.\JIIII|Jl&II|Ll, O V girl, of ace, was drowned m the Thames Y D fmiebathing on the 27th. - w. H, Tarton, of Amherstburg, Jump- Ed 011' the steamer Alberta last Thursday .1 the Sault and was drowned. `_. .. 1__,..J. r1,\..1A as TTvhrh-Ian HEADQUARTERS mmn AND GARDEN SEEDS. grinouxxrms :- CLOVER. MANcE'I.._&c.' 1:; bela, btk, and bags. . I-I-I IJCILLVAH, u..__._, % V L@`Special quotattotra to jobber: others req1_1iring`large quantitiem 3I3:?'.'".m"b'rHwELI.. ; Y _RARRIE. T Dilkelsm and Desperation. _Foi all the`lea.ding varieties of 'ruvio-ru-av. Or Own I mportatvlons. LAND PLASTER RAPE, HUNGARIAN- CARROT, BUOKWHEAT, cons; j on-rauoauzs rant. Last Cablegrams. LAND sa LT WBELL to know what a. real, picnic is go to the big Judge Alfred shaw was killed a. few "lays ago 111 New Orleans by a blow from ahammer in the hands of somemiscreant. The Judge uccupied `a high place in .\Iasonry.; T MEANS MILLET. Ian Inna-Iain Queen will open S'I'.'J`INI:]MZIEEEI. _ Goons. W1 GRADLES, %SCOTT S BOOKSTORE. [SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. {Wm WP@E3. 2v*z2zsm %%:9m ~:a les(1t1r111;_; UH) 'I'}1crc isT_r_1`&-:xt`d `_cricc(11'str1jLjis` The storms in I f.5;~Irw u_\'u_1 1 V .31 10,1: `.\Auh'l.` 17, years 3:1-in`E\'a.ns\'i1h:` " Three large: n Baby Carriages, with or Without wire wheels Lacrosses, Lawn Tennis Raquets, Base Ball Clubs and Balls. _ Linen Window Shades and Paper Window Shades. 1 Hav largely increased their` stock to meet [their numerous customers. _ . A _ -4 20,000 lbs. BARBED FENCE WIRE, at "manufacturers prices. iGlass, including Plain Window Glass; Figured Glass, Just received direct -from `Belgium two consignments of Colic ored Glass, Plate Glass. Prices very low. Paints. Paint Oils, Varnishes full stock` at bottom prices. Builders Hardware, full line at bottom prices.- Harvest Tools, the best goods in. thelmarket at rock bottom prices. I A ---000 Acnnnuen MAKERS, Bmcxsmun AND MILL SUI -~ L PLIES A SPECIAITY. ;McALLISTER. ~sT0Rjr 3; CO Y, BOOKS AND STATIONAERY, See fhy prices before purchasing elsewhere. .l1\. Thu In-u` t*XtI`f\difiU11 treaty Will not be .;l1SiLh'I`*d by the l . 8. Senate this ses- IS A .. "3" ' zizo 32 ` `M0903. { ...~ RD s ;5v"593`3"5? 55?+57*5`?7%/ "3' ?9='?*'*- lNEf;.;iuAG _ Hml;:%.oI$L. A -`-.`.A.*?.5?J.1'7.`?_' -*' "5"'i~fi1a1a`.i`1iI5.&`(ui- ;idAhio;.n.';' 17.: 3-ninuicu virus.-.~.L. new 6!I'1`l}_{v!g.V_.1l2Ii` ii-B`:-`I-t.'l`llT :7n-_,~ OAUTIO .-A BUY YOUR Purvis Bros, HARDWARE ! SGYTHES, Wholesale any Retail Hardware, ---LARC-EST A1\'D_- BEST ASSORTMENT or-- "WIT vuuuuwu -_'....._.. .__--, , One Door West of the Queen s Hotiel, Barrie, A_cnl;)red woman in Georgia. murdered h11d.curaked the half of it and served it ,1 j___.. {OPPOSITE STATION. BARRIE. %erio-p`Aim;:ns A1m%TnRmHERs.-The . An A... I-.I..l..-.'-o In magic `I? & 00.. ---A COMPLETE STOCK OF FoRKs. RA KE5g BoIHwLL's BLOCIK`,, is now MAKING omaor PI-Io1'a'+ GRAPI-I8 FROM.OARD- slzl: UP TO I: x I4 onamrrs rnoMs3.ooPn nozau. Hoes, BARBIE. The 'E..I'-IE. IE, and HARDWARE; IMPO RTER, &c. the wants 03 E 17-: ""\ \/`l`PnU\l DIIU llllll UI. LU llllll uutvuu an I ':j{`ataclrre(1 picnic, and salted down .jeremmnrlcr. The negroes burnt the` _~Ina11attlw stake. - T 1.'IL`1`L`l.*1 :_;1u`u.L xunuuaa u.uu.. ..v..,..... ...._ `.y:r;cu districts uf Suuth Carolma. Yhesturms in l)ai1<()fa a. few days ago -;~'.r~_\'cd 1,.`uM,HHU bushuls of wheat. .\ girl. years old. died Aof A hvdropho- . ;311xE\`ans\i".h-_ lud., t11'e_oth_er day. Thrcc large maul-eatillg sharks were `,|ci1I':k.1[iIl U_\ sLc1` `lily, L" I., last 'Thl1IA`8-_ -nu. TM British Cabinet is ofcially `an- . iwunced. V The Axnstcrdam riot. fqtalities have In- srcascd tuzl. , Id Sataband has taken the Chester 9, cup at Goodwood. ' 1 The Panama. Canal W111 be nished in `am Tu.-- 1 ' Th Detrmt Board of Health areftakitnmg active measures. to avert the threatened :pide1uic of small p(.X. . '.(\l\ r\I\I\ an at the hem ._ 7 om world. ' . _ `\k"trtm11xn has been razed by the N55815- 'l'urkcy is lzuruely increasing her army. The stczunul` (iulatezi is supposed . to be 5810.. ' ' "' 'V\IIobcU laIII'UUgI1 VV llo Ru 1_`ai1way convention between Prussia, {I18 and Austria. is on the tapisr S" W. Harcourt will lead the LibB1`9-1 93:5 during Mr. Gladstone ! abaence- V A Q__ - . ,.._ _ _ _. .0 ' -1 Hung LV1l'. UIMIBUOIIB I 3DlUDUV' V Th_Spanish Chamber of Deputies has ed In favor of freeing Cuban slaves. N1 Tennyson has several new poem!` MY and a continuation of Looksley Holl- Oidelberg University has 1atelyVoo|e- . 500th auniv .r at-y_of its foundas 1` 18 said Lord Salisbury favori I - :E`d"f'0`)o0()0 to Ireland (to ' PM! was excited the other day oven K :23 of the death of` the uzmon, ' Pmntn of Eliza Armtmn'-33! and 9.11 Mm Guam noeorloty. 1386. - sails for Canada on strike is ? not yet A mail pouch continuing about $20,000 .'._as been stolen on the railway between .\ew York and Pittsburgh. I vuvs vuo Germany it is said has has seorey ' training carrier pigeons in Franoefor war purposes. ` ` - ` i _ __. hae yb`1;6t1'giit` an Sgead and Gen. Booth for $40,000 for libel. ` 1' ....L rm..-..-.'I-.- - 1 A Dutiei1V:t:e:;1:sl-1`i';`)' 1:33 been captured I by Chinese pirates and the captain mur- dered. V ` e . . ~ ~- V I Sir Thom as Bruay and SirvMio1u_:.e1.Bua 3 have been recommended by M1. Gladstone ; `for peeragea. _ ` i | _--... --- 1viv VVV IVS .I.l.UUl.. Lmt_iThursda.y a theatre was burnt in British India and 100 li_ve|.were lost. 1 A 1\._1,1, , Ailatreilyieiie rejoicing over Lord Rose- berry s prompt dealing with the New Hebrides question.` - ` `I`___'I `I"I_, I I -- 3 ------ --. 1 Lord Randolph Ohurohill into be Chan- ` cellor of the Exchequer and lea.der in the House cf Commons ` 1 The London Board of Trade has pre- sented a silver cup to Captain Ring]: of the steamer Fulda for saving Oregon passengers. " T A The. New Government. Prevnien---Lord Salisbury. A Secretary Foreign Aifaire - Earl of ` Iddesleigh. ' ` l\l..:..Q..-....L-..__ z-_-r__-1___3 on -nn-- 1' - `ucritgggretary for Ireland-SirMichae`1 Hicks-Beach. ' 1 = V _ _ | ,, A . ` - i A {ems buy (rut H11 hls stepmother 8 .:cad1mc21xxau`s1u2 refused wallow him to g Lot11cviTrcus V ' \\'111i;;m5cntt., a culored man, died IL T}:W days aw. in U:_x1`ti1110x`e`VvhQs6 age is_` :a1d t_o be 15:} years. mu "\ . . 1 r- wt 1.1 '1 I f_,_, . AIUIAD Azytlvllo ` Chancellor of the Excheq`u`er--Lord Randolph Churchill. - l . Qnnnnfnhcv `nun `D:~`.-J. "7 ` A-VI.Il\\lI II vbluavllsall } Secrettjary for War--Right Hon. H. \S.`l9`: T `I",,`I 1-11-11` 1- un. Lord bf Admi1"a1`ty~_--Lord.Geo. Hamilton. ' . . 1 71. I nu II rs 71- u I burg. `E)`;-:J:WI.Iigh (fJhz\a.ncellor-'-Ba.r "Hala- .Qnnun5nnn `nu noun Unix) Wgretary for India-Right Hon. Fred Arthur Stanley. 1'.nuu-I I jnusnvunvuf A` Tun`nn:` V . fl... 35 Ulllvll $01189, I | Lord Lieutenant of Ireland -W 1`heA Marquis of Londonderry. ` * T.nuuI Dnnn;Ann n5 I-`\nr1nI1nn:`Tu'nr:|n>II| i "i:5`r`ii>:;sia:;.`3Z:2;`d;un..u.va.ao.m Oranbrpok. - I E 'I\_-_.I _' fI\-,__I_ `I\S,I_A \ uuu. uuvxu .l. Iullnvvv. \ Post-Master 'Genera.l`- Lord` John ` Manners. _ A ` Lord Chancellor of Irel1md-Lord Ang- boE3.'""""" " """" "" "'" Q Eome Secretary + Henry Matthews, 'Se;:retary for Soot1and'-.-Right Hon. A _L'L .._ Dadgrulu \-'1 CIIIIILUUEI . President of Board of Trade-Right Hon. Earl Sta.n_ho_pe. F`:-nL ('1 nnnnnn Ins-`Au AC Wnubn,iD:nu C._I`- of H Toronto, gave BIL .']the Vancouver sufferers. SW0 `hagtiorllls have seriously dam- - Heaiywea-r Vernon-in Russell county. ._ , ) !"`m13IrOt}1er};i)od. of Locomotive En-. T en in session at Toronto. IVLVB be _ 1x;cerst'irmwIndians Ill Labrador are b:.-sail; their dead companions. .. - 1 - _ "M service between Great d C9,[]u(1iL commenced on the 1st -ldeutof.-xrtlinir village has been ares iglooand costs for a second violation leuscott .`\Ct. ` .L.,mneut lately purchased a T?:eri;),`1\'ev York for the use of the es '3 police. _ ` Jfele raving dock at Esqmmalt, B. U_., nowfiinished. The last stone was laid on the 25th of June. "I: 19 ncxima 0 f famine in Labrador haye been Wm by their, friends; Iamgg )Ic'Gurin was blown to pieces the paid that" the bodies of over 25' mrday at Winnipeg by the explosion ifabox Of Wwder 939` n wre9.,13`:EE:::;,,,:, iS.:1f3,`%':.;,,.t. .First Commissioner of Works-Right Hon. Dayid Plunkett. L.lU|lo JUGS} lill-Ill\J}IU| I -I`-.. -__I` T _...I 'I _I___l `W v- V . \ Secretary vHon. } Arthur Balfour. Patronage Secretary to Treasux-y-Mr. Allen Douglas. ' ' - .A Lt.`-can-v rlnnnnn` A? B IIUII Illlllslllbn Attorney-General of Inland; Right Hon. Hugh Holman Q. C. Q,_I:..:L.\- fl.-nun-n` l\ TnA`nA:MI _Tn1\h nun. nugu ..Ulu.lUl, V _Solicitor-General of I.r;ll;md-Mr. John Gregory Gibson. V 7I"L..-. nH.un:nn nnnn;nI-_rnAn.l AIDA nfninllv urugury U1 uuuu. The following appointments are ofoially announced :' Secretary of State for India-'Sir'R. A. Cross. V _ Lord Privy Counoil-Ea.1-1 Cadogan. Colonial Seo:etary- Right Hon. Stanhope. _ President of the Board of Trade.--R1ght Hon. Edward Stanley. Lord Advoca.te--Right Hon. J. H. A. Macdonald. A "Solicitor-General for Scotland-_--J. P. Bannerinan Robertson. _ It . _, -1: LL- HA..- Tho nnbn nf Jjmnnerman nuueruuuu - , Master of the Horse-The Duke of Portland._ V ' ' ' - Why Gladstone was Beaten. } There has been a vast liberal abstention, ` and the farm laborer has been" hay making ~ and would not sacrice harvest pay in order to vote. Among the upper classes the usual opinion is that Gladstone is either mad or senile ; that all Parnellites are thieves a.ud murderers, and that the Irish people are, as Lord Salisbury so discreetly said, no more tted for self- government than Hohentots. Now, you can imagine whatthese people are pre- paring for themselves and for England. They will have, for once in a generation, political power, and they approach the most diicult problem `of their time with hatred in their hearts and no wisdom in their heads. Should Lord Salisbury stick to his declarations of January last, and propose coercion as the tory policy, the Irish will block his government and be suspended probably in the commons. _On the other hand, should Lord "Salisbury disregard society toryism and again return to his attitude of last autumn, when he was feeling his wa to ward concesiions to Ireland through ord Carnarvon, and offer what John Morley described as the `autonomy of gas and sewage, to Ireland A.l...& :. 1:....:+...a` Incal government-he autonomy of and sewage, w ...e....... -that is, limited local government--he will` have moved his party a step towards Home Rule, will have thrown over his Ulster supporters and converted all the waverers in the liberal camp to Glad- stonian views". Should the Irish receive local powers they will-use them to extort. national recognition. There has been such a distinct shrinking from all talk of coercion among the tory candidates, and tories-have such fondness for -trumping their opponent s cards, that I rather | expect Lord Salisbury will elect to go back LA at... n:-nnrvon attitude. . ` expect uoru um_uuu._, ....., to the Carnarvon attitude. ..------Q-q-Q-----u - The Mental Eyes onue mu... ....-_-_- The Institution for the Blind at Brant- ford reopens for its next session on the rat of Sept , and as there are always a | number of pupils graduating at each vaca- -' ~ '-..-.I:....+:.m- tn the` Principal for the 3! [[18 OISULU cluu u u... _._ _ The late Joseph Gould Uxb . .`_ , v _ d :eqneathed :0 300 to be mvested 2389;` '7 fund for the relief of the poor of the `for keeping a blind child at home in. idle- ness and thus losing a_golden oppqrtunity tion, "applications to the Principal admission of new-comers are now doubt- less in order. . Considering the almost utter helplessness and dependence of an uninstructed blind person in after life, no arguments should beneeded to induce all who have blind children under their care to avail of this op nortunity ofyobtain-` ing for them a-thorough education, with instruction according to the pupil s capacity in music, in industrial work and, in fact, in everything by which the blind may be made useful and happy. When,` too , it is remembered that board and education are provided for by a legislative grant and so cost the friends of pup not one cent. the last shadow of an excuse is remov - for acquiring 'nestnnable permanent at once with Principal Dymond who is always ready to give full information to mquirers. . It may be ss well to mention that the Institution is not for` those `who we totnllyblind onlgzbntifr all young persons resident . tsrlobet A and twenty-one years" of sge who, by reason of im " or defec'ti ve"vision are unshle ,,to_> _ educated at l the public schools. I .-` ';,-' _'- f if v :l_`_he Manta) E96`: o.tTt`he Blind Opened. . 'c`Jns`1'e<..l416,""l3i<`r>ft11ie _-aiclilvhent to-i ower_ oft` yLrd' ahsbury. T .It is alsosaidt e shery ` regulations will be enforced "by British men-of-war, with a view of effecting T a speedy settlement of the shery `question. : Fishery oicials here admit that Gladstone g urged the Federal authorities to be c;re- , , f ll about making seizures, and only to , make,ou1>~cases for violation of the customs 1 laws. They think greater activity will } now prevail owing to the admitted deter- ` . mination of the Tories to protect Canadian ' i interests. y uvur t'.he . aunvuulg he Banner, Aug. 1.-,--Se1-ions rioting took l of Protestant Sunday school children who were returning from an excursion. The crowd accompanying the band groaned at. a number nf uhnlh. ...|... mam place here last night and to -day. A band; , of mumo yesterday marched to meet a party vovwu [gnu Puu gruuuu at a number of Catholics who were assembled on Garrick Hill. The- latter replied with stones and the others retali- ated._ Wild rumors spread throughout the city and a large body of Orangemen gathered. The olice tried to = disperse the crowd, butt eirefforts were useless and the Orangemeu continuedto increase. The mob attacked and wrecked a tavern owned by a- Catholic named McKenna. The police frequently charged the mob, but were repulsed with stones. The rioters then wrecked a number of houses believed to be inhabited by catholics. They up- rooted the pavement and "_1ed' volleys "of stonesat the` police. The latter were nally ordered to re buckshot` and the commanders promptly` obeyed. A boy named Knox .who was going on an errand was shot ,-dead Many persons were wounded, some of them seriously. The riothad now reached such proportions thatit was "deemed necessary to call out the `military. The rioters were apparent- ly awed by .the appearance of the soldiers and soon dispersed. The ghting was renewed however to-day and the police were again compelled to re upon the mob. Many of the rioters were wounded. Subsequently the mob wrecked several y buildings and the `military were again summoned. Many olicemen were badly cut by the missiles t town at them by the rioters. Forty-six arrests have been made. The po '00 and cavalry are patrol- ling the streets. Ll. . United states; ' Congress adjourned onMMonda.y. The cum crop` in Illinois has been ruin- jbydnmght. V ;.\atura1gas has been discovered at LmMu,Hmonn. _e '_ "Editor Cuttin;; s trial will take place jmmgmxwxtfcw day; wer pomoned-in H.zt=}.n1rg by cuti1n___( dog 11 sh. `V The m_1m1wr Cf fuilur s in the United Nmmdmnm1huhmtwc1Lwas17O. Iuwisgrmxtdhnmcss fgenn 1 oods - in A lexical: llmbroarno. Nnw Yonx; Aug. 2.-The Post s Wash- ington special says the situation on the Mexican border is growin somewhat seri- ous.- It is a fact that the lexican Govern- ment, through its Minister here, Mr. Romero, has promised the release of Unt- ting, but it seems probable the Mexican Government cannot fulll this promise owing to the resistance of the authorities of Chihuahua. The latter are quite will-' ing to embarrass Diaz, and have taken thi opportunity to do it. 3 T 1 rvuvunmnn A 11 `until . prnninnf D1113 uppurlauuwy uu uu Lu. Wssnmeron, `August 2.-The President transmitted to the Senate ` to day the report of the Secretary of State, and a voluminous mass "of correspondence re- lative to the" Cutting -case. The docu- ments show that the claim of the Mexican Minister here is based on Mexican laws, whereby jurisdiction is assumed by Mexico over crimes committed against Mexicans u,_ -n_.:r-.1 oA...4..... A- nu-\Iv `nrninn UVUT Ul'I.u.IUUVUUU.lll.lllJlIU\.l (HEIDI-IIIJII aavgguvu-.--u in the United States or" any foreign country, and his contention that under this law the publication of a libel in Texas was cognizable and punishable in Mexico was peremptorily and positively denied by Secretary Bayard, who declared that um `rT..:+-A Qfofnn wnnld nrif.-mutant to or Dy CUUFUIIHIIJ JJOJ Lu, vvuu u vvvv -wu v...... the United States would not-assent to permit the existence of such extra territorial 'forc'e td . be given to the Mexican laws. Mr. `Romero nally assured the Secretary that Cutting would be released"i1i a very short time. . ' ' Anarchy in Wales. LONDON, July 31.--The whole of Eng- land seems in a very disturbed, even a riotous mood. Anarchy pg-evailes in Ca.rdi' and duly .a l`ight1y les ' exaggergted , , ' 3'.` _.-_L-_.- ..... mu _ in nnvm-Al -other Ua.l`(11II and only suguuy was w.ug5u..,...... symptoms are evident in several -other parts. The Chief Constable of Cardiif has an unpleasant work in hand. The people have demolished the toll gate at Grange- to wn and are using `the bridge without payment. In the event of the police attempting force to the collection of tolls the Chief Constable says that he has private information to the effect that 200 navvies armed with iron bars are prepared to attack the constables and pitch them into the river. It is hoped that no sort of collision between the people and the police will occur, because loss of life is almost inevitable. It is hinted that police- men have refused to go on duty at the - bridge in face of almost certain severe F injury and possible death. _ Whynenry hlatthewsln nomdsgoretary. '--~ mm.-.:..1.. ..m.- Mr. Matthews Why Henry nawnewu a nu... - -.... A The Chronicle says :_ Mr. Tdatthews V will doubtless make a good Home Secre- tary, but the passing over of Mr. Plunkett in favor of Mr. Matthews willmake people doubt the stability "of . Lord T Salisbury s position. They will be apt to think that the unruly element has the upper hand of the Tory party. i ' ` Theappointment of Henry Matthews to the Home Secretaryshipwas due to the suggestion of the Queen, who was charmed by hisvindication in the Crawford trial of the sanctities of English home life. The Catholic Press is gratied at Mr. Matthews promotion as `it indicates a departure from the Tory tradition that no '_ Catholic should be placed in ofce._ - __:-.---.-3.--------u cepsize and Iirownlng. The schooner Sarah Craig with 9. plea.- sure party from Philadelphia to New York capsized in 9. squall of! Sandy ` Hook on Friday evening , and six ladies and one gentlemen were drowned. The cries of these for help were terrible. The follow- ing is a list of the dead"; Mrs. Cora E. bBdy of Miss 1568518 u.I.aa;uu M... from the schooner on Sunday. Vie cgnadlan. 5 my and General stun Out, i8 in v'.m' 9 w of the World. for 'nn-e United States News. fasted with bur. A otel. ` M1-..B. Allen is the Reform candidate for the` Commons, North Grey, _ Mr. Prefontnine; the Race and Revenge esndideto, was elected in Ohembly last Friday 1: .9 In-joxtity 0111.26. G10bo;4`3. Miilj. . _ of~.ma1onty,92.- _ ` ,i g if f`; Qhtinpluin-.1!`499--ell` :2 * 1"..f[7.`."`C.:;".:? Rloung at 1--.. 1 THE 1_IORTHE1{N%ADVANCE. We.w_i1l commence a General Slaughter Sale of all classes of We would specially mention the reductions in Dress Goods, Prlnts, Lawns, Mus- llns, Embroldarles, and Mllllnary, besides many other lines toonumerous to mention here. V We are determined not to earry overany kind of goods that can be sold at any rea- sonable `price. `as our Fall Goods are just beginning to arrive and we must make room for them; ~ ' _ y P. F. EWAN, Opposite N. R. R., Station, Dunlap-st, Barrie. Love and Murder. a OMAHA, Neb., Aug. . 3.-Last spring John Ide was engaged as a farm4hand by /John Ruthke of Marysville. Ide "formed an attachment for Mary, the 17-year-old daughter of the farmer, andihis love seem- ed to be reciprocated. On Sunday Ide asked for the young lady s hand and was refused by her father. The lover then asked the young lady to elope, but she refused. Ide pressed his suit, but with the increase of his ardor "she grew obsti- nate and nally told him her affection was not such that `she would forsake her home to become his wife. Yesterday morning` when the young lady and her father went for the cows, Ide hid along the way and shot both or them. He then walked up to the body of his sweetheart and placing a`revolver at his heart,` pulled the trigger. All died within ve minutes. Another fool named Sweeney was ar-. rented a day or two ago just as he was Dreparing to jump from Brooklyn Bridge. A young man in New England the the other night frightened by a thunder- '.orm jumped out of bed and was instant- .5 killed by the lightning. ' I o1: I 9 onsATURDAY, JULY 2411., Prrrsnuno. Pa. , Aug. 3 --Lieut. Foster Police Clerk Whitten and Oioer Carr were seriously injured while making a raid on a disorderly house kept by a man named Carlisle, his wife and two daugh- ters- They refused to admit the officers, and when the latter attempted to enter through the back, window they were as- saulted and terribly beaten, Whitten I-AA `.:n .`---I` ta-aunbuuum-st` aunt` '\Dt\`\_ IGILIBUII Gil -UULIIIIIJ UVIIUUIJ VI LIIUUIII-I 1 had his skull -fractured, and will prob- ably die. Foster was beaten over the head and` is unconscious. Carr was badly injured but escaped and returned with reinforcements and arrested the assailants. Whitten and Foster are in a precarious condition. I Labrador Famine Denied. A despatch received last night from the Attorney-General of Newfoundland em- phatically denies the stories about suffer- ing and death among the sherman of Newfoundland and Labrador. It says the statement} is a malicious fabrication. The shing prospects are improving. New- foundland can well make provision for any relief required in certain localities. No such person as Widdell is known in St. Johns, Newfoundland. The Govern- mentwish to give the statement in the damaging canard an unqualied denial. -If you want 1 genuine enjoyable 1 picnic on the 11th. rm, 5 .L -1. L_._-L_` PLULIAU ULI Uuv LAVA}: , -Gricket, baseball and tug~Vof-war a_t the Point on the 11th. nI,G:f\ -There will be $200 in prizes at the S`. 0. E. picnic next "Wednesday. V ` . '_ ` ' ` tuna wow.-- If is `believleti the Parlmment in person. 7"... `ALL .-. nunn rs` ' Parlmment 1n person. ` V _V . ` The cotton crop of Western India. 15 -expected to be the largest ever raised, SEEDS 2