190 1180 01 OR - g\,SCOTT S-:- BOOKSTORE. 2 73' _,did at considerable length. I ' Hon. Thomas White then gave one of f '~-Your letter of 2nd inst. received. Please explain to friends reason of my `absence. From the shores of the Pacic Ocean I wish you a pleasant and success- fulmgeting. J. A. MACDONALD. The chairman then .called upon Col. O'Brien to address the meeting which he. his characteristic speeches. He said: He had often heard of Muskokay In . 1809, when the Ontario government of ; Sandeld Macdonald did him the honor i of sending him to England, Mr. Carling . had just adopted the free grant system in- lluskoka, and his (Mr. White s) business was to present the advantages of settle- V ment in this district to the people of Great `Britain as calculated to afford them prosperous and contented homes -in the future. He was glad to know that there were some settlers there who came out as the resultof the conferences he had in England,-and he only hoped their con- kllililn of life since had warranted all which was said of the country. He had wcougratulato them on the speeches to whiulitlicy had just listened. He had uftcii lieard his old friend. Col. O Brien,' midhad expected an earnest, practical aililrc-s's, but their Local Legislature can- \llllll.'.L` he had then met for the first time. lllllStt.`I1l1]},{t() his address his hopes for .\Iu;~:k-ha had been greatly raised, and he Cullltl assure them that in sending Mr. Blzirtcr to the Legislature they would not ~----us laud r`1nnn_ rspnme AND SUMMER GOODS. lwaaxm a%\.{?>@m Wm zwmw Baby Carriages, with or without Wire Wheels. Lacrosses, Lawn, Tennis Raquets, Base Ball Clubs and [Ba1ls. { Linen Window Shades and Paper Window Shades. "BOOKS AN D STATION ERY. SCOTT. THE BOOKSELLER-, 'McALLISTER, STORY _& co.,_ Have largelyvincreased their stock to meet the wants of _their numerous customers. at manufacturers prices. Just received direct from Belgium two consignments of Glass, including Plain Window Glass, Figured Glass, Col- ored'Glass, Plate Glass. Prices very low. Paints. Paint Oils, Varnishes, full stock at bottom prices. Builders Hardware, full line atbottom prices. Harvest Tools, the best goods in the market at rock bottom prices. s ' ' ----oOo $2 50 3 50 CARRIAGE MAXI-13; BLACKSMHE AND MILL sur- runs, % A SPECIALTY. See my prices before purchasing elsewhere. _[e'nsn.e uado aq `_ mm tmqm `0!pn1s'am 19 3$~9I'9 Ken: s._1ap.1o [[2 atupuzauz exp ul ` snm1a.1 aq [[11 %s1gsgA Jgaqa, auodgsod ascend mm S.I811S_ Euypuawl` ;su; q13z.Taq1 hm ilvl sq; mag aguug {no.1} lmasqahaq mm aq1 Bq1 133 0; sag . ' [U _l_.`_.\1\LVlJ.:1"u as. u .-.--u..............,. _.,,, V. E 'best'0iItor Machineryia made by MCCOLL BROS. 8: 00-. Toronto. M f yr. I;AV V:h:e\ bn:w.11_'Agnaktp:f ` V oLu!s.!LA_Rn;NE MACHINE ou.. oil--h-ram my `H . ...l Tittle: `uanavnamnna an (lIl`Vll&[Vl $1 75 2 00. 3 25 2Q,OOO |bs.BARBED FENGE WIRE, Double Barrel, M. L. Double Barrel, B. L. RIFLES `AWAY DOWN- Wh%oIesalean;d Retail Hardware, . One Door West of the Queen s Hotel, Barrie. --TLARGEs'r AND BEST ASSORTMENI` or-- PU RVIS BROS. Waggon Hubs, 9x12 A1, per set 2% (Pak Spokes X, 3% Waggon Skeins, Other sizes in proportion. OPPOSITE STATION. BARRIE. J1`-ll'U`l` E0 tilt,` liuglsluhulu uuuy uvuwi. Odvv W 5 only (in the party a. service, but them- N~2 solves iiiiiiiito-credit-and advantage to @7146`- ':he district. (\Clieers.)' He deeply re- N15` zri-ttcil that he stood alone there as a 339 lliiiistcr of the Dominion. As Col. No <>'l.`.i-icii llilkl, said, Sir John's telegram v 1 zilloriled the best possible vindication of 1 , ilie construction of the Canadian Pacic , 1 Railway. He then took up Mr. Blake's l alternative policy to that of the Conserva- _ ' tire policy, and in a most masterly way demonstrated the utter hollowness of Grit N 21 `ways and professions. He showed the S17 utter untruthfulness of the scandal which` had been trumped up for political pur- ` poses against Conservative members of E the House of Commons. He contrasted N; the government of Mr. Mackenzie and 37 said Mr Mackenzie had nothing to `show as the result of his ve years term of oice. The people were poorer when he 81! left oliiceithan when he came in ; yet he increased the debt, while he had given the country no national works. The in- crease of the debt during the present administration was caused by the con- struction of the C. P. R, and work On the Intercolonial, Welland Canal and other public works necessary in-the public interest. The increased subsidies to the provinces had also increased the debt. Would any farmer or merchant say blot. out the C. P. R. in order to reduce the debt some 47 millions 2 (No, no.) The people did not feel thedebt because they {aid their taxes indirectly through the - Customs. Nevertheless goods were cheap- er ll(IW than beforethe increase. (Cheers) .llr. liliike had revived the old story of the Niirtliern Railway subscribing $2.500 foa tcstiniiinial to Lady Macdonald in Wk No more cruel illustration of party reeling had ever been given than in this h31"`e against Sir John. In 1870 he W158 stricken by disease which i threatened his life. `It was found` that if he died. his family would be left in absolute penury. It was deciilud to secure some kind of Possession for the family of Sir John, and `-he syriipiithy excited enabled the pro- moters to raise $80,000 to be invested by mltees for Lady Macdonald. . Four, years after it was discovered that S3: John had no knowledge who the sub- sciihers were. ' It was stated that -$2,500 _ had been siihscribed by Mr. Cumberland `mm the Northern" Railway funds,` and P0I1'th-is statement despite the fact that when the money was raised Sir John was `PDosed to be on his deathbed. and had 119 knowledge of the testimonial given" to 3 his family Mr. Blake had the ineffable cg mgalmess to charge him with having been Rrglled to give favors to the Northern W33 As to the necklet-had the %v."Tlment given the Canadian Pacific th`lW-Y any favors? They knew that c 8 harizsin was greatly in favor of , the a}`1`ml`Y as compared with Mr. Mackenzidl 0 W18. _ The company were strongly Ialfiised in England by the Grand Tran. dung? and other inuences, and were`, f ` 9 *0 oat their bonds till .a', loan dig l'l` Rovernment. had given _n9n_f- my "111 the scheme. The _compa'ny ,'l`r_oI.-.. cspitslt M -"""d `W1 men ii.'i`""* (gag-id the`.s9!9=e~. _ hm _e osns-advar before tlieltipni tum. `\7-a. u. . _ _ . __ ;.-I.| .|.K-a `int-2 %'r`o FARMERS AND THRESHERS.-T-The ,. -_......e".;L u-_-:..._-_.... - ......a.. I111 1m~rvnI.I'. `RROSL &. 00.- 'l'm-onto. ---A COMPLETE srocx OF-`-- . F. EWAN, IMPORTER, &c. out :- $5 6 00 1100 $1 08 2 08 2 65 n 0 1 , _ _ _ __ __ lull! IIUYIIIUCQ DWXUWU UIIU -IUII-'1" . 0. Yet they were told thdt in icon. PIUNIO. I1'3`1':$=`3`.b'3':II'i'iu7. ?3'.u 1'3 neoeueg-y to bribe Lady lh_odoneld_ yit_l1' some duunondu. Mr. Wlnte concluded hue excellent ~epeephA with an eloquent, _-...._.L2-_ A-....-_-..... --_.-Inc`..- -8 LL- I L50 Ill UAVUIIUIIU WIUII `ll 9I\l\1IIVIIU' pet-oration expressing condence of the` future of our great and happy country` under the wise policy instituted by- Sir John A. Macdonald. , ' o1.-dtoir of their |:`n`\_ `AIIH unnltn hA`nlIn `O. tan Ann I . has ISALE OF LAND} -IN THE- ARREARS FOR TA s courrrv or SIMGM Couwrv or Sntcon, By virtue of a. errant 'ro Wrr: . issued b the W on oi`. the County of slmcoe. bearing ate the wenty- rst day of July, in the year of our rd One 'l`hnnumr1 Eight. `Flnndl-ad and Eilrhtlb X. Ind me several lanai nerelnaner menu an inn. described as bein in the County or 8 ooe. for arrears resyective y due thereon. er with man Agata `|l|3Q`|II a-Inn nnlrlnn Ivhnf. Inll. th me Uounuy or auncoe. nearmguue we `wean - Thousand E ht Hundred and Ei%l;t`- x. and to me direotae , oommandin me the nnvnlonl Innl hnrnlnn. AI mnnti Cd and uesonoeu as new m we Uuunby In D res otive tom m costs. hereby give notice that ' sa d arrears be sooner paid, I shall on Thursday,the.'i'wnty- % h day of Ncvember. no; oommnndin the several lands herein: 1- men Anuanvlhn an `hnlno in u: (".nunf.v nf Q LIIVIIDGIIIL Ill I-IU &l'|lII\l|I2I-I wall-A and uni At the hour of Eleven o'clock in t = at the Town: 0F* BAl So much of the said lands as may sufficient to discharge the taxes and all In ful charges incurred in and about the sale and olleotion of the same. The following lands have been atented : ADJALA. V Q PUBLIC .A'U'of'1oN] ptE' E} Ept... TREASUREFPS Proceed to doll by _1N_ torenbon; I VOL 931 577 [35 49 `IOK L|E__I uwomn nouuu am 5 pt 0 2 on .. . McPhe1"`son-st No. -. .l. 1 1/5 1 i 11/5 11/5 11 '4 ea` 2 83' 0 am We will ,commence a General Slaughter Sale of all classes of Goons. We ivould speiciallyimention theireductious in Dl'O88 Goods, Prints, Lawns, ,.,,Mus. iII|`|s,%Embro|dar|Vgs, and Mllllnary, besides many other lines too numerous to mention here. We arevdeterminede not to carry over any kind of goods that can be sold at any rea- sonable price. as our Fall Goods are just beginning to arrive and we must make room for them. . V i i ismcx REDl|cTI'0lT SALE A GRAND success 1 ugust Sales immense. We are moving Swiftly to Many whole lines cleared out. Our July and our aim. Stock reduced $5000.00. Bar Iron, Horse Shoes, ingle Barrel, M. L. Single Barre], B. L. S Charles-at s w pt. an n A nf... 5 Unurwu-no 5 vv pu . . . . . . .. . do n egt. . . . . . . ..S EPhi1lips~stwp parklot uebec-st 1 W uron-st centre part.. do sept ...... ..1 SMa.in-stwot 2nd line .. : do do Ssuperior-at ............ .. ' do -nwpt 1 d9 Nwilham-st .... .. - (111 `WITH Block F N Nelson-st w 1-16-. 95 do e . . . . .. do w . . . . .1 do do e 1} .... .. do 6 pt do w pt do ... Back-st do ..... .. do . . . . . .. |NFreder!ck-st .... .. Wllissa.-at pa. k 101'. do do SJa.mes-stem n wl 0.... do S Hurd-at do . N_ Hurd-at do us: BlockC..... w3os...... We ing out the following unheard of prices on some lines still to be cleared 75 PART. w my- e 169 - W 169 ;-1o1thAu:uat.1sss.- " r . _" W411. 2 1914 no 691 288` r" 31 14 99 1147 298- Etonrned Sale wmuke place on TUES-' 0 Seventh day of .Deo91Vnbgx-. at nopn, n`nnll_ __ E24 TUn1)AY,JUifY 24m, -Musxofci Ann 1 MORRISON." (I: in --cc. `MONOK. . In A any 631% u - 1412 JMPHRE . `13 1 - 14 1 15 1 `.11 R WAT -I`-. ' .. 40 Guns TO BE SOLD-NO'l'E PRICES. WINCHESTER '5! `LUV ' 16-100 100 100 100 114 100` uu-W 100