Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 9 Dec 1886, p. 5

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well situated. about 3 xnues rrorn Aulslon. L - TIN Y.<-E. i 88 in let. Con.. (except 4 acres) a very good farm: 81200. N of lot 9 in the 3rd Concession. a. rst-class Farm. 50acres cleared and neax-1% free from etum 3. balance good hardwood ush. Com forte le frame dwelling Property eituate 2 mxlee from Wervale Station. vmqpne A ._ - L of 21 in 6th Con.. emallolear R: . ...,., .. .. `DREss,GooDs, ' IADIES UI$iDvE%i2wEAR, from Wervale stauon. VESPRA.- . l of 2: in 6th Con.. lug. well watered and timbered. soil good. art of 22 in 6th Con. Vespra. 110 acres, good house and barn: 81200. _ V r W i and part 01! E of 9 1n 6th Con.. 130 acres. 50 acres .cleare__d and ree from stum . This is a first-class propertv. is shuate wit in A a mile of Minesing s avlon. is very well watered and would make an excellent stock farm. is very cheap at the price placed upon it. 2.600. 1 Park Lots West or Mr. wan's reel Severa dance and havlnga ne View ot Barrie and Kempenteldt Bag. p . The above In s are offered especially cheap and in nearly every case a very small cash ye ment will be accepted. and easy terms ven tor the balance. . . , The vac-ant town lots can be purchased on . still easier terms. in case the purchaser intend 2 in hnild lmmadiatalv. Apply to - sun 68.810" terms. In on tohuild immedintelh. ----_8on1-o_r1.I1-o;1;)or;ith;l:t;x;n of . ' % L. s. 8: 0, L..sqnaon_. of: Two Gold_`Wa_tch\s* "~ *" 3 mi % Spectacles,` and la -rge 1: egmacor in doorway. ,, |~EEiWi@B;3j;@_N:_?@ER3` As<'"r11.Low}s1 IIIAIIT-E- will IOx heat T ' ro&? %.uow ;vu.o}`:o an. g ` igwjsh Puld"f;r._f'Ides and we W- H. ....... . vAI.uTaI.E nuns _ . ___ ._-..-.-om-canon The President's message td' Cc'mgresa ha'a'l'eu-u cumplated and_'clerka ate pre- . paring Cupit'8 of it. ___-__-_ -1. PERFEC'l`ION AT LAST! 'wAITn1To'.' I ...A LL- I.l_I-A-A L11 0335 B116 DUFCIHIBUI 1i"1'.I`" 1l~zt;`\ -1'1I`z. XS_l'\'.I.`I`I. 2 9 Barrister, Barrie. wE Ami BuI:_0WINGTABOUT OUR in-IE RIOI-IEST, ix-MAS BOOKS, ANNUALS, BIBLES, PRAYER AND HYMN BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. vvuau la hvrvovvvn -v-v- France urging the Sultan to get tyh, ' Egyptian question settled. I 1 1'}|.._._ I.-- L-..-. A`nA6oA IIGLIDAY G OODS FINE z;ss0RTMET_0F `X-MAS mans __ _.__.__.__._. ._-.._ _... ._..._. _-__...__ --_- ALBUMS AND VITOYS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. CALL AND SEE THE DISPLAY AT |BAIKIE'S BOOKSTORE, BETWEEN BARRIE AND QUEEN'S HOTEL. X-MAS AND NEW YEAR S GIFTS. $sOO'1"I!'s BOOKSTORE! !%15o,ooo"37WooL wmrsu, Imam: vioouau Ann xnmms mus `*?'"""` '.r.%':.`:9.-.:.':..`.`3%:.'::.:,;m..**..::::. '*' * '"' *' _.-:-j; --_-- ---1--L -- 3 - - FANGYGOOIIS IN PLUSH, gggss AND LEATHER. The'u{n1ings at Sing Sing prison {of Nuvvluber were $18,375; expenditure, $14,375. ` gmnson Jqhp sum. Barrio." ,-------`7-.---q Iv Ti ;I!F.s?'\ ,j' 7. J __- _.- `_., U W. 3 her 0113 hardware oils will iwue, . `v ` oA!r'1oN.-Any'aeuoi- chain ` ' Pococx &co., Hamilton, ant. "9 SOLE AGENTS, BARRIE. Takes this opportunity to return his sincere thanks to his Customers and Friends in Barrie and County qf Simcoe, and begs to intimate that he isfullgpreparedpfor the Christ- mas Trade. om: stock oonsiits of BO01iSin every Department. If Lmatun, -b'1'-A`TIONERY and FANCY GOODS, and. tn such a -variety that will astom':h the natiws, and at V gpioevs wh-iclniarc mmd taosecure a ready sale. SCOTT rue BDBKSELLIEB `ESE E11a'Vv"1sIi~ "1$ic'e~,7rE;i~z's', .J6'r 613}c1?:E13'biJT.' NEXT 9603 TO BANK or commence. Come and Ir.spect"our stack and be convinced. V i xe:;1;ient Clevland has been conned :0 his room for two days by an attack of rheumatism. V MOST Ex1'ENsngE__ _- .;iiu`es Lwuuuuson, Proprlofgr; ,~ EVER OFFERED IN BARRIE._ ANDGREY FLANNELS. P. F. EWAN, -,A`l' 1'3!- lip VARIED LINE IMPORTER, &c.. $5` *.-,. :1iI 9`? The districts burned over this, `year in _Texs by prairie_ res include 350,000 acres. . . A . 101! 'Iuu\A unuiuvvn vs so----gv V----- %T There is` talk of 5 European bonferenoe to settle the Bulgarian ditculty. I'- - -\r In I II` ,_ - -__LL.-_3-..L3 -u uuxunv wuv gau-aw.---. __...--_-` . Gcnoral Kmulbara has Been enithiusiasti-A wally received at St. Petersburgr - 1 ..-_.-:-_ N IIUH , unuuuvvu ; Oongratulatery telegrams werevteceived .; Pun Moody last_Satu'rda.y from Mon- treal, over one single wire stretched aracticnny frnn) oceah to ocean, on the }seu1Lof the cumpletinn (if, the work. Thu distzmc.~ is 3000 miles and the message same through without interruption or `petition. n...`l;.. .I :5. 6..- ,r...-`-- ... United states. There is great dxf1icn:lf.y in securing BA ml in me second McQua.de trial.- The. ()pem-I:1_mse Block in Brockton, ,`IaeaT,Thab been burnt. with very . heavy : V . . ` :.3i1'ver, `joomplaintis made of the enormous !lN|`h - ~ - y i I. Dr, Wier is remanded `for a week. when zhe Michi;_{an authorities will offer evi- ienoe with the view to his extradition. The Wateroua Engine Company of Brantford are boring for natural gas. The {in}! has reached the depth of A 1,222 feet. Alittle daughter of _Abraham Green, jsholivea near Oaledome on _the Grand has died frofn eatmg Wild psrsnipa. fiestrtnction of young mackerelalonq the .-1:,\`ovs Sootia count by the use of fine mesh` Tgeinea. fame with his brother` Robert have been 1` committed foxtrial charged with assault: `?>n several members of the. Salvation iirmy, Glencoe. I , ' n I A , _,__. L_\-_._-.....- ._..-A -nnn:nnA I Bi1I"I')onnelley of the Biddulph tragedy I V`! l-llllcllcl I. uvuuuvnu -w-w-v The Earl of Erne 11:: been` elected Grand ~Maeter_of Orange Order; - [UlU" """` "" "7 7"" V" 3; Bear, me Indian chief, is said to be I ;mi,,g to get out of Penitentiary, but in ' {wading his connement prety well. ,_ _A.......;!..A C.`-... .. }.u.nlp mlsnn " "arms or -a-~* `" "`"'."-'"" """ "" ; W, or 20th of January. . % \ Small pox has broken opt ix_1 t..ha t_own- ;. `MP of Hiuchinbrook. which It ubelxoved '5 scouzractcd in Mont_real. , Mr, Fmtcher, the entomologist, gtateb .5919 are un gt-oun to fear an lnvauon of {he Rocky Mmmta1n_- locust. % W3; Railway paid on` 200 men at. St. . h,o,;,.;1s and 100 at. Windsor. A`_.\ 1-`pl:-ab` ;.I.:.\: :g -n::` `A kn K L: Wednesday. morningnthe Michigan 'r~-V % ibailuf d 1-Wing '1-it mhmtl, E "" 'ere'd3i:3:'3` L`rdD1non': ` ` \ \-.J ;{'"v ofgiru, ; Anarchist Wlokedull. ' r bfuxoaoo, Nvv. 29.--TVhe `police 1: '18! up a deliberate attempt to ` Harry Gilmer, the witness who gave A'5dDc_e at the recent trinl of the inhlrchista implicating Spies and Sohwnb `be throwing of the Hnymerket bomb. 5 ?,;" was shot at while on the threshold N W` Robertmbof Brant, his inhorikd M000 throu W h the deathpf 5 mhtiyoin .: Englllld - ' h 1atTh_undpy the Junction law was curled by over In G`P [{1i1W_3Y bi` nai`Y ,1 grlea '1 yggured by being thrown from 0. buggy `few days ago. . The Quebec Legialaturp will be called I ,Mme despatch of. buamess about the :..L AW mm of Jauuarv.` 'unins, ot Odus, was fatal-V O6 Magistra'eVPa1-`hex-`, 1: died last Fnday. - ~ ~ 5 W . Poll ' W Bobitaille, of Quebec,` is duf- .mCkr sew ;ou81Y`' .. ' xi ' ister of Education was on. the Nigpief Uu 7 uwchewau nqmination folfthe Com- `;",`_ Robe:-ta. of Brant. inhegmm nnn throuzh the rolItl!0in JED. Dgvid Laird` has th plendid A-.!'11Je'etin.g preuidod over I V`Mr. O OoI}`- E'._M. P., at Cork, wu ' eipenod by; mph- " W ' 1;.` ` The British Potmuter-Gqnoggl Asgylv . ( gmmail arrangements e'e9t_uV|M,7~ December 9, {,5 THE PI`1'H 0U'.l` OI` A: GOLUMNS'IN'1`0 ONE. sleighing in the 'o6uhty of .9" Wu":- The public mind is most troubled with the demand for urgency for the army bills, and instead of awaiting a renewal of the national organization in 1888.the Govern- ment insists upon in cluding appropriations `for an increase of the army in the next budget, thus causing fears that the European system is precnant with dangers which are near at hand. The. pacic declarations in. the speech from the throne have failed to remove these feel-` -ings. . Meteor-to shower in Dakota. A phenomenoniis reported from Coal Harbor, Dakota. During the coldest hour Monday. the heavens seemed sglow with the most brilliant re, and about 4, o'clock in the afternoon an immense blaze of tire shot down `through the frosty atmosphere, its passage being accompanied by a loud hissing noise. As the ame descended a breath of warm air passed over ths vicinity and the strange visitor fell on the opposite side of the river.- When it struck_th_e earth there was an. explosion like the ring of a cannon. Where the tire seemed to fall there was a shattering of the ice and a depression in theeartlh. The direction of this meteoric fragmeutwas from N orthp-east to Sou_t_h-` "L.I_ _ -,_l_I, .___ ' _ `L Grcatwgrcdnlnc. M _ Bznus, Nov. 27 .-The Cologne Gazette in a notable article reectingthe view - of the people of the Rheinthal, declares that the absorbing topic in family circles in all the Rhine lots and _villages is the pro- bability of an early outbreak of hostilities which will shake the continent of Europe to its foundations. The Germans, who are closely acquainted with the national life of France, know that `the French are consumed with a morbid desire to despoil Germany. " ml... ....|.I:- _..:...a :- ......_L ;_....L1...1 ._:.L Oswcco, N. Y.. Dec;" 2 -+The=.'vgsselre- ported-ashore in Mexico Bay, twentjye` miles below here this afternoon, proves to be the schooner Ariadne, Capt. McKay and a crew of ve nie'n,- `bound from 1'0: _i onto to this port with barleys` Wheno` the -harbor last night she lost` her main: mast and drifted down the lake till '4 o'clock to-day". Soon after she went ashore . the captain was` washed _ 0V0!'b0Il.'d and drowned, and during the day two more of the crew were frozen. `to death. The other three took to the riggingand were rescued in a perishing condition, and their recovery is considered doubtful. The ves- sel hes gone to pl0El. She was an old craft and valued at 83500. She bed -on board a cargo of 10,000 bushels of barley; Both vessel and cargo are uninsured The crew suffered intensely. All hail from Toronto. ' - - N ' IEBPIIJBUU/W85 IIOID LV Ol`|'al1_-_08Bl'o EU BOUEJI`-` weak TIt;haa caugedgopgidegable axoue -_ moat, -` :4 3-` 3:`: i . 3 , I ` . . A1 . Russia 18 negotiating with `Parisian L. bankers for as loan of $56,000,000. . The Campbell divorce case is damdginiz . ; '0 the moral states of the aristocracy. The Church of Ireluid will raise . fund to oommemoxate the Queen ; birthday. Thirty men were instantly killed last .`; .`g% Oolliery. .. V . n n n I II , n,A, Thursday, by an explosion in I Durham- A Negros: chops oi` 8usbanl's Head. __L:_ _I_..__ _._.. - uvvgu v-- vs--.r- vuu xv: -----u-.------ :.v._.. HELENA. Ark , Dec` 3.-Particulars are received of a horrible tragedy. Lavinia Brown, wit'e.of Jackson Brown, living near Trenton, Ark., `had some words with him about a trivial matter while at break"-.. fast. The husband did notvpay any more attention to the occurrence, and was sit- ting. down with his children when his wife went to the wood-pile. picked up an. _ axe slipped up to her husband and almost severed his head from his body. ` U "`L.\ 1...-...~n-s magnolia -an nltnnnra "l\ A-nnvxn `etrailghtened up, and .plnsIged in the door by therbullet. _.;.,A8 he E one heardmhe report.-:of--as 01111033 r` 3-1|. back of his head. and then. saw the groove turned`he saw a. man delifewn tlfeialley, and immediately ua\fe_ chaps, fbilt the fellow"iuade good his V9593 IIIB IJIJIIUI {I\lIIJ III II\.lV-All The `woman made no attempt to esca;f>eT and is now in ougtody. The parties are colored. - ' , Tnecold Dips. . The cold-dips has had a pretty wide range. Snow storms prevailedin Ulster, Ireland, and Devonahire. England, while ntorms were` in progress here. The mercury indicated 2 below zero at Chicago, and 10 _ belowat Dubuqn_e, Iowa, on Friday. Heavy snow storms and a'blizzard,,in New York State. Snow fourincheaiat Memphis. Fine eleighinsz in Montreal. Prof. Foster says ' there will be a great snow period from` now till the 18th and that the roade"will3b`e' block- _` . ; --~. Jarvis 7 '-.,_3_. ; . 11'. ha _abo._o9 nn_n_:e,r9. Id 5- .9.` u.. `:.s...';:.. kn... 23.0 .. f\LL--- A`-1.1-`An p6l'l! 8!_l6nt e_!_xu;uu.wu' uuuunug vuu uvu vv opened in vLondon_~feg net x-eo.~;y'ua.,~. `end. that for the 'p:eoetit'*exh its vyillheie -it be removed. Instead of` paying the- freaght on these goods to Canada, the de- tmenteordeu their romovel to'tho.ex-. ipition at Adelaide. Sonth Aiut`i'lI's.' _._1_L_.__ ii? COVWCC OTC` V it N nw Yonx, Dec. 3.-A special - from London says ; The {sudden renewal of Turkish war prepaxiatioua on a largeaoale is attributed by despatehea from Constan- tinople (30 information leading to the be- lief that: Go ,Kaulbara.return to St. Pe- tersburg wil be fullowed bye agreuive meaauredoh i:he `Tpart of Russia. The scheme to oonf_e`d_erate the .wh'ole- of the. I)..|Ioa.-u an-:nn:r\nO:f:AI IUIIUIIIQ I._U 0IJlI_|1_I.|_cI'u_vv Iago ~v.vJ'v.v' u; N mug, Bal a.n_ principatip1eq_ is reoegved wit.__h ale. mby thg Box-e'a'I is 'men'q.oo to `.8116 Wm, Rodding obtained a verdicl. of W0,000eago.inst the Union Pacic Rail- way the other day for injuries ' received. while working in the company's mines, . Old World. An attempt will be made to suppress vdnelling in Germany. In - ,, _.-LL cnnn ;...._Q. ._ 3 Exhibition. .iO'r1ij.WA?., "N63. 29.- --`-The Departmenlt of, Agriculturevhu sent a o1rcula:._lett9r to each exhibitog ii1_'.`,hi `Colonial kind Indian Exhibition, vhich states in e`ect.'thit the perwagent _e_xh_ibition- building will not be V _n-nnl` `II -x-V;Il.ll..- | ed. UAIU other localities his uutferod. , :1,` The res of. the Dominion sud United States entail 3 loss of about 8120,- 000.000 In your. ` _;!l`h.e ml &. oollipion th- "['rI|l_k':II' Hd`lIii1l0n`7fBII " _ botween an dxpreu tram and 3 p 0% on ' 9. Two persons. Thoma Andonon. of ntordown. and Arthur Neabitt of the ho were _IIlpp0I_0d to be ve during III VVIIIU vv-I :4-,v--r om Alviuton. Broctto, N91 3??- ..8t. (;'l:'ua.= Ddwit.;9donohu:'k,aq(_l -;L..- l....|bin- Iugvn nnm-ml " * nun: nous. , ` ' ` " the voters lint: ownie, weranully rev . The :;:,'- all nude by Reformat-I. ' wu no-attempt to` `uro- - Vltio only when Grit interoitigrclikoly to suffer-u pt St, is}. aympsth; Turkey Prepares for. War. 1 1A tr-rnble explosion" `of gun power mu 13`-llaire O._. a day or tweago, killed : ahu-u men and seriously bruised and -. buxned fuur others. T The 4-xtradition treaty between the U. S. and Japan, ratied by the Senate ?1!mtJnHe has been promulgated by the A PrH~'.ide1)t's V proclamation. - 1:; A |gsg'c.uuuI_ 7 As he; c.rUk VVIII ulvwv nuypul tvls ` g It is true the Hon. Edward Blake took him from the bench and placed him- where he is, but. gratitude for that act should not have `blinded him to _ the `fact that he owes a greater gratitude -to t} e people who have retained him and 9 who willassnredly now show theindignation by removing him from the high position he has disgraced by this very action alone, if for no other cauee ' Zr'.i1'S i"s'1i'h`?.".".Ia;I'i?y'{I.gZ'3"`ho'3Ia&iiI the intellig ace of the people of Ontario has surprised and alarmed Mr. Mowafal warmest supporters.- It in Olunn blag EL... DA--.) '31..`-A 5..-`- as av; uv uuuvs vnuuus Mr. Mowat should have also remember- ed that Mr. Blake's usefulness as a public man is none and that ` his record as a patriot, a statesman and a friend is most execrable, as proved by the journals of both the Ontario and Ottawa houses. He should have remembered thetreachery by which be first gained the ascendancy _ in the former. His speeches in the latter in which he decried our North-west as a barren wilderness and not nearly so fertile as the western country of the United States in - which the Northern Pacic Railway lands. lav` (of which corporation Mr. Blake's. law rm in _Toronto were the solicitors) and who made use of his utterances to issue` millions of pamphlets in all the lan- guages of Europe to draw away immigra- tion from Canada, placing Mr. Blake's portrait as a irontispiece and stating thqse were the words of one "bi. C&pada s leading statesmen. and` must therefore be true.._ His dennnciationiof the mad- ness of attempting to build a Canadian Pacic Road and his statement on the floor of the house that it was impossible that it could be built in the life time of the present generation. ' His efforts '0 force..`ri't'ish'0olumbia 33 `secede. _' His payinigimillions ofthe public "money to that province as the price for not builc`- ing it in the time allotted (though the pre- sent Dominion Govemment built it in four years less. IJA- '..l3`..-L." `A w-:vC CC. V , On the 28 of;this m.onth_,_ the electorate l willxcalled upon to record .,-their approval orosnsnre 0.5. the Mowat gov- :ej;'renmen.te;;wbich.%f'tlespit;3 its` many errors` Lbf omiafion and commission might have tpithnye` been returned to power,` gthough irith` s 2_reatly'les3'ened majority, . _t,d,ic not beenlfor their suicidal policy ef -enthusiastically endorsing Mr. Blake's policy in the Commons last session, when ._in; a nearly seven hours speech he endeavoured (in order tocatch the Quebec yote) to prove the `murderer and arch- traitor Louis R.iel s life should have been saved by the Dominion Government using `the prerogative of the Crown of interfering with his _ just sentence and pardoniug. I man who had not only twice rebelled `fcausing much blood-shed and millions of the country s money to be spent, but who had issued a manifesto to the Indians and half-breeds that that rebellion, if success- ful, should be a war of 1 exterminating every settler of English, Irish. Sootch,_ or German descent` from the Northwest territories. That the astute Premier of Ontario should not ` be satised with quietly acq iescing in the conduct of the leader of t Opposition, but should also have gone In riding to riding arm in AFI11 or-vain O-ndnn Ln Ln,-I._:..I- Th6raa-tha __:_,g -_. made the voiceesl, ' } ' :ef1',I`1lhiae Vwggidtnd9,gi u1y ` for THI_g5ilton Spectgtgr. "-_ `-`.'.l hi3 is hard on the Christian politician ` to-`amothheg: , _. 6 [ apmlvm; that Mr'7?`1I``iis' 8 of- the. "}'.'Z&6m by branch lines to `draw the developing trade of the N orth-west to Chicago and other American _cen"tresaway . from Unnmo and QUEBEC. His vigor- ous assault on the 4 Government because thev refused to reduce the duty on agricultural implements imported from the United States, which would have greatly injured ONTARIO manufacturers and thrown thousands of our pslrilled workmen out of employment or` on half time. His ingratitude in removing his iriend, Mr. Mackenzie, from the leader- ship of the party, and his hypocrisy- next ' session in spending 45 minutes of the time of the House in trying to condone that treachery saying amid the scarcely concealed sneers ofthe members and the pitying contempt of many of his own fol- lowing. `-Would to God I "could serve my country in a less responsible position," while every one of his hearers were fully -aware of: his inordinate ambition. These acts, to-say nothing of his openly declared defence of Riel for whose head (for political purposes) he had offered "$3,000 of Ontario's money fteen years ago should havemade Mr. Mowat hesitate before he declared to the intelligent electors of Ontario we are birds of a. feather. Whither he agoeth ` I will go, and whereh dieth-Inwill die. . ` . IIUIJUI lvuu us Luuau $11!!` U unvuuvu. uuvuvg School for Jovember: Sen'ors---H. Plaxton, J. Wilkes, L. Ellis, G. Pringle, L. Edwards, 8. Ellis, 0. Douglass.-R. Henderson, A. Leighton, F. Kidd. ;J-Aufxiors-V-M." Lyon} vD. Stewart, L Jalih, B. Ayegsg. M. MMillan. 0. McCarthy, J, ' EdW8rdI,r,hI.'~A "brat, N. boar. bKiqg, M. Binghahi,' A.` 0DQ!l_&ld, . 0 .3.:...';a .. 1 ; .' ` , No:-rxcn in gown: given mung Northern ` ~ Rtluy _ of co -.thq-IIsmil- ' 'n.s.1,4or.th,-:W R-nil . wit. the orth Simeon way pan and oh. Nl nI-thorn um memo Junction way N0wi`iiioi'tIu;.:...~ our order to: Qhrlattnu and ow-Year :-Phohozrohos. If you with to make our Father. Mother. Slater. .n....n.... `warn- mum nr .l'|-hm! 3 Present. this. ~* .I`:-L?YAi%x Will! to make 3:35 Fatnerhmoner. 31:3:-.x _` V r, ,3` reaenr . a .'%lnn* your orde E{h'\ :. 9/;r ` ` V f , V. .. ` ~ 4.` \ \ .`.. g A`: A niJ1$rwLd`i>s'r3sn!13.B_4n1_nIg..., at Lu-go Photoaunlu for Pu-tori I specialty. ihe Northern and Pnclue Juncuon runway rcompnnyuvlvlll apply to the Dominion Pnrigllz 1 menu at ext session for an" Act -to nntho the ooneolidntion ot the and four companies and for power to rearrange and con ` 4 their re: the Bonn and debenture seem-men and and uhnre capitals and tor OM` nhna 1 : TORE T0 LE'l'.-Ceutro store In mock to lot at reasonable wtllbemtad $8 for: uuitabl . 9'0 R. J. FLE HER. Both ` BlooJ 7050 U0 II J Moore. ava ~ Honor Roll In Mi."iing'.Vdivision.~Moae1 -1.--` B-.. . nun-nnulsn-n . Q-uu'Ann+_~lI plat`-An loses. , D 80 d t N be .V . .". `x5*.{ ac r"3uw`<;%?% 8-5 '-"~~ ~ Solicitor for App!!! : Wnlmm Knrtz ,-jumped 011' Brooldyn bri(igc a few days ago, with the intention ufh-uxnuxittillg suicie. He will possibly recover. ' ' ~ A `*, m 'l;h6i`1'ghi'for"'Voters.' * ` I V !."A`%f.'an%'?a'3u1'.1 IEE 1T9F1??ERN ADVA1W3? 1 BARRIE. -Si acre-5-0.!-_v-scant land South 0! Andertonb brewery adjoining milwein track, suitable for any kind of manuhctu gbuai- nose. 1 A number t vacant lots on Bradford and Charles streets, South of Buttereld's foundry. all ne buildin sites. _ Several com ortable houses and cottages on ` Charles street: an excellent opportunity tor a mechanic to get a comfortable home as these houses can be pald for b small_ monthlyor quarterly instalments. Pr ces $159 to 8400. ` 'l`hn.t. comfortable 2 story Dwellmg occupied ` 1 %m'*Y.:,*;*`:,`r;*m"`6:.:rn*; :.,*`;.:,,1.,.. h ` ta. e s 1') M | byT Bugtzsreld. with smallolce in front. - ' $1000. - . and two `n*..`. .`. ... East side of Owen street. llnrnllina and lots price 81000. Dwelliu House on East side street, occupied y Ml`. Bothwell, most conveniently , situated : $1200. a ' . That bgaumnllz-situated residence lately oc- cupied byDr. Oliver. wltllibrickstable attached . and 90 acres of excellent land. vWilI be sold or . leased on very favorable terms. A LI. A MD A :.E...A comfortable double Dwel - I tavorable terms. , AhLANDA1.E.-A comtonaole ling House on Bradford street opposite Northern station. T 10 good building lot: well situated. EAIDIIQ } r_va}v_VN*rian minitera in 3 session at Philadvlpllin declardthat the `divorce laws `wt } ~m.H_\`lva.nia need amendment. v vr . ,, ,,___.;.1 . I!` 1).....LI.`...... Frown AND FIFE; pripnnrmsr ,FoB. SALE CHZBAP. IV vvu Uuuusug up vv ..--....---- siniis ~ . i ` ESSA.-,-E i of Lot 5. and partof Lot 12. in ' 7th Con. Earn. 1' acres. 100 acres cleared and free of stumps. lance well timhered. The` cleared land is rst class. the buildings are large and in good repair. the (arm being one of I the beat in the Township. mun _p.n. nf N no. in 7th con. 90 acres. 9 i The only taper Machine Ground Cross Cut Saw in the Market. Coopers Runner. Silver Steel. Thin back. Every Saw same guage. 13 Guage Face. 18 ;fGuag`e Back. FULLY WARRANTED. in the Townsmp. 1-`1.o+._.Pm of N g 10. con . I about 30 acres cleared and tree from stumps,new * frame dweglin house, 3011 good, balance of lot 1 `inc: can be easily leared. 4 INNISFIL.-N } of,Lot 19, in the 12th Con. 100'a.crea. An excellent farm. . 35 acres of first-class land adjoining Mr. Lir.t1e'afa.rm.v Would make an excellent market I de . - . ` g`1\rdEf)0NTE.-E } of W Q of 6 in 10th Con: 50 acres good land, t1rst.~cla.ss orchard in full bear- onrocuy opposite u. R. 3., Staon, Dunlap-st., Barrie. 5011:! uuu. suuu, ucuv V...-.,- .. ......_ .. ___ - _-- i o ` DEORTH ORILLIA.--Part of Lot 3 in 1stCon., 80 11.0.. 40 cleared, excellent soil-, good buildings. property well watered. a rst-class farm especi~ ally ada pted for stock reusing. 'N0 l"I`AWASAGA.--E i of lot 1 in 8th Con.: a splendid farm. 90 acres cleared. good build-- ings. plenty of water from a never failing stream. no waste land. vvw.mrMm`.1`H...-N 5 Lot 4 in 11th (`on.. 100 Those who have already examinedth_ese.Gonds- pronounce them the best Value they hgve yetqjgeen. J ~ T ' ~ ` T ~ % ` % * PURVIS BIHDS. TECUMSETH.--N acres. About 80 acres cleared. A ood farm. I situated. about 3 miles from A `sum. - mnuv ;_m 3 as in mm Con.. Iexcent acres) I F etfeam waste lane. A French atamer ;vith 1200 troojm on board is reported lost. - \ T , .L_ n__n-.._ 4... ....4. Al...

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