Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 12 May 1887, p. 1

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vuruuyg at Illa; vv -auvu-.-nan... -.. -Wa.nted at this oice, a smart intelligent boy to learn the printing business. t\11\l'-_ 13----.. ......... 3...!-A-'nu ram- UV] UV lvinnnn wanna r--..-._ ..__,-, . -0ld Mr. Fraser gives inefeting rem- linscences of the past history of Barrie. - --4----- --- A-.A`III-uni iunilin l.Ll3UUl.lUI7 UL vuu paou Llluvvsa V. .,w... Gray at Leemlng are selllnganure Silk Gloves for 45c... former price 6 so-guy - -.., --.. The Gold `Medal carpet sweeper still takes `the lead, to be had `only at Otton Bros. ` --Lovel5 dress coods. all shades, 20c. per yard, all wool, atk A. Stephens 85 Go. --On Saturday an army of young anglers Evert: trying to clear the bay ofits surplus of sh. - ' -- .' . .-.. . n `A ('11 ,, ._--J'.` L- LIBLII -Ladies "and Gents tune Shoes made to order. Satisfaction guaranteed at W. J. Paul a. -- - 1 1r__1:_... .....l Large assortment of colored Muslim: and | Searsuckers to choose from at R. A. Stephens ` I_l`I- (X4 \JUu V, -Mr. St.ephens,'Iphotogra.pher, caught a. ne salmon trout, in the bay last Saturday evening. . -_ _-a n..... .........n.-Int. nnlll van: have U V euxug. Do not buy your Prints until you have seen those lovely patterns at Gray at Leemlngm. ` " '--LL~ -----4--n nlnnnh-I non lleemlllwlo - Every lady in the country should T see Ewan s new lace curtains, they are just lovely and so cheap. _.u no1u- , J -__..L.;._...L Amnliitanl` anu no Uucay. t3"Mil1inery department crowded with novelties and everything becoming, at E. B. Crompton & Co's. -.-Boating has commenced on our beautiful waters and will form an important part of the summer's amusement. , Gray 6: Looming have a. lull assort- ment of uk Cashmere, Cotton, and Lisle thread oslery.` 1 ,2 LL- T -_.I .. 1-ucw\O\|`D Inna S|ZE 4x5 I-'EE1f._ ldllji tluvuu nsvuuuv-. J - -Thesacrament of the Lord's supper was administered to`: large number at the Collier gtreet Methqdist Church last Sabbath even- frames, artists goods, If you want wau pa er, pawns, planar`: 'c., {[0 where you get tlae best asaortment,- and that is at Oapon & co. , --The . First `Methodist Church, St. Thomas, has extended a call to the Rev. J. W. .Annis of the Collier St. Methodist Church. -I - _-_._ ..L...:.... 1-4. {III} I Go. KJLII-ll.'Ullo _ --We have just opened a very choice }ot of gents felt hats in all the new styles. Also a. very fine assortment of gents neck-wear- P. F. Ewan. ~ - , , ._ _._A.-.I L- ........I 1.. 1.". 1.`. uwuu. --Cm-respondents are requested to send in their contributions by Tuesday" morning at the latest. That is necessary to secure in- sertion. ~ ' - -Our dress making department isnow in full operation under same management as last season. Early orders will receive first and best atten_tion,i'P. F. Ewan. 1 II __A CI___I-.... 7"...-Jaw-I an UUHII GIIIIUIIBLVI-I, .I. u A. 3 --_u ---. -The funeral of Mrs. Sanders Tuesday afternoon was largely `attended. Services were held at the Parochial school room be: fore proceeding to the cemetery. -;--_lI!I, _ ..L__1- __J A1nnonv|A1'.| II` %(|I'k L\I r wwwwww ---F. .7` .V, , The style and elegance -of the work turned out of our dressmaking rooms gives universal satisfaction. One trial will con-. since you of this fact, E. B. Crompton & o. . - -Returning oicers have not yet received any money from the government for their services at the late elections. Deputy-Re turning officers are requested to take a note of this. ., . - --Mr. David Purvis left town on Tuesdaly for Toronto, being summoned by the serious illness of his brother. Mr. James Purvis could not `go in consequence of the `sickness of his own boy. . ' ' ~ `- MI- -n._L1:- ..........L1.. .0. 1`! UL HID uvtu IIVJVI _ . --_Ba';ptiai: Ohnrch. Public worship at 11 l . ` t 7 . . Sub'ects for next ?'-'_r.. ...9`. u.?...?l'.. . c-vlmm. Sa'.hhnth.! a. m. and `at '1 p. In. buojecw Iur uezu. Lord : day: Morning: "The- Sabbath. Evening: Af Satised Conscience." A `welcome extendedeto all. , _ . 1 L1, ..-`_._:_-.. - von. xxxvx. No.19. wnoma: No.l8`2Z.; SAMUEL Wmsnmf Prom-ietor. done hex-o.? : ~Even'in nub N `f]3he.guoe._of ._. --* _~ '. .r H" . '. . ' . .~", _.~ `g ,, VVULUUIHU UA vvuuuu nu an... -Mr. Ewan `has secured the services of thatfcourteoua and genial Knight of the Counter`, Mr; D. Winter, and Mr. _W_inter hopes his olti friends will not forget ` him when they lia_ve`buiness in town. i ' `inenntlful All Wool Jersey Cloths, Black.` Navy, Brown, Tanbkcgg for 25'p.", 'lgl`I I:l'plI.IlI.bl0 ~ value, at rav`&1aeom- __--Al1undaAle Methodist - Qhuroh; Seiviceh = next Sunday. at the usual hours; oondI_1ote(}_ ; by the pastor. Moming._n3bjec _',`Mmg1in. ` 1- Th`pnb1io6o. _Y.-* inv,it_c,d.-: ~Ru`v`.-T 3G. `V '::.:: .7 -i -5. I on want wall mnTn?en. artists (mods. A b DOMINION OF CANADA OUR ORITERION. Together, __a.1.... -_4I per, paints, picture :4-_.- no where uou {let .3`: g .3-` n-pi" nnn_ ran L_eemlng9s. uu I.u.Ul. lasagna \Jl-IL- n -Ilandsome Embroidertes, Laces. Flouncnng and Skirting widths at Gray 1 - -- -4--L:-.. -9 `Ln l'\.-mu-hn-In Rector. , Divine Service 11 a..m. and 7 p.m. 5th Sunday after Easter. Morning sub1ect:. A Touch Stone. Evening subject : " The Left Handed Seven Hundred. Sunda. School end Adult Bible Class at 3 p.m. Evsnge `cal Mission Services Sunday evenings at 8.15 o'clock. after the Church Service, and on Wednesday in con- nection with Conrmation Studies at 7.30 p.m. Conference for Bible Study Fridays 7.45 D. m. Service of Song 7 1).. m. ` 1u.--._.n._ *A1'..---- Susan-4; &uIIfs: far @4110. 1 ` D81'Vl.Ut) Ul. Dung I y.,u.I. I 1VIen`- s Navy Serge Suits for $4.60. See `L them at-Gray as Leemlngm. --.,The Barrie Loan and Savings Company is paying four per cent. interest for money deposited with them. Those persons de- airous of depesing their money for short or long period: willydo well to call on them at their ofce in Barrie.` They advance money on mortgages only. I7... In-old or! its. `I41;-,gg_ May 1om[1ss7.' as u8Unuug'ao --',At the regular meeting of the Quarterly . Ocial Board of the Methodist Church, Allandale ; it was unanimously decided to invite the Rev. J. W. Gannom, of Elmvale, to succeed the Rev. W. G. -Howson in the pastorate of that church. He has accepted subject to the stationing committee. Carpets, _Car ets, Carpets. Bi-muse], '1`: entry and ll-wool carpet: at Gray at eemlng9s. n?To our lady patrons.--MILL.INERY DEPAR'1`MENT.-We are very busy inthis departmentywe would be glad if all those nnnaserdnn '10 BA bV' would be glad u an tnose ` requiring their ofders to be nished by` the end of the week, would leave them in as early in the week as possible. This will m-event disappointment. E. B, Orompton .1. n... A Public School Board. The Vregultar monthly meeting of the Public | School Board wa_s held at the Central School __ `ll -.. .1... .._._._~ ` IJUILUUL Llunlu. Ivan nun on Monday evening. `In-nknun rs:-aunt-n1t._ on LV.l0(lBY UVUlg. - Members present--Messrs. Rogers, Pnrvis, Kine, Brown (F. J . ), Hewson. After routine bheiness the P:-incipal s monthly report was ....- A Accounts to the amount of $34.42 were i ordered to be paid. The subject of ornament- ing the grounds with owers and shrubs was taken up.` Mr. Pnrvis contended that. education was not altogether obtained by scholastic drill in the school room, but that the pupil unconsciously drank in lessons] bearing on hisoourse through life by the objects that met his eye. The love of the msthetic should be cultivated by the grounds being adorned with owers and shrubs. On motion ot Mr. Purvis, seconded by Mr. Hewson, ordered that the Chairman and Secretary be a committee to procure plants for the schools and have them put in, the same tocost not more than $25. Also that they procure shrubs and evergreens to be planted, cost of which not to exceed $20. n.m..m_Pm-vig_'I`hat Messrs. King` and planned, 0035 01: Wnlcn nut. nu ezusccu qpau. Hewson-Purvis-That Messrs. King` F. J. Brown be a "committee to look after the water. supply for both Centre and West Ward Schools and have the pipes fixed and wells cleaned if necessary. ' mu... ....:....;......4.. :11..." nf Hm Tnnnector weus cleaned II necessary. The unfortunate illness of the Inspector will necessitate the employment of a com- petent person to do his duties in connection with the town schools. Arrangements were made for conducting the promotion examina- tions. The schools have lately been supplied with the Excelsior Series of School-room Maps, 22 in number, and a series ot books to l mark the value of the pupil's daily work. hrvnvvv on:----u . Special attention is called to the presence of the Grand Legion of the Select Knights of Ontario in Barrie on Tuesday next. A ses- sion" of that body will be held during the day and the grand concert, which will be tendered to them at the Town Hall in the evening by Kempenteldt Legion, will eclipse anything in the season's round of entertain- ments. Besides the best vocal and instru- mental talent of the locality, Mr. James Fax,` of Toronto, Miss Ryckman, of Hamil- ton, F. Cook, of Orillia and J. Scott, of Barrie, will take part. Mrs. Heinrich will be the pianist of . the evening. The Thes- pians, of Barrie, will present that side-sp1it- ting farce, A Terrible Secret. Such a combination of attractions will surely ll the house. Tickets 25c., reserved seats 35c. See programmes for order of exercises. L I I Destructive Propensities. The destructive propensities of Young Canada are visible in breaking the stones of the wall in front of the Salvation Army barracks. Last summer the wall was repair- ed, itis now in process of destruction by the crowds of idle fellows who congregate there during the meetings of the Army. Stones are thrown down to the sidewalk and others are chipped and broken. There ought to be some means in this town to prevent this J -_.n.__- _A.:._- ...:.'...1..:.. LIBERAL DISCOUNT 1 \BUI.l.lU unnauu u.| uuw | destructive mischief. The Boating season. The boating season is now fairly open. On Monday night, Mr. Carley says there were as many boats out from his establishment as on any evening in the middle of summer. He has added a large percentage to his eet during the winter, and now possesses some - of the finest ski's as can be found on any of our inland waters, Mr. Carley has now ,,-- oz -.. Fin Lnnan Uul.` xuuxuu. vv u_uvI. 9. I some 66 or 70 boats. VI VUEIJ avculn n on; -aw-u.--..-. ~ The business at the Barrie station of the N. & N. W. Railway for the week ending May 8th. Tickets sold 458 ; revenue there- from $488. V Through tickets 6; revenue $103. Freight inwards $511. Outwards 83 tons; revenue $273. This is a slight de- crease as compared with the corresponding week of last year. The annual meeting for the election of of- cers will be held at the rooms to-morrow evening, when the report of the Directors and the Treasurer : report will be presented. As-the Mechanic's Institute is one of the V G -uv.v:v-- " most important of our_eduoationsl establish- ments, it isto be hoped` there will be a large a.ttendauoe ._ - V V ', There will be an entertaiment at Trinity Church School-room on_ Friday (to-_u1o1-row) evenixig-at 7.30. .It will consist of readings. music, etc., and there will be a sale of aftieles from the ladies baiaar table, A feor,dia1;invi`tation is extended to an. ,~ I . Initho Dominion ieatimates presented to the House of Commons on Monday, we i find the `sum. of $4,500.for, tho Barrimpontoice and $l0,000,for the. improvement of`Colling- :1j;toodh1;l>;or. 'I`_11'e_-._tul. gmount. required `;_'oi'*h9` `o'.fi-;t42.321.i1a2.o i g Ah By. from the` hiss of now R M minor Hungary. V`n`I:-.L`.AIA ml .~- . '1':-uuty church Ilnntertalnment. -II I,, __ _._L__.L_:..._..L -4 711-. Weekly Railway _Business. ,1. LL- I'I_...._- _L-L2--. STEAMER ENTE.RPRISE" T Mechanic : Institute. Se1_ect Kniigis. II, TL. The Estimates. [WHAT THE PEOPLE am To an. mu-rmlns ADDRESSED To `run mm-ron '1-ms The of Correspondence. been _ Not Necessarily Imply that We Hold the Opinions of the Writer. j The following letters addressed to the Editor of THE Nonrunaw ADVANCE, `have been received for publication : . What About the Jubilee`! . ' DEAR SIR,-Oan you tell me whether any- tning is going to be done in this town to com- memorate the jubilee year of our beloved Queen? I think 1 saw in the Anvance some time ago that it was intended to do some- thing in that way on Dominion _Day. but having heard of no preparations being, made to` celebrate so unusual an event in our history, I feared -that like a good many other things that have been talked of here, it would end in mere talk. The illuminated clock and the drinking fountain have been dis- missed as impracticable or impossible in the present condition of the town's nances, If anything is to be done I should think it is about time to determine what it shall be. I, and some of my neighbors, who are. not ashamed to confess, that if loyalty is only a sentiment would like to give some mani- festation of it on an occasion so auspicious as a Queen s Jubilee. Has the committee which was appointed to give form to the views of the meeting held at the Council Chamber some weeks ago disbanded, or is it waiting for the same reason that Micawber waited? If Barrie is not going to take any notice of the Jubilee year please let us know it. - Yours, &c.., Barrie, May 11th. Exemsnmax. [Perhaps Mr. ex-Mayor Sewrey, who was chairman of the meeting, can give the in- formation which Englishman needs.]-ED. \ B. C. 1. Literary Society. V The usual meeting of this Society was held on Friday evening last. In the absence of the President, the rst Vice-President, |Mr. Hay, occupied the chair. The prize [gffered to the most useful member of the - L__ 1.-- 11:- tr........ 1'....J...... `l2..u.. Inna ULIBFCU. IIU lulu wuau uavuu. Luvnuwv-. va. uuv Societv by His Honor Judge Boys, was votedto the Sec., Mr. J. A. McLean. On behalf of the General Committee, the follow- ing report was read by` its Secretary, Miss 1`. M. A. Stritch, and by a vote of the Society it was adopted. - ` r__,._ 112,, nu. 100'! -uvvnvv ow u-- ---r-- . BARBIE CoLI.. `INST , May 6th, 1887. General Committee half yearly report for ' Easter Term, 1887. _To the President and members of the 'I1l`1'I'l` 1.10 I u V. _. _. ._._. ._. MR. PRESIDENT, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,-- l - . . . . L 1' 41, - A -___. 3___ ~--on~ VAHLUABLE--' FARM STOCK IMPLEMENTS In presenting the report of the term just closed you; committee. would congratulate the Society on` the very apparent success which has attended its meetings, and also on the judicious way in which i money has been expended. 'I"|... Qnninhy knnun Han snnninn Jan 141:`! been expenueu. The Society began its session Jan. 14th ` and has held seventeen meetings (the present one` included.) rnl... ..........1..-... AF nag-nknu-u ;a anuanl-11-:-nnvnn one 1uu1uucu..) The number of members 13 seventy-seven and the average attendance fty. TL :. .. .-.nI>4-gr nf an-ant nntinfnnltinn fn vnnr It is a. matter of great satisfaction to your committee that _9ur meetings have {gained such celebrity in the town, as to attract from it many eager visitors during the term. 'I"Iuua Bonn Bonn criv nhnnn *inn]nrhna th } auu but uvu|.'ug,u Dlavvuuouvv u|.v_y. Il.'0I.l1 lb many Uugux VIDIUULD uuLLu5 vuv man... There have been six debates, including the intro-society debate, held between our So- ciety and that of Painswick. We feel that we are jtistied in saying, that never in the history of this Society, has a more interest- ing series of debates been recorded. 'm.:.. 4-m-m aw-Ala! nnv nf the m-avimm nnen' lug BUFLUB U]. UUUGUUD uccu suvvnuvua This term excels} any of the previous ones in the number of essays presented-there no less than nine read before the DOCl86y. _ - v A great number of Readings, Recitations and speeches have also been given, but par- ticular mention is due to the musical stand- ard attained by the Society during the term. VFLA Q.-snhxl-u mun nnnrn-altninlm Htnnlf nn Soclety. A nvcnn EN). anwuuuu U_y bu-J uuumuy u.u1u.|5 uuv man... The Society mav congratulate itself on having two Glee Clubs in addition to the General Glee Club, which have ourished under two eminent leaders and two competent - pianists. Thu-inn this term the nrinninlen nf the During this term the principles of the constitution have been mutually observed, without necessitating contentions similar to` those indulged in in previous term:-:.. Tho nnnnnornivsnn on n vnln I-navn Mann g- LOT-20, con. 5, ibwusulr gr nos. -T--I_N THE--_- ` IKLCUIIUTIIY UIIIVFICKI UUJI. . Prizes have been awarded in the following departments : Oratoty-To Mr. W. Dawson. - Essay Wnting--Society prize to Mr. VV. Smith, and Mr. Hunter's prize to Muss Ella. Hayes. ` Dn:nn\ `nun I-Bin rnnaf nun`n` vnnntknr `(If this x UIIUEU LllLllll.5U\.l 111 Ill PIUVIUMB VUllLIB._ The pmgrammes, as a rule, have been sat- ` isfactorily carried out. D...:....- 5...... 1...... ..n-.....InA in In; F.-Jlnnnn l3Ill'BU U1` Dill} UUl-lUB- Musicians, whose strains shall swell and `oat, and melt away on the ear, but shall re- -main forever `in the heart of the listener. ' n___1__,h _|_-__ _ _-__L:-_ -_.:| ____-._.. -t l..|ll.8I.l.l I-UIVOVUI Ill VII? IIUGIII UL IIIIU IIGUWIIVII Readers, whose perception and powers of vocslity shall be so thoroughly trained as to -render them capable of interpreting the Erandest productions of the human intellect. And Esbsyists whose names shall remain green in the memory of the world. when those of Macaulay, Guizot and Addison shall have sunk into oblivion. All of which is respectfully submitted. T. M. A Srmrca, . Sec. Com. n'i yr`;.e for the most useful member of the Society, given by His Honor Judge Boys, to Mr. J. A. Mc_:Lean. 7.. --_-I_..-.... --...-.. ,..........'.:u..... .l..:..... 5.. LV.ll'.'. U`: 1. LUULJUGUC In conclusion, your committee desires to express its conviction, that the S_ociety ,has been doing a great and good work ; and hopes that in the future, harmony may reign with it, and success attend everv- honest effort to promote the welfare of this ourish- ing assembly, and that from it may go forth men of thorough business tact, of decision, of genius, of order and virtue; men who will be able to conduct any kiml of public meetings, and occasionally second a motion. (`uni-rung 1|-nI1 `;l'\n| ni nnfinnn nvhann `k@:II IIIUUUIIIKU, auu UUUIBl.Ul.llIll_y IUUUIJU. H ILIUIIIUI-la Orators wxth libexale notions under their cape, and second to none-not even Edmund Burke or Sam Jones. 1:.A_:.,___ '._.L__- _;.--':__ _L_`|I .._-n -_.1 __________._______.___'--v {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN`AnvA`Nc1-.' SINGLE COPIES. FIVE GENTS. nmocatecl hmder& ` Dr. Ross, Elizabeth stfeet, has lately been called on to reduce three dislocated shoulders, 'thst_of W. Kelly ; near Thornton, one for a mghnamd Swaneld from Hawkstone, and. D.-.-I...J.. 3-. L--an , | u.I_u. uaunuu Ia vvouuv I Beasley : in town, i t ti 1' om the Ass! ee of the esgifgg .Tn:mre1:I\3?lleon. there be offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION on the above anseaae %.";%E:f o`}"ESPT - _ A,St1-sage Accident." ' ` A little boy, son of Mr. N ewtou. _of `Allan- dalg, fell :down- 5 short time ago-and ngarly cuthiq fatigue in two. It} was attended to ,_ by Dr. Bossy. 2 ' ' A . Whest 311:;-fl`;z'x-'<;;o:1:'-n'z1'd"a;;;;<.iv; barley dn1lvsndVnou_:ina.!,; as rm; out; an de- m-nd;.9m ,4 5?=`=99dW~nd- lltgke, home ntu`-active, Op1fpoIO'It1}ruy Incoming iroronto 310:0. I01` BIHU U) I |J.I.JaJI.\.1 V v-. mentioned gremises. by MR` SON. AUC IONEER, on & .-.--.u-1-nu-n 111' nl'J.'I. I` UN , AU U 1 sun nun: V" ?vEnuEsp_Ay, `25th F M, 1337, .. __ .... ..1..h\n1r nnnn flan Fnllnur- S'rEvr:'NsoN.--At Barrie, Friday, May 6th, the . wife of J. McLean Stevenson. of a son. r McCoxKm'.--On Friday morning, May 6th , VVi`.liam Mcconkey. formerly of Innisi and Bradford. aged 73 years and 11 months. SA.\ DERS.-0n Sundav mornin . May 8th. Isabella J .. wife of C. L._ anders.. and younczest daughter of Henry Fraser, aged 36 years. 9 months,.27 days. , V - years old- 1 two year 01 .30 acres 01 Standing Timber. -oonsls lluiuwuqgo, --vv _' at the hour of twelve o clook noon, the follow- ing stock and implements, viz: ' 1 Brood More in real, aged; 1 two ear old d Filly:4 Milch Cowsswit Calves; 2 teers 2 Heifer ; 6 Cotswold Ewes well-bred ;1 Brood Sow;1 Weterous Engine in goodrunninpz order and condition ; 1 Grain Saver(L. D. Sawyer 8; Co .; 1 Reaper (Richmond Hill make); 1 Sulky ke (Rich- mond Hill meke); 1 Patterson Cutting Box; 1 Patterson Grain Chopper 1 Hone Fanning Mill; 1 Wilson Fanning M 1- 3 C ilkinson Plouillag; 1 Set Spring A'1oothAI:ia1_'rows;_ 1 Set Iron rrows;2 Lumber We ons;l_De1noora-t Wa%?n;'1 Pair Trucks; 1 gy;.1` Gig: -1` Mar ` at S1eih;4 s ts Bob-Sl hs- l'1`urni Drill ; 2 Log nu: Chaigis ; 3` Set 8 Bogxble Harness 2 Sets W ietrees: 1' Cross Cut` saw: and other articles too numerous.to mention. ~- Also. - 1! Cedar. Hemlock. Basswood and El!n.fo,n`" ` 1113, `Con. 5, Township of Rios." ` * . mum: on 1umum'r:-A.1l 19.19 Finaxfciali Barrie. May 4th. 1887. These excel any Maps heretofore used. Many special features. V Con. 5, Townsmp or non. ; T Tmms our Pavumwr: --All sums of 10 or under. cash ; over that amount approv joint notes at six month's. - _ I _; There will be a reserved bid onthe machinery. MOCAETHY, PEPLEB so Ma0A.I_if1`l1_Y.,. ~ ' -~ Solicitors tor ,_l;he*AsI ea`.- ..,;-_. .-....-.: 151. nunamvy . . -'- " W V` 7 ' 5 , , . ` ""fg.~n-.133 wmrmp Immnnzgrnnv. * 0.. 7?`f`9ia.s`n`.`.3?`? ARPENTERB W 4u.V'1'1;u_: W 0 .3... A ` `A1r:it1?.`zu9:T::":?'%:tT % 37'" Balm : nnnmnnu, Printing . . . . . . . . f osting Bills . . . mvqry . . . . . . . . . . . Halls. &c. . . . . . . . Telephone . . . . . . . tmtionerv. 1&0. xcu RSIONS. .__...__._._j;j__7, ,, , I NTED.-Tenders (or the ,erection of M a. brick clad house on Lot 24, Con. 6. Oro. will be received up to noon on_Weduesday, June 1st. 1887. Contractor to furmsh all mater- ial. The lowest nor any tender not necebsarily accepted. For: plans. &c.. apply to J. B. GRAHAM. Shanty Bay. - 19 21 5011015013 [01 -Damd .811 ;-'16.-`4.I:h May._>188'.'.* NE\V ADVli{TISE1VIENTS. _ -(`LO IOUNTY OF SIMOOE. SCHOOLS "READ N_OT|GE. AssItsv1::1s_- AtE BARBIE. G.-A`G.E s Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township 0!- F105. will after the gublioation of this notice for four weeks, pass a y-law to step up and sell the original road allowance or side line between the South halves of Lots Nos. 25-and 26 in the 5th Concession of the Township of Flos, and will after the publication of this notice for the said four weeks. ass a By,-law to establish the following desori ed road in lieu of the said original road allowance 0!`. side line. that is to say: Commencing on the centre of the said 5th Concession and at the centre of the said original road allowance or side line between the South halves of Lots Nos. 25 and 26 in the _ side. said 5th Concession; thence westerly on the centre of the said 15th Concession two chains and ttv links; thence southerl and parallel with the centre line of the sai original road allowance or side line to the northerl limit of the road allowance between the 4t and 5th Concessions. the said described line being the centre line with a width of fty links on each By order of the Council. WM. HARVEY.- l9-20 Township Clerk of F108. "Viv/V; J.VALLE]\ lg Aszent. 1113 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81.90 \. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10 , j&c . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 23.45 8257.00 F. J." TELFFR, Financial Agent, -Collingwood. V Af}-\ `IRR7 4.50 Acn.] LLEAU Agent. arrie. 19-t 1887- I T18. 19-tt [DEULINE BF AQUATIC ` spam. muuun: was oNcrl:- Norm: ton rrs - m:GA'r'rA cum, 1887- Young Men Appealea to Restore the Ancient Aquatic Glories or Kempen- feldt Bay. ' V In the good old days of Ba;rrie s V early hxstoz y, we read of regatta clubs and aquatio s orts on Kempenfeldt Bay that nuts to the b ush anything now geen upon `these waters. Muscle and skill were then regarded in 9. very different light from what they now are, `and boa.t`ra.ces as a test of such muscle and, _L!I1 __,__ __ __________g`__ ___A;.`nA 8110. D085 H1088 IE `8 E6313 OI 81.1011 Luuuvu: auu._ skill were not necessarily associated with gambling. Have we no young" men here "to revive this manly and healthful exercise. We have plenty of boats. and lots of boating, but the "exercise now adays is not calculated to produce the skill, developement of muscle and endurance which it ought. An appeal is made to our young men to make` an endeavor to restore something of the depart- ed aquatic lory of Kempenfeldt Bay's past history. V e have nothing to ~ say against the common sports of cricket, .baseball, lacrosse, &c , but boatin rightly conducted has a wonderful power 0% bringing out what is in a man and exerts a most healthy in- . uence. '_ Quietly his years glided by, a life singularly , A painful feeling spread throu h the town [ early last week when it became` nown that Mr. William McCony -had been stricken down with paralysis the brain. Although he had passedseveral years beyond the three score and ten, he -was possessed of such a ne physique and so equable a disposition that there seemed no reason to doubt but that he might reach a great-age. But it was otherwise ordered. On Monday morning he was found in bed in a semi-conscious con- dition, `and from the first little hope was entertained of his recovery. He rallied some- what on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, but after Wednesday at noon he gradually sank and passed peacefully` away in the midst of his family on Friday morning at 1. 30 a`. m. A sketch of his life will be given on another occasion. The_ barest facts are here given. Born in County Tyrone, Ireland, on the 14th of June, 1813, he came to Canada f with his father in 1822. After moving about from place to place for a time, the family finally settled in Innisfil. In 1837 he obeyed` the call for volunteers to put down the Rebellion, but that ill advised movement was over before he and his fellow-volunteers reached the scene of action. In 1819 he was married to Grace Johnston, and his married. life, which was -singularly happy extended over 35 years. About 12 years agoMr. Mc- Conkey retired from `farming to spend the remainder of his days in Bradford, and lived [ there till about 3 years ago when, on they ' death of his wife, he came to Barrie to live with his son-in-law. Mr. J. M. Hunter. happy, and free from stain. The fear of the Lord was before his eyes. His remains were intered on Sunday last in the Presbyterian Cemetery, Innisl, in the midst of the. dust of his kindred. In Barrie a brief service was conducted at the house by Rev. Mr. McLeod,` and in the 6th line church, Innisl a. longer service was held by Rev. Mr. McConnell. Both in Barrie and in_ Innisl a very large number of friends came together to pay the last mark of respect to. the de arted. The Vi | tribute on_ all hands was this- illiam Mc- j _.__-.. L-) _ _ A n A-anew IIIVLULIIIU Ul-I ll uuuuw VII-u venue Gonkey nver had an enemy. It \l'UUu. July: Vienna The verandah in front of J. Clarke & Co s and the Bank of Commerce is to "be taken down and an awning substituted. This is the beginning of an improvement which will, we hope, 39 on until the unsightly verandahs and cross signs have all been removed from our main business street. If this were done and granolithic pavement substituted for the- uneven and _worn planks now ` there, the `street would look ve hundred per cent better and could not fail of aiding and en- couraging business. There are but few towns and villages of any pretension west of Toronto that tolerate the` verandahs and cross signs In many places the merchants have voluntarily abolished them, and in other places they have been taken away by municipal enactment as dangerous re traps. We commend these suggestions to the atten- tion of our business men, and as improve- ment in the town is the order of the day, it is to be hoped that sweeping away these re- liques of a bygone age will be one of the im- provements. -----oo-o----- \J&Ill.IJ-I15 Up nawvuu an Inn wu- The Inspector has posted notices declaring that all householders who have not complied with the regulations of the Board of Health and cleared away all rubbish from the pre- mises and disinfected privies and all places requiring it, that after the I0th inst., they are liable to prosecution. It is to be hoped there will be no idle threatening, that the inspection will be thorough and that without fear or favor the penalty for ne lect will be exacted. The Inspector shou d see that -cesspools with a thin covering of earth and places where all sorts of disease-prodncin nastiness, concealed from open view, shoul not escape his observation. Ignorance, laziness and neglect, in a matter of this sort, might result in an epidemic of diphtheria or typhoid. We again ask that the inspection shall be thorough and a report by the Inspec- tor as to the state of the town he made to the Board of Health -orito, the Council at the _ -_1: -_a. ..........I..l.. 4-5.. WIIU lluuru U1. LLCIIIIIIA u: l earliest. possxble date. Evidence of Prosperous Times. An ADVANCE reporter stepped into vMr. David Dougall's furniture factory a day or- two ago, and found it a very hive of active industry. Mr. Dougall says the the tunes. are good and business was at. least ten per cent better last year than the year `before. He has largely increased the number of em- ployees as compared with a year or two ago. T-hefarmers are supplying themselves with a-better class of furniture than fornlerly and the_demand for home manufactured goods is on the increase; Such `fact as these, `telling of the country's `substantial prosperity, -in- nitely outweigh pthejrlue `ruin declazpation of Mills, Cartwright et al, and the persistent; atteinptsof Gritpoliticians to.~i uITIke the far-' mers believe that commercial; union _ withg. . w , the sums: their `only'salva_t_ion . ,3 . , mi; a;.<}' %9rnp9. Iltbllvuuquu ruvvalgvuw ' Thebthor day` a pg-`eminent citizen ml 1 `e1 ` ' th A , anglithio u'dewo.1k no:m%te:? %f@$ To our rgptrrter he laid thahthg grunglyo `Wu-brehllk 0!! 151,10 kindpof, V. -"Hr": -";`\ "*4" ma; .-tidfho. nu; William uoconkey, `AI __,, _' I BE above staunch and commodiousv steamer is now open for engegements for the Ex- cursion Season of 1887. mm and to all points on Lake Simcoe and Couchiching. 1., For terms and arrangements apply to Cleaning Uvp[ fuck Yards. .1. A Good Improvement. A ,E 1' I11...` q'rgno11t_h1o ,PgvVom_e_Ant.V INTERESTS or BARRIE. '1`HE coUN'rY or smcon: BARBIE, nd out whether the breaking off of thel surface in spots was any indication that the whole thing would so break up. It was in- timatedb to the. `citizen that the patentee would guarantee this pavement against a half a century of time and anything not more violent than a Lima earthquake. With this the citizen appeared to be satised, but he still went on with his examination of the little breaks in the granolithic. It would be \ well though to know what these breaks 'v|I|nI| _. is B.ev.Dr.Potts. \_ s _ `l The Rev. Doctor Potts occupied the. Collier- street Methodist pulpit both morning and evening of last Sabbath. "He is an earnest and practical preacher who cannot fail to attract attention. He presents the old story. of the Cross. in a way so clear and attractive that the most indierent are arrested and compelled to think and inquire. . His sermons were admirable examples ofpulpit eloquence. He has a ne . commanding gure, a clear musical voice, ready and classic phraseology felicity of illustration, and 'a treasury of biblicalgems` to beautify and enforce" his teachings. Christ was the grand foreground gure in both discourses. and large congrega- brought. The Doctor's mission to Barrie waste obtain an increased subscription to the Educational Fund of the, church. He accomplished his object, and about doubled the last vears contribution. After theevening sermon he gave a short history of the question of University Federation and the conditions under which Victoria University has 'oined. The removal to Toronto will involve an outlay of $450,000, and he then ht `the Barrie Methodists ought T to furnish a ut $10,000 of this sum. tions listened with `delight to the message he Large quantities of grain are being sent from Chicago to Boston by way. of Calling- wood on the Northern road. - .. _- .:...- L..- 1..-..:......... 1......-. lmuanr nn WOOG on Una J.Vv0l'0llUl.'l.l rugu. `At no tnme has busmess been better on the Northern than now ; four extra . freight R trains went south on Monday morning." 2 0111.. .u.......... 1)-...-.4... nun an:-I1 nu-nnhno Brains WUUU HUUIIH UH 1lI.Ul.lun`y` Luvs. hlllno V The Messrs. Brnnton are each erectmg nest and substantial residences `in the place. - as`is also Mr. Harker. 1r__ r1___.._L-1I `D..:l.... 4-.-.1.-..-nmnh nnnvnf-nr E1ectora1n1strio` North simcoe. 8813 also LVLI. murmur. Mr. Campbell Bailev, telegraph operator; and brother of Mr. Alexander Bailey, train despather, left for Georgetown last Friday to take to himself a life partner in the per- son of Miss Britton of that place. He re- turned on Monday with his handsome and blushingvbride to Allaudale, where he in- tends to reside. TheADvANcE wishes him and the partner of his joys all the happiness 1 which they can desire. Effect of Music. Last Thursday night the music of the Band as the match was being made through town, _ set a team which wasstanding in the lane near the old post oice dancing. The team belonged to a Mr. Neil, and they set off at a race-course pace through the streets towards a home, the direction being up Bayeld street. Whether there was any breakage or not we have not heard, but strange to say` nobody was hurt. Teams are too often left in the streets imperfectly secured or not fastened at all. Such negligence by which life and roperty are endangered, is in the highest egreehblameworthy and deserving of punish- ment. We have often called the attention of the municipal authorities to this matter, and _ we hope some measures will be enforced against the criminal negligence which causes an vnnnv rurnnwava in the town. ugluuuu uuu Ul. uuuuau u-.5..5v....- > . I so many runaways :1: the town. nan Holiday. '> 7 There was a meeting of the clerks at the Town Council Chamber on Monday evening last, to consider the question of a half `holiday. Mr. J .: McNab was voted to the chair. and Mr. TW. Ramage acted as secretary. Some discussion ensued. when on motion of Mr. Booth, see. by Mr. Dowell, it was resolved that the proposed half holiday should extend from 1st July to last of August. On motion the following were appointed a committee to` wait on the- merchants to obtain their assent to the request of the clerks: Messrs. J . McNa.b,_ J. A. McIntosh, F. Crease, W. Hurst, J. Dowell and J. Smith. The meeting then adjourned till Friday night, May 20th, when the committee will report the result of their interyiew with the merchants. - Waterworks. The plans and estimates for a system of waterworks here are being prepared by the engineer and will soon be in the possession of the council. In the meantime `Reeve Cross is obtaining information from all available sources on the question of waterworks in places where such exist, so that when the timecomes to submit ' the question for the neople s approval the whole matter shall be in the most intelligible shape. The engineer who examined this locality, states that there is no town with which he is acquainted more favorably situated for a system of waterworks. We shall be in a position shortly to give more specic information on this vitally important matter. . - ' :---.---O--O----_---- I VI UVIZIUO - Mr.` John Lnn'nnis,A of Wyebridge, was in Barrie last Friday; - Mr. Thomas Middleton, of Barrie, `spent Monday in Alliston. ' _ _ _ Miss May McKechnie, ofrstsyner, has been spending a few days with friends in town. ? ` Messrs. Love. Bros., of this town, have secured the contract for painting the new Presbyterian Church at Stayner. - 1 , 1t_1n-._I-_.. ....1:..l- at .Tn`mn M..w...1.m J. IIUBUJ Vwluzun \o-nu.-7.. -- ..-..J ._-_, Mrs; McFa1-lane, relict of John McFarla.ne, late ot * this town. died in Adjala on Sunday week and her remains were brought to Barrie on the following Tuesday. .;Q \. COUNTY OF%~SIMCOE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,4MAY 12; 1887. Tree Planting. A large number of trees was planted on our streets last Friday and Saturday. We mentioned last week that "the Lombardy poplarsis a poor ornamental tree, ' and is generally discarded from -the catalogue of trees. planted on the public streets, in our western towns. In some places the willow and poplar, which had been planted in an earlier day.have,bsen cut down and either the maple, elm or-mountain. ash substituted. 'l!he`;sort.o tl`60:~l'o0 plantishould be carefullyj lconsidered by those who hava it in charge. `V_UlIIV UV Cuvlalnvnwv 0Vnr_.mu-ket= reports are. coii-yeoted every week,jand the highest quotation" is for the best article whose price it} is. Farmers and othou, who attend; our [market must tfolnelnber that article ' nqg fine - the I 7: -Notice to _l'a'rmerI_, L._ A..- --__- PARAGRAPHEB. 8 PENUIL P(lINTS.J mm`? umon M. IUD - QnnIrvnv-vnn-3 ---- ---`- A cnanter oflnooal -Lot of tre planting on Fridny. --Try Ewan for yournew spring hat. I v -Town Council next Monday evening. ' -Lots of ladies are now using the oars. --Men s Plough Boots only $1.00at Pa.ul s. -Magnioent shower on Thursday. night.` &1g`you want picture frames call on Capon . 0. . -Do you hear the sound of the oarpet boaters? ' Ivwil-"l:`;':ahw.pork and sausages now at Maundrells . V . -The A. 0. U. W. were in council T on Friday night. ` T ma,` 1_.__.... ..-...'- ..L...... -4. `D A If you want genuinojmiaced paints call on Oapon &: Co. ' L ---`- ~--1 ------- -- ....... -5 I Jerseys very cheap at R. A Stephens & 00. ~ - 4n'u., L-_.._-._-I..._.. 3... LL.` an-\s`u:no` Ion`! Abstract of expenses incurred by and on be-` half of D Alton McCarth . Esq., a. candidate for a seat in the House of ommons. Ottawa. at an election held on the 22nd day of February. 1887. vouchers for which are now in the oice 0! L. Oliver, the Returning Oicer. Barrie, for inspection : Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $256.10 Stationery. Telegrams. &c ..... .. 66.19 Bill Posting. 8:0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ,44.2l _ Rent of Hall, scc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Use of Halls and attendance. . .. 178.63 Livery. sac ..... .._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227.00 Travelling expenses . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00 . $803.13 _ F. A. LETT, Financial Agent,` Barrie. -no v- _ .... ...._, .. - --Vegetation has made wonderful progress in the last few days. -_ ---__n_.... 1-..-.- rlinlvnia Gill: last Thursday night. All IIIAU IKIDU av vv \nI-J -u Gray 6: Leemlng have Talfeta Silk Gloves from 20c. up. , . -Regular meting of. the Sons of England ,,,,,A.._..__.A. -1 QI3......._. Ca IIEIJ Anaunw\nu-J -a-wu ' '---'I.`h'e largest assortment of Slippers in !town at W. J. Paul's. ' -L _ -__I_..I `DUNE an 1!. U. &uuuc -The spade and rake are the most popular instruments now in use. 1 1 o 1 g______\ tlvsruvuu vu vvu -`-The temperature in the sunshine? last Monday was 91 . ,L,LS`___ L-.. _._L.I_ _-......I..'..C-.1 cu-nun-nun llllll. InI.l.I.IUI.IUu luv 11, on many. Lined window shades (plain and fancy) latest designs, at Otton Bros , Lisle Thread Gloves 1oc., 1230., 15c., 20c., at Gray 6: Leemlngh. -Elegant embroidery, 1:} yards wide, for 80c. at 1:. A. Stephens & Co. 5 --`---_.`| __....LI.. Llnnnyunlu GUI}. DU Lin (:1: uvvyuvuu nu \I\r -The Town Band played sweetly through the streets Thursday evening. " " " "7" - A "'13- -_J 1)..LL.-um uuu Bllxvuuu J-AA\lLU\nu-. v.v---u. T -Ladies, see the Fine Tie and Button Shoes only 75c. at W; J. Paul s. _,,_L3L2_... AR `_---Inn`. A-on nvt\:1v|r! IJLLUCD Dun [Una uv n o III ---- -.- --Immense quantities of lumber are going south on the Northern Ra.ilway._ Parasol: and Sunshade in large variety. atG1-ayac Leemlngm. ' v '17 L LL3__ _1-_ _ ~_nnmI- :I\"1:\I`:lIn'|E 1IXEI!I.Sl|lll Slllllllll. MAPS]

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