Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 5 Aug 1886, p. 8

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$5 18' nu. .16 E1 19 18 14 355 23 12 10 .lly_UB_LI..lUK' uuruuuru uuuu Lrulu uumugwuou } will carry minnsterefree. - ` ` . ~ -Mr.-Gnrdiner, of Barrie. "':wa.se at work [painting a house on Monday morning when the sca`-ld on which he stood gave way. 1&1;-. G. Fellnto the ground injuying his ribs ~-sand one of his ahrms.--Orillia Tunes. ` ;VVO o. n \I|-I-O 37 34 11_ ire"`i{;' '.?;2i$?EJ11L?$Z?cn*e gm. xjiage of one of our boys. `Mr. Chas. Sneath, ~ whoia now. 3 dru `at in Penetan inhdne, to`Miss8a1-ahAppebAe, ofBa1-rie. - .9 con- `gntnla_t e_the happy oou'p1e And" wish them much hsppi`ne is and in theitutnre. V 7 "IaN`An'v .' I . Al . ` 11 M. J. sg991."7.n f'm*e. lot ~N$`."'i o.nf th: 9:1; canoe-ma, Inniil. .-on` Wednesday Augtga y 9 l1..th~:. _V.oqul.nnd. music I but pr`ooIu-I51 j_hIenlij'Th6` _ and wall bo.tfi5ii." l4.%9'9.i!Y!`3;.%Md -, 6KiEl 63iI'pchitg@, uvcu u-avau uyuakvuuul us, In`: vvuvaw uuluuaunuay. PERSONALS.--Ml`. and Mrs. George Mo- Gowan and Mr._ Robert `McGowan, jr., of Indiana, U. S. A... who have been visiting in this neighborhood for some time, have re-V turned to their far off home. Although they are very happy in their adopted country, as fortune has ever smiled upon them there, yet: they do not for et the picturesque valea and. pine-topped h` _ of old Midhurst, their native place, no. associated with pleasant memories. and the may warn; frienda _who. `ever aooord them a hearty welcome. ' ` m7.`1.'..... .......`:....a :.'.4'..11:.;-.'.;;.; -..s 4.1;`. .*.:.-.. I-I-IDLIIIUCIIUIL Ill IIIIIB LILUI We have known the deceased gentleman for over twenty years, and we have never known anything else concerning him than that he was a. brave. true, kind hearted man. ever ready to spenkan enconragin ,spmpa.the-. tic word, or give a lifting `hen in time of need. Hie wise counsels will long be remem- bered by all who knew him, and his well- knovgfresence long be missed in this neigh- borh The bereaved` family._ have the heart-felt avmpathy of, the whole community. P|msnwn.Q_.._.Mr- and Mn. an:-an `M..- KJIIJIUUUJ . About two years ago, while, yet, hale and hearty, Mr. Simmons had an unfortunate fall from a hayloft, fromthe effects of which he never recovered. Last Christmas he was forced to permanently take to bed, where he gradually wasted away, bearing intense pain and suiferi at times with a degree of patience an of christian meeknees seldom manifested in this life. ' I17. I_____ I______._ LL- .1 . _ . _ .__J J ,1` . -vuvvu `Wi1liad1 McDonald` nsaulted Wllliam fstoddart game time 0 at Bradford and was ned 5 eriiell bum or the olfenoe. " `Sto`d~ - dart thought it was too-little and gave him some punishment when he 1; out of court. "' fol .Wh|0h;h.`h3d!~P`7 _ 1712.. -|_ :_1-...__ __ LLLL L- "AL- cord the death of one of Midhurst . Advance Correspondence. Om'rUARY.--It is our painful duty to re- , s oldest and most honored settlers,--Mr. Joseph Simmons, who died on the morning of Jul 10th. The deceased was a na"ivc o Irc-lan , having been born near Westport, County of Mayo, in 1812. When quite a vounq man he emigrated to Canada, locating at Kingston. Here he lived for some time till circumstances induced him to leave Canada and settle at Pittsburg,U. S. A. This was in 48. For twelve years he lived in this city, during which time he had married and become the father of several children. "In '60 he again crossed the lines, accompanied by his wife and family, and sought and found a new home in Ontario, where he has ever since dwelt. `When Mr. Simmonsi came to this part of the world, Vespra was little more than one dense forest, infested with Indians and wild ahimals.` But the sturdy pioneer never hesitated nor faltered, but with his good axeand stout arm set to work with a will to cleave out a home. So successful were his efforts that to-day he leaves behind him one of the finest farms in the County of Simcoe. C ' ,__LL,__ _,,, , V` 1-: . . u g QIIIIIVIIIIIIO Mr. J. E. Johnston, who for the past three years has been out much esteemed station agent, left last Wednesday with his fair lady to take charge of the stations at Washsgo and Severn `Bridge. We `wish them every 81120683. 0 ,`I"l'l`fII,, II- HIJUU - Mr. J. H. Graham, an old town boy, has returned home from Toronto to take charge of our stationlately vacated by J. E. John- ston. Welcome back, J ack. bu:-y7. V" M "W W Mr Miss Katie Stevenson has recovered from `her recent nllhoss and is now able to be out again. ` M... 1: u7..:...1.a. ..-L_.c._. _-_-- L,-mi ` H. Wright, who for some time `past has been _very ill, is now on a. wait to Churchill.` ` ll- 1' 1: I_L,,_,L,,, __,u p n MOI uuuuayu Lu uuu uuuuury. `Misses Ella. Cunningham and Susie Steven- son have returned from their visit to Thorn- "III In BUIJ ' I bury. `I I3 ' I am to De me reclplents or a good shaking. If Thornton supports a. Health Inspector 1 think he should be about his duty, as the north ward is in a terrible condition at pres- ent, from the unnleasant odor arising from a lthy pig-sty. Dununxvn YB `KL... 'E`...-..... Q..-LL 2- __.-__ J! IILUIIJ PIWQUJI . . PERSONALS. -M1ss Emma. Scott 18 spending her holidays in the country. A 'M;nnnn `VH9: (`.nnuinn1nn-n cnul Q.....'.. 04-.--.. neat to cnoxe and otherwise abuse him, but in this he got left, for he was roughly seized by one of the girls, and at the same time received a few kicks from our brave -boy; gladly did he free his victim and call for help. Then came a volley of oaths, which made the woods tin with theirovio- lenoe, and . in a secon a huge-looking species ofvmankind darted through the crowd and made for our noble youth, kicking him several times, but seeing a large tin dipper brandished over his he , Daddy was glad to flee through the crowd to his mother for, safety. The party left the woods none the worse for their racket, but sorry to have troubled stich industrious farmers to leave their work and come all the way across their f.rm to be the recipients of good shaking. Thornton snnnm-ts a. Health Tnnmn+m- I -nvn lvpo` qr ----__w`v r-' y__. - ' M2`:-James Klinok informs b the '..aid.ofVo `rod'h'e h |I;diaOovored oil salt - --v- --vv-w ' I Advance Correspondence. Last Wednesday morning, a number of our town girls, accompanied by a mere youth, took their eetest horses, largest pails and best grub to spend the day berry picking in a wood near Killyleagh. ` All went. well until the party arrived at the woods, where they were confronted by a woman, who demanded their authority for coming here to pick berries. Almost be- fore an answer could be made by any of the pleasure-seekers," a monster in the shape of a. man, sprang like a tiger at the youth who kindly accompanied our ladies, trying his best to choke and otherwise abuse him, but in em. I... u....4. Into 3.... 1.... _-- __i,__ 207. oil . Twent must reduce our I tore alteration: c In` B00310 St cash price at . or (sent. oil: We k of Felt Haul be- ence In our Cloth- an 20% olfthe close . Gray 6: Con. X "3:L'hu been glaced in the Pros- byterian Church here whxch will add greatly to the interest of the service. LKCJ LIL: l.O Mrs. frumiull and daughter, of Guelph, are on 3 visit to J. O McKegie, Es . V Mrs. R. S. Gilpin has been very for the 11:31! uinnlr Hula IDA urn n1a1~I' I-A `anion aka u'u RAID: lulu OJ: \IlIlJlI.I I-IX UUUII VH1 , ILL LUI III]-U past week, but we are glad to learn she is now recovering. _ A Cnnuio A-1.-- I... L... -1---) ._ LI... `D--- UU LIILIIUIIUSU IUIV 3 Mr. Geo. Douse,o;P'i`oronto, has fakeu up his abode hem for a. short time. Also Mr. Bough and family, of Toronto, are spending a. few days in town, the guests of G. P. Mo- VKey, M. P. I Mia 'l`I1IvI|'\I1"nIu-` Anncuknn at (1.u.lnl. SLVIVTI-IV`? \J\ Il?yIIII$\lIl\I\lO V The quarterly meeting in connection with this circuit was held in the C. M. Church, Belle Ewart, on Sunday last, Aug. 1st. The Rev. Stewart Wright, of Thornton, presch- ed an eloquent sermon, ohosing for his text the first and second verses of-the 17th Chap. of Matthew. The Rev. Messrs Manning, Thornley and Bsynon also took part in the service. The church was `lled to its utmost ca;r>`a.oity. ` ' 14`. "I`u-uI..`In `nnnknn vuhn :1: unnnr`-:nn veiywuu-Jo - . Geo. E. Tyndale. teacher, who is spending his vacation in West Gwillimbury paid our village a ti ing visit on Sabbath last. Alex. gar, E\q.,_ and family have" gone l to Snndridge for 3 mp.` M! an nnliun A` 'l`l\I`flI|"t\ `anal `QIIAH I111 ment. Anybody whovhsd more respect for the school than for the" ` satisfaction of a sympathetic curiosity would not dare to participate in such vile tricks. l`AI-Inns-n as-A `\nnnn gang.-nu! in fall whnnt PCIUIUIFIIV Ill UIIIJLI VIIU VII Farmers are busily engaged in fall wheat harvesting. Their most favorable report is an entire failure. A J UNIUS. .___L___I__ ,,, Advance Corr;1')ondence. __,___L_` Mldhurat. Thornton. V STEAMER; ; ~ 'EN".l.'.'EIlPFlIS'.I:l.' ` .u_>.`LYo1'v.~ ms`-1~in._; I HE"- a'b6ve ste.i:heh~`md coinmodious eteamer, - *1: nowopen to:-.1ven entmtor` the Ex. `cm-sion Season of 18$ , m and to ppjmg` on Lake Simone and` douehiemng. V l'or tern;:a.'4'.g"u1'x-V;u_,1:ge`n1e_x_:t:; apply to .,,,,,_.. ._ IYON . ;>' .| 5*`-"tct,/-I I 14; :;,`.,=> _. 4 :-' 5`... J11`- IJDLLILI LJRILIB . o n n u IOIIIIOIIU ellIIIl I O I I DI CCIIIII. Tallow, Farmers cake .. .. 0 045. . .' . HIDES AND SKINS-IIfISI EC'l`ED. No. 1 Steers, 601ba. and up T 0 08.... I -I 2 ` _`* 0 075... 3 ' . 006.`... 1 Cows, all weights... 0 07$ .. 2 ..... 006}...- "3. " '- .... 0 o5v.; ROUGH 1 Cow, per l00lba._;.... Steer, ..., . Lamb Skins............ I'I,IL__ It is reported that fhe counti'y- around Sudbury 1:: rich in mineralsjand among them - gjzold is found in considerable quantities. 1 D -1 _ , _ A _ ___ _____L ____ _____A,1 `tn A.-1 v u - - - u - - - - - - - - - - . . - - ~~ Barrie General Produce Mar 7 Zket. ' 1 1 Beef, hindquarters. . . . . . . .3 5 00 to 3 Beef, aforequarters .. . . .._`. . Beef, per side, per cwt.... -. Dressed hogs, per 100 lbs. Mutton, carcass, per cwt. . Lamb, per lb Btitter, tub, per 1b.. . . . . . Butter, roll, per lb. . . . . - - Lard, per 1b.... Tallow . . Eggs, per dozen.......... Potatoes (new) per bag. . . . Apples, per bushel. . . . . . . Omons, per bushel . . . . . . . Tumips H u Beets, Carrots, Parsnips, " Hay, new, per ton Straw, per ton........... Flour, Baker's, per 10C lbs Flour, Family, (I Flour, Pastry,` A Oatmeal, per 100 lbs . . . . . Cornmeal, . . . . . . :00-00': 000 Unwashed Wool.... ..... 600 400.... 500 500.... 600 000 .. 000 550 600 0070000 013 0.14 014.. . 016 ('00.... 0.9 0 5.... 0 5 012.... 0 13 000 075 ~ 100 000.... 000 000....` 000 000.... 000 000 000 030.... 030 00-one 500.... 650 I 75... 200 200.... 200 240... 250 200.... 250 200.... 250 0 18:... 020 0100000 Barrie Grain Market.- Spring Wheat-........ ...$0 00 0505000 F&1lWhe8t.........-.... .L. Barley.... .............. 055.... 075 Oats ........ . . . . . ..;.... 040.... 041 Peas........ .... . . . . . F 45.... 050 RWIIIICIIQIOIIIIIIIOIII 0600000 1 - 4.--; _ A! ._.-_I hniilh `lnunlrndn The Prices `nuung in the __1.ooa1, Toronto. Montreal and English Market --A Resume oi the Week. Tm: Nomnnnx ADVANCE OFFICE, BARRIE, Aug. 4, .1886. THE STATE 0!` THE MARKETS DURING THE PAST WEEK` . GRAIN. LIVE swuux mm PRODUCE, All for this week, at 550 @3100 P: $250 Of all th_e head "None: 2 I)on l. forget Ihelgre now going on". . out before alteratlo Clothing Room. 2 -eray 6: `Co. _. ___ _v J vvu-FCC I Sale ofFelt. Hats must be cleared commence in our er cent. 01?. T.W. .1 I .1 ; nn .1 yards Pluted J yards Fine Pm Tronto Farmers Market. TORONTO. Aug. 3, 1886, fall_perbushel..........$ 0 75 to 3 0 76 sprmg, do ...... 0?5....`076 goose, do .. 068.... 070 do 0.12 (In: he heaJs.of'the_va1"ious departments when it v.I;`atshresolved tthat ccrltain lines be cleared Out this Season. even I 63' Were 0 be gn-en away gym: 1 ushel . .. 075 Lshel....... 000.. . . . . . . .. .... 000.. . . . 000... ....... ....... v9 10 00 L........... 5 00.... 6 50 ,per 2 00 2 00.... '2 00 ' -W H 00lba ...... . . . . . . - . . .. Folococ `The People's Bargain I-Iouse, E. B. GROMPTON & co` s.....,_.. 4 00.... rcwt.... -. 5 00.... r100 0 00... percwt.. 550... . n - u - -0.00 1b....... 013... lbIO\IIIC I AHE Gross Fine Ivbry Buttons at EI?snALcuurEnEncE ~.-u-. -v `v- ' ~--'S`he farmers through the townships of ' `Mara, Thorah and Brock my the crops are better than they have been for years. Her- vesting through the county is now pretty general. - ' ll, 13 DJI -1 'I`__._.__.__A_I_ __,, LI HIDES. pairs more of those Wonderful SILK GLOVES, yards Heavy Brown Holland, all linn, Printed Muslins to go at VVU 000 Ann- abode; stud 7 - . "9 vruwquur wen: uooas" eq Very much cheaper. ' Qfljr 8hok.f5 ;"u,i.v . . . uk - .. ` lonialu-goand- 1 ted. Weclaun ` , to "u"`"d`l9P.`---._N0 tvtdublosizxfhow our goods. ' '\`.: $` '_ 1"-__... Ill JUST BEEN HELD Bell. of Tecumaeth, was thrown .-out of his buggy in Bradford as his horse -was running away and received some` in- juries." The buggy was I considerably. de-. moralized. ` J. &- f1`:= iELL'S 13 ;'. .~"' 3: msnefotrcta in tea. -2 d S1ipP"" and childrens tine Boots, Shoes 8" jimndg. - . .. win nuuuzuso GI. bargains we shall offer. v\/V On of about August 1st, Phcenix Hall Tailoring lishment will be removed to the Centre Store ip M('CIl. ~`..": ' !Block, south side of Dunlop Stre:.t. " -j--;------ Until that time we Shall offer the whole of`om' Stock Gents Furnishings at cost. Call and se('m'o son1e0;"` "I191-rro;nn `tits .-.l...'Il --[I"_,_ BOOTS I-:-Big Bargains-:~I --jIU-'7r"2` v. Phoenix Ha,11!l `The Parry Sound annual camp meeting will vommence on the 12th of August. S ec- ial rates 0n,,_the Nothern Railway. $119 steamer Northern Belle from" Collingwood `III:-1"`. nun:-I1 mn3nfAra-frog ` % CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, FAMOUS SHOE HOUSE. FuRNIsH`_|`N s'LAT cos'r. 100. $00TS! 1-'8; Faoodym Welt Goods equal in MY lvmm. a.....* .`1. -1. _- _ __ -REM_OVAL og- mg: says held 1a c;;.;;. ' Z)Vf .;ppea.l. in U-.;llingwood a week ago last Monday. This is the first Court of `Appeal in Collingwood against the Court of R;ev_ipn in 20 years. 'I\....In I`.-`non:-au D`nA aunnn -"4. APIIAIJ `-C_d... 3c. I. s. WHITTAKER, linen, at 1 per Vard 1/ Regular .130. "per card of 2 doz , worth three times the mo? .%"9:%t"E):`]ors at Wm; J 1-der. ;\And an kinds of Wheel Work. T{: _ are kept in stock and made to`? n - large stock at our Show Room W ;_ ' from. hm" HEAVY .9; LIGHT \VU;(:(NS, DRAYS, CARTS; _-__--1'\ AD P91` yard. W :l.."h`ef;r'x1'1' ef_I_'$1:.' - C_};1e:rlee-| ne 1;; near Angus, was totally destroyed by fire last week. Insured for 600 in the Royal New Drab Felt Ha " New Brown Felt Hutu, New Black t Hats at 20% less that price at '1`. W. ray ac C099. __ _:a __-_ -.. L1...:.. .....-..4.:.... ...... ..-:.l 1 Late SANDERS & \\'n1Tm;:` PHAETQNS, UANJD, ` _ _ WHEELBARIW -101.`:-. s L\ K`, DEM0CRAT5~ Per pai- '0f~fe The gxfouhds of th Cufoh of England and the Baptist Church of East Oro have been much improved this summer. - - I---._._`.-1_ r1-___-._.. L-.. .... .._.........-I :4... F- H 7- An immense stock j the newest styles in Hen ; Still and 0!! Hats to be, slaughtered. 0111' thing Rooln Is to` be altered. 'l`.` W. ay dc Co. _ l I- 1 A I -. ....v-`..`.. .u --- -u--vg -v vvv It is said eight hundred car loads of square umber. representing two million feet, have been shipped from the Nipissing distlict _to Quebec this season. V n. n 1- n `n- co -. n A stylish shape Bla ':i}! Hutfor only 600. during Gruv as s. great hat sale. -CIIKU PIIVV IIU CI it I `yawn. ww -Iv I Beeton riemen in their prdctice are said to have sent their bullets pretty close to Mr. Riddle, in whose eld they were practising. _ _ 1 _ _ 1 Mrs. Hall, of Uinqton, has` lafely lost two cuws poisoned with London purple. She has no idea how the animals obtained .. .t. 'Bradfor and Sutton cricketers had a game at Sutton a week ago which resulted in 1 ictm-y for Bradford with several wickets to go down. . A _. I--- -__.--.... mdnnlv ALE`-1| -.`...--...;. -._.I..-. Au a stempt.wasIns:Lde to burglar-ize the .e.af-: in C. G. Gendx-on s store, Penetangui- shene, a. night or two ago. ' wn_--..._. 1_-`l.._ ......3 I)..I-`ta. .a-1 VI` `I7 ' Gray 6: C093. Cash -...--....., - ...- -- ... -1.-any suun's";%_'P;-Inns an '1`. W. N rec Mrs, Joseph Farm 1, sr., [West Gwillim- burg. fell dead while attendlng to her house- hold duties a. few days ago. - (p\I-vv -- ---.---. _- ..-_."...,V__ 1., , , _I A few "days ago a vagrant cow caseii the loss of $50,000 worth of Grand Trunk prop- erty and two lives at Omemee last week.` nu L-,,,,.. _!__II:..... -2 ll- I`1l......l.... 1)..-L- ._.t... . -.. -_-.. _...__-_. J arratt a Corners has re organized its ` Christian Work Band and itis expected they will have" some good mee 'ngs. 4 _.4_.`Il-I. _.I-..-... liinn tIIPI.I..l'nnn nmiu ;nen1ners_ of the Lodge of United "Workman ot Beeton did not get to Big Baye ? ninf: on their excursion trip in consequence vf faxhng to secure a boat at Burma. 1 1 I`: I I1 (`I 1 n A I I - --'-1`v11.e-l`;;n.a;a.v:; Heraldgtells of an "aesthetic gomplete y destroying Dr. Gahan a .ga-rden. n I `I I I ,, 4| .1: _, , n ,l_______ uni):-.'EI-evllv: Sf` 1;l`li;;;tI'.-iii.-;gc;;ti-n'g~a; patent for avaluable invention in operating train * switches on raihw ads. A man picked 16 imperial quarts of gooseberriea from a single bush planted `ihree years ago. "of `Roaseu, has given notice of apnlication to parliament for a. divorce from his wife. ` ml_!;1-\: :1-1;-.111` GI-av : 6 ' Q Black Su Felt ' Azllata. Great. hat in _ ow going on. 1 `"Eife' u?J.;{1;II.}%E.?nZr say} that `camp- ing and shing parties are now all the rage in Muskoka. ' ...- vuv J---- -av. The latest st lo 11: illau now being slaughtered at . \V Gray an 0093. u n II ,c AII,'-L._,. ._ __-LL.'__.. - _.-L___A_` mm mepmn of o.-mi. have decided thnt they will have the streets lighted with elec- -tricity. _ V . I` ' AI,. 7 I II ! T -'i`Zh;:VIndia.ns in the Lake Temiacamingue district are said to be su'9ring from lack of ;game E . `ing; funny .9 lVAI- 9;. `In `Int- human`.- havea new b`:-ick block on the site of Wm. Rogers hotel which was burnt two years ago. . ., iv`. . vl\:... I-.....o ..c..'I.. DJ: lino- nn--y `malnutr- mad condensed Into Intorobting Para-` ....-_I... 0... AJ'_._.. un-...n-.._ cu-1.- m13}I{{SrIi;'$7iE holiday yesterday ind her `remen went to Big gay Point. ' lI'IL___- 1__A._ L- , , "e.}} ice} i.{,e;E.I? fia'o1' v'i;i"t'ed` `Mid-I laud lately and found a oi-ything quiet. V unto II-0 4-4... An. 1 11--.. 1. n..o.' ....--o cw- -_ -_ Somebody declares that four or five bears have lately been seen in the neighborhood of = Cookstown. V who was injured at the Bruce- bridge tunnery a few weeks ago, has died of his injuries. ' 5 1).-.. ....... -a~11....-.n;. 1.11%. InI....|- noaavnnio --jc- vvu-vuvrwvt utvw jvwl vwuj Q UGO U!` .3:-aphn for um Baden Who Like The narrow otthc logs. ' Vasey farmers have more hay than they ` .expected. The -Reeve of Beeton who has been - ill is (now on the mend. ' ' ...- - - - - v v-., ---r- -~--- -vv-J wuuvv-H -`---v- --41 Felt Hat for 40. Gray & C090 great `In: sale. ` , . 'iJ'1e Tottenhamxtolk are complaining" about unclean yards und lthy hog pens. NVL- l3._-- l 1___A. l"|__,LL- 1.4- I__-._ ..I_-__ - Q72; Gray at C095. so on Hats, men : size: for 40. - cuvrunzn BY sntcol: AND biswnlcr Jxcn.-mans A8 Loon.` rams. will is pl'0p0:8d to shoot an untagged dogs in Orillu at sight. -V_. _ v-..` ZThe1W' iazt monster farmers picnic at Maganetawan on the 5th of August. 'I`L-...__ f`-__._1I__ _ lI1_LL_,-l_-_._ I.-.` _ Z w'I?k;<;1xv1V;aT>(onr1'olly. of Tottenham, had a cow killed on the railwgy last week. Cl__LL A -A. `I _....-,,-L-,, II 11 __,!L_J' 1:3; -v vvv `aunt, Ur T. 11. Lloyd, says that hog cholera. in rapidly spreading in the County of Sim- ._- 5. _._vV T `Ira; been shown 3 * `tspeer of timothy 6 ft. 9 inches in height." \Dunbsr s mill. Sunridge, is "shoving out lumber at the rate of 25,000 feet per day. T tlh-eat Felt list #10 now going on at T '1`. W. Gray at Co on 11' '11 I 17 _, ;l__LI_-.. _L-I__,_ niiii ommenlsmlumnnnij 33? i';2a"5"i:b3I~1I5'3'd" .' pr'8'a'o71i'.~.T"" e.:;`e::`gi;: in simp y grand and is favorsblyadapted for a summer resort on aoconntfot the` proximity of the River Nottawusgs. The fore pg commands the entmnco to `?Lovox u Lane. and side vjow r`om~ the hide mood. A __.-.;_-_ _|.:.i.I I.-.: -I.....A`. ':`n..1-.1 :_;._ A `:1-notice which Ind almoot_ faded into thogoognofamehnohglyputu coming to notioojgdn. `_ _ [ ih_Ichoo1-hous. Itiu'outlo_u .-_t[n`I;'j._'. , ' deprodatorn` oouldnotntl` " emphy- T Advnnee Gorrespondenoe. Our worthy friend and neighbor, M1-.i John.Nioholnon. is ereotinga. new dwelling house, the architecfand builder of which in; Mr. James Brennan, o_f Phelpaton_.. Boa-. hm .Tnhn7in the-6nlv'antann|no `linildmu in J`-I-It `(I In IIUI ill ; INK`, ton J ohn" is th?ly' ante " builder in par neighborho at present. ts eituasion .... ..:.....; .. _...-..j '-_.I -_ -..-...LI_ _J-_L_J l-_, uuu Jun _uv. VIII!-L an uuuuv Uuv nunu` Gnu DLIU artiee he-sold it to, but they denied it, say- ing they never paid for It. The young man was liberated on July` 20th on giving his security to pay $73 for his spree. ` . . uuu unzxva U1. vvuaunuy. nu` uuuu u. M16 freight, took the whiskey to A11s.nJ:i'e, and `deposited it in the cellar of abutcher e shop, where some parties met and were having a ilay .time. Someof it was, said to be sold. owever when the N. & N. W. Railway de- tective arrived and found the barrel it was abouthalf full. The young man was arrest- ei and placed in jail. During his walk to the jail he told all about the affair ' and the nnwlaedn `\n."nn`:` :5 Ian Rn` I-Ran Jn:auI {L anc- Alliston Herald has the following forty rod story : A rather amusing scene was enacted in Allandale a day or two ago. ` 0. A barrel of whiskey'was shipped from route to Barrie instead of Beeton. A young fellow of the same name as the proper owner lives in Allandale but gets his mail matter at Barrie P. 0. He was handed the letter containin the invoice and shipping bill of the barre of whiskey. `He' then `paid "the freight. took the whiakev tn` Allan nln_ And \Il ll-LIDCW UJBIIUIIA I 0 01-0.... .._. Penetangmshene. |Tg.y VIII This is what the Free grant Gazette says about the Barrie Fire Brigade excursion: On` Wednesdav la.st,'about 11.30 a.m., the excursion party `under the auspices of the Barrie Fire Brigade, arrived at the wharf. The Bracebridge Fire Company and a number of citizens met the visitors at the wharf and escorted them up town. The greater num ber repaired at once to St. J one h s Church Grove where they were `hospitab y entertain- ed ; others went boating on the river or pic- niced on the school grounds. `About 2 p. m. the re bell sounded and our company gave an exhibition of the working of our system of waterworks. Single,` double and triple streams were thrown, and the visitors were unstinting in their praise of the excellent work done. After dinner the Barrie band played some very ne selections on Main St.,. and while laying were photographed by Mr. Ellison. he party embarked about 6.00 o'clock, well pleased with their visit -to our {main Gravenhurat. . . n`8u Medora&Wood.'. 30 Medonte........- 196 an-coco IIIOIIIIO Muskoku ....... 49 Ori1lia...... ..; l\.__'II_ a- `I . L,\_ ;;.*;m';eca:.'. Total applications,'i,'177."i`ota}}}1diti3;'to list, 987.-Packet. . - V " iii; following table shows the `result of the voters list of East Simcoe under the Dominion Franchise Act : - The net Conservative gain is therefore twenty-nine. ' In-- Macaulay the Conserva- tives also gained. The exact gures have not been received. -v-v-v ---- -- --v -- ---a---- Muskoks Herald. -. The Bracebridge' Voters List has undergone quite a change since the printing of the first copy in J anu- ar . As nearly as we can ascertain the 0 lowing numberof names have. been added and struck o`, viz. : ' Mr. S." T. Montgomery, 0. Victoria Harbor pathmsster, get near the border land last week. He was removing a. large stone from the road with s oke of cattle and was as- sisting them wit a lever when the . chain slipped off and the stone rolled back on the lever knocking Mr. Montgomery senseless. After an hour or two he recovered conscious- ness and is now all right. If I I ' `I ? ,9` II T` , ` '1 ---Ladiea, for` the latest `styles in dress goodsgo to R. A. Stephens &.Co. l\"I'\ ",,,L, 5 IT I WCIU BUUIU U11 1.` IILIGJ GIUUIIIVUII CI-Iul IJUU5 powder,` which 11: is surmised was used ti: blow the safe. The matter is being quietly [' looked after. - ' T | N ewe-Letter . --Early on Sntnrday morning last but lure broke into the Northern station - oice, b ew the sofa open. and carried of! $65. An individual called in Mr. Gilpin e hard- ware store on Friday afternoon and bought nnun-Inn Il7}|;I`-ll It in uni-rninnt` man nor! in The driver of Mr. Davidson's refuse cart was baokiu up the horse to the burner on Tuesday w en gettin a little too near. the weight of the cart few the unfortunate beast over into the burner, and" was burned to death without a possibility of rescue. The horse was a very valuable one.-Pene- tang Herald. . Musical Vespers in St. Anne's Church, Penetsng, last Sunday, under the direction of Father McBride was attended by a crowd- ed oongregation. Father Labonreau s dis-. course on capital and labor in things spirit- ual was 8' capital one and was much enjoyed I: Q Inhn hnnrrl Ivn hath Dnnnntnnt and IICI WT C UCFIUUI UIIU CIIIL WT IIIIIUII UIIJ b .11 who heard him, both Protestant "533 --For ne entn furnishings go to R. A. Stephens & . ` ' DID I` II D -I The Bsrrie Examiner says thieves die poor. If the editor wishes to save his pre- sent weslth and acquire more, he would do well to take the _lesson to heart. The Ex- aminer is one of the most persistent and shameless literary pirates in Ga.nadn__.- -0ril~ lie Packet. ""165. Vb -is7.I`wZ.'.{~avin,. to Nottaws me Thursda when Ins mare took fright at a passing oad of hay, L gave a sudden jump, . w. !`,".';f`..`f. $.55. .`}.`%?n.I;`.*. ...,..."`.". .'.`i fa'.."Z'`i'2'&' `faith to the feet of its. existence in Snnni~ at Nottiwa have oonvinoadnhimt that oil is not to be found there. But "he pine his dale. ~ Let 3 company be at-once formed and a. test made. The people of eeton are in- vited to take etock in the undertaking.- Stayner Sun. In..n .. .' - "':ie'.;v;..... t... am... -. .. 1. A. Steghene & 00.3 _ am go Bishop Sweatman was assisted in the con- rmation service at Midland `by Rev. M Kin ton, of Penetung, Rev. Mr. Lloyd, of the eformetcry. Rev. Mr. Hodgeon, of St emee Cathedral, Toronto, and Rev. Mr. iZ."'ei.`2' 2i'{'.3. '."'6`+ Br`i`$n '4-'.. "iL'& 1` bruised-but the bugaywu not injured. -0011. mnfnrnrinn * '~~'~" _ A . I --If you want a. nobby pan` of pants go to R. A. Stephens & O0. __ (`.15 u _ A `Y :1 I UGILIUU \JCIlIlU\II'-I, JJIIUIIUU, Cl-Ill LIIUVQ Ill. } Hunt, of Midland. There were 23 cand? AQ`l:Q c'o;tons go to R. A Stephqns ` Conservatives I I ' .. Reformers added. . . `.4. . , struck off . .. Weliuci ' Re. Final Rev. All ) -8 A AA 04. -1! L Ivnsuu Luv. Illulll 130 1 All d. Ref. Add. St. 00 ` Ol 14 $1 91 77 181 72 377.. 2} added ..... .. struck off Ltvln 21 Willie Oamphell, of i3}5aTLL}~ried off ,3 pr-'L1.e, not of silver plated kgivee and fgrka, the `railway picnic in Ba.rr;e,?-.;l_1nt in,oo'nue- ' `3'509. `' . quence of net being the son of an employee. _he was not 'allowed `to enfel for another

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