_ iILLETI Julvnu ?,'x K2?%'. w%% A vn-Int-nnn , ' U K 05-wvv --~._V` . Barrie, June, 1886. do do Disorderly conduct .... .` Insulting languace. . . . .. Disorder y oonduct..... M ` do do do do .` Drunk and disorderly. .. Tresnass....- .... ..... .. E Vagrant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .' Assault .............. .. . Keeping disorderlv house. Drunk and diam-derlv . . . . . . . neeplng (nsorueuv nouue. . .. Drunk and disorderly ........ .. Assa.ult.. ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 Non- ayment wages 1 \Drivng on sidewalk.......... VNon-payment wages A . Trespa.ss.. ` Unlawfully I1: . Felonous ta .Sa.le of liquor.u....-........ Sale of liquor.... .. di'1'n',ixi&' EH11 2 3:22 525 ing,timber..- .. .. .. .Trespass.............. do A do An ...-........ ..R-8......- B00113: n- no .. .. .- do ' Disorderly .. .. .. ... ' do do Profane language. Liquor case . . . . . .. Assault ..- ........ .. Liquor case ..... . . '-----oo----- The C. P. R.`s Value to the -Empire. L:~.\'1>0.\', June 17. -- The Standard says :-T he Canadian `Pacic Railroad is a political triumph in achievement the possibilities of which no one can fore- see. and the military advantage of which my yet be the saving of the empire. It is the contribution. of our Canadian vrethren to the urganization for the` de- fence of the empire. It 1s_ our duty to Show the world that We fully A understand W A 35811 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` Disturbin worship . . . . Drunk ar disordex-ly.. Noun-pavment wages .. Fightingou .. .. .. d( Abusive language. . . . . Assault ..... . .- ....... . . Liquor `case . . . . . . . . . . . . do d1 . Disturbin worship... . Indecent ' . Abusive lan`ua.ge?.:::` . Drunk and sorderlva. . Drunk and disorder} urunx anu. uluuruuuy . . . . . . . . do do Indecent exposure ..... .. . Disorderly................ Indecente ure . . . . . . . . . .. Drunk and isorderly.. .. .. Assault . . . . ........ .. o o - u on Indecent exposure Assa.ult............ .. a o u n o - o to Aasau1t......_.. ........ .;. Contravention t By-law. Assault Vagmncy .. , dn - Inatiitg urulusi-----------~ ` -do A b ve language. Va ancy 1 -do 1..`......;+u f UU "samty . . 8.8X`8.nCV Assault ... Rn \ Abusive and obscene language .. Assault, ....... .,.., .... .. do do Disturbing T religious assembly Drunk and incapable ........ .. Carrying revolver . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Drunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. do do _ V {assaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r ` n do ' uu my Trespass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drunk ..... . . . . . . . . . . . .. Vaszrancy . . . . . . . . . . . . l Assault . . . . . . . . . . . .. V Selling l'quor- . . . . . . . . .` ,Va.g1-ancy . . . . . . .. Drunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . Ca.rryingrevo1ver.....\ . Illicit distilling . . . . . .. . Drunk and disorderly. . Drunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Insane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Assault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . An (11 Insane`.`."........ .. .. .. Disturbing meeting. Fighting on street. . . ._______"________ w of the World (or mm. A , V10 9"" we cana.cum.un1eoa atom a General News. t - . emfcyguntepfeiting establtshment has been aided Owen Sound. . r The Qanadian Legion of Honor held its meeting at Hamllton on Thursday, rio College of Physicians and going to erect a. new build- . annual The On `'48 Surgeons 339 , the expelled Kingston hallenges the O_rder to deny inn DRESS nouns Ann rams MILLINERY STOCK cmIPLm`E. ou- Opposite N. R. R., station, Dunlap-$1., Barrie. `cy ` do ORTGAGE SALE `of u;lneble village pro- erty in Allandale. Pursuant to a. power of e contained in a certain mor_tR880 and which will beprodnced at the time of sale. there will be 0 ered for sale by Public Auction at the Queen : Hotel. in the Town of Barri in the County of Bimcoe, at the hour of Tw ve o'clock. noon, on -Saturday. `the mth day of 1.... am bv J. W. Morrow. Esq.'. auctioneer, nbon, -samnuay. me zoul any In June. 1886. by J. W, Mp_rrosy,,Esq. agctipneer ullondaingulsrthatoertain roei or tracto 1...: ma m-amines 3112113129.! T Jnd in `land and premises sitnnhe. ullond singular NILE 08115111 11:01 U1: muuo In. th village t Allandal in! naming 1"` e 0 1111 o m- ooo.and Province of e(')nta.1-lo. containing by admeuurementhnlf acre. bathe same more an 94`; or less, and being composed or not numuer Iuur (4)EesaRoad and Cumberland Street. in `the eeidv at Allandai agreeable to a plan drawn b en Creswic e, Esq. P.L.8. * and` which p is uly tered. +1.. and Lot being a corner lot and east 01! Essa Road and south of Cumber Street aforeseld. Upon the premises are erected a comfortable frame house. 3 blacksmith shop and a stable, allins. good state of repair. This desirable z.r'?ertyissituotedon the corner of the Essa the new Innisl roads. Tums Ann commons or Sam -'1`he -pur- chaser shall pay to the vendors solicitor 10 per cent of the purchase money at the time of sale and-thehalanoe within one month thereafter without interest. The p be sold ' `subject to a reserve bid. e `terms am} ' o wlll_be_made.kn,o_w_n.-Irttl time sale. , or in the meantime on app cation. to *...:r.h';e as. M M 3- - De at an-nesraaaygi E . {yr ` e.'l8$.~~ pas. . a_ mg, Montgomery: hallenges Order hat he has written. Old World. Mr, Gladston e has started on he Scotch II; u- do Dress and Mantle Making in all its branches. Comparison and Inspection invited. '<'1'o' _"d'6" 216' 56' . . . n - - . I .RE SPLENDID VALUE THIS SEASON. E31` 33 April 15 15 GA April ' UBIO DI Convio tion. ` May au 3 its ixluportazice. 1! Mar 30 M 7 W 19 A '12. P1329. _ an I May 20 . April 16 . 19 .` M 19: a. o y 17 April 17 J May 6 1 March 5 I QR ' 13 15 April 20 Z1 12 March 2 4 ' J ' 0 April 14 15 15 1 15 `IR ;!MaY' lJune `Apru 2. June 2 l 0. The C. P. R. and the 24 Hour System. .\I0x'r1>.mx., June 1T.- The General Jlanager of the Canadian Pacic railway company has issued a. circular stating `hat in View of the new conditions that have to be met by the `Canadian Pacic railway company, in establishing a. con- tiuous train service on a. line of railway Covering fty-three degees of longitude and soon to cover sixty degree (or four hours of ti1m), it has been found necessary :-:: April 2 Jnnn 2 .14 14 11 13 11 1'7!` `LIJ 19 19 1- . LU ORV >19 10 19 1 19 I9 ; Jno. Nettleton. u do 5 - do ` An L a . I G. Wilgon. J. Nettlatom. ; !'l`homa.s La.waon..7 ...... .. `I An \`\ J 20: iSamnelFrase1-....... f Georg: Thomson A n DICU U511 NULIQ ` ( do 0 X $1103. Dawson, H. S. Broughton. . S. Graham and H. S. Brouszhtx 11' `X7 Mnnnlno T, TIFHHIL I 3 r 1.; Do \Il. uuau| auu LL. N30 aabv H. W. Mannin ." '1'. Gr1 i," X Dewson,a.nd Broug O 3 James Currie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I J. Currie. and A. S. K land . . . . . . .. D do 0 ...... .. ) J. O Neill, T. Law n and N. Llotton. 5 T. Lawson, J. Ri 1e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. D J. Johnson, J. . Haugh . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 an I J, Jonngon, J. nuugu .. . o , M.J. Casserly... do .... .` - Oran, A. n. on . Morrison. Booth. J Quinn. :G; ' n McCosh....... J )Ja.mesBoyer ....... .. L do iWJKea.ting......... I go I do ; _('WJ Keaping, HEJe reyC Mo-} v Gibbon. J J Williamson, Johncsteel ....... .. Henry Bird ........... .; . . . . . . . . . . .. do . ..... ..... .. d0 ` V II do .. do ' Henry Sewrey . . . . . . . . .. I do ` .. do . `Henry Bird . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. o . do Henryasewrey. Henry Bird . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. do Henrv Sewrey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. D 3 3 L E ) 5 3 5 9 3 do 9 9 l 1 CHRoss.............II.III.IIIZZ" Henr Sewre .. CH ossan Bird.............. 1! Ilnnrv `Div-H 3 3 3 do 3 2 6 ll.lUo IJUWD . L). unvuauvvu. 1'. Grahux 1"&T1 Brought Manning. Grifill, - TI, hnmann Jan Q, HI-nun > U I1 Ii.0BB_8.IlU i Henry Bxrd . 1 (10 `nenry nnru . . . . . . I do ; Henry Sewrey .` ........ ..' . . . . . . 5 Henry Sewrey Kid Henry Bird. Hearst; Sewrev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' n . . . . . . . . . . .' llleury DU W XUY do Henry Bird .. . Henry Sewrey. 0 ` Henry mm .. ` W ` Henry:-Bird 1 W HABennet`t.` N ame of convicting Justice. ab 2113!`. do do Tm: . QUEEN msmuxcn: COMPANY of London. England. the capital of Nicaragua, l_1as '__.n L" .. xmlnnnin nrrmhnn - E IMPERIAL INSURANCE COMPANY _ of London. England. THE Pmnmx FIRE ormcm 01' LONDON England. . ma: emsaow 8: LONDON INSURANCE Company, of Great Britain. 1 we as avaau ' vvvvvvu uwvu 7'- .7... _ -- W 1 ' ARM non SALE.-Lot 32, 2nd Con. 01-0. 100 ....:.'.;::..7**:`;:..?. *:!:;.'*:.%....H`.::.:'?.:` 52:3,- ARM FUR. sAm.-Lou 52, mo um. um. wu acres, 75 acres cleared, balance good hard- wood back. a few pine. Good fences. Good trome house. large new bank barnsnd other ontpbull - Good orchard. various kinds of fruit. road. 12 miles from Barrie. _ Con- `veniet to" churches. post -ofoe and school. Pace _ADDU We TH08..3.'MAOLEOD, D`g.l:'t_9n, or to the proprietor on the premises. MRS. M. E. MORROVI p1g'rIqE:;`czz:er Street, Barrie. --'AGIN'1' Iron-- P. F. EWA N, 10 00 adopt what in known as the. twenty-four hour system," hut in to eubetitute the numbers 13 to 24 for the present p. :11. hours 1 to 12. so this the hours` from d ' htto mi ' ht will be numbered ::;.:18.. 24. e `"8 ind 35 75 r.nnn 2 00 00 1000 vu_ ml 2 50 0-'\n Ten days. Forthwith nuuul unnoaonoazcn. nu-on-1-. for the sun Weak India; Jung nu. - ` AA- so da. s..... Forgywith. ll \ e,w an or o whom over, of. w not ' hobo d said or tobe by said (1 eneralo er- ` ustice. Justice. va ons if any. do . 30 days. . . .. 30 days. . . .. Forthwith . do . do -uo ' do . days. . . . . F01-thwith . - - . . 1111136 I 30 days. . . .. Forthwith . Forthwith .do T do andcosts . . . . . . . . .` Not p9.ia......... and costs forth and costs forth 1st June......... Forthwith and costs 10 days. a.ndcosts.0da.ys. I0 days.......... 10 days ......... .. Forthwith do T . . . . . .. do do ruguo I. do 1 days . ' t 19 3:" lgn 27th May .. . Forthwith . do ` do do do . _ &UUVO - - Wednesday's temperature registered the highest, ninety-eight, so far this summer, cooling down 16 the following day, and marked eighty on "Friday, that being the lowest exposed daily temperature ,-a mean daily warmth from the sun of 89 . The night temperature was lowest, forty, on Saturday, and registered the highest, sixty-eight, on Wedneeday--a mean` of 54 ;the average for the week was 71, and the extreme range 40 to 98. mhn nnnnuint AG -...-....I-`--2- ----A- ~ (10 ........`l Dismissed with. 10 Java I` IJIBXIIIBBEQ W1 10 da.ys........ Forthwit dismissed 10 days....... 10 da.ys.. . Forthwit an I:LI.'l `wen; , EUFLIIWIDII ...-....`I: do Ordered . to nd}: Forthwith........` 10 days............` Imngediately . 1IIlIllGU.l.U do 10 days. ihii{1'a`1'.iiirZ` do . . . do 'uupu.1u....... `do 10 days.. .. :2: `Immediately. 138 1i3i1';;i1'; dn . . . . - - . - . . ~ . - - . ` Immediately . tinieiiiaiiilj do . . .. do [ uuu. vuv vauxuusu range EU W 86. The amount of atmospheric pressure in- dicated by barometer in the week was .43 in., the centre of which passed -over this locality on_ Thursday, attended by some light thunder showers which only laid the dust on the ground, the amount of rainfall being 0-08 in.; on the previous day we fared better by getting just double that quantity, which, together with a light sprinkle on Monday of 0 01, make -up the week s small total of 0 25 -just a quarter of an inch-only ] 21in. has fallen during the past 5 weeks. Mk. ............L .4. _.._._1.:_- 2,, .1 5- s "1`6 'iu}i;'ii; '1i' '1i1 e'A "1`6'a'v.ii 'i1i' 'p'1`e}i 1 do ..... .,. 2 .Three months 5 Rows: of. /5 It 'r'd1'.i forth- IMPORTER, &c., 1886. H E above staunch and commodlons steamer is now open for en ments for the Ex- nnrninn sum-on nf 1896. mm and In All nnlnm .I. 13 I01 engagements I01` H18 la"!- curaion Season of 1886 rom and to all points on I aka Simcoe and douchlohing. _ For terms and arrangements apply to . week. PIII vuv ywwv U vvvona. The amount ot sunshine in the 7 days wa.s'64 hours, from a possible 108-O2 that the sun was `above the horizon in the ESIDENCE FOR SALE OR TO BE LET.- That comfortable villa. residence now oc- cupied by Dr. Oliver. nltuae on Bayeld Stree with excellent etablin and 90 notes of arable land. STRA Y 8c AULT, Ban-is era. ..-.. `Rn:-I-in- . m.9.q 5 pain prosecutor 5 Trees Village Treasurer nd- .(:.-o;',.I-`i.y...-...a!:,:.. I. do do 1 Village Treasurer had no mono . promi `E \ Pd to 'l`reaa radford \ Township Treasurer] o do . do do . County Treasurer . do do . not paid . Village Treasurer . not paid. Left the 1 . Village Treasurer do do no nah-I v uluxe 11 not paid V not Raid. not. pam paid. Left the 4 do do Treasurer Bradford not paid s injail . Treasurer Bradford | `not paid Inooltllpllnlnllhtlthll-I` not pd. Committed 15 4 `rd plainti to pm! 5. to Treas paid to plaintiff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - o . o - . . a 1 wuu . with to laintiff to nspector County Treasuror not paid. Gone away Iv VVDI The winds during the week have again been following the daily course of the eun,'the breeze coming, from the east after } the rising sun, then S. W. and N. during the day. A strong wind from the west was blowing on Thursday which attained about 7-10ths of full force, on the other days only 1 to 3-10the was attained. 'vm5ge`=r;.;.:.;u;g;" " ` do do do do do ` do do do `E F Stephenson [Treasurer Co .-simcoe 1 iTown Treasurer E do do o ` do do . snot yet paid .9Town Treasurer do do STEAMER EN"I'ZqRP.I!.I8E. (P. LYON. Mara.) May 25th. 1886. do do License Ins ector not yet pai County Treasurer V do do . Town Treasurer do do . do do . not paid ........ Lcosts . Town Treasurer do do .. nnalra U. uv costs Town Treasurer do do r Town 'l`rea.surer l suretiea of Peace . `Town Treasurer *r1otpa.id |M;1'as;eag'a;er do do do do IESIDENCE TO . That nnmfm-tnhln villa. I-anidmmn now nn- . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. :1 `Town Treasurer do do do ` do Time topay' .. .. Time Given l"1"o'\.'1'1"I"1"5.'s`t1.x;<'ei' do do do do Arrest of a Suspected counterreiter. OWEN SOUND, June l7.-Two Govern- ment detectives yesterday made a raid on `the establishment of John Smart, who runs a soda water establishment in a se- lcluded part of the town, near what is known as Malone s stone brewery. A search of the premises revealed a complete set of tools, dies, etc., for the manufacture of counterfeit money, together with a large number of coins in different stages of manufacture. Smart was arrested. This morning he was brought before the Police Magistrate and remanded to give time for the County Crown Attorney to work up the case. - fdxh Tfeaaurer ` 'T d6h"1`r'asiir" - do do , do do I 'o'r 'tii"i.'i}:'1i3<.Bo')? . ;.;e;;n`.1e;;a;e'2% do do . V sure of the Lieut-Gov ~ Village Treasunr do ` do do do jg . . . . . . ..-...... -..no1 To await plesllire of ixcunslous. ':;;,;;ag*2 e, County-Siixrnoe. Treasurer. do Federation. Loxnow, June l7.-The Marquis of Lorne presided on Tuesday evening at a meeting of the Colonial Institute, called to hear a paper by Sir George Bowen, Governor of Hong Kong, on Imperial Federation. The author said he believed Federation would practically obviate the diiculties of the Irish uestion. Lord Lorne, in moving a vote 0 thanks to the author, said the Institute would ask the Government to consent to Oanada s re- quest that the mails be carried by fast cruisers, and would also ask the Govern- ment not to lose sight of the Hebrides _ __L3-_ dismissed. '%sed to pay 1 Nottawasaga do '0. H. `Lips. Box_172, Barrie, Ont. , country 2 country dismissed days to gao! Absconded Apvealed do Appealed Warrant issued IJICIIU ll\lIl 1 question. `sent to gaol \1o days in gaol .20 days in gaol 3iLie13`t-Governor VIJIU UVUU V Cl.'IJU,l' 1 do .1 day in gaol *|To keep peace 10 days in gaol I130 days in gaol .;Lieut-Governor ilo days in gaol `cl Unxgag u upuzu. da ' 10 days in gaol do Unpaid '10 days in 89-01 I do I . Time granted} _30 days in gaol ll w%ek s time ernor Pd $16 and to bal- ance with costs in- curred in 1 month. ' ernor IJ.M.B0THWELL| YCCK -snu- 188 6 LUMBER, Close quotations to Builders and others requir-V ing larsze quantities, _ MiLLs_-Cooper a Falls. 22 OFFICE-_-BARBIE. TENTS TO RENT.-On ouds at Big Bay T Point for Methodist amp Meeting from 1...... `Nth. to July 8th. Tents to aoogmmodate ENTS REN'1`.--Un ounce at nu: nay June 29th, to July accommodate 4 to 6. $3 00 er week; 6 to 8. $4.00 and so,on ac- cording tos ze. Also large tents erected for slee ing or family purposes. Apply to D. PI , 157 King St., East,AToronto. 22-25 .\1A2~2UFACTURER or AND DEALER IN ? LATI-I SHINGLES. . V V7? 7 7 ff . ` - .E1'r'a'K. I` $ - oi 5naa.5e{*'p.sn:.'%.?:;1.':.P;:a.::';.'..:".%.-na:':awz*e.`:*s."* ' ' Betreauu tth pom: th e -or simooo. tmami tom: 8tut?o,N4t.h.an7d 6th Vlotox-la.8f1:p. 11:11:! 124. 4. (on.gt-3?: Upper Canada; on tatntou at -J. R. COTTER, Clerk ot the Peace, County Simooe. I100. 11. unuxenoe. . do do .. John W. Morrow. H hMeehan.....` `Min nnl Qhunun A H The m.\'a11m_z11a capital of N been dest13oyed by a volcgggagua I-1 and an earthquake. `fpt~1on Patrick l\e11y of .S1' turned informer: and slag): ha} palace \t11ere_was damaged by himsl 01) 3 other Lzullohcs and charged upon 13) t znd - 1'0 es. rants. United states_ Bishop of Albany has arriv d ~ 6 at Johnnohc V Geo. H. 1...'.;;.'.;.`.;.:.fT" ` Ir vuu vv o LIIUIIIJV hMeehan Mio 3131 Slave; 3 John "A mnn 511011861 BIBVGII John Ho wden . an (In aunndnowuen . . . . . .. u o .. .. John Dentlen........] Villae of Grsvenh`st n (In 1 1 no do do do do do .. . do do . . . do do . . . Wm. Fellertv. .... .. Gilbert Kirth ..... .. William Parker. . . William Mortimer`: Teresa. M0 or ..... .. B. W. Wal og ..... .. D. W. wanton . . . . . . .. do . do W dB do mo _--coonu. Ja.meaN. James P, Willcoolit: G. Poole, Inspector.. do do` . . do do Wm. Camfbell .... .. G. Poole, ns')ector.. n A ' Ur. ruuw, 1115 8013012. do 0 do do do do Lewis Clement Jos. Venne1l..; ..... .. Thos. Wilson G. Poole, Inspeotol. `do do do ' do .. .. Robert Armstrong. . .. John Gall her . . . . .. James Hug son . . . . .. John W. Rogers .... .. John W. Morrow.. .. John Mackay ...... .. Frank Rossin . . . . . . .. Richard Long.. .. John W. MorroW.... `R .1 wan. Name or Prosecutor. 00.911 W. IVIOI |R. J. :Vaite. I`. do VVBIIZB . . . . . . . . o. . do do James Stephen do do do . do" do do James Stophenm. do" do E. F. Ste hgnson . Sarah J. uchanan.. E. F.` SteDhenson.. .. James Coulson .... .. Thos. Cupgage . . . . .. Frederick aylor James Lang . . . . . . . . .. Andrew Clark. . . . .. " do w do do do .. .. John V. 'Plunkett.... E. F. Stephenson.. .. do do .. .. Wm. N. Johnson.... Thomas Shawley Andrew Presque J. Landrigan ...... .. do ~d _ . _ _ n Rmne. L President Cleveland ' I - ley s shipping bill on Sa.?11g1-I:1e,,, Mr` DmR~ E. P. Whipple, the American died last Thursday nigl-_t of pnel`m::20t; T ..\Ir. .\[urrisun's b'1l t ' A . has been defeated d1 t}?ecgInC>s\11(droth{t3P1` V 9p1`6- ` - sentatives. n O `"" n nouant` n T. Main . . :7. .. J. Land mm '1'. Charlebois II` J. Fletcher ..... .. Cliord Roberts. E; :;;..a;1;;i::;. Arthur cQuaid . .Tn.mnn n:-nnn, _ , _ , E1iza7beZth LZa-.1nVl`aezt . Armur mcuua James Carson. (In an JIHJJGB UIluI'30Il. . . do do George Nelson. . . Wm. Greer an AA W111: \.'tl'UUl' u... do do Jones H. Emma. J ames Carson. . . do do In car `K7n`1u - (10 U0 . Mary Wells; . . . . .. James Carsqn..... James Man-1n..... James Burt ..... .. James Carson..... William Michael . William Dyther... an do . VV lllll JIID68 UCIFBOII . . . do do do do do do Wells White... Richard Drury . John Herrell..... ' Rn n JODII nerreu . . . . . . . . . . do do .. .. Daniel Sweeney . . . . .. Wm. Greer ........ .. Elizabeth Ringer-.... John W. M01-row.... Wm. Greer ........ .. James Marrln ...... . . J Daniel Sweeney. . . . M. J. Sha.na.cey....,.; Jgunes Mm-rin....... . do do . Thomas Caldwell. .. John Clayton George B secession. Hmmx, June 17.--'Premier Fielding has received a number of telegrams from dnierent provinces, congratulating him en the victory at Tuesday's elections, among the number being one from Que- bec signed by a member of the opposition in the Quebec Legislature. In reply to a despatch from New Brunswick Mr. Field- inq said, The victory in Nova Sootia means something more than the triumph -vi the Liberal party. It means that our _pro\'ince is greatly dissatised with the Canadian confederation, and desires the cc..operation of . New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island in a. movement for separation from Canada and the form- men of a union of the maritime provinces, oxhe people of which have interest in com- ., _ \ `.llL'l]. \JDI.vAL; V-nv ....- . , ` I ? Oice of tha Clexk or the Pea.ce.] SEEDS! FIELD AND Gl_\RDE1\ISAEEDS, HEADQUARTERS` SPECIALTIES :- CLOVER. % U115!` 10 0013 Landrigan do dc do 6.: "Asian do db" Churlebois Tmnwimnn MAN an. ac. Ill 005-3, -a----__, ., V LAND SA L1` in barrels, bulk, an}! bagl. V quotations to jobber: and others requirmg large quantities. * campaign. h Have hoisted ' their 3.; 8 Over The Franc two of the New Hebrides Island . S. The Armag the 0rangemen s drillin g `3 Ot ille gal. .TheFrench Minister ` f - tion has prohibited a Ougiubllc Instr - h 0!-{Pea no` `I .t 8 D0int The I.m1 acommxssion to enquire in lfagt h magistrates ' dclare t hat ' For all the leading varieties pf 'ruvio'n-iv. TURNIP, nouooo do I'l1"0:`e'1n7a`;1. `fgylor . 1!`. . ` do no I ve to be a- Correot Statement of Convictions by Magistrates in the County of Simcoe. as returned to my otnce for the Quartsr ending the 8th day of J une, 4 ' J. R. COTTER, Clerk of the Peace, Coun1 Certify the abo ..- q -1 LL- 'l )\nnn nn,FFi, .111ne. u mun 1fLAs'r1:n ARAPE. % HUNGARIAN oAnnor,; aucwuunaar, jgonu. U161`. no-I Own. Importations. THENQRTHERN- ADVANCE, Jonnnm..r.`..........1 Johnllnw innoy.....l Anthony O'Hara"... `Peter Lameron-......, I ` Ca tain Cooper .... .. 3 .An on Mon-a.n...... M John chat-dson....4 . wo rs .... .. ,E.d ($3 gut)`; tWm. Pusmone......] .StephenR ens...... . Stephen Jo nson John Laing ........ .. I IA.comns . John Cam ball 1 J,Gallowa. A.Bn.r- hAI',T'|_ nnnnnl ber D. Monomild. W . h .. . JolTnzIog1apn:.:?JW.. - no (go William Mc .-a1lum.. Thomas Roach Joshua Ma:-collus.... L Alexander Chestnut. do do ` Wm. Chestnut ...... .. . Bridget Taylor .... .. T. A1lan.,~. . . . . . . . . . . . J. 7-. lN_II _. _ John McV:;.:".-.i Frederick Bailey Weslev I milav. . - _ iniggxiif. II I Wm. conin......... u-euenex uauey .. .. Wesley Lmi y ...... .. 0 *, U . '. . . Henry Mccoliouqh .. James Neilles. . .... ..; Joseph Terry ...... .. Charles Cooper .. .. .. 'A1fredMaekie ...... . . ` Hannah E. Wlndover , T. E. sAdmanson.1.\./. _ John MoVey , Wm. Somerville _ Thos. Holly` ........ .. _ George Walker .... .. , Samuel+Beo.ton .... .. , Geor Dales . . . . . . .. , Josep A. Bowler... , James. M. MoComb.. _ Geor e Leonard .... .. Josep Leona-rd.. .. .. ' Allen T.nidlmw,, , UUCIW UBIFHB . . . . . . . . Ii. J. Reid: ............. .. - Joyce .... M Robert N e`wberry.: .': James Ledgerwood ;. Thus. Ma.enarmara.. . . . John Martin . . . . . . . . .. F. X. Baffey. ` Andrew Mart'i'1i9::: Charles Martin .. . . A nunuuv Dnnuin men` Name of Dtendant. Nature of Charge. JUBUQII ue BET Allen Laid(l)aw. Robert Cairns. I Wait! 4 AIIIIIBW JV1&l`D.ll1` Martin Andrew Barrie William Roach James Fox7...J . . . . . . .. 4 John Dunbar Matthew Cherry Wm. H. Barker. William Realls . John Cook. . . . . . . . . . . . James Ketroe.. James Rogers Sarah E. Brasher .. . Frederick Brasher .. Dolor Clevett . . . . . . .. John Johnson ...... .. M William Paus........ TU TIT!-salon T. Busheau T. Trudeau G. Geveaux -- ....... .. Peter Boyeau ..... .. ` F.Worton,.jr.. W. Whalen ....... .. 1`. Ger-oux~ ......... .. Jon. Geroux . ...... .. `--Dubeau- . said bulk. P. 'Lnmbert . . . . . . . `. . L. Sapory . . . . . . . . . .. James Patterson Hugh McPherson... George Harvey .. ; William Adams. . , Annie MoCourt .. _ R. Winning Henry Perry.. I l1;e.rjclCShiel('1'sm: _ a no 0 oy .. `W .vs*1 t Francis 85, m I Thomas Anderson ,- John Barrin ...... .. E.Sa.rgean-t.. ' R Dionf.t.'. . . . . . . . . .. ow-co IIIUIJ-I I793` onion: - J , Gollowa. A. Bar- ber oDona.ld. ` Wm. 'I'hn1nnnnn E0 DU-1'g6uu-In I 0 I R. Pigottx. .... . . John Sin:-dmag1 Junn I'1EX'(l.Il.llHl - - - - o do. do do; "do . .. M. Cassldy .. , do [do William Sids_w _h .. Johnliud e.. ` . . . . .. Dinhnr rli