Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 5 Aug 1886, p. 6

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tight, and if need be, die for their country. We have on board about thirty passen- (ere, gathered from various parts, chiey inanfnn 'I`nu-nnl-A and Flomlltnn Amnnn nun vuiiuuvuuul. In B1 0 6 `o v v- ww -swu mg ml ,rotuo_.~o-o;1r`;atai;6';;16oI;li. "_A-'.'.F.- Wm-6* e.9*9-z;TJ !!v.81-E. ., `I. uunuvswuaJ IVWVL UV U0 ULIUVUIVU. Ani now, one by pne, our part! F :30`-nlunnnihn can nntncn-unn in L ii VUIV$QI One dse` of Dr. Chase : _Liver Care will ..._- _2-I_ `L--j, _1:____-.._ __.l ........ THE NORTHERN ADVANCE 0 ; .Qnn.1 itnoclll on I s o . lQ.@z o oo halt.'Lot 83. Theroareonthnr burn. RM-:.w..AR% .1 ` ' ; Q 0 BB '93.? %.*:'`'**-% bout; and 3 Con. ...1........., .., ,*a.:.vv.:-434523 Th-mug. lnohggg, `I! IAIIKG IIBIIII I0! DU UOIIIIo l 8 small Gems for 50 Cents. 12 sunbeam: Photo for $1. - Remember this, it takes an ertiet to make a. good Tintgpe as well as a Photo. M , gallery as been horoughly retted for war None but first-class work made. N.B.--It is worth 500. to see this instrument work, and on get the pictures for nothing. Note the ad tees. - . 11.111. From the West.-Limited Express. 8.45 a..m.; Atlantic E reaa, 5.05 p.m.; Montreal Express, 8.15 p.m.; ixed 11.20. St. Louis Exw Limited Express. Montreal Express and daily including Sunday. '1`. G. AND B. DIVISION. . Cerdwell J unction.-Going North-9.07 s.m. 6.30 p.m. Going South-9.07 a.m.; 6.80 pm. 0. v. R. nmsron. Inglewood Ju`nction.-Going North 10.18 s.m.; 6.29 pm. Going South 9.23 a..m.; 6.17 pm. IrI-lIlI0II-l,-A-I--|u--I%Acrc- 0 Express, markedn"run won: 3- I -vvu-van vg-Ir I-wanna, Inn: `young '"'v5'.'3'. VALLEAU, Barrie. Sept. 1. 1885. V Ticket Agent. lc-2.IvEN AWATIJ zfictoriahis to have a. buildinghin which court can be held in one room and then- atrical performances in another. When %the `Canadians catch up with the times `they will learn how to have both` court andoircus in the same room and at the same time. uuaoav nan.` n-v (All trains unless otherwise sgecied arrive and depart from Union Station, oronto . . `l'hupAn'rnnmn,.l3n Went- 91:. Lou H E! mxpreaa. 9.19 .111. - Going Ens -- Limited Express 8.25 a.. 1n.; [2i5xed (f0l:MH&VBI0ck and int:`e)n6e6iu.te points), p.m.; ontreal Exp . . ARRIVALB-Fi'0mth6 l?:aa-St. ouis Express "83) a.m. Mixed (from Hevelock and interme- diate stations). 11 50e..m.; Toronto Express. 9. 45 fI.'l'l1- who had died. The lightning coming down the chimney and stovepipe struck: the coin and shattered it to pieces. Four persons were seated around the coin at the time. One man and a child were se- riously injured and have since died. Two others were badly injured. Are plouah `ix; Cyntalny their owl . Pugntive. `Is 3 info.` Info, and oatlll cl . would 1n'Ohl1dxo' oudnl Inlnnery Note. Wife-- "I notice it is getting` out of style to put birds on hate. Hneband-The.nk the Lord ! .Wife-Why, what do you mean '1" Husband--Perhaps there won't be so much bill if they leave the bird's bill off. The Best Yet. There is no preparation before therpeople to-day thst commands their confidence more, or meets with` 3 better sale than does Dr. Fowler s Extract of Wild Strawberry-the ' infallible remedy for all forms of Summer Complainta. _ BULL` Leave Hamilton at . Arrive at Barrio. I` l'\`'`' rnmgzmnrs` V wonm pownnns. vnoa never .--g MUSKOKA BRANOIS-GOING NORTH. Leave Barrie 11.23 e.m.. 3.80 mm. 8.38 an Arrive atorlflla. 12.17, .m.. 5.25 '.m..` o.25p.m Ar:-.at(}ravenhuret.l. p.m..7. pan. ' `GOING SOUTH. _ Leave G1-avenhnret 0.I0s.m.. 2.45 pan Leave 0111113. _ 6.5) 3.111.. 8.26 e.m., 3.55 pan Ax-r1vee_tBu_-rle. 7.05 e.m.. 0.40 a..m..4.4o p,m unninu a`l\l'(`It'II!Al1l'\I\Tl1 uhnmu QLTLVU II_U DDIIIU. I -vv uouqog voxv uupuo. unxv '..gj NORTH 'smcom-ao1Na` NORTH. _ Lea.ve'Ba.rr1e at" 11.00 3.111.. 8.17 p.m Arrive at Penetangulehene, 1.10 p.m.. 10.40 p.m - GOING ' SOUTH. Leave Pene shone at 6.16 a.m., 2.35 p.m Arrive at Berr e - 7.23 a.m.. 5.05 p.m 'M'iss'Cleveland s suggestion that Chicago `should array itself in Tyrian purple is verhaps a hint that the town ought to be rpainted `red. She will nd that a great many inhabitants of the Western Wenice undertake the job every day. ' V " ``"``Ebma SOU'-l`.I'I-.' W"' "W "- Leave` Barrio at 7.05 a.m. . 4.40 pm: I Arrive at Hamilton 11.40 3.113.. 9.10n.m Trina leave Barrie for Toronto at 7.25 a.m., 10.17 a.m. and 4.40 0.111. cmnnmn PACIFIB RAILWAY. ONTARIO DIVISION. . Irnitsoflduostlon. Old School 'l.`ea.cher--Of course you saw Leghorn in. your travel: abroad? _ Young Miss Ma.ud-Oh dear, you; momma bought three in `London un-' L_2_____,] com o'1'w'on'rn. have '1-ox-onto. 8.10 5.111.. 11.45 3.121.. 5.15 p.mo Ar at Barrio; 11.18 3.111.. 3.2! 9.111.. 8.16 vs Ar at Oollfnwwood 18.85 .m.. 6.45 mm. 9.45 pan Muggtoka Ex.p;1-ens. Bot ogly. . . .1130 p.111.` 2.67 p.m. GOING SOUTH. For Toronto. Leave Collinzwood o.ooa.m.. 8.20 mm. 3.80 pal LOCVC ` 10 `.lI.._ (mag `.40 Arrive gt Toronto. 10.20 a.m.. 1.50 mm. 7.46 p.x_n Muskoka Express, Mondays on}y,. . . . 121:`? ;.m. II I _ 0! n ' . . . `m. __._____._ - -go. A grant. lt\` _.AII' tvnllllf _ u inan't. iIfl)e'] 3`aggI--I know" how to manage my W I?;gloy-Y_ou. do? Then why don't you Insnago her '3" . ` %P913033-:`.`3!19N9nZt;Mme- ? % `I - was nun-I-II-Iii BIL/b'z}s7r4_s:9;'" DIZZINE88, DYSPEPSIA, DROPS r, INDIGE8TIOM rwrrsnmo , -J/I wvo/cs. 0!-' THE HEART. ERYSIPEL/[8, AOIDITY or am` inusum, THE. sror.mc:.I, amnrsum V nnmsse HEADACHE, % OI-' rm! SKIN, And every species of disease arising f.-oz-.~. disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS. STOMACH, BOWEL8 QR BLOOD. Barrie, J;n. 1. 1886. 1'. m?1LBtiktii Ed." '1 ana QODBIT Il'0ln Unl0ll 53851011, '1'DI'0IlIaD Dnpuvrvnxzs.--Going West. St. Lon{s Ex- rose at *8.10 a..m.; Pacino Express. 1.06 p.m.: xpress. 4.15 .m. Illvn lfnu Iinnnlnnlr and Infninnnalnfn nninfni 4 Large Tin` 1 for 60 Cents. 9 Large Gems or 50 cents. I 8 Qlnnll Gem: for 50 (Bantu- Little Fanny Dempsey, who was suffer- ing from toothache, remarked to` her mother: Oh, mamma, how lucky you are! When you have the toothache you -can take them all out. ' WILL CURE on RELIEVE lllnnnnnn n n - - . . . . -.. uonnianli VRAILNWIAV LAJV H- as N-% W-i GOING NORTH. Fans! 7051 3111: 7.05 i.im.. 4.10 9.1!) 11.28 a..m.. 8.38 p.m "IIIY? GALLERY} mt Sam u a, or blood-cpoiaon. Es- ggoially has it. 1-oven its emcacy in curin 1t- 'Bet . Fever-sones, Hip-join D 8 I S d 8 En- ...3m":f`;a1.:*a2.`a-.ga2.':'g %ace.:"*"8* en Med Discovery cures Consum t- tin IBI Bren bk` Sevgege Cong sh'?&.tihe1.:a(.)_fand lglr?ing.o_a{g'- tions. it -is n Nivnnalnn -------J-- * ~ -----vv k'Luugs"."Brt: f B! pruperlile. F01` W88 geog_3.g32Li1';%h%?`mB'a k*?.;.:::a:.*:,'i'*:~. mm 6: sovex-ei&n regnedy. It promptly For id Li . ` Oompmggz Dn;e g?cfib$`1o;?Ke 3 `lllequllled rexnedx, Sold by drusgiata 93-` m V 7 =5'~ :'I ~&'vx3:'.:`}y%3&5:zx':` \ BIL ETC - Ant}. Abookeon etiquette tells how to tell 3 man larger than yourself that he in a liar. The beat waytie to tell him through the telephone and then go out into the country for a few days. ' III `I,I,!, Y73A._`!_.__ ._ :L-L __,'__ _. __j I," ...-u u can uuo suuuzl uunsuxucuull JGITIIIIG U Pu-Ii, Fleetw ton Beach. Sheeps- head Ba. and Bull's ea. . Never dlaarpoint. 25 T 3 `;:s*:.,u am` %::"i;-.,.:si'; orms. urea on. 0 0. re Throat, Csterrh, Founder. Pink-eye and Rheu- matism. The dose is small and the power is west. The Powders are guaranteed and Pur- chasers ttnlinlto obtain a cure money refund- ed. Sold oy a druggists at 25 ate. a. box. Iv nuugaal No stable should be without it. Railroad, mining and e ress companies all use Giles Liniment. and n the great racing stables of Belmont and Lorillard it has achieved wonders. One trial will convince. Write DR. GILES, Box 3482. N.Y. P.0. who will. without charge. give advice on all diseases and also on the management of cattle. Sold by all drulzwlata at 500. and 11-00 bnttl and in a'n`a".i's2. ugrta at 3 e use ; that in y Giles} lodld UAIUIIII V1111 ma 3:, guru nu V106 on all 01585885 nagement dlilts at 500. all 81.00 bottle, and in in which there is great aavin . 11 white wrappers is for fami y allow for cattle. e Amman}: Horse and Cattle - CI__:.l -.__ any Dy an me we U Pu-k, Fleetwood Bull s 1 APR Tnh (I A `fan-nfln. Quitter. vu-Qt QQVA CV I1? VIUUUIW Powders. USED by all the leadin horsexnenon Jerome .....a 1n :`..'.3`:$?.`.YY3?`1. .-.'i3h..9_1?EE!!-,Sh9P9' Spinal Meningitis. `Sprung Knees. Removes all Unsightly Bunches. 11--..-- I -_. __ |1ue Aliitmcs . ...-o...-um-var`-rt! D A mun `Seaside obserivers say the dude is just as ' flesh when he comes out of salt water as `if he had never gone into it. There are some people who expect that saltwater is a cure for everything. They are unreason- able. - T - Giles Linimant Iodide Ammonia] I IIZ Iw.u--.-.-______ 5- ADVER'l.`ISING:_ R:ATEB. -The Advance has sworn on-enluuon ol Thirteen Hundred and Twenty copies. Almost, It not quite double that of Paper pub ed in Barrie U'An_vI:a'1"xannssnoUI.n NOTE mm newt: (12 lines solid nonpereil make one inch). A _____.-.- -qnunsvvlcl eny other ' -First insertion,` 10 cents per line. Each snb nentinsertipn, 4 cents per line. 5: notices. 10 cents Der line for rst in- -sertion: 5 cents per line for each subsequent Insertion of the some matter. 1.: nmaml and Government advertise tollowing ra which are drafted on correct ' `p ciples, and, as they will be strictly adhered to in making new contracts after present contracts expire, there will be null? nnoi flc far all: ' IJUU U0 luuuw yuuuv u.-nu _ Advrertieere will notbenllowed to use their space for advertising engthin outside their own regtular bueineee. hcnld they do no, ugaeient will be charged for such adver- 1 men Insertion same matter. 01110131 and men s v vill be charged gt above rates. utter pl'_l6nli oonunwl. only one price for all : . onnvngu - 2; Inc1:e's'.'.'.'.'.'.V.'.`[I ; . ' 5 Inches. 5 Column. 10 Inches. i Column 20 Inchqa, 1 Column 15 recent. added. or two monthe-the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. _ 'Q'Prefe1-red posltlonaln the pa or will be sold at an advance of one third on a. ve rates. mhla I-nln will has an-lntlv ontrlad out. Gonaeneea auvemsemenu on 1111; rage, ouehpa Wante of all kinds. Last and Found. Property tor Sale or to Rent. 8 0 Articles. Etc" Eto., must be accom ni with the cash. and will be inserted-F insertion. 2 cents perword. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent 1- word names. addresses, and figures coun as w M ; but .5 reduetion to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the sauna I-nntfnr nvnna Wnnn. 35;}, and sweet breath "eecnred, by Shilohs Ceterrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For 31510 by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandnle. D6 mane Wnen we ulunuer 1 same matter exceed Form. nnnu-o--- u-- __ .._.._v._, ._V,,, Advorupenwlplgane boummindthatno tics of intention to change advertisements mus}; be handed in to the office not Inter than oturdny at 10 o'clock, and the ogfy for such nhnnon mmlt he in the Anvmcn o co not later ottirtlny at 10 o'c1ocx, and me ogfy mr aucn change must be in the.ADvANcn than 2 o'clock.noon _on Tuesday, in any week ; otherwise the advertisers announcement may not be made public until the weelrfollowlng. A x__,_A1__.. :1 __L I... -1145:-vat` I in man fhnill lllnoh .............. \ ___.----_-_-_-___-------------:--- i *Fo1-one month-the three monthly rate with ` '`-Ra`- l'+`Z. .'1'.'.`}33.':i.._:h. three monthly sold it advance or one uuru an am This rule will be strictly carried out. _-..-.. . on: Jurw A `yang '.t`l7:T()1-ou 11] Fountain gr 1?: . OONDINBID ADVIR`l'I8lI.MEN1`8- Condensed advertisements on First Page .....1. .. urmn. nf .11 Irinrln Inuit. nndvnnndf One of the known rms in Buffalo is Irish a.nd,Engliah of Washington street. The rm name has a Gladst-onian sound. It has been existence nearly thirty years, and there must be happy home rule xhere. V No. of Incheg Hunt-A T0 owmzns or srocx. 41-odw-39 w.5. Iv|ccI.Au, 9 Agent-. Barrie. Ont ;}fn?.t?? u`:`i.."1`5`3-f i;'.`;,`.`...`-L `..*.`,'.*? UT . TRADE MARK On. Inset tton. ._.___, tions. tions. (xmos (smog) ( u__:_..?_:. " 16 up Inser-Jlnsexu I ~ f|;o5o|s 2608 400: can (All 0 OK in` no Ionavnaivuru Cures Lameness in Cattle. Av`: 175 300 vvv 875 16 N 1;_ 25!!) '-Shiloh s Vitalizer _is what you need for constipation, loss cf appetite, dizziness and all symptoms of -dyspepsia. Price 10 sud 75 cents per bottle. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin. Allandele. Founder, Weak Limbs. Spavin. ttingbone '"' ciFi`6._ l3 Windmills. fI-lI___ J 8600 1400 I : 1 {'1 " t'Price in a. sealed envelope. 011" `W 6? ltwo DOB estam s. ~ dmirs-'* The ceebrate author. in W99 as?` Essay, clearly den1onsu-ates. fr-o_m d:`g;e);]`J?E' auccessftge prt(1io:i>ti(:1Ie. that t;,.;daI;t`._', 003 mu m ca ' cure ' co *' ons useyof internal ymedicincs or `c1:_:5a cuff knife; pointing out a mode _qf eansofw_h;; simple. certain and effectual. 13) 1:11) copdlu every sufferer. no matter WM 1, pnva` mag be, may cure mmself chew ' a " in the him radical] . l'l`his Lgoture shotggnbig av youth and ev%|ERWELL ' A (1 th CUL 41 Aug. Nam York. Post 01B /" ' _- . In `ll [1 in o AVON Linn: - J. ouI.vsnwI-I-'9 AIR cumm; & sqajgg rmTELv NU LUST, nun m-v--" hed 3 *1 We have recent] ' pub1i9 . e edition of Dr. Cu vcrj`" brated Essay on the rat11c_t115?t\r.- manent cure (without medlcmf Si vous Debility. Mental and Physical f._ 5 - ` Immdiments to Marriage, etc , 1'9 excesseg. 6cw,_,';: ` ma-D.....- x... .. amnml nnvnlnnc. ,\J -Will yczmh huifef frcznnhdyspepsia and liver -complaint? Shiloh : Vitalizer 13 guaranteed . Barrie, and M. Hamlin, Allandale. to care you. For Sale by John Woods, now L6f.' positively cure these complainu. Soumuuc New. cuvsn Aw F,_Rw }VI'apped around eve bottle of Dr. l`h:` w`,} is a valuable House old Medical (-111 5 B003! (84 ges), containing over 200 9?` L14 ; pronouncetraby medical men and dru.l""-- x .. able, and worth ten times the price oft?" m"' T Flnlnngnnn A AA A I I..--In 3blc)vI:]`&;;'h ~t en ` umcs 0 7- EDMAN SON &. 00.. Sale Agents. Bragm may a VI he menu; .. Mlli ;Ul."l'l'lMi N: D"""H`01EL, |_-OPPOSITE BARBIE osvvnvl Ill) G1` ` IVAIUHL'D l*ir.In-H The unqualied s11n`e.~s of I`: } ` Liver Complaint rests Sv1U.)' \\:t.. . ~: compounded from nature's we?! `~I1~`-. MANDRAKR AND D.-\.\'L>E1,I~*.\'. 0 _' other invaluable roots, harks am . .'.cx. werful effect on the Kidne_v<. 55 `7Y`-J5 lood. 500.000 SOLD_ 0'1!!! one.];aIfnu'[1;1m Q/' ]V`r. (`'.'.1.~`z'.F A were mid in Canada alvm-. _ ' ` `woman and c/tild who is .`rnn-` ~~ - plain! to by this ext:/ism` r'rm`~',1`- ' LADIES . . It is a well known fact that an m:.ctx\' M a dull: sallow complexion, liver . 1` Chases Liver Cure Is the only rcn1::3)" positively cu:-"e these C0n1pl.'1inl>'- - Gnu:-runm Ilmu nlnl AWAY | Beware of Cmmterfcits and Base Ir Genuine wrapped only in lilac, with _ ture on every box. Free trial package` these Celebrated Pills sent to any aim on receipt of a. 3 cent stamp. For Sale by GEORGE MON KMAN __ __ ., .__....... m . nnvf _ _... ['1 H V L Y \ Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, 1:; jaundice, Headache, Di; ..'i!`.4 ~~ Costiveness or any diseme ;1ri~i DR. CHAS;-:'s Ln`:-zx CL:~u-: will certain remedy. Iu ATI I D c" Q n I This Great };)u;e1:(:l(::VI:diw I-I L 8 the leading necessaries; of LEM `$11119; These famous Pills pu;-if re` mm?! most p0 WeI'f1llly,.yet goothfntghlg (I)3looq_ W, - , n * . Lwnr. Rtnmanh Ina... -_ `PS weh and Vi tone. energy givin8 gor to th T 3- Lmz. 1>RIN99' gun! 9 ese . hielay are wnnah - fa ded as 8 " -recommen xnsgrremedgamt ' tion, 0111 W ta, e the constml {red 01' Weak 3:286 v;1;e8x' 3 3:331:13. iitgcious in are W0 males of all ages. In In T?5enw` wbgcsdicine are we mily oral F3 `)1 "7i;a,"1"Jv?1i']}{{ 1,11} request. 1 will put some nishing touches to it, fmurmured the editor as he nished read- ing a. poem on winter, and he jammed it `into the wute basket. ,_ __, It in iefeliible remedy. on the neck or chest Sore Throat. Di even Asthma. Ioeouea, Piles, F1 -VVIVLJ 3 in ptherie. VB:-one For GI d ' stules, mm It elf to m hltia Sw'e 111 4 u And every lgind ;k1-n ;1Jis:2:q {WM beqqlx: knptmn to "- has an, t onlygt 3 M n mom `re M`f&ct1~g 533 oxronn smn. Lennon I And are sold b 11 V thron bout the &5x:zea%o%d2`g;d:cm tions craze in almost 4: : 2' Purchasers anou13V1%?k'?,'f; the Pots and Boxes. If the addpm NM Oxford Street. London. they 3,6 mm mail In . IIIIIII gn--_._._ T-.._ in Dropemu are kn For the cure of Bad Leg, Bad 9" DD nu.` In - w. --v vuav VA gnu `M J I Old Wounds, Spres IL .- --g l_`-IIlLI - _ . , GOUT. RH EUMATIW` Akita 3:01-y kind of skin disease, 1; hum nun tn fa ll To all sufferers from lnaigosflon Dlsordorod Stomach. THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AND PERFECT CURE lino them. and be rallevoi fro your misery. 30 Plus in a box. 25:. per box, 5 boxaa for SI F03 SALE 8) ALL DRUGG/STS M b DEALERS IN MED/C/I/ES, Wlll fhoroughly cure you. Th. do not gripe or purge, but an Ihiidly, and when-aver used are consldered pr|co- loss. They have provon to be ihei GREATEST BLESSING OF THE /`EC-E ! `-ShilohZ s Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a uarantee. It ourea con- sumption. For ea. e by John Woods. Barrie, `and Hamlin, Allandale. . %MANHQIQa, nvsrfisui on mnncssnou, :dy. _ NATURE'S nan. =:%.r?\I!:__ ::..A ..r In 1 `~ , Lsoi.13'gy . TX TY.` Xjjuu I DRUGGIST. BARBIE They say Gail Hamilton is. going to marry a physician. This will_ be welcome news to the people who have thought for a long time that Gail needed medical I treatment. A V 3-. r.'_'~.- Hblllllv, -~ -Lli I 8!` (ITU peak blues RCCOII u only 3 tregs 1 1 am use 8 use worth Ej Saying: Sandwiched with 1-an-' rgnplu tor the 8or1ouI-'.l.'ho Best `h HAIQQAQQ F-1 '-I-4| teete Jane been 1-we '1 K. ough `mad you mad she gem from you `her the whe out -For lame back, side or cheat, nae Shiloh : Porous ' Plaster. `Price 25 centl. For sale Rwy John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamhn, Allandale. The barbera were once professional -blood-letters. They still give occasional `rominisoencers. of their old bulinell. Did I out you, air 7" ..L ___j` I___.-__LL_`.. ,i`In'1i.. "Ki'u2'naZa."` -\, 19 up--u -v- u-- -v- uvuuw -u-v :w-uv , the Sensors can find. ` Q Wanted-an invention that will make `the oioos go round. .1 AV`,._ L- an 1.:-rru: '1-nmos wihcn rn wnou wonnn rum. w-V .---vvw - v --uyvv Eleuie.--ft'is called a cat-boat; dear, be- cagae it is treacherous. - - -~a-:oaQ coco:-ounvvuvl Ari advertisement in an Enklish. paper ealln for a cook no fringe, no beer, which being interpreted means no banged hair allowed in the kitchen; V ' WoinI3n s pi'id-Ha(agit8ted)-`j`Maria, your bonnet. 13 on re." Q1. /nnIvn`n\:`rn :5 9 mhan :` :n ` 7ie"($Iz`I1 Sl`?i?si2 Then it i. dif- `ferent from any other bonnet on the `at:-oet..' -Sleepleas nights xnnadee miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh : Cure is the remedy for you. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, `and M. J. Hamlin, Allaudale. - "l'v";ry'feu1'ule holds Lire rehearsal for an hour before going to a party. I __,L n,,I_,L,-,, n, _L ",1; I - ____J _:A.I. "'-' u`-"-v "r"-`d L35 Sulphur Soap nnould be round with wvery toilet. It is cleansing and healing. ___.L,I_I- V -_ -nun`: Jv'1:he New Orleans Picayune an 3 head for one department uses the line Thee _`~Puueu. and it : not the dramatic depart- ment either. jvcov vnuzvu u Freeman : Worm Powders are `safegsure `and speedy -to remove worms from children -or adults. ` `These are the days when the sweet be r` uate has to determine whether he 17' ` a Horace Greeley, a Rufus Choate or 3 Dr. Abernethy. ,0). __ _I__-L _..- QI.2I-I_L. QIIIIIIQLICICI KVIIUVUI-I U LWIIIIUIKU KIIIIVI I-`U1 ale by Jo 1: Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Jlnmlnn- Allnndala. iany on our streets, but the fun was glorious. \- I I I1 ` I II V be -so quickly -cured by Shiloh : Cure. We ggarantee it. For sale _by John Woods, Bame, nnd M. J. Hamlgn, Allandale. ` n1.._.-..-...;.,1.. u-1....:..;a.-.:\ u1ur-.:- :--. - _-- iv", -__ -Group, whoopin imugh and bronchitis immediuel reliev by Shiloh : Cure. For unln Bu In In Wnnn `Rn!-I-in anti `:7 .7 rllwayu require:;;;; (;s'I:l"1;rtid medi- -cine. National Pills W111 not diuppomt you. IIVI. `I J VV-CVUI --v on: vnv-u-cvoc-a ---- --v----=- E1 order to be bomfortable in .suoh `author as this you must uaociqte with than who are ooolvtowjprds-you. ,_L_! _' __ .12 B. J. -B;aci1elor {of J:ou1"nalis;n-V-is 1941; `_`l u ,;____ .I-'....-_ SA ._ .__._-r_ __-j 4-. IJJUIV an In: IDIIIUII, IIIUVVII `W! 111001 aoienoe that can excel Dr.` Fowlofa Extrm of Wild ` V` ' `i` Mob _D' ,1!` , ` f... ..s'.=.:.~....*'z.':..;1';i.`. .?':&%;w?:m*"~ 4! xi `. '-2*-.' IIIVII Old Che:-tnu (iqllnuckling)-.9f1?v.0cauue he : ever subject to Q change of ba_ne.-.~ I JIIULI idea. l'\I Old Cheetnu.t:(.<.:o't`1'1.pi'a">-e.xv1;:ly)-VS;hy is abuse ball player alwe e inconsistent? `Merritt (bored)-:_v ven t _the least hing, .- -u-vvvc v-vu UU Q QUIZ`! U VIII UVIIU VVIU.UO Have you an old Sore. Cut, Burn Bruise, Corn. Bunion. Salt Rheum, Pimple Blotehes, Rough Hands or Face? It so. there 3 but one .namel.`MGreco .& P k 08213011 ggrrgte. If Yzllblgt t.1-vi: it wll.roonsvinna' vnu? II-CUIJUI Miss Sharpe--Well. then I should think you would learn. . .- .. `~ !">`R`-1? "9 V! "bache zmunu the graduates vnll no :a.gg9[y_hg yadglydjIo: 'o_u1-nsliun after the ~ - `etc-R ..:..::e"-n_=_.':=.::`%`..'...."=...-':.':.*.`3 -1 nnnvnwnuvnv CVVI The peiaonoua germs of disease are lurking in the air we breathe and the water we drink. The a stem should be kept carefnllv puried and the organs toned to - roper action. This can best be done by t e re- anlntina, nnrdinn gun! I-nun nnummar Al " iiitig, "iirifi}"%m"a} urdock B ood Bitters. `Jun Alter a serious Quarrel. `Mrs. Dunenberry (aobbing)--Oh, it is just dreadful to be disc. pointed in love ! Mr. Duaenberry- ere s',,'aomething a good dealT'3vorIe;than that. . What, my? 'l`n kn :nnI\I\l\:n`nA :u\ sauna-:nnun cure? namelv; "MoGi'or"._8`c"Parke s Oarboli Cerate. If you-but 1t.~it will.-convince you. It costs but 25 cents a Monkmufs Drug; Store. when She ought to see mm Swear. Do you remember how you were on your bended knees the night you proposed to me, love 3" "t ' ; ` Oh, yes ; but that : nothing. ` `N othmg 3 ' ` - You ought to see me swear on my knees when my collar button drops and rolls under the bureau. u - jj I$ VII? 'VU.' . o , Miss Sha.rpe-Arev ' y'ouVfond of ivabaltzi ing, Mr. Slimdood `P ' ` `I'- GI.....I.....I HAL ..... ..2_-1.. `I ausy MAI; IIIJIILUUI-I I` Mr. Smdood-Oh, excessively. I could waltzforever in a dream of enchant-_ ment. V ` bl! inf! 11 pl 1- u :- Nothing Further to be Said, . During the election in England one of the candidates was described as _ an Egyptian skeleton apping `his damp wings with a raven s creek and a wolf a death rattle. When a skeleton commen- ces apping its wings, its wet wings, the ' question at issue may be regarded as set- tleccii. `There is nothing further to be DILUIIJI 1 Mrs`. 0.-Ya., Isaac, dot` in two grouea of bottles of derimigecher. Mr. 0.--Veil, send Jakey out for a barrel of beaches und ve 7111 gif dam any to der smell Heat du gene 1`? syn der neighbporhoot in. en? Ve must dot peezineu poom alreety. . In the Pharmacy. A V T Mr. Oppenheimer--'-Rachel, haf ve got mooch of dot gholera migaoher auf der shel_uf '3: 1v'~r` u Iii`: :iA dnuoo agents of ""Why, of course I did. You didn`t suppose I stole it, eh? I buy` one every day. I d1dn t say it was a free pass." where u.....;.;. vsnce sgent can any over whichrosd titty people and three` tons of whsggnge dull go. If you : want to `friendship don't ask the young fellow who took up his study of shorthand _ six `months ,0 how he is getting along. It is apt toahe a tender subject with him. ' The boss truckmsn and forwsrding agent in New York is Albert E. Tryson, 216 Fulton street; owned a maresnd for ex hteen months stiff and sore, threjw her wei t on hind legs` when turning ; after working halt snhourwss wringing wet from chest'~.to_. hoof, trouble cause by hard driving over cobble-stones. Apqlied Giles Linitnent Iodide Ammonia, which remedy , cured her. Sold by W. O. McLean. IIOHIIUO WWEVDI 6. All these causes have created nan- cial congestion at the moneyed centres and a scarcity of money among the people in the country at large._- Never:before was there as much money in the country as there is at the present time. But it does not -circulate.` The country is like `a robust person, full of blood which fails, however, to move healthily in its accus- tomed channels through all parts of its ar- terial system. i A sure Way to Get `a Railroad Pass. .Hilarious l assenger-I ve got a pass over this road. I can get one any day I want it. `1______'J-__L ,EAI--Y'\,,,1I ,,,,,,,,_ E, ,1\ 4. The low price of agricultural pro- duct; has greatly diminished the capacity of the agricultural population as purchas- er: of goods and merchandise. Dull trade and diecoura ement in manufacturers . have proceed _f rom_ this cause. _ i | CITY? I U939??? .59 v'|Ii Vdllve . trikes and lockouts have weakened enterprise and acted as a restraint and hinderance on all plans for the invest- ment of capital. A man who has deter- mined to erect a factory that would give employment to 500 ,_.:or 1,000 men,.will abandon his determination on learning that as soon as he gets under way his em- plo ees will strike for shorter hours or hi: er -wages. ' ' "i ` A `host; nnnunnn `\n'v1\ Anna-Lap` dc--- wulgealent of the Road (anrecognized)- Will you allow me to see it I Certainly. Here it is. :1`his is a regular ticket`. You paid for :+ 2 V UUIlVlV$ III VUQDVHEVMWU 3. The low price of Ainerican staple. agricultural products has paralysed the shipping industry, and `made railroad con- struction unprotable. _ Many laboring men and artisans have lost their occupa- tions as the result of this condition of af- Why lard V'.'l`lmes In Yankoodom? The following good and suicient rea- sons for {the country: de ression are giyen the Chicago ournaf: A ' 1 by sull 3' VII? Qlllw IIUIIIIIII O 1. Good crops in England and Western Europe, with the growing and cheap wheat supply from India, havejreduced the English demand for - American grain. `With no .'ex demand, the price of wheat has f len to 3' point at which it csnnot be protably reduced. - 9. 'l`I~. ck-no. l`;nnn:undnn`:nn A` (1.. g V . `*1-JCVIIVIV-II U VIII IJCIIHIIFZIH I aha gt 1, nbw de'g1}ew_it_ is proposed {to " in" `college: " whre "journali'Im is '-lllld , that ot U --4IIi.`;I;...`.q nnnn-A In .T.'.'6... -`A. UCIIIIUU II? llllllliill IIUUIIO 2 The. absurd __ai;c;`mination of Ger- many and `France American meat has had a similar eeet upon. the rice of provisions. ' The cattle, hog and eep in- dustries, and the production of aln for fattenina beef, pork and mutton ve all 'su`ered in consequence. Q `A1 ning A` gbnudnl Thu-e is no; r:xno`(ly""P>`vin `to ninnnn Izlun nun nvnnl II: I 1?n-IA-P- 'E!-6....A. Mouregor 3 1 a.rl:e'n Ga:-bone Gorato. `II...-u. ...u. ._ .1: n._'. t~-_4. 1\.___ cu.___:_ f<)l.;; dyi;;;;;ointed in m_an-ia.ge. A o--- ---- Sarcasm in pug Waltz. :I....m.._u A .... ".4... :....'.a UDLI IIUIIO UV KIUIIU U IILIU [U I;-iying and tonic powers` 0} run` R? Mun-n An Invisible roe. Avroor Joke. pg--.- owns. my vus VVDD_VI , lyuv DIvl. B`lulI.lU gculgivn-'-upon~ city, town and the river rippling.~beuween ; and bye` and bye we `wish oiiefah6the 1` is sleepy `good night and `rotirgggo-our&_atat';,`r6oul). w':..`.-.- L.`La q-a...-..:_.L .r.-1.. 31-; uu a-u5uu~uvvu:_`, arc lUU|.|l{l.IllI5 bu lauu 0085. The captain has lit a cigar and eaconced himself in a comfortable deck chair, ready for is; talk. -Barges, . with their heavy loads of freight,-pleasure steamers with their full oomplement uf merry-makers are constantly pining and re-passing nailing vessels loom up like ghostly, shadows in the gethertng darkness, and drift noise- leul A pint ;yoIir-veiisel ;" the etersehine nn`n\ II."J`i\h.":l|On`lnI\ -0`... 5-..... -....I AL- A commercial. exchange, in an article +-on the oil market, says : There is a tem- gworary. stiffening in fish oils. That is zratheraurpriring. In the weather which -we are epjovihg at the present time we eshould naturally expect `the"_liquefa ction waf all oil: rat_he,r`_than their |t1`ening_. ` . uumuua uvvnuu gnu nsuuuso uuuugu, lull!- m`-uoh so they light the river and the town l across the river, but leave the city below in comparative shade. "They need to be considerably lower to be etfective.` Ah` nhnu Ann kn nu-nan A..- -._..L_ __-..__ VIII VLIEIIIVI We have all been doing Detroit this afternoon, and the majority have gone over again this-Tevening. It is not need- ful to describe, any city so well known -as Detroit, though we are all much impress- ed with the apparent order ahd cleanliness thereof. av" vyuau suuuul UJULU Luuuusly. Among our number are several Ameri- cans from'New Orleans, who have come north to escape a southern summer. They amuse me considerably by graciously ad- mitting that Toronto is a powerful pretty place for a little local town. They` possess the real southern large-heartedness though, and make pleasant travelling companions. `III-..'l.. I` ..... _._.-A.:__._ ;u.:_ _. -_,, 9 I v VV 1-'WIII\IIII While I am writing this we are in dock at Windsor, where we are laying over for some twenty-four hours in order to repair nnr nntrinn, - 0111` 1 11`! UIIIJI IJ\IlO I am writing this on deck, the sun is just dipping below the horizon, giving promise in its descent of a warm day to- morrow. Across the river the electric lightsare glimmering from the towers that rise high above the city, growing brighter as the twilight deepens, until darkness gathersand the whole city appears to be illuminated for our especial benet. These electric towers are a` failure though, inas- murals LI I-Lav {aha Iviunus own` `In; 615-}- now; part , weary of sight-seeing, are returning to t a boat. ID `till n,lu:nnIu ant` nnnnn -`J flu 6$VIIUI\IZ ILUIII 'uLIU`l VLILULIJ in gston, Toronto and Hamilton. Among these are the Inspector of Lighthouses, from Ottawa, with his wife and sister. He is one of the `most genial of gentleman, and his heartylsugh and unaggingagood humor` add not a little to the enjoyment of fthetrip. We have also with us Capt. Fail-grieve, the owner of the Canada, and it is a matter of regret to. all that he must leave us again at an early date. We also congratulate ourselves upon having with us Mrs. McCullough, formerly Miss Maggie Barr, one of Hamilton s sweetest singers, and many a night is made musi- cal; with old time ballads and songs that few could render, more feelingly. A'mnnn nus! fllifrllncllt nun suing-31 Avv|An:, LUIJCI IIVIUIIII Il'IIUI ,7 . At Isle Bois. Blane, opposite Amherst, we saw an old block house, it is the re- maining one of three that were used as a fortress during the rebellion of '37. It is an oldlog building, perfectly `square, with` the upper story projecting beyond the tower. Defaced and weather-stained, used now only for the storage of grain, it yet stands as a memorial of a time when our forefathers left home and eld to dht, and if need be, die for their `WA `IQIYA nn knnil` Qklilil` no-non, CV1`?!-I WIUII IIIIW kllUIII.IlU|-{U-I0 IQVIICIJI y We visited one light called by the sail- ors the Dummy as illustrative, I pre- sume of _ its lonely site. This one is builded upon a pier placed on a submerged reef, and when our steamer `came along side we found our hurricane deck on a level wlth the pier. v We mounted to the tower and had a magnicent view of the lake as it lay placidly far below us, dotted here and there by distant sails, and felt thankful that not to us was alloted the task of trimming and guarding the lamps when Erie was in an angry mood, and tossed her waves furiously around that lonely beacon light. A` T-In nah 1)`;-an 1.-5-;n_:L- A .'..`.-_-L The youngemen of the period ought to ue able to take his best. girl out for a walk -these days. So many people have been poisoned by ice cream," that there can be no danger of falling into this Seylla, if he `is equally ableto escape the Oherybdie of I-`soda water. and here iti an hour pa.a:?tinV1e!' Twenty` minute: late! It : nearer an L _ ___ II` a. nyulq hour!" COL- ' WIIIU U-(EU Ul III} LIIIXUD I-JIVVI. \JlIl0 III-In cure sick headache, dizziness, and sour stomach. I to` 2' bottles are warranted to cure liver complaint, indigestion and bilions- neas. Sold by all druggists. ' uv;u`tion VAgent#--We1l,Tain t it fwenty minutes late 7" I UV?` LIV` Cl\IvV:II UIIIJVIITO I Some of the lights are on bsrren , dreary spots, while others "are prettily situated on thickly wooded islands. Duck Island, on which there are two lights, is owned by a club. It is reserved for sporting pur- posesysnd the keeper adds not a little to his income by the sale of stuffed birds oi every ysriety, They have in their collec- tion one or two eagles, which, they assure us, were shot on the island. At Pelee and-BoisvB1anc isles we were equally well pleased with the picturesque scenery. WA Ann I-nus O`-no nn;`- ' A mp With theuxmnonu Boat.- _ The following is an interesting narrative of a trip-in the Lighthouse Supply Boat by _a_Batrie lady and will be read with plea- `sure : T _,..--_.___.___ DI--___-- T)- _ _ HFLV I Lmarnousn SUPPLY Boa, `.`GAmm. This in the first quiet evening I have found since we left Toronto, and I shall occupy the time in redeeming my promise to write a more connected account of the first part of our trip then I have hitherto been able to do. _ v It is` almost` impossible to detail the varied incident: of our life aboard, or give any adequate description of the varied scenery through which.we have passed. WW6. t.:lI`.1llhIV`Q1\ Qnunvdn 5-`vs an Isndaila UVYIIWIJ VIII? VVIIIUII-`VT `I17? WW2 ' hul1s::1_se Supply trip__ is; unique in that we take 3 course entirely out of` thekline of any other steagers. We me]: my eman stop essn our rogress neoesserilyyslow K,-"gob lighthoulse must be served, and as several of them are nlsced on dangerous subm shoals, far out fnqm -themainlsnd, a eavy ses renders it imgoesible, at times, to lend -the supplies, I-4: IQI. I-n nnnhnn out` 1- `nus lIIIII_ U` `V KIWI I There are some one hundred and seventy lights altogether,` about forty of these lie east ot Toronto. .We have served about twent of these since leaving that city Weo ten_arrive eta light about twelve at night, .then the boats are, lowered, and if the night is calm, theoaptain allows any of the ladies who choose, or who have re- mained up, to -accompany the -sailors ashore, where the keeper's wife generally favors -us. with milk, ilowers, .h-nit or what- ever her garden supplies. RAIIIA A` fhn akin nun an `gnu-A-a A-an--o :;5_U`w":l':;;;;of;:; o;va:&;:1::Fiygizz or water. ' V IL__. -_-__,,,_ ,, I I I I An editor of one of the leading thugs- Laiuea is quoted as saying that he has -enough good poems on hand to supply his nmagazine. two years. Wonder why he -doesn t print one of these "good poems" mow and then, and thus gradually work - em of}. ' ` - '

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