Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 17 Jun 1886, p. 3

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'ra.r1;e_s_ North- ember, in. I went to V y, and as_I `do curious glass at the person ap- ecbion, you 11! Meeting looked as trange stare , an amuse! ch other he One Explanation of the Home Rule Feel- The Times publishes a letter from a correspondent at St. Louis, who says it is slander upon-the American people to say that twenty, or even ten, millions of them are ready to back the Irish in the vHome Rule ght with either their _ money or their inuence. The writer asserts, with- out fear `of contradiction, that there sre not 6,000 American-born citizens of the United States who have ever contributed -one cent to the Home Rule fund. No Home Rule sympathy has been shown from our great industrial class, the farm- ers. When you hear of pubhc men donating to the _Irish cause remember that they are either oice-holders or oice seekers, with large Irish constituencies to please. The sentiment of the purely Irish element in our cities must not be mistaken for the sentiments of the American peo- ple. Nine-tenths of the leaders in the" recent railway strikes in this country were Irish. ` A rm determination exists, if these labor agitations carried on by for- eigu-born men continue, to form a party of native-born Americans only, to see that none but natives of this land obtain oices of trust or power. consumption; = Not by anv secret remedy, but by `proper, healthful exerciseand the judicious use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypo- phosphites, contains: the healing and strength- 'giving virtues of these two valuable specics in theirxfullest form. Prescribed universally l by'Physicisns. Take no other. Whenever I feel out of sorts, bilioua, my liver not working right, or racked with a. headache I take Chase's Liver Cure. There is more real benet from `one dose of your Liver Cure than in many bottles of some medicines. -J no. McNasser, Bond Head. Sold by all Drucrgists. sauvvixivvunv xuuw --u-,vu- ---- w --u-1 The principle of Home Rule for Ireland in some form wlll surely emerge from the wreck of the Irish Bills, and the contest upon that question, which will of necessity follow, must expand into wide and demo- cratic proportions throughout the realm. Mr. Gladstone undeniably means to make a last and determined, effort, and, in the "words of Mr. Labouchere, to run back to radicalship,.or, in other words, to re- duce the hostile majority. Everything, however, regures an early dissolution, and every ody is making preparations for an appeal to the country. Mr. Labouchere, when asked yesterday whether Mr. Glad- stone had any more aces up his sleeve, answered: I don tthink so. If he has -it is quite clear that hehas forgotten to play them, as he unquestionably revoked on Friday. ` . u:.uuI;-I gzaagvhis bid.- Declared incurable. E. C. McGovern," of Syracuse, N. Y., who is a'.well-known resident of that place, was declared incurable by his physician, the dis- ease being a. complication of kidney and liver complaint. In two davs he found relief In Burdock Blood Bitters, and in one month he entirely recovered. ` 'IllIIIII_ arvwu I-U n-av-no--w-. _ HAMILTON, June 3.--The body of a man was found this morning alongside the_ Hamilton and Dundas Railway `track near Ainslie Wood. The body was badly cut up and had been evidently run over by a train. F. E. Lonsdale, Secretary of the Young Men s Christian Association, iden- tied the man as Edgar Paxton Ellison. For the past seven months he has been employed by Mr. Lonsdale to do odd work about his house and grounds.. He is the son of a ` London (England) ' archi- tect. He was subject to tsof melancholy and was once in an -asylum. Mr. Lone- dale tried some time ago to have him ad- mitted to _tha asylum here. He left his work yesterday afternoon, and was not seen alive again. He may have met with his-death accidentally, or may have com- mitted suicide while in a state of mental aberration. _ _ - ' ` ' .-4.; AGla.dsbtonevHas Played 81: Last Trump. -1 vuvvvaua -nu... Scrofulafor king s evil, as an enlargement of the, glands of theneck is termed, may be called `a. `grdwin "evil in more than one sense. Mrs. Henry Do be, of Berridale, was cured of enlarged glands. of the neck and sore throat bv the internal and external use of Hggyarde Yellow Oil: '.I.'ulsUl.`| 3 I'llIll hilndoninu Max kno ova a young woman who is not afraid` of her convictions.` She lives in a house where Methodism is the prevailing creed. One day not long since the.dom- inle who has the care of the souls of that particular `family csma to make .a pastoral ..:.:a. Amr nnnveraimz with the elder ported that mended that elght di er-' he; matter of to at once. e advisable. 1' would re- ,.`:._-`A : particular Atamuy cam: nu mun. ,....,........ visit. After conversing wlth members of the family on their spiritual _ yvelfare, he turned to .the*youngL~woma.n_; -_ .....-..Lnn. ant` unit`. all 1111015110118- WUllDlV,. lav vv In questxon ness : ' - :1 1...! _.-.- 80 | Mrs. uonn uuumuua, W K Methodist Parsonage, V del " _ ' l ` `I have used Hagyard a Pectoral Balsam i ___ :_...:1.. c..- wanna - -`li`m-ghanzv colds. sor aw` .1 V '1 UHVU BUB 1.5:-Juu--.-. _. our family for ears.` F9; throats and istresbing` 41 medieias 9!:i1az8- .v.:3:.::L 3. 1-.-1-:-`%~ ;m 2 IXVIIII hrvnav--vs Cash-Say, Hardup, when are you going to pay methat $;_10Ayou owe: me 2' Hardup -Just as, soon as. I can." - 0ash-Well, if that is not pretty quick I will-have to sue 5'03!- J V ' V Hardup (carelessly)-?`.:`Wh:"spt god will" the-t.. i1 , . - , i(3 pah+,`fIt';Irl g`e,t'fm6:.the% money? ; .1. - ; Eu-d'n`p=?= condentia1ly)?e-.-.f.`Say, .you "13 * Y"(" `1,".t'_.3_'`.`_a'T?`.`?*1L -"`V1."-'i" i , '1j;ou t; Hg}. . ./:3 Mrs. John I3I;1nT1Ef"v}}`i - LI, _ .12-; 'n-..........~n Ar`nln' Found Dead in Hamilton. Headache Biuousneu. A -A Growing Ev: . nagyaru B IUUIIUI III. union L r ears.` _ golds, "ban 9*" no 0 .--.. ....1:........ N IIU -ULIU vvvuav-n-__ and and, vnth all unctuous- IHE;`NoR1:aEnN{mDvAN on : s, sot} other R. A. l)utton s. FURNITURE MANUFACTURER IN REAR OF. MARKET BUILDING. I0 BARS OF` SOAP FOR 5:;-1 u I4 5|/5 >0? of the cor- ection in a mm s0Lm COMFOR'!`| G-. C+.SMI'I`I~I, UNPERTAKER, `LUBRICATING OILS, l\f'l\I" A1 WOOL! Tool! WOOL! BAR-RIE% RUBBER, ASBESTOS, '.."'I"|A'I"I" FILES AND EMORY GUMME%S,g` 150,000 12% wool wmnep, .. _ V I _ 1 ' Fofwhich thehighest pricelwill be paid in Cash or Goods. A large stock of superior goods to . choose from at manufacturers prices. , WOOLLEN AND KNITTING spmm: Ann summer: uoons Au. NEW. GROQUET SETS, - __ . _ . J _ 1-`~J<'>'f Pgtt 1; a.t'is1`1{u`-t riotlgg.` `And check V 1; u u.u.u.;u B()iQfK%7ANyi:Ds%TATI0 E E3? - m.r..umm VARIE'I_`.Y-.A.'r ` ~ -V-"'_, 'ff,'..';,,,'..,j._,._.------:o: = ., M . ` ' " s~:;sVs':I:'o%'s7'w}1.=.:sv z_ 2 T-HELATEST AND BEST FURNISHINGS A.N?f1j,1r'Agrjfi]-13ERs!;=:PBIOFs. % i . *: ~'i.>: ._ .. ` V2,.-V .`.- JOHN PLAXTON 4, - '2 ._._.__._.__. - ------1 055%? H .;._.. .> .. ,. v - . .1 . znntt Eaikie s Book Store! JOSEPH _l_;EHg_H'I`0N, Mills on John Street, Barrie. .I._)\`l \l,~.l`.)~TV-`I . 4--\-3 -.-.- 7 ~ -- -- - >. . IN -LARGE VARIETY-.f Ev_>:`D6oriaNWest-ofV'Q 4 Y---' .$`.`|`.. ~_' _ ue'en .s Hot.e1,: Barrie, `|'jI -IE CANT9,N T EA._STORE. . .-,4` at merchants from excur- ru- SLEEP on Tuwovau mm: mrrnnss. MILL SUPPLIES. .-.-1n..o.."`..I. .. 2...... na... M. manm. `Hntnr and `Gas- Globe Valves. BARS QF DING1VI.AN S ::j.j-j::--n AL A j j I.-T I Zduuuu --n7 _v- .__._________, _ k"I`16`t1iotld6.' ~Atti1IBt6okotIranPi :6 Steam.) W to :10 G] b v 1 incf chock Yalvemstenm Gsugu.1 w`i..~..r umsu'., 1'i{`worx'n u?ia1i n$ " 1,, - .. oro;npy_a.ttondet1to.._ .' . .. . . .4.` V .. 4 : .... .. . . than or Ava UNDERTAKE& i.t1..IIiJ' K11? .IJ.I..|.V \J'.LV.I..d.J.V D ELECTRIC SOAP FOR 1 Foow 'B`A.LLs. 3AR_R'E A%'!R % IRU'?: SAWS, MILLBOARD, &c., ` ` 1 AT .1. HEN E sows. s s-IJE'5UL6P %s'mn11n'.r, JAMES WILKINSON, Proprietor. GARPENTER AND as`,-`I ETAIJIAN HEMP, &c, % BELTI.NG,BABB1'1` -m4:'1u~,LL, `'-4----' s1` EA M 11'1_1`_1r1_\1nGs, T+B ASE BALLS AND BATS, ` ._ L 1 LU;lCH_"BA.SKETS, Sold by D..l)0UGAl,.L, % STEAM WORKS Aim sow Room, ._ COLLIER-ST., BAR R15 hittee, if 099 trol of the 1'9 _ -1... Hun` -C_(;F:FTNS AND oAs1EE'fs OF ALL KINDS % And all Funeral Requisites F11.t`n1sl3 ` r Orders by Telegraph or Otherwise, Prompt-ly ` attended to. V . G; O. DOLMAGE, Manager, Stroud. [Robes 1 `Grape, , 7 A_J _n ,1-n 7 (15.5./)v i3iiA'Ss'-gid IRON PA-KING, ltock o}'1id}'to'6rd}. ' : stock. All orders will re- Fungi;-als f;1rnished comg ns of various designs and prices always in ' ceiv_e careful attention. plete. Caskets am Cof- jicongrogauonal Church, camenisr. BARR_IE.. idr PL-A X'l`m". ,RUABBEA1`{"fBALLS,_ OPPOSITE TEE 10-ly THE Nonnuanu AnvANc ` -sTEAM-- |1=mm'1m: HIJIISB, IBIIIIKANIIJIIB PRINTING. DUNLOP ST.. BARBIE, VI-us UNRIVALLEDT FACILITIES iPROMPT AND TASTEHII. EXECUTION 1 respectfully solicit an opportunity to furnish estimates for all kinds of work in all the styles of printing, such ! CARDS, JJJJILLJHLU \JL. RECEIPTS, `. CHECKS, 1 ORDER&) , ENVELOPES. NOTE HEADINGS, . LETTER HEADINGS, ' MEMORANDUMS. WEDDING INVITATIONS, WEDDING CARDS, V ' VISITING CARDS ith a voica own. `No, tten it; for M` Hm M-* MEMORIAM CARDS, PROGRAMS, ORDERS OF DANCE, MENU CARDS, LABELS. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, POSTERS--T-Plain and Ornamental. AT TORONTO PRICES. !DEEDs,_ ` MORTGAGES, CHATTEL MQRTGAGES, QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, -ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE AGREEMENTS OF EQUITY OF REDEMPTION, STATUTORY LEASES. FARM LEASES, ` RENEWALS OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE, DISCHARGE OF Blank Forms ofVa.ny kind printed to Iorder. > LL-` :3 nn ` be W011 W ASSIGNMENTS OE CHATTEL MORTGAGE. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, ETC DIVISION COURT BLANKS, MAGISTRATES BLANKS, SURROGATE COURT BLANKS, OONSTABLES BI-JANKS. vv-~-v- -r, FOR 1886, Published by the Proprietor, S. Wesley, Barrie. Copies 25 cents at the oice ; or sent by niail, pogtpaid,-on receipt of thet (seal. V room % DIREGTORY 2 COUNTY` OF SIMGOE, jg;---. ca-up-ul-5 -rm: Nam-nmcx mvmcn Is the best One Dollar Weekly Published in the County of Simcoe, and has - the _ largest circulation. I s. wnsm, Pliblishar and Propriator I886. .JA U_I)_l CIAL DISTRICT -OF ORDERS OF ALL CLASSES O!'- BLANK FORMS me even STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, % NOTE CIRCULARS, LETTER CIRCULARS. f`1`IF`I T`l7I'VC4 DODGERS, FLYERS, Always kept in stock . ---FOR THE-- ---or 1`HE--- -% 91* 1.33-- A full line of A full line at all prices. MORTGAGE. SALE OF LAND VHOUSE LEASES. SN IPES, ETC. UIUHHU, nuauuunvs She: You Sl':!I1 blue; have you lost afriend .? He: f`No; I have just gained one. I asked M1ss.Clara 1f she would be my wife and she sald no, but I'll be your :.:.m,1 " I willing to ace Hamlin, Anwm . . It is some satisfaction to argue with; man who holds a. mortgage.` He is always ept your premises. -_ ' ;A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shohys catarrh Remedy. Brice 50 cont; For sale by, John Woods, Barrie, and M. J, Allandale. The Providence Star funn _man thinks people whoethrow ba.n_ana_s ms at large should be called bananarchlsts. _.Shiloh s Qure will immediatel_y_ relieve map, whooping cough andhronchitis. For ,;]e by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J, Hamlin, Allandale. What kind of a dog. is that, my little mm 1 He s part Terrier. And whgfg the other part? `.`Oh, just dog. --Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy -8 positive" cure for catarrh, diphtheria and canker month. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. V A new English dictionary is coming out with 240,000 words. People who are bent. on having the last word should subscribe 8i 0llCeo . --.. .n _.,... nnvih I1 7`1D9\ .ql \'n}-`in rqlurn (fliid pay ized fort 1- hat HI; - friend. T V -The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon, ln.i., says: Both myself and wife owe `our hves to .\`hi1oh s Consumptinn Cure." For AF'I11eb_yJuhn Woods, Barrie, and M. J; Hamlin, Allandale. `- r-- -L r).-A.-.1-`uvun 1:` `kn uaumu, Jxuauuuus. A bright little boy at Brooklyn, at the beginning of Lent when asked by his Sunday School teacher f`Who had_ fasted forty days and forty nights, replied: "Dr. Tanner. . - -Are 3011 made miserable by indigestion, VC0D5tlp8.t'lon, (lizziriess, loss of 'appetlte,_ yellow skin `: Shil0h s Vitalizer is a. positive pure. Fur sale by John Woods, Barrie, an M, -l.` Hamlin, Allandale. ` \ 1104-- lit- ,\\'hy will yo_u cough_when Shiloh s Cure will give immedmte rehef. Price 10 cts., 50cts. and 31. _For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. What is the difference between an angry lover and a jilted maid '1 Give it uY',-Old man." why: One is 3- 073088- beau and the other is a. cut-lass. _.1H)rdynpepBia and liver complaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of FhiIoh`s Vitalizcr. It never fails to cure. FM` Bnlu M` John Woods, Barrie, and M. . J. Hamliu, Allrmdalc. T - ` `A - `L---_ ..-.- 1..-}. may ,v. ;...w-......' ......_...w_.. }*3xnp1oyo+ (to collector): See Ml`. Smith F Collector : Oh, yes. Employ-. or: ``\\'-as- he annoyed at. your calling upon him 3" Collector : Not 9., bit. He asked me to call again. ` q - A... av: 0 L V1 lmd so much demand for Giles Liniment Iodide of Ammonia, and people who were uunuu nu. LU uu.AA u:-C`uva;.. .hcx3etitm1 woke so much in its praise, that I was indum.- tuwrite the.Doctor forasupply. J was 1p1:;1}1tL-:1 -, it made cures in the family and in the stables, and no article that I ev_er ham11..-1 ggzwe such universal satisfaction. ('vco1';.jc \\'. iuxnum, (e_0rgetoW.n, Del. Sold 7'5` W. (_'. .\Iu].,111. V "-`511[:p1y and Demand.-Antiquaria.n `hut. ; (J A any u1d_-a.h--Ro_ma.n weap- UAS nr;~ttc1`_\,' .1:m:1y`?" Dealer: Xpect 33105111 in In-ix` week, air.v .Ain t`Vquite n- ihw1 2-'=.'~:9.ix{ T yet, sir. About Toosday, 17` .uCl1U Hmd `(-n n n A} uumm sm'y -\_Nl Fluid ` Lia:htn1_n', " Jirtlggist. ~--~-- 4:: on As 9. ddmr Jzmes pursues aom`e*funnVyA W:thm`.:s'. As fur me, said he,;-When7 acreditfjr takvs it into his head to Wrih _T0 me I cross him off my list, that settles ` 11. \U. :.... um I Am: mham `ha ." W 1 mums 111-xu-uu u.1_y nah, uuau pvvuum 3- :\;o 1n_m(:y for him 1" And when he `. 3t W1'1te ! In that, case I. wait'unt11. he does]: . . ` gs Sandwiched with he Serious-.'rhe 39.3% the Scissors Can`16'1nd_ ugh cathartic. lady in that city who is an Anna` s honey is. D;-_ L 7 . `ct sure to destr`; znglgnf B Pillswill not gripe or sicken yet , . e11 Courier has hea,,d'0f a -vuusgur O6 rarnes UETDUIIU vu: unv- Have ; 1d ' ' x C t Burn `Bruise Corn. Biggonm S211; I%1(:g3m, uP'imple. B10th5: `Wish Ha.nds'or Face? It so. there is but one "}1Pe,nun1clv. .\I<,-(ircgor 8: I d1'k0'3 Carbohc ` (:mt(:. If you but try it, it will convince Y0- 11 costs but 25 cents at Monkma.n a Drll 5t1'_- rufumna Ann Pmndsf A gentleman at the threater was Vgtjelatlyi V annoyed by the coughing of: 9. lady-__next thi"1.- Fmally, in his despair, he`tI.1l`nd 10 her saying: That is a bad 00141 y.`_`,:_ ha`-"6 Madam. She : -Y95 3 hm` it,` the` lave got, Sir. .. _ . ... ..,. _ A Mineral .P,o1son.` T ` ,(;\lhingT but pure cm`-a`cts from pan and 0._sarc used in preparing McGreg ` '8 LUBE \ Wlnound, the modem and new popular re- '0I' (301119 (`.nno}\u T1rnn`h}!.Il-"(.'J`n`IlDE- ' {fr Ohildre 1116373 :-n "`V3ft'fd'bv' iiopular 1'5- A r Colds, Coughs,.,Bron`_chm_s "Groum-*' aI:(hc11l;(tan(l11qffectiousitf thegtlar gro -v`. I - 4 ml 11 *- substances new 110 ones Bag; are avoided, which renders me n or adults. Sold at 500. and$1'-00136,!` {it Monkman a D_rg Store. " ; A I o I awSi`301` : Sir, -Fare i:ndon`3_d1.' u Ia'%1f__t11e object of my visit.. F,!'Wh81'o.4 e W XGVD 17:. J,-uu..n -lvn anon "A v-nv - t .....w or the Oblec glau 11 tel` haPPY- It 3" Suitor 1 UN Al" ' l HI b" _' ``V UUJUUU U1 lily Vlllh . -Uf'Vl|V5' `.4 ;lta;.1,g}te_' Do you really mean... eheve you des1re'to makb -(_we11,u1t0r Unquest.i_ona.bly." ,Fo1then:f wdn t marry her, then. " - L_ . `. '1 Fan with atural like { A01` 6 anv` .__.-,.. _.-.. The Last Year, 1886; .\:"..-1 i'z;., :L`..;n'.; yc:u"is ended there need ,be `}'1-`3'.Un :~11H':-1'ih;.': from Rheumatism. N6111`8-1` rm. 'l`or,-11.41 -114:, Hca.dach_e. Lumbago. 01` GUY .f:u'_u pain. if they nnlv purchase 8. bottle Of -mid l.i;:h111in:.:. as it cures instantly. Pain. M11101 sxuv wJu:1"c it is used. The name 18 "mid Im|f...:.... unlfl kw {Inn Mnnkman. O0. McGregor & Parke s Ca.rbo11o Cera}te. Huxvn ..,..` , m ,4 15--.... `I)uvuIn. June 17, : fri I: THE WHOL nmcs wmcn E wonnn xm.M*3.l: `<- ITTLE T _..__._ _ `__ MG1`eor's speedy cure; ~ IWKX mu-r `A/L.r'1_....-_I;. n___.-:_. 41.... 1886. 61') strange! yselt that, red at you I pause to D it IS USCG. '1'ne uulllu u: ` sold by Geo. Monkman, xd. Gracie, aged six, ] eir aunt busily dis- on 1 via: Q C VIIIIUIIIIVIIC There could be no offer morefair that of the proprietorsof Hagyard s Yellow Oil, who have long offered to refund every cent expended for that money, if it fails to give satisfaction on fair trial. -In-I-new OI! V,V\.IV CVVVO . The loftiest active volcano in Papoos- tepetl -smoking mountain _ - thirty- ve miles south west of Puebla, Mexico ;- it is 17,748 feet above. the sea level, and has 9. crater three miles in circumference and 1,000 feet deep. ` 7 uuuuuu - vv -vvv vuvv The longest span of wire in the world is used for 9. telegraph in India. over the River Kistnah, between Bezorah and Sectynagrum. It is more than 6,000 feet in length and is 1,200 feet high. TBL- I-._.._..; _'L:.. :_ -LI... _..4.J :. L1... The Biggest In the World; - The largest theater in the world is the new ' opera house in Paris. It covers nearly three acres of ground; its cubic mass is 4,287,000 feet ; it cost about 100,000,000 fra.nce.e_ . mu... 1-....-_; .._-..__.__:`._1__ u'_- 2- A - The largest suspension bridge is the one between New York `and Brooklyn ; the length `of thehmain span is 1,596 feet six inches ; the entir e length of the" bridge is 5,980 feet. rm... 1-1-;.:-- --a.:..- ..-I--_- :_ 15-..--- ---awn-v -vv,vvv vVV BAIUQIVIC . 4 , . fE111'irSt 'hi}$'iI{ 1}? $3Ji is the Great Eastern. She is 680 feet long, 83 feet broad and 60 feet deep, being -28,627 tons burden, 18,915 gross and 13,344 not register. She was built at Millwall on the-Thamesand was launch- ed January 3l, 1857. rm__ 1-.____; 1.-.-:_ -1-:_....L ....'.L.... ..... 41... vu UKIIAIJIJLJ VI, Luv The largest body of fresh water on the globe is Lake Superior, 400 miles long, 160 wide at its greatest breadth, and having an area. of 32,000 square miles. Its mean depth is 900 feet, and its great- est depth is said to be about 200 fathoms. Its surface is about 635 feet above the level of the sea.` `I ,,-AI, One little girl was `heard to say to a. playmate : When I grow up I am going to be a. school teacher. Well, I'm going to be a. mammn. and hnvu .3. ..I.:m...... 9 rchants' and held In the d was called Vxce Presi. sence of the e secretary, had notied of their ap- -.. Iv`: an -a-.uv-u Lunvuur. 11011, I. III EOll]g be a mamma. and have SIX chlldren. When they come `to school to me I am going to whip them. "You mean thins: !"| Whn `Inna Ghnn anon (`Ann L- .....- 0 ` GUUVU IILLIF IUVUL UL UIJU wvuo The biggest cavern is the Mammoth Cave in Edmonson 00., Ky. It is near the Green River, about six miles from Cave City and twenty-eight from Bow- ling Green. The cave consists of a succes- sion of irregular chambers,some of which are large, situated on different levels. Some of these are traversed by navigable branches of the A subterranean, Echo River. Blind sh are found in its n vuaupuuuwu UBIB. Harry Ricardo, of Meaford, 0nt., testifies that he suffered [from rheumatic gout and chronic trouble of the stomach and liver,` which Burdock Blood Bitters e'ectua.l1y cured, after all other tried remedies had fail- ed- ` ' 5vu.| UV Wl.l_IP umu. ' ' 1 U mean Unlnz I C `What have tliey ever done to you 'I ._ V I All! and; _` - Be on Your Guard. _ Don t allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely develope itself into Qataarh when you can be cured for 25 cents. . _ A c...., .nn1m..+.mna w1ll cure mclment waters. be cured [or za ceuus. A few applications will cure incipient Catarrh. - 4 , . One to t'wo boxes will cure ordinary Ca- ` tarrh. V One to five boxes will cure- chronic Ca- tarrh. ' . - Sold by all dealers at 25c. er box. Try Dr. A. W. Chase s Canadian atarrh Cure-- take no other-it will cure you. _ For sale by all dealers. ------o+o--`----- he Finished. Shall we-shall we _ consent [to be slaves ! `he said as he halted before a group of striking painters who were loung- ing on the City Hall fence Monday fore- C!`l'\I\ ion reported ttend to the ted the ap- 'tte for that noon. Never ! shouted " two chorus. f\ V l( E nnnmnn Ina 1x7{1n'+ ' Of course we won't I he continued. The heel of the onpressor must be taken `from our necks ! Our forefathers died for liberty and we are ready `to fellow their examples. You bet 2 . _ The tyranf.~Capital `must be taught s I __ I, lesson 1 2. He must! V . _ ' From the pine tre'e_s of Maine to th rolling surf on,the sea. shore of Texas this laboging man is calling-_ for justice. The worm has'.at1asb--turned. ` Tvha.t7s so 2?? % . `; , zuna - .L_-I.....u Kuhn ninann IR DUB and 5510-? ' '1`het sso'.". V A The toilers have a 'een as one man to demand that captiel shall share its profits with the bone and ' muecleewhich have made our. millionaires. Toilets of the greatend glorious West, I~-. ` Are you a. painter 2 suddenly inq uir4 ed one of the men. . L Let me nish; Toilets of? the great `_'Where"'c3oyou wo;i*.l`:_?V j T . V Sb.y_ 1" `he answered, as hemgme down .m u.:. man home. how many of you Bay `J . ne answumu, ... ....__,.,_- _, off his high hgrse, many will chip-iii. ten._cepts apiece tO; h91p me on to CHicagb,.;w11v I hayja a. wif""and ve chil'd``_1'enu-'?;"";: ~`~ . . `; ;* They run hii_n;-_dcr6`g:the snggt -in such 9. hrry tlft hi,h:_3t fell off, but` he turn- ed '~o{'. the :curl.),Mstrec_hed foghs right hand'an :. rs: .5,` . a1:and West, ..m_:1-.`..a 1.-.6 +.`h`:'{`nre H3110. Blluruunu .. _/ Toi1eJ;`8:bf th`:g1 I kin: lick;-ay two tied"Behid~' I a hu'A4{ - L. I-I?$p\'~ , . covm-`y,d.f_ho grggqst `_ -13 ~ _ andutren ? -gxyer y ;;kno ` scien . ~ :;cure4L1l_ _ese. dieg, avinglihokorigm tn ' in time. "W? ' _ Li; . otm-.3 W: 3.2:. nitnli Grlovunoen. __ .}i.= `Ii. "I"-.`--.`v,- - ` `fen n-inn W 3% ShL.Jema,Gazette in an e_ditorial-'g;e- dagaqn thewepqglgdevemd by the K ;-leineatt the Iris -Home Rufe meeting lid et*Portlend, Me., on Tues- eaye it does not think that Av :- P L n A Complicated case.` ._'___j_ .R "_>-D - A Fair bP1-oposltionj. __`IJL-__ ,1 5" id . rf th`:grea,1;'and `florid!!! West, my ofbybu ith one hand ll|iJ)&Ok`J_...: That : a1l-good- _T , __ K nu... liq. uu iv As many or V three in! A throughout the world a locus standi in _Blaine s sentiments express the gen- t',\114!l0l. ghuiericanv,` opinion respecting Eng- .l..1II!ld.i\ ..`govex;nu'1'ent of Ireland. The ~ Gazette declares it impossible to formulate aescheme for Home Rule that would sat- isfy the Irish-American` extremists. Gladstone, the article continues, is eager to snatch a semblance of support, however obscure or tainted. He has un- hesitatinplyrecognized the United States wire-pullers, thus giving the meddlesome English politics. The securing of the Irish vote is the prime object of the Yankee oice-seeker," and Blaine has I rnnriln 11:: 1-5:: !` wuuxu u~ anticipated ed to atfend 6 time em- committee ge Ford, D. have charge Ford to re-

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