L The only taper Mach the Market; Coo back. V Every St 18 Guage Ground Cross Cut Saw in Runner. Silver Steel. Thin a same guage. 13 Guage Face. FULLY WARRANTED. A pness GOODS. QUALITY HIGH. % Pmcms LOW. [u]. M. BOTHWELLI mm LARGEST AND CHOIGEST ASSORTMENT or TEAS V IN TOWN. V FREEMAN $1 ,'POYS AND PRESENTS. CHEAPESTSTMKIN mscnuurv CALL AND SEE. cnvsrAL 9ALAr..;|=.s1oas I THE LARGEST AND OHOIOEST ASSORTMENT mi` oommns % IN TOWN. Blllypvu -.v..._ -...__ _ , V _ The New Orleans police have prevnb ` ed a duel between two leading oteoleg of that city. ' ' . The Groa Ventre, Mandari and Arie}:- area Indians have surrendered their re- sorvatious, --nu `_|_`j A'` THE LARGEST AND OHOIUEST AB8OR'I`MENT'OF PLAIN AND .. rumor GROCERIES A IN TOWN. HERBERT SMITH having leased the stone Blacksmith Shop. Clapperton-st.. next to the Simone H0 is prepared to do all kinds orfvork. Horsagg o;l1gt_`o1t'ttl.1ienlatt;s;..gr1proved 3 es, pt-even o n e e g, 0 :13. con- traction and tender feet carefully treated. Builders eunnliod and estimates furnished. 16 FLOWERS FOR CHRISTMAS -~`end orders to Morgan 8: McVittie, Owen Street. Barrie for flowers for Christmas. Plants loaned for table dec ration. Cut owers in ea` quan- tity.` Wedding bouquets `and ecorattcns. Funeral crosses. wreaths and other desi s artistically nished. Telephonic commu ca- tion after January 1st to Greenhouses and Fruit Farm V Entrance to Greenhouses on Wellington t.` MORGAN an MOVITTIE. oon..0ro. Above Wm oolomon as am nu-ox-moo. Apply tea. 0. aooo, Budto: 80995.31. 18$. 88%! OLIJOWING IMPROVED FARMS FOB sale.-~.S,of Lot`! 111 uth oon.. Iunial; of It N. E. pt 18 in `In: oon.. Vespm; E} 2811: lot ..m,nm_ Above will be-uoldonouytarmn `rue sriuonnn 11FHS$lI!!!E!Fli'Y- ; JOHN D. ulbltnoav, Inspector. Once :-Qunx 3 Hour. Baum. 15-ts vAL%uATonAnuo nasrscron , to : B. at L . Auoolugn in.-Oounty of Blmooo. - - `AM.ni:y_ thoqlonn. B..`; E"*`?-"'..:.i"`3`7i``*r*7"5*i*:%;?:.`%2*i` In In-v;_ Iiuunv-cu IIDD VVA\A\lrvo Mrs. Mcclelland, widow of General Mclelland, has received $10,000 as an advance payment on the General : book. n I` , ,L _-I L---L.'_ _.L.. I-Amu-3` Im SINESS tcnigngpgxin for Bnuineuofli mm Y m: nalnurbeimr 7'-:I;ins for Sale; PERFl*1C'l`l0N A1` LAST! .1 1:; .B OO'gl`I-I. LARGEST. AND BARBIE Iaucxsumu `sun I` '63; ' `33 ?.s..a`1.{1`i;.'T.'-?`.`?i..:" Wi .b:.=l`l a.:t'.Arl?.:>;{l` % .5.`-LEI: SON.Bpnh.Ont.- CHRISTMAS BARBIE vunvv re-J --v..- -- --_ Frank Sellers, 3 ecl;ooi- ntachr. who attempted to assault a. little girl at Zanes- ? ville, Ga., last. Friday was publicly raw- hided. V X POGOGK 13. co., I-Iamlon, out. Is B' S'9 sou-: AGENTS, BARRIE. LAD|E_S UNDERWEAR, WEAARE `nnowmc ABOUT ova GIJMPIJMIENTS OF THE SEASON. 1 TIIE5 Famous Shoe King your order for Christmas and New Year : Photozrahns. If you wish to make our Father, Mother. Sister, Brother, Wife, -hild' or Friend a. Present, that wihgive lasting satisfaction. leave your order w 0` A TIME1e: ve N0 Isnnoonvnumz. am you ,__:-L L- _._|-- _.-__ 1'..AI...._ `II..Ln- Qhabnu DUNLOP STREET. BARBIE. 3 Large Photographs for Pu-lore 3 Specialty. Tm: QUEEN` msunmolr compmnr of 4 London, England. THE IMPERIAL INSURANCE COMPANY I of London. England.` ` uvwunv V. ---v -.v.. --. x France, Italy, Germany and Russia are ` reported to be arming. ' T ' II |- 1 ,' ,I\-_...__ _L_-- Lana nnnhnti Tam pmmux rum ormcn or Lomion England. Oruenjeu II we ADVAHOI Umoo wnu we gromszly sttondngqtol ufd x:?nua.t'i:n win: on he had himnolt been consulted. nlutnkonln pa-loeoionlt ovorybody. SECOND-II III I) PUIN I TUBE ::o;:-j -10 glut -L THE GLASGOW & LONDON INSURANCE Company, of Great Britain. Licensed Auctioneer for the County ot ' 5 Sitnooe. ` _ Orderlleft` It the ADVAIIOI Omoe winbe nmmmlw gttnmlul In. Add lnfm-mntinn will he ""'ii'Ju'3ui`i-'mi'iii.ui." Auction Rooms and 0oo.-Mooro's Block, 1 . Dnnlop It. Barrio I NOHCE is hereby Riven that the Northern Railway Company of Cenndn. the Hamil- ton t North Weetern Rnllwo! Company,` the North Slxncoe Railway Gompen and the Northern end Pacic Junction llwey Compnnir will apply to the Dominion Pu-llap ment at to next. session foren Act to authorize `-the ooneolldetlon of the and tour Communion and for power to re-an-er e and eonnolldate their 1' ve Bonn and dgbentnre eeonrltlee on d and there oopltele end (or other pur- Deted the th do! of November. 1886. ' - G.-UARCY BOULTON. =11: V nllnltnr my Aunumntn. EEo.R-FoRo. O! FIOE:- Collier Street, Barrie. Wishes his many customers and the public generally, 'm:n::1w;1;:-1.1a-iv ;l'firu-;"Cihovr|ou-' , non of ` H, omwa botelkeeper. was run_ over by . fume;-'3 sleith and instantly killed. ` -. n A..A-nun mun` IAVAIAIII ininnul ---AGENT I'0R--- J. CLAYTIIN CALL A.G-AIN. LALRCY . Solicitor for Appliogntg AND GREY FLANNELS. P. F. EWAN, '.'I'."IiE 2 DOORS WEST OF THE BARBIE HOTEL DRUGS: `.`l;A'_I`Vi'I_`71;d'i'."DVIE3-I'1;I_E`:, DYE % STUFFS, sous, oomas, AND BRUSHES. "i'Si;,;:;:;:;;;:`;;;;;.i;;.;5....aA by mung off 5 tolgoggnn at St. ffnomu 3" M 5, ; ago end n m 3 very `ormonl con- dition. The consignment of cannon ' and um mnnition for the British Oolunnbgn hgr-`N boa, {om passed through Wxnmpeg a fag day! *0` ' " ` M Detroit lost Satnrda , May J. Bu-neg, formerly of London, nt., secured 3 divorce from William Barnes, hotel- xgeepbr, London. Georg!) Trenholme a1in.George `Brown, ._ :. ..........od nf hsunno mm-mad two ,GEORGE MONKMAN. A CHEMIST Ann DRUGGIST. --will be tound-- next noon to nlijx or GOIIERGE; F'.A.2B.1I:_1E3.'EI.S! IITI`& Zjvuvuiiup Stung` Bells, Broad, Double and sin 10 Bell! ruahes,CnrrCom Whi 1100 Dndnnfnll inn Arnnnl Ill slnamanouamnnnss ht nu-rinse 1189- in F 3" `3.?`$`3..`:m``.reqmred. Auuws in max oi um 10 onnsn.-. northern & North Western nanweye. THROUGH TICKETS To all points But nnd West. sndlhnltaobo. For tioketu, rota. oo., apply to ' PRISORIPTIONS CAREFULLY VOOMPOUNDID. (jgorgu 1l_UlIuU.|u.|U u|Luw.uIcvs5v .-.-nvvvu, o is accused of having married two Egg more than the law allovia, will be ! ad at. the coming assizes In Montreal. 5 United Stltdlo ' * Fire at Galveston, Texas, destroyed 1 several business blocks last week. One hundred tons of onyx was lately shipped fl'om San Francisco to New York. 11 ,, (\_1.......... G\l'\`:II `Inna nnnutin- CVVI II C IUIU Roar. Qunm, Agont. 2 N. W. Rn. `General Puoonuu-Agent. gario. TOILET ARTICLES--.A' FULL LINE. Chuperthm nnvonoo in or north at T0 llll _ BIG STOCK on HORSE BLANKETS; A_!..__TI_`I_ v1_._.:' 1 -_LI- .._.I OI-nln 1)..- 550118, 511180, Donnie Bnu am no rushes, Com 4 Pads or all inds. arneaa and Vu-nishe-9.. Lessons given in all B1-bnohol of Pllull, D Q `my Q 'l`e'nnII on 0 :"':.':'.9.a.-: .`:`' :2-5:: % . 3` , P. J . IEOOBE, A call solicited for all kinds of gomnalrgmm , 1[ooro`9Biook Duniop-st. Burt's". AI,`tJ\lA Iavu Iv _Uv uvnnaunooau I:lolidaying.Germans have been ordered tg re `join their regiments. vv 1! 1 `,1 `I1-I__2.__. `---on Amman` `II nmpowrisn, 810.` caivi sum: Ag.-`LC Cu`, " *3 W run ~-_~-- -~a--~--~- , Holland and Belgium have agreed to suppress the traic in girls. I _,,'L L _ '-_4-L`-_L A` -n$i6`nnnni|` ._" ` W5, gyavlew otthe World for -`three `N p.g;_.canad1aII.lInltaIIIIatea. . andaeneral News. ,4 The Quebec Legislature has been called ` r for -[Danny Tnh` 1 Hun, just. oppoa_ite Ottawa, has an idemio of diphtheria. . - opladge gammy, of Montreal, dd` hat wadm,,dgy of apoplexy. A 7 gemvy George has abandoned hie Mm-9 your in Oanada for-the-praaanti ago;-ge Garey, of Bt. Thomaag` has been mud guilty of manufacturing and alter- M counterfeit money. - no Torrens land transfer I stem will. hm operation in the orth-Weat gniwu on lot January. . . 1 ..-....-.I Allnul hnva-in-. um 45? It in said that France will soon evacuate Tamstave. uuklkll nus: vnnv u----V -.- =-..-_- Spain is about to `establish 3 Ieiitlement on the East Coast of Attica, ` . England threatens the permanent occu- petion of Egypt unless Turkey breaks with Germany. ' ' - .1 ,,,j 110 _..,_. --..-.. ,g?E*mam:ua%m : -rnnpn-nou'roI_'Anonu' 3' oomnms nrro out . . uvv Au \JIJ vvnvuvuv, wanna w-c..- - ------ It is stated that the Sultan is oomgletely N under the mesmeric inuence of his for- tune-teller. V vvuovn ` ,M-. De I;esseps says 137,500,000 francs 1 will atnll be needed to complete the Panama Canal. ' V. Nu vuv yuuv vvuuuu v_ _.____-_.. . The Parnellites any the, no-rent agita- tion`wi1l be stopped for 9. while. ` j ,,n_ ___-... tl-..L ` I';ox'1:i-$1 ".i`-i;:-1('a;"e;a~)7; z'L1iisbury.csn- not go on wit.hout.TOhurchill s aid. ' , -_ -__.'_1-.L..1_ -. .-- w-v-------' - Eighty-six deaths and 118 new cases of cholera were reported at Mendoza, Peru, on Wednesday. ' _ e . 1 .1 . 1'1,__'I__j :.. .I.-I....... -H. I V1 II, VA; VI \l\QQl\dulvIu~J- It is stated that England is taking no steps towards resuming diplomatic rela- tions with the Vatican. .20 I Heavy anowstbrme are prevailing! through Germany. saw I-- _0n1tN, l I l . uu vvvtlr -- -v- __-- A The Pall Mall (:`razett;<;;a.1-1a upon Hart- 1 when to take Churchill s `place. (M II I,,,,,,, ____ vnvuu rvnvn; vnav v v-v-wv--or V M the Connauaht aasizea on Wadi)?!- day `the prisoners accused _of 88I_Il11t1n8 baxlis at Woqdford were found guxlty. V ..--gang ulv II uvuavnwu u '-' -v----- -r1` U The Russian War Council is aaid_ to have adopted avacheme tor the ooounatxon of Central Asia. as far as the Hindoo Kooah Mountains including Herat. V T It -nu -. run--|_. :1. 2- --:.'I --A Messrs. Dillon and Healy it is said are to be prosecuted for their nttexepoel It the meeting of the Executive? Comunttee of the National League on Tuesday. _I__ 3:..- LL- --.. ~-v ovuuuovnannn c-vu-3:. _._ There is delay in conclutiihyghthe ooh- 'ventxon between Spain and tho'U_nitod States because our neighbors want ex- olulive privileges to ' the yprejtldioo of E_"81ish and other interests. T One can judge of the imxhenee amount propert de tro ed by reevery month by ennui ion. of . few. In the but two weeks there have been fire: at /Bnntford, Buffalo, Albany, Quebec, Bellville, Philadelphia, Ottlwl, Lit_tlo R001! Ark, Galveston, -Tox.', entailing . 'H million dollars in losses. "Thii Til 931? a few of the res which have I the time. . mated by :.heBminh.og1gnbh. 2 % % -1. . - mo in aid of tho * 0'1juwA, Dec. 27 '--In \.-%El20|l..IIV1II01'V c.9l1rt to-day Judge Hanry, d an vvurullvli IAIIIII wrung: , , mI.iI|vn`nnn pkg :unnni:nIi December 30`, 1888.? _._.._-T A Wu-thlouv -.......v.. V`, ...v D__-.-..- The steamer Werra brought over from England three Flemish horses, twelve .wi1d boars, ve hundred pheasants mid three thousand csnaries. A southern wind prevailed from the 7!)! to the 14th that Rve nu genial spring-like weather, andxhen. came a change in wind from the upper latitudeethat cooled down Monday : telnperatnre of it ' ` five to six below zero on Wednelday--a ierenee of 41 ,-in thetwo days,` and were _ the extremea in the night--mean 15 . The cold-air on Wednesday with near 5 home annghine did notlriae above the freezing point, while the previous` Sunday's temper- ature wan forty-three ina full: cloud; . day -a mean daily warmth of 38 ; giving an average of 26 for the. week, with an extreme ranke of 49 ' Wednesday WI-O the" ooldeat day-a=ver_aze-; 18, and ggevioua -8Vnnjd.ay' jthe warmest--A-average no-av aw-uuu usual: I Iv AJIIVIDII \l|-lllllll` ermnent to the bominion, an tl:tv{l;; `Domitian -113: no authority `t0 V IWGWO lsnda or nubdidiel in trust 'f0!_' Ml! M1011 V as that oontemphied by the 80% le'e'ot 6! the judgment iuthst `the whole deolnod void and worthleuyv _ _ __*AAA 1m .. oft e'British'Oolumbia Lelmlaturo. The. land grant made by British Columbia in tutu: `xI1fI:on.o x;ocxdAn' snout. l'o_:-the nooonbu L wsv in tha;T:Tp71; _. He decided that there has never" Ieggl rmngfor of -the land: from thaV B_`|-itiuli Columbia Guy- ...._'_.__4. L- A`-_ I\ ____ _, ; AL A 4L- """1*h%isi$ueA: indium high reading. durin the previous week, sltering the taco from the Satnrdnyfo Monday with - Aid; A` H: :|nn5 A` an Inn`: `no.1 IVUUIQ /~II"'III UIIC IJCIWIHCJ `Tl IIIVIIRCJ VIIVII a dip of .76--, just 1 of an inch, from which it recovered 51 on the following Friday. The result of this depression was 6 hours rain and snowon Monday. that" together measured 0.26 in., -and some 11. hours - snow in 3 trlays since. a total of 5 in. deep-some 4 in. of which fell on .8atur-_ day last. The surface of our roads being rough from the late rain, the death `of snowfall above is not auicient to make good sleighing without more snow. The former week : report gave the roads clear of snow, and this note will be given each week for. the information of residents outside as to the condition of travel with wheels or eleighs in town at the `date of each report. 7|... n1:nt`n Iwnn:n:` II1:\ gunk `II The winds varied with each day in the week, southern`5 days, northern 3, veer- ing westerly 4, and easterly 4 `days. On Monday some wind-waves attained aforoe of 6-10ths, or 40 miles an hour, on the other days from calm to 3-10tl1B- We got sunshine on 4 days, only giving the total of 14 hours, from a possible 52.25 of sun- shine in the week. ` V . UIIIB ll'Ull.I Ununua Iu Jnuvwua--on we:1f,77.3e2, composed of $10,023,382 produce of Canada, and 81 354.010 of other ceuntries, against 89,500,855 last year. "The total exports for the five months of the scal year are $45.186,548t produce` of Canada, and $5,912,604 produce of other countries, an increase over same. period` last year of `$1,523,182 in the former and $1,496,561. in the latter. TL- ma-- I`:-1..-.-:.-... `Ab nn1nnIusu:I-uh Hun l.UI'u.lUl.` uuu vI.,1aU,Uu L Au vuu suvuva - The new Fisheries Act, authorizing the conscation of American vesse which was recentlv sanctionedvby fhe mperial Government, will - be published to- IIIOITOW. A Philadelphia Theatre Destroyed. Pmunnrnu. Deo. 27.-A re broke out in the basement of the new Temple theatre about ll o'clock; Ina short time the entire building was lled with great volumes of smoke. It in thought the entire structure will be ruined. The theatre is owned by Wiiiliam M. Singerly, proprietor of the Philadelphia Record. VIVI... n...-5-.. I-milainn an nnmnlntnlv on : warm. . V The Czar in to interview. M. Katholf. German inuence -is growing in Japan. Mr. Parnell in recovering from his late 1 illness. PIODIIBBUS _Ul. bun I uunuuayuun awuuusu. The theatre building you completely destroyed, as were several `stores on the first oor. The loss in estimsted at $500,- 900. Two remen were killed. T A Telegrapher Charged with Humor. Cmcmlurl, Dec. ' 27 --Henry Carroll, an operator for the Baltimore & Ohio Tel- egraph Company, was arrested last night on a charge of murder. __ Carroll and Cor- nelius Sweeney, a chipping clerk, quar- relled in a saloon and went outside to set- tle the difficulty. In the encounter both men fell heavily on the sidewalk, Sweeney underneath. They were separated a and taken to their homes. Sweeney died at 5 p. in. V Robbery at Hamilton, HAMILTON, Dec. 27. -Last night 82000 was taken from the safe in the ticket office at the Grand Trunk Railway Depot here, by a thief who must "have known the combination. When the agent left the oice last night, the funds were in the safe, and this morning it was found_ lock- ed as usual. Chief McKinnon was noti- ed and has the case in hand. The robbery in alvery mysterious one. ` V` Sudden Death of in mm. Ponrmnn, Me., Dec. 28.-Melvin W. Higgins, night editor of the Arulls, died suddenly this morning "of heart -Vdisesse. He did his work as usual iest night, re- porting a tire shortly after 1 o olock this morning. In running about he got out of- bresth and complained of his chest. . He wrote is report of the tire end went home st the usual time. He died soon sfter going tobed. ' ' Ruled whlls Wupsrlnsheve. Nonwsnx, 0onn., Dc. 2'l.-While Joseph Orssz snd`Lizsie Sontrs, s young Hungsrisn couple who were soon to be msrried, were wslking on the Oonsolidetsd rsilrosd trsck lsst geveninn they were struck b s trsin snd slmcst killed._ bodies were tornblylnsng . Therouttoal sltnationln Quebec. i MONTREAL, Dee. 27.-The Star has the tollowing to-night : Rumors had it this afternoon that Lieut.-Gov. Manson was to resign office and that his successor would be Hon. Mrl Ohapleau. . It is alleged that a meeting, at which were present Hon. Mr. Chapleeu, Sir Hector Langevin and H on. Mr. Tsillon, was held yesterday afternoon, when the above move was de- cided upon; ' franc): Ounullnnc htcunnlyv lntcrcctcd. I More TRIAL, Dec. 27.-The French Ounc- dicnu are intensely in the re- uult of thq;0n tnrio eloctionu, particularly in Prescott, Russell, and Euox, and their novupcg: -hcvc m udc V annua- ments 'tolc_'grun`c from theft.` -V j r ' ` C-Qyvn U-v The exports from Canada in November ....... on 1 -arm can ............`.....A .5 am no: 22`) nzu -;; 51$ anuuur -lrtul nnulnulur. ' - . .81:-.,T-My letter to Tn: Nonmmx Anvnxcl, published in last week : issue of that paper, has, - I nd, been misconstrued and I duiro to `npologire for luring written it and to withdraw as fully and frankly as possible my reectiomi.o_n,yonr_|e_lf or other: whiiah; my `have unintentionally given Frank B Miller, 3 young blood of Troy, ` baa elopcd with Mrs. Susan Mooney, a 1 grams widow. 11,111-11-..) .-.3111.-u l\` nannnnli Z M `Ettitor Barrie Examiner. ll_ I-A.A-.. C` T- O` ulg5uq|IIyu|QiIVIl&I$ The following letter: addressed to the Editor of Tm: Norrunnw Anvum `lnve been received tor publication: 58 Adelaide St. Bait, ` "L T. 8. Nonhis. Toronto Dec. 28,1886. [We regret that the .lett'ert to wlnoh the obovo refers appeared in our oolnmnu and land It rooaivod duo oonaidarstion we should have reigned it ,_s place in the, 'Anv.uto n. En Anvuzcn] .-.__.. j_:..-.__.j..j__ _..... WWTHE EEUELE an-. `U`3I1j5l 7."Cl\I|`J-"Z -U JlJV|lVI. =l)|IIlI.IJI' `examination: Robert AddiAaon.r John 1... Bradley, Jodeipb iB1-`ooke, -Jainee Gooney. Alex. W. Oraw, Albert E. Onmvmings. David J; Dnnn. Jose h L. Garvin, Irving E. Gandin. John G heeney, _Wm. H. Green, William Heaney. David S. Lave:-ty, Goo. Lawrence. Charles August Lehxnann, Wm. Richardson; Robert} Ross, Arthur W. Smith, John R. Walla, Jun. 3. Wnnles -24; Q-_.|u `IF. A twang. 7: mun` V . I!....Ic...4`I ""s.r.n"" "' BT33; " m1'.'u'-'y7;' iii -r".d:9ra, Lydis Brown:.'Eliz. C. Campbell, Merger-at G. Canning, Tens Ik0hI1|16;?Fl0l'& B. Currie. Mary Jane Dnbean, Sarah E. Eadie, Matilda Jane Garley, Jennie E. Elliott, Cecilia Gettings, Mary Jane Gibson, Eva Lilian J eh, Martha Jane Lilly, Eliz. Little, Maggie Mnnnth Managua` Mnnnnnnll 'l'a`.ll- Mnalnnn CHE. JIICIVIILIC UCI-IU JJIIIJ. l.`lll- JJIUIIIU IIIBSKIU Mo_Beth, Margaret McDonnell, Ella Mc lone, Annie Lee Noble, Mimic Reid, Isabel]: Bqu, Auznessurgeant, Margaret Wanlesa. T Thu Inn-no llln';fiI;f.I7 nf thnnn Iuun: Q`I'At`w \ QKIIUD IUD! UDIIII,` IIJBIHDITII VI Cl-HOBO; The largg majority, of these have already engaged for next year, showingclearlv `how many must ye: 15-leave the profession and go into other wal s of life. , ` , At the last meeting of the Board of Examiners it was moved by Inspector Morgan and seconded by Rev. . Dean O'Connor and carried unanimously, that the Board place on record it appreciation of the g .-eat serviceswhich Judge Boys has rendered to the cause of education in this Oounty `during his long connection with the examin- insr staff. and its V sense of the great loss which the County and Board both suffer in his retirement from a position which he has so ably and so oourteously lled for about 26 years.` . Xvzwovv-c Honor Roll, W. W. School, Senior Depart- ment. 4th Class, Senior Section, marks ob- tainable 400. of which Sarah Nelle: obtained 302, Wm.. McKay 300. Morley Du' 295, Annie Mabey 279, Harvie "Strong 264. J nnior Section, marks obtainable 430--Ed. Luck 313. Jonathan Churchill 285, Albert Q._.:nL "(XIII :__:- l\.'....... RR T1-an A vat-In-Oran Lister Herrick. a wealthy Mormon bishop, has levhnted from Salt Lake City. Four loving wives mour his hasty skedaddling. - . ' n `D - 0 V 9,. ,, L- 'II____..Q IJIIUB O10. Uuunllunu uuuuuuun auu. `sunny mithf279, Minnie Drury 266. Joe. Anderton 258. 3rd Class, marks obtainable 300- Lorinda Sizer 289. Ella Morrow 257,` N61` Whi`ebread 253. Flor. McRae, 240, John McMillan 238, Henry Bayea'226. There is 3 contest for the Reeveuhi between Semuel Rogers and George` Du . Th; fmeinder othetold Donnoil we|;e- all ..I...AuuI ' I-O nntnn-' 1 WI o 1119 TCUIPIHQCT 0l:Iil lII`Ul1 wqpuuun WQIITV nlu elected. [at Deputy," W. Laimox; 2nd-Deputy, James G.,.Oh:pnnn,; " and Councillor: R. Ball and'J. Spoe11;.`= " ` . V "Town HALL, Ono, . Dec. 13, 1886. Tina Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment. Present, all the members. The Reev in the chair. . - A ,, _g:._. .1 ll`. 1) . . _ . . . .-.....I...`l Ln IVBBVO In one Ul.IIl.I'o V On motion of Mr, Ross, seconded by. Mr. Flehher-That` the Council have heard` with regret that_ their Clerk Mr. Tudhobeghas met with a serious accident`, `hunky with to` we: ress their sympathy with him in- his ness, and hope he may soon berestored tohis usual health and strength, and a eooy of this resolution be forwarded to him.-Oarried. ,;:___ _ `ll _ 1') . _ _ . . . -_.`l-.I I... l.'UBUlul:l.Ul.l UU IUI vvusuvu vv usuao`--\nau:.-vuc | On motion of Mr. Ross. seconded by Mr. Fletcher-That Henry J. Tudhope be appointed Assistant Clerk of this municipality during the present Clerk's illness.-Oarried. II , 2 ,.2 ,, n____ 1\_ II 'D__'-_ 11111535 - *\lDl'lClUUo Communication from Dr. P. H. Bryce, Secrets:-gfrovinoial Board of Health, ac-T knowledng the receipt of Annual Re- port of the Madicalealth Officer of this municipality. I).'.I.:L;.-..n- nnngnnfna all!` Inn!` A` Jnhn \Jl. IIUIILI. \1D_l.luUl.' uuu U`; Vvuvng `nu nu-5 for amstanoe for George Benntead, who ,1 ,1 ___--:..-.`I 2 ' ' ..-..-`A- -L:I..~ -an-`p:nm :n -%s}..,;...m ,.....ua.s;a. `.. ma: aw!-` ._.-...:...-c:-_- `D-I.-..A. AJ.1:--._ `r-L_ r lnunlclpulxuy. Petitions presented and read of John Watt and exght others praying for assist- ance for sick indigent Edward Hurrell. n._.1-_-.x 31...; 51... mun AG Q10 nn Ina Mr B1a.iue_>0f Maine is {going to Europe next autumn and will be the guest `of dis- tinguished men in Great Britain and on the Continent. IUIT IIBIIDIIDIIUU LU: \IUUl`9 Jauunllvluag vvuv had received injuries while working in Mr. Gardner : saw mill (by the loss of one of his ' arms) ease. torender him unable to support his family. , n.A....mI }u|, gm m In nlnnn in Jnhn I'D I113 uuuuyo EUPPU Ordered that $10.00 be placed in John Gardner : hands 60 be expended by him for Benhtead. `Il __ TI--- --_ -.-LI-A-:-pun. LA any-n`|nnn I0l.' Jwlluwuu. Mr. Ross was authorized to purchase two cords of rewood for indigent Mary MoLiver. _ W _ . ;.The."follo'i.riug were "exempt fr.oIn ;pay.- -ing Looal,`, Ooiinty andenoral School Rate for 1886 : `Mary Ann Mill`or,"Ma'ry' Qslor, Eliza. MoEaohern and Emma Craw- W017]! Ull Ityu Uuu. _.Lu ut ut) 31 oo; -W;=!B. or culvert, $.25 ; Male ., .'s_._._ -L_I_-_L--1. I_..a. ll row. A The following accounts were passed and ordered to. be paid: John Rutherford, work on line Con. _12 and'13 (in excess of V,.\ Q1` hn - IQ` f I-gbluinhn nlnnb '6' W.` i;;3'ii:ETJ:i'f i2Suw'.y J $2.00} Jsmsu. aims??? :33 name draw- z__. ..._..| 1 no . n an-nnknr nf Illicit. J ohn-`Smith dun to roan mus qr;w- insamal. $1.00.; ,eil - 3011. caretaker of Town Bill, bbhnoc of inlay for 1886.810; Bilu Bnkornlle. 26 land: of` `val for diviuion No 19, $1 25 : Henry binnon, work st Lot 3 Townlino Oro and Madonna, .A4u An tI___._.:II-_. -using. AIIO 1|` Fletcher '4 days, on w. On motion of Mr. Mclaeen, seconded by Mr. Fletcher, Ordered that 3 By-Low be introduced to fix` the place "for the naminetiorx of cendi'dotee,f._.r the ocee of _ December 27 at 11 ._1r-F- 1`tzIm., . "5, fl UU IV; "'.I.'lI vvsuvuvunu, raun- op Malcolm Csmeron, re- `gliring tohlvex-t`st Lot 7, Con. 13 and 14, L00; -.Gilbprt a.Sui.h. .wonk_% on; olveit. go_n. 13.und 14. south of Rnlway 32.00; "...;,-2.|_ :`...-'_'.1L.. _..-4I 1Ln`1InqQ_ -av V VII"uIvv-v- Victoria. an inland town of Faulkner County,- was red by incendinries last ` Sunday and every business house was` burned to the ground. T I A J-.. 1..-... x gave 1 GUY. FVV IIU III! Avvvvv - idsyu, 83 00 ; Ohu AtkinI'onP2 dsyn, $3.00; Donald 1- diy,-_. 01' 50; Duncsn Flgffhof 2 `days :3 oo. .._;:..... :3 `M -_ MnTnnn_ ngnnndgd W D >1V0Wl[IIIIU VJIV DIS dllvuvuvv 89.00 ; Oounoillox-I oarvioen out of I s.__ .9 An. (II.-- Aobunnnn Oonncil days, 06 00 ; Deputy Reeve 2 ----------v-- v. vv-no vwyvu-an N -lvtot oouurllylmplythatwvo-.:I"o|;T' "ohm nu-A-0...- .oaL."1a_.n._' . 1100 ID!` 31015 Iuuxguuu .I'Juwnl.u .l...I.uIluna.. Ordered that the sum of $10 00 be laced` m the` hands of John Want to be 1 nded for indigent Edward Hm-rell.. `alum llnutinnn ant` nfhniln x John Gardner and 24 other; praying -- __..:_4-_-- 3.... Dllnputhas `D.....o..-Av xhn T1E.aN.Q1i l2HEI1!`: ADVQA:N.0.E; Yours trnl , Erna! Po Plllrk` " Those who have already-'exmind these Goods pronounce them the best walue they have yet Seen. Directly opposite N. R. 3., Station, Dunlap-81., Barrio. 4 Lord Napier ben appointed Oon- ` stable of the Tower. . V `vs