IJJCIIIILULL LIIJED L3-UIUI-L ll-I JUNK} LIES-All uuwuva No! he said, seeingl was ready to spring from my seat in indignation. No! I will have no protest. You have brought this upon yourself. You have given me` the right to mistrust you. . ` 6Wi11 11nn ho wvnnr` nnnunh n ahntn who IJELI U UL! 71111591 UIJ J Ulla Will you be good enough toshow me the right by which you interfere at all? Isaid. ' l`TT--L.I L-.. A.__-__4.__ .I_..L L_'_.LI..:l_... 1' -.... Juthdr of Called Bacf," Dark? L A Ffamily A"az'r, Etc. Oh. want; a t-angled web we weave, When rst we praclzlce to decelve! *The . attack. "was .so unexpected that" 1 crimone-:1, and for a. moment was `speech-` less. V I knew that myfrue motive . for Q16 concealment was, in respect to Viola, if un~ worthily conceived, at least free from evil. _ This thought strengthened me and I was to face my in*terroga.tox_'. _hut,'a.l1 the lime, it was a great mortication to feel that in order to explain matters to this man Imust, as it were, lay" bare my most sensi- tive feelings. _ A _ ' f You Knd_w my _true name? I naked. No. But Ihave seen you_ somewhere- Vienna, Pa.rie-_I_ forget where. , Then. you were not called Vane. ; , My nameyis.Julia.n Lore.ine, . . _ I _ Julian Loraine. he repeated, musingly. I have heard 'tha_.t nnme in the world, and` with little l bod attachedeto it. ', But it could . not havelre erred__'_to_yyou1'-self. `You are too young._ But your` rea.so1;' l'fo_r_the deoe'p- ' on? Speak I. he said `f_lere'eI_y,_` : T nilhn `NH: wh~ln-.`r""nn'n'nw did ' ad nn$'l1 hn Uu! wpw.1u'Lue s_a.1u_ner_oe;y. A ' I curbed my riing"fa.nfg er, `ana,;a,siw11112.;. . I cc'i1ld.,' told him why Ifhad wobed'Vio1a under a- false `name; I think he believd . me, biit I sgw _scorj; '01; hisjfape z_a'hel_1s- .1 u t , . V . (HBL . 3-1.` ,1: , 3.4 n" 1.`- -_:.1w `n~|t_ 1' -__ "Why are . ` ' I ` ` - You ass name? he asked. P `."' _,u_d"-gr 9' `.5139 By HUGH CONWAY. _ CHAPIER N. IIU VVo Sol made the piunge and tolgi her all. Told her my true-name; told her of the beautiful hcnse in the west; which would be_ `ours; told her of the life, free from care and anxiety as to the future, which st1'etc';1ed_ before us. Then -I besought herforgiveness for keeping -her in ignorance o_f_,these,thinga.V I had, be it said. given her to understand that I .w;:s.a..rman./vith an income just; enough to live upon in comfort. ` ' ` I1.-.nn# nun: uimkt `D'..' i..l'..__ `KY9 1 I llIJlUGrULl V7-I-I. WW DI-I\I|.l&lL W\sQAvt__'~I5;g ... loved me, and was w1llin' "'to~.trust future in "my hands. I: oved her, and longed for the moment whih would minke 1 fijgher mine `forever. Moreo_er,,I- longeg_1_-j'for` the time to come when I mightteu her -311;. L confess the innocent butfoolish deception Ihad practiced, and beg her forgiveness-- not for mistrusting her, but her sex in generaL I was sorely tempted to reveal .`I-no I-.1-no efnl-n AF `dn-3-a u:n'+l1nn1f. furl-fzhnvl Jo. ENNEDY. GAVILLER 8c HOLLAND. Architects, P. L. Surve ors, Valuators, 850. Plans and specications orbuildings pre- fzared. T Town and Village Lots ia.id.out. Farm ines oaretull located. Timber limits examin- ed. &o. 81.0. oronto Oice-4 Mail Buildings. Barrie b1oe--Mc(`.a.rthy a Block. ~ Oollingwood _ OIiioe--Long's Rlook. THOB.-KENNEDY. i Mwmom GAVILLER. W. J. HoI.LA:D. * ` 51-lyhv ` Ul-A\lI.l5`LI uu I170 uuu Au Ul'J{l.l!._Ul`U. Grant was right. He knew Viola. when he told me that, by reveqling my _deqaption, he might destroy the fabrics 'Of'my happi; ness`. She said little, but l:_1"'look told me ' she` was hurt and wounded. I verilyt be- lieve her` rst thoughts were that she would rate, I had been what`I `repre'sented' myself [to be, than ' to have the-"power of -sharing such a homo and so much wealth with her. How littlelmen understand women! Perhaps because no two women 'are`a1ike. . 'n__:. fr.--1- n__-,'.-._- I l A ' ' - vu- van ua won as u uuppxur mun OI I118. ""2x.'tne end of our stay by the sea. it was our intention to return to London for a couple ofedays. and then start for Switzer- land. Here. or in what country we chose . we were to spend, months. ' In fret, I haci as young home to offer my wife. The tenant h at Heratal Abbey wculd not , turn: out with- out six months notioegjso, for the time, we nbmust he wanderers. 2 .-..L-..- l1..-_.A. T 1.-.: I_"_-_' - . - uuu uuun aw uuuruur . \ ` Ihad hoped that in the agitation natural to 9. bride who signs her. meuden name for the last time she had not notioel my auto- graph. But she must have jdone so, al- though she had said. nothing about it until - 110W. L-A'r-____1_ n,';` I - .-- - QIU GLIHU1 But Viola. forgavetine. -I A woman al ys forgives the`-man-she- loves. but I knew that she waosad at, the thought that I could have dreamed that riches . gnight have inu-' enced her. V Novorthelesa, it was days before 1 Icould get her. to join;me uurestrainally inthe schemes. which I wove 09 our future life. . 117. ___.;_L _s_.._- A, ' - -' '- - - 1 JJLVJI \ We went down to a quiet watering placer l 011 the _S-.0u_tb, coast. Here we` staid'for a. \ fortnight.` Oh. those sweet summer days! Shall I ever forget them? F01` the time there seemed no cloud which ceuld possibly shade our joy. All the cynical, suspicious, misentbropical elements seemed swept out % ot mynature. I told myself that the con. `stunt; society cl? the wife I loved was ma,|{. {mg a better as well as a. happier mm) of me. i Al`. tho and nf (nun :1-av I-xv` Hm lung :4. ._-_ P unsuccessful riva1_.. `W1 l_-JLlVD.J\J u 5"`1 i7`i"th 4he`Vrwo1-ds`, all my doubt, all my` four of Eustace .;Gr;uit ed,-;-,nAe,\{er,; I`hoped,,~~t ,o return. v With.Viola s arms round me, her- kissgs on my lips, -I couldgford to piityiny .1-' we were stalled in tbe..compart_me"nt of--th3 `train-" which was, by_a venal arranzement of the. `gur*rd`s,_ `reserved to ourselves, I fell to- 'oons1dering how I should be'st fmake known,to Viola than the name by which she had hitherto known me was assumed. I was beg`Inn1n:v-,.or. fanciei ;I was_'begin- nine, to know something of my wife e true nature; and I told myself that the task be-. tore me was not so` easy a.s'I had once im- agined it `would be. My. confession was hurried on -by 9. question she herself asked me: ` ' u'IL_1_-_-_ _I_ 1, 0- ' - - - u1u IV V Lulu: \ .I.u.1U UU lUl'. - -"De;u'e:t, I said, ``I will -trv and get rid of my prejudic:-. jI will tr_v and for;:et'thn.t this maxi loved you, `and wbuld have `made .you..hisTwil'e. .IV-Twill try to cease from .wonderiu'.7; whv,; 1vhenChe'is -so good, noble fund clever, tyou shotilrl have chosen Ine..' . . Viola; laid her sr_;fb.cheel::a.qainst mine. ~ 7. ` ;`S-Ittlian, .= my`; husbaud; ~ .;sh,e ,wh1spe-red, are yotrnot all-that Eustace'Ca}r_s_mt iL-na_m1 more. Ilovq you. i" " ` ' " .; " `II7-1'4-1.. 'l m".."-.',.'...-1.. ..I1 ..._-. _I-__L`L' -11...'.L_` n _L , whatname thebook at church? `I 1.-.: l...._-.*l LL _L _-,, drew Viola. (`lose tdmo. _ ' ..._,m....._ V ._ . .. - Although I would not credit him yvith the two first q_ua11fic9.tions---gouineas and no- bilityel was willing to believe that `Eustaee Grant was c1ever--p'erhnps too clever. `The disadvau tage at wh ch`he_had he1c_1_me "upon 5 that night when I was for thetixne, in_` his eyes, an imposfer, rnnkled in my` mind. Bu t.to-'da`v.'I coulal `afford to be genero_u3, I. hT\--_.__J. 1! 1' _ ,1 : 1. -11 . . . -- Batu, Vvllllll 13 I`JI_.lLUUU lIl.'dL1|J [DU UV5`-' Oh, much, very much to me, Julian! He was my Vmotber ; friend, he has been: my one friend ever since I can remembr. "I do not like him, I said. , . _ But you will _like..him; you must; lika him. He is so good, so nob`.e, so clever. Promise me,'Ju1iaI_1;,youTwi11 like him for my sake. ' ' A`ll>|unu...1\ T ...,..-1.`l --'..A. -....-.'I."L 1-:_-_ __,!LI. LI_- A W. MC V u"1'1m.su. u.- bu n. was run. an u ~ . -Real Estate Agent, Calgarya VN. ; T. . Corresxiondenoe solicited with re 8.!` toinv st- ments :1 Province of Alberta. .W.'1`. A.` . MOVITTIE. Address Calgary. via Benton, Montana U.S. ' : - .~Wz~'I an !-E`*.!`1.'.6`H`I i: u.+:=u4u -;~s~.r-5-su- marked `pro1e.:.-Hes;w_as~ in a.. far-o .-pew, and yyamahnost Jsho o_n_ly;speotat<)_mpt h_e .' . ,_`- , . 0:` 3.`. --:1`: `l. -Fr./?(\m\'. . ,.';.~'. He was in a far-o: (pet; and almost the only spectator. ' ceremony. Doubt1e3s,- when Viola and I left the church, `man and wife, Eustace Grant walked into." the vestry, and, as he had expressed his intention of doing, saw with his own eyes that I ha} married Viola in my true name- - `Ho Ann...` n4-n..-3...I..- ...-um H... ..I...-....I.. 4. - LL- ll-I [LI] UI UV LIQI-I-Icy .We drove straight from the church to the railway station. When alone in the car- riage almost the rst words my wife said 1 were: Julian, Eustace was in church. % Did you see him? } Yes, Isawhim. ~ Why did he not come and wish ms good ~ ye? It was not like him. I must: have` ioffended him. I will write and ask him I...... H I-IV V70 Ihated the idea of Eustace Grant bingf, in such a moment as this, uppermost in my. wife s thoughts. `fNovo1"-min], dearest, I said; what is Eustace Grant to us?" ttnl. .......I. .._..2.. .._---1_ 4... _,_- T,_'1!-_.u 1'1 - -1- WU-S HJSU _Dl:UuUlBu Dy L113 ,l.ULuBllc I-V showed `too 5pla7'nly both to~' ward me and towa.rd,Yiola..- - ' ' s D; 1.... ....... .7. n... ..1........:.. 1.... ....'...I n..;.. VVG-.l.\l LLIU (ll-1`-I I.UVVIuI|.l, N]. Ulac __. But hewaa, _,the }1e.whs .the}e even be'for' [vya1kedg_11`p.V-.bho nI.c<`n T nnuunlu n 1-1-:vi\w\nn us-C Inn`- 'nL`on-angler, }. aisle AL cauglg-. a.` .3 0101.1 UULULU I. naa..:'u:|.;u. 4 -Ivyizusuu-_,lJ-_--uuv Al? snout Inn:-Irnri ruin a ..`nn:1-nan iv-nn Pnn_ .uw\;V:3"...4veereA.married in the quietest way possible. -Viola; it seemed to me, had no `tosim friends-no relatives who would be `mortied unless they were asked to the wedding. The - old spinster, who looked Very prim, and ready to apply her favorite word, indecorous, to the whole proceed- ings; a brother, as prim as herself, and one trusted friend of my own formed the wed- ding guests. Eustace. Grant had been asked to accompany us, but Violei told me that, for some reason or another, he had excused himself. Atthis she seemed greatly conuuul :5. reafon why we should Inunu-I Ivan ant} 1-non B7'"|i!lVl9- I-1-1-nu`: sci-[cl 111 L V7 3` \JI Cl, ICLLIPIICII |\I LU VCKI v . _-the true state of `aairs Wit out further de- lay; but Grant s warning rose to mymind, -ant` Tnfnhvninn I-luv!-. `I1I`|`;l fl-In irrnvnnohln a-.u-v-..-.-__-.. _.._..v- .___:____._____..._. -..... .. 7 ..,_. . ..., J SEPH ROGERS, CONVEYAN OER. `GOM- missioner in Queen's Bench. Auctioneer,` Atppmiser. and Commission Agent for the sale 0 Houses. Lands. Farm Stock, Household Furniture, Goods. Wares 8:0. Also for the collection of Rents Notes and Accounts. Oioe--Police Court herrie. A , IIIIV \JI1lIU VVwI.III-I6 IUD? Ll-I_, 'I-IIILIKY -3:1 Ideter-mined_.that, until the irrevocable words were spoken, I would keep .my secret. . . I q I :1 I n,,L W--- ll VV_l.l|lUI`UI'Bo - "ihatace Grant-I had by now o.!mosIz for- ULUU1 ' I Was also troubled by ' his. v,refusa1. It hnunnoi .6nn `c.Ir'v-u Lia aniinn-u `V1111 tho` whatiname was it you signei in II`. n11I1un'kI 7 THE NORTHERN AD VANCE. % so much to ask him. _ Don_ t: `hurry, J ulian._ I fancieil that Vio 1:'1.'w'1'shed to s25 Eps- tace Grant alone , if posJ=.1'b1e;M order to ` 'pers uzit1e him, wistie had t`1'~'i 1` to "prs11;zde me, that` we hail bVn1y to`kn'm'v iiiore bf`e`ach 'jo`th`e1" 'Tt6. ;ba` like L'brot11'eVrs.`f,3* Sh?e` _c<'3txl'5i` not 0 ,j11nde'rstanc`1 _t_h_e;g1'11f :_1>o;S_t1vjeen"`i5 nicj2,m , " Who ;love" the `same wop'ran. ` `-I. tho11f g'K B"i Was. g'yva1.1 `She `shown 59;; {I;ix`. 2' He yvo1}ld i;ike' "c1ear'tb<-her ` '1;he'?"`i1.1`1 'pssib i1it3y` j pt `,,a i1y`thing ` rmemenasnap "i:'i Hg bgyyep .1-_:su.. '_as _I.was, apogt: $9.} piLl_'H'5 ";ccja`c11_'}"n` `ri-ve`.< '91! Vio_l`g.' l'qi`)1:ied:`a,f:"I1_1e"wri\J|i`V :l`Iitf219fp5ut. I 1 'kne'gv-its ,'me'an iI1;9':.' ' "Ppaidf&ny fiiad .: thrbugh the` carriage A window? 1` %My~sho`u1- "deg; i_nsui'eg1` strict -'l`hfe_ira-l1`g`ht;. i gigs fell upon my lips."gtd~' 9;` vvord-rotlove . assed*b'etween us. AI-1;n'geron`-these trivial. \ e\'rid"e'nces or affection.` ~ `IQ war goon: he - -- . ~". '. .'.'.v I '1: _.1 ', why. ~ - Lwvvnqu VH0] "Unu- Why in the world should they have taken a cab, when the brougham was at the door? ' `Iwas veryecfoss at thethought of V1ola. s driving about London in 6. cab with Eustaca Grant; but, as the brougham was still wait- ing at No. 36, it w_a'_;s clear that they meant; ` to return. Alter ell, the best thing Itoould i do was to wait.` As vet, not a thought of \ um truth had venturedto invade my brain. So I waitei on the naveinenr; m.+..:.a.. n... `pay VISIF `I30 I18!` U1u.'.u'u:u.1u, nzma Lltuntuuux. _ ? --The pri'm -sr')ii18ferL `v(`?uld- nver forgive her if "s1ie'~*`pssed` th'r_bu'gh towniwithdut calling.` 'Bh dig! " not press me to accompanjrher. Perha'p's;'i`nftshe>presi1t changed and unex- pectd--shatfe` >01` aifairs, she. had `much `to `say to` her old friend which could noliwell be said in myp resence. ' ~ ~ . ~ cs- `r.........:....'..+.-..i .31-m ]1nn1t` nnn nlnnri fn hm- -. - .__.,-.. .V coin. wiube. at-his office at this 0 JD '1`. BA'1\"'i1f(7}:[(J~LERK oo7i7{7 bms1M- 0 use. Barrie. every:-.l.t.vx-day. .Res'_idenpe nd was :x:;1f:`a:ned;a M; baiie through wh`- oh . I. passed, and . , gonna myself in another olce, .._1n lit; powgyep, we,-e.no .-Sims of Viola ;-and Grant. .. I. rntlnvnnrl +,.` nu uuuuuw. uusuou .111 :10, _|lUWY9l`, W6l'8jD0 signs Viola .-a,1,1. Gram. .I,_.Iiet,urner1, to} . Mr. Monk, _and toldf him;__t1_;ey.{ were.._poI;, there. . *_.-J` .. _. _ `~"1`hen they must-havgs, grown tired of `waiting for you, and have gqnafor. a stroll." .: T_h__are iaa door which opensjnto the par ~ `. aageg. . No .d0,11bt they Iye1H:haLj; .way. You 1 .m1_1s.tsit do, ,n and take :m'.1r_ turn {at wa.it:- M :. ing, Mr, ,Lora.ine.7 I tvnunnl 1n>n1-Pnn:'I...L.{.; 4.1.1.. J ' -` - ' - gmg, Mr, , Loraine." . I waived half an'1:1ii. t%hn.det emin'ed to go search of -thgxn. 1.111; was `impossible the) S0119 t010.01, 1'01`: me; so I went down Into,-the_s,treet.a1Ll asked the driver or the brough_a;m'j,hb had sea'n"fh lady, "V-A: air: cl-an 1IrII"\vu ..I....-_L bound` to` attend. _' 1 1Im1to_'aee'my Ownjsouu-| um`-, a_md=- 'g`iv,'iHi1i1"'1'nsf1`hti_b'nd'-1 abeut up {'set1:Iemdnt -',"wh'1'h` I wished to"'malte on " Viola. I `had also to mp,ko' ` myz v'vil1.,f =a; *njatber ;'w1_1ich until now I neg1ectqd;' '90. "that`tbe ;'I`u'sday and Wednesday promised; `to b {ul`l`y bd:i_i pid.`_ `Vio_l, `also wished; to" "p'ay'a Vfs i!_: to her `old friend, Miss` Rossiter. _ prm... .....'..'. `.;.*.umu-9n'~nn1rl nver forgive her Aufn Ivua zuunl V1 lull BULUU lJl1PUl'S. `..f"v I 1 You 3;qur ~fr_1ends in the nxb ?,?1`?;,1?.`;.o`.: .?2`%9 .:hWd- 'I will join` A `In... ..1-..t. A-.......-.a _ ' . , ~-vy .-Iv A "0 in'to,-the streetaad ,the the had se3'nth "Y63. 3i1';Bh,Q ,vge_n.t3',by about an hom- ago with a tall gnt}rhgn._'? .: l V Which vyagyf H. M M f`I.don:'t`knovf(, 3811'. V I saw them bag] a cab and drive 011- .Ididn tno1;i9e'i1iwhich di. rectiqn they 'wnt. " Whrv `In I-`an -'-o....1..I`_'l_ ,. 1- .`u ' - ' can aayuxugnua LU}. u1_y uu1_1uuouu;]uy_. I went` upstairs, found Mr. Monk s `of:ce.,' V and `sent;-my. name in `to him-by his gclerk I was invited to enter his private_room.v .Mr.; ` Monk was busy with some papers. `f , 3 Vn11 will -nd Iran!` ~fm'm.Iu 4.. 4.1.... _;;_L 4 My business took even longer} than I ex-' pected it would. There was much to dis- cuss. What stock could `be settled as it stood -what shoulddbe sold out-A-who were to be trusteee-wbat was to happen `in the -event of VZola s death: was she to have `power of; appointment or not? All sorts of -questions like this had to be ventilated- The conso- quence was that when I -glanced at my.. watch I found it was-nearly 1 o clock. I `told my solicitor I must defer giving in- structions for my will until to.-morrow. I. jumped into 9. cab and drove to Lincoln's.- Inn Fields, No; 36, "ready to make the fulla est apologies for my unptinotualityv ' 5 I want wn ctnim fnnml `M . `ll/r..e..1.1.. -mL- ' ~""i"v7vatched the carriage 'w`hici1 11eui all I: loved join in in the broad stream of tralc.. Then Ilighted my cigar, and," the happiest manin England, walked over to my"solio- itor s. V ~ '-A ` `A T If I, I 1 I ' I ` -- gtten hing;-'-`wi-cue `once 5aeeme.d oyerjoyed as` -. 1;: . ivriting, vexpd at the coremoniousvwoy ` in which {his letter -began. Il~1ie5.Vbe'9re me now, _. I`c01_._ i5: ' 7 ' '```MY DEAR BB. LonA1Nn'2.-.?You.Wi11're-. meinber thatonxt Tesday is`"y'our twenty- first birthday. _ As I am going abroad very shortly, I am anxious to subm't the` accounts of the trust to you and, of course, _Mr. Loraine. Ihenr that vou will` be in town on Tues`da.. be more convenient for us to `meet at ,my so!icitor s-M,1-. Monk, 36 `L".nco1n s> Inn cerelv. . . EUSTACE G1um'r. He might; have sent`. a word. of congrat- ulation, aid Viola, in, a ,_vexed tone. How shal I ansxverthis, Julian?" .m-, ._.- ....-11 man!-. himat_ M1-_ Monkls at Can I call upon you anywhere, or would it ` Fields? Please let me know. Yours sin-_ OHN MACKAY. AUCTIONEER, COMMIS- sioner. Conveyanoer, Issuer 0! Marriage oenses under the new Act. Money to Loan It Moderate Interest. Creemore.` Ont. 61y { I-ITLU V U ` 1 mm rr snoum com: To -rms." i We reached, town` qn t;l_re.;_[_o1;ds.y night 3 Vand slept at.'_a'n hotel; Thursdjafy morning } |we.were to start for the cpntinent. Besides; the` inte `saw with 'Eusfac`*'Grant, them Verge gnziny busiqess mat;te_`rs to` which I wsA ` bound` to attend. ` I hp.dto.'aee'my own*so'lio-_ * u,..; .....a.. ~...4.,..' ~*-I.-'a.;.= 71'nnfI5i`Ii5n' -~ abeut the ' D6 Sa.10.'1n my presuuuv. ` - 1 So Isuggested she should goeloneltdo her 'o1d`bom. spend an hour*with' her friend` and meet "me at Mr. Monlfsrat 12.o c1ock. In the meantime I- w`ou1I'1'go to my own _so1icitor s -and arrtnge my business, the purpprt of which I did not make known to mygwife. . "I hired a private `broughamd for 4 her. placed harm it and stood at the win- dow saying adieu. R was `the first time since our marriage that we had been-parted for an hour. It was. moreover, her` twenty-` rst.birthday, and on her hand was a r_i ng which I had just given` her-a ring the value of which had startled her, for she had hot yet realized what it was to be a rich '"31"\*c,5 `I EEZTIW 1'1j_;e'_ `iltL':_'_` 1".Vustaco"wili be therp, (and; I have, 9'n1p,ch;tO -say: ,.to him`--- much. to ak. him. Donrt ' hurfyi Julian. ~ - T f;.'{m`ig'-I~ H4a`+ -\ 7:,4t.-. --...`.- ..i.'.,a'-+'. .. ..-i." `m..I. It was the /irst time we `had"pa'f;tcd_fo1" i_m ' _hoAur. . ' - . ; As` I wished .-i llezff gobii-By I rmemrd that my own busiuss would ta.ke some`tIm9. _ If I am not v ;_z'5{ punt_n'al, ycu _vvfp1b1 bt ri1_1d ` Waiting?" I said. , NA 1' ._~I...n 1.-1%,; L"4."""13.'..~...-.-'..'..:11 L- sha.L1l.I ansxver-nn1s,_uu'u_uuz . Say we will meet himat. Mr. Monk's 12 o c1cck on Tuesday. _ . , . To which effect..Viola wrote. I did not 5-ea.dTth but ._I rwonderecl at the l`l:u.u u_u-a. Lu uu... length of it-. .. .. LJUU JUU IUD man's wife. cngrmn V; _ V ,- _..v vavuulyo arms were hke bars of ' Iron, the girth of his ; moreover, h e stood two inches taller than I did. H ' Mad` `with. the * he 1.-ailing-a and panned for b rage of _d`et3a A hf: It reanh. _] ~ .._.._.___._....___., . .__._____.__..._ H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS T0` LOAN- . on Real Estate atlowestratme. Farmers Notes. Discounted. Collections ma.de_inva.ny mm. of the County. 1ieaL Esto.te.bought; and 301$. - Conveyancing in all its branches.` Mar- ria.ge'Lioenscs Issued. O1ce-O.Ver Canadian `Dank nf {`.n1'nrnn'rnn llnn-Inn dtrnnt- _ __ ____-....,....,...=. anus were around me; Although physical strength is an accident, V or at the most an inher1_ta._nce, no man likes ' michh a` man as this; Th _ I felt that I should be conquered; that to relas the result or that 'ha"nd-to-hand _ , and bad measured y_, but never w1:h e moment we closed A doeenot always "gain the victory. Grantfs grips vgere l_1ke iron`. the. nun. -n L- `chest almost abnormal- _--- ...... mnaya gum the vi were iron, . mor two inches did .to1dAthat'`any man canld_] ' from `lhv I`-m'v --'-4` ` - hea'rt;- he woum no awe-~w -0014 we .....,.. fund where he parted'=wit h" Violm Nodoubt -he had `a mesa.g'efor me which would clear ~~\_1p eyarything .-`-' V ` ' ' V - H ""V B ut`-".1tI1oiilf 'l;di'. *(3r"i'afit:'V5v!i at home, V -the rjv'an-e igg'or::id~j mefthat h would see :"~tlfis' denial }'siihp;y` fb15c"d the`door open, ' aL'nd'**putIbir `jthe frightenefl servant aside, men o It was `empty. I ~3threw~ myself into * a, chair, and waited" until some` one inade ' 'mv'p'resenc khown to" the man whom I was benI;upon'seeing;' " ' V '- ' V V 11-. J _,-l.L 1.. :_._-__.1 4.1.`........`..nn`P wnr fnrrvihle ` uo`*`oe'tc-night} TI m ad`e n'o"comm'ent on `stroherthrd _`g'H t11 e'l1'tifll"`a`i1d -entered the g sitting` room in` which` G1"a_nt`*had, on the I ' ight when I "first -'met1`-h~im,-`. interrogated M `us said to the servant; th_e_n 'g`1 5:r"1-Z;:if'Graut rang the `bell. -` the fro`1'1t_doO`r'and this door Wide op goAo.ut o1' `wo`n'mnhapp7, she should have bsen happy. ,Does she expects to find bliss in 9, life of `shame with yf<?!'1'. V ' . qys`b1aze,;l.b You. had bettar got" ..he;sais1- ,.1`G0a.t'_0ncex_` ' ` ` . I_1a;;gha:l Lmockihgly. V Ndw, that I had _1ost_}>.l1 `h_ope`; now tl_1at; my one desire was ,ve'ng'6i;i;cs I` could speak. calmly. j ' ' M ' _1 here. I enlid l.'._.4..n , vau. oqguu 1 could speak. calmly. " _'1` .sh_:;1%1w stay here, Isaid, _`leav join her. "I shall follc with fog.` Su.rely a_ bridegroom` ,-thevright _ of 'b1dding his bride Herel stay! V ` L ' - 1`1)...`.n,,] j-f-J.-'.'..L .._r -- - .u.`u-any L101 `nappy. l1V9'yOu done S0 - I laughed wildly. If being will _s_l1'ed. oqeis blooi _for her can` make '1 `wo n'mn`happ_v, 1 y'<.n'." ' JFHHQ1-you \HI.n......I uvv -. - - -'Stay_!..e perhaps he had killed her. Such .. have been done before now by men ; fvqho fail to win the woman they love. Per- ha.-ps he had decoyed her away, and was de- her. against her will. Even` now she might be longing for me to come and tree her. , , All these thoughts whirled through my brain, and for a moment unmanned me. I sank upon achair, cold and trembling in every limb. Grant stood like a statue until Irecovered myself. .v.`.`You.vi1lainl Igasped. I will know- I.wil1 see` her! Tell me where she is! ` He leaned forward. :He looked at me sternliy. , - . e 7 :`L`istenl" he said. in a er_.ce voice. In I-In. ...-..-..... T --:-*I A ` `-`U33/11' in fierce ` room I said to you, `Take her and 4 , 4 , '**``ia?f;"h2%{;.v.`*X$. :3;Sznssezi jstill `not a "thought of the dreaarm nruw: 33.6 whereooould she be? - _ zg `_-KI into the brcughum, and drove fro ` of` N6; Mrs. Loraine was not there.` ;.:.i _1;(__)` Miss Rossitez-`s. Viola. had .i'n.the morning, but had left 1 `about 11330 o'clock. I did not see Miss Ross- 1 sitar, who, I was sorry to hear, was ill in bed. As a last resource, I drove to Grantfs house and asked for hun. He was out. Had not` been home since the morning. Quite uncertain when he would return. It was now past 3 o'clock. Anxious and `annoyed, I could do nothing but go back to the hotel and wait my wife s return. Stils -~ -1- - 4-hrrlaht Of the truth. _ rmgehxcensca Lssueu. U;11ue7-u.vur Bank of Co1_m_ner_ce. -Dun-lop stream. ` 7.1. u_e1s'. sue 13 nov.11er.6-.:. ,~ 4- him..,St;'az1ge to.-say, I did. believe _him. The n Agthought _t1at;g his `hpusga .would be tha_.1a~tt p_1ace.in.`w_hiAch his would hide_Vio1a,fi' m ,,my _search, no doubt condncpd. tp this be- lief. But how Ivcould no lbngeg` doubt the ; horrible truth; This man, by." some dev_elish _.. ;rau, `had tom` my .wife from me-,-had 'f_taken' away" the woman wlro, a few hours ago. pressed a Judas kiss on my lips, even as ishepwas going to, meet; her lqver. A. .`stay_L he killed her. _ thinon hnxrn hours An... LAB--- _ -7 He. pol:e as i_f,=expa.ctiug _t'nr}= '.bq1i o4\-c 3 hotelanu vvzuu u._, .... not a thc ught-not - I spentth rest `of the afternoon and even- ing passing from the hotel, to Miss Rossitex- s from there to Grant`s lodgings, and fpon; Grant : lodgings back to the hotel. Only at one of these three places could I hope to nd tid_ings of` Viola. Repeatedly as I had __n,.A 11-. was not until nearly 11 owclock -1 UGLILIIJIJ, IIU IVUPLJUVI, L'ULJ1yo "`Whero did you oartwithfher? You left AMI`. Monk s with her in a_ cab. Where did you leave her? ` , I cannot tell you. Mr. Loraine. A .Do you mean that you are ignorant of 1 her w-haroa.bouts_? V _ = AYou have had my answer, 1 My blood boile 1. .`,`You mean you will ` 110*; dare not tell me, you utter villain !" I - cried. I will know, or I will kl. you! 'F]'\\ fnhln nrno `kn4-n-vnn.-. nu nu T .~l.,\.-L) ` V|l\J1f-tLI.IJU\-{of I `fL_ool; for .1.1_r_..-_sda&xf1i e`'eif{.;'cupboard and c1'ann,v_.A_' I L-ring; youshall be equ- ,d.u,ct=9;I1.. 0ve.z:J11e , whole . buildi;_1g.,._. Make it _ ..:1]z1icp1'9perty that .-:rou,me ,a- je.a1ous:hI3%-` % d lp6ki,11g,fp;_: ,3 'fa,ithL_33s;wifg `_ g No; that * ha11'not5Tbe-`Spite. for`; 'her ' imraver 511.9 3t . -'/` ."~Ii -'-.- I ' HA chnlra man 1'? nu.-nA,..'.l_-.. _, L, I 1-' ` .l POSS 8.110 IECBCI IJIIII. He" was pale, almost -ghastly pale. Hie brows were bent, and a. slight twitch of the nostril told me he was suffering from some great, though sunpressel, emotion. He looked at me hauzhtily anl angrilvz but whatsoever he had wherewith .to reproach himself, there was neither fear nor? triumph in his gaze. I looked at him and wondered but I felt certain that he knew all about V1ola s absence. (`1L:1I __ L1,,L ,1 , _ , ,, 3 `L4. -_____ ____, ]~A II? 1 UIIURU _"lUI-I I-UIUUU VJULIJIJUSILLUI Mr. Grant, I -have missed my wife somewhere. Can you give me titling; of her? 111' . -. . .. g ..g ' \/IAKZLJO A "AA; nuuw, UL J. ~W1|l nu; Uu. have sp1'i1u;,rTz_1t his t_h_roa.f.. .- .ThJ table, Was between` us, or I should `r `=T n.-run nx\'l>|n'~.n.....L ......... LI-.._-4.- "lit. 1 , .uuvu 511} U115 qvuaa U_ul UH! _ i . 1cru'e no'thing f_oi- youftlxreafs, Lo. rains,-,` he 4sa;.id,' _v;y_ith g-aU_i`ng' co'nter_1ip` ;..Where,ve_r_ 1_I1`s.' _-Lc___)ra_i`11e. may foe, she_ is :_t_he1-e ;of her own free choice," `. Q1... :. 1.4--` .-_ n.'..-- L .... _ ;,-n, ~ ... . Qvum owun. .uu1: uwu (L161! -UHULCU, ' x, 3 `.`She ~ is q`xc1aimeJA. An-_-x_ A." .' ' '- ' " A heie`_-i;; this hogsg sh ypu! Egggdisgiii 1:omunt1i1lI;?u:f;J11uBo'Z1:; I _ amt; I found Eustace Grant at home. B1-It Y now} was -in` a different mood. I shall beblamed tor sayiiitr tht -9 10% A `I1'!__I.. .'-u nnvI\_ ".3. HOLT; '11sURANcu: BROKER `AND `. General Agent. . Real Estat'e'bought_'a.nd -(sold. Collections made `in anyvpa.rt.ot:tA1e'= County. . Mopoy ;t.o Loan. -.0goe_-,-Bot;hw_Tel1 .s Block oppoglpga the Railway ration, Barrie. Ontar 0.` ` _ ' T 51'.1y_ u . ...__, Wain; different: mow. snail beblemed to; seyfug this and unexplained labiene "Of Vi`o1a 8 in 0011!- panv, it seemed, Iwxtkh Grant, brought a. hon rible dread which I scarcely dared to breathe to myself? The news that Grant Iwas at last-atvhome lifted a weight from my He would be able -to -tell me when ' -A-' -I---- L- ......+..:1<:un`+.'h'\7inIn- No doubt; Denvupuu-see1ng.' ' z ' ` ,No' doubt he heard` the noisddf 'm`y" forcibie ~en;tranr,xa. ' hi :1 'rfn`n_ute tY1efo Iding' door, `which; as is offeffthe case in lodgings, divided 7the sittin"';- rodm[from'the'bed-room, :opened,`and~ Eustace Grain appeared. As ihe` did sofcaujirht -a glimpse of the bed- room from which he emerged; An open fportmanteau, apparently half` packed, was lying on .the bed, and there-were other evi- dence; of prepayation for a journey. Grant; advanced toward _me, but he made no pretense of greeting me. He neither offered his hand nor bade me good evening. \ I rose and faced him. ' 1, . ,,1.__1.I_. .....1.\ `Win ` V :u1a. 3 QK4D :Ll\;Uu Still, as that absence might "even now be satisfactorily explainetl, I resolved than I `would not, by evincing premature distrust -or suspicion, let this man trlumph ovr me So I spoke with forced composure: "`I1II arnn T .}-satin -rniconl I-nvv It-yH*'n 3.4: I cannot, he replied, coljly. 'nn.,\..`.. Am ..n.. .......4.`...:n. 1...- bot dreadful truth! '""`V .1 vtguuuu so!" A being Wllling to can '9. false muld hnvn ham. I....__,,_ A. sum, "until `you fa follow and ' Ann" yd- .-_, 11.15 U1-IU U811. this _ b; go `o dcior wid ' '-`Leave 6 open, ntgol. the `B10 1: out?" 233? rut-1 t hi ; Whites, `31'06. blow, and 3 8.]'OI-`lfld 7:-an I ` V`-V`Lea. ve 1 .x.._..._ 1! F, cursai K 0"d. Tlout. .wIgI"r.h Uh` S I ` `1nd,el(l3:h oyathd. Fmnan ` Loboters. g CHAPTER `H. T _ ' 4 A CLEXV. ' g .I hate the task of describing +3? 'u0'U.i1II `ledduring the m x: tW0.V` memory of oV'0I'\'tl1it1 99" _ `Eh that -tima `I wish it o-uH 1;` ' 1 m..... .....n-: \\')l4 .,,L _,__ , _ . Dublic laughinr `=t<*C3i. 3` liI'lll6U. v.u1uL _ A, Boxidm. I shrmfc trozu-v * shrank xrom th: tlxn11. :M; I) let`. him a fnrtxnxght; :fer ' No; __I would tescu n1:-_e.. _ -0 `1.0rg"Qt",uez~-th_ab '1 ML 4- So,_for hours I wanna u , front of the house which he?daIglg8dW:n I DEW, the Vllight 6Xfi.ngu`She1_ twioe'A~I saw the blirul drawn _ that Grant was 1r),;,-1% On/)_`an1 Ihad left. my post. No, you traito WI villain! I_-am still there, and sha11`bem -unt1l you come out). ' '1`br.-n I win do ( ` the bitter end. 3 Y '- ' The hours went bv, the dawn hm ` break. St2ill---an object of (::11'i{~eitv{? Lsuspcion, .to the po1iceman-I 1;,_3pt 2` post, and should have kept it for longer, had it not. all at OW. 0,,.um.. , me that so long as I um tY.s-pg 3(J1,n,,w,,_.A Gmnt remain Wha1'+3 ht: Wu`-_ [ n`u: t ,C1'9.n7 With C1'&'. N'\`l'!`H1n]p.._ [ .0-1? Bslde` perforce keep watch amt}. 1-..u_;11';.A`1 oneto Whom the tag): 1uZ,'1.. '1.-; .5 Lu -1 .1 . ,1- 1' .' 5`. 1- tnitor ` -I do` not seek to excuu: n1) -" lIUI\7\a\Il\.I `C9 3luI\Jl U (lo `I\rs-. --V `Nevertheless, I will Iv c:m<* myself in as bal a llzzht a< ("3 thatmany another in km W` a`c'ted as I actei, I 110?" '"1` .the.world who have pzmel I grief and shamo as mine. A02 `u-cf: ndfhnllfl 1.02-` 51 '13 J :tak_e on the tmitm 6110!. uuu n:.|un;nu no -..... At rst. without :1`- sight of the ven'*_(-nnw \".II I-Tu:tMu' . . ~_ I_ rs` 9'...-`-.\I Money to lend at 1owest::i'a'hes. Dominion Grange Fire Insurance` A ssooi- V ation. Canadian Mutual Aid Life` Insurance and Reserve Fund Accident Associations. ' mn'na' u 1ur...r -mnn 'n..1..o..... - LILI IIAJU 1.: u.n\.\y .--.. myself th :3 !.- _.}E' f<>1';kTi1 wfiman who hwl ol iron: Iwculd destrny H11` 10 . head I banislmal .t'nt uI1t':`. Vif.eV3r Ilcould be 1001 euuH.`;'_J learn to look upzm ho!` '1 contempt, as the basm` Of 1 thought of su*n_`-`,' for :1 d1\'m'<'t` J ( resuma my Ircul nu. 5*! "" boundto` one woman l11Ol`:`\"I7-N mv bevn".'.` Lca.]'n`.ml. mrl ?:`<'=` ~ hust andther woman as 1 *7 trusted V.olnL , 1` - 1 1 ` ,.L..--.v`. l'rnnl- ~"0 IVVIULI ULIQU 'lLlllUu 1- " |*` _out frommy mind. Two .Vt`=* no action,. no thouzlxt nf 11') Icen look back with an: plat - writeof that wretchud tune. in its record as short as pmsilulu. \ \Y......._A-`I.-1,..... T _..'ll |x\ 011"!` yaw uy `,V.I-`IULI-I. out) uasn uh}: -7 At"7 o <':Iock Iwas ubl -nth t0 8]] 01_ .71-f8,5}1fO"1";1 4": 1:11,` inn which 'stoo:l somn sad The bay Wimluw 01" - .`:'- .- Vmanded a view of (4;-=;: ;. seated myself, and. I.nv%;: - dOIl`diI`?Ct01'f, wrnt `- I1 : 1' *- Ato a Well.-knowty pr.'v.~.W ing` that a Clever, h`:1:~.~, abopce be sent to nm. 1!; (low of th:': hotel, I re: um .-1 As Ientered the-r00m \\hf<';1V.'.'::"1.'nj had occupied Icoul-l alxxlmt 1.-1-~uu':.; self that I had dreamed the gf 3 last twenty-four hr)u:'s. All 1`.-rm [`_`r;Ii:AV-A effects were as she 1e. t theuzz hnr ;_1`;~..~ wuvu uu unJ 'uwvu;., .uu I 1.: 1'. I L `I 'v-vi, `her brushf-s, her toilat in=Ii`~;:znal,1eg.uq all there, Even hm` \\_'ar-k1'~*h(:ha'1 1-.; behind her. She broke tho at r. seaside, and there wzu nu rim to -_-:it:.; pairel before we starrn-I for [H9 c~x1:;n'e.` lbesidea, I had intanh-1 lu_.'mi_ her and one in Pari<. 'Tc:-mr1`ro-w--f.'ws, I-'rn1~rr== would re 'l`h11rsrlay-`.-~n;m'rrvw M 'l.:. proposed :'rf)<:~:ing m F1-::n.a-. 311a : :. what: :1 d it all 1n~z1::.' ' -ulunvtib ` But before I had solved H`-wi~u"-" . ml `trams and steamers, I had n.m-r mind. Why ShO11'.d I follow.` L`! and my curse go with them. `I \\ I 11):} `,1 at present, om step in rI1:"1H - I.,_ vengeance. but ven8`eanc~ M` "`.".`.- bathe more Conlpleto. Sm! she 11111"; this man madly, even as I I` v_ I `W 1' would not have done this thmt. 1.1`-. must love her. Lt my . ness, lull them into-t'n1. ~'ct'l1I_f.`V'_ _` them dream their dream of 1`~=1PI`"` 5 -a.s'I dreamed mine. .'1`hun Iwill nl 5` . _. `st and strike! For Isworn thnf M`-1-`"r` - . r _ by -fair means or foul, Eusmu` 01.3- *di_3 by In, bah. : wg mystate that_ could I ,pi tol, I would have `waitgiiv I, stap shot the man W-0'0 `save myself from bccom T.` Eustace Grant. I c \ myself and - Y ta my 1mp(.tenl::* W1 Q 011. lxdthat me, as soon as he emer ., - ` `Kb-ti sa'ety--shot him deft? h.`3p.:e' tion. Nor was my nqnd an comm}. by hearing the window thmwy `"13 sooth; iug my hat tossed out a nu J D and . It . was fam to stoop and pick M31493 . y In ' . . iuw ._ t curxoszby to passersb; E an 0`]*,Q[,`, nn...4. .....~ 14-4,. -- At 9 '() (-`(.(:!< _thc- m =2": \\3.~-4; moned arriv;.~ 1. 1 tr-H t;i.v;2 -z I-Uuul, 1 Au '|.l .1 in `was to wait until he >:1w`(_Z1";1 wasto foilow him, an I, hm-..1 his destina.t_ion, was to to-l._r once. Then I left 111:: ar-r-112$ back to my hotel, an I trial u. \ 5.. An tars`-nicnll GI`.-. .., n..\ .. . A while my course seenm .thought of what little 1 had done. T: {nor 7 , . , . , nn~1 Abappxest ngan 1n P.-r;lu1l; t0.;i,,h:1ia the most miserable! ` 1 a. "aei,;;"w;s new `M, W, could only grasp one fact-_Lh . at pregm by some diabolical 11105.`: ' 3" Gmmhzxl _ 11-` irrlur. H1. ` leave me and give hrs:lt' tr,r.Piu:1VM"` 1: Fvr issue: I must wait horn, r,ut4r:]if_ ;_tr rm: ` until at last he came -furtlx. Ti} H5 dug his footsteps u'1t'l I/heylq falthless woman who ha-1 m",_,'ln : and brought me to s11:umi:. 1gr,m"nM1l'.Iv [ .13, ""`= than Sleep, with m'y min unaffainrtblra. I.atrr something to do than hope, I went to \'i- 1:: if she had been thew ` yesbeiwlay 11xoruir1:-`. ' Vw0nd1'(.`d af, 8' 311 two doctors w.-r-_ am `I , ` . 'b V! \.I \l\J\.U\JI D `V '- In my pl?-s nothing` for t know that th from 'h0r_ . strclng; mm. `- _ cou11Ar::1vo h me, won id rc {- UII108 UVBF UU I and Saturday. .... ..\.. ....u L\] ;. ., ._D..... .. The la the vnrv 1.-1: :` `,1- Viola and E'.1st am- Urntn 1.0. .11 1.1 grouu{l' my teozh. I hgt n:;.'1`1~ blo0.I. came. I cu.`s`l .:;~ stupiditvy at; -not havin_v:' f-~n1`Wc `needs be, half over th? W >15 5. *1 givm the fool zlmpla i11s?=j1I"i"?1 future, 1 would trmt no mu * A1 threw a few things into .n p~`*"7H rang for a time table. ~ \\':1.< rim could catch---was that`? u .<:.=:1" crossedto-night? Perhaps. at 3 might get .o,nce more on the 1.2 fugitives. _ ' `D..4- 1...c,\..,. *r1.-.: ..,.1.L,..1 mu .1. LAA The hours ' `Ia. telc :1ja`[-h c _. fore it <')p:}1. '-and rax1\`;: 2..-rs v: u lcgne boat. 11 Tall, c_10~'o1_v vu rill: of _di::mm Did not fvl`w 8tI`l1(.`tiO}1S.I<) lo. -rI'u_, 1 A \.vu-._. -\ v- -Avon; .1 c ~. 1'9 `[11 . nrivsn p1`ci-sex) for th.) IAII .. C... . uild suds. `4"`4", ., . ' . mils. >fw:~111>l `{:'~.;a.; M` to I";':I.Lz--.' z...'Ln, `ave Euglxzz-1."; 18. vow i1T1_.>\v:`= I800 Gr'n:1I`:*.;1.'.H' 1_'m:w 90:11.3. "I b_Lt m;."1ip-' 1` I" cu{'s`l {`.'.- .192 at having" fci1m\'e.l ` tln.\\rn,x'I.E, 5'11`:-I VA(Gradna.t`e of Leipzig Consevatory of Music.) , 7 Also -pupil of . CARL REINECKE,`RICB'l`li`.R AND DR. PAPPEBIT Instruction given in Pianotorte piaying. Hut-f mony, and Counterpoint. . . lI'm- tmmn_ nnnlv at Mun. {`.Rm:nv s: Thmlnn yours ` ttiiq r u nv own w loastlre. < , but Iwill 1-'--f Il10I1y, uuu. uuunwrpuuun ` _ For teams, apply at MRS. Caesars. Dunlop Street. Barrie. . . - 12-37p u - _ (}r:111f. u: the "ll [)1 u.` . 73 which h~~ own to wi:.. vy-av gin HUGE cvuu 14:001.); IJUIIIJJ. LII\.IIl4I\-ID; JJBIIIJEIIJU. \JIL l I at ricea~ nevet-~ hetcre varieties for beddin . _ OR AN8:N_IcVI'D'l`IE S - touched in Barrie at. e 7 Greenhouses. Wellington St., Barrie. Hang- inn baskets: lled at 25a. p.n.nh- Plum: for `m-nn.. tux, `$l\l. In W1 G A. RADEN EIERST. BARR~I_`S'1-`ER, AT- . torney, Solicitorin Chancery, Conveyan- oer, 8:0. Otce-First: Door South of Post. 011106, Ii1}1d s Block. Owen Street, liarpip. 459-_48_ T. SPROUL. BARRISTER, SOLICITUR of the Supreme Court, Conveyancer, Sac. Mone to I_.oa.n. T Olces over So.nd.e rsV Bx;op.. Jewelers. D_unlop.St1eet Barrie. ' ' L J as. Junmuum. uaiuum. .l1\!l.1 U.tt.'1'.l:a`1:(.,U.l." O and Dealer in Goals of all kinds, and Georgetown, Grey and Guelph White Finishing Lime, Cements at all kinds, Fire Bricks an ' Plasterers Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch, foot `of `John street, near the depot.- The bond of this Lime is better than that of any other kind, and the finish superior. Oloe -Corner of John and Elizabeth streets, 1U,\NU UBTEHIUHIB, \JUlUllB,'I1U1l(a1'Up8B. A180 `A011 ranthes -Canna. A eratums. Asters, Stats 3, Zinn as, Balsams, hlox,' Oentaureas. Ricinus. Bronges. Cupheas and many-other beddingagt 1-ices fnunhn `In Tlnvvnln at `D A N 27 IJn\TT"I1'lI lI`. Q DOUUIIBQ In Dffl &D..LV!.UItl3LV M I_1U V .11` l'j,la D ' ing baskets lled at 250. each. Plans for orna- mental hndn fnrniah gratin. . "HLIV 1118 DEBKBDB 1111811 BID Z30. 63:011. mental beds furnished gratis. -.__..-#, .- . ,___ , _ _ EARN 8c MURCHISON, BARRISTERS. , Solicitors, Conveyancers. 850. Money to Loan. Oice--Over `D. J. Murchison s Store. Market Street Barrie. Branch Oioe-Potter's Block. Tottenimm. . EDWARD J. HEARN. D. C. IVIUROHIBOVN. LOUNT, STRATHY 8: LOUNT. HARRIS- ters. Solicitors in High Court; of Justice. Notaries Public. Conveyancers. '01c-es over the Bank of Toronto Barrie. . -Ir 1- ______ n n: `II 11' m.........--vv IV 117 Tl\*r1'\Vn\ MILD ualxn Ul. l.\ll uuuu J1uLA;vu W; LOUNT, Q.C., H. H. STRATHY, 'G. LOUNT. -- ---~ _ . ..._,. , _._. -- _._._. ._.._..__ ..__..___ __ ,._ Jon-m oA.R|.`|=.v,4 BOAT BUILDER /\\T 4-1.... nunlnnnn fnnf til Mnrknt Rh-not . HEWSON 8: CRESWICKE, BARRISTERS, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of J udi- cature of Ontario. Proctors, Notaries, Conve - snoers 8:0. Mone to Loan. 0ices--Bot - we1l s Block, oppos to N. 86 N. W. Ry. Sta.tion,_ Run! A. won 5 nuuuns, upp-. Barrie. C. E. HmwsoN. "7 ouAR?rriii, i51i15L'11ii'\E[ MCCARTHY. Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries. &o., Money to Loan. - Barrie, Alliston and Gravenhurst. D ALTO`N MCCARTHY, (2.0. F. E. P. PEPLER. J. A. MIJCARTHY. D. F. MOWATT. J .LI.l1.LV \JLL`\l lJLI`a.n:uLIu nu vuuvuv I-&\JlIl ready lled and in full bloom and rowth. Also 10,000 Geraniums, Coleus, - He tropes. ' Anhvv-anthem. .n.nnn.n. Anrmvntnmim Amara. UU"II` Yiil ' IIl&l'II nvtlxjlj N the eaplanade. "foot .61! Market Street. `Yachts and Skztfs of every _desoript;on in stock and built to order. A1so,_or` hire -_at low rates by the hour, day. Week or season. Boat- stalls tovrent by-the season, 8011118, oats and. paddles in stock and made to order, V 11-1y ERBERT SMITH having leased the stone B1a_cksm'ith Shop. (Jlapperton-st., next to the Simcoe Hotel. is prepared to do_al1 kinds of work. Horseshoeing of the latest xmproved styles, preventing of interfering, forging. con- traction and tender feet carefully trea.ted. Builders supplied and estimates furnished. 16 O HENRY. APPRAISER 8; BILL POSTER. . &c. Rents Collected, Servants Provided. : Oide up~gta.irs opposite Bank of Commerce. ` "AUGHToEI*LEN'N0x, BARRISTER. so- licitor. Conveyancer. eto. Money to Loan. gttice, Corner Dunlop and Owen `Streets. Bar- `I U111! rie 490$ :1 uuuuuy Dtoe at my ' " ` '"Ex'6,'."T'1EE1".Is'c5'i;',` Eiiism. Oioe over Coulter 8; Va.ir s, Barrie. Tutasjlay. ` V um Qnturd av- LN. .091 1`. 6- arr e osmpn ROGERS. OHIE -oNs-rABLm.- County of Sim-aoe. Oioe-- olice Court, bu-via. . fsmpn SWAN. AUCTIONEER non THE County of Simcoe. Terms reasonable. man at mv Store- Grainzhurst. 46-ly --~_ ._4!.R..!1TE9'1`..9.ANP.9U1'VE0 9 _{_;g 1 P4 _ HE QUEEN'S HOT L.-A. W. BROWN. yth travelling public. Bar and larder well lup- - lied` with t a best. Good etebling and atten- ` ve hoetiere. Ln 0! gueete conveyed tree to and from all tre nu. Few doors west of Mer- et street on Dunlap street. . Proprietor. . Excellent accommodation for -(;N..I1.".37{:._'I}O LOAN.-~.8250.000 at 6 afnd, 6;, pef __,.(_>e1x_s.. .J. '1`. SP_1%0UL,__,B01ic_tp1;, pus" EONEY;-' large a.mount.of rivate fund9a % Tt `end n Wa*::.%?%:*:~ :;w:$:&:%2%z . . . r. . ('3 . _' Mn A `F!'l`I-IV ':0UiR;I;HY P15LER' 8; Rnvuviafnv-n .QnHniYnrn Nntnrinn Rm_. Mnnav [AUGHT6N LENNOX BARRISTER. Iinitnw nnnvnvnnnnr ntn- Monev to Loan. W. Mov1'1"rm. D. i..- SURVEYOR `AND : .-Raul Ilintntn Aonnt. (`.nlnvn.I-v, N- \V:'I`- s. JOHNSON.jBARRIE. IMPORTER .011` and nAn.IAr in nnln nf 31" kinds. and )NEY:V'I}O Hind, 65 per .oen_._. SP_1{0UL,_ ,l$ol1c_toJ;, euc, e_ _ . . Pi J$VIAIo""!1 utrgu cuuuuuuy aavuwv Lu:-nu; to on strai htloans, aft; owest rates. MCCARTHY EPLERs & MCCARTHY," 'gi-18': 0_c:-'._1_s,8.a; [HANGING BASKETS to choose from ' lledandintull mmn Gm-nninmn. Coleus. Hal tmnnn ....___ ..___._..,.,__~...,.........__...__._,. _..;;:..... A` H. BEEN '1' DENTISI`. . Barr1e,Ont.. O1ce.Se'nders - Block. aosite new Post. 011109. . ` -Visits 1 adele and _Wa.verley the first Wednesday or every month. Wye- bridge and Midland, the next dey 1'1`hureday). Iammmnn the fmlowlmr day (Friday). Vitalized F. R. cummsn, ly Ul an ax Store, H msonnmnousl ' IaLAoKrm%H _sHOP I` ._...._..___..._.____ _...,.._..._ ....,. .-.-__. -_......... PHYSIOIAN Asfiii Image and mlamuu, B116 next (my |'1'uurauu.u Penetang the tonlowlngday Frida. Vltalizec Air for painless -extracting a spool ty. . 6-ly ,, _A.:_...__..._ ........-.-_. -_......-.--_.--.~._ __ nii;i'1srrs,_` ...o.._..o`....-...._ . V iii-ii{s. ` BARBIE ,LEGALL `lulUUUc , 0 mix U.M.. , . Churchill. Ont. 35 '0. 1 OIL gghurst. A. E. H. CREswmKm.' -I 414! 1' tonlowlng day (Friday . A In an nainlans.ext.ractinIr a meal t I-7uuI'I'1U 51 -ly -rq.-+.~.-_ V118. H141 - 45-ly Leuueu U1'll' ' ' my IIUVVO `Viola seldom mentioned name. `No doubt, with 'a` woman's quickness, she un- derstood that it_ was distasteful -to `me.- Nevertheless. ,1 knew that she held her guardian in the greatest esteem, and `looked forward to the"time when we should be friends. ` This I swore ehouldnever come. Viola once my wife, the acquaintance be- tween her and this strong-willed," attractive _ man should eease._" As I said, I am indeed a pitiful hero! But if 1 saw nothing of Grant I heard . from him. He wrote me, telling me he had been informed by Miss Keith that our mar- riage was to take place very shortly. He would be glad to know my intentions re- specting the settlement of her own small fortune. There was a peremptorinessabout _ the wording of the letter which nettled me extremely; , I wrote baok..that itwes quite true We were to be married in.-atew 'We'elaa time, but that it was,_,not my. intentionto `settle my wife's money upon her; The sum was too paltry tot1:ouble*nbout._ as it would be.quite lost eighth! in the 1argepost- ` nuptial "settlement `which -I__: roposed mak-_ lng.; ItMr. Grant..:91t any vpubtnstov my ym,ea`ns`he could make inquiri: fqfggy. solici- tor, ;who had my instructionsto answer all.` _his questions fully. - . ' i 5 * `Tn `VIII: l'Af.C'.nIv. HA .13.!" Iaixl! n-'n-'|-;- `-/-Al " HID HUUIWUHH lull : To this Iettex he did not - b 1; heard that he made tho `inquil$.lJ:I's I gag:-I gested. No doubt, in Violofs interest, he was ricrhf. in an rlnlno-2 but Ililmri Mm ...'....... guawuo a.1u uuuuv, Ill V nun`! lllf!`8SU, he was right in so do! ; but _I_l`iked him none themore f_or_ the act on. . "w'r;I"xFf'cI1I,"o`$E:_co;ne by `_ my "H impu- Vsfoned prayers. had consented teen -almost immediate marriage. There was, indeed, ARRIE FQUNDRY; ENG-VIZI'*IE 8: BOILER VVORKI.--H. ` Smwlucv [Manufacturer of gvery dvscrltion of Em: hes Boilerswggav. Git 1u,"sm 1,'L 11. nd wori:lnTgda.ohinery. 1183- , -; D , ` I SLINGSANDARRVOWS uuu. Aauouuuu U1 uuu an HUI` BLUE. p3l'l.lH.p$ ex` ercising all his craft, In spite of his as. sumption of frankness, I believed him to be crafty, to my disadvantage. It was a fear which had no i ou.ndation.- _ Neither on that nor on succeeding days did Grantin any way interfere with my monopoly of Viola. Once or tvyice I met him, `apparent1y'com- in: from the house. `On these occasions he bowed gravely, but did not stop to speak. His visits were evidently paid a_t;`such times~ as did not clash with fm'ine}. I_ 2fa`ged in- wardly to think thnthe had a.rig.ht to visit; Viola at anytime; but I`;we.s tooproud to remonstrate. It was` so z_ne'bco1nfort `to me to hear Miss Rpssiter occasionally yemark that they saw little` `or nothing of `Eustace ` DOW. ' Ipitied him, but Ihated him. < It seemed to me that if this man set his heart; upon a woman e love, sooner or later she mustgive it to him. What would it be if now he used allhis power to rob me of Viola? I knew that till the ring was on her nger I should have no peace of mind. ' Thn nnvf. u-u nvknu T ....u'.I ....._ .__-.u. L- auuutu uuvv nu puuuu UL uuuu. The next day, when I paid my visit to Viola, Iwas full of the fear tzhatl should nd Eustace Grant at her side, perhaps ex- ercising all his nrafh In cum. no he. (I5 uuu a nr 1.35.3, JU was at Uululllullu` 1: huruuu. Grant was still standing above me, and as I l_ooke 1 at him I saw that his face was paIe, M L mid on his forehead weredrops of nioisture. His a}rpeara1_1ce almost startled mo ; tut I = said nothing. I rose. and wished him good- night. Somehow,. in: spite of: the 'di.like .with -which. the man had inspii-eds-me, there ' was: about him a st1'ength.a.nd'dig`nity which: im'pressed. me more than-`,~*'I.v;a.recl:J/toe. .own._ 1.; He accompaniedtmo -to~the-door. When it h closed, I pa1ised~for..wmoh1e_nt to light one of my town cigars .AThen- I~crossed the i'0ad.- A51 did `so... I -vgrlancedj baoiu 2. The` _gas was burning initthe room which :I~-had just left; the blind was drawn up.--L ;I;.saw Grant enter, throw himself into -the.` chair . which .1 had left va.c,ant,t stretch his ..a1-ms?` out on, the table, and` Lay.his.. head upon:. them, likeone in agonies of grief. i.I:Ie was 1 hewailing the loss of the happiness which I had won. 1'...-1..--_-n L9", 11'. 9:, l. wit '1. - v: mar ' The _13epeL1'ti`on of the last thre. words was} not a wish; it was a command. a threat. annnf Inna afwl ni-nu-.rI1'.-.... ..'k...o..-.~.._ ...,J _l'... vvuoa uuut Uu5Lu_y cu UIADULI. . Perhaps, Mr. Grant, I said, there is a. nearer and dearer. right you wish to exer-. ,cise over your ward-one which. she her- self alone can bestow. He drewhimself upto his full height. That, sir,fhe said, _ca.lmly, is ungens eroua. I had hoped that my love-for Miss Keith was'amutte1- unknown to all save myself. {I love her "as `it; may befbeyond` vourjpower to love a woman. I would lay _down my life for her for more easily than to-dav` I lay down my love. Yet I do this, and -to you, my rival, can say: _ `Take her, and make her lia;5py--make her`. happy-1 V A 'l`ha -m...l~:J-:.-... I\`, 41... 1-..; 4.1.--- _;-_.a_ ....... K7]-III I The meaning thrown into the last sen- V tence did not escape me. It implied that he still viewed me with distrust. My anger was thoroughly aroused. HDm.h..m. Mn u.m...4-n `r ....m aux..- J. .. J Batu, Until her twenty -rst birthday I am Miss Keith s guardian. A very young" one, I sneered. ' Yes; but older than you think. Her mother died six years ago. I was then 30;` she thought me old enough to be her child s gu(2in;:iian, and I will `see the trust to the en ' A1,, a 1 .1 1 ; uvuuu. ` The act: er a r;$o'1_,"`- lie se:ld,": 1Mr. `Ld:{- ajne, su'c`l1rom`ant-ic aairs should" be left to poets and novelistq, _'AjViola Keith `would need _'neither riches nor poverty with the man `she loved. I_tel1 you, if I were to go` to-ymorrovv mid make k_noyvn`t`o"her,your doubt of her. single-heartedness, I could shatter the whole fabric of your happines - Why should I not do so? A ' - It would be the act of a. end, I said. He laughed, not; pleasantly. Yes, it would. I will not do it: Iwill even keep your secret, and let you carry out your ' ridiculous plan. [But I will also do this: I will follow you on your Wedding morning, and see with my own eyes that you have married Miss Kelth in your right name. 'N'nl Inn an-n'r1 unninnp T nine vnoir in cnninm BARBIE` PLLANING MILL,-GEO.` BALL, . Carpenter and Builder, and Muhutaoturer of Doors zsasha Blinds. Mouldings. 850. Plan-` Inc 01 ail kin a done promptly and satisfac- Ignlv. .B`9.otorv Jo_13n street, Ba.rrle.- `