Q _` scientic Notes. .-..-;'.f'.`.7O ' we : s1*`i``9.%2'g.;;;?ee*:3maea.*,:he hot `bnd.foo1d';ItI1P')i.*3|"*1"` A""k ` f `inn `~..aL:|<.s.`~"~`..-.. Wu-ds"?`ldRo1`."';in 4.110 (11 0:33 Dgga nuu u _ V ie fnlvof A , i_h`s cradl' es :%"eotl1e_1:`i`"s"ox-`5Q'3'I`el;:.I`i;,:_;'a`:c`k. WE. ._W V _. nfahbhinq ;a...a..n V-` "A an $33 t_gw apphcgtiong of `n; on-d.'a .,. 5? ..`3!!`T1hi1mn*-. ,;-.!1;"?i!!*'- up-Lia IIIL- .I`)al-_..-o n.:..... :n..Jifn . in -nmnmn'n. 5) . .. .ou'?f .-3',` ndogip"-_og1mtl1ru`.`hu 1boq':n.-l-'r1:o(e.x': tly+a:1.ro- 'auoea,`,intq_Eqip;p; ' I_8_`6iIia df_II1xiTng fohl6r'-ide 'o_f . ' .1511 ' t.l`.I9'-`;'.V`i'>.`;`3 L>5, ,'i.i.IL -(350; com-no of'I ngnnf|c tu;-o. _i Ihhhsbboeq found thmho greaeef the 5;; otoncegxtrs- 1 u-.. ..c H... -hm nnhitinn; the xzreslter ' will 5 I110 gl'BII'oUl' VIII: uIyr,wv_. ..--_,- tion of the zinc solution; othovfgires "tar " w'i"11* be the toughhessoi t%h_e paper. _ It. . can be used for making boxes, v combs, for roong, snd ever; `V Lettei-s or envelobes which? it is `desired to protect against unauthorized opeuing `(by tnoist.enihg,the'pasted ortion), may be securely sealed-byusingss solution of r `I.`..:.s\.. ..c .....-...m- in" ismmonil. nu `unto; D0 W` UYWIIIIIB .3 Iusuunvns V. '<'_>'xid"e. of cdpper in fiammoniae as `paste. This liquidhss the faculty of dissolving cellulose. When applied to the paper It dissolves the cellulose on the surface, and, 1 #2.... .1... 5....` nus-tinllw (linnnlvnd nut. dissolve: cellulose surface, and, on drying, the two partially dissolved eur- facee adhere indiesolublyv together. ` ' ~ ~ L__ LL .` TI...`-..tn'n l&DUB GUI-lUl'V Illbvwvc-`--- V --- . , Some years ago, soonhfter the Krakatoa eruption. a blue" sun" was observed in different of the world, notably in India an the Soudan, where the ill-fated Hicks Pasha our the phenomenon before the disaster which befellhis army, and in a letter home askedthe question, What doesthis portend '1" An appearance of a simil_ar_kind was more recently seen in the Lyonnese mountains, where on J annary 10 of last year, after a fall of snow [crystals rather than akes of snow, and about 2 _ ... .-ur....:.. 'I'..nh1rvin1In`II.nd name` fnendg `rather than naxea or snow, uuu .w.... - `_p.m.`Marie Lacharriere and some` friends L saw the sun like a yellowish` gi-`een disc in = a grey sky . The` luminary was also aur- roanded by a greenish aureole. This appearance was seen by them for three hours, um.i1=the sunvhid himself behind LL`; -nnnnfninl, IIUNII. IV, uuvnq vnnv \ the mountains. XIII IIIU lllvuag Iv""."'IV ."'- - "' -' was-urerwn % 7.;-uq"" H'6Vl.li"1 ahW0.`I`0k. of it. The. xnvotlll :{tyggut$i8 n.o9nh7.t- .'i9h %' ?-`i`7"'*. !1:B :ini'tmment I .pi...of rag tied to -thoend of I luck: I .. A___...a.... mg. nInn&.~inntinAtinn fdr % A. -4 `I, 6::-51-A" :ui-; E` .*:.."x _<'="` "H ."'J"3'.'1 3.1. 1 E` A d6e`i1|`ot):neg.n,'bnt)JIhen - tbs zwnhnt 1' Uvululluuu. nu tary journal. _ oxiam w'm1-mo. _ If theie is -one accomplishment` 'nio'ra valuable than '_|nothe_r it_is that of writing 3 legible h|`nVd.? It has ohgrged th|t.th'pI1pilI'at bur` public ire 7'v6'r!` .im1i\f'f`eQt1!"tt|ihf t1I`iI|iri?>i!,%`T'=.~1I`i.'-.l.>l.` 6! the` lad ; Qquipmgnt -for, ; his -1i9`u L. AI.Q;L blag`-n g`. h...` -l`'` P...`x'v.'.' ~-`"1-.""-"'.'-':"" "'r., ' ; .3: fwdrks i`YV9.%*!|,T!nA'=% Eh?" h-L bun -om Lfiiiiditjifli `ohifixi To 3 V `Writer | macaw peaa1a;gn.m:, :._ onopf %en.% inn: ll. -,,__--L _-Knuth nunnun nffnn I `Piece 0: I-In '-W " "" "' :;iue=:?iE=-iiqiaif W -ii`6rditdd"*i| cheh:bi1:moh . .-Pr` gnmg; more tints: whonjhe, is utterly puggf" le crabbed chirography. which V ii`fi:'a1id upon..t.o decipher. Let the f j;5o"`aBd girlsbo taught to write` `a good glussfak '6`s1I.'h pn*r m .,- , 1....) `coats hv . 18:3" IBIS Ev -u--a-- -_ ,,`,_ , even if they have a iitt1e"leas' fllllioll-_5lA QIIUL .un. hf. V `the nn;o;-bg1t~:1i- :3.-v1v.'|.L5.".'.'.u .{...LM.|.'.-.'. . was amal ., ` L. av. % mm-` `An in -HNIIFIII mg: a an-nu PTVCI :01 jun. AH in-unis`-A ` `.jo (The K Anvnxvrtsm Runs. `the Advcioo has a sworn ` oi Thirteen llnnll-ed and . Twenty copies, `"`'*~ "1::.:.::*.:.:..2:'::.*':.3.:::::.-*'`*2%f {Bi ken $_t!I. v$'? sertfoifr` cams` THIRD 101' 08011 uuuavquuus insertion of the same matter. , * . Legal. Official and Govemment advertise .'!`9`'.'; Wm. `P9 `..d "4" `P`?.'. $99 ` " ` oo`1J'r1'uoi' Ab9nh'r:s1a.%= ` ` ' ` ---!---.._o.. nrILhn tnlrnn *4 th c:` two man E.I.u|.`Irn nnrvnnlll ndllllc` }~' mzasmgffgh 0 or-ctho three xnonthly rate I `.8 tw r 0 : HvI.th`1v9r;o.-mt adxiedms `*.:,:;;';v . = _ 7 'P1-eferrod positions in tile pa. 1- will be" sold at an advance of one thirdqn A` gt-sites. This rule will be strictly can-led Udt. \. ....-._.. . run an Asiatic ` *1 A: Na.ai:=nii;s 3` ` T 5. !-tir',-5 g Q EWCDVI lllovwvvu-o A short time ago the Tera: Legislature 7 expelled by; yofe `_H.`.'8`.` OaneId;` uistghf i editor aiid "reporter for `the San `Antbnib Daily Express, because of his tcaustio; criticism of that body. Caneld gaused the arrest of Speaker Pendletnifor nu-" lawfully preventing him entr-gin` "the, lobby of the House. The House 't en or-` dered the arrest of Caneld and _the`m'ag- istrate, by whose warrant the Speaker was arrested, and ma`gistra"t6,i bonstable and Caneld were placed atfthe bar of the House to answer for contempt. Oaneld refused to apologize and by order of the House he was sent to zaol for 48 hours. The magistrate and constable were dis- _\.-_......I _ auA.dve1-tigers will please near m nuuu um. 1.; 1 v. . . hank `. men ' ote3g'u~1a rum; s.-turd: 9%; 10 9?oI.<:<>_1a.:9.<!'.*32 .'2::3, sit 1: 1o '01 . ...$ .. .(i !I`.'$`i1'A$Iw`r`: ass. i 2 do u in than `oonoonoh esay. anyweek; oth 1-wise the advertisers an ouneem t may " =ru35'm:g. 1 2. not be made public until the week Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising angthiag outside their nwn..relrn]Br b ess._ ho_ 51 they, dg sq; ; ;_ ` Anna-menu _ "*`,:*`**a grmegu "=*<::%-*`sI.2:3'*;.P= .9110 ., .: 9.9 0., ,5. 8. 9: _0ll Froef ` t - `or to` t.` ichrtic ll!fn_, gut be accompgni wigh th_e ca V |i`"`Sv`?M 1- .. nnvnfnnn mrm-nnmnn often heard W " cu. g r Advertisers will please bear in mind that "1164 s 4-... alL..-I-tduhnnu Amemhanke `.Od.Y0tQlnI_3nta_A ' Irm,'vl"-33 `VVll\_J-_ uwnv q\9n.._g-~.,-,.--4. `,7, sonal us_e_, the curative powers of Ayer s` 2`fchary:1ieo+a1; 7-41? c`anuas.ssyttio`u'ga - --__z.. .: A......9n (`W-.m-"my `Panf.nral__he.., ` ` !.'l-:.h2."5u;'~,,A`A; E `Q i 2; a_` common egcpression; bison hoax-yd :1 fronitthose -who: have !.e81jzecI,";by,` per? , A`..- ---....4.:..n umnvlrnrc nf AVQIJQ Ul.|I'l'-y'.l'cuuuu.n. ' - ; V-....v-v...._, -_-_U, in praise of Ayer s Cherry Pecto1"a,l_,:bc- lieving as I, do that, but for its us`e.7 I should long since have died from `lung troubles. -E.- Bragydon, Palestine, Tex. N. us:-.-zmzaarnmaxafsa _mim Lg .I._&IU llltla ohufged. troubles. - 15.; pt , a,-,_- _:r=:=. aria ;.~.x_: w 3 , . . * t -= t ' by is. treasin Cong 31m 1 e riv . me of sleep an rest. i had use vari- ous cough` balsaxns `and 'exp::ctoranat3. ~--'A`----A .. an:-dun v-A inf A, 1-iend - aggxon, ruxcpuuc, ;\: Inc U1 Bicep 1 cough withougobt: -....A On ` 1 did';o',Va.nd am 11 :zhe]p_ed me Lat once. this medicine cured am satised, saved` In Coburn, 18 Second st. I have for over a year, should have been in not been for this med me of a den erous aft for which I ad almost nding a remedy.-D. . Windsor, - IVL -___ 13-46 used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and s icine. apy to 3 9y that it 'g ednse ; Y 0`? 51 my coytiipg, and, I 2 life.--. 3. E. well,'15IEgs.' ' i incerely believe I _ my grave, had it `' It has cured ection of the lungs, ` despaired of ever ` X. Mcliiuilen, 1 Province of Ontario. ......I mnyn mv `life- W musor, rruvnuuu vs v........ ..,. Aye:-'s Cherr Pectoral saved my life. Two ears 0 took a. very severe Cold whic s`iattI ' n`my'~`!'ui1gs';- `:`Iconsulted A man: the remedxes they _.L--..:;..-scan gn `IWO CHIS U A Iruvn u vsud ` '`e ttI bn`1i1`!:1`!`1gs": p ysicianaraxgl. no ,e 1'! _prescribii',"I`)ut"'f.1 TeiI `t'o" ` ,_-n 1- .1........... nainnr Ava:- n _`.I. l3dUllBulhI.Ic\A ,_ xeme ies t ey prescrib e`6`,"I3ut" !.1`Ied `to o`btain relief until ..I zhegan , using.TAyer. s. Cherry Pec- .,.....1 "I"\xvn bottles of [this medicine imtil ..I -.`hega.n,usmg.TAye:-rs. ulmuy . cv- ,t,oral. _'1`wo bottles this medicine ~ t-1en,'1W'ost 3Lancaster~,-Ohio; '1 s ` .~ .. `P ,,__.;'._.j ,.`..A..L___q`>__.`_:,. e;m1m1 '1eh6o`red 'my"f1'e9.l1:1t.--Lizzia _ .mn:Iu,u mo3'n "$n's'Vva.In:eeIfe'8`iId`1 rm: non:-Inn fnnln nn I `V uuwu -H, .-,- -..-__,, ,- I b:|:)ur. ,J; O.`,A;r 8zOo$;.Lov`vEil'..Mu. so; by all ' mu; run 01;. -Ix.boIl|eI.8$ A Important Decision. At the Whitby assizes -last week -the ` following case was tried. Mr. Black, a banker of Uxbridge discounted a note of 8500 made by `one Bradshaw, since deceased and the defendant in the suit named Besse. On Bradshaw taking the note to the plaintiffs teller the date was found to be a Sunday on which the date was then and there changed to . the previous day without the consent of Besfse `The fact being clearly proved, Judge Rose. held that the note having been i1le_gall y -.-altered without Besse`s consent, -he was released, and ordered a non-suit. ' -.---- The C. P. 3. Blocked with Snow. The blockade on the Canadian Pacic Railway in the Rocky Mountains in com- plete, and there will be no through trains for a fortnight. The snow has blocked the roads and Mud Tunnell has caged A -~-----.-.-.. ...I-.1. monk want "f.vr(\ (`gvi M.` Al-len,fYVest `Lancasten unto. 2 V A Ryri's"chern?ilFeitoiI,VL .1. : ___'.__`.I'\...1'\..: ,1 -`I1 AI:-{Ar kn;;.';o'WjbilV.MI8` I a,.*`ouu.vanwa|.|.-s Hm mrrrm(1; a swim; mtouj` .. _ ._._____ 9. -:-u-.:\--1: I"It\lII1n`I - -- 7 IE.fdHbPABIo%@E ;$9mc.DDimmo 83 1 9 > Ion. 3 31`; Bi11iwsnesrJaundice, Liver Coympglgjnt. A >Rheuma.tism, sl1Kidney_ Disenaes. Scrotum`. Diseases peculiar to Females; Salt Rheum. .11.`: name.` and all Skin Liseaaoa. H_ea.da.choA Palpitation of the Heart. Sour Stomach an Heart Burn." Pm-I-lyV, etablo; = . . Jomt O.Wnn 00.. '.l`omonto0n ' _-----u { n mero wood-outs. sent for '10 cent ixitgtlampe. Ad:1ress.~Wom.n's- Drspnnsnnv Mnmou. AssooIAno1g!nln St`:-e_et. Buffalo. N. Y. anon Hi: In` ems, `Bious Headache. and Constipation. Ymmptly cured by v - Dr. Pieroe sPelets..25c.ay1al. L by druzzisfa. . L A , _ _. I 0 : . %.%a::.'%:ss:;W:%:e%s. -N .on.D1seqsea om pro-~ H :n r r`-- with colored pin nu--. ` -0I`l.";)`S;I"l`E BARRIE HOTEL, L _ nU._N`1ao1-'s'r1'zn:1njr. M 'Ta"'mnaf "" '.'.":_; qg.?;.;,u no_..l_- P3lV ""'{~?U -'1- 3 3- 3 "" Ayer s Cherry Pet-:"tcv)'t'-al. 2.: .. ant` gm hnrmv to saw the elliimyyraun um-ice fox-all: ?'=a Cl! ""'{~?i1"... air ;r Pectoral. g and hapgy say i , nef.-at _ . licine coug , and .ed, savedm ` 9 st., well,- ass. 3 _ 5 sincerely nave my ' . medicine. ian erous affection h ' A. McMu'rlen,z r, 1 |Cherr yrs Ettl bn*m;1't&!g: `:I(:ionsul1tled naruyl. o:a`,"6ut'!9.1ea bbtain hega.n,using.iAyer. "I"--.. `|-.no+`Inn nf thin medicine UIIU DJIIIIARII D Unawa- .- . es -"""" C. E. 3 Ems Msdheter. a. prettv b 03110 of` A- I. - .3-.. . -1: n-..:- (1...- ;n.- fleidetineitheroex. 1-nv gmunder` pr. wrawex :19 ` .333. _ 1-- . * . .` 4` 3 9 . 0% e - hlse-' . , Inner tions. Lions. ..__.__..__-....:___. .._._.__.:.__.`__j. T? I9n9t!%*!%*:"E , ,, LI.I__ __L-v 1:." "` r1in4down. ? debigouugf mllllninh `tannin . ' PR1 F0 5 taken at the ml `min * 0} ubsequent ' wruum, gnd ad- `the sale or purchase of ihtocante '`of 611 kinds, and has abolished [the state tobacco monopoly. The Moorish and snuff shops __hu.e been shut. up. , . Large ugnpiteg, pf, ; leaf tobacco have beenpubli _y*`bhme"d by AL - Q! b--"- anoint- III 0? 7' ... Sj'3l'50;B`Y` . '.i I A`. -34 .-C4-uni`? fth'e_if rx'|a nui`atu_rers prices. jswony & Just received direct from Belgium` tw G1`_,$S. 1fi`C1.d.i` *Plain Window -Glass, F G`la'$8 _Pl`ate Gfiss. `Prices very low. Vhxilishes,` full stockat bottom prices. ` full line at bottom prices. Harvest Tools, 'the~market~at rock bottomepriceg. % On ' SI". }lRR1lG.E;"H3Ki=PeS;'B14KlI'13' "ND ` ILL 5"?` W "' P'L1 Es." A%7S1?ICI.A1fTY- % ` the roads and "mun Luuucu uuu ....,_.... w in Passengers who went went two day). ago have returned and gone south to reach -- the coat by the American lines. lleouon in the N. W. Territories. . `The latest returns from` Alberta give- Davis 156 majority, with six places _,to. hear from. Parley has 625 majority` `in "Eastern Auinibois, withroevan. plqoap ._to_ hear from. _MoDowsll has 93`ni 9.jofrity in`-~ Q,_I_-L_L.__.-... ...:oI. 6.-`hi '"i\1'nnn| hngg, 4 1-. u---- ` a. ;A -muzez .;~;~'Ai"`.1'21:-1"1 `e 1 ' T - b ` , .___-_._--gg iiny Gdods, *Hdos Vnum-%s1n;:r;opp; mm: `mu. GLAZING I vnvn-ning. villa, and vzerolhq city. althougtilggqi I either -- ' "7'! Avoall solicited for all kinds of imuas, PATENTA MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, spms, COMBS, AND BRUSHES. V ."'l`OILETfA11TICLESg-A FULL LINE. 2:: 1ints6n'n3n61s*ounULLY `oouromwnnn. % um noonto am or commas. " man 1-um on Tim MYRTLE NAVY *N9NEfW5TiER WNUINE- %` %cnonmun. ponsstlc Auitconmoann oIL,wA1In% Knnggjan. \*L%FA5?KSl?ii ?!I?!fJM3!xiY. DEs1GN, D1AGRAms AND SELEC-H % V 'I;oNsM,u>m. "I,`Il Illluuuuuo v-- ----_ _, *` 50957 ?-`#GMVROBYa'IupeW!e ` ' A Ollooz-Qunini no*rr:n."mi:'mn.` 15.-ti `V l`IioILaIo% ihili ofgll %|-'[a,If'd%wVIVr%o,: _ A Dbot-'Wst;g;of:v;the:Queen s Hotel, Barrie. DOC! IPOIII. _Lu.\nlvvv.aI uwu vv .-.- iiukatchewan, with four . gas, Ldli `{ sicheIs ; ~Pltur Frames. Purses, Amusing; ;BlbIgs,`&c., I'JL"JL` -I-in `;UJU1\'l 5-ni is` " MARKED RY; fwq\iI AN`UFAC'TuvnERs. ` ; ~CUT'I`ERS `AND ASIJEIGHS or EVERY nnacnximou. `There :er .-ftwo. . I tremqru here :5b6l_ 49. ~---_.. VIII"... unun A *'r'H um: clnnrwnuon. `fwo: .nsikmeut 1 ml... (3 -..-__ ._ They d83ir:0{(5Hd1.`tV;l'.: ytntibn to Which they are now menufecturing. ' having purchased the right. for the same, and they condently assert V that if in "THE `BEST general purpose wagon in (the_ma_rket;. _ , _ I |.V,VUx _`I\fIlDJ_8I II uona-.`-- -_ TG |ass,~` `Figured, Glass, ,._,Col- very `low; `Paints. Pain tr Oils, 1 Bmlders Hardware, est Tools*,'the `best goods `in $.B.Q.G-|,E..- 'coNvnmIcEn,comss1oNEn IN_H;C.J. _ , __ r___'...-.4 I`huInI\LnIAI % cm: or mnox, ENGLAND, uiuus.6o.onu1pdanoa with tho` Govern- . ;nont st;Q$mo $uvo .A .V.., __ ,. - -_ ----Q-bx .6911`: an Elli,`-IVV IJIIVAI--an . '1'1'i1n'u'I:1zc1'L`2'~I"1"17I.1: msumcn co " osp1m;soo,oiao; aovaggmens amm mu. ' V uiov} nut ' ooiihxris. THE WATBRL00. MUTUAL EIRE INSUR- Anon 00. C&p1tol..A8500.000. _. . _-..._. .-;\up'\ I `VII `mg: tau vvu -..-,_...,, THE NORTHERN Asst'mAi'cx'coM1iANY or ABE}lD_[EN AANDLONDON. Caital, s3,ooo,ooo Sterling. o1r1vIau-om 111?fvDzm.soN's Hard- ware Store. ~ UV _I'LIn5lJIvJ.-0-`I ""*""" " " Agent not an tolloinnc Inlursqoo _ ,____-- -u`vId'l |\`I"l\ l'UIlUII@_I-JJ.y-I- wqv-`--v-v-z3_, hlitl Br : E21-casing, gdoorgls, the m'yof o W _ ,1-riI,uoo_` oo 5, of himself, wilt? Sand wing? poisoned by 5 4 V00 do dctor. 'who'ie power: they, donbtpd. One ehilgl is dead the 0&6" -=6 9n5.i;aI3*< xpected tolivb. _,,.,.. .___..-~ - 1 a r- snwnn &13"biI"13"i"13:"i1AnNnss { . I . For Heavy Draught or Light (`-an-Inge use, in my Mgqunting required, `DY nguuuuug Kcqun cu, ALWAYS IN STOCK qnmnns 10 onuan; Chesex- than a.nv Hous9 in or north of To J`. Mio 0 R E. IF HE E MM ' S |'rovs%ANO%Pvnnsmws. PHQIQm,3ZIJ.1210- V L +2 `LARGEST END "cuAv;sTs1ucx1n`1n;comm - . ....-v..-......--...-...,.... ,......... v 2.29419;-;A.N;2;sEEa. cIIiI[srAL:I?AI;AcE`sTdns norm Worth Wstern Bailway. 'IUIll vuvuvvv uwyw II` the Sultan : order- --:j-- BIGVSTOOK OF _Hoa'sge `BLAN KETS, '._,_.n-11- 13..-; `I...-ul-`In -n Qlnoln RA"! R,o"4U,'GI-I TICKETS- To `an points mt ancrweat. and Manitoba. Fonloketo, rates. eta. apply to . - 3 ' _ L GI". 8'5" lW.Wp.7 ' No a No W. 49"`. ~ . _`t}_"" I..LL\IL\J ' `\a._.-_L DUNLOP STREEETTBARRIE. i All meat dsigna in the Art to be Had. VBES1` QUALITY OF WORK donb at MODERATE cmnens. 01d Fpiglturgh care. Llrllp ha:-I-svv-`-_._, E89113. Broad. Double and Sing: Bells` rushes. Curry Com Whip eo Pads of all kinds._ arnesa ils - and Varmshes. `Moore aBlook Dunlap-st. Barrie. -:aA.]n~n.I$B hr f Lthf Qahts of lillllnb lllluuwlalaur, 5 prowv uuuuuu v; 28 years, took a. dose of Paris Green the. other day in New York and died from its 9! ._ ` , i V -1,/`V furl: More Iuthquukott. ___- ._.. -|:..|..w nghnniil TII'TIDU$v`-u-A"----` _, stoa-m-P1okoIl up no ' World Over. _ nor: 1:91:31.-I, shoqg .9;l<;::1o 'L'nuruuy ning. _.a,v_.w 91 of t_ (4 "ar-,..` >, a_.n_d w_e_p7h3_y'*%he{'o5tl9|ui~. hui V- , -__.-:'``.`l..':.. 6.. ----- P pm. , .._,,- .~..,.... . ,,..._.. , `< ` I Brown : MOI-o_uin! G_eorgls,Q 313 V " '3` 4 if \` `W my.` AL- ll\-_.-.. 'I ..'u.3-Igbnnn IIIIDST. DEVI:-n . .t, W-Ali .8 -`Gait Vii ....:::L 1 11-; :41: -1. Ga..::`.'.'.`.'.._, manna" ifzionon "'xcu;*u1-on ` `-1-. ne 11th.'|.WooI;.;nd1n: anon , IIDVU KJIQI raglan, out dutcudmy f-h0nuf;'~""'~` l`.!o 1.110 U % mi; `.1 IPUDGIL uuuy Inusvu-nsvua 4-n_a vu ..Ts.!0-dc 0:-41.2; gsgggggygs-995333271 `l1"b"3 w 3'e i`iV?a 2 `.' 7111.- __ . `An...-.1.-i...:..nnnnnnnnnn-..'.:;inJ.InhkiI< ggju. L `FIXIIIQ, .-!g-, `o. I, ../J . we V `I-vii` ' '1`li night temperature ringed from 6 on Wednesday to 23 on Saturday-_-mean 14. The exposed daily ranged from 23 on m...-.l-.. 4....` A1 ..u..wan-,n-.1-u__.InAnn"\3`2 lower gures ghhnin reviuus week, the ' r u }\;= W` . "` "" - J` run Te1ng.2 . _ 10n`Q -{an ,._ efelll - ,; Lq1Alyl tin. y ind aturday not cover the ground.: "VI... __--u-1":-an nu:-no`. nnarn AAQIII '_ " Tl'XIutU=Iumvwwu* " t a.t" H.id` I105 COVUF WI-IU7 |gruuuu.1 V _ The prevailing winds were 4da.ye N, W 1 day S. W., and all the week from a westerly direction, the whole being calm with light, breezes; 'L). _-..nuo-:5 4.` -uunnkgnn `II A ARWI in WIUII llgllll Ul'UUBlllo The amount of sunshine in 4 days was 20 hours, from a possible 83 j of sun in the week. ' u 'i`he city ofJQ?uobeo lg all. Vexoltomept over the attempt on Tuesday`n`i,zht 2261?, to blow up the Salvation Army barracks. V The explosion. completely . W.'ckCdf} front of the hui1din`g,j~1led imvith Iinoi and exting`uished the gas. The inmates. -4- -no-can Iv *1` OHM` `I. V9351" V `av Ivy;_g__- 5v. -4 A... .u 50' f 'h'"`l3' 'r:1". ` '. `hleauurfogf 5161237; muernenny, Awxuuuur uuugnun, u an. ~ '"BI`i0n,'=JOI0ph"'GPi;`&1l`9d`*`08ldWB;" Duncan Morrison, George Jones, David Acheson, John McArthur, `James Mar: ;sha.l1 Young, -Alkandr ~fBrownleo;" Erod- rick Calqjvellg -_William;;M3Nqbb, Dun`.oa.n; . m|'.`.t.1....... ;-'n'...a- 1 H ~n.m t-:T.|ilra `;Pea.r'l`a.ll. !1`ow1`x *K a'1h_2l, 1887. The 0ounoiI_7M5"i'>`i i`1'"'II_ I`intA to adjourn- ment. P1-euen {ill ftho meinperl qxba t the Reeve- The. ,Dep`(1t'y Rbevb-vinift a chair. The minutes of last `meeting were ' ---s v" - `*w'.\ :1.` ___3-.I. " 011811`. d V bi:o:i-9M%$*~iX&i{f.3Q?,~3:a.La ;1a `[110 WIIHIWQI OK Hill: -IIIUUIIII-I wvcv I (gm byMr.Flo op '.`;1:'at;; _ be imwaa`Za*3s~?o?5'1`iia3ianmsn`m e-25' A` . , Q `l'I':._I_.__-_.. 'l)-.....I, Vanna`:- r'Q1`o .for't1_1'o"6 cu.-.. - v',x_ . . 1 -lth`? of Miy` .and.read-a. I :nIt" `I1 I\.:- 2-..`-LI.-_"'1`_`.-..:."_ .`_A" -nnc-E'`nu:`;'h;"If.:` -to-v- w- ---_ u b `mm .. my 35 imrbd:EdE%ego%:~da%b0$% 6-Jo _ ', * 8-X51; :`:., . - .I33i3;3:a?:va5Lg. g_>r*_thbA*-Tovrnahxv r~~ I-ITDII VI HAG , -vvv. .- an aecona -;1'1'd -tinvii-c_1hTim zud in the usual manner. OVERBEEBB OF KlGHWAY_g._. , 5 -`wiuim Sh;erwo0d,.?'5i!osaph Gnhdiin, Miles *Kuny`, Alexi Douglas, Wm nIn.:.... .1 ...--..I.....r:..:._.Wadi:-ad~43n;lwnH. Ulqlylli` -jY,V.lllI3l]I_t_:'MBLV QDU, llulfnll, oM:1I!aI %(Lo,.t.1.go:0ir!-..5 :1L!!re'il?s&t.ia11. -'7Fred1'!b ` Hafhes, Don (I FIetoh'er,""`"Ed_- Amond Baskerville, Edwin Bunny, Thomas ` Q12, Stephen Gardner, James- k Hugh". 4-=MoDougal, John Rhyndreas, Dus91d.aMK@ ,. John M..oq:e;~-Henry Lit- .124` 4 .inaiimf1`.>.PiitrI'ciix Needham, ugh Morrison, `George Shaw,` `rmichael. Franklin Turk, Duggqvkhiclga .,_._ Jggrnr M,_o4_q_pe---nenry mn- ar.%mu61:ngvam`>raxak Neeaham. .2&22,_le#2,is;:*2:2,,e%*F9g%}?: rancis I_OD , . . .o_n W` _ AW@r "%E:ogl.:_,_.|` Qginfun, . `mrmu. - V '3',Enga?u?E) run 2 _........I... _`|..L.... 111511611 vuu Gun Luv auuuuvvn tzgeexralnglv frightengd to death. 9110 V women fainting and screaming and -; t!1e1 men rushing to and fro in the; excitement. -No person was `kills , but two or three were uerious'ly*in'Jn1`ed."`"'rh'e ` force of the explosioncauseg perao, uvmg two or three `blocks away-`Mo ru' 3g 1 :4--- Lkn:n Ln|1:nn"I'.hin`&fIU bee K ..r' .l'llulIlX.`uJvnnu n v - ........_ x Tho I _"1`i1omu : 1 il b9 ji:}'.7':l!'.3&'1 ff` .Nob ,,_ unml. e! Id .l?Jo " .Bxinhbjz;r _n mime -4` J; . i9.a:,.P`.:f.. _ *'m..-221;`?-55 Henry ` Uannon, 1-Jnnnum Duuuulls X '1 " A Q 5 $4`- nuunucn` , :1 "ITXCITQK" UIIIW3 ODIVI `-nuuvyz 1 Andrew Orittengl 1,` Jumps MoNabb,~- Jana `G, ,.f at on Bands, George?` P6i"r y, Jauia . obko, John Brandon, A Jqremiahguldry, Robert Flint, Arth_u_rf'_l Bell,- John J. Brown, James Dav1_I,'. A-.21--.. '-znmnn -Gums. LIV, vvu-0 VI >- v . A ,. ` ' narew iihmea %0nm9- Pen rain. W mm T `Robertson, ` _1 m . I ru._,I__ `l:l:....... D--nhnrv. Wnllunm CfOX' - MDGIWUHQ VV Luau Clarke, Hiram Barnharu, William Bro}: all, Lachlan J arratt, David Storey, J amen Jrinifey, Dona1' Black, Walter McKay, Michael Thompson, Cameron McLeod, Samuel Cotton, John Marehall,Young, John Gardner, `James Cooke, John Mc- Niven, Captain Dowme, Thor. H. Baker, John Sullivan, er., George Litster, James Fell, Gilbert Currie, olm Anderson, Ed? __.-..1 r,.1.......... Jnhn fl '|'.itater. William Fell, Uuoert. Uurrxe, guuu nuuu......, .-....- ward Johnston, John G. Litscer, MoPhee', Thomas G . Wilson, Dunca.n'An- derson,tDa.vid1truth=o$am,' Donald MScOsl- -~-- -I--. _I..-m G-ilhnrf. P... mit A. deraon, Uavm Btruinearn, uuumu ;_..........,- man, John Elson, Gilbert P. Smith, S1meon.Ba.rnhapt, J M1168 Adam . ` mum) xnnrims. 1 -1. .1] Peter Smith, W. J. Deacon, Archibald` Ross, Edmond Baekerville, John Hardio, er., John Beard, jr., William Seymour, George .MoLeen,_e John M. Lott, John Ca1dwell;"Jomea Jermey, Henry P.- Wil- ...... Ls... 'l\ninIA'n_ Luke Pea.rea1l.'Fred- Ualdwell; James aermey, uum, ., ....- son,- John Quinlan, Luke Pearsall. `Fred- rick Caldwell, Robert Crook, Alexander Woodron (El. eon. 8 ), George Moore. ` - ' `FENCE vxnwms. i A A James McLean, ` Williams Larkins, Samuel Dunsmore, Joseph Arthur, George Malcolm,; Thomas Hart. James R.evie,{ Archibald Ross, James Adam, Alexander ; McLucis, John Coates, Neil Bell`, Thomas. I:..... rim.-........=..Q MnT.nnd- 'Jnhn`:Oa.nno'n_ 1 -L1"v?.:'1'n;z thr from their houses ..-..LLnnn`rn e blogikl awayT"5_5to rut thinIii1'g..t_he Wuidnntlv- it ihad bee was 1:}! `KW .:..IJIIlfKU|I.`;.r.\IlIUIy-/ }1-shun. James Fraser. William ,4 (1.: ;; -.. .1 -1 .. Tnvnnn MnNAhh;- ,Wil1igm% mc_rzn_ee,,. nugn 4u,.yu._.uu . vyuu Ki_Isodk,."Thomu-Day, Jggm. iwslkgr: fNext-nieet1ng=of"I3duncxl `tin, call of the Reeve. - --WE-Y.7J.~T`UDH0PE, 2`-5. - - UUIILI UUDIJUD .L1vnA Aavgn, ---... J nry, LTh'o,u;a.s' S. McLeod, _John `:0anno'11: James Pattor'son,. George Mt}:-ant. `James Cockburn,. Edward Bag_ahaw,, .Wlium Honue, -Dbmld Uameion;-` J6hn9Moo're, . i11i.p Mqgngg, Hugh Mrclagtke Jgohn I l`1___.`. VUK4-uvnnn | $7` ~.2i 5iIZ. .'5'5='5' o cIo IrI~-`HA 611331] _:...a.... ....aI..4.h in- V -jrjnemher bt`f'nrlin' nt"hg ed higqslg 3, ` Mr.` `Jqli f,'KydaStoh` `0rbiq,`1;rorq;_o;1yv fw "d`i'ya" a.i{O""Wit1i' h"ji iV H119 hi|*Qd- . room at. his residence in Bnlifbn.-f _'"6 had`? suered from diabetes and `vm""i ll "` and ` *~ ~ --- -' -:--n-\ K`: lhfn-.tm It gm 1 Q` 11 ~ ,_ I cu saw... 1 where he wag wgtching Q dunes, and was stabbed '- rif : ...d $0- fio `unit; 9- , ` ;.f _ndriu cl gun in the -- | --~~ a_ne t eitfright, ,".lEe' I .un'%e.i9 ~ row gnu 9 there was disputed. u `c 4. I an `few"d8 ys" a.;(o'witli `e1iing unein n}`_yu-g -7-.- -~ .. _ _ Bnlspn.-f had` jglein hand, little less `election, " `L explosion occurred at the BnIli~l* vi a&'io1\thicit`- 00 "y .. .. and` "`v&s`"i1l "and "um and ology.' T depressed |_in,_ce;hin defeataet `h__='.l`.t '~ = -""' - . Montanqhss been v'uiv._ed.by I fun-inane ' Seventy Ruled. 2': {.bliIerdZend.ut.Bi's'Ii1aroki is said the sin, _ .8! Sydney, South Wales. on she? pkg, r.I:ho !!i`.,'iW it-* vs-Wm? :29` M-an-E 9g;"P`8 V ``e"`"e.`.'=-.!!*5-v|s-'` ; A V. ha b h from their nuuluu vulll'|i|I5J'_|._.l'f|V"""-5 vvv . an earthquake. Evidently 1t was the intention.tha.t the bomb should explode inside the building` yhioh would have destroyed it and lulled _the people. There is a pane of glass m_1ss1_ug and 1t 13 thought the murderous vxllams dropned the bomb in sttemptmg to put_1t through the broken pane. The consptretors are supposed to belong to the -higher class of _-.;'.+. who msde themselves very ; `ME qti` gltydditor" -. -... |.-....- 2-.l~En uihm I'."h >-`~v~wwg;;I wr iuv".l.Uwuuu:p II s'%?ea:ri-apt; ' ar s"3:.ti1 tn; iy, 1888; ~`Bylgla?w-* infroduoed-7 . I-`nu-0 -nnnnt` . ' .IJ,'lQw suusvuuvvu aeoond and third time Bnglo, - 1.-_ _.I;L `:- W" 0 ' UIIU ~| a2`I' ftary Service Ih`stitiitioii," has `'au'se;d_,_-no . tains a military map showing :the `militia Defences otcanndn. ` 0 5 ` A paper entitled ,`.fMobilization pend` ` Concentration of `the Canadian`-,Mili_tia ri Deienceof the Fron`tir ,.,prihtTl iii_', ,, ` current issue of the `.'J'ourna_l'_of, little comment in" b6th"Ipilit,ary`a1fs!-,, civi- lian circles. The vvfilei, fi:bm- a Qiiiaian. , point of view, in xing the * mih1b'or,`Zo 7 men at the smallest p`dssibl'`1ifnitfdrthe' ' defence of a line extending from: pQu.e,_bec_v to Detroit. bases his `caicu'lafio`n`on" atoi'ce" of 150,000 men. This force is divided as follows : 50,000 at `Montreal; 10,000 .-at Quebec, 10,000 at Kinzzston and 50 000 at Toronto and in:-the Western ~Peninsula.~ The remaining 30,000 to be used as a movable column along the north bank of the St. Lawrence. Thiirticle also, con- ; districts, the defensive works and the dis- position of the available force to th`"` greatest advantage. The paper will be continued in the next issile ' .33. Y.l' 7'1. . hr 1. masher-st-n o-no M5~=2sv`-'-sh'"*"` ....LI`... :. I... unnninh by. love lurks in her merry 300: - Fa-Mast edaoguo. I not ` The men: bozo who not thy call; "'* ' 3"?-`s`Kl3'-n 3 ."-;.-- ----~-- 5 , :,_-_n- ;. .. with-hick} helll` 0 W111 .h'Ir_I`::9"ntiin emg _in3_ West : `Liver Pills. Singer coated. 30 pill: 250. All druqziets. ? The di erenoe between a glgqby and a 4, ``":9_`.:*`? `3!`33.;iP"* "3419 Van ` . g 7 2s \.v .. .32 'P;9,:':`Id.9':~'a?k- ; ~ L2 _:_... _.. , ......L.. I-nkn Hnnnun-AH hl. hggkod moo: And no!) and suilo in her books. ..-.__.. VVIIIIIIIDIIIII Uhlllsvvcvlnvun v---- -".- T - tor the Thenghttnl. The man who cannot tell e note from another never need app}; for '3 position as cashier of a bank. 9:32; i ` `eet : Wor_ld'e Wonder is the `aarvel for -. ___-_.-_ L- _n ..a.|...- I:...:.....a'u>,. All W BID I V! urlu I vv uuuvn u uuv healing, superior to all, other liniu 1..-nnn._L.AA-LA`, `II h `lll, d WI]! Ivvjrlv us IIIU-Invnnuvo A An Indium uaulked" ' in hislleep thebther day. , the ofan ideal - _*,___m. .:.|. ..--..'-..... ...:n ` {'7 '- ' ` - F,__LV`. . an `at 'V"`>74' 3 g` J. '1 , {hr}? 1:13; lI|0QJ .3 W9 :93 -W-~* ' ............. :. 6| . um hnlcna for 3 rise. 5 supposeu DU UULUIIK BU vuv usgs-up 9...... V. society, who `made themselves very conspicuous in the riots waged against these defenoeless women, when they` rsth visited the a.noient`oity. ' 3;w.9{~lfl`_j E-'1-ll I."'-'* -"'...,-:II_'v - oorner 1n-It, 3 are holdmg for a use. . _Alwaya keep West : Cough Syrup in the kfllilh `nu nnt`t`AlI,AttIl!k OE cold`. IAIWCYI Keep W830 B uuugu Iayuuy an inn`- , r sndclgnrgttagks of, colds, _nthma} homo _ lgilig A; in nue:o5ll1dii:i`giita.l .. ' How hollow it sounds," said a patient . 5 i 8o`ot'5i'pounding his clist. "Oh ! that : t[ohing,. L.,naid. tho do,g:If.o;', `:wait till: we ge`t'%o' tlio"head. ` 1 `- --L -a------ 1Q::'tIInQ :4: Ann A` Wlfil O0.- `Au urugguuau. , Soci6lo;"cb.l`-' Sy;a.aI1; i f A itmfwhq es 09 little i..V?'<>.1f-.111 P a.n e_ `nomipt. while he; Tiwho ; vc - *h9;l:hi11`gP :i_ deapisgd an 3 trgmp. _ 11?, _Ll_ II7-..I.`I .. III V WU `Ola DU uuv uwuuu - ~ The beat spring medicine is one of West`: Liver-Pillq ~takia`i1 every night on" going to bed. Jusejwhae y9'p'need. - saga; `coace,d:_ so pills 259.. ;A1ldrng gietI. . . . .. _._L1.;;;....` .- `.'um1,`, WQ'yI glvw illuvnvua ......_.:....v.,.a,_A,,_ H . `V ?*!.1iiI'-..1f !!`1'i."I5"?f.`.*?i";1`..*.3i?;'. 914 _G:.owlor. ;`;`;w.Ill.; be -a steam is engine :: made ;`i1?1, `,0!-` :`~It>bt.'I!*I',11.?11939w9%!h9ll*,l-a~ve .whi `I0B1.iniit_hti&1l If 1.`.IM.1f<>'9`. efn`sin- ll0Dlllllg.lU uvuylapu can u van`--,- ' >Wea`t CEfWdrld sf W5nir Br L. V 3 IpO!i_t`,` - Dental in every hdgiso for unity, bin-ns, npilds. btiae-._neqrdlgi:.`,.:1idnhdt;s:n,~ `A1- '.wja gfyfu hitisnotion. Q - nu. -.i_:__;.- 1" .`. .'.'i.'.".La. ...':!O;`..`4,,,;,;-.~. A1,] W 1 mi: -99 "B!i`*' . ;=. A L ` ; ;p_g1mhe.-hu many cra- -- 3.` Lg.-L!_`.L..v..`E _-n\'. .. ` gglf I All lollgllljl, cmoxau quunwuu "unv- lo and snilo For diinpled hand tint cooks the curl "(`At-nnifirni Jib!` Pl|.lIfn' Jllil. '~ ` M03-nerogggcemlslleom Onnmikei; y oeoI`u nngnnd twii-1, And make the boy wishho -were dead. How much she knows, this blooming rot Of human will and human won't ; Ono ..wo.ndo1:.,iI..,.-how~ munh aha . ` Wu. '~ - 'Th otlier. 1:, how much slie on 6. :vu-v-'vv- ~ A big at-nosed German .",3md..~J . Haelzel, . whb . hid. . 1 s?i8d.L -5u`m"~m` -35}. -..-Janna!` `Elli `OF of