Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 May 1886, p. 1

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IIVVII flvwvanvvun VJ ---- vv--:..-_-- It was then moved that the e diture on the park should not exceed 3%? This led to a pretty lively war of words. It was contended that the council had not given the park committee any authority to nd the sum they were spending, nearly 0, andthe proceeding wasan unheard ieceof presumption that the council sho d not tolerate. Councillor Ross twitted Councillor Caldwell about that "dii-t, Coun. Caldwell saesed - back. Quite a number of the members joined in the verbal melee. The .......a.:....* man withdrnwn with a caution to InOIllD0_l'l JDLIIBQ ul. nun vvn:-A unuvvo Luv motion was withdnwn with a caution to Councillor Rona `.`not to do it agsin. The council then adjourned. . VVWT CK-U'v-vvw An ADVANCE reporter took a look into the Collegiate Institute on Friday afternoon and became satised that whatever neglect of the grounds and surroundings generally, may be com lained of, things are in -a satisfactory con 'tion inside. Order and uiet work were visible in every room and t 9 students ap- peared to be imbued with the consciousness that time ies away with swiftest wing and should be-therefore economized and im- proved. Mr. Du was teac ' a French class, Mr. Hunter a small one in erman and Mr. Spotton one in Botany. Time did not admit a visit to Mr. Hay s room. The French language is a favorite one and the classes are. large. Mr. Hunter's German class contains one who is getting u the honor work in that 1.mm.an for menu tion in the University liunavp gcou ---._v._ .. _. _ the honor lanvuoge for matnc tion in University of oron There were thirty-four pupils 2.. LL- n-a.-.... -1-.. `-nnnnlmnn mnlnn And the III! I38 I01 EIFTIOIIIIFIOII In lulu Uusvuuuug oronto. in the Botany clue, seventeen males and the same number of females. The work was the anslysis -of a plant obtained in the woods of the neighborhood. Every pupil was supplied with specimen and required to write a description of` the pla.nt`ecoo_1-ding to a. printed schedule. B this plan the root, stem, leaf. method of in orescenoe, calyx,-corolla. pistil, stsmen, and all other parts with any peculiarities they ssess are noted and marked u n the edule. This is done by every stu ent and in an entirely independent way and without oonsultstion with my other soholsr. After 3 suoient, time for u--- _-..n. u-.. n....u.... emu n nine and other 30110181`. AIFOT C IIIHIUIUIID, ill-u Ava this work, Mr. Spotton took the plant and I tested that of his scholars. The data thus been obtained for determ- ing the class, order, us, species and variety and getting the o or common name. The plant anal zed was found to be what is botauically ed Dentaria diphylla and com- monly Tooth root or Pepper root. The `majority of the class were absolutely correct in their ducription and classication of this Ll:nt, and is a fair test of the success of that 'dofteachingwhichhsswonforMr. `Spotton from the High School Inspectors th I-Auk nf Teacher of Boll!!! in th In {ac this amendment Councillor IOOIHIIV Kid tlni In 11" nn nnnnnnnn ttcn Iroln we nign acuwi '$UII in `5 nu :3: of Model Teacher Botany the Province of Ontario. u'l`he educative. value of the study of Botany one pursued at our Institute, is great, sharpening, ac it does, the atudent e powers of obcervution and de- manding 'cn- between minute dif- rterencee and requiring accurate descriptive goice culture, eoneceaaary togood reading, receives much attention from Mr. Hunter and his method of well exemplied in an exerciae in kvowel and conacnantal Engliah composition too has a very promi- nent place in the curriculum and come -.-......a... an-ammo that afternoon exhibited nent P1309 In em: uurnuuueue nun Uvugw `exercises afternoon elxlgibited exceeding` 1 6 IOIWII in neefnl branch of e prnotgoe odtioetion. . It is to be re that our Oollegiete Institute ieeoli vieitedbytheosu-ante endfiiende of the npile. To the heater there in en inspire `on in Inch visits and to the pupil: en encouragement which none but the enrneet and true tenoher` can eetimete. T 5 II Uh Invuu Mr. Gen-ie,_ 5 student in Theology, who "ha! been appointed to supply the pulpit of the Oongregetional is 3 young man of greetpromile. `Bu Iervioel stevery eo- oepteble to the oongregstion, and hitpreeent work betokene uuooeu inthe future_ when he iyfnll equipped forptheliuiportant duties of- nu- -n nintru. the 1 OOIIOCIAN Institute. ___A___ 1.--]. - A Good Substitute O ,,,_A 1.. llII_- |PAMl}RAPIIEB 8 mun. ru11us.| at-I'lVl:Ig UIIII CI &--l::).:.m9 Sllltl alivayn Qoujrest at Gray -For novelties in Print: to W. R. Phillips & Co. ` -Look at Mean. Morgen & \ ad. in this paper. . -Bhck Walnut Cornice P a` Stair Rods_at Ot_ton Bros. 1 . W. R. Phillips & ` I -A tnin went from here to Burks Falls lat Saturday morning. ; -0rdered Clothing 3%; low prices at W. R. Phillips at 00. K. -lloyI9 sailor lists 153% 25c. and 800. up at Gray in Goa. ` , 1' l'\ l\ 1:! -__:I -A.I.__ ..-..'-L:.. 3.... -F:r '<;l'1'e:p-61-;v and H;i;ary go to. IIVIII In, CU Ill $1 1.1`: Iv: ` b-'-The I.0.0.F-..|nd other` sozietiea from Toronto will be present. -......... ..... .. ,...._.. -When down street just look in Neil Bros. windows, `will you 2 V - - -Don t miss the street parade of over 500 soldiers and 4 military bends. --'1_`he water in the bay is two and 3 half feet higher than it was last fsll./, -_- 1-1`-.. I avvu -Annnnvo -u-an at u-.. ..-- ---- -D1b-ess Goods from 8 cents one dollar per ysrd at W. R. Phillips 00. --Make your choice of Wgll P run while our stock is oomplete. Oapon . ' u--no -av-o vuv -vu oi -v-.-w- V-` -..__- o -Don t forget that W. R. xlhpe & Co. have a beanttfnl stock Q Dr Goods. 3 0;,-obby Hate, late: on at Gray as -Painted Window Shades in fast, price: low, nicely decanted. '0 roe. --Fishing for speckled `trout has been euc- aaetzlfully done by some of our local sports 3- ` ' . , ~___-a.-__ n.'_.._ :. .`.L`I :. 5...... gun! A -Go to the West End 1-uethodge Church and hear the newly formed_ goo band. -112..- I. IV- at-JH`on. Senator Gowan in in town; and has entirely recovered from the eecta of his fall at Ottawa. on-no I-w www----w -Rev. Mr. Mcclung, of Allandde, occu- gied the Gollier street Methodist pulpit on nndey morning. -Beby0erringee, ` ' .0'lSto es Hell and Parlor e lieautinl design: at Otton Bros. ' -With one exception the prizes are all mone prizes, and are the Ingest ever given outei e of the cities. O 0 I On; IA,I,- Vllklialv `II 1:11: vn --'1`he Grenadier Band is admitted to be the finest in the Dominion. There will be 4 military band: present. ` -G1-enadiors arrive Saturday afternoon, returning Monday evening. They bring their horses with them. ! 1 II, ,,!_L UIITIL IIVICT VVIIIQ Ucnvnnnu --Rev. William H. Barnes, rector of Uhrist Church. has returned from his visit to Balti- -more, Maryland, and elsewhere. -'1'he celebration in Barrie on Monday next (Queen's Birthday) will surpass any- thing ever seen north of Toronto. --A large quantity of stone has been brought from Longford to make a sort of breakwater at the head of the bay. -The Committee have good reason to be- lieve that there will be the largest crowd in town on the 24th Barrie has ever seen. ' , #- A J f\_II2- -Exoeedin-z cold wind on Snndsvy. - o & Wgoyv Sailor `It: for 15:: at Gray Ill-ll CID,` alunvvu uuu nuvvug-av -..-- `.-__.__ -We are glad to learn that Shei-if McOonkey has the full use of his voice stain of which a severe cold for a. time deprived him. -- - - - A, 1 .,__ 111-11 'n-_-__' -ExcuI-lion: ' Penetanguishene,Bradford,Mid1nnd, Graven- hnrat, Allinton and intermediuto points. , 1 - J 4.- I--._ LL-` Qknu-:3 -`All who have insp our Wall Papers say they. are just I vely Call and see for yourself. Always y to show goods. Ospon & Go. 7 --The Rev. Mr. Whitcomb, Chaplain of the Royal Grensdiers, is expected to preach morning snd evening of next Sunday at Trinity Church. - __; n_n a..I...... .. Hm! Tvn ..:.*z.V:,*1..1~ -=- *""`=r .l.l.'lLI.||l Uulsnvuu ---Fresh. and Belt Salmon, God, Trout, White Fish. Herring and Shad, Finnsn Hsddie, Bulk and Can Oysters, Lobsters, etc., st.G. Msnndrells. -0o1lier St. Methodist Church. Rev. J. W. Annis, B. A., pastor. Services on Sun- day 23rd. morning and evening by the pastor. Strangers always welcome. 4444 .__ .I-_M. .......L 6-`kn (loony! nnnnn_ Dllluuswsc uuvvu-`ya vvv.-v--- --Oitizens, don't forget -the Grand Reoep- p tion and Concert to the Grenadiers Saturday evening. The Mayor will present an address. to the heroes of Batoche that evening. -Ladies, please do your shopping on Sat- urday evening early, V so that the business men and their employees ma be sble to st- tend the militaryconcert in e evening. .--1IIen9s. still lie. to $3.00 at.Gray dc Ooh. K , -Elinbeth St., Meth ' t Ghuroh. Vol- unteer Sunday, May 23rd, 1886. Services oonduoted by the pastor. Prayer meeting at 10 a.m. Service at 11 a.m.. The Source of Strength. Service at 7 p.m., s semen to volunteers, A Good Soldier. The sing- ing hand (with instrumental accompaniment) -_ I ..... .a....a. . Q...-ohm nf Rtma twentv min- Evening nnrhur II aoolery wlu uuxu. use In. uuuu yvylunl open meetings. A_ 231 fproggamme ha: been, reputed oonsu o reedin vooe music. TheBeni'e Quin- tette Club will be there, and in fact, the belt mnlioel and literary telent of the tewn. . John Bull, cf Gavan, the young mm charged withio cry in connection with the Peterborongh p otographer, Hnmlin, was Admitted to bail on Monday. Governor T St. Andrew : 30010151. On Tuesday next the Barrie St. Andrew : ooiety iholc} one ` of their popnlnr ..-_ ._..-_..._.__- I.-- I. CVO j WC- cnifftuunooummn. ?v".1`z ." m'{{.".1 Goods '. . at Shades braked. roe. or m nay: 1i:1.eeeu he received from his w o whilo at the cattle indicated that the young nun had good Christian inuences mound him at home. He was advised by his father, mother and all who had Imtten On `Jun Ian nal` EH4: in-nf nknve Qhn nl-`Inn A9. tohim, tollthe truth about the crime st um`:-`aura: nnn #1` Iuhnnnll Bin `abhor: And K IIIII-I, I T} UI-IV UIIIUII CUUIIU ULIU VIII-IIU -Il whatever out to himso I. Hi: `futher an uncle are his unretiea. Early on Tuesday morning, the residence ot H. B. Spotton, Esq., M. A , Principal of the Uollegiate Institute, was totally destroy- ed by re. It originated in a chimney at the west end of the building, but just how, it is impossible to say. Mr. Spotton thought. the morning before, that he could smell something burning, and searched but could discover nothing. At other times during the day and evening a strong smell as of a smouldering re caused further search, still there was no ap ance of re. Between twelve and one, r. Spotton was awakened by the crackling noise and smoke in the house, and at once roused the inmates and the neighbors. By this time the west part of the house was ablaze, and the breeze being from the west. soon caused the whole structure to be envelo in the ames. We are glad to say that r. Spotton s ne library and the bulk of his furniture were saved, but the progress of the ames was so rapid that a considerable quantity was lost. '-Flu: I-inn-n urn: nnnranina I-nnnirn Ant` `""1~"$` 'I."p`i;3'iE"..`I1?L`,"Zi.`'shere Wu . de- fect in the chimney, the soot which had evidta:a1:lyl'1beenid>t(1irning egowiy alltetliay, had igni t e stu ingan utims y broke out into ame. The Fire B1-igede did not lreaeh the scene of the fire till the building A .._____._ TIT-` .._.I.._.,L__.1 LAL ; ""1-"n2 `i'o"2`3"5" `.Z'.i'; .in',';'r;T,'.'{r., and i M1`-0.9 Spotton, we understand, was absent : from home in consequence. ` Q nnI\I\)u::E:nn :5 `aka . fhnlln `I71: 1 ('0- ll DCVlll3o vvv uuuwnuuu and furniture are insured. Orv:-uvvvuv . There is to besbigre ttsoff Hsnlan's Point on the 4th and 5th 0 June. Upwards of $1500 to be given in prizes, besides $250 extra if the three mile record is beaten. The Lient.-Governor of Ontario has given his` peteonsge, and Hanlen has secured the co- operation of an inuential body of gentle- IIIUIIA The llowing osremen have already enter- ed this regatta. . Edward Hanlan, J ake Gandaur, Albert Hnmm, C. T. Enright. Wallace Rosa, `Geo. H. Hosmer, Fred A. Plaisted, J. McKay, Geo. E. Lee, P. H. Conley, J. A. Ten-Eyck, Joseph Laing, Charles E. Courtney and others. ` 'I"l-.3. nnnnt` 43911:`-n:`:t\l'| AF nnnlnn will kn nun g rivete Boarding House In ?.DING.-The undersigned ccupiedby 0. H. Clark. , is new. and every- ake this a. `rat.-class ` 3- moderate. MR. \JI-ICITIX Ill: \)U|Il'IIIIU DI-I\l uvucnuo This grand exhibition of scullin will be one of the events of `the season, whic cannot foil to attract laxgo crowds from all parts of the country. On Tuesda a lot of sea weed mattresses which Mr. cDougall had just received from the station were put down on the sidewalk close to his furniture factory in rear of the market. They were soon discovered to be on re. and it was with diioulty that the fire .was extinguished. e The ticking of the ends of seven or eight was burnt o' and the layer of battin , which covers the sea weed, destro ed the of the sidewalk were burn over a considerable space. A half burnt match was found lying on the side- walk. The question is, was setting re to these mattresses the lay of a thoughtless boy, or was it crimin cnssedness? rvll Dunn vvzvvu vs- The first of the popular open'air concerts of the season will be held 31; the new Post Ooe this evening. The following is the V VIDIIIIFQIIIIIIQ I __ PKUKTIIHIIIIU Z " March, Belphegor, Brepsant Overture, Der Kalif von Bagdad, " Boieldien 0horne,See the Ooncfring Hero oomee, Handel Waltz, "Iolanthe, Sullivan Duet, Larboard Watc ," T. Williams Quadrille, Medlefy. V ' Fantneis, The Relief 0 Ekowe, H. Round J. M. Hunter, Es :1:-"A-.:'ia evidently no believer in inte actual torpor. We see 1... 1...: ulna-at` OLA nal AI'llI;l|Q".;l\II' he the LIU UI3.l.I.UV_U|` nu. uauuuwuuuna vuayvn. vv 9 590 he has passed the final examination in the law course of Victoria University and ob- tained the decree of LL B. This, together with the honors won at Queen : some time ago, prove Mr. Hunter to be a close student and that he thinks with the poet. Were man to hve eoeval with the sun, The Patriarch Pupil would be learning still, Yet dying, leave his lesson half nnlearnt. summer Residence. Amon the many buildings which will be erected in summer in Borne and its neigh- borhood my be mentioned 3 summer reci- denoe by Mr. F. E. P. Pepler on his land near. Tollendale. The eitnetion in one of great beauty, and living in an ele t little villa on the shores of the beautif Kempen- lfeldt must make one of the joys of life that anybody would almost envy. We wonder that more of our men of means do not follow VMr. Poplar : plan. Barrie Honored. The Minister of Education, we are info: m- ed, has requested Mr. Spotton to teach a special class in Botany for the benet of teachers. during the summer vacation. This clearly indicates the rank Mr. Spotton holds as 3 teacher of science and of Botany- especislly, which is honorable alike to him and to the town. Should Mr. Sp`otton gsnnvlgln I-Ian `find-Gnu : auannnn Ian Annht A III II! bud lluwllo Duvulu lilo Ioyvuuuu the Miniltefs request, no doubt a large number of teachers would attend the III Q-- namg. .....--.. thin in keepi boar 1? hon MUIR EAD.} As Mr. H. H. Strath; ;'man was driving round the corner of one of the streets in the out of the town on Tuesday, the horse, whin in given tn mnkimr muck turn: at Tuuday, the horse, whi is given to making qmck turns at corners, illustrated the hubxt md the result our-n'n I.-Align mhnnl Mr: Qltl-nflnr Ant` MI-I C0l'llBl.'l, luullarillvu vuu uuuua uuu. uuv scan was broken wheel. Mrs. Strathy and Mrs. Gowan were in the carriage but received no injury-. What might have happened is cal- culated to excite reflection in the driver : I _:.__1 UIIICUVIA mind. B13 l'1_uunx. Mr. E. V.`Hanmer 13 evxdently the chem- pion epeckled trouteher of this community. He went out on Monday to one of the trout stream: of the neighborhood and returned in thegfternoon with about a hundred beauties, tome of them weighinc 3-pound. on to the Penitentiary. _ an, the oonvzct, who at his arrest poin hi: revolver at Constable Greer, was taken to the Penitentiary a few V days ago for hi: two years pemnoe. V Altenuon--nIr_u;n 1 Oompenieu N on. 1 and 6, Sunooe Foresters, will be mustered and take a march through thebtpwn, proceeded by the band, to marrow evening. University Honors. EBENTURES FUN. 5Am:;.-1'ne snowmo- er **:r:;:.*::*.;.:,*::o";73:,.*-;*::.:;.::: . > tioxfx osfl :36: Townalii `of `ggpra, tome amou o . . renaya e n nn~mmW *9-q'::*:::.*;*::'m'::: first 1120!! { t'i1'1`T1Ibiiiiai]i* `nude:-Igtnnd bot [town um uii1im.'m mus: '!&A0ICPIl'kl-IIOIIIO be 3 Pleasure Be- Iort-I.arger'!'1-eon Noodod--PIg Don: ___.I CD-_---_- -._L Zgbglg LOCAL IVINTS IRON I'll PINS OI ADVANCE BIPOBTIIS. mfjl OVYiYi"1` rw-7 and Eenooops not Jsthetie. If our parks are ever to be worthy of the name of parks, the Council must_ go to work and do what is necessary to accomplish it. The poor sickly trees yet living in the old park clearly prove thatplanting sprouts in- stead of trees is soar economy. A large number are dead an many of those that are living do not seem to thrive. Good-sired trees from the woods with suicient roots and soil along with them, properly planted, would require but a very few years to make large-sized trees. It requires, of course, money and some degree of taste to make it what a park ought to be. It seems to us that the old park should be tted up and properly laid out for a pleasure resort, and not used at all for games. Hardy shrubs and our own forest trees should be chiey used, and then instead of those straight lines for walks, curved walks in various directions, with rustic seats at intervals, would naturally tempt the people to make it a resort during the summer and autumn. As it now is, it fails to answer the purpose of a pleasure park. It would be better not to have a park at all than to have what it now is, neither a park in the proper sense of the word-, nor a properly arranged ground for games. The Agricultural Park will never answer the pur- pose of a ground for pleasure. Cattle sheds and hen coups have not much of the aesthetic about them, and whatever improvements may be made, will never be fit to aid in the cultivation of taste, nor serve in any way to inspire a love for the beautitul. We are quite sure the peo vle of the town would be glad if the Uounc' would take up this matter in earnest and do what is necessary ; the ratepayers would, no dobt, cheerfully bear - the expense. , Thu An-innlhvs-ul pnrhv inn uni" '1 fr. V VAyCuuU. The Agricultural Park, too, will fail to answer its purpose till it is nroperly graded And nodded, which, 1!: is hoped, will be don at the earliest practicable time. ---'-vu Rev. W. M. Walker, M. A., the new minister of the Baptist Church, preached in the church, Clapputon Street, on Sabbath last. His discourse in the morning was based on the parable of the talents as given in flux OKQH n`-I nnfnr nf flu: rlnunol nf g Mnfhnu I11?-I UII ULIC RICK GURU UL ULIW Ullulff `IVUII III the 25th cha. tor of the Gospel of St, Matthew from the 141'. verse. He declared that the lI__.__I 2- _ 1..-- ._2L L- __-__ -.__ _|__ XIII annuallyat ghe Bank I Toronto at Bu-rig (}I8;ul-f:`l1I_!;3t;.'.;l7l[i (hlilglf 1&8 :"l`reasux-er, Veapxs: dnhnfzul installments or`1%). wun xnnereau serm- IIVIII "GIG LTUII `CI av. LL`! I-IVVJICIIIII UIIZU U150 Gospel is a free gift to every one who will accept it on the conditions laid down in the word, and that every one is expected to work for the Master accordin to the talents en- trusted to his keeping. illinq workers are required, not from a sense of duty or to es- cape hell but from love as a return for the amazing love that caused such a price to be given for his salvation. The discourse was illustrated from the eld of human labor in which the true, honest workman labored to the best of his ability for his employer, not like the lazy mercenary who cared for nothing but the wages he expected to receive. II: Wnhrnr in n uh-.qnan All!` Hnnni nnnnhnv UIIU UIIU wasca LIV CLPCUUUIL VU IUUVAVCQ Mr. Walker is a pleasant and uent speaker, and will, no doubt, aid greatly in adding to the church membership and building it up. In. I-nnn`nn :nr`nnI-`An Itnlrn An [ U119 VIIIIIUII LLICIIJIICI Dlllkl CI-ILL Llllllhl His regular induction will tske plnoe yon Monday, 31st inst. _The ADVANCE welcomes the new minister as one of the intellectual, moral and religions forces of the town. The Wellington Hotel on Fire. Last Friday night A large eoaloil lamp standin on 8 bureau in Mrs. N ess bedroom, at the &elling`on Hotel, exploded, and al- most instantly the room was in a blue. Mrs. Ness was in bed at the time, and her husband was just closing the house when he heard the loud report and his wife s shriella. Running up-stairs he met his wife on one of the landings, but she was too frightened to tell what was the matter. The smoke and the bright light in the bedroom soon reveal- at` `A bn'nn Gal-in In-nn altnfn nf Itlnnn ll!` ULIU IJIIBUV llsllu Ill ULIU IEUIUUHJ DUUII lUVUCI' ed to him the true state of things, and boarders, guests and domestics were quickly rt-used from their slnmbers. Presence of mind and prompt action prevented the de- struction of the hotel and perhaps the entire block. Water was procured and the re soon extinguished by ersons in the house, but not before it had estroyed some articles of a handsome and valuable bedioom suite. The walls of the room are blackened, a large mirror broken 1y the heat, a bureau and many articles on and nearit burned. It was a general scare for all in the house. and a narrow escape from a rst-class eonagra- Hfl ` County Judge : Criminal court. Last Saturday, His Honor J ndge Ardth held an Interim Criminal Court. when 0 following persons were arraigned : \KT"invn nnnnan u-.-Kn nun: an-I-onion` An flag WIIUWI PCIIUUU WCIC BIKE KIT` 3 Willlilagm Deegan, who was arrested on the 10th inst. by Constables Greer and Sweeney near Angus, was charged with _QIu_e-brenk- mg, horsemtealits and assnnlto s.0_,nltnblo, elected to be tri ny the Jn ' ed gnxlty to each char 0. He Liv` to two yen`: in the enifen _ ' M chn e, the sentences to run coxinrrently. illinm Carter, J ooeph Qhlttenden and '\,L_ L I'\,I_1__,_ ___-_- ____________j A_ A|__ Ullli 3 WV BUHOVILUDG U`, IIIII UWIKUKIICIIUI 0 W5. . 1111 am Joseph Chlttendenland Robert Robinson were arraigned on the charge of larceny. They all pleaded not nniltv Int` Ann}: char-Ont] tn ha ti-int` Int` Ozhn "333: Ilia `$Z7."x'ecz$&'i';o '82 l;:1':<`1wl:y' `132 gndge. The trial-of all these cases wan not for today (Thnraiav) at 11 o clook. IN. Anni A-.4_.'l flan I}fnl`|fI.t\lI A` [Ur uruuy \1|Iuru.Iv) av 11. uuauun. His Honor called the attention of the County Attorney to the charge of Mrs. Phillipa against her husband for bigazny, and the necessity of executing the warrant. oL.`.AS.`5ERLY. ox 3:. Tottenham. nu... -- ~-r .5 " . . dc:-ex ned until F3, glectiorg of 11 three - the village of Tottenham. none can be seen at the olc Kennedy 8: Holland, Toronto 01 H. Stone 8.: Son. Tottenha Hound to 0.000 1 lowest or any UNDAY. 24th inst., rey brick hotel in s and speo1ca- ot the architect d Barrio. an (let. M. J. 'rouennam.1uuy1`- th- 1883- '1. 2- A Wm not be. V uuuunnvvv - - In spite of the laws for ` the protection of fish in Lake Simcoe, salmon trout, which used to abound in its waters ore exceedingly source and seems to point strongly to illegal fishing in spite of the etforts of the Overseers toprevent it. Removing the restrictions, as some thoughtless persons are asking, is the worst ` ible policy unless it is intended to clear t e lake of its most valuable fish. We ho ` the Minister of Marine and Fisheries '_-s. '|:-A.-.. 4.- LL- _................L..b:...... -.I..:..I.. IIU V yuu LVLIHIBVBI UL .V.|.aIxuq nuu. unuuclscu ' not listen to the representation: which are every now and than being made to get all restrictions removed. The truth in that more stringent measures. ate. needed to re- store to the waters -3: Lake Simaoe the wealth of tish which it has unfortunately `ALL A oonieat took >_!;;`e on Mondav evening between the `_`I*`ix-us and Second Football 1--...- -1 13-....- ...p'....\b.... :-1 an '1"A`A-uI 8.... LI... DUUWDUH ulv {uni III-In uvvvuu xvuuuasx `teams of Barrie, resulting in 8 Victory for the Second tern who toured the only goal made during the e\'oniII8- This sugars well for t_h_e prospects of the J unior team on the coming 24511. ` {$1.00 mm umvm xx ADVANOI. SINGLI OOPIIS. FXYI OBITS. nuke slmcoo I-mung. The linlpu. I77 II II *'-S1~.u>1.I:'ron -0 wed ' olday nth BS1149. by C`3`a Bzmz m M 1. .. a e the tI,le::';t`.)l.VI.{V`1 ldk?rEalt-'>,i`:r"l,3 3` .9: iss Alice Ge!-`t;-uh. 'u 1'. Jung; '6'-on. an H0 EUR .--~ a;%:2:'::a:is*:Ysi;f:3:" 5*ex3`t?'m*: *:n::* ` rury I both 0.: 0,0 m .--At Stoddet-ville Mam ` `"58. on me M 3 I18 ., , ,. I\l_-n -ormerly ` I earn. 9 ww W; j w n r 3 .. 013? r d 1 x'9;x19 mwwm vv 1. _ dgfap my 0 pvxaaljn or 9.698 M 3 brio. 1 tlea` . Ryr the bra ,GKN'fLl-ZMEN : `Hnvinnv ha (_;mc'rL+:ME.\' :-- Having been u entlv re nested by a large numhei'.0f the rat ayers o Barrie to allow myselt to be put in~no`mination for the position of Second Dcputv Reeve. to 1111 the vacancy made by the resignation of Mr. McLean, I have vielded to the request. A` My record in the Conn- 21) is before you. As a ember of the commit- ice or the Board of Work I think gentlemen, u rvuua pmirn amistactionb. It is zenerally con- , ` engral Servant. Apply to L olller Street. N-tt the Board 0! worxq, 1 unnx geuuemuu, I ave entire satisfactionm 611611111 :_-L- ed that the Board of Wprka ommlt .0 at vn .,.n..m. -mm, mdlv needs reconstruction. V ;;m, May mm. 1886. ._c-dedthut ph_e Board or W91-xs uommuwe an the preeentume. sgdly ne reconspruction. I now place mvsel! m your ds. a.nd_1f elected you may depend upon faith aervme in the lntcrcet of the town, I res tfully ask` my f1'ivx.!d:s to put me at. ghe head of 0 poll. ` Fmthtulg gnu JOB P given that the rst sittings 0 OTICE is here vision for the Munici- of the Court 0 `paliiy ofthe Town in of F109. for the your 1386, will be held at 1-. John Brodrick's Hotel; Pheystoxx, in the To shig of Floa. on MON DA .the 31st. dav or A .1886, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. to h x- and determine the several complaints of me Assessment Roll for for 111:` your-1886. All {)8 at tho Court are requ red sum. Hv 01-dmx no having business 0 attend as afore- }ISEa| H v- ---v - ,_ V 7 ANTED IM nwrnzmr a good 2.1.. W Cook. must be ood laundress. 1; 1y .n Man. J. R. C01-um rrio. 0. `VULMNU W uuu euwu unava- C Line Royal Mail in conn ction with the Northern and orthweetern and Grand 'l`nmk Railwa 8. S Campbell; S3. "A Due." ,C3l*t- Robert D- Foole; 9.8. "Northe Belle. - Cayt. Jan 38!- :u.. The ne new steamers `Pacic and "_-\1l:mtic wlll run a ' ollowsdurixllghe 888803 s\`\'<`hlh8l` permitting). leavin Co gwood at p.m.. Meaford at 3 .m., wen Sound at 8 L-.m.. and Wiarton at. 1 -45 p.m.. eve W0dn3' dayand Saturda for V rney. M towanini Lgme Current. aszaw . Gore Bayt 31181113 liner, Algomv. Mills. B (1 River. Bruce Mmes. Hilton. t. Joseph's Inland.- Richard's Garden River Marie- The Saturday steamer w also call at Cock- burn Island. Pm-1-y So d.-The Northern Belle will leave Collingw for Parry Sound every Wednesday and Sam y at 1 D-In-._ 1'0 turmng on Monday and Th a at 7 adn. F01` mfornxution as to freight a are. 81313137 `'0 any azent of the above rallwa the purserl 011 board the steamers, or to the eat Northern Tram: Co.. Limited. Collin . THOMAS .U.:.\`(.` Qemw-tn:-v - (`.u.u: RAVE N. Mnnaaer. . "Pacic." Cant. P. M. heaealon, A Irunr.-1: (:0 limit d . ,_ r 0 - b"1n8vl3- mum-= __`_ *`3W1Iy ; Clms. CAME x. Manager. 1 INWTHEHIGHCBUHT or JUSTICE. cmmcnnv DIVISION. UIAMBERS vs. CHAMBERS. P L` HSUANT to the Decree and nal order for sale made in this cause. there will be sold bf Public Auction. vwlth the B-DDl`0b33 ` 3 ilea 0 Rei1ly. `Esq.. Local Master at Hamilton}. bvJames Marti Auctioneer. at 0003595`? `V Hobel,inth f Hllladule, on the th `lay of JUN%C.v1l gfztghe hour of two o'clock. x_n me aft lands and Diem me; my -_`_ _'3~ `. .`3'{5u`...f. yom1.g.nt vrwantv-three N] Uyuruu... - ` nth inst" Mm J 63108 Stodd. (form: was Clara Drury. of Oro). need 36 ) earn, *_._.__.._---._______.,__________ ""i VI II \JA` 11;. I U IILIC IIIIILI VD V ' m ' a "1 `;i}e.!,'vf`z'?f .`7x`~ f1 3"vv`es`i;`i3i 3 :`. :u`~`%3.`.`: Ri'}'e In the Fifth Concdtalon of the Town! .1`! Of . the Master. Medontc, in the County of Slmcoe. containin 100 acres more or 1039.: ' There ianslnall frame house in 8005 mmirv 3:1? 193 burn on this property as also 8 WW1 C RI ' , Tle -(Vendors will on] produce l\10h W510 (38699, or evidences of 1.1 Q. as are in their pos- sessxon or control. The pr rt will be offered for sale subject to _u reserv big. 30 5 3* by In 1:11 no}.-- ......-_._._' LL- 5-..`..- g-.3 nnnll % muon- uu: master. cw the wrap! 093:3, of tho `;*`*::m:2emnm ~11 ular-0` of lo .. ~ he .p&1"` uto- 111 11 Court of J ustt1=f;M{'_m;. .. o 1`..- Tom bc-1ad ffm """ All 1] be-'.ad from John Hoskin. r s Messrs. B the vendors solicitor. Dated the 12th day of M81. 1333- wun or J ustice. 1"I1r!lle!`.D q.. 0 0 ruce. Burton &`Cl1lh&lnb Rimmed. M. O'mELLY- \ \\ Clerk of the an Municipality. mm. By order. _ M T ` 2041 WILLIA HARVEY, 1 -1)au-mu Elmvade this 17th day of Mn, 1886. 1 'T,:L1 RES 1503 SALE.-.-'l`he subscrib- H'.13;11 receive offers until the 27511 _inat.. for 8]` `es 0011510 ` my t 1'8 `V V. VAN LEN MUN , KOWD $110 . any 8 suit my new :,1,*::m.-p- m:.g.. wt: (:ounty.and01!tr at our "9 can adV5 I`OW8l`8. Having navy funds. we ` amount of old `; er cant. moneys uslow 8-9 3 int! 7991 '3' on. , . ite tho9. 1" to call '19 o,`:e`8:a:`;z;;:: of purh""" us. '0 1. y 81391 d have 1 property for me n cations WI rs. 0 r` by intendilll Vuwhue will be found libera - a; } rurh' Mongage., N0`e'9 &cO9 Cone ted. Ineurances ot all kinds e "9 A -:--" j - nil" t of firm " have a large amoun `pd 3.110193 dn_e' .. ctiona mtdeo cvy Signed. M. U131 ` 1, A. n_ WA RDELIL Master at T milton. \Vendors' Solicitor. Dundas. Ont. M21 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. rl cm LENI) MONEY at rates donsideb tha one else `in Colllllv, and nn o......... 90 ......-.n..u.-.& on malt hon. -0 nus I1A'l`EP.ILPERS on` THE Tow}: (Iv IJAHHIE. _ ..---:"` W . ""7" __ se Girl. ApplytoMRs. Pf` gknox. Vxig Street. mg __.__-._-nun: A _-_J _I,)_. Conveyanoers. 0!?!-`1css--0 . ` Dmfisjgggigggahamon a Grocers; VA%i1UABLi:_ BUSH may FOR sum IN gliowmhi ot V rs.` co of ta ). vmon"(nt1_th Dirtloulalu-n 3 pl at the Ag`? NEW ADVERTIEMENTB. -- MONEY To LOAN} )0K. mum. uu . J. . N 20. WHOLE N . -1 V ' ygx. Wgcaur. Prourletox-.0 778' _ T x.--0 Wednesday .`1`{nTo31xst Pg:-uonslb. by 7`: K3:x 3 "95 VDLLINGVVOOD AND GEOR- \ I clan Rnv Line Roval Mall in y 01 May, Si (1 ``-?u:.. ' LIIUUUI` _ Barrie. V. 1888. 4. M. O !!! LY, Later mlltol 3150 20-81;) nmnix mnunnr m snssmn. auwv _u. uuv uuuuuu unauruer on Monday OVOIIIIIF. `His Worship took the chair at 7.20` o oloek_. All the members present ex- cept Councillor McLean. Minutes of the last meeting were read and conrmed. ' . , PETITIONS. The netition of James Jordan oomplaine that no oorporation work has` been given to him for some time and asks that there shall hob: more equitable division `of corporation 1-. To the Mayor and Council oi Barrie: Gnrz'1'1.1l:lMnrt,--_Vl;e,` the tgnderstigged, woivilvd respeotfu ues you gran Mrs. . Ohristisonya rretrlnissiou of her taxes now due, as it is impossible for her to pay on account T of so lon siokneee and is still unable to work. w ioh Mr. Blain, the `collector can testify, and your petitioners willever pray. V (Signed), Pirrnn Boouvr and others. _ Petition of. the members of the Fire Brigade asking to be eupplied with rubber boots for all the members who have not been provided with them. . I . -n-uL:-_ -1 7 on r-___._ ._.I ran -'LI.-_- The V r mean 0} the TW1;;3;z;:'::il met in 0 Council lumber on Monday I nnnvnn `"3: HTA....L.. L-'_L LL- '. I.-!, W lllll UIIUIIII Petition of J. T.` Lennox and ` 20 othlex-an, aka for a plank side wslk on Smdl street. 13AHnn nf Jntnon Antics-inn nn nfchnvn etition of James Anderton and others, asks for a side wall: on Sanford street. from the corner of Bradford and Victoria streets. ' andcalls the attention of the council to the small. percentage of work done in that part of the town. - To the Hon. the Mayor and Municipal Coun- cil cf Barrie: . _ Gmvrnnnnn,-.Being very much wronged by the decision of your town clerk, in the matter of my taxes, I beg your honorable ~ body to appoint. committee to investigate my case. as I consider I am badly used in the matter, and therefore beg an investigation and your petitioner as in dutybonnd will ever pray. W O P I I l'a_.,', ItsLL `I--- `ODD ' TEE IUI Q BIQI-ll BIIIU W [I91 `DIITIB, Luau may, xouu. V Alf. Rayner applied for the position of town teamster, for street vyatenn ,' snow- plowing and drawing re engine. e agrees to furnish a. rst-class team, with regard to strength and ed, for the_ sum of $675 per i annnI_n and 0 on to furnish all necessary` ?:"n"'yI"'" '"'" " "'"" "' "f ` Aaron `Milding al_no applies for the some Bgition and .0381`! do the same work for RA _ __-._ `J A ooinmnniontion from Mr. F. J. Brown asked the council for permission to grade, fence and improve I portion of the waste ` 1--.: -.a.-..:..:.... 4|... 'II!..o_ 117...! Quinn-.1 101106 um unptuvu purluuu us UIIU vvww land adjoining the East Ward School. . The matter of this communication being a ent, on motion leave was granted. pro-V vi ed the work was done by the Board of 1'I'7-._I... U1 UUIIIEIUIIUIUQIIII ll i be taken at once. JBDUJUAU Vvuult Ll Ava: an i I have examined the boy Michael Clark t and nd that he is snering from the disease Diabetes. As the are in poor circumstances I think the besttup ce for him is the Toronto General Hospi . R. A. Ross, M. D. . nnrowrs. . Ra rt No. -- Finance Committee. his report recommends the payment of accounts to the amount of $368. 38 which had been found correct. a 7; ______ -._.1- a|..-a at... ....lI.nhn- mmlzim-mu I ` D9011 100110 OOITOOE It recommends that the collector continues I to collect taxes due for 1885 and close up the matter as soon as possible and that he -be instructed to distrain when necessary. Your committee have named the 7th day of June, at the hour of 11 o'clock s.m., for hold the first sitting of the Court of Revision an would recommend that Messrs. McNab, Cross, Caldwell, Ross and McCarthy do constitute the said court. ` All of which is respectfull1yos.ubmitted. .0. H. s Chairman. Report No. --- of Board of Wbrks recom- mends various improvements in dierent parts of the town the first of which was that_ a sum not exceedin%h$l75 should be expend- ed in excavating at e baseof the bank near the residence of Mr. J. 0. Mails; and a stone wall built to prevent the f ' 3 down of the debris of that bank to the side walk. On motion for the adoption of the report it was moved in_ amendment that it be sub- mitted to committee of the .whole _ which was carried. Mr. MoNab in the chair. After a long and debate_ on the o Bonn. Iota: at work: Report Anuulod-Doboto on tart Ix- poIulltnro-'l'ho dirt Job returns! to. _ $175 on Morgan'e mu that cause mu am... out. All the other clauses were peeled after discussion and the report as amended was adopted by the council. , uorroxe. Ron--McKay--'1`hat whereas a. bill in now before the Houee of Oommone, introduced by the member for thin riding, aekina _for the ` power to bond Pacic Junction Railway to the extent of $20,000 a mile to take priority over the government lien; and whereas it appear! to this council that such action means only another aheorption of a new rad- w h th N rtherncom y. `Iyt ieyreeglvetl that this cmo reepeetfull_y ask the members for the county to their ` inuence with the Houeein demandnnguoh sate guards ae'Mr. Mulock, the mem _ for North York, has given notice of by continu- ingn: government nuheiy an a first hen.` lved urther that V r. `6'?b"L"`yZ?I ' new line in the hall MEDICAL CERTIFICATE. _ comubnlcxrxoxs. THE INTERESTS or mum. `ms oouzrnrv or sntoon um um` nommox or cnuum ovn cnrmmox. BARBIE. COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1886. --vv-III -U63 UIIQI IIU ICW IIU IIIIIIIQIIIIJI-I between the of the reaolntion ref ` - toythe Iale bonds of theP.J.R.and the reaoluticua that followed. He saw noth- ing whatever objectionable in to lecture this county againat the e acts of railway monopoly and for the repayment of thebonuaea which this county had paid to the Hamilton an North-western Oom y. but he failed to ace how ialion to nd the O. P. R. necuaitateciniilm absorption by the Northern railway; He would like to hear the mover of the resolution explain LL-In "l.(}:|1l10iu0l.' Ron spoke at. some showing how Barrio sud the county generally `Ill! hnnn hnnnhvl ha OLA `NA:-lnn-n "nu! IHUWIIIK IIUW 111.`!!! Illa `ll! Xlllliy BUIICTIIIY hadheen treated by the Northern. How the road against Barrie in freight rates and how the Hamilton at Northwestern had been swallowed up by the Northern after it had been so largely honused. He considered that the town and county had been shamefully treated and he intended to communicate with all the town- shipoounoilsintheoountyand u them to pass a similar resolution. Mr. oes spoke well in the county's behalf in referenoe to these railway bonuses and thebrenoh of faith with the bonusing municipalities though he made no attempt to answer Councillor Mc- (Jarthy s question. V ;I_, 0, is, a!,,, 1.1-- 41,, all IIIUV illll IIIIEIIEOIU UOIIIOIIIOP McCarthy and that he av no connection _----.__' __ 1 _____ __ The Reeve spoke" Cleo` indicating that the resolution was eminently proper with the exception of tacking that reference to the P. J. R. to it. The amendment was lost on division. - Ylus-McOu-thy, Ball, Cross, Plaxton and McKay. _ NY A va__`Pnnu M are-in Mouth rinhiwnn - Manny. , NAY8--Roll, Martin, McNn'b, Caldwell, F ' nhnreon and Fletcher. T e resolution `we: then put nnd carried. . McNe.b--P1nxton-'l`hnt the resignation of Councillor McLean be Accepted and that a. new election he ordered forthwith to fill the vacancy. `D....i(1nI.hnnlI_'l`I-ml: I-ha Rnu-d nf Wnrlzn W CI BC III | anngaglly. 'I In. all vacancy. Roea-Oaldwell-That the Board of Works take into consideration the advisability of ex endin $1500 on renewing the town side wagka an that the same enm be expended uI_|_uY- . ' h th Lotion 3' ms` `:*:;f,::1::d".*: son: fit `he ofger which the motion will ve y. ' . `t 0 M hxmzz "r-om "?3...:*: _ - pg prov: 2;?a?.%:1:::d*:a*:::%s.e.;;i%. .i W _ ,,J nu McKsy 85, `;t * ;`.`.`}'v?" v :`" W 51` Km8- nun warn. ; A On a motion by` Councillor Rose for ad- journment, on nmendment was moved tht the council do not now adjourn but that the question of pork expenditure be considered. n-__ _:u-.. 1)-... -L:....L...I -- .. -..'...~.-& In.-A Ei3'IC:.iio"nou' "'o?jo':3I{ 3355 em been presented by the Park Committee. , .t._ ___..__.| u.-4. LI... - ,1:;... - VARE

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