G. BLACKMORE & 00., 1 MERCHANT '!`AlLORS,; I New and elegant design: of Parlor and Chamber Suites, Extension Tablea, Side- boards, eto., in Walnut, Ash, and imitation" of Mahogany _and Walnut, at` prices my low as consistent with good w rk.- A V . o1mtoE.Faoren1 .9; sannnooms. NORTH MARKET SQUARE. BARBIE. -4-4 MO()RE S BLOCK, DUNLUP s'r., """"'H'!"'U`HI!'.' w*'~.7:".15v - -- -- % 1 A v~souvrn:snm nu~fn.6r s-mum-.r,` % - _ { N E x'r o%oLRJTo THEw9ANTON TEA ~8TORE. .'I'ovms :2 m.T1mIosumom=nms.w1% H mum nzswmmsnmes AT?J4NUFA971`UB`EB$1%%Pltlcms. ' .1n'1:r\1 nrnirmnu In on: v sooktlron `~ mm ` and OheokYsl!oI.S'toam((.}snos .:?E'lf 8 ~ stop :'U'(_"-1"l-`.{f,9::.s`,{ -A .__ _ I `k J01NAH-Amer - if ` vr ~ '1 A..,,., l`__ ::1 :2- :{.'L_`;f`= '1 t ...3;.E 1;, '" 319;`) " =i I `$'I 5| ,-;-V"-9'3.!3`.'*.3'} `.3- 5`3 i5l-,5: . ;;'`_?f!1.== % Fit and Style Guaranteed. We are D.iroct{ImVporters.` one of the guests propuueu me .u........., toast : The author's veryegood health ! May he live to be as old as his jokes ! To ladiee. The great beautier for the complexion : One of West's sugar coated Liver Pills takeuniqhtly. 50 pills 250. All dmggiets. \r-,'u....... 5. run v-uhrnn fnr COME AND s1`-:1; Us AT OUR NEW STAND. L . _ -..-....-....`.u.u:..n am .m..|. nf Irnn pinaunr stan.m.Wstor nnfG'si.Gl6bo Vslvol. A STR"- ___ .. - . ...---:u Asa [MANUFACTURER OF ALI} KINDS OF FURNITURE. TO THE MGGARTHY BLOGK. -'---THE SPOT % Is IN- cnnparrran Ann tlrnggusw. Pete1'---N0; there is no ryhme for-T toboggening, we are sorry to say. When it comes to ryh-me the parazmphists are obliged to let the toboggan slide.-Boston Courier. Or to jogan -sing on other lines. West's Con h Syrup stops tickling in the throat. stops t at backing cough and gives perfect}-elief; it is certainly worth a trial. All druggists. __:n _.... haul `Inn vnnr hair 4- 3- WH.!TT`'SFR- -REMOVAL or- --- -WHERE'-----' G. BLAOKMORE & co. jijvvj:-17, :---:'i_:, allluneral Rqigigites Furnished. =Ordei's by ToiTe'g1-tph or Otherwise, Promptly attended to.` ~ T ` j G. O. DOLMAGE, Manager, Strqud. STEAM` WORKS AND SHOW ROOM, _OC3`L1'LaIE`B-S"Cl_'.f., BARRIE1 o6n}E:s :A7D-cXs1En:"13s on ALL KINDS 1-_ _;.-.1_ -;. '|l*..`I-f 1.- lf..`I.... `O00 -000- Woven Wire Mattresses a Specialty. sgylngl sandwiched Wm:-aphg for the Serious-`I ma sensor: can I'll D DQUG_ALLs FURNlTURE.| Late SANDERS &. WHITTA'KE Ax} Insection is Invited. wragxu van on: v- _In stock 01:3;-de5 to Oi-d-3;: See our $4.50 Pants. -F'1ine-1':Lls fVurVn;shed oom- ns of various designs and prices always in plete. Casket: and Cof- All (lrugglnw. Mother, will you land me your hair switch 1" Why, what in-the world can" you want with it, Harry 1 Oh, `some of us boys are going to have a show, `and .I m going to be Buffalo Bill and scalp In- dime. ` ' 5 ~ A.. _LAnL nan stock. All orders will.re- celve careful attention`. icongroxatlonal church COLLIER 8T. BA|I|lI 0PPOSI':l'E THE i.iOii -PLAXTON MANA'GER I111: Nonnmm Invmaos --$TE'AM-- PRINTING H0085, IIINIJJP ST BARBIE, HA8 UNRIVALLED FACILITIES GIBBS. ~For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh s ` Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale 'A11and ale. ` by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Haml1n.,_ - - - -- _____ ..'.L...: 1...... ....'..1,,.. `PROMPT Arll TASTEFIII. EXECUTION |lI|ll|K ANII Jllll PRINTING, 41 respectfully solicit en opportunity to furnish estimates for all kinds of work in all the styles of printing, such CARDS, A.JJ.'4a..a.a.a.n.v vs. RECEIPTS, CHECKS, ORDER& ENVELOPES. NOTE HEADINGS, LETTER IIEADINGS, MEMORANDUMS. WEDDING INVITATIONS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS. MEMORIAM CARDS, PROGRAMS, % ORDERS OF DANCE, MENU cums, `LABELS. BOOKSAND PAMPHLETS, ' POSTERS-Plain and Ornamental. DODGERS, ' FLYERS, Duns: MORTGAGES. CHATTEL MORTGAGES, QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE AGREEMENTS or Alluuuzuc. - A lady of this bcity presented her perlor girl with a carpet sweeper on Christmas, and the girl swept into a new place the ' gift with her, This ._-.. |.-: ,.1.:.m .m 1:. dust in the wrong AT TORONTO PRICES. EQUITY OF REDEMPTION, STATUTORY LEASES. mum LEASES, OHATTEL MORTGAGE, DISCHARGE OF ' RENEWALS OF I887; ASSIGNMENTS OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, ETO DIVISION COURT BLANKS, MAGISTRATIES BLANKS, _ . SURROGATE CUURT BLANKS, OONSTABLES 1'3LANKs. - -run nonwnnnx Anvmcn beat One Dollgr Wegkly VP.nb'.linhed f ' inia County of L . the!-rue-ts 1 |roex*r nlnieronvz ' `j _ FOR 1886, Published by the Proprietor, S. Wesley, Barrie. Copies 25 cent: at the office; or `sent liymeil. poetpeid, on receipt of that LJVAU aw----5 was lnohlng -up direchon. ` couvrrv 6!} 1 smcbs, T @153 JUDICIAL DISTRICT --Ol` ORDERS OF ALL CLASSES 0l'-- STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, NoTE,CIRcUI_.ARS, LETTER CIRCULARS. I\'ITT\l'I& Blsnk Forms` of `any kind printed to uln- BLANK FORMS Always kept in stock ---OI - Group, whoopihg cough and bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh s Cure. For Asale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin. Allandale. .. . . ... . ,-n LL-L `D..L an 5-,v;_ A full line of A full line at all pricen. MORTGAGE. SALE OF LAND. HOUSE LEASE8. SNIPES, ETO. "And (110 I18 lily B11 Luna, 1. av .' ' ansu. yer riverence, all thim namea he calleci me, an sis I. `I wouldnft demae meself to lose me timper wid such a low blag- gard, so I jiat knocked him over wid the stick, and come away. ` ' ,,, ,.L _-_ LA an El ELLIUU. AI Iuuuuavs And did he say all` that, Pat .9" vunn an sin I `I Wn`1ldn,t Iramu. Dr.' Low a and cause, nnic A literary He has been writing poetry for nearly half a century end still lives." Thin statement would seem_ incredible to 3 ker than any other medicine. orm Syrup will remove worm; V critic Joys of Browning.;;.. Tenn. _ _ . pilcl; rincworm For nettle rech. itching eruptions, end all skin dueues. e use hot, 7 nI: l Snlnhnr Soup. ` EH05) uuu uuuau (Irv:-Jo --That hacking cough can be so quickly, cured by Shiloh : Cure. We guarantee` it; For sale by John Woodg, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. V I _L- -a',..... 1.. 1...; J. Illiluuu, naeuuuunv. V That Chicago girl who o`ers .' to be $3,000 that she can eat two quail a day for thirty consecutive days has found no takers. It is pretty well-understood that a Chicago girl can accomplish anything she undertakes in the way of eating._ _-__L2 -_ 11...... :. bnu IILIUUKUIIILUD III run an; v- w..._..'., ---Shiloh s Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a uarantee. It cures con- sumption. For 5 e by John Woods. Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin. Allandale. L-- ..__ ___- auu Alla uo LLIIOC-non-` The teacher wanted to `box m"ea.rs' 1 this morning,:remarked Johnny zzle- top. "How do you know that he wanted to box your ears 1" asked -his mother. If he hadn't wanted to box my ears he wouldn't have done it. would he, eh 1" ,,.3___._L1- I... LL-4. Wuuluu v uuvv nu..- g .. -..- - -Sleepless nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shi1oh's Cure is the remedy for you, For sale by John Woods, Ben-ie. and M. J. Hamlin. Allsndale. _ _. I___-1_'_______ auu LII-o U0 JJIII-Iuloon-IQ oo--u-- "Oconomowoc, yelled the` brakeman. O Cunnor may walk, may he 7" exoluim-"; ed an Irishman at the other end of the car. An faith, if yez mane .me you'll have a foine time makin [O'Connor welk whin he's paid $5 for this bit .9 ,pute- ` board. Darrlu, uuu nu. u. unsung, -.............-. _ A fond father has a fair`daught_ex_~- .at- a. 3 boarding school. An old` teacher` of` the -` girl met. the father and asked : Is your- daughter making pmgre-,_g'_i!1` h..1'E` 'bh.>61.`_' work 1 "I should judge she is,f r_,ep1ie"d' . thefond father. "Why, "she ihaa` one: a grammar that cost $11. ' - r-L____L -....-.I Iuanb Q41` G133`. krgh`; -Wi1l you suffer from dyspepsia and liyer complaint? Shiloh s Vitalizer ls gulraiitbed} to cure you. For Sale by. John Woods. Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. ` I_1__ _L _' lll-II-I-Aug U u u v v v -- y--. ` '--C&tu-rh cured, heslth andjwoet brdath` secured, by Shiloh I Gatarrh Remgdy, _}ri__:e: 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by` John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, lII---j_`_ UULIII IVUUI Allahdale} 2; ) 8110 DUO: nu uu ab:----1 I'm afraid it : not genuine, said a iady to a ehopman. Oh, yes, it is, madame." replied the polite gentleman. All our camel :-hair shawls are made of pure 3111:, direct from the worm. "-~- -- `Lam wnntv Anni!-Al! alnan one nan urrui; uuamuu -E L. ' ybud s poem. 0, 5 {9ql`:'f`<)r wedlock. Shall? repri!`|t; it ' - AL- _..LI.. 0" IO'KI'_n any IOOK I0!` WBBIOUIL DIIIII .1. Lvysuuw or v.v-" rooted in the weekly "3'-_o, the editor, -let-itvgo..J_ulf.uat u, Ji3y_ory- body will underst`|ndf1t. ,_ {A { if V -Shiloh : Vitslimzis wlru f|`.`: constipation, loss cf sppetiye, izzineu and all symptoms of dspepsu. P-rioo.10;IIId or 75 ts b an ulsb Job Woods .1 B.:..3'M7J.&H.m1in. ' i7i`Z;`Z,+ remarked [um `probf-_rq `_``l1t 039 bgfifrror went thfmlvh 111 1 ml.. Ir..- 'n"`-3nnA1."` "'::;.*;;;;;:;,'.;aj;";[;,m.**.;;a,.;..,{ goingi to his grocers bl" ' sold ml; yesterday .w,e,ra 311;,` that wasn't my ,fDi\lW.. .."-7.W&5!Q. . than '0 How do I know? How. oon I tell what was inside ._Qf.,..tl;e,m,7__ ts:- groceryman ; I xn ho mind 'resdi'. vvv 7: Q"? Ir` L-11;! -`g slvvusyluuu , .1. us uv llllllll IUIUVI] _ Why will you su'er with aibsd-3013 hhi`; a few doses at Wast n.0ou'p,h Syrumvdau you. Invaluable for all throst ninth ~lnng. tron es. sn__ t'vgp`_,t; ` ` 26. large 3r:$.3>mo o - (nIr1__; ;_-_ n__L _.-3 12 __--_' vvuu father 1 1<`e}_J1f_\;a'1j ?what_ % sther w , ii -n\`:l\IVl.'lI` ~~~ '-Var - ~a- *:vs ;1_v<)es, ztha . rgdm WA 'aak'o& 3 huge boy,` 355:5} they CXPUI BIL nnuuu VA, WV----.-- ' At a recent banquet given to a wnter Hf comedies in honor of his latest wo_rk, of the guests proposed the followmg ,L . LVN..- nnokns-'n um-v annd health ! : um gun VVIvLa_ on... ......,, a. dust In the wrong In -plug/vw,u_~ I reriil cor; | IFKT - I! .,,,]:.,I, _ A musical journalist prints two columns of statistics from leading `piano minufoc-' tures in this country, showing how rapid ly the upright instrument has advanced in its race for leadership. V *It1g~grp.tifying- to know thauomotlging `.`up_right{7. il. _ mg the lead in public favor an thu coun- try. ` .' No other .upring_modi_oine,bu won for it- salt ` ouch nnivernl .uon' an Ayn`: It isthe moat` povgerful oom- ' him: 0 to the public, and it, acknowledge by the mediool profouion to B6 the but blood purier. I`l.;.. _L AL. _._A._._ ---'-.. man, u of vagatulili altrativei evofr other`-.`l!atl1ei" ,-' iiho cu av`odoci6i' ;-:+f:`:* ` l . diiizail I I nuwu; ugnuqu Univ :1 u . g ,,.V: - thatthe reaaon,"' 6ontin'iieil~ IE; 9.. follow, looking up in hia father's face, that they alwoya~have_- a red lig.ht,,.in chop windows. ' - ' As a toilet "article; Aye:- c H'airVi?g`cr etanda unrivaled. It cleanse: the scalp and remove: dandruff, -cnrea itchin humorI.~_:re- stores the original color to faged and gray hair, and promotes itegrowth. ' `yIIIlIJC`IO What iudof nu: ii.~t.hiuf 7' Mm pt the water cooler (pguling re- ective .in, the liidit of. 1.: dlnyr): stave (reauur1n g'ly): That? 'I`Eit i Well water. Mun st the water cooler: You oretooucuineg/my friend. The. water nuns: Ln Atuwnuv-`An-nail` kl!` `Q Evil`-I -r Shot nlslaby sweetheart. A day or two ago William Dayisson, aged 18, son 6f State Senator Davisson. of St. Louis, fatally shot his sweetheart, Lizzie Crozon. Sheis a handsome girl of 16 years, and fora year Davisson `has been urging her to marry him. Being of -a jealous disposition he has been follow- ing her to her great annoyance. A. few weeks ago he told her he would kill her if she did not marry him. On Monday evening, in company with a lot of children and others."she was sliding down. an im- provised toboggan slide when Davissc-n appeared at the foot of the incline. . Whn awn unn` nlitna 7 hf! de- manuuu. ' ` With these people, said the girl laughingly, pointing to several ladies and gentlemen. Come and take a slide, Billy, she continued, and the words were scarcely out of her mouth. -when Davisson drew his pistol and red, the ball striking her in the left breast. The girl fell on the icy street and Davisson disappeared down an adjacent alley and escaped. The girl. is not expected to we. - - .___._;....__.:... - Enjoy Life. . What a truly beautiful world we live` in ! .Nature gives us grandeur of mountains, glens and oceans, and thousands ofmeans of en- jcyment. We can desire no better when in perfect health ; but how often do the majority of people feel like giving it up disheartened, discouraged and worn out with disease, when there is no occasion for this feeling, as ever sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory pron , that Green's ugust Elower, will make them free from disease, as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are the direct causes of seventy-ve per cent, oi such maladies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Uostiveness, Nervous Prostration, Dizziness of the Head, Palpitatiou of the Heart, and other distressing s mptoms. Three doses-of uguat Flower w' proveits wonderful e'ect. Sample bottles, 10 cents. . Try it. 41-eow PBEFBQ BI: um IUUI: U; Luv L_uuuuv. Who are you` sliding with ? he de- manded. .n1:-L `L--- _--_1..I ....:.I `\l\ nu:-'I - new to nose. A great deal more can be accomplished by systematic readin or study for fteen. or twenty minutes aily, than appears possible `to one who has never tried it. It would suice to keep up French or" Ger- man, and to becomeoonveraant with the best authors. Or a little time given daily to the earnest stud` of science, and one might become a sh` ul botanist or geologiet. `Or if English literature be more attractive--as it undoubtedly is to the great-majo1ity-how soon would one become familiar with Milton or Shakes-' pesre, Bacon or. Macaulay, if a few sentences were read and considered daily. AL-__ -11 LI.l_..... .5 :. ............a....& elusi- VVVVA E`?! T CON8_l}NlfT;I!N Uunns wt _ _n,;gqigx311:3:t`11e formgula of` a. s mple v`_egeta.ble ._.. ........ .. nvl nnuurnannn . nnltn nf Buubuuuuu WUIU aunt: nun vuunauvavu nu";- Above all thing: it is important that one should read systematically, and not be guided by chance. Have always _ a good book, a. standard work, that will repay `careful? etngy, at hand-. and to that devote a part of t_ e_ tiuie that may be set` apart for reading. Before opening the Run`; uonnil an! Al Ill Ul` ldllulllgo IJUIVIO v Ulallaa Iran`: I UPHIU I `I -book recall 8.-r fully as po-this what It read thg."_day `bfore, and{on olqgixig xtguee; by reebtion h6'W many of the thgidghts 6f the author you hg.y,e made Tyour;_own,. and` so oulgivate memory.` L .misaionary the formula or a. aunpxe vegeusmu r!ned!5;;fo_r the apeedyiand permanent cure of man . ,nn thwa `3'a "I5ung'i1Yectiend;a.is`d' uuositive is .0Im.f'rh asthmumida and 1-9411 lour .19: Nervous Debllity and all Nervbue` mp tints ` after having tested its` wonderful curative owera in thousands of ........ 5... fnltit his ut.vto make it knowntoe were necessary for ex " nses incurred in; the work. he.pr01 v.D$'*.1 #0 81139895 in; `lsst`Tged ey, Dos.kin s son testied _ _'_"_ fs wife had oered 86000 as a bribe to xeWp(leinti:f,l"tc_ _vvfit:l1qirsy; _the _ \. ' - i use American judge Ins committed for, trial` o_,,._e _ _ e.,.f he ' ; ~ ~~ qt,-" -"1 i ,3? I. 3; ` ': ` prisoner nn " p f: P9 I 3. _ H % _ _ `e:,?VINBld English estnte `tn Ii `fob he lied been Aconvincedrhewvasvtne heir. In the heat- cf secnring (or Hie; `fin be, described; -A we 2; o `E ah i wonderful curative dpowera 1n tnouuuuuu oz. cases, has felt it his uty to make known to his suffering fellows. Actuated bx, this motive a'1?aul1*`t'-``?$?:`3 w$ ur%`31:I1'el!i 0 (1 pa. in German. French or English. with full` nlq;{)(;I_:a for opal-in and uagag. Sent by V _`; wt! 3 caning this! Wr. .. A. :3.` _,,o .lg~hlocl: Roclumr, - 3 . ' I 3.` | ::::m;.**:'bo*-:*.s:*::r,:-.5:-aian A .. M- 37 th bl-ff . ` medlolelfetgdneeded ' . Q.-nndmsn 8 row urunlux-puusu u mm` `-u t innnh. nlly own. h is good-natured all day ..;0::1 fnlm-:anf:x' tohe human race, than he who wins a battle. Vational Pills purify the blood, regulate stomach, liver and bowels. ' . Artist. friend-`-He!e ea little gem of It wvll beer close, scrutiny, x, Ia consider it one of my tn"uterp1ooeI.[ may (1-apturously)-()h, what a lovely. frame-" ' ' W m worms` I,)r.'-.I.'.?y 2|-alt-l(x):l' than anv 'wm n" '1 d 1 d ~ "~ .. l.lI ...-. mnmnin~ or nainT .i6iV;8iIi!fl3;TiON` dunno. - . .".".-__ _,u":I:u n.L__,___.._),;, {ax way itatioli oho giglznnt. :1.`-haugn`. |,"."..1.J.- . V . I . ` j , . [Mg "9 _ .; dI';fantIf;1liEi|s hm15uun'rbil`Ai$;i 1ia,. after which it movos easily. When the Joints, or hinges, of the body are stiffened and inamed by Rheumatism, they can- not be-moved without causing the most 1 excruciating pains. Ayers Sarsaparilla, by its action on the blood, relieves this Tcomlition, and restors the joints to good working order. ' ' - Uver one_-luau muuou 0] ur. LIIBJCS ncrqaa palm: were sold in Canada alone. We want ,ever_y_man, woman and child -who is troubled with Liz/er Com- plaint to try tin : excellent remedy. V LADI ES _ - It is a well lcnown fact that an inactive liver causes a dull, sallow complexion, Vliverl spots. pimples. etc.; Chase's Liver Cure is the only retnegly tha . will most positively cure these complaints. ` Qnm.-rumn II:-w- mun: luuv Fae: lwrappea arounu e noun: ol_uI'. ungsc s 1..Iver\.l_u'I: is a valuable Houvjerlzold Medical Gmdc and Rgctpe `Rnnh (R; naanl r-nntaining aver zoo useful recmes. 13 valuable 1-1ousenom_meq|caI uuue Ana xgctpo `Book (84 gages), containing over zoo useful recxpes, pvonounoe , ` , _ _ _ able, and worth ten times the pnce of the medicine. by medical men and druggists as invalu-_ luvs! nuns tn cuss vn vluv uuv-.--was-cu %iu.`hl`i"Ia?A"ll"$ii'lla.'i30.. Sole Agents, Bradford. urn-r.-In 1111 A1 `I f\`I.)!TtZll:lI u'l|G NATURE'S I1I'.lvIr.uv_ The unqualied success of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure Sp Liver Complaint rests solely with thevfact that it 1*. compounded from nature's well known hvex re laton MANDRAKK AND DANDRLION, combined wit many other invaluable tootskbarks and herbshgxaving a gowerful effect on the idneys, Stomach, wels and hunt`, Inn nnn anion posulvely cure mesa compsaunrs. Soummuo aw. emu Avuw Fm-: LWra`pped around even-K. bottle of D1`. Chase's Liver Cure in n vnlunbla I-[dun old Medical Guide and Racing t` nu. Ina an "F" `"'A"""T " .* ""- fiyuwgswsnlphnr 8oIP- V _ uuy good man." said the ph1l|.nthrop- in to the street laborer. do you never aze :*3',? .`::.E:`.El L`::f...?1`:i,`1i'I.`L' WCTIIII GUCCI on N16 luuucys, asvluayu. uuwcna uuu | lood. aoo.ooo sou: _ % Oygr on.aIfmfIlt'07l Of. Dr. C/433: Rtla B005! mud: on ) 1'41 (`undid 1110911. WI `Hid!!! (DIV? Illll. Ayer.-`s Sarsatmrillarhxu e'ect_ed, in our elty, many most remarkable em-`cs, n unin- ber of xvbiuh. battled the eforts ot the most experienced physicians. vWere. it Ileec;ssa1'_\'._,[ eo_ul giveltlne names of many i Irdivldflzsls who=[m\'e.b_een-1 cured` by taking t|Ii8lIIcdii3ilI'(`... I n my ow n..ease it has cer- tainly worked wonders, relieving me of would. 1} nasqq disease from Manager Hotel= . ou|ou`vo Jnvuvi - I was, durin many months. a suferer v from chrolnlc lneumntlsm. The disease allllcted mo gricvously, in s ltc of all the remedies I could nd, until commenced using Ayer s Sarsaparilla. I took several bottles of this preparation, and was 3 eccl- 'ily restored to health.-J.vFreamA, ndc- penndt-,uco,'Va. I V Ayer .s Sarsaparilla, E___-___I I... "u__ 7 I` A -___ I.-3- C __._.II If... Ayers gnrsa a'rilla' cured moot Gbyt and Rlneumat m, wpeu , :nQthing;_ else. would. It hagera .u.....`~ .. 03...... ......~'..:.*. MW: `!" `3?;`.; 1;*-*.>.}.~: Prognred I) Dr. J. C. A or &'C"o., I.owell,Mna . Sol byiall ruuiuta. `rice 31; six bottleI,$5. after bei|tg't1:ot'1_b'I-e:ti'.\'N'it}1'iVt'ft;.1:vyzulrs. n. this; and all other diseases` a`risin' from impure blood, there is no rcme wi 1 which I mu acquainted, that atfo s sue 1. relief as Ayer s_ .Snrsnparilla.--lt. H. Lawrence, M. D., Baltimore, Md. '11:: KEY To HEAI;~'rH= .D)W8J.8, nxuueya uuu. Jaxvva, v"~"J"'S of :' graduz'1l,Iy without weakening the -system, all the impurities and'foul humors of'.the secretions `; at the same" time Gortectlng: A ..a;I:4.'.'., .0 him .+.nn1nn1|' mirina Rili. ` j 'Jn1ock`s, all the clogged _avcnueVs-of ghe B )we1s, Kidneys and .I:_1ver,v carrying I\". nmrlnullu u-ithm weakemml the-svstem. h 6 oaue 7:0 gruuuuu IV JVUI ylf-Ivqvu I "go. air." was the answer. I took my ' 1; H116 start." - - PKEL: ..........I>. miint when West ! World : secreuons ; at l Acidity of the 8150 ' ctiring Bi_li- spe ia. Hea hes.` D12- D, Vz_1ness-. geart urn. Constipation; 1\.......'...; .0 ads; bin `D-nnimv, fin. nc Sillllc uulc '\';u;;u\.;u|.u- ` 688 Vl8l0l1nl8al1llll.lUU1 .Dfa._|.u nzuvuuls , 31 9138; Scrofn1a.AF]uVttennB Oi. the _ earn, Nervousnass.a.nd General nobility; `ail these and. many other simi- lar Complnints `em to the happy inuences 61' BURDOO BLOOD BITTER3; Sample ZBo,tt16s,10c ;,Refg'uIai.r `size $1". A j PmrnovAL .:NnlFER`3l " Ila.-u-lnnn n _ saie by 111:1, Heglers. 1'. uluwit 'a co.. rrprletoi-5. torov. . rRE.EMAN S woman 1oAwnuns.% avenues-of the '....4'Iv.. :.'.1-nu-nu and 'I'..{1vA1v . nnrruinn An 9u_.1_IahtV to take. Couch! their bill hgntjvo. `Is 9. sum, sure, did octl puuoajrjworm in - chndun Adah; ;I'iriu"ef$i:"r"ri :;ift'i"s'j%r%u}," ___!AI. 2; J-.. __- plc ID EMU Dun: vi- Pain cannot exist when West : Wonder is applied. Cheapest and best. 25 and 50c. All druggists. - 3L'-' -4.5 nnv|n:nn h;l` Q F rii W; Evans UHIIIUAUVV-g uuwvuuuun aildln h~E-MONKMAF vug vv-v u-awn-cw, uuuuu vuwu "5'L13 BY 4;_.1. nuuaelsrs. mnmmzgmm ITHE HAMILTON sums commvq ;- HAVE OPENED our WITH A FULL s"rocK oF--l The above Company guafantee, to give the ,,.Best Value ever given in Barrie, in the Shoe Line. Call` and see for yourselves. The store is directly opposite St:-olng 8L Donnell:s. Fall Stock ow j complete, and comprises all the Newest % % Cloths in the Market-.t., " :M=cA.1a.!::':H.Y=s 312003;, a Are showing the_ Largest and Finest Stock and most Fashion- ` table Patterns in Fall and Winter Goods, " * . ever shown in Barrie. Our Clothing is made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction t as t Gtuartan -teed`in every respect. ` kluav his---, .. T Deatroyt e worms or they msy destroy the children. Use Freeman : Worm Powders. they expel all kinds of, worms. .. _.____L I......n..u.-;l- nvnn {n n_ writ,