savanna; uppuunuvu. '1`L;5o.s"I; ('l'5-(-)o.r;ie;ul`>`;`t%lo. All druggiuts. {tin a.L'ra.the'1-fouriouh thizig tliat a man wilIi'buyan+ a1srm clock .to4waka'him- up in_ the morning, and than after the alarm IOQIIWI-in warm 979%.-nd.!~N #'!:`br_ 399 '3 "*`tliua! 1trm 1 hifrb` 'iItoel'I'4 ~ Iiiutem` `wvofi fill. L-I... -....LL..- 3-0. 39 {II -..u..... I... tr:-Iaotiera: TICKETS i ,'1`o an points East and West. and Manitoba. I | For txokets. rates. ebo.. apply to . - I Ndnhama l` ` .l:KPT.' SMITH ` Rom`. QUINN, . Agent N. & N. W. 1175.. General Passenger A gent. ` a`.1_'rie > `I- :EIiUn'mxA6:W'R" ..DD9n:>u`:n$ Sold in Barrie by Geo. Monkman and J. Woods. ____.._____________________ ..?f -- -.---- an-uvlll-L LLV Asucoessfulmedlcinetestedover wyears in thousands or cases. Pnom$lycunesNervouaProatra- 2 ..ea"`z*.{*"`"`~~'P`": . ` , ' `e - _ 0 re. eithersex. ar... ainills Ana-. caused lndlscretlon or over-ex _on. 81: P80313898 menu mama rnnsonrrnon ' L Annnnnnnfulu-m'.u..c..--.4.-.u -_-_ g u .._._. _.-. v. `qua:-snug asuwllulvg Nickels are so scarce in Minnesota` that the merchants in St. Paul and` Mianea- polis have written East for several barrels` 4-of `them, and unless _the supplies arrive = very soon it is foam!` that all subscriptions for religious and benevolent purposes will cease. pauuvnovm. WA!`-`ERS. Prmcrintinn n9 :1 nIn,...:... .1... Iusxt boon To 3347: or GOMMERGE. A call solicited for'a.ll kinds of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS. SOAPS, COMES", AND BRUSHES.: -~ -- - '- v - - - ' - I -?-will be found-- 2 DOORS WEST OF THE BARBIE HOTEL. PRESORIPTIONS CAREFULLY OOKPOUNDID. MBELL&C0.,Gue1f;1;, om. Nazoae oxxmax. .cHEMusrmmp_ lJ_HUBGlST. 1 _, on I... .._ `(V51 unuu can: all V nn.I:\l.LlEllI1V'lB0 Condensed advertisements on First Page, such as-Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found. Property for Sale or to Rent.'S ecic Articles, Etc.. Etc.. must be accompani with the cash, and wxll be inserted--F1rst insertion. 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent er word (names. addresses, and gures counte as words); but a reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed FOUR. own regular business. . - -./V Q-an-\.\r yuuaav unauna many it yum LUAAU vv jidvertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising. angtlizigi outside their` they do so, transient rates will be charged for such adver- tisement T -Shilo`>. s Vitalizer is what you need for constipation, appetite, dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 sud '75 cents per bottle. For sale by John.Woods, Barrie. and M. J. Hamlin. Allandsle. \T:-I-_I.. -._- -7 V --j- TOILET AR'1`ICLES-A FULL LINE. cal.-ulruuy no lo ooluox, anu. `me co y I01` sucn change must be in the ADVANCE o ce not later - than 12 o olock noon on Tuesday, in any week ; otherwise the advertiser's announcement may` not be made public until the week following. A .l.~.._Ll..-.... ....}'II _-4. L- ..II...__-.1 4.- _._- 4.1_-2_ I400 01, 11166051011 ID GDSIIIKO (1V6l'ElB8lBl1E8 must be nanded in to the oice not later than Saturday at 10 o clock, and the co y for such chance must he in the Anvnunm n an nnt Inter nu. av `ova vuaavg III-L\LIJI.LO Preferred positions in the paper will be sold at an advance of one third on above rates. This rule will be strictly carried out. , ,_-__-V_, -_.___-_ -_ i 0bNTRAOT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind tliat no- tice of. intention to change advertisements lnllllf. HA hnnh in Q1` .l-Ian n-`Inn nnf Inf-an fhnn 10 U1` UULII uuuuu. " or two months-the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. TI)-..l.._..-J ___.!L_l-__ 1... LL- .___.'-_ __!II I-- lInoh.............;.. 2}Inches............ slnohes, Co1umn.. [0 Inches, 9 Column mv_-L-_ a t1..1___.__ - ---4--`no, 3 \IvA\n.An.l.n.n F $0 Inches, 1 Column For one month-the three monthly rate with l6&r cent. added. an turn vnnnl-I-no I-Inn Ghana rnnnf}-u Ionfn c--: Leusonh given in all Branches of Painting. Druwiu . _&:u.. no. -Terms on dpp cation 1' ."I'[}| gallmntnlu uh-4 -I She did wrong to look back ;d_idn t she, Bennie ? "Yes, mamma. And what do you think Lot thought. when he saw his poor wife turned into a pillar of salt ?, I don t know, mamma; I spect h 3 wondered where he couid get a- fresh nun vrorme dpplfiiaiiii 7'" Tu '-U tam, W t f $1. a?:_! 33:12. insertion or the same matter. _ Legal. Oicial and Government advertise ments will be charged at above rates. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. a Contract advertisements will be taken at the following rates which are drafted on correct` commercial principles, and. as they will be strictly adhered to in making new contracts `after present contracts expire, there will be only one price for all: .T .ADVERTISI@ RATES. Iv ' The Advance hes a sworn Olrenlaon ot Thu-teen Hundred and T ' Twenty Copies, Almost, if not quite double that of any other Paper pubiished in Barrie. H'ADvmRTIsERs SHOULD Non: THIS FAcT.'E (12 lines solid nonpereil make one inoh).' TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS. First insertion, 10 cents per line. Each sub se uent insertion, 4 cents per line. ending notices, 10 (gents per line for first in- \ sermon; 5 cents per hne for each subsequent insertion of the matter. Tana` nm.-in! and Government advertise [THE mrugau Aynnbi .__:_.- -`can C1 AIIITHI Eonwnmnnmn I N 6. of Inches Space. nemcmes mu. one 1: 81.[si'x--': I b 811. Soldb ts. W ' 1e."uu:nonmou.y "'5o?Dem't'.' ' sold_ in Ba.rrie_by GEO. MONKMAN. ` Unapprdaced for j ooxnnxsm) Abvnnrtanunxm. .._..-j _J_.-_A3-,__,, _ cnreci, h_e_avlt'h' a'nd:v;e'e't' breath `secured, by Shiloh s Oatarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. N anal Injector free. . For sale by John Woods,` Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. ' . M1.- . w: yu waters and 3 bsti incl rost- fgg :;1a.led he` 3:213:30?) d by lmzdsm 1 mp hnv, Anamo- .URGAN8 II` 932]: A "One Inser tion. i * -13 Insert 1 ' tiona. ` (3mos) ( - 8' 75 1600` V, v_-' v~-v- v--- ~ - 1--------, 0OOCVUI\O`-`V > Geronimo is not pronounced Gee-1fon- imo, but Heeronimc, gays; mommg edu- .or. Hoodhracious, what is he hiving us? `What a hay and hiddyhatyle of talk this hentleman would het us into. By hosh, we wqn t have it. Ho to 1 `Ho to! : PRICE FOR- m . Inaer- . . tions. D (6mos)( 53600 51400 52 - Inser- . tiona. ) (1 yr.) -:-- -jz-1 . "2 B_I_G STOCK on HORSE` BLAN KETS. Bggble %3giSln1neeeBelle V '.`I-' Idlj alndv 113 __ _u\JLII` l\'ll-I` By vs/rear: V tbe ronlv _Frank Lazarus (Late 0 the rm o Lazarus 85 Morris) renowned spec tacles and eye glasses. ~ These gpeetaogg and Eye Glaasses ha_ve been used or u r ven m ever instance unebggmded K353 a:.xi1ommThey are the best in the world. They never tire. and last ma" s::.:1%*hr*~:;:*;:*- ll ea e ow n man a : have great nleaagre in certifying that I have worn Spectac es ` manufactured by Frank Lazarus for fteen ears. and they excel all others I have used or olearness of vision and I 8886 while wrlvmv -- ---" ` --Will you suffer from dyspepsia and liver complaint? Shi1oh s Vitalizer 1s guaranteed to care you. For Sale by J ohu Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. Oh m?.'. avg.-[t.h`an qnv House in or 1 l ---_-- manufactured fresh every day. Ask your ' grooer for them send you will use no other. PIC-NIC PARTIES SOCIALS & WEDDINGS supplied at short notice and on reasonable . _ tax-ma- Md 1 th arii `-7---d nali th -i`)ef}v?ami1`;1a1i:It:I?;3f8t`l`1l;t<;1wn.'ty "" in Md In thanking the public of Barrie and vicinity tor the liberal [patronage bestowed upon him,begstostatethathehas t - sidergble expense increased his ba.kingafa(,:oi1l;- ties and is now prepared to do a larger business than ever. V BREAD LEAD8_I_|-_l_E VAN. 0.10 p.m.; MIXBQ 11.20. St. Louis Exgresa Limited Express, Montreal Express and ac c Express, marked * run daily including Sunday. '1'. G. AND 8. DIVISION. Csrdwell J unotlon.-Going North- 9.07 a..m. 6.30 p.m. Going South-9.07 a..m.; 6.30 p.m. C. V. R. DIVISION. Inglewood J unction.-Going North 10.18 a..m. ; I 6.29 p.m. Going South 9.23 9. m.; 6.17 p.m. . `TIT T'f7'A1--1-uA-rq- VVoIJo V Barri. _Sept. 1. 1885. u...-.1 nan.` an (All trains unless otherwise specied arrive and depart from Union Station, Toronto). DEPARTUREB.-Going West. St. Louis Ex- ress at *8 10 a..m.V; Pacic Express, 1.05 p.m.; xpress. 4.15 p.m. 7 Going East.- Limited _Express 8.25 a. m.; Mixed- (for Bavelock and intermed 4,25 p.m.; Montreal Express, *8.00 .m. ARRIVAI.S7FrQm the East--St. uis Express *8.30 9,.m.; Mixed (from Hsvelock and interme- diate stations), 11. 50a.m;; Toronto Express, 9. 45 p.m. . From the West.-Limited Express. 8.45 a.m.; Atlantic Express. 5.05 p.m.; Montreal Express, 8.15 p;m.; Mixed 11.20. St. Inlli EYHPAQH Tvnifn `iavnv-nan K/fnnnnni iste points), _._, -. _......--.., ..........u..v. I 29 If-Vlas prohlbition proved a failure in your town? asked a. gentleman of a man who `had just come down from the hills. You betit hain t. W y, podner, we can get more licker now than we everhadlbefore. No failure about that, {is that '1 - 77?-:.=v;~.'r. M: o o 3 1. , T ; _. ;3_1;;.":"},1'.`loc|sk D4x1_1,1l5)1i$-stitirrle. r WK.- DOMINION} BAKER Y 11' `I113 KUIVU l)l`ll'l'l8 LU I 10.17 a.m. and 4.40 0.111. CANADIAN PACIFIC A|LWAY. ONTARIO DIVISION. [ ...--- v v use .1... -u...-. _..vv .r.-.~ ` _ -a(')ING SOU'-I`-1.1-: ` Leave Barrie at 7.05 a..m. . 4.40 p.m Arrive at Hamilton 11.40 e.m.. 9.l0n.m I Tr` ins leave Barrie for Toronto at 7.25 a..m.. 10-17 n.,m Ant} 4.40 n m. \1Ul.LV Leave Hamilton at Arrive at Barrie. 1nl\C` rGOI_i\TGZ OI}TH: Leave Penetan shone at - 6.16 a..m.. 1 Arrive at Burr e 7 23 a..m. . 4 LLLLLIUIIUJJIUALJVQ U-vv uuon-no. vogvn-unnnggxuxv lJ.I.I.I J NORTH SIMCOE-_GOING`NORTH. Leave Barrie at 11.00 a..m.. 8.17 p.m Arrive a.tPeneta.nguishene, 1.10 p.m., 10.40 p.m out-`Cut : Iu4\-vluuww A.LAAoInv\annIvvnn-g GOING SOUTH. * Lesvethavenhurst, _ 6.40a.m., 2.45 Leave Orillia, 6.20 3.111., 8.25 a..m., 3.55 Arrive at Barrie. 7.05 o..m.. 9.40 u..m.. 4.40 xfnnmtr avxtnnul nnrxrn '\7nnmu uv,-u-v yu-rap u-vv 'u.wr -- - p.m p.m D.m ` MUSKOKA BRANCH--GOING NORTH. I Leave Barrie, 11.28 a.m., 3.30 pan. 8.33 p.m Arrive at Orillia. 12.17 .m.. 5.25 p.m., 9;25p.m Arr.atGravenhurst.l. p.m., 7.00 p.m.----- l I\"`7l'V c1I\I'TrlI`I"'I -;Sii7iloh7 -s Consumption Cute is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures con- sumption. For sale by John Woods. Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. 29 `-.-_-. some SOUTH. For '1*or'c$xIso-.'" Loavecollingwood 6.009..m.,8 20 a.m. 3.30 11.11 Leave Barrie. 7.25 a.m.. 10.17 a.m.. 4.40 p.m Arrive at Toronto. 10.20 a.m.. 1.50 p.m.. 7.45 p.m Muskoka Express, Mo1`1da.ys only. . . . . a.m. `T ' " . p,m, Ipvvnni- I\v-7 1 1-111 A Q1111`? l1l\`I_.l'I \Tt'\Ill'I1`I heave Toronto, 8.10 a.m., 11.45 a..m., 5.15 p.m Ar at Barrie, 11.28 a.m., 3.27 p.m.. 8.16 p.m "Ar at Collinqwood 12.36 p.m.. 5.45 p.m. 9.45 p.m Muskoka. Express, Saturdays only... .12..0 p.m. H 0 It I. `H. 2,5 p.m. JNO. M. BQTHVIELL, ] % CONDITION POWDERS, COCK OF-THE WALK EGG FOOD, CA LF MEAL, &c. I sc >I..1=.: AGENT AFORTHEI THUHLEY CONDITION POWDER U0. CATTLE SPICES, A TIMOTHY. CLOVER 3: ORGHARD muss, All the new and 91d Leading Varities of Seed Wheat. SEEDSM AN, ...v..-D yum-.. -..u an um, 11.1.5 11.1.1`. fbv. J . VALLEAU, 2. Sent. 1- 1895- l`ir-Inst A... Reports from the West state that rye has advanced. This does not discommode the market, for every one knows that the laws of the trade will readjust the matter, and that when rye goes up it is quite sure to go down soonafter. ' ` NORTHERN RAILWAY com G"oR'1iH. 9!suITs FOR FALL SEEDING. I-IVz1c'B`1`:"I'i'IcxV J snows ,-_, J. HENDERSON, - Hardware Merchant. Barrie ` GOING NORTH. Fnnnf 7044 MATN LINE. THE 3 1 11. 7.05 a.m.. 4. 11.28 a..m.. 1 o-coo -norm o1"l'o- for you. F3r sale by J6h;1mVC and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. WW "IIKI", "C" IIXVC `IIUTWII TCIIIUT " :: I'll"; take. .sI+<>.t.her um-. .9! 99.11!-9.'35 I I_aJ.1\J, Ticket Aqent. :__-_ BARRIE. outnuuu-nanl! F*'_f""D , BOUGIIT AND 1.-Mb - . : .. j-1 rth V` V notion Rooms and Oice- -'_F(`;' `z,',' e. I wenimtton -Hotel. BM?` " HIIDI FBKOD. In DTICGB [0 sun. bvux; v-'-' `lzcun-HANK. rtrnwrlll` _ ___ ____ __--- 011', '11De " orders left at the ADVANCE 0' Siiube tom 1:! attended to, and in!0rm8`,i" oe8 . 1 y esrequiring Mr. F0Fdg:$gw `as `V be had himqelt beegody. Salon taken in pricas to sun ever! 1 1 j ,_....:r1IlI! F `T- __, _ !.Li1186d Auctioneer `for_ the Count) r Simcoe as am... will be uterine. tonl3,t1`;1<";1'orvint:. and i111P41"t5`'mv` and men htothewhole sysu`n_L ItI"t' ,(`{ ,: cures wea 11985 of stomach, ix11xa0Sfi0%-(`Dim 1118' weak back. nervous prostrutvxop. 10 P; and sleeplessnoss. in either cc-x. 1-m our . Bcription is sold by drlitrgrists undoro bow`, two oua amtee. Sm \vmmN`Y nF0"d Price 1.00, or six bottles 1 en pm. ' A lalle treatise on Diseases of Womana D". tusely ustrated with colored I""T9 smmpl. memus wood-cuts. sent for 10 cent . Adzlreaa. Wom.n's Dxspnnsmv lo` N.Y_ ASSOCIATION. 6&3 Main Street Bum` eadache` slcx HEADACHE, Rilioua_ rig, and Constipation. mmpy gum, Dr. Plerce's Pol otsg. 250. `In: rlmnrxrmf. -[A jeweler has invented a self-` wxudinsz watch, and Puck suggests that the Waterbury Watch Company should buy him out. N ob at all. It would tire -out a Waterbury watch if it was compel- ied to wind itself up. % v For I: 801100 worn'0l] " `u kee "`3hers. x::'i11incTu"'d"""*" `M Dnau ej-ceapd Oval-_w0 `_"3v S1`mnstrossos,h0uS0' of allrcstoa Fav"`te 35 jmnon generally. hut adm mtivetonm S(`_|`lDti0n is being a`I`ub1 fullls 3' -It "`""`"``"`"" " Dotent ."`~`.<`"<`&~1 of u - Dvmtlc for :3] those uliartv Ohfoni . 0 Weak (29809 and Disoasns pm Is well SL4 ' It is 3 . o\Vc1'tul, gmvml ` imparts vigor 3h.en`0nio an n . h to "V"1<`. and the whole 5)'Slom. EN? ion. bl `In hep . a. weak n..,. E 03f`(r)`l`1`1C1I,il1(]i _ no nrn~1f..,lti0n. dllmy GEO. R. FORD. For S1C1)}'31I11<`;1:c`!4. '1'. MIIBIYIIN .: $0.. Proprlc-Ior~'. Torov a\.'..|cuUu.; au xzzc s.nnc III`.::' \JUIJCCUU5' .Acid'_~':y of the sum.-X 3:11- ousness, Dyspepsxa. he,a\zac_h;3s. D12- ziness, xicartburn. Cons'.v1pat1.on` Dryness of the Skin. 7:-c_v;D1m* ness 0fVision,Jaund;.;. . ...`_t ."...;;1:;;1`- Brysi eias, Scrofula. Iwterlng 0 _the eart, Nervouwzess 1frd'5l13; Debility; all these rm! "_"' I lar Complaints viola! to W ` ` of BURDOCK BLOOD Bi; sm3~- W umucus an me ClUL'QC'i A B-Jwels, Kidne'.'s' and .T.i'. of gra.d'.1.1lly \\'iLl;o.:'. uc.1Lu: M all the impurities and {mu} '23. secretions; at the s.nnc rim- n:o".'--. -1.` 1.1.. ('11 KEY 76 Ei ;z3E.TH. yvuuvcny Lure Lncsc C0mpIr_xinl.` Somammc New. cw: ` _VVrapped around every bottle of IrA(w}?Y as a. valuable Houselmld 5|e(1im1'(:u?`( . , , B001` (84 ages), conminig;g _ ove 8 c, an wort tentinxt:s'Lh: ' - PHCC ofgh` T CHIIIIIEHII O, nn n . . iI""rJA 4b ri?;'El5: V SOLD BY . The unquali Liver Compl compounded MANDRAKE other invalu wcrful effect an the lood. Over one-lzql/ 2/1 were sold m Ca woman and plain! to try NATURE'S R ed suwr: aint rest: from nature AND D.\.\'m-x.In:~4 able fouls`, bark KMHC 500,000 1':'g':'o71 43/ Dr. mu/tz alum. c/ti/d TU/Z0 is this excellent I Ann- (`P- :4), 55 of Dr _s well 1-zno S and her 3. SOLD (rail/'/rd wig}, renmiy E M EDY .("xase's Live, ' mm the fact WI ! ve cumbim-( S` Stomach: BOW: C`/lass : H '5 qua --Sleeple ght; r1I'1ade miserable by that terrible cough. Shi1oh a Cure is the remedy For John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin,.1.. . It is a well known fi|(T .At?1|[ES . a dun, sanow complcwm .1. fm mam Cha_s_e's Liver Cure tile'0$1:_rr;pOt`v posmvely cure these Complzxints. ed) Snurrumn |l:m n...-.. . Infalliblo Blood PurieI, Tonic, Diurw Loss of Appetite, Indige.=tE<;:, I)jr.~y;1 Billiousness, Jaundicc, Liur (`oz Rheumatism. all Kidney I)i.=case.<. Scroi` Diseases peculiar to F(:I11n1c.=, Salt Rhea Ex zema. and all Skin I.i. Heada Palpitation of the Heart. Sour Stomach a-.: Heart Burn.` Purely \'egetab1c~. JoB.\ C.AW1:s'r &eCo., Toronto 0:: . HAVE Y` Liver Complaint. Dys certain remedy. . | A 1'! I In no . A . _'09'8 l'Cll('EB. am by druggists. HAVE v'ou ` xplaing. Dyspetwia. ]mx'.,,...- nnvt-j. you - Y5PD ache. ])in;m.. - Ihat hacking cough can be so quickly cured by.Shiloh s Cure. We guarantee it. .For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M J. Hamlin, Allandale.~ `I -|I' ~" rain {I--vu\ ~ .1: 1` : inactive 1 ' snmc 4* 5"'5'ih. 1 from n 4-. Coriecting A4 . `DH3,' The New York Sun heads an editorial What the Farmers Want. We know what theywant, and it is to make cit boarders believe that the skim milk whio T they serve at meals comes direct from the c w. Silid last `The f11"'} i. V11-3.4 tho! was ' high` in th diatu givin this i Th cloud ` the the c nun` ml _, V 7," ..--, --w-away `ruvuv-ave -Group, whooping cough and bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh : Cure. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. VC\I 1 ` ` W1 `wuith 'l'h cu uuuu vvuuuu, DHITR`, mu U1. U. ulmun, ` J Allandale. Scene in ahntel, twenty-veyears hence : Guest to porter---Oa.n you tell me what time it is 7" ' Porter--Yes, air, We half-past 12 "i`hat ll cost you fty cents, please, I`1_-___ ___L _ _._!, --:i`o7r lva'me back, side or chest, use Shiloh s Porous Paaster. Price 25 cents. For sale `lay John Woods, 'Barri-, ard M. `J. Hamlin, Allnndale- Auoh ! That horrid man stepped on my big toe. My dear young lady, that is impossible. How can :1 Demon having such a. beautiful little foot as you possess A big toe ? Mary Thoaxrpson. of Torohto, wag afflicted with Tape orm, 8 feet of` which was removed by one bottle of Dr. Low : Worm Syrup. :K.--l_I "`I A` `I I C V ixtnau who goes to a. summer ieaort for change and rest nften nds that the wait- ers get all the chmge and the landlord the 1:e_st. ' . '- at`: `Ei; nits, bg1iia'eh,l:1 :il:,l `noggin, ititi - usual mung ex up on . 252- 9=d.5:"I??' '.*.~ __41.`<`{`!8Ki'*- "" miiixii gigagengve won the race if he had a. different oockuwain. Perhaps, however, he only needed a spur. I I\lII - OI I --Fz-ee}nan a Worm Powders are agreeable to take, and ex el all kmde of worms from chlldren or adu ta. Aacting on the Stomach, Liver an % --N;tiond1PiliZa Er; V 5' mild guggoativlg, we , removing all obstructions. I _-_ I , St.` N ioholaa tells Of a dog that can count, but it can't equal 9. cat running up .a column. V .l W CCU bit Ivwu "' C Zvwv the Boluon A close race--miseTrs. ? , A cat-boat is always dangerous when it signals. _ ; ' - ,_ __ _.____-_ I-:-I- .--'. _ .11-; _...L-..-- _..2LL -.--.-.-_. Crows never kick up a dis'tarb_anoe with- out oawa. ' ' w-'-i V).fF.-Low s Mafia Sulphur Soap is highly recommended for a lhumors and skin dis wmy sayings sandwiched with parsi- gnplu tor the sex-1ou'u--`rho Best lulu: nlnnnrq an Final, run um} I?` run` nu} '1-an wnou WORLD um. I J ust throw me half a dozen of the big- gest of those trout," said a citizen to the sh riaaler. "Throw them 1" queried the dealer. A Yes, and then I`ll go home and tell my wife that Ivcaught em. I may be a p )0: sherman_but`I"m no liar. V ` nr... o_v.. '\xr..`..1.a`va.`*-'\x`I.....:..`.: A. '1`.~".*...5.'1.. 1-.:`.`.: - ;;_.;.~_ ; - . % `=`W:h:t-Statado we`?-I1 live in rt; Inked -I St. Paul toaohox-`oft little g-hvh hid recently become u,:po1Pz_xbg1j;of_ Athp _<;lu_sV in` 3 N 3 u v :53; ., . 2 1" . ""4: "` :` "~` .-."\-`:4. ;.. f.J9m .?%91$`%9%!33.`1?"d: & J ames.McM-I:r`l-0.0;: Kinsale, says: ".3. B. B. as a remedy'fo'_f of theblood. llVl` andlkidneys, hu"'In~~ox'cel- lent "reputation in wthi|,loc|lity.A _~I`.h`a ve `used it, and speak from-`oxp_orieno, _uiwell as ob- servation. It is the only medxoine I want, and I advise others aiiotodv tovtryit. . 1 "in emergency. -upuuuuvuu In uni gum IE6, pccpuonauy met with in the ha.ndIj-of collectors. but it has never before been found in pufoient quantity to become an . article `of trade. When cut the stones ire of a. _;b'_eeut1ful golden color, 'exeeeding1y- hard" and of great brillianev.` V T . I i: vayu A deposit of precious stones of the rare kind known as golden bury been found In the Bar Specimens of this _ gem` a.re__ ,9cc"uiona.ll met with in the hand: -nf Mms.+.:.... 1" haerecently kshire THilla_. Y I-.V.. `Among the most prevalent fatal and aud- den attacks of diseases, are those incident to- the summer and fall, such as Cholera Morbue, Bilioue Colic, Diarrhoea, Dyaentery, eto., that often prove fatal in a few hours. . That sever reliableremed Dr. Fowler : Extract of Wild Strawberry, ould be at hand, for use ememanov. uuo ;vu:uug an ur ouuslug no 811017001`. ` % " When-eating .b;ead. and butter at table, butter 9. sufall pi eo7e5-at 3 time, not the entire slice. ` ' ` ` V Q vuu uu no you W581! y0|l IDSITV. ' .Do not be guilty of the diuoourtesy of shakmg hands wi*h one person while you are looking at or talking to another. Whnn nntinn lvu-am-I an.-I 1.....- -1. J._I.I- A mnuon good manners. - . When you talk keep our heads still. Cultivate the habit oflistening t'o`otl1'eu`; it will make you an invaluable `member of society, to aaynothing of the advantage it will be to you when you .Dn nnf In aill -.u nli oh`. .l:.........a...-_ -2 wvvuvu alsululilvll VI l'||l'lle Cod Liver Oil. with Hypophosphites, in Consumption and wasting diseases, seems to possess remedial powers of great efcaey. It heals the. irritation of the throat and Inn . Makes pure blood and builds up and fort` es the system against further inroads by disease. Take no other. . e - F . r (V. """""` ""7"" ' "`l ` Went : World"s"Wonder or Family .VLiz`1i- meat is a; remedy net no well regulated household should be without. an it is a posi tive cure for, rhqumqgipgn. 5 It in invaluable for grants, outs, l)'ru1ses',buri1s,` "waldo, and -g--gnu nnnnungnn Avfnnnnl Annln'nnIznn UUIUUII I I . That no 7" replied the boy. Then he added : I guess I kinder heard 0 that before, but I'm like myold man ; I never was good a.t_remember1n names. Highest Frame. _ The well known drug rm of N. C. Polson & Co.. of Kingston, writes that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry has long been considered the best remedy for Summer com- plaints in the market, and adds that their customers speak in `the-highest terms of its merits. Wild Strawberry `is the beatvknown remedv for Cholera Morbus, Dyseutery and all Bowel complaints. - - '7 II I "Why? Because he wa.nted_a good deal! ` ` ` V uuu uvvvtlu up 1100.10 1,uuuu_y. . Well ! that 13 an unllkely story. I should call it highly improba,ble._ But why ? l|n7L_ l DA_--4- 1 ' ` " ` Bridizet (wh_o has been sent to crack little dinner party to be held during the evening. enters with a few badly cracked upon` a plate)--"`An indade, Missus Blank, 01 ll lose me place befor .Oi break me tatheac-crackin any more of thim. nuts. Me jaw s all lame now, as it is, so it is. e _ Whatie McGregor s Speedy Cure for 1" It is for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Indiges- ' tion. Billiousness, and it is the finest blood puri- fier in the known world to-day. " Does it give satisfaction 3" ' We cannot point to one instance where it did not. Where does it have the largest sale? Right in the city of Hann ton. where it is manufactured, there has been over one thous- and dollars' worth sold in the last year retail, and the great majority or the sales are by one recommending it to another. For sale at 50c. and $1 00 per battle. by G. Monkman. Drumist. _'l`wo friends meet in the street : My dear follow, I have just left my landlord. You wouldn't believe it. butpI had the hardest work in the world to make him accept a little money. ` WA `C on IIv\"`vn1- -.1. T I` ..-_ some nuts _in preparation for Mrs. Blank s- ___ v_..v - -uvcvir aav uvIIJllQV SUI: I am employed by the house of Thurber, Wayland & 00., of New York, and reside at 18 Warren Place, Brook! 1:. During the in- tense cold weather of t e past winter. in crossing the Bridge, the frost struck my face and an attack of ervsipclas was - the result. I applied Giles Linunent Iodide Ammonia: the relief was immediate and the cure rapid. ` EDWARD Dares. Sold by W. U. MCLEAN. vv vuv uwuo ul. uuu Ull I _ - ` ' Second ,gent- -Nut at all ; -it s_t me bawl of the belle I hgve no homage for. '|'____ __, , 1 uuvu-5:: nan uvguu bu mug. , V Suc`ond~gent-_'I`hanks ; rawther be; ex- cuse_d." ,.uuu. . . -- - Fiat gent-5"What ! Refuse homage to the belle of the ball? G........_: _....L xxx? . ,. 1. -La .- . - eni Consumption. and a.`l1~s ectlons of the thros and lungs. we feel the.t=.we are doln you a great kindness, as it you have aniy o the above complaints. it you- will only try t we-will guarantee satisfaction in every case or money retunde-5. Ask for MoGI-egg:- s Luna Oom- ound. Price 500. and` `$1. per bottle, at onkmaxfa Drug store. First gent-"Le_t a return. Miss 01- therage has begun to sing. ` so-nn'nnr` ,nnn:'I`I|nnb- . -..-..l.I...._ 1.- 4- ! ,|UuIl`9 \IUWl.|-:5 uauvu` uul I13, BUll|uu' -u -"`-nu. w::;s:;:*:a2::..=**:g.,~1:-ma: 3'; rboto, . An dragging. .' and 500. . peg- h;`l`l:eII;li3r.f in gntorgningbsigg. oAt ctllxlls wcgnd er eeyoro s, sma.:-on-V ohids Consumptiottgand a.n_d_ lupus. that. we damn you vsr.1eep- _ feet the question he asked, do we buy nlsrgn for nseor ornqulint . 1,. (nu. 1;:-oubl'ed-` "with Pimplesg Blotohes, R h Hands or Race. or Sores of any decor! magi ? should use McGregor & Porke s Carb .1 c Cerate. It will leave the skin in ggrfect health. smooth. clean and color. sure and et th nine. made V Mofireg &P 1; . Pg ' 25:. gglclxld at Monkman s Drug"tore`. 6 37-490 Buzzer-I understand Jones is rather high-toned since -he returned from `Eu- rope. Fuzzer-Well, he isahttle stiff. Buzzer-He has gone out of business, too, hasn't he ? Fuzzer-7`Yes-, I believe he has retired. Buzzer- By the way; where is be living?" Fnzzer--Living ? He isn't living. He's in the cemetery. Rnnnnnq whv wnn a1.)m1.: ........n_..-- n--49.-' Scott : Emulslop of Pure. -____ I\!I , , IIIGOOII II...) ..I. l_.oputo. `The. Gem Beryl. AD .._-_.`. -.___ -1 rg_:u Rumors and Scissors Ground and set on short an-v puvvv nu Villo V 1 Do youknow the patureof an oath, [malam '1" inquired the-judge. Well, I reckon I3 orter,* was the reply. My husband driytnag-a`oanal.bont;( _ e - ""' ,"" ""'DH""""' ` _ '. Proof-positive. Paying-TeI'ler--I don t know that you're the man whose name is" on this check. You'll have to be identi-_ died before I can give you the money. ; .-Pm--0idemied. 1. in us.....- n.:.'. I es? -~-_7--- um c1`rINeV%%& si1'iv|Ke'PAnLonL( 4;-u;-..-;_ _ _ uuv IIUIIVIUUII Stun The rude brskeman again. Is this theriaht train 3" a. lady-asked of a brake- mun the other day. Where are you go- ing, ma a.m ?~_ replied the brakemsn, None of your business, sir, retorted the Indy. .1 shall report you to the superintendent for impudenoe. And she actually did. - . Many sufferers bnying medicine have been disa pointed, don't Rive up, buy a reliable artic e like Dr, Chase : Liver Cure, and with ityou get `a recipe book alone worth the money. ' ' What he-wouldno`. ,`A`Young man, said a grim yiaaged `passenger solemnly, we read in the book of books that some day thin world will be destroyed by re. What would you do in the event of such an awful emergency?" What would I do 2 repeated the young -man. I would turn the hose on, of course. I belong to the re depa.r_tment3 - V - .--v-till 3:9-orrosxrii: mnnfn HOTEL, > DUNLOR STREET. ' " it dnvv VIII Around each bott of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure isa Medical Guide and. Recipe Book containing useful information, over 200 recipes, and pronounced by Doctors and Druggists as worth ten times the cost of the "medicine. Medioine s.nc_l Book $1. Sold by all druggists. an ouvvvaunuvuuulnva J ohnson-"Do you know young J ones?" O Kelly--Yis, sir; I know him. Johnson-Oan a person believe what he says '3" . . Pat--Faith, an it : jist this way . Whin he tells ye the truth ye can belave ivery word he says, but whin he lies to yez, ye betther haveno condince in him at all." T uzuv uuauuu wwnouu a. regular aotlon of this ` function. . Burdock Blood Bitters cure con- stipation by imparting a healthy tone to all the secretion. . go. w aawugvl VIIB Villlillhlllllo ' Any man, woman or child is in a danger- ous condition when no lecting a constipated state of the bowels. '-here can be no per- fect health without a regular action of this funolzinn Rm-Ann]: m....A n.'u.'.... ........ --_ Sorry for Them. Mamma,. said Bobby, looking up from his Sabbath school lesson, I m sorry for Adam and Eve, ain't you ? Why, my son 'I" asked a the mother.` "Because they didn t have anything but just a fig lest to wear, hereplied thought- fully. But it was warm in Eden and perhaps they did not want warm clothes you and me, she explained. Yes, but just think, the catechism says the earth was made to bring forth thistles.- QIVIIHIVI West : Cough Syrup, pleasant" to hint ! and alwava gives satiafactlon. Do not be put 01!` with any other, but insist upon having Weat n ~Uough Syrup, enuine`wrapped`onlyn in blue, `three sizes. A11 drnggista. ; ' - . Dunn` -\na.:L:.... I`.I___:_ _, flI,Y1 , [Ir I, ` I A Modern Miracle. In a recent letter from R. W. Dowton, of Deloraine, Ont., he states that he has re- covered from the worst form of Dyspepsia after suering for fteen years ; and when a. council of doctors" pronounced him` incurable he tried Burdock Blood Bitters, six bottles of which res '.'ored his health. . v.. innit an-anal` uuu J. iuuuu UU DUB D835 1 ` for him. How many society girls of this are content to spend most of their time at home in domestic pursuits, helping their mother? Who are getting married nowa days--the sons and daughters of the rich mainly. The others can't afford to marry. The young men have nothing to marry on and arenot likely to have. Those who have a little are afraid to _venture it on a society `girl whose father is always on a strain to keep her big trunk full of clothes. There are a hundred old bachelors in Georgia now to where there used to be ten. But it is all right, I reckon, for they had better not marr than to live on a per- petual strain trying to keep in hailing dis- tance of society and its follies. 311! Am : Philosophy. This land is full of good things that the E poarest can have ifthey will work for them. _ Nobody_ need suffer. { If a man will work half his time he can support a wife and two or three children in comfort. The trouble is not with the necessaries of life, 1 `but it is the luxuries that play the mis- chief. It is ne clothes and too many of them that keep the poor man's head bow- ed down. It is the strain to keep up with the `neighbors. It is the going and com- ing and frolicking and visiting. It is `the sitting up half the night and sleeping half the day. It is breakfast at 9 o clock. It is the habit of novel reading, that is as de- moralizing as base ball or gambling. Rich folks can indulge in these things, but poor folks cannot. Where is the young man who has the moral courage and self- denial to be stingy and save his earnings? I am going to strain now and send our crippled boy to Dahlonega to college, but I do it with great reluctance, for fear he will lose hisphabits of industry and have be a town lawyer or a small politician when he comes back. But he can t work on the farm, and I must do the best I can him. society . ulsauvu reueua," we most etnclent means for eradicating it, by correcting all disorders of the liver, stomach and bowels. Small, sugar-coated, agreeable to take, and cause 110 main or orinina Rn I1-nnm'n* -_...- -v--qua, Inssvblilllc UV none, I no pain or griping By druggist. Go as you Please. but if you are constipated, or have sick- headach_e,`bad taste in the mouth, rush of blood to the head, bilious complaint, or any similar diiculsy, you should go at once to your druggist for Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Purgative Pellets. the most eicient means` for m-nrlingtinn he 1... ...,..-....4.:._- -1: _1:_-_s , . ulonvv uu yuu. uve In I ' The State of Minnesota, responded the little scholar. "That is correct, continued the teacher. Now my little girl, said he. addressing the little girl who first missed the ques- tion, what State do you live in 1 I m only a visitor in Minnesota. replied the child, I live in Minneapolis. 3V5 IV ` Thl'1's"i`e no a Suday schoo , sternly remarked the teacher; State um What Next. do you live in '1 ' I-m End... .2 `IE3, - H the olnld, as 1f doubtmg the correctness of . herreply. . 'l`L- in -`-4 - Q.-_.1.'_._ __1., I n J. _O;|.l'LVf'fRWLL'8 ruvu uuuuv :1 vIu_lVU you 5110 [X10116 ." if ; .PJnt:---0zdent1ed u it 3 Sure," thin," `cut yer oye on this {it `of "a. `fotygraf an % y ll see it's meself entoirely. . i II7-_.I-...1_I :_ LL- .-nv--L -3 II9__A! nu '... V In a. Dangerous Condition. 8he_1Inow an Oath. snenepgi-tea nun _ I.___I_, A Recommendation. Good Value. AITOOGIR. 233% NQ3THER1?[:4DVAN.;; ;E. I;HE~%`%09K?;353T "15"" can Dyapopdguvu omplun Iiokoadaohglndlsouthnordoutlvoann we cannoticun with Walt ! Inll !n.I.l,VwhcntholII:ouonnu-can-lotly compllodwlth. 1.1.:-swolonoi, tuning so:-anu,nooonu;oIosoo1.90. loll byunlh-unnsu ' "{w}{.{a;}{ui"iS"e3i; E$'It"vvese's woaam Wonder, or family Liniment in rheumatism, canine, cuts, -brmaes. burns, acalds, and 9.1 n I-nnninn Avnnnal nnnlinnl-in-. - `I4.