""'."f' fnuohw -tin; oath-I mi J Wljl. ' ..IIQ,-. The Four cardinal Points. !...... I 1__.1:__I , ' - I A Severe War : , cu`... THF+-{i%N9ETHEBN; Orders left I t th AD on: who 1-omstta attended -teo mi"n3nau W ' x-squirm an-. 1-ours servin H03: us than . ' . Licensed Aucogi fa`: t; ;u;;Voi m-?.. ..f`3:', `.i..`!.`;.;."'.. srwzgotnoe wax u. , _.____- & T To all points East For tioketa, rates. 9 and West. to._. apply to arm. . J. -I-\J...EJ'.l.`$ andmanitoba. Iirl 0 V I H Roar. QUINN, Agent N. & N. W. Rm. General Passenger Agent. ljggrle Nomhemonh Western Railways. t h*it"i"Aid that the lady who wt .te In the Gloaming made 33,000 out of it. There are a "good many young ladies who sing it and who do not seem to make much out of it. am noon to am or icomaencs. A call solicited for an kinds of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, SOAPS, OOMBS, AN D BRUSHES. 2 nouns wssfiivfifiiannla nom. GEORGE Moxxnmn, BHEMIST `gun qnuaslsr. jut! I-AA fnnn PRISORIPTIONB CAREFULLY OOMPOUNDID. BELL & co., aa;i{,1I, om. TOILET ARTICLES-'-A FULL LINE. \.av;1a.ruu1uuu.r my I ausoanlanluaslsi Llo- Condensed advertisements on First Page, such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found, Property for Sale or to Rent, S ecic Articles, Eto.. Etc.. must be accompanie with the cash, and will be inserted-F1rst insertion, 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent r word (names. addresses. and our-An nnnntn per wuru. eucn suosequent msertlon, 1 cent 1' word (names, addresses, and gures counte as words); but a. reduction to_l cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed FOUR. - . -Shil_oh s Vitalizer is what you need for lconatipntion, loss cf appetigo, dizziness and all nulllnnvnl A` Atihnnnnun Dhhln `u-up` -..-4 -vv AAnuU\n\r y-ouagv mg---n vuv V1`/Ian. -was-4 vvncnau Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising angthin outside their own regular business. ho d they do so, transient rates will be charged for such adver- tisement - VVIIIII an! `IVA VUILII. GIIAIAIJI-so 3' Preferred positions in the pa Aer will be sold at an advance of one third on a ve rates. This rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- tice of intention to change advertisements must be handed in to the cice not later than Saturday at 10 o clock, and the copy for such change must be in the ADVANCE oice not later than 12 o clcck noon on Tuesday, in any week ; otherwise the advertiser's announcement may not be made public until the week following. A J....._L _____ --!`II _-A. L- _II_..-...J L. ..p.... LL`!- 6'1;3i2."6&iu'm' 'n.' '1 10 Inches, 1 Column 20 Inches, 1 Column ; *For one month--the three_ monthly rate with 15* er cent. added. ' ` or fu-in vnnnl-ha_J-ha u:-an mnnthlv I-nfn I0 81` 061. 8.(1(18(1. ' * or two months--the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. v as-r3.....a..__...: .......:4.:.. _- 1-. LI... .....Q.... ".111" I... Insertion of the same matter. Legal. Official and Government advertise ments will becharged at above rates. l CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken at the following ratelelnwhich are drafted on correct commercial p ciples, and, as they will be strictly adhered to in making new contracts Affnf nmnnnt contracts exmre. there Win 116 UUHJIHULVLDI yauuuptvo, w-nu, u-no ...., .._. .-_ making after present contracts expire, nnlv mm urine for all: T other present contract only one price for all: Hrnoh .... ..... `V 'J`.75i2""3? "3,'i' i'5FiZ'5"1o 2'53 '75 cents per bottle. For sale by J qhn Woods, Rnrn an!` M J lII.ml.'.. Allgmldn I. Inyvg 3-u----..-_-_ , V H" ADVERTISERS SHOULD i~:oTn Tms FACTJEI (12 lines solid nonpareil make one inch). TRANSILNT ADVERTISEMENTS. First insertion, 10 cents per line. Each sub seuenqinsertion, 4 cents per line. ending notices, 10 cents oer line for first in- sertion: 5 cents per line for each subsequent of the matter. nmal lninl and Government U ' ' I ' Presared b Dr. J. C. Aer 8: Co., Lowell, Mass. 801 by all rugglm. rice $1; six bottles, $5. % mas uontu%eau%AnvAnc: . ___.__. nos`:-v `I'D A IIIIIVG Anvmnwrsini} RATES. _ V The Advance has it syvornlrcnlntlon ot Thirteen lllinired and Twenty Copies, Almost, if not quite -double thitot any other ` Paper pubiished in Barrie. 4---_ _.._-~ -Arum an .. _._.....--, _.-v--..vv vs. vuvwnnvu Ayer s Cherr Pectoral saved my life. Two years a 0 took a. very severe Cold which settle onm lungs. Iconsulted physicians, and too the remedies they prescribed, but failed to- obtain relief until I began using Ayer s Cherry Pec- toral. Two bottles of this medicine com letely restored my-Vhea.lth.-Lizzie M. llen, West Lancaster, Ohio. --..._._--, -v novwvnnvt -av-, aavvv ven, .4vLuyoon I have used Ayer s Cherry Pectoral for over a year, and sincerely believe I` should have been in my grave, had it not been for this medicine. It has cured me of 3. dan erous affection of the lungs, for which I ad almost despaired of ever nding a remedy. -D. A. McMu1len, Windsor, Province of Ontario. L_,,.,9_ I`! !\ - -A- Ayer s bherry Pectoral. - 1 did so, and am hap y to say `that it helped me at once. y continued use this medicine cured my cough, and, I am satised, saved In 1ife.-Mrs. E. Coburn, 18 Second st., owell, Mass. 1` 1.---.. --._-.l A____9_ [VI 1-; - About six months ago I had a. severe Hemorrhage of the Lungs, brought on by a. distressin Cough, which de rived me of sleep an rest. I had use vari- ous cough balsams and expectorants, without obtaining relief. A friend ad-x vised me to try . , , - Is a common expression, often heard from those who have realized, by per- sonal use, the curative powers of Ayer s Cherry Pectoral. ` I cannot say enough in praise of Ayer s' Cherry Pectoral, be- lieving as I do that, but for its use, I should long since have died from lung troubles. -E. Bragdon, Palestine, Tex. No. of Inches Run on T "y;`:ht' m'ania. is `demoralizing our `ople. It was only this morning that ittle J ohnny, seeing 3 0116-10 ged man I v\nnn:nn `kn `unnnn t\Irt|`n:-raga . I%- LI._..... Ayei"s Cher%I%`L`yk"l{=.;:.iia`I_'z`1_|_,A -nnnrnrl in: `ha: I (`I A n..- 9. IV- 1' __- 'f!1Vd My life" ` Unap`p1-tinged for -_'- Tone and Quality. VI5A1'A|.OGUlS ran. % CONDENSED Anvmnrrsxgnmnws. T ';.L.'wui '1Jr'oui;' fBELL: Mm cnisialtu Albnnb `L? "A. `v 11 .UHl3ANS rm]; III! S can Ill u U J-IIUU JV Cull oe'1'1;rp';rbottle. s.:l`e-`by .Barrie. and M. J. Hamlin. Allandale. % due Inser tion. 1 ~ vv` ion :75 flll ii; no: mo: * 13 28 Inser.-_ Inser- tions. tions. lawn:-ml lvnnnl I |;\ 3.15 16 00 `Ann PRICE FOR ' ill` - Barrie, and M. J. Ea.m1in,'Allandale. -Will you ahf'f:arV complaint? Shiloh : Vitalizer as guaranteed to care you. For Sale by John Woods, lI_ STQBK 0IIf__IADE 1'0 ORDER. A, f ';_i'la n'_I)nfsIfI7"I_!ouso_Ir :":`r north`. V of To- V r. 13-*oo:a.n.% uuf Broad. Double p.a':..:;.u"':.d*:a.me. in d`Sin an Vtu-nishes 3 nounm nannqs I --.2-2 BIG stroox or HORS .. w Fro. k Leza. us (Late of tulfgl r';1r;:1lfIf:.:er21l:a& Mos-Iris) renorwned spec- es an e e asses. These Spegtegolee and Eye Glasses have been used for the past 35 yea and given in every -birgtanoe unbounded satis tion. They are the t in the vim:-ld.t gay never tire. and last many ears w on o . Reeg the following tesltligonlal : I have great leasure in certifying that I have worn A Speotee ea manufactured by Frank or oleerness of vision and ease while nu or Jams Gon- rrmcv, A.B. late oumbent rinity Church. Wolfe Islnn For sale by J. HENDERSON, were Merchant. Barrie ` . __ - \:\J&U\Jl\.II.I.J. tine onlv Frank Lazarus Lazarus & Morris) renowned anec- tnnlnn and nuns --I----- I - manufactured treshvovver; day. Ask your grocer for them and you will use no other. PIC-NIC PARTIES SOCIALS & WEDDINGS I supplied at short notice -and on reasonable :nt'm=::;a = 132:`; :2 mm or e D8 11880 W 11 n in the past, begs to state that he haslgt con- siderable expense increased his baking facili- ties and is now prepared to do a larger business than ever. a BREAD B3$%.3`3K..mm"Lt?.%`&`3} " "" _Mr. Hardup, it's a. pity you couldn't follow the earth : example, said Cashby to an impecunioue friend. How do you mean 7" Why, settle once in a. while. "IY'II Dali) p.m.; 1111160. l.lg3Uo St. Louis E r Limited Express, Montreal E teas and ac 0 Express, marked * run da. yincluding Sunday. '1`. C. AND B. DIVISION. Cardwell J unotion.-Going Nox'th-9.07 mm. 6.30 p.m. Going South-9.07 a.m.; 6.30 p.m. O. V. R. DIVISION. Inglewood J unction.--Going North 10.18 a.m.; 6.29 p.m. Going South 9.23 a..m.; 6.17 pm. 'fTT"l"I'9IA-I--In--I-I1:-I-- VVCIII V Barrie. .Sept,1. 1885. LEADS VAN . .1?`-3'-._ BB-9WN 5'-.vn.n vuv vv V-uvo Anya. Atlantic E ress, 5.05 p 8.15 p.m.; ixed 11.20. St. Louis: I(`.rnrAnn,~Lh AKIN. V AhB-l." I'U_l1l l [16 l`4lBlt*UI. IJUILIB IJXPFCSU 38.30 a.m.' Mixed (from Havelock and interme- diate stations), 11 50a..m.; Toronto Express, 9.45 DJYI- pJl}`l1:om the WesL-Limited Expfess. 8.45 a.m.; g%:`5.m;E1aI:,::e.*1?:33_P-m-= Mm EW 4.25 p.m.; Montreal Express. *8.00 (A11 trains unless otherwise specied arrive and depart from Union Station. Toronto . DEPAR'l`URE8.-G0ing West. St. Lo s Ex- Eress at `8.10 a.m.; Pacic Express, 1.05 p.m.; xpress. 4.16 p.m. Going Ea.st.- Limited Express 8.25 3. m.; Mixed (for Havelock and intermediate points). AmuvALs-From the East--St. Express mm mm: `Mixed lfrnm I-Invnlnnk and lntnrmn. , UUIN U DU U 1 11. Leave Barrie at 7.05 a..m. . 4.40 p.m Arrive at Hamilton 11.40 5.111.. 9.l0v.m T1-wins leave Barrie for Toronto at 7.25 a.m.. 10.17 am. and 4.40 mm. A TANADIAN mzmc RAILWAY. ONTARIODIVISION. A - C.l I`LVUBUlJIIlLAv, I-VII IIIIIDIQ -ruovu---aggguav .,....` NORTH SIMCOE--GOINGr NORTH. Leave Barrie at 11.00 a.m.. 8.17 p.m Arrive atPenetangu1shene, 1.10 p.m.. 10.40 p.m GOING SOUTH. Leave Penetan ahene at - 6.16 a..m.. 2.35 p.m Arrive at Barr e > 7.23 a..m.. 5.05 p.m -Sleepless nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh s Cure is the remedy for you. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. I KIVJLLV j Leave Hamilton at ~ Arrive at Barrie. In t\T` - --vv r...-. 3 MUSKOKA BRANc.H-Gc 1uG"ioR'rH. Leave Barrie 11.28 a..m., 3.30 p.m. 8.38 p.m Arrive Into a. 12.17 .m.. 5.25 p.m., 9.25 p.m Arr.atGravenhurst,l. p.m.. 7.00 p.m. GOING SOUTH. Y ----l1-no-Anknunf R `g n1 A5 '1 gun UUILV `I \.' U 1 E: Leave Gravenhnrst. 6.40 a.m.. 2.45 p.m Leave 01-illia, 6.20 5.111., 8.25 a.m.. 3.65 p.m Arrive at Barrie, 7 .15 a.m.. 9.40 n..m.. 4.40 p.m `vp\I'\lII7`I ru1'<|tl`Il'\`lI| l"f\T\Yl'\ `TITDVIIII some SOUTH. For Toronto. Leavecollingwood 6.00a.m.,8.20 am. 3.30 p.n Leave Barrie. 7.25 a.t_n., 10.17 a..m.. 4.40 p.m Arrive at Toronto. 10.20 a..m.'. 1.50 p.m., 7.45 n.m Muskoka. Express, Mondays only... ..1l.52 am. at In H at .... 2% pm. _---1-.--;\oc . vs.` A lYI!`I"f lVI'\i _.l'I \Yf\`l'Il'I'IT'I' com G-N-ORTH. heave Toronto, 8.10 a..m., 11.45 a.m., 5.15 p.m Ar at Barrie. 511.28 a.m., 3.27 p.m.. 8.15 p.m A r at Collinarwood 12.35 p.m.. 5.45 p.m. 9.45 p.m Muskoka Express, Saturdays only. . . .12.90 p.m. U 0 to In ".. p.m. JNO. M. ao'rHwE|.|.,] DOMINION `BAKERY _ { CONDITION POWDERS, `COCK OF-THE WALK EGG FOIOD, CA LF MEAL, &c. sons AGENT FORTHE Imtev comm non Pownancn. CATTLE smons, 1'mo'rI-nr. c|.ov=n a. one:-umn cuss We have it upon the authority of an ancient mariner, who knows whereof he airms, that the bight of a rope is warm- ing rather than nourishing. A A11 the new and old Leading Varities of Seed Wheat. ' DSEED J SEEDSMAN, _w' '.'".'I.'-r"2':E.':E'1 -:"j3.C c`3'. L Sent. 1. 1885- 'l`inIrAt Am NORTHERN RAILWAY FOR FALL SEEDING. 9!ss=uws% GOING NORTH. Fnnnf UM; minuflox J snow: - -Shiloh s Cough and Consumption Cure. is -sold by "us on s. amntee. It cures con- sumption. For sa. e by John Woods. Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. 3'5-y"3`ou3':' UUILV U 1` un 1 II. on 7.05 a.m.. 4 1-19. 11.28 a..m.. : 90ING SOUTH. 'lKnn1 A . MAIN I THE Wmrs : ha-A-an\J, Ticket Aqent. BARBIE. 1.z."u pun. | 2,57 Sold in Barrie by Geo. I ?391%FATEF.G3HP , gr _.....o...nv1nV01' _ - VVha.1;Vi: more pathetic than to see the {simple faith with which .a bald headed -man will buy an infallible hair restorative from a bald headed barber? 'pmc' T-F8 has ha a greating 1 :01 IU,& effectual. t for 1 `Pea ting r.e W8 dxseases, ccess DY J. Woods. *-`Au `<'i"ie b ,\ V G 0` _j '1kInan and t'HEcooK's BEST FLEED P'e`_rINvRovAL"*7Asn?: 'n...._:...:.... A! n nhv UILIVS Wt21KH888 OI BDOHJRCD. lIl(Xl){('.bU"- -1 ins. weak back. nervous prostmnon. ,1; -I and aleeplessness. in either sex. Fmvrzm ; scription is sold by drusrgists under our h, live qua ntcs. See wrapper aroun ~_ Price 1.00, or six bottles gor my A la:-le treatise on Diseases of \\ mm`n- ; W991? ustrated with colored plates 8 - merous wood-cuts. sent for 10 cents Adr Wnnt.n'n nlRPIENAIlY merous wood-cuts. sent for no cents in my A WORLD'S Dxspnxsmw 312111` ASSOCIATION, 663 Main Street, Butmlo. 3. - anon IIEADACHE, nmous Hendmi and Constipation. romptly cUI`t_`d DY Dr. Pierce s Pel ~ts. 25c.a ml. A by druggists. :_._._ - For worn-out." run-down." do -J1?-*~ school teachers. milliners. soaxnstrosses. 11 keegfirs. and over-worked wmncn L'v'T`.' 71; Dr. ex-ce'a Favorite Prescription isgm . of all restorative tonics. It is not n"u1rx;s. but admlrabl fullls a simzluuv:\< of I~1~"; being 11 mos: potent Spvcinc for n11_..; Chronic Weaknesses and Discnsvs I\`*"i~~*- T women. It is a goworful. gvnonll as W uterine. tonic an nervino. and iIllp:1rtS'-}- and stren h to the whole systvm. It PW`- curesw neas of stomach. 1'ndig'(=sti0n.?; inn. wank hnnlr nnrunna nrnifnltiml. ll - _ ___,_ _ uu: pnce on mcdic'i'E.:NH 1. nMAnsO'ri"o" :, Sole Ag nfs, Bradtmd. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. j - "`-"*- N A I u R E s The unqualied success of 1)Fr`E(;nl 1`aEeE Liver Complaint rests`solely with the compounded from nature's well known H MANDRAKE AND DANDELION, combin ( other invaluable to t. nnuu-rfnl 96'.-r rm ol?.g:r:l,)narks alld he` HAV Liver Complaint. D\'5per,c,Eia,YIno`{IL,J,c: jauqdice, Headache, DiZ7ine "IL, Cosnveness or any disease arising `inn; DR. _CHAsr: s LIVER Cums will be 1 certam remedy. N ATU R ' The unnualipd cm-.-...E l\ nR | -'Ihat hacking cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh s Care. We guarantee. it. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. V 111! . 0 . u \...A\.u-um , nlk nu 3.211;: l.l'x.`L' \,U11cC[1n2 Acid.ity of the Stomach, c:.xn5Bil;'- o_usness, DY:-Lpcpsia. lieaaaches Di: zmess, Hcartburn._ Constipation Dryuess _o_f' the Skin. Dropsy. Dm- ness o.fV1s1on`;Jaund1ce. Salt Rheum 'Erysi elas, Scrofu1a.. Fluttering C; the _ _eart, Nervouszness and General Deblhty; ail these uni. 1;. 2` fr .'.f.:.'~ - lat Complaints vi;-M In :`-xv L` 1 or BURDOCK 131.0013 BI'T:'F`ERS.: Sample Bottles 10c ; Regular size 9. A For sale by all i-_-.~.I:'r~. To MILBUBN sf (0.. l l'0pI"l('l0r.~. Torah HAVE You Comnlznr h\.-...;. v, ,. JJ'!WC1D, Lxtuucyb K of gradually uu}.out \ 'a1_ltheA impuiics am secretions; at the 59.: -J2L.. -1.` L`..- (`(1. \JlHUL'}\.5 Sill LHC ( Bowels, Kidneys )VY hf (Yrfn`IIn\r u :v Tia Eivffbilfi; Infalliblo Blood Purier, Tonic, IIOHH of IhI1rvnc6iz.n `I Purie Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, D}'EpL-}l:, Billiousness, Jaun'dice, Liver Complain Rheumatism, all Ihdney. Diseases, Scrofuig Diseases peculiar to Females, Salt lihc-ur. Ex zema and all Skin Liseaaes, Headarj, I. Di1lY6Ct" Palpitation of the Heart. Sour Stomach 3-_-, Heart Burn. Purely Vegetable. JOHN C. WEST 6: Co.,- Toronto 0:: A St.` Lonvis (iineotory man is on `his way East. He wants to copy those 30,000 namesen the Henry George petition for his next year : volume. 7I"I,,LI` I0 I I cu` auncny with the fact :'s lxvc )ELl0N. comhin..,a . a11:d` r.mr.~.s, Fill!) in lhfeml rnsmg from a dcr _ anged : wxll be found a ,1, Iv t~ L-`stion, I>, Pam in V 1 .v dmggists;_a.s : ofthc med '55:`: B _ i_m`aiu- xcmc. ' Correcting .. . . T11 . `Ant. , Queer country this! There is very often wind enough to blow 9. town out of existence, but seldom enough wind for a yacht race. all e's Liver Curci 1e__fact thv `- ue mt! sure rd ' _-OroluZp,( whooping cough and bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh : Cure. For nnln Ru Jnhn Wnna Rn--:.. own` `I .1 II.|.ll-IJIILCIQIIULJ IULIUVUQ UJ IJIIIIUI-I 3 unit! sale by John Woods, Barrie, and $1. Hamlin. Allandale. Witty sayings sandwiched` with ma;- graph: for the Sex-1ouo-'l.'ho Best ' the sensors can ma. Collars and cuffs are how worn very limp by some of our very best people. 1.17 _j;L 2- 41.- 4:..- 1.- ..-..-- L1... 1 ...-A 7 aT;t '1;1. - 56 long as It is not a Canada. port in the mackerel sea.- son. _ ._.1 __,__ -. ww-qvv-v Scientists know there is no `God, but they are mor or less in doubt of the sea- serpent. ` -Fraeman a Worm Powders are agreeable, to take, and ex lall kmds of worms from chxldren or adu ta. ` Z 5 are about to slope the young mm oaks: Does your mother know; your route 7' L I ` "'l n` I~ In I A ('!ll!`7l'6!-1tw)'I;':[Jl"a' 11 states that M. Ohevruel, the -' Franc oentenarian; has lived to uopvfour kings in.Franoe. ;If he hu_ only uoilour kinjnonoein ohuniired -.--.... I...I.-.1 I...J.L.... -1.-.. ..I-..:_... -11.- A ;;;;;.;;; sly} g1;a;*e2a;e;; is woman s great conundrum. It is hoped she will never be compelled to give it up. --Mr; Mary Thompson. of Toronto, was alicted with Tape Worm, 8 feet of which was removed by one bottle of Dr. Low s Worm Syrup. V ' vuvocv -Prof.Low sM '08 1 h S T " highly tcommnded for 1?!` hu:1:>)rsura.n die 4-..-.. An exchange says that ice two inches thick will support 9. man. In midsummer it supports the ice man and his entire family. 01 ,I J , lNI`III -For lame back, side or chest, use-Shiloh a- Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamhn, Allandale. T -Jllllr II, VIII? \lQ VIII. WV- ww-ow rwvrv- Yo1ith in the time to serve the Lord. is a. hymn most popular with old` sinners. ,I . _,_L The proper study for mankiqd is man. A Tlat a the only reason whv R1?!` 80 3 so oo . j WB1E5h s_a.;aVI:.ha.t he shan t purchase a. thermometer until full. The plaguey things are too high now. `I1 'l1";i}.}=.i i>{ii"aL{ Q mild purqative, Ai acting on the Stomach, Liver . and Bowels I removing all obstructions. ` 1 1.1. ,- 1 an . 1- n W ishard for a. ric!"1_'ma.n to die, says a philosopher. Yes, but it is slightly harder for a poor man to live. - rlil I 1- n I us` "".'V' JUOII, av nun uvvyup -WI HID I gather. T mom` _..4 l_1olidn!'.`.`_;P:mo-',`;E-`},`}`,"a53::`. ;`.`.E ".395. I There isw :1. {belief in existence that Congress will adjourn sooner or later, but it is feared that is will be later; nly 7 he Ieifour 5 hutfdrgti had better stop playing alto- XII "H1 .m.`?X vv :- rnl wnou: wonnn Mu. John writin from the Methodist Pa:-aonage, Adelaide, nt., says: "I have Hagyard a Peotoral Balsam` ' f _' f earl. For heavy *.';.::...:.":.z..';'.........' ~.. `:..`:.%.-. -nuv vuruuu uuu. IIIIIFWIIII] modiainuo noon W`Ti3:;:ause I hatd ion, she answered ;' and much wisdom to upon the husband, so he knevrwhy he inated. - _ 7 ' uwv uuv uuu HUGH uu Olly DI-J.I_ug6l'A8llli. `-I hate you," she `esteemed. I hate you worse every day, and I hated you the first time I ever saw you. qusnn turkey {or tJn-...... .'. _-.._- 7.12.1 ,, , H ""`li1:n\I'vul: `il'vl'vrC;;;:n Yu!ll:I!l0 you 1 marry me 1 ? e asked, with unusual em- Dhag`iu.mi - T I V ,'1>| ya. I: - VIII vv wluwno `sell \-ll IIBHIIUDO The doctor pronounces it "pleuro-pvnew mania, observed the man who was ma-_ ing -the paper for the benet of the crowd. Weil, that's the way Webster pronounces it, testily replied a bystanders`: 'n'1___1-__1_I 2- u__ _m ,1. ,9 try .9 an nu 7 Revenge. She was red-headed and vindictive _; he was mud and forbearinpr. After a"dozen- years of matrimony he was a. ruin. One dav she had been unusually belligerent. "I hate vnn_ IIIA nnrnnmn `UT I--in A Modern Miracle. In a recent letter from R. W. Doweon. of Deloraine, 0nt., he states that he has recov- ered from the worst form. of dyspepsia, after euering forfteen years; and when a coun- oil of doctors pronounced him incurable he tried Burdock Blood Bitters, nix bottles of which rentnmd hi: Iaanlu . y vucu uunuvun uuruu DWUBII 1 which restated his health. . uaxen ny unouaanas, wnn good results." Brown-` `Well, and _doesn t that amount to the same thingj _ hm~_+m-__-Nr.- . .11 rm... ........a ....-.-u UV uuv noluu UIIIIIBJ Doctor---` `Not at all. The good result I spoke of is the tidy little cum I have made out of the stu'.;yoI'1 I06 I ` ` Brown-"Doctor,- you have had `a good deal to any, first and last, in praise of our wonderful specic. and yet, no for as oandiecover, it never yet worked a_ smgle cure. " . 'n...;.... u'rL-__.'_3-- I - - WBe`et`e:':T beg pardon, but I `never boasted of the curative powers of my specic. I merely said that it had -been takenby thousands, with good results. 'Rrnwn_7nII -ant` l`l\l|I\,` 5`--5 AAAA --5 in vvuoynvvv ill UQEIIVVVIII i For ten years, says Jennie M. Harrett, of Wallacebnrg, 0nt., I did not see a well day-waa all broken down with dyape sia, liver complaint, catarrh and debility. T ree doctors abandoned hope for me, when Bur- dock Blood Bitters came to my rescue. It is the best medicine I have ever taken. I say this for the benefit of allauffering an 1 did. - First Boatonian-` `Before we shy good-' by, Eugene, Iwant to tell you that I have `become a conrmed vegetarian. Second Boetonian--How queer! So have I. _ Flrst Boatonian-Why then, we part to meet no more. Second Boa?tonian-Yeu, but we can ah, can't we S1;eot'ator-'--.What a`. perilous position that painter is in. I think I would lose my sense: at such a. dizzy l:e'ght. . I could not stay there. Friend--Quite true. I don't know the painter, but it requires a man with a clear head to stand on that eoabld. -_..-v-' -~`~---v- -v --`~v-----u Wwonderful is the effect of Weaffs Wot-ld s Wonder, or family Liniment in rheumatism, sprains. outs, bnmea. burns, scalds, and all dmeasea requiring external applica_tion,. `It stands without a rival. 25c. and 500; per bottlo. All druggiltl. ` U-U XVIII? ' Bridget (meditatively)-:-Sure she give ` me very particular orders She says if Mr. Brown calls say I m not at home ; but if .Mr. Smith come take him right in, and I'll be right down. Now which one are you, air 7 ? ' V V ' ppriun - A Frank Confession.--Yes, said Ro- binson, our part had fair success on our shing tour, ut it was all due, to Dumley. Is hean expert sherman? No; he doesn t know a sucker from a salt makerel, but he was thoughtful enoughto bring som sh hooks along. (1-11..- HA1. 3. It:_,_, A,,,I, II 'I\ Irv I- Ca'ilez--`z`.;t`,-` ims` vilii-;-`A!-'j8`1')'(3-1-I-`B-1.)"O..?'7O1f *,9'9?, .... __v - -_-B_ ..--u l ta.pa-,t---t`:l"Tot, tny dear, I would not wear `tan-colored gloves, they do not match your dress. His heiress--` `Dear me! neither they do (brightening), but then, you know, papa, I can get a dress and a wrap and a bonnet and a parasol to match the gloves. " an - . - ._._ It is useless to attempt the cure of any dis- order, if the blood is allowed to remain im- pure. N euralgia and rheumatism are trace- able to a disordered condition of the blood, and in numberleu cases have been cured by taking a few bottles of Aye:-'3 Saruaparilla. Indian *tI-nuhln marl. na.......1..... nu-..-.u_'._.. nun IIU M9 L6 vuuu. . "5 At the telegranh oice: `_`That makes eight words, madam. And Iam en- titled to send two words more ?. Certainly, madam. Very well, then; have the kindness to put the words T `in haste on the envelope of the telegram. 15,-.- ll`? We always know-what to expect when a public speaker says, one word more, and I am done. And when a woman exclaims, There's no use talking, we understand that she is going to talk until her tongue is tired. T Ac` 4!... 4...1............L ..m-_ - mm; _--L-- baxid ma 1;;,?e;;*.,.; `;;..e1;;;7a?.;;;..;1.; inch. H. ._; . . m'i?H$'g:hi;ssgin1%ui;e almoatinything if it is uot;looked`up, except a bath.` - Reasons why ou should purchase Fluid Lightnin in pre erence toall other remedies are: Rap (1 resu1t-cures instantly. It is easily applied-no" troub1e-no lost time. It does not retiuire constant use-'-one application is effect- ua. . One bottle will remove more ain than any other remed in existence. Tr t for Neu- ral a. Toothac 0. Headache. R eumatism. Sol at 250. a. bottle. by G. Monkman, Druggist. it-I V7v s%1I;'n}}}3 ;iIgsi{.1;7L:2}"a{.}3"ue ring` what kind of a. musical composition are `they going to perform? "inquired `one travelling man of another. Give "it up * A knock turn, was the reply. I"I1-_1.l.. l'I_`_ ._I_ d______.. _.I-, ,_..L L, A ,I I go-E1; ;oz;e`-;:hieve hogmahnesg and some ngver learn to chew tolggcco at all. V\II-IQUUU TU W050 Fogg-I came across the phrase the other day, `seeking bubble reputation even at the _0.a.nnon?s mouth. Do you know where. 1t from 2 APeterby-Yes, I saw it an a soap `company : circular a year ago. T Anent marriage it is rather strange that a minister or a. priest will inquire : Wilt thou havethis women to be thy `lawful wedded wife ?" when the groom has brought her to the altar with that identi- cal object in view. 13_....__.. ___I._ # I n u, 0 --- "Lucy" Laorqm continues her autumnal conundrums. Hnw will it be when the woods tum brown ?. she asks. There will be an awful litter of leaves in the back area, Lucy, for the hired girl to sweep up _ I TL !_ _,_,,I ~.--.--g V. 1... In.` D IJUIDIIIOILIIDQ Ladies :u-oKb1_ed with Pimp1ea,'iBl0t,'0hVes, Rough Hands-'or~l|`a oe.-`or Sores of any deeori tion, should use MoGregor cc Parke s Carbol o Get-ate. Itwill leave the skin lngaerteot health; smooth. clean and good color. e sure angge the genulnegmade v Moregor & Parke. ` ca 260. Sold at Monkman s Drug Store. ` 87-49 A 'IJ'.....A......`I I-L-..:_ __ , no war ovnvunauulu I All ug BIIUKUQ CIl'!U A Hartford laboringman tried to make out the inscription on thnnemorial arch, "Peat Nubilla Phoebua," Dedication Day Poat-no bil, he began ; Post no bi1la;`liain t they got that `rather high to do much good 'I" V . av .1 nv .. V T West's World's Wonder or Fsmily `Lidi- ment is a remedy that ho well regulated household should be without, as itis a posi tive cure for rheumatism. It is invaluable. for sprains, cuts, bruises,burns, scalds, and all diseases reqmring external application. 25c. and 50c._ per bottle. `All druggists. A...._.L ._ Q A Gompiotej Breakdowh. |.___ ___;_,_ I) , -r Quito 80. VA:-ound.eaoh bottl'ooDt.,O om u`Medioal Gude_ gna Recipe` Book oonhm West : Ooughsyrup, pleasant to take and alwavs gives satisfaction. Do not be put o` with any other, but insist upon having Went : Cough Syrup, genuine wrapped only in blue, three sizes. All druggists. - l(VI'II_ _ .1- -1-.. __.. Russia's intrigues Rejected. LONDON, Oct. 14. -Turkey has rejected Russiols -overtures for joint action against England and Austria. The inducement offered was the re-occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Turkey and Russia to_ proclaim a protectorate over and to "oc- cupy Bulgaria; Egypt to be occupied by a mixed French and Turkish garrison under the superior command of a French general, and Greece to be given back her lost territory. The proposal: also re- ferred to a Russian campaign against India. France strongly supported Russia and offered nancial assistance to Turkey. uuvvvvw IIIIIIIUIIIII CI I'III"O - Ood Liverc0il. with Hypophosphites, in Consumption and wasting diseases, seems to assess remedial powers `of great eicuof. It eels" the irritation of the throat and un . Makes pure blood and builds up and fort` es the system against further inroads by disease. Take no other. tar. The Italian papers atoni,'"u}g"E2'n alliance between Italy and England. It is currently reported; at" Constantinople that France, Russia and Turkeyare on the eve of coming to an understanding and that Turkey will send, an ultimatum to England demanding the immediate evacuation of Egypt. The Eastern Question. The comments of the whole European press on the Eastern uestion evince in- creasing uneasiness. rom St. Petersburtz little news is received, but a feeling of anxiety prevails the . Roubles have fallen to a lowerpoint than was reached on the announcement of the Plevna disas- strongly urge an alliance between Ttnlv and .'mnaI..'..I n a. an wvvvlv 5116!: Those who endure the torturing. an of neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, umglzgo, and similar painful complaints are severely tried; but there is a speedy relief in Bag- vards Yellow Oil as thousands who hav hand it inufnllu 4-...a.':.. ta. `L.._:..L-.. ..-:_ _ unuu LUILUW UM IN FHOUISIIQC WHO nve ned it ioyfully testify. It baniahea pain and lameneps quickly. .._.. .._.,.-o him. Europe en'oya atruce. not peace. The situation of rance and Germany has been cre nted by a victory of force over right. Can that eohpring of force, the German Empire, go on living except by a {continued victory of violence? M. Camille Palletan, in an article in La Justice, of _Paris, commenting on Lave- don s statement in Figaro that Gen. Bou- langer has prepared a plan for a continent- al campaign, says; France does not desire war, but the war cloud hanging over her may break at any moment. No French general can materially affect the situation, either for peace or war, but if the general has the activity of spirit that inspires con- dence no good Frenchman should blame etgoys peace. The it"I.tiTI Of rnnnn ant` rlnusnnn-`no `nu-.. Handy to Have. The most useful medicine ou can have in the household is Hagyard s ellow Oil. It cures rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat, aches, sprains, bruises, burns and all exter- nal or internal ainful conditions. Keep it at handtfor rea y use, Vanni! IAUVUUIULI I By making heartless jokes at her ex- pense, and publishing them for other _men to snicker over !` ' Phiisdeiphiai Vmisifai IJ1I6i{;iy that ' they had to take a. composite photograph of sixteen prominent citizens in - order to et a picture of 9. respectable-looking ayor.' T ' n -Cstsrrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. i Nasal Injector free. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J; Hamlin, Allsndale. 7 `I U90 When the first baby makes its appear- ance, as well as the successive ones, who `is it that steps in and relieves the hus- band of his weary vigils, and takes the load of care and worry ' off the wife's feeble shoulders, and keeps the household machinery running smoothly? The man s mother-in-law. When he and his wife plan to take a little trip together, who is it comes in and takes charge of the house and the child- ran,` so that they can peacefully enjoy their holiday, with the restful thought, Motheris there and it will be all right 7" ` The man s mother-in-law. When there is sickness or trouble in the house, who is the faithful nurse, the wise counsellor, the sympathizing friend? The man s mother-in-law. _ And if, in the course of events, the wife dies who is it that usually comes in and takes care of the children, and keeps up the home till the bereaved husband has time to look around and nd another wife? _ A man's mother-in-law. And how does he reward her for all this devotion? 1-,_____-.. . .1 - .' . . Vl4I%h5l'C;1;lUl I 511.050 U1 afiuuauug t en V e young coup 0 : rs go o house-keeping who is it that comes in and wlth her good sense and practxcal expen. ence tldes them over the rough places? it maria mother-1n-law. ` A t is t e woman s mother-in-law who is most apt to criticise, and who exasperates the young wifeeby quoting, all too fre- quently, My son ,is used to having thmgs t_hus and so. _ My son must have thxs 01: that for_ _h1s meals. My son, _w1th h1s small Income, should have niarrled a prudent, economical woman, e c. tin ` .1 n o'1ie:?` rvluow Vwiu- ing hi. f_u_;e,`_replied : _ _ --`~`-Not jonly damp, but fed!-fully wet. J,-91 did not refer to the towel, `air, and I can wait on you no longer for your board bill to be settled, said the pro- prietor, and it threw a damper on Fpgg`s humor that it did not recover from It in ten minutes. - A ` _ - oanv or visa vuruuuu. rlllllilo . The four Cardinal points of health are the stomach. the liver. the bowels andyblood. Any irregularity of their action` brmgs dis ease and derangement to the whole system. Regulate their conditxon `with Burdock Blood Bitters to secure perfect health. ____A,, AA- A Man : Mother-in-law. . `It is a mystery which no one has yet solved, why so many sad jokes are con- stantly being perpetrated about ' a man's mother-in-law. What dreadful crime has the unfortunate woman committed in pro- viding the man with his wife that he should hear such an undying grudge ?agai'nIt her rij 1\T..'...-:c u .......a- -...-...-..s- ...-i1.;_-:_l1-__ u5uuuIu HUI: l*_ _ I ` 4 Nowif it was a woman : mother-in-law who was made the butt of these jokes there might be a grain of senee in them ; for it is the man s mother who has it in her power to make -life a. burden to the young wife and not half try. T An 1 Inn!-J-an AC fund a Invariant: 3.. -........'II IVIIU ZII\I ICU I531` VI ! VA: a. matter of fact, a woman is "usually proud and. fond of her son-in-law if he only gives her a ghost of 9. chance. WBAII `Ln I7l\I1I\lI nnnv\`n Au-L more I... uulvnvb UVVI. 3 Ingratitude, thy name is man ! Scotri ot--Pure. 2---- t'\!I _2AI, 1-r uavvav vvssaeulg 9905115 B uuuuv `UH IIIIII passing the house, exclaimed: a, there goes a single-sticker. p The experience of years furnishes the most convincing evidence that thousands of lives are annually saved by the use of Ayer s Cher- ry Pectoral. It speedily cures all a`ect1ons of throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs. IIIIYL-.. L_- ...__.!I_L__ _-_ I , A `V