Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 31 Mar 1887, p. 5

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-1- FOR `Jam 1 Cloth. the Intoot'7ln`auu-Isl 151' drones. Gray at loaning have It In all the loading colon at bottom pl-Icon. oddnncwd Anniversary. The Barrie Oddfellowe intend to celebrate the 68th sumverury of the establishment of the Order in Amencacon the In of My vlay marching to Trinity Church. The Rev. Rainer will preach 3 acrinon nppgopmteitc the occasion. _8t_~_G.00!g_Q'_8.-P_l!- ud .. , Th 1;`, Gor`g`e I; bixityl yi -. uly cele- 5nPth$o:i'nP.$*!Q9&i0V1 6-,! on? tha 25th i,vi}l[ be*iVna` an-*1. ' '1 ` '4': ICIII :3-`R CAUTION.-Any dealer found selling other Oils hue hardware Oils will be prosecuted. ELI `VV S-`V-2 also 1 u-v:` --, , V `utin:'IrrAI (n._ % avmnnn, ooN'uuxc_'1'91I.aoo.._ ` A y 45 :DfvvA:cD 3'sr:a.N :, - __`__.z_.'_;- - - A.-'.2-. Infant Children of Thomas Pew`. late of the To ship ofAMedonte in the County of Simooe. eoman. deceased. T VWithe Heating and Boiling Attachments, requires no - Chimney, most economical in use. Also `U AIS`! ll-14 N ext door west Barrie ' I.l'TDll_vlllI'ru In yv. Equal Gas: slIUlIlI I_VI|V In unuuunpv-u snrl proublo time 1! `I T0 FARMER AND .THRESHI~;RS.-The I......L All -_II--I.t____ - ____1_ L_ 12-1`;-xv-' il\w\t;:~ puts - lGUA.l.1.'1'll I u H_er,Solioitors. ._T._.._j. AT .12 Hsuosnsolys. `Bonus Odllectedo sl Il'3P0! 30081 8nd 0 0 ' ` OTICE is hereby given that afplication will . be made to the Parliament 0 the Dominion of Canada at its next session, by the Hamilton Northwestern Railway Company. for an act authorize them to extend their railway from the City of Hamilton westerly, to a point on the line of the cren Valley Railway. and easterly from a int in or near the said City to a point on the iaaara River. also from a point at or near Burlington to the City of Toronto. or to a point on one or the lines of railway leading into Toronto. with running powers over any such railway. Hamilton 23rd February, 1887. A 33061:, BURTON & GULE AM,_ . ~ 9-17 Solicitors for Applicants. SUN LIFE 8: ACCIDELT A88. 00 ROY CANADIAN FIRE m`. co . _ *LANGA`SHIRE nan. ms? co. MoNE\gjIj%_>I,oAN WC IIU LVLIIIJAUVUU-u Seeding operations are proceeding in Southern Manitoba. 0` I D m __`___: $Q`LETOHBB, ' ..Gpne1fal_Agent,_ '$omww s Biock. Barrio, Ont. ` uusll IUIS Babb`.-1W acres, 70 acres I.` cleared and under cultivation. The balance in a hardwood bush. There is leuty of water. a good orchard. a comfortable ouse. anew frame barn 60288 with 19 foot posts. a fine oh 1:. horse stable 18:26 and 16 foot post cow eta. e18x32and 16 tootbosta. good sheep non for 40 aheen. A mod hnnnrv- Thane I \ Ellrliiilllli '3 lIlBIOl'lIIg'.l'l8ll0 3110 wn'cn D88 D05 . at 1 hi h gzz; cow uuuua wxoz unu 101005 nous. R0011 aneep gen cheep. A good benery. These nildimzs one new and are built of the best` material. This form is convenient to all the accommodations that man requires. This farm will be sold on reasonable terms For further portioulnrs app] to the 1-oprietor. 1114 f ` PATRICK CONNO . . . . `. .. . Ifnnnntnnn. P, 0, (Int .`&4II\- ',\JJJD.D.l'.lA1VlI l."UI$ 5 " JAISJ.-A RDEBB `baggain; `The subscriber o e'1-a for sale. a -at-clan 0 hiokering`Plano and which has not an. much Iliad. ni-icing! nmlt nf wlninh wan Lguom` V-1-n-:llBn.nohos ot Pa1n_ wh}f,,&o..&o. - umlonapp cation. rung Dru S pomynnqamm I . 3' PIANO FOR 8 `-LE.-A streak II. ; ` eaubacriber has niulnln--:......~n!-.... .....| ..|.:..1. 1.-.. ....a- T AT IIIEASONABIIE. IlA;'E;._ dmlter. :.-4-loo` ulna- an uuunuwun, Moonstone. P. 0. Ont. AUCTION SALE --OF-- Valuable Farm and Mill Properties __mT;1E__- _ TOWNSHIP OF INNISFlL' Annvnv VIQQC -uv Monday, the 4thJaay"bi6'1jpn1 1337, at one o clock in the afternoon at the UEEN'S HOTEL. in the TOWN OF_ BAR E. I_iy virtue of Powers of Sale contained in certain Mortgages which will_ be produced at the Sale, the following Pronertxe. PARCEL I.--Under Mortgage from Francis Williamvliewaon. That Parcel or tra ct of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Townshi of Inmsl, containing two acres more or less, eing part of Lot 12 in the 13th Con- nmmlnn nf `lnninl. `haimt hnttnd and bounded an Penetariguishene Road thence Sontherly along the North Side of said road and across the creek to the place of beginning. together with all the right. title and interest of the said Mortgagor in and to the Mill Pond on the North half of lot 12 in the 12th Concession of Innisl. and in the right of using the water of the same. and in the mill race or ume from said Mill Pond to the Grist Mill, situate noon the lands above described. and in the ri ht of repairing the same and entering npont ead- joining lands for that purpose. under and by ii. certain deed from William Iiutchinson Hew- son. of the Township of lnnisl, to William Lennox and said Mortgagor, dated the 18th of January. 1871, and registered in the Registry Oice for the County of Simcoe as number N030. Secondly. that rcel or tract of land and premises situate. yin and beingin the Township of Innisl. coma nine 2 rods and 16 perches more or less, composed of part of Lot. 12in the 13th Concession of Innisl, described nu Onllnnya - Fnnmvnnnninm at n ntnlzu nlnnfn An % _ --`-IN THE-- iCQUNTY OI-` SIMCOE less. nemg D8-1'6 91 um. 1; in um Lain U011- cession of Innisl, being butted and bounded as follows: Commencing on .he north side of the Penetan uishene Road at the .dlBt8DC6 of 15 chains 9 links on a course North 50degrees West from the intersection of said N _orth Side with the Western Gide of Cox's M111 Road: thence North50 degrees. East 5 chains and 6 links to a stake ; thence North 49 de ees and 10 minutes West 4 chains to a ate 6; thence South 50 degrees West to the North Side of thence sax road nnllb on Ohn nlnnn nf hnainnino tnmaoluzuu nwlol. DBYCHCB IIIUTB UK` 1655, UUIJIDUUUU U1 purl. UI 1.101;, 13th as follows: Commencing at a stake planted on the Norther]: Side of the Barrie and Bradtord Road. at the South West angle of a certain two acre lot. sold by one Christopher Robinson to William H. Hewson. being part of lot 12 in the 13th Concession of Innisl ; thence .North Easterly along the Southern boundary of said two acre lot. 3 chains; thence South Easterly 3 chains and 60 links more. or less to a point on the Northern Side of the Barrie and Bradford Road. distant.So1_ith Easterly 4 chains from the place of beginning; thence ;North VA esterly along the `lortherly side of said Road 4 chains to the place or beginnin . together with all the right and title of and ortgagor with the said William H. Heweon or otherwise. to clear. of! and out any obstructions in the stream near the last mentioned lands from the said lands` to the Pond known as Case's Pond. and to deepen` the said stream throughout its course, as nted to William H. Hewson and the said ortgtlaor by deed thereof from one William Hunter hea-in date 18th January. 1871. and rggimi-eii as 0. V , The following imvrovements are said to be onthe premises: A tom-and ahalt story our .mill36x60 toot. driven by water power lower story stone with addition man one and a halt aim-v. nn Pnnntanirninhana lined- nhnnt 31 mllan DU ll pun: ll .Lu.u|u uv vu- Sir George Stephen sailed from England for Canada last Friday. ' `Li J... __ ....v... 5501'] E50116 Wltn EQGIEIOII WIN) 0116 B110 8 D8: story. on Penotm shone Road. about 3} miles from Barrie. A une dwelling 22x% feet. 2 ntm-v. with addition in rent. oru-as. The followin im to on the Agata: ?J res :)lre1l"aa:1h1tL2ri1l), 3 creche thereon a.- frame house, trame ham, stable andeheda. Minna __ nan am-.6 -0 cl... ..... ..|...-- _-_. __ 'Il'0lll DSl'l'lB- A ITBIIIB QWOHHIE XXX I003. '4 story, with addition in rest. PA1wm.- II -Under Moxyogo from John Bowman. The North half 0 Lot 11 in the 7th Concession of the Township of Innisl. in the County of Simooe. oontuin1n;:'loo acres more nr lam- ""a-*:;;';"'- t . u. 1. -- percen .0 epnc use to be paid down on the day of ssloI.noi|?"3 balance terms will be made known at the sale. For further 85:-ticnlers army to . JDNIIIS RR .~'_ Ir. M . nlzmnwruqvm 1..u'- vvAn`1'n*u.--Une nnnareu Ions of Milk per day wanted by the Ba. e Dairy Company, delivered at the trgin atthe diffrent station! along the railway. 'l`o`be in. cans of tl than ht B.A:R- .- IE` I ALIRY 3%. 7 301'.) _.o J.`:, nnowx. Dunlap Sfraebb-` - - _- 124.-r `, '__. -u_-, e,; 1'01` IIIl'(cll6l'Bl'IalOlllBl'B apply 30 JONES BR S. 8:. M CKEKI`.NZIE.~ tolicitors. Tomato atreet. Toronto. Or to J ` MES EDWARDS. 11230.. 12 13 `Barrie. |'IL'` WAN'l`ED.-0ne hundred Mill: nnr aw wnnfnd ho flu: `nm There sold on muuaw [UL KJCLJCIKIII Jill!!! A gaunt-J u T The Gra.nd`T1-nnk has withdrawn from the Central Trafo Association. _ N .. . . ,,_ ,, 'ullU LIUIIUICII Jlussgv on-a-v`..-----. Eaat. Bruce Grits have chosen Mr. R. Truax, of Walkerton, to oppose Mr. Cargill. Special line tom-button Kid Gloves. In black and colors for 750. at Gray at l.ee_mln9I. \t___-L 1|... .I........#nu-u 3n 5`-gg neemmgvu. _ During March the depositors in the Post Ofce Saving Banks had $18,333,830. `.75 to their credit. _ Rev. Martin W. Livingstone, of Simcoe, who died. last week had been fty-one years in the ministry. ' " `I '1 -L- T -__Z_I..L..-.4 ;unnnn ylif Ill ULIU suuaalyvnla The Manitoba Legislature insets April 14, the day , after the opening of the Dominion Parhament. e Gray at beaming : ca etc: have ar- rived,all new patterns I. e choicest In Ilnru-I9. lnunecllon Invited. , , ri`1lr'-35:a'l'l I-|-;,\`v"i;: :_.rnb the < Barrie. lnupectlon lnv tea. '1` ,l T`... miiimws UONDENSING mumin. lIlll'l'lUo III-_|lUIJIwI\!l| nu vvvv un ` C; K. Domville, of Hamilton wins seriously injured theother day by jump- ' ing from a. moving train. _ . ,, LL- f`1_..-.'l-.. .u.&L`n in-nan: Ill Il\lll-I & Isv V-rt --`~--_- The loss on the Canadian cattle ranges will be.30 per cent. In some di8tl'ldt3 notably the Cypress Hills, the loss is 50- per cent. - own it, -1. -_L-.. I`l.......I..n has -run`-nnl\- yul UUII In The Manchester Guardian has publish: . ed a report that Sir John Msodoneld is to` ` be raised to the peerage and appointed, successor to Lord Lsnsdowne. - The work of repairing the buildings in- the old aitillery barracks at Quebec and erecting a building for the manufacture cg Shnpnell ahello in going-on at Quebec. Grav & beaming have N719: tweed unlu, boy : wnhlnglullag Jone _\ sun: In 9: ullor units. at will hgu-n you. p oeiwhle *-_ --.. -2 cm. II7:lI`I.u-l- Will IIIOIIIIII you. Dr. Geo. Dawson, son of Sir Dawson, will have char e of the Ynlron` Vslle expedition whio is to explore the gold eposits of that district, and [t-c`):_ dene the unsettled bounds!-y of Columbia. and Alaska. r V . _ n gA_.n..... "'""""".;;;;"......e A There were 4,426,000 hog: Iluughteped at Chicago last year. ` - ` ` -_- _ u--..1I-.. 1ur.. _ IIU \IIIIUa\I ITU JVIIDO - The jury in the can of Boodler M6- Cleary stood six to six. ' . __ ;___..;u_ _..u....::... VIIIWIJ BIVVIQ -1.: iv The Chautauqua A-uaembly anthoritiol wi!l ArbuilAd the burnt diatnct at once.` . L " 'iii'.i13I="Ie;fL:'{1{ i>$}.7;n1' 1S{.}opa1 Church and Primateof Amexipa, is dying. v-any--v-- _._._ _ ..-___.-- -_ __..--__-___ At the sale of the lath A.`T pictures somqbrought less than A fourth of the dosh` ` _ ' ' `;:i_;.f` Rf _ Thovlohooner George 8.: - sited in a gale last 'l`uenda_y,e_venin` oun MOTTO will be a.uoyu- v (I General NGWI. Sam J ones is to visit Brantford in May. The ice in the Grand River_ is breaking Manitobd farmer has commenced :2 smn-m<:Ln= DURING QEIEEJL - 3-3wmv Oheeeueeke Beyond all on boerdje -eiupf *' posed to have been lost. I L, 1n____I.-_.. 1nn4.._-...-.1: A.1:...:` snnuzns 1-in: run our or A noun conumrs new on. PUDUIA vv not-vv -rvu- v Mr. John Farnhs;n:'i08`yesrI'o.1i,Adiet1 in St. Elizabeth : Hospitsllt Utioa, N.Y.. last Wednesday. ' . . 4 0 4 i .,,,,_L,L:__`_--.1 'i`h'o `I;-e:::swyl`1r'anin Legislature algaed a. bill to uiring employers to provide 908*! go.-n `Arman ll Alv\I\`l\IIQA . billfe uiriig employ for fomcao employees. IVS IVICIIIOV WIOWQVJ wvwi `The total value of $119 exports of the! United States for the you ending Feb. 28th0wa.s $729,807,000. - l___2._`_L .|...-:.. CUvu.' vvww qu -u_r,vv' ,vvvu Last Thursdoy morning a freight train went through 3 bridge near Richmond, i Va.., e.ndVnine passengers were killed. ` The floor of o schoolhouse at Stittuville, I near Uticmgave way t-heather night and some ten or fteen persons were severely injured; lllnl Chnul coca u-- . . old World. Bismarck says that peace is A o.uure_d. The Queen paid a visit to Birmihpham last Wednesday.` ` V 1-,, . 3 ;,:u_ u_- n__--_ I II-III v v `awn.-ya... Mr. Ohamb:riain dined "with the Queen ' on Saturday evening. ` 1 ,1 3-- AL- u-_;AL vac INIIIVIIQVQIHJ `t v ---_-a. Eighty-ve lives were lost in the Smith Wales colliery explosion. ,, ALI. ._ I-LL-..\ 1i2{y"1?f. L1Z}';L}i;a gt. the mouth.`- of the Congo River March 18th. ` I I II no _ _g_ `___ `_____} V- 1'3;-nardo a distyiilgry {n has been burned, causing a loss of $250,000. v ` , -_ 1_- ._:_:L - LL- 'l'\-_ vv-3- _--, ..____ __ "3;>'1;n'E:i:g-l:t '1;:s`;r:i'_t_thn another letter! %-on the Irish land question. ' ` 1 ,1 CC C. Kn" _'_j _|________1`_ Vunonvu, vi-\-nun-ca - -v-._ -- V.__-,- - -- The Czar proposes to` visit` the Don Coseeck country and also the Otim . ,, !_`L _L r vvwwwvn vvunucvn ' Uuvu V --_- __ Thi-ee shock: of 011:}: uake` w;>;;a-Vf`lt at Travnik, Bosnia, on We neaday last. n-I I I I, _| g`__ "ii.;'3.;;`;e:a.;.;1;.;.i"i;;;%;;a;;;.;a its rate of discount from 3 to 3-pa: cent. ` wm.,1r..n.%% 1 . .~r.>']-__'<`qV ; 7 H: ." '53.) . . ,Th. Premier; of "ta?ins`}in %s.v,<.>:r%.'of: i05! for- t gquntry. ' ' 5..`37 y oioerl` liav~bou`ii"3f 63 at _ "moieties. .. '* 7 ` . . \. . -. `t:2':.(::\ .. ,,_2_I _.l_L-...._L.. ....-_.. .u.-..'..I- &".&.K`.-7: LL` 131101;:-`for being connects} ;4$vmvolu- DI-"Iv v. ---.v_--- ..._v.__ _` -vv - ` Vi ' It in reported that the Rusaidanvodom-' mander at Warsaw has been murdered. The owner of the Esperanza eatate, Cube, recently kidnapped, has been .re'naoI`hed._ .` `: ;. .'*7'`.L.*,`_ll. -up . u "I . '. 5 . _`.-,__3A_L__` _ Iljnluyuonvvnu . - _ Mr; Mo'rlei u 'am:nfd1'11eni;' _;vaIIL iV';iab~cvted ` in _the House df;Oommons:1by-Ugxvote pf. 349150260. % i % W V _ L . In Paris it `ia.ae'_zjni-ooia.1ly;u_t_al't_hiLt;_ Rn--ia hhN?nM6"Y9!.r'e- fox. by aitnoe. |~with,Fra.noo. .. " -. -`~ -~ .. -. _`;.-." 9.; 1 fnpiuud Gnu-inc. ;t-s;;nptI .L l5l h Much to wreck 3 ` ` ' 1. -.2 Ist.:j1;V'-f . % gr gym . und. 'i6vril~ iin Borberhtovn, Irelsnd,.a;-g forioohtampt ofoourt, . 4 I L _. `H.-_._ -..-_ A Bird's Eye View or the World for Three Days- Canadian. United States __.I liannunl A131 .'ll'1"o-:1`!-'-o:;!;1;u"1:o-o't"9ivo(.l 3 By Emperor William on his birthday are aucient to ll_ve furniture vans. V u 1-: .1 -1 1'I__ Prince Binmsvu.-ck has` made .u the `religious oonoeuions_a_sked.by the Pope.. but so far has yieldednolzhing politically. ,,-..L I.-- ..-..L-35.- Iulll IIVU IUIIIIUIIOV vunawo The independence and liberty of the Papacy is one condition of the alliance. between Austria, Germany and Italy. I The British Government has sent `its deapptoh concerning the sheries diapupe. covering the Canadian p'ropou.l|`toWuh- inaton. - .I..ti-`ere iir.t;dni`et.hiati; We irp-we`:-ii` i `W; ew- 5 BY L ANY :-HOUSE 4 IN -: BARRIE. T'1W`b'3i*P :""d "9? *".s'W ~`'ijg- proved failures. ~ 0 AL Y\_2Ll._`_ L-_`_ 5---A-an-nu`;- IIIU 1 VII swoon-n vw The crew of ihe British bari: Carnal-Von`-'_ shire, which foundered oi!` the Lizard point. was rescued, by the British ship? Charles Whitney. Berlin business men have very little` faith in theloontinuanoe. of e. The I Czar has refused to renew t e alliance '` with Germany. ,_ ___L I.-- _.l_.-l-J BE 4 EQUALLE "IUOI \J\l|IouIuoJ I The Russian government has intimated to Turkey that 1t would be better for her to pay her debts than to be using the -money on military preparations. . \- sauna -utnononoaxcan nu-om-. for tub ram ]w6.ekKnna1_ nTg Mu-oh scan. 1 The night temperature ranged from 5 on Saturday to 24 on the previous. Sunday- mean 14. The exposed daily registered from 35 on Tuesday to 44 on Thursday--`n`1`e'an 39 ; giving an averageof 26 for the week, with an extreme range of 39. ' The barometer indicated a low-atmospheric Ereeaure, the extreme range being .79 in. ight snow fell on 4 days during some 12 hours to a de th of 4} in. ; and about 3 \` hours rainf on Thursday left as 0-13 in. of i water. A _-_LL-_u -n:-an` -\uAIIn:`:ul AII A av I water. A northern wind prevailed on 4 days, ' aouthern.3,- veering W. [6, And E. 1 day gsnd ` vnrying in seven from odm and light on 5 days; to 25 mi on an hour inaome waves on Thursday and Friday. 117.. .....6- in-.-Linn in 5! Ann: linf. nmnnnizn Inuruuny Inu .l.'l'lUIYo We got iunahine in 3 days tint amounted to 28 hon:-a, from 3 possible 86 of sun in the week, or 82 per cant. I Auction BIIOI. Thursday, March 3l.-Wn.gone, buggies,` cutters. household furniture. driving more 5 yam (Ii, eqiother articles. at the village` ot Lisle. .ato'n e o cloo|I. Jan; McPherson, proprietor. L. Tebo, auctioneer.` - '- |__2j`_`_'_`: 'A:`L...!I 1 Banana Antnn "nfhnnrn r-"r--"_'-- -- -~-- -7 ~- Friday; 5A_`pril 1--Horaea, cows, ` `steers-, heifers`; sheep, pigs, implements. etc., with- ont~t- eer\"e'. at lot 27," concessinn l, Sunni- dele, at one o c1oek lh8l'p._ William Bew. let, proprietor, Lawrence Tebo, auctioneer. Monday, April 4. -Horeee. cows, heifers; ,ateta,,_,ewes iljlamb. `fe cattle implement, . Ac... .4 ha `Io uni '1 nm 191$ n nln'n|t' hnnn. I `dlnvlluwi sarfod an v._.. | seeemwe. in lamb. 1:: mi." i.;.',,1;;.;.;.;e.; A 980.. at lot 19;, oon,._Z, Oro, gt-1 _, o olo'qk noon. 'B.efreahinenta. `John proprietor. G. Ford._ouctoneer. V` ` ' . . Ao ` `-`l:l'-;..~... ;-__ __-W_ed.nead>uy, "April ' 6.--.'Ho_t"a`ea, -cows, ihgifen. utgqra, 26 ahleep; implements, eto.. stlot 1, voono`e'cs,ion,4. Townlhip of Flos, pt: 12 . 6 9lock nbon. Alexander `Rowan-., pvo-- prietor. J. H. Swan. .Iu'tionIer.j `V ' l Majority for ook (Lib ),'7T' % """' The above in the ooicl count of the voting ii: East Simcoe. and it is worth utudving in. the light of other days. Ilnnry Bu-man will lee in itfhe writing on the wall that 9!13.f ~;`t%"11 *!!. at min. \i. \` UP" IIUIIU Ill meat 4 _ hioiiw `}.;.'; -~ ___n. 3...; AI . e. {H 3 ,.. %tW`HICH- NOT- -FROM-' 2,432 p1$Lgil'i3i'"" '"""' Seven trains of immigrants are on the way to Manitoba. ' V ' ,,,_._L:-__.. -.... -nunnnaaiilll :11 Nmv PA"71i'N"'r LAMP!` Patent Rohester and other Lamps Largo consignment Skates at Very Low Prices. | Snow Shovels, $leigh Bells, &.c., . NOTIGE ' NOTICE or APPLI JATION FOR LETTERS 0; Guardianship. . '- "U 011-to}-n}ooh1n""-or;I n1.a-dd; by Macon.` mics. Sc co.. Toronto When buying ask for ` MccoLL's LARDILNE MAGHINE ou.. rn thn matter of 1.1-1:-Guardianship of the Pew. ` lmn 'l`nun-unhlri nf Ilnnnfn In than (SI-unntev nf VH5 VIIOW SHIP UI UIBIIOIILB In 5118 UUIIIIWY UK eoman. Application will be made to the Surrogate Court 01 the County of Simcce before the Judge in Chambers on Owen Street in the Town of Barrie. after the expiration of twent days from the first publication hereof. on bolus) ; of Margaret Pew. the lawful widow and rellct `of the said Thomas. Pew, deceased,` for an Order appointing the `said Ma aret Pew Guardian of Alice Adelaide Pew, I a Aldridge Pew and John Hen:-iy. Alexander Pew. infant children or the said eceaeed. - ,. Dated at Barrie thie.llt_h__day of March, A.D. 1887' mAnG*ARE'r1>'m'w; by McG`tlTtlY. PEPLER an MGOARTBY. ` f i." H81`. S01i0itD).`B. 2`.'.'.'1`.`.y-"uIu;.'.`.a'?'I A vex-y Quint :

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