jwwsml l1058a.m| aEi'.;1?m"iiii`;somom.mas-ti The Hon. Oliver Mowat loves to be spoken of as the champion of provincial rights, just as though provincial rights were in danger or in any way` menaced ex- cept by his own legislation. He knows ' how frequently men are deceived by names and gulled into the idea that they possess the substance when they have nothing but a shadow. "He is" well acquainted with the fact, that the average man loves to be humbugged and is `not content unless he is subjected to the process. All through the ages this psychological phenomenon has exhibited itself. In ancient Rome a consul or a dictator could oppress and tyrannize with impunity, while the mild rule of a king was unbearable. Designing men take advantage of this power of names upon the masses. The grossest de- captions have been perpetrated under the names of liberty, freedom and reform. The Ontario Premier is playing a pretty game under the shadow of the provincial rights cry. While attempting to deluded. the people with protesting against the Dominion s veto of certain acts of provin cial legislation, the wily Oliver is gradual- ly abridging the power of county `councils and ccncentrating power and patronage upon the Government at Toronto. The champion of popular liberties is constantly despoiling the people of those they most prize. He has taken from the counties their revenues from licenses, and has de- privedthem of the power to restrict the issue of licenses and to prosecute violators of the law. He has taken from judges the appointment of division court clerks, bailiffs, masters in chancery and deputy registrars. He has also taken from the counties the right they had always exer- cised of appointing jailers and their deputies. The powers of trustees are undergoing abridgement. and unless the teachers wake up soon to the assertion of their rights they also will be appointed and controlled by the Toronto Govern- ment. This cutting off the power of the people over their own local matters, under the name of reform, shows the force of a name upon the unthinking masses. Ot course the whole of this, in connection with the gerrymandering of thirty-two constitutencies, is done to perpetuate Grit rule in the.Province. It is astonishing what wrongs have been done under the names of liberty and reform. G 2]Cases of our famous Plough Boots 2 Cases of Women s Prunella Boots 1 Case of Women's But- toned & tieshoes 1 Case of WomeIi s But- toned Boots 1 Case of men s ne Lace Boots JUST comma INF! JUST ARRIVED AT---- 5301' cAsI-I SHOE HOUSE. STRONG & DONNEIJIJ. GILL AND SEE THEM. R. A. STEPHENS mans oF`sUBscmP'r1oN. $1 Per Annum in Advance. $1. _ _.1.I-_IA.- LL- Q_'I. NEILL BROs., AND A LARGE STOCK OF August 26 Vorateda. 150' Iiuiuwvv----_.-_._, ' , Ln 8 -I8 Oolnmn NoIn_pnpnr,:. II Published` from the Onion. Dnnlop Street, Barrie. intho County or Blmcoo. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Candi. W01`! Thurs- day morning. by unmm. wnsnmr, rnol-niwron. 95| 75l Col. int ban sele THE No_itTHERN ADVANCE. - - - -__.__ fnj-n$4- abs OceA ful &'yI.TmiI.T E'oou-E? o?}u&i' 133.3} O Dononn Rout be crushed out; No Elder `B; H.(Ivtobert s,-`in explaining why the saints are so sad and why their harps are hung on the willows, groaned aloud and said the honored of Israel are absent or in: dungeons. Pioneer day should never more be a season of joy until those silver-haired chiefs are able, without fear of Marshals, again to occupy their wanted seats in the Tabernacle. Who shall come between this people and their God, or dictate what shall be their religion? Can our enemies hope to crush the convictions of our hearts? With -united voice we tell them, No! They cannot. It will not be done, and to this the ten thousand saints lifted their hands in a thunderous z}inen. . `' \lIl$l\lI-5 IIIIIII-lDCII$ VCUBIIU Gil, III UIIV name of God, to hate what we love. A reckless band of theocrats, tugging with might and mam to overthrow institutions, the choice fruit of ages ot most painful endeavor, which, a century since, our fathers poured out their prcious blood to plant, and our brothers of a generation since, their blood to defend and perpet- uate. Surely, this perversity! and folly combined must be severely taken in hand, and looked to with zealend determination which never ag, or else mischief the gravest will be wrought. Delenda est' Carthago ! A ` A In what particular way the destruction recommended by the great religious week- ly is to be accomplished is not set forth whether by law or the sword. At all events the Utah question is not solvedby the Edmunds Bill, and the Unitedtates will have trouble yet before Mormonism and its iniquities have been blotted from the land. " l "What a sad and alarming spectacle this in the nineteenth century and in America! An alien host, a hostile Church, a trersonsble government set up in the very midst of the Re ublic. Two hundred thousand taught ily in thAe nnrnn A` ans` 6:`: hndrn uuni -n `nun -rns: cnxcaeo aruncmsirs. ,Every lgver of lawvand order will re- joice that the murderers of the Chicago police have been found guilty of `the crime charged, and that the law has triumphed over the leveling and murder- ing creed of the Anarchists. Seven have been condemned to death and one to 15 years imprisonment, and although every legal device will be resorted to for the purpose of delaying the punishment and saving the necks of the guilty, there is but little doubt that the penalty of the law will be ultimately carried into effect. It is to be hoped_that the results willbe salutary and will `check thespread of the views of these enemies of civilization. The widest extension of liberty is given to all who come from the old world to seek their fortune in the new, but they must conform _to"th_e laws and institutions E of the conni- i:{'ih3Ia3; Ed" iisei. "-Eff. `but inherent: of uocioty that `Nihiliim, devilish Upon this the New York Independent thus comments: T . `V `hfoseph mith, my beloved husband, the choice of my heart and the crown of my life, a prophet of the living God, and by him appointed to open the last dispen-A sation, was cruelly assassinated ; our dear brother (Apostle Lorenzo Snow) with whom I have taken sweet counsel, is in- carcerated in prison, like a felon, conned within ting bars, and clad in a felon s suit. hat has he done? He has held sacred and inviolate all constitutional laws of our country, and the unconstitu- tional one (Edmunds Bill) he has fully obeyed. Then why in prison? Persecu- tion has driven him there. The highest judicial court in these so-called United States acknowledged its imbecility and its powerlessness in metinq out justice to latter day saints. 11' I 1-\ 11 cu`. .. - . _ Bishop 0. F. Whitney prophesied that ` the day was at hand when the Mormon ; Church would rescue {that sacred instru- `ment, the Constitution, from the hands of those who would destroy it. h `min... -15` 1'1` -n 1- . o it nopubiif TV. . .-For theot.ruei`pr'P|'!'i.P,: aim. to be hoped theri*sroibIit`!ewl of her ad-e vocates just like * Parson Pepper. It would be well if the Conference to which Parson `Pepper belongs would transfer htmefroni his position as a` soldier of the cross and- the supposed advocate of peace, ` to the ranks of the army of the Irish Re-` public, with _O Donovan Rossa . as his aide._ This ghting Parson said he had tested the feelings of _his cc-religionists, and could say that they were in the rough in sympathy with Messrs, Parnell and Gladstone. _ When nally, if theyfailed after trying every method, Parnell should send a` message : `Come and help ns; then I swear by the throne of God there will be at least one vacant pulpit in the United States. It is evident that ` the Rev. Mr. Pepper has mistaken his calling, and that -instead of being in the service of the Prince of Peace, he is in alliance with Mars and the devil. V ' trrana ruzzu. . In spite of Edmunds bill against ; polygamy, what todo with Utah and Mor- monism, is aboutas great a puzzle to the American Government as Ireland is to the British. The anniversary of the ad vent of the company of 150 disciples of Joe Smith into the Salt Lake Valley on the 24th of J uly. 1847, was celebrated this- year with more than ordinary ceremony. It is said the big temple at Salt Lake City was thronged with 10,000 disciples -who were deeply earnest. The pulpits and many of the seats were draped with black, signicant legends hung around the walls ; the music was melancholy, and the tones ofthe speakers were those of sorrow for 1 the dead and imprisoned for religion 0 and conscience sake. - ' Eliza. R. ZSndZw;(the high priestess of polygamy, said : A um-gun nu auwnvu, ll WUIIIII qpUUU,UUU. J u daon & 00., 1: dealers, Chicago, have assigned with ' bilitiee $158,000, 8: R. Poyeon, Boston, liabilities $310,000, Weymouth Iron 00.`, Boston, liabilities 3l2,000.e .. , ,"'l`he[' ';,Frenoh;_ 0 `jhutuele -' `ocean .- the `Colonic; of attempting to. uuv vnvvnuvu. Lu uanuxxuuuu. The Cremation of infected cattle at Quebec began last Thuraday. Th annhn` III: I` `A--A n-M nan: IIVIIII 4lIIlU\.lUl.IDl\al uuu U15 purlay L! reached Winnipeg on their way home. John Dougall, _f`gunde_1_' of_ th_e__Montr 1272; - , . $911! A Montreal agent has been arrested on the charge of attempting to bribe a Customs oicer. - V A new -mounted police barracks and commissioner's house are to be erected at. Regina. 172-- A.1_'-:_-I 1'_-__ 9,, 1|, A I . I `wV57i'o;.Admiral Lyons is the Cotnmander of the British North American N aval station. cu vuuuvuuvuliv The Toronto. Court House will cost $300,000 and the Parliament buildings at legt $1 ,`500.(_)()Q._ A ..n.. fl 'l\"'l'\ II I I ' ` avwwll `II `UV __ "',`. V`('. The C. P`. R. 00., have purchased a large plot of land in West Mnntreal for atation purposes. ' ~ mhnhn Inna n an-.`nnA__- 4.` (`_,LL-`2- The city of Galveston is. still suffting from inundgtmns. III-llll III \DlI\l1UL\JLIBl Judson & 00., carpet dealers hzive assigned, liabilities $140,000. (luv-nvrnn I-`no Ivan-:LI.\ T_J.._ _-_L_. A- nun: quvu , aununllluvn !;p,J.1V, UUU. Geronimo, the terrible Indian, wants to surrender to the U. S. overnment. VIII..- \T..L....-I-- __.L: :A_- ,_ _ ,, uunswuucn nu but: Us I). UVUIIHIIIUUI-c The Nebraska. vro_hi ition convent-ion have nominated a. stgte and congreasxonal ' '- I `I A.` -H I ' UIUEOUO `E . Nearly 300 pasrticlgratouinl te Chicag riots will be a justice. 'I"Ivu. `I .......'.I..... treated ind brought to `I'-:..- _L__..- __-."lI vv qpJ.vg 'UUUo u"51`he umpire at a. base ball match in i Boston was struck by a. ball a few days ago | and instantly kil1ed.,`.j `a 'l`lu. `D..-..o 1:... n`. 4: 1).......a.__.1 ___ I I-II Ill!-IIIII C VUII V CI-I IIIIJI-II ' The Society of American Florists were in convention at Philadelphia last week. V " to t` ' "ad. '}'.?..`.I` n..i`3.$".?.`$.rZ'.?f..E -....-. ---no I-VA vuunun Ulfly l.l.l UUIUUBT. a Great loss of life by a storm on the Newfoundland and Labrador coasts.` Q3... 'l'..L.. It_-:I__._n.1 _~,1 I ,- n svuuuuu. vvnuunyvg Uu uuuu." Wy 1101118. founder of the Montreal Witness and the New York Witness is dead. AID `. Q -- uvwuuvu lllgll lllllio There was a conference of `Catholic priests in the Sandwich Cathedral the other day under Bishop Borgeas to Vdiscu s the Irish question. Al, 14... .......+:..... ..c n... n......::.. mr-.1:-_1 |lUD"lUlIO "'12 meeting of the Canada Medical Association last Thursday. it was sug- gested that the penalty for violation of quarantine regulations should be increased from $400 to $3,000. " n uwlllvlln The Lewiaton, Maine, steam mill com- pany has assigned with liabilities amount- irig to $167.800. L VFL.-. Ivutu-5:14` an`. - L--- `-II .._-A_`_ 3,, | wuu. IIIII-RI-Ill. nllllla, ._ ` The Brant Hose 00., (Sf Brs:ntford won the third prize for drill` in; the Buffalo remen : conv.ex_1tion.; . 5 , l'I\I_-Q_-!- ,, , `I-`I IIIIIIII 5'` [to t I VI Dill UI L` U UITQC, Uluum he presidency of the Irish Nation League in Amancs, is worth.$500,00o. Jnnnn 12 {Va doubt theeondemnstion ' `of?8uiestmd~`his companions will put an eeotusl check upon `the operations of these lawless foreigners, and teach them that they can- not abuse the hospitality, of which they are the recipients, withoutgthe certainty of punishment. V 1 vnlnnonallnll `Dominion inland revenue collection in July $439,739. . 'l\v|n:unn`:A.a. :_ U_`J:_.___1 L`-..A 1 - I v us qrxuvl, I Uilo Nomination in Haldimand, `Sept. 1st and polling on 8th. It is said the writ has been issued for the election in Haldimand. ML- n..-.._-;:-_ ,2 2 I I.` - M Ne new neme ivill be added to the Sub.- Iori ti Li t til the money is paid. 8133931!-`Ibo:-s ::w in arrears for three months and ovei-_wi1l be charged $1.50 per annum. wguvuwv uvsuu Ana" Luunzuuy. The GOWNIOI` General will leave Eng- land for Canaan. early in October. (1.:-+1.... ..m..1... .. .......... .. u... C U? U59`. 0 The Montreal Recorder sent an idiotic boy to iail at hard labor and in in trouble in consequence. T mlan 'l`........L.. n...-_:. ~n_-__- __:n . RUSSIA INSOLINT. `The insolent attitude of Russia is `an- other sign that the great contest between that power and Britain is surely coming. A lack of condencein Russian diplomatic assurances is shared by all the Western Powers and no treaty, stipulation binds herlonger than her supposed interests render it expedient for her to observe it. Prince Alexander of Bulgaria has been forced by Russian pressure to abdicate his throne but no power at present under- takes to aid or assist him. The home difficulties of Britain explains the threat- ing and insolent attitude of the Northern Power at this time. The struggle cannot long be delayed. Last Friday Mrs. Pierce, a hair-worker, was brought before the magistrate underthe following circumstances. She had obtained $7'from a Mrs. St. Ange for which she agreed to teach the mysteries of hair-work. She left under pretence of etting some things she needed in performing er contract and quietly slipped to the station and purchased 8 ticket for Georgetown. Constable Sweeney telegraphed to the Chief of Police.there and caused her arrest. He went to Georgetown and brought the woman back; She pleaded guillty-to the charge and was sent up for tria. . i .1|_,,_ 1 u 1 q .. - M.rs" Johnson who has been looking for a hcme for 25 yearn as she averted, was ac- gorded one at the castle for 20 days as a veg. :----u---O-}Q:.j-- We expect the "town" to be crowded with ' 'sitors on Wednesday, ursday pay next, the days set _ own for past that unfortuna ly the casein up to pretty h5rs_e-racin , has descended low repute, ' 0 much so in word is almo nauseating readers. Like _very thin else, it can be turned to bad n '_ t nobody can gainsay the fact `- t w '. properly and teresting and entert alike to man_and b this, horse-racing , fect of inducing th = , Wherever regular ace u . tings are held, there you will al . ys nd . e good road- stars and saddle easts. ,T a `s was notably the case some y rs ago w o`-. - Barrie oc- cupied the fro t rank in ra ng matters. The Barrie Tu Club in order e ctually to stamp out fh evil practices wh h in the past have u ally attended race eetings, have joine the Canadian Turfgissociw tion. An 2 person therefore 0 nding against it rules renders himself liaile to the pain : nd penalties of the Association. Add to - is the fact that our club is form- irely new blood and that there is not a s gle man in the directorate who has a nt to make out of these races, and we fe. satised that we can predict a suc- nnnnf I1 rnnnfdnn TAO u- ..I.._-J.- .n.. __..._L _. g sport, exciting . t. In addition to class of horses. ` 'lways had the ef-. -ruvuuuvu uunu WU can PIFUUIUII ll BUG` SJ 1` meeting. Let us elevate the sport -an give the management a crowded park. --:-L---,-------- Iv" L\lll|l\lAIlIl\A uuu .lJIUl.'lILlUl UUB|Io- Sir John Macdonald and his party have I Hhf` an I-}|n:vI luau `inn-no 'ery interesting papeiu w`e:ri1'. " `W John Fitzgerald of Nebrgska, elected 3 the presidency National aniusa states. ' Mr. lsougall was in many respects a re- markable man. He was born at Paisley in 1808 and came from` a Godly and , thrifty ancestry. He came to`Canada in 1826 when 18 years of age, and was en- gaged in mercantile. and other business for as number of years. He was an omnivorous reader from his boyhood, and was a man of enlarged intelligence and extensive ac- qutrements. He began the Weekly Witness in 1846, his object which was long cherished, being to advocate all the `best interests of the people, temporal" and spiritual, and oppose all that conflicted therewith." The deceased has . always been an `earnest advocate of the temper- ance cause, and however much his con- temporaries might differ in opinion from the editor of the Witness, they felt that he was thoroughly honest and always had the courage to write and act according to his convictions. Kind and genial in his disposition, practically benevolent wher- ever wantor distress was to be ` relieved, "thoroughly earnest in everything he" undertook for the correction of abuses and uplifting humanity, his memory will. long be cherished by those who were acquaint- ed with him and by his brethren of the Press. Though John Dougall haspassed away, the results of his work - as an advo- cate of right andthe enemy of wrong, will never suifer eifacenment from the records of time. _ ' i ' A Dominion. yvuv uu. Bromine M00. 0r1llia...., ......... ".-'.'.'.`.'. .'.'.ZIIIIIITIIII Eilllslall Craighih-st.Da.lston, ci-own i ...nu\\\~' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- I o o o u I o o o Q o o u c so . unuupuuu Mone .Ofdoi`%_ Ofcea 11 Canada, ` Prinnn mwnr Tn` I I I at Municipal Elections; and that said _ Municipality of tn_a71'cwnsmp of I conntyo: Simooo. T _0T1CE is hereby given. -that I` have trans-` ' mitted ordelivered to the persons mention- ed in the Third and Fourth Sections of The Voters List Ac " the copies reguired by the said Sections to e so transmitte _ or delivered. of the List, made pursuant to said_ Act, of all` persons appearing by the last revised. Assess- ment Roll of the said Muni(:)i)a1itYt0be entitled to `vote in: theasaid Muni pality at Elections for Members ofthe Legislative Assemgg and was first posted u at my office. at Cockstown, on the 9th day 0 August. 1886, and remains there tori-inspection. , - V I . . . Electors are called upon to examine the. said List and it any omissions or any other zex 4x`6rs are found therein to _ take `immediate proceed- ings to have the said errors. co: rected accord-' ing to law. ` ` 7 ` _ - R. '1`. BANTING. -` - 32-34 Clerk of the said Municipality oi. Essa.- Dated at Cookstlown, this 9th day of Aug.. 1886. I I I wun. sum -south a} Lot won the 5th Con- .11 oeasion otF1os. There are about 66 acres clear and under cultivation, and the balance composed of good hard and ' most! 01 Ly. On the lace is a d frame barn and 3 ble, the barn mg 401:? . Anice frame house 16:24 with good water, within 3 miles of Phelpaton atatiomand. 1 miles of school and post oloe. A ply to G O. LAWSON on the grammes, if y letter, ~to Phelpaton Pout loe. . r ` 7 ' 9`-" v-uuoovu--v-vw - V -..-- _-._.. __.. _v 'tennen_ t,-;l;;'V.(}hicagz<>"b'onv9ntion show .u.- 1.--- -_:_'-1. -c `L- A......... . \1'.Mi.iV..-! ' AJAIAIJI. HIAIIAS AJUDA 151.11.` Toronto ............ . ....... ., .... . . T01-onto., .................. .... .. 'l`oronto..< ........ . . . . .` ...... . . . ...... . . Ottawa and Montreal. ............ .. Northern Rallway(North) .... . . . . . . .. Gro.ndTrunkEa.at....,......... ..... .. Northern Railwa. South). . .. ...... . . North Simcoe lwag, Peneta.ngui- shone and Midlan . ............ . . Newmarket . ....... .......... .. Newmarket Ha.n`1vilton and Beeton Branch Rail- Meatord Branch Railway... . . . . . .. .. C0nin8W0Od-no....-i.i-.un..-u 01' 111 wood ..... . . . . g2illi'nlng...-._,. \ uuumgw00u......;.. 01'illia..........~....... OI-'II'liA.., - BWBBD (J18 11Uul'B'0I 9 . u R stared Letters am utes fore the close 0 e The lotfnvudnnrl all n Foa SALE`-South :.Lomon 5th of Flos.There qbqpt 6_6 pores nlnnn anal .._A-- --- .1---Ax-~- AToronto.. ......... . . . ........ . . . ..... .. ----_ -.-.-u - V-- Toronto. ...... .............. 'l`oronto.. ..................... . . Northern Railway South . . .. .. . . Newmarket ........................ .. Newmarket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ....... . . Allandale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allandale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Hamilton 85 Bet. ton Branch Railway Penetanguishene, Midland and N91-_t_ Siyngoe Railway .... . . . . . . . uruuu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Co1l1ngwood........... ............. ..j ` Collingwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Meaford Brax_1ch Railway... ..... . . Hillsdale. Craxghux-st, Dalston and Crownmu!Illlltullllltttulluluun ` Rugbv. Edgar Steele. Mitchell : Square and East Oro..............: - renfell. Tuesda. and Friday. . . . 1 -- idhurst, Mon ay. Wednesday Northern Railway. North ...... . . . . . . ': a.ndFrida.y.. .... ..... ..1 British Mails, ma (N. Y.,) Monday, Tuesdatand Thursday` ........ .. ma (Ha ax,) Wednesday ...... . . l.'U.l1U|aull umueue, lVl1(l1&l1 Nort Simcoe Railway. Grand Trunk East .... .. .. Ottawa and Montreal . . . \ Orillia ..................... .. (\IdI]`n Commence on SATURDAY, 3rd JULY, their Great Sa.'le of DRESS ~GO0DS,PRIN'l`S, MILLINERY, M ANTLES, PARASOLS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, F LACES. EMBROIDERIES, CLOTHING, HATS, ] % ' CARPETS, HOUSE FURNISHINGS, establish a. Menroe doctrine in Austral- asia. nn 1 1 I I _-_ ___A 2.. LL- l___L___`__ i.'.3.." m...;;.;;.;*:e;... g. iltij` ind there no question thattho ultimate object in the letting up an Irish BID- Cholera has broken out in the Austrian province of Caniola. (`J-.3:-an n`n:nr\n (`Anna QVIA 111:1] IInn:n ant! I \I V LIIUC Ill \JCIlJ LUIIII China claims Cores and will resist any foreign interference. A nu-nan`-1.5:: l\` Au-r-any-n:5n `non I-unnn uI>n`nn `W I ILIIIIW IIVIDI `-1 Fatal riots betwee;Hl;i:;se and Japan- ese have occurred at Nagasaki, Japan. uwa oemre me 01086 or each man. ` The letters `(and all other mail matter) are taken from the street letter boxes every day. Sundays excepted, at 8.00 o'clock a. m. and at 8 o clook and at 8.00 p. m` so-11 . J. EDWARDS Postmaster LU]. I AU guantity of dynamite has been stolen from a. m_ine near Hanover. T IN`. C T I | ll-I HUI LU]. ULJVUI L Remember the place, [Late of W. R. PHILLIPS & Co. BARRIEPOST OFFICEI i Our Stock is large and attractive{ We Want to dispose of all ?.`>'ummer Goods ilst August, and will give every bargain advertised. When we commence a sale we business. So come along and secure some of the many bargains being offered. vorsnsf f._]1-, mes. A CANADIAN J OURNALIST GONE. Mr. John Dougall, the founder of the Montreal Witness, `died a few days ago at the house of his son at Flushing Long Island, at the ripe old age of 80 years. He `died suddenly while at breakfast, and thy;- the desire of his heart was accomplished, not to linger in sickness, but to make the grand change from this world to the next suddenly. Our Tsiloring Departn iahauzur Wig and ---- . . DAILY MAILS DUE FROM __.L_ ,Tl'l#E _sTAunAno DAILY NAILS FOR p. In - * Postmaster Au. THE LATEST sruoas IN nnass GOODs. rtment is now Complete with all the newest Patterns 1:: Sumngs, English and French W01 THE CHICAGO CONVENTION. It is no wonder that the true interests of Ireland should suffer from the wild and treasonable `utterances of her professed `friends. I We have no doubt the majority of the British peoplegwhether in Great Britain or in other parts of the Empire, are desirous that Ireland shall have con- trol of her local affairs, but when a body of men in a foreign country ` profess a de- termination to , separate Ireland from Britain and furnish fundsto accomplish that end, the true friends of the Irish "cause are bsilled and the solutionof the .si9v1-rlh;m9;di i1'4"__"he u*-