Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 29 Dec 1887, p. 4

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Ulcllllinl POI` OWE . Cornmeal per owt. , DA NU! Cowpex-owt........ Steer per cwt.. .. Snee skins each. . .. Lam Skins each. Dal On an nh LIBIIID DKIIJB U8( Pelt: .Straw per ton....... .. '3'9l'onto Farmers` Market. Tonorrro. December 27. 1 Wheat per bushel ................ ..3 o 83.. yVheat. goose. er buehel ........ . . . Barley per bu el ...... . . . . . Oats per bushel ........ . . Peas per bushel ........ . . Hay. pert.on....' ........ .. Beehtoreguarters. per cwt........ Beef. _hin quarters. per Mutton per Veal per Putter lb ro1ls.........`.........v.... Butterglame rolls. per Eggs per dozen..................... C eeseperlb ............ ...... Turkeys per lb ............ ...... .. Chickens per pair. . .. .......... .. Geese per Ducks per pair............;....... Potatoes. nerbas ................ .. Applesper barre 2 Beets Der bushel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.eDe0U Luna I llll. i"i'k'|'e'iuIi3 u. '`a'1'1"ci`ia can we intend to do the Jeyvelry business of Be a. Christmas will soon be here. no ea._ll early and getrstohoioo. . a `run In mm; mm-.n= V 3edt`t- Y. Ban-'iCheap my (}00ds 0u$`: V `nu: Ltwlus 5lVlElE"!}wf 'nomwnu.`snrJbcx{1'nnan.' "in Our ntoekia now complete tnr our Xmas trade and oowprisee a. full line of Fine Gold Sets. . Flue Gold Locket: Chains and charm, In silver Plate we rimve the latest patterns out. ooneiutin of Ten so Cake Bukeu, v Oruete, Bu er lllaheu, knives. Fork Nut-crackers. Children : Mug, `an Pickle Dishes. Cell and be oed tan the Jewelrv hnalnnnn nf n.E`.``.`.* . DIAMOND HALLI V ` 1% 'fIiI"LAnms fmwsa? 'IuuI't!nvhvh-:95 no ;-. ____ C No new Iwlption nu until the-..mono Bnluoribou now in arrears over will be charged $1.50 Der annnm. and I-blunanuonau no.1`. nnmewillhead a;E?..'u}.; 5.; y is paid. for three months Heavy Dress Cloth 10 and 12; cents. Beautiful Patterns in Ginghams at 5 cents vard_ READY-MADE CLOTHINGLAT WHOLESALE PRICES, at the ' BAR.B,.r.E CHEAP DRYGOODS HOUSE, % R. A. STEPHENS & co_ GnE[T- mmss - GOODS - SALE . GENERAL PRODUCE. :1? nd3xn?s7 "J6ii}TdALanAIrn.} ,-flour. FLOUR '30 74@`o 75 ,. 74.... so K` K` NOW come on. N`. D. NEILIL. UMUDU UUUL VI: 115 uvvsvusnl uuuunsvus would it not be the height 0 absurdity, I and injustice also, to-say to a person who had been wronged in a business contract by the violation of it on the part of the `other; Well, you should have assured yourself you were right, and that the. per- son with whom you entered into the con- tract was honest and would strictly full all his obligations. You must now bear all the consequences of the fraud and- the wrong . Your short-sightedness and haste to enter the contract must now bar you from all remedy. 111 `.1. l1'a:~nI01|ln'II !-Fl N ED At SCO'I".'l"S Bookstore! Jall llbb Van. I-'2--- Jaok, :'S.Vnn1i a:1,7I'" Booksg N: Bibles, Albumg, &c., = _..___ .uc-sun...`-nos vac III!-Iv` nu uvvx-r ;'1`HB MOST ARTISTIC X-MA`S CARDS AND NOVELTIES! B01`HWELL S BLOCK, Wall PaP_(A|: at Cost Price, - --_.\ A.-no-xv--pa Ivar` . uses _ e of mg duty, and 9: I ha. 0 as 1! `person trlen scon- fmerntlvbudsl hive Reformer I will never ! 1.3130 b 11.33 1'1. 11Id.8- MAYOR ROSS, `Banana MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS-1888 V THE MAYORALTY. Ladies and Gentlemen,- Having been solicited by a large number of prominent ratepayers. of all poiitical shades and nationalities, to allow myself to be put in nomination for the position f Mayor for 1888. and havin for some time given it my serious l considera on. I have decided to accede to their ; `request. and am now a candidate for the posi- * tion. I have been a resident of Barrie since ; 1852, engaged in the mercantile business for ] seventeen ears and now twenty years at pub- , iisbing. a of which I feel assured has had ~ a tendency to give me that experience and man for the various duties of Mayor. Added to this. as a Magistrate I have had some ex- } knowledge of men and things that better fits a * responsible dut he is called ? rave had consi erable experience in municipal i membe perience. and which, to my mind. is the most on to perform. I matters, having been in Barrie Council some three years- during the three years I was a riot eFin ance Committee 1: ea _of whichliwas chairman. To W. hwjg agh? Esq. (now Judge)" and myself the town is indebted for having secured so valuable a . roperty as the Queen's Park--the one half free and the balance for a nominal sum. have been also some ten years on the Public h 1 Board. "And I would have any th C 00 of O`-no On`-you "3 I I 1 T U" ' W`?IU U_U U`I"` -'-`T WU__`U`i. An 8 9530.48 Column Newspaper. Pnblbhod An-om the Omen. Dunlop Strget. Barrie. in the County ot Slmooo. the Pro- Illco of Ontario. Canada. every Thurs- day morning. by ILXSIL WESLEY. PROPBIETOR. , .,--_ _. .._.......... - sun nu Luvul U1 I imp:-ov ng the streets by a. pro er grade. so that when work is once done it s done for all time. I am in favor of a strict ohservence or V th`e`Sa.bba`.th*. I am also in favor of encouraging permanent, menutaoturles when consistent with the best interests of the town. In conclusion. as a. citizen. I seek the position. The Meyornlty isthe highestgitt that the people of the town can bestow. I am not the nominee of en` parwor sect tor the office of Mayor. I won! not accept it on any such terms. I do ` ggt solicit e vote on jperty grouugxs. Sh ould 1 elected! will not nllow .ue'ny-prqiudices to ~1lItrf9te_.1!,1th the manor df-mlumm nf mu am. uuuu uau some ten years the Public School Board, [And I would here say that the town :3 indebted to the late D A|ton McCarthy, Eaq.. and self for the admirable and central site of the" odelsohool. I atillhave a atron de- fle that Barrie ahonld pros er and go a ead. T is can only be accompl shod b judic-lous management of the finances. keep ng the ex- fenditure wt1thi:trthet1an<`>)ome. I am in favor of m van 0 ieadlll (`Ann '45- -I`l FOR - THE - HOLIDAY - TRADE OVERSHOES ! ' THE Latensr, CHEAPEST AND BEST ASSQRTMENT or MISCELLANEOUS j: j: j - ..--_ .5,'r_.. sOO*I*T*s BOOKSTORE. { = $1.00 AND cos'rs THE wouunruL cum MAN, TO MXKE ROOM FOR SPRING TRADE. FOR EXPOSING OUR iunms or sunscmpnox. A .I______ ON THE SIDEWALK. EVER `OFFERED IN THE TO\'?VN. from $3.00 to $5 00 per dozen. Permanent enlargements by a "new and beautiful process. ---YOU WILL FIND--_. IFELTI _% BY. --~-AND--L-- BARRAU D THITPHHTHEHPHBB, BothweII s Block, Barrie? runs? PRIZE mun: rnou |88| T0 I885. C. H. 889 Year. I remain. ladinn an 100. uurun wu`U,. `nun. A tlln. t at I was instrumental in ` 1-market g T1803 Of 3 benecial character m on ' W3-Awlth good results to the town 8!` 0 equor Ido not ask a seat as repr _ Y D8-PW. class or a ecial interesr, but bems 0 1-use property hon er in the town. seek * advance its interest and aid to the best Of `"7 mm! its rowth and development . represents Ive in the Countv Courcxl Isl!!! endeavor to have aj uat equalization wit t"nB in the count). and try to e ec- a chnn in the ack-horee principle of burden bearll 10 Whie our town is suh`ected. W a hop!!! N Wishing you a merry mas and d gentlemen. A V . V Your obedient llglgb` CUNDLEA Ban-lo. Doc. 8, 1887. ' Those who mark.;I;i:-1:!;l_lots as 3b0V "m please accept. Vn-y-best than ks. C IL ROSS. Barrie. Dec., 1887. 49 ___,,. E To THE MUNIOI P A L ELECTORS OF T3 TO A N OF BARBIE. f- 1 and Gentlcmen,-- bu of my `llnulnm known unlini Ad hv R. num .-)..ns Ladz"es Havin been solici ed by a. numbbfndidme fellow-c tizens to `offer myself as n C3 the en. for the olce of First Deputy-Reeve BE suing eleotions.`I have decId- d_t0 Mgvicein their request. I would _n-_-t be mtg` It had the the dunes of the pos1uon_; mvmz 1864 and honor of 9. seat at the \ ounc1l Hoard wmmuz 1865. dm-in which tiyne I can clagm Cfrecnng I mstrumenta] lnurmmwt 0 suites` be-neqial chy1'a<;t3!'},[`n mm, MAYORALTY! CABIN ETS NATHL KING, . Publisher. C; H. ROSS. `RI-nl.` " De<;e;nber FOR RE-ELECTION. i Removal. It will be seen by the sdvertisememt of Messrs. _ Purvis Bros. that they have been forced to change their placeof business to the store opposite J. G. Strong's; Their olds customers will, no doubt, nd them. Men who do business on square business princi- Eles cannot fail to retain a customer who - nows that he can always get just what he wants, from a shingle nail to a perfect saw. |B[|TS UB3, Broker. OPPOSITE STATION. 1888- 29, 1887. Pat tin , R95? V I -' The Globe has ereoeut at-t_1ole on, :i`Ie Christianity losing or gainiaz grgmu After the perusal_.of some articles In ' the adjoining `columns, truth compels us to the colfllclusion 3:31; in the tGlo_tt}e ofce, at least ~. unug e pre-en may P001` Christianity in having albud '39- A-59 .the municipal elections we are enoou2`.`.`d I :9 look fog better things, . _ I Oro Nominations. Oro nomination of candidates for council, 1888 : Charles Drnry, Reeve, and James Ross, Deputy-Reeve, returned without oppo- sition; '0onncillors-C.harles Atkinson, Dun- can Fletcher, Donald McLean, old council- Duncan Anderson, William Ulerkson, James Oockburn, new candidates. A Name. . What : in avnatne ?_ Don't be deceived. and thereby gay fancy prices for an old arti- cle. Water-' hite American Uosl Oil is the -_L _-_ LL- _-._1.1 -.__1 --I.: -5 -n-...-..v- -4. on- > U16. VV lm!" VV IILIJU u.uuI uanu uunn beat in the world and no d at 'Oapon\ ,aa;.3`(').:. pergallon. Oanldinn, 200.. Alnorioap, 250. % VEIIU Qdvvninu. vvu-u----w _-.-.-d -- -~- Vsibsolutely false. The lovers of may patch up the matter for a short time, but a European war is inevitable. The Russian Emperor seems now under. the control of the Panslavist party, which is bent on making Bulgaria a Russian province and driving Austria from Bosnia. The Russian and German` press are extremely violent and make no pretence of concealing the true state of things. What powers will be _ involved when the struggle begins it is impossible to say, nor what will be the final result. Europe was never in the position for so bloody a war as now. A greater number of men are now equipped for strife than at any other period of history, and with weapons more fitted for wholesale destruction The struggle may begin on the Austrian frontier between the Czar and Francis J oseph, but in all likelihood it will be shared in by all the important powers of Europe. It has to come, the `when, is gimpiy a question of `convenience or supposed advantage which one of the pqsyex-_ has o'el' another. 1=out1oa_u.m-ion. The East Simcoe election trial is to come off next month. Summonses have already-been issued to various witnesses, and among them are some Orillia. citizens. 1 `Newt csme yestei-day that Emperor Williamia dead. " , ll CIIJUIIB UIIUIIJ IV WUIJIV Vlllllll Illlllllllllu vMr. Ooohrane, Conservative. was elected in East Northutnberlsnd last Thursday by a majority -of twenty-one. Dr. Ma.l1ory,his opponent,-stood on a Commercial Union plank, which was knocked from `under him. Pxck him up gently, sndbrush o` hisflothes.` P 0 1 1 A I I 7 the rich and? enother for the poor in the mutter of divorce, _the'Abvnwn hobo: that the questnon will he medethe subject of legislation :1: the coming union of Pet- liament. The otbarpriponon, L'1'r_obill," . 2-Lmttimou Jun `or nn lull VVIII IIIDVIJ II? IIVJI\I `III III]? LTUII \JL '1 GI II The reeizznatien of Mr. Baird, M. Queen's, N. 15., has been receivedby the Speaker of the House of Commons. A writ for a. new election" was issued. Wed-- neudsy. u":I'11l:a ":l :;:tionV in Dorcheater, Quebec, 1 will likely be held on the 14th of January. i Thn In-:nnn:-nn A` Mi: nn;nA M D `nu-` . A DARK WAR CLOUD. Thewar cloud in Europe in dark and threatening. Hoatilitiee between Russia and Austria may begin at anytime. The -aueertions of both these powers that the meaning of troops by both on the frontnen mean: nothing warlike, may be taken as lI'IL_ I._.... .1 _---- i _ The lastllgln llsctIon'.l`r1a1. r The trial of the East Elgin petition against the return of Dr. Wilson, M. P. P., commenced on Tuesday at the Court House, St. Thomas, before His Lordship Mr. Justice Street. ' W.:R. Meredith, Q. 0., and T. W. Orothers appeared for the petitioner, and`Mr. Oassels, Q. C ., and J . H. Ooyne for the respondent. After hear- ing the evidence of a numberof witnesses concerning the manner in which the can- vass was carried on by the uicers of the Reform Association, charges numbers 4 and 52 of treating and payment of Ogden Snivelv s expenses from Toronto for the purpose of voting were taken hpbut not concluded when Court adjourned. No human tribunal has the power to co mpel either man or woman to full the most sacred of marriage vows and faith. fully act up to the spirit of the nameless obligations of the marriage contract, and which involves the happiness or misery through a whole age. Innumerable mur- ders and suicides have resulted from the` hopelessness of obtaining, relief from the wrongs and miseries of violated marriage v obligations. The fear of the Spectator that a Divorce Court in this country would in- troduce the practice of the "Chicago! . Twenty minutes for divorce. is also groundless. A Court, with limited and well dened powers, would shut, out the much to be deprecated American easy di- vorce system and would furnish relief in cases where there is just and suflicient cause. Such a Court, the ADVANCE is satised, would be acceptable to the Canadian peo- ple. .The Spectator may also make light of the cry against one law `for the rich and another for the poor. While we readily admitthat it "is sometimesinade saduse of, it is nevertheless a fact that in many` cases there is one law for the rich and `an- other for the poor, and that is one of the `causes of the serious antagonism between ' rich and poor which year by year is becom- lug-intensiedg Itislclearly in the interests . . Iolsociety, .that`?w!sr.ss:?pcssible -A bowie. of Inch .+IItIsnlI.m. I.hW1d"".9,."%' . moved. Believing that there is o_n'e A 81: Snow Slide. There has been a tremendous snow slide near Donald, on theline of `_the"Canadian Pacic` Railway in the .Roekiea.`. ~Whnle workmen were clearing away` the debris, another avalanche oamedown no-on them; and all eoughtaeafety but two Finns, who were not quiekenough in jumping from the snow slide. One of them broke his neck and the other waareaught in the edge of the `drift and had a_ leg broken and was terribly bruised, H . - nu. - ' 2-4; - , .2 3' .-' An Overloaded Vessel. The investigation into the loss of the Oriental has been opened before 8. Riley, Government lnspectur. The only witness was J. J. Harrigan, of Port Dalhousie.. first mate of the American schooner L. Andrews. The Andrews passed the Scene andtowsabout thirty miles above Char- lotte at twelve noon,' and was in sight of her for about three hours afterwards. Witnesssaw the captain of her at the wheel. He supposed there was no one else` on board who could steer the Oriental. If she had 700 tons of coal on board she must have been overloaded She was .deeper than that class of vessels usually Emperor Wlnliun otaormnnynoaql. nor}: COMMENT. ul u A. -__LZ-I- . """"'"J` . ' V A pretty young girl wearing a fnr-lined circular and an English walking hat was charged in Kingston the other day with passing a gilded Yankee nickel for a $5 gold place. She. said her grandfather gave it to her, and the magistrate let her VI IIU VIVID`! The last steamer which left the M01419}: fog Halifax had upwards of .100 150113 space occupied by cra_tes_ Of 11011)` 3 mistletoe, chiey for Wmmpeg- . b John Carroll has been o0!mm**-Gd f01`| - ~., . _ . w M at huh-ion a the murderer of ...1s uncle's wife in Oaradoc. .Th fwidgncel against him is simply circumstantial. nu 1-. 1-, 11-,_, _-'___ LL_L II-._-.I-9.. vacancy. u-aw-..-- ---- -- --_.,._, -__-..._` The Berlin News says that Canadzfs many German Catholics ought to be re- presented in the hierarchy, and nominates Dr. Louis Funchien for the Hamilton I ,_,__!_.. - In... I:._-J `U0 > United states. _ The United States steamer Enterprise iesearohing for thedrifting rafts. T Several V;-xersona were ti-ozen to denath during the ooldisnap last week in Kansas. `I'll `HAMILTON SPECTATOR ON DI- ` VORGE COURTS. _ The Hamilton Spectator objects to the ~ views of the ADVANCE on the necessity of as Divorce Court in this Dominion. The , Spectator : objections do not appear to be `based on very solid ground and will not bear the test of critical analysis; neither will the quotation from this "journal, which forms the text for the Spectator s . article, in any way justify its conclusions. - The Anvwon has as much respect for the". , sacredness of the marriage tie as the Spec- -tater can possibly have. and without just and suicient cause it should be tndissol- uhle. If the Spectator s contention is right, that divorce should not be granted .:at all, the case is closed, but the Specta- tor s contention is not right. The founder- of Christianity himself has recognized the right of divorce for the violation of the vow of delity, and what he has indicated as right the Spectator will nd it diicult to prove wrong. G... Ll... Q-u.m|mLn- . C` TL {a `bun 311$`! A` '7 \I\l\lI Binner, who shot McLeod at Bat Por- tame. has been committed for trial.` He sayahe was too` drunk to kl10W W119-3 119 was doing. - 0 u 1 IL LL- 'I.l ........... [The celebration ~of"1;ho ic carnival at. t. Paul will begin Jan. 25 and (and Feb. "Natoral gas has been discovered at Chicago on the Cooke Brewing Company : land. . _ ' T A ynsmite exfaloaion at Munich, near Colon, Panama, killed four men `we few days ago. . l\I 1 A I, , ._, -'_ _ snnuns ran pi-rn our our A~~D0l:N ` oounms nrro own. '- OIIHI 7 A Kingston hunter recently discovered a man who had eaten and drunk nothing far 25 days. He had lost his way in the woods. - . `pr 1 n 15,: I'\,-, .""U ' "U' In Chicago on the 219% there we: .3 reduction in temperature of 33 degree: in 12 hours. Wzt"IVj_z1`i-ted Staten vessel will` be sent in search of, the great timber raft that got broken from its tow. Theca.lZ> Idrieex-sT end stablemexfa strike in New Yark is ended, the men having secured their demands. T |'iEi7n1:ws cunnnnslna momma.` flvuvvnovlv Q.-v-r-J TV-v-rv- - ning of the new year should resolve to do his duty to his country, his neighbor and himself, and honestly carry out his niches. The business outlookis cheer- times good, and although there are a few unpleasant-looking ecks in the , southern horizon these will doubtless clear _ful, and the rospect of` better! away. The ADVANCE is hopeful for the - future and wishes tor its large constituency . of `readers and friends a prosperous uni ; happy career during 1888. ` v in- N i2-fear-old Detreit girl in a mind- 'rea.der, and has been giving exhibitions N of her wonderful powers. -an I Ann C `I A T There have been 1,230 deaths from smallpox in Havana in seven months, and 829 Qt these were whites. A 31:->11 lye View oftho World for, Three A non- 0--dun. ungua st-ma The Kinmon cotton mmhu closed for Athroe weeks. . '*1':.:.';;..:.;;,;' 1;; 0`:..;.;..,0.;.;u`:... been dgatroyed by re. Loss, 815.000. Rev. Canon 1`iormanwl1:u-fwc>-r;a-ni'l'y ao- oepted the recto:-ship ofthe Quebec Gathe- . "A Petal,-borough 'bo;;;aan"old- was accidentally strangled to death in his father's workshop last Wednesday morn- Win ai)e1'v-ieeixh ghti et Opelousas, La., a few nights ago, three men were shot end are probably fatally wounded`. ___-,L 1II!,, ' A judge pot the Appellate Court, Illinois, I has decided that the Chicago city ordi- nance, prohibiting the sale of liquor; to minors. is void. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE, m;l;lie dB`;;vl'0n Hotel at Sault Ste. Marie was burned los|:.We_ineaday. `It is thought the Vliegielature will -meet about the 12th of January. "'-"'U "` `U * " V | --Eutursl gas is` used at Oourfwriuzht to, run 5 mill," and in mid to save about $10 3 day for fuel. - .:>ti1'i;1a;-d; importance was elicited in the enminution of the Montreal detec- tives on Thursday. ' Q l\ I K II ""l"h-e-"D5on'1'i_t:'io1: w'i`ravellera Association had their annual dinner at the Windsor, Montreal, Thursday night, 3 "ia.'J LE; i'aT.L}&;' -has decided to ! resign the snitch; Premiership. The etucienteefv Queen : Oollelze have undertaken to raise $15,000 or 820,000 on account : of the endowment fund. - William Cleverly, aged 91 years, died at Wildeet, Mum, last Friday. He was a. veteran of the war of 1812. and the only known survivor of the Dartmoor prison. I 11- "5 .n- It ..I 1 -u u 1 "Miss tN:ellie tMattl71ewet.7 1 while` (nor way to` the station at Detroit about 9 o'clock Friday night, was robbed of her hand satchel containing 825 and a ticket to Toronto. - 3! J `I --`I A 0:Th0.0Me*xiZ::;x; 4G`pvernment huh granteii 66,000,000 acres of land to 3 company for colonization purpodel. ' IIII. 'I'\I lingo] no in. I LIAPPY NIW YEAR. The year 1888 is at hand, big with un-V developed evcnfa. To * many, the vc ii that hides them, is a veil of mercy. The year 1887 has but afew hours more, when `it will he a part of past history, Ind In it! joys and sorrows, its successor and defeats, its accomplishments and `it! lailuree, will be but shadowy" remem- branoes. A review of the main events of the expiring year might be inirelting if space permitted. Many people will, how- ever, remember them if they desire to do a little retmlpeetion. Most of us perhaps are more concerned for the" future than with the past. Everyone hopes that the inoomingeyear may be one of good f0l'1 J to himself. That very hope my be made a factor of success if the right course be pursued. Every citizen has his duties iboth private and public. If they are honestly and eiciently performed the result will be national and individual A good. We have a great country and a grand inheritance, which it is our duty to preserve and transmit unimpaired to our posterity. Every Canadian at the begin- L-_-I.1 ___..t.... L . .1- 0 JJDUIIIIIJIIUIIU `CFC KHIIICUSII I ch:;i;e,;.tht in 1885. gave =5 cheque to promote A meeting xn Tnful-A an:-. Na n all: rT5` 7%Tm'" `:':" 9 . I'&"8.Ilicbnry.lin|d, I `dontoio`noo-.onV 1" A y witli ~ the Gums, `Rx`u`nmi ma` V A 1easiai$ deoutnentv Exchange is be- ing talked ofrin Brussels. ` Th; _ Uni;efsVi&eT /gt " and Kazan `have beenclosed on account of students riots. - . There in 3 great demand for timber in Germany and Austria, in consequence of` war rumors. ` e - - - ' i'& t};0-1"L&'&lth0W Ryn, of oounfy Lim-' erick, has been sentenced to a month : imprisonment. ` iir. contonaplatea 3 conversion of the 3 per cent. Oonnols into 2; per cents. at one jump. ` 'i||_ _ 1. n I` n u . . . wa.r:i9l1kely to bxjealt out Idpn. _,-- `-v--`---_, '1v`li;(]`)uke of Edinburgh in said to have expressed at San Remo `tho opinion-that 11,, 1- 0 " s cc In 'Edii:V<$1:'Hooper has been removed to Tullamore jai . T ' u. u .cn- .-I H `L ;ev'p_o;-Zea` Stanley reached ` Wadelai early in September. 1" I O ' I TUIHIID US EU Dwusvss s sun . 01 Per Annum in Advance. $1. -2 \v. ...... ..-....- will In nddndtn the Sub. `It is said 6uii{ifa1'n31;,' the Austrian` Foreign -Minister, will resign. T nu_ _ 1"r_:____:.- _ .. `Ir! an. en -'9 H Sexton is seriously ill of typhoid fever.` . T - The Spanish Cortes has adjourned till January 9.. . ` Lord Hartington is going to Italy after Christmas. "V ' ` _ ' The Gref Eastern has at. last found a purchaser. ` -r n - - I LUIUIIUVI Old World. Hanlan and Trickett are to row_ on May 31;. "I-.;l.a'oi`1;:l1' ;;;o"-i3radlaugh n ha!-an. thgt in `IDEA Inna. HA`;-`angst nnbn THE; NTHEBN -dd for wheat, ALWAYS open to C5811 r -dues to amt those offering or de- BUY in qua... airingtoaell. - - -our. Wheat taken in exchan e for-..'lur' for sale AT MILLS or do ivered. Shorts and VB:-an always on hand and for sa? at moderate CASH prices. Chopping also attended to. My The Price: Ruling In the Barrie and To- ronto Ila:-kets During the Week. . BARBIE. December 28. 1887. nuuun mum nnnxlrr. Qlhh I40 pruvu wrung. Says the Spectator : It is the duty of men and women to assure themselves that they are right he! ore they voluntarily -take upon themselves the most sacred of all contracts. A proposal to establish a Court for the purpose of dissolving ordin- ary -business contracts would be looked `upon as the height of absurdity. Yes, we grant it would, for the simple reason that we have Courts already established for compelling men to full the terms of business contracts and to punish fraud in connection with them. For good and suicient cause even business contracts are by these courts practically annulled. "I nn'I:I it cant Inn than Bninkf A` nknsauridfn shooting` in. Parson. _ Capt. Dunne, latelygovernor of Castle- bar jail, Ireland, and an ex-oicer in the United States. army, has been committed for trial for ring a revolver at the Rev. Henry Melville, whom Dunne charges with seducing his daughter while she was residing with Mrs. Melville. Melville eloped with the girl to the continent and travelled with her to liiferent places. The pair nally returned to London and were discovered by Dunne. ` Melville ed to Ireland and was pursued by Dunne, who traced him to Dublin, and seeing him seated in a cab red at him. Melville, however, held a travelling bag before him and stopped the bullet. Sprin Whe-ET Fall heat na-`AD nan VVII Barley . an: _ _ . Rye Beef, get carcass. per owt. . . . . Beef. tndquarters. percwt.. . . .. Beet, torequsrtsrs. per cwt.. .. .. Dressed Hogsperowt............ Mutton. carcass, pet cwtn--4. -- Snring Lamb. per quarter.-..... .. lbIIIOIIlOQoOlIOll0OOOll Chickens per pair. ............. .. Turkeys perm .................. .. `Butter. roll, per lb ....... . .. .... .. Lsrdpertb ...... ............. .. Tsllowpu-n>.......... Eggs per dozen...-............... Potstoesperbsg ................ .. Psrsnipsper bushel.............. Hsyperton................ .... Straw per loa.d................... Tallow. Fs.rmer`s Cake. per _Ib.. Wool.ws.shed. r Wool. unwsshe . per .. .. .. Flour, Baker's. pet-Acwt.. .. .. Flour. Fsmilypertcwt .. .. .. .. .. Flour. Pastry. per owt.; .. Oatmeal per (`.m-nmanl nnr nwt_ _ French Ambassadors, hfter which the ---A ------A _...`lA....I- Igfb `no (lawn-ugnu 11115 nalneu suuueruy IIIII uu; Iavssucu.-J. The Berlin Tsgblatt states that s clique is striving to bring about the resignation of the Crown Prince in favor of his son. ` London Free Press. `The London Free Press has issued its usual Christmas number. It has `nely illuminatedicovers and furnishes evidence of that remarkable enterprise and ability which has placed the Free Press in the front rank of Canadian ionrnalism. brauenaal B,o%11arF1o11ring Mills 1 1NNISFI_L,.ALL[ANDALE P.O. I 1"l'6n0n IIIIIIJKBUIIUIB, usuiu. nun... .. x-at named suddenly loft for Germany. nu... n..-n:...m...I.I.u-To -lmtnn tint n. alirm 7` Wu}? 'w}m1d'che Spectator think if this its reasoning about marriage were applied to business contracts? 9 I I II

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