Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 May 1886, p. 3

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A Fortunate Eseape. Mrs." Cyrus Kilborne, Beamsville, Ont., had what was supposed to be a cancer on. her nose.-` '-She was` about to submit" 126- a ean'c er"_dooto1 s trestinent, when she `con- cluded to try Burdock Blood Bitters, in- ter-n,a1_lv and externally, a. few bottles of _w_1ich -entirely cured her. manner vuuu VChuml,ey-Sa.y, Du_mley,' one of the follows in our lodge. is dead, and I've got to sit up with the corpse to-night. Did you ever sit up with acorpse, Dumley ? hn1m1nv_-N0. I never `did. < But I've sit mun acorpae, uuuuw, . Dum1ev-No, I never spent the evening with a. Chelsea girl. ----_..__....___--- A Ulllu n-nun V It'may be usful for the reader to know -`that thvofular preparation known as Hag- e 0 yard : remedy for deafness, many certied cures being on 1-eoo_rd_,` , . and : Yellow Oil also on;-eu_inche:, Fen % _ 3+ lameness, and may be used` internally he !?`1l`esj~Butwerdly. * w Oil has proved a sovereign '1'vragnny.- ' _T . . Windbag (aa1oonis,t)-N'ow I - dold ye, r\ - . ~ u n n ,v-vninm (`nun nn"\;1:I1`;lf'. df ` Iohthyologloal. Professor-Mr. Smart, which fish is "the most intellectual? Mr. Smart--`.`I should say, sir, the soul- Pi*;:**;,:.~e~*;:s* :.*5: "`e*`?.`%;iie fee. ' r" " 0- 0l1Ci.?.'9.. . M:i*`n`iit1i, i:`ee any need hourly 3 . .._LI. 9) 1111.} Dana: rn9u%.%}%.- iii; you * ` . v`. '77 V `Many nu`'ers' having modnoine hm dlsggpointed, don't give up. buy 9. -we :1,ik9 Pm *0h'.l.. .!'1.I-!.iY.'.u0`|N:`s'*=l "~rooipd`booK'6816no$wJ\ money. ' Sold by all drugoints. I `A --1--i-u . A Question of Arms. 9 What's the diii`e1-e}1oe,h'etvvoe_.:`1~;.a;x3a_`: ;1g`1:":;`rj lover and a. jilted mud? Give it up, old man. ` ! Why, g9ug;:(isiva.vrt9ug;beu;and the other `rho Civil. Service Reformer: _____.._-+oo----""" 5, secret for the 1-8410`- , ___.-A. -6 Inna:-|I'.v il n "' .5: `eg-` v to 7' iiiffeis 933:3 3!`- 1 __!A. ..1on nn, hn` lsunderstoqd. Rather Gold. but u uuunuu: sun. 3 Luv blocks, and you ve got '.UQ'uj,vp..-,,,.._.V , sickly cured by Burdock .nnie Heath of_ Pgrtlmd, ` H... llhluu 3 with h-`? `the -.4 -M.-.'..,..s.x;`; kn(i5i~`;:`ka.:! a..?';; 2 Witty saylnsu Sandwiched with Para graphs for the Sol-1ons-'1'he3ost the Soiuorscannd. -Thewnlough is aaid_ to ` be the oldevatn 1.a.nd_u;nk- ' `7.**c6mi`, 'g`m1,. spii` diphheiial mildness come , _uaw.uuaL .1. Ana n|.U auglll, vuuuuu, u.u1.u uuu thorough, and are the best Stomach and Liver Pill in use. " ` -. :_ Th7e~ xz,<)\trl1ve_.1' cf . a troni;leaomo`- little 5????- -X 0911 hi! `.119 . _3b131.:P1g`.19:3 ` bg;nk-cashib1g"se1dbm goes o until he is loaded ; and then he makes no report -'n--1_ -__.:__ ___.1f 1 - 1 ' Roclf a(.;1-c:V1-iav'}.1;sl:gy-'-;1-'e ;'-e'ry- 50;)-t: lax` for colds. But whiskey and rock candy. are bgd. - 7 Evry towni hVas`n t a. walking Tmzuzth, but please name one that is minus a. silver comet band. T % ~ Talk isT chez27n.ZpV._ There is too much talk in the world. . Who ever heard of a. riot In a. deaf and dumb asylum? I ' n-1_1_,,,,u ,, _ 11 gamnn um Imus. oath. V `A L n nobody s ing in the en, waiting bawn East singing-masters always look out for the Maine Chants. T ` ThZe:ov1;l;'-:1;l-1'i-r:g"` ;-Ea; ever loses by. politeness is hxs seat in a. street car. gilucioftlglxt or its ill re- sults there is no better remedy than Hag- va.rd s Pectoral Balsam. ` ' There ie no tixne ivvlien it is >so instruc- ' tive to read the hymn" book as when the I contribution box is being passed. I .0 0 .1 1- There is no unusuel the red annel market. Organ-grinders are order- ing spring suits for their monkeys. 'r71\p-r )(`1IIvlV 0 1'1!!! Bet-a Prdf. Low s Sulphur Soap fdr Prickly Heat, Nettle -Rash, Scaly Eruption, Itch, o and all diseased conditions of the skip. I This is the,sea.soh of the year when venerable hens enter their second child- hood and are broiled for spring cluckens. `Always pay as you go, `said an old man to his nephew, "But. uncle, sup- pose I haven t anything ,to pay with ? Then don t go. . - 1 tan I (`VI ' Aelett-er addressed to any true Chris- tian in Chicago and none other," hasbeen laying for weeks in the post oice there. No one calls for it. - V A':;_e1;1"i;ac1e} says that he s `been so often deceived by the chickens of these `restaurants andtboarding-hcuses that he calls it "the mocking-bird. n , ru'__,1, Anlllinois man, writing to the Clerk of the`Suprem'e Court of the State for a license to practice law, said : If you have two sizes send me the largest one. u .11 _ Fever, Colic,` unnatural appetite, fretfu1- ness, weakness, andconvulsions, are some of the effects of Worms in Children ; destroy the Worms with Dr. Low s_Worx_n Svrup. ' They do things in ahurry iniTexa.. A man who had lost a. valuable mare re- cently received `the following- despatch : Mare here. Come get her Thief hung. The Tide VVa.ter Pipe Co., Bradford, Pa.., always keep a stock of Giles Iodlde Ammo- nia. Limment on handy It is a. necessity and achieves wonders in all forms of horse trou- bles. Sold by W. C.` McLean. . Who said H. H. Cook, in his speech the other day in the Commons, to some one who was trying to check his nonsense. ` `Who braved there '1 It was an echo, retorted a. member amid a yell of delight, . ____,L!__.. LUlJ\IIr|l\II-Q VI 9-wjwwu .~--__` _. Never drug the stomach with nauseating and weakening expectorants and opiates; Hagvai-d s Pectoral Balsam is pleasant and reliable in its effects, and safe in all throat and lung complaints that, if neglected, end in consumption. `V `L... _.---..i.1-- .... ` can vv--nu.--, -----. A Chicago man who has recently re- turned from Europe, was asked what he thought of Rome. Well, he replied, Rome is a fair sized town, but I couldn t help but think when I was there` that she had [seen her best days. 1- re _,_,_____Lg___ ____1 ILIJK ,Iu`l\J\JlL lav- nlvnaw `nu. _. The Great Source of Consumption and many wasting forms of disease, is scrofula lurking in the system. The true specic for this condition is fwnd in Burdock. Blood Bitters; that medicine puries the blood and builds up theenfeebled frame. -1 10.11 1' __l_ `l..-1_:...... .... c-rxrln CHI`-5 ll`-ll|\|\l Iv--v v--vv~-~-- -- .V--_ , Pap said little J acob, looking up from his Sunday School paper, here isa piece that says, `Beer versus Whiskey, shall I read it ?" - Trow dat paper in de schtove, Shaky. Inny man-vat says beer is` vorse as visky, ain t t "far noding, except kind- ling wood. * ` ` Have you ewicr tried McGregor 8: PM-ke s Carbolic Cerate tor sores of any kind? It is be- .......1 nnhf. the varv best nrenhration in the Carbalic'Cera.te tor or xlncu 1t 13 De- yond doubt the very best preparation market for healing and Curing Sores, Burns, rhufu mmmnq `Rlntnhes. and is- the only pro- Cuts, Plm les. Blotches, and 15- me am ru- Raer metho of applying Carbolic Acid. gel at onkman s Drusz Store for 25c. per box. 11-23 A_ gentleman addressed his servant: James, how is it that my butcher bills. are so large, and I always have such bad dinners? Really, sir, I don t know; for I am sure we never have anything nice in the kitchen that we don't send some of it up to the parlour. This is to certify that I have :used McGreg- or's Sueedy Cure for Dfapepsla. and Liver Complaint, and do honest y as that it it cost ma mm hundred dollars ($1. .00) a. bottle I National Pills are sugar coated, mild but hnrnnnvh Ont` diva C-ha I-\nn+ .q`-nrnonk nu.-I yona. QOIIUIJ uuu. V01; > ucau ysuyuauuauu -.. ._.v heahng Plmgles. Blotches, and `onlg ro- x non rnnfhn nf R.Y'ID`ViDQ Crbolic 01 me one hundred dollars ($100.00) a uunue I. would not be without it. as it has done me more ood than all the medicines I ever used, and I eel like a. new man--You-5 truly ALEX. Vmu-In . nu-Intnn Place. Ont. This me clnejs VSTEEL. Carleton Place, Ont. medicine is LILUIIU uuu. IALIIIA an. 151.`: --__v- I?ee1 like mi-1-1'---You~s frilly ALEX; for sale at 500. and $1.00 per bottle at` Monk- man : Drug Store. v .11-32 ` First Dutchman.-1-` `Jake, [vat you` going to gif your son for a. birthday brenent '0 ` c1.........-I nnimhmnn ._ T drm d know_ U0 git yOlll.' I011 I01` u Uu.'I.u.uu_y cqsvnwuu u Second .Dutchma.n.- I don d know, its putty hard times I guess I haf some buddons sewed onhm clothes. * v ~ 1-.1:__L `I`\.-L.I.....n __&Vn. ,1n_Y_.."-n4 , I UUOQODI BBWOQ on Inn vsuvuw.-nu . ; First _ Dutchma.n.--Yes, do.t'-a~ ' so. I gu es's.I.haf mv boy's hair cut. . , _ Tlie latest remedy for Coughs, Golds, Group, Mo- 'Whoopin .. Coil .~ Branch ia,- ebo.,-do . Gregors uni: ompound; Thoroisno `remedy in ' existence containing an one or -the aotive 1_ _- )1 ._a. ...&....-n.g-Inn Mb I~n0tlI!'A. ijlh Gom- uregors nuns: uomwuum existence containing us 1...- ...`.M.mt. nnmnnnimr |.'Il_'080l.' B I1-K KIUI-lull-llll-I\le .I. Invsv nu -v -v--v-., existence containing one `active ingredients com sing Mo regal-'94 Lun com- pound, so do no say vou ha`ve= tekenw vary- ..I.a_.. ....o.I wan hang 1:1-{AH thin fnr V011!` 01"" do not ~vou nave taxen '*~uvur,y' thlnluntn you have tried this for ur cold or 00118 . and yonro `inion'wl11..-h`o 4 e -vsome` as. all who ho'.ve'-used ts. viz that it is the ~1,>.a_st._3 sold in 500. and-81.00 bot as by Geo. Monkmag Dz-uggict_.;. r - . ~ . :~ = .~. .11-_ ' I1,__--'-_. .(IV..;1..- `In cnl`|`vn n ~'IlI;Fl\.`l` F_aruier_...-fG wine "to. drug: _ a *'1`ail`roa'.d throughmyba.rn I.-. -.` .. do Surveyor -'-`-`t1 dqnf t,e`e'_a` how can` avoid it? ' ` " ` ' '_ ` Farmex-.-Waal, now, Boss, I reckon I got suthin- to `sa.yabout` this`; :1 got`, suth' ,elee to do besides runfnin . in an _ oudtto-openthe' doors of -that there barn every time af train goes` through-. V` _ Have you Toothache} Use Fluid htnlng, i:Ia.ve~yon:~ Rheumatism? Use Flu A-Light-g n w - - :1. . tnave s`ct_1*-'0. Stlil .-J_oint ?` Use Fluld Light- ve vo Neuralgler?` Use"F_luid Iblltliln. Have you Lutnbago? Use Fluid Liz tning". Are zou troubled with Headache? Use Fluid ' ' rq ~ -H . A . '7'. 1-' r'.. ~'`.".,. .-,v `.=._ V 7 onIIinYl1Iin9:..:U `maid. - htnin 7 fltwlllyioure you the ina_t.n':1tAiti.s ggma. ~.'1`ry it. 250. per bottle at Monkma.n. s-Druag tnlin- , ' 11. IITIIQ 11-21 I0 BARS OF SOAP FOR E;-1 LR. A. ])lltt0n S. FURNITURE "MANUFACTURER. IN. REAR RUF `H MARKET BUILDING. Eon somn COMFORT U N D%ER'1`AK_%E R, JOSE I;m`(:n'|*oN, J % LUBRICATING OILS, f\'I`l'! I` RUBBER, ASBESTOS, TIIVATT FILES AND EMORY 1GUMMERS,J iiroom Wool! woom BARBIE WOOLLEN~ArNDA}A(N|TTING MILLSI 150,000 Ls: wont W%AN%TEl_J, _ ' I - Fofwhich the highest price will be paid in Cash or Goods. A large stock of superior goods to i choose from at manufacturers` prices. . Nails, American Locks; Knobs, Hi gs, ` Paints, Oils, Glass,~Putt.y, 7% { :Axes, Saws---X Cut, Hand, Panel, Rip, ` "Chain, Rope, Lanterns, Lamps, Coal Oil, J ones Spades, `Shovels, Sco.ops;_ % 2: L '1`1|n.__'_ I_`t| ___1_____ IJ\JI.l\Iua " -"' `. ;-eech and VMuz:::z|`c% ;Loa_dir;g'Shot%Gu1Vns,- _ Spur fngRies;TVVit;c_hester;KIinedy,'Co1ts, ,_ __ .____-:_:- - -11:11 I11 j:1j Q3-Z . I ::III_l&y9: w` QQII C. _V---pIIyI u --. u v ------ -.__ Put In at short notlo'o."= A full stock of I1{onP1po for Steam, Water and Gas Globe Valves, stop ~ , and check Y&_1t0I.8_tumGsuea..snd Watoraluua. All work fnthinilno ; `T ho ~ _v A - _` urompvlysttendedto. no-9.) A . A mm: PLAXTOI .._. '\ - $9-Van`-n Xj --'_`:v_ .___. )7 I i:VNE*x`TA,,%pOQR TO`THE CANTON` TEA `s 1`onE. - 1,` 7. `A '~'.. .o:. " "V" ~~ . R S'I'<>L\TESj!TS'I'A<,>\7`:E3S 1 2 L * AI.L~`l`_1IEl{08T _API R0_VED_ WITH THE LATEST AND BEST, rumsnmes - AT. .MANUE AOTU3ES' 1?_RIOE_S. ` - -Jnnw '1:-r`..nr'rnN Mills on John Street, Barrie. 8'(.;I.'E:":KGEll:T$' FOR Tr`: n,vI':siB%L:L_.ivb:vI`:'fvIn(|nA Doon_IviA1'.. SLEEP on THE woven WIRE MATRASS. MILL SUPPLIES. sq|.,"EjfA 9ENTsp I-'_o_I_I 'I'HE_ R_EvERsIBLE__wqvs_vvm: 3-1`, `I n q ' _ % A D_0.uI:_mAt.. . 5 ::PUBSzt`I:s.B1a.os.{ Funerals furnished com- .' . 7 v. -.._lil-` ' ` .\ ` .`'.I III? '1'" " ' " ' *~ Ir 3.:-'. . >1 x.` - . ,` . /I} I . .' - . _ P . .7 ,-.~;' -, ` {H 3,`: 13*." 1* '? !{3}` V L .' ` I 5; ' .: ` ' . . . ` "' ~ ` -`v x` r I plate. Caskets and Cof- ~uI.uUf`an(l Gilchrist- 11 up with BARS QF DING];/IAN S jg :jj LI jlj T W MILI. s.%`P%LAx1on"E'TEn"i_a?:*FIinuAc:s -_ _ . -1. -_.. _ -..--`-~ A o. .;4.....1. ~.-.a r.';... 13:... A... nu... 117.9... mm (Inn. aloha Vnlvas. :_.-uzt ' U.I:_|' .lJ.|..|. L1'.|.V.L.t5..LV D - ELECTRIC 0AP FOR ansgnua ANQ STROUQ. .-uz\-n-cw-I1 (V A \1"I\ IN I (V`I 7'I3I`I'\C1 I'\ .1 i V: V SAWS, MILLBOARD, &c., M` .1. HENDERSON S. ?s_`(1`tI"r1af SE_-DEvD_-fJNL(;P STREET, 1 vL._.._.... _- JAMES WILKINSON, Proprietor. Sold by 1). DOUGALL, `Jul, "'f`ALIAN HEMP, &c, { BELTING, BABBIT METAL, w.r--_--V STEAM FITTINGS, --s run '-`-`""'*7 *---V--- -7 And all Funeral Requisites Furnished. 1 Orders by Telegraph or Otherwise, Promptly \ attended to. - ` ` T G. O. DOLMAGE, Manager, Stroud. 1 / ' STEAM WORKS AND SHOW ROOM, _-. COLLIER-ST., BARBIE ggjrlobes, Grape, A _, j -11 1: ____ __-1 1)....._..'...:L..... `li|.-.._:..`I....,:| O00 I---wjv j.---_- -- COFFINS AND CASKETS-O1; ALL KINDS `II 1 -`a-nu, iiias and IRON PACKINGN 4.aa.\.-a v-.uv_--_ ___.._ I In stock or Made"tov(;rder. . _ Congregational Church, Tpletje. and ns of varidus Resigns and prices always in_ Astock. All orders will re- V` ceive creful attntion. cmusn 81'. name. OPPOSITE THE LXIEJDO `JOHN PLAXTON 10-IY Tuaonrnznn Anvnuca --STEAM-- ; PRINTING HOUSE, uumur sT., BARBIE, HAS UNRIVALLED FACILITIES 1PR0MPT AND TASTEFUL EXECUTION ;KANllJBPINTlNE. @`I respectfully solicit an opportunity to furnish estimates for all kinds of work in all the styles of printing, such RECEIPTS, CHECKS, , onnnnag ENVELUPES. .l..J1.'JJ..l..l.'1J.\ \JL NOTE HEADINGS, - LETTER HEADINGS,` _ MEMORANDUMS. WEDDING 1>`:\'1TAT10: ` WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS JMEMORIALI CARDS, PROGRAMS, ORDERS OF DANCE,` MENU CARDS, % LABELS. {BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, AT TORONTO PRICES. DEEDS, _ MORTGAGES, CHA'.l`TEL.'MORTGAGES, QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, ASSIGNMENTS "OF MORTGAGE AGREEMENTS OF .-._ 1`-_ -- .---x EQUITY OF REDEMPTION, STATUTORY LEASES. FARM LEASES,` % RENEAWALS OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE, DISCHARGE OF _____.. . A... ASSIGNMENTS OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE. . ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, ETC. DIVISION COURT BLANKS, MAGISTRATES BLANKS, \ SURROGATE COURT BLANKS, CONSTABLES BLANKS. ' `Blank Forms` bf any kind printed to order. ' - poem nmronv: `{IUD_iOIAL DISTRICT % Published by the Proprietor, _S. Wesley, Ba.rri_e.u Copies 25 cents at the office ; or sent bx mail, -pvostpaid, on receiptof that `sum. - . . A .GOU`N !'_Y_ _Ol_=A _A`s_mfcor-:, -rm: KORTHERN ADVANCE la the best, One Dollar Weekly Published in the County. of Simcqe, and has the largest circulation. s. WESLEY, Publisher and Proprietor --OF ORDEilS OF ALL GLASSES OF- POSTERS-Plain and Ornamental. STATEMENTS, V BILL HEADS, NOTE CIRCULARS, LETTER CIRCULARS. f`|'[FT`l3FDC` BLANKAFORMS DODGERS, FLYERS, ----FOR THE---- Always kept in sfock A full line of A full line at all prices. MORTGAGE. SALE OF LAND HOUSE LEASES. SNIPES, ETC, w-'y'elI<')w Wins! N0, lufali _ Har- geiiy Into Mano` u.v gull ol_3 the L What '-'wait- . eyei- 0 BY sIMG9l AND_D!8I'_ . } - -nzcn:.NGl:s AsI.9cA1.._:n_ws, '2 i` Heorge ueuuzuu nan uuuu H... W, nu CJSLS for breaking J _ohn McKa.y s windows at Creemore some time ago. A bountiful crop of plums is looked for aruund Pinkerton Of course the cur- culio will respect the Pinkerton trees. it is said that the burning of \Vil1iam .r'mmld .~s barn, Maxlsiield, was the result of his activity '1\f%:0r of the Scott Act. -(.`ruy A (`om -. Glnglnanms are the `A. valuable Uuyv, nals) (I .LJL\JIlJtl\llLVLbl\l mm was smothered in the mud on the 1331.1,-s of the Nottawasaga river a. few days 8;," ~ ..u ,.._.._.:..'&n.u1nn+ nF Plan pnnn'anrr_ .rV ['1 lo ' ` , V mi 131 simcoe Teachers `W111 hold a.Con- "'tJil`,,, qt, Alliston on the 27th inst- \":II V` The Council of Tossorontio meet twice mollth. Business must be -boommg. Tm. am: all '00] sun for $7 at Gray `K (~'u`.~. .VI (`H9-9` 31' . ` There was a strong muster of Conserva- m .5 1,Cou1ter s-I'Iull, Bueton, on Tues- L, l day aftcruouI1- Lmmcillor McKenna. s cow was put mto H1 TJm-n11-aux pound and a. b1g exalte- LA I .1 . . I '.'1sth0 esult. went \\ _ _ ' _ . In tor Sac. ner nalr at }'}zi3 V 90"` be.-I. ' 1'1l.,. (Ugo 15- The sxxperintexxdent of the Penetangn uis}1cx1el{cformatory 13 to have a. new rcsidcuce. It has already been_ com- n1c:1ccd.. -r 1| 1 ,_____.__'l I_:._ ____ HlL'Au.cu-- .\[r. Cl1:xrl_cs Kelly has severed his con- .;m.-liuu with the '1`elgman Scptette Club, and lsvgjlllllg tu tr:wel'tl1is summer on his (_)\\'ll llccollllt. Two l)<>.\. cars were thrown from the trackncur Messrs. Tench & Tough s .shinu_;1v mill, Midland, last Monday, and . badly smashed. T - Bu-t yard wide Factorvat 7.} and 8c ;-ll (lruy A` (`o :~. \_ . . 1. 9 L. :_ -1.:.........1 l........'.` ;-|[lI|'il_y L\ \ v 1-: 3 A train load` of lumber is_ shipped {mm the ALm;,vford Tmilla every, day.` The` greater number of men employed in these mills were there last year also,- -I- rn,.,_Z.._._u_ Mrs. Fogarty, `residing in Tecumseth mvuship, near Schomberg, committed suicide on Friday last, by .throwing her-` Sulf Into a we1l.-Beeton' VVor1d. 1' 10 The Cullingwood Bulletin says : Indi- czuiuns point to an oil region at the base of the Blue Mountains on the lake shore. about three Inileggom this town. T ...- _ J l'1..4..--...IA oios. Bootales, he nit All 301. : i A number of little boys destroyed a. lot ` of rose bushes and ornamental trees -in Tutte11ha111V . last Sunday night. The Selxtilnel war11s'them not to do itbagain. go . q 5131093 05;! QIBIQJ NGES A8 11C ' 4_.- nxcm r/`\.u\.Au\.; vvuan;-1 .-y_.. ..v. .. It is expected that the Northern and Pzxcilic Jmlctiun Railway will be opened fur .traHic on the 15th of June, and the ~VI`.1c distance about the 1st of August. The l eI1utang Herald. wants people_ to ion}; out for travelling tailors who sell .1.-101.11 w(,>1`tl1 $42.50 a. yard for $1.50 which `cums out tube the poorest shoddy at 300. 'l'hcm s our sentiments too. . --\ Rev. J. M. Wilkinson, B. A., of Barrie, ivruuched in the Methodist church here on e\.`s:nday last, arid Rev. R. Strachau preached in the Elizabeth St., Methodist ch`-Irch, .B:m`ie.-Midland Free Press. ~ _L__-.._...3 ~... ..u.. .IJlILA.A\lI ov-----"--"' "' ' ` Arhurday at Cookstowr_1- was observed my the pupils of the publlc 5C1_1001- - The iurgcr scholars under the sup_ermt6nd6l1 of the Principal, Mr. Moore and Col '1'.` auting, planted a. numberof W868 111 the morning. ' -u 1 I 11 ,,, `._.-LL 2-` uun .145: About one hundred dollars "worth of physical apparatus has been a.d_ded to the Lbllegiate Institute. Tb?,L1t8173ry S0 cicty share the expense wlih the `b08-1'd- Thc gymnasium addsgreatly to _t119 3P` pvarzmce of the grounds,--Uoll1nP.'W0d `Ji=.111et'u1. . ' T` - 4 - A4 a- -is The Orillia Times says : Mr. J. B. `]`}mmpa_n has secured the contract for making the gold and silver medals tp bet awarded for sports at the Queen's B1rth_-V day celebration. Five gold and. tW6I1't'Y.'.", six silver medals are to be given to suc-` cc-sasf n1 competitors. nu , /\ . I 1\,-_:l -3 LL}. -..-4-.4 u \JAAa1.I\J\4n|I\.IA.hau The Ceokstown Quarterly Board of ghg Methodist Church passed` a resolutldn commendzxtory of the faithful efforts of iev. Mr. McDowell as pa.stor.for the last three years, and one extending a. call_ 150. that circuit to Rev. U. E. Ma.nnmB- Both resolutions were moved by C01- Banting. - cl` IIII, ._ n _..a. `mare belonging to Mr. Thos._Rawson, had twin foals on Saturday morning last, both of which are dead. One had Only one leg, and that was only a few inches . `0ng'~this colt was alive when born, the other one had no legs at all. The veterin- ary Surgeon, Mr. O. E. Thomson, had never seen such a .thi_n_n in-all 1115` 93". perience, and he intends t6.-'!9`nd'th lti last named to the Veterinary College.- Coldwater Investigator. ` nu ` . en--- Jbuu ` hi,(.(.('..;-N11 for 85. per pair at mu V ""-T ` ' A (;;,,.re Leonard has been ned $10 and ~ ? L...\,.1..`.m .l1.|m MnKnv n windows: vvn :.u v vlavauvvnn \\h1';t builds up a place`from a village to a town, from a. town to a cit 7 Does discension, strife, jealousy? 07 091" tainly no place can; 1-9 If gag}: _ in- habxtanta are Vat-d8g%3i'..: '30:` 731 Vnrnv +nI'vvv\ .' In... an cnnbn ;f. EMA 'ht `Word for it to anyone yQu_ m_e,et.-. ..Bi.08..3 `"~vwauLa u.l`0 nvuaggeru.-;uruwu. -IiU"'-'1 "` to Your town ;' try to make 1% Q10 best 91309 you ever saw; buy everythmg-. -you Wiuxre in it, and be sure to have a good gd Citizen you. Wiill Kelp` hi` f~bui1d'.-* 13 Your own home and busxness, aswwell 0-! V091` neighbours.--Investigator. Orillill ed1tn"I I\`nnnA-`an -A--an Ah &.~~.C_Ka Vi vvul uexgnoours.--1nveuglW01j- editors, please-take"; -n,00` , {lot be so backwai'd'abO"ut . 111' Its claim. V ' . - . oye --:-vus, `age 3" 1 not backward 59 ' its claims. t V---uuulv UIIU u6IBIIlV,Ill.!Dll tWI1- He called the Etprogts attnt1on_ o the tact that in" order tb in sf Prone: state of defense it won d b neces- Py to destroy a number of smell--dwel-,. I128. whinh I... ......-:.1....-.a - .:*:L*-'.`t.. ..`J'-. Brutality of Bonaparte. In the souvenirs of Victor do Broglie 301116 striking stories are told of the First Napoleon. Gen; -Bertnhdf wu_I *b _ ered to examine the defei:aive`,,I'Iiar'x'h-)o_f_ jsmull town. 1-1.. ...11...: n... 1:2.-'-.=.-.::n....v:. ..u;z..4.;.m ootles.` `Q mg. which he considered av -. uunhruy a number or InlIu'-,,Cl,Wl'|,l".v| sacrice, as the point we: of slight strategic} . lo ' `I V I m1u'ab1e cow, says a Thompsonvllle _ _ .,.L1...n...xr'I :n {-113 rnnt` nn flit: ML LIAIUW nn.n..v--y.... v-__.. 3 14-. I}r:1\'&'(`ol'orN'a good Cottonade to Interlll Palfaj ._ _, -A Zn.-Jmn . in " ' ." ._ v` . .. . .3. I . . `_,,; 1` . d _!_1:nmeer oqght to be_ox_1ly an engi. Via; truely; -Napoleonic. *-now-nu yv Iuuuulllllr Wlllllllllllll the dunes of an engineer.- ,3W, .I.` 9 to the door, IddQax".f,"* to 4m ,i`x1re ercy,,..o::. pity, and thereon Q m jzhe violently. After the Ru'u'ia.n' oam haxgn Napoleon, convening with M. orbonno,-4otuted:%!.Mtern1l. -whet have llost `I `Not Vmote0t_ha._n 300,000 menrah even.-ait Whit" ~thre*'v.v.6f9 .~1ot_6f Germans among them ! This last sentence" Holloway : Invalids distracted by indigestion" a'n'd" di- couraged in their search for its remedy should malse a trial of this never-failing medicine; I `Alady, lon` ai njartyr to dysg; peptic tortures, "writes t at 'Ho,llowa.v s` Eilli` made her feelaa if a bur_d9n_L'h_ad been `taken off her. Her spirits. formerly low, have greatly improved; her capricious appetite has given place to healthy hunger; her dull, sick headache has departed, and gradually. so marvellous a change has been eected, that eheis altogether a new creature, and again t for her duties. These Pills may be administered with safety to the most deli- cate. Theyanever act harshly, nor do they ever induce weakness ; they rightly direct deranged, and control excessive action. The color Line. . Bones-Mr. Johnson, suppose we_were in the Blue Room at the White House, and I should pull down two of the cur- taitna. How much dagger viould it The ? , "`fi'er13?sI1o}`i"`7iz`I=,.ii3l',` i3"oiIsI" 1"c`an t tell. Well, how much darker would it be in the Blue Room of the White House `if you should pull down two of` the curtains? W I Bones--_j-Why, two shades. 4 Interlocutor-That beautiful song, `We Ain t Got Long to Stay. " A A_A ,_,__, Be on You; Guard. Don t allow 9. cold in the head to slowly and eurelv develope itself into Cataarh when you can be cured for 25 cents. A `nu-I-v nus.-.`:nnL:nv\n nnrn 1.'nn:r\;nv\`- YUI-I URI-I IJU Uul Ull. LUI. EU UV!-IUDO A_few applications will cure incipient Catarrh; ,_ 1.- L__- I;____ ._:II -__._- ..._'I:_..__. I1. \JGUIl Ill. One to two boxes will cure ordinary Ca- ta.1;1\"n. ,, - L- Q,__ I___;.._ _._'II _--..... ...1_.......... IV- knees, pretty soon, nut aem poycous." Workman--We know it,` Windbag. {We put it on _Mulliga.n last week, and brought him to terms in 9. jiffy. 7 Mulligan, the prewer, you mean? Yes. But dat will` raise de brice of beer. Ah! bitmmel ! dat was tyranny. Ulflfllo V One to ve boxes will cure chronic Ca- tarrh. n_1,1 I.-- -11 _1-..1_.... -L nz- ...... 1...... .711--- Illlnl` 1'11; Sold by all dealers at 250. per box. ' Try Dr. A. W. Cha.se s Canadmn Catarrh Cure-- take no other--Tit will cure you". For sale by all dealers. . (sa1oo:iat)-4`Now_ I .do1d:y e, poys, you vpr1ug~ dese cabitallat to dare `rnnnu nu-nH-w .unnn ~mi+. dam nnvnnfts, yUl.l 'pl.`.I.ug" uuav Uauzuuunu uu uv ` knees, pretty mit dem poycotts. ` \IT....'l..M..n W11 Luna: :1! ' Winhn A 119 VAVAI-_ v-Iva v avv nvvnvn zv_ _ say their object` is simply to retain good men in oice when you nd them. This theory maybe safely applied to the treatment of the human system by the means of medicine. Those who have once tried Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery for scrofulous swellings and sores, loss of esh and ap- petite, weak lun s, s itting of blood and consumption, w` ap y to it the real prin- ciple of Civil Service eform and hold fast to that which is good; " ` VV Illu I-AV JVIA vvun only half a dozen your umbrella. V l`Vnnu Honk hnv The Dude and the `Umbrena. It looks like Wain,` old fellaw. I guess we"d bettaw have a hansom. . What do you want a hansom for? It s -..1.. 1...u .. A.....m Mm-In and vnn ve got IWLLBIAIIIIUI H vv vpuu Benevolent daughter of the house to ruralccousin, who is causing some delay by his second plate of soup : I would like to keep company with`you,...'f I could. Josiah (blushinw) : Oh, yes-only--oer -71 am ~ke'epin company now with Almira. Higizius, of our'plsce.~ .:_-.:---QQ-Q:--:_.. 1 umoreua. - Yaaa, deah boy. But it's my walking umbwellaw. I cawn't use it faw a. Wain umbwellaw. I could nevaw wap it up again, don t you know. 3 Worth Rememberinz. ` There is probably no better relaxing remed for still` joints, contracted cords; and painfu congestion, than Ha yard s Yellow Oil. It cured Mrs. John Sidgell, of Orton, Ont., who was alicted for years with con- traction of the bronchial pipes and ti htness of the chest. It is the great remedy or in- L~--.-`| .... ..-.L..--us` vnnin U1 DUB UUUBU. 1.0 to any 5 ternal or external pain. he senidr of on Gilchrist ing around,

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