_. __. ._..`,f..__ .. --. I ;White and grey cott naxock bottom prices. at R. . Stephens 8; . . , C-jl__ltl-,I__.___._ -I--- -4 024. All vvv-, u.-`- rvv -- g: --V --_..' -- .. ... ---Ca.dola. stripes the ne at and most ztylish of dress goods, at R. Stephens `& h `k and amisagea [now it Mnundf-:lla .por % -I`_. _ - - ---- `II III `INC 1900 -Gre aunele plain and 'lled at 150. at R. A. Stephens & Go.- n4..n_-.n `\_.n..._.n_.. n-4g_ 4.... Ell- -4 CU -LII I KJIICPIIUIIU Ill \JUO -8"! ed mmlng Satin {of 50. at T0 W. & c0"o ... Grant (mine in nlnin an\nnnv winaipll- av wit`-n v-`av -u Great value in plain and my winciea, at R A. Stephens & Co. , AA,___\_L ..-_I_ I_-LL-.__ r--w--. -- -sv --. - -v,.,--_. ., __ -l.adles9 shmere lldse `silt 85c., 40., I 5012., and c. at T. W. Gray an 009:. -_J _..-_L wv --. --. -..-'..-w-- `V V'- For 1 runteed Autrachdn Mantle oto'l`. .01-aykoo. ' 9` -,3 _L 12- I O0, Ell II -H-A ne assortment of we goods and egligmings at lowest prices, A. Stephens my bw pmnlvll (mt. N ' -No'r1cE.-- .d are hv-reby 5: required by mvxglllll 7 Ill?` F.`-l.`lA.--'l`A My llww who nre vonnor ,(,g(|;ull'll1l mximz I0 HR be-. A mmm lhll nll ll1X4`_9 In the _nmicinaH1y of M,.l.,.ll ho mid m-mr to t um December. lms nnmllll m that mm: w` . bnplnced in the nndi of n lsnllvin r for llectlon. JAMES |1(lHIUl)|C. `ulln-lzlm`. ' - Egbert, Nov. 2'3, 156'}. ' C749 lv'.\'l)EI*..~l will lm nocoived by the under- HiK."(`l' JH H lr lo on or befor the l8t.hlDe- .emhw', ll-LR} fur `Z00 ruljllu of 1m wood otthe Q-nl,[I4`b`('ll|Il.l1*H, lnuule und he ' . in quantities r.(ll1t`l~`SHl Lll nu leumn. And 10 ordu or dry and anrdHnI`4l`N~n In-lnlock. 2 cums pen cord in MOI of mlwu wunll "|`o. dc livored at the Gnolnmi l`uul'L Our-`.0. Bar e. on or befove the lmof ,\w~iI, 1587. and vi (1 in such places as crooklsd. bad limbs I111 be rm-l-i\':l, l hos. W0 lapnlllaur ln-lug Hplil r stove` purposes. and prnprrlypilml. Scouriy will be required. Ap- llytn J~).~'.l_cl'l-{ AND RTON. Chairman Gaol hmlnllteo. , T ` . T 47 to be` 4 feet long and- e .lved-Wool Caps. Tuques, 9Shanten at '1`. W. Gruydc I (`I I O V:-:New stock of Shades just received, some veryeho Bros. ` --'l`. WLG is: 0691:. Plushetare the cheapest. u the prices oI'l.hem.e 31:19`-.` ;vnv\nI-for` `Fl-nrrl Ivnndnr` IATUP, tterne at Otton wlnvcnlrigwuu Juan Iannv .7: -vv-: i'Just impnrted from Londo large assortment novelties. in mantle dress ornaments, buttons &c. &o., at E . romp- ton & 00's `_ -. 11 .4 - .`. I 0039 I 00,30 `IV -I -L S. anderu - return thanks to his many customers ` at favors and would solicit": oontinunnc -. - 0 some in the future and promluea to do - ; very best to all who my favor him with ' wants. .-Rain storm on Tuesday. T _ -'1`own Council next Monday. . -Tho Grit convention st Elinnle on the 2nd prox. - --A. O. U. W. I in oonchve on Friday `evening Int. 1 ._ ;L n ._._--A _.--A:_.. -5 l\...:hl- --'I`he qnareARadian ' Round Radiant Home heaters in the market, Ottnn Bros. --l!lack veteen 2513., 35c... 50c., 6013., 53.. an .00 per yard at T. W. Gray dc __ . u am? also the e most powerful . 8 note of it. `J\l'FI i'0pened to day at E. B. C emptnn & Co : large reorder of black colored French wool dress goods, at 2 wo h 350. to 400 1:0 day. See them. ' -l.udlesfnchlne Knit Hose 20. 2513.9 30 co and 400. 8` To W. n9n. _ TV 9313 Dir! -Remember the great meeting at Orillin next Tnudny. `II._ --_.__._ -...L :_ ---.:.._ L- XWLW J CUE`-T I --Minpoh _Enounpmont in union to- morrow evening. A-"-1- _-n .._--A ;- ._:_|_; EIIII Iv vv vvvu-usa- --'l`ho Ohatnn nu Circle will meet tonight in Bhnfhbnry` h 1. . ,-.. ._ __ --A.__ -1 II-_2_AL2_.. T -1..- '. XN'l`P`I).< Good L't:n(\ra of ohm-`~._ Apply M1 C1\RTllY. 'l`ur0nto st.r(`O_t._ . wIT`Y1I' Ziddl -EInov-genoy oetm {Go ' thisnLod 1 A. F. A`. A. M., `tllilil ev:ing.rm gs I v;n' 11; 15,4 , LI_ 4; | "1-I-}.2'LoI..2 'Joi..ai"i..;.l ;;;..;i,;.;;.i.. an councillor Auden-ton I molt useful practical --Remember the St. Patrick a annual con- oart at the Town Hall next Wodneaday. A --Dr. Ross, who h an ill for some time, is able to round Agni d is attending to his practice as usual. - . =-Now the ispirsut for the Oouncil smiles sweetly on `theladies, kisses the babies, sud winks for votes. ' q-Iv "navy, .. -. _--- r_--- - ,'- r- - --Dx. Kirkland. Reeve of Nottawungs, was taken ill while attending the County Oouu oil. He was able to no home on Saturday i and we hope he is getting round all right. no ..u. \1_u_-.1:-;tV|._-..I. `D-.. `I ` "LsI-go speinl purchase of .. Menu `units and overoonta. Boys ova:-costs selling at just about re 15 whole- sale price, E B Cromp_ton_'&. '3. 12- I 1. ,_ 1 'l)--_- -1 \`I _5a.-_---..- ._._- a Very special line of black and Rhadamea and Merveilleuxat 26 ` less than anything in the trade, from England. at E. B. Orompto llIl__ __.__2-I _.-..L:_.._ iored cent ened ` Q|.I\I WU Ilvvv -nu .- 3----.. _-.__ `--Oollie1f Sb.` Met odist Church, Rev. J. W, Annie, B -A., pastor. Services on` Sun- day, 98th inst. morning and evening by-' the Rev T. W. Jollitfe, of St. _Po.nl e Church, Toronto Strange:-._ are always welcome. III I, ,,jh__|___J AIVI-In .nauB.~--~.-, -. ie _. _ , --Baptist Church. The anecial meetings being held in the Baptist Church will be continued every eyeninsz throughout this week, Saturday excepted A cordial invita- tion is extended to all Services next Sun- day at 11 a m and at 7 p m. Rev. J. A. K. Walker will preach. Subjects; Morning. The Jewelry of Heaven; evening. Jesus Only. A welcome in extended to all. . ..1....' ,.. `I50 :nre-,- I:-1-')'1-);y:. bce At the Queen : Hotel. ` ' Annonnoolnont of Christ Church. Reformed .P.!9P`3s`?.';'3.`. .:`. .g.2.."a".a?:.'&'L'. 3"` rafter 8LUIERBANgl_l n'e'ii-"'()'v'v3i:'. Rev`. Rector lard Sunday utter - m'"--"v9&.:`s-.:;- .:"i.z.:~.:: ant. '8unnon'u, looks}: Bun- Tllll-I. IHVIIOIOPVIOO II I.lll. unu I guns.- llomlnc '_'_'l`ho B:_I:k of Euv8e:i thy school and adult Bible chin! 8 p. in. audio andlvuuolbuo 7.e15|I-II- 3orvlooouuIIll`tkl.:'! hgrlndies felt wprs only 25;: Ag _w, J, at 1 An.m.. and conternoe for sum atudv At 7.45 nan. Subject for this week Chart Studies in Ge eels. Special site , sorvi t E - nraliatlilc character hoid`a. the egg)! uivezitzgz juuuu av :uwv- can ' uwwwuvvg - There was an exceedingly interesting and lively debate on Tuesday evening, the sub- ject being, Resolved that England is des- tined to decline. The leaders, _Messrs. Hunter and Edwards. `crossed swords in ne style and were well backed up by their re- spective supporters, Messrs. Hearn and J. T. Lennox. Mr. Ureswicke performed the duty of critic and Mr. Lloyd occupied the chair, and gave thedecision in favor of the airmative. ,A_, AA (`A A I ll ,,, ,, ff` i'>`}&v'8i-' "n'72a""`ni`o'zio'i' u`."`3' `iii '."c"Eii8 close of the Frida evening Bib e study. The Gospel Male Che assists in the singing. GI-Ill IIIGBI V at Owing to the St Andrew Supper on Tues day evening, 30th ult., the next meeting `of the Literary Society will be held Tuesday evening. 7th Dec, on which occasion Mr. J T. Iennox will read a pathetic naper en- titled "Things have changed since Hannah died.A ' ' one oz l!o`wst's conundrum; This is the way ` West ~Simooe looks as carved by Mowst's Gen-ymsnder. It is worth the voter _s study an 3 pretty. puzzle L in Grit geography and politics. . Conservative: tontlon. . ' uaRofl:he1%ibgah " . mtive Assogiati hf: ot we I I :::`M0nd.Yeven1ng', 'th um... at 8 p clook, Whpm-pogo,` of ch amg `delegates st- Withe Convention` 0 be held on Fnd_ay. M of Dwemlwr, very one. who demos Md honest Q(p\'0r_ em. should attend. 7- `pooiul. V . Tm, Liberal (`uaervative Conventipn. for ` ihomin ammdi J te for the Local Legtstatutfe L M gmma Sim ` o wnll be-held at Elmvale, on ` M, the gpqmay of Dec:-r_nber next at ona . 0-dock aharxf A fnll meetnmzof deiegntnais peck-(1. A train wiil leave _'Elmvle for Allandnle in timn to cfmneot wtth trams for Coningwnad Kn!` rillm. Scott Act Fines. - The Canada Gazette for last Saturday has an important order relative to Scott Act tines. The order-in council of4.g.September 29th, 1886, relating to the application of fines and penalties imposed under said Act is cancelled, and all nes, penalties or for- feitures recovered or enforced under the C. T. Act 1878 and amendments thereto. within any `city or county or any incorpur. ated town separated from the county which would otherwise belong` to the Crown for the public uses of Canada, be paid to the treasur "er of the city, incorporated town or county, as the case may be, for the purposes of the said Act. New Temperance society. A branch of the Liberal Temperance Union has been established in Barrie, with Mr, Joseph Rogers as President, Mr. C. E. Elewson asVice President, and Mr. James Purvis as Secretary; The Toronto Secretary, Professor Richardson, assisted in the forma- tion of the Barrie Branch. ' It is intended shortly to have an open meeting for the public, when its principles and objects will be explained. and discussion invited. It is expected Professor Guldwin Smith and Mr. Gordon Mewat will accompany Prof. Richard- nnll V6:-wt; I The Hsrrigen Double Irish snd American 'I`ourists'Oomns.ny secured s large audience st the Town Hall on Tuesday evening. Some of the scenery was very good and was well rprecisted. Barney Mulli en No. 1 end on MoShee1 were sdrnirsily represented by Jerry Cohen and Miss Nellie Oohsu, sud the compsny succeeded in keeping the people leughing through the greater port of the per- formance. Truth oompelll us to say how- ever thst some of it was not rstclsss end was not sltogether free from vulasr slluslon. smnnyonthesuewalka. Boya must have fun and shinny is a good game to get it, but the sidewalks are about the worat place which could be chosen to have it. People : limha and ahop windows are in constant danger when each play is going on, yet the lads were pursuing the game last week and neither inspector nor town constables were near to aay them nay. Such play on the pavement in front of the ; poet aice is about as appropriate as to put a ' gentleman cow into a drawing room. 'sible- Satisfa ' gy vvvu . Sanders stock of Clocks, Fdeotmplate nes, Berry Bud Sugar Kn' es and Forks, suitable res tations. He now has in rrie to choose from, see all of his old many new ones as pos- guaranteed to all at Have you so . Jewellery, Wa es. Wars, Gold He Spoons and Fi for the Xmas tho largest 's and would be customers as w 1" prices to suit. a|l - u-V3: -1-- cu: ---vi. The law rm of Lennox. Anlt Gt Kerr has been particularly fortunate the last week. The estate of two of the members has been enhanced $2,000 each, one by the addition of a" son and the oaher- by the` arrival of a daughter. The ' congratulations of the ADVANCE are hereby tendered to the happy nu. an ODOI. The Rev. Dr. Wilkes dxed in Montreal a few days ago aged 89 years` He was a pioneer preacher of Congregationalism in this country, and the work of his long and active lufe has been marked by zeal fot his Master. He died deeply regretted by all who knew him. T wvvu-pg -unvq-up-y L. McDonald challerged J uhn Hines some time ago to shoot for the sum of $10, dis- tance 100- yards. The match came of} on Monday, John winning the money by taking the first three out of ve. Johnna.turally feels coneiderably teller es the result. ~ Ge 8'. In Last Saturday night the - first regular 0. P. R train:-an over the Northern Rail- way on its wayto the main line at North Bey. The train going north is timed to reach Barrie at 12.13 3. In. and goxng uouth at 2.57 3. In.` ` eLosdiifTii'E}i4ii"oLLor storms. - The great storm of last week was terribly destructive on the lakes Msny vessels have been lost or damaged and between thirty and forty persons hsve been drowned. On Lake Superior no such storm has ever been wit- .. _-___I Thorowillbosohrntmuihoin connec- on with Trinity Church on 17th December, further pa-donlnn of which will M kivon _ux_t wept. ' . V meals. ED813131 IIIBP, IBTVIOBS OI an nvlnr hic character heidnt close of Evening er` and sermon on Sundays and at the n `In: Tuition nunnlnn B3}: II nfnv Tho Ba.n-lojdterary So_o10tY- A Legal rum hi Luck. A W1; L . Shobtinilch. --vv nwwvv--v---V -:.-' ---yw -- w :--- the Opinions or the Writer. T . The following letters addressed to the Editor of Tm: Nounan Anuxcx, have been received for publication : `5 . an"opm' "i'E.;;;;;r;a;..... O NDEAR Sm,--I presume you and every reasonable *man will admit that rational amusement is as necessary forrmental growth and moral health as food is for the growth and strengthening of the body. That postu- late being admitted the next point is to en; deavor to get the best amusements we can. One way to do that is to have a proper buildin in which "these amusements can he enjoys to the best advantage. Our Town Hall. while very convenient for some things, is wholly inadequate for the best scenic rc- presentations. The stage is not large enough, there is no scene ry, and the acccustic requirements are nr tap to! be standard. First- class companies are 10th to visit Barrie from the fact that they are liable to adverse criti- cism. arising from the lack to which I have referred. I suggest the formation of a jbint stock companv to build a good Opera House My impression is that it would pay a fair dividend on the money invested. Many places of less pretensions than Barrie have such buildings in the interest of the people and I believe have been found to pay well. I" have written to various p`aces in Ontario where Opera Houses have br on built for in- formation as to cost, accommodation and other matters which would have to be con- sidered in perfecting a scheme of this kind, and will in due time give the information 1 glean. In the meantime I call attention to it, and hope some ofour wealthy men. who believe that men and women `need healthy mental recreation, willbc induced to make what I think would be a protable venture to them- selves and a substantial benet to the town. Yours truly, BARHIlI'l`E- The Admission of correspondence noon Not Necessarily Imply that We Hold AI.` II-ml.-I--.- J `h `if-.lL-- Hin socllmd a large and `attractive unort- mz-_uL of Silver Bangles at a ` ru-,_ LETTERS ADDRISSID T0 THIIDITOI , ' THIS W1. ' WHAT THE PEOPLE HAVE T0 SLY. Thornton. Advance Correspondence. Tl1e`F1fth November will be a. red letter day in the history of Orange-ism in this and also surrounding locality. The members of I. (`I 1. NA ;n\':for` It. `\iI;)."\O-nil l\` ulcv DIA|I\)|llJl|IIJ5 nI\.a|H'J. [MU UJULHUUIU Ul L. O. L. No. 16 invited the brethren of L. 0. L. No. 450, Ivv, to come to 'Ihornton and have dinner with them, which was re- sponded to heartily, some thirty of said Lodge putting in appearance. The member! of Ivy deserve special note for for tb eir ne appearance. With their scarlet sachea aunting in the breeze as they drove into Thornton, caused some of the old True Blues to say Well Done. The brethren of both Lodges met in the Orange Hall, formed into procession, and headed ,by the Thornton Runes Rant` ant` .1` I-II-`lino `LL11:-\`4-I nun` -n`:-k`A Pl IJUWIHCIULI, lIl' IIIIC I IIUI I-I )- I-IW3-IC'\L , II, Brass Band and all under the old and reliable Marshal, Bro. Armstrong, marched to Bro. Stewart : hotel where a sumptuous repeat was provided. After the festival the broth- ren marched to the Methodist Church, kind- ly lent for the occasion, for which the thanks of L. 0. L. I! hereby tendered. A `aunn nnrnknu A` Iqpllnn munnnr` OLA unus- UIICIIQC `II I \In IA ID IICI II KIIUKFITJO A large number of ladies graced the ooos- eion by their presence. Among the visitor! were Mr. Stewart Wri ht, Mr. Geo. Block- etock, Mr. Heighlan , Mr. Cooper and otbere. Mr. Oherlee Polling occupied the choir. who mode 3 very interesting and in- Vetrnotive speech, ginn a vivid eooount of Catholicism and the onnation. 1.--; _.._-II-_A. -_---|_-_ _-_- ._:_-_ L_. Most excellent speeches were given by Rev. Mr. McCullough of the Methodist Church end sud Rev. Mr. Perry; ot Angus, D. G. O.B.N.A. It is impossible to give even a synopsis of these sdmirsble speeches. which should he mven in full to secure their `-e -i\I\Qn1I;Q`:l\lI `V IIIVII U l i.'.`1E full up roointion. At in of the proceeding: the chair- man upon thoeo. Sec:-etsry of L.0.L. No. 16 to rad the followin address to Bro. McBm-nay, W. M. of nid go: \Y__ val, than """"'J' 7 V` "`7""" u` ' "T'.;;.....m, Nov. 5th, 1886. To William McBuruey, Worshipful Master L. O. L N o. 16, Thornton; Dun Sm AND Bao.,--It is with regret } we learn of your sudden removal from amongst us. We nd it a diiculty to part with a man who has done so much for the advancement of the0range Cause, and also for the development of social and moral culture as you have done. You have prove: yourself, during your stay amongst us, to be a zealous advocate of the Protestant cause, and also of that grand old " cause called Orangeism, which we claim is one of the mightiest, `pillars that support the British throne- You have also proven yourself to be one cf those who fear God, honor the King, and love the Brotherhood. You have also proveu yourself to be a warm advocate nf Good Government which is the foundation of British glory and British ascendancy. We feel sorry, sir, to part with you, but we feel that that which is is our loss is some part of Canada's gain We are satiso d to know that you will still continue to propagate those principles of purity yourhave establish- ed here, and also in other parts of our fair Dominion. On this the fth "day N ovember, 1886, the celebration. of the Gunpowder Plot, a day which all Orangeman and true Protes- ants hold sacred, we the members of L. 0.1:. N o. 16 cannot allow you take your departure from amongst us without some slight recog- nition of your valuable services as our Mas- ter tor the last six years. Accept, dear sir, this Scarlet Sash, as a slight memento of our esteem. And sir as the Sash encircles your body, may the great Master above encircle and protect you in your future career. For Mrs. M'cBurney, your estimable partner in life,`accept this Silver Pickle Bottle, as an appreciation of her Florence Niglitiiigale " ` services in this place and surrounding coun- try. In conclusion we trust and believe you both will be able to say at the end of life : jonrneyi like one of old, "I have fought a [good fight, etc. * . Signed W. J. Scaoooin. W. Master. . Saimsi. Bnown, Rec. Sec. Bro. Mc_Burney on rising said that language failsto express the feelings of my heart. I * have always been a supporter of the Orange causesince my initiation, and hope to be un- til I am called of the stage of action. I have _ `kept a watchful , eye over the interests of . L..0. L. No 16 since _I came amongst you, t and also did: what _lIy`W1_tllin my power for "the advancement of j the `_0rau e -cause ' throughout the` county. Jfmally, retl ran, ' I sh-nlr van for nnlnv nllnnnntm (In Iaahmlf If lilltllllgllulli IIIU vuuuloy. .I' luau]. uuuu tau, I thank you for our proteins. On behalf of Mrs. MoBnmoy thank you for your vuluublo praent to her, which I an ouhin the will Ilwsyu holduamminiaoenooofthobrethton ofL.O.L. No. 16.. Ipoonoluaion I hope nftorourpilgrimagoonwarth is vnded,_un .VillInll|0%ilIllOulII.IqdQQ.hoto. {$1.00-PER ANNUM IN Anvmcn. _ SINGLE OOPIIB. FIVE CENTS. EDWQRD BYRNE sum sANcLs.` suvea BANGLE8. L; R-.}f5;fQ9fL' . LIFNSIE 1iM"ti1 . V .4- -4-.` v- ..-..u.'- _. .. GuEX'r R F. r)Uo_'r1oN2 ""'T&$U-Q V Ziiij - MJOHN D. MACMUROEY, Inupoom.-_. _~\`*1|~`-Eye Horst; Burma. ' ll To the Barrie Colle late stltute will be he a on.-` .....-....-.-.-g nu A J:`.. L __..I (III-. I0.000 LBS. OFV CAKEMTALLOVVI (Collegiate unstgxute. - w-uij UV ' `wan-ran. hogan will [fan the highest Toronto p`:-loo t brought. to the Tannery. ` * |I|I Paul for` Eldon and`IEI_iII.$.`. V U ICC DUII$ T -vi h:1`IA.:.<.1..:s WAY; . V e.I`.P&|Iido otowuhulgiifi '"'""'* nu. U30 I5!!! IIIIIIIII ID WIXC .-AtA`:3{ i;f; of Barrister, or 0 dunhur. W M fgeec enwood. Innill Out. on gt, the wife ot HI. mud in r B0" 7 B trlster.0 '1 - :3 ,on Oct d?9`.b at Sundown Park. on ` vertrc'3'.n"1;"" `,En.. of a daughter.` Madal- R&% : ,,. is a son of Captain Rathborne. Villa. Barrie. - ` OW am:-sod. ,. bod wdb1;;",,;`}`.e`$v?rf%uor`3e;?'x3?S3? 7: M}. S5n1U0l-Diokay D0 A9 oflnnlsfll. n- /----.------~---___ unton on-- a wife 0!. Major W. ` '--A'l' A-- sum Anmaczmentvou cost. ta- _rId. , J 4;} No 47. waomxo. '0'` amount. Wash-. Prom-iotor. - _`l\}j ,\_q)V\'I-`.I4_:j'IsI:1vIl*:1\I'rTs. ' ' "' if `:7 vilxv I` THE JEWELEB, 51 BARRIIE. ' *-~._, UNDERTAKER. BUILDER. CON TRACTOR. an. n..___ a.--..L I)...-I- . nonunion Organ: and Plnnoo. Ann I-un-.....,_a.. ..-.; I-A-an-at` hnfnll THE STANDARD _I6_.3oo 0-; jg- the-undersigjneczl will Hunt. vvav a avanvo v-q Owen Street. Bufrlo. L'l.'T);!`!I`,i B Family 4-._ MRS. JEFFRY Mo- xvu\l\,1| s.IY`l`{\f_ THE NEXT ;..':2.??.2.'!.".'1.`.aE!`.?..n`! ru--r No WHOLE. N0. 13.1 wm.-m.w.v-. Pmm-into:-. `Viv. 3. caoa'a7a"o'6". | 1 {VI U 47*-tt Beyl. Revs. learn. Leach. Annie. Hound W. A. Walker and Bro. and Dr. truer on the Platform. There wunn interesting Goavolt Temper- ance meetin in the Town Hell on Sabbath afternoon. ` be hell was pretty well filled by our townupeople. Judge Boys oeon ied the `gheir, and on the Platform were , ev. T 11-..--- n|...:-4. A .__-L 'n '- luomn rmnmun mama. A um: gunman: xx`-ran _'l'6WN Ulll Ills! _ he chairman called upon the Rev. Mr. Barnes to open the meeting with prayer, and Rev. Mr. Leach to read 1 portion of Scripture. - .rI.t`l'lA RAVI IIIQl`Q Q Inlulnnhn .nIv:Iunu uvx syuusvs . , J udge Boys msde s tew reins:-ks. ssyin he sympsthized withthe objects of the meet-- ing, was glad that there was s prospect of such meetings being held during the winter and thought much good would result from rousing public sentiment and educating public opinion on the important` subject of cmpersnce. He spoke of the distress and {misery arising to the families of persons .whoee head was sddictcd to drink. and N0!!- dered how they were enabled to endure what a Usnsdisn winter signies with insufficient food, clothing and fuel.- D- blsnn nn`InI` nnnn n Assad: C-A ..I.Im..- the chair. an'd on""the"'i'a tfo:"i:'1' were "R5. W. H. Barnes. Christ 0 urch. R. E; Rev." Mr. Leach, of` the West End Methodist Church. Rev. J. W. Annie. B. A., Collier" Street Methodist Church ; Rev. D. D. Mc- Leod. Presbyterian Church; Rev. W. M. Watker, Baptiet Church Rev. J. A. K. Walker, Lindsay; and ev. Dr. Fraser. Barrie. ' I Mr. J .` Edwards, leader of the Collier Street Methodist choir. had charge of the sinaina. I ii:;`i}8': IUULI, UIUUIIIII GNU IIIUIO He then called upon Mr. Annie to address the meeting`, which he did at some length. The speaker called attention to the Scott Act and its working. and said `that, ` though it hadnot realired all that was exueoted of it, nevertheless it had done much good. He had been much through county and found. that in some places` the Act was well ob- served, in others it was violated. There was much to encourage the advocate of temper anee principles and the day of triumph would come. He then portrayed the evils of the traic. quoted Shakespeare, Milton and Gladstone as to the nature of it. and closed an eloquent and instructive address by calling upon all to go forth in the strengthof the God of battles, praying; and working till vie- tory has been achieved and the country em- ancipated from the gigantic evil. Dan I M Wnlhnr than mlrnnnnrlitlmnri Euulpuusu lrusu uuu uiguuuu uvu. Rev. W. M. Walker then addressed the meeting. He thought we depended too much upon talking and too little upon doing. It was all very well to stand on a public platform and with oratorical ourishes stir up the emotions and say hard things of the traio and those engaged in it, but he thought there was too little practical work done among the unfortunate victims of strong` drink. Kindly words and sympathy with these unfortuuates was t a practical way to advance the cause of temperance and trying to lead the drunkard to the foot of the cross where he could get strenvth to _ enable him to resist the power of the tempter.` While he believed in the power of the law he put at faith in, the power` of the Gospel to ring about what the "all so much desired. Rev J. A. K. alker took nearly the same ground as his brother, and spoke `feel- ingly upon the power of kindness in winning men from the error of their ways. . D-.. `n h |1..t ....A ....A- - lg. smsnns-En "Om "I0 OI'I'0l' 0! in!!! WI I Rev. D. D. McLeod made e :w remu-he but the `leteneu o! the hour prevented him from making 3 speech. He was in full eyxn-. pethy with the previous creators and hoped thettheee meetmge won cl awake renewe_d' interest in theceuee o! teupennoe. gave (eve encorel; Mr. W`:-rington u alwaya well received and well atained hie popularity an the bent all ronn, concert bari- tone before the "public. M_ Arlidge took_ the audience by storm with .: I in magnicent flute layin .. He II a anltleee. He also conga which were ` vokcd much merri- ~ ole raph eaya of Mill . .. roni has just return- tory at Boston, where -e ing for the pact two or * V - 50 have had the pleasure of * alavieh in their raise of her .' . at direction. in Berry- i, Mr. Warringtonand Mr. V on Wednesday evening next. Meeere. Shanaoy and Barnum in duett. Micaea McCarthy and piano dnett. and Mr. Bpctton e Benevolent I KOIGII Ill BBO cause 0! iunpllrlnvu. A number of piooeo Vworo Inn by the choir. and mt about hull put n V. Dr. Fraser pmnonnood the benediction all th I meungonouag V . luulvuvnvo . _ `The subject of the next meetin of tie Reading Cir ie in Buddhism. '1` `efol1ow- ing is the rn rum: 1`-Hymu. -2-Reci- tation ottla. ., 3 . 3-Preliminary ques-i tious: (a) Name the rest religions of the` world. -'(h)` Their ounders. (c) Their Sacred Books. (d) The number of their followers. (e) -i Any facts concerning the life. of Buddha. (f) Causes of -the marvellous growth of Buddhism. 4 v The readings. 6- Chief characteristics of Buddhism. 6- Errors. v 7--Critic's report. 8.-Annonnce- ment of next meeting; _ 9-V-`Recitation of II '1`hess.III,5.i_>' V ' V-'i -hour. . Oonzregauonsu u.-nun... ` The Conversations "at the Town Hall on` Thanks wing Day was` fairly patronized." It | was un er} the auspices of the Congregational Church and many went` to spend a social _ The curiosities from various parts of the wor1d`,'Nev Zealand, Australia and our own country excited much attention. The musical-part of the entertainment was very good, doing" much credit to the musical ability of the town. It was a capital enter- a-:.......'..a gin` well worth the entrance log, 4 lo:/1 iiiliiy this It a Olplwu cu... tuinment and well worth ..m ' Asooiul for this `member: was Wodnenduy evening`. although the _ 0 was V01'!:|.I!|f!V0rI .I--a 5.. .5 gnmnhll Kg Wllhh _` 81:. Patrick`: B840/vount I\ A ___- , nlll` l3XRRIE, COUNTY OFSIMCOE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY; NOVEMBER 25, 1836. T- MT3RE'S'l.8' bl.` `BA.BB.I1i. "1'Hi:[ qoukwr or; smoox AND `rum -nonmmon or CANADA ova cnlmmox. ` mi uuv. 5-uvu. II-I Inc J; llvuullll B61100] Nmembera pro requested to attend. uuuuuu , \ V VVDI) DUIU, Ill-TI: IIOIIIFIIIII E91109?- eon; Recitation; Mien Alice Horeeeld; (Vocal) Duet, the Mine: Bertha Holmes and Annie Miller ; H n. B. O; H. ; (Instr-.) Dnet, the Mines oekerld e ; (Voeal) Solo. Mr. Jim Henderson; ( ooal) Duet. _ the Mines Burton and Miller; (Instr) Duet, the Miuee Reiner and Mookeridge ; (Vocal) Solo, Mr. R. Purvie 3 Glee, by Glee Club ; Hymn, _B. O. H. ; God Save the .Qneen. 4 Mine Birdie Maeonwan Pianist for the evening. The next meeting will be held on Friday N ov. 26th. in 'the`Parooh1al School House all Innlnknrn urn rnnnnntau` in -64-maul ;| urllvnaunnauauu uvnuvv` 3-u-- vw- -ww--V . Commencing at 9 Intending candidates in please send name: who Prlnclpm of th ouegisto Institute Im- , modiatuly, so that u a elem. number of papers jun. be obxained the hduosuon Deput- : meat according to moan ' Oandldutes are required ufuubmlt` D1-swing: M N ` ' N' 9` J. 0. MORGAN. if 1? Barrie. Nov.16th.1$O. 41 ~ P;8.!.' Vlotnrlu Toronto (champlon) vs. Or- A -nag- -319--.14 v _--vu-y-u v-n uvn vauvv wanzunnoynvt-y tun vy- clone: or e. 4 ' The above club: faced each other 0 Thanksgiving Day. The Oyolonee, winnin the toes, elected to kick with the wind `en in e- few minutes the rubber was in dancer- oul proximity to the Victoria's goel. The bell remained. in thin neighborhood with strange pereietenoy during the first half. Whenever the bell took e oonne towerde the West it was quickly returned by the Oy- clonee defence, VIIL- 172-L-_!_._ __.___.__.j A. ._--II LI.....--._I_ Tho iollongg: "Inna H O VI VI-IUD InI_UlUIlUUp The Victorian managed to -pull through the first half without losing 5 goal. nn Oahu nnnanul half 'nn `Th-nftu-;nn` HA1` {EBA UIIU IIFIII Hill WIIIIIUIIII IUIIIIK D Blllo On the second half the Victorian` had the wind and quickly took advantage of it by scoring two goals. Thu Inn!-. half hnnr O-Jun nuinnnl nlnvnd A Ullfllls UWU BUCK`. The last half hour the Oylones played a splendid game. With two goals, wind and the chances against them, they played such a game that the champions could score no more and time and again the hall was brought up the eld, but only to be lost. The boys showed genuine pluck and next year Will make the best clubs look to their laurels. The Cyclones did not show the team play of which they are capable, but, taken man for man, wethink they are the equals of the Champions, in fact they surpassed the Vic- torias in individual play, but the Viotorias ' play a beautiful combined team play. The high wind on this account gave the visitors an apvantage over their opponents. . N`..1~,m;o,h.nnAa'nn thu nnld mm fnllv 500 Th Ill ' ` " . ' ` ' _ Hylmn? Jorggrummo was prenented (InItr.) Duot,'tho Minna: Birdie and Teatie MIIOII3 (Vocal) 8010, Mrs. Jonsthun Hender- nnno nnn:I>.nC-3::-u II:.. All.. n-__-n-1A. Glee. ,by Gleg Olhb} ` an li[)V8!1U&gU UVUI` Ioulsu` pppuucuuu. ` Notwithstanding the cold, day fully 500 must have turned out to see the match. ' The Band very kindly was' in attendance. The Alliston boys talk of coming up on Friday to play the nal tie for the champions ship of the Simooe District, _ V TBA l`IIn`nnun Kano knoll nnlz t hvv 61- imp 01 one ouuuuu uusunuu, The Uyclones have been put to heavy ex- penses in bringing these clubs here and ur- pose holding a concert to put themse ves atraight. Give them a full house. susasuaagavssag drug can nnauncuvn 'Thanksgiving Day in Barrie was as quiet and peaceful as the Sabbath- A few went out into the country with guns and came back loaded with ---- stories of the day's tramp, but people generally remained at home and spent the day in social enioy- ment with their families and friends. Ser- vice was held in some of the churches which were prett well lled. Rev. D. D McLeod we are tol gave an excellent .address at the Presbyterian Church as did Rev. W. H. Barnes at Christ Church. Rev. Mr. Annie delivered a good lecture on Our Country." He traced its history briey from the time of John Cabot until the present, and showed how great were the resu ts which often flow- ed from apparently. trivial circumstances. He spokeof the wondrous developement and power of the British Empire, and of the exhaustless resources of the wide and great Dominion of Canada and the possibilities of her future. He showed many "causes we had for gratitude `andthanhfulness to God for the vhlessin We enjoy. He spoke of the great moral orces that are at work for correcting error and elevating man. He paid a tribute to the press for the part it is taking in great moral reforms and religious revivals. He theduty of every man, to take a share in purifying governments from corrup- tionand wrong, oing, and expressed his conviction that Methodists do not take as active a part in politics as they` should. He thenspo e ofthe temperance question and the duty of every one in selation to it; thought the Scott Act `had--not `been as successful as was `anticipated but that it had nevertheless done a great amount of good. The lecture altogether was an earnest and interesting one and contained many .good practical hints. Azeollection for the .poor ...`.. nlmn sun an that nlnla_= JIUIII `III-D ioacnmnlm mu. had and !8rd'.~ .,.._._.n..... .. n _A 1u-..|. --..|. ;-- - . , 7 . F0110! Hungry. . Thomas Sanders and J. D. Ross, Iron Ore, {got into sdilputo 1 week Igo last Satnrdny .. 4.5.. mnrlznt mun-a shout tome buaineu DYIUFIOII uulolo 'l.VV|lI?Uvu wag taken up at the clone; ! g0` IDEO I GIIPIIIO I W681 350 an-u uuuuu-J on the hum-ken squsre about tome tnnuotion, and Mr. . Ross used a lot ` of naughty, word! toward; Sanders that . the magnatnte thought ought WM worth about I $10, which Mr. Ross paid. ` ' m....1.;.. rI~...I.l nnnf.Ai| of Run-in. wu be- Uhlel TOGO, pllnmr, OI Dirnu, Wyn yu- fore the magistrate a few days ago. For that the said Todd obtained a horse and [buggy from Dr. Ba1ley s liverv stable and forgot to return it. _ The horse was found tied to afenoe at Kempenfeldt. and Uonetable Sweeney laid hands `on the said Todd and: bronghthlm before the beak. who ordered his release on his paying .all, costs and charges. ruruuauu The Anvwcn had 3 call on Tnesday from Mr. T. S. eNorris, a representative of the . Globe, who is collecting material for a special I number of the Globe with reference to the industries along the line` of the Northern from Toronto to North Bav. Mr. Norris made the quickest passage from Montreal to Barrie that has ever been made. He started from that city at 9 o'clock Monday morning and reached Barrie at 12 "the same night.) At but; i -3 Everybody who-_ha.s to tr'svel"on the side- wallrfrom the posfoice on Dunlop street east, will breathe with ' more , freedom, and step with greater condence now . that -the dangerous pitfall near the shop of . Mr. Bemrose, is About tobe safely. covered. 1: is I wonder that the whole rotten affair over the twelve foot` pit hes not gone down long ego, and "at the town in for indenite llunnnnlltll AI U, uuu uv uuv Vvvv lthouun I3. dsmuzen. {Z-.. r ~ . and sun: menus. | On Friday, 10th December, the Oherlu I Kelly-Gone rt 00. will give one of their con- oertl in the own Hell under the enepmee of the Oonzregetional Church. [Of ooune every- body will go. to hear these grand interpretere IU. wmgn Mr. nous palu. . V Ohm-lea Todd, psintar, of Barrio, wu be- --- .1... .....-...:.-o-...o. - tam chmn mm. For i!IB6A'9i5:!`X5!1|.(!!A.I'.9 Thankngtvlng Day lg Barrio. _ __ l)........ ...-.. nu roownnnmassoonwxon. |PL1umnnn*s 1=1mu11.j Poms. nnxon nuns `amount vw-' urvw-vwuu-3 wind viv-no-7. _ chants: of Local History. * --New entnl Lace at '1`. W. Gm! .5 : (1119:. "' I-IN Paul : . % ies me boots give W. ~;_ Q-__ ___. '. _-.-- - ww-- ` --Don't forget the` Bappwnought Rahge at (man Bros. - T --Mona so: and vy rubbers very Oh? "at W.. J. Pa Pa. --For E tuna Cloud: or shawls `go to To W. G V & C00 . I -'--'i.;dfi{a' ;);;i:lrca bnfton boots T only t WI Jo o ` ' \ -3 ' 1' d t ' ryde rtment .. R. 5 ..'u::..:::":.a;` `V P -5-.. _ .._.L_.-_-_-_n .-4__--:__'.. II-...I- IIVIIIIIIIUII rm. 1} C These instruments are honored before all otht-min our own count: . The on! Canadian: Piano overrhoeen for Rieeu Hail )' the Gov- eror-(y`onn,r~i. Within the past three Y9!-1'8 ?0vori30 rstciaus mines have been awarded 1' Duminion ()r[.{nna and Pie. on-. and the-yere low the mort popular instruments in camera. 1hetntirc exhibit- were sold at the In den and Colonial Exhibition. The Dominion instru- ments brcuuhc-out the same tone ot soul music, the same deep. rich. soft. sweet and but-ninll lone. _cuming from the touch of each key. that 1,V'-`HI*0 ruznvmbrcmce of a lamb sound -after b'1DL in um for many years, as I110! did W593 9"` mzcirs 11 rat touched the key board. When ou Luy be sure and get a Dominion." W._` erwood. r 010 Agent. Barrie. `%-~--. -._- ~_