T ;.i3aies.%ue magma pub V-rgvu. N u u... ...__-._..._ ._.._..--_ - 1 M as-'m gig gs aead-. ~ `- JJl VIII `UL JICCUQC I = New Clerk--_H`e `virote some living, but; `judging from the number .o f..hi p, -' humous works, I gusn.-he wrote In I After the above year is ended there need be no person suffering from Rheumatism. Neural- gia, Toothache, Headache. Lumbago; or any acute ain. if they only purchase a. bottle of Fluid ightning, usuit cures instantly. Pain nnnnnf. ntnv whm-A it in mzpd. 'l`}m nnmn in ._ .- At the Bookstore. . . Custom`er --Did Hugh `Conway write `Living `or Dea.d'? - - ` . 10.`... t`!l....1- u1 _I`-- -.....AA._< ..-..-_ 1:...-_-,. -1 '; is3a` vb"!-y m qT?I3f191`s'}1, child. That is Mr. Lord, the mayor. 7.? Y%mqt not__4:I1`_1.l4`t_l1`_z9{t_nvI7,a .5{;.b_, e `H ' u1|Ir:.+.... T.,.....1 9! .....a n... _-.... ........-.... Elulu ulguuuxugg, 1&5 ~_lla l_JU.l.'U5 `lI.lBU.l.l.ll./1) . 1`11.ll canpot s_tay yvhcre 11: 1s used. The name 19 Fund Llghtnmg. Sold by Geo. Monkman, Druggist. A , ------9+9----- rv The Slang Graduate. ' N ever use thevword "da.udy, my child, exclaimed a father` to-his daughter, who had just returned from a boarding school, where she had graduated first `in her cla inslang. _ _' b ` _ ' N ever .3 asked the white-robed girl. Not as an adjectivenor explanatory word. " Never say a. dandy horse, or '9. dandy eleyhant. r -3 Well. said the slang graduate. there I uuuu unu ualuun 1 V( ell, e said slang geaduate, `is nothing dizzy `about da.ud(y)elion, is there T ` Wt: 76?" 7753a": %"==i335 d mjpn bqjtzoungavjn lm egthe ` t qu5'l:i_on."*" 1`he'pe6ple, h d, buld an-\`uIa1; Q`-`Ann u'-nI\n'u'Lu-v `A uxnuu mars` , ' H II -5`? W558? rE%`q Thepe1.)le,!&3;`vvf5'uld | refuse from sheer inabllity to pay rent, atggyyvholgsale` ,ev1ct_ipns'_ wogrlgiq follow. Ii: wotiw erimpedibl `to `govern-t`hem by coercive methods, as they were alre i!'iV?Ir,_a_$i0 the wall. He said Churchill s County Board plan was not satisfactory. Less than G1adstone s measure was now dlnpossible-rmore_ was ;oer'tain- , Mr. O -l Brien saigl there would be a. collapse of the Government oirthe' Irish question ihside of a year. A T . ' . . , . I ' ----------o---d .._....._-.. _lW'@ VUIJ HIV? Illllc ' " ' " ,. W t\` .:1MitqxkL9r.d. and. the... nose presses closer againstthe glass, while Eie watch- es him out of sight. My !" with a toss of her little head, .I knpyg hg nevgr made r.-mekgll L J. "_ `> I _ `I : _ ~_. ' L:-':--;o -` _ . IV LVSIVH vv yvvv -A-T`he Rev. Geo. H. Tliayer, of . Bourbon, Iud., says: Both myself and wife owe our lwes to Shi1oh s Consumption Cure." For sale by Jdhnf Woods, ;la._`x-rioe, aml__M, `.J_` Hamlin; AI1an'd9.1'e. __ `l\-_____2_ ......'..... L- _... - -vvv-.--.-9 .- --a u I I feel it my duty to say, writes John Borton of Desert, l .Q , l:hatvBurdock Blood Bitters cured my wife of liver complaint, ' from which she had.` been a chronic sufferer. Her distressing, painful symptoms soon gave Way, gnd I can highly recommend the medi-1 cine to all suffering as she did. . ' Q wvanvu VolA\Il\AL\JI . Head aches !-h-m !-aee here, John ; youvgo gnd get a pailful of dandelions for greens and break your leg while you re at it. - Then we ll apply to Congress fem pension. Don t open the gates. or take ddwn the bars--c11mb over ! the "riots ii: 1353:: .`Il_ LL __ ,JLL. EL`. __- as the`dc'f F "1i`a.eJ<!>f4 '11.:-.1 A..A Ax. _- --v--`V v-jv,-j_V_--- , , _ `Not That Kind _ _of Love. L. " Little Ef;'thre` years old; -went `to 3 strange city with mamma, to visit uncle, and the next morning was occupied in attening her nose against the window and satisfying hcr childish curiosity kl gazing at the unusual scenes. uni. .......L:.. I 'n,. _.... u.-- -_2.-1 1.-...- a .F `'0' ' ' Few men have accomplished the amount `of'_work and good in this world as the cele- `s.....|-ml n..-.~ lVl........ n....._ znn nnn -: 1.:.. .......I-.. U1 VVULA auu UUU LU 01113 VVUIIU. NU UIIU UCl.U' bxdted D11` .Oha,ae. D.ve}: 500,000-of his works hI.W9"hDniJsh1d` in Cohad ?&'19.n9-.. We want evgry person troubled with Liver Complaint, hm-.n`..n.=.':.'."`:'.1:I*...x'.';....1.`- '17:.-I-.-.`...`.'...{a `T1 ...--.-..... ;'J1i 1f"s f"i,f`3g'"i`.Z`57't ;`;(i`:.. g;`::t $ ..'$"1?3" `a. fbottle of";.l_)r.; 0hase ` fL`1v'er 7,0111-e, it will cure vo'u.` `Medicine ahd Recipe Bobk $1`00. {aches dreadful ! \-`III lI\7I- I ' "Not a mouthful in the house, you lazy, drunken wrefch. ` T Don t boose, me Sairey! My head [(77 x Suuau (III UILU uuuuucu BUUl.lUBo A Oh, auntie ! Do see thxs awful home-` ly man? V ul'.f.'...I.. ..1..:1.:I rm_..a. :- 1m. 7...: u..- -. UVUl.`y`_ QUFHUU. UXOUDICQ W151] DIVE]? UOIDDIRIHF, DspepiE;Hei6ache, 'Kidn`j 961`? A Uri 1'm' Trhillilnn I-is nn"`h-nun!-_ Jan AI-nnn:n`-. od 1-`I-11! -ov-u---- .. "Z Meisonnier was recently asked by a visitor for his opinion on the tendencies_ of modern art. Art I he replied; I. don t know anything about art. _I am not an art critic. Apply to Cpngress. . Come, ole ooman,, stir `roan ! I m awful hnngry n dry. What you got for dinner T (.1? n .115 II .1 1 -I ;lV)`J$`na'(V A New lilementof the Game. Evhing '!`h"{ngs'U1S. - 1:11 . n-r . Th-e Last Year, 1886. . _I_-___ _____ _ ,,_ .1, . A successful Result. `-5 IL-5 E'a...I '-n- C -- A. Pleavsivnvg Duty: Juum uu v nzuu. . i 7 4 V A ` . . .Ma.n9.ger.andVPublia_her. Montreal. 4th August,.1S86. , 32 34 -.-uu.-...-.. ---_...__..._-. The North American_Review is going to publish some wa;rart`c1es. We have often wondered` why some ofuthose wh`o.took-`. part in the conflict dld not write thir ex; patience; ` ' x " nu 1\ ._ 31 I,_-_ 1')__-___-___`__ f_1__`_} 1 __ __., V... If g... vuv Luvvl nun}! U1 1` 103, W8. situated on leadin road to Stayner. There e a good house and ern on the property, an 9. clearance of about 15 aoreg, Also the North half. Lot 23, Con. 3,4'l`o_w.neh1 or Flee, contgahin-` ing 100 acres, of which from t.o40 areoleared. There` are on the nI:em1see_a.l'og house and` barn. These termew .1. be leaaegltor 9. 112% :0! yeare,on1m roving eases an xfommal ens`. go g_o_od_1;1_e_1_1_. Qn/immediately. A nI'\Nr c" ""ci" "e" "nwpuum ?:x33'i`i '{imT' O 00 m no 3 A a. 8 . to 'iuc,cAR'rn, 'PEP`i.ER 8: McCS:3.RT% `Solicitors. a'.o., - W 13-14 IN ` NINE VOLUMES, BOYAL.~ 8vo., TO BE COMMENCED whenevera sulcient number of subscribers is obtained to cover cost otpublication. Subscri tions to the Nine Volumes $75.00, to the Prov nce of Ontario or to Quebec `$12.60. to _New Brunswick or to Nova Scotla $1l.bp.to Manitoba. or to British-Columbia %9.50.' to Prince Edward Is'and or to Northwest erritorles $9.50. Each Province to haven. map. Please send for Prospectus. JOHN Lovn:i.L. - ' .V .' Managerand. Publisher. Montreal. 4th Anmmt_.1R2B_ 40 on Mr yu I$.l1il`d'1`.-A Z`-JU AU1{E FARM b 1 22. Con. 3. in the Township of F1633: situated to good am on the nrnnnrhi .3 dnsld '..s,,_ 'm'u.'h`n`rd-'nd9" .wate1_f.'o A9131! U ;I_IoUsEirAn?`1i;AiaO*1`ff1fOR SALE N Nnmng. _89;'tt.' i" `22.'C0l1-`3. Towrslglg l1`3lec:,gwI~`$' 1 n{fI'InI'nr1 nu nnA!u\n man)! 4.. c1g-__. -4 `: ft ' , '1`- GQAND B-, 1>_1`f:1,..5.1.".1.- . Card-well J _unctlon..-Going. oxthv,+;;(_)_7 a.in. 6_.30 p.m. Gomg South-9.07 a.m.: _6,$0..p.m._ A 1. , O.`V.'R.-DIVISION`: `EV ~ " g ` Inglewood Jun(tio'n;-G'oin`g Nox:th 1_0,18 a..m.'; 6.29 13.111. Going South 9.23,a.-m.:6.l7.p.;n. . 7 '(XT'...'l"'t7' A 'r.'r.1:1 A -r`1- C [t:AzE1TEn;:Aun msronv vs-v gun:-no vIv_au5 Iquuvml |foHIlv'l-I-Iv U.1l`A]J- l.l.Io ` -J.`_V.ALLIBAU, * Ba.rrie'.'Sept.1. 1885.~_ -~ - `T1cketAzent. _ _ V . 1MAIN.L1NE.. A, . (All trains unless otherwise specied arrive and depart from Union Station, '1`oronto). 'DEPAn'rumcs.-Goi-ng West. St, Lo_uis_ Ex- ress at *8.10 a.m.; ~Paoi~c- Exreswlaovp `xpress, 4.15 p.m`.o - ~- - -- ' Going East.- Lim'ited I'x-press a.m;;; Mixed (tor Havelock and-intermediatojpoints). 4.25 .m.; Montreal Exm-ess,~*8.00 .m .' ~: A `RrVALs-Fromthe East--St. uis?ExpresIs.` `,8.30, . .-,M' d,(f diateastfonf1-5o5?1.:/Torogw Express. (us p.m_ x.,!'.'{j;_',"..' z- - Havelob "a.n'd'int'erli1e-` The Italians .who come to this country must have a strong attachment for their native land. They bring so much of it with them. _ '?r'.om the \v.est,_-Li mited:` -Ex Atlantic E ress, 5.05.p.1_n.__; Mompeal Express, ` 8.15 p.m.; med 11.20. I-St.:Louis! `E ress - Limited Expfess; Montralf . ' as and acio E press marked * run" dax1I1 X ' including Su'nda.y-. ~ 4 H, . --_ _ _____..L--'.g. $uUAUAA DDAIV |`.i.l1--\1\Jl.1V\! LVUI`L1'.I1p Leave Barrie, 11.28 a.m., 3.30 p.m. 8.33 p.m Arrive at Orilliu. 12.17 .m., 5.25 p.m.. 9.25 p In Arr.at Gra.venhurst,1. p.m.. 7.00 p.m.--- I`Of\Y\Tl`l 3I\I YIIlTf `Anni!-Uv\aaI.v\r uv,.o-v you-cg uovv yest- GOING SOUTH. .- ' Leave Gra.venhur3t.---- 6.4092 m., 2.45 p.m Leave Orillia, 6.20 3.111.. 8.25 a.m., 3.55 p.m Arrive at Barrie. 7.05 e..m., 9.40 a.m..4.40 p.m \Tl'\`I)'I`IJ JI`\.I'l`|fl`` lll\`I\Tl`I \YI\I)flVIJ' UUILV Leave Hamilton at Arrive at Barrie. nu.-`us UULLV U. DUU 1'11.- ? Leave Barrie at 7.05 a..m.. 4-.40 p?.m 1 Arrive at Hamilton 11.40 11.10.. 9.10D.m. Trains leave Barrie for Toronto at 7.25 a.m.. 10.17 um. and 4.40 n.m. ' snasavvsnu A.r|-QAAV u-vv 5-on-I-no, vujsvlnauuapxnxv `).lJ.I NORTH SI1\;ICOE-GOING NORTH. Leave Barrie at V ` 11.00 a..m.. 8.17 p.m Arrive at Penetan guishene, 1.10 p.m.. 10.40 p.m : GOING SOUTH. . \ Leave Penetanguishene at 6.15 a..m., 2.35 M Arrive at Barrie A 7.23 a.I_n.. 5.05 p.m I_I 3, LI Ill cmnnmu PACIFIC nAILwAv. . OVNTA.RlOD|,V|8_.IO,.I_I- v-v--u\u -.v\l\I.-.n' -\:o -v..vv Leave Collingwood 6;008.m.. 8.2f;a.m. 13.80 pens Leave Barrie`, 7.25 a..m.. 10.17 a.m.. 4:40 p.m Arrive at Toronto.'10.`20 a..m.. 1.50 p.m.. 7.45 p.m Muskoka Express, Mondays only. . .l,1.52 a.m. H In .06 u` . . I . 2.05 p.m. MUSKOKA BRANCH-GOlNG NORTH. Lnnvn `Rn:-I-in 11 9Q 11 In 5} Qn tn 9 Qln m NORTHERN RAILWAY ;' GQIN G-ITORTH. heave Toronto. 8.10 a.m., 11.45 a.m.. 5.15 p.m A: at Barrie, 11.28 a..m.. 3.27 p.m.. 8.15 11 A r at Collinarwood 12.35 p.m.. 5.45 p.m. 9.45 p.m Muskoka Express, Satprdays only... .1g.?g7)p.m. - " " ' " .5 p.m. JNo,' M} ' B 6THWELL, meaxn. Herr Golz slid about half a mile on his face down a snowy incline near Chamonix. The friction only roused a. blush. He was a commercial tourist. ' ' `Speia.l qt1ot atioV1'1`s"to`job'bers and others requiring large quantities". in ba.`rrel,s, b)ulk, `and Bags. SPECIALTIES :- 0 LOV E R. in bags, barrels, and bulk, FIELD AND GARDEN smns, MAN GEL: 81.0.- HEADQUARTERS being `a most -potent Specic for . Chronic Weaknesses and mseases peculiar to women. It is a owerful, general as well as uterine. tonic an nerviue, and im arts vigor and strength to the whole system. is promptl ' cures weakness of -stomach. indigestion. bloa debility ing. weak Back. nervous prostration. and sleeplessness. in either sex. Favorite Pre- spription is sold by druggists sunderour post- twe ` guarantee. See -wrapper . around 2 bottle. Price $1.00, on-six bottles `for $5.00.. A larfa treatise on Diseases of Women. pro- fusely ustrated with colored plates and nu-. merous wood-cuts. sent for 10 cents in stamps. Address. Wonnn's Drspnnsmw Mnmon. Assoownon. 663 Main Street. Buffalo. N. Y. SICK I1EAnAcBE,~ -Bilious Headache. n and Constipation. fez-omptly cured by . Dr. Pieroe',sPe ts. 25o.avial. - - bvdrumri8t8. 4- < ` For wbm-oA.ut. . _ rundown."_ debilitaed school teachers; milliners; seams house- kee ers. and Dr. erce's Favori be-Prescvl n is of all restora ive toziics. -Itis'rl:`gt?a Cure-all,- over-worked women ger'1era'lly. ~- best. but admirably fullls a singleness of gixrgmse. beimz ` hofse ` "`--4-an I\!)II inn` ,0 I Beware of the man who wants to say but one word to you. If it is raining at ` the time it W111 be discreet to step under an `awning. ' nu 1 111 0 1: I ,,,1,v,,,,1 nom NI1oxjIor% CANADA. `Lessons ` iAv.n-1-n all-llsvradzlohes 0! b Painti ,-Dmwin ,- c..&o.-.9 Terms-on avnn cation. . ramting, -Drawin &c.. &o.~. V sTd1`3rm6'on6;pp_t:i&tiO`!# t. :- D4! 1'8. 68 0*` Fire Ha . Collier street. }3arde. ,: _ F6: thevieading varieties of GOING SOUTH. For Tor'<$1'1'to-." u... A... TIMOTI-IV.` % TURNIP, Our Own Importations._ 5oRTRA1T5AmTER I The trade dollar is not to be redeemed after all. The present Congress seems to have been utterly destitute of any redeem- ing qualities. `IN 1 ,,, ,,,', ,_, 1 If _ _ _ . _ . . _ _..'I__'__A. .__-._ LAND PLASTER RAPE, . . HUNGARIAN` .'cAIiRoT, BUGKWH EAT, conu. ---as ~----v-J - '1`. G; gun B.` 1>_xvgg't_c>.1.=,4 Jn nntinn, -.l1nim:r N '1-t1 GOING NORTH. rnnnf "704: VLANDSALT UULLVIJ 1.` Un. 1n. on T 7.05 a.m.. - rie. . 11.23 a..m.. : SJOING. SOUTH. 70K:-urn : novnnrxsf 30:->'.a_ renew. am by drugziste. MILLET, W-ZI<`Vc`>vz~Wc_1'3;e[V>epsia. and liver complaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh s Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. . For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. A :1. u.-`U 51.111. 2.57 PAID. ; .- A n ucu Iqui- 5 1400. 4 well `Q `r1n;=:i=:nAiN s awpnmjVpown-.mgs4;'j : ' g plssaglt take, lpggtivp. In a|`,; g:n,!e.j;gure.;~_;nd bacon ' mu gtvc uuvwu uu uu cuseases tree or cnarge. @ Be`Ware of unscrupulous dealers and counterfeits. The genuine-has the name blown in the glass and acsimile of the discoverefs name over each cork - - ' ~l~0-eow.-39 am vhiVn}c})`m:a to am who waiZts-. At the same time it is well to tip the waiter occasionally. The things will come -quicker. -r\ n . u uwceb: vuu not sou. _ Inammation of the Kidneys,Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Incontinence of Urine. It is the only Liniment in the world possessing alteranve powers. Can be taken internally; cures Cramps and Colics, Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Sold by all Drngglsts. Trial Bottlc25c. Write Dr. GILES, box 3,482 N. Y. P. O . who will give advice on all diseases free of charge. $ Beware of 11n9r`rnnnImm dnsnrn and '7""'v!.~1'!""!"'~"~-3---v---.;-_~- . . V . W j1 ~'u`f, xuvanesj gas 1-sggworntcueulatnon ""``*_` `Ab! ' `ii-Atenfllunclrd-1I_nd - . * ~ Cables; ' "fLImo_"st, if nbt quite ddi1bI"e'}hin.t of a.ny`"other -: ~; ;- 1?aperpubilshed`inBarrie; . .. L c5_I'Ai>vnnrt3itizs szioifrhb 1v'<.>'r_rc"1~i1;rsV1_=-Ac1'.`m, V (121ines s91i_d_ nonpg.rii'ma_.ke o11e`1nch). ' TRANSIENT` ADVERTISEMENTS." First insertion 10,_c"ets.per line. Each sub` 3 uent insertio. L`centrner line. . gading notices, 10_ cents per line for first in- sertlon; 5 cents per line for each subsequent Insertion of the same matter. Legal, Oicial and Government` advertise ments will be charged. at above rates.` ` 5 `A _ `CONTRACT ADVERTISING. - . .g___./.__4... ...:n'1u. 4-alznn at the wxtn W per cent.` uuueu. ' - E Rreterred. positions in-; the pa. er will be `-sold atan advance of one third one`. ve rates. This rule will be strictly carriedout. " 'doN'r1`t'Acr CHANGES. ' Advertisers-will please bear in mind that no- I tlce of intention to change adverusements must be handed in to the office not later than Saturday at 10 o clock,; and the copy for such change must be in the ADVANCE office not later than 12 o clock noon on Tuesday, in any week ; otherwise the advertiser s announcement may not be made public until the week following. ,_,L!____.. ___'II __4. `I... t\l\I'UVl\t` n Inna fhnii` a. nurnnarnlithi V turn, L \.an.n.nsuA\4 71 Viva ness. The best and only certain remedy to relieve pain of all kinds, no matter of how long stand- mg. Instant rehef gtmrantecd cripples. Swol- len Joints. Varicose Veins. Bites 0 Insects or Sick Headache. No oil or grease; is clean and sweet: will not soil. Tnnmmonnn n'4H1.'n`r2`:A........ n..:...Lu.. n:........... 1 4,Contra.ct advertisepaents Will be naxen um um ` following rates, wh1ch are draftedon correct commercial prmciples, antl. as they will be strictly adhered to in `makmg new congracts sttaerpreaent contracts expire,..there wxll be `on'ly_oI;e='9rice (gr all ~ - 11nch.,......,. 2rInohes....._..'.T....T 5 Inches; Co!up1n;. loTIn&:h'es.V. Column % ='Z0_I.nohes, 1 Column ; Weak Bac. Enlarged J girnits, 7Pa;ralysi_e. Rheu- matism. Neuralgia, Di htheria. Sciatica, Prolnpsus teri, emale Weak- HERE. nub Ut: muuc puuuu uuuu uuo u pun ..v..v ..-._. Advertiserswwill not be allowed to use thelr space for advertising anything outside thelr own regular business. Should they do so, transient rates will be charged for such adver- fi nnvnnn fl ~f-~*For oiie mdnth-the three monthly rate with I5 ercentuadded. .. L-. .* or two months---the three monthly rate ` with 10 per cent; added. .4- n_-n-__...1 ......-.:o-:nna in , Hun nnnor fin hf! T -\VV'hy will you cough ivlhil Shiloh s Cur Will_ give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 ate. and $l.` For sale by John Woods, Barrie. and M. J. Hamlin. Allandale. ~_ . She was Used to It. T Lucy, she said to the new girl, when the question of wages had been settled, there `are times when my husband comes home inf*a..-'-a-ebndition;" ` I .;t`;Yu!m. -"-" - '- . - _ 4 V "lnval befuddled condition. _ 3 a`.LY?m., ';` V `. 2 ` `, `,3 - Jfawsedyhy overtaxingthiazbrain at-the 4%-- ll 1 u'u.ua1cu u . ` tiaemenb UULV Lulu.` any Au 1 nun; aouuusuu n u- I Condensed advertisements on First Page, such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found, Property for Sale or to Rent, Specic Articles, Etc.. Etc, must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-F1rst insertion. 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent er word (names, addresses, and gures counte es words); but a. reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the . same matterexceed FOUR. 1. UI a_zut: l) Ijlpilmgggrnn a co}; LINIMENTIODIDEAMMUNIAI uuwtuu, xuuneys and L1ver,,carrying of_ g|*a(1t'mllyVwithout weakening.the_ system, ' all the impurities and foul humors of the setretionsv; at the same time Coxjrecting Acidity of the Stomach, cumg Bi_lie o31sness;D spegsxa, He'.da.c.h_es. D12- zmess. ' cart urn,` Consupation. Dryness of the Sk1_n, Dre` sy. Dim- ness 9.f.TVis1on,`Jaund1ce,. Sa t Rheum. fysl elasg} Scrofula, Pluttering oi e eart. Nervousness and General Debllity; ail these and many other simi- lar Co laiqts. vield to the happy inuence of 1'-2'r.nn-n 'D1'|'l'Rll'l!I'nn r-_`._, , -- uu|l uuuly uuncr 51 Lo 1; `j:-`:;: A, - o"`r':sx`n r`i>`c`> Ei< 336`b3'5`3 f-`1r`5{`.e Ran-n`n'l`.. 'D.l;4.~|-_- `A .. -- - ` .> - .v-- --aavvaz J)-ll-.-55'IU_n sample lB6ttles' 10 ; Regular size $1. ` " I F or sale by all dea`1 _' `iL"_n.[u. ,5. mn - -,1 Ngaot-:I_gchgs -6 *3 8pac.e.J' =+- --- Z Unlocks all the clog ed avenues` of the B-;wels~,. Kidneys an Liver, _ garrying o_f: wenkeninnthe Rvchanx ' The speedieetnnd most certain medicine 7 V in thg world. . - -- --n . --c- ---A. e-.._- _.'_. A H cloggecl I I-\\Irn`a~ V'A_--~ -- --. V-\r -- V--\- . . ALL FAMILIES `USE 1'1`. CONDENSED ADVEi2TISE)IENTS. _ _- 1:`: _..A 101` Au V ran`; IDILV u. semnts will `ha taken at the .1.:..1. urn Andi-pr1`nn correct Lilac; tion. IJUUJ. villus \l\l|aav|no - -._-- Low s'Snlphur Sospmhotilgi found with every toilet. It is cleainsings a.nd.hea.ling. - In is p1*e'tt.y dry tims wh'en7the railroad `magnate is unable to water his stock. Always required-A good cathartic medi- cine. Nationai, lls. will, not .` Platformfnever trouble the profession`? al politiqisns, He is __ready to run on anything. 5 ` `M ~ I %5 `An " 10 111,391`-.: 1 * tions: (3 mos) ( - --~,:.- .1>1ucn: 11-Bii` 5733 s '5 `oo 1600 _- ... 13 (Q Li. tiohs. ~ (6mos) ; Q 1m3'r; 3. 4.. Jul? . ions. g;(1yr.). );s 6 oo CIAII valise. ' wiil {xngrisuelf alcommittee bh appropriation, `said. the cashier as he scooped the contents of asafe into his J. cuLvr.-:RwEI-|-' H 35331:: nurrm 5;. sum: mm _ _. :11 everi sufferer. no tumtterysnuuna ""-`alCD be, may cure himscll cheaply 9 an radically. _ Th t 'This Lecture should be in End `_V91`Y youth and every ms._n`m !h?E1)lC.\L C0v ;.~.~A_dd_re the CULVERVV 1.LLl Homo. _nn t.. New York. P0 0m - two [108 A estam s. V , . `raw, The cuabratedp author. 111 W31 E88111. clearly demonstrates. from} 10,15 11011` `lpncqesstulv practice. that uluyxnlng t<`hcd3nger- 688 may be radically cured wxthout ` ac %o1Is'use of internal medicines 0;` '_hrcat on kiift pointing out a mode at W ' .,a L . which ? simple. certain and effectual. by xx1 c?;1:c,31\ciiti0=` Ilmtteyvvhut 1 private}! cheap I ` ,1. hand \. a"I`his Lecture sho111(1,1J_ciA{1_A,__,_,,. v~_ -urn bUUl' luv" "* \Ve have recently !11`1`,5h`.i,, (cle- edition of Dr. (`ul\'or\\_: ndger brated Essa) on the 1'34. ,,0f_\c." I T manent cure (withon t. n1.c1lc1ngWCi;y. vous Debility. Mental and Pmswdl 11%; rm: Impediments to Marriage, cu` . 1'05 1. excesses. ` ' I ~ 6 cents or -: t8'Price in a scaled envcIOI`t`. 0 3 ' two pos e stamps. L-, ` ce ebrated '1 ., ,-gar.` Essay, demonstrates. fro_m :< now L6__f.' lllllll UlJlllLlll W-uummu -- . , `TEL. 7.0;)-OPPOSITE BARBIE HOT . ' X DUNL0PEREET' LA!` ible, and worfh ten times the price J11"-C """" T. EDMANSON 8!. co., Sole Agents. sraatird. ...-.- vs`? . 1 nuI l`.IST?- posmvely cure these complmnts. Sormnmo New. Gwen AW Fifi. }Vl'apped around every bottle of Dr. K`-"--`1-e -` "` Is a valuable Household .\Icdic;1i muse M-_ ; B0016 (84 gas), containing over '-`N `"`_`- ` Pronounceiim by medical men and x`I`1:-'.i`-sf, able, and worth at the H`-W` C -QlllnAAnn A -A an I I . __.l. nf`h Over one-Izal/' mil/ion .y Pr. u7..z. : -9 were .told in Canada a/om`. _l1't_ -"{ 5_-' ` wo_mn`aad child who is tram 1,: :\ :4 - ` plant to try flu : :.rcc1Z:ni .-c"g-r_:`- - LADI E _ , ` It` is :1 well known fact that an in:xctn'_`1 ` 0 dull, sallow complexion, liver P. `s Liver Cure is the only rcll`-Ck .V 15'" positively these complaints. Qnnnvunuu II:-an `(Hutu IWAV FF -"Wm auu.,uUu =uLv_ V l l ..MANDRAxr1. AND D.-\.\'1>n.x. .\', c fother invaluable roots, barks -'-I`-J _NRlUHl'.'D r1r-[VII-U vT.he unqualied success of Dr. _( *- Liver Complaint rests solely .1 A compounded from nature's wcll L2: >=\.., . '11 werful eect on the Kidneys, tcx:..1~.- lonrl. ann nnn cnl D Remeclj -9. positive cure for ca.ta.rrh, diphtheria and canker mouth. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J Huuxlip, Allandale. - Beware of CnL'.~`.C1`f-_:'~ Genuine xvmppad .>;.fj. . ture on every box. 2 these Cc}c`.:mt<':d l`i`.3= on receipt of :1 3 ccn: For Sa.le`by _ l'lH v L`. I v `Liver Complaint. Dyspep;n.j.. It _l:mndice, Headache, 1):/.'1'1_= ~ ~ Cost'u'eness or any dise;1>c;x.:i~'.' ; " DR.- CH/st-:`s LIVER Cmu wul cert:iia_ remedy. Iu A1 ! I n :' I Q I: F --j ad Scissors Ground nd `..4v MIUKSM .- .- ` r Lifv. cess}31 'rv'1hc Blood,` .116 r`;`;`f1a 3`31s 1"? Elf!-?]h%"g1Y 0" W ` ` '}`h85eWerful]Ya Y` ,. - wast` L_ /, 1? 3/ ~Thi9GreatHo1;se1:t;lc;1- I-ILLS . .\I(-<`ic the leadmg necesser` ` ` ~f Inks ` These famous I il1:s1 f{5`1f}:`]. m L0 '-. AA.` _4..--_1__I1_ ,.u\ mi Wlamw ndBowe1a. 11 K1dneYS3 *- % Stmac ]_,1V9I'I -' 10 ` Dd \ xgol` nergy 8 toey 6 1118 8." C58 Kw 1,. '1'hcY31'` F L " .\'G5 O 223` I V `` ']inq remedyms dedas 9- 1;':U;I11tr?(:Il. fro 611 the 0 . - 113! 1'0 70558 ` m whatev e ixllpi -ircd or bc0 1159 91 gall, vlvletaaene. . , rousing alum 1} '<-12:34 /f ,. ,gnd asaGe: . 9 to - jne 1* The ent9v_l Mfdlc inci E53111) .9551 ' J .. . ~ - vuI||"L|" It 111 d h ' thS;'<:31`I1zIl`1couIt1`tzh83nu'o1?i!r1J1.Ix)g " """~`8 arek 30 For the cure nf H911 I (`Alum n, . _ n - ` l W-W "'"` WW5 It is an infalhble remedy. If effectual ' on the neck or chest, as salt into In 17 Tubby; Sore Tkrggt, Diphtheria. Iiroxmchitiseafgcuru even 3 ma. `or G1: a 1 ~ ' . Lu scesses, Piles, Fistulasr, m .u M sWu"*3!.AnE tion us uuuruuulg unu neanng pm throuszhour the world. For the cure of Bad Legs, 1 Qld Wounds, Sores u . nun . Eiay} -- _v,_. every kind of skin disease, been known.to fail. } '1`!-an D3115 an ! {\.`no........ __ ` UCCII KllUVVIl.l.U lll. . The Pills and Ointment are only at . 4 00 nvtnnn n1-nu-`no v uuuu wr use 111 uxmost ever-x` lzmgna of `" a'Purcha.eers should lorik {Q trxegum the Pots and Boxes. If the address is ` aw | Oxford Street. London. they are spurious L To all sufferers: 2': Dlecrdere-2! Usoiihem {and i: 'your mis.3 ry. Si 25. per box: ran SALE er -51.1,. omggs gr: swam. V9--Cw`! I Freeuian a Worm Powders a.re_safe, sure" and speedy to remove ' worms from chnldren or adults. ' HOAIL..7|v..O_WjA`{ . do no! grit; . mildii,` ma; are c/242:. THEY ARE AH 5.: % p2m:7c};` run. 533 oxronn smser, 1 are sold by all Yong _ )u2hout the Ci\`ili'/ml \x3T3a9` NF.-1?.1:~ HnLLnwAv?"o:NIMtm searching and healing: hrn .MANHQ;qa, nvspiisxi r "GEORGE MONKMANA DRUUGIST. I3AI`.F}E. Uta ' ' `dm7m sgrE:te3tr-glory-isobar hui'r.1nd~- she should be very economical of it whe1,1_A_ she is cooking. T ` less. exy. `NATURE'S REMEDY.` `CGAA .........._.,. no` T\r I "V1~v` 1 sans iiy A UII (NC l\l(1HC} 5; V "` 500-.000 SOLD nu.//fnot n/' Pr, ( August 26 WIG Hgunw, ----- A LL DR UGGISTS V { Sf?`-._`. '. slapped his;'a , `"`5 V`.I-'-"3590 v_-_5~'".-""',-..-- W . . For impudence you take the palm 4! as the lass said tc_>V_ the dude yvhenahe ' .9.` '*_:* 'Eack;gt3'1'Q12} 3`_1g.sti;1g" iird 'fra.gra.n t ' gnarl r\1\l\"' ' Dunn`; J)` nonfat ' "Rn? I.II.l Inc B1 rgly 006 `he _. and aq cv2_:i from" - In a box. iigeson. ff. AND Frm; ...-..---_, ----...-.- ....- ... `It: was natural for abootblack to be successful in. jumping into East Rxver. Shiners are at home in the w`at_er.. Lou's The 1 and I lam soldic A fo Genet gr-and partn sic, `w coura Witty `sayings sandwiched with Para- graphs for the Ser1ous-'l!he `gs. the scissors Can~F1nd. `f-~--%=~ _ V V Theculpbor is the maiuwhp acttxallx, '-carvesut-his own fortune. -. .. 1' AA 9. __-__ ..._LL-r-on Ann` 1`hA -~"t1a.cl;met`aqK," 3 ggpung uuun . 'peV funmzr ZPr{c`e;'2 mad 59 centgzg _~ 'byFJohn .Woods,'~P3a.rri;~* and_:M`*.- J LII , Ix-Ixnirq jot (; yours Coghl .give Cl1I`S6 MB But 11 like a news. Van?` thong the li less ff .9-.. -_ in its 2 a_LvII.naoav -...-u-..`....-~- Intowns where there is a. [strong Sun- day sentiment, saloons have to be kept on the double entry system. ` 1'-L,I__` ._ \!_,_- ;_s11i1(.1ys Cure will immediately` relieve crotip, whooping cough and bronchitis.` For sale by John \V0ods. Barrie, and` M. J. Hamlin, Aliandale. A I All I I I " \'=__. 8 .3: -...J. ' K 1- 7 `$5 Hts. II THE LITTLE THINGS WHICH N THE WHOLE WORLD KIN. }i5d# ft iti'38 llildriii '9 ? 5'<.1ll19.~"-5 ,,,,_I..___ _,___ L_ 'p8{'II1m!}1.:` .1'l'10e :2 ypq 0}: at `by J oh n-. Woods,"`l3qa.ni;~* and Allaudale. -carves out-ms own Iuuuuuo L Lotta s new cottage coat, 325,0 poor thing couldn't a.'ord a. bonus e; 00.` I ----J-Q..I...I...... .Qn-n~ulnnnl -1-an Fnnnr] with I Tlu1'i-gis srnmething I have just. dashed` otf," said the fa.rxI.er s wife as she took the butter from the churn. I I III I voou Ivsvvvxac --_.-_. - - -'-A Nasal Injec;:o'r f`1:<;._ eacli bottle of VShiloh s (Eatarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. For sale by John VVoods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. . . . 1 ' ' n,,,,,,. 01:-.. cu vvv-....- tr. Lpvs Wonzn Syrup is g safe r;t`1:|e1cE9'.L for all .W0,1'l l19.af`-`b Aman who had not the best reputation ! for strict veracity died the other day, and. the family was greatly incensed because some we1l~meaning friends sent in a brok- en lyre as a oral tribute. _,A L- _____ 1.3-1. _-_I__.I .I.__.... E:tf,-uf-3;5':a`i jM: Jr Hamlin," " '31 -i Nnw "Yoin :',' -'?Auguh Wu`.-U ...... Al LL- T....|. a`n`nm`Al n flan rnrinnn 23133-iii; IVY I.II3&,`Cl\l $1 .%993 ? "h . . an-nun:-A6: (III Ann A whgggtg I nnlnaauuaoa vvw-u---wu \_ . . Motne1?-.:-:,`J:Iere, ,husband, is. the. dressmake1".' 'I have let h`e'r:0ui' daughter a \ new`. c9_sg e .;.-;. . She looks therein we annk; 7ar"1c'l #111 presently a husband,therei,n hunt"-up.;; . .._ 1.. .Fa.tt1e:r--"`So-and h o,w much cost the'n = - iLV.liW .l.U Uuivivor u us: vsaaulvu, ;_9ne.&n! the "1Cae1 ten 120 sh Chi`. --.-v--g- 1- --rv-a Nothing but pure extracts from plants and roots are used in preparing McGregor's Lung Compound. the modern and now popular rc- medy for CoIds,..Coufhs. Bzonohiqts. Croup, Awthma. and an aifect on: of the thrpgt. ' lungs and giant. All m!xi1r?1l ~-pcisolrlnsangda terons noes :30 e w c reners sue 1- .`.`5 `.1.ua.-..n":1-' nu1m-- "so11i`m5oo.und.s1.ooner rum A:- uat,1o."n:o'r. ~ ._ First artist--So your picture was no accepted by the hanging _committee 2 Qnnnnr` ont,al>_||'N'n. 1l>.,wn.n mv fgn-,_ accepted by me nanglng communes .5 _Second.artist-"Ne, it - was my. fault, though; don t see algoww Iocame to'mak such a. mistake. T 1 Mistake T. , _ V a Yes, I marked the price $500 instead !..: anunrm * The Detroit Free Press `says Johti L. Sullivanhas accumulated $100,000 vv;i,th;; out raising any rents. Mr. Sullivan; is not given to `rents. His fortie is the'a`H.= normal bump. . , ,,,_-..u__ __I_-_1 |._ - VV U. \J|l ll , lallu uun writes : Dr owlex- s S`t`rav`v`l;e'rry is just the thing for Summer Sickness. I sold out my stock three times. last summer. There was a good demand" for it. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is in- fallible for Dysentery, Colic, Sick Stomach .....1 D--"-1 finunnlainlr llll IJIU IUL 1/ Y DUIJ HUI J , and Bowel Complaint. ` She In a Real Nightingale. At the `Argyle, Babylon : ' _ Won't you ._sing, `Mrs. Moneyhags ? I have not sungeince I vjas married. But. you were a perfect nighiiwle before. . - . ux'r:_,I_;:_.._1-`.. `..-...... _:...... -.E`a'..... LL..- LU. Nightingales never sine after they have made_- their; n_esAtsV.. uuu uncut an Illll-IULICI '!Jvu)vIu up... ya. `,.`,._u, substances age a` oiqed, which 1- d "ft t for children or ults; So1d-ut`B0:.nu: hqtgle gt Monkmggfs D_}`I1VVSt01`6. 3 3` . ~.;" ~ `A Dangerous 6ndlt101|:- :.: . : ope of the most dangerous}_ _condit:`ion3 is a. neglected ikidnev 4c`o`n;plaint. '_` TWhxij_`you -an erfi-om weary aching back; mmknesahnd, other urinary .trou,bles_ ;apply_ to `17he=ba`c.k 5' Burdock Pp'rojus P1a.`str,"a.n(if take Burdock tBlo`od? .Bi_ttem,. the besbiaystem. zregulator known f or the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and `l)'......J.. OIOVVIA vpgvu Ia Ilnvrwwi-J w-- wu When we say McGre or s Speedy Cure is the only perfect cure for yspcpsia. Liver Com plaints. Indigestion and Impure Blood. we are telling lain facts. of which hundreds upon hundre scan testify who have been restored to `perfect health by its use. We would there- fore advise {;ou strongly it you are 9. subject of anv of thee. ove troubles to give. McGre or s Speedy Cure 8. trial and be convinced. t is `sold in 500. and $1.00 bottles at Monkn Th-ncr Qtnrn, , 21 _ Housekeeper (to new cook just import- ed)--B1-idget, how do things `keep in the new refrigerator `? RridQet--Well'. mum. thev all seem to Scott's Emulsion of Pure. Cod Liver Oil, -With, h ophosphites for Ohxldren and Pulmonary roubles. Dr. W. S. Hoy. Point Pleasant,-W. Va., says: "I; have made a thorough test with. Scott S `Emulsion in Pulmonary troubles. and geg al debility, gnd huge hpen astonished at the good results; and" ps a.-'renedy for children with Rickets or Muumus.` it is uneq;'1_a.l_led. -A-Are:you made miserable by indigestion, constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, yellow skin? Shiloh s Vitalizer is a positive cure. For sale b John Woods, Barrie, and M. . Hamlin, A andale. - ' I n ,1;' L` i|a1lUl"" kJU"lu.\A ILV V! V th}s-`-huntmg .'c_Qsb.un.1`e.-.. 50111 In UUUo Drug Store. 'nDVjIDIvD avg uuq ` ` Bz'g1e`y`-3.TiTt 8`ne&;oiii.** DeBaggs-ExcuVaa me;~-vi ~mrin`a-' bit Atlantic'oityto=daiy.::~ .. T _Are you goin2_to_ meet her ?,_. _ `FNO ; I m going hbme. ;.SI have"n't2.seen . of a hurry; I. expect my w_ife hcg;ne_:_ f179_u_1 Ethg;-houseiiince she `: t; ii`d,:want %,0`l5i'tish th cobwebs frinmt 'e f176nt-door. Yo `see, I dat Iettfrs-`v`At;Home. :v v-- - v--- v--v-ucv V v ...r .... ., .]5on t aiiow a cold in- the head. tb hllobviiiy - and :.aui'ely Bevelope -gtself into0ataath`vh `you can be cured for 25 cent. A .few `applications iw_iIlL 'curg jticipient 4 Catarrll. n,._ L, A__._- L__'__. __I`| ---.... ._'..'II_...._. I`. IILIU LIUW I-UILISULOIJUL I Bridget--We1l', mum, they seem kape kooty well, barrin the olce, which pears to milt ivery blispid day. __ Our Mflonanires do not find all their investments golden, by `any means. But an -investment -in ~ Dru Pier_ce e Golden Medical Discovery is ` certain to prove agood one. ;ltcures cough, consumption, bronchitis, `sick-`headache, skin diseases, chills and fever,. and dumb ague. It reaches the blood, and through it the wholy system. Agreeable to take, perma- nent in its results. By d_ruggists. _ `* -'~.3.__n She Kept Out or the Steerage. When I came from Europe last time, observed `Mrs. Fangle, I delighted to watch them steer the vessel. Did you, Mrs. Snaggs, when you took your trip? RT.-. T A-(:1n + mml:m1 Mr: Qnnnrrn LII IGUII, J. VVG3|l i whole voyage. H115. uuuggaa wuvu Uu .uuvn Jvus away a No, I d1dn t, replxed rs. Snaggs. In fact, I wasn't near the steeraga the ...I...J.. .........-..A - an .- _ .T L V, In . _ W#:`%%?%`**[ ma; V "r um um me :2. 4: e rsrays? 4.1.- |_---_-I `n..._u. _-.- 1-; ;I__ L 4- 1 _'I:he,"a;;e;n;)tV'._t_o wear rhizgh-necled dfesss es at the dances at the Newport Casino was successful only for one or two even-L ings, and on Monday night zociety was as decolletee as at any private hall. 1.1, 1- 21-1 1 uuluuvs vuuv us: A: vunv Luv a.UL vuu usuy the house: Don t you let the befuddletil gqnTditionT,_w_o.q'y&yo`;1 .a.a_lpng IHrema.in', mavam.3o.. u, -_ _'_;I. u'_ ':.;"i u areitheemedicxne mostein Irepntei. fof".'cnrin` the multifarious maladies which attack humanity, when wet and cold weather ives. p1a'oe` to more genial temperatures. * `In 3 oi~t~;i ' these Pills afford relief,` if tlieyjail of -b an absolute remedy in all the `disturbances O 3 circulation, digestion, and nervous energy, which at times oppress a vast portion ofthe a population. `Under the; wholesome, purify,- in'g`a.nd_' stregthening `powers exert ed>-'by` these excellent Pills, the tongue becomes clean, the appetite improves, digestion. is quickenod, and assimilation rendered per- fect. - Hiolloway's medicine possesses the highly estimable property of cleansing the whole mass of blood,-, which, in its renovated condition, carries purity, strength, and vigor to every tissue of the body. ___ _, `A- _ Not strong, Yet With a Load. 1 `Bertie--Mr. Schuyler, are you a very strong man ?" - Q..L.'...I.... C-.\Tn urn` Iyxnuv av-nnrr Ron; albruugvxuuu : . 7 . - I _ . _ SchuyIer+No, not very strong, Ber- tie. ' ' ` ' un .- nun 1 1-1 ,._ _},--..- ;L___ VIVQ ' ' Bertie-:\Vha.t did pa mean" then when he told sister at the breakfast table` to-day that he saw you with a heavy load on last night `I ? ` L `A; VG! I ll: Sold by all dealers at 25c._ pdr box. Try Dr. A. W. Cha.se sbGanad1a.n Catarrh Cure- take no other-- it will cure you. For sale by all de'alers. One to ve boxes will c'u`r dhronio `Ca- tarrh. - C1-I:l L__ _'n _1--I__._ _L ng- ~_._-._ L-.. m___v` Ua(u)::lot`;) two boxes will cure ordinary . Ca.- V V v ` _,- 1.- n ,. I_-__-_.' __'II -`._'..- ',.L.....:.. `IN. Her Euntnig Costume. Motnerry-f`;I;Iere.:jea.r ,husbgmd, ressmaker ei. I have h'e'r:0ur dau ' 39` `9 '99".59.' "L iag1ey--`Ju`t Bhb moi"r'1. * `. 52:. _ VI Send me another quart bottle of Giles Liniment Iodide Ammonia for family use. I have a heavy cold, and as 1 said before, cannot exist without the Liniment. I use it as an inhalant, I nd no language to ex- press the great relief and comfort I nd in its use.f,In neuralgio headache it is a specic; also as a gargle, diluted with water ; it has no cqual. L. E. Frazey,`515 Fergen avenue, Jersey City, N.sJ. Sold by C. McLean. Just the Thing. . dru ' t" of Newbury Dru I<)g;1er , Strawberry .. LL-`nu `An Qnunnnnu Q.;n`:nnua T CAI!` McGregor s speedy Cure. (`in _:_._ ..-._ \l ..lV....._p._7~ Q-IAAAIV ` Bgiog 1{o_u_:qua.rd. - . -n--_-_ _-1.1 ._,u.- 1_.....:| Li. .4. ..i....;i- Mineral Boisbn. hut qua-A nbnnnla Column 1 no11owa.y ___?111n___ -2"... _.__L 2.- The i37ac;W illlll 21 .. W I Iulll UI\J\II -No wonder. Battersby just called me .9. liar. And you didn: knocklthiniv an 2`; No; He was at the other end of the_ i.e1ephone; MoGr.egor 8: Parke`: cnrboiic cerate. Have you an old Sore. Cut, Burn Bruiee, . Corn. Bunion.. Salt. Rheum, Pimple, Blotches, Rough Hands or Face? ~.-Itvso, there is but one cure. na.m`elv.' Mcregor 8c Parke : Carbolic, Cetate. If you but try it, it will convince ycu It costs but~25cents at Monkman s Drug Store. A ` What; the Coach Was-For. . _,"_I' notice.c1`.in.the papa; that Yale and .THa1:i7'.&rd lilij`-Q l5bi.i.'. Oblerved Mi'8.'SlidggB. .`;`I;: V1; ` J :2 .5- genes to ride homo.in-,3 should nu nun-uL`:-_ ,3 . H wiio sympathize with Mr. Gladstone wear badges of silver made in the shape of a. thistle. _ They think thistle be 9. suicient designation. I I ma AA , AI 9. nunggm u`I.:_~; H-9. _ veI? ..;te '_..8, W` ` ne. inbhjin, boih or anything. . '. :%"5 It Never _` Dr. Fowlex- s Extract of -Wild Strawberry .will never fail you when taken` to 'cnre`1)ys- entery} Colic, Sick Stomabh `or any form of Summer Complaint. Relief is almost instan- taneous ; a few doseecure where other rc- mediee fail. - j ` ' ~ -Why E'e'D1dn t Recent an Insulf. What'is theTmatter,"Jones '1 You 100 disgruntled. RT.-. unnntinn Ila`-`aIIa`-`eta:-onL .`..'II...J ._L- Oitizen (:30 base b'all' manager)L-71:0 what do you `attribute your defeat to-day? Mnhnnnr:.mn `ho "nn'6- 6`-uni `Ln ALL-.. \I\-I ZIIIIIIIJLIUWJ JULIL VIUICGG U`)- uv ` Ha I ` ~1a.na.ger-To the fact that the other club had two mascots,` while we only had one. _ I shall have mascots enough on our Western trip to win two "games out of three if-jI `have toebuynp a whole founds 1-ing's.sylum`.' ( . ' ` Restaurant` M_at1jon--.`__`I want you girls to x upa little xtrlz nd look agpretty asyou ca;n'..' ; ; A Waiter Girls-.--` `lathe butter bad again?" 4' No, thp met s.tough." .. .. . _-;`-_.1`.'. . , E .. Do no delay; if Suffering any form of Bpwel Oomph-int howeverrmild apparently_ maybe the attack, has use Dr.~'*Fowler's Extract of Wild *Sm`awbe'rry. It `is the old, reliable cure for `all forms of- -Summer -Complaints that rquii-e ;`p'"rofnbt` `treatment. t~A skA yc'n.n. clruggist gnd gllldegilers in patent mgdicigey. s`ucc`etsful. Mr. Frank Hendry, writing from Seaforth, says: I purchased one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters to purify my blood. It dld purify it, and now _I have e'xc;`e_1lent health. As a. blood purifying tonic and System );egu_- lator the result of taking B.B.B.' _is always Beefstak and Toadstoois. What have you for supper) asli the epicurean boarder of the girl with red `hair and spit curls. > (I1);-...C..L....I, non:-1 I`.'..,1,.L,..-J- ........ L1... AJUUIL AIM. BEAU Hunts): V Beefsteak and Tdadstools, was the startling answer. _b He ordered plain beef- steak. ' '- - ` - Two Baltimore men bet $100 on the degth 9f_water in a. new well. Both went down to take mea.s11re`ments; both were overcome by gas and both died. It is wicked to bet. A can IIII A 11.