{ { osnonsn, me of Wight,Fab.}}`9i;;., . To Worthy Grand President Oldyton, `Son : `of England Grand T-I;m,'.d1:ze._ Barrie} ' . ' ._ The Queen thank. your Grand, Jfagdge for-their kmd c4qnamtplbtionI- -. . ~ . -;,`V` ,'d.`- :' ' ' ` _ .4- .1 1)..'.m.n..`.....: BYE, EAR THROAT AND NOSE. omvroty:-- Collier Street, Barrie. % :--::-rO crefofs nuns .0.onponnIl'- ,, _ |__.'I n-.....1.. .. nhnnnin I-Inn:-1.: Fighting Iva` Batman 0 Il___J_I__. _-__ _-`--AGINT FOR--- 40.iIRr:8TM@8% WI. I I L u_1'u I 'l`oronto.. . . mnnnnfn , , '1`oronto;. ...... Northern Railway South . Newmarket ............. .. N ewmarket ............. .. Allandale ............... . . Allnnnln ___'____________, BARRIEi>' -Allandal ;..`.. Peneta ' hone, Midland an Nor Slmcoe Railway .... .. Grand TrunkEa.at .... .. Ottawa and Montreal.... . . . . . . . . . . .. nnillln Hamilton 8: Ben. F4313` isiic'1'{iii'1'v'v'ag V Carter, `(re-elected by acclamationl ; G- Treasurer, Benjamin Hinoholilfe, Toronto; Grand Chaplain, Rev. W Sibbald, Belle- ville; Deputy Grand Oicer for `South Africa, M. H. Spence, Port Natal; Deputy Grand Chaplains, Reva. H. `Pollard, Ottawa ; -A. W. Cooke. Kingston ; `W. Oakley, Port Perry; M H. Hobaon. `Toronto ; and J amen Brydell, Bracebrid2e.. "`L.. :.\`I.;-n:-nan in-noun-n in I-`lnlnni-5'15- 'I.'0I0lI[O.. . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Ottawa. and Montreal. ............. .. Northern-`B.allway(North) .......... . . ......... .. oxthern Ranwa u . . .. ...... . . `North Slmede Ponotangni- nnnn and f`Il I,Ig_n _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ro'wnHill ...................... .. 1 Rugby. Edgar Steele. Mitchell's Square and East Oro. ........... .. : :-Grentell. Tuesda and Friday.... ; x-Midhura Mon ay. Wednesday and Fr! ay... ................... .. ; British` Mails, ow (N. Y.,) Monday. Tuesda. and Thursda ........ .. ma`(H'.a!ux,) Wqdn, y . . . . . . .. ' DAILY NAILS DUE FROM >'l'o1-onto... ..... ............. .. LIIASULIOKIL _vA_A,Ivo _IJV|lUl|(~on. . . . . . . . . Simeoe Rsilwag. - shone and `Mmlun -l``VnnaIqKet loo|on_ o o o o n J o n I n OIIIOOOOIO: Newmarket ........................ . . Hamilton` and Beeton Branch Rail- goacoou o n u o n o In 1 . w`i".'f .".'.'f`. .'.',`T'.`. I ..'.".'.'. Moalord Branch Railway" . . (`.n1I{|-nownn _ 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11668 netore me cxoseo: eaon man. The letters (and all other mail matter) are taken from the `street letter boxes every day, Sundays excepted, at 8.00 o'clock a.. m. and at 3 o'clock and at 8.00 p. In 88-11 J. EDWARDS Postmaster 01-lllln....LLI. .?....'. ..... .......... .. `Hlllsdale, Craighurst.Da.Iaton,Cx-own R b imga Steel .............. .. t-Yliuurst. r'Mond:y. Wednesday and FridaY....v.... .............. .. _ 0!oohours.8 3. m. to 1). tr... nd for 20 minutes after the distrlbutxon of Toronto night mail--Snndny'a excepted. Mnnnv (`II-darn -crl-nnfnd on an Money Order ma.il--Snnds.y'e excepted. Mane Orders - need on an Money Order Omoes 11 Canada, nited States, Great Britain Prince Edward Island. Newfoundland and India, and Savings Bank deposits received be- tween the hours ot 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. `nnalnfni-AR T.ntl-A1-n mnnt he handed in 15 min- "1 ``. `.i 1f.?t?.r``x'.$%`i.'nI..`Ia.i in 15 min~ utes tore the close or each mail, rm... 1.9+... lnn nil nfhnr mml mattm-l are JAS. SCROGGIE; comuncnn, coMu1ss1oNEIg1N H.C.J. DBIOVOQ. ulsuuuuuu. ~ Trusting that the richest blessings of God may rest upon you and your families, and again thanking you for your extreme kindness and consideration in our behalf, CITY OF LONDON, ENGLAND, A Caplta12.000.000; deposited with the Govern- ment at Ottawa. 8100.000. Reserve fund ` 50,000 Sterling. THE MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE CO . Ca.p1ta.l$500,00o; Government deposit made. um ABOVE ARE ALL swoon coxrnuns. THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANGE 00. Capital. 3500.000. THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ABERDEEN AND LONDON. Capital, 3,000,000 Sterling. . _ OFFICE--`Over HENDERSON S Hard- A MOST COMPREHENSIVE FAMILY BIBLE, containing the REVISED and AUTHORIZED Ver- sions of both the Old and New Testaments. ar- ranged in parallel columns. It also contains a complete cyclopoadia of Biblical knowledge. 350 additional features. and nearly 2500 illustra- tions. The largest cheapest and most elegant- ly bound Family Bible ever published. The nluunn NPARA`l .l .ltT.`l .Il!n, av:-.1-v inmllisrent 0l'lpblVU IJlI'CU.!&l' unu 11081151 DCICIIIB. DIUIUB 111 over 100 varieties. Also a. line of Standard Subscription Books and cheap Photograph Albums. 0. BLAGKETT ROBINSON, 5 Jordon Sn, TORONTO. 37-10 Publisher. MAUTION. NONE OTHER GENUINE. 1y UUILHU. D runny DLUIU CV61` puuuaucu. LLIU DEMAND UNPARALLELLED, every intellivent erson wanting a. copy. Some agents are mak- n from $50 to $100 weekly. Our. agent McCra.e so d $500 worth in. two Townships during his first few weeks? work. Another agent renorts 17 Rihlan anld last week. Ernnrinnnn in nnt l1I'Ula IUW WCUISB WUFK. AJIULIIOF Egb 1'I5lJUl'|rB .17 Bibles sold last week. Experience is not necessary. Send to the sole geublishee for des- criptive circular and liberal rms. Bibles in nvnr Ill) vsu-farting. Alan A line nf qtnndnrd V JOHN D. nudn_qtxrccnY,'1m;Seeo`r._ :--_QI'Il$.EN'B' Horn. Buuun. 1 15-t; `VALUABLE BUSH Mam FBI: suni INA, sh Jrownahi otV rmoohaisting` {the- Weat g! lot 0, in he 4th on.. 7 oonI Ai,ni1?g. 100 . _ l .A: _V II. A th ~r.at**::r'.u.t..* .:`*.*..;.1;.i':`;.:lg;,'::**t.r: 3; VANCE Ofoe. or to-the owner. -~ G,- .Onnk&w|.5 . - . I ~ ' - Ill-N MYRTLE NAVY 0ud_\a Byllliuwov v n'x~:p1.y `mom 'cn`1:~.*n`Lo1>a13:. ' _ L` A B.u:_au:,' Feb. 8th, 1887-. To the Worthy 'i resid`ent, `Oicersi and members of Southampton `Lodge N 0. 28. - DEAR 4BRE I`HI{RN,--The Grendi Lodge- in session assembled have received with siuceregratication the very kind ad- dress of welcome you have been pleased to present to us. WA nun t1Ilnn"`l1 ,h`AlIHAl` th VQPV Agentfor the following Insurance Companies Rem V21 n:reiFs"sI7iEwTcu`u?a v.| NEW HOME BIBLE! t 1 V voasontnynp-nua,:4vnc9umn:ne,| Qickoadwhoglndlndonmcoanqpul I" ~.:ro.- cannot.-augo..n1th.wns1'.'s.:.m=3'~ :n.r.a; when an pa-opuam Joinnliod with. qsqntunlns sonnqaa oqmsg 308060130.` Bold: nu . -11 .'I-|-.......a.'o.- . ..--'I"` ' by I WA__N_]'_ED |MMEDlAT_|,_Y! . nu~c~c\n- G`? liiv'rTr` ..t\vv BELL 81 00., Guelph, Ont. '6A}vIzs's,Efz"ri'rFnYs'L6irE<'u7}' jnaxpr `nuns I-on` - in session assembled. we are, J orm Omwrox,-M. W. G. P. J OHN W; CARTER, R. W; G; Sec. ii The rst business of the Grand Lodge after its opening; and routine business had been nished was to `cable the follow ing to Her Majesty the Queen : ` - "To Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria. The congratulations, gratitude, loyal obedience and prayers on the jubilee of your reign by the Grand Lodge, 8. 0. E,` --c n. 1` A. - _ T Unapproached for Tone and Quality. GATALOGUE8 FREE - IN BRONZE 1,E'rTEns.` EACH rune on THE f`B ELL `WU LLLILV LIJJLI ware Store. IS MARKED FOR THE JIHGANS nna us!-J-:ov- --- v_. .. Signed, `REvV.W. SIBBALD, G. 0., on behalf of S. O. `E. 11058 `ml I10.-"8a.m| cnos: ' 400pm In It vury pliunyusuun uuuunuuu A On Wednesday morning the business of the Grand Lodge was resumed. The election of officers for the ensuing gea.t_ as was then proceeded with and resulte under : V '1`o1f9nto,. . .}Arr..8tv`B`r17i. - - Ar at Colllnizwcod 12.35. . .. Ill'\I\ll\ Dl'\!T7II`ll AJ1. .. 8.10.... ..11.27.... 5. 13 UBDV Laav l Leave Barrie, . `Ax-rive at Ox-i`l1ia....12'.17~. . . Ara.tGravenhurst. 1.25.... 7.oo,_ Dep. Gm.venhurst..l.50. .. . . . . . . . . Bracabridge . . . . . . Huntsville . . . . . . .. 4.15 . . . . . . . . . .. Sundridge . . . . . . . . .. 6.42 . . . . . . . . . .. North Bay . . . . . . . ..10.00 . . . . . . . . . . . GOING SOUTH. Leave North Bay. Qnnv-Iovn , D uuurlu U Huntsvi le l'.M. Bracehridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12.50.. _ _f .}`_ A1-at Gcgvenhuxt. .. . . ,. . ..a.2s1. .. .. . _ 4.3150 1 Don. Gl`8Yenhllr8t..A.M.. .. 6.20.. .. 2.45...,1 Lea.veOrillia.,...... 8.30.... 3,55____ 2: Arrivoa.tBnr1-ie.--7.07.... 9.45.... 4.42 2 NORTH SIMCOE--GOIN G NORTH, Leave Bu-rte at 11.00 a.m.. 8.22 p_m Arrive utPenetanguiahene.1.35 p.m.. 10.46 p.m GOING SOUTH. I ---A Dannfnnnualnhnnn at I`. IR a nu o u _ UULLVIJ DVJU All. have Bu-ria at 7.07 a.xn. . 4.42 pm; Arrive at Hamilton 11.40 n.m.. 9.10p.m . Trains leave Barrie for Toronto at 2.58 3.111., I 70% 3.111. Dom: ' nus, _9A_ -_.I AAI__A.!- 11' ____ .._ II`_..2_._ _v.. - lo-Iv tguug Ava an n---- a -- wt...- `Pacic A-t`l;sntic `Express Trains. with Bleeping Cars attached. From the West foriall points in New Brunswick, Nova Scotla, Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton and Newfoundland. All the poptar sea bathing, shing and plots. sure resorts of Canada are along this line`. `Dnllmnn mu-q lmtvino Mnnt.renl nn Nfnndnv The motion to cable the above to the Queen was carried amidst the wildest en- thuaiaam, the members rising in a body and cheering again and again. The ap- plause lasted a number of minutes and ended by smgiug the National Anthem. l I` ___ _____ _________`_ Leave Hamilton at Arrive st `Barrie. put-5" sure resorts OI uunauu. are along uus une. Pullman cars leaving Montreal on Monday, Wednesday and Friday run through to Halifax, and on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday to 9.. J ohn. N.B.. without chance. lnan nnnnnntinnn made nf..Pnint Tnvis: wit} JODD, 1V..D.. WIBHOIID CIIILIIKG. Close connections made at.Point Levis Wit}. the Grand Trunk Railway and the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company's ateameu from Montreal , and at Levis with the Nor . Shore Railway. `llflno-ant u-nt-nln an `Pnnmnn `rmnt and amok zsnore nauway. Elegant rst-class, Pullman buffet. and smok ins: cars on all through trains. 'l`irnf.nInnn1-nfrpnhmnnf. I-nninn nf. nnnvenim.`_ I112 08138 on Ill Inrougn ($81118. . First-class refreshment rooms at convenient distances. IMPORTERS MID EXPORTERS will find, it advantageous to use this route. as iv. is the quickest in point of time, and the rates are as low as by any other. Through freight is forwarded by fast special trains, and exper lence has proved the intercolonial route to be the quickest for European freight to and tron: a.l1_?oints in Canada and the Western States. nlrnfa tnn1r"hn nkfndnn ant? oian Infnrrnnfinw VERY one that has seen the I. F. and H. A. Singer Sewing` Machine, pronounces it the best sewing machine in America_for all sorts of work. heav or light. and _eas1est operated. slmpllcityo construction, noxseless in its mo tion, and can be run up to 2.000 stitches -r minute. Our agent Mr. Wham Campbell. as just sold eleven machmes in the ast two weeks, and says its the good merits o the ma` chine. above all others. that makes it so easily sold. Intending purchasers should call at our olce, next door to J. J. Brown's, and exsmln-: the best machine. I W. W. . . ` MANAGER. Barrie. March 13th. 1886. 11- .111. 9 From the West.-Limlted Express. 8.45 3.111.: Atlantic E ress. 5.05 p.m.; Montreal Express. 8.15 p.m.; lxed 11.20. . St. Louis Limited Express, Montreal E mas and ac c Express, marked " run dAxl ly including Sunday. '1`. 0. AND B. DIVISION. Cu-dwell Junotlon.-Going North-9.0I a..m. 6.30 p.m. Going South--9.07 a..m.: 6.80 pm. 0. V. R. DIVISION Inglewood J unc-tion.-Going North 10.18 p.m.; 6.29 p.m. Going South 9.23 am.; 6.17 p.m. 'fT"1'T"l'1\ 3.11 011158 In uanaaa. 3IlQ E118 W 83145111 abulcs. Tickets maybe obtained and also information about the route and about freight and passer; ger rates from ROBERT B. MOODIE. Western Freight and Paasen er ent, 93 Rosain House Bloc Yor st.. oronto TI I)(\"l"l` 1111'!) -4.-Ag: AaAA\ A- (All trains unless otherwise specified arrive and depart from Union Station, Toronto). DEPARTURE8.--Going _West. St. Louis Ex- ress at *8 10 a..m.; Pacic Express, 1.05 p.m.: xpress. 4.16 p.m. Going East.-- Limited Express, 8.25 a.. m.: Mixed (for Haveiock and intermediate points), 4.25 p.m.: Montreal Express, '8.00 .m. AnnIvAr.s:._Fr-nm than mnnt_Qt nnin mum.-ma n.nuuv1u.a- run! I no 138.!-w-B. 140111! ngxprcas `8.30 a..m.- Mixed (from Havelock and interme- diate stations), 11 50 a..m.; Toronto Express. 9.4:- nm. WHIL- Dierent reports were read during the session, which showed that the order was in every prosperous condition {\.. nAnnnl`nn mnvnvnn kiln hnsnnnn nf .... r.--c v--u-5 -.-v-v- -o-v I-'1-I-lo, Vol! y-Ills . ` . J . VALLEAU, Barrie. Sept. 1. 1885. Ticket Agent. A'ga, Life, Em and * ma of ` % Vans. mom u.2:';`:";.n.i-.;`.`:...f"`?' ~ "` 31.2:-!.2lp1._Uoro:h.l888. _ 13-17 INTERGDLONIAL T HE, w..'_'3E ja<.>,_U T E U0 l'U I1 11` UDIS, _ Chief Superintendent. Raxlwav Ofce. Moncton. N.B.. May 26, 18%. BANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. ONTARIO DIVISION. I In thanking the public or Barrie and vicinity Ito:-fthe liberal panonage bestowed upon him in the past, begs to state that he has at con- I aide:-able expense increased his baking racin- '. ties and in now prepared to do 9. larger business than ever. . - . .. ensue a LEAD8_:l'__l_-_*|_E VAN. as--La-jranoww Ends in the various and quality the bee ;--Do1lvo`rod. in all nu,-ts_of the town. EASILY SOLD! The following oioers were "present. Moat Worthy Grand President, John Clayton, Hamilton ; Rt. W01`. H. .Pres., Thos. Skippon, Toronto; R. W. G 'I`reas., Benjamin Hinchclie, Toronto; G. C.. Rev. W. Sibbald, Belleville ; H. J. Boswell, Montreal-; -Alderman Swait, V To- ronto; Past G. Pres., R. Oaddick, Dr. Pollard, Toronto; P. G. V., P. Edmett, Port Perry ; P. G. Pres., J. Lamas, To- ronto;John R. Hooper, Ottawa; 0. R. Smith, Port Hope; A. Williams,` Corn-T P10-NIC mnmns Eogus & WEDDINGS _ supplied at short noticapnd on reasonable In!-Inn. DOMINION BAKERY _..-... --.-vv--- you`. Aanuvs \l|`II4\J yubuhur, :.25 Montrealvxpx-esa, '8.36V ARRIVAL8-Fl`0m the E8.Pt-St. 1115 Express 8.30 a.m.: (from Hnvelock and int.m~nw- .eAv:-y da'y. Ask- your M g-ober to`: them a._nd you will use no other. A-RLES 'VV'AY. (n-.v1a:-4 ..~ uonjI'I-In_l_u_ RAILWAY " some NORTH. RAILWAY. `February 17, pqscurrs v-gv- ...----_-. on 7.00 a.m.. 4.00 _ T10. 11.28 a.m.. 8.88 R: SIOING SOUTH. Unvn A10-.. ..q--.. . Worthy Grand President, Thomas Sknppon, Toronto ; W. G. V. P., H. Boewell, Montreal ; W. G. Seo., John V garter, (re-elected acclamntion); ' nnnn numu 11....` n mh. I-`nnnhn1 3 Ha Tnnnnt W3 aw Emm spasm ! Ulglllo nll FIUBBD BI` . House at. D- P0TTr`.hl(n}fEnm- ._' . `-owhvvqrntr J IIDOWN - MAIN LINE. THE RM. '1 `M1 7, 1887. Pdxsbnmt. Sonirf Engluici life tyembers free of % duet, . qnd`,.si1: agembeu i>uid%n`-beifeta-*5 [ _ 3 ~ rm` I-ma-_ . I4- The retirement from the Ministry and` apparently from public life, owing to ill- health, of so able a man as Sir Ale'xands_r_ Ca`mpbell,`hss loccasioned` "widen read gun, as we `felt sure it _wou_ , ' For. more than a quarter of a ceptur`y"i`he has " taken part in the conduct of_ public at- fairs, and hasexercised an important in- uenoe on the course of Government in Canada. Elected in 1858 to the Legisla- tive Council of the late Province of Canada under the system prevailing at that tune.--a fact which lovers of the. elective system have pointed to with some advantage--Sir Alexander became Speaker- of the Upper House in l862.*an oiee he soon afterwards exchanged for a portfolio V in the Government of his friend and former law partner, Sir John A. Mac- donald. When the Union Act of 1867, of which he was one of the framers, was brought into force, he was invited to join the first Cabinet formed underthe leader- ship of` his Chiet, and assisted him and the late Sir George Cartier in giving_e1i`ect to the new order of things. He has re- mu'ned'-. with Sir'g_lghn`__f~rom that _J,ti_rne. to the present, hdldingfin succession many; ' oiees ot honour, trust and responsibility; As Postmaster-General, to which position L- -_.__ -_`..2..L...! 3;. 101!!! -L- _-- -`.._.I.-.41 Uue U['l_8l OI Ill`. UHBIU B .l.4`~1 311 qgnvingg aigoac akpiicght hid lids of 1 " T icin.o-"a.Iid`7? n. :3 `I..- -II .I-.......:-o. IUHI VUHIIIIICD. 1!` LVLIIIIIIVI Us vusuvavv during the trying and excitin iperiod of the recent outbreak in the orth-west, , `Sir Alexander displayed a wise prudence and a proper rmness in dealing with` the cases of(Riel and the other State prison- ers. Ijlisprecautions with regard. to the care and custody of the prjb}_1ers botli-`he-fl" fore and subsequent to their` trials, his courage `and humanity ` as-_ `exhibited on", various times during the,pe_ri'od of"'the trials {have .b'e.en much" ,com_me nded and" have won universal approval ,Eis me- morandum on the Ri'el case, `which was, laid before Parliament, is a masterly pro-- duction, and will always be regarded as. one of the iablest state papers of our day. Sir Alexander Campbell, however, w -ill-`be best `remembered ,-,as a` member of the Senate, `of whlh honorable body he was the l eader;'n o`t only by virtue ofvhis office in the,Gr"ov,ernment, but as, _the_..senior survivor of these who were apgginted to the Senate unller the Queenis-fa reclama- tion in 1867. The address, tact -and con- ciliatory adroitness, o as l the -Toronto World puts it. zdisplayedaby him. not,only as _Government_Ieade'r, but also; as _,:leader of the `Conservative 0pp'osition- insthat Chamber during the ve years of Mr. Mackenzie s administration, ensured. for him a well-deserved popularity, equal to, it it did not's'u`rpass , that` enjoyed by the late Chancellor Vankoughnet, who was the ablest leader of the Upper Chamber previous to "Sir Alexander Campbell's time. In Sir Alexander s case too the popultrity wasgmingled with a feeling, of respect for his personal character and of admiration for "his attainments and public worth, " 6.060,. as history records, Sir Alexfaiiderjwas` called on by the Queen : representative to form a Government, but `for .~. person'al reasons declined the task. I. UHUIIIKUUI'\XWIIUl'IIg IIU WIIIUII HUDIVIUII it: was appointed in 1867, `he was afforded a wide eld for the exercise of his admin- istrative talents, as the result of which Canada now enjuys over its extensive do-. main one uniform postal service or sys- tem equal relatively for eioiency and cheapness ofmanagement to-the systems nIu:un:`:nns in II`II\lI"| -l\`l`QD ant` Ihnlln hh. CUPIVGUBDQUIVV IIU l.UI;u.I D \Jvv\'u.uI.uwu.v, wuu ; "for . persbn"a1 `:r'ea8ons declined `-task their expressions of regret over the re- tirement of a man of his experience and the Government gave weight to its char- acter and '*his presence in the Senate lent dignity to the deliberations of that body. We understand that the retired Minister has purchased the lease of a residence in Wellesley-Crescent, .'1`oront,o', `where he will` remove with his family. We trust, with rest and proper care, Sir Alexander s ailment may disappear, and that at some his "place in the public service of his country. We may here `add that the Minister everinanifested a friendly re- gard, are indebted` tohim for the Satur- day "half-holiday, a privilege dating back to Sir Alexander's incuinbency of the Department of Crown`-Lands before Confederation. Sir Alexander s retire~ ment leaves Sir John Macdonald and ` Sir Hector Langeviii the sole survivors in the Government of the Cabinetas formed in 1867 --Ottawa Citizen. i'We'j`gii'i heartily with our contemporaries undoubted capacity. His presence in. future day he may be enabled to resume` Civil Service, in whose interests the ex-' BIIU '7 I-II All N)\lll\lIl vuvvlw Iuuu nu vuv pages of tracts he pinte a. moral ;Vbut then, pjositionjil inadeqnlte tontherdeaires of 3;. "iiIo riminating`f)hil6Iophy.'J' `-To` Iporhg journals and to the entire American prose he is invaluable, but this "is nnieeling, thankless around. He merely represents ,. l.....1:L".I'.`ll"_JI2. i'AC.r-`.'b('I.$."3 Hui" v;`3n.'?nK'ui`iT` C3`: ' break. N at amen` of those who cite him regards hi .. ' T '3' yd __n;qt:_j.o apqek ` of honest '5; and the Globe men are "the best-"1lluatra.-j tions in this country of `the noted, Bible 'v"=r-'- -\~ h8l'8t91'-' _ -~ _ I _ v `Fm -13'-'-air 1,. :_. ,, .\.__.,,; I __ ' ' .1 '> .|. ' 1 ~ .3, * r`nLi damn Lo1Sen3`noxf%b*7`* snsszons AT nutnm. Us Qlivlllv luv -q II` D II}Il'U`U I81. Sold drug iota. It stunned the Bu-bin - "How would you like tn" have your hair out 2" asked the ~.- _ moiIIor.I," replied `Isl: cunsmbf.` I fell on the phoo with a. dull thud. - thankless around. He merely a we 'des'2?r6ui?` 6 break. _ot ame 0 310%: Who cite iii: ,i:._l_...____L:A._.I- _'-A. L- _..__L Where Ananlas is Found. Among Asiatics lying is a sign of cul- ture and polite breeding. In -_ Africa the nativesare not yet sulcientlyacivilized to have any denite notions on the subject. They are on the lowest possible leveli They lie or not according as they think it is to their advantage orthe reverse. Rum and religion, Bibles and bayonets, have yet to do a great work before the poor African can rise to the dignity of forming a denite policy on the matter. The Australians lean to the American side. In Europe Ananiss is branded as a bad man ; in America he is a-funny man ; in Asia," were he -known, . he would be canonized as the polished man; while in Africa he is nothing better or worse than any other man-,-hetis the` mere average" mortal. he drifts with the tide of ' events, and is not worth making an occasional fetichof. On the whole, the career of Ananias must be considered a .failure_ Where he is known he is not respected, and where he might be respected he isnot known. In Sunday. schools and in they of tfI'0t8`,lI8;{1p)lnt_ a_in9.ral_; ;b\iIi1`th. H`; '`3i'a'i.I ':'z3III;T.`3i'&'S".E I'Sr {,2,',;`:,'. l_ou_ countrieq; As~_Mini_lt_er `of ` Justice ,_. _ _._2_.I - - -. - 0 ' 1 % trial of Dr.` Chase ; LiverV`0qre auxiai anammzana cssam III! at sliq An 1* '.."1s'u"1 faoipe ll IIIIV '\JUlIIIIIlUIlIlO- ~ k1m 11"`l71`e`;>aper looks as if it could not `be sold for`-less than two-d_01IItt.Ind.yet the 51)r_i:" bply forty be sent {:6 (`ha publinshefaj is sure to be in deman(;1`a'tiL-a`hi7gh_ )t{o1mium. Tmbrihg out idea.s,.-` on ` `V of illilatratedpapera, the pub1iah6`:a_'~5f_;.,V`L'l!_H1n % -S'r_.m'.are giving $1000 in cast; as follows :- _ . _ VII D U IIIIIIUE `V35 IIILV -. yj'e_o.1" of?t]1e.j gre_;tea__t Oagniygl-sis likewis the.yfea,;r of the`great.e8t Ca}'nii#elS1'uz yet pg-Qduoed --a, `"tl38jf.` iii]! be _ preserved 3,93 339 hiqterical work-apd descend `as an ,, .;'\._."_'LS_-._ by `m 311 rut: or the country- B;:tb1;:-agotmunumoanswo: . u-n.- n-Jgun BqnnnhIIII|I_ T . Alitarwhathltvanshmss. . _ With truly wonderful" enterprise the `publishers of the Montreal STAR have every year published a Garnlval number "of the Sun, `which has astonished the world and made the publishers of other great illustrated papers look aghast. This year-the Queen's Jubilee Year, the .iv`Ain nx`C'[w6~`u)n'bminnnbnnI~ r1'.....:a.".`I_;8. 1:lrn|r:nn i$l,UUU.UU CASH. 1 l`:Il.a'nl_. __ The" pqglglishera of 135 * fMontr`eal.i i`S'1'AR offer the sum of onedollara for the beat letters containing Euicient ideas fora Carnival STAR toexceedain popular interest the present issue, and -that can 5 be sold at the same price. _ 1st Pnze, caah_;. . . . . . ...o..$60O 2nd Prize ,caeh, . . . . . . . . . .. 250 3rd Prize, cash` . . . . . . . . . . .. 120 V Any_ competitor, successful or otherwise, will be paid for any accepted idea irreepec- tive of the cash prizes. ` 55 all IIIDIIEIIIIUIIL WUl5`Hu .\nlVD\iUIl\ul 09 Du h"_eir1uorri ?tfronre generation to_' geileriitibn. `It__is _i_.r_np3'i:i`ble` to tlesribe thehttraetipns vo_f_th,e;,C1, ivsl>_S'.rn this year. _It` marks an era. of progress in "f illustrated pipers perfectly amazing in its possibilities. The Carnival number oi the Sun has forty mammoth pages with jve exquisite p plate supplements the 'most -artistic and the most interesting ever produced with any paper on the continent. VI... rxnnnn `nabs nu nnltiti I VIA` `ID A Blind 3:-me Goes to the Poo:-house.` Mrs. Catherine Dufour, a pretty bru- nette, 19 years old,~went before a New York Justxce the other day .to ask to be sent away from her mother. She is blind and said he was married last October to Leon Dufour, who shortly after left for France to look up some money due him - there. She said her mother, Margaret Minton, had cruelly treated her.e Her head was bandaged and the blood was streaming downvher back from a wound her mother hadinicted with a tin pail. She did. not want to prosecute her mother, but "wished to be sent" somewhere away from her till-'.her`husband s return, "which she hoped would be soon.` _The magis- trate sent her " over the: hill to the poor house. Ct vv cw: vw -vrvvu-u A servant girl, named Barbara Pokarna, a Bohemian; .was charged in the New York:`Police Court with killing a six-year- oldhohild,'Joseph Kaspar. She said she was feeding oneof the younger children, when this boy made some noise, and` she sprang upon him and struck him on the -head. The boy told his mother shortly before his death that Barbara had struck` him on the head, but begged h ar,:.,notA V to .`;n 1.1.; :r.*:_`.r'...s .. uI.VII':-$1.69: 1.-.'2..* `hnn Q CVnn-vv- Q`ntff_ .one safe to lay. ,- The anti liqipr question is a. strong plankd a an d -1 . \ 1:318 ih `T ) bevernwee are safest -when `let alone. even in medicines Burdock Blood Bitters is not I bar beverage, `min atrictiy `pure medicine, reliable for tuna: 1;` tin: nluunnnh Jinn! kauuvnlu L341 42` :~s`2- 4 ` *:?1n.&i.;1ssuae;.;esss.:; Bing: eh; V.c"Vexx)'ti'e,.'-of. the great Russian Petro`eum elds, have ~ been greatly alarmed over a subterranean "o"- i15'li'|ion-, which shook houses and caused ounuidersble demure At the same time. xsfv . :1 Lcnhatenwten miles L M. .A&`.__ ,. -Be on Your Guard. I Dou t_ullows cold in the head to slowly end surely develope itself into Cataarh when ` you can be cured for 25 cents. ` ` A c..... ........1:....a.:....... ...:n ........ :n.-..`n:.n4 UDKIHC Sold by all dealers at 250. or ' box. Try Dr. A. W.` Ohase s Oanadmn gatarrh Onre- ; take no` other--it will cure you. For sale by 1 all dealers. . ' ` vuv sauna -rs-- v-a,.`-- -v__ _-v- `hit ' nie.` `wh :4: '!!'It>u?1"e"4.n_vV,i:g, Q said. imjlrst the girl denied it, &l`l>i 1'I`; EfiiBrvs"i:.rda"`cbI1'-' feaaed.- She was held on the charge _of` msnilaqghger. : V W _ c`Dl"W`u-W$\I"UIIDIl_uII.|IU_In-I-vvv-`V V. ,;. _. V--`l'he erase c The twelfth session -of this Grand Body ? ;. was held last Tuesday and the following` three days of the week in the County Council Chamber in this town. Important - business in connection withethe order is occupying their attention. `Sixty-two oili- cers and delegates were present, represent: ing lodges in Ottawa, Montreal, Belleville. Kingston`. Port Hope, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port Perry, `Stratford, Uz- bridge, "Hamilton, Parkdale, Cornwall, Orillia, Bracebridge, Uitenhage (South Africa), Port Elizabeth, `... Thomas,-g Woodstock, Trenton, Peterboro , Galt Collingwood, London, Barrie, and l lodges of Toronto. ' . After the usual opening ceremonies, the Barrie Lodge presented the Grand Lodge with the following address of welcome : Baniun, Feb.` 8th, 1887. V e To the Most Worthy Grand President", and Brethren of the,_Grand Lodge. _ - Mostr Wonrnr Sm AND Bnormme,---It is with true Eleasure, the brethren of Southampton edge welcome you to ' our town, and trust that the arrangements made for. your accommodation` while amongst will meet with your approval. `VA nun nnhlv nnnnibla Of the 110110! of 1 YUII URI] UV UIIKUIL IUK GU _UUl-I|IDn .A few applications will cure incipient V Qatari-h. i ma LA I--on `nun-pun ru-6:11 l|IC-A`- l\A:I\%Ir I`..- v(3:;11':;J two boxes will cure ordinary Ca- tax-rh. n_-;- n__L-..-__ _.:u -.__; -1._-_:- (1.. , "63; to Eve boxes will cur chronic Ca.-T tarrh. 21.1.1 I... -nV .'I--1-..- -1. oz- ...`....1.....'. m-.. Among the Indiana. While my husband was trading in furs he came across an Indian who was taken to h1e lodge.to die. He had inward pains and pains in all his limbs. He gave some Yellow Oil internally andapplied it externally, and cured him. ` It also cured my husband of rheumatism, and I nd it valuable for coughs -...l `-13. -onus Ithnnq`. :s'CuI` Mil. : A rneuumuaua, nuu. L uuu Ill vnsuuvua Lu: uuuguu and colds, abre `throat, e` ." Mrs." A. Beuw, Cook : Mills, Serpent River, Ont; V"llIlI\-vnirnllv Iniiulltv v v us--gov v--q.-v. La v snug on `I:'nb1.I.-tan ten miles- di `>:`:-*"1I'..;- -two nights the: volcano throw 3 column of re and mud uy-...-p IIaI'I.I;uI PUIU Iuwuuaulv IGLIDUIU lur Lzfases of the stomach,~l1ver, bowels, kid- neys and blood,'ai1d will not aid in making` ; * ne arse? -Comew ' ring cihillinlig Andelocks are gray v As winter's day, ' And eyes of saddest blue behold . The leaves allewearyclrift away, b A 2 1 And lips of faded ooraliiay, .s F-There` comesathne when grow old. - i There comesatime whens-jo nus hearts, Which leaped as leaps the anghmg main, Are -dead to all save memory, - ' As prisoner in his dungeon chain ; And dawn of day ~ Hath passed away, The moon hath into darkness rolled. And by the embers wan and gray, I hear a voice in whisper say, There comes a time when we grow old. There comes a time when manhood s prime 1: chi-nnsa in {Jun nu-n;al> nf unnrc T1161 9 o9mea `Q txmg ,wh\en_ lgnghing And goldo1:_snmihorfoeu_g9 be, `And wq ;putf*d;I1 Ighe:_Autnmn rrobe, To trexid the last declivity` ; Rn nnm I-.`:n n`nv\A LIIUIU UUIIIUB C IIII-IIU WIIUII IIJBIIIJUUBI D till!-IJV Is shrouded in the mist of years. And beauty, fading like a dream, Hath passed away in eent tears ; And then how dark ! V But, oh ! the epnrk . That kindled youth to hues of gold, . Stillbnmn with clear exudate __ y ray. -` "Ad '.f2 &-'.I"L8'....`c2.`~.-;-'l3c.na.uhin nh' '- A A large amolint _ofVbt'1`inena was dptne on '1 _ThD!'IdG o taint the afternoon tension it` was decided to hold the, pen meeting in '.l`oronfto.A ; The -proposmon `to establish fennel? L.branoh.9|T.*.5f. `F.59l""der` was dicomiod hut; >im_- got : fuzoubly -rggudd,_.fgrid it '3 ` n_o--gonna on itho {)ro. " If _ . k `E: the it cuZ`.'. 6!'f%;:" WIFE clear um (yo `And"fbndVa'ectio`n9,` lingerimi nay, T -` There `come; a time when we grow eld. LU UIUIIII UIIU lily IIUVIIVIUI , But now the slope, - . With:-osyogi T Beyond the sunset we o1d- . Another-`dawn with fsirer light, 4` While watchers whisper through the rs`:-uhni . VV IIIIV WCUUIIUIQ WIIIUPUI VIII-Vsll I nizhh -There comes 3 time when we grow old. __,_ _ 44:. so?` 4 Wtinie 1:11:21! 0. . !?` sunetown 0. :ras1!!.&l.;i'!Id the. nialuawinu old $1,000.00 cAs___u Pgmis,` < I In I l..ni .1`! 4 _,A;__._I > xmoa Wltha spoon. - .:rHE;NORTHmR.`1Ai0iVAmBE. I DID LL IV vvun two-dbiIbtt.u1:d..;9"t:' ti; , ) I 1` ;h`f:-fi b :3 and it E-=:hi7gh: Qtomium . a.s,.-" , th6[pub1iaho!:a';6f_;..`L'l!_H1: 1000 RH: amongst Will meet. wuu your uyynunu. We are deeply sensible of the your visit, and although Light is not ex- pected from the North, yet we trust that the `result of your `deliberations in this the 12th annual session, will markigh Noon in our noble order. ' ` - . We pray that the God `of our Fathers in Hll wisdom, may so direct your labors that the work of this session will aid in a further cementing of "the bonds of. brotherly love between us and prove of litsting benet to us nancially, morally and spiritually. ..-\ A. . *:-..-.~-. rm v .\'\t\` ; guilds wound`. Thb mutt mettod dnnng ` the eruptio`n'alrou'_ly lies seven to fourteen feet sleep. oyer a full square mile J A .__2a.._-. 350 eet.h-igh; u;.i .,o....4em; IUIIG IIUUIJ Juv- | of sen-ito ry.?_ 9. feeling of Tightnejss in `the Chest. Weak Lungs.~or any simiinricompluint? .11 so. buy at oncea bottle of Meeregoi-`s Lung Cam and. It willeure you. It contains entire new sgeeios, of which one dose is more Ve ect t en uwhole bottle otrthe old time remedies. Itisput up in 500. and $1.00 bottle. Sold by Geo. Monkman, Druggivt. Tr it. and you will never have reason to comp n. ' Conversation." i - . Shorthand notes were taken of the following conversation at a. recent fashion-' able reception :. . Dude-``Rea1ly,_now. 41.-` uv..- :...J.....I " uuuu-- LUUDLIJ ,_ uu u . She-Yes, indeed. Dude` `Awfnlly funny, you know. Sbe---'.l`he drollest thing in life.' Dude -Why, to:be sax-e.._ ' ` She---I was so surprised. _ Dude--` `Nothing surprises me. And` thus do we keep up our reputation as the Athens of America. . % % soon`: ptruro Cod Liver Oil, with . Hyppphqaphites. is more reliable`-asan sgept in thefcure if con-,. snmption, _ coughs and emaciation, than any remedy knogvn to medical science; It is so prepnred that the patent} _of ` these two most valuable specics is" rgoly in- creased. It` in duo v_ex-y palutable. -44 . Y `TIC; UV What o the 'lna;tter with the tiain, con- ductor ?" baked 9. paefeenger :do you expect to stop at every eroseroud? If you don t like the way this train is run. growled the conductor, t"`you can get off `and welk. _" j Oh, I'm in no h'urry , said the .--_--gunman The Memories of the Past. V . t A great dealof comfort is to be got out of the recolleotion` of good things, _s aidi_a.nVo1Vd epicure rubbing his hands. "v`I lnxuriate over the memory of many a good dinner whiohl ate years ago. `Be- sides, none of those dinners can give me the nightmare now. I iiiiiinger. pl-Ul'|l|IvU , uuuuneuvn IIIJIOVII, -as-an Illlll-A The following response to tl:e cab`;- Igrem of comzretuletions to the Queen on: `Tuesday was received from He; Majeqty. "The royal message was received with .j nut `Inch cheer: `as only loyal .-Briton; can give, the who1efGrend .-Body} itiinding while it jWdI reed : 2 " ____ 'l'V..I- -1 n-'r:..n..j. "'n\'.|. ".&i:.i. 1; . Advice: from` Mandalay say. that 300 Dacolta recently made a desperate attack` on 9. native Indian regiment in Woontho. and. that two soldiers were killed and three othereweunded in theght. Lnumnmuam Lecturer on the Eye, Ear and Throat. Trinity Medical 0011 e, Toronto. Surgeon to the Mer- oer Eye and or Inrmary and Oculist and `Am-isttothe Sick Children's ilospital, late clini- cal Assistant Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospi- tal. Moo;-9elds,_ and Contra _London Throat cal Asststanp noym uonuon U nuuuunu nonun- Mooreelds, and London Throat and Ear Hospuol. has removed to 60 I"-ollege Avenue. Toronto. Maglbe consulted with re- ference to Diseases of e Eye, Ear Throat and Nasal peesaizes, at the out-.ws HOTEL, BARBIE, S`at%urdey,_I'-`canary I9tl1 Specie) attention to Cross Eyes and Cetareot . L ;+**;' %;`*f V N ';'-t+ +"% V: - .- oozvvs zANoEn.%A,;4s.. V 188 IIIOF MNRIIIAGI I-IOINSII -. -1 hinting Amman , , QUALITY -HIGH. PRICES LOW. lJ.|V|. BOTHWELL L1 08. GEORG -5.-as usnnuvn E_S. nvnsou,| Tm: QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY of T London, England. - - an IMPERIAL .1usUnANE COMPANY of London. Enzlsnd. m1>n(n:'.~ux Finn: OFFICE 01:` LONDON England. ~ [0 present DU me. We are greatly pleased with the very hearty manner in which you have received us-.from our first meeting at Allandale until the present time. You have billeted us at comfortable quarters, you have pro- videda handsome and commodious hall for our. sessional meetin s, and we are satised that ' you have one everything possible` to make our stay amongst you comfortable and pleasant. A Your citizens ' have also shown us many courteaies for which we thank them. `I7, 1. -_- LL_L _-.-.. T -.I.un -unt-I nnnddnnln THE GLASGOW 8: LONDON INSURANCE Company. of Great Britain. W8 AIiiT7P%R*+3SHNTs. names:srncxmuscouutv ~ . 'AT'P4'NfD SEE;-. I cnys'rA1. PALAGE*STOREs .. A B'A..R-IRIIJE , - -u: u--- - w-ruu-u--r--q- -_-,-u---` E `. '3' $3 $11.. 7'1 I; 7 H _ POST FFIOE --1 BUIIoDING,`- BARBIE. THE LARGEST AND OHOIOEST ASSORTMENT OF GOFFEES V IN TOWN._ THE LARGEST AND CHOIOEST ASSORTMENT OF TEAS ' ` IN TOWN.` THE LARGEST AND OHOIUEST ASSORTMENT OF PLAIN AND N FANCY uaocmmns _IN TOWN. 'r7IFs7T; Monnow wnlcu W6 Iallllll uncut . V We hope that our Lodge may continue to be successfu in promoting the (well- being of Englishmen in your` beautiful town, and that your deportn_1ent~mey be such as to reect credit on our noble and beigyed institution. A ' ' ...';:..... um; um uinhnn klnnninan nf