Attlli .l."UU.NlJ.|1!, ENGINE 3 ISUIUIIIV V .w3axs.1-t1. Sl:WlnYI Maxgztotmegaot . e _`.`B0l' ono l1R!1e8_0 re. w ?1ilir _'Griat 111, shxngle. Lain. an Wood- wnrttlnlr Machinery. ` H ` ' , ~ - - v v y -I VHEGBULUULI U` `and I don't A knowvhow 'he'ur'i1l` like Norah. . . . .._. What is the mater, Dick? You.looig:'p`retty bad this morning?` It yQ`u`y's;eren tsuch a. [steady le, I"shouldC say ygu beou`,drix_1k- ilig and keeping late ho_1i;_'_s; . - ` r , ' " Iv-..Dik_:Murriaga was` at iuost tiniesazlyoung 993 0! `gomy and somberaspeot -At this moment he-looltedas if sunshine would have ; no place in` his` countenance at all; vhlsdlwee waspa.le,.1ndi his, hair black and straight; his eyes were-bla.ck_ and sat back in*hiS4head;v he had a shortmustache; his mouth was set and hard; he never laughed. except in the primitive and primeval manner of laughing, namely, when anybody suffered some griev- ous misfortune, or_when he was able to say a very disagreeable `thing; `his chin was square and hard. He was dressed quietly, even for his age. with almnnf. ma-Ann-Mn--a aqucuu uuu ucuu. I18 WES (lrassa quietly, age, with almost ostentatious quietness, in a fro `k, coat buttoned closely, dark trousers and tall hat. There was about him somethingwhich proclaimed contempt of mashers, o ' ll`T-_- -___ , 1- ~ . ad - awn `VVOEII nuwr No; I must go lionie. My fathelf expfoolg vs Aanuul-IE5 5; You arev such a'staid and serious char- acter, continued the resident, that it can't be drink and late hours Gob no pain any- where, have you? Is it some worry 3 . What should I he vrnn-ind `nlvmc-' 1..I.---1.I __-- _. r---.' v. -..v-u-.-u-oava- Calista was a good listener: and she heard it all with answering smile and sympathetic eyes, and the young man, in his selsh hap- piness, acoepted her "sympathy "and interest in his fortunes as it they were things dueto him. Everybody used Calista in this fashion. ` `I`)__LLL- I II . nu .. . - . -- aw vv nu; go-ac: vugu. I don't. know. Perhaps we 11 wait` some time. I must nd out; my mother will be able` po,j_.d-9 ha.ven t seen her yet sIp'Q'ojur e and don't know hog he' 'w'i1}` Q CV -us. -4 v lW}1n In `'`\`A unit-.. -`- 3" vvucuu, LIDVU JOHN J! IF some W0rry_"" "What should I be "worried about, I should` like to know? he _replied, savagely. --cam say. Dick. Shnrtnnm nf +.......... .....,.u5 nvyu su. vuu udflf. ` _ , There has been no keeping in the dark, because I only came into the e1d,'as you call it, four days ago. We1l-when are you going to get mar- ried? - _ ,_ A Dick _1ooked-as if a doubt might be raised as to this assertion. ' ` T _`l-,_IL i " - ...._, \,...,. 4J:\.|. ago mu yuu uuw sueu refused me? "No. I have not talked about previous as- pirants. V . Yes; I asked her to marry me. 'Half a. dozentimes I asked, and she refused--tha.t s'. all. fell, 1 ll congratulate you if you like. But I ought to have been told by some of I them that you were in the eld. I'don t like i being kept in the dark. ' 'Fl-noun `In... L... .._'|_'., 1 . .. - v'..- w nnnnn Av ' LLUUIJVI u. wuzus tl.LlU.' 8. Wa.1:e1'y smile. ' . A . 3 . `.`I had nothing to do this morning, and so 1 took the -omnibus to the Bank and walkecf` over. Are you come to congratulate me, Dick ? T No, Pm not. Da told me about the en- gagement. Isuppose you know you've cut` me out? Did she tell you how she d refused me? o OSEPH ROGERS, CONVEYAN OER. COM- missioner in Queen's Bench. Auctioneer, Appraiser. and Commission Agent for the sale of Houses, Lands, Fa.1'm Stock, Household Furniture, Goods, Wares. 8:0. Also for the collection of Rents, Notes and Accounts. Ofce--Po1ice Court Barrie. I-I NI [ He went to his private room, a snug _ whither the babies could not follow him, and where he proposed to spend the short re- mainder of the morning in an easy chair, with a book in his hand to asssit meditation on the virtues and graces of a. certain young ~ lady. He did not immediately carry out this intention, because there was a visitor occupying the one easy chair in the room. -' -VVhy, Dick?" said Hugh. I did not ex. pect to see you here today. T119 vicifnr 11'na n vvrunn... ...-- _|----l ` ' ywvu nu auu JUII uuru u.ruay."V I The visitor was a. young man about his own age. When Hugh opened the door, he_`` was sitting with his head bent and his face set in deep gloom. "But he hastened to put" on. a smile-rather a weak and a watery` smile. ` uu uuuu wuumg wuun was Iaunuar to yirgll from his acquaiutauoe with the hos- pital near the Ports Navalis. It was just what you would expect of `a man that, at such a juncture, should meanly run away, and leave the babies to be wrestled with by the sister. This is what nah it` ' II\Il.IAVJlal.Ill.I5 In-luau La nun ya 1015145. And then the young; man began talking abdut himself, and of the time, not for dis- tant, when he would buy a practice and set . up for himself, and start that partnership with Norah, and combine the serious work of a physician with lovemaking, which should be as blackberry jam to dry bread, or Soyer s sauce to cold mutton, and should turn the gloomy doctor`s house-presum9,bly 'in Old Burlington street or Seville,-row- into a. palace of enchantment. l'I-1:-L_______ ,-_J 1;. . . . . uoAAA\lLh But the babies, watching their long talk, grew suspicious. They were neglected. This young gentleman. whom they knew because : twice every day he bent over their cribs, was not a baby. Why did the sister waste her time upon him? So great and. so wide- spread was the uneasiness. that they first began with the cough preliminary already alluded to, and then with one accord burst into that waning which was familiar to `Tu :-nail fan:-n Ida a...........'..A.-_-- ...u.I_ LL- 1, - , VYIKUIVVL '7 Hugh did. A canal ` on 9:] own rank, which has aolong. _ cealed from them. Right-minded young men, he went on, would not require to be reminded of a thing so obvious He is, in- deed, a delightfulvol-:1 man) . What did Norah say?" been kept ed V She looked at her father, who laughed. A As for me, Imade a little speech. I said that Norah` and I were above all things de- sirous of pleasing our parents--which is quite true, isn t it? so long as our parents are reasonable and try to please us . But mar- riage is a thing, 1 added, which his so curi- ously personal in its nature that the most lial sons and daughters are. bound to con- sider themselves rst. Therefore, I said that Norah and I intended to continue our engagement, and to comnlete it as soon as we possibly could, even if we had to trample the distinctions of rank." , _`..L_ _.'..I..-.I HT ....--1. 45:. Ammwni H1119- JJCIILLILILI U10] 3 He takes it pleasantly, after his manner, and laughs" at it. In fact,'no one would take it seriously if it were not for Uncle Jo=eph, who has got a xed idea, which he municated to your mother, that every title is accompanied by a princely fortune. It appears that at the [hospital ptherev is some excitement over the. event. They haven t had an honorable at the hospitalfor a long time, and they naturally desire to make much `of the title. So they have raised his rank, and he-is now Baron Daffodil, Viscount Daffodil, and even Earl Daffodil, and while we were taking our cold mutton and pickles a post card came for him ad-. dressed to the Right Honorable and R ght T Reverend His Grace the Duke Daffodil. And what does your mother say, Hugh? She says everything that is kind, a ` something that is surprising.- An:-I 4-Inns` +1.4. cu-u..n,.. vn-M 1.-..-- L..11-3.... 1 man never Uuulu. V - W _ , i So do I. A white, elephant would have been much more useful. One might at least \ kill him and dissect him, and put his bones together in the back garden. `AI should like to have a. white elephant. But what can be i done with a peerage when`che income re- \ mains the same, and. you have got to go on dispensing your own m edicines? _ u12..4- :5 +h..m nnkhinn nf: all? Tt mu be (11SpeI1S1Ilg your 0 Wu 111 cm uuuva x But is there nothing at all? It mu be an extraordinary peerage. A There is nothing. your father tells me. Then "I am sure the best thing to do will be to make no difference at a1l,"and to go on as if nothing had happened. What does Daffodil say? 'H`I _'l - l-..`I-...- :4. ..1....n`--`J-`I-. nflvnm I135 vnnhfinli _______________.___________._ O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Discounted. Collections made in eng port or the County. Real Estate bought an Iold. Conveyancing in all its branches. Mar- riage Licenses Issued. Oioe-0ver Canadian Bank of Commerce. Dunlop street. 45-lyu a 1 me CIISDIIJCBIOIJS UL ruun. A _ \ Calista. sighed. _I wish this dreadful t1tle- I had never come. (M1. ,1. T- A _..`I..!L.. -1--. I..s-L 1451:` have: I V -_`"i' . VMIU, LLIBW b19.!?Q,'.-do {or me. I 31!1'6;Oi'11" engagement, w how` she"wi1]"1ilm 1v......u. ' **P5 Wmay nave to nd out. rsh, what able tn-.a.-. rm. Vn r Wemay have to [nlllt 1111`: Hugh v'n`\.\` ything happens, be repeated. "that you knew all along It was Jomlng, -and that it is all her `own fault. Go, Dick. You are_ worlo V , than gloomy this morning- Ytiu .1 will listen ' 4 to you n`o`1ongar.A"' ` ` from tho 5 ~whidl:`-would_"hb"vQ p._mI;3r `.wm3$;gm __a.. .. ..... .. uuveuge. And yet it s all her own fault, whatever happens)`. "You are very mysterious this morning, Dick, and very gloomy. Well, if you have nothing more to say. had you not better be getting back home? It is twelve o clock al- I reaqyy . V vv uau uua uurup (1OD.9'I" E She s deceived me. That's What she s done. Pve offered myseltoa dozen times and sheihas refused me. Told me there was no- body else` that she cared for; said she didn t want to get married; said that last week; and then I hear she`s engaged. Very well. You are n_(_>t _goiPg to take nanny-nmn II-sly: L-.. ---- -- ' `"4 "`- ~ 1 U11 ('3 DUI} goj "Vn8 D01! her. l|1`0) 0u,Diok? be mean, indeed. "KTAI-, .uu..._..- TL 3 .. ""`" `&"VCtll-I, Auuuuu. ' o revenge. It ' `t all own fault,lsvI:halt:`v?:%:; "YOII llrh vnwv -..u...a.....:A-, nun anus uxu. ' ' ` I warn y_u`be caus'e I want you to under- stand that-itris all her own fault. , Whose ow_n f_at`1!t!" { - -" Whose: sliouldrft be but Nomls! Pm talkingabout-her, ain t I? Very wail, then. Let` her`-under-sta'nd_ that it is her own fault. .What has Norah done?" ' ugymv,` A.4m.'.'....a' ._ -- `- R R. HOLT, INSURANCE BROKER AN D General Agent. Real Estate bought and 3015. Collections made in any part of the County. Money to Loan. -O1ce-Bothwel1 s Block opposite the Railway Station, Barrie, Ontario. 51~ly uunus &UUllBLl `a l ve--I_ \_(e- H9 _ stopped, because he caught _C_1p1ista s clear eyes gazing steadily in his, Emdvit; seemed as it he changed his.pur- pose. I didn`t know," he said, in confu- sion, thalt it` would really happen ,until this morning. Now I find it_m11_It{ ' What: will happen?. ` ' ' YOE . Will. .1'1T!',3I}f:`3er my words when it i comes of!- -"will _y:ou? :1 came to warn` you. `A1111 11 `axe u remember o -`-will you? `I came warn you. Well, Dipk,` if anything is to happen, and Iain whabit 1s',=' I `see no use in warning me." I `Dawn 'v9.`\:;V'4`-'---`A 1 ---r Not quite. 7 I ve come to t` 111: n:.' Calista; pm the most mmerblgouunlugcl; beggar in the world!" What is it Dick? Have you done any- thing foolish ?" NT,`-`c.-. T1... N -4 I didn t . say anything had happened, I said `I wish I_was dead. Is that all you have come to tell me ? tell you-- Oh, I m miserable, unlucky TITI....L X- :1. 1\:..I-z -rr 111051 ; "C13 ucuux , . V Do you, Dick? You said the same thing about two months ago, when I saw you last, yet; I heard afterwards that you were cheer- ` ful. l...- - ; (5 ter 3 ; ' ur t , Luuuul`. "There certainly was something very queer with the other young man, and he was going to Caiista. in orde1'_to tell her -so. He had been accustomed for a great many years to make Calista that kind of half-condant who shares all the woes, hears nothing of their cause, and is forgott ~n when things run smooihly. Persons like Calista. always have plenty of friends, who make use of their sympathies when trouble has to be faced .(`.n}iufn ,7 ha an1J A-.n..\..\.'..... _-._ -_v -u_. v unannv LALAAA LILJ UQL 1] .'._A_ ll LAJU ILA MCI UVVLI ULLLIU. -He laid his head back, [and closed his eyes. He had been up half the night with a bad case, and he fell asleep instantaneously, and sfept till they brought him his early dinner. "Fhn-r-A nawfninln 1:`:-.n ..,.......n_.-_. _ W-.. u..uvu vvuvvlua Juu nu In very uurungu H188` ner. But of this I will tell you when we meet. I hope to see you-and Norah-next month._ But do not forget to answer this question--"Is her father's Christian name I-Twannf.'I-:9 `fan- -Q--L_-_-_L, "Well, his name is certainly Hyacinth: and there is a Calista. in the family. And they are the Clonsilla. Cronans. I wonder what the meter means? After all, she will tell me in her own time. `Ll'._'I._:,1L:_L,_11, - - - --- EARN an Mununmun. nnruu umu, oney to Solicitors, Conveyancers. &c._ - Loan. Oioe-Over D. J. Muroh1son`s Store. Barrie. Branch 0ice-Potter'a Market Street Block. Tottenimm. Q D. C. Mvncmson. EDWARD J. Humz. uvv now new -wunyanav vv so IJJVUIIUIJ All In IIIJU surname and the Christian name of your ancee Is she one -of the Clonsilla Cronans? In that case her Christian name is easily ac- counted for. There should bealso a Calista in the family, and her father s Christian name should beyacinth. They should also be poor, which I suppose is the case with them, because you tell me her father is a general practitioner in Camden Town. Tell me, when you write next, about their family, which concerns you in a very strange man- nf, Rllt f I fnii vvnn vuvlnann --A uauAuu-'J-D uul uuauuru K/IIFIBUIEII `lifyacinth? Your aectionate LLIr__ I Wish I was dead 1" .7 u-ywuulnoo IV uc'u L1 ULIUJU L11/L3 LU U5 laced Calistn, he said. dropping into a. chair, (sh- ____- 'l\,- , -rv -- - 1 f`O.t, it. wiltnot make the L....!) My dearest son, she said, I am quite ready to believe that your mistrem is every- thing that you believe her to be, as good, and as sweet, and as beautiful. I pray that you may have as good a wife as you deserve, and that is saying a great deal. Will you please give Norah my love, and tell her I am looking forward with the greatest eagerness, to seeing her and getting to know her? As regards your plan and manner `of living, I quite approve of your ambition to become a successful physician, It is fortunate that youarethe son of a successful singer, my dear boy. You will find no dimculty in . making the attempt. As for my money, it was made for you, and is all your own, if you want it all. There is, however, a great surprise for me in your letter, apart from the news of your engagement, which ought not to be a surprise to a mother. It is the cnsonnv-nn and flu: ("In-vial-{nu sun... .0 ...-u..- Killccl C/ULJKJLLU JJILQQ .LuI|.|AJ.L\A5v- The young doctor drew two letters from hiscpocket and fell to reading them. That is to say, he read them eagerly and yet slow- ly, as if. he wanted `to read every word. No- body shall know what was in the first letter, except that it was signed Norah, with some very sweet words preceding the signa- ture. He- `sat with this letter in his hands - for a while, meditating on the charms and graces of the writer. Then he put it back into his pocketbook, and read the other let- tor, which was trom his mother. . _wuuu away. . 7 There is something, said the young doo- tor, not quite right with Dick. He can't have taken to drink. Yet there was a look as of drink--unstea.diness in his hands . and eyes, no purpose in. his movements, want of will in his manner. There is something very queerabout Dick Murridge. 'l"1nn uvr\I11\nn Ann!-nun r1hntIrf'tl7'r\ `lnl4-are I-'1-nrn quietly; . . These two young men had been at school together. Of the old schooldays there re mained the use of the Christian name. When they were quite young they may have had the same thoughts and the like ambitions. But their paths from the beginning diverged, and now they were so wide apart that they looked in opposite directions; one to the sunny. south and one to the bleak north. One looked downward and the other up- ward. One saw a bright and sunny picture, with wonderful and unvarying effects of light and color, and the other saw only a gray and fog-laden landscape, with a bit of lurid sky; one saw men and women noble, erect and god-like; the other saw men and women creeping, sneaking, backbiting, fi1ch- ing and treacherous. - One longed to give, and the other only lived that he might grab. fl'_. .1. L1..-......1..L In-. Lad matron anon hit: fnr-mar 8.I1(l Elle ovum` U111] uyuu,u.-uaw uu w.5,uu 5. av. Hugh thought he had never seen his former friend more morose and grumpy. This dark andgloomy creature, to want his bright and clever N orahl His cheek amed at the very thought. Thou co-An}! {n cnnna fnr a, while mmh ex- ObT.EY::A.1-z1rge amount of rivate funds 7 to lend on straight loans, at owcstra.tes. m Mnn A wrn v pw.P1.1`.R xv. Mn(`,AR'1`HY. Luuuguu. V They stood in silence for a. while, each ex- pecting that the other would say something. Then Dick asked if Calimia. was in her ward, and learning that he would find her there he went away. H'l`l......,. :. .~n.-..-...4In.-.-.. 7 an-n'r1 4-I-in 1-ynnnrr Ann- w"`I wish I was dead now, then. VVhat: has happened! \Vhat. is :1-3 -3v\Aa not 1 ._ nm -.`;`.-.1E`:`.`2 uto least difference is the mat- And yet nan: 9 used as the family sitting F097: `T In `I. study, and anything olqe.. 111?) `:1 they received their visitors 1* '-gaow wz took their meals in it. The W1 evening- dpen, for it was actually &_ 3`'f June; the though only at *1 b3""g O was 3&8 /was litrand `h room it them I c`:r'o`wdod ithad a happy 100* `:)d_wmpe `Ily were, `on the whole. 8 which W A ~ ions 1 Among those family pl<`>1s::';_ y Nooggiv o % 1` " 95; at once inV T i .110 has 114*.` fjdwgiom . f gin the `pictures. 8 ' . has had time no aw- 03}: an 800d temper M: if it ia.found in the house 815-!"- `D UJNJ,!4`!.-J\ Large uuluuuu U1 lstvuuu Luuun 16 MCCARTHY PEPLER 8: ICQARTHY. . that tw 0 huudr 9d a 3' `. , qr ~` (`mm D01-no I18 v and \. `ere. game {I u.uuc J (lg `llg L: Viv xv; \ `H \ H He rose to be a *1 aid Elan`. I \ ~ _ 111. @211 .`_B ws` den of 1 - dev 113 CO llred ~ mpln ~ sou In 11- 3v`1nd - , Deva 18 t` in M.-1 , his Vin ? year I19 qu:unA.~f1 mp: uous It W`;1S G! l'*\`* of t.:`I.. was um.-. wwenial 1683 tgossessml tom h dig` `I~- L`:``::;1:; an tw0 Q sU1)s*n;t1`1U: "k`IJ5-n . n*h`C\l p0.\m1l`11 IuL`ou1e-'. ` .\`0:1r. \\ l:1f the ten childr en won Id 1] _ ` (lone withou. or even What . beemn 9 1' 0 an the rest of the with: llldenn grndel-.:l_1,3 Ingu uqm 9) I kn _ were u had no 0(;:)l3}* some fassioclarks; som )"v Pun through jug "31 men_ 9 had sho broad; some and 'th 8rea{;nt, 1n1DS;s0m 09 Wis 111 example 11 S`'*`-. W ntm-y One f 0f.llis . 0n `:0 spend? or th0Se ' gum o cloq1Veningi J` \ or the men to ~ Whu -'1. Hue. . th r" with: "5 Still `,l,lf` M1`-1>~'tstW `.0: empty rm; 3- lamp -Dmost light ennui! av In urrounedpb iii 11:" C"""1 53$ 5:" 85;? evenin by his f 3 _family dining H ' `~ in slipg tht he couiuml3'~ It M51103 psi and the Persa with d Flllls sit nthis `nlateriau, Pipe between his 0 W9 The M in1;t-1! dfatber. tietb table. but it was used It tud 3 the farm . _ h3;\ r:`c1.f11~anyl`S1rnz;tcEi:lg '" `*0 '.9k` thh_Vd vi:'.'t They live . P5n, for it` 91131 m it, dthey W actuau he Window was 5' 9- Warm =01: lug. ~,.`_,y&t the be m. ....a if tiinmng of 9 K .*'Qm4 UIILIILIC, JJCBIIJ7 JL\. lI`JL `til \ A\ -~ -7 It will be unclerstool f1"`.: 2:. that Dr. Cronan was of Iri~l.A. 1. *2 was born, in fact, in Il11b'.i:1-- 1.- nounced it Doblun-:uxd l:~ _;_-2*. l-:1. "Trinity college. and such ix-1:11.. :;~ :1-` M _were understood by his wife. ulm 11" any of them, to be still l'7(`~lIl~'Il . in tresful country, where Il`l5ll ;m;`.o r "of talking about their fziiiiilios. llr. 1 however, hardly ever Illelltiotml his Yet he gave all his Cl1l11I'O?l L": names morecommon in Ir.-l;m.l t!;a:: sidevof the channel. Wliezl 11111111 turn on the subject of liismz-i__l11 generally a presumption that 1': 1s 11 as make men stick"-out their (`l1in~`. mother's side, however, to in:i`.;o11p--V way again-the clxildren i'i111'-..1 116 the most honorable comiociiona grandfather T 11:11 loom an all `More important still, he lmd money at his trade of cliroimtizctvl` `LL. ;...-.. 4,. 1;- -~.- ..m .......... nn 1 '2 I-uv uvvvvn uvvw uur vv vnn I'll Auugcl UUUH. There were, in Dr. Cronans 0a=e the mus! compensations; though the income was small the family was large; there were p`.ent_v of wants to exhaust the scanty means: though the loaves were few the mouths were mazy. This is; as has often been remarked, one Dame Nature's playful ways She sure.`- tutes for the things which are missing the: which are superuous or least prayed for; she adds to the things which are already others which may deprive than `of their value. Thus, on him who has the greatest good fortune, luck and worldly ha} _ piness, she bestows an asthma which deprive: him of the power of enjoying anything at all, and when a poor man has succeeded with 1:- nite trouble and self-denial in savings liztle money, she sends him an illness or a misfit- tune which gobble: up his little 1111:. to the rich man she denies an heir, and to the pear man, who has nothing to leave. she- showers heirs and heiresses. However, Dame Nature means well, and we are but poor lvlinl tale, and, doubtless, know not what is`!-P53 for us. On this principle of playiulzee Nature had enriched Dr. H_vm'i11th |I`r:- nan with ten children, of whom (';i`.ist;. `.:`;~`: eldest, now in her twenty-semnl '-' 2% aswe have seen, a sister at Il1~;- (`hill:-.-;'- Hospital. The second. iiaxml llpm-; .i:. after his fatlier, was at 1'nix-.,~:'~f*" `W.-A.` Hospital, on the point of c 2:: 2. student-time. After llynvitit ; ~l 1`.' .\' private secre'.m'_v to u n.-:.'. engage ! to Ilugh .\r1`=xi:,-1. 1- Patrick, who i'ulI0\vu,l ill" ~` ., :.; 1` niidshipmrin, or fourzli nil`. '. l .' is nowballed, on bnnrul n 1' H. r dian waters. After l`.ir ' were still at S(`il0O1-;\lin-`.'i -. '1 aldine, Larry, II0l1i')l"{`.Y1i l{ T4-v uvill kn nn.l.-u_~.>.\! .. ~ , me 881! `Jill-ll C MI.` 5`. "satiny same - before the v (3113 Ad9lPhl u- lock d km? W th s an M lipl as well as 9king, a.1 1d fh ame. {mm as wen as from a ucxfer g'::rg?,?1s.ngin8 requix-e_s a. narrowmm' 1059 proximity the d or, at 163-915 C illam m I troxnaroom an `Inc an c--11 __ 4| n A CI-I.\l`Tl-. l . ll. ms Lonnsmrs T~\\'_\' mm-;,-3. The residence of II_\'z1r~inth (jrrman, M '; L.R.C.P., general practitioner,_ was in Chm: den street, Camden Town His Surge;-V` `L-5 consulting room, and his red lamp were L5 attached to the same house, where patiem; not only received advice, but saw :1,-,;, medicines mixed before their eyes, an} might also, if they wished, have their teezh drawn. _Probably-it is not safe to mm the statement` with greater condence--;; practitioneroin Camden Town had alarzer practice; very few of his brethren, excp: among the youngest men-those just start. a smaller income. No man `incite parish, [except the postman walke-la gream, number of miles every day, nor did 3;. body, except the tram car conductor-anl even he gets every other Sunday off. Wl'1l'.`lJ the doctor does not--work for longer hours. mhnna `warn {:1 `hp (`wanna-\'a !\o\~n 6L-._-...l the door. Now uunox vcu. Ullb D6 (`are reached the doorhand which was rendered only 1 . e, by his banging the door after my eicxent all the babies jumped. 3 `ban Av. ' n ignoble 32. partxal `gum u nun wax: uu Au':a.u Ivy )1 She tried to di;mi.'~:'<, 111; << `mind. ' A man (1()`L'S u:.: 1:"; because she has rv.-fuieml Hz, uneasy; and in U10 :n"cnr:..~. _ came to the lxospital. an-1 H hei' 1 before Culistds .,-_v-~:. words kept l'; Lha- ` brain. 11?; u 11 1 . .. " Icrrmu Something, Asaul C:1!i.s`:'1, in ,1` ` words. as those of the rt.-r-:i1m: hf something is certz1in}y wrog1;_5 _`.im"j is t1'y.iI1g {O ( }17_]n t}.i,,vnt ing the blame on I\'orah, \\'ha:ncan And What can he mean by his \`n':11~3thra DI... 4..:...I 4.. .1:,,_ 2 '(.&ILl. .It is all hef fault. J1]. U61! (4. U c .1 n DI. J Barrie. . T Barrie, 1sp0ct..1ss,_ August 26, 1886. the sa. sir locks `no who 3 hf! ?`! .. ~urCd `Maris triu .._____.____..____.__.___._____._ G `A. RADENHURST. BARRISTER, AT- . torne Solicitor in Chancery. Conve an- oer, &o. O co-First Door South or Post 0 co, Hind s Block. Owen Street. Barrio. ' 49-48 - - - ___ __ . __-..----u ma. 'ruClIIl\1\ thi Mone to noon. Unlcea over an Jewe era. Dunlap Stxeet Barrie. LOUNT BTRATHY `& LOUNT. ARRIS- ters. olicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries" Public. Conveyancera.- Oices over the Bank of Toronto Barrie. um -r -_--_ f\ n 71' 71 |:.........-cu I1 117 Y4-n1\vm' " Euimny. oX{7ILL7E'R4 8:. HOLLAND, Architects, P. L. Surve ors, Valuators, 850- Plans` and specications or buildings pre- ared. Town and Village Lots laid out. Farm ines carefully located. , Timber limits examin- ed, 850.. 8:0. Toronto Office-4 Mail Bgildings. Barrie Offioe--McCarthy's Block. Colhngwood 01oe-Long's Block. Taos. KENNEDY. MAURICE GAVILLER. W, .1 , `I-l'nr.r.A1vn, - 51.117 0110 Dunn UL LVLUUIIU IJIILLIUO W. LoUN'r, Q.C., H. H. smmnz. G. W. Loam.` V nu ---- '= _- Money to lend at lowest rates. Amt. for Dominion Grange Fire insurance Aslooi-t ation Canadian Mutual Aid Life Insurance and eserve Fund Accident Associations. mnna Q Mnmrnn- Dalston. OCARTHY. PEPLER 8: MCCARTHY. Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries. &c., Money to Loan. Barrie. Alliston and Gravenhurst. D AL1-ox Mccuvrnv, Q.C. F. E. P. PEPLER. J. A. Muouvmv. D. F. MOWATI. ' Umoe over uu Ind Saturday. mony, and Counterpomn. _ For tel ms, apply at MR. SHERWooD s, Owen Street. Barrie. 12.371, J S. JOHNSON, BARR ls. 1Mr'u1:.'1'1srt ,ur* . and Dealer in Coas of all kinds, and Georgetown, Grey and Guelph White Finishing Lime, Cements of all kinds, Fire Bricks an Plasterers Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch, foot of John street, near the depot. The bondqf this Lime is better than that of any other land, and the finish superior, Olce Corner of John and Elxzabeth streets. HEWSON 8; CRESWICKE, BARRISTERS, solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judi- cature of Ontario. Prootora, Notaries, Conve - tnoersh 850. Money to Loan. Oices--Bot - well s look, opposxte N. 85 N. W. Ry. Station, Barrie. C. E. Hnwsox. A. E. H. Cnmswxoxm. (Graduate of Leipzig Conservatory of Music.) ` , Also pupil of CARL Rmmmcxm, RICHTER AND DR.._PAPPERl'1`Z. Instruction given inPi9.qoforte playing. Har- and Counterpoint. Rm 119.1 ms. a.n:1l_v s. HANGING BASKETS to choose from ready lled and in full bloom and growth. Also 10,000 Gereniums, Coleus, Ilelxtropes, Achyranthes, Cannes. Ageratums. Asters, Stocks, Zinnias, Balsanis, Phlox. Centauraas. Ricinus. Bronges, Cupheas and many other varieties for beddingllet rices never before touched in Barrie at OR AN &.MCVITTIE S 7 Greenhouses. Wellington St., Barrio. Hang- ing baskets lled at 25c. each. Plans for orna- mental beds furnished gratis. T 0 1013 O HENRY. APPRAISER 8: BILL POSTER, i . &c. Rents Collected, Servants Provided; Oioe up-stairs opposite Bank of Commerce. vw --. ....-.u- um-.. Movrrm}. .4 Montana U.S. HAUGHTON LENNOX. BARRISTER. SO- licitor. Conveyance:-. etc. Money to Loan. qice, Corner Dunlop and Owen Streets. Bar- !` A 7 ' U111! rie mg DESKBBS 111180 ILL `[00. B5611. mental beds furnished gratis. I ERBERT SMITH having T leased the stone Blacksmith Shop. Clapperton-st.. next to the Simcoe ti_otel, is prepared to do all kinds of work, Horse Shoeing of the latest improved wyles, preventing of interfering, forgmg. con- traction and tender feet carefully treated. Builders supplied and estimates furnished. 16 MI I32.-afII UUIIII Unnusu ; N the esplanade. foot of Market Street. Yachts and Skiffs of every description in stock and bui1t_to order. `Also for hire at low rates by the hour, day. week or season. Boat [stalls to rent by the season. sculls, oars and. paddles in stock and made to ' order. II-ly JOHN GARLEY. BOAT BUILDER] r\\T +1..` nan`nnnn fnnt nf lfnrkpt Qtrpn.t.: nxogllent. sooonunodntiou for ..'::.`.2.?`.?2.`%.9* a;"f.5`.`%us:`}.:.`.&:%.'2$ an haulers. : otmtemoonvayodtreo so dtro u r a nonm- ot`:troot"c'u's' nun1o' .u.".'.`{ V" w_' ` JOSEPH SW AN, AUU1`1Um nun. run 1:111. v County of Slmcoe. Terms reasonable. Dfce at my Store. Craighurst. 46-IL [osmva ROGERS. CHIEF CONS'l.`ABLE,l . County of Slmooe. 01qe-Pol1oe Court, In-1-la. T. SPROUL. BARRI-El;R; SOLIGITOR . of the Supreme Court, Conveyancor. 8:0. done to Loan. Omces over Sanders Bros,. [Aura at-n ninnlnn Qtrnnt. Bu-rie. u a.anvv-g v u v-- -.---v V - Grist Mill. am working Machinery. [0SEP}_I-SWAN. AUCTIONEER FOR THE: f`.nnhfv nf Qimnnn 'l`n1'mn rennnnabln. [Dd KOSGTVU lllllu Auvnuuuu anuuvvlwv-V--H THOS. S. MCLEOD. Dalston. omoe over Coulter 8; Vair`a, Barrie. Tuigiiyy ma Qntnrdnv. ;ARRIE FOUNDRY.` ENGINE 8: BOILER .Wnnwn-_H_ m:m,mv_. `Mn.nnfnntnI-Ar nf 1 ARCHITECTS ANn_s_1JI;vp;Yons - ` NT. BARRIE- .99.Tan..T,Yn,..L?~Hurt of Justice. ONEY T0, LoA1?-s-zsogooo at 6 and 6% per cent. J. T. SPROUL, Solicitor, e_tc., nu-31: W. MOVITTIE. D. L SURVEYOR AND - `Raul Flntntn Amzmt, nlrrnrv. N- W- ~'l`- A--'?*_,.....2~.".*`ab-.. .4. w-tut:-`-2:....... - ` T. BANTING. anmax couwrv or sm- .- nnm, will ha nt his mica- at the Court '1`. LITTLE. M.D.. O.M.. `. {Shun [EARN & MURCHISON. BARRI TERS. Rnlinltnu-n nnvnvnnnnr- 8:0. 0118!? ARRIE PLANING MILL.--GEO. BALL. Qarpenter and Builder. and Manufacturer 0! Doors Bash Blinds. Mouldings. sco. Plan- ing of tail kin a done Promptly and satisfac- S . tonlv. Factorv John root Barrie. I'OCAR l`HY Dnwniufnha 's:nunit.m~a Nfntsu-Inn, Rm-_ Mnnav S. JOHNSON, BARR E. IMPORTER ,OF and Dnnlnr in (`man hi all kinds. F.. R. GUMM%ER,_ 1':'*1*E~7."' UCTI9.iEEl{S} _: MANUFAOTURES. Iuncxsmlm % _SHOP 3 UIOOK. mnv. W. J. HOLLAND. 51-ly Pnvswuns. ' Lt Moderate Interest. Creernore. Ont, 61y J HN MACKAY. AUCTIONEER. COMMIS- I sioner, Oonveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses under the new Act. Money to Loan FINANCIAL. TEE-is?iT-. OFFIOIAL. _ ---'~`3~.'-T'..-..._" ~ ~- -_.-.3 if `BENNETT DENTISI`. L. Barrie. Ont... Oloo. Sanders Innh. nnnnnlfn nnw Pnnt. fnn. BARBIE- LEGAL. Uouu - Churchill. Ont. : 85 ultr- xeau nu 6-ly VV . JVLU V 1121-151. 14" I1}-DUI`: V Ll IUIV `XXV [J A. . Real Estate Agent. Calgary N. W. '1`. Correspondence solicited with re a. r to invest- ;;_;_jts in Province of Alberta.` `.W.T. A. W. Mov"ITvl-,3. Address ~Oa.lga.ry, via. Benton, Ilr'__A.___ if U!'Llllv' 10~ly , Thing Noble and Necessary`-all in capitals . ` Yet this young .fe1low- had actually every day to Bebe , the , bright again, and there -were light clouds" 4u.unAv vv .3 Mr. Hugh Aquila had passed through his hospital course and taken his medical de- grees with ns much credit as is possible for any young man of, his age. Merely to be- long to" the profession should have been happiness enough for him, whonhad dreamed all his life of medical science as the one 4;; " u Jlklllltlln thing, of all things. worthy of man's intel- lect and ambition. There are, in fact, other things equally worthy, but as Hugh ' was going to be medicinze doctor it was good for him to believe, while he was young, that there was nothing else. So the young lfmner believes that there is nothing follow but his kind of art; and the physicist considers. himself as the Professor of the One But the fates are unequal, and one man s cup brims over While a.nother s is empty. To this fortunate young man love had been given `as well as the profession which he = desired, and a measure of success and A repu- M t-ztion-love, which so often is kept by for- tune for consolation cup, and bestowedupon `those who have lost the race and been over- thrown and trampled on in the arena, and have got neither laurels norpraise, nor any wreath of victory, nor any golden apples. and already obtained the gift of love-though he was as yet no more than five and twenty-.. in addition to his other gifts, graces, and prizes. Perhaps `it does not seem a very Weat thing to be resident medical oicer in B` I..- a chdyggf hospital. But if you happen to be a young riiin W110" dVtd to YOU? profession, and if repute with your seniors, and if you have faith in. yourself and a firm belief in your own -powers. and 11. tu.rher.;2u see mt possibilities in the position for study as in-` crease ot knowledge, then you will under- stand that, to be resident medical officer in the Children's Hospital at Shadwellmay be teat thin indeed. g ' this real eat med199$j-vii; ggmpiem his round and n_igh9d*the- or, which has gun again, he stood for a moment at a window looking silent street below. `It had been raining, and pavements were wet, but the sun was 9I.`. `. ' wii; chasing across the sky. Within and without everything was very quiet. ` - - ` Tina own: A fin: tn-uonn nun.-' an-. I... -5--.` `-1. to worship and you: " e steady in good` out into the vvvslvulus wan Vary quiet. The eyes of the young man, as he stood at the window, had a. far-oi! look. You look tired, Hugh, said the sister. `These two were not brother and sister. They were not even, so for as they knew, \ cousins. Nor had they known each other 1 from infancy; Yet `they addressed each 1 other by their _cm-mum names. To be sure Cslists was, professionslly, the universal 3 sister. But Hugh was certainly not the uni- F verssl brother. This siltguisrity/might have } ven riselto surmises gonip in. ut tor the feet that ihehsbies took no more ; notice of it than it it had never occurred at ; AIl_.~1I>. In . ca... -sex; s..s.s.. . om..-_a.L.._ _, 4 r uvulvu vs av UIIIII II II lllll IIDVBY 00lll'I'Bl1 8` ` -11-1c in u wuguwifh human.-. ; me:-.w.q ; pmn sister to u.l1..tho wocldmndathcretoru 1 to Bush Aquila she was dmr umll;-bu1 ` Innluuu vuulauia Julluv I-IUVVI UV Ilulnwu Illlvlllh \ It was a Sunday morning-`-.-a morning in h a early June-when outside there was a di- % vine silence, and even the noisy highway of the Thames was almost quiet. The sis- ter was loitering round. the cribs in her ward, all the babies having been looked` after, washed, put into clean things, and made comfortable for the morning. Two or three mothers-but not many, because * there are household duties for the Sunday morning-were sitting with their own babies in their laps, a thing which did not inter- fere with Sister"Calista s catholicand uni- versal maternity. Everything in the ward was as it should be; the temperature. ex- actly right, the ventilation perfect, the cases satisfactory. Presently the door opened and A a young man came in. As he carried no hat. and began to walk about the vcribs and cradles as if. they belonged to him, and as the sister went to meet him and talked earn- estly with him over each baby, and as he had an air of business and duty, it is fair to sup- - pose that this young gentleman was con- nected with the medical -staff. He was, in fact, the resident medical ofiicer, and his name was Hugh Aquila. ` `Tn Uuunix Ann\1;1n Inn/I u\J\nnAr` L1-....._-..L L1- on BEARER. vuv . an Uausoa su are ranged along the sides` of the room in cots, but more are laid in cradles before the open replace, and some are `placed on top of the stove, like a French dish laid, to stew in a Bain-Marie, and some have spray playing upon their faces and down their throats; some aresleeping, some are sucking the bottle, and some are lying broad awake, their grave eyes staring straight before them, as if nothing that goes on out- side the crib has the least interest for a baby. : Children's Hospi- " tal at Shadwell, Here and there sits a mother, her child in her lap; but there are not many mothers present, and about the ward all day and all night perpetually hovers the sister. When one first visits this room there happens a curious dimness to the eyes, with a choking at the throat, for thinking of the innocents suffering for the sins of their fathers and the ignorance of their mothers. Presently this feeling passes away, because one perceives that not suffer, and one remembers how good it must be for them to be in such ' a room, with pure air, neither too hot nor too cold, with the sister s careful hands to nurse] them, and for the first time in their young lives a holy" calm around them. To the elder children, in the ward above, the quiet, the gentle ways, the tender hands and the kindly words are full of lessons which they will never forget. Why not for the infants, too? The sister in this. ward wore a gray woolen tires with a white apron, which covered the whole front of her dresa,'a bib apron, a white collar, and a white cap and no cuffs, because cus interfere with turn- ing up the sleeves. She was young, but grave of face, with sweet, solemn eyes, and yet a as it it could laugh on small provocation, were it not that her occupation made laughing almost impossible, because babies have no sense of humor. Her name in the world was Calista Cronan, and she was the daughter of Dr. Hyacinth Cronan, of Cam- den Town. As for her age, she was twenty- two.-and as for her figure, her stature, her beauty and her grace, that, dear reader, matters nothing to you, because she is the nert thing to a nun, and we all know that a'uun s charms must never be talked about. A _.-_ _ 1--__A__ _.-.._.I_._. _ ____1__4 ;_ quickly-moved mouth which looked Author of All Sorts Vand Conditions of Man, The Captain's Room, etc. CHAPTER 1.. `ma: CHILDREN'S 'nos1>r1vq.. Bx WALTER BESANT. .LLo nurrw, uuu.. uuluu. aunuuru look. gzosite new Post Oiee. Visits 1 adale and Waverley the first -Wednesday of every month. W bridge and Midland. the next day1'1`hursdayy3.` Penetang thetoilowing day (Friday . Vite Air tar nalnlaas extmotlnn n. sneoln. tv- 6-117 IVvIn\ltU\Q|I an ear] LIT`- , it seems too _absui'd it that is all thai: istocomeot it. j ' T * tr-.. I-_I__I_1._ _, , .. . ~ - _ 1 Her ladyship ivore her court` dress-the- ` black silk one-you know it." ' 1 "lvknow it. But, Hl1g_h,_ 'd0n b laugh. It i is a very trying thing _for her. I am n !-.` I'-ucfphlnn `-0-` 1.`... n.n.1.'. cu..- i In an vvs; unlyxug vulug L0!` 1181'." .I am not laughing "alt her, Csligfa. She f33's`)3!'i:;}3v'?7i37i73i"nP"$w`wmh-!deteaA Again? % ; 1 h!) < .`-.|, if 2 I: r sum. fouormmd as Iiei-0.` Iv`m no sn .-was not `repeated, and s... 1.. Stmnge to say they both smiled, and then their faces _ broadened, and they laughed. Did you ever see a sister in a hospital laugh? She smiles often. She smiles when the patients thank her and kiss her hand; when they get vlightheaded and talk nonsense; when they grumble and groan; when they go good, and promise to remain patient and steadfast, clothed in the armor of righteousness; or when they go away cured and strong again, and effusive in thanks; or when they come back again for the tenth time, for there are some known in hospital wards who spend as much of their lives as they possibly can in these comfortable `places. But no oneever ' saw a sister laugh except Hugh; and the ef- fect on the ward was incongruous, as if a cardinal should dance a hornpipe or a bishop ; perform a breakdown Some of..the babies felt it" like a noteout of harmony, and began `the preliminary coughwhich, as every pere de famille remembers, heralds the midnight bawl and the promenade about the bedroom. , Calista, perhaps, l`QiV.6d the cough as a warning; the laugh di not occur again, an besides, to so sweet a sistereverything m beallowed. Therefore tllei0.I1gh preliminary none of- the, babies really began to cry. - I . ` Hid can-- -. ---- --L '9 T? I l No, Hugh; that must not be even-thought. Norah is a" happy girl to Win your love. I suppose it is good that you should think your mistress an angel, because -it makes her bet- ter. Remember what she thinks of you, her strong and brave and cleverlover, and do not be too humble. Did you see her yester- day?" ' u\7..,.. .'.. n... ......;.z_... 1 n____- ,1 L.-,__ . p.,, A. uw`J`S'?es'; in the evening I fouxid time for Cam. den` Town, and had supper with her lady- ship. . Qt .II\1-uAn:\ LA'....._. 1.1.... I_ -LL -..-_'1_ ,1 , 1 .1- To my babies, said Calista, smiling. I should have put it differently. Strange and wonderful it is, Calista, that such a girl as Norah should be able to love such a. man 1) an I have been here for nearly twelve months; I had been here 8. week when first I saw Norah in this ward. I began to think of it, as you say-tha.t is, to think of her then and there--mpbeautifu1ANora.h. She is like you. Calisfa, and yet `unlike. `She is as good as you are, but in another way. She belongs to the world. and you '1`. lSAN'1`1NL-I. Umstus UUUN1` 1 U1! saun- gr. com. will be at his oflioe at the Court ouse. Barrie, everysatux-day. Residence and PD. Oookstown. [7____W xthe sacrament of vows and`? Cronan. at that time` a forto i. g _ with asmall initial, beoautjzhizhisl Mad, 2 into a solemn undertaking ns! 3 170 m8!'!'Y* hersister after the manner off W01`!!!-it-, A , vate tary to Mr. Murridge, of Finsbury circus. All mankind were Calista s brothers, and yet she called one or two of them by their . Christian names. One of them was Hugh, her sister : ancee, the other was a young gentleman` who, at that ' moment, was actually entering` the great doors of the hospital and making for the direction of the resident medical s private room. - Hugh Aquila, M. 1)., F. R. C. s.. and L. ,R. C. P., was a srong, well-built young man, with big limbs and a large and capable head-a head which had been endowed with an ample cheek, a_ reasonable forehead, a rm mouth and ch'n, steady eyes set un- der clear-cut eyebrows, and a nose both broad, straight and long. This is rather an unusual noze. The nose which is broad and short is the humorous nose, but it generally argues a want of dignity; that which is nar- row and long may belong to a most dignied person, but he is too often unsympathetic; that which is both short andnarrow shows a lackiiof everything desirable in man. Since Hugh Aquila s note was both broad and long, he could laugh and cry over other people s accidents and misfortuues-that is to say. he had sympathy, which is almost as valuable a quality for a young doctor as for a. novelist. Such a young man, one is sure, at the very outset, will certainly make, a good ght, and win a place somewhere well to the front, if not in the very front and foremost rank; it is not granted to every man to become commander-in-chief; there 3 are a great many men, very good -men in- ; deed, who miss that supremacy, yet leave } behind them a good record for courage, per- severance and tenacity. Happy is the woman who is loved by-such a man! m` "J" " `~"'r* -"'4':--I` T-Tvlrrlx 114314 hin- (U 1110, auu Iv In BU ulubu uuv IJUUUUI uuwu Irv kc and settled matters before this won- de ful sucession. A117 _ `I 41,: ,1, 1; 1, II, __.,,I_ 41.- ____--__.Q___ VIUI I III DEV`- CDQIVJ "Yes, I thinkuit is. Though the succession ought not to make any difference. Tell me, Hugh, is it long since you began to think of it? ' 141' u,,_ n, , u,,, n., ,,,,,,1_' 4_,1A_ Cl BIJICU uauu. 11.]. U U]. uuxuuv. Oh, Hugh, id the sister-it had been Mr. Aquila until a. day or two before this- Oh, Hugh, I have had no opportunity be- fore of telling you how glad and happy I am for.Norah`s sake. ' . not, I ,1! 4, II I _ .._,_1!_j `_1_.-._1_ `UL - `V \.II (bl-I D D(lolI\7o Thank you, Calista, he replied, simply, taking her hand; everybody is very kind to me, and it is so much the better that we lQnJ\`Pl\ null nnl-I-hul -uni-I-no-a I-`AF.-u-A l-`n iI1nI'I_ \VULLldLl w_u.u Ia IUVOLL IJJ nuuu on :;nwua To add one more detail, Hugh had big, strong hands, but his ugersv were delicate as well as strong. This was, perhaps, be- cause he was skilled in anatomy, and already ' `a sure hand in operations. ' ' (Th T-Inn-I-.an1r1 Hm: m'a+.s~_i+. hn hAAn "She is like you, Calida." unv I1\.I DIAVVV I` I-IU rUp.llB(I, Ca.n t say, Dick. Shortness of temper, perhaps. In: like shortness qt breath, dif- cnlt to `cure, but it cnA;be alleviated. Are you goingto Itayiand have-tome. early din- nex-Awith me!" % ` V n\!-- t _.--_-A ` - - ' --` A " .",`,y , ,` - L.11...1-a' ` 0' UYIQEC lulu JVIICUGIIU4 U15 I161! uuy I.l.'1l|ll'IlllI]` Vitalixod Air tor painless extracting a. speoia. ty. 6-ly