an 0: ruuu.1.uL' Iucculsng, aw .uuu. vv-uau. ~ . Mr. Goschen, in a. speech at Paisley to- night, asserted that Mr..Gladstone s Home Rule Bill would never obtain the royal assent. He denied that the opponents of the Irish bills were unjust to Ireland. He `advoca.ted'a. large extension" of the Irish power of dealing With education. 'I`L.n 'l'.nnAnn nan" Nam: rlnnim: {that 1)UWt.`/L` U1 uvuuug wluu cuuuauuu. -The London Daily News denies that Mr. Oowan has resigned the chairmanship of the Gladstone Committee. ` ' - rru `IA , , . ,,n 132...... ..... .....L...J 1\'Ir.. UL I116 Uluuauuxxo Vuuuuuu`UD~ . _ The Marquis of Ripon supported Mr. G_rladstone s Irish policy in an address at Manchester. He said the more the Eng-` lish studied Irish history the more they became convinced that the granting of. Home Rule to Ireland would make her a. friend and not 9. foe . He emphatically denied that" the question was one of Catholics against Pr'otestants. 1 -....: 1 .1,;.\..1..:..1. annlzn at Wvntar last. UHIHOUCB H-gltlllah .1. ruuaauuu um Lord :Iddes1eigh spoke at Exeter last evening. and urged tha.1_*. the Irish "schemes be dealt with on theizisecond rea.din;z,a's an :u ncndznent in Cpmnnttee would be use- less. ,1 r1'-_L:_-.-1..--- -4 '`.l::`.`r\I1m(I-I nnrn- 1688. ' Lmd Hariilgtoim, at Edinburgh, com_-T bzxtpvd the idea that all efforts to `Obtain better gnvernmeut in Ireland had b_eeri tried. He ux`-ged waiting for the ripening 0f the fruit, which, with impatience, would only wither. ` strikes on Saturday," Never before wasthere such a. struggle between workmen and their employees. It amounts to almost complete disorgan- ization and the - amount lost both ' to capital and labor .t}iiu year in the United States and in `Europe is enormous. `n L :_ ...:...... .. l.'..+ n8 H-an nhvilrma 1-A. I3.U3B.8Il(.1 HI .DJllL'l.lPU In ouu; Iuuuu -Below `is given a list of the strikes re- ported by theassocivatedt press "on Satur- day. all, unlessotherwiae stated, being for eight hours a. day : 1)..1H.m.mn_._r`.nrnnnI'.A'l`R tnr $2 a. dav to The Pro an-d can of Home Rule Views. elgnn nours u. uuy . Baltimore-Ca.rpenters tor $2 a day to Ang.1 and $2.50 thereafter and eight hoursaday. V , _ __ ru_-:-.. ..`. T ml-.m. mud: and raningv nouns as uuy. Oh`icag o--Lumber yards and planing mills, 12,000 men ; Lark Soap Factory, numbering 700; thofreight `handlers on all the 25 railways except the Baltimore & Ohio, 3000 men; 25 Swedes at Wabash elevator ;.23 employee of Swift s slaughter house. Fully 35,000 men, all told, `are, now on strike in`Chica.go. - " - n- 2, .,,L: m.....;.....,. 1...m1.. ma. 1 on Burma xu unuu-a.y,u. Ci11cinm1ti---Furnitu1"'e hands, 500 ; % Brunswick-`B'alke Billiard oo.,1o0. East. St. Louis---Wa.terwnrks employed, 200 strong. __ ' ' (1.... RT .1 _-M ao.him' shons ZUU strong. _ V , A Jersey City, N. vJ.--4x\Ia.chine shops, about 2000. . ~ ~ 7 A .Milwaukec--Brewers V and Malsters, [A3000 affected. . . Minneapolis--Plumbers; V . Pitteburg and Allegheny---Nearly every furniture factory ;' over 6000 out`. Ca.rpen_-_ ters and Stonecutfers. _ ,. Phila'.delph1a.--Betz T brewery. T P)rtland, `Me.-_-`Cigarmakers for an ad- Vance in wages. ` .. St._Louis_-Plumbers , 200 strong; to- bacco employes, for an.9.dva.uce in wages ; Ghn dale Zinc Works; 200 strong. . St. Paul, Minn.--Plumbera. , A ,Houowa;y's Pills. are admirably adapted for the cure of dis- eases sincidenml to females. Many from dehuacy lmar in secret, for women are sub- ject to complaints which rrqnire especlnl remedies, anditis nowvan-indisputable fact that there is none so suitable for such com- plaints as Hollowayfs Pills. They-are in.-b valuable to females of all ages, young or old, - married or sir.~g1e.,j They purlfy. the blood, rcgxnlate-the secretions, correctnll suspend- -ed or altered functions, clear the complexion, and l)r.ightm1 the countenance. ` The rst approach of disordered action should be "met w1t'n appropriate doses 0 taking them no restriction need be. placed ` over the patient. They contain nothing which can possibly. prove injurious to ,.:tho .system,; They not -by _purify5i_ng the hloodo 9-Dd. 1'eg,ulting e\'e1`y{';0`x}gan.. ` fthese Pills ; whilst- . 1 Gladstone`: Memory `Failing. Mr. Gla.dstone s memory" is evidently failing. He actually read gee-veral `pass- ages of the body of his speech, and, what is more,~a. great portion of the peroration from notes. V Hie hearerstwelre` astonished` and, for a time. iniagiued he `wae quoting from somebody` -else; -This innovation greatly marred the effect of the oretion-, as ferns those actually present were .:.on- cerned. . . A 31*} on Your. Gu - Don t allow a. cold in the and surely develops itself in You can be cured for 25 com ` -"IA! nnnlicntib ` develops itae Be Guam. head to slowly lf into Gatnmjh when be cents. A few applications will cute i ' ' Cgxtarrh. . _ l T J ' _ _dim_n'y `Us- `o`i'd by .11 dpalm-as 25, _eI `Db "A-- W- 7Ch6sa szOanad1an . 1 ` take no othe r- -'-vibwill care you. 4 all dealers. A FARMERS msum. ms FAMILY - ks coiuun $63 Wh!h _]'1`he_ro ,.._Me.n'ta.l `for the _ ' Oneofvthelrecent writers on pruning `observes: Prunewhen~you have `a `pruned when the vegetation, is "active, the limb with one motion. Should ` there be too muchileft, out again, so as ' line of the collar. We may be thought l nater_r-rom~cne nescson:-oes.. sharp knife. This is true only in so far as it refers tothe knife, that is. out only with a sharp instrument. . Noth- ing should by any means he cut away out of season, and this should be strict- ly, adhered "to. Trees should only be so that the wound may heal in the shortest possible time. To such as have given the question but little - at- tention, we may say, prune no tree, save such as`. are being transplanted, ex- cept at a time when the leaves have been formed The knife is A the proper instrument for the purpose, unless the branch is too large,.when a ne, sharp saw is necessarv. Invusing the s w, to . avoid splitting down,'cut or saw under thebranch to be removed. Out as close to the collar as possible, and not injure it. a Make the scar smooth and at, and when it is large, cover the wound with white lead or grafting wax to prevent the check, and keep the air out. Cutting olf large branches should not be neceasaryon any tree,` for, the branch ought to have been removed before it became large, say the same year it starts. When the knife is used the operator places i it immediately, under the branch, close to the collar, and draws it carefully upward, severing to leave none outside the well dened by some rather particular in this matter but let such examine trees pruned in _any other manner, car at any other time, than a_bove described, and the conclusion will at once he reached, that too much care can not be taken in. the - matter of pruning. | -4. Thorough Work. It is a good maxim `for every occu pation of man that Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well." But the maxim is only good for as much as it says- T An writer. for instance, may spend so much time in polishing and rounding oft` his sentences that readers lose the effect of what is said, in-. their regard for theheauty and manner of it. ` To gild rened gold, to paint the lily, To throwa Dertume on the violet; e `To smooth the ice, or add another line ` Unto, the rainbow, or with taper light To seek the beauteous eye of heaven to LU Saul; vuv wvu-u--vV-..~ - V. garnish, . - . Is wasteful and ridiculous excess. i All of which his true enough; and we have known farmers, as well assome other men, do what the poet makes Salisbury condemn in lines- that can perish only with our literature.` But to paintthe lily or throw perfume on the violet is not such a common fault that-one may `write an article upon it, or preach" a sermon against it, in this busy age. For one man guilty of wasteful excess in breeding and feeding stoclt, or draining, tilling and manuring -his elds, or cultivating the garden, or keeping weeds under, and the land clean. there are one hundred guilty of the opposite excess. But there is a reasonable -thoroughness that is fully A_ implied in the words of the maxim, and -`--A;v--n'vu-vl\I'1`l` h Q, nlinflll ` lmplleu In tuu vvuum u. ...... ......-.__, -__, whoeverwould be a successful farmer ( and at farmer of character, must do well ( whatever he nds worth doing. How 3 often do we hear it said that the prot f of a crop is in_the last few bushe` s, and i the prot of 9. fat beast in the last few 1 pounds? There is a profound economical J truth in the saying, and whoevermisses doing hiswork well, either` in tilling or feeding, misses the prot in the last few bushels and in the last few-pounds. To plant seed in 9. "eld that is badly ploughed, or that `requires a. few loads Aofimanure, or that needs a. ditch or a. drain to carry off the water or the surplus moisture, is to run the risk of reaping a. crop ..ht1t- will barely pay for the work put on it. We have passed the pioneer stage in all the well settled parts of Onturio,`and we are brought ` into competition with the world in pro ' ducingi meats and breadstu`s._ Can. we hold a. place in the rstranksin the rivalry '1 All depends on doing well whatever is worth doing.` We possess . the most favoured agricultural` country on the continent. _ Our cl-imateiand our soilare admirably adapted tor the pro- duction of cereals, fruit and livestock. - What is needed is skill and industry, and inleveryVda_v s' work an honest ap- plication of the maxim."`Whate\'rer.'is worth doing is worth doing well." ;Thorough work will keep the farmers ` of _()n'ta'rio in` the van foifsll time.`-'--' gRural Canadian. A i 4 - oolorsand startling contrasts-a restless lithe and quick eyed people. You need ~ P. 3 L1: _4 this is the fountain head of Gypsydom. You begin to -see men in tight breaches ;. `i,b$i!ii97tb.;the"kh9sl : the ifatuser. .v'vi*.-1.1 .8!) ` i_inIiIeI_II_e;.o y.erooa_\_t ,made:.iof._.i the J nkinl` 1 of cheep; tinned with . Where Gypsies Originated. In Nasbv s account of his visit to the little village of Stuheweissenburgh, Hun- gary, he says : We came to a country where the women were ravishingly beauti- ful, and the middle~a.ged and old ones ex- ceedingly homely, a country, the people of which are perfectly Oriental in - face, feature and qur-e--where everything has a semi-barbarious` look. You nd your- self among a peoplewho delight in high no `Murray or `Baedecker to assure you that gtheyere Orientals inorigin, and that with boots that t the calf "tightly and _ wool on ; the dwfolleri i}tn'inn;- ` in; tieht ?b1`-eeches with Man 11 pep, E80306 wmn. wuu_\ U11 5 bus Inlvvwflvy the villages, in tight breech withl ;THE;NQR'1lEIEBeN*:;ADY;A1\T3E- ' .'0_`.`Ii.9I#I',`[d)8_vt`1lO!,'_,_9lvlt-vil.'lt:0. fanciflgi a "sieved -on the 1eg ,`~-always a button of` an-T.. other color in the. centre of the pateh, andrinvariably a velvet vest or waistcoat of some brillia_nth_ue. " You see everybody with peciiliar hats. with all sorts of feathers in them, and women dressed in as many colors as is possible to `crowd into a dress, the handkerchief about the throat and the half-turban about the head, of the brightest colors the dyer s skill makes possible. ------o-+o----- Theithree of us had been tramping over the battleeld of Malvern Hill all day long, and as night came on there was every evidence of a steady, soaking rain- storm. We had to get shelter right away, and we found it in a small farm-house owned by a widow. She was willing enough to furnish us supper, but when it came to lodgings she seemed greatly em- barrassed. T _ H _I_- --1.I rum.-I `anus-In dc TIAFI7 You see, she said, my house is very small. Indeed, I have only this room with a bedroom off. - - . But can t we sleep in the barn Cl asked the Colonel. I have no barn._ `But you can go to bed and let us sleep on the oor in this room, can t you 1 - .Y-e-s, but-but- V Oh, you needn t have any fear of us, madam, protested the Colonel. ` It isn t that, air, but-- She blushed like a rose, but none of us could understand until she said : .1111 ,I1 L- A...I` LLA d>1n1f1'| VTIV `IDQJI could understanu unm sue mun , Well to tell the truth, my beau will be here tonight. In this storm '1 _ Oh, yes. -William would come if it rained pitchforks. V `_ . `.`Well, we won t hurt William. No,-sir, but we--that is, he will ex- pect to spark me, a.nd--a.nd- `- W`.vanI'.l\7, said the Colonel. I see BUD bu nycun mu, unnavn ....- Exactly, said. the Co the situation. You don t ` point William T HNYA air - nn'T don't W1 pomn VV luuuu 3 No, sir ; a.nd'I don't warit to trn you gentlemen out either; You see, sir, it s probably my only chance to get married .....J :5 nu-.n I Rn fn nhnd CIHIUUU DU .KU.Il -uAu;-avu and it won t offend Wlllxam. This is his sparking night, and he s got. to come five miles. ? urn 1| __ _;-..n ...L..nJ :11 {-1112 1111117 9 W9 [ nve mues. . _ 7 Well, we won t_ stand 111 the way ; we. will huntsome other iilace. A :1`? __-.; _1....n .+..n . hnf. vnn nee` `W111 nunU.BOU.lU Ululldl. PICIUU No,sir, you shall stay ; but you see how it is. I` think I can x it. I ll take thus room. and you three can have the bedroom. , What? Deprive you of sleep `? ' Oh, no, air. William and I always spark till daylight. If you would only x it that way, air. an. 1:) A CI-nu auunhnr WA lacked Our- % It that Mr. T .. [We did. After supper we locked l `selves into the bedroom, and taking the `pillowsfromthe bed lay down on the oor and slept like bricksuntil called" to breakfast. When we went out the Colonel asked : A A . - ` Well, did Wxlliam show up ? ``Y-yes, sir, she stammered, .and he asked me` to In-marry him ! "If we`hadn t xed things maybe he d have waited a whole year longer. B-breakfast is ready, and I 11 never forget your k-kindness to a poor widow . _ ____-----o-g._._.._._- 11 area uuu. 9 _ . Around eauu buttleuof Dr. Chase"s Live Cure is a. medical Guide and Recipe Book containing useful informa.tion,A over 200 fe- -....... ....,4 nu-nnnnnced bv Doctors and Drug- v-is with Richelieu steamers the North useful 1nIo!'ma.m0n,_ uv Cl.` BU c1pes, and pronounced by Drug- gists as worth ten times the cost of the medi- ` Medicine and Bobk $1. - Sold by all I stranger; --._._.o. A . _ Capital and Interest. ' I suppose Eastern capital has done a great deal for this country, said a traveler to a Dakota settler. Oh, I spect it has -least that s what they all say.- Haven t you beneted by it 1 Well, no, can t- say as I have. What has been the, trouble T Why, you see, I borrowed $50 of yer Eastern cap`tal when I first `came out here, and blamed elf it hasn t kept me humping bout s hard as I can hump to raise the $30 each month to pay the In- terest on it. It has kinder held me back, R ` . Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites. In General Debility, Emaciation, Consumption and wasting in Uhildren, is a. most valuable food and medicine.- It creates an appetite for food, strengthens the nervous system and builds up the bodv. It `is prepared in a palatable form and prescribed universally by Physicians. Take no other. 7 T . rREBMANs WORM pownnns. aka. Contain their own 3 ~.Pnrgntive. 13 a. safe. guro, and ettectnal uvmr at worm in (31.-ildrenor` Adult: &______________________ Lie p1ea.snnt.t-o t =And every species of dloeasolarlslh BIL/oun7..,' W 7J'I'Z}j`I-A;I.-T.9-.$`,- `. .0 YSPEPSIA, nnopsy, mo/assrlo/v, nurrsnnva JA U/VDIOE. ' OF THE HEART.` ERYSVPELA8. AOIDITY OF ' 8ALT RHEUM, < THE 8T0/MACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNE88 HEADACHE; ;OF THE SKIN, , . from , disordered LIVER, --, Knou5vs,_ 5_1'&jg\,H.; I `V. n ` L'i.-..-3.!-..L'.?-` . *'r.%m1usun'n a can wn_L cum-: on Reuava ,__-A n - Q n Annals now she Fixed 11:. .:--..Z A Free Gift. , Prince uu-'-a.uu-- .the u want to` disap- N70- names Anvmica mmeumw ADVERTISEMENTS. ' First insertion, 10 cents per l_ine. Each sub se uent insertion, 4 cents per lu1_e. ending notices. 10 cents per hue for rst in- sertion; 5 cents per line for each subsequent insertion of the same matter. _ 1-0.1 nm.-5.1 and Gnvernment advertnse tajnvnnwrsmns snovmzo NOTE -rms 1:-Ac'r. (i21ine'dd nonpareil make one inch). CONTRACT Anvnawlsrna. Contract advertisements will be taken at the following rateginwhich are drafted on correct commercial p ciples, and. as they wall be -strictly adhered to in making new contracts after present contracts expire, there will be only one price for all: . . AlD`VERW' ? i'1:IsINti3*1iATEs. _'.l`he ~AI1'viince has a sworn Circulation * V ot -A'l`.hurtee_n Hundred and. Twenty Copies, ` Almost, it not "quite double that of any other Paper pubiished in Barrie. insertion of the matter. Legal. Oicial and Government uients will be charged at above rates. 1Inch....... ....... ..1 2 Inches .......... .. 5 Inches, i Column. 10 Inches, 5 Column 20 Inches, 1 Column `For one m0nnn-uuc nun.-as Luuuuun; Lava u ..... 15 er cent. added. . V or two months-the three monthly rate R with 10 per cent. added. us-n....:.........a .....;.:+:.-...:. h. Hun nn.'nAI` will he & and smok- Wltn LU pal` uunu. uuuuu. - 88' Preferred positions in the pa er will be sold at an advance of one third on a vc rates. _ This rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- tice .01 intention to change advertisements must be handed in to the oice not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in the ADVANCE oice not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, in any week ; otherwise the advertiser's announcement may not be made public until the week following. L---..._ _..:n .....o 1... nllnrn-nil fn nap fhr-31' DOB 06 made DUUIIU uuuu 0111: IV uun svuv u --.5. Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for a._dvc-rtising anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so, I tra.nsientArTa.tes will be charged for `such adver- `:cIt\fI`lllI'lf, uguuu 1611 lo ` txaement CONDENSED Au V nnnzuuuxun . H. such as Wants of all kinds. Property for Sale or to Rent, Etc., Etc.. must be accompanie and will be 1nserted-.F1rst per word. each word (names, addresses, and Condensed advertisements on First Page. Lost and Fqund, Sgecitic Artxcles, with the cash. insertion. 2 cents subsequent insertion, 1 cent er gures countedp as words); but 8. reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number 0 `uni-run rnnffnr IPQIIR. f insertions of the be 1118.66 Wnen L118 uuzuuur \ `same matter exceed FOUR. *For one month-the three monthly rate with A unit nnnh l"_ E Giles % Liniment Iodide Remcwes all Unsightly Bunnes. t`uunn fnwunv Spinal Mengitis. Sprung Knees. 5| Quittef. Qultwr. _ _ ` -- _ i Windgalls. Nostable should be without it. Railroad, , mining and express companies all use Giles Liniment.and in the great racing stables. of Belmont and Lorillard it has achieved wonders. One trial will convince. T . Write DR. GILES, Box 3482, N.Y. P`;0. who will, without charge, give advice on all di.=ez1=cs all druggists at 50c. and $1.00 bottle, and in %uarts at $2.50, in whichthere is great saving. he Liniment in white wrappers is for family use; that in yellow for cattle. -_-_ Giles Iodide Ammonia Horse and Cattle Powders. SED by all the leading horsemen on J en me Park, Fleetwood, Brighton Beach, b'l1e-cp3- head Bay and" Bull's Head. Never diszuvpoint, are Tonic, Alterative and Diuretic. Destroy Worms, Cures Indigestion. Colic. Bow. Sore Throat, Catarrh, Founder, Pink-eye and ltlu u: , vnnfuarn The rinse is small and the iimvx 1' is ` and also on the management of cattle. SoEd`hy ` N o. 01! Inches Space. Throat, Catarrh, Founder, t'1nK-e3 a nun Luu u- x * matism. The dose is small and ;5owu- , great. The Powders art` guaranteed and `fur chasers failin to obtain a cure money refund- ed. Sold oya 1 druggists at 25 cts. a. box. A- STANDARD lVIED l3AL WQF K FOR YOUNG AND MIDDLE-Al}ED MEN ---- -- .. uunv 1-ornri 'I'|(\Qr-'\`)` LULII svvauu .._._ _. : ONLY $1 BY M;`I;:;dSTP1\lD. * [ ILLUSTRATIVE SAMPLE FREE TO ALL. L `man, young. middle-aged and ( Id. It cnnt zins ' ""' `I . I II I V--- I ltiuliuuicu//awn.-m A Great Medical Work on Manhood. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility. Premature Dec-Ii.-e in Man, Ex-1 or:- 1 of Youth, and the untold miseries r<`s- 1tin_9: from indiscretion or excesses. A`book for (`very 125 prescri tions for all acute and chronic dis- , eases, eac one of which 13 inv=-in.-1b1-. 80! found by the Author. whose expc-.rie_n e for 25 [ years is such as" ro1_1a_bly nevar before `ell K0` the `log of anv D ye1c1a_n. 300 rages, b in beauuful French mushn; emboss< (1 covers. full gilt, guaranteed to be a. finer w_vo*k' in every sense than any other work sold in this cesuuu-y for $2.60. or the money mill be 1- fundt-d in every ir.stance._. Price only $1.00 by mail, pm:,:- i paid. Illustrauvev sample Inc to any bcdc, | Send now. Gold medal awarded the author By the National Medical Association, to the Presi- dent of which. the Hon.` P. A. Bisscll, and as- sociate ofcers of the Board the reader is re- specthlx referred. '- _ V ' The Smenca of Life 13 worth more toithei spectful.ly_ rererren. _ _ A The SC-181108 worth more to the young and middle-aged men of t-his`genAemtinn .t;han.a.1lAt.hego1d mines of C8.1if01`l_)i:s and the silver mines_.of Nevada. c0mb1ned.~-S. F. Chronicle. rm... Rninnno. of Life nr-ints out the rocks and . Chfggxgnce of Life points out the rug-ks I 'quicksands> on which the conatilut:m_x and hopegof manyayourg man have bern Iaiuhy wrecked .'-M anche ster M 2 n or. rmm Qninm-,n nf Life is of greater value than ` Funvenient `id 6w1s?ERs,oF STOCK- a wrecKed.-Ma.ncne_ster 1V.l=I'10l`. . The Science of Infe is of greater value than I all the pubhshed in this couu- ; | try for the past 50 ye a1_s.-At1av ta ('omtitut.ion. vrhn Smence of Life 13 a superb and masterly for the past DU a1_'s.-Aua' la L mmuuuun. The Science superb treatise on nervous and physical debility Detroit Free Press. . _ V ' mlnnm In-nn' mpmlinr nf mmetv to whom The ' airone usu~za* Detroit "Free Press. 3 I _'l`he_re.ia-no member of socxety to whom | Foienceaot Life W111 not` be useful. V\'hathCI`| `youth. parent. guardian, instructor cr cier;:y- ' man.-`-Argonamt. Adi-pan the-Pen.b.odv Medical Inc-1it1.te. or man.-Argonau . Address the-Peabody Medical 0: 1 Dr. W. F.Pa.1-ker. No. 4. Bn1r.(-.h street, Bos- ton.}'ho may be consulted on all d`s- eaaes reqigimng skill and experience Chronic and obst ate diseases that have bulcd the '1-k'ill.ofva.1l'o`1her nhysicians a snccinm-. Such treated successfully without an instm1r'9 of failures; Mgntxon ADVANCE. Patric. Um. 17-Yy I:fnsATc`n'ok7s'aa?-.1 III CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. ~ !--_......A... Av: Fina! 41-eow;39 _ w.: MCGLEAN, j 1 ' One Inser tion. 7!73E|5 175 AA. my D guuucoa CuresLa.meness in Cattle. Fonder, V`Veak Limbs. } J " 10 Inser- tions. [9 `l!'Il\| ( (3 mos} P5: I-I-5' |1ng 011 001 ' men: 1563" 875 16(1) Spavln, ttingbone Agent; Ba1'ri. C In ` '40 _ Inser- Hnnu . M"%3i[< Ammonia 5 5 $600 1400 |__ "=3%Ei`$*3 uau puvvonxuuy, uu Dvvu I | flver, Stumacl, KidE.f1&ui3owala. .__..:_._ -_- .._......... .....I vwinnn On thong as-Ant This G1:eat Household Medieine ;-anka amongst the leading necessaries of Life. 'l`hA:n fnmnna. Pills: nnrifv the Rlnnd. and not ---u- .-vwju-v--, -_..--_-" --_,, giving tone, energy and vigor to these great mun apmxes or LIFE. They are condentl recommended as a never failxntz remedy in 5 cases where theconstitution, from whatev `cause has become impaired or weakened. The are wonderfully eft acious in all ailment: incl ental to Females of all ages, and as a Gen eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed. nne Ieaamg necessanea or mre. These famous Pills purif the Blood, and act 1 most. powerfully, yet sooth ngly on the 1, 113_1,___._ -__.1 'n-_-I.. Its searching and healing properties are known throughout the world. For the cure of Bad Legs. Bad Breasts. ' I `FYI `pm: 1 --v I. |;I.lC Uul UL uuu 14055. uuu ;zAuu-umu. 035 W.0%!!n%ds SW: and .U'`?.'3: sun`: Viv-w--u--u: -V"- it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck or chest. as salt into meat. it cures Sore Throat, Diptheria. Bronchitis, Colds. and .even Asthma. For Glandular Swellings, Ab- scesses, Piles, Fistulas, And every kind of skin disease. it has never been known to fail. The Pi11s_ and Ointment are Manufactured An`:-7 of ILIU 1' only at not U00 UATUHH UIIILLI, nun-nu, And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World: with direc- tions for use in almost every language. or: I):-nhnatnna uhnnlrl Inn]: tn the Labels on tions for use in almost language. :3 Purchasers should look to the Labels the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London. they are spurious _ HoL|.owAv's PILLS _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . . -_ ...-nuannlrlall wish 122::- db 52:3? 7% an - Beware of.Cm1nLcrfeits and Base Imitations. Genuine \VXi][)Ud only in B_lue,Awi1h signa- tgzre `on. every box.` Free -trial package or l_h:_scfCclchi-:at<+c1, Pills sent to any address on re-ceipt m" `.1 ; cent Stamp.-' Ion, HOLLDWAY _0INTMEN_T .k - >.~ouVcux:.\> I -71 DR. Cn.\.xx;`.< cex-tam remed Llvel` L.OlIIpn.xuu AL.'\tI\ . compounded from n;~.Lu1 MANDRAK-H. A.\` 1,) D.-\.:: `other, invaluz le l OU{>' ...........6'..l n`-mt nn the v-..~.- ow_erf\ lood. /\ were Sala Hz. woman mm 1 laiut to try .' Dxuuug _ U V ., , .. 02/er one-a//'11:/I/1o_n 4 were sold in Cm:aa a 4 ` ........,... ....,J .-.',:I,; -,,;_.,, V353 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, I ...... ....1A 1.... -11 Vnnanua nf Mnini It is a well known Fact! I a dull, sallow complcxio: 'Ch:s_e' Liver Cure is L'- .pQs1t1vcly cure thcsr: com` Qnu'r1-nmn idzw 5GM'ETHH\'I} NEW. wvnn awn! rnu: \Vrappd around evcrv bumc of Dr. Ch-ase s Liver Cure is a. valuable Hous:-.f1o1d Medical Guide and Recipe Book (84 pages), containing over zoo useful recipes, pronounced by nxedigral men and druggiats as in\':_du- Vable, and worth ten times the price ofthe medicine. EDMAiiSON 80., Sole Agents, Bradford. ._,..-. r\\I .-tr ~rrn*|v1l`1TC.l'l`Q {now Iuwiu ---u~ . ._ V\`: have` recently published a new . .0diiiun of Dr. .(Tulvcrwell s Cele- _ui' brazed Essa)` on the radical and get- mum-nAt cure (wit.ho"t mcdlcin e) of I\ 91'- vous Debxlit-y. Mama} and Physical Incapacity, `lxupedimems to`Mu1'riagc, etc , resulting from excesses. _ < x.rp..1.... m n. .m.1m1 om-elmge. only 6 cents, or i , l `Pricc In a. sealed cm`e1u1.`e, only cents, twopoatuge .~:tnmpS. V pad The ce`:ebmtL-d author. in this admirable ' Essa`; ch a1-13 dc muustrates. from thirty years sI.1cces.~fu] p:'a(:tire. zhat alarming consequen- ces may be rarcany cux ed without the danger- ous use of i1_m:rx-u.l ncdicines or the use of the uknifcs: pqintjng out a mode of cure at once simple. ca: min and effectual, by means of which every s_uL-rer. n mathtor vuhat his conditicn tr-u be. may cure Lima:-If cheaply, privately an hrmlicay. - ._"1`his-,Lcc_:ure should be in the hands at every youth and rwry man in the land. ~ I Adalrosts Hip (`.I.'LVF.'h`NELL MEDICAL CO. omer 1nv;uuau nu lU`\. K gowcrful effect on the I 1--.: xznn r 5:29 2329252 "ems! Ezov relieved from, your ':':".}.:.=3r3'. 30 mils In `a box, 9 V2;5-3.. igzcr box, 5 boxes for $l ' VFCH SALE` 3:? ALL Deuce/s rs `AND 5:,1Les ./N. MEDICINES - I youth anu man In me 18110. [ Address the CITLV FLRWELL .41 Ann St.` New York. Post. (stce Box 450. Elms: 1:1?r'r;x1;'&smm; PARLOR ~,rE {.. cg-c~PPos1'rE BARBIE HOTEL, DUN LOP STREET. .DYS?E 5S!; es: INDIGESTION, A \_` HEN > ' E: ":2: ' -a L WH`: L $UFFER FROM Razors and$c18sor$Gr151ind8nd at on short otic-.0` _ 5.1 mu: ?5s;e`%z2.<;:E MONKMAN; ~r.r.r-rr~411 T117113` Zsui'e_s'e;i'_ `E:1u`>,:i1 Vlndigesfiony Biscygresi V Siomach. 3' lv west: conu__=1a;:r.~;. .0 SoM'emn.:c Maw. GWEN AWAY FREE :4 ..-.+.....2 ..-..m1\m21e of Dr. Chase's Liv W`?`~%H~2<?.E?. `I1`.' 6U LV z`-.RwEL,L's .*2;~*.r%2`.' cu :1`.-*~!_ A3se:.u_na[ANn III `rs vwn, v-..-...-...- _ sou) BY ALL Dttvbdifs. K).-\-."Jl.|hLlUaV, \.Uluuuu.u nu-. ........J le rook, barks and h_cx_bs, havmg a on the Ixxdneys, Stomach, Bowcls and 500,000 SOLD ~ '. nf Dy (`/lI1.\'I,"I R'tCl.t" 13:70:33 k Jul `rosin-\~ -------_ , `I') RUGGIST. BARR1-E. moses. .~>.oL.-at on-. I auuu _ V Dr. C /case ; Rec:/we bite. H": want aver} man, ' L]..,J -,..'II. ' I -'-may I`.-2.--- 121! an xnacuve uvcr Ciulzca , liirer spots, pimples, etc. ; . ' only remedy tha`. will must `A-1:.I.? .-S3f:3|NG :2;af aw-7v-v HOW RESIOBEDI 22:. The] bvaf rat act ' esd liver causes .....-J... ..:.`~ - r ulluuu Nissan- y and plea- ! line. 1 Monday. tn "Halifax, ULT. {UTE mo J IIBULIX. day to St. 115' h =...?.'! 'rfv'e' II n - nu Iikl` `unity no.`v_?n 1 tin: lll/I D ",Luu >--. um _ , els _vourv,uo-.-mr. Ana we can p-mm119\v \\'(H-ll1l(` lo know it all -cv.cry seut<'.:x~- -Then she st ppuzl ugulli. . _ 1.`.)morro'.v. d0<.'t<)r, we shall read the nish. 1; seemed likely (fllUll1,'ll. But that night 1111 W` gualllllly ` mkvll d;:m:ero11sl_v lll. mmlllls. Then she returned only go be man an long` _ `d M I h mu; am :1 '11.. on. nsucx a urry that 1 ngv `SW her unlll the w(.dllng D0113 were rlnglng Sig; hm (~;11Im1 ,.n`me the day but one before, and, kg my luck. l_\\u:4 out. Dear heurt! how pretty and .110 looked comlng out of theonur-h.`~u I -ullod away to nurse 0. slat:-r wha _ She did not return l1ome"`t':: haptv." 3 s,.iatI!l, blnsnoem. lace and happiness! And - Wham-hundsonm young fellow ha was! And how ~ 3 ~ ; _ , ll . m;MmNl1Lels_z1n;l ru tnlng of gowns and scan-_ U}-`15, and of -Ml nun-los th'.'ou1;h my old blulna, D0.\'Ul`'-' "" "'3 chur<.'h.vnrl was Sm t` ma all \\'.lSU\~(-I , I sat down on a tombstone 1n~k|"l~' GM W<'a'lJl1st' whm cm `last ca;-man xurnml the corn:-r. I re}! :1 thlnklng_ _ ~ 73 And whsm I was done my muslng; V Hpm}. heart, .~u.l;l l, ruznem erlng the story an ozmy ,.Tlu~eml m` V-anl.y liurdxvum Wm never be . Y ulna MN. zmuh 1 carriage! And what . "up my and \vhil'llng of sights past my 01 b1\13h0.HHl1x|n .....- what 3- lmndsome ulckly ),()t ;n Oil CU. - mar ind? m romem! er. do tux`. he was 3 0`, ~ '1\'e him a hI)pe_" D r '` ould cw`!-I 5 '`\'odoul)t."S1I` 1. her behavior is unoomllioi . om-ct thin;.:." -1 like-d` h--1' am the r. nsg ` ~ ~ pend W0 -,"`"- Wakes a womafxrkcfadhxxrtbn . `I stand a wom;\'1.' V "The mnn mukem poor hand of; mmmy A -E , -9 mu`. Then slw In-;:uu 1-) lzmgh. _ `Le th-s novel. doctoi-?" "\\h1._`h of us wr. - -`-~"5- 31! 1. "things have ~ got 80 mu . "'1' uu so [1pt!1;at111.x\;. Hvingr pun tail. B It Eu that um 11 was you and me, and umn.p1es we .-~ md than yuu`." _ W1 yo WHSH thy [nay Iv In]-S " . ' 5 remarked I ",\ud my ls nut mine L-I yourx, amt . we (111119 to "~:`tt'1c(ir we can _ "u-_,vu1,i_ ` Y I ' i V` '. ' V >` ' `> j::`..`:r.-.:;$.: aL::`,:` 9: .:" . . 3 1} R tmnw I .~`1x:yf. mar.) 11 Len 'u-_4u1u. `xnorrow. nish. But night h`l11Y t` ~11 d;u1;;eru `"113 m on ; and all was done in such ` until \'v(~dHngl)o1]3 E23:-37 `flat never .. I .n nm the dny lih. ' I u`Hod to S` . ` ` tor wh ugly res Was turn homg-to _ 1 _ nun, W .n N ' or 3-l`.>:`.t} P1>r-m.:1.'` : mm .| `- . , IHTII inn] u . .. .. . ............ ....-../ ...... M, "*-.V Vic`-w fori-val`. ' ' Ilium mm an_u..i1".v;a;:t- iiom~ to ten.` KI: took, 50 r-u-.~Iin;; uiih his formvr mvc-eL!':L':u`L toiorablf " ? 0: Iy in! wzu: i-urious to know how she got that "0 "*"1|i;<`.uxui_ spoke pettishiy when he heard 01 "" m`'i|i{0. 1-iomeixow Mrs. Suuw snemcd diarr- "".01i1e that "'kWrl and her dress `and a ' ' ` 1 3 . . _ ppea am 9 e um !. which I hni never t _ nocicml hnfor The ten cable. 00. was rather in a V > :22? 11" Dr-stcy freely. William wa1`verx.(l10f~. and vghat with his being somewhat dusty in thdact. M` `is beard and collar` as (before, And he hiwlnil an-: irken on his boots and put on a - a'r .9!-cupgl nMw*- although things looked mend y`;;iI,tI_ll._,:yp_. ` .,`Iw`fl- there was; ome_thln': or in contra-xt.; , .p_ '5' 9"` M3 198! P011 two chaixfp urdg h'it1 "`9'} there is an $"?.`:'.Wm hav my to ei,.i..~igs:-. E I t0 $91`. 7' b fllvumfluiu ah owning. her munncristrlkills "19 '"": me~':=. and the ehildrn hail. U651! C V ,|':I arh 'cH`.-wrmn xxfv.' ~ 1 -xLvx;nun.-1 AFTER. ,.(;,m and mo make ew.vc11.f.V-flIl`00_. When -I. 1., {,.;g t\-\\' mu-a um um vus s1x_Ly-Mghu.' [1 ;.;',;,::t'H`1`?im.n, will: u L)lX.'. I frost in , I . V 1, ,.l' I - .\..L'. 1.. oh}. up! A nv\ V .. ' mi. in. H-u._ la is my" -~:~\'-11t`y In-ird bmtll--. 1 .i*m In `|`i{`.'..y turn I u: corner. I Ob `*1 VIult_v put hvr`haudlnto1h'e hand 0fh`l`hll!" I ;1::.l luni; u-,1 `hm his face. Th : $3.35 07 W; "` `v\`u.~' uzru x h: r. and I n-.-vc.-r n9.w.he1rm`horfull5 '-`INN u.-.1 I that illatt-lit. Wl16n(5hO'V.5"_h9d' imv \'h\\v 1'nnuu:nv ., ~ . - V -7 ` 3111! do rur, nu n.., ., W, __ von :;1\'o hope," ."`-""""-` I," suld "her behu\'1o1'- un . T _ `:1 rm`! ' - mm~ n' `--r flwm r~`lv " miss rema ' . ied ND . 11, 1 wt>r.1L -k- ' '3- . 1 to. (.8 woman no `mm __ In 5 mil tered and . is.very 500. ` WV` .....-.u m_ an odd to an `her wnnl have tell. '1` \ 2 John Honk. add in se!- let.` 9 now?" .~ont`nss, m 1.: we has beu11 ve1'.V IJl'ettV." .-my Tum Penxbroke now?" ," suin 135." I said. "He; 1 X."al1e has as good as`. 91.5.. 9 now? -' miss." v .1 hamlet xlnsulllg nu1un;_,' um slcguv `,;L y we got to Lyuton, 31nd the-,ma.,u. um !hu. green nlmmtalns and rich` 1: xxglu down to the water's "edge, so ..z ulmust _`funcy the woods and hulls -:1 n xdvr the blue ucez1l1-~(h(!11ill.\1_ who ` ,1;_\nlwn, I was guirxg to observe, had .. .:....'....-v nu lm mm: into (ha new h".\'. V I mum (;n'_~: loam-lhotho look of`VnnTt!-'3 ..' 1 ma ruu.:_:m1zod him! '1 In re was nothinl` 1 it. nru-.;g;-1-,()!' ('01!-e;u1)t. Wtsvlt null-~; ` \\'u.< it I~.)i')`()\\'? Wu. 1r- W-l1`y,'bVefora IV lf"l'1u;,'.'.r1f (~a1-ring: zmil all had driven, z; zh.1t.a p`-easxanter sail than-this mum-l xio man can take." On one sh coast and hills, with here it buy huxlxlcthstling among the green \\'.A mu In I.vntm_ fund the- 1118.11. _n|lt'lI III `ll`|H 1:; M; I `.,_ HJ H -.htl1c lcu\'o :,~ Jr (ho Lrcm, '13; ...v sin: 1 +5 ..: rheumatism in my oldbonu. .n-,h-xrlnga matter of a hundred LI nu one to leave It to. and my nd 1: *tJe dobts being auto to -be'cov- !- mt` my ,l't=w sticks of furmturgi H, [ought to take one more 11011- luwxx in the I-hurchyurd and draw .4 uvm` thlxv your old body for thy ~ tau n.1o0.w leg this su.'.nmer,'Joh n ~.~;-xx summer blue and cloudy m. may be z\:]l one to you." `Accord- a_\'_ In re matters up, took "ticket per ..1... ` .....I nut: 11 nntlt-n nn mv IV lllU1I'. uun 1 ::)c:u1-ofv mt ;:`in.:r tlun all I the-no f,huu_g .I l'x\-wntly a lit '*.~;.-.1 "like reu mzlula (Q1}1_\' S `uv`nt ._11:_uui2sm; `-.: mi out astu " `.l:H.`.`K ryarsz S HIM r."`' `. . .:.m1wa;-ewsala '1. .. . lIol5II nnntxl .:Ii1H,|U\LL -U. .`x.x:;`.e lu l eLn`iroke." ' ' i1;mu.`x1ug believe to kuo__w noth-T Fchued on er intend! <;.m,- .- ..`r.u u: map.m_y. ` > r. I`. L-~..-;,` lmt`n I-u_;i and I win ~ .1... uni the in 47503 ' were .pl'8:Y|01HI : Hm .~'lr1'tn;:'2-t l.h1ng`happenod that) my cxpvrl0nc'9'. . _. ` a. snow mm staying at Ilrrucombu Inc will un friendly terms. William n".~r..1 to meet. me on my .r0turn. a1d. ` tr tun. N4.)-V. just. as my hat was in '_ 1 m - grand folk `good-d;.y. I saw the :m -"H!rV\\' and V';un.t._'.t nlcwt. Wllligzm .2 am . .\':cl-6'10 c-.lw.ra-ter a`ways.1Ju| In .-whmr. thnt, he has grown rutllmf m mu -1:. ht is not p.-u-t,lcula.r.asAta() };IE-,:, 5;. x t :'-we \vomf+ his collar n1ore _h_m,` wims ,mu much mm, 0.1 on the p1``S1I\!';` u 1...: -. ..n .u- n.n.v'.fnn uffnh n hum-`Ind -11, 1 VVj! R \H}.'{ LU U'UnL'1'vr:, unu m-ry UH he gets Into thx new l-rum1 1h .1 he will find nothing ' `and it. went hhlncl nndvvnn-, Joth. an! nswe glldd past mile '. i" t h<)ught,I, "just so. my three-. 1.-we sl'ippeiJ. away.v Ah,' I mr.l lvve lwhind .1m.~," `thought en o1'_\-.~m~.<;,noth!ng to (V-Vomeifor 9 um I wmu-. mud like the merry .;-.r.>t" But win-u_It.u1-zrl round mm of mu were shlnlngn lathe .-r 1.1.211 th 1t" had gone by-. me rhnug.:tst.l1at I never noticed" aunt Lv !1'L:t.Ie' girl or three yoars, I like real` quz11it;_v..just able to ma to my side and lu0k"(l'11p 111 t.` h:xud.~iumc little face it` was, Hi cm ust_u111isl1111,r.r1y fol so young ' :i< ._\-. 5. she logked at me quite at me, as ymlng chlldrlein wlll, ;-ht-nap mum, lwr umt-hm-1'. Whom w .-a lady l1_l`n_`SSGi\ beautifully- x.m1'_a h.u1_d. and was smiling at. mr, poor man _be:on man '1 hnne." F6 nuluera up. Luun uvawu pm In-.` and stuck a notice on my mini return in a turtulght from J .3 ml Wm. M! u_ud_ 10 n. An. . aw 7.(`l1.l1d." :-:"l:mm.-d I. , 1;J,n_V 1);-`ide-a boy! She .\`.Il I.,\..,!-,unn.l"1vn urn an rk l_|1aK..I I.1L', v ..- `n. . ~ ~-u vu u_v vu |7l|\l H HUVU I "5 lave '1` 2 following ramarkftj `R. 1n_selg- !ef_m_sc: I h_a_\'e 0.1%` :13 ' I said; ;l'(.lVb'B.l'6l"`3l:Utl 1. - .~;n_-, "you must Lm`Dr. ' Book?" ' - .xmltl1un she_ sat down buslde mu! I- dawn hi-aMe'_m. just as,afYab`.e' - mum er played with th`e"chl1d. mat. putting what I_ heurd,.to-. 1; n.-`w, --x\'h_\", thinks I. here - "1 put iucf) my hand!" ` s..u all Iluzwu-.-11 than`. and at}! I (:1 zany _:ist(`l' Catherine had -; wrr v ,. w hE<-h"wns comfortable. ~ r..- _dn\'I`y; the bunk fallurr `Iz,;t~0nI1,)loL8 l)reakup,>fur Mr. . -ml n curml five hundred a 1:; ;u New Zeulrind. farming. Any nlnlrnri nn nil lrlnrll `nl waukerl by, (1 tall handsome x_1ul |0ukL`t`1 at me. ' v -, is an old friend 0fn11ne." v_`' I. said, getting up and muk~ 1-1 -onou,;h to. put it in that ; ;u_Nmv 'I.L*um1gu. Luxyuuug. -:m-hbw picked up all klndl `zvliydurlnu her rural life in Al . mu 9, st -14): :~..1';u:.;, she taught in .1 :1 m"va'1t. favorite with tho mzu .\h~. J`mn|)r0kes:11d In 9 [mt Al 1*. ' Pembroke was I <-`hi.-,l101:). Iufzu:t.,hu't;o1d me you obsgrve, quite affable 9.1`:-_. .n;:,'- MISS Vauliy (Mrs. Pam -zunu alongside of us.. leading -ri.-1 nu snu(=.Ln'm1, (nun um pr_u:u_7_lu_- Am .-r evening after ahurrled :n".s uh _l.~:.c. _l'-In by no mean: Y [Live in usunmn-1' lune among Lgh, xx .19 um o:'.rrhge waiting '. _l}I`z\l[| our tags enough, Huhud harness. -Acoachmnu,` '.'m you pk.-u'ae. .\ur.-wand] c-_.'.'l n.:m;y 1'u1m;.noxt Mrs. -A`xmyc: 1,. Jim h:x.ndsun_1_c L"`Vl`I\' `.- ucuuc--u uunc uuy. nuu ` hc1`s_olf; *_8m.l"\ve are so L I m-vex-In at`. my seventy .' ircuxme. I ncveraaw a. 1::~:Imml. so.h1ip[)y and salts * ~:nw a lmsbnxul, utter foul -;:11`u-ct-~I:y a lover aud ad- n'iut_5' tm~run1aybe(lf any`, _ t aa\\'4l`<*; but I tlo._1`t `fancy \vure u(`t'~n lone y. i. :t;> the much rbor. and" .l -u.. a . .vl'II-.-'1: ' this '1 .... ,` L--u`um1urI" ml. "1 um not mu"h of a 1 what I txsmt to ace In the (run, the race 1s"'lu(_) this." sl1Q`asled, for a `--n4umluI'? ....1 ul nun nnf l\`\Il"| nf II what may your name EL L'll._'_iI (L II In tho'\v1`.(l. 4!... our.-. L. .. \- 3" j H ])tll__Y H: An 34 Neville, 1- rnn'.In: observe there was something ofea contrast. maintained that respectability is the road to suooeis` Ali my life long I have been saying that. for thou ; who want to make their way in the w. rid the grand rule in: "Be respectable. Wil1iam Snow wasa teetly respectable young man. Miss Hardware 1 considered at one time a-he'1ter~ske1ter ..harum-scar- nm young woman. Now. the end of the pair being an above. the question comes, What about respect obi-ity? . . . . . I hammered at the question that night as I walked home, but could make nothing of it. At last I said to myself, Who are you, J nhn Book, that you should try to answer the great riddle of human llte?-.g|vs it up." Which I will. For the rest oi my time I shall go to my church, and mind what I am told. Only this I remark: Ourclorgyman. at the end of his sc-rsnons, has a way of leaning over his pui it and saying kindly to us, "N ow. "brethren. what s l to?" It is a favorite question of his. Next time he as` it [shall be apt to stunel up in my pew and reply as follows; "5`mrmmn.l I have: hmm us! that o-Mai. ..u...-...Ia..... Luuuwn; V I "iteverend, i have been x\t,that1'!ddlo so vonty-tom years, "come next autumn, I give it tux" wan: mm. `CR9 QC? UUIQX `DC-I VD C-Vut vvu-W v -w viru- LONDON, May 1.---An anti-Home Rule meeting was held at Wrexham to-day, at j which Wm. Cornwallis `West, M.` P. for ` West Denbighahire, a Liberal, presided The Earl of Leicester (Liberal) presided I at a. similar meet_ing at Norwich. III - (V...-.,.L.~... en a annnn`-\ nlv Undaioxv lvn- [Ens %