' Scott : Emulsion of Pure., , - Cod Liver Oil, with h phosphites. for Chzldren and Pulmonary 'lY)(i1bles. Dr. W. S. Hoy. Point Pleasant, W. Va. , says: I have made a. thorough test with Scott s Emulsion in Pulmonary troubles. and gener- a_.l- debility, and have been sstonished at the good results,` and as a remedy for children with Rickets or Marasmus. it is unequalled. jaw-Uuvunvl SIIOISIVIU Old Lady (to small boy)-A:eu t you afraid of catching `cold, little boy, going about in your bare feet `I ' . Sma1l.boy--I never wear shoes, "cept iri cold adder. Old Lady-Why not? Cen t you get them-? " x ' ' V = ` Small boy--No m. Me _fa.dder is e "shoemaker. .1 A1,VV9!' - . , . I Dr. Fowler : Extract of Wild Strawb'er`ry will never fail you when taken to cure Dyi- entery, Colic, Sick Stomach or any form of Summef .Complaiut.j.. Relief .is,uln_1oat instsn-` tsneous-; a few dosercurev where other.-re~_ medies fail. ' uus uua nuv,Juuv wvuvvv uuu nl..|UU- , Dotor'--Yea; ;.;it is 3- pa.Vin;ful~ wound,` but not glgngqrgu, I`a.a`su`re yoim. RIirlmin11n-smt.rnn .3."Fina?mill Islm ;.. .'.....: uuu l_lUIf gguggpfyua, J,_ uaugrt; uu. b Bgr!e31};a iactresa--""B'ut will the ;sa.1-. .`3?!9,. % ~ = ;-turn . '-as q .- .. -" uu uuuguu I f . = . : " Doo1_;orj-=-_`ATh9.t will dgpepd en_tir,e.ly,-on you, madam. . ' J 1 . {o1aM.%I3n`7'; mar - I see tint ]_%nig* claitrn }tl)1a.t ` _ j'..._. -_ _ __, vavnvv nu .LV :7 vv JJL uunvv 105 a Agent-The next train doesn t stop at New Brunswick. It goes throught that town at fty miles an hour. ~ I Trave1ler--'J,`ha.t "suits me. I ve um- gired too many games of ball between the ew York: and Ohicagos to be afraid to get off a train that s only jogghng along at fty miles an hour. _ .. . ..........., ......,._ I feel it my duty to say, writes John Borton of Dgsert, P.Q , "that Burdock Blood n:I-C-on-a nnun -nut c-:33.` l`: I; . . A . . . ._._I_-_. uus vvu UL uunul. II, I .q uuuu uuruuun D1000 Bitters cured my wife of liver complaint, from which she had been a chronic sufferer. Herdistressing, painful symptoms soon gave Way, and I can highly recommend the medi- I cine to a.1l'su`erin'g as she did. ` . uunnrvl vnvu-in UV auJul_yo `Traveller (to ticket a.gent)--Gimme a ticket to New Brunswipk. ' `A _......L fl'1L'_ _.__; ; :- urrnvuvob Jvu VIA U140 DUUJUUII I ' Accused Co1'1gressma.n---N 0, air ; and I `I did not get a cent for voting for that bill. The one who asked for my vote was a. woman. T A10 I I \ ;Ir\1 : .1 ll 11 Ulullblo All (smp.thizingly)--Oh! that is different. Adjourned. . Perfectly Excuaable. Chairman Congressional Committee - Ypu are charged, air, with selling your vote to a lobby. Did any man or men approach you on the subject? Anhnnnr` nnnunnarnnn WA n:n o nun: _Do no delay." if suffering any form of Bowel Complrin't however.mild apparently may be the attack, but use Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. It is the old, reliable cure _for -all forms of Summer Complaints that require prompt treatment. Ask your druggist and al_l dealers in patent medicines. v C . `fI think` you'll better wear your old dress and keep that one for the musicale next Thursday, . '1`he_musica.le ! Where ? Atthe blind asvlum. _ _I'$I_i;1'i.::'s'(-l1or 1'ied)b-.`-_`])_o you mean to say, Mrs. M{, that you are going to the paryin auchya. `dies: as that 1 ' ...I.- l(\ITL-`. -.....L-1_I_ LL- .__-1_ vs jvvvn-Viv CCH$llIU3I I eazmww T unit a favorable opportunity for entering. Englund-L The home oioe has notied the'Frenoh government tliethoine the home department oioiels declare they believe the whole enterprise, as reported -from~New York, is merely a renewal of O Donovan Rosee e- demonstrations to rnoney. . ' _ Asuooequm. 13._e:u1t. A z ` Mr. Frank Hendr , writing from Seaforth, soxs,:,.,-I purchase one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters to urify my blood. It did purify it, and now have excellent health. As a blood purifying tonic and system regu- latorthe result of taking B.B. B. is always c:a::;i;1ly, the neck ian t half so low` as Mrs. Dash . ll'l' ALLA, ,,,,n-A I, .1 in T n:e;g.;':.e.(;;;; .a;;.;1;4;;; toftlteieccuracy the story that aonneoticut deacon and- his fennly have been elting a. clerygman with rotten eggs. onnecticut deaoons have not been suspected of lwillingly throwing away egga-even if the. were zotten. Somebody would have ought `knhun V ` T.` IVIIIHO ' W. J. an py, am` ' i,` of Newbxiry Dr owle r e . ild Strawberry 13 just the thing for Summer Siokneu. _ I sold out my stock three times last summer. Tnnn `Ivan. Q nnn Amman!` `AF `f. Dr, oui n;y___ agocx curse tunes an aquuuur. There was a `good demand for it._ Dr. Fowler : Extract of Wild Strawberry 13 In- .II:LI- 3.. 'I'\_...._&.._.. l"..'l:.. G241. GI-Ann-AI: I-'\"'IVI C IHRUIJIU UL VVIIIJ LWUII fullible for Dyaentery, Colic, and Bowel Complaint. . l , 3 . uc.:nwwU1n\nv1 kw-$7.131 wncuvu 4 C0117, our club : all gone to smash. ``You don t say so, B1lly ! . _Disbanded, eh? Where's Dorsey 2 . Pitching for the Ironclads." ` " And Farmingham T . I i A . Catching for the Eurekas. And Sam Cummings '2 ., `..`()h, be was the umpire. *` '.(.ur"..n:.. ...I.:......~.. 0...... on Why the named lea Lost the Game. - Mr. Dusenben-y-We had a. great game of baseball this afternoon. But we got 1.--}. , u|.ru._ JJuuuperry-- u nu gun noun 1 " The mdri-i`ed`q then. You see. the other nine weroninglo 'men.< We didn t make a solitary home` run. I` A up.` I'm.` can` ......-:...;A 5-`IAIII Iupnnn IUILDDIV uuluv suu. And 1 m not surprised if they were all like you, Dnaenberry. . You ` don't run for home. You only come home when you can't help it; ' : ~ Uuq 01 unqmoau qupgewua ~ ng,1'9c.f<.i. :ki.dhv oomp1iu'::,u:'3 89. extra? WM -hh=81>=~`* _ __L;. J. :.2I.i _; 2.. '__I _'_ ` L """?7i37i`ie`ftLj`_`=",'7i7`V333 37o; I an er-from aohinggback, weakness and r.m`- iiriifniii in-n'I-Jan": g`n'nTs'r '9!-.ti*'.In`I-u'znIz g th j"t?q a131'eT.' `E;iv}_T'1:6"-thbbc_li.- %ui:1,ok`PbrousPlatbr:Pmdj take Btifdbi: `Blood `Bitters, the beat Iystem regulator ` known for the Liver, Kidneys; Stomach and D.-".1- "i {in gun Aextenuivo dealer in sue huu; buy` and sell as many .u any-man in NOWEng- land. ' I use exclusively In my itsbleI'Gilu BIIUVVI-I la eat. Mn, ADus_ebn_berry-Who got but 1 '_ may-igrg c 11? I!j_,IA , "A Danna-out condlon. AOne_of the.m_6_st dan_ger_oua_ ~gonditions is 3 -khlnnv nninhi;\iL-.\ When vnu ` xyu, 99 was uuu uI.1l|Jll'U. "'W'ell`;.whre s Sam '3 He a still in the:,`hospita.l., The Place" {oi} Dboilte costtimes. M - 1u'":'_1`_;n_-'__ _.-2,. `urn. _ Anlabandogl Baae;B afl1 club. n..n.'. ....- ..1..:.s.. ..n'..........'4... .......... His Father : Mlifftune. Impervioua to Injury. _._ IL, 1!,` p .\ It be cufable. : Ell UUUIIO them. I _.'_`- -,. A Pleasing Duty; jam any JIIIUIII `manna-u:n` ' Do Not Delay. hon the Ehglish govern- k~...:_...-. okmuannit nits, hvvuunxy an un- Sick Stomach 4 Large Tlntypel for 50 Cents. 9 Large Gems for 50 Cents.- l8 Small Gems for 50 Cents." 12 Sunbeam: Photo for $1. - Remember. this, it takes an artist to make 5. good Tint pe as wellas aPhot.o. M gallery as been horoughly retted for war . None but rsb-class workmude. .N I: ;_1 1> ha um.-H. uh. "I! ann n.:.. .-....;..L......._. nun unlit-($1.388 WOPK H1308. . .N.B.4-It is worth 500. to see this instrument v(<;11;-;:,thanar'1d(l9; 13sfzet the pictures for nothing. '1`. G. AND B. DIVISION. Cardvell Junction.-Going North:-9.07 a..m. 6.30 p.m Going South-9.07 .a..m.; 6.30 p.m. O. V. R. DIVISION. Inglewood J unction.-Going North 10.18 a..m.; 6.29 p.m. Going South 9.23 a.m.; 6.17 p.m. W. J`. `VALLEAU, Flat-1-In Rant 1 IRQK Tinknf Anon} Whitest. John is continually reproach- ed wlth the 120 saloons in Lehvenworth Sam Jones can boast that not a. glass is sold in Atlanta. They. drink it by the jugful now. Possibly this is. how Sam came by `his gifeat idea.of_iving up tobac-, co by usmg oigargas Va. sufbqtit_ute. DGIVEN AWAY! p.u1. . A V From the West.-Limited Express, 8.45 a..m.: Atlantic Express. 5.05 p.m.; Montreal Express, 8.15 p.m.; Mixed 11.20. St. Louis E ress Limited Express,` Montreal Express and aciflc Express, marked * run daily including Sunday. ` vv.u. V Barrie. Sept.1, 18855 I Alnanoav an--I A-- (All trains unless otherwise specied arrive -and depart from Union Station, roronto). Dn:pAn'rURn:s.--Going West. St. Louis Ex- rees at *8.10 a..m.; Pacic Express, 1.06 p.m.; xpress. 4.15`p.m. ' Going Ea.st.- Limited Expres 8.25 a. m.; Mixed (tor Bavelock and interm iate points), 4.25 p.m.; Montreal Express, *8.00 .m. AamvALs-From the Ea.et-St. uis Express *8.30 3.111.; Mixed (from Havelock and interme- diate stations), 11 50a.m.; Toronto Express, 9 45 B111. ` L\\.va.g.n.u.n -uauu-vv- ..v..-._. -.-..--__. Lave Barrie at 11.60 a.m.. 8.1? p.m Arrive atPeheta.ng}1is_l1eno,1.10 p.m.. 10.40 p. ` ` come; SOUTH. - ',4\nC`vo Dnnnfnnmninhnnn 11'. R 15 I, In 9 R5 11 I('h . UUILV u_ put; 111. Leave Penetan shone at 6.15 a.m., 5 Arrive at Bar e , - _ 7.23 n.m.. GU11` Leave Hamilton at Arrive at Barrie. turn?` UUILVU 5UUl1'1o -. Leave Barrie at ' ` 7.05 n.m. ,4.40 p.m Arrive at Hamilton 11.40 a..m.. 9.10p.m Tr -ins leave Barrie for Toronto at 73.5 a.m.. I N . 11`l7nrnnnR.lAnrn '1'!` ' IIIB IBEVG DlI.1'l'1l5 LU 10.17 a..m. 8116. 4.40 D.m. nmnnunu PACIFIC nAILW. ONTARIO DIVISION. The.Buston Traveller devotes more than half a column to proving that there is one golicemsn in Boston against whom there is no cause of complaint, and ' then closes by saying he is 9. st;u'ed gure in 9. dime museum. . heave B81110 ' 11.26 a'.m'., 3.00 pan. 0.03 ]:.m Arrive at gpiinna.-.[1a.11%m.;_ 5.26~p.m.. 9.25 p.m B Arr.atG_r enhurat,.l. .p.m,. 7.00 pan. _. H GOING `SOUTH. ' _' _ Leave Grsvenhurst, 6.40a..m., 2.45 p.m Leave Orilliu, 6.20 8:31., . 8.9.5 a..m., 3.66 p.m Arrive at Barrie. 7.05 .m.._ 9.40 a.m.. 4.40 pm , . NORTH SlMCOE--GOIN_G NORTH. II'A__._. nun___ ' JV? V-v-y.-~-V. now going on. They lllllli no cneunau o.ut.lI91'9ro ulterutigogu commeneoln our clothing Room. per cent. 'ol'.`-~'1`5 W. . _- .2 1' l1IInl'& `,0. __ .__ ' \ I` V `V '- -I--.BgU l `lone: _ "GOING. SOUTH. For Torpnto. Leave Collingwood 6.0oa.'m.", 8.20 am. 3.30 pm: Leave Barrie, ' 7.25 a.-.m.',i 10.17 a.`.m.. 4.40 p.m Arrive at Toronw. 10.20 a..m;.~1.50 D-ln.. 7.45 mm Muskoka Express, Mondays only... . .11.52 mm. ' .` -`.5 .` I ` \ .` Illa 2lwpIml MUSKOKA BRANCI-I-G0lmG` NORTH. Leave Bar:-ref ` ~ 11.28 h'.m'.. 3.;0 pan. 8.33 p.m Ln-I111: hf, nib` `IQ. 19 1" l'l,fI`I.p- 5. n.m_- IL! Srncunrxns -:- OLOVER. ;iii6.; ` u. }"'abfHwELL. .% L BARBIE." A com GTQRT3._' ` _ V _ heave Toronto. 8.19 a..xn., 11.45 n.m.. 5.15 pm Ar at Barrie, ` 11.28 a..m.. 3.27 p.m.. 8.15 p.m A r at Collimzwood 12.35 p'.m..'5.45 p.m;9.45 p.m Mus.l`:oka Express.~Sa.t1rdays pn1y...,lg.gp.m. `II n `II. N. r p.m. .r . .-. _ ,-__. ._--___. .. ,__ _ _L While canoeinp down the Merrimae A John Boyle Q Rei1ly discovered" 8 bed of real ahamrocks. Our luck while canoeing has generally been to discover a bed of real rocks. FIELD AND GABDENSEEDS. | in bags, barrels, and bulk. - __..1 A-1 in barrels, bulk, and bags. _%*Specia1`quotat1ons to jobber: and others requiring lgxgezqtgggtities. ` -g.;j--I-nj - HEADQUARTERS Munoz; &o.V Barri. J;n. 1,1888. szuousussa D.Y8PpsIA. ma/assr/ou, L .m um)/05. n"rsrPEL:A8,A 8}lLT ' RHEUM; ~HEAnrsl/nu,` A .HAoAcHE; ``n:' `'g...'_.. `-_`- ,- V v : . ` ' : - .'t - , If ` "'=g `And'ev.ei-y sweet 'of.d.lo'au arisln if:-om disordered I R,"" KlDNEY8, `STO AUH, Bowsuggn BLOOD, - -. It is said the Eng1ish.Goi'ernment is vainly seeking a place of connement. for its cranks. Italy has no diiculty that way. She attaches them to a hand organ and sends them to this country. A at xw"'_.'3&:3 ..non9cmrnt.the `1d!n{l*e1ul,wI now ey man be cleared _ _ _..._- -..-....a.m. eommencojn our WILL CURE`. on RELIEVE nnnnun-nn' A . _ _ . . . _ .... For thgladingl varieties of rluiomv. 1'un uu-, V NORTHERN RAILWAV LAND PLAS1 ER A naps; . nuuannuw ! ' qugnor, T auoxwuur, oonu. Tkiewman who jumped from Brookl* ul- bridge is going to _.be prosecuted, not for attempting to commit suicide, but for ob-. structing a policeman in `the `discharge pf his duty. Great Heavens ! did he wake up one of the Oicerse while preparing for the jump; - A . ` ~ ' nn_:r_.cu 1,1... :_. _;.\-4,2,,A_,|i,,`,., u LAND sa LT [GOING NORTH. bnnnf '7_K UUILVU LVU11p.1.a on _ 7.05 a.m.. A vrie. 11.28 a.m.. 1 g0_ING SOUTH. vnsnu. MAIN LINE. --- -14. _______-_ V IVUUH" ' VF ` THE 87017}?/7'Cft', *'on;wvess _ A or rH~s:qp, Cr.m.`..`. ;...:.:... 1.-.. Z};~2}7E3~s,` '0/mpsr, % ~rL_urnsm/vo 05 THE r/5,237, AOIDITY 07-` ' .`U'llP noon .. .. .. nn}LL:1'. CALLERY I-1-5-&\J, Ticket Ascent. , 2.35 p.in . 5.05 p.m -\Vill ybu suffer from dyspepsia. and liver complaint? Shiloh s Vitalizer is guaranteed to `cure you. For Sale. by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. A a head Bay _ ' '--- v I Windgalls. No stable should be without it. Railroad, mining and express companies all use Giles Liniment. and in the great racing stables of Belmont and'Lorillard it has achieved wonders. One trial will convince. - Write DR. GILES, Box 3482. N.Y. P.O. who will, Without charge, give advice on all diseases and also on the management of cattle. Sold by all druggists at 50c. and $1.00 bottle, and in uarts at $2.50, in which there is great saving. he Liniment in white wrappers 18 for family use; that in yellow for cattle. - Giles Iodide Ammo-;1_ia Horse and Cattle Powders. "USED by all the leading horsemen on Jerome Park, Fleetwood, Brighton Beach. Sheeps- _ and Bull s Head. Never disa are Tonic, Alteratiye and Diuretic. estroy Worms, Cures Indigestion. -Colic, Bots, Sore Throat, Catarrh, Founder, Pink-eye and Rheu- matism. The dose is small and the power is great. T_h_e_Powders_arr- guaranteed and Pur- chasers failin to obtain a cure money refund- ed. Sold oy a druggists at 25 cts. a box. point. .Th x`o:hl leanse' bl od whi h is the fou]r~1I(t:;1(;ix:t|(:Jf]l<;t(13lth;by'usindg i))(;'-.O(i1 i:a'cf3 sti(}old- en . an on. a. fair skin. b o`;gt)1`t,esr1 J 1rlta~, al stmggth. and poundnesa o constitut_lo_n mil be established. from.-the common fpim rg `cures all humors, Golden Medical Dicove plc, lotch. `or eruption, _ to, the .wqr_st`Scro qla, or. blood-poison. ' Es- 'lan hurit '79 its eicacy in curing slot.-rhgvum or Fever-sores. Hip-joiqc '1) .s_ fu] so .,a.ndSwe En-. z..m%?am:~ azaamiag u..m.~ W wonderful` blood- ` uritpn invigomtifigbdnd or Jd Med 1-macov " cures-Oonsum tion (vcrefioh is =cSacrofula: ognghe Lungs) by n trlti port. . k"Lu gs. t- tigg ogglopgg Sho1?t';1ees of Brcgitm Bgonch tia. . 0 in .Ast _ _ kindred tr %`i3`it "` ` :%. ~ is ` `erei cures the s%vsgr:;st'&':1mhb.= - L COl;2;]$g:,Q}fj Liver. Bmousneas. Adv` Liver 1 an um-......r..1.?5'..?_92!9s a.n - it is * Quitter. ins": >l-[I1 CUT--l _--- ~,..>/_ , . ADVERTISING IIATES. The Advance hue: Sworn circulation ` ol Thirteen =lltuid.I-ed and ` Twenty Copley, 4 Almost, it not quite double thst -of any other . pnbi@anef.1AinlBu-rte. U`An,1rn1m`sms auburn`: Non: _`1'HIS no :-ts (12-line: solid nonpereil meke one inch). . _ ..._ou-noun`: numq Sprung Knees. Removes all Unsight-ly Bunches. IV..__.. I __. __ Spinal Meningitis. A man in Berks County owns several Almanacs over 100 years old. So, we infer, do every minstrel troop in the country. About 500 years over, we should say 1171 u a 1 an 1- j--:---> nvm| . nvrnnmtutxra D A TIER- trauma TRADE MARK Gi1es Liniment Iodide Ammonia _ '!RQl`Dl1A\n --r - ._--__._ ` First insertion,.)o cents perline. Each sub V nent insertion. (cents per line. ` ` eadjngnotices, 10 cents ner line for first in- sertion; 6 cents per line for each subsequent insertion of the same matter. In-gal Ol ial and Government advertise men will b: charged at above rates. - OONTRAOT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken at the following rateginwhich are drattedon correct p ciples, and. as they will be strictly adhered to in making new contracts sitar present contracts expire, there will be only one price for all: fi'x?$'.'.' ......... .. ` 6 Inches. i 10 Inches. Column eu\Y_-l.__ I fV\'I.cu-anon LVLIIILILIIDAJ any I |aAIAnhIAlaIAnu Con'den;ed `advertisements on Page, such as Wants otall -kinds. Lost and Found, .Ew._,VEtc., must be accompan Property for Sale or to Rent. Egecic Articles. 1 with the cash, and will be inserted-Fu-st insertion, 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent 1- wqrd (names, addresses, and gures counte as wordsr `but a reduction to 1 cent per word will bemade when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed FOUR. I l 5; ; Column] "rot two m0nma-tuo uu-us; uwuuu; u.w `with 10 per eent. added. ` B Preferred positions in the par will be sold at an advance of one third on 3 ve rates. This rule will be strictly carried out. | ooxmahcnmvtt ans; Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- tioe of intention to change advertisements must be handed in to the oice not later than Saturday at 10 o clock, and the cgay for such nhsmnm must he in the Anvaxcm o (:0 not later I Beturaay an 10 o'c1ocK, and we cgfyy wr nuuu - ohan e must be in the ADVANCE o than 2 o'clock noon on Tuesday, in any week ; otherwise the a.dvertieer. s announcement may not be made public until the week following. _ _n_ _-!`I1 _..L I... niin-an)` On ulna fknfn IIUU UV uswuv yuvuv uuypa any n \d\lOD -v..' v. --=- ' Advertisers `will not be allowed to use their space for advertising anglhin dogfsided their 0 e 0 so, own regular . buginesa. transien rates W111 be charged for suc adver- tlsementv A Massachusetts c.mper has seen the sea serpent, and says that he watched it For a long time glass in` hand. ,Un- cloubtedly ; this is about the only way a sight of the sea serpent can be enjoyed. nu"-1 I! 11-4,1-,, _ ,, I 1-, _. Thooiighly ountain nf I14 _____.____% N `For-one.mont.h-the three monthly rate with 1` nah IIAIIIL `Hand- ' V No. of Inches Qnnnn To ow1sn=:nsLo,r{ s'rocK. 41-cow-39 donnnxsnn ADVERTIBLMENTS. L Abvrmrxsnnnx TB. } W.VG- VMCGLEAN, A 9 -Agent. Barrie. Ont It is noticed that one Congressman, as saulted by another, is generally struck in the month. The mouth, prr~ba.bly, is the most offensive part of. his anatomy. '\ .31. lded. n:ntll1&-`tahe three_ monthly rate -., .. ........._v." Cures Lameness Tin Cattle. .:F_(1;s-6|s 2 so Tr6|i COR * 18 NA % One Inser- Inser- Tn-All tlnnn. tinnn- 175 300 8,53 "1600 Founder, \Vak Limbs. ;|5`'1'J' Spavih, ningbone 721310: 5-3?" Poverty progresses a.rithmeticI.lly.. ` When a. man meets -with reverses, he ad-T vertises hls house "2 Let. 7 When he is utterly ruined, he advertises it 4 Sale. re ,.,11'1;. || i 5 8600 1400 111361`- tions. (1 yr.) 52 I'm nun one use or xmex-mu u.cu...... knife; pointing out a mod` simple. certain and effectual. every sufferer. no ngntter` may be, may cure huneelf an radi 1 C 5l"'l`hi2a%'.sr-.l*.11rn should 1 aim lefoertain eirccuxalv lflfs 00??! eve!`- y lllttfiff `31Tg8p]y' pI'I\'l[ hxmec dz-51 radically. Id be in the 1 M E"l`his Lecture shou n in thelandwco every youth and ew'erY1 {&E1.L MEDI 3% Address the CULVE 1,o5;0iceB.` 41_Ann St.. New York- //Z `ifs J. cuwenw Wu; GETTING &SAVl1!Gn :;`TEL, A 4-1151' lu-lln 55.. new nun- ' two postage stam s. The celebrate an Essay, clearly demonstrates. Successful practice. that nlu .098 may be radically cured W1! nun nan nf intm-nnl medicines 0 (hm-, in this _ fromt nun Luau. ...,.. \Ve have recently published edition of Dr. (`ulwr _ Vbrated Essay on the mdlc . : manent curcqwitlumt my V0113 Debility. Mental and l h)'Slt' Impodlments to Murriaga-,ctc,1`l`5 sq. excesses. , , t3'Price in a sealed cnvcmvty `two stam . t l author. 1 manor nlan-It n1nnnQl!`llY(`S. f .0058 Ilvueuulux - - prawn. um. uncut [new 0113 use of internal medicines me mode _ D50 simple. 1)) "N98 V1` !I!=1t`. ;`Z..i`.fn i -----v- u.` -- v -----.-- -- - nu---r -Catnrrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh :-J Oata.rrh*Remedy.- Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free.` For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. ` How 3UMEllIlllu NH]. uuzn n _" 8PPed around every bottle: of Dr. ` Is a valuable Household .\Xcsii..-.14 t Bk (84 ges), containing mcr : Pronounce by medical men and .1: bk: and worth ten times the pncc \ .v--vuu w\.\l u_y nu\.un.u- . .. able, times u ~ L EDMANSON & 00.. Sole Agenfa "91? U0! n uv .\ H. I)I{L'C'GL T HM UUl'|'llW N N"" "EL, "I1-t\PPos1'rE `BARBIE HOT C-\vV\Y1 n`D Q'I`R.EET' IJIwC ayfl Ovtr one.I:aI/' millzlm 13/ IV`. l {-`` were sold in Canada alum . ` woman and v/u /:1 H /I0 is fr plain! to try u : cxcclicnt 2 an _ I A n I rs It is a well known fact th;u_ :1: a dull, sallow complexion. hm Chse's Liver Cure is _l 1c Q:-..y posmvely cure these conxplmrm. Qnnzvunnn Ilrw null Beware <.{ Luuzm~r{ci'. Genuine \vx':11\1>cd ux ture on every, 1).).~;. zhcsc `cici;r.z'.c-1` Pill 3. on receipt of a: can For Sale by I`R|Uf1L 5 r"""' The unqualified success of Dr` _\ 3`--9 Liver Complaint rests 5olcl_\' '1 compounded from nature : well l<::o\\:1 MANDRAKR AND D.~\.\'DELIU-\'s 00 other invaluable roots. lmrl- npnl werful effect on the Kidnc-y<. 5:01`! Inn ! can f\l'\l'\ Cl n :j 333% and Scissors Gmnnd` d _ , :1 H v 9. Liver Complaint. Dy.~pep~m. Jztlxndiqe, Headache, I7i.u i' `kiostivcncss or any di:C,'1.~c .'u :~ UR. CHAN-2's Ln'_:c Cuu; j certain remedy. V M A1`! I n r' C --Shiloh s Vitalizer is what you need for constipation, loss cf appetite, dizziness `and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 and, '75 cents per bottle. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin. Allandale. I _ andv; 11111817 Onvt 50` 1 l" . /" " V 4 Swmao W1 these can vi8" w an enerzzl? r':51y11%r:8l(I)10edy`' W99 5 0 11079 cionv e givwigyaggga g `$on"i,`,`{,`airi*;`,,`{,', mango 301 : are ` 9019* y emcages. 6 ` 5` t 5 ogfle,-{11165 oeunzul-paed' Ow , .ne 3 T1`? 99 Y 31 11101 faln ox! / wvv viii IIIIII U I III` I And are sold by ajl Vendors of . throughout t_he Civlhzed World: wimn. tions or use 1n almost every language `` Z Purchasers should look to the 135,3` the Pots and Boxes. If the'sddregg1m.,'; Oxford Street. London. they are spurioxa " 4'2 This G;eaT1-I;u:e1:<:1c-1`M:a1cv- PH` 3 the 19851118 necessaries of L1}? rahkaamm These famous Pills puri ' most powerfully, ht tf the Blood, T.1'1nm Sifmm n can 'l!)?:o.:Efp8ly the soesses, Piles, fistulas, Old Wounds, Sores anli-u, it is an Infallibl d , . on the neck or <$l1r:?.8aeaysal1Lf i(:gt7mb& Sore Throat, Diptheria. Bronchi1liI,`,m"`cr. even Asthma. -For Glandular gw eC1dL Im UCCH ISUUWH LU Hill. The Pills and Ointment are 3 only at :99 nvcnnn awn..- Ito searching and Meal; '"' ' "'5"! throuzhout the world. ng pmmmelue km For the cure of Bad Legg` Bad B ` Id Wnllndu Qmm. .._1lm.8.L..' -v V 4:; `I E And every kind of skin disease, 3 been known to fail. Tho Dina nnri fiina-..-_. _ GOUT, RHEUMATISM _And _every kinq of diaeasn I01... Tq -all sufferers from indigestio- . Disordered Stdmach. Use ;`.f`;:*.: :i mrz.` y0l.I`-'E;'.-%';:e~';j. ; The Queen s visit to Liverpool 0051: that city $60,000. _We know a. man who en- tertained threequeens and it cost him a good deal, but not quite $60,000. `Iv-n ` N 1 :- GBREATEST * R'F9!.NC~ nu/f-..np1`.- . VIII! (2; arm.-rhly euro you. `rm, do` not gripe or purge. but acf mildly, and whenever used are considered price- less. They have pmven `:9 be me nvsrzisu? ca mmcssnun, 1 WHEN Liii 5EU.S ' 7255. pergbox. 5 bcxus for SI FOR SALE 8) ALL DRUG`/3/575 M.` THEY ARE AH Assam: AND ncgcrnf mm u 15! n ma. '35s oxronn smear, I all Vendors: no u,,. HOLLOWAY ?-INTM%EqN1 yea;-chjng healing: nmn....._ Bondd tui-ka y in 918303 out; What this country yearn: foxf ;_u boned-shad. A 1 -_o_ a;_|_|..-_ 0--.. -|.....l.! I... :.......l ...:n. ' :ly Soumuuc New. cwsn Awn Efiiim ..4 ....\.....: -..-... :.....x.. of 1):. Haas: >12: EEORGE MONKMAN DRl`(:4:IsT. ;um~;:z WHY Q U urrn`i`o O F T H E l3.ATURE'SI 302...: ....... ,_ 6L1')'B'Y . INC I\l\1!|C}"`- -"' 500,000 50 LD` ...."ll.`,... .4` l\.- .3.-.x,u'5 August .19 HAvE_vou' n.. ._ . y. ..`., -Shiloh s Cough and Consumption Cure in aoldby us on a guarantee. It cures con- sumption. For sale "by John Woods. Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. l;lL an 1 ` hvcr -..1.. n "f'.~.in abox. sexes for$| muons: or 1mm run } L!H08;J * only Gm 30, it ME my I M3l1U1| .L`e: ton: >3: ... admigs `-mc.~L = A South Carolinian has discovered .tha,t snakes on bite in water. The best place` to put a make to keep him from biting is in whisky. ` A yeung man should lay upvsomething for a. rainy day. He should consider what he is gomg to do when when he can- not do anything. min I! `r: I If: .o In T--Sleepless nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh s Cure in the remedy for you. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, lugd M. J. Hamlin, Allaudale. ` wmy `sayings Sandwiched `with Pun- [rophs tor the sorIons--1'lI0 300%. . g QmIm.A-n E-3 HR`. alk !" exclaimed the bairber in an in- jured tone, talk 3 0t course I do; butil don t injure` anybody. I am sure I never say "anything. 5' Canal diggmg in slow business. . A rail- road can be built, put in the hands of the receiver and sold out before avcanal could be put in place, ' H '_v-. A wife uhould be likhirbut lamb-tom der, sweet, nicely dressed. plenty of x- ing, but without sauce. I IIV I , -, _ .AD, _.__;_ A man has ivented a 'maehine'wh_ich will make 10,000 revolutions, per second." Be ought to nd a ready sale for it in Mexico. - 'I "KC DVD U1? 3WIIV$S -Q:w -vvwv- the sensor: can u As en ambiguous` statement in neither: here nor there, where in it? 'I'\ Q ; F1 ._ 3.. ._I_..-LI _.a'L" Ilnmb C`:- VIIIIIQICI Jwvvuc-- -v- -- -vv--v , Low : Sulphur .n.o..1;iI.;i..g...a with every toilet. Itil c eanning and healing.- - It. was very approriate for Cooper Graham to go throng the whirlpool by nAn`.r_n:l` bilbllrl `V "V Uulvuu luau Ivnllblyvvc VJ cult-ud. . V . _ Always required-A,good cathartic medi- cine. National Pills will "not diuppomt you. V ` . _24-, .L _._I_1 \.- n|_?_'._.`__-; 1-._.|. L-- amuse : Worm Povdere are safe, sure and speedy to remove worms from children or adults. ' W $`~<;7r`zVx-nyemmen have greatneu thrust upon them, especially` when; fat persons sits next to them in the street cars. . t A~ Pennsylvania man has just received a letter which was mmled in 1869.; That showsthe advantage of the special delivery system. _ ; . 'I'I Al I` , ,,,_,I ,,, L- _,_ ___!,I1,, --That hacking coughcan be so 4 quickly cured by Shiloh : Cure. ~We guarantee For sale` by John--Woods, Barrie, and . _J. Hau;liu,_Allandale. \ \ 11"` I! J! I .u1'1, - IIHIIIUUIDUTIJ IUIIUVCU. U LIIIIIUII B \JUIUo HUI` Jsalefby John Woods, Barrie; and ,M. J. Hamhn, Allandale. V n `" . I '10 `: IQ`. M6}. 'i.$v"v7."i*ieu.n+ l"}'\ii'&;}a ga. la. 3 use and reliable worm remedy for all warm: af- flicting children or adults. .`I I T`! 1 .` ,I__ zl, , II.-_l,_-, R __ T` 6317 6&5; 'Joizi.z;};}}1E'sue _Me`xloan fur-. -cea st'El Paco. `In ciao of-`war he would- _, be the Unda-dog in the ght,_pqrhapu. WA- `--un`n"u`un'9 align an n`unnC-~ n-n~Qk:`nL n - broup,whobpiug'.cou h and!` bronchitis immediately relieved by hiloh a Cure. For ugh: Ru Jnhn 7nnr1n `Rn:-10:1: ' an!` > `.1 J , -v w... -.-_- ---F` --- ---v -,..`-- "Cr--v-rvv --For lameback, side or cheat; uue*Shiloh s Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlm, Allandale. . ' 1 Z iveexen "was lately drowned in a New Jersey cheese factory by falling in aivaty of whey. She went the wlgev qf 32.11 esh.` III 633 Olnoovvuu was wnou.won'i.3'i?N.' ---au-vuuu- - vncvlnl Nothing but pure e tragic from plants `and root; are tuned in D dnx*_McGregor`I` Lung compound, the modern an `now popular re- -medy for Colds, `Cd'nRhs;'a` ronohius, `C1-nun. As-thma. and all affections of the throat. lungs us and chest. Allminetul-poinennand enbsweeeajarg9292994-g1zl;ic!1.;end6n:s v sure waning: wuutuvu, uuainuuu _l -7. . ` ~ - Saloon`-1:'eeper(onthusia8ticb.`lly)4-First rate ;co.u.1`dn t be better,` I ve just got-m the finest lot of tripe `uni ! pigs feet` you ever tasted, and ,t._wo~' oil paintings that cost me $1 0.000 apiece. `Give the boys a. plenty ofart and pigs gand you can catch `em evety ;time. ? T, _._~_L_;_;..,_ 4 , anu 0.ll$Wu All lllllltll `DOIDIIIB I110. rolls substances are avoided, which rendrs {.%;t`il?`i`t"n`2z 3.?.?u`.`%. -'`n5 ..`?s`;.`:fr.9.' `*'.`V , ?? " Lennon, Au . 9._-.e-;l`he lgome ofoahu, Lit iunnoun ` , Nw York that 0. nnmboi of dynnmitglra his left the United sum tonne pm-pm % of I01` onuuren 01' auuua. SOLE 85000` bottle at Monkma.n a Drupmrp. Cvvufgwn -1 iv`: W \'UIoIvl_ ` When 1: ; say McGreT)); a Speedy Cure is the onl perfect cure for lyspepsia. Liver Com pla. nts. Indigestion and mpure Blood, we are telling lain facts. of which hundreds upon hundr scan testify who have been 1-antno-ad scan testify who have been restored to perfect health by its use. We. would there- fore advise on st:-ongl Vif yonf are a subject of auv of thee. ve troub es to give McGreo_r a Speedy Cure a triuleand be convinced. ~ 13:15 sold in 50c. and 31.00 bottles at Monkma.n e ' Drug Store. 24 36. --w was -van `silica Don t allow a cold the he; 8_1W.ly and surely develope itself into Oataarh when. you can `be cured for 25_oents. A `Atty V\!\"nnI-`Ann iniil nu-A c'nn:n:n-`L `A Naturuunmtak. " Teacher-The class of ancient -history will please stand ug. Miss White, what" was Ceres god of ? Miss White-God of Matrim"ony . i _ Teacher (sarcastically)--"I am surprised at . your ignorance Mus White. Where _did you learn that '5 V _ . In-_-._ 1'nL:., u-n,__,, n , 1- 1 '-"r. o yuu unu uu uuruu lUl' U_`UUIIUUn A few applications will cure incipient Catarrh. , . `_ , T - One tetwo boxes will`cnre ordinary Ca- tarrh. . , One to ve boxes will ` cure chi-on`ic `Ca.- tarrh. . , _. ev Sold by all dealers at` 250. er bexk Try 'I\.. A `I7 I1I_.._-L.. fI_..-.I-__. ie`'o ;;;.i1e`;'f-l-u`i?;vi`i 1f'::`1:;eS7I:>t::.Ii?lf;J; :a:a.`iIC'1 all dealers. ' ' L Business side Issues. H F1-iend (to Vsaloon-keepr)4-How : the 3 whisky business, oldman ? _ :, `;nnnnulz-IuL`;uuu-:-a-iLl:.'-``_\ I CF.`...';L u`i\"ITs`;`Cyz;.Jx;.;d:;`::`l`3Kac;a.use you put them I in boxes and sell them to us as sardines, that's why. ` - T ` ` __+,, AA- _u1u you Learn man 5 ` . . Miss White -Fgom the book. It is printed there as plainly as" can be. Teacher--What. itgaay '3" ;Mias White-0erea,god of husbndry.- :_P tom: *5 te `V r windgalla. The Doqtog-'0 remedies are whgt rLinimentIodi-ie_ m le| H t, fev re Ellili- pn 7 - Canada. Won't Stand It; Uzicle Sam--I demand that you recog- nize the rights of American shermen. man (`nu-nor`-u ((Y\............J nun`-.. TA. .3--- nun: vuw Lqguun UL zuuuxxvau uauunuuu. Miss Ca.nada-Demand away. It does not wor mean . 'Tnn`nryQnv-n y61\T.-L... nan LA...-. 'l:I 3..... u_uu VIIJLIJ Luv an Uncle Sam--Now. see here, Miss Canada, I just want to ask you one `ques- tion. Why won t._you .let us have any more. of your herrmga '1 _ I/Tim. nnmnlln `(Dunn---n ----- ----L -lL--- '"'s'o'1'd dealers sit` 25.` er` bdx, Dr. A. W. Gha.se s Oanadlan atarrh Cure- .. .... -11...- :L _:n _-___ ___._ tn ... __1_ 1,-, Be a. Here in the strife y says America s favorite poet. All very well, Mr. Longfellow, but how can you, when halt your time you. feel sick, and do not feel wel) the other half. it Men of noblest principles and highest aims find their ebrts "thwarted by disease. N ight-sweats. a. hack- ing cpugh and other symptoms onlyitoo plainly say consumption. Heed good ad- vice. Try Dr. Pierce s "Golden Medical Discovery and the bloom of hea.lth.will re- turn to your` cheeks, soundness .to `your lungs and you will be a hero vet. -Iurvauguvnu, guv III. , avulUIvuIyL1|q--gpuuj windgalla. The Doctor's I rely on ; no horse deoler should be without than F`:-nnk G-I-inwnld Wu-I: D.-.A..I..|. In. Acouuhlg-by loans-set a mule `rest. A`eyou_ng'gentlematt htpuening 'to'sit st` church in e w adjoimng `in which 3 young lady; on whom "be conceived a sudden and violent passion, was desirous of entering into 3 courtship on. the; spot; but the place not suitxng s formal declar-c ation the exigenoyof the case suggested` the following len`: ` tn. ...a:s..1.. .a..a...s L:.. c..-:.. ._-:..s.L;.. T- .l 131) (Ill 5 In: uvn-av uvusvr auuluu. no w1nou; *;::"a,,F'"w.c.`*.*2:;9.:f.a '1 ***"W W 1ug~ H Brown (p1eaaed)_-'.l`hinl; do? 5 -L Smith--I know so. You lj ok as fres as a. daisy, V ' " ` Brown (more plea.sed)---Yes? . Smith-Yes. You can stay out with `the boys apd show up in the `morning {all right. D.......... 1...--- .I.`l....'... ...I..-..-.1\ xr,.~_ _ F/`I-3`1"'V;>wn `(more than h plea.sd)-Yes, a little thing [like that don, t affect me much. ' - I `I ; I I. An . -I - - Ill ll UIIO T vSmiLth--It don't affect you a. particle. I never saw such a. man. I say, `Brown, can you lend me a fiver? V- Vnnnmn lnl-1: n`\ur\`I1`A A-;J>'|n.u..:...-.A...\ Vlllcl JV QVIIVI II-IVl1VUl.3 ' Brown (with absolute enthusi'a.sin)-- 1 Certainly, my dear boy, certainly. LII? I. LIIU IIVVUI LEI} Ill UVIIVUUIII! HIIIL UUIUII VII` ening the stomach, and in rest_oring_a5de- `ranged liver to a wholesome lscnditioh .in tousing'torpid kidneys to increase their se- cretion, and in re-establishing the`hal;ura_l health activity of `the bowels. 'Holloway s are the remedies for complaints of all classes `of Iociety..; _ . ll ing. D. ; L He politely ended his fair neighbor in Bible, (open,) with a in stuck in the fol- lowing text: Seoon Epistle of John, verse fth-"And now I beseech thee. lady, not as though I wrote a new com- mandment unto thee, but that which we had from -the beginning,` that we love onteuanother. ' v.u1:e";;\:1.-;1ed it pointing to the second 1 cha tor of Ruth, vex-so tenth : % u I... .1... 0.1: -3. 1...- 3...- -_.1 L-..-.1 I wuuusu. IUVR UMCII uwuuuua nus III ULIU LCUU, and at _once seek a remedyyfor them. A short search will convince the most sceptical that these noble medicaments `hye afforded ease, comfort, and oftentimes. complete re- covery` to the most tortured `sufferers. The Ointment will cure all descriptions of sores, wounds, bud legs, sprains, eruptions, erysipe- l ~ Dhiiifltllil f'l'\II* QQl\..Il\I\Q VOIII IIUI III` LUIIUCI V9539 UUIIUII Q Hi` hen she fell on her face. and bowed 291-self to the ground, and she said unto u"`uWhy have I found grace in ihinoyb ' that thou ahouldst take knowledge of me: I t . t ` . 7".ri'2`r2 33Je3'?h2~`i53`12?";3{intang who isjhiteenth verse of the Third Epistle of o n. . . T \ - `Io two-vvvuug U n-uuunuvxw Uvtt In 00.3! ` Ever useful, - ."l.`h_e_ ,a1ic_ted ; by, illqess should look their diseases fully in the face; A An!` Al: nnnn can]: :1 rnmnn fnp lahnm 1".Z,"."i.T u`$`a`Z'f.T.'I "`_".`35?sZLi$SI The Pill: never fail 1nToorrectingu`1d`utrength- nrn'nn tho uh-nngnh fun` {In ran!-nu-nnn.-In- xave many thingeo write k unto` _you, I would not vgrite {nth paper ink, but trust to come unto you, and speali feoe to fdce, that. our joymgy be fnll,,."o From the above, Interview Q merriege took place the-enIu'tng'week.g",, . Judloioun attery. Smith--Brown, you re fine this thorn- VIII nouowws oinhiene `cm nus. . ___-E,-I 1|loG:-agar : Speedy` cure. _ c--A -an-u "..l`-_ ..-.J_ Q__-J-- I\_. w `o on Your Guard. Mineral Paladin." .1. ___.__ __L___ 7l- 1 Mi ` Burlequei a`ctre`si-+Yes,7' doctor, 'the. dog bit mejust below the knee. 'l\:\-nil;-nun-\ (EVA... .31. 5.. -_ .._..--I __-__-, 1 ` - .`>'f.Y..l ."*.`!K` -W WWI)` II .Even_ibg} -Post that .Mumumpi_sm`,iu'inor6a.ing ; ~` % 0.1d MI'i-;B6n1y"(ihi9t`b!6d'in`her' it- Atinz Iitlnt no? If ~wo__ndr they on t try" ` atom-. . Moaregor & Parke ; catholic aerate. . . Hwo you. an old Sore} Cut, .13urn `Bruise, ,cure, nemelv.` Mo Corn, Bunion, Salt Rheum, Pimple Blotches, Rough Hands or Face? It&o.Pth]a`re scbulgge _ or at as or _c Oerate. If you but'_$r1%glt..,it will convince you. It costs but 25 cents a 'Monkma.n e Drug Store. .