1_` V so1j'rHsfDm'DUNLo1> STREET; NE%__X1-`*DO;OR TO THEWCANTON TEA STORE. 'Z.t!"S?.I9.IiZi|?"|4"`i. KB U M S % ,9`r>vEs 2 ""31-ovzazss 2 2 .-THE; 0` rurnovnn `nus. ma THE LATEST mp BEST rvnmsnmes T gr; p3l{ANUFAO' l?URERS PRICES. 'l'l'\'I'r\1- T`? A irnnnso (_ _. _ ; --.--- -- nu -fuijlilt Just received a lafge assertment from Germany, all at the very Lowest Prices. nggnn `-4..- _ I In I-- - - -` UNDERTAKER MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. BARRIE AND STROUD. ---AND SEE HIS STOCK oF--- heron` ', .nAM:s'vi|iEi i's"3, p,...,....,_ I-I-in. - CARPENTER AND will be paid in Cash or Goods. A 1a.r choose from at manutactu -m-L I --n--; - ge stock of superiorgoods rers` prices. F u R N I T u R E . _- -- --.r-.1`; SHOT GUNS AT REDUCED PRICES; IPIIQ Ann Bi2EECH-LOADING Aw`- mWuE`}`:():hDOLMAGE, Manager, Stroud. STEAM WORKS AND SHOW ROOM, -% COLLIER-ST., BAR `RIB oOo--- TCOFFINS AND GASKETS OF ALL KINDS 3 Inzstock or Made to Order. -CALL AT- -A:1d'ali i'u1:er;l7Requiai1:-e|a-F1:r;1'i:}'1edv. 7 r Orders by Telegraph or Otherwise, Promptly attended to. IN I'\ `\l'\""'LI`1R 1- (N: .1 -AT TH E- GAME TRAPS, &c., `T J. HENDERSON S. Woven Wire Mattresses Le. Specialty. D.-_-DAQIlG:ALLs MXGTAZINE BIFLES . 'P<)R'rING RIFLES. icongregatlonal Church, stock. All orders will re- eive careful attention. .plete. Caskets and Cof- and prices always in Funerals f-urnished com- ns of various designs couuan ST.- BARBIE; 'J'o-1i'1>LAx1'oN OPPOSITE THE 10-IY D1 110` a.t1_on. _ y heum, "uni!!!-`l|'|Cv . Bradford. GGISTS V: s ofthe atrying tize $1.- moun- Eiebillty in `Pro- -..ul1 I 3 `iur l\'e|' MIA Diurectlc A Vhnnnin *.=T|'/> ..... .....vu uvvvn-o\a.l-la ovvnoa Before General Booth s arrival the soldiers on the platform of the Hall sang a number of the popular Salvation melodies such as, I want to die for Jesus, "Oh! how I love Jesus," ' "With the Army I'll live, &o., Bye and Bye we'll see Thee, and crown Thee Lord of all. Between these ex- ercises -there was tremendous shouting which goes by the name of ring volleys" against Satan. V ' A L. L..1l'-..-..-.L n:nL4- nnnnn` nnnfk an- VUll\JJ I55 K I K H U X X V K G " At half-past eight General Booth en- tered the Hall from an ante room in rear of the plattorm, accompanied by Col. Dowdle, Commissioner Coombes, Mayor Sewrey and Army cyioers of lower gradefrom surrounding `districts, `and such deafening sounds as greeted him fwere never before heard within the walls of that building. It was a con- ssiderableitime before the semblance of . order was obtained, and that only by "elleated whistles from Commissioner Coombes hayno. When . the immense mass of humanity `had been quieted down! Col; Dowdle offered a. prayer for the divine blessing upon ` e:;ji1_1"1e'_'eti1`:g,VI_' that the Holy Spirit ivon d enlighten j all vrho were in darkne8b"and"giv;e thein the Joy of those who wwezezaaved and. redeemed from the power of D9311. V Comnlimainnnr ntrnrnhnl than The Hall was more densely packed thanwe have ever seen it on any pre- yious occasion, every seat; being taken and the aisles filled with as many as could nd standing room. . - D..4`,...n n..._......| u..-n..r.. ......:..-.;I n..-. uluuuus u u u u . v -g up --v _rn\-vvvwliillul was ofconsiderable length, and` ags and agettes, with the` red s_c'a`rfs and uniforms of the so1d1ers,.ma a. pic- zuresque appearance. The music was a_ ddle, toned down by three. or four big drums and two kettle drums; When the train arrived and the General was not there, the disappointed. looks form- edastudy forithe physiognomist, and Barraud was trying to catch it with his big camera, but whether he `succeeded or not we have not heard. A half hour was spent by the soldiers in an experi- ence meeting, when the announcement was made that the General had been goBo.wmanv1lle and the train was too late to connect with the train on the Northern, but that he and staff would reach Barrie `(by the 815 train. An immense crowd was at the station long before the arrival of the train, and when it (lid come there was such a pushing and crowding, hustling and jostling, that it t was almost impossible for the General-to reach the platform, and the regulation bonnets of many of the SfllV8.tlL.D lasses were threatened with compression out of all regulation shape. By dint of hard labor the V Generaland his st:-if were enabled to make their way to the carriage in waiting, when the procession headed `by the Stati` Band, from headquarters, -took up the line of march for the Town Hall. Some of the "soldiers carried torches and many had joined the ranks since the afternoon, the reinforcements coming from Orillia, Gravenhurst, Huntsville," Newmarket, -Stroud and other places. ` .... \.n5Jl.l.l uulu uuo pUW,Vl V` `V-{"7 "3. -'37-3" Commissioner Cdomba th en lmed- for the song, We'll;ghb ".~`.h-991,)` which was given Wi,t,h ;f1,m1/99?? ," thusiasm. V ' " _Mayor Sewrey came fo_rw_ard and: Bald: Lzmms AND GEM*L1cME N,--IT am pleased at the turn out. to welcome General Booth and to listed 'tohis ad- rlvnu... I . uvvu D5614 UV JLDUUII VI-I I-III! lau- `M39. but I was annoyed.-atz the conduct Of a portion of the crowd at the station, but I suppose it was the natural eager- W8 to see the Commander of the 80.1- mn.'.... ': `V -Juu uul: Uvulullluul` UL luv Ian!` $331011 Army. think thevArmy;-in t}ng_ a good work, and th_at. they aim: beught. kind of tunes I amgaoury We Generalwlid not get here in `the th &ft.ernoon. so thatthe right kind; Of :]`?Pt10n might have been Aa'otded m: T M... 4.4.1 L`__L. 1.- ___ -. `-n'.`_ T59 * Genera 'h`j""1 "UI1 mlgnb have been atroraea n"n- _ I am told that he was at Bow- `:L"nV11l,e attending a prayer meeting at WW} 0 cloek this morning, and` that it 30 WP` sslble for the trnineto connect 98 to enable him to get here when tglected, I do not know inwhat oondlg cm tee G(nere.l' is, but he - must nee- he clflly be faugued, and `I am eorrv . B`{0trema1nelonger. than to-night`. "He. . If the General is `weak and that fpresezons should lack any bhingof bum`: _ you expect, you mus; attri- Wk rt E116 conetent and oontit_uqu_e; that .`"' ` hams. `?Wi%.hut we gmmmk8. I w1ll1ntro3uee=~to~you~ -_ B*h. Commander mute: the as-?" W6 to the: fronts '01 mt or:_n emldlt volIeyI.h'0II,I' .559; ; . whnch continued for'IoIne.."tiIni9.u 1 look : more .- like :f 9` Gun. Directed Against the nova. 5`V1mg' crowd at the Town 8311-- -1-no General : Speech. . ThgvSa]vnti(~n Army had a. big time I bwednesdav. Ithud been announced if large posreys that General Booth bald be in BeaI`l`1B on the 20t_h_ and w what he knew of the Salvation .9, preparations were made receive him. There was` to be a bnquft and squads of soldiers` were detailed to cenvase the tewh for sup- pliemn whwh, 1t I8 saxd, they had God success. The .General_ wee` to {me by the 3.27 tram from '1`oronto.' mg before the, e great crowd, had co}- Wed at the 'stat.1on, and the Bame` contingent, augmented .by aquadsifrom L0 numerous outposts. marched` uniier V 00 up amt ace between the post oioe and the ion to await the arrival, T of the mama of Happy Bill Cooper, to the` ` commander-in-chief. The procession ` -1` nnnn;!"DlVu"\lD lnnntli en-..I`(I.....t Ax. scorn A'r"rnn nu; . 0 -rum roncms. A0 F` S _,_ October 28, 1883, uurucuc yspepsia. mplaint. Scrotula, Rheum. eadache. aqh and ntd Ont. THE HALL. um] V.v`i?h`331&S1:o-A " " *"" """"' "'- --"""'J 5 m;M:H%Me; iqhtny thou Mp, but an Army was auonf I-fpormedan `as they were saved what; _,,_ ___L.__..'l LL... 4.. -_II :4. LL- G_I_- i Tum sorrvjl was not'her'e-bvlien` I- we "'-."."-a- " -'- 3'--I-VI-I I. unvu U000 U185 exp_ected, but as the Mayor has said I V3.8 at Bowmanville at 3 o'clock prayer .n?99s sad. atlgited . at Toronto too l`.`l.., 1'49 A here at `advertised time. Somebody 18 responsible; for the mistake but 1 cannot tell who. `I am `sorry be- cause of` the disappointment to those who could not be hejrer to-night. _ One old man pushed through the crowd, and grasping my hand, said: God bless the General. I have been waiting all day and now I__ must go home without hearing you." I say God bless that old man. But I must proceed. I have much to say and I will try to compress it into as small a compass as I can. The Salvation Army cannot be mentioned anywhere, whether in a railway car, a hotel, in they market place, or the workshop, without people bristling up and listening with atten- tion, some from sympathy and some with feelings of antagonism to our methods, our` language and our dress. I believe the Salvation Army has the sympathy of a great proportion of the people. Some are against us, as many are for us, but I think it is deserving of sympathy and support. . If turning the world into a paradise is worth doing we have done it with the minor- ity-that minority who have been en- ticedfrom the downward way to dam- nation and who were not reached by the churches and who now rejoice in being redeemed by the blood of Christ and their feet set upon the rock` ever- lasting.` Our ambition is to draw men from sin to righteousness. That is our A ambition. The idea is a beautiful one to labor with man, to entice him from the service of the devil and place him in close communion with his God. But I must leave generalities and tell you what I know about the _ Salvation ` Army, not what I think, but what I_ 1 know. It has long been a problem ` with Parliaments, Congresses, Churches` ], and other bodies how to get at the out- ` casts of society,` thoseunfortunate beings I who are found in the lowest stratum of humanity, pf arently without hopet f re A ` demption. We have partially solved ` this problem, andwe are learning every l day its more complete solution. People ` say, how -did all this come about ! 1 Some think that General Booth sat l down and arranged a plan of all this, that he had the building laid out, its windows,-doors, its rooms and then set to work to construct and carry it out. It is not so. I have no -plan.` I saw tens of thousands of the population of Lon- don, in the seething dens of vice and pollution, going to damnation, men and 'w'oriien`who never saw a church and. never heard a. prayer, and I yearned to to dosomething for their salvation. I saw that my country was doing some- thing for the heathen, but therewere theheathen athome, :and cannot that same precious blood, thought I, which has washed the heathen, clean, also cleanse the 'Twi`e`tohedi c rea'tnres.> whom I g ULVI-aouv View 1' any-v-on ovvuv -var Vv now..- see around rye, _ andufgr wixom nobod; ` cares, purify:-them, too? I set`. to work i to accomplish this and gave my heart; and my life to it. The idea of an Army; ` __!LL __I-._-I_.-__..I ............I... L...I _. ...I..-_. I` ionwuu ---w vv --- aw- I 3; ;d%3?:&;. l.___ _-_ _ -.. al... In ..... CTWYI V ' "$2 jvrtui-VJ w` cu -- ;1:.y,e_,to. ve newwplans ,,ell. u,I5" The devil gets used to 3m`- oId*"ones and we then form new ones to baie him" sil render him ` powerless sgsinsu; repsntant sinners. We did not call, ourselves a `church, for. share vwereg ohnrohes already, and therefore ..thef' nuns` . Salvation 4 Army established. 1 1 itsel`fsf` Some- -people may not..-liko"3i_t; I bunhoie who. have been blessed, by git? ` li |_te;;it. `Even `fit had failed we were _ . .._,_ ,. -. . -. ___; _~_~.1__ ._..| .._.......n "lVl ..'aJ '50 SVCPPAIGNWIUII (mu IPWIUQQ -an ..- mg, gngwgng olamen 2 fgdeath and hell in thy` quasi ;!1`he onl cure is the Blood that we'd from th side of Ohriat. This pundits in` which no sin. can -ever he way to a-. I|BU_5lh .lUVI_i_u on an uuu av-nun. .. --- ` entitled tosyu_1pa,.thy_a_nd support. That , something was ,-nQdAd." `more than --weg `had is_'-evident. Go where you will, whether into England, this 7 `Dominion, or to the United States, you see "then reckless of law `and order, enemies-to government and social stability. Is there not a spirit that. wants to level all down to the demonism of publi plunder, dy.nernite and damnation? Youhave nogoaeasion to `go to Russia for Nihi_lisin.*'i The `pantie, spirit which animated the Freneh evofglition __and produced its Funspealialgte. horrors is to be .fo.m.i jut. die `?V.'ya`;?1nid-ft: of the `eh jehefs. It is the tpegplexity of gov - erntnefn_t."s,I3th'0 puzzle`--_.of tatesgnen and the deIair`l_"ef hilgnt Hoyt ' _;_ is? inf; blight- :.;_ .;..:..l...a nlnmnn fdanth 1 `he a.aa* in}-'.' isTc.I'J.1f"x am exceed ingly grateful to you for.` your kind `words and to this audience for the greetings 'w1th which 'I have been met-` I am sou-y_I was not here5vhen' I was Yankee than a representative of, the , land of roast` beef and plum pudding. -He is tall and thin, his hair and whisk- ers being quite grev. His coat of dark: blue Iwas unbuttoned,` showing the red shirt, -typical of thepblood and thunder ghts in which the Army so frequently engage against,` the world, the `-esh. and the Devil. "His nose. is `somewhat prominent, and there is an expression in the eye betckening a love of humor and the appreciation` of a joke or a good story. His whole frame looks wiry and tough, and there is an amount of nor vous energy that l well ts him for the worlr he has chosen. He is eminently tted to inspire his followers `with con- dence in his ability and honesty. It is only when he begins to speak that the , idea of his ,Ameri_ean- origin which his 1 appearance gives, is dissipated. . D - ..-:.1 - Hit -- , `Vw" - V~""""~'V"`P. ``.'J. '..-,Y 4 ,-7,`? 'F"g;~ '1', . [.1 -'fv..-,-V `_acoounte gijfor,-and not one oamobtain it;foi" his? own'.'. pefdbtial. .u.'.=; AIL dur= e new :p2fobe;A`ty.fis: : h11`in V trim: f..rt the . ;ps_e of t.he'*Ar.my. according togthe` laivs . :b:tlle', countries, in; ;w.hic,h"-it acquired. ; j;It:`ia thus yhe devilv eeekagtq. iecrjedit the ` ; Ayuiy: 7aqd_ the. v'vdr'k`.fi't; is} dging.` ' Z lUI`"VUUI ' `There is another story in the papers. also, and that is, that I am gettingrioh out of the Army's _ funds, that I get e 80,000-.a: year, and._hg;vg_Ahu_ilt a. large J mafm-ion with money obtained from the .A_rmy.t ` Inowt declare that I have never - saizein` one shilIi!1KI9}1t3of` tuqffuuda of .ffr.i `V6116 are in e:8y!9Pathyt , with het , _vqrk inv_'w;hich.I . am -eng ed. ; .Ee`a'yf ; teepe:oo11eotede.by 'the1Airm7 I 'i`.P`C5per.1'}* ` ____;.."_'l;l.'.._ A...` -31` Anna; .44u-n- f Aroiy.`; My~-persopel 'vvants'.}havef Q beenf providedffor. by, kind `pere_x, _';';1_(l: The story is told in the papers that the lieutenants. are not allowed to have sweethearts. I know nothing of `such order, a.nd7'wa.s entirely ignorant of any- thing of "the sort till I" ' saw it in the pziperw. A There {are `two good-natured looking reporftere here. I. hope you will report well of us,` if you "don't I will pray. forjou. I ' ' .I n 0 .1 ` We sometimes are sneered at, end even by ministers, who call the Army a. rope of sand and `a. bubble that will soon burst. The bubble will not burst while there are sinners to be saved," and; while hundreds are willing to go where- ever they are sent for the simple` love of Christ and saving souls. ` V II . II._...... .........- ..--_.'l- --`_-_`-L. -1` V- v----v -.---- -aw--.. -v-nu - Mr. Mayor, some people complain of our dress and our methods. I amnot angry because people are not unanimous on these matters. When I was a church minister I dressed in black, and I like a fellow to show his colors. Is t_her`e.any more wrong in our wearing red and blue thanin you wearing black and silks and feathers? Some people do not _like our drum. Well, you have your bell,` and if it is right to ring peo- ple to church, it cannot be wrong to drum them into the barracks If it is night to sing in church it-is not wrong to singon the street. Our music too is sometimes complained of, but all music belongs to God and the devil steals it, and he will steal your souls `if you do notlook out. *You get your music from machinery, we get ours from ' the chests of converted sinners. m"!-_: `in the `only royal roadto hsppmeaa. h To point out that road to those. pariahs._in V christian and un- - christian lands is the mission of the Salvation Army. .We'have men and women ready to. light 3 in this great lhtivl With 91'! Pot with carnal weap- ons, but withg;th'e sword of the spirit. . If We fall We should have the sympathy of the people, but wedo rot fail. The Sxlvation Army is progressing like the_ tides of the ocean and the glory belongs to God. The Army is now 21 years years old and just learning to run as the child learns. It may stagger and fall down,f'but' it will recover [itself - without receiving much injury.- It is the rick6ty.ohild that sits. still in its perambulatoiybut the active one that moves -stumbles, falls and then gets up again. _'I `here are certain nice Christian D._60ple_ that are rickety. They never diaturbiany one, never trouble the. devil or. nnybody else. .` They never get into A tggaolfor proclaiming salvation to the a :low, the wretched-and forsaken in the 4 ;s,l.ums and.hells,of.: our cities. This is the mission of the Salvation Army. `Our methods of; doing these things may notsuit the quiet, passive Christians of theohurches. [We-perhaps shall know how like them one of these days. [N_'ote: This is sarcasm.-A. WARD] Have, patience we shall be all right. You cannot satisfy your nice goody-goody polite people, your dudes, dandies and befesthered Christians. But thank God the Army is doing its work in calling the almrst hopeless sin- her to `repentance. Here we are 21 years old , but for years I stood alone and it is only within the last 8_ years that the wonderful progress which the Army has made began. ,It now em- braces 19 countries, and it is rapidly making its way among uncivilized and heathen people in all parts of the world. Eight years ago we had only 26 corps, now. we have 1600 corps. Then we had only 36 salaried oicers. nowrwe have 4,000 oicers, and at the same rate by the year'1900 we shall 4-0,000 corps and 100,000 oicers. We pub- lisb 29 War Crys in 22 languages. Without any guarantee of salary our young men andmaidens will go to any country they are sent, forsaking friends and home and the pleasures -of society for the love of Jesus, and to God the Holy. Ghost be the glory. A I III " VI-I\l. I! it`; -w -3: 7,3715. V _` =The. peror'ati'oinfof the Gepera1 s ad- ;dr'es_aV `was _b. mpsb eloquent ;1_, `Que; in] which wa`a%a1ibjxii1 7vv(ha..t; the .labo'r`s"of-.'iheffA1.`.1Y'.-h!`$1L We .fo.r the -dg-`;1I,'l,kard'a.-wife, Tirtho: -wah often `moahihg dvdrfthe .abs et:oe'.' oft gen sin- leoopoi drunkene-uhanband. thinking as the poet has it :, ., I have watched the moon go down, -_ But ethe oou1e_|,_,n_3t, ogioe it was not no ; He inks not ow theueibittar tears" do ow, The while hd hil riot that town. ,,._A___. Ll__ Luv vvuaas uv -avus-- -4-- .._-- ___ -__ What has been done to restore the drunkard to l1`ia:..hpme and lead him re- pentant to his God? What for the criminal? What. for the poor fallen woman deapieedand neglected? ' L AL- I.-__-L.. Al` W VIIQIIIIQ iCrIU-{ You onnnot honesty of people who give up their lives without reward to _work like this. Do you love` God 13- `Are, you '"wal_l_xing with God 9` Never `mind-1 uboutwne oolotofv the dress, theaound: o the drum or the street. wax; `wi-k `foi-`tIe`ia`i"vitidn'ofiiiiitiors`, ibe;sM' `Mr Ivnn do It- V` 37'3". you do it. . A nu};-1 you uo w. A AWt'Iv\e=er2?by ...g the benediction the meeting was dis. THE N1THF?;3'N;A33VANCE- -v--v- wv-rQ\a u-av: ` It may also be necessary to mulch. `Mulching should always be done before watering ; it is much better. Water- ing is the last resort. Nomatter what the season, mulch cherry trees. If it must be done, remove the surface earth and afterwards replace it. Then the water will reach the roots and no crust will form. Trees are injured_ by water- ing, ten times as often as by neglect to water. Likely it is better to apply the water to the branches than to the roots, unless the soil is dry. If the trees are shriveled; or the buds fail to start, wet the top each evening, being careful not to use too much water, Often when the roots are quite dead, a tree may be coaxed to grow by thus watering thy: trunk and branches. By. mulching 18 generally understood the application of litter or other material to the surface of the soil, to prevent both the evapora- tion of moisture and hardening of the surface. A layerof very ne earth on the surface produces the good effects of mulching with litter, etc., and the re- sult of thoroughly cultivating the or- chard is not merely to keep down the weeds, but it secures a layer of ne, dry earth, which acts asa mulch upon the soil below.-American Agriculturist-. Surface Ditching. The more we use the plow for mak- ing wide surface ditches on low lands the better we like the plan. We get the ditches deeper and wider every time we plow. We have ditches over four feet deep that we drive across with a wagon, mowing machine, cultivator, etc. These ditches are made by simply turn- ing the land away from them` every time we "plow. They carry of! great quantities of water in the spring, but in the summer are so dry that grass and crops will grow almost to the center of the ditch. We do the work with a large plow and three good horses abreast, and turn over a deep, wide furrow. It 18 often rough work at the first. We have gone through places wherethe weeds were as high as the horses heads, and old logs and brush heaps. and bushes were in the way - B_ut"when you ones get thehorses or oxen to plow through the work is essen- tially accomplished. Every. furrow is easier than the preceding, and every year afterwards you can make better and better work. The great `point is to makea beg'inninga._nd`stick to it. It is. better to makethe ditch with spades and shovels." Sometimes. `But make the ditch.-American `Agfr_ic_ultur`ist. care of Young Fruit Trees. If the autumn or summer is very dry, it may be necessary to water the trees, but this is very rarely "necessary A when the soil has been properly prepared and thorough "cultivation is given afterward. This stirring must be over the entire surface of the orchard, not around the trees for a, few `feet only. The ground of a peach orchard. should always be cultivated ; and of an apple or plum or- chard until the trees have attained con- siderable age. ['5 ______ __|__ |__ __________,A L, _,,1 I im _n$nnI;twa`1o:tsAIe.Ebh 13 WEE`- n0U'3E`soW{ 000!-I!i 1!5D..BAYAA. -COCO 1- in A II I`! D NIJEIUH 1"]! A QVHIW 'E$r\-#2-Iuvzagvr [1 3 ,yyg`._zn:...`: . w1LL1An_.s. nABlI.EB..=QIi.A.` APPLY on THE PREMISES. rv-r--y nu.-uvv `NV, AQIIUIAA A comic spiritual song by one of the `soldiers was being sung as the train steamed ` into the yard, and ended the proceedings. . . grassed prayer meefing. In the morning the ; General Booth is a ready and earnest , speaker, and made a good impression- ;on':' his Barrie audience, among whom we noticed some of our prominent oiti~ zensand their wives, _~ The Army went. to-the barracks and held an a`?`l night General and Staff. accompanied by Captain Burchett, Happy Bill, and the Staff Band with aagoodly number of specta`oxs, were at the station before` seven o'clock on their way to Owen Sound. While waiting for the train the Gcneral held a prayer meeting, in which every class of Barrie sinners" was remembered. In praying for the people of Own 11 Sound, the General prayed for the people in the place where they going. I don't know where it is, but God does, and I pray him to do for the people what they need. . I ' - - _` And .Cau-,hu Ilclesifesxllt ` from xi clebilitzxtoli, _i111pove1'i:ih_ed, or impure condition of _t_ho xblposlo: `Ayers Sarsnpulfillu p1'\'_1;tS ;`1un_d cures these.eruptions,u_nd painful tumors, -`by removing. their cause: the only e1l`oc:t_- nal way of rezititlg them. " - ' Pimp|es,B0i|s; 3.. vvww v. -.-v.-..... ...... .. ' Ay`eI: s S:u'snpm'il|:1 11:19 Pi-(r\'vz1to(l the` 1 usual course of BoiIs.'whh- and me every seu.~:o1r'fm' save-r::| years. --(ioo.~Scu|es, I lu.invH lc, Mich. o u an ' II 1- I.` '7r7A`44r have puim-cl ` I was bL:ull_v tmul)let1'with Pimplos on the face ; also. with,auliscul0ru2ion m the `skin. which showed itself in ll;:l_\'. lurk patches. No external troatnment. did 'n|um` than t;n1pora1'y good. A_ver s sz:r.~upu- rill eectetl = . ; A PAerf9ct_ .9re.~ ' I mwuqwvw 7.. and LI lm\;e hot been troublo`l si;m-.- 'l`. .W. Boddy, River st., Lowell, M:|s.~. - -_.-..- , ._-_ I was troubled with Bulls, and my health w.as~ much impaired. I bcgzul using Ayer s Szwsapxuillal, and, in due time, the er'upt.lons all disnppczuuad. and my health was con'1pletelv` m.~:to1'ml.-- John R. Elki'Ii's, Editor Stmiley Observer, `Albemurlc-, N. O; V ' I was troubled, for` :1 `long time, with in humor which appeared on my face in u}.fl_v I"imp!es and` Blotchen. A_\'or`.~; Snrs:npa- rilla cux"el, me. -- laconsido.-1', it the lxzst blood purier in the wor1d.-Gharlcs H. Smith, North Craftsbury, Vt. .-`_-_, _-, Is sold by all drugglsts and dealers in med- icine. Ask for Ayerfs _S_gu_'saparilIn, and do notbe persuaded` to take any. other. purod by=_Dr.#J. O. Aye: 8: .Co., I.owoll,~Mus._ ff -` `moo c1~:~-gx-sbotglqo. vmaria pari I la _ ...-......l..L.. nu.` Jnnh-non `n Inna`- 31". x 4'1 `Mann New and e1ega.nt,deigns of Parlor and Chamber Suites, Extension Tables, Side- boa.rdu,.eto., in Walnut-,,Auh, and imitationzof Mahogany and Walnut, at prices as low .5; consistent with good work. ' . MERGHANT TAILOR, Eight Dobrs East of Old Stand, Mccarthrs Block, BARBIE. ` OFFICE, FACTORY '& SALEROOMS, NORTH MARKET SQUARE, BARRIE. G. S M Iff U N1?!-`?R__'.l`AK-ER Q jj j -2 TL j BAIKIE S_ BOOKSTORE 2 DI UH MUZZLE 8L BREECH-LOADING I SHOT RED CARTRIDGE, SHELLS AND OTHER AMMUNITION: ,. ..__. .__.i_.-_:__ BARR! E [ STOVE _8;__EU_B_N:_A;%0E D*ELPDT `C-C--'_-f - u ujwwu - --- r,v-::-w----,- - .__ 1" `t"f":" ` `dt!o'c;- i!lIIlI6koth~on-.Plnoto.B Wat d.;}'_(;lb val 2. Hansel .. A 1,. I-;L.l?wo'.fia1'P$1(! .h'nno V St 3,. `_ `.7 .'_r,( :1, I` .. 2 . '1: - I` . .-- . . -.- an .3! _. 7 %T ....a_o.9,y 'LF I_,s)`1'!jIl;;?I;A1 r'rc_v_1q`-- $.11 ` `- - WINCHESTER, KENNEDY an SPE\I_CFB A In . I ha`. wi _ wer cause unples in REMINGTON AND OTHER Isis--c- ..__ ` egsmr's E_u.nAI== .m.NA=s u n. _._ I'|l_ 4. cs _. Tl? -- -... II... 11 -I.-I'7-I_- For which the highest price choose from at. fnnniifnnfnrnu _gg _wouy;q_ unrrnue mus r15o,ooo L':W00L wmnzu, Fancy s.;e...;`;';`.i' JOS nADBE|I'rEn nun Goods and all tho Lafeswi `Novelties. BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. W. B. BAIKIE, BETWEEN BARRIE AND QUEEN'S HOTEL. Mills on John Street. Barrie. :15 VI. enqrql 1' S1 m1- uencc