% 8:fSee our list, as under, then come and see the GOODS, and weknow you will nd it to your interest TO BUY and to BUY LARGZELY. ` A {W Ii FIT V `-1 '71 ------ vine youof `this 535; % $14,ooo.o . l'I'I A l',"l"'k'I"I'I 'I"'L"I" '1' -A 'K"I"I"`l' A 'I'\T'P .._/"` $14,000.00 :1 :3 Will you, in justiceto yourselves, read over the list of attractions We have to offer you. We' ` i A have everyone Of them, and many more. Itdon t needmuch eloquence these hard times, when Wheat is bringing only 750. per bushel (anda short crop at that,) to prove to you thatif YOUR DOLLAR will bring you as much when spent witl us, as $1.25 will bring when spent in most places, that our place is the spot to deal at. We can con. ___-__ -L J._l-'_!-- .2- _'.l_` Not by quietly standmg behmd our counters waiting for. customers to come 1n, and by selling our} goods at ord1nary prloes; OI-I 1\'|'O! but weare gomg to do 11: by placmg before you suck} an attractive lotof seasonable goods at keen out pr1ces as we do TO-DAY! Yes, Just now, at a t1me when you need the goods. and IIIIIS1} have them; Remember! not at the END OF WINTER when you don t Want them at any pnce, that S_]11S`b the d1fferenoe. m-;*THETIME this great gain-Twin commence will be T!-|URS~ DAY, DEGEMBER1st, 1887- @THE PLACE is E.B. Crompton &Go s., Dunlop Street,E Barrie. DON T MISTAKE. _ % , -;ra.de_ that We expect, We havke added t;;o that every customer may be servedsa.t1sfactor11y and promptly. % { We trust our friends will appreciate onr e_'orts this season,tois11PD1y them with the Newest I1:t_1P0r.t' ed Goods, at away down out prices, at a time in the season when goods are really Wanted. Our Obj9C_t1S 110 largely 1I1CI'aS9 the demand for really GOQD GOODS, by placing them at popular prices, such p1"1`395 as are often paid for thelowest and most inferior goods made. s c How ARE WEGOING To Do rr? LOT No. 3a-DRE$S GOODS DEPARTMENT. 10 .J\/ lvo `C3aAx11ac1ia11 T\vL1s 40, 45 and. 4-9c., worth 25 .500 yards wo1ider_ful wide Towelling 5c. yard Worth, 10. All W001 Grayflallnel only I'1c., wort11 28. Don t fail Wonderful line of Tweed Dress Goods, 8c., worth 12. Wide Cloth Goods, new shades, at IOc.,s worth 12%. ~ . Big lot of 20c. Dress Goods put down to I56. yard. 800 yards New Cloth Dress Goods-30c. goods for I9c. Fine Cloth Skirts braided--$1.50 goodsfor SI. - L. We are satised IT WILL PAY YOU to call on us. LOT No. I STAPLE DEPARTMENT. LOT No. 2--SILK DEPARTMENT. OFDRY-GOODS,GLO1"l-IINC. AND |V[|_LL|NERY, AT BY `STOCK-TAKING IN JANUARY. WHICH MUST BE REDUCED TO colors. A deep cut in Mantles. _ i 3 $5 long Pa1etots,va1l down to $3.65. p l $6 Elegant Mantles, now $4.95.- a I` a Wonderful value in better goods at $7.35, $8.35, $9.85 and upwards, Worth 25 per cent. more. _ 1 1 1 Grand value in Wool Shawls. Good Ulster Cloth 60., Worth 90. Better Mantle Cloths, all at cut prices.` ` Elegant lot of black Fur Capes at $I.4-5, Worth $2. ' 3 Bargains in_Mus, Caps, Fur Trimmings, &c. C 1 LOT No. 5-small Wares, Fancy Goods, Ghrish mas Goods, &c., suitable for the holidays. A 1 I000 Children s colored border Handkerchiefs only Ic. ; each. \JUU LL! Hundreds `of ner quality 5 and 8c. each. a . Choice Christmas novelties in embroidered ne linen law Handkerchiefs. r p a A 300 elegant Silk Handkerchiefs 25 Worth 40. I00 lovely Silk Ties all at 25. each, 50 and 75c. goods. These are put in as a special holiday line.- ' i Lot of Fancy Wool Goods at out prices. a Big lot, of new loop edge Ribbons, cheap, all the new LOT No. 4--L-MAN'I'LES, MANTLE GLOTHS,r Large lot of cheap Skirtings. I00 Remnants of Dress Goods very cheap. nus NORTHERN: A9V4NGF~ prices. 1'! - prices. n1t:r1'n1*_1' 1\ll'TT_Qf'I'1 121:1. 1:>'r:I.n1"rn1:I.n rnn N a. c9_ .- BARR! E, A fact WOHI1 noticing. VVe refrailled fl`um l*11_\1: Clothing early to any extent. Lately Clothing has been tliwwi on the market at panic prices. We have bought some lines sf about 30 percent. off regular prices. Men s Suits at $5, Worth $8. Men s Suits at $6, Worth $9. Men s Suits at $7, Worth $10. ' And so on all the Way up. - Heavy Overcoats at $4.90, Worth $6. ' Heavy Overcoats at $5.50, Worth $7.50.. And all oil- A Wonderful Top Shirt at 50., sold in many places 75 cegts. % 'I:.Iy(3~iVy ditto at 59.,.cheap at 80c. ' See our regular $1 Undershirt, now 75. Wonderful line ot Shirts and Drawers, 24. each. 100 Silk Scarfs only I5., w0rtl1.25. ' Big value in Braces, Socks, Gloves amd Fur Ca11.<. Nobby goods` at prices to suit the times. % 'i3'oys Clothingin great variety. Cheap lot of Corsets, Cuffs, Collars, &c. Wonderful cheap lots of Hosiery. See our splendid lot of ne Cashmere Hose at 40c. pair. Large lotof Christmas novelties in Fancy Goods at or` LOT No. 'l-GLOTHING DEPARTMENT. LOT No. L6--MEN S FURNISHINGS. December 1 l, 1887. D.on 1= for et the%%daya1`L5;A%1a e= THURSDAY. DECEMBER last, is the day ofthe commence '3 ' .r ` z .' 5 . .. . 1 5 ` \;\' `iv . ` ` .~' . . . , .2 . , .: ....., .., . to Sega. per cent. fnore. Z _ . . _ , Grand value in Towels, Shirtings`, Cottons, Table Linens, A as Bargains fortlie Cliristnias trade. Fine lot of fancy colored Satins all shades, suitable for fancy work, 42c., worth 7.5. . v ' V Large lot of lovely Satin Merveilleux in black and colors, at 75 and 85. per yard, newest goods imported. V ` Elegant. black Mcrveilleuxglwider and heavy, at 98c., W01`-t-ll $1.20.. ` ' _ i - ' '. Lot "of ends of Velvets and Velveteens very_ cheap. ' Elegant new stripe and plaid Silk velvets from 95. per yard, worth 40 per cent more. A And many other bargains in this department. T