio an l'1I.:_- -p` p`nI:-un- nun QHQAQQ `In Ck-` 0313013! 808100901`. _ ____-.2.__.I _ ..,,___ ,E .n, A I` I `U liU1V'l'l'SJ'l\il.'llIKB."-'.I`BnQ8I'3 Wl De re- ceived up to the Mth da of Januar . 188*. for the erection and comple n of a Bric Drill Shed in the Town of Han-in- Plans and nnm-j. .= ~-' `Bow. `J'_I"l hdgionn foc.:.tlmv I IA of I.'llll|3C}' % gt; . Iuu nus prnuvluu uvvty" rrluuy Uvuulllg - Ii is the intonr.io_nT'~! tlimubdiuty Itlgivo 3 grand concert gomanlm. %1?f9f_f.thuLcomme_noemoni. nfI'.a1V1-."`-U` . ..,. .,, _____ h'.*. V, `Ind ghtohi lllonu. .d_\;. I';`n;4.I.;n. u _ _. I _ 7 Ben-ls Runway Business. The business done st the Barrie ststion `of the N &' N. W, Rsulwsy for the week end- ing 8r.h inst , was ss under: ' Wsy tickets, 450. 3450 15 ; inwsrds freight, 8340 85 ; out 7wsr'ls freight, 84 "tons, C268 80. Totsl, 81059.80. _ ` . - Goodtorasuullchnroh. The Imuunt of the u`-.rmr_y on Christmas morning 3688, Thoma; Church. Shanty Bay. fnr`the'ihcn`Inbout, Rev. Jude-`ph White, In: 840 This tells well for the oongfkltion of St. Thomuj Church. _ ;.Thil is orggnized, and has pridttoo ovecy-~Frid$y evening It in the inmm.inn`a tmuiihtv In aiun . .......I V Gene teIl;;'luul. ' Hie Honor J udce Ardegh left Bertie for Englend on Tuesday mormng. to aoeom y Mn. Ardeuh home. else hsviug been in ug- lend for some months. The Anvnwn hopes the J edge will have A plenum voyage and 3 safe -return. IIIU IOIIIIIIU Ill. UIIU QUVALVUI I. IIIIU K Tr. John Mellanby, an old" Barr-ioite, for a copy of the Kansas City Sunday Journal contain- ing 40 pages or 280 columns. embracing a little of almost everything. .\ ewlpaper l enterprise out west must pay. I0!` [.116 UTCCUUH uuu COHIPIQWOH OI 3 UTICK IJTHI Bhed in the Town of Barrie. Plans and speci- nations can be seen at our otce, Barrie. Ont. 62 ` KENNEDY 8: HOLLAND. Architects, zwouuuv - 1- ---3-vv--- The tunnel election of the oicere of the Barrie Fire Brigade to I: place at their regular meeting Tuesday evenug, 31d inst , when the followtna otcere were elected: G. Ge Sllllthu-on.----............ Chief. W. Hnbbert......................Csptain F. McKernan..................--lltvlneut. We HUllI....oo... ........2nd S. Caldwell. .`. .. . .'l`u-euurer by aoclamazion. D. Keenan..................,....Secretu-y. T. Rlam ............... .. .....Steward E. o-ooooeeooooco .`_,'.2`.,.`.'.`.`: ?`;':::::::::::::: Br-=o=i-m 1--.. -vu vv - :w--u-vjuj vs 1-xwto Lut Saturday. William Amos, brakeman of the N & N. W Railway, was knocked down while coupling care at Beeton, and the wheele passed over his right leg. crushing it In terribly that amputation became necessary. The unfortunate man belongs to Hamilton. W.Jonolb`O. eon. go Ito. ` The Treuurer, Mr. S. Caldwell, presented his report, which showed 8 balance of 872 33 on hand. The Brigade is in 3 very eicient eta. IIIIIHU. `III LIIKIT-I-J. UIIO IQUII IIJUVI, .U I III; _The annual meeting of the Barrie Homcn tural Society will be held in the Secretary ; otco on Thnrndsy, the 12th inIt., at 1 p.m.. nan-to Literary society. The nnnnnl met ting of the Bertie Literery Society will be held in the Society : room to-marrow evening. The election of ocera will take" place and the annual report will be read. Mr. Lloyd will conclude hie "pencil Iinnn" A` n ti-in tn n.l::......;. It in .4: L. In our reference last week to the Royal Calendar for Upper Canada, the proof-reader overlooked an error or two. "I Moore, of Goldwater, should have been E Moon. and J. Wickham should have read J. Wickens We believe also that the M. J. Thompson was of a dierent family from that of Mr. Thompson, now Mayor of Orillia. LIIU `Z l"lIIUu|QI KFIIUIUUY C CIIII Ineetxnz wirl"l;e`_?e'ld in the Town Hall M3: burst, on Thursday, the 12th inst, ntl p m. The Annual meatina of the Barrie Hm-tmnl Eu! After all my hand-sinking nd oouKe buying they left me out in the cold. - . --z. . That street dirt sticks too cloae.-S-tn. 0.... `?:_A__!_ I11_.,j 41,- I II 4: - WC. ELI: IJIUJII `VIII ISIJIIUIIIIIU III. PIIUII lingo" of . trip to California. It in to be hoped that the member: generally will at- tend and that a large_ audience will greet Mr. Lloyd on the occasion _ U Viogria Ward thinks I'm the mu for Galwsy.-*v3. M. B ll. 1 nn `Q I.- Q nsnn -n:n6g`on :n` ` f`A-u-.:I`..- 'l`rV'rrov.--A.t Manrheaber. England. on Jan. 7 IR`!!! Fannie M- wlfn nf Jumps F`it.tnn_ and uuu glut In `-II.""'J.i- no 1"` * 1'. Whatif we had been opposed I---M--n and P-o. II I _.-J- _ I_,LA-__ __..* AL,_ 5-,, ,_,, ,,, II The regular meeting of the C. M. B. A. was held in Bothwell s Hall on Monday, the 9th day of January, A D. , 1888. The follow- ing members were installed for the current year: Chancellor Peter Kearne. President . . . . . . . . . . .. . .'l`hoxnas Kennedy. let Vice President. . . . . . . .Chaelcs McGuire. 2nd ......... ..Jamee Mnlloy. Recording Secretary.. . ...A. W. Beardsley. Financial L . . . . . . . .ThoInae 0 Mara. Treasurer . . ....Emillc Sevigny. Trustees..M. Scully, Chas. McGuire, John Moore. Alternate to the Grand Council, John Rogers. The Auditor's Report showed the Society on sound nancial standing. Arrangements have been made for a concert at an early date. 1.89 7' *llIl. _ ' Being judge at a. baby show in not 3 bad advertisement. -T--m 0 -le. ' n I am perfectly satised to be ont.-W. kH. -1.2; ;u in I Councillor to ohott-not or to be too dignitied.-J. Mc N ___ _ I angst work in the Council is better than: the gift of `gab.-R. E. F- r. n `IQA L. 4 - A g m A... 9 ll _ What They said after the Zlotions. I was sure I wouldn t he lets us this contest.-C. H. R-a. f7_. `L. L... _L_ _I__A_J LL- It `I VV VV|'I-`\Jo L1 `'3 `I"m the boy.v;`l'1o lected the Ma.yor.-J. McW-tt. "D-:.__ :_J_- _L , 1,1 ,a,-__ 3, . n u Iii: 1!! II: 11". They'li be glad to get me back on the Board of Works next year. -J. Pl--n. ' I m the appieat man . among em.-Joe Ad * crimes, but that does not account for the lack. of others that used to be frequently dealt with in this court. Tne magistrate referred to said that "the constables used to take more interest in hunting up business than they `do now and in working up cases to be brought there. If there is another town of the size of Barrie which can show a record of six weeks with nothing to do in its criminal court let it stand up and speak, . :. -1-`3?!i.9i`Min=fi9r 12!. Mani -ha sud Ei-hetiu. hag "van his pisrmiuionf 6` fish in Lulu" lhhr "7l`la-.|'ii(n\' Inn-Linn 1:` J _`n-naught-1 l'l'l'l`(`)`V.'-A.5 lVll`lJU'l1OUL8l'. DFBIEHQ. Ull Jill. 1888. Fannie M., wife or James Fltoon. an third daughter or the late Chnstopher Thompson. Barrie. aged 39 years. 1!oGn'waN.-At Midhurst, on the 6*!) inst.. Rouert. McGowan, sr.. aged 82 years and 9 months. The thanks of th-o ADVANOI in due to Mr. '_I._ ll.II__I_._ ._ -Ij- In-_._: IL- 1,- - ,,,, Annual Rooting. l The Vespn Agrivultnnl Society : annual unatunn uni ha '|`l` n OEIIA Tncn liI.lI "CA, I `:30 That boulevard and my gures were: good ltd. --J, J, R..n nu;--I1o "`:I nado a better run than Sam anyway. .. , jar I A "N. & N. W. 8:-shaman crnahod. Installatlonotomoou.` Bu-rte fire Brigade. II, nu . -oeyrvyg `Illa II r`~I4Ir- % we-' into hi-,nc~m,cvnr:.. who-svld,s_vqodon.;3njl.:jing..wnll he Nun dim : an Mu`-.`:sowroy iljoungk to exudaudfinhvgo hilfonndry. ` 5*-W In. an out: Lnunauna auuuul. uuuur, Illll W3 Well attended; The nuneu of those who have not been nhabnt from a meeting were taken, and will I_'ooe41'v_q`tl_IeirV prizes on the gveuiug of,tbf9_nnd odnoert. zwhiah will be Held on Monday nextglleo. .. 4?;-:_ ,# W . 11 Ina, ..%.. .;u`iaE `Eggs. 1'. '1dja-ab. nan.-em-. vnonongvne.` Mr. isewrgyg and an Km, mil inn: ii i|an`rlnhu|onp . ORANDUM BOOKS LOST, on Eliza bath or Duulop S 9.. on Tuesday. Jan. 3rd. The books are about 4 by 6 inches square. 'I he nder will be paid on returning `them. to H. MAB~ Y. corner Mary and Elizibeth Streets. Ilnrrln Q The market atill keeps up, and Saturday exhibited the name aetivizgland large attend anoe as before reported. rge quantitiee beef and pork were brought in la: Saturday, the chief buyera of pork being Mr. Milne, Mr. Perkiua and Mr. Thomas Leunox. Mr.Milue'a purcbaaea during the pork eeasou usually amount to about 815,011), and the purelueea of the othera lnuat also be large. The prioeu |for pork on Saturday were from .86 50 to 86 80. Prioea of all other artiolea are the name an our last week : quotations. Hold it; $311} PI.-enigu J; ;;u'Lg lut mi. day in the Parochial School Home, sud val I... tfnnan. Thu nnnunn 1:` Column u-I... 5.-..` etfon-u'tJ"v3*1a8ai`.u?&"eh3r'Lwi33'cLTu most able form is appreciated by it: I-Annrn Th: Ahnvn in - ngmnlg 4-.` Annual. I nvdununu IVIIII II uyprcvllbvu 01 III ken. The above is e temple of oomph- mente which we often receive, but which our negvellnodeety prevent: us from publiuhing. -- D one of the compliments of the Season. Dun. Sm,-Find enclosed $1.00, renews! subscription for your velucble paper for thin year. Although herd times compels me to retrenchin tneuy respects, I can't think of foregoing the luxury of the weekly Anvulon vmta, not only on account of the news no fresh and often unexpeoted-for somehow you contrive to pick up and notify us of events Vet our own door: before we hear. of then our-eelvee-but on account of the high moral etend you alweye take on all social and pub- lic questions. Dln--A unt` : 51: `DA:-u-131:]: D I` gggg on-' "1;'1'."::;h it to Painawick P. 0., a mm. and wishing you thonundl such renewals and nnbucriptionn as this, I am, Dear Sir. your: very truly, DI? D ('1 lnnnnannnsrn `I 'I'\ '93`. "I: VIII", Rnv. P. O. Annsrxoxo, M. D. Barrio, 9ch Jam, I888. [The Anvmon in ghd to know thit ib eortn to we local and general now: in the muin Qkl `lg-mun `Q -'-nu-us`:-5%..` L- 21.. a v vysv. V. uaurglwn, uuul., 1 soul: DCIWUE 171' MY DEAR SIn,-_Having been elected to the P. 8 Trustee Board and wishing to dis- charge my duty in an intelligent manner, and also having learned from the Education Act that the Inspector is to be considered the advising friend of the Trustees, I have deemed it wise to write you this letter with the object of obtaining your opinion of the Barrie Public Schools, and also to ascertain what means, if any, you consider necessary to secure that improvement which I presume you, in common with a majority of the rate- payers, consider essential to the fair educa- tion of their children. In view of the rumom which were circulated during the last few weeks and considering that you are a public official and I a public representative, I desire that our correspondence shall be public in this matter, and I have accordingly sent a copy of this letter to the Barrie papers with which course I trust you will coincide. An analysis of your report of the late Entrance examination, published last week, shows that 98 candidates wrote, 49 from Barrie and 49 from the surrounding country. Of the 49 from Barrie 7 (14 2/7 per cent.) passed, while pf the 49 from the country schrilols ll (38 38 49 per cent.) ed, thus a o ' vrry clearly that eithgrtshe mental calibre the pupils from Barrie or the power of education of the Barrie P. S. system is 24 24/49 per cent. below the mental calibre of the youths from the country, or the power of education of the country schools. This is not attering to our town and cer- tainly not as it should be, more especially as I understand that the Board, like other town Boards, pays the Inspector an additional consideration in order that its schools may have the benet of more care and attention from that oicial than the ordinary allov- ance would secure, and more I presume than is given to the country schools. Nor is the per centage of marks the only bad feature made apparent by the comparison, inasmuch as the highest number of points made by a Barrie youth is 483 as against 576 made by I country youth, thereby placing Barrie's beat, 7th on the list and 93 marks behind, while the .remaining winners from Barrie stood 10th, 13th, 15th, 16th, 18th, 19th and 21st. the last, be it said to our credit, being six places removed from the bottom. This is I fair comparison and the position in which our schools are placed by it cannot I feel condent be satisfactory to you, but as it is by no means a new thing for Barrie tobs behind in this matter, and as you are supposed to represent the interests of the public as between the Department and the Trustee Board may I ask what steps you have taken in the recent past to bring about a change, and if you have taken none and do not see the matter in the same light as your correspondent, be kind enoufh to frankly say so. For my own part feel thatths -result of the examination is a disgrace to our other wise fair town, and the fault is either with the Trustee Board, the staff of or the P. 8. Inspector, or all three combined. 9 The only object of this letter is to determine the cause in order that so far as one vote can do it a remedy may be applied. The .rats- payera will no longer tolerate the present state of aairs and the sooner it is rectified the better for the education of our children and for their success in life. Kindly accept this letter in the spirit in which it is written and be assured that any eort on your part at improvement will have my hearty assist- ance, for I have ietermined during my term of oice to be an enemy to ineiciency and a friend to eiciency no matter in what shape or quarter I meet them. Hoping our united , efforts may tend to place our tcwn in that elevated position educationally, which she once enioyed. I am yours truly _ Jas. Warm. I The Admission of correspondence Dool Not-Neceugruy imply that We Hold the Opinions of the Writer. The following letters addreieed to in Editor of THE Nonrunan ADVANOI, have been received tor publication : - An Open Letter. ' 1.1-:1-runs Annnzssnn -ro '1-muznn-on ` '1-ms wnnz. ' EST Prize and Imported Strains of Bronze Turkeys. Im orted Gobler., weighing 43 lbs, at head of en. Have for sale you-2 birds. weighing. sublets 22 lbs., hens 14 lba., I"vru-E zga dr. $5.00. Eggs in season. Addreu u_._____ L", Bands. Ont. 2-.` T` _ __ "1;rie','.'I:u'. 9th, 1888. To Jas. O. Morga_n, I'sq., Public School In- srnoplnr Rn;-may WHAT THE iPEl]PLE HAVE TO SAY. ;Ol.00ZPER(ANNUM IN ADVANGI BINGLI COPIES. FIVI CENTS. c.l.'l`.8.Ba.notEop L__-,___I,__.,._-__' ,L-I__ _, _:, _ In-tot Noun. ~_.__ ceaaion, Innial. and the Ber-in market. O8T:0n the 6th inat.. between the och com. A white loath-vr pocket book containing 316. three men and none. Ann one returnin it or unuslng its return to STEWART W1 SUN, _Btroud P. 0.. wil- be suirab y rewarded. 2-3p T ODULBON-HARRIS.-Al: .-\ mths. on the ' 2th 0:-t.. N57. bv the Rev. On as. E Perry. Mr. Fred- . rick William l)ou'son. of Angus, to Miss Emm s Jane Harris. of Angus. ` I;AUGHLIN-WALLAOE.*-At the residence of the bide`s parents. Wllmm Wallare. Esq., Pme Grove Farm. Mr Thomas Laue,-hlin. of l`ornnto, to Miss Annie Wallme. [of isunnidnle. ' `E-roman \M--SMiTH.--`At the residence of ihe brldr-. e parenta, Mr. Rnbt. Smith on the 16th ' of Nov.. 1887. by the Rev Chas E. Perry. Jou-ph Sroneham to Miss Ne tie Smith. Donsnn -GANLl-;Y.--In the M thodiar. Church. Utopia. on the 4th of January. 1888, by the Rev. Chas. E. Perry. Mr. John Dobson to Miss Mary Ann Ganley. All of Utopia. BUBX!-BRll:NNAN.-By new Rev. Chas. E. Perry. on the 23rd of May. 1887, at the residence oi` the bride's umther. Nelson Bush of Angus. to Elizabeth Brennan, or the v-ame peace. . WxLaox-spxm.wr.-0n the l2'h net 188:. in , the Methudist.-Chug-ch. Argus. by the Rev. Chas. E. Pu-ry. w zhiam M item. of None.- Wusema. to Miss Jemima J. Spillet, of Tos- sorontln. . - lunm. MCBRIDE --In the Methodist Church. Anglul. on the 12:}: of 0ct.. 1887. b` the Rev. Chad E. Perry. Thoma.s Jemes Madill, of N0l.t1W88"88. to Miss Eliza` Jane McBride. of Nottawasaxa. TAYLOR-CROMP`l`0.\T.-On Tuesday. Jan 3rd. in ' St. Mar `:4 `Thur-ch. Aspdin. by the bride's tathe -. rederick Claude. only son of the late colonel 'l`u.yIul', or the Royal Engineers. to Ad-I. younzo-st daughter of the Rev. W. Crompton. The Cedars, Stisted. GoI.oAN--M-xwrcm. At Angus. on Wednes- day, Jan. 4th inst.` v Rev. J. Leishman. 'l`homa.s Co gen. oi axwell county. Grey. to Jan! Maxwell. of Bands, county or Dutferin. ` . III gal FFUUIUUHB Barrie. Jin 3rd. 1888. '5 `'E"`Ds ' D.M.FERRY&00. are admitted tobetho Lar eat seodsmen H tha WON: ' D. II. FERRY G: CD'S Illustrated, Dem-lpo - the and Priced \WI-I-33 I5 Adll `T D. M. FERR Y &GO.,WIl1dIOf.l|to. _USIC.--'l`he. Sisters (it St. Jose '9 Convent will l'lllIlIYI`\n. thnlr nhumnn In non] nn Tn, Von xxxvu. No. 2 wanna: 140.1881 Snwln. Wasx.-.:v. Prom-letor. JSIC.--'I`he. h's Convex;t will resume their classes In ocal and In- rnnntnl Milnin Jnnnnv-v `I-R 'l`nIIInn vnnn, F()1-*17l`RACTORS.--'l`enders will be 1-'e-` ntun uh tn thn IA!-I1 aw nl Ynnnnnu IQQR NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Royal Arch Masonry. uvv. ULUHIIIIIII, A. B McPhee,` E R. A. Ross, J. McL. Staevenlon, R. A. Dunglll, Daniel Spry, Sauiuel Wesley, _ J hn Mangrove, T`l)1ou. Moore, Geo. Monkmsn, A R Mnphnn Irlllo 30 : Sr. Jr. A lot Veil 2nd. " srd. as 4th. " ' } Stewards. - Stun. _B. Sword B; ` Jan. I .3- --_ .?SaZmuel Wesley. let Prin; Z. Daniel F. Maowutt. 2nd " H. Robert E Fletcher, 3rd J. J H. Mclieggie, Scribe N. Donielspry, Treunrer. J. McL. Stevenson, -Chaplain A ('1 anlnn Din Hui A For I888 will be mailed I -'R_E TOu.Al.la 0. can an tgplut |onon'l customers with- out ordain: it. lnvaluablotoall. ' Every person nuns cardon.FIoIdorFIower o\1lh15I\.I.nnldl...Aln. uutuumr lUlll` r I Ur ht 5EEDS"r'... % hf` Illlndngo Q. _ nammea 6000!!!! D 00 ! G IIVU I. TTICUC SEED ANNUAL Egn I 33$ VII Ul Ill! UVVII WIDE ` Report 58 of Committee on Finance and 3 Assessment reads thus: That they have 1 had before them -the account of the Mail ` Printing 00., for illustrating the Town of Barrie and consider that this acconntshould not be paid as no proposition from them was ever made to this Council and no authority ever given to the -Mail Printing Co. for this" work. i _ . ' With reference. to this last report the Reeve made a few explanatory remarks in- dicating that some individual members of the Council `might have s ' ken favorably to the agent of the Mail rinting5 Co. with reference to illustrating the town. but that the matter had never been before the Council nor had there ever been an authorization of the work given by the 0ouncil.. All the re rts were adopted. ' Report 0. 1. Market Oommittee was presented by Councillor Hines, and recom- mends that the tender of Alfred Rayner for -10,cords of green` wood, and that of R. J. illunroe for 80 cordsof dry wood be -accept-, Exception was taken to this report as no prices were stated, when the .Oler read all eh; emndnenn thglz nf RQBIIQI hnina `Q 75 nar- PTIUUU Wl'l'U IFIURI, WIIUII UIIU.\lIVl'I I the tenders, that o Rayner being 32 76 , per cord for. green wood and Munroe a being $8.00 for dry, being also the loweat tendera. The report was adopted. MOTOINS Oroee--Fletcher-Ordered, that the resolu- tlon of this Council appointing the Fire: Denutv-Reeve as trustee of Collegiate Institute be amended no as to road for the term instead of for -the year. - Thin -nnu-use Alunifnul Q `gfj IIIIWUIU III IV` 'UI.IU year. Thin motion elicited 3 little lively tell: between Menu. Crou, Anderton, McNeb and M003:-thy. Carried. ` T u..1u-|. u-..:.. _n...I....a clue: +1.. nnnh, Ill moulrnny. Ulflllo i`dcNa.b Man-in -0rdere`d..that the sect. of J. E. Scott for extra work mounting to no nn I..- ....:.a -...a' at.-. Dal- A`) In nnnnnn(`_ N38 00 be paid. nnd that Rule 42 nape OI 0. 11. 0006!: [Of extra wurn nunuuuuug IN `an 65-0 an-win-A 39 "III, XXVI UN T VV ed for that pun-polo. Th`. Innnnn lIIAl" 80 X0! VIII` PUKPUIU. This motion called up a little of the old the and the payment was vigoroualy opposed on the ground of irregularity. Menu Plaxton. Marrin. MeNab, Anderton and Cross taking part in a aort of final farewell game of thrust and parry. On 3 diviaion there waera tie and the motion waa lost by l the Mayor's casting vote. A` nunnn On mtl-inns-n gin) 111'! CAI thll nowchrntmuwu Spontlntho Bu-I-lo __I Report 57 of same committee, says they have considered the yment of the accounts of John McNeil for 00 and 89.00 respec- tively for extra snow plowing, and inasmuch as 3 resolution in Council has been passed placing this work in the hands of the In- nector, your committee are of the opinion that these accounts should not be paid by this corporation, but. that the Town In- epector, failing to perform this duty himself,"- should hire his own substitute and pay for it out of his own pocket. Dunne-I RE I l`.nrn'ens'lr.I-An inn Winnnnn Ant` CUITCOE Report 56 of Committee on Finance and I Aeeceement, states that they have had before them` the account of the Joint Stock Agricul- tural Auociation amounting to $37.21 for repaire to building made necessary on account of the bursting of the water tank, and would recommend that the Auociatiou be, tendered fty per cent.. of the amount in settlement of the account. ---L'PI ~l ------ --.-._.!LL-- -_-_ LL.`.. oulnu. tell), Ill 01 wuluu wan: ruuvnvu. The report of the Returning Oicer in the I matter of the municipal election: and the election of trustees of schools was read. REPORTS. Report 55 of the Committee of Finance and. Assessment was read. This report recommended the payment of account: amounting to $562. 85 which had beenifonnd nnv-bani. Ia ullali UI. IIUIIIUU IUF IIIILIDBOI luulnoluvu I! J Mar ret Leslie. of Allondale. from 3 fall on the 0th of November on Bradford street, caused by the non-repair of said public road and the sidewalk thereon. IIIL _ _.___,1 L._.I.__A. .n __..-....A._ ._.-.. .._......L o w"1l`I1:;?:c;ountu was present- odnnd read, all of which were referred.` 'I'\I... ....-...-t `C 6|`; 13gb:-nun:-an nmnnr `II 1231:: ---.v-- u-nwx --u-uuvzugu At the regular meeting of Signet Chapter, No. 34, R. A. M, G. R. 0. held in the Masonic Hell, Barrie, on the evening of Tueeday the wt!) inet., the following oioere were inetelld by M. Ex." Comp. Daniel pry, 33 9 , Past Grand Z.. and Ex. Comp. Geo. Monlnnen : ` ' V `Ex. Comp. Samuel Prin. a 'l'\....:..I In |1--_-L. n..A 3. UAUCLIII \JU|II-IVlIIUl'U IIIULUBU uuu l.l \Il.Ia The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. ' - PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A notice from Messrs. Lennox, Ault 8: `Kerr was read, indicating that an action would be entered against the corporation in the High Court of Justice in a month from the date of notice for damages sustained by | \l-._.....-a. `I ....I:. ..C AII-....I-I.. t....a.... - Ca an . qltyor Ron appeared on the Rbatrnm at I 7.30 sharp. All themembers were present lexcept Councillors McRa.e and Lyon. - TH- -.3-.nL.... -8 A]... '-n` -unnnb:nnu manna no.1` lneporte Adopted-Action for Deulagee 1 be Entered by Mrs. Leslie"-`renders - ' V for cordwood. The last meeting of the old Council was held at the Council C Chamber on Monday night. . A _ Mannh pan: nnnnnnna An `kn Q I IT GIVES UP GHOST BUT l'IBE8'A PARTING 880'!` OR TWO. um MEETINGDF 01.11 GUUNUIL. I13 mayors UIBIIIIIK VUUU A motion to gdion-n cine die was then -__...I -THE. BARBIE, C0U'NTYoF~sIMC0E, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUABY_12, 1888. .tN'r1m1cs'rs or 34331:. 'mn:'~ootn_~rrY on smoon AND -mm nommox or CANADA OUR cnrrmuox. On Thursday mdrning, an Smith, a . pauper. died very suddenly at the Uonnty Jail. He vwasoommitted to the jail last July as a pauper from Marohmont. He was in a state of . deorepntude when brought in, and has been oonned to his bedever e1noe.. About ten Ininntee before breakfast was ready he was Ipeaking with one of the other inlnatee and nothing more than ordinary seemed to be the matter with him. He gave ,hia age 62 years when he entered the An inquest was held_ by Dr. Wells. ooroner, on Thursday evenin as the law direct, the verdict being death tom natural causes. vs vouv vu-In -; - ~ v---~------ -4 ---v ----- vv--u-- ------- UIUIVOI - """"J "' ""` "f"""H " ""' """ _ Spry, Peat Comp. 1) ' 1;}, ' |; g 1 can. more than - ad o:'f,:5.,.f ;:,,v;$..:1e .01: oooyftbu. be the gave Ex. H " 1]) H. lMcKeggie, Slcribe tge aouladof thoafdwho dare raw ahut in tfhrom n'` . " anie S r . ' reaeurer. t eoiitai e wor an _per peoauee em `-"* . R. " McL. pstyevenaon, Chaplain to take a retroapeotiye gleam. away back to Dowllln the collar. G A O. Giiiden, Prin. Soj. the that happy Uhriatmaa morning when the A da or two ago, Mi-a. Ch _ the S. J. `Sanford, yoioea of the angelic hoet G made_ old wife` of ainmy Chapman, the- 0 _ ier atreet G. G. Smith, Jr. Bethlehem : plaina ring with joyful -tidinai. Oordwainer, it reported to have gone head " E. Bethell. lat as they aang, Glory to in the hightlt. forernoat into theoellar. Our reporter atatee A Urquhart, peace on earth and good will to men. . that the trap-door _wae open and Mia. Chap- U. Mclnnee, 8rd. . Some were only too. glad to 00lI$I'IbUI= man did not know it, and aaahe waa unoon H. J enninge, their mite with a viewof letting thoae _ poor aoiona of the "gaping pit, ahe went into it an Win. Williame, g 8 rd` nnfortiinatea feel that they were not torgot- above. Fortunately her injuriea `were oom- , H. Dollerv, , " ten. although iminui-ed within the walla of.n paratively triing. when the nature of the ` ?.hJ. gluon, sstau. h.(l)fthera faereh mge in_ fall in oonaidered. V . . o n no rove word . at and tt at e no in . " ---'-000---- Thoe. Moogre, ' to apare to'gladden the heartayof their erring _ Iamaeato lat. , 1' " < fellow-beinue. , Itie quite poeaible that they. An insane man . named McEwan,_.froni " " Ex. Com. were lacking in that kind of gladneaa in their Ngguyggga, ha. been in the County Gaol " A own great heart: and ab took things our. for acme little time. Hie ailment takes the R. . J. McL. g-rm... and saved their dimee, and juat let `it rent fog-in gt aatilad melancholy. He ia_ avei-ee to :: ': D` 81o * ` until the angela would come to `I_lllrg.`-.lO||'_ gaging magnum. to '5 .nvm_ put I. u :` ynlllel Sprvi g gem 00 grand hallelny ah ohorua over again wiout Friday morning it wal thought the monzwel l:::.:u.r:dnlrt.;l:?lucdp::.WUl?l $1.3? dvE`l'i`i.oe the above wae in `death The N017 l'I0i0I !- oontriuiite, but foiirgood fiat geeaee were Z. 3rd J Mr. Ball's new factory is approaching ooin- tione toward giving the pi-iaonera a good . Ohriatniae dinner, hoping that anoh a gift might tend to cheer the hearta and gladden `given, one .waa promlaed that failed, toput in hit jail. on `the. unfortunate man hia earthly ......'i,1.:..,. ., ._ _ . pletion. The part of Raytield and Rose afnappearauoe Home gave cu_r_rante, raiainia 3 V ' _ streets which it occupies, together with the and nth r.thinna_ ni-oeaaary,iothat.altoge,ther ,- . .` *" ' r Bewrey foundry and . Barr at .Henry e oar a pretty good aupply,o`a.IlI,e:t6, hand, ,_The . Mr. 1'-`homo! Oo,|d_W..|j,T,l|'f|k !5|! filge works, look like an important Illlllll-r `qpl were Well oooked,faa alto '8. hot! `tifuly iollh W 1118. fl-W01." _1_l_0P? .13 factoring centre. Mr. Ball : factory will he e.'up_`Dl!.V of _ plum few` "`6;I`t.']ia`lfthe townehip of; 030 laet Frid,O7..I.n oo_u-.0- Iunplied with the heat machinery er... the poor` rail.-5-`n thenioelveower iii"'poh`e'eaiion7,o! mutton nu-'-ion-, -oosdenswhu when- Varii-ii work to be done, and the. mot'ive,']Iin=all`t"rieii df m6tl'iy$diid fotlhj ,,!9.E.d.!hI"h"`!9d"F`FIY",h" power will be a new ateam engine. builtjt uroliaee of apple-o.&l_I_d" oranger, ao into ,dan8"9,`!',, the Sewrey worka --mi oliiirineya" and : appy chrtiigiggy " ' :'~.a`5i little ; iiilirieo_,-_,.1c`..ia., to_.~,.be~eMlI _;the ,|.|.`= 4 \ :3): `P J hiiuinc machinery"-are not `bad "thing: to" train i,tw_eii't`-niii`li`e`ii"ti`ti!" ' ,_ 1 ._ _ , hv`n.u,'n. L I , ,5 K`: .': A V',.`:";:.",4it *':.-g . ~' '~ _" *-"?'<- more `eon!-cine `i `sin: ,' 2`-were ' g.*`;' , _ W h .-, -3": cm i tmios-diinihvritv int?" -we-i 499-` *-go- W0" .""'!-!,]. . ya: .. i i. the Dominion _Parli'ament"will ., _ 3` the but weekinfebrnary. . ' iIgoo_d8un_day a_ feaat. you the following,-,on - ' ' v `mg. Dewninthecener. ier heed Onr thet; wee open it. ee ehe nnoon it shove... Fortnnetely :Ve`I"e_t1vely_t'|"n_1-1'23. Mr. Thomas Caldwell, the Turnkey at the : Ouule, we: called to father : home in `the tc-wnghip Ora lat Friduv. in conse- quenoo 0F a serious uooident to his mother.- He learned that ehuhud ueoideutully-. fallen !ia:a=cha-11.: ma. hid reueived dangerous, ` injun-iee._` i`Qn [' . ' ` ` 1%.. to:be *ho.pd '-`the r.po_rt ie* Bomuotolat. L MOEWIll, fl`0lII Notunugs. forpomb little time. form settled is and A refuses` at snvthing. Last gndsy ` thought man was yang. . I Rina: O-Jun nlunrn -an hi tuna `(lath Inn. in. service or Song. The service of song is a most important part of public worship and oftens does as much in promoting the good of the church as the sermon itself. It is important though that the leader of a choir. shall be free from dyspepsia, otherwise he_.will neutralize the other services` by his doleful selections. Trinity Church. the Presbyterian Church, Christ Church and the Collierst. Methodist are particularly fortunate in hayinga ne service of song. The anthem at the Collier Street Methodist Church last Sunday evening was exceedingly beautiful, calming, soothing and spiritualnsing in its inuence. The ladies and gentlemen of these choirs cannot fail to be appreciated by the congregations they so much assist in Sabbath worship. ' C Mr; Mocking, }i'.'B'.'c"y' Returning om. oer of Victoria Ward, condo a corrected Int '1\- Ohm` in-A --no:-ma Ohm` 0'1; A`AnL puts. VI U` V IUTIVIC VICIII CVIIIIU C XIIUVUTI II-U For that yard, laying, tint the 11 clerk ot mixed_in the nuns of Ron un Crou. he l'.II--...... -_- `L- _-._..A-_- - i'5ifomng"" '2}: ":I`"5'o:".Ja`Z'.I.':" also Installation It court North Bill`. A.0.I'. The installation of oioore of Court North Star, Ancient Order of Foresters, took place on thdevening of the 5th, when the following ocera, were installed by P. O. R. Croft: `Inna:-1' ~ on--.n'uu Ed. Xg.'.' I. .' saw 016" cwuuuuys spprnsohing and Root the Henry's at `mun-. Mr. he I best lnschinery `for tho, he_ done, the, motive,` new steam l)nilt_ti sod lnsohinery -are ` things` L "`f_ V! -.1. -' I The Jubilee Slnxera are coming. The original Canadian Jubilee Singers will be in Barrie on the 6th,- 7th and 8th of Feb- ruary. The company oonaiat of nine persons and are unquestionably the beat company of colored singers in Canada. They have just returned from a tive yearn European tour. ` - Hundreds were unable to gain admit- tance at -Rev. Dr. Clifford : Weatbourne -Park Chapel. Altogether the entertainment was a great treat and should be very popular in this country."---Musical World. HT tab; an-ant l'|'nlIII` in thna tnatifuina III "III. VUI`IIUI'Jn TEIKUIUCI VV\III\II "I take great pleasure in thns testifying my sense of the great ability of the Canadian J nbilee Singers, and in warmly commending them to all who know me. --Rev. Joseph Parker, D. D. , City Temple, London, Eng. 2 unuuvus,-U. uvunvlu, Ila csuuvruilu, nu IJUUIIUII, Masking. T ` ' _ . ' Auditors--G. G. Smith, F. J. Brown. Fa J. BIOWII7........... ........ E18` MOOkiIIx--no-an Icon -oIIocoA.'imnt Standard Benrera-'1`. Bhin, A. _ Nah, W. W. Hubbert. ~ . ll` 1:`;-Inn"!- XVI fmf YTCIW Lest Wednesday, evening the annual meet- ing for. the eleotionof oicers for Barrie St. George's Society was held at the` Lodge Room, Dunlap street. The election resulted as follows : ' A. El E3 0mwikII.'III.GI`C'Imreaident Go J. be-`s sepsssevht vic'PrQ9ident LOWOF. - e e - 0 o n 0 0 0 ..2l1d George G. Smith`-. . . . . . . .3rd Vice-President RDV. W. Reine! u s u 9 c e e e e 'I"..... .n ...... LUCY: vv. LUUIIIVK not on so -090 0 - ooooklllllllll `Fa Ed_Wl dI.ouou-no I010 oIoIolIIuoTre`.urFr E. Willel'I..u.'..o on - -coo cg-...SOcl'OtI'y Mamging Oommittoe--Maura. W. W. Hnbbert, A. Nah. E. J. Fisher, G. Honeld, F. J. Brown, T. Blain, W. Taylor. .QAIlrnIIAn__ An-Iii A ' I2.-...-u`l T. Q `So 00 JIIUWII, J-Q IJIGIII VI. L.,"7O Stewu-dn-Henri. A. T. Barrand, L. S. lgangersi, -. Bedford, J. AjndAe:-ton, E. Bethell, |Monday morning a greater surprise was in ' store for them, V when a messenger brought froui Mrs. Senator Gowan and Mrs. H. H. Strathy, tI3v.enty-nine paper bags, each can- taiuinga large piece of delicious current loaf and an orange, so that Monday twenty-nine gladdened hearts gave vent to their warmest ' thanksuto those who so kindly thought of them. in the way described by our adorable Redeemer. . When I was in prison ye visit- ed me, and further, inasmuch as you did it unto the least of these ye did it unto me. ' . ` . `: vL., Governor thwoll .._'..13 ` gloAlli_I1:or. . . . . .103 _.__ _j_ __' -"__"'_'-` 1 {onto - I`- ......ro. st. George`: Society. _.l'_--.I_;__ -__,_,:,, ,, AL - -._. ST}! A Y.-(`eme iv to vhe enclosure of Oakley Perk farm. a. short time ago, a. Berkshire now. The owner is requested totako nor a way or the will be sold to pay expenlel. JOHN MOLARTY. manager. - 1-8 Death at tho Jan. soinsluaot 67' 42 " 41 as " nos 17 79 15. " % 133 5 `ii. `J.'.'.`.'.e:. J. A. Mnodonuld. .' LfM'aZ..1'i' D. F. Mnowatt. I'll `El LI____II 140 _ 1:4 35 `I'UI'. IIIIIII Ijflllllh `HRH WWI UIIUU IIIIUVU , I in :1 been -9931803. done` in 1091.5 ~_,..'. an -WI-: - nqkhz .3 Car: hnibinnnli. "Cm-` thun- woo-1 wuw. ---s--vvjw- 1 We hue received I 00 y of the Rszzooper, Published at Osin City, ensue. It is a live- y sheet It says: We ' Rnzzoop tor Sl 50. An sdvertiser says: "In order to razzoopcuh we have oonelnded to slaughter our stnokl One of its items ie, KI ` Q in New York must he on I rauoop. ' Mrs.` Jennie Walker; of the_tple_oe, wss kissed on the left` -eheek by Daniel. Elmamgnnd she clsims 82.000 luneges. What she wunld have cleaned had she been liisseismack in the month, we can only imegtne." What with cyclonel, bl)zu(lh__nd "rIuoops," Kansas must he.s.greo.t.o_0II:_ttl_'5t..-A . A 5 nI{C;1}_b'sZn,`&t -business It" the P?ilioo*"'0ourt. _0ne of" *tho* I2mng ll-nintrgi-nu infni unt` IIII1-Anti-Imp .tI|n 9. thin: UIIU LIUIIUU IJIIIIKQ _VllU III` vuv` CIUUI `D-Eaaiutrates infoi mod on: tin 1: there ' Ln-'Iun,.u| nun.-`nch Alums M in rtn lg-Q Hr` GIIARANTE ED-830.00 per month and un- wurd for the wiute season with expenses paid and new outt tree to energetic men of goodchnracter. We mean bnnineu. ' Apply at once to (`HARLES H. CHASE, Nunez-ymnn. Rochester. N. Y. ` 1.8 " Annual? MEETING. uulnuu Dluuy. sol, mu. 0, nuqun 5 uunugw nu. l Torrance, 385. No. 15, Ease; Almyn Wel- win, 484, No. 9, Teonmeeth ;Mu-the Braden, 389, No 2,Esee;FrenkieB1-ett, 383, he 2. Touorontio; Annie Gowen, 413, Allieton ; Annie Lennox. 425. No. 6, Ease; MOIIIII Manon, 366. No. 7, Ease ; Lizzie AMcGloen, 434. St. James Se 8., Adiale; Bertha Mocullon h, 409, known; Meggie Mor- row, 364. o. 3. Adjela; Fannie E. Patter. eon, 888. Oooketowng Belle Robineon, 393, No. 14, Eat. ?I?:`??6;!j 0. Benny, 423, No. 8, Adjnls ;Jan. A. Brown, 401, No. 7, Essa; Nelson Uasudv, 4"5, Tottenhsm; Nichols: Esgan, 376. No. 1, Tecnmuth; Mark Loblnw, 366. Alliaton; John Momenmay, 377, No.` 9, Inniuu Girlc.--Edith Cunningham. 556, No. 6. En; Ids F. Fswoett. 494, `Jookutown; Barbnm I1--.|-.1- K0`) mnbnnhnin - Q.-.1. Ill.--1.... The following are the names of those provisionally pooled at the late Entrance` examination held in Allinton : Boy|-Albert Burton, 414. No. 7-, Eat; Joseph Henry. 425, No. 6, Eng; Geo. K. Morrow, "403, Allnnton; Robs. Palmer, 43l. Alliston; W. Ready, No. Adjtlo ;Ju. A. Brown, In` (I '7 gun a "Al-An I `.nn-Ian 1'3` LU` NI SCWTUUQ `U3, uI\IIIBU$lVVIl ' IZIIZIC J Gamble, 522. otunlnm; Sarah Henley, 478, Oookltown; Bertie J. Mcblinn, 436, Cookutown; Eva Mary Potter, 606. No. 14, Nottswunn; 8-rah ou,~527,. Oookutown ; '_n..:Q QL4n `Q5 "1; Q Aclsgin n Hanan.` M LVUUKWCKC$?'I ' III! . UIIIIBIGIWII Lottie Skelly. 437 71:1 0. 3-, . ; Maggie M. Tn-nnnnn QRK `Tn 1K `Rang. Alnnton WA`- --The newly appointed Divisions! Oicer of the S. A. for the Barrie` Diyiuion took part in the program of l9l'ViI of the Barrie army last Sunday. ` to`: 7!` III 1 All -It in said Mrs. Hcinrich a concert at the Town Hall on Tuesday night waalargely at- tended and that it waa of a anperior character. The program was a good one and well j.l\UVo IIII3 \.I'VI`IIUII IIIIICIIIUII IIIIUCIIIIICIJ to China. will deliver an address in the Pros- -byterinn Church next Friday evening. 18th inst. at 7.30 o'clock, on the subject of missions. A silver collection at the door in aid ot the Womenhlmiuion fund. v - VVIJIVII wclsuj `III $ZII$CI J XIII}, Cw. , `UIIW year and six months) 1006 lbs. She was winner of First Prize in the yearling grade olsss st Oollingwood exhibition lest fell, showing sgainst heifers 18 months old, Ihal being only 14 months st the time.` He is slso e breeder of Prize Brouse Turkeys. ,See sdvt. elsewhere. e Annual Meeting of the West Riding of Slmcoe Electoral District Soclet will be held in the Fire Hall. Harrie. on EDDIE`- DAY. 18th JANUARY. 1888.at on o'clock p.m.. tor the purpose of recelvirg the Directors Re- port and Auditors` statement of receipts and and exp ndi urea. and election of 0u.O!`8 for the current ear. RICHARD -WER. R. J. FLE l"`HER. T President. - Secretary. Barrie. Jun 3rd- 1888. 1.2 -

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