and chain presen KKVDVIIIIUUUQV-v AQGYOIB lulu ' The working men of the new Asylum pro` senteil their Foreman. Mr. William Damp, with a. handsome gold chain at noon on the 30th Jul . _ . The dress was read bv Mr. E. Powers ted in the presence of all the men. F ' A nnnnsxs. MR. WILLIAM UAMr, r Foreman of works. DEAR Sm, -We,`the nnderengneci, desirous of e_howing our-`sense of your courteous and upnght conduct,-e Foreman of works at the ...... Anvlnm- Avail ourselves of the present oonduot,-as 1"0remen or wurnu .. uuw new Asylum, avail the occasion to assemble together and ` request you will accept-this watch chain as a slight tokenof the respect and esteem in which you are held by `the workmen under your direction`. Praying the giver of all` good` gifts to bless yourself and your family, and give you many happy years to wear it. - V We are, dear sir. your very sincere friends Vsnd wellwishers. ' ` . _ Signed on behalf of the workmen. ` ` ' * E.*Pow1ms. J. lfomss. { . ; Mn. WI LLIAM DAMP, `llbnuun an nf um DQHCII OI Int! Wurlxuxvuu `V E.pPow1ms. }IoLmc_s. , Mr; Danip made a very appropriate reply ` ` ingthe workmen for that mark, of con- danoo and autumn and hoped we `would `:1; ways desetv it- " KAHY, Ava. 11._-Fmnu, fann` DTIIIIF TU- stock BARBIE. THE COUNTY OF smcom AND THE DOMINION OF. CANADA OUR CRITERION. Auunnbao Nnw A'8\, LUM. ORILLIA, 0N'l`., ` July 30th, I886. "' --~---__ `l'\.-pv. ._:__._.;._.._.___.... Address and Presentation. ,1 LL- ._...- Lain`-n ADDRESS. mmgwmwm |PAB.Al}B.APHER 8 Pnuun. Poms. mm? umon nu-rnns nmcnnv v- .- uvuuu-J u . -0511 and see our fawxfesa goods. R. A. Stephen: '8: Co. ,__ _;___- 1~-._LL -_-:. -2 D-....:.. A- us.v|a\aIUJ unau -. --R. A. Stephenat . are selling velvet: at 25 etc a yard. -9_;_-_. -_ ;.1_- A.._.'...1L.......l Iufvran hang`! my -Hea.vy Sm North ; of Barrie on Monday night. _ \I - __A .._``l_... -o1\`09l|` u-nu; wunnoann-a v-av --. v-----V. --.Do you want to win a. big prize ? Then go to Big Bay Point ext Wednesday. , _ #,-_L - .__- cA.L:___ ..__A. .....`.I Iv:-us` uuv nu vuw In Jinan.-n -Too much oxidation on the. Agricultural Ha.llitinwork.J A. .\ _ -v___ . .-.4: u-on coup vv vs -u -25 etc. will By of kid gloves at F. A. Stephens & Co. . _ The Wezdnesday half holiday is a great treat to the boys. \n __ .._A.-.1 t-..l lib VIII: nu uuu W, .. -R. A. Stephens two. are noted for cheap dry goods. - 9 -r.\ 11 n1___ _:1I ....`I2...u-. UIIVKIP \AI, Evvuun -West Simcoe s Fall Show will eclipse any similar one in Ontario. 1\ , , -___~1_ L- j-'_ - 1.1.. _._2.... 9 Than 5 "V "`H """J " "" ""' " ""-"""`- ' -If you want a. go-&ttingcoa.t and vest go to R. `A. Stephens & 0. _ ___,L__ u_- n___ .t `m._...1-...I .-...,1 Q4- av vv ave 4.-. -sltvrnov-o mu v --Remember the ons England and St. George's Society excursion next Wednesday. | :1 u, _ J!_L 'r11_.._._|_ Q._...,`|,__, | vvv-av - ~~--vv ---~--~--'- ---~ ~ -v~- - .. -Eln_1 street; Methodist Church Sunday School`, Toronto, picnicked in s grove yesterdav. ` --Pretty Boatln hdwls at V T. W. Gray glc 009:. Cash tore. r: n ,L l'\1:L___ `n_-__ 1!- ...._-...:L.. .......n -A large number of navvies went south on Tuesday. A I`! in , , , ,,_,l. A.` 1...--- ____1_ 1) A `snub cu vv :1: w-ngu-v- -- -Cal1 at Otton Bros. 0 srranite ware, lam s, cutlery, plated wgtc First class goo at right prices. -Some beautiful yles in Cream Mus- llns at T. 1! . Gun as 0099. A 1-` 1\ PrI\,____L- `IIIIB IIU LI `VIII 1-y-vuvv ~- --Tbe Rev. J .`Burton. B. D., of Toronto, will preach in the Con egational Church next Sabbath morning an evening. -- _ __n__-_n It 14.. 1'1-an-gnu: CIIIII LIUAII Lltiuullvu nuvnunub you`. '. ._.._. -Jnst received no Cream and Black Lawns at T`; . Gray 6: C095. -- . - . I . rI..',,,, L_L __'__ {K8, -First class p m. vg-agfaitgnvg: 1:01; air furnaces, hot te heating. Satisfaction guaranteed at Ot ros. A1,,,.L _ J-_-_ .....:....L.. nnrvun Irn non ` ' 5IJ$l@l.lIl\I\J\L Ill! \lIIv\r Aanvuu -About a` dozen priests came to Dean O'Connor s Sllver Jubilee by the noon train, but were too late to take part in the church ` ceremonies. . - - - \ . .. ` clothes baskets, clot UUI. vluvusvua -C1othea mangl - . othes Awringers, -. ` ses, clothes lines, clothes pins all cheap : .* n Bros. ' New Black, Drab *2 Brown Still Hats twenty per cen `off regular close cash price at T. W . Gray access ,1 0-11. C1_l_.-.'. 11,: "|'\,,,, CKBII. PIIUU III II II I In-I.` wurvvuu --Fresh and Salt Salmon, _ }od, Trout White Fish. Herring. and. Shad, Finnan Haddie, Bulk and Can Oysters, Lobsters, etc., at G. Maundre1ls._ - u q-4-2,, -11 _. -`I-_--..-vg. Isnni I-1 Uuv., on \.Io .A.V.A(I|-ll.l\J|\.aAAvl -New Printed Mus]! alwavs best in stvle and value at th Cash Store of '1`. W. Grav ac Co. - ~ ""' V ` --l A`. 1.--}. 1.1:.`-`gnu O uruy II: uuo -Otton Bros. hav t e best clothes wringer we have yet 9 n. It don't haveto be fastened on the tub. ou had better not look at it. _. an .--1---- -4- ..--.. nQIvI"`I IUUL 5|! IU- Thlnk of It, 20% oil ny of our stylish Felt Hats during t next 30 days. '1`. W. Gray 65 Co. l 4- LL _ 1-rr-.._-._x.. n .........1 T7:-vinn `W 0 [tray G. `.100 . -A meeting of the Women s Gospel Union will be held August 10th in the Orange Hall at 3 p. m., to which the women of all deno- I minatione are cordially invited, both old and yausg. V ' -Collier St. Methodist Church, Rev. J; W. Annie, B. A., pastor. Services on Sun- day, 8th inst , in the morning by Rev. J. Lavery, of Thornton, and in the evening by` the Rev. W. G. Howson, of Allandale. Strangers always welcome. -_.--._--.;4. -1 r1l...8nl- ("I-urn-nh Pnfnrmn l DDl'Dl.lxUl.'B nxvvngu VVUIVVJI-I-nvo Announcement of Christ Church, Reformed E iscopal Collier Street, near Owen. Rev. illiam i-I. Barnes. Rector. 7th Sunday after Trinity. Divine service 11 a. m.. and 7 p. m. Morning subject. The Battle of Israel with Amalek. Eveninxz subject, The Hun y Students of Gilaal. Sunday school and a ult Bible class at 3 p. m. Conrmation studies and Evangelistic services Wednesdays at 7.15 p. In. Service of song, Fridays at 7 p.m._. and Conference for Bible study at 7.45 p.m. Subject for this week, Charts Studies in Genesis. Special after services of an Evan- elistic character held at the close of Evening rayer and sermon on Sundays and at the close of the Friday evening Bib e study. The Gospel Male Choir 8.S8l&t8 in the singing`. _-_? RATS, v v- ' --uw- wcv-:3 -u-- v: w---', chapter of Local History. -Hes1th of the town good. -The cold wave has passed over. V -M1. Spotton "was in town on Saturday. -Ba.n'ie s lawn tennis `players are hard to .nnC- ` l nvruuwuvu l On Tuesday evening, the 35th Battalion Band serenaded Very Rev. Dean O Connor and the Ayisiting clergy, which was very pleasing to them. The programme consisted of the following: St. _Patrick s Day. Red White and Blue, by request, Bag Pipes, Waltz -B1tter Sweet, Overture to the Caliph of Baqdad, Fantasia-The Relief of E Kowa, 11...: Q..un Han nnnnn Baqdad, 1*`a.ntas1a- God Save the Queen. UVUl'U| vuw A large tglantity of plaster fell from the ceilmg in t e tailoring establishment of Mr. Whittaker,.Dunlop street, on Tuesday, and struck Mr. Pearce Davidson on the forehead I _-_-__ s.:_. .. ............ ....+. WAR It not been ` struck Mr. rearce uavmson on me Lusvucnu glvm mm a severe cut. Had It not been 0 1- he hat the injury would have been much. `more serious. .Dr. Ross was called in and found it necessary to do some stitching of LL`. -usuursp` zuuuu. Ill uvw the wdund. Gathering of the cum. The Sons of Scotland intend holdinga. mon- ster demonstration in Collingwood on 16th `-August. The Grand Camp of the Order meets there on`_that date, and a grand pro- gramme of Ga1edonian_Games is arranged for. Excursions will b_e_run along all the railroad liues. All llnxuuxasuu 1- avun . Va vllvvu , The Sunday school in connection with the Elm Street Methonist Church, Toronto, held. their annual picnicin Ardagh s grove hereeeterdey. A large-number attended, ex seemed to.ha_ve thoroughly` enjoyed .._--L- _ Photosfanhv. iMr. Barraud, the Barrie photographer who is president of the Photographers Associa- tion`, ;has arranged 1. ve ne exhibit of photographic work which e intends to take to the annual meeting ot that body at Toronto which will shortly be in session. , Mizph_E'3;ieginpmei3t '1l'hav'aan o` ' ex- . . To M No. 54,1. 0. 0.` 1., pm. .The Will,` vs Ban-io at`7 p. In/., l`rom_'1'orohto. Severely Cut. , L-.. Serenade. and on its arrival at the Point, is hterary en- tvrrill begiven in front of the Robin- he grounds will be illuminated. consented to Mrs.` 900 r, . Valleau, r. C a part in the programme: . Heinrich, Mrs. W. J 'ng Simmons. Messrs J. B. and C. M. Ed ds. Mr. H. Martini, Mr. A. Carson. M1-.J. . Donald, Mr. B. King, Mr. Geo. Lennox, Mr. A. Burns, 35th Batt. 11......-I v-wv- vwu w A walk round the town and not on the back streets altovether either, will reveal the fact to the observer that there has not been that thorough cleamng up of back yards which there ought to have been this spring. Heaps of trash are to be seen, which not only give the places where thev are a. dirty, slip-_shod appearance, but the unsavory smells inane-an _lI\nu-also-an clnrnnnnfa-ntn thnir nn .Dll`l`BIlUlL IJIAII VHO I-II-IEIIV U1 Iiuaullu issuing -theretrom demonstrate their nn healthfulness. It should be borne in mind that the most destructive epidemics arise from decaying animal and vegetable matter, and a single cesspool will generate sufficient virus to create a typhoid plague or give diphtheria to hundreds of children. Back yard lth should not be` tolerated. Q-vnnnv Qaguuuuuu Dr. Ross, Elizabeth street, got home last Saturday night and lo ks well alter his two months trip to Europe. During his absence he visited England, Ireland. Scotland, Wales and France. He said when visiting the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, the rst thing that attracted his attention at the en- trance was Mr. Barraud s photographic views of Barrie and neighborhood. They make a ne appearance and attract a good deal of attention. The doctor while away became conscious of the value of a. paper from home. The rece tion of the ADVANCE was a great treat, an he could sit down and read every- thing it contained with a. pleasure which it would be diicult to describe. Trinity church Sabbath School. Unfortunately Tuesday, the day chosen. for the annual excursion of the Trinity Church Sabbath School, was not favorable. The rain on the evening before had made the ground too damp for comfort and safety. and the wind from t e north-west was cold and disagreeable. It takes aygood deal, however, to check the spirits and riampen the en thusiasm of Young Canada when prospective fun entices him. In spite of the drawbacks we have mentionr d, the excursion was well patronized, and the day was as pleasantly spent as good humor, nice cakes and a detrr mination to have a good time could make it civic Holiday. Next Wednesday will be Barrie s Civic Holiday, when it appears that the town will be pretty well thinned out. The Sons of England and St. George s Society will have their annual excursion to Big Bay Point, and will doubtless take a large number of our people away. Then there will be the Presbyterian Church excursion to Toronto, which will no doubt be very largely patron- ized. What other sources of amusements will be opened in the meantime we do not know, but when the civic holiday of Barrie comes her people go in for general enjoy ment. ' ROWS, coizt. There will likely be a. cricket match be tween Barrie and Sutton next Friday (tomorrow) on the old park grounds. We are sorry that there is not more interest taken in this noble `game by the Barrie boys. If, however, they have not enough interest in the game to induce them to practice, they ought not to accept a. challen e to play with any outside club, as they wil most surely be beaten. We had hoped that the promise of spring would have resulted in a fair harvest in the summer. `The cricket spirit of Barrie has evidmtly gone. T Ag; beauties has been pnblished this decade. It Perfect Jewels. Again We direct the attention of our read- ers to the new volume by Mr. Balch called ; Perfect Jewels. No ner selection of literary contains the master-pieces of English classics and magnigcently illustrated. It is a trea- I sure house of literature and a gallery of art, I and `in its make up is beautiful enough for ; the drawing-room table of the most critical 5... anal-bu tn`; nu | IIIIU LIIGVV Ina : in aesthetics. Arrivals. - Mrs. C. Thompson, formerly of this town, was a passenger on board the Royal Mail Steamship Oregon reported at Rirnouski at 12. l0'p. m. on Saturday night. Therewere also on board, Sir Cornelius, Ko:"rir_zht, Lady Kortriaht, Mr. E. Kortright, Mr. H. Kort- right, `Mr. P. Kortright, Miss Kortright, Master Kortright, infent and nurse who, We believe,_a.1fe about to take up their residence 1. TI-_____ UVILU v x., can at Barrie. Gospel Ma1e.Choir. The Gospel Mail Choir had"an excursion to the usual excursion ground yesterday per steamer Orilha. We have to thank those in authority for remembering the A1)\'ANC1'-1, and regret that the time for the excursion rendered it impracticable for us to accompany the singers and make their doings a part c of an -uvnn c*.l\I`\I`, uuc anus:-; u-nu. l current history. A A Gold Wave. A cold wave from the north west visited this part of the country last Monday, making one feel that overcoats and annels would be about the thing. It is fortunate that al- though our climate is one of extremes it is nevertheless exceedingly healthy. Nearly Drowned. - An infant of some -fteen months, belong- in to Mr. Simmons, living near the park, fe into"a. tub of soap ends on Tuesday and was nearly drowned before it was rescued. By judicious efforts it was resuscitated from 1a condition of suspended animation. Q...__.-:.. ZIBUVIJ vs Java-sou a-vunv -- The history of Home Rule by Hon. T. P. O'Connor, M. P., has just been published. Mr. VV. Campbell 15 the general agent for Simcoe' and will be around with a. sample copy for subscribers` during August and Sep- learn lun- . For Bradford. * _The Searowere went to Bradford on Friday morning with a party of pleasure seekers. A number of our lawn "tennis players were on going to Roachda Point to plav a tggllge with; Toronto` party camping there. _ Qlleming service by the punter. Rev. W. G. Howeon. "Subject, some reasons why we should our anxieties. Evening service at-the unel hour. The ushers will be glsd , `to`Ihbw..itreiIgere to nests; Methodist church. , , 1... LL- ..-.L-.. D-.. Not cleared Up. History of Home axle. . n 11-. 1a,,1- \___ `l'I'_ ;wm THEPEIIPLE HAVE TO su. l LETTERS ADDRESSED T0 TBEEDITOR THIS WEEK. ;'l'he Admission of Correspondence Does Not Necessarily Imply that We Hold the Opinions of the Writer. The following letters addressed to the Editor of THE Nonrnsaw Anwuwcs, have been received tor publication : A Place of Recreation Wanted. DEAR'SIR,--I saw in your paper the week before last a letter calling attention to Ardagh s grove as a pleasure park for the town and suggesting its purchase. I am in en- tire svmpathy with the writer of that letter. It is highly important for various reasons that the town should possess a place for re- creation and amusement, where there is pleasant shade and grassy slopes, and this grove with a small amount of money could be made a most delightful resort. The agri- cultural grounds will never be the resort of pleasure-seekers, as all its associations and surroundings unt it for such uses, and before trees large enough to make the old drill shed eld worth anything as a pleasure ground, the present generation will have passed away. I have heard persons speaking favorably about the suggestions in that letter, and if it were known what Ardagh s grove could be purchased for, it would not be a bad idea to call a public meeting of the ratepayers and discuss the question of its purchase. I` he o it will be taken up in earnest, and not he permitted to die like some other things that have been proposed, the elevator for example. - ANOTHER Bnuusosux-. The Pulpit. Dr. Stirling, of Kingston, occupied the I pulpit at the Collier Street Methodist Church both morning and evening last Sabbath. . He striki nqly illustrates the valuelof laypresching. He uses none of the arts and devices so often adopted for effect. He does not yell nor pound the desk nor affect ights of oratorical fancy, but in that quiet. earnest way, be- tokening his own rm faith in the reality of religion and its power over the every day life of the posscssor. He presents Chrst first, Christ last. and Christ the only help for the sinner. There is something so fresh, so honest, so earnest and so effective in short discourses like those of Dr. Stir1ing s that casts into the shade the rhetorical gures Wlll`,l] too often make up the main part of the Sunday sermon. The Weekly talks of such men as Beecher, Spurgeon, Talmaqe, Ball and Sam Jones are heralded to the world by the press, and are read by millions of men and women with what results the end of all things only will reveal, but the quiet, earnest invitation to the cross by such men as the preacher of Sunday cannot fail to do good. ,, `AA The Artesian Wen. Mr. Wilkinson was unfortunate in the selection of the site for his artesian well. He struck upon one of those heaps of sand so common in the drift formation. The tirst two hundred and thirty feet was through this sand. some of which was quick sand, whena blue hard clay was struck. These beds of clay are generally from twenty to twenty-ve feet thick. It is expected the drill will be through that bed in aday or two, when no doubt an abundant flow will be obtained All the conditions for a first- class artesian well are there, and we hope the patience, labor, skill and money, which ' have been expended, will result in complete success. We have but little to complain of however in this part of the country about the depth of artesian wells. In some places a depth of from 800 to 1500 feet is necessary before a good flow is obtainable. The depth here rarely exceeds 200 feet. The depth of the one now being sunk is already over 250 feet, but should the flow be obtained at the bottom of the clay bed now being pierced, the depth will not exceed 260. feet. The Half Holiday. Following in the wake of Toronto and many other places, the merchants of Barrie ! have agreed to shut up their stores on VVed- ` nesday afternoons during August and so give ; their employees a chance for recreation and I pleasure in the hot days of the eighth month. This is a good move and will be appreciated by the poor over worked clerks. It is quite as true that x V Ivzmn u as it is that A II __`I. 83 lb 15 Dllalo v - All play and no work _ W111 give J 3.0}: a. ra.,.,rged--under gar- r ment. . l The truth is, that the age is run too much on the high pressure system. There is too heavy a weight on the safety valve. and the eager race for wealth and the keen competi- tion in its acquirement, `are robbing people of much` of the rational enjoyment which it was designed they should have. ' M _ Thunderstorm. , The heaviest thunderstorm oi the season occurred last Thursday morning. The lightning was extremely vivid, illuminating the north western heavens, while _the far distant thunder indicated the progress of the storm. One ash was followed instantan- ously by a tremendous clap oi thunder, so that the exchange between the `cloud and the earth must have been in the town. N o damagewithin the corporation was done so far as we have heard, but the stables and outbuildings on the farm of Mr. Robert Leadley, about live miles from Barrie, in the Township of Vespra, were struck by the lightning and totally consumed with all their contents. We do not know the extent of the damage, but it must have been consider- able. The rain durin the thunderstorm was heavy but did not est long. Music. The Band played at St. Vincent's Square. in the eastern part of the town, last Thurs- day evening, and quite slarge numberga.ther- ed to enjoy the free concert. They will play at, the old place" near the poet oice to-night and every Thursday night till they go to camp. There seems to be some uncertainty as to where the camp will be situated. The ex- pectation is that it will be at Niagara,` but there are rumors that the place chosen this year is Newmarket. Insanity and Death. Last Snturduy Dr. Wells held an inquest, `as the law dxrectl-, upon the body of William Brown an insane man,.who died in the gaol on Friday evening. The evidence went to show that the cause of denthwu - . ` - _ . The mm was brought from Bndf 1 .. 232 .i:..!'*.`:`..:'..:`:;';'.`: `ti-W- DEB nu gnu: JUL Innuv . were bunod at lnninla {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. SINGLE COPIES. FIVE CENTS. All Work and no play. V \Vill make jack a dull boy, 1.. 4-1,...`- Princi _ an. El! `mo: es$5 byman Sold by "12 Ste. Wfri e or mphiet. Eu nnACaI:mcALCo.. Detr0zt,M Soldn Bar1:iVc_by GEO. MONKMAN. ";wou1; CQLLEGIAT V '1`l,'TE re-openson W ednesday. ugust 30th, bgher meulclneyull. uuu aux . M;_ 9mrf.-\Vm. Williams. B.. Princi al;A . Brethour, B.A., Classical aster` .1-. P. A., Matjxcmatical M ster; W. H. Stevens, B.A.. Scmnce Master _'I`. H. McGuir1. 13.3,, (`ommercia.l M aste_r. _1s Instit_ute sent up to the July oxammatxons xx Martlculants. Five First A .~s", Thirty-tw Fizst C s". Sixty-- * two Seconds, and one ndred and seven Thirds. This Institute i the only one that I Illakvs a Specialty of te hers` examinations. ` 1.14.5; $3.25 from Angl from .lum1~u;\' to J uly._ arv .=a0cioI_\'. (iymnusl &c, Fu1'furLIw1` inf t to December; $5.25 ocation healthy. Lifer- . Foot-ball. T Hoatin , mation apply to W . 1. . 31-31 ._- _..__; I TI.\HHl . LI.\H'I`S. -- l`enders for Timber V Limits on Georgian Ray, Muskoka, Black :1m1'l`1'M1tRi\'er8, Canada, `nearly 270 square milre. mntuining about 260,000,000 ft. pine. also for zsaw mills on Black and Trent Rivers. will berm-i\'M M) to 8th "Se t.. 1886. For details and H`I'1H.`~' umnly to J. 1).. NIITH, or the Bank` uf'l'o:'011Iu, 'I`o1`0nt0, or Port Hope, Canaqza, R , v .n-3 - z`1i}:a<'1r+:1: WA.\"l`FED, 3rd Class Certicate. for \\'zu-d `No; 3, Township of McKellar. ,\rldrcss(:. B. LEE, Sec. School Board, No ` I_(e1lar P. 0. 29.31 To the Editor Advance: Re arding_ the notice in yoiirvulllable pa er 0 22nd mst.. whore I\Icii.~+rH. }I(-intzman Co. deny me or any 0Ii(' to deal in his pianos. except what he ('::ll~: his !L11lh0I`iZL`d agents. 1 shall beg to cor- recl him, mid also to ropuiiate his statement` -in informing the public that if any Darty wil favor me with an order of one or a dozen of his pianos, Ihoorder shall be lled within 8 fort.- nigm. As I lmve been in the line of Piano immcss over 30 years. consider myself not only untitled to enjoy my own opinion about the FHcI`iIB of the ditlbrent pianos, but In duty [to study in particular the atlvantage 0 my cus-V [mm-i`s,io whom o. mua-.h superior iano can be .`~`\l`;%[)gl)t`(11.).I'`i*:.*$ u price. GEOR E HALL. . .2.-p ' . o'1'i(.'.r:.-.- \V(-. mg`oi;3.3}`y the public- that neither Mr. Wm. Sherwood, of Barrie. nor Mr. Geo. Hull. are authorized ,to act as our Age-nts, nor will we ullrtw any of our a ents to ` ..`~i1pial_\' th our Pianos. - IIEIN ZMAN bu r-.. H7 king Street West. Toronto. 2931 Tu` W -_`_` `"=u.s,.; ;;.~a%.1.` H donuhl street. 6 u-nu r \ Imlv tn (",, 1.. Ul 5!`; A1` 1/ Jul: \ ionulcl 0 wuur. Apply to C. L. THE BISHOP STPACHAN SCHODL FOR vcum: LADIES. l!w.`~`1:(l\\'llI Kl`;-Ul'lbV 0Fl'l'Ul`4D1Jl1 1. DUI . Isuzu-dcrs to arrxve the previous rim`. ' ` . - . .. - -. U`: m-.;.a.n: 'l`~lu-LORI) BISHOP ot'roRONTO. m >`u1;mI will R143-0PE\Ion'l`UESDAY.8th .....`ln-nn on n-nnvn 1-Ian rnvntrlnnu in-.v.....|. .. ediaae testgd over ousands 01? cases. NervouaProstra- neratwe Organsot , Eimissiorgsan allegils b ' di 01: on or over-ex on. mm;3;%ess !-Iilza nteed to effect a cure when all P T n. One ack s1,sIx sts. Wrie p! Rn mu(`.nmnnn.(`!n, Tint.-nu Ilia. 30 years, in .;\;;uIivuIin11111.o.5' be made to th Lady Prin- (`i1m.. \\'_\ kc. luun Hall. College avenue. 30-37 low. - .-__' ` E.\'CER,_At St L :1 e um '- `Ike .\I. Al Itecioll "1-, 33; the 1{`.,S,f},roh. Toronto nnc. second rdfge Esqnohgpgstrg 8 ter "of e " William giarin W .pencer. exgm.d H. S1>cnce,`_ll1"3c.3:l(;1nI13.aand niece of " .!'rie, ' the a late M. L0\`E-R0uER.~` ..,\t q by x It ,' .`unnid Hilhutrt I)\xie%2i%'t%`;`.:Ei' gggggggh RI; 9 e, t0 Miss , rt Eliza: Rogers. 01' .S11nnid&le " `VNE\V ADV'lRTlS`l-._1V IfJVl-V-;i: 8~._. _ _____,_. 1:113 eniifia nrnnsoaxmon - _.. nnnnnln` niillouas `AlI`AA A-Au - , . ._..#._-.:____.___-. SPE GTAGI. ES ! gt:----------` Married. . . w. 1- _I__I- PEN` ' `l"r`:scElJ?io`; or .1` ..;:.`.;:..::; bush 1:. life 10 oxperlenoein treatin female season. Isuned month with ac: success by over . . Pleasant, safe. efrectua ask our drug- st for stars and 1 - _. . size no sub or lnclose 9. stone: Ionian. Sodby * 1 x . 5 drug! rbox. Address mzI:UREKAC . 1=EBB1:_.Es, cow 3. STEEL nIMMn, R. A. DOUGLAS , Licensed Auctioneer for the_Count.y or Simcoe. T Orders left at the Anvnxonz Ofnce willb 9"}D11y attended to and information will be furmshed parties requiring Mr. Ford : services gghthouggh he had himself beep gonaultod. asz23:1:Eg`;,;`3q:,L:e`1`%'a, i;2.'::::?{i:5. Sales taken in prices to suit everybody. sacoun-1*: Ann I-`URN! -l`IJRF. ` BOUGHT no son); , Auction Rooms and Office. --Few D0015 0"!` of Wellington Hotel, Bayeld at.. Barrie. Northern 85 N T- .....n,U U uh;-.1; f.|.'J._u.z>..::r.:. '1I,: .1 Doints East and West. and M3`b"' A0? tickets, rates. etc., apply to R _ GIFT. 3MI I I1 :}I:1'eQ NN Agent N18: N. 1'31 Passcnszer Agent. j T ,/:2-'=<`:~~~- T ~ 1001) GENl<.R.L sxggw T WANTED- ` ly to,MRb. Jobls ROGERS. 33 1 ADD took of of the V hllumu. Rosters. {7 smum. Wncsnmr, Pronrietor. xv, No 31. WHOLE No. 1789; _. UNWEY BAK|NG% l`J\.AL AUDI) IQMRS. %CONTRAD:CTION%. fH:c`o3u"s'ia:'=.?='ru?nEra'I5T G66? R. FORD. '.E`I-I E JEWBLEAR, MADE -BY 0. BLACK & 00., V(WVarrant'ed),` at iv'm\\1\`mn W . DUI} D.4`\14.l`A ULV .LVlU- rooms. hard and soft SAN DERS. 30-tr. qnii sum: ......g `Y -o. \1' 1! FOR` SALE ON Mc- nnnnaa Moi-A nv\r1 nnf Kxga 3&'3."v'voo&Z 3?L1F; #1. W. Rys_.. Barrio. 0-1! RUE 30336- 1331.-41 s1Lm. JlIBILEE--1888. AN IMPOSING AND DEEPLY INTERESTF . ING CEREMONY. _ Very Rev, Dean O'Connor Soho!-ed; Ad- _ dresses and Prosenta.t1on-Prlests `Funny: Q1` turns. .1`. I\l-_-..- -- V.-you was. an nyvwvaavuvavl-I--l.'l'I.6lW from all over the Diocese. The Silver Jubilee of the Rev. Dean O'Connor was held at St. Mary's Church on Tuesday morning. The church was crowded to its utmost capacity. At the entrance gate was a very nice arch of, ever reans decorated with owers and surmoun by a crucixdecked with oral ornaments. On the arch in silver .letters was the legend- Silver Jubilee. J The interior of the church was decked with ever reens hanging in graceful festoons `ai-oun the walls. The altar was a mass of owers and evergreens, and above it on the wall in large silver letters were the words l86l.-SILVER J UBILEE.--1886. At nine o'clock a procession composed of the attendant bo s preceded b Rev. T. J. Sullivan, Thoro d. Master 0 Ceremonies, carrying a large gilded cross ;_ following these were between twenty and thirty priests from all parts of the `diocese who were prcvidedvwith seats within the altar railin . Grand Mass wasperfoi-med by Very Rev. ean 0 Connor, as celebrant, assisted by Rev. J. J. Shea, Toronto, Deacon; Rev. M .T annwin wlnu 'Qr-II-1 Joanna . Dow "F T IJ L\UVu U - U5 LIIIUC, l.UI'UIlItU, IJUGUUIIS J l.\.UVo M. J. Gearin, Flos,`Sub-deacon ; Rev. T. J. Sullivan. Thor-old, Master of Ceremonies; Rev. P. F. McCabe, Reformatory, Penetang, Thurifer; Sermon preached by Rev. J. J. i McCann, Toronto. l'\L|..u. `7:I:`AhQ "rant. Dnuv fl nnnn we LII \J\JIIII L U` UIIUVI Other visitora-'Very Rev. V. G. Rooney, Very Rev. V. G. Laurent, Toronto ; Very Rev. 0. Vincent, Superior General Society of St. Basil ; Rev. Denis O'Connor, President Assumption` College, Sandwich; Rev. D. Cushin, President St. Michael e, Toronto; Ven. Archdeacon Cassidv, Dixie ; Rev. P. Conway, Peterboro; Rev. P. Chalandard, L. Brennan and M. Mulcahy, St. Michael's College, Toronto ; Rev. K. A. Campbell, Orillia; Rev. H. J. Gibney, Alliston ; Rev. L. Gibra, Barrie; Rev. E. Kiernan, Colling- wood; Rev. P. J. Kiernan, Schornber ; Rev. J. Kitcullen, Port Colborne ; Rev. . Gallagher, Caledon; Rev. _J. Lynett, Mid- Inn.-1 . Pan .T J 'mnn.n Thnrnhill - Raw M land ; Rev. J. J. `Egan. Thornhill ; Rev. M. M. J .A Hayden, Flos ;. Rev. M. Davis, Brechin ; Rev. W. J. McGinley, Uptergrove; Rev. C. S. Bretherton, Bracebridge; Rev. F. W. Duffy, Dixie; Rev. J . F. McBride,` Toronto ; Rev. J , Gibbins, Lafontaine. :1 I.-.v-v--v -v-. -. -.-_..___ The musical service was of". more than ordinary excellence. The solos were marked by a. sweetness and expression which indi- cated a true understanding of the author's thoughts, while the choruses were most admirably rendered. TL.` nnnu;n l\l'|I`I'I'\I'1.Al` :].iI" arnnd aamiramy renuereu. The music comprised St. Ula1r s, Grand Mass in G, excellently rendered by" the choir under the able leadership of Mr. T. F. O Mara. The hvmn, `_`Long live the good pastor, was sung as the procession entered the church. At the o ertory the quartette Ave Verum by Rossini was well rendered by Miss M. McGuirk, Mrs. Daly, Mr. Powell and Mr. Clayton. The Te Deum was sung at the close of Mass. _ 7|"!-A I-Au-canon nun: nu-nnnhnt` kl? Paw, Father "care. He had sung 81: wine close or. iuaauu. . The sermon was preached by Rev. Father ` McCann, of Toronto. He congratulated the ` large audience upon the auspiciousness ot the 4 occasion, which had brought so many to- 4 gether. The lar e gathering was an indica- tion in the first p ace of the love and esteem they bore for a faithful pastor, and secondly of their consciousness of the importance and grandeur of the priestly office. The speaker then went into a very interesting and ex- haustive description of the duties, the re- sponsibilities and the privileges of the riest- hcod and how honored a person shoul con- . sider himself who had been called to exercise the sacred functions. He quoted from the Bible and from various church dignitaries to sustain the position he had assumed as to the grandeur, the aims and the duties of a priest. He therefore did not wonder at the honor accorded to their worthy pastor on this the twenty-fth anniversary of his entrance upon such high and sacred` duties. He had been long associated with the people of his present been associated with them collec- tively and individually as a kind father had with his children. He had ministered to them in their day of prosperity and in adversity, in their hours of joy and of sorrow, in their days of shadow and of sunshine. ' He had led the tender youth by his persuasiveness away from the paths of sin into the light of a Saviour s love, and he had stood by A the bed side of those who were just entering the connes of eternity to soothe their; dying moments and direct them in their sad and darkened hours`. They had always found him readyby day or by night to do all he could either for the tern ral or thespiritual welfare .of his peo le. his. large gathering is a testimony to is faithfulness as a priest welfare .0! I118 P60 16. 1.1115. large Eawuuuug, testimony faithfulness priest and to his value as a pastor. So earnest and so faithful had he been that he had the fullest approval of His Grace the Archbishop. He trusted the happy relations now subsist- ing between Rev. ean O Cunnor~would long continue and that at last both priest and people would meet around the throne of the great High Priest above. . M. the close ofthe sermon, addresses and `great High Priest above. At the close ofthe sermon, presentations were mad 0. . The following "was the address by .the priests of the Archdiocese. ' . - V ADDRESS. To the Very Rev. R. -.4. 0 C'onnor, Dean of Barrie. V t - .. 11-1, LIL- ...:....Ln. on` I-1: \ Darrw. VERY Rnv Sm,-We, the priests of the Archdiocese, have assembled to-day to offer to you our heartiest congratulations on the_ com letion of the 25th year of your riest- ho . It is our siecial rivilege and slight to be able to test to e great success that has attended your bars in ~ the sacred min- istry during these eventful years. ` Called from `the, very .commei1ce'ment `of. your sacredotal career to discharge the oner- outs and trying duties of the pastoral office you at onoie-secured the condence of _y_our_ ecclesiastical superiors, and your blllty, exact judgment and` rare owers "(_)f.8dm1nlB-. tration, while admirab y beneting the . various chargesyou` held, marked you out for` sscredotax career In um... `of cond and judgmsnt owe: varipns chargesyou held,_ mark! Deservedly promoted by His Grace Archbishop to theitrustworthy` position _-_ .........m .. Dam of Barrie, you I Arhchbiehop to the trustworthy poluuuu _,.,... now occnpy_ as Dean have found a more extended eld for. the exercise of those giftoand qualitiea which have ooh- tinned to elicit our admiration. V W The need: of the ' hat the time were indeed nnme!;ou_a,- t. undeterted e by the greatness of the wornl, on undertook to gup- i and resolution bronghtsall your ardnonmand. .ouoting laborrto a-happyoonnnmmtion. vounuual vngor-_ THE INTERESTS OF 1?- BARBIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST '5, 1886. Hi; `Grace the I I--- ~ -.--:5:nI| n in which vI_re are brought together to-day, and WP _3D16nQ1d oouvent opposxte on an equally h8`b1 313. attest as mere words cannot the constancy, 1:Ierseveran`ce and success that hnvn nlalannplau-I 6 A- - A .n_J..._.._.._ __ ------- --u nnnvnv this` donstangy, erseverance have attended 1: eae enterprises. W8 th Burn nnnrnnuu nave awennea these enterprises. | T We feelthat the bare enumeration of the material works pr-o'ected and successfully completed by you urinq these years, but inadequately portray the sterling character- istics that have endeared yen to us. It is our more intimate interconrses with you as a priest, a friend and a wise counsellor, that we have learned to appreciate" your worth ; adorned with everyvpriestly virtue. hospit- able. unpretentious. unobtrusive, you possess the love, the condence and the deepest re- spect of your brother priests. W (`Andra `In 1;-max`;-n:-- An... nA-a-{-L--`- uyvvv vs Juuu; uruuuur prwsus. V We desire to emphasize our congratula- tions and expressions of esteem on this bright and happy occasion by asking you to accept the accompanying gifts, the spontaneous oering of your confreres of the entire Arch- innnnn ILIUUCI1 We hope that many years of health and vigor await you, and we solicit continuous remembrance in your prayers. especially when using these articles of Divine Worship, which henceforth establish a new and closer of friendship and affection between us. Qiann nn hnlnnlf nf I-In. -.-:.'..L.. .3 LI... Iunuu us usuuuaulp auu uueuuuu DBFWUBII I13. Signed on behalf of the priests of the Archdiocese. F. P. Rooney, V. G., J. M. Laurent, V. G., Edward Cassidy. Arch-' deacon, A. Campbell, John J . Shea, 'M. J. Hayden. Jos. J. Mc3ann, VVm. J. Mc- Ginley, M- R. J. Davis, T. J. Sullivan, John F. Lynett, James Gibbons. ` REPLY. Rnv. AND Bnnovnn Cc`m1-*1unma:a,---How shall I express in a suitable and deserving manner the eat pleasure your very. aifec-A tionate and raternal address gives me, and the profomd gratitude I feel for your congra- tulations and sion? You have come from every portion of this Archdiocese and even from neighboring dioces_es-some of you, the bosom friends and beloved companions of my youth ; others, allied by years of sacredotal labor and frater- nal friendship ;' all united as brothers in the ser vice of our Divine Master. You have come to honor and felicitate a fellow-laborer for having been a quarter of a century in the priesthood. . - . ' T I-luau`: unn nnnnf nhrrdinnu Girl] lzlmnnnli T est wishes on this happy_occa-V Pl 100 lIllUU\.lo l I thank you most cordially and though I feel I am very far from deserving the atter- ing commendations you bestow on me, yet 1 shall in the future endeavor to acquit myself in a more worthy manner of my sacredotal duties, and thus strive to preserve your highly-valued condence and friendship. No one knows better than a priest the duties, trials and dilculties of the sacredotal office, and consequently you are best capable of sympathizing with the hardships and condon ing the frailties of aconfrere. From your exeeeding charity and `deep sympathy `you have overlooked my defects, and have view- ed my character rather in the light of what it should be than of _what it is. However, your kind and encouraging words and grace- ful compliments shall put me to greater ex- ertion in the future in striving to discharge the duties of my sacred calling. The mutual friendship, esteem and affection which have resulted from years of the most agreeable companionship, shall, I trust, be increased with the length of our days, "and whenthe Lord shall summon us to render an account of our stewardships, may He nd us worthy of being welcomed to the reward of the faith- ful laborer. I have esteemed it a great hono} to have the good-will and confidence of my confreres and these have encouraged me very much to uphold the standard of religion. 1 qnnn-.6: AF . unnr mnanifinnni`. nhnliae 8.8 3. IIIUULI DU upuuiu uuu uunuuulu us lcunvug I accept of your magnicent chalice as a token of your esteem and friendship, and be assured I shall never forget your extreme kiB`(Iln6B8 and affection. _ _ 13..--.. -1 1.1.... ...................L:..-. u-nun ulnar` Kindness ana auuuuuu. The address of the congregation was read by Mr. A. McCarthy, but our space will not permit its publication this week. * I li`n4>.lnm- n (.rmnm- made a. suitable renlv. permit 11:8 puuuuuuuu onus wuss. ' Father O'Connor made 9. suitable reply, thanking the congregation for their co-opera- tion with himin his [efforts and expressing his gratitude for the handsome donation they presented. ' T rm... Qm1.1;+.u and Rnnnrv Snciatv also `nre- presenuea. T he Sodality and Rosary Society also `pre- sented illuminated addresses to which the Rev. Dean very happily replied. .PRESENTS. ` 1 . The priests of Archdiocese presented a gold chalice and c1_ nets besides a purse of money. ' ` A 2. The congregation-A purse of $360. 3. The Sodality-A handsome hat rack with pier lass, also silver butter cooler. 4. The osary Society--0ne dozen each, knives, silver forks and spoons. 5. Numerous private donations from per- sonal friends. At the close of the reading of the addresses, the procession was re-formed in the order of entering and proceeded again to the Presby- terv. As the procession was going out of the church, the grand strains of Mendelssohn s Wedding March were [given on the organ, accom anied on she vio in with his usual skill, y Mr. M. hanacy. rm... ...|...1.. nnrnmnnv was exceedingly im- skill, by Mr. M. B!) A The whole ceremony was posing and was a hi n in whose ter was leaving the church, he gentlema As your r_epor remarked to an o honor to your ld pastor. anacy. . exceedingly gh compliment to the rev. honor it was performed. lady, This is quite an Yes, Sir, was the reply, and he well deserves it. ------ooo------- lEstab- anhrs