Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 6 May 1886, p. 4

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11-1! BCTHMI Dv- Prelude clamation uy vv unu uuluu Iullaliuulllvllo I I IIU 5 1. Speak Now. and in seduction of the Hon. E. B. Wood. . 2. Making dietnrbing`epeechee. 3. He did not want to belong to e Re- form gt:-ty which had nothing $6 reform. " 4- impoeing of duties on end coee, which `the Conservative Govern- ment had remitted. . 5. To build the .0. P. l.:cpi`ee`euf|eel57"C-hetiii Votes 0 of last. y` Hunter i press str services press. The V0 Directors Sproul, Vnkea 0 by .\u. v The fnl above 2 LUD- ) o Th'e 1`v Mr. 'n``'\ `(:1 ~ Annu_a1 bi sun . . . N stifut Your d report on ous year` prospcrit Vthe lusti the mind III -030 \lAl otsvhic Jhgand future Shut To 1 _lnstm com11mkii __ `one 12 um dollars Bennett _nut legal Bennett in sub-le which e nu IX -E.-'-___-- ornrnersu axzaupnnyznirf it It is doubtful if there is another muni- cipal body in this Dominion that exhibits the same amount of, Rinvanwinkleism as the town council of Barrie. Its methods are marked by an originality which dees imitation. .Whilst' professing to be non- political, its solid~msjority is uniformly found opposing and defeating any mea- sure offered by the minority members of a different political creed. And where else, we would ask, is the people's money taken to purchase sprouts to plant along the streets for ornamentation, and at the same time herds of cattle permitted to run at large to devour and otherwise de- stroy them? For municipal gymnastics the ex-Reeve holds a perpetual patent. As chairman of a committee, he proposes a grant of money for the benet of the young men, the next meeting he moves for its practical reversal, and on the same evening speaks in favor of an amendment which would give him a twirl sideways, and appropriate the money to a totally different purpose. The sidewalks are in the most delapidated condition, dangerous to the limbs of anyone walking on them, ' and rendering the town liable to actions for damages, and there is not a signiyet of any attempt to provide a remedy. It is proposed to do something to infuse ` a little life and energy into the town on a national holiday, but it is dealt within a manner so halfhearted and spiritless, that even the Mayor becomes impatient, and tells the obstructive, if they are going to do anything they had better do it prompt- ly and energetically, or else abandon it altogether. There is endless talk. about the improvements necessary in the public parks, but it ends in doing nothing. I `I7 yopening he fee , inditfcr .with re ` large e ;u.. -1 ffom the of ha_vin October turn} so and dad xiectcd one hu s*xty ce have be gbvern succt-ssf the wan fested. duccd 1: member meet :11 The yo fully :91 wltbiu tempt. munity the larg whmni they e Very ha The f;] -Ln-n -u mutt I. You 3.1111 ll gratify 'i`E'_f)] -..;v is not4 .u an Untari nope t the ca TERMS or sUBscR_IP'r1o1~_I. $1 Per Annum in Advance. $1. Y0? folio rie_ endl ; the THE_I\joR'rHERN ADVANCE, An 8 l'a'g;3; 48 Column Newspaper. In Published from the 01oo.Dunlop street, Barrie. in the County of Simooe, the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada. every Thurs- day morning. by T SAIVIUEL WESLEY. _PlIOPBIETORg H` No new `name will be added to the Stub-W Ioription List until the money is paid. . Qnhanrihnrn now in llV'l'AlI.I' for three months Ioription List until the 1: pam. Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over will he charged $1.50 per ennum. . wsfro nu: noun: new. The line of railway from Grsvenhurst to Oallendsr, will in 3 short tune be open for passenger trslo. In the report of the Minister of Railways and Cumin, this im- portant link between Western land 0011-` trel On "_o end the0snedisn Psoieis thos referred to.` ~ - 3 _~ For the o_f_ affording to the _ _.._. v... -~-. vu -vv-we-v-a-1, vgv III-ll total amount of the money order. business transacted in the Dominion`dur.- ing the year, $32,732,712 04. A **Fot si$ l5`|I.'l;Do_oe of uifording tho` Provinog of Voimrio the lvantuzo of-I no The newspaper and pfxeriociicall inatter mailed from the oices of publication in Canada make both in bulk and weight an increasingly large -proportion of the mails `and of the cost of the mail service, but as this matter is free of postage the revenue must" be obtained from the letter and post` card correspondence and other lesser items. V . Total, 3 $2,337,852 15 _ . In connection with Barrie the report gives the following. Transportation, Barrie and Hillsdale, C Waugh, $297 ; Barrie and Midhurst, J. Roberts, $93.00 ; Barrie and railway station, W. H. Crosby, $154.92; Barrie and street letter boxes, A. W. Harris, $80.83; J. Pullan, $7.38; M. Murphy, $105.43. Gross revenue ft: in sale of postage stamps, 850., $7,999.50. Salaries, $1,999. 99. Allowances towards rent, fuel, light, &c , 8380. Commission on sale of . postage stamps, &c., $165.87. `Rent of inspector s ofce, $296. Adver- . tising time-tables, post ofiice notices,&c., $50. Barrie Gas Co., for gas in inspector's oice, $3.50. D. Spry, P.O.I., incidental expenses, $60.25. J. Edwards, P.M., for collecting letters from street letter -boxes, 3300. Number of money orders issued at the'Barrie post-olce in the year, 1697. Amount, $28,579.03. 3 Commission on which from the public. $219 75. ,Total_ orders paid, 831,546.44. Compensation paid to P. M. on M.O. business, 878 39. AIIVL- 4.-L-1 -._--__..L -2 _ ' -.._' ,r._.'..._,.-- vs- The report contains much of an in- structive snd interesting nature concom- ing the postal system` of the Dominion and its working. ` ' - The expenditure for the year was $3,- 097,882.49 an increase as compared with the previous year of $166,494 69, This was caused by the general growth of the postal service such as additional post ofces, enlarged mail `service and other improved accommodations to the public. n n AAA Ann I It is estimated that 3,060,000 registered letters passed through the mails during the year, -of "which 229 miscarried from various causes. Some ot these, 56, were accidentally burned .in steamboats and on railways, 37 were stolen by burglars and 132 were stolen from the mails in transit, embezzled, lost or misdelivered in the post ofce while four of these cases are under investigation. run 1.. on From the report we learn that the postal revenue of the last year was $2,400,- 062.03 of which` $2,325,489.61 was derived from the sale -of postage stamps; postal cards, envelopes and post bands. This is an increase over `the revenue of last year of $269,320. 65 which is `a smaller rate of advance than usual. Correspondence in Canada was aected by the condition of general business over the continent. IIII - O The number of stamps issued during the year is 105,062,875 and the value of those used in the various provinces was as under :- Ontario, . $1,313,564 80 v Quebec, 498,247 75 New Brunswick, 2 141,535 40 Nova Scotia, 182,410 '00 Manitoba, 134,659 20 British Columbia, ~ 41,922,565 Prinoe Edward Island, 25,512 52 The total n`1'1mber of dead letters, circu- lars and post ca.rds amounted to 787,110 of which 16,340 were registered. rosr iusrnn en:Nnm*u.'s nnronr. The Post Oice Department is one of the most important in the government of the country and every citizen is beneted by its cheepness and eicieuoy.l The con- dition of the postal service is indeed the measure of the-progressof the country in civilization and material progress. a `H II I I A` the rate of 100 miles a. year, connecting the magnicent water stretches by littlebits of railway. (vlde hiespeech at the City Hall, London, 1878). . . - 6. To let Britisholumbia go. 7. Opposed {to granting of temporary aid (since refunded) to the O. P. R. ; in the absence of which the enterprise must have collapsed. Q 1)::-u-n.:ouau ;:n-u- (`an-an:-`A than W`8l:.}:1`;1.ning dewa Canada and talking up the States; . especially Kansas and Dakota ' 9 an ,,,___:_.. Lt- t`I-_-.._ 9. In favor of censurinq the Govern- ment for the means taken to suppress the rebelliolx in the N orth-west. ,,g L. LL- __-....A.:..... -3 cl... IIKVIS '&VIll 9,0 These fourteen illustrations of the policy of Mr. Blake afford an insight into his means and methods, such as no other Canadian statesman can reckon on. They do not comprise one useful suggestion, but are mostly fraught with evil thoughts and evil deeds. _ I ].'U UUIIIUU Ill 0119 J.` .Ul`lIll.' W Vain 10. Opposed to the execution of the arch-traitor Riel,Nin order to embarrass Administration. in t\-____-_1 A. At. ._A.....:.- -l LI... ml? sthpox-ting the hearsay charge: of Mr. Ed 1', w ereby the character of Hon. Mr. well was cruelly assailed in the absence of any jusication. 1`) A -mil:-sn him-all A3 Hun nah-nnnan nf IIIIU UUUUUVU UL J|ll|IlIlUDlIlV|ls 13. Availing himself of the patronage of the Ontario Government to pension off members of the Dominion Parliament (as. in the case of Mr. Geo. Wheeler, M. P., late of West Ontario) so as to make room fit`): more unscrupulous partisans of the Anna `tuna QuIIIIl.IIl|ol'D|wlUllu 11. Opposed to the extension of the franchise sto'the people under the Fran- chise Atgt. _ ` V E&g.""e'y'pJ." 1:1. Did hf Lot wnt to be loader of the Reform party any more (vide speech at London Rink). mknan `. -In-`Ann -:"un`nn`:t\-an II` `kn 141,535 41,922 55 Ivar` OK R10 R0 _ PARTYISH. , In all free states there must be party government. There may be dishonesty and corruption and error in_ governments, but an honest, truthful and fair Opposition "party will expose these wrongs and have them corrected, or failing in this. will. ultitnstolydrive the, sinning government from oglice. If, however, the Opposition is grossly dishonest sud` wanting in prin- ciple, it will fail to accomplish what the people , hm . right` to expect; and will he :. responsible "for the evils "which it in ii: ' ,_,.,_._-_--- _-- -_. '.--- wuouvu auction to correct. No govornmc at `One might reasonably ask Colonel lngersoll, Charles Watts, or any other professed disbeliever in the divine- origin I of the Bible, what object `they have in view in attempting to discredit the Christian system. What_ have they to substitute for it? Would a universal dis- ! belief in the truth of Christianity tend to make men better or aid one whit in the world s` moral and material progress? Whll0 we nd revilers of Christ and his followers doing their lecturing to people at" fty cents and a dollars head, we see not one of the number giving up the com- forts \of civilized life and suffering the privations and dangers of the Christian missioiiary in trying to uplift humanity, Where" is the school, the college, the hospital or other charitable institution founded and supportedvby the apostles ( f indelity ? Whathave-they ever done to lighten the burdens of the down-trodden _and oppressed to alleviate sorrow and to inspire hove? We look in vain for a single instance. We, in all kindliness, F ask any follower of Bob Ingersoll to point I out one single benet topbe derived from the acceptance of his teiehings. _ All these old fellows were sun gods. There was Samson. He was a sungod. When his hair was cut off he lost his beams of light. - There was Apollo, an- other sun `god. He shot the demon of darkness with his rays of light.` There was Little Red Riding Hood and there was Christ, another sun god. It `won t do. They say he raised people from the dead. Well, Why didn t he raise somebody we knew? If you was to go around trying to start a religion by raising people _from the dead, you would raise somebody of some importance, wouldn't you ! Why didn t he tell us something of importance? Wouldn't you- Why didn t he tell us something about slavery when he was on the cross ? Why didn t he utter those in- spired words. `Liberty, equality and I fraternity? I tell you it won t do." 12 IT,` I Mr. Wheeler thus burlesques Ingersoll's style of` treating. that which Christians hold dear, and it is quite` as reasonable and as effective as the talk of the indel to raise alaugh. It is ihdeed answering? a fool according to his folly, 71' 41 nl n 1; Dill: EU!` There wasithe man who struck Billy Patterson, and there was George Wash- ington, another sun god. They said he was the father` of a free country. Well, why didn't he abolish slavery,if he was ? If you were going roundtrying to start a ` free `country, vou wouldn't own slaves, `-would you 1 Why didn't he tell us, in his fa.rewell;a'idress, about Mormonism and rapid transit 2. Why didn t he utter those inspired words, Be sure you are right,` then go ahead ? ` mennsonusu. , . In his crusade against Christianity, Colonel Ingersoll deals very largely in ridicule. In this way he succeeds in un- settling the minds of some of the young people who listen to his lectures. While all that he has said against the Bible and Christianity has "again and again been triumphantly answered in the serious and logical way by Christian ministers and others, Mr. A. C. Wheeler, a New York journalist, better known by his nom de plume` of Nym Crinkle, has undertaken to use against the redoubtable indel his own weapons. ` In a lecture a. short time ago, Mr. Wheeler took_up Mr. Ingersoll s lecture on Myths and Miracles, and showed conlusively that he could play the game of sport quite as effectively as Ingersoll himself. A correspondent of the Port Hope Times quotes the follow- V ing passage from Myths and Miracles, and the` way Nyrn Crinkle shows its C shallowness : * He said that in another year. if agnosti- lcism succeeded in getting up a class of ` pupils, this style would undoubtedly be adopted with effect by the indel teacher. \ Hecould then say : There was a God- dess of Liberty ; she was a. sun god. She shot the demon of bondage with her shaft and `men worshipped her. There was a .Hai1 Columbia and Uncle Sam, another sun god 'I"I....... _.._'LL_ __.-_. '_I__ ,1 I `f'|'II direct" railway communication with the North West it was necessary that a road should be built connecting the Canadian Pacic railway with the existing railways of Ontario. and such a line was subsidized by the acts of 1882 and 1883, to the,e_x- tent of $12,000 per mile, a distance of 110 miles, -or a total`of $1,320,000. It extends from the Canadian Pacic railway at the River La Vase, east of Lake Nipis- .sing, south, to the village of Gravenhurst, A distance. 114} miles, then connecting with the railway system of Ontario. C 11 ",3! ..-v-,- --v -..._".-J -J---.- v. ----.._-' ' The Northern and North Western rail- way is therefore` the connecting link be- tween Western Ontario,Manitoba and the North. West Territories. ; This will evi- dently be the favorite route for travel in that direction, not only from Western `Ontario, but from Western New York. It will be 200 miles shorter than the route by Oarlton Place, and when the lineisopened, as it will be during the summer, freight and passenger traic on the "Northern and Hamilton dz Northwestern it is anticipated will be very Rreatly in- creased. Tourists and pleasure. seekers generally will nd their way to the beautiful lakes of Mnskoka and Nipissin by this desirable route; ' V V THE NORTHERN ADVANCE.` to gho I mg resolution tor Monday next : That it is expedient to provide that. if after the Canadian Pacic Railway shall have been constructed and duly. placed in operation to its_ terminus on the seaboard ' in the Province of British Columbia, it shall be established to the satisfaction of Government that the retention of_ the amount, of, $5,000,000 in bonds under the provisionsof the construction .oon_ts'act security for operation of the railway is no - lo . no] in the public interest thsylgatrdvernm-in-Council; may order that said bonds may berelssused and delivered to thanmnanu, - ` " ` PUBLIC ATHLTHY. _ The Montreal Witness is bemoamng the apathy of the people of this Dominion. We have, no doubt, there is atendeucy to apathy with reference to public matters on the part of people which may be $31` plained partly, on the principle that man- kind are constitutionally lazy and will not move unless urged by some external force. If the public is apathetic, says the Witness, it is in a measure due to hopelessness. This "is particularly the case withthe minority in thiseprovince. If the public is apathetic, nobody is more responsible than the very party which complains. That any apathy which exists is mainly due to the party which complains is manifestly true. The cry that the country is going to ruin when the people see that it is uniformly "prosperous, the cry of corruption and dis- honesty on the part of ministers and mem- bers of parliament when such charges car.- not be sustained ,the cry that the country is `going to everlasting smash, when the people see that there is not the slightest "signs of any such catastrophe, Wlll natur- ally make them indifferent to such cries. and to regard them as falsealarms- It is therefore perfectly true that if there is pub- lic apathy, so far as these things are con- cerned, the party that complains is main- ly responsible for it. It is unfortunate that the unfairness and the false cries of a party seeking power should produce _such la` result as this. The public good requires that the ruling party he watched and their policy criticised by an. honest and truthful Opposition. If, -however, every act of the . government is condemned, false accusatians made, no credit given for honesty or patriotism in the govern- ment and i`s supporters, and every. octa- siontaken to ecry. the country and its credit, no wonder people cease to give at- tention to anything such a party may say or do. The Globe and the Witness, how- ever, do not agree on this apathy `ques- lion. According to the Toronto organ, the people are waiting with impatience to sweep the Conservatives from power, and that theycan scarcely" restrain their in- dignation at the terrible political sins of the government until the `election. This ought to comfort our Montreal confrere. Perhaps the apathy which the Witness sees in Quebec is the natural reaction` 1 f the Riel craze , and the Race and Revenge mania. Excitement is necessarily followed by depression. Release of O,P. B. Bonds. I OTTAWA, Ont.., April 27.-The Minister of Finance has given notice of the follow- ing resolution for Monday next L Thnt it in hvnnclinni, ha -\-..n:.I.. 4.L_; :2 is free from the committal of errors, and it is as much the duty of the press, which sustains the government, to condemn what is wrong as to sustain what is right. Party allegiance ought not to require that the journalist shall defend every act of a minister or member` of his party in par- liament whether right or wrong. In fact, a governmentis not permanently strengthen- ed by so unwise a course. Honest criticism I by she party press is the best guarantee of pure and honest administration of public affairs. Were never in a better shape to serye their. eustomers with the right class of goods` at the right prices than at. present, .'l`he1r Stock ls large and very attract1ve-the consequence is -e-business is boonnng. h SPECIAL `ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK; \ vNe'ver so busy with orders in April. before. Dressmaking department verv bug. Leave your orders for dresses early so as to secure Your turn. Y Choice New Parasdls, plain and fancy. New Mantle Cloths,~Ottoman Silks, etc. `It'll New American Chambrays and Seersuckers, only 10c. Lovely Laws, Muslins, Cashmerettes and Prints. Superb New Combination Dress Material. 50c. Checked Dress Silks. - ~ Ladies Swiss Embroidered Robes, selling fast 1`. I A1 `I'\ -I '|A!__ A7 7` E The just and economical plan. of watering the streets adopted last year, has been thrown overboard, for the old and more expensive one which it had displaced. The few friends of progress in the council are powerless before the tac- tics of those who have undertaken to run the machine backwards, to the in jury of the interests of the people. time the patient and long suffering rate- `payersstep in and put a veto on this style of business. It is quite certain, that if ' thingsiare to be engineered in this way, Barrie will have to take a back seat, in- stead of being in the van, where she ought to be among the towns of Ontario. For acts such as the dirt job, the resigna- _tion of those responsible for it, should be demanded, and their places lled with men who will not prostitute their put} lic position for the private advantage of themselves or their friends. It is about STRONG & DONNELL Q To provide thebest value in the To Goods, consisting of the tery newest me 15. 20c and 25a. The best value in Barrie. _ -pg a. splendid lot of Scotch Suitings at $16, $18 and $20, also a large rang 8 We are shown of Black andColo1-ed Woratedseat $15, $16, $18, $20 and $22. Canadian Suitings to orderf ` VOID $9.00 up. wt: for our Customers, we offer a splendid lot of res ' . ' ' . ' . . 3 tenuls and latest colourmgs, gomg out at 80. 10c 12: _ " 30. - - '- - .._:.:n ...m. g...'.:.... amdn af bottom m-ices Remembe ' - r the name is U Up. Every depa.rtmo'nt crowded with Spfing Goods at bottom ii3}iI5's'oIzi'i1Yidi, ' r.\__-_._.L _. _I__ ALWAYS * READY GROQUET SETS, Hartshorn Shade Rollers, Cu1~taip Poles, & VSTAIR RODS, A GRAND RAPIDS CARPET SWEEPER, MR. BLAKWS . It is a great mistake to suppose that the Grit s have no policy, except the policy of oice. That part is pursued at the expense of consistency and of principle- with all the ardor which love of oice and its spoils can excite. The London Free Press gives the following fourteen illustra- tions of Mr. Blake's policy and we com- mand them to the careful study of our Reform friends as illustrative of the `Globe's contention that Mr. Blake is the one statesman in this Dominion, or for that . matter, on the continent, possessing "a serene soul, a p`:-ofound intellect" and destined to regenerate this land when Sir John Macdonald retires. i ' NOTIGE Linen Window Shades, plain and }decorated. CARPET STRETCHERS, PLATED WARE, LAMPS. <}3()OAK-*3` A N D ..-TAL_'I`j[()iERY nwu.._. A*3'?J90_E._5?!D Wm wows, OARRIAGES, Baikie s Book Store 1 ` cA`U'l'IOn.-J-A INSPECTION I1\TvI-I-Eta. So somnolent is the Board of Works committee, that the main business street of the town was disgured by heaps Of mud for more than a week, to the "obstruction l of travel and the disadvantage of busi- Llisappear, instead of being taken to the Agriculturalpark`, where it would have been of great value in making absolutely needed improvements,- it was carted to the neighborhood of the private propexty of Councillor Caldwell, by which that property is necessarily increased in value. Such gross mismanagement, (to give it the mildest name) should consign all who are concerned in it to perpetual exclusion from any oice of public trust .in the ness, and when this material did slowly town. ' LVLL-ICLII VD `_Everybo.<,i y pleased with the display in this department, BARR 8:. HENRY. MANUFACTURERS. EUGGIES, Opposite the Queen s Hotel, Barrie. STOVES and TIN WARE. FOOT T BALLS, '.*.f'r'V--- -V--t-u----- W. R. PHILLIPS & CO. TO. FARMERS AND TH RESHERS.--The `ha'nt'OlIQ..-1:...s.;._`-__T_,____ __ _____ ,__,__ __ an 1-oronW- CHILDREN S If the park is to be made ready for the uses of its design, earth will now have to be teamed a long distance at great cost to the ratepayers. while the very material required was carted past the park gates, a half a mile further on. A ner ex: ample of municipal madness, with method in it, could not be imagined. V BAI KSEBALLS AND BATS, % LUNCH BASKETS. prices. Remember name is, And .xll kinds of Whel Work. The are kept in stock and made to order. A large stock at our Show Rooms to 611095 from.. b ` " .-....-_.\,v HEAVY & LIGHT WAGONS, DRAYS, CARTS. PH A. ETON S, WH EELBA B m)\\`.~5. I.x.A.'J.:.u, RUBBER BALLS} DEMOCRATS. The Globe savinga day or two since that there was no occasion to formulate the policy of Mr. Blake, for everyone knows what it is. While dissenting from: that statement--which is the very reverse of the fact--one may - gather, however, what it would likely be by what it has been. Let us take a retrospective glance by which to gather instruction. 1 Quack nu An.` :1 -...I.a-L!-.. -1

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