--.- .,..,, A . ct_nr~mer seeding in this neighborhood 1! ~'1lacnrIos1ty. Tluy are very few, how- e?"v_Dtat0 hlzmring being at present the V" " I>a1 occupamon. J UNIUS. ` we uream sooxal. M36118 {Ce cream social at the Co1lie_r strzet in nudist church on 'l`uezsday evening was te respects a_ success; It was largely ap- qnded and everything connected.with 1t `>he 1_)est of satxsfaction, its well, as ice 1'-rm. ... Because th 63 are 1'-101'). The Laborer, the Mechanic, the Artisan, ' eofessor, e the Merchant, or the Cnggggrgggtggfggggggggggember When his little nickel or big dolla .1d go as far in obtaining the ne- AND THERE is i 01+`M9Nm{: ~-vwual. Uae, excellent singing, Capital recitations. the youuu ladies at protable.` I (Sol-sets T Em- ` " and P anghwery chgap at Fray 6: C L SEAS kJ EXGURSIONSL 11111: NEW LOW PRESSURE" smmma. @mL,m: C. Mc1NNEs_ MASTER. `-1'---II waiuiiiiiiiuuy Mc1;~zNEs. MASTER. ExgURS10Ns WILL BE RUN mom ANY Maax-a.u9D on the N 2; n_\xr n..n.mu. um _m*\`UHSIONS ANY Mm bation_ the IV. 3; N-W.Rallwa a and Mgnd Dwigion of the G. T. Railway 5' rail beaurx{;i-In Orillm or J ackson's Point. then by the Island . steamer "0rillia" no smwberry p1,ceB'o131B Bay Point or my other ports 0!` chin _ ogegttmzwon Lakes mooe and Couch!" berry Island 9. In a Pavilion. n=-we 1::::a:' 39 *::m::."a~::a: ' v 08 , B gun-r<>iuna the m1a3'1s the best bu`. mm mm `:0 n'%1;`lske. P or further, lnformstl '1 y to C. MoINN Es. 0am.u.- 88-031 1? J 7 "' Yj T Ifjihif W5Ir'1'E>1*der 1: -0 tl1i'n Our stdck offer thosegoods bought at` Sheriffs sale, to the trade from 5 to 15 per cent. lower than any exc ive Jobber will cut them, so ye small {Shoe Houses and General store-keepers you can make mo 9 by purchasingyour present supplies from s J. CLAYTON; THE NEW in:-n-......._ `I ~-In.-.a ug .suuL;r.uu. lb VWIOII lulgcly any- connected.with H: bestof as well (`.3115-I vn 'T`L...... ....-.. nan.` IU\IIQI.lI . Azwnwrox, to 1135. .-I1` D UNL 0P s TREE T, kg: &C. slugging, Eitannu Ice Cream Social. Crossland. A _ T .\-7.3 .'.`:l-':(' (`oi-x'cs1)o11c1cnce.' _ S\`em'c all zlmmgh seeding in this section '.-.=.z~l the crnps lamk wrll. . V . ' This part uf rhe_c-11nt1`y is improving very fast, l'hU])pl1J:_f, luggirlganl ditching being largelynluuc. - ` V ' " The unlycnli ..f A. Malcolm was buried .tr-. Ho allml last Saturday eveningaafter about three (la) 5 illness. T 'T\I7n Tin. -h ..F 91. n\.~t\. 1:r\(\ Lawn in]-xn`'nnnnr` l DIIUIDIGUUIULI, DD WIFII 2 luv 0. There was good music, g, admirable readings and 38. These entertainments by t are bound to be popular and SCOTT S -:- B(%)0KSTORE. Wa$Es{L.iLs W31%{'?& `\Ix`?sJ& W8, 1E{P& SPRING AND SUMMER Goons. Baby Carriags, -with or without wire Whcels; Lacrossesz, Lawn T'I`ennis Raquets. Base Ball Clubs and Balls . V 'Linen Window Shadesand Paper Window Shades, SCOTT, TI-IE B OOK_SELLER, Eight Doors East of on See my prices before purchasing elswhere. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. G. BLA oKM0RE, umrut. mu-u mm) 3 uxuuaa. ` Two men f the s1.\;th line have challenged I gm)` two -men m_ the township of Flos for % $300 a side fur 1: ;_I ring one day. VVho will ~ 3; accrpt it " ~ , . 1`..~,\ l'.l\..l'\r.I r 4,1... urn. 1:..- ...... 4... I....:`I,J MERCHANT TAILOR, ; ms Eastot ozd stand, uccarthyfs mock, +-I_.ARc:EsT AND `BEST ' ASSORTMEN1` or -- ' REMEMBER THE GREAT ` OPPOSITE STATION. `BARRIE. ..---A COMBLETE srocx 0F--_ BARRAUD THII PIIIITIIIHMPIIIIII, B0'1`II'WELL S BLOCK, Is NOW_MAKINO DIRECT PHOTO- dlun-_Is FROM omn SIZE ` up T0 in x I4 CABINETS` mm 33.00 m nozeu. uxu Ht lb Tslvo bache-l.,rs of the; fth line are to build houses and us :1 rcaultthere is a. utter of hearts armnng some of the- ancient maidens of.the ncighbmlumd, as it is supposed the bachelors aforcsanl intend to ask one each of _ B_jd.H18it1(`l1S to become permanent house- .;;eep.-rs 11) the M-\\' houses. Your corres- lrondint hopes the y will" obtain their heart's * leaire. (2, - o Ann Tl-lRESHERS.-The` .- ._ n..nnt.r_ nun: Au rm. 'l|m-mum-` %BA.:B.:aJ::E=, THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. > This Stock consists of Bar Iron, Steel, Waggon Skeins, Axles, I-Iorse Shoes, Horse Nails, Carriage Hardware, Sarvon ,WheoIs,Gears,~ Rims, Spokes, Hubs Runners, Shafts, Poles, etc, In Shelf Goods we shall carry out thls G081` Sale in many liner. And in every line we shall give unheard of Prices for cash. Opposite N. R. R., Station, Dunlap-st., Barrie. ` Owing to a. contemplate d change in our Business. we have decided to reduce our large Stock of Hardware 0 $5,000.00. and Continue until we have reached our aim--Stock reduced FIve'Thousand Dollars; This is no`Bogus Sale, IIT- ._-__._ ___ _____:__:__?_ _ , nun amass anus nun Palm ARE SPLENDID VALUE THIS SEASON. SALE To COMMENCE sA'1:U3m_Y,__.IUNE:_ th, day mprning`-, and see what We have to Ba,gTW1th your $1.50 shoes. % " _- t'\1II 4-l'\ +'I!nIA `sauna; __Q_... 7.7 A - _ IMPORTANT AN?0llNGEMENT. MILLINERY S':`0L`I{ COMPLE'l`E. Comparison and Inspection invited. Dress and %Mant1e Makingin all its, branches. HEAVY ]HAI3owAR;5___- AT &_QO`S'_l' To accomplish this we offer our'lafge stock of V -nrwravvuv -vow-v, We mean what we `Say._ PURVI L . t 1 e - 6. Shoes of S. V. Walsh, of W1ndsor, at fty-one cents on the dollar, haSg`1V9I} 11S_ G1,11'96 15111168 as man ,- ;. as We wantat th's season of the year. `We Want you 130 091119 and W9 W111 (,11V1d-93116 P1'0tWit I Yes We will give you all the prot, We W111 be con- tent to s1mp1y do the busmess. e a A t -n--~__.. 13:11.... 1\1'...:|.:|.-- .._-.-n -r-r-_____ T- `__1' Having purchased the bankrupt stock of Boot 1 A ..Q_-..J. dd-`Iii P. F. EWAN, BAR HIE. IMPORTER, '&c., Sign of Circular Saw, ES, %C._ASH~ I Dunloi) St. Barrie. V180 Ad\'unL'c Co_rrespondenc_e. _ A great number of the Vigo people attend- ul Mednnte picnic on let inst. This indeed tells well for Yigo, goingso great a distance 30 patronizeapicnic. it is one among the many ways of contributing towards a church. and one, which like the others. will no doubt meet its mmiimmtion. ` It is anticipated that there is to be a good time in Phvlpston on the let prox. It is to he hoped that our Vigo people will appreciate by their presence, and thus celebrate the 19th anniversary of our great-Confederation. SCh(Il.'-Hill!` l\11n;nuau run-nl-I-I1 l-unenlr hail: Now is 13119 1711119 G0iI1V6St. and We Want you to come a,n% you will not look any further if you do. u... auun'_L`rSary or greatruonteaerauon. Usfholashc business pretty brisk here now. Lpwards pf 40 in attendance. Attendancv. We_ver, 13 not as punctual and regulnr as *` m1.'ht'. be. \`\`hether it is from the '-_acher s inability or the parent s neglect it is `hicult to say_. T Filr`n')DrQ ;.,....1:..,. :.. u_:._ _..:...L 1......1.......I :.