Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 Oct 1886, p. 5

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r -an. -.--. v **4C'(7I`\7-i/'15` 1;A}v0En. L .-I *~'. -"D" Z':'Qp'j".`1Q'"'! J11.--I t:'fII!`~`r-.3 .-o-Ewv-1) ;qsy:RoPMARiii*kh Llosussis ; ;_ztmrxn: '~BUILiP1bI<%;l}1%i1?f,` .. you many or mom are, Johnny." replied his pa muaingly. j A K1933 mmy of them are. v ' REWARD l f `l`Papa,.,whlat is _ a_- model 2" inquired little J ohnny. _ . A model is a" fumall likeness of any- ' I ' And is a model man a small likenel `of a man '1" (`A My ` " Barrie. A113. 16. 1886 BAYFIELD .. STREET. -OPPOSITE. BARBIE HOTEL, - DVUNLOPV s'rnn:n:'r. ' % l'0HN STEPHENS hasjust imported a. l:_A_'I'Al.LI_t{G_ auu CAMERA xvvvvvvuvvv ` Oloo, Eutuide of Owen Street. next door to aim Run in! 'l`m-nntn. ~ ~ . 1 Anarchist weapons, ammunition and appliances have been found concealed In a. German church at Chicago. PAINTE R! JED WARS, "We say at mght, `Woufd God the day were here. CITY OF LONDON, ENGLAND, NORTH OF SIMOOE HOTEL. Tl~'lE` S1'ANDARD_ %'::`;?;.?...`:f,.f}'.?" .:~:..; _P'.*_"3:-. . EACH 1-l.Ua`o1='.'rn1: The lxzncldelfjendent. `labor party. in New York Im denounced Henry George as 8 nobody from nowhere. A ' 1 167500 LBS. ` or Is MARKED VI `Jul-14.1 JJLIAU ware Store. WANTED. I _.-- LL- I..I'..I__.u THE NORTHE RN1ADVANCE. 36-1} 15-ti Toronto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .V 'l`oronto.. . .V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l`oront.o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Northern Railway South . . . Newmarket . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . N ewmarket . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allandale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allandale Hamilton 8L Bet `on Branch Railway Penetanguishene, Midland and um-r Rim:-nn Rnwnv . . . . _ . _ _ . _ , Fenetanulsnexlu, .'vuu1u.u Nort Simcoe Railway. Grand Trunk East .... . . .. Ottawa and Montreal. . . . ` Orillia. l'\...`l1S.\ 1SeI1a't0r `Butler, of North Carolina; just returned frnm Europe, says war therels ' certain very soon. mu 1 4 . . J.` . 0 ` `V I Ul'l1Il& Orillia. l"nnrn anal o a o u o u - u ouoocouccuvanaooou Urllllll .. Collingwood ................ . . Co1lingwood.....T....' ....... .. Northern Railway North .......... . . j Meatord` -Branch Ra.ilway.......... j } Hillsdale. Craighurst, - Dalston and rnwn Hill _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ' nuxsame. Uruxguunsu, uulabuu uuu. Crown Hill ...................... .. : Rugs? . Edgarir Steele. Mitchelfs _ nun:-n and Jult 01-n _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-.lVl.l(1n1l1'B| -, xuuuuuy. vvcuucuuu; and Frida.y.. ................... .. British Mails. ma (N. Y.,) Monday, Tuesday and Thursday .. . . . . . . . . man lI.I nH!nv \ Wnnonnv ' ,,, DAILY NAILS DUE FR6M ToronmllIII!OIIIIOut.|lIIIIIIIlIlInO0 ] Toronto.. . . . . . ., ......... Toronto.. . ........................... . . Ottawa and Montreal.. . .e .......... .. 1 Northern Rai1way(North) .......... .. 1 Grand Trunk East .................. .. 1 Northern Railwa South) . . ... ...... . . North Simcoe Ra lwa , Penetangu1- shene and Midlan . ............ . . Newmarket ........ . . . ............. . . I Newmarket .......... . . . ........... . . Hamilton and Beeton Branch Rail- ` mu ' ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` - - - - - - - I I I I I I I n an Rugsbv. Edgar Steele. Mitchell's quare and East 0ro.. ........ I t-Grentell. Tuesda and Frida.y.... : t-Midhm-"st, Mon ay. Wednesday and Fr-idav . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ullaulllbuan uuu aauvuvu .......... way .......... . . . . . . . . . .. Meaford Branch Railway" . Colljngwood . . . . ........... . . Colhngwood ........ .. . .... . . Orillia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n..am. 7 _ V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Single Barrel. M. L. Single Barrel, B. L. Many Whole lines cleared out. Qur July and Augustsales immense- We are Inov1ngSWift1y to `our aim. Stock reduced $5000.00. Bar Iron, S. S. Steel, Horse Shoes, Saloon-keekeers in Sioux City, Ia.., are accused of sobomiug two men to murder one Hadelock. ' uruua. . . . . . . . .. Orillia . . . . . . . . . . .., ..... Hillggle, Craighurst.Da.lston,Crown nluuuluu, u1`u15uus'uu..ua.uuouu, u; u W A: Hill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R b -. Edgar. Steele .............. .. tllglihurst. Monday. Wednesday I and Fridav. . . . . ........ BARBIE POST OFFICE` Oioe hours. 8 9.. m. to 8 p. tr... and for 20 minutes after the distribution of Toronto night ma;ii- Sunday s excepted. . Rnnnv O1-(IA!-n at-nntnd nn 9.11 Money Order Sunday's excepted. Money Orders r-Ianted on an Mone Offices in Canada, nited States, Great ritain Prince Edward Island. Newfoundland and India, and Savings Bank deposits received be- tween the hours ot 9 a. m. and 4,1). In. A Dnmiatnrn Lnttnrn must be handed in 15 min- the hours or 9 and sip. In. _ Re stered Letters must be handed in utes efore the close of each mail. The letters (and all other mail matter) are taken from the street letter boxes every day. Sundays excepted. at 8.00 o'clock a. m. and at 3 o'clock and at 8.00 p. m . 86-11 J. EDWARDS Postmaster [8TO0K REDUGTION SALE Acimen SUGGESS! Directly opposite N. R. R., $ta%tlon,Dunlop-81., Barrie. Q.v :_ A MOST COMPREHENSIVE FAMXLY BIBLE. containing the mnvrssn and AUTHORIZED Ver- sions of both the Old and New Testaments. ar- ranged in parallel columns-. It also contains a complete oyoloposdia of Biblical knowledge. 350 additional features. and nearly 2500 illustra- H.-mg 'I`hn In-cant, nhnnnnnt and most 018281115- tions. The 19.1-est oneapest and most owgunlr ly bound Fem ly Bible ever published. The DEMAND UNPARALLELLICD. every; intellioent person wanting a copy. Some agents are mak- n from 850 to $100 weekly. Our agent Mccrae so d- $500 worth in two Townships during his first few weeks work. Another a ent reports 17 Bibles sold last week. Exper enceis not necessary. Send to the sole publisher for des- criptive circular and llberalterms; Bibles in over 100 varieties. Also a line of Standard Subscription Books and cheap Photograph Albums. 0. BLAOKETT ROBINSON, 5 Jordon Sf-.. TORONTO. 37-10 Publisher- Old ~Wor1d. Tumble seems to be brewingiin India. _ _ China will Send slmply alegation to the Vaticmx. NEW BIBLE I ? Those who have already 'examinedAthcsGouds pronounie them the beat xalue they have yet seen; 1 I V A P. F. EWAN, '- In-R.O.Pc. IloRo0e8s E0. , ; Lecturer on the Eye, Ear and Throat. Trlni Medloal Coll e. Toronto. Surgeon to the M - oer Eye and ar Inrmary and Ooullst a d Aurlstto the Sick Children's Hospital, late cum. oal. Assistant Royal London 0 hthalmlc Hospi- tal. Moo elds. and Centre. London Throat and Ear ospuol. has removed` to '60 f-`vollege TUII Cut`: -- .- _ --.-`- -_-,l f Avenue; Toronto. - Ma be consulted with; re. terenoe to Diseases of t e Eye, `Ear Throat and ` Ifasal paesagee_._ ' ,3 _ , n. nEonu". nvensou, r_nnDl`..DnII!, ` 19$ irxuuaug tutu uuuc . ` ',-o 3t A. a `i "aw .;.:.:,.::::: 1 7 %.:';o::':.`.?a?..f"::,`;..?::::::?.;'::.iYo}?"`.; Builders supplied and estimates turn ied. B mess GOODS. WANTED IMMEDIATELY I an a `T1? A manna 'l'\T "I"U`I G I 'l'I'I'7\T'I7 .93 dihl niitexiiiian to,O.r0.I, E.xe$n?i.bnt#iaot nu n.|.uuu. vvw um. gnu... wfuesday Thurstikay ma (Ha.lifa.x,) Wednesday. [The Brotherhood of Locomotive En- gineers held 3. 88881011 in New York with closed doors. T Nearly all the stock yard employee at Chicago are now at work on the ten hour aday plan. ` n4: run. 1- rm. ll-JARWTHROAT AND Noam. I'IlI I `$3 -III CANVASSERS IN THIS u FOR THE BUM-Y' BRBERTHSWIIIH zleused zthd atone m`%h:&?`.f2`1Ps;.%%`3 u3`a% We ing out the following unheard of prices on some lines still to be cleared bum: Inns 14-on THIS wEEl{ - .VAVR=s:n% 4o GUNS TO BE SOLD-NO'l'E Pk-Ides. % - $2 '50 Double.Barrel,M. L. , - 3 '50 Double Barrel, B. L. WINCHESTER RIFLES AWAY DOWN- LADIES UNDERwgAR, VVBVM-(':'1:;dstone hits been again Apld-ylng the axeman. mmamf |1o5sam 400pmA cnosn Severe earthquake shocks have heel) felt in Cashluere. A WE ARE BLOWING ABOUT OUR our-`t GREAT EALBUMSI ALBUMS I ALBUMS : !'l`HE IIOST COMPLETE STOCK NORTH OF TORONTO; {@@:::39 $3`M`ItE@R?1ER3Y9 mm Wm mma K: FAMILY BIBLES, CHURCH AND POCKET BIBLES, A HYMN BOOKS,,PRAYER BOOKS. Have largely increased their stock to meet the wants 6 Itheir numerous customers. V SC()TT S -:- Bu0Ks1`0RE. N_|_cALl_.l_STE_B,_STORY & co., at manufacturers prices. Thre &;x;e unfavorable reports about the health of Euzpermj William. I ,A . I11 I` I If I Just received direct from Belgium two consignments of Glass, including Plain Window"G|ass, Figured Glass, Col- ored Glass, Plate Glass. Prices very low. Paints. Paint Oils, Varnishes` full stock" at bottom prices.` Builders Hardware, full line at bottom prices. Harvest Tools, the best goods in the market at rock bottomprices. -l\_ cmuaea MAKERS, BLACKSMITE AND MILL SUP- % % PLIEs_ A SPECIALTY. |McALLISTER. STORY & CO Y. .;.;,:ir.o I`A,RM1;n>s= AN D V TH RESHERS.--'l`he .. Oluor -Maomuo:-y _la`&hnd'e` `by -Mqgomz 13303. .ac~+co'...1=u-onto. ...Wheubnyingasktor ,L_;;. ` u. ..~; " ii -- - 98An~v1a&\._:asa1;s+a.9g;=.3a.;aa~::aamt3.=am. .`.;&.".; am;.mrs:';*;.L*.,..b::~.;.;, - ..- HAND SATGHELS. N NEWEST DESIGNS E H ``-'j``?` `l:?'CTCj C. P`""CWC.`C" C"C CU -1- -' 31$ 9%3Aa~uo&.amas*a.9a*;aa&a*sz` ``&t?o . anaw"s`e*s,%.cma '17- LATEST LNOVEVLTIESIN FANCY GOODS. $1 75 2 00 3 25 20,000 Tips. BARBEI5 I-lance WIRE, HARDVVARE ! _ A statute ;1`l_iomas Frstncis Meagher 15 to be erected at Waterford. T IN THESE I HAVE THE CHEAPEST IN BARRIE. Vlhqlosale and Refall Hardware, `One. Door West of the Queen s Hotel, Barrie. IN PLUSH AND LEATHER, VERY CHEAP. PURVIS BRGES. " kwaggon Hubs, 9x12 A1, per set 2351-ak Efokes X, :3,j- Waggon Skeins, Other sizes i 1 proportion. AND Gev FLANNELS. HEADQUARTERS FOR ftomA$3.(V)OHto $5 00 per dozen. %Perma;_1ent enlargements by a new and beauti1ul.ptocess. ` BARRAUD Itis'e111`t3[i;-acted tnat the Cotintess V011 Arnim was murdered. T THE PHHTHEHAPHHB, Bo1hwo|l s Block, Barrie. Fl-IIST PRIZE BARBIE FROM |V88| T0 I885. CABIN ETS IMPORTER, &c. out :- $600 T1100 $! 08 2 08 2 65- m(;`:Ten'eral Masiter Wzxrkman Powderly now gets a salary of $5,500 a -year. Three Nxhxlists who escaped from Siberia have arrived at `San Francisco. The diplmnaitic tiff between Russia. and. France is ended. __..-..v. `av .- .--uu--..--. .'I_'h0(IIuper0r of Austria is going to Vmt the Kmg of Italy at Florence. 'L..__, 1 I -1--an I 1,. AL- Iv-w ... Ex-Ald. McCabe was arraigned at New York on Thursday for trial. ` I.The Knights of Labnr oonventlbn at Richmond, \'a.., has adjourned. 1'1 I I-\ - I can vnnv can-av v Dnovfccvuuivt ' V" "' "'J The rate of discount at the Bank of England has advanced to four per cent. \l_ 3 1'. . ` I q q u 1 up C\` I .--... -cu vuuuvvun `as: aw: '-v,- v--.-. Maj_or-General McPhrhon has died of fever 1!] Burmah after two days illness. ij is England's attention has 383i been called to `liusaian intrigues in 060" Asia. 1.-- ..n,,, S 7 fe1t(::ne;`elo:::ir:Hlu&ke `8hk` h8Y6 been ;\`;\:s'E;,.\;\press of Austria-Hung? is in delicate health. The Bulgarian government in arranging 3&1! a Lundon firm for a loan of 400,- beeh` . Ph8!`5" h"" General Sn` H- T M6 ility . - `ch 8'? m bued In Bllrmah wt.` honors. T` There have been 150 suicides in the German Army in the last 8 months. 'l'\L . . 11 I :- ......_, .... .. ...-......... . ` l 1 1' ` . ooed Genera General Gourko-1 to w . V t in . -1t,a.ry .889" _ aulbars as Russian 11 ` ulgaria. U; n v..-. Madame Francois Boulanger, of Quebec, has given birth to nine child_ren -in two years and ve months. Tlus -year she gave birth to four, last year to three and the year previous to twins. lTnil>nd Rtnfnn ' :1` :6 `Preparing St. Petersburg p?1`e;:ki:h ocoIlP5t'"m public opinion for 5 - of Bulgaria. no!" 5" _The Toronto W03'}j1": 3 Jo " U W! The "Chicago stnck yard strikers are fbomas Burns in a. drunke_n condition hid himself down on the ra1'l_wa.y track near Guelph and was cut to mecca. Five helpless ones were left to the charity of` :he world. ','I`\ I,, ,_, n`l\ I ~ .vv----w----u-uwv--w- v---- :-v Havana. V , other day a. correspondent wro"t0'..$.O orld enquiring whether it waaJfIf1,1e The the W `Shag: that Sam Jones hdd=>.c1ufit`4"\)ih`n . on th 0 as was repqrted tr m" Qhigl 30. tom 8 strength of xnformauon received` promlnent membe;{;A9Qtl_1e; W 15- `Havana tn fzharge the .r9v1vgl I 0 . _ 1!!11::e`v t_ha W`(;1d_.ang?r;.;tha .... ga1n:- `._.,' .',,~ >f-obacco iny m -` b E" :. ' 15;. 9 l"%`"- `M I?gverea%au?5:%`;d); `Nd & ` I ' ' I poww--W V ' . .. -- n Ahouse at Orangevxlle was destroyed by an incendiary last Thursday night, One of the room had been saturated with dead. John father 35 An Old p_ Dawson has. siicoeeded his postmaster at Sarina. ` a lady has been stored to death by bull in the township of Bastard. I S Baker Kirkpatrick of the House of Connons has been visiting Toronto. gupe Breton's shipments of coal are go Ooojons more than that of last year. . alla hex- s store at -Kinloss was i eM`Y,'d (she oihei-`night and $140 stolen. The corner stone of an addition to the Bwugt College building at Woodstock W [aid last Friday. . A boy in St. Thomas has his heart on the tight gide,_ and though on the right side, he feels it is wrong. . ' The Baptist convention in session '_ at Wig has determined to ask for university powers for the Woodstock college. . . i.,...... at Omngeville was dent:-owed HIV JV"' [" ' United States. '- Genuiue prohibition prevails in Atlanta, mm : mm Wow 5, th . Day Ca.nMuan.u`!`ld go`. . _ lld 601191.! New sh. _ icoutimi has elects; B O` % ve, Ch 8 M' P P for - u . . 9 II A. Demer EsIN a / as was prrn our on g noun; T cowuxs mro own. & "`*` `."`. . ax!-E. iH!".` 8- Rev. 1-. one: 3, I886. 1.. .1 .1*!!R M: M!" `H Ir. o Bax-riie G. L.` 8. C. The Circle met last evening to review the reading of the past two weeks. The_ lecture by J.` M. Hunter, M A , LL. B., on "Early English History and Literature, . was ex- ceedingly interesting. It could hardly have been otherwise, coming from `one so Well read and so apt to teach and` to speak. The present term promises to be most protable and interesting. and all lovers of ret- class reading and study, be they clergymen, lawyers, merchants, clerks, mechanics. or teachers, regardless of age, will do well to enroll themselves as members of the 1890 class. Last evening the Circle re-elected J. M. Hunter, M. A., as Presi- dent, and elected Mrs. W. B Baikie as See. and 'l`reas. The class of 1888 made Mr. T. W. Gray their president, and Miss Lizzie Applebe their Sec. The 1890's will elect their oicers at a later meeting.- VV VVZD Thewind was N. E. _on Sunday morn - ing veering to S. and prevailed from latter direction during the week, veering E. 4, and W. 2 days, and varied in force from 2 to 4-_l0t.hs. A ZUUu. :cwv--.-. -vvv-'- The weekly meeting was held on Tuesday evening, and readings were the order of the hour. The attendance was good. Mr. Steele was chairman, and Mr. Hearn critic. Readings were given by Messrs. Edwards, Sanders and Hay. The readers were criti- cised by the critic, Rev. Mr. McLeod and Mr. Purvis. Mr. McLeod s criticism was highly appreciated. He pointed out what is and what is not good reading. .His advice was good, when he told the readers they had no right to read publicly without full and care ` fnl preparation. "Che reading of the evening was poor. usususus u.|unU up It UUIIII U1 U'l U lilo The sunshine m 6 of the 7 days amount- ed to 46 hours, from a. possible 70-25 that the sun was above the horizon in the week. i` `Lord KoBD0lDn`\)llll?0uIu-nu m. .,..... ivmh 9nisI9`!19|,W I bggI; p%- ; .of her active m _n_o__gm urupeau '1' ' ' t ' ' ' b xnninnnnlzjr . ` I -uupsu av nu OD- The barometer indicated the disturbance in the atmospheric to be 40 in. the highest reading accured on Monday and the lowest on Wednesday. The precipitation in the week was some 3 hours snow of about 2 in. deep in places, and 3 hours rainfall on Sunday, that together measured 0-30 in. water, and 2 hour's rain early on Thursday morning make up a total of 0-76 in. Tho IIIIn`\:'-|l\ It: I! l\` LL. '7 1]-..- _- 7 -- 7` ....:.nq:.1m:tsri.w. n. ` lII..._-_'.1I..-I'I`l`-n` L`. ` `QIOQ ll 0 ll PS Prayers Needed. V - The prayers of General Booth and the tw Same are requested for those members of the Town Council who will beeleft at home next year for neglect of duty. They are in de- spmr at the prospect before them and hence the request. War Cry please copy. . . _ . _ . _ . vv nuu uuu IY6l.'g8_ 15 "' The -prevailing southern winds after Sunday In past week held the temperature above frost, ranging by night to forty-two -mean 35 -The daily exposed tem- perature regiatered lowest thirty-nine on the `wet Sunday,-ranging to eighty six` on Wednesday and Friday, giving a mean dail warmth of sun 63 , making the wee '5 average 50 and the extreme range 26 to 86.. _ _ TIVL- I.._..-._-AJ ' " concert. There will be a concert and literary en- tertainment at the town hall on the 12th of November b the students of the Collegiate Institute. ' he object is to raise funds to increase the Institute library. T Further information will be given next week. Uuv \J\. A night. A Warning to England. ' PARIS, Oct. `.22. - The Journal des Debats censures the British for their nancialpolicy in Egypt, which, it says, has been contrived with a view to avert European intervention in the nances of the country. England will never succeed, the paper maintains, in withdrawing Egyptian affairs from the just control of those interested, and adds : England re- mains in Egypt as long` .as she possibly can, hoping that the trouble in Europe which she seeks to provoke will allow her to establish herself permanently. in the country _ England imagines that France will resign herself to an act of appropria- tion, rendering England mistress of the route to the French colonies and sovereign of the Mediterranean. Great people some- times cherish great illusions." Xvvilun VI -Dr. Sexton will lecture on Prayer at the Collier Street Methodist Church to- ICC! On Sunday 17th showers of snow and rain came down for 6 or 7 hours in ameau temperaturegfer the dayof 33 , making it `damp chilly, quite a contrast with the previous Sunday when the temperature reached 100 and the average 74 The Wiggins Earthquake after `rune CHARLESTON, Oct. 22.--A sharp earth- quake shock was felt here at 5 28 this morning. The duration was about twenty- twoseconds. Houses were` shaken and windows rattled,` but no` damage was done. The `shock was sharp also at Summerville, and was followed by several baby quakes, as they are called there; The shock was felt at iWilm_ingtou,v Savannah, Augusta, Columbia, `Orange- burg and other points in the "States. While a recurrence of tha quakes is try- ing to women and children. it causes no interruption 'either_ in business or war]; of repairing damages, which is pro- gressing vigorously ` Shocks have been felt also `It'*;rRnd0ut -`on the Hudson, * Cincinnati, ` Qi'li.3,_. W_ashi'ngton,f', D. C. , nu. _ u.- ._-.'..'...` "li..'nn_ _'i1if -'-.u-.-vm'.' Tr .. E V. P:`B1 j'} 00$.` :T0mp5.: `P?:`&_ @::221u?.:.*:.':*"'.;......`.`.*:.. .;':f:f2:`i Counsel for the condemped Anarchvlt are making another motlon f0_l` 8- 119 trial nu the ground ot newlY dVrd decisions. ` BARR: III'l'l0 8OLdGIOAL anon-r. uj: For tholind week iindlng ootobu-23:4 ` `IIIR, JJIITIV UIKCIVUUUU This is not printed to point `imorsl or say that clergvmen have not is "good a right to smoke as others; but heying made a. misstatement of a faint, the 'Wo1`1d has seized the first "opportunity to give positive pro.f to the contrery. ' out nextand was vigorously Ip\a_'mg away. at a lighted; cigar, which he nude} an unsuccessful effort to hide as he `passed over the pavement and through the hall and up stairs to his room. Mr. Small smokes olgarettes, and apparently, he does not care who knows it, for he can often be seen promenading in the ample cor- ridors of . the Rossm with the modest- little cigarette betweenhis teeth. ` Thil ii nnf. Ynvannn-I I... _._2__L ;': - Barrie Lxterary society. JD`I O,$ YV,l_bllI`L_I4l5h_uu,'. :1`. v. , N . Ten,n.,.,p.nd.at Jaokgonyille, I.eturo.r T rm: Anovn ARE ALL swoon OOMPANIE8. Tl-IE WATERL00 MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- `ANCE CO. Capital. $500,000. THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY E OF ABERDEEN AND LONDON. Capital. 3,000,000 Sterling. Ca. ' able of taking from one to seventy-two pic- ures at a sitting (what an age we live in). pwrvnns ormuuin ~'l`llAN Evian. JAS. scaoeeua, i OONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER IN H.C.J- } Jnllll King was blown to atoms and Lieutenant Metcalfe mortally wounded whnle at monar practice at Sandy Hook on Thursday. Others were slightly in-T mred. ' | Capital 2.000.000; deposited with the Govern- ment at Ottawa 8100.000. Reserve fund 50,000 Sterling. THE MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE 00 Capital 8500.000: Government deposit made. }wHA'r Now? PHOTOGRAPHS '_|_'_AKEN IN ONE SEGOND. *o1r1rIo1v:-o;er 11iTvDE1zsoN .s Hmz. ` IN nnonrzn LETTERS. NONE` ommn GENUINE. . .- n ,} I Qfr .=:.~..-:,:. - * A M pa s=1;m:9'gasA pt. 18 %n ml ls: `fW?!%?633*;.m Agent for the foilowing Insurance Companies GEO. DUDLEY, Ho USE, SIGN grrzzasco * nwinpay thoabovonowardfox-any ` case of Dyspepsia, Liver conmlaiht, ` s1ckEoadache,Indigost1onorcotuvauou 3 we cannot cure with 'W'EB'1."B 1.11728 3 1=:z.x.s, when the Direotiono are strictly complied with. Large Boxes, containing so 2111:, as-coma; 6 Boxes I1-O0. Bold by all In-assists. . ` ` ---.j& Former: will on the highest Toronto `price for Cake Tallow f brought. to the Tannery. groan]: Paid for Hide: and sklnot r//59? . J W, H. 011033 8: 00. I Joseph R.` Clark, a. wealthy citizen of Manchester, N. H., has committed suicide because he did not get a. nomination to Congress. ` ` MYRTLE NAVY cA Ki=;Jff'r]`LLow n| Razox.-I and Scissors Gtblind and eat on short Notice - M . .1 ' . . ..- ...._, .. ...gu.., wvoula uoa une any were here, And say at dawn, `Would God the day were dead-. " How well Swinburne has emphasized the i feelings of thousands of `Earth's fairest dsu hters, who are laid rostrate by dises.se s fell- end. `But, inste of the anguish of` despair, what a son of joy ascends from the hearts of those ladies who have used Dr. Pieroe s Favorite'Preso_ription, and by its means. been restored to the glorious sunshine of health. It is a positive remedy ,for those dersngements, irregularities and weaknesses so common to our best female population. P.rioe`rednoed to, one dollsr. By druggists. 1 J.%ouLve:IzV\'5L?L's % V |HAl|H}L`1'|`lN(} &snav|MH*Aj:}9n ca:-zug-.ra.Lz:s MWAY, Land and -Insurance Agent, Life, Fire and `[43:43 ` ' ` Ulnuu, nlauuuu ua. uvuw D theosnkot Toronto. _ Bottle. Slat March. 1885." Im nssunnmza lIllM Y.! JHOHAN. 15. mxcmunonv, Inspo6tor.- `O'm'oe:-Qunxa HOTEL. Buumc. _ 15 At New York the Grand Jury have` found true bills of indictment. against ex- Ald. DeLacy and Billy Maloney. , _!L3_.__ -1

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