ms BY-LAW No. I1. -_ ._- v -.---w vv vwv Q-wI;\rn|vn|.Il' '-six t'e'el7.'1'nore or 1333 to the northerl . of `hurrett '-Street-; thence Sout dfl and llihf. minntnn \X7nnt nu- FPEnFEo'r|oN AT LAS `ii Ill u;-UVVU LUUII Ill` "ii. D. Ems, Pm; `hm *%':n.;gos numb, Pro; Land Surveyor. nuula, ` - - : Pro. Land Surveyor. 3. 1888- ~;:m< o'r'roN Jmos. AaIir%os%t*%Ii`)q1i%ti|'s~` II%o1I.,;, T % poudphl the laiiesifn '6i'3L};n;.W'i'n; must either "mint or undertake their own `defence Independently ot the .en:;3ire, which of course means separation`. A, Reaon and the fitness of things demand thlt the child when old enough shell assist in the family support, or else ApIVddle_ own R. ,1. s'l`EP ENS & C0. %N.B;--Salts and Magptlas cut Fre. Window Shades (plain and fancy), Cornice Poles and Trimmings, SpringRo1lers (for Window shades), ,Chi1dren s Carriages, = C Curtain Chains. , Gold `Medal Carpet Sweepers, Plated VVare, Granite Ware, Wooden.Ware, Brushes; e Llbrary Lamps, Hall Lamps, ~ g CT b1eLamps, Bird Cages, j , .Cutlery,.ang1 a full line of 4 ,,1;H.oI1sie`-fl1rn1shingg Goods, Wj havea line of fancy Win\dow Shades with Spring Roller and Gilt %P1111.com_p1ete, for 75 cents. Good AA*l%*`%`?B0T'roM PRIC as 2 I887 Cur FELT SLIPPERS we are clearing out at COST. `Yours for Bargains, 9 _ `All'Debtors to the estate will please pay up, and ali Creditorfsare requested tole their claims at once. The rm will continue under the style of .f -_. T-- ------:u: ~`rq-:u an-D L`E\& Ilutl-V`-J-L o w,`;, . ' . vvvv `V [_1;:; .t1;e centre_ of qur store, and }a,rke.d. them 1n p1a.1n gures. cent; Off % Moccasins, ` ~ ' 15 percennt. off Qvershoes, A We have selectedha. great num~ her of lines and have plaped then; 0 ber of votes cast was greatly in `excess of _ any previous one. eat the eleventh hour, o'er;_ed to support 125,000 new voters to the exercise `of the franchise, and the late elections resulted just as the two previous ones had done, a large majority, eighteen at least--b0iDR returned in favor of the same party. 1 So that on three consecutive `occasions the outcome has been the same. The last was the most notable, because the num- Sir Richard is therefore entirely wrong in his explanation of the victory of the Conservatives and the defeat`/*0! his `own party. The causes of the defeat of Sir Richard's party are of I tct ally'di`erent- sort. The people have no faith in a party T that has no xed policy, and whose leader, what he had always previgjsly opposed. On the great question of protection "the* party was divided. On the Biol question there was -no unanimity Mgf views -the. same diversity of -opinion existed in the Reform `ranks on the Pacic Railway policy, Slander in one .pro'vince, race and revenge in another, secession in a V third, free trade in one partof the Do- minion and protection inanothor. These are the true causes of the defeat of Sir . Richard's party. The people had no con- ; denoe in such a disjointed V rickety con-y ; corn, while they felt satised that the best ; interests of the state we:-e.aafe with the V. Conservative party at Ottawa. ` Prior to the dissolution of the rm,We will o`er some special in- ducements in our large stock. BO0Ts AND SHGES DISS OLUTIO N SALE! %%'.`l'.'ro'u.'b1e1:o snow Goods 25 PER CENT. SPRING ! and some of our lines of we have reducd them FOR NEW @803... u....'"" ';1;;'...,..."'i ':;;..,;;i*.ih. = ment . ot the constituencies. faoetioualy called the gerrymander, the_ Conservative party carried the Province of.0ntar1o by` a `majority. That was in 1878, Then came the election in_182, after;-Lthe rearrangement hadbeen made , a rearrange- ment necessitated and bronghtabout `by the apportioning of a number of new members to Ontario, particularly in this western district. That election resulted in thesame way, a large majority was givenin favor of the Conservative govern- ment of Sir John Maodonald Alter that N. D. NEILL. !L7 IIH; eTz2"ir}2u";:iIae'";oE'}}1".{.i't}.T1 n;$.{':iiiii SW RICHARD ONVTHI QITUATIOK. -- A i Sir Richard Oartwrightk delivered a_ characteristic speech at`the Untario Reform Cluh.a.few days ago, in which he aeaertede that the Dominion Parliament does not in any true sense represent the will of the majority .of the peopl_e-a parliament in which xtheanajority owes ita existence to a eerie: of deliberate and elaborate legal` frauda." The Gerrymander` and Fran- chiae Act are two of the alleged irauda which Sir Richard says have `resulted in the defeat of the Reform -party. `The London Free Preae very aptly replica to this when it eevya "that the remit been practical-ly"'the aims for menu: _l_._- `._`I.v. ..-_..-nag.` 1 nuns 63' 8U0R!P!`Il58f...:. 04 Per Annum iAdva.nce. $1. v C No new mine will the. 8,113;-__ at tum "` id.` ;` :x Bu :llI)`6rs"xl1:w In :33 f0r tiroO mnthu` sud over will be charged $1.50 nervannum; 11 1 '... ....{ 15.2.3; The Ot;.;\;: 3;:1:h:lv:-;)::t:1`he oel-! * brsted evanoeliut, Sam` Jones. is noti ; coming to Ottliwl this time. The oom- V ; mitteo which wps negotiatingt o'e1;od bun V > @100, -_ _ut hq would not for;,lqI`I than 9 #8200. V. V ` ." _._v 9. .; .,_ . ~ , ` " . ry-wvvu `ID 3 to?" &m}1Ta?'Sk:7'm viev`ri`i.of.'-the anticipated establishment of he cre'emery- here, and also in View the 'importe.nce of -the butter, question, the kind ock which would be most protable deserves- the best. consideration. Farmers, think of this matte;-. ' ` uautv unuuuuvury .-rgguzw. Hr -il_ pretty conoedelfV`t;lia,t the Jerioiy. oow mud: itgtha heHad"o,f_,Ghe list; for butter making purposes. In the J eney bulletin Much 93, Captiixi -0.7 ' B3. Jiclnon, of ,0entefvil1o, ;Ind., renortqtrom theJer_ney oow Theoline 2 lbl. 3 oz; of butler fiom 8 pound: of milk, or one pound of better from Spounde or milk. ilofoourue an fexoept1oiie_l_ em, bini `wands J one: cow will yield"one pond; ofhntter p__ ._-__.__1_v in gun. ` 1333} }on77n7ni'm&-i; '1'Ii:'.',` ion}: Men who have spent many V :years'~7~{p the serviceeof the party are ignored ,-" their claims have been set aside andtheir in-- fluence ha: been ignored, in order that a corrupt and hnmilistingbargsin entered into between Mr. Mowat and the editor , of the Record, in the interests of his brother, should be carried out. . A. more outrageous appointment has never been made by the Ontario `Government. It is an insult to the. people of Carleton; a direct slap in the faceto not a_ few of Mr. Mowat e warmest supporters in Ottawa, and a practical outgrowth of the rascally tactics to which the Provincial Premier found it necessary to resort in order to carry the province at" the last general election. a SCIENTIFIC BUTTER IAKING. In another column we give a portion of the annual report of the Ontario Agricul- tural College Creamery, and the speech of Profess_or"Robertson, to which we direct the special attention of farmers. It is clear that the Ontario farmer will have to turn his attention to something besides grain raising to make his farminv prot- able, Among other things there is money in a better class of stock and the produc-` tion of good butter. Butter is a luxury which would be largely and universally used if made as it ought to be, and it is an unquestionable fact that the increased consumption and better price could not fail to be pro_table._ 'l`lie"kind `of stock for buttermalxing -is 7811.` important con- sideration. While it takes 25 pounds ` of milk from the ordinary cow to make one pound of butter, the Jersey gives much more satisfactory lts. Ito-isf prett ......)'... lI$`. ............1`...1`.s L`-.. LL- t__;z-i_ , , , zvtbjh UOOVOVC `wt digmtion exist: in consequence bf the I_L-_L _'_.__:_4_,-- '1- .. _- ----- -- ---wv wwvvv upvg-uppwuv Mr. Mowat-and his colleagues to` keep the fact Ieeret until after the Dominion elections. Mr. .o.,.'. `appointment _-ia the dlrect result of a. oorrut bargain `entered into between 0o'ey e brother, the editor of the Catholic Record, and Mr. Mowat.` The Reoox-d a inuence was to be exerted in` the interest: of Brongon and in oppoeition"t0t,Mr. .,Bukerville, and the price to bespaid for the reverend editor : wae the Carleton Regina trarahip for the brother. Iv wow uvu wugraanvu UV gvasu vunv HI Revform circle: the grosto1nt" jpo|_p'iI)`_1e in .1:-`___L:__ -_g_;_'s_ - `I'll canunoxuttexs-rnalamv. Mr. Mowat announced in the` Home a` `few days ago that M15: Ooby had: been appointed to the Carleton Regiatrarehip, whioh_the`0ntario Premier has kept so long dangling befoi-e the eyes of hia hungry. anpporteraa The appointment has created a great deal of excitement in the Ottawaregion. The Ottawa Citizen oom- menting upon it aayp; The Citizen, o the most reliable authority, atated t t Mr. Coffey had the anpointment `in hia pocket, but that itvhad been demded by II . 'II.__; __.a I_2_ _ ,aa no:;ui;.":a&ia; if{e*iIa'fJu;ui'z;k_:-:i.KI juhip `of some of our metropolitan and other city paperl, the -tendency of the- Cuiedian prose is _townrds a. more inde- pendent tone. " "1:.'i)_ ;:lgn"-Li;(V3_e.V1't_l;y,mi1:'ene of his speeches at the Town Hall during the late campaign` ' , said he ':w6nld' be glad to see the press` mere independent. We were glad to hear this fr_Qm:e men "I0 eminent my public life; an? ghvee. m;njm e:gee1o::nn Sixneoe, and itril ?~fe~~kiii1v;~thet _. _L_!AL -1 _-_ I""'-' _'_ "' I .__.v---7-up v-pww --v --w- ------ `vorhsntly onugtod groper xeopot AL. ___I_ _-n 12,, :4`!!! an n- is "V ' have Been suomenr -ii;i':s and self-suicienoy in Mr. Blsok?s'sd;dre_ss. as v the" the British` Prime Ministterfihugi it` gives the secret of the power and inuence - of the Morning Chronicle, -and that via the sort of independenee which would * make -the Canadian press an irresistible -power; in the land to repress wrong, to uphold` right and secure good government. To defend every act of a minister for the sake of party merely, in worse folly, and to condemn every act of "a govern- ment for the same reason is fatal political hlunderinglittle short of crime. I\IAIs `CH3 A Ann `gag. :i.;;.::' `r we 2s`*`.%. .1 .`2I have name? #9 ink. .11! 10443`. ieplii Bluok. "-I lggvp noiovor; tough guy; one in the world. You are Prime Minister of England _but_I fodiiqr otfixhe Morning" ' iiii; i?;ia with the pioudest min in Ehgliiid-4hot even. my lord. with I 0.0- ` % .~ .I A- L___ _. ___--_ ,-,,!j, _, I -cu-w--r two We no ho?-;urpmed" W t0 533: I-j-_.._ -2__ -1 - _, A _ ;in'uV lovaof mon_oy_ The Dominion` Pa-rliament w I { on thglvsth df.April. ` h i` ""`d % .Geo.l`V. name , F1-`ed. `?3e;cmt,j .1.` J. Gul;u`n,TJame'u outer, `0hti`|tophgx'- Arm- viii:-_>ngu_I_1(,!Frer`l.YyIo. . ` | Poxbxurnna. 5."- ` T I any as Looming in;ve.Ihuo A ' mohair _ Inantlu lea what-h they will no qt oou , rather than carry over until - next winter, money lnvened`_ln,_thoIn will PI7VoIIbylnterea_t.- _ " . _Mi'. Jonou, Liberayl-CT<)nIav1" vVAtive," has booneleotodinvlpe. - - ' ullib vi-`awn J-vl-|l"" ,` rt _ ` ._W`. DOW!-_v 3" odd 6113 3r.--.,....- om 5- W *Din' V. ,&lI do:-. J-in}! lllulilj km.-2~2.d1v; j V Dr. Montugue, the man who ha radeemed Huldilnand and is the nt Conservative rep:-eaentutive of the county in fty years, was feted at Hageraville a. few nights ago. uvvuu. u. nuuuunung uuvu uunuu, A161. Arnold and J. McNa.wl. 80 aideline-Nottowasaga River to Utopia,-Thou. Muir, thenoe east, B. Draper. Mad River Division-J. Mercer, Sunnidale n Rond--W. Waldru` and H. Smith. -Cookstown, Garribaldi atreet-H. Jones. John stregt-J. Spindloe. Wellin - ton street--W. Miners. ~ Angus-A. W. Stewart. Thornton villa'go-'-Edward`Bnrna:. ` Ivyvillnge-;J. Banting. North townline-` Locknrd Ross and. John Fergnson. Smith - - James Nolan. W. Cunningham, Wl1'l.,_..MO- `Chin. John Dn'-'a}nd "W. Pa.teron. West ; no-n.'wai3y:Ba:-on-woer;...4.. . cannery pnaf ` u `. I;;-d_e1`1"IAn`3I:IT>i1.1:uli. Xm3."'i'6" .a.`i.`1`{}.'. I Thou. `Allan; Wm. Downey, Angug Mo. Iyongld, A. Robinson and John McLean. 15 exdolme-J. Oonluon, W. Adams, Thou. Ann-, R Thnmn-nn and D n-k.u nn B3563` .n'a'R.'" M"bor?.""5 'E5S1"'u: elA1$I Scott. .Reddiok.Lev1 Smith, Alex. Arnold III!` .1, W111 .Rn :AA"nn_`M n6&--.-.._..- vv. vvnruuu, uuuu .1. rxuwuur. an, U. d Banting and Jesse Handy, 11-Thou. E. Arnold, Hugh Grant, John S ta, Allan ` Watt, Patrioknllliot and G; G' pm. 5 side- l1ne-T.~ `Alden-non. J. McMann, Andrew RI-nnn nn .Tn'hn D vAhnn`n-3 In ..!.I:.. . suuvguu: -v o ~ vuulauu Aulllll, 1 1105. A or, R. Thompson anH' D. Corbett. 20 oai eline--W. Bell. V Alex. Arnold, J. H. o Bantin and R." Moore. 25 aideline--Alex. Qnnl-J: E '.nn| Quu'6-R A1;.- A-__I.1 uvnuuv uuwnu uuu. Lvuucrv uuuul. ~O-1BB&0 I Fishen-,oRnbt. J. McKinley, John Wiggins, h Hen Davis. Robert. Keown and D. Hinds. 9- . Dinwoody, Wm. M. Knight, John Thompson, John E. Lennox, nch Spears Joe Arnold. l0-Alf. Oolamnn, W. Spears, W. Corbett, John T. `Fletcher. a'r., O. J. RAntnn III!` Janna lion.-In` II__,'l`I.'.... U OVIBSIEBS OF HIGHWAYS. Oicere for the current year 1887. 2 line -Perry Moore, John Ruthoan and John Gnule`;d8-Arthur Dixon, Alex. Donnelly, R. Mo den and~ Jame: McKinnon. 4- W. P; Davidson, John Flynn, Robert - Mo- Fedden, Jon. Hangh, Robt; Jennett and J. Ooulson. 64--F. Aitcheson, Robert Huseey, W. Tegnrt , June: A. Miller. Robt. Moore and '1`. J. .:* .6--Jamea Mayberry, John G1-them, W." `Wilson, 0. Cunningham, R. ; Renniok = Send John Jennett. \ 7-Harry E:-yin, Alex. Spoon . R. Ellis, George Davis, Georue Little and Robert Smith. ; Wuhan Dink` T AV:nn`:.d- T-L.4 IIT_.._:___ Opposite N. B.A JR. Station, Barrie. "P. P. BWANI - Two cases LIGO % G_l'II'- faint; The most beautiful `Goods evr shown in Barrie. Every ladyahould see them, just to. keep herself V posted in the latest production of Lace art.. We import these Goods dirct from Manufacturrs, so that we can sell a handsome curtain at about half the usual a price. D1-i~~3"`{f'13 '3`: Five Bal. s New Oafpots,` wongigrful ifalue and eleghnt .pazm :ns; A The Northviui in solid toxksir John Mob; One `case 0ont|oma_n %s_ F|II' II|8`|I|~ll8`, Beautiful Gdods, making `our assortment Of 81.i1_'_ing% nk unwear really verfne. ~ -`--__---..v,.... V. -rnxcg v'1:wn`n3. Iennox, Thou. lloDuu|' ;.W; 'DnImnv_' Rm...-e III...-.'.a`..-~_` .......` This % wk w ,opened two was 7Oont|om |n s % Felt I-Into . VGFY stylish. Goods. in fact the very latest _shapes from English` and Americgn markets [r.n BwAN! Iupontan, ac. `)iun1cliI:u_ty 0! Int. `6T.'k. % iPouuoa18DarI. ` Piixbxiurzaa. 1: ' sores, beautifully attuned; oommiadltiii and well a.rru_nged_ bni1dinR8.:two;v;erv.good ._houses, excellent vfawr. two orchards, 3 v .53n%`r?R'1::w$2`?`s':% 01'? P.0..` Ont. nouuuury 01 nurrew `unmet ; mence south isixty-`niue degrees _and en: ,t minutes West as- trouomlcally and tollowi ` 3,` I111 Northerlg ~ honndnrv-of.Bm-ram: Rh-nut mm nnnn ... I LUFUIIIIII. Jl.lIy 1|)! 1050 *rnb.t`uhi[,J3's4;Ig3_ shun` `coine into tome" th 1 theidsto of.-thopuuinc % "3`3;e= nouoe'tnat the abmu a col`): 8.; on ' - . N '.l k of the Gb 1 '1'im1::':rth` mtZndod> to u. . ; 3`.%`*%`sy:na..:a um _ bgo'n d uumg. ed"roviaio::'nf'the _ W" ` '"?`.m, b.uh'uw'nimi` Receive continuous quotations over our own` private wire from New York. Chicago, 011 Uitv Montreal and Toronto. Also daily cables; on anadian Pactc,.North West Land and Hudson Bay. Canadnan Smoke *bought and sold in Momroalond Tomato Markets. ll-ly -. m The power and inuence ct-,.the press will be in the `exact ratio `of its -inde- pendence. By - independence we do not? mean the ignoring of party, because that in an euential element in re'eponeib1e'gov- ernment. X The independece we mean is . the honest advocacy of that pohcyland those meaeurea believed to be beat calcula- ted to promote the public good, and the equally honest condemnation onfgiwrong doing by public men whether in orout of ` oice. Onone occaaion Lord Melbourne} to Mr. Black,'-editor ole-the` =`Morning`_ . Chronicle, Yo1i"are 3.-.! nun..- nI!'l\u......a-- as .lnA n__. ax B0..mxa&s.` --C .- tit." " Head omce.--n6Tnronto st. .'.1`0uR0N'r:0.v Ont % BARBIE OFEICEJ--Dunl9P Sn, next Telegraph T ~lI.;ll.l!IO_I-11; . . A mmmnn. % lam: cl vI>w_~n `i"r 6B'bi?:'1B31Ty'f<'1' "'f3n$$i'S" ""{1"""i~I`"1-t1T' '1" ,honndary- or,Bur1-ett Btreutgone` undated`; fty feet more or um nlnnn nf hna-innino 32.. t *`" r"n:".7` 1 ':'*' W ee mqreor ass. 1. .b 1 . ~ :7 "~ - H.D.EIfII.e-0 Vesmnm ` "'roi-ou"to. J'un'7 131888} - v Pro. Luna su_1jveyor_. - ARM F012 `sun In .H'AN`1`Y[BAY.,-'1 beautimlly situated,` oommomogg int` Ilvnll nnnnnmnd I-unalhll-can in-A ....__ __-_: - rro; Lanna surveyor. Toronto. July 13. 1886. Descrigtion of part of Burrett street in Swsles ub-division of Lot 2. Con. XXVIL. Township of North Himsworth and District of Kerry Bound. about to be closed as spublic lshway. Uommencing at `the intersection of the Northerly boundary of Burrett Street with the Easterly boundary of Main Street in Swales Subdivision of Lot two in the twenty-seventh` Concession = 0! the Township of North Hims- worth `and District of Parry Sound ; thence South thirty-ve degrees sndthirty-two minutes East sstronomicslly seventy feet more or less to the North -W,eIter1y.sngle ot;-Lot one on the southerly side of Burrett Street; thence North `sixty-nine` degrees and eight minutes East astronomicnlly and follo g the Southerlg `boundary of" Burrett Street one hundre and thirty-twofeet more or less to the Easterly boundary of said Lot one; thence North twenty digress and xmtv-two minutes West nstronom I 63 xty-six feet more less `ltnnnvdsu-v nfknn-at}. =n-on'o--- fluunna Q.-mo! '- ':Toi-ob1it6.'Ji`_xl37`13;_[ 1sss".5 Sound. about to he closed as a public highway. I Commen oing at the (intersection of by the northerly boundary of Isabella`-Street with the Easterly bounjdar-y'of Main Street -in Swales Subdivision of. Lot number two in the twenty-_ seventh concession of the Township of North Hhnsworth and District of Parry Sound :thence South twenty d'e tees and ty-two minutes East astronomical y and following the easterly limit of `Main Street sixty-six feet more or less to the Southerly boundary of Isabella Street; thence. north sixty-nine degrees and eiglllxt minutes East astrenomically and following t e said southerly boundarypf Isabella Street one hundred and thirty-two feet more or less to the Fasterly boundary of Lot number one; thence north twenty d ees and fty-two minutes West astronomica ly sixty-six feet more or less to the Northerly boundary of Isabella Street: thence south sixty-nine degrees and eight minutes West astronomically and following the Northerly boundarv of Isabella Street one hundred and thirty-two feet more less to the nlace at henrinnimr. r nuuureu 8130 Iinlrl ! place at beginning ,'l.lhe Secretary of State for the colonies will preside at the sittings, which will `take place at the Colonial oice, and last about four weeks. This. program is denite and clear and elirninates -those elements of dilculty which parliamentary representation and nance would involve.` It is useless for the colonies longer to _..-L..-..- LL- -..--L1__. ~..n 3-3, 4- -1- ea:x:::"z:`::'sw.;.*;;%:::;?a:';;: r.:::::::::::.. ?` to the Southerli. fnifery of "cathrliid Stbt; thence North: sixty-line degrees". and 36.1811? ml tea East eotronpmlculy and tollowingrtolge ' of ch as`! " southerly boundary Catherine` 8 one hundred and thirty-two feet more or. less to .th ,Eaate too I .t be ; `thgnce noii tv?e13?yud`"Iea .`;`a`3 n: :y?c`%`3o `minutes westutronorn! sixty-nlxteet more - .o ,t:Ca :1 .s'z-l3't"; the??? soirtnf ux`t'.n`1 `1egre?$a3 eight mlniitee west aetrono olly and follow-' ingthe northedy boundary` of Oeth,erine- Street one hund and thirty-two_ feet more on less to the place of nin. H..ELLIS.`~ pin. Tmn Qnvnvgn _A rro. Land surveyor. Toronto, Dated July 13, 1886. " 4 Description of bar?.i-s';b-glla. Ftreot`in Sw es Subdivision 0! Lot 2. Con. XXVIL, Towns D of North Bimsworth and , District" of Parry Sound. a._boubAto be closed ap_ul_)lio highway. Commencing (intersection of the imnworth and st mxu way. ' Commencing at itiheiinteraectioin or the Norther-iy limit of Catherine Street with the V Eaiterly boundary of Main Street ~`ih-'8walee Subdivision of Lot. number two in 'the;twen,t5; seventh Conoess n lent} the Township of or S astronomicllli Nldo wing l;e Easterly? _ _ ` rot Parrysomid: `once ; `south I twenty decrees:-`and nftyqtwnsminutes 1 t 0! Mei! .S.t99t. sis; `yr .xj..f*- ._n29re;qr lea I L. 41. 1-1,, s 51 b-di 11 r - '_r:w::hipot N` ::'1?nm`xnPna agfinbgx-{xZtn6f_ Parry Sound, about to be closed as 5 public . highway. + ~ - "nIlllI`IlIldlIU cf. `flkn lnAIunAnH:{n AI I-In: ` 1.188011 uon OI DUN: Of Cthine Stregt in us. um IIUUVG nameu F` the p s of rig` mgtnm '.::$.:;3:; of cloaingyosltions of the fol- tointhe e of Ovlender. and Bun-ett nnnvnvino `In tho \Ynv-Hm-n the Market, Saw same guage. A A ack. FULLY WARRAN TED. Theoruy taper Machi`(i:6d Cross Cut Saw in [er Cooper s Runner. Silver Steel. Thin 13 Guage Face. Pocock & co., Hamilton, om. '. `aw . a' :`- - M ' . I ` - 7 . . , .' . . . - .'.` . . . ,, mg .e.g.':E' -15;! at .'s,:z.= -.g 3 .,,....;,, m,;,:`-; `U .. -, , ~. J 5 ` ,, _ L i_ ,_ Tv='0F"*DRV ;OO0BI=~=.AllD-~l;.O`l%'|-lllld` K1` TI-IE ~. ,__ ,`._*, ix`-`"91 E;-x...I, I...,>.. A-1"" * . - F00 D S H OUSE! ,.~, ,a ={.<.i`~; -'~.: Ndtroublem Vshowngcsods.` '. isiequre spmg.._o{ the} .GR,EA_'I` BARGALVS, now being. l:~ conomanlcompmnnncn. Sir Alexander Campbell will represent the ;Dominion in the conference to ' be held in London in April with reference to the relations of the colonies and the parent state. Sir Henry Holland in re- ply to questions asked by Mr. C. V. Morgan, a few days ago in the House of Commons, said all the ' colonies under responsible government 1'. e. Canada, the Australasian Colonies, the Cape and New-' foundland and also the colony of Natal would be represented. The Crown Colonies would not be specially represent- ed. About twenty-ve colonies out of the whole colonial empire would have represen- tatives there. Im_perial Federation in a political sense will not be discussed. The subiects proposed for consideration are: (1) Defence, (2) Postal and telegraphic communication, (3) Any other important question which in the general opinion of the Colonial govermmnts may properly and usdfully be brought under considera- tion.