Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 24 Jun 1886, p. 1

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V1011? `UV um vnuuul puuual Ul lllli8l'83li, EIOIIIB tsmzmg, some to enjoy a. little picnic on the grnss,| some grouped round the band which was discoursinq lively airs, while a. lot of the boys improvised smstch of base- ball, which `was witnessed . by the crowd with a great deal of pleasure. The excur- sionists having enjoyed an hour s rumbling over the grounds, returned to the boat and the tri home commenced. The Enterprise reach her wharf st 7 p. m., everyone feel- dnn dntvdnrn-afar` ant` u-ya`:-Angkor` `Ava flan nfhn-_ nu: nuns]. ale I p- uh, vyvlyvuv uavr mg mwgorated and refreshed for the after- "noon"a outmg. Al: {aha rnnnnn A` `.`|n (1:-nun!-,u (1nnnn;`- `H ""X3s11Yeu'33%ing of the County Council in the evening, the_ following resolution was unanimously adopted: On motmn of Cant. Gooka seconded bv I-IIICLIIIILULIHI CLIUEJUUIL E On motion of Capt. Cooke, seconded by I Mr. Moberlv, ordered,- that the thanks of ' this Council are hereby tendered to the Reeves and citizens of Barrie for their kind- | ness to the Warden and members of this Council in providing the excursion so much enjoyed over the beautiful ,waters of Kem- penfeldt Bay to Big Bay Point and park, and hope that the present cordial and friendly relations between the members of the Council and the citizens of `Barrie may long continue. Dal`:-...'..n u `Daub -nan kn moan nun nf fhn IUUK UUUUVIUUU. Robinson s Park may be made one of the most enchanting places for summer recreation which can be found in the County of Simcoe. Nature has done everything necessary on her part. What is now needed is the expendi- ture of a few thousand dollars in improve- ments. . A large and elegant hotel nicely furnished after the style of the Fraser House at Port Stanley is needed for the accomoda- `tion of that class of people who do not care for camping and who are willing to pay for such accommodation. Then more swings-and other means of amusement for young people with different contrivances for gymnastic exercises are needed. With taste, skill and money. judiciously applied and expended, the place maybe made to entice thousands of peo- le -from Toronto, Hamilton and other places uring summer months. There is a fortune for somebody up there in providing for the health and pleasure of the thousands who may be induced to visit the charming retreat. ' Runaway. As Mr. John Campbell and his son were com- ing into town Saturday morning they came lnnnr mnnina ll VEPV rin Iccidentn near meelilng W15 3 VVFY auuuuu nvvluwuvg It ap rs that when at the top of McCarthy's hill r. Campbell's son, who was driving._ waved his hand to an acquaintance, near the Cundle cottages, and one of the horses seeing this became frightened and started to run. Ill`- n"1nuv\n1-x Y\I1Al` fl !!! n cnmnellinlz $1118 became _Il'lguUen6u auu. lIlRSl'IIU\.l IIU II-ll-In Mr. Campbell pulled the lines compelling the team to stop with a sudden jerk. This caused the ton e of the democrat to run through the mac yoke rin _and brought the vehicle in contact with t e horses. This started them on their race against time down Bayeldestreet, ouug Campbell having the `presence of min to hang on to the lines and guide them in their John Gilpin career. When at the foot of the street they were turned to the fence at the back of the rail- way freight sheds where the race ended. There was but little damage done, a few scratches on the horses legs, and an unim- portant breakage of harness -but what might have been made the occupants of the demo - ,___A_ 1-..]- .......L`-cw v\n`n nave Duuu unouu uuu vi crat look pretty pale. -----_... Dominion Day. As will be _seen by bills and` D1 oqrammes. Barrie will be the great centre of attraction on the let of July. What with the rowmg match, tug-of-war, the various games promen- ade concert and all the other attractions which the Committee offer, the old and young and the lads with their lassiee will pour in from all quarters and enjoy the nation's birthdf `in w e the beautiful county town. Nothin left undone b the live and energetic ommit- tee to make t inge pleasant for all who come L- -.. 3 A-. LL annanltrn EET. ,, OF. BARBIE, THEV COUNTY OF SIMGOE ______________________________ F86 U0 I-HIV UILIIIHU 11:! i to enjoy themselves.` :---:----jid v "I-KTKUUIIIIC . It is said that the noise made b v a lot of gang men who were camping in t e neigh- orhood of the Salvation Army at the Point last Saturday ni ht and Sunday morning was dreadful, in e ort that it was like pande- moninm let loose. The en position is that they were crazed with whie ey. It is to be ho ed that the next exhibition of the kind ' 1 lead to the arrest end punishment of the ..!IL._ _.. -1. , VVIII IT? UV I V ilty ones. The Beaver-ton Bun Feed. Providence is evidently not favorable to Grit bun feeds, judging from the down 01:: a . on Tuesdsy. _".l`hou shalt not bear" witness. against thy neighbor" is entirely ignored at these stherings, and the Grit stumpers. rsoeiv a si ' cant -check. The 2 `Giver s `es on loyal and patriotic government, but sets His deal ofdisspprobat1ononshuns .; . - A T110 an IF Elly!!!` BUWIUJ u nndsglzt AF'1-lg: night was well attended. I ' of j '1 '3`-`welcome book for another year : work to '; Mr. Wilkinson was the object. 1t"wu rather a farewell However the time. was -spent in pleaeunb e oongeration to the excellent conversation Il1a;lluIlw_lnng nu me away... music furnished by .th.e 35:1: Band. ,_Th`9 nancial ~ ~ .v '5-.; .- `- : 'J.JI.7Wi1kins6n;-AB. ram m. t ihi M :5! -311 . 3 th ., .. 2u.o'3 '6'.'.,1'.` `.xc~s.mn_ when he gpelztn, Qntohnpqn his as they `Agnettreet omen, Tomato. of middlmen. A momberihip in this * Dciltion in via-tnmlln ..:...... 4:... .. u..- H1130 DOW]! oatouruuy uzuruxua yaw; wuuw meeting with a. very serious accident. 7 unnnvu `link urhnn t th +0?! Of MCCarthv ; LUII l'D5'I;o 1.y- at `Mayor Sowrey's vninht was wdllmttanded, _ 747 I...___ _-_ ,,.-v. 1 ~-N eill Bros. ecinl inducements for care. See their p ' -See the great reducxna in Dress Goods at W. R. Phillip! & C0. wmon. mnkoa Together. coim:-not n I!`-- I'-a._...Aa.... -_.l 1I....l__ are on the Barrie course next Wednesday. -F1y Traps, Co Stoves and Refriger- ators at Otton B ' _ "' ' "'_ " "T V-m-:Mstohed-trot yesterday afternoon on ihe d riving park for 360% 11 -It `II AA Ulll |1=mum1m's PENGIIITOINTS. v wu ' -1vv. vwvnn-3 11$ Ti." chapter of 100.081 EIIIOIT. -Neil1 Bros. to see you. , -Strawberries are abundant. ' -See Neill B ow advertisement. d -Ma'gnic6n`.; rain on Monday and Tues- ;. av. - -an C\ u . . -a . - ' read the service at Trinity Church last Sabbath. III , I I` ' I nan --Tremendous` Ntir the next 20 days at W. R. Phill & Co. 1,. `II `If .__.`....- . _--.. +Rev.' G. -iI:w;o1;"1'.akes Rev. Mr. McUlung a place at Allandale. T\_,,IL _,,-_-L Ll` ff! 1'` `I\I IIIv I 11- "Ciallii E;;,;{1{"'is?j"iij'rh;11ipa 8; Co. are having a clearing e. `'17. LL- ._A.!iI _ ,.-, ,1, I A 1 0|: ;vV5S*oW}:av-7VeV:fs1':izl(l(: g;o;l_'stook of childrena carriages to choose from. Otton Bros. 117'! I 1 W V Eg&on a Park, Big Bay Point. one week from today. -The first throu h train to British Columbia will leave ontreal next Monday. 1 ,,I ,,_L 2,` '_1,o} }{{;ift${ *g;i'.f"m*}}}a2;};E"d `gaudy-made Clothin t W. R. Phillips & ` JJQJO - An Immense stock the newest styles In Men ; Still and Son nuts to be slau htered. our othln Room is to be a tered. T. W. ray G: 0; VIII II I I F ` -Mr. Wells White has sold his yacht I which will soon be found oating in Toronto ` Bay. An IIIIIDIAIIIA ntnolr `Ibo nnilrnnt at-ulna * -we ---s-- V..- _- _- - -_.. -- vvv --The excursion train to Muskoke frAom Cookstown passed here -at _9.30 yesterday 1 morning. ' \ \v....-. 131..-). I\....'|.l.....I I-n........... Q4141! New ahlack, Dru nd Brown Su Hats twenty er ce . olf regular close cash price at . W Gray at Co9s' In `l\ `ll ....... l----- ..- _- -.'. ......,,_ ._ --A farewell garlen party `t'o-Rev. Mr. Wilkinson at Mayor Sewrey s grounds on `Think oflt, 20% 01! ny of our stylish Felt Hats during t next. 30 days. '1`. W. Gray an O0. ` ' `I , _._ An I A --.Wir;dow shades e new patterns just on Bros. "" `"`l' "` TV .202 o . Twenty 11 cent. 01! . \Ve must reduce our stoc of Felt Hats be- fore alterations co ence In our Cloth- ing Room. Stglsh ats 207,, otfthe close cash price at . W ray ac C093. - , 'll',. 'I`.L__..I,- -1 LL- CIL._-_-J l"1!_.__!L v-nu-, -. vv -.7- --.... --- -Fresh and Salt Salmon, God, Trout, White sh. Herring a. d Shad, Finnan Haddie, Bulk and Can ysters, Lobsters,- etc., at G. Maundrells. nmj I'l..l-.o...I `PHI --g. -an-. as]--ua-uv-. Iun-4 I-n W:-R:;*:'F-1z;n-1;; T); 'i;l`1e't:`z"( >u~ri Circuit, Innisl, occu ied the Collier street Methodist pulpit last Sa bath. QT-`-o II-an`. `lnl `In mcwv I)...`--v-g -M` r "'I"' ""' """ New Drab New Brown Felt Hats, New Black cit Hats at 20% less that price at T.` W Gray an 0095. an _ 1n3__'I_1_.I-_ L-___- __,1.,, u , '-.:TIl1-8-V"7l'I.!;b.l-e'd(-)l1't;;!`I'1: vtlnzlgrmthe com- mand of Col. Tyrwhitt. M. P., will leave Quebedto-night per ?nmer_Poly1 1esian. -1 :-etty Boatln Shawls at 'l`. W. GraykCo9s. Cash ore. 1 (1-1; ('1_I__,,,. 11 ,1 rn,,___L 1 stvle and value at e Cash Store of'l`.~ W. Grav 65 Co. - `iv II A I ,_ D , II , T -V-9 -- "- --'-~'--- ---~-. . , . -New Printed Mufns alwavs best in Ivy any savv- VI ' .. --We had a call yesterday from Mr. J. H. Wilkinson, formerly of this town but now of Buttonville, township of Markham. He islooking well ani is evidently well treated at his new abode. i vuwuuwwuu -. _.-_ _-r.. ..._-__. i -C. O. Brien, secretary, has the thanks of the ADVANCE for a ticket to the grand picnic in and of St. Patrick s Church, Stay- ner, to be held there on Dominion Day. We regret that the big demonstration at Barrie will prevent our attendance at that picnic. , _-__.4nn__I __ -_ n_ 11_.___.. `III --- Pastor S1,. ram 8. Nuwm new. The H. L. A. offers ver liberal terms to sub- scribcrs. Those purcha 3' books from time to time will very soon s 'e more than the cost of mcmbershi . I ho a large membership will be secure in this calit . J. E. Dickson, Head .\Iaster,.N(sw'1nu et, . S. A we hurn uh-an 1: mm. 91- nf rnfm-ennml fr-nm y.-. '.--v-v-- v-- vvv---v--~-v- -~-~-~ --Some beautlul s _ es CreaI[h`1VI-1'1s- 11119 at '1`. VI . Gray 09s. II 1| r\ fl 1 `I1 ,,, 111:: um .33 -w u ---w-; fair -2. ' --The meeting of the B. O. H., held on Fridav, June 11th, was attended asusual. The programme consisted of the following : Solo. Miss -Mary Edwards; Reading, Miss M. Mockrid e; Solo, Miss B._ Holmes; Reading,` M. ayne. This meeting "will be the last 'until September, as we always ad- journ 'for two months during the warm weather. s The B. O. H. is now in a ourish ~ ing condition and consists of 130 members. *In....o..- Gail-an a`n` I):-Int: cf 'I`. `If. ;a.ab vvnonp-v-v-- ----- w.(-----_ ._ -. ., -Pretty Satlns (1 P1-l_1`1;s_a.t 'l`V.w\'V. Gray at C093. Cash ore. . -4~----------4 -1 L-:-4 t.-un. D..c...........a Illa. tn: \Jv'wu Vanna: Announcement of Ehrist Church. Reformed E iscopalv Colher Street. near Owen. Rev. illiam H. _Barnes, Rector- 1st Sunday after Trinity. Div_1ne service 11 a. m., and 7 p. m. Momin sugect New Light_on Od Subjects. No. 4, " eat . Evening subgect, Things com- inlg on the Earth, (1.) Sunday school and a ult Bible class at 3 p. m. Conrmation studies and Evangelistic services Wed- nesdays at 7.15 p.m. Service of song, Fridays at 7 p.m. and Conference for Bible study at 7.45 D.m. Subject for this week, _Chart Studies in Genesis. Special after services of an Even- gelistic character held at the close of Evening rayer and sermon on Sunda s and at the close of the Frida evening_Bib a study. The Gospel Male Cho assists in the singing. -Just received no Cream, and Black Lawnsat '1`. . Gray & Co s. ' -As the agents of ri companies. jealous of the position the Confederation Lite" occu ies, have industriouslv. circulated reports abou the Company. misrepresenting the conditions of the Policy and asto prots, etc. The Policy of the O. L. A. is as liberal and fewer conditions than an other Company. and the tollowingexample w prove that the rents are larger than has. been aid by any her Company doing busi- ness :1, Canada. and about lift per cent. .1%!`8er.than what has been paid la oreifn Com- aw. J..MoL. 8.. Barrie, hol 2 poicies in . `T A. for $5,000.00. the `Endowment plan, annual mium 2l6.-18. Cash roilts torl !aZ.`&..9.i... .'..`.?*.?.L.?`ah'1`Z?51i.i"l..`.`l3.;`I.`.' D332: lllllllllll l.`I:u.uuu.1 Euuaxuu v 74-.ao;`5s.3s3.25: 84,892.60; mpunymn beat this? 1: Agent. Barrie. ` -. Abont`T'1:;;; 3| * great noise was Heard at Mrs . regs": board- if-_'-:The Band went to Beaverton on` Tnec- AND THE DOMINION AOF CANADA OUE CRITERION. Q T 1 YTTT KCU Very Interesting 83:! (Ioulpy -Neill yen. -Strawberries -See -Mnhn:Rnn5 ....:.. .... u .;...a-.. -...: m. HINGE TBNTS AM] IIHTTAJEBS v nn-....n- II .---v-:..n--v-out-oIj-n.. gj-alv ---j -- o"w' st` V louse.` . I, -_ `I_!I___ _..__ in lawn! ukn Lu: _on, (HA nub` Anal Ponce court. ion sale going on at W. uasn routs [Ur max, 30 : '85 101.65. What H. Ihnpnn. District xucmnr ing house on John street. This arose from i the` antics of Harry Landon a young man who was boarding there. Being under the inuence of olderye he amused himself by kickmg in a door and doing sundry other naughty things. He was taken to the lock- up by Constable Henry and the next day the 'strate assessed him to the tune of about six dollars. He is said to be a capital hand in a dry goods establishment and had been in the employ of Messrs. Crompton 8: Co. A Beaver-ton Dip. While the party from Barrie to the Grit picnic were passing over the pier to the land at Beaverton, on Tuesday, some of the tim- bers gave way, under the tremendous strain to which they were subjected, and a number of persons were precipitated into the water. Among these were Councillor Caldwell and Messrs. Hammond, Belding and Ellis. The first to take the di was Mr. Caldwell. He `carried in one han his umbrella and in the other a gri sack containing his contribution to the bun eed. Amidst the struggling and attempts to touch the solid rock, motions were made more energetic than graceful, and Samuel s faith failing him, his voice was heard above the general din in piteous tones --"Oh Save me for the Lord's Sake, Save me, I am going down. Samuel and his umbrella and grip sack were saved. Mr. Beldin became also very much frightened. Mr. ' lost the mouth piece of his instru- -an-`L L-at -nib`. 01.45 ...,....-\L...-. -1] I-\...L .......L 373i:c',"13`e`3i't11"i1ZE"`'ef.?iT3.' if a"3$$3L into the drink were shed out. Our infor- mant says that his friend Caldwell gave the '\:nn:n `ha nn R11 ali flan? `kn `an-1` pawn A` lulull-IU DDJO IMIGU 1115 111011 \JQl\AVVVLI SOVU ULLC I icnic the go by,` and that the last sezn of im he was making for the village hostelry, Irntlnn like`, khan nrinlrn 'I`t.v;na hat` nn {rho nn.....-7- ~-uguu u-1-I-:.Lu-n Non.` R4-zuly for 0c-cnpancy on Jlard Island, 1. Qjunlv M-nrme ht-st black base shing grounds and M Ir(>utsI1'cu1ns` of the Georgian Bay, Scenery from age island 11n3u_rpa.esed. Beautxfui groves 0fpine.mup1czmd blrch. Strawberries. rasp- bcrrics. und,`ln111cb(-._x'1`ieS in abundance in sea .8011. >_'plcnd1d shing. Good bathini. Daily stczuners upzmddown. Sailand row oats for hire. (`onmzcs penmonth $10. Tents erweek $1.50. Address. CAPT. MCADAM, anager n u.B.I.,It. C0,. Hardy Island, Georgian Bay. ; or 5. \\'E:`L_EY..Barrie. Ont. Imcmling camping parties will to W. J. Gruhzun. Railway an Steam oat '_l`ickeI Agent, Barrie, who can give further in- iormzmon, and arrange for passage. etc. Oice rs! door West of new Post. Ofce. 23,-31 Jalease agply M lull I-I0 WK I-IJCQLLJE IUI U119 VIJIGSV IJUDUVLIJ, vowing that the w1cked Tories had cut the stringers of the wharf and that. he believed if he dld not go back on party and politics generally it would be the death of him. { court of Revision. _ The final Court of Revision was held at the Court House on Monday before Judge Boys. H. H. Strathy, Q. C , and G. A. Radenhurst, M. A , appeared on behalf of theiConservstives, and Messrs Hewson and Plaxton looked after the interests of the Grits. Some of the objections were curious enough and showed remarkable ingenuity in putting the mere letter of the law against its spirit and intent. Q (1.44-u nu -.I'.-`A `A knnn 9 human I1nrv\I\p- BPIILU GI-IKL lnIuIUUllIh The Grits appliedvto have 3 more names added and two were allowed. The Conserva- tives applied to have 8 more added and 7 were allowed._,. The Grits appealed against about 98 names and succeeded in getting about 40 struck off, among which were"4 judges who never vote and a number of dead men to Whom registered lett,rs_ had been posted; We did not know that the Post Oice Department ran a mail to Hades. TheConservatives applied to have about 34 `names struck off and succeeded in getting 00 w cw gvuowu Advance` Correspondence. The friends of the Methodist S. School in this place have decided to hold their anniver- sary tea. meeting on Friday, 25th inst. A number of speakers will be present and de liver addresses. The base ball club of this place have also arranged to play friendly games with the Ivy and Angus B; B. Clubs in Mr. Plummer s eld, o posite the Church. Rev. Geo. W. Hewitt, . A.Lpa.stor of the l\` Ll... ll.-.4-l.n.-'l.'al> filnnunh Inna CV. UUUQ "0 LLWVVLUU` L10 IL. PCIUUUI \JI- IILIU of the Methodist Church, has been removed to the St. Vincent Circuit, and preached his farewell sermon here last Sabbath. Rev. Thou. E. Peiry takes his place on this cir- cnit. `ll-.- f\.,__._L__ 3.. _Z._ _.f--Lf_.. L..- J-.-~LL-_ wrs. Ormaby is away vislting her daughter in Michigan. I Strawberry Island. I The Orillia, Captain Johnson. took an ex- cursionk from Penetanguishene, Wyvale, Elm- | vale and Phelpston to Strawberry Island yesterday. It was under the auspices of the A. O. U. W. of Elmvale. The rain re- duced the excursionists from an expected 300 to less than 100. There was an attempt made to get some of the Barrie brethren to join them with what success we do not know. m|__ L-_L I-L 4.1.- 1-..]- -4. LL- :,.-L A: D-.. KUUW. The boat left the dock at the foot of Bay- eld street at about 10 o clock the music of the band dispelling to a certam extent the gloom which the storm had produced. he .:j.__._.9 V Local Market. A large crowd was in town last Saturday | and the market was fairly active. Prices, of ` I rain especially, exhibited but little change, ut a. marked rise in the price of potatoes may be noticed. From 40 to 60 cents per bag were the quotations. Butter 12 cents and eggs 10 cents, ' Strawberries will be a good average crop in this section and the price by the case is S cts. and retail 10 cts per I-uaalrn . I. ADV II, 9 basket. TOTICE OF ])ISSOLUTION.-Notice is here- . by given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the` undersigned. as Billings and \\'(,-bster, Lumber Dealers in the Township of Vespm, in the County of Qimcoe, ' has this Iiuybccn dissolved by mutual consent. Alldcbts owing to thesaid partnership are to be paid to Lambert P. Webster at Vespra. aforesaid, and all` claims against the said p8.!'t- * ncrship are to be presented to the said Lambert I . \\'c`usu;1-, by whom the same will be settled. lmh.-tl ux \'L-spru thislgith day of June, 1886. 3 MARK XBILLINGS. Mark ' L..\MBER'I`. P. WEBSTER xx itnv" E. L. ENGLISH. V The business above referred 30 Will. in future he (`tI'I`icd on ut the same lace `by the undor- - . \V RQTWI? R7 QDNQ, 1:--u- wv-`.- The promenade concert of the 35th Batt. Band at the Agricultural Hall last Thursday evening was not very well attended. The reason of the lack of attendance was doubt. less owing to the unfavorable weather. The amount realized was barely sufficient to pay expenses. Another attempt would pay better and the weather clerk should be consulted next time. V . Dishonesty. l We have been informed that the Grits con-.I neoted with aigmaling against Conservative names on the otere Lists here have been tellin certain Conservatives whose names have n struck off that their own party caused it to be done. This game is a ` very etnpid one, but prevaricating and shirking responsibilty are recognized Grit practices. Ladies Aid Excursion. The annual excursion of _. the Ladies Aid of the Collier street Methodist church will take place to Big Boy Point.to marrow after- noon. A good time is anticipated. luuuuug Ul. uuu nuuunuuxuunu us uuu vv uvu Silicon Agricultural Joint Stock Company will be held at the Council_ Hall, Barrie, on` \1-_.1__ _...I. .1. H on .. .... _ iThe imw1au::otomae';'? qt Kerr Lodge y D.D.G;M;. Robert- `King will takg`. place I m;ni (it `V ' I DO uvnu GU Uuv uuuvu 4 ; Kdltlanday next at 7. V p. m; ' A Bllilllliu Iacnuol. vuuvuuuuu vuu. uu ucau. at Crownill on the 29th inst. - Revs. W. `Bu-neI,D.~' D;"MoLeod and J. W. Anni: of Blrrio-";-`R. N."Grant, Orillia. ;-J. 0. Wright, 'Edgir-';'3'fR. -Fairbairn: and `J Morrison, `Rngby_'*hh Paton of the Crown `Hill and Bridge Road Methodist Chnrohea sud: Chas. Drnry, M. P. P.-{and H. C'ook,'0r'gllia, -are ' "o~h'o!1pte aent. The Gonpel Mgle choir 'of'3Ohri nt Church, 'Brrie,fwill t|ke ;_`-_'..n. SLIJ1- ~..'....:..... ' uuvvw-:3: A meeting of the stockholders ot the West` I:........ An-Innlbn-ql Iain!-. Rh-ml: Fnmnnnv A Ssbsth School Oonventin will be held I. f`|._~4.'_'_ IJ 2'II -_ LL Otlu 391:` pawn W |-{C L'H.l'fJ sigm-d. Ban; Cvo;1cert. Utonia_.. --- ----uwv vu vw uvvu-wuv-uvu DEAR Sm,-In reply to your correspon- dent who inquires about the constitution of ozone, I may say that there seems now to be y no doubt that this substance is only an allo- tropic form of oxygen. It can be prepared from perfectly pure oxygen, and when so prepared can be converted into ordinary oxygen by the simple rocess of heating, two volumes of ozone yiel ' g three volumes of oxygen. It may also be pointed out that a silent electric discharge is much more eec- tive for the production of ozone than one ac- companied by sparks. Tn fhann {Inna A` runnvnnn-nlna-I nn:anI~a'Gn an VVIIJPCIIIVII II 3 CI `B: In these daysyof unexampled scientic ac- tivity, when the discovery of new appliances and new methods of research compels fre- quent revision of results, Student must not be surprised to meet with apparently conflicting statements occasionally, Yours truly, . II R QDAHVFA xv The Admission of Correspondence Does Not Necessarily Imply that We Hold AL- l\_l-.l4-- -0 LL- II7...lA_.. Z LETTERS ADDRISSED TO THE EDITOR THIS WEEK. ` . Advance Correspondence. This place has 9. new doctox by the name of West from West Gwillimbury, and a. aduate of the Toronto School of Medicine. t Sunday there were ten visitors. seven of them youngladies. The outlook for the young medico 1: good. Inhn `Int-|',~:nn hill` W:";avn nnl HA4-L no } Ivy. Awm Elm PEIIPLE HAVE TO M. the Opinion: of the Wrlten. The following letters addressed to the Editor of Tm: NORTHERN ADVANCE, have been received tor publication : An Answer to Student. --vu --vow-u-ow----.' u-1-way ---vow vv nu LU JuJ<:l?nml;a:niii ng asnvdmwilliam Holt both ex- pect an increase this summer as they are both building additions to their residences. Mr. Holt s is a new building entirely. 1. Q T. NA AR infant` I-nnvinnr o ninnin V... - 8rem1e~ Rice. LIJ.Lu J.LUlll D 10 II no vv IJI-Al|\l.I.IJ Ul.AlJALUJ_yu L. O. L. No. 450, intendshaving a picnic on the L V111,, .`l'.|__,,1___J _,,- -__ `l`\,,, ,, ' I-l ULIU LU VII: The Church of England one on Dominion Day in L-ennox s grove. T nan `Janna A11 ;l\I1II A` I\I'III I`l'\I\I;I1!v naon IJGJ LLI .L4ULlLLUJL B 6lUVUu I see three or four of our sporting men ?deeply engaged pitching horseshoes during `V their spare time, of which they appear to `l have plenty. Qirav-u1uon 1111:-rlnn `ant: +11!-rent` An` fku-on nzur U116 LUIJL Ulla J LIEU D IJLIDLI-IV-I00 L\Il. Ulll LIIILLIIIIIM Ialso saw D. J. Carruther setting up a new top buggy in Ivy as I was passing through the other day Thinnn nu}-. +1-morn unnvn in Ho nrnrn-oemnn LIGVC PlClJ|lYu - Stephen Burdon has turned out three new buggies lately and is nearly ready to start the fourth. That s business for on; hamlet. "Canada." \`\'e have received from Hon. John Carling a. neat and well prepared hand book entitled Canada. Its history, productions and natural resources prepared under the direction of Honorable John Carling, Minister of Agri- culture, Canada, and is prepared for the Colonial and Indian Exhibition. The book is full of useful information with regard to the resources of the Dominion. Accompany- ing it are two handsome maps, one a map of the world on Mercator s projection, show- ing the route from England by way of the Canadian Pacic Railway to Yokohama, Hong Kong, Sydney and Auckland. The I fnllnnnnn Aicnnnnnn cu-n rnvnn - Tnivnrnnnl fn uuug IXULI5, Dyuucy uuu nuvnaauuo Luv following distances are given : Liverpool to Hong Kong by way of Quebec, 11,691 miles; Auckland, 12,689 ; Sydney, 13,189 ; Hong Kong via Halifax, 11,994 ; Auckland via (New Zealand), 13,992; Sydney (Australia), 13,492; Liverpoolto Hong Kong via New York and San Francisco, 12,879 ; Difference | in favor of Canadian route; 1,188. ULIIIJI-LEI-l U116 UBLLUI. U0 Things out there seem to be progressing in a very lively and satisfactory Way. TRAVELLER. About Breweries. We see that Mr..Pepler, of McCarthy, Pepler&. McCarthy, has been up in Orillia. defending the brewers and some of the hotel- keepers. They all got oil. We know nothing of the merits or demerits of these particular cases, but with reference to breweries in" this county, we must protest- against the folly of attempts to shut them up. Breweries are usually respectably conducted. and give work to a large number of men whose wives and families subsist on their wages, to say nothing of the consequent cir- culation of money by the brewers and their employes. We know that the Toronto and County of York breweries and others outside of Simcoe can legally send in all the beer re- quired in this county. The result therefore would seem to be that while killing 011" an industry they do not stop the consumption of a single glass of beer, but simply protect and build up outside breweries.-i:o.\1. Launch. On Thursday afternoon the Sea Flower was again permitted to oat in her natiye.ele- ment. Everything being made ready she was permitted to slide from the position she has occupied for the purpose of repair and when-she reached the water she looked as proud and as graceful as a swan. Mr. bte\'- enson is working like abeaver to get her ready for her duties. Her speed is about nine miles per hour and when nished she will be as nice a little craft as one would wish, to glide over the crystal waters of Lake Simcoe. - s OBOE 8 Wm book or fit! A Grand. Picnic.` The village of Waverly is going to hold one of the grandest picnics of the season under the auspices of L. O. L. N o. 589, on Dominion Day. Baseball, foot racing, sack racing and other sports will amuse and de- light. The Waverly Bijnss Band wlll furnish excellent music. Refreshments will be served at 12 o clsck. Tickets,-25c. Children under . 12, 15 cents. VVEDNESDAY, JULY 2S.-Sa1e of farms and extensive sale of farm stock, implements, household furniture, etc., at S.-W.` lot 17, 4th con. Vespra. (Mill Road), at 10 a.m. Everything sold without reserve. Messrs. S. Gordon er. and jr., proprietors; G. R. Ford, auctioneer. ` On Saturday afternoon the Salvation Army =Band in uniform marched through the streets plsyin some of the Army s character- istic` music.` e men were `attired in blue uniforms and played very well. Very few soldiers followed in the procession. :4 ` B.m-ie, June 21st, 1886. AA- wvuu vvv-v-up In *s:dde'." letter of last week, ' 14th` line from tho bottoI_n read from a 1 solution of potasnmm - iodide, instead of _`'from 3 solution of iodine. In the) 15th `lilo "from the 4 .'bo_ttom after the word hour-, -mu! wan innhnd nf hnn, ` IKUII-I UIIU JIIJUEJIII u- . . read was, instead of has. {s1.oo P1a:R ANNUM IN ADVANCE. SINGLE COPIES. FIVE CENTS. UI III, I, H. B. SPOTTON. D A Luusuua an . nan - - ---.-~-we-nu The plan of the.H. L. A. l well worth inves- Ligalion. Valuable books elolfered to mem- bers at almost half the u 1 price. To book buvers the fee of mem rship would be in reality a great. saving. Albert W. Spragge, > I St,.l au1's.\lewm ket. "33h`3. :z 1. A. 0ff(f.I`8 ver liberal terms to sub- nUH,_U' .uu:su.:r. ..\ uw Ina cw \1 e have also 8. nutfer prominent men of Ba ie., A GREAT B0031 T0 BOOK I V.-\.\"FEl).A Houaemaid. Apply to MRS. ` S.x.\'1'u1m. Peel street, Barrie. 23-tf v 1 BEEF Ur` 5U!" tuun I.5uAuu:x C0;,31 on short notic t reasonsbleorates. 5 ' 1' one b 91 and upward. . 8 , . v RRIS, 333 nge Street. Tomato. HEW .` V 25-27p a hardwood. frame r Fo ' 0r0 5 arms a. sheds. youn orchard house..f!'9Jt `dress P. LYXLL. Oro ?i,m;`i,`3" W 5 I P //I___ _,______ - _` th #Lot on the 5th Con- Ii`` n . . i2?.f`1'1r'r`1%%1-l..Thre 1'6 =.b9s1t 6.5 stores EXAMINATIONS {A I I_..-\.\\ r. 4 I` .\ :\.\'llNA'l'1U1V 5, - I In: 131- -_ . J umm.-uion.~s 1"<`)r Entrance will be held at the.- Hluh >.'u:h00]ss and Collegiate Institutes, On .\10mln._\'. J uly 51h. beginning at 1 p.m. Candid- 111% nm;~.L wi1lmm delay send their names in to the new muster of the school at which they in-A Tvnrl Io wriu-. Second class (TL-rt`cuteB, will begin Monday,_ .I11I1--'_I>`zh,.uq 3; It I, 'J'}m I'\'.....:.....:....z. m. rm.:...1'n1...u hm-+,m`nnt_m: ` K SES, 0! quif at 3 - t fa. can accommodate M BO{;5f1:v13 ,TgAf)g) ders ox-lodgers. En- M the ADVANCE ca. 25- __...,.. nu! u1TD`l`DTnD I'\`I 1' A'r.7mv' mm-1-tn,-ul H _ . V teg 'l'llc luxulninutiuns or l`lm`d C1388 ggggggtcs will lwgll) on July 6th at 9 3.111. fwrmng sllonl of their intcntionh.h Wm be not latex` than J une lat, on f0.1`m5 wt must be Sllpllliul on upnlication. A T09 0 (date sent in by each ca'ndidate. 0!` 34 if the can !l])}r1iM; fm"u Second as well as 8. Third C1333 Ce 1'!` .- 1 ~. E: `nation for 1st. class non-pr0- lcsrslilxllaul 't\'il1`l?e&lI$l at the Normal Ifhggtli-V3? Monday. July 12, atl p.m. For lat 1-$218 re: 'l'u_cs July 20th. 81 9 D-m- A fee 0 `lulled from each candidate for this examinae lion. ' ` -l{lHrC tion. A .. GI:.-At Allandale, on J no 18!; the : wife otBI1I"I._iT.8(-)Sf. &l\rI:`ll:ihdt%:: Bank 0 V To, .uaulL`l`- ' S])CCt0I_'n 8I'I`l ` null- 1 in ' h3h hen . dint! 9' lg gh the - Ass-V :13::1%>:::;:f38:a:&2fnresrd* ` son 1119. `;. _M nmster. 'JAM}``b ( sp_cctor. A.\"I`Icn.- A Servz;nt Girl. Apply to MR8 ` J. A.\ 1n:u'ro:~:, Victoria Street- 20-tfo ` PENTEGOSTAL amp MEETING 1; THE HOME usnAnv N. .--""" T Under the I 'nn-. lWs,} . -__11`U1u___- JUNE 29TH to JULY am. ;*__\ XV. N0 W ' HOLE N0 VOL )S(i{MU w v etor. . . . u null, 1UUN'1'U, W111 DU HD1341 IN! BIG - BAY - 1=oIN":r:;:` 'lj.\"H:.-\.\'<'1~: l<`.\';kI\1INA I`IONS. The Ex--7 Mmivmlinnu'{'in\ Vntrnna-n fin hp. hld 9.1 th-(3: BEEF 011' SU$IOR QUALITY 1Q*?l,`3:oneraort We s22~b1e3:!22- --:u Extensive urrjan bring Exnlmcvn `WE PUBLISH A FEVV n.I,11 I A .l NE\V ADVERTISEMENTS. .,,--------...._.__.____,_________ F .010 auspices of AGNES-8'1`. METHODIST f9URCII. TORONTO, will beheld at F` __ , A ____`-. `A Suurun, Manager. . Max` 19th. 1886. ;__,__,_ - ate accommodate kgggtble bo or lodgers. _At J l8t the 1-. .138. Mockrgdge, --1`RoM--- er ofrferences from 'ie. T 25 37 T.'i2`l`1?xc"E `iifhii ?{d"6 w .BSTER 8: SONS. ivnnzwcns. us 1, Agent. [THE BARBIE TOWN PARLIAMENT. KIN0N 0!` TBA ! DIRT DIS'l'AS'l`I- -I'VE: T0 FAIQUEARSON Ala. atten to strike out tholtong-tor Pu lxpgnsos LoIt-'l.'ho Ilayor Give: us IM Aura The r ular meeting of the Council was held in t e Town Council Chamber on Mon- da evening. _ - ' is Worahip the M: or in the chair. T Members present-- evReeve, let and-2nd Deputy-Reeves, Councillors Plaxton, Forqn- lsreon. Caldwell, Fletcher, McNab and cum. ' The minutes of lost meetingnwere read and conrmed. The petition _>i"'_l`-liomas-M Brigham" and others ask` that a by-law be passed to re- strain'cov_vs rcm running at large, and that its provisions shall embrace that part of the :m,,:'.:::.r.:.:a':?.:;t ` S"'i'"~ COMMUNICATIONS. A communication from Thomas Thornton, executor of the estate of the late James A. Richardson re some town lots belonging to that estate. He contends that a mistake has been made with reference to tax claims on said property, and asks that the mistake be corrected. A I-4.s.__ 2--.. n1:1|:-__. -u-_____: .-_ -_,_.,A :- I19 UUIIWUUVIX A letter from William Morrison, avent for the Fire Extinguisher Manufacturing 00., 1`o1-onto, urging the claims of a certain lchemioal re extinguisher, was read. REPORTS. Report No.---Finnnce recommends the payment of accounts amounting to $1105.82, which had been examined and found correct. It recommends that `no action be taken with reference to damages claimed by Mrs. E. Keating who was injured by being knock- ed down on Mulcester street by boys coast- LVLUL` RU IULJII-ULI Ul-ICU UIIU IIUVVLI W63 I-IUU Illllvu His Worship the Mayor said that as a rule all such claims should be rejected ex- cept where it was clearly a case of neglect on the part of the authorities. He thought the parents of the boys would` be the right parties to claim damages from. 1Wr'RIfn(1nrhi7_Wih Arm pfm-Anna tn w!l`.')r_. McCarthy asked on what ground this -woman's claim was denied. Councillor McNa.b replied that the town was not liable. Eng `X7;-n-shin 0-Jan Mnvnh nn3r1 4-J-uni: an a I IRLUIU l.Ul' uruuugua III a Dana UL vuln nauuu One item of $354.17 for work on the park was objected to by Conncillors Caldwell, Farquharson and M arrin, and a motion to go into committee of the whole for the pur- pose of striking out that item was lost on a division. His Worship remarked thatthe dirt which was taken down towards Allandale should have been taken to the park and saved much of this expense. ~ . nu ,,,, _:1I-_ `l.1-.....-1..'.....\... LL....,..Ll- L\uu& WIUIUU UU UllI.II>LlDI.I-Ilisv LIKJI-Ila Dr." McCarthv-"'With due deference to your 0 inion Mr. Mayor, I think the town is liable or damages in a case of this kind. f\-us Stuns` AC QQKA 1'7 `nun I`l1l\I|lI nn I-I-In run-It OI mus expeuau. Councillor Farquhaxfaon thonght that enough had been said about that dirt, and he did not want to hear anything more about. The matter then dropped. -` '[).........I. `AT. 0 Dnkn Tn-I:-n__1?nnninmnnn I116 matter unen uruppuuo Report N o. 8 Public Works-Reco'mmende that $20 be expended ` on Penetang street, and that $50 be granted to aid in qravelling the 5th line on Floeroad, on condition that Flea and Vespra. grant each $100 for that purpose. I. _ purpose. . It defers the consideration of the petition of Griiths and others with regard to improvements on Back street, until the committee have examined it. A .......L.... -3 ......-....6.. nuns-A nrnunnnr` n!` me commmsee nave exannuuu ua. A number of accounts were presented and read and all documents` were referred to their pro er committees". . rm..- .... .'....a. ..t .. 4...! An Han ah-ant non! uartny. Councillor Plaxton recommended some piping to be placed in the bay at the foot of the street, and pump the water -from there with the engine. He claimed that this could . be done much cheaper than building a tank. ' lts practicability was left for reference to an engineer. The full cost would not exceed $50. X13 `X7zuon1n:n rnnn nnmn remarks On B11611` pro Ur Uumuuuwua. The an ject of a. tank on the street near Mr. Spotton s was brought up by Dr; Mc- Carthy. ` (`_nnnn:1`nvI Dlnv`-An rnnnmmnnded Same the street tiu some action was taueu. Mr. MoN ab then moved, seconded by Mr. Martin. that the Council having assed a. motion asking the ratepayers o ` Dunlop street to petition for street watering, and in the event of their not doing so by` the next meeting of the Council that the watering shall cease. Lost on a division. - ' The Council then adiourned. $50. ' His Worship made some remarks on the street watering system. He thought the taxpayers ofethetown should not be com~ pelled to pay for watering Dunlop street, and he felthke ordering the watering `cart 011' the street till action was taken. 11.. 11-17-!` L1... mnuvn nnnnnn hv MI`. VJIIIIDII Illllln van - - wuu -..__- _-_ Tuesday evening, 15th inst-ant. witnessed V a pleasant scene in the Lecture Hall of Christ Church. Mr. William H. Freeman some- time since voluntarily decided to retire from the active duties of choir-master, a position which he had faithfully served from the first organization of the parish of Christ Church, 12...... The narish desiring in some tting organization of the parxsn or Unrusu uu......., Barrie. The parish desiring some "way to express its appreciation of that ser- vice, met on the occasion mentioned, when the rector in suitable terms referred to the A, -12.... -3 Linn nnnrn and nmenm t0 Ml`. rector in suitable feeling of the people, a handsome terms rewrreu w and resented marle clock, a_ brass candlestic s $1`: it of of anti ue pattern, and a scarf pin richly ' stud- ded with tiny pearls to. sary _to convince him of regard. `He also interest in the ' After the benediction bv th f sppreoisti old and silver was also orrie Freeman. few well chosen sentences, re- the present testi- the tirst which hehad nor wss it neces- thefact that ' to him was not received from the narish, ' of the general ve esteem. Mr. in a stone setting, as a A unique resent- rehman feeling expressed his fervent continued welfare` the; singing ctri the congregatidn W88 e rector. j:Z- of the ct the `Gloria dismissed with ` 3!IBIIIIIns- We are told that some boyaewho ought to know better are in the habit of `bathing in the bay within rohibited hours and limits. The constable w o 1 short time. ago had to -=_--=... ....... ban for indoqetgt e?.a!?'E2 56.` `Christ churo'hV I;resenta.t1on. -4 ELI; ___L.__` __,:`, I above PETITIONS. _ BARBIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, l886.% Va-I T II -2 (`IL..:..A. -- vs uuuuevulvll. A EIOIIIDOTIDID In this association is virtually given free, as the price charged is entirely covered by the pre- sentation to each member of a library of fty- two practical books into one elegant volume. If any of these books were.pm-chased ee - ately -they would cost the price of mem r- am}. Mr. Fred artry 1! agent for Barrie m m _ . can 0 Jlllo 1'17] MW 1' may be seen at any time at his room: over Paul : boot and shoe store where en- qagenientican be made for calling. uvvlalo `lull VI. 0116 UIFIZGIII OI UIYUO, WWII their wives and families, went to - Robinson's Park, Big Bay Point, last Friday afternoon. It was a complimentary excursion to the members of the Council y the Reeves and citizens of Barrie. Accompanied by the 35th Battalion Band, playing some of its sweetest music, the Enterprise, with ags ying, left her moo ' at half-past two and steamed up the bean ' ul bay. Its wooded banks, ornamented here and, there by elegant residences. surrounded .by their nicely-kept lawns, excited the admiration of all lovers of the beautiful. A line healthy breeze, the sparki water glistening in the rays of an uuclou ed `sun, excellent music and good com 'onship, made the trip up the Kempenf dt most enjoyable. Upon reaching the park, the excursionists went in - ups to its various points of interest, some ghotanizing, enjoy_ little p_icni on b_ The memb:r;:;utl:e.vC}u;;"t;. Counil and about 400 of the citizens of Barrie, with

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