lws. IILLINERY STOCK 00 Comparison and Inspection invited. Dress and Mantle Making in all its branches. LAWS Hill SALE annex} man ANB nwmme] nurmnn snnnr. Apply to _ --n-Eln ('\X' Barrie, April 8th. noulmon m_s_q:v nu cvo u~.._ - A A. Bljksrocx, %t_.i=.ADs_'_I'_5_E VAN. ' r-.a'. BROWN .1 fI-_-lA -Q1. -'Ihox11pAag`11-.v > Langshans. ' Wyandottes, Black Javas, ' Pit Games. Pekin Ducks. 1.. 1-3 :5: ea. 3 o N, FURNITURE DEALERS. "B1560 '12 was Block, BY THE wrap. u-annular J snows THE $2.00 per 13. 14 1:1 ISPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Iy xuu Lugu .vu.uu.. ........--...-. I % Hon. Mr. 1ie1ding`ha.s given notice_ in .m':.e .\'cwa Scutia Legislature of 9. mot1on I * C.cc1`a.rmg it Is absolutely necessary for the provilxcu to ask permission of the Imperial i`ar1ia1m-lntto secede from the Canadxan E E edcm'tion. A T SC()TT S -:- BOOKSTORE. lwwa, azM9ma Wm {PM9f{?& Baby Carriages, with ur without wire Wheels. Lacrosses, Lawn Tennis Raquets, Base Ball Clubs and Balls. ` Linen Window Shades and Paper Window Shades. SCOTT, THE BOOKSELLER, Our Low Prices! .' We are bound to sell" Boots and Shoes at lower prices than they can be boughtelsewhere in the county. The reasons why we can do -this `are these : Our expenses are very low for the business we do. We pay cash for our goods and get the largest possible discount.` We have a large and co nmodious store available and convenient in every ,1 A _, particulz'r.' \`"""" VVe have experienced and accomplished salesmen who take the greatest pains to fit people well and honestly advise them as to their requirements. ` i _ . We make no losses in accounts, tor we have none. \Ve sell as we buy, for cash, and for cash only. We carry an immense stock of good, serviceable and stylish Boots and Shoes that can be thoroughly relied upon. - N.B.-You will nrl Clayton at his old stand, next; door to Farquharson s i Grocery, having released his new store in Brown's new block to Messrs. Coulter, 1T.:.. 2. D....;`l.. ' \JIavvvnJ , noun - --! Vair 85 Booth. Mr. W. H 1?a1conbridge,' Dr. Adam Wright and Mr. W. A. Foster have been .1.-cu-d members of the University Senate `:._v the and Mr. J. A. Culhan Wxhc High School mafters. " ` __ _LE.. 2... See my prices before purchasing elsewhere. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. I . ------- I To our patrons and to the public 1n general. Notice, we are the only agents in Barrie for E. DACK & SONS celebrated English Porpoise, C rrdovan and Anhydrous Grain Boots and Shoes. Established 50 veers. T jJ. & T. BELL S ladies and childrens ne Boots, Shoes and Slippers. The leading manufacturers in Canada. . PINKERTONIEV C033, `-Goodyear Welt. Good;7 Weqd(ml in many respects to Hand Made goods, nndvery much cheaper. .~ ' Our Stock for this season is large and selected. We claim your attention and uh you to call and inspect. N 0 trouble to show our goods. Eight Doors East of ma stand, Mccarthrsnlock, ` :3 ARRIE. A J 0 H N 0 LAYT DUNLOP STREET. G. BLA CKJV1 OR E, ' W- H- MYERS 827 SON. P. F. EWAN, .\ special meeting of the Knights `Of 1..1burhz_1s been culledrfor May 25_th at (`l:vela.11d,(t)}1i0. ` ' <.}ott1eibFauth fractured his divorced :gife's skull in Sandusky on Friday and men attempted suicide. V V American shermen say that unless they can procure Canadian bait they will le compelled to give up shing.- 1 __ -13-- ---I.ARGEs'r AND BEST ASSORTMENI` or-- MERCHANT TAILOR, OPPOSITE STATION. BARRIE. ---A COMPLETE STOCK o1v-- IMPORTER, 82.2., BARRAUD us" NOW MAKING omecr PHOTO- annn-as mom cum SIZE up To In x I4 onamns BOTI-I`VV'ELL S BLOCK, FROM $3.00 PER DOZEN. -. ...., `IJ ..... M ....... _. . _ A Che brakemeu s strike all along the hue 2.-f the L'uion_ Pucitic has ended. V THE l'll|lT|]l}l|llPlII!l|, BARBIE, "L7 V _ ' ' - " "' `I -'`"'`C There were fgrty -ve. wounded police- .aen in the hopital at Chicago on Thurs- day night, and six of them cannot recover. Joseph Walzer, a. young Frenchman, fvesterday murdered his boarding mistress infwilliamsburg and then took his own 41 9, . b A mmstorxu at 1\ evad_a., Mo., caused :L|.HHHda1nage.A ' . V The prisoners in the Chicago riots have .;`; been held for murder._ _ Liz/.'1c W013" aged 18 was killed the \ 1-her day by her stepfather. V ` I LL- I....`. Twu1n`ure.oIliccrs who Were wound-ad .:x the .-Xnarchiats riots of Chicago have Red. ` A . - -v-n _ Negotiations respecting [the commercial 7 1_.'ht of American shing vessels are pro- _4_ress1ug in a way perfectly satisfactory _to secretary Bayard, ' ` AAA.` n. . . ..n 1 1-.__ j - acted The omc_m.m 1><'1if `"?ff:f,dI?e:1`: the Jynamiter naud `V17 1? rom 3 lot Of her day and f>u!1d 1 h cartridges. ' Q I u -- hoose a.aIllIll\L! V Adolph Fischer, employs of the Arbiter /4eiLung, has been committed to jail on Xe charge of throwing` the bomb which causel such havoc among the police. ` N` A 1:-\..J...-., n I,,_A- 2.. """ `"VU\a` ntuuug vnu puuuv. clurheteen Sopialists and Anarchists, _in- `WW8 th_e. rmgleaders at Milwaukee, - `"8!1ed on Saturday. Bail was :1: mi 35,000 each. All were remanded b cold. - Old World. The masons of Berlin threaten to strike. The weather in Hungary is intensely All the foreign representatives have left Atnens except Russia's. Bank of England has advlnoed "vrv gvuwunu Uv `hm? Bank Ehgland hag elr mterest to 3 per cent. Th9 great powers have notied Greocd th?:Lh" Dorts ardblockaded. "`" Pun: are DIOCKEOBQ. T1h P0Wera have ' ' gnven orders to then- eets to blockade Greek ports. ' I UHl\`n`n L..- L- J A1-I l\l\l\ 1.-AV n , `L, mo, ---- _-uu uuvcn pun use V Honolulu has had a $15,000,000 re. in hi,ch also two persons lost their liven. Tho l'.....L'- - 9 - ` ' ` wel- Q [Deli | U "WU pa;-got]! ' 13:1! . .... _ pa.l'$` The Knish" 0` I" br W - dis- . 'dland "'9" * active in the Engluh M` trict. ' The re note of _ qnate. the golleotivo ply of Jarggqe *0 . 5- .ae- the Power, ,. conndere In The Postmaster- announces word on 9*` Gene'.'9-1 s rsdtnctiql} 0` ." rel_1Ictiw<>n of `one mark P9" T/}`1e _ ix1s: s experimental T Farm was read a second [tune on United States. of Getzmsni Canada aent by the German cable Et:__1gien. '.\ ,-_,__---. __\ The Mormons are proaeljting actively in Switzerland. A. A _ . - Lord Hartington `will move the rejec- tion of the Home Rule on the second reeglking. `I\-I__!_,, , I can u . n I V$III I The5Belgia.n government will ask 9'." loan of $8,600,000 to provide work for the un- employed. I . "i`he W1 o[V5e is determined to estaolish direct relations with China while "France resolutely opposes. T ` T 13- I. -c' - - wmnns umprrn our or A non , commns mwo own. -v`v'ere recently arrested at a.` meeting of unemployed workmen _ in Manchester, England. Mr. Gladstone has resolved tofoceed. with the Land Purchase Bill in spite of opposition, ' % T ' . \ 'l\ U I . u - . ..___' .--- -w-.-.. 1e_:polioe of uChioago are answerable for the bloodshed there according to Sooialistio Hvndmen. . L "$3;iV{d{1;IS' denies having and that he would resign his commission to lead the Ulster orangemen. _ _ cm..;`n..;.,;.;.;.;, r'd5}.ar has paid $5,000 for the original manuscript of The Watch on the Rhine. four orients at'-Dun- gannon have adopted a, resolution endor- sing Gladstone : Home Rule policy. ._t _ _.._- `-7..- H urveportted _ in the S;lVva.tion` Army in England because General Booth has dismissed two ofcers of high rank. " '1*"'IBLE"a'1Lu{iEg"};e{Zoiniom Bnrmah of the capture of Mandalay by aha Dacoits and the burning of 4,000 ousea. , . A 1-- L._____3_._. -2 _ ._.II 2... 'KT..l.&3..... IIUUBUDI ` By the burning of a mill in Notting- hamshire, England, 1,000 persons have been thrown out of employment and pro-_ perty to the amount of $750,000 destroyed. Lord Ernest Hamilton, Conservative M. P.-, in a speech at Londonderry de- clared that the people of Ulster would en- force: their demand for a separate parlia- men . * . A_Yank'ee Fishing schooner captured. HALIFAX, N. ,S. May 7.-'l.`here was much excitement at bigby yesterday after- noon and this morning, owing to the `ap- pearance of American, shermen in the basin seeking bait. One schooner in the Digby basin about noon yesterday had doubt is felt from her rig and build that she was American. A customs ofcer wired Capt. Scott at St. John, who inform- ed him that he had asked the Minister of Marine at Ottawa for instructions. The schooner remained in the bus_in,p and it is said bait was purchased from boats from the shore. During last night the steamer Lansdowne arrived at Digby, and at day- light this morning the Yankee was discov- ered still in the basin. The second oicer of the Lansdowne was sent on board. He ordered the canvas to be taken off her name, andordered the vessel to sea. At latest-accounts the schooner was making for sea. Another American shing vessel is said to have obtained bait at Digby yes- ,,...a __..A. 4... ...... canvas tacked over her name. but no- \:_., Another arr Keppel x1111rde' case, _ *;:s:::::::%::*:3,%?;11e b, be,:`:`:\f::; :}E:::'::`3s 22:1,: re which atheefelratx En th:_%3`d}u;e'it. Picnic ' 't" f Education has been The Mlms rr the Ottawa Normal scho I 0 . mt of - . T capltal wasted in The Aamm Canadian railways is $450 082 509 ._. 1....aAr.\wnB cant ure 9 . . est has been made . In the. 55 Dana. UV IIIIVV v~v-...-_- _ } terddy and went to sea. IIAlI`n|A\' 7_u- I terday and went to sea. HALIFAX, May 7 .- An investigation was held on board the steamer Lansdowne this afternoon into the charge azainst the American shing schooner detained there `this morning. The vessel is the Davids]. Adams, of Gloucester, commanded by Allan Kinney. The investigation resulted !_ LL- nt\:nI1l1 A` nnhnnnel` LE6 ILIVUSIIIERIIILULI IIIDI-Inv\Ia 1n the se1zure . of the schooner and she will be_'ta.ken to St. J oh_n to-night by the Lansdowne. " A A----L-2_ A` `kin Ariana; IIAVR h ` Lansdowne. _ _ Thescaptain of the Adams says he had . not bought any bait when they Lansdowne ordered him out. He started and would have got to sea had the breeze not died out. Then the Lansdowne took him in him in tow and made the seizure. He says the boat is owned by a very poor `man, who will now lose all. He says. My home is two miles north of Campbell, where everybody is starving, simply be- cause they cannot sell their sh, which they used to sell to American sherman, I was driven out of there on that account myself, and unless there is a change every- body over there will die of starvation, or else be compelled to eat herring all their- lives; A Toronto Man Shoots.,nls Wife and then 12411. `lllmnelf. ..I' A 'l.'0I'0ll.Ir0 mun :uwu....._..-.. .. --_ -___ _, Kills Himself. Charles Reid, at one time a private de- tective, but latterly employed as a book- binder in Copp, Clark & Co s establish- ment, has for some time been separated from his wife. She resided at 510 Parlia- ment street with her brothergand on Fri- day evening shortly before 6 o'clock Reid in an intoxicated condition called at the house to see her. Being alarmed at his wild condition she sent or a ` policeman. When they were alone Reid pulled out a bull dog revolver and pointed it to her breast. She pushed his arm when he fired and the ball entered her arm. He then red again and the second shot took effect in her neck._ Reid then shot him- self through the brain. When Mrs. Reid's cousin returned both were lying down apparently dead. Mrs. Reid s wounds are not necessarily fatal. Reid was taken to the General Hospital where he died without having spo en. had no children. ' Jealousy is re rte_ to have been the cause ofthe trage y. -------o--o-------- - HAMILTON, Mev 7. -- A tremendous land slide occurred on the G. T. R. near Dundee about 12 o'clock last night, bury- ing the track with rock and dirt for a. die- tenoe of 300 feet, and to a depth of about 50 feet. Five lines of the G. N. W. Telegre h Compenyiend two belonging to the rei way were rendered uueleu. A side line will be built round the fallen mm, and it in impoeeihle to eetimete what time it will telte to remove the deb- rie and piece theold track in a state t for tree. `The elide is prononnoedto the largest that he: ever occurred in this ---Lnn-4 i":"g'i;'." mvw OTTAWA,` -`Ma 7.- resolution, as amen .'1`-hompnongwu` oven to six, and ordered I be sent to Tapper. 7. man Tilllwuj 9" * "' " _ $8 Limsdowne has captured an Amen- `an shma vessel and taken it to Digby. t 5 ~ ' Hamilton at Copp Bros. hursday involved a loss of 3;-}.(LILr. . T ' 11 ton [Booth and Mr. Wm. (Icli:~r}l1:1B;11u;:L:i1ed for England _on Satur- I` L - lavlast. . `:. n-..n.`...'. mmerlmental :-1-: Antnmdsuaoatnnnau. "' " ~- A trams! IIIIO In u_uuu-an _ , tremondou ._ n_- (1 VI` `R- nnnr ` an-v government to The rerelxnrlilmstenare to Leave Athens and Earn! the Greeks to the Ilercy - or the Turks. ' ' Arnnns, May 6.-The Greek Cabinet met this afternoon to discuss the collec- tive note of the Powers demanding more precise assurances that Greece will disarm. It is believed the Cabinet will refuse to yield to the demand. The Ministers of gm Power: are preparing to depart from The British corvette, Carysfort, is in readiness to take on board Sir Horace Rumbold, the English Minister, and pro- ceed to Maltathe moment the Greek Gov- ernment announces that it will not yield to the demand made in the collective note. A Turkish gunbuat is expected moment- arily to arrive to convey from Athens gewk Boy, the representative of the orte. .. A Collision Apparently Inevitable. ATHENS; May '6, evening.-The reply of Premier Delyannis to the ultimatum of the Powers has gust been delivered and is considered by them inadequate. The Foreign Ministers will leave Athens to- morrow morning. Great excitement pre- vails here. Soldiers of the garrison have been summoned to the barracks and it is reported that the will proceed to the front to-morrow. e Chamber of Deputies who are oicers in the army, have been-ordered to the front. The General commanding the Greek troops on the frontier telegraphs that the Turks are massing and that he has order- eda similar movement by his troops. A Turkish gunboat has arrived at the Piraeus. - veral members of the ` hlav. Mr. Car1ing F Stamens Bill 1;` arm Friday lust. , ` `me n A suit for $22.3 000 has been comm . : . d 1:1 Toronto agzunst the Wat h ence. for boycotting. ' C CH9 00' The bill to amend the Steambo ' _ -. . , at I . .e1_~cCt10I1AE!t_Ofo1883 was read the this! tune last 1*r1duy.` _ . . Andrew Sherman, farmer of T .` 1;a;-e,}`1as been killed? while blast:ndh ruck w1thdynainite_. - g 8' _The tirst annual meetin f ' .. (ire-uner1es` Association $433 t1}1lee1c?inI1ta"I!:)0 route last \Vedx1esda.y. Last Monday was Arb d ' and the Local Legisla:x1:%rd?;u?n;%`3:c 1' till Tuesday as the 1es(11t,_ ' . t LL` "" D:uknn nu: `towns an 1.03!` annual: |`G BEEUE} IJBSTIMTELY n1:1r1m:' The Powers Wm Act. _ LONDON, May 6.-Mr. Gladstone, in the House of Commons this afternoon stated that Greece's assurances in respect to keeping the peace were not suicient to justify Turkey's abaudonin her warlike preparations for defence. le added that unless Greece complied with the terms of the collective note presented her by the Powers yesterday, the Powers would forthwith take the steps requisite to com- pel compliance. _ - Oranzemen Preparing to Fight. LONDON, `Iay 7.-'l`he Daily Telegraph says : The Orange societies throughout Ulster continue their preparations for ghting. Promises of help have been `re-, ceived from England. Scotland, and the colonies. It is alle ed that 100,000 troops can be raised in Ire and. nu, - Ch___.1-...1 -___ . VI... oinununnnnn` : V 0811 De ralsuu H1 Lrcuuuu. The Standard says : The government is making strenuous endeavors to induce the opposing Liberals not to vote on the Irish measures. It has nally been decided to proceed with the land purchase bill despite opposition to the measure. If the bill is rejected by a- small majority, Gladstone will advise an immediate dissolution of parliament. Norm AND coulvmnr. ` T ` MCMULLEN, the irrepressible member for Wellington, who meanly-shirked the ' vote on the Riel question, occasionally gets a pretty good one. He has lately tinned reference to the little items in con- tingency expenses, such as soap, towels - v and the like. The other night Mac had the laugh turned against him for his per- nickitiness. `I don't see any item for spurs in the contingencies of. the Minister of Militia. `No, answered Sir Adel he, `the Minister buys his owns spurs. his ended the `discussion for a few minutes, when Mr. McMullen reverted to it again. He said the Minister of Militia was fond of using spurs. This was a contemptible piece of personality, but Sir Adolphe had him on the hip in a moment. `Yes, he retorted, `but it was noticed that a short time ago, when an important vote was being _ 1 made himself conspicuous for his con- 1 '1 I I " taken, the member for Wellington did not need even spurs to help him outof` the Chamber. This was greeted with laughter, as it reminded the House of . Mr. McMullen s hasty retreat on the Riel . vote. He will let the spur matter drop. . after this. -- H -- :2--- 1.21.- 4.1.... alter unis. The Port Hope Daily times hits the mark pretty closely in the following re- marks on the Toronto gas organ :-The Toronto gas organ told its readers the. other day that `-`the Tories are at last on the run ! It seems to be the g. o. is right--the Tories have been running the government of this country for some years-and they are likely` to run it for some years tocome. What the Globe is most in dread of just now i that "its pet Edgar will nd himsell. run into a very unpleasant hole shortly, out of which the united strength of the man of serene soul (Blake), the fourth class school- master (Mills), the mixer and muddler (Cartwright), the wind-bags Charlton ..-...a 1>..+.o......m\. and the champion liar \\JI`|lVVl'l3LIlI}, vuv u -.. ..._ and Patterson). and the chzln ion (Cameron) will be uneble to pul them. The Collingwood Bulletin has donned the new eight page form which meohnni- cally in a crest improvement, but the Anninnfn lnllt Iflk Olly ll E115! 1u|psuvvu..u...., ..... contents must speak for themselves. King`: book entitled the ot Story. It is in a certain sense 3 criti- cism of the first volume -of Mr. Dent : Story' of the Rehelli n of 1837. It is charged that Mr. Dent tells the Story of the Rebellion in the spirit of V the parti- zsn with the ob'eot of 1:10 ' ' John Rolph and belit ' 3 William on Meo- keneie. It in pretty clear, the I_LL-___' Qmi an nu 1llK:auu_v ..., ...- -.._-.-- ' The remains of the latcva Bishop 'Ja.fnot were interred at the Pete:-borough cathedral on Friday last. TV The Canadian racohorse, Springeld: N, the first victory of the season in \\'ashington last Thursday. 1.--) L-.. Lu nnnnInvnnI>:nn 35-. a'1. '::"a`-*'%"p7'75t`v 71? numerous letters. whxoh 09 Canadian nenpupotl P03 * ,5 ll- 'l'\.n6, n rnlnfn thl lvivvnuy vv--._ ..`. -__,_ , upon the nhlioation of Mr. Dent a volume that . King'a charge has a aolid foundation. Whatever may have been the error-a and ahort- oominga ol the old Reformer of "37, he waa nnqneationabl an honeat man and it ia a unqueationab y true, that Dr. Rolph acted a double part in .thoa_a timea_ of V Omtother--4Are those sh fresh 2" Fish Desler-Yeg, gig, . ~CuItomor-YeI, I guess you -3 right, They oun'.t be smelt. Fill} D0810!-~Ther6 in just where you no mutakqn`. 111-. They "9 molt. / 11112 NORTHERN ADYANCE. `I110! Wro. . -Are lash 3" ` 1n17-_ _:_ WARS ALARMS. So rapid and startling is the succession of events in the world's daily _ doings that many things seem toescape the attention of the, mass of mankind. The political excitement in England and the labor di`1- culties and riots in America, have com- paratively over-shadowed events in East- ern Europe. Those, however, who have watched closely the conduct of Greece could not fail to be impressed with the conviction that she has been urged on by some Power that could lend aid in a struggle with Turkey; Russia has of late professed to be acting in accord with the other Powers in their endeavors to pre- serve the peace of Europe. The replies 1-.-- ___.1._ -2 LL--- Wlfuness IinonsAuITPnIN1's ARE SPLENDID VALUE THIS SEASON. MILLINERY 2 to the requests and demands of these Powers were marked by that evasive phraseology so characteristic of Russian diplomacy. A most signicant fact, is luv. 1 V snow rvuvw v- -- .-_ 1: V. _ that all the Powers have withdrawn their representatives from Athens except Russia. Our own impression has from the beginning been that Russia is acting a double part ; pretending to act with the other Powers while secretly urging Greece in the course she has been pursuing. Her inaction now gives color to this view. Should the Greeks and Turks begin a conict it is diicultto see where it would end, nor what Powers would be; ultimately involved. V - ' Take it all in all, the world presents a singular aspect, and gives no sign of the approach of the millenium. ' - (.`dI`iI}g me SU'CL`b Gin uuuxu. V The Orangenlen of. Kingston have col- lected over $1,000 towards the celebration to take place 911 the 12th J ulv. ` Provincial Secretary Fiel(_iing s resolu- tzms fuvurixlg the s_eparat1on of `Nova .`~.',>t.1:t f will the Domuuon were carned by 3 `mtg uf1:it( )(`), ` Mr. C. "W. Cotter, of Cayuga, has been w.'n=s:-11 -as the Grit candidate to contest flaldiullalxd for the Coxumone for the seat lrIu101't;`(1 meant by the death` of Mr.` EAEEIE. OVER THIRTY FARMS. from two to ten miles of Barrie, at prices nearly half less than ever offered before. Among them are five `first-class old well improved farms, equal to any in the County. can be bought just now at a ` bargain, and on easy terms, Iheve also four m-strclass brick houses in I Barne for as e at low gures--beside 18 chea er ho.uses--a.t from $200_to $1,200. Also one. ne buck store and dwellmg, w_el1 located on Dun- lop-St. If you want a bargam buy now as these chances are uncommon, and our properties are ...m..., fn.nf._ \.Ve have sold $59,000 worth of oh'a1icos ar and properueu are aellin fast. We have $59,000 3 Real tate in the last ten days. - . Mnnnvlnnned on the above. properties at 6 Estate ten days. Money loaned on properties per cent. Some of them have rented for years at 20 r cent. interest on the prxce asked by us. end for land list or call on t-___ Real Estate, Loan and Insu,ra.nce Aszent, Bar-. rie, Ont. 13-25 L Lisrht B-re-hr-has ' gVlb1tev%1;1etstedI`e3gl.ck Polandm} ,1 00 W. 13 . . e o '. ' B. B. Red Game. ms ` These Birds are [all IMPORTED and have THIHSILVIS been winners of First Prizes. Each breed is kept "at 5 separate place. where there is no variety but one. JNO. M. Bo1'I-lWEl.L- - - A .__n as`. FOR _ I-|AfrcI-IIN G Intimnking the pnbiio ot-Ba7n-to and vicinity! for the liberal patromee bestowed upon him a.. ..mm_ban to at: tha_t4ho_ lisp a pa.trom%e bestowed upon mm in thegut. been - eiders le expense increased his baking mm- tiee and is new prepared to do 5 larger bueineu than ever. an:Ao ` "\ USIILIISLUAL Iuuv ..-..._..-_,_ Mayor Howland has by proclamation forbidden crowds on the streets of Toronto Luring the street car strike. T " "'~..-,L.,._ 1.-.... ..,,1