Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 27 May 1886, p. 7

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the Assessment rlou tor me emu xynunxoxpmuy. for the year 1886. All persons havmg business atighe Court. are requxred to-attend as afore- Ba Rv Order. - said, . . T Bv Order. ` . - 20-21 WILLIAM HARVEY. . Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated at Elmvale this 17th day of Mav, 1889`. I Simcoe. - } Licensed. Auctioneer for the` County 01 Orders left at. the AnvAxo11 Omce will be romptly attended to, and information will be urnished parties requxring Mr. Ford's services | Sales taken in prices to suit everybody. as though he had himself been consulted. , " I`lVI\rawur -- n-. T Is0Uau"l~"a N_n"s'3u.n.V ` Auction Rooms and Oic; --Few Doors N ortb of Wellington Hotel. Ba.veld st.. Barrie V -...g;.;.,m;.n.:.n:T' pvnw Tvnr -_.__--,.._..- `Q11: canlih MRS. M. E. MORROW fin-: s1'AuoAno A % 3F?3%%@$3_!1.1!.9,,`3F_WliY~ XII!!! `_Io`wIq:n(-,pq- --- .--,_,-.-- _ _ JOHN D.- ACMURCELY, Inspector. Omoe:-Qumn'N'S HomL. Bzumm. ` ` 15 .'___.___.._____._._._.___...____._________.___.___ | HANGING BAPKETS to ohoose from `touched in Barrie at readv titled and in full bloom and growth. Also 10,000 Geraniums, Coleus. _Hel tropes. Achyranthes. Cannas. Ageratums.-- Asters. Stocks, Zinniaa. Balaama. Phlox. Centaureas, I1 icinus. Brong(31s3_Cuphe.a and many other e m "=* " ' $.35 A&%%%&T'a?E' . ` C Y 7,Grcenhousos.-Welli:Igton St., Barrie. Hang- ing baskets filled at 250. each. Plans for ong- m beds furnished gratis. I vw ---- __ , Land and Inswrwnce Agent, Life, Fire and o ` `* ' Accident. Olllne, Ens! dldahtowen Street. noxt door to the Bank of Toronto. ' V Barrie. 2m Mmh.1ss3'.__ ' >12-ly ` .__.__.a_.----------------------. _ O RENT.-A 2 0 ACRE FARM bemg Lot T 22, Con. 3. in the Townshvp 0 F103, well .u...m-.11 on leading road to S_tayner. _l`he:-9 in-9 Zl 22' 3| In IIHU L-UWllBu'y Va. `av... ...-- situated on leadinmroad Stayner. There are a. good house and . urn on_ the pro erty. and a clearance of about *l5`a.bres The r rm will be leased for a _terI_n of years. on an improving lease at a nominal rent; to a. good man. Pos- eeaaionimmediategn Axlnflyhto McCARTHY. ` X ` Solicitoxgg, .- &o.. nll'.D`l.`ll`.R & M0 &RT um` un- on 8.11 llnpruvxug ' to ' 1'3-16 ` l".IIiI'.I.ll1l.l.\- on _J'V\"-~-v--- - . - , _ > Barrie.` _ ____ - ? 1'3-16` OR SALE;-- Boat-house and fteen good ` boats, Gravenhurat. Muskoka. Good chance for enbarprisin young` man. Price reasb`na.b1e. unmann for mal us out olg 939; _9_.x_15_1` siclggess. nA.. .1: DUNN! \:!'l.u:vvu uuuu H.` .... _- Reason for sel us out old I No opposition. Apply to C. .. \ ESIDENCE FOR SALE on TO BE LET.-- That comfortabie villa residence now oc- ied by Dr. Oliver. aitualo on Bayeldstreet and 90 at-.res of gooci Luv wt-`_-,- cm- with excellent. at-ablin arable land. STRAP Y 8: AULT, Barrisigrg e,tc., Barrie}: Veis ra. consisting of the t 6. in the 4th _on.. phontaining 10.0 ---- - -_ LL). 1-AKM FOR SALIT IN % JV'ALUABlmz buan uuuu 1 ` the Township of Vesgra. c West } of lot 6 in bon.. acres more oriess. a good on Inf. from further pa_r .oulara 9:} `Geo. R. FORD. ()F_F'IOE:- Cqllier Street, Barrie. --j- Lessons given inell Branches of Painting. Drawing. &c.. 850. " Terms on apphcation; STU DIO :-Up-stairs, W eat of Fire Hall. Collier street. Barrie. 'hI6rV6br]ess. A good creek runs-qn For. further partdpmam op'1ly,at.the.. noice. 9r_to {she owner, . _BAN'g`2f_} Gnvx. ` --AGEN'!` FOR-- THE;N0R.THE_RNT CE- mu, M. U 111541114 3 , Master a._t Hanulton. FARM FUR. 5AI.am LLV ra. on.. containing creek runs-on the inning annly.atAth1-A1) 11.1't.z`t:-`"IV"'x`lce* age and sickness. 50 3 HATER, ' , 13-249 20 22 3: ! `IN u 894$ j 15-11 5681 E86358 111 (-118 1836 ten QB-Y5. - - Money loaned on the above properties at 6 per cent. Some of them have rented for years at 20 r cent. interest on the price asked by us. end for land list or call on ` Real Estate. Loan and Insurance Azent, Bar- rie. Ont. T 13-25 In thanking the public of Barrie and vicinity tor the liberal patronage bestowed upon `him -than ever. in the past, begs to_ state that _he has at con- siderable expense mcreased Ins baking facili- ties end 13 now prepared to do a larger business BREAD Made in the various styles and quality thebest -Delivered in all Darts of the town. - VER THIRTY FARMS. from two to ten mules of Barrie, at prices nearly half less than ever offered before. Among them are five rst-class old well improved farms, equal to any in the County. can be bought just now at a bmgaiu, and an easy terms Thn.vAs1Inn_ fnnr IInI>.n1nnn nv-it-I: I-annann in UB7g(llJl, (um 01} ll5y 1677115 I have also, four l'8trCl8.BB brick houses in I Barrie for sale at low gures-beside 18 chea er ho_uses--atfrom $200 to $1,200. Also one ne buck store and dwelling, well locatvd on Dun- lop-St. If you want a bzrgazn buy now as these chances are uncommon, andour properties are sellinj fast. We have sold $59,000 worth of Real state in the last ten days. Mnnnv lnnnn nn 1-`ha nhriwn nvonnnv-Han at R I PICA-NIC PARTIES SOCIALS_ sc WEDDIN GS` nusnnlih nf cl-u-nut nation and nn I-nn,nnnnh11\ ISIMIIIIII will AEENEY, f1_'_s real" rm) and 4 f L%EADS%_'_l"_H_E% VAN.- 1-`-. :r.:BJaov_vN Northern 85 North Western Railways. To all points East and West. and Maniiobg. I For tickets, rates. etc., apply to cm; smml Rom`. QUINN, Agent N. 8: N. W. Rvs., General Passenger A gent. ge. TI-I ROUG-71'-I TICKETS BRANCH OF THE TORONTO DYE` 2 Works has been onened on Penetanguish- vene Street. Dyeing and cleaning done on the most improved method. Prices reasonable, and perfect satisfaction lven. mmwrn 1-.1.n'l`HING .1m.n9d. Pressed and Auvav AAA.l.Jc\a-`ya. _._-_ _,, , , mlv. ' GENTS ULOTHING leaned. Pressed delivered in 48 hours. Drop can-din Post Oice and goods'wil1 be called for and delivered. B. B. JENKINS. Barrie, April urn, 13.86. ' 15-27 manufactured `fresh eveiy day. Ask your grocer for them and you will use no other. iiizw mus wonxs WANTED. Farmers will et the highest Toronto price for Cake Tallow 1' brought tothe Tannery. @0113]: Paid for Rides and Slnnutm 46tt W. H. CROSS 85 C0. ute, as it the rates reightis d exper- xte to b6 nd from ` nfna ,cA K E__:`]:_LLOWI` maxim gang 1 '.1`hEoroughly cleanse tho blood. which is the fountain of health. by usin Dr. Pie:-ce s Gold- en Medical Discovery, an good digestion. a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital strength, and soundness of constitution wxll be established. llnlnn Mnmml `l`)incnvm'v cures all humors. 1U-1V.l.\_JV 1`AIt'1'1JLD Dl.{U1A.I.m_ cc vv ruuuuu u` T Isupphed at short notlce and on reasonable - - terms. uqrsvn-v\-I-'~r\Ol\nv9 1- vat-A11 `T soundness of constitution wxu oe esmuusucu. Golden Medical Discove cures humprs. from the common imple, lotch.or_erupt1on, to the worst Scro ula, or blood-pox_son. Es- gcclnlly has it Eoven its eicaoy m_cur1_ng alt-rheum or tter, Fever-sores. H11)-jomt Ipiseasekscrofulous `Sores and Swellings. En- 1. n. .._.a 'n\..+:nn- `I'Tlr=mtL , EAJIEIE. _ V V )VFR THIRTY FARMS, from two to rnilan nf `Rant-in nit nrinnu nan:-1'17 ho}? Inna Eccmuy U843 ll: ruvcu nu u.u._v...,.! -.. ..___-._g Disease Scrofulous larged Glands. and Eating Ulcers. Golden Medical Discovery cures Consumg ` tion (which is Sc-rofnla of the Lungs), by i wonderful b1ood- urif 'ing.inAv'ig-crating and nutritive pr-ope ea. or Weak Lungs. S ting of Blood. Shortness of Breath, Bronchais, Severe Coughs, Asthma, and kindred infec- 1-inn: it is: n mvereixrn remedy. It promptly -`\?eF Eh, and kindred anec- tions. i is 9. sovereign remedy. curest c severest Couszh_s. - um mm-nm Liver. Bihonsness. or Li_ve_r cures` the Coughs. For Torpid Liver. Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, and Indigestion. it is an unequalled remedy. Sold by druggists. DR. Pmncnss Pl-`.[.l.E'l`S - Anti-` Bilious and Cathartic. 250. a vial. by druggists. G. A. BLAGKSTOGK, Lms run sue 'R5E EMA_N S- " dwonm POWDERS. Iilhnlnl. Vvvvvv-, :p-.- muoumvsss, .o/zz'IXiE{9*,l * DYSPEPSIA, /mops Y, mo/9537/om, ` F[.UTTEI?lN5 V M u..-vo/cs. OF THE HEART, ERFSIPELAS, AOIDITY o/-' suur nneu/:1, % , THE .9ror..ua!.r, umnrsunm, % V DRYNE88 HEADAGHE. , J 3 OF THE s;<.-':.r,- A_hd`avery. speclesfdf disease arising ,-fr-'-'71 zpasordgnjgd L!VER, _ K:DNEY_S, 8ToMA\,.g 1 _ BOWEL8`0R.Bh.O_OI_3,A, .-. Are pleasant tovt}-V_ko. Contain their own Pltgative. Is a. sm`fe,` sure, and etlbctual f_ It-.w2vdr_ in Cnildronnor Ldnl %wtu;k%Oa[:`oAn`:L::vs ,__-A A - - l All-l\ mmmr 1 , I0.000 LBS. OF BISCUITS 8.8! the ml- so easily 1 at our examine I-lVlA.1.|IJ V`RF3DF.'R.I(`.K (1 prov}: TIIE A Proplrletor-9, roam; v Q 7 ADVERTISING RATES. The Advance has a Sworn Circulation or Thirteen Hundred and Twenty Copies, Almost, if not quite, double that of any other Paper published in Barrie. G'Anv1cR'rIsEns' snovnn NOTE THIS 1`Ac'r.' (12 lines solid nonpareil makeone inch). TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS. First insertion, 10 cents per ne. Each sub sequent insertion. 4 cents per lm_e. `Reading notices. 10 cents Der hne for rst in- sertion; 5 cents per line for each subsequent insertion of the same matter. Tana! l'\%ninI on:-I flnxrnvnvnnf. n.Vf3.l'fiQ0. . ll18el`tl0n or the manner. . _ I Legal. Oicml and Government advertise theme will be charged at above rates.- CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken atthe tollowxng_ rates,` which are drafted on correct c01_nmerc1a.l prmczples, and. as they will be strictly adhered to in makmg new contracts utter present contracts expire, there will be ` only one price for all : llnch .... ....... .. S 2}Inches ..... 6 Inches, i Column.. 10 Inches, i Column i 20 Inches, 1 Column BI` cent. 80080. * or two montbs-the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. A A ......:4.:....... .... Ans-11....e-_.... ' I... ....-..u. J11 kn II Avu av `av; vvnavu uuuvua ca Preferred positions in `the paper will be sold at an advance of one third on above rates. This rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will- please bear in mind that no- tice of intention to change advertisements must be handed in to the oice not later than Saturday at 10 o clock, and the copy for such change must be in the ADVANCE oiiice not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, in any week : otherwisc'thc advertiser-`s annouxicement may not be made public until the week following. A J__-._L:...._.. -.-:1! ....L L- ..11..--.AJ `F5 ......-. `L.!-n linanonnlenn Anvnnca *For one month-the. three monthly rate with 15* er cent. added. Ar hxrn rnn-n1n_Han f}n-no rnnnv rnfp Advertisers will not be allowed to use their I space for advertising anything outside their own regular business; Should they do_ so, transient 1-`a.tes will be chargedsfor such adver- tisement; - ' } uvv -uv l.AA\~\4\/ runny Uuanvnn way u \4\n-3 ..v..v nu---- \.4\lA\AIn.'aAVIuA:-:1 `and v ._...-......-.;..x 4-. Condensed advertisements on First Page, such as Wants of all `kinds. Lost and Found, Property for Sale or to Rent, Specic `Articles, Etc.. Etc., -must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-F1rst insertion, 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion, 1 cent er wordA(names, addresses, and gures counte as words); but a. reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the samevmatter exceed FOUR. IMPORTANW Giles Liniment Iodide Ammonia Removes all Unsight1y`Buncnes. I t`I-....... I nonna- Sprung Knees. Spinal `Mengitis. Quitter. `*- v v ....u-u--..~ - No stable should be without it. Railroad, mining and express companies all use Giles Liniment. and in the great raring stables of Belmont and Lorillard it has achieved wonders. One trial will convince. Write DR. GILES, Box 3482. N.Y. P.0. who will, without charge, give an vice on all diseases and also on the management of cattle. Sold by all druggists at 50c. and $1.00 bottle. and in aparts at $2.50, in which there is great saving. he Liniment in white wrappers is for family use ; that in yellow for cattle. . Giles Iodide Amman: Horse and Cattle -'n-_.l.._... U may by an H18 188.0111 uuruemcu on acruum Park, Fleetwood, Brighton Beach, Sheeps- head Bay and Bull s Head Never disappoint, are Tome, Alterative and Diuretic. Destroy VVorms, Cures Indigestion. Colic. Bots, Sore Throat, Catarrh. Founder, Pink-eye and Rheu- matism. The dose is small and the power is great. The Powders are guaranteed and Pur- chasers failin to obtains cure money refund- ed. Sold 0y 3. I druggists at 25 cts. a. box. Po1;rders. USED by all the leading horsemen on Jerome ` * hand `Rnv and RnH n Head Never diaannoint. ?CCVS jnwnv TTANDARD MEDICAL worm FUR QB MIDDLE-AGED MEN -i)N1.Y $1 BYYIVIAIL, POSTPAID. ILLUSTRATIVE SAMPLE FREE TO ALL. * ' - - - -- - C21 1 lllllluljll//ll /Illa AAGI-eat Medical Work on Manhood. Exhausted Vitality. Nervous and Physical Debility Premature Decline in Man, Errors of Youth. an'1 the untold miseries resulting from lndiscretion or exce~ses. A book for every mu n. young. middle-aged and old. It contains 125 prescrigtions for allyacute and chronic dis- eases eac one of which is invaluable. So found by the Author. whose experienv e for 25 years is such as rohably never before fell to the lot of any 1 ys1cia_n. 300 rages. bnunl in beautiful F1 ench muslin. embossed covers, full gilt. guarantee. to be a ner xgvovk in every sense than any other work sold in this country for $2.60. or the money vull be r funded in every instance. Pl ice only $1.00 by mail, post- paid Illustrative sample tr: e to any body. Send now. Gold rnedal awarded the author by the National Medical-Association. .to the Presi- dent of whlch. the Hon, P. A. Bissell. and as- sociate ofbcers of the Boald the reader is re- spectfully referred. 'l`he science of Life is worth more to the No. 0! Inches` Space. specl:Iuuy_ reterreu. _ The Sc1ence Life Is young and middle-eged men of this generation than all the gold mxnee of Cahfornia and the silver mines of Neva da. combined.-S. F. Chronicle. 'l'Iu: Qninnnn nf `Life nninfn nnfptha I-nnlrn And- } The gence of Life points outthe rocks and quicksands on which the constitution and hopes or many 9. yom g In: n have been fatally wrecked .-M anoh: ater Mar: or. v- 'l\l-.1. Hninnno nf Lifn in nf urnntnr vnlnn than wrecxen .--M uncut I-iwr Lvuu ur. v ' The Science of Life is of renter value than all the medical v orks pub] shed in this coun- try for the past 50 y ars.-Atla. ta. Ponstitution. | I -rhn Science nf Life is a aunerb and masterlv try for ne past 00 y- ar8.-Auu. us. I onsucuuon. The Science of Life is a su erb and masterly treatise on nervous and p ysical debility.-~ Detroit Free Press. 'l"hm-n in nn mnmhnr nf ant-jet: in whom The Uetrom rree rresa. There is no member of society to whom The l Poience of Life will. not be useful. whe V_ r youth. parent. guardian. instructor or cie y-' - man --A1-gonaut 1 Ada:-pan the Paabndv Medical Institute. or Fakes) a e Dwel ortheru ' --Argona.ut Address the Peabody Medical Institute. Dr. W. W. Parker. No. 4. Bulnch Street, Bos- ton. Ma.ss.. who ma be consulted on all Ms- eases retauiring ski) and experience Chronic and obst nate diseases that have baied the skill of all other 1 h) sic-inns a snecialty. Such treated successfully without an instance of E failure. Mentxon ADVANCE. harrle. Ont. 17-ly T0 ownnns or swoon. le cEoK7s"asr rnimb Du NN S 7 BAE-(N@.a %EQ.\_9.VDE1E jjgj j: 3 -g 41-eow-39 CONDENSED ADVERTIBl4.MEl\"l`S. w.. MCGLEAN, "One I Inser _ t_.ion. W31; .uA_y J.l\.I.A.n\Ja.n\.auu Cures Lameness in Cattle. Prim-o on - ; %.%| (`An Fougder, Weak Limbs. ! * tions. ` (3 mos) * 3;" Inser- Inser- tions. (6mos) 1! \` i|$ 2 5o]s__4_-6-0 rnn nnr " PRICE FOR` A rl-E. 1600 Spavin, ttingbond Agent. Barrie. Ont 25 00 46 00 Windgalls. nd plea- inc. Ionday, Halifax, ay to SI. )s_6oo 31400 1 2;oo 24500 )800Q . 52 - Inser- . tions. [.(1yr.) -av rv vv `ALA ....-a. V um ver, Sto1"11`aibi1v,~l"("ivtiney a.nd'i3owels, _.__._ ______ __J ..__ _ I... __ I ' I giving tone, energy and vigor to these great - MAIN npmwas or LIFE. They are condentl recommended as 8. never failincr remedy in a_ cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened, They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailment!- incidental to Females of all ages, and as 5 Gem era] Family Medicine are uneurpassed. And every kind of skin disease, it has never been known to fail. 7"`-un 133111: nn (\1'n4I-nnnf urn I/fn.v1nfnnOvn1Ic.' - This Great Hgxisehold Medicine ra.I;ks agongaz the leading necessaries of Life. Thong fnrnnna Dilly nnv-fv Flu: Dlnn nn an? ` most powerfully, yet soothmgly on the H16 lu(llI1R necessaries OI mte. These famous` Pills purify the Blood, and act Its searching and healing properties are known throusrhout the world. For the cure of Bad Legs.'Ba.d Breasts. I'll `I II ? '7: it is an infallible remedy. If 'e`ec_tu9.1ly rubbed on the neck or OhSt, 8.B salt into meat. it cures Sore Throat, Diptheria. Bronchitis, Colds, and even Asthma. For Glandular Swellings. Ab scesses, Piles. Fistulas,' ' l UBBH .KIlU\\'Il LU Hill. . * V The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at 533 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, Ant` nun an]:-1 `~17 1:11 `,7nnr1nv-:1 nf -'lTnRI'n{f\oQ vis with ichelieu teamers 0 North Y3? YIIIYIIIIU Illiltl U'II&&lv' And are sold by all Vendors of `Medicines \throu bout the.Civilizcd VVor1d: with direc- ` tions or use in almost every language. L tQ"Di1I-r-hnanrn cxhnnl Inn]: fn tho Lnhnln nn ` E10118 I01` USE In HJHIOSL E-`r\'CI)' mnglmgv. ~ @'Pi1rchusers should look to the Labels on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is` not 533 Oxford Street. London. they are spurious vI-I\/ vua 4;u.u ;.4u Old Wounds. Sors and Ulcefs. GOVUTa `R HEUMA TISM; Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. Genuine wrapped only in Blue, with signa- ture on every box. Free trial package of these Celebrated Pills sent to any address F on receipt of a 2 cent stamp. For Sale by A GEORGE MON KMAN, DRUGGIST. BARRIFI. Sick fleadache _---_____- -- .-._.-----4n- Will ih:,~a'=::uealy c.ue*eVyr.`z-.:. The; do no`: 5;:-`.;;: or 5.4: as m.i' aoi mcliy, `ad :21: "ns.,.. 9' embed as-as `?'-.`!`;.`.'?.",'+!'C`.F`! price- less. `They have. ' g:-N:-V$i'-.*'o be we @2RE/WEST To all sufferers from Indlgosilon. Disordered stomach. Use ` them and be relieved from your misery. 30 PIN: in a box. 25. per box, 5 boxes for 3| F03 SALE 3) ALL DRUGGISTS AND ' DEALERS IN MEDICINES __H_OL!.OWAY S PILLS ` V HAVE YOU _ Liver Compiaint. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Diiluzz. nu. _];mndice, Headache, Dizziness, Pain in the Bmk Costiveness or any disease :\risi"g frorira (lCrflII):l'|i liver, DR CHAsE s LIVER CURE will be found a sure and . .........Z.. .......An JJR. K/HASH 3 L4 certain remedy. * In A certain remedy. NATURE'S REMEPY. ` . The unqualied success of Dr. _(,hnse 5 Liver Cure in Liver Complaint rests solely with theict that it is compounded from nature's well known live regulators MANDRAKE Arm DANDELION, combined with _m:my other invaluable roots, barks and herbs, having :1 werful effect on the Kidneys,-Stomach, Bowels and lood.. 500,000 SOLD Over one-Ital/' million qf Dr. Chase : Recfe Rooks were sold in Canada alone. We want every man, woman and child who is Iroulzltd with Liver Cem- plaint to try this excellent remedy. LADIES It is a well known fact that an inactive liver causes: a dul|,`sallow complexion. liver spots, pimples, etc. ; Chase's Liver Cure is the only remedy tha. will most. positively cnre these complaints. Qnurtumn IIIIIL wrn AWAY FREE now Lbff positively these complaints. . Sum-munn New. Gwen Awnv Fuss Wrapped around every bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is a valuable Household Medical Guide and Recipe Book (84 ages), containing over we useful recipes. pronounce: by medical men and druggists as invalu- able, and worth ten times the price of the medicine. as -nnnnnunnu n An l'\_l- l..-_.1- |'|___|`___| 3 We have recentlg published a new i edition of Dr. Cu verWell9s Cele- ! I brated Essay on the radical and er- Inqnent cure (without medlcine) of er- vous Debxhty. Mental end Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marrmge. etc , resulting from excesses. ` n'Du-inn in n nnnln nvnlnnn nnhy R nnnon A- exceaaeg. _ T 8'Pr1ce m a. sealedenvclope, only 6 cents, or Itwo osta estam 9. ad 1 1'13; nelgebratc author. in this admirable I , Zulu wul lll u.a uu. y. n... . ..... ............. ? nMAusori"a':J'i':o., Sole Aents, arautira. ..1\vw\ us- nvr T1`-YYI`lV`Vl\'I`CI I nwo posw esusm 3. avg The ce ebrate author. in this admirable Essay, cl: arly demonstrates. from thirty years successful practice. that alarming consequen- ces may be radically cured without the danger- ous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife: pointing out a mode of cure at once: simple. certain and effectual. by means of which every sufferer. no matter vshat his condition me be, may cure himself cheaply, privately an radically. tsr'l`hin Lnnfnrn should in: in Hm hand: as? EDI! raulcauy. Q"l`his Lecture should be in the hands of every youth aud every man in the land. Adrh-min the CULVFIRW FELT. 'M'F`.'DT(`.A`l . (Yn. CVBTY YOULII uuu UVQ'I')' 1118]] 111 III]? Hill . Address the CULVERWELL MEDFCAL Co. 41 Ann St.. New York. Post Office Box 450. {Hm cmmr. & snmm; PABLOR tj-OPPOSITE BARBIE HOTEL, `I\`I'T\TT I\T\ QIII15 T1I'l!IlII HOLLOWAY S_UINTMENT THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE nun % PERFECT cums Razors and Scissors Ground and et on short otioe_ 5-1 nvsvz3s:K on mmaasnon, ' WHEN WHY SUFFER FROM y cheap sh pay- 18 given _MANHQ..QQ_ OF THE AGE J. cun.vEnwEL|.'s ' DUN LOP STREET. SOL13'B,Y .ALf."i)'i{I}i;GIsT:. BLESSING qTowjzs-1onn r egsed _ qn mtence Imms. tendent. 1 R915 u pa, HEW cc of lot 'A vu u is very Mlu uum ates. rmation 1 passen- nvenient gent Toronto. LAN A]. - . Barrxe d build- failing n., 100 ram IAL Mind inbmrmixig. _ _ :l`hUiq_l(`2l l1:.s_ gt.'l1(.`l'till_Vv prev-a1.led 1n ,_},`(, 1.-,.g~, umll}mssil;].y more by . farmers` 311-,m otlms, tlmtl:->1` the buslrxegs . of l'aru1ixv_vlmt little lntfellectllal tralmng .aS11(c(:ss11l._Y. `A wxllmgness to work on m the `old rout_iue., that. has been transmittal from the pra-I,-uces of t_he pas? M13 all that could be safgly felled an for success. This narrow vlew, born and kept alive by igorance only, is a mistaken fallacy f thelpasb, fast dying Ll..- okn nnnf:h1OVi+. A`. intnl.` ' 1'1`-1')` C ' 1 11101-1 111' 1112 A1b51111`1`ed 111 -.111 NICHDWL urvvu uwu ..._ 11 There 15 . V wmcd Raiser as well as the Broad 1 from the Best Sources; 1- business connected `with lp111`s11its, S1:-6I1'lS- 80 attrac f.11`111i1)g. Even those xsincss and retirejfrom No OUR` L mi,-111L11ra 11 1 1 1y ~01] 11111 new trial. At 3 [11egor1o1`:_:l idr1z1i$ that the busi W55. Consists 11"L111`0W11Jg out co_m to a {Wk of 110115 w1'.l1 u11u3,L1;aud, and gather. mg eagsxslth U16. mher. $ut'. ,hiS,m1y be 1111c 111 some cases, .11; 13 ` [}'11'e111; 111 'o1bera_. The expert, }`Cum._V 1-aiscl` 111:1y. p:1`l1aps meet with BC, ;ii1`1ic11l:__y, 111111 1111 111_ay_go on smooth. 3-V but tht` 1101-we 151 In trouble from th_e_ 51.5 the eggs '.t1'e_1eW, and the chicks 1111-. One umy 1-1131} y kerp ten or twelve :{_,1;,1 111111 111'u1"1I, xvhucould not double , .11-1l.1s.1:11111.be1j successtully, L9. - use 111111 :1 1111*go Lumber all the di ` h :11-11:0, s1:`h as Want Aof L-fev111li11e.sx, 1111: 3111151111013 0f.VeTI`111in, im . 1,1111` `.111 , 111111 11.~'1< 1.1 11'1f'cct-1011,` increase 1111111111 1;-11411`. rzztio than does" the iw 11411.. But; if 0116 has __l_k._.rJ.11l with 11s111;11'1 ock, there is u1.1`1`;~1 1111:.` E11` :_~}11:11M not dz) so with b_H.m,1 11 1.-1;.<, 11 mch is l in jug 1l11"m1111= 11.:~.111-.11` far 11.1 01`1~`.',l111\.1 0110- ` A1'1e1'.v;11ds 1.`1:- I1)ci;3 111.1 ); be 0111:j.1`ged,V 11113 1:. 1111- \1'I'} 1-11111131011" which _\`:>\11;;1.i' 1 1m111t1`y. 1',-1.ise1~;s` 11111. I111` _;1'1.1`1(sL c..111"-_'11111A 's`i1u11}d1 be i11._;. 1.11 111:: 1111111111311`. of mill` 00-11. or 11011111, or ` C};j1s whic 111 . [;1\1`n;|!( I` 111.1 but 2 :`ow1s' 111111: `.11 1` |uv- . I'ail.. the -`gm mbsprved in . {owls kvpt in T ya1`.d. it-rs fully appreciate the value to their . tunlties, to l_)e? `V6 fear `there is yet who practic-1' knowledge thus gained l?ll.li1LJ \ L LL.l\4"II-av, .u--..- -.,...a ont,1'ath9r than the sentiment of intel-` i 1igen`r.,px*esent thought. `J he agricul- ture of to day is not based on "manual labor alone. The education of the mental faculties, as well asthe training of the hand` to` work skillfully, is recog nized as an essential in tting for the life mi; of the farm; Upon these, intelligence and labor combined, rest the hope of progress in agriculture '_ And yet it in-ay be questioned if farm- children of a_ hmne training and '_edu_ca.- tion in the work and in the business of the farm. Each year there go out train the farms young menand women to assume the work of managing farms lorthemselvts. Are these young men 4 and women as well educated and tram cdiu the work and business eahirs of theifarm as they, the-sons `and daugh- ters of furthers, ought, with their oppor too much ofindierence in parents in teaching their children `the business of farming, not only as as trade, but as T9. prufe.~siun. It ought to` be kept. icon- stailtly in "view that the training and Uilllcation Il(t:`(i(.'l.l by the farmer can 5`-\I`;!e1yhele:u'm:tl at home, and that ! Will he ofint- stimable value ; so much CapitalW1[l1'\\'lliCll to begin the busi-` mes ot fu:`:r1in|,_r. Maine Farmer. ' COLUMN A n. Early Pez1s- How to Grow Them. . 'I h<{n-. is non much that is nuw to. W` .~'ztid.u.k to `now get. peas ' feax`1iest'. '_I know u! no m_\;11 rmid. VVB can only M`-tI1T,n1ul Cul*ivute and wait; By 118'- Histing nnL\1H- LtL u start. though, we can .artum.11-.;o:s]x\x1'n'_v hr,-'13 up ' 3. little. 1 }1&Ve f()1nr.(l two ways of doing this. Umin to 1`i(1;{) the ground in the `fall, }wfr)re it tm.-zeta, to make -it, dry off *'arli(=r,in the spring, and the other is to L 4'91`! 01.-:....\..J _l`..... `L- .`............I :n 1::-Iv . Itbunn the 1` at we-Ck in March, and set _ ")<'Xt.'<:u'a1iv:ing the Hand iu :1 warm . '1hm:th-man im.-11 lung. Then, if the .. .\ VIII.) ., ....u ,,,,, ......... .. .. `T?-I`l 1114- Hg`-miH.|})t`f(:`(9 the ground is dry mnngh L0 be worked. The r.-t needs no fun-the-r<:x;LmuLion. '_l5`<-r the second . 1ep'1-nu-. my .\e(3(I puns in moist; sand, Y`h3*`. HHH1 NH` `NJ, ha \'(3.i()l`U1,Bd Sp1"0i1t3 W1 i11A?`H* j.(=u'p!'m is not. Sufcietly dry `"7 l' rimiI;;, I 2-ct the `K x in the cellar, 'J\'vrin_g i,L wivh K. ho;-.1'd if mice ark `?0lH:lt-m.n+, and leave it mere `until "3 Can plant. I have left`. the sprouted "f3d in this! cnndition for a fortnight Wllhout any ammrent, harm resulting. whml Lhpgruxnnd is dry enough B0 MD`, [pick (he peas carefully out of 1 h93_"*d, place them" in the `drill about f9"`0h08 Voq--.:r, and cover lightly T `wit?! `_J'm: sail L hu..vu gained .n(-Lxuucb M "KM den 1 in e.u-huez;a by thus tsc?-art `#9 `he am-\ `rwfe.n*eha11d, `thoggh the "f%{']ence ifs usually not so much. ` H0u.mv31Teax~!1x1cs m.uy also be lnoreaeed . >y gmmtnrgln a sheltered locataon I:3\0:1la1`ly if it is one that receives jr`e_-_ m0"`f 'hMVf1.f1f)m the s_nn, as.the -south V 0 -1 bnndumg or high, tight board` {GD Pn May 21, women C ` L0: mm. Ma Yards long and (lf.luOn- L ` -- ---' ".'T' 1 May .30. _,. A petlglofvlo 3:1.` yardslong signed bV 30:09 Home of Ulster has been handed in at W9 Office. ' heseeche 'L0suuN. . an s her to withhold assent from Y e Bill which 1119-Y be paszgg The tirst three signatures to the pet! his are those of the Duchess of Abe`-corn, V Wife of Bishnp Knox and Mrs Hd'5 Hf Norwoud T present respectively th Church and the people. It is stated th nd 3 It is addressed to the Qmen 8` (1 they re-iii; ower, Be1fa:t,u9;R)imy_ the. at the Loyalists in U.M'ri:i Wmn Oppose Home Rule. Klnnv VII, yon rm: FARMEB. Am; ms FAMILY T , 1886. Mental Food {or the `well the ;;;".;;"g`:. , "gigs; wlgoyalists Ulqtef 'uLv uuuuuuuug llillll, xea.rmg....thnl*. Mr. Morley, Chief Secretary for {lre,lun`d, iwiill order the police to -make raided for the purpose of disarming the people. _ A lead- ing English Liberal has subscribed 100 to aid in buying arms for the Orangemen of Armagh. `Drill clubs are being formed by t-he Armagh Loyalists. - Romance of the Doldrums; . There was a scene of reirelrya and re- joicing out at 2303 Polk street, San Fran- cisco, C_al., the other night. The place .fairly blazed with the good cheer of a happy family reunited; The sailor,hus- band and father, who had 1_ong'since' been given up as lost and dead, had returned. Thevscene was the home of Capt. John Dodge, and all the merriment was caused by the fact that yesterday afternoon the `bark ' Kuakaua, John Dodge, master, which left Panama for this port on Oc- tober 9, 1885, and had not since been heard from, sailed as unconcernedly into the Golden Gate as though nothing un- usual had happened. T nA Kan I-A man` 3.. 11.. _---'-- AV-- 3 ` _ "Well: It was this way, Westarted all right from Panama. on October 9. Some old tars warned me about going out, and" said I would be sure to strike calms ; but I wanted to get home, and we started. We liadn t been..out a week before the . sails apped against the `rigging in a dead Cdllll. There_ wasn t enough A stir in the air to put out a. candle. The ocean was as motionless as lead, the sun beat down inercilessly. , Was it hot ? .VVell, I should *"`-Y 30- Matches lying down on my table in my cabin would catch re by them- selves and burn up. Then it took to rain- mg. I am not stretching it an inch when I say that for three months therewere not hfteen days of sunshine. in all. No, ' you are wrong. Rain down in those Darts need not be accompanied by wind. There was not a breath of breeze, except for an hour or so, (ccasioiially, and then it came like a pu` from a heated furnace. We just drifted about on the ocean like a toy. I do not know how we ever escaped. We had on board as cargo 1,522 pounds of powder, and it was simply a phenom- enal dispensation of luck that we were not blown up. The _thunder and light- ning was simply horrifying. I never ex- perienced such storms, and when streaks` of forked lightning would shoot, out of the sky, and play hide-and-go-seek in our rigging the way it used to do, 1 can't un'- V derstand why that powder did not go o`. ' I don't know what I ever did to deserve this kindness. , Did you make i:o headway at all 1" Well, as I say, we occasionally had a few'pu's of air, but it required 115 days for us to sight the Galapagos Islands. They are only 700' miles from Panama. Why, for sixty days we laid off the Cocos ' Islands, and day in and day out we never ,7 lost sight of then;--just drifting about ' within a circle of a dozen knots, per haps. - _ s Didyour provisions hold out 7 g I Well, no. We began to get down to pretty close croppings, and I `determined to get to the Galapagos Islandsfor a fresh , supply. Luckily for us we met at whaler which had an overstock of food, and we `I -took in a good store. The captain of the Z whaler warned ` me about going to the 3 Galapagos Islands. He had just come 1 from there, and he said he was glad to . get away with his life. The islands are ; owned by the. Government of Ecuador, ~ which sends out men to gather dye `moss ,- on them. There is nothing to eat on the islands except what is taken there. The ` class of men who will go there area pretty rough lot anyhow", and when thev are starved, for -several months they get a ' i great deal rougher.` The whalcrs said 5 that the wild men on the islands had killed their Superintendent, seized all the provisions on a ship` lying in their port, ' and would have captured the whaler had ` A it not put out to sea just_ in time. We concluded after hearing this tale to give the Galapagos Islands a wide berth On Febinary 1, a fresh breeze sprang up and we made the remaining 3,300 miles in P` . . [ fifty days,..you see. `Our provisions had almost given out on last Friday, when we I were 500 miles from this port. I measured " up and found we only had twenty potmd 3 of hard tack and twenty pounds of salt L beef. I decided to divide it A into `ten i rations for the crew of ten next morning, , but as the day broke we sighted the brig if Selina. and she gave us a fresh store, p which lasted. us_. Well. that 15 au- are conoealiiz arms, fearing. ..thnI: Mr. Mgrley! Chie_f_ for `Ireland, will uu u on uau uayyuucu. I ve been to sea for fty years, and, to be cantiid and tell you the truth, I `don't think I care about ever going out beyond the heads again, said Capt. Dodge, _from the center of his family circle, to an in- vadiug reporter. - _ . L1,... .J.'.J .'L'_I1 L _ _ _ _ __ an - - 0 I -- ' `:I`iE(`)v`vv\i (;.u;7t"'ail happen ? inquired the reporter. '. ' - V * V `.\X7nH 4. ........ -4.1.3.. _-__ I11- 1 . I -1 st-cias ee from Com 't'uat_e 2 allclear ood es, kood 30 ac_re. TPl11s_1s a mxle red and ig xv nnu ` Home Rule Bill Doomed. - LONDON, May 15. - The Pall Mall Gazette says Mr. Gladstone s speech last night "made bad worse, and sealed the fare of the Home Rule-Bill. Henry Lsbouchere who had actedes intermediary between Messrs. Gladstone and Chamberlain, had informed the latter that the Premier was willingto make adequate concessions in order to secure the suppotjt of the Radical` leader and his adherents, The` speech didnot bear out this. promise in the way it had been accepted by Mr. Chamberlain, and the Gazette says he was estoriished had been misled, end: ..woIil:l`: now; oppose Mr. G`rlsdsto_ne s Bill tooth end` 11 11. 1 'mre~se, James Gamteisayse therein to -. _._-..- .a;-mm. .r.hn`{-.<`the Disruptions Gladst.one Bill zoom auu uqu. Ja'.m_ea Gazettesays they-eV`is longer` any .do.ubt. 4-.hg't the `_`Diaruption Bill (Mr. Gludstnneik, VHoc_n/e Rule Ifneu.-V sure) has` collapsed. rm... (1Inhn'ansert.a that thgre ii less ` sure) I18B`Gpuupruu- The Globe.` asserts that the chance now. than ever of the H( Bill passing it; second. rj e`ading.? mt... Tnhn dao1ares'MrI Glads I {Bill pussmg 113! Upuuuu: `- The Echo declares" Mr. i is virtually doomed. - lilv Tn--- [I .0 Around each bgttle of Dr. Chase : V Liver Cure is a medical Guide ` and` Recipa -Book containing usefuljnformation, over 200 re- cipes. and pronounqed by Doctors and Drug_- Uannllwu u ..__ It must be gra.ti`fyin ` Causlaud & Son. the stained glass mann~ acturers, of 151119 city, to work, sent tot, has been, so muc hearty appreciatio The rm are, as heretofore,` . thu leading church glass an work in the Dominion, _ a_ well as dwelling he Colonial Exhlbition; h admired and has the` n of well-`known or-it.ica.. h cl memorixgl, nheyhar constant y prq-5 Canadlan Work in London. - -4_..s::..;..a to Messr the r tiff: Home Rule g one of un. . A : VLiver 'and* Book .tion, 200' Gladstono s Bill gm U1 0 ULVVJS, 12556, at the hour of two o'clock, gn he afternoon. the following lands and prem- gses. v1z:-_-'l`he West half of Lot Twenty-three m the Flfth Concession of the Township of Medonte, in the County of Simcoe. containing 100 acres more or less. Tharp in D. Erna" fvlonnn `luau-nun in tuna.` -A-us}... ~3h r f -5P9r.ior .wog'kmatishiD. 6` pntjaome apecttnenagsentto London W628 erenntn nnaln-` 4|...` .|:.__-; _______ :1--u\- Googl Value _ -- Many sners having medicine have been disappointed, don t give up. buy a. reliable article like Dr.` Cha.se s Liver Cure, and with it you get a. recipe book alone worth the money. Snldibv all drugarista. -`ii u nnu and I0 r-ne uecree and nnal order for sale made in this cause. there Will be sold b _ Public Auction, with the approbatign of nles O Reilly. Eeq.. Local Master at Hamxlton. bv James Martin, Auctioneer; at Cocksedge a Hotel in the village of Hillsdale, on the 8th da. 0 J UIVVE. 1886, at the hour of two o clock, in he afternoon. the following lands nnd nr-pm. .I.uu acres more 1688. V There is a. small frame house in good repair and a. log burn on this property as also a. small orchard. ~ Tho uznrusa av! .-...I-. ........l...... ..--..L LS4-1- U1'CIl&!`(1a The vendors will only produce such title deeds, or evidences of title. as are in their pos- session or control. The pro erty will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid, to be xed by the Master. ~ ` ' In all nrhnn nnann.-.45 +1.`. 4.........; .....a .......1:4-:.-..... hue .Luu.Bl.eI`. _ In all other respects the terms and conditions of_sa1e' will be. the standing conditions_ of the Shah Court of Justice. Further particulars can e ad. from John Hdskin. I sq., Q, C;, Toronto,i Messrs. Bruce, Burton &Cu1ha.m, Hamilton, or the vendors sohcitoru ' V Dated the 12th day of May. 1886. < - . _ Signed, M. O RIELLY, Mnutxnr at I-4 n nu v.'I1*nn [UTE `A. R; WARDELL, `T T Master up 11` Vendors` Solicitor, Dundas. Ont. numsmsu sauna or Jusncsg CIIANCERY DIVISION.` 1 CHAMBERS vs. CHAMBERS. PURSUANT to the Decree and final order for there ml} be; sold_ luv `Dul-.18- .....a.:.._ __.-u. LL- -_- .._.._.........v ayvvIIlUulfBQl},UO uonaon `wore 'ex`e*cuted uhder. the direct super- vision of Mr. Robt. Mccausland. who at- tends personally to the execution of the principal works. ~ OHJINGVVOOD AND GEOR- snan Bay Line Royal. Mail in connection with the Northern a " and Northwestern and Grand Trunk Railways. S.S. Pacic, Cant.` P. M. Campbell; SB. Atlantic. Capt. Robert D. Foote: S.S.'Nort-hern Belle._ Om t. Jas. Bas- sett. The ne new steamers-,Pacie" and "Atlantic wlll run as followsduring the season (weather permitting). leaving Collingwood at 1 p.m., Meaford at 3 n.m., Owen Sound at 8 1 .m.. and Wiarton at ll;45`p.m.. every Wednes day and Saturday for Kxlarney, Manitowanin . L1_tt1e Current. lxazawong, Gore Bay.` .Spanls Rwer, Alaoma Mills. Blend River, Thessalon, Bruce Mines. Hilton. St. J oseph s Island, Richart`- s Garden River and Sault Ste. Mane. The Saturday steamer will also call` at Cock- burn Island. Parry Sound.-The Northern Belle will leave Collingwood for Parry. Sound every Wednesday and Saturdav at 1' p.m.. re turmng on Monday and Thursday at 7 a.m. For` information as to freight and fares. apply to any aszent of the above railways, the pursers on board the steamers, or to the Great Northern Transit Co.. Limited. Collingwood. THOMAS` Loxe. Secretary ; CHAS. CAMERON. Manager. THE IMPERIA L INSURANCE COMPANY 01 London. England.. THE QUEEN msunaxcm COMPANY of London, England. THE PH_(E `IIX FIRE OFFICE OF LONDON ' England. V ' HE GLASGOW 8; LONDON 1N9URANCE" Company, of Great Britain.` MUNICIPALITY or nos. COURT OF REVISION AND APPEAL. NOTICE is hereby v_en that the first sittings of the Court of . evision .tor the Munici- imlity of the Township of `Flos. for the `year 886 will he held at Mr. John Hrodrick s Hotel, Phel ston. in the Townshig of Flos. on M(_).\'- DA . the 31st dev of MA 1886. at 11 o'clock in the foreroon. to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions III the Assessment Roll for the said Municipality. 4.... 41.. unnr man All nm-Anna hnvimz business ` [nd smok-

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