vv -- -Arbor Day _td`u1orrow for Ontario: schools, V A /~ _ M `wvvu `C: any nu----' vw ywy -. \ -Clothi1ig to o I er and ready-made very 1 cheap at W._ R. Ph ips & Co. A ` 1*. 1' 1| 1'! , i'\L- f1-_._.,,)._ NIVVLUUJ I-I\.l`\V VI Uuuvuuwy vvvusuo ._ ' ` \ -Ma.ke your choice of Wall Pa. 'rs while } 1 our stock is completg: Capon & i "_"1$}{n"t: "i>"rI;};'* 13{c C 151-Bits 1 A grand assortment at R. Phillips & Co. -4 n assortment of Refrigerators just; rec t Otton Bros., prices from $10.00 ..'.. -A repott of th Oddfllows entertain- tainment on Tuesday night is held over till- next week. _- .----.--;~\- v-rv- - `-- -The 35th Battalion Band will give an- other of those popular Promenade concerts on Thursday evening next, 'l3th4iAnst. L, L- L____'I_____'l , -All who have inspected our Wall rs say they are just lovely. Call (1 ea for yourself. Always happy to aho s. Capon 8: Co. 1` I , `l"l 3___ l,__ 1.{!_._.1 __..H L1. _. nun: umon, nu-rrnns uucnmr: read up. %_:;iian and imported Wall Pas rs of \ latest designs and tints in great va Aty `t `Capon 8:. 00. T An.` 11 ;-,1!--, I'I-.._1 _..:`Il ._!_- -_ %%s;;::?.;t`;:; s\' 1101.12. 1 was goon-us-- v.v_`-_ __-..-, __-_ __., 1 -A reception concert is to betendered j the Royal Grenadiera in the town hall on their arrival here on Saturday night the 22nd. --Thoma.s McGearv, who was found guilty of robberv at the J udge s Interim Court on 1 Monday week, was sentenced on Tuesday } to two months imprisonment. an I .1 ll _,,_ 1 7,19,], 1!. ` -v `Hy :---.-- _:`.___-____ ` -The unsightly heaps of mud which dis- i gured Dunlop street for_ more than a week I are gone. and the taxpayer asks Where, Oh Where? T v-r..- ._ 7-- -Mr. John Hines has `.'fixed up his re- sidence and grounds, so that they constitute a model of taste andeleanliness. Go- thou and_- do likewise. -Fresh and Salt Salmon, God, Trout, White Fish. Herring and Shad, Finnani Haddie, Bulk and Can Oysters, Lobsters, etc., a G. Maundrells. i -- ' ow shades ail prices from 50 cents i per w up, Otton Bros. ' _---Why has Lake Simcoe been withdrawn from the list of places set apart for sh breeding, is what many persons are asking. Mr. Sanders perhaps can tell. ` ,__-_-_1 L- _1-_-_.A.- L]... ..a......... .. 'PAB.A[iB.APHER S% PENGIL rams. AI-I-55 naunuuvnu rv----`yo w`-- -V -It is proposed to deco:-:te the stores on Froht street with hunting and evergreens on the 24th, after the same fashion as was done- on the arrival home of the 35th Batt..last July. 7 ` l\_V1I2-__ GA. `ll -LL-.I:nL haunt Dow ULIU IJn \Io LL: V1155-wv can commence at 8 p. In. X \JIl`Bl V --The sidewalk on Dunlap street in front of Brown s new block` is in a. dangerous con- dition. The other day a little girl fell down and was badly hurt. The town is liable to actions, for damaaes at `any time, axising from the" dangerous condition in which the sidewalks are allowed to remain. - - Ann 0.; l'4L__.__A1_ 1-g_;______g l\lUVVllAIlU Iwnv ---v nu vs. yo -v:----- Announcement of Christ Church, Reformed E iscopal Collier Street. near Owen. . Rev. illism Ii. Barnes, Reotor- 2nd Sunday after Easter. Divine service 11 e. m., and 7 p. 111. Sunday school and adult Bible class at 3 E. m. Conrmation studies and evangel- tic servioes- Wednesdays at 7.15 p.m. C Serv- ice of song, Fridays at 7 p. m. and con- ference for Bible stud? at 7.45 D. m. Special after services of an evangelistic char- acter held at the close of Evening Prayer and sermon on Sunda. `s and at the close 0 n... n-..a.-hm Avnnincr R1 13 ntudv. The Gosnel W` T!~=EJ*i!~*`:.*i.!2!1."**T F MSTICE ' I\I`7IR"`\ `URL -Collier St. Methodist Church, Rev. J. W. Annie, B. A. pastor. Services on Sun- day, 9th inst., morning and evening by the } pastor. In the-evening a. memorial aermone `of the late Rev. Mr. Crompton will be preached. Strangers always welcome. 1|:-....o- -414 I..'. no; in 32.00 nt Grnv B0501.` uuxu an out: Unvnv nu. unvuuua -..-, the '5? the Fride evening Bi le study. The Gospel Male Cho assists in the singmg. , Pl Uvuvun saw: u-c-av--u -- .. --1VIen9s stltt hint 5c;-;(; Graiy & C0,`: _ .u cu is ,,1,_ ..L_.__L 3.. ,._._L 0. I. '1'. 8. Band of Rope. The meeting -held on Friday, April 30th, was" very well attended, the programme was good, but shorter than usual on account of some of the members being unable to be present. A committee meeting was held the same day to -make arrangement for an entertainment, which is to take place on Monday, May 10th, in the Parochial S. S. B. 0.. H. members free. An interesting programme of instrumental and vocal music is being prepared for,the concert. Admission only 10 cents for all those who wish to at- tend not belonging to the Society. Tea for the B. 0. H. willbe at 6 o'clock, concert to A-`--_--.._- -LO-. nun Now is the period for painting. fixing up and making improvements on houses and their surroundings. It is to be ~hoped that all our citizens will endeavor to give the town the tidy and tasty appearance in keep- ing with the natural scenery. Some have begun this commendable work. and doubtless others will follow. The best way to enduce travellers to make Barrie a summer abode is to make the town look `as `enticing as possible. Excnrsionists and. - numerous visitors -are expected during the season, and every one will see. the importance of making a_ good impression upon strangers.` A - V IullU'Ill-p Vnuw --- v. u--- - . -- Three members of the Barrie Bicycle Club,` Ed. Sewrey. Ohril. Valluu and-J. A. Todd, left Barrie at 6:80 o'clock,` I. 111., Good Fri. dsy ,fo1-amn to` They found the '1-nun-u-c cum nun of the season. ,_., _A 1.1.. E.._.`. `D._.I- (N1. wheeling good as far as Hawkstoue, which place was made in two hours run, but here their diiculties began, the roads being too rough for wheeling and the rides were so few and far between, that the boys thought they urnnh` `nu-no.4-, Funny Ian 1-in-`n I-xnfn-n `hon nfzrnnlz I8 I31 UUIIWUCII, Llilll LU IJUJD UIJUHELLU 0116 on U _y would forget how to ride before they struck agood road. However, after two or three accidents to machines and several primings of buttermilk, the trio made good time ; when about three miles from Onllia they struck a good road and wheeled into Orillia in the best of form, having made the trip in about ve hours actual time. After dinner at the Orillia House, they had a ride around town. and one of the boys reports the road to Atherlevto be one of- the best in the county, which he accounts for by `the in- crease of promenading in that direction since the Scott Act came in force. The boys ar- rived honie on the afternoon" train greatly pleased with their trip, and propose having another as soon as the roads get in better condition. _ V Last of the course. On Thursday evening, the last lecture of the winter course at the Mechanics Insti- tute was delivered by Mr. Haughton Len- nox. The subject was law. John Dicken- som Esq., was elected chairman, ani intro- ducing the lecturer said, that the subject was one that was not often chosen in a popular course because of its proverbial dry- ness, `but he thought if it was possible to 1-nvnannl-. flan unl'n.;nk A-`ans-dun!` AF -nfa Art? I42}; M1 arts vs. on IDS ' 303- vauv Ens; LICDE, IJUV I-[U IDLIIJI-IKLIU II III VVGD PUUBILJIC DU present` the subject deprived of its dry forms and invested with such literary charms as would please a mixed audience, Mr. Lennox was capable of doing it. He would therefore without further remarks introduce thelecturer. Mr. Lennox was received with applause, and for about an hour interested his audience. We shall not pretend to re- port even an outline of the ground taken by the lecturer. We may be permitted to say that it covered a. large extent of legal ground and exhibited wide research and extensive knowledge. The law with reference to promisory -notes, contracts, slander, libel, master and servant, husband and wife, was sketched in such a clear and precise style that many persons would feel quite compet- . ent to grapp!e with the cases embraced ' therein without going to a lawy er and pay- I ing for advice. At the close of his interest- | ing and instructive lecture a hearty vote of ` thanks was tendered to the lecturer and also to the chairman. There was a fair at- tendance, and as usuala good representation of ladies. ' - Military Notes. The Department of Militia have announced that Waltham Abbey powder of the required grain and brand has been imported and will be used in the manufacture of cartridges for this yea.r s shooting. nnrnu rvanrln *r\t\Il'1r`ovv 11A 11:13:` ;n `kn IIu'5 JGQI Q lL\l\JULlJ Home made powder will be used in the manufacture, of the cartridges to be used by the Mihtia, while the Waltham Abbey powder will be reserved for private individ- uals and rie assbciations, "f`L,'. 4311 .`,__J __ -__..,.,L.,.._'L, E Illa CILIVI IIILU TQUUICIUIVIJDA "This will afford an opportunity of com.- paring the two makes of powder. T` `.5 V lII1""IQ'\`;I\CIl]`7 I I'\(\11'\Illlq PQI Ills IIIIC UVVU IJJGBISQ U]. 1JUVV\.LUlo It is authentically announced that the Calcutta volunteers will be represented this year by a. strong team from that portion of the Indian Empire. A nvunnnornnnfn Latin `noon nnrvanlnfntz `nun IILIC J.l.I\.ll.GLI. .IJI.I.l}JllUo I Arrangements have been completed for celebrating the anniversary of the capture of Batoche by a. dinner at Toronto on the 17th May next, at which General Sir Fred Mlddleton has signied his T intention of being present. - ' T.nu\va I-non khan rnvunf-.'nr` fn fhn Q31-nnnn UCLLIE |JI. CBCLI U- Leave has been granted to the Simcoe Foresters to wear brown belts in place of the former pipe-clayed helts. - M- 1:: 1:1 Mnxz... ,1 M. A .n n'n..:.... M1`1":1:"E:Uisi{:`f{`ee,1& Mr. A.-H. O'Brien ` have been appointed to commissions in_ No. 1 Co., 35th Battalion- ' 1 (`AI l\ Dn:nn ha in u-nnn;tn.. {Jan Inorqolu `nr 1 1 ?$:lx'i;::;u;bu:ebeive thq medals for the 35th in a. few days. They will probably be presented on the 24th. A Chapter of Accidents. _ On Monday, a. brakesman named Thomas McMorran had the first and second ngers of the left hand crushed while coupling cars at Allandale. Dr. Ross, Elizabeth street. amputated the ngers and dressed the wounds. IIVL ,__-_ 11-1,`--- -1 1)_...'-' ....L -_ -.__. 2..-- wuuuun. - V Thomas Malloy, of Barrie, got an arm frac- tured on Tuesday by an empty box car in the Allandale statidn yard striking it. It was said that the wheel ran over it, but that evidently is a mistake. A I-snn nornnt` Nrn `War-nnann Bat` 11;: hunt` I cvluuuuy .15 D Luxaunnu. A boy named Ned Ferguson had his hand I injured by a. carding machine at Wilkinson s mill on Tuesday morning. His shirt sleeve was caught by the revolving cards at the front of the machine, and drew his hand be- tween the cards. His cries caused a man to turn off the belt and saved the lad from serious injury. As it fortunately happened the injury is not very serious. A Playful Bite. Little Nell, Hanmer s sporting mare, gave the boy who takes care of her a playful nip last Thursday evening. He was `playing with her when the animal nipped him on the forehead, making a wound about an inch in length which bled somewhat profusely. By the pale look of the boy one would judge that he would rather not be favored with many of Little Ne1l s kisses. P01101131. Mr. E. E. Sheppard, Edrtor and Pro rietor of the Toronto News, and Mr. James atter- son, Manager of the Canadian Branch of Miller and Richard type, foundry of Edin- burgh, were guests of Mr. Daniel Spry last Saturday and Sunday. They gave the ADVANCE Oice a friendly call and expressed themselves pleased with the general appear- ance of the town. Gone to Africa, Mr. Arthur Barraud left here yesterday for his new home among the oatriches of South Africa. The ADVANCE wishes Arthur a. safe voyage and a pleasant life at the sunny Cape. - New Residence. Mr. W. H. Cross is going to -erect a. hand- some` `ibrick residence this summer on Collier stlfeet. Tenders are asked and [the work ml] soon. commence. ' . The Young Ladies of the Collier St. Methodist Church will give e Pink-and-White Social in the Lecture Room, next Tuesdav even . A novel end excellent too. Don't tail to be ere. A man by the name c;E-l\cI'<':Fadden fractured one of his legs by a fall at a saw mill about four miles from Wilson's mill in Vespra, ,a few days ago. Dr. Ross reduced the frac- ture and has charge of the case. T , Royal Grenadiers. The Royal Grenadiers will arrive in town between seven and eight o'clock on Saturday evening, the 22nd inst. , and remain in town till Monday evening about six o'clock. I The Admission of` Correspondence Does Not Necessarily Imply that We Hold the Opinions of the Writer. The following letters addressed to the Editor of THE NOR I`HEP.N' ADVANCE, have been received tor publication : The Robinson Park. DEAR S1R,-Ha.ving occasion to visit Bob- inson s Park at `Big Bay Point, a few days ago, I was surprised to see the improvements already made this spring. The residence for guests is being enlarged and re-arranged and tastilv tted up for the comfort and ac- commodation of boarders that will visit the park this summer. Mr. Robinson assured me that arrangements have already been made for the following: Salvation Army Camp Meeting, commencing 19th June, for one week; Rev. Mr. Kerr, pastor Agnes Street Methodist Church, Toronto, commen- cing 29th June. one week; United States and Canada Gospel Army about the 20th hOI7I hODTI TVIQIID LETTERS ADDRESSED TO THE EDITOR THIS WEEK. J uly-. -Arrangements have been made with Mr. McPherson to run his steamboat to con- nect with trains at Barrie morning and even- ing three times a weeks, namely, Mondays, V Wednesdays and Saturdays/ during the sea- son. This park in natural beauty cannot be exceeded in the whole northern country. The commingling of our native forest trees, such as the vvalnut, oak, ash, maple, birch. beech, basswood and -every kind of native evergreen, lends the place an indescribable charm when united with the magnicent waters of the lake and the bay, from which cooling: breezes gently tan the visitor to ease and quiet comfort. Among the many pleasant localities on the lake shore, none can com- pete with Robinson s Park for school picnics and private parties to enjoy themselves and spend their anniversary holidays. Yours, etc., WM. l\IE'1'cALr. P5 , `P5 1'\ ' 1 `I 1`: 1(`1\{I KIM.` \./Q11 SAC` \J UDPCL Ill. LIJJ WLIUKIII U11`? EU UL]. WHAT THE PEOPLE HAVE T0 SAY. ` Regimental Orders by Lieut.-Col. O'Brien. "'I'A,_ l'\_-, _,_*_ n-,_,_ I\ ,, '"""".{D'E.I.}rs -5;r:I"l3'.x"r-';'.: Wm BARRIE, April 29th, 1896. _'No. 1. } To be Major :--Captain and Brevet Major A L Peter Burnet (formerly of H. M s 72nd Regi- ment), from No. 7 Company, vice Richard Tvrwhitt, transferred to command of 36th Battalion. ` - 1 .__,__,_,, 1 .4-uvuunvuu -NO. 1 COMPANY, BARRIE. ` . To be Lieutenant, provisionally :~-Henry Ellwood McKee, gentleman, vice Spry, pro- moted. ' I,, t\,1 T` I I " I`I,, l To be 2nd Lieutenant, provisionally :- Arthur Henry 0 Brien, gentleman, vice Arthur Charles Barraud, Whose resignation is hereby accepted. No. 2 COMPANY, COLLI.\'G\V'O0D. To be ' Lieutenant :-Sergeant Edward - Lewin Stephen, M.S., vice John Edward Moberly, deceased. N0 3 COMPANY, JARRATIJS CORNERS. To be Captain :-Hugh McD. Clarke, M. S., from retired list of'()aptains, vice Joseph Harshaw, out of limits. A Tn kn I u'n'uL.-........L ..-.........-....'I'|" . T.-Jan LLGILDIJEVV, ULIII UL llllllllan ; To be Lieutenant, provisionally :-.John Gray, gentleman, vice Frederick W. Lewis, * out of hmits. 1 1" 1 V 1 ' _11,, Ulul II UL LLLLILIODO ; To be 2nd Ueutenant, prov1siona1ly:-- George Gray, gentleman. NO. 4 company , VESPRA. To be Lieutenant, provisionally :--Corpora1 George Monroe, v1ce Ramsay, transferred to N o. 5 Company. "I"n km On.-I `l'.-.4-........& -u\uAvr:n:nv\n]`Iv. -- 3`: YE: >`.\].l. 1:)`s~:'t-'i1ou sar.i Vand fteen -goo ' I.-us, (:m\`L-nlnurst, Muskoks. Good chance i'z}I`c1s{(`x'1n1`i>iIng young man. Price reasonable. lieu-m r1f()1'svlling out Old ERG and sickness. No um-osilion. Apply to` C. SLATER. 16-249 ' `'lI.`ou yiieutenant, ' provisionally :- Private Andrew Caston, vice Leadley, pro- moted. 1 n.I.n\rv\a\lO No 5 COMPANY, BARBIE. ` To be Lieutenant. provisionally :--Lieut. 1 Robert Dalhouaie Ramsay-Ramsay, from No. 4 Company, vice Cave, retired. kn T:nu1`nnnnJ- v\nAn:n:nnnv7 o_.. i 1 \ ` `:E3'i.i'"1`Zi.{2`2.f"f.}3visiona11y =-. Corporal Frederick John Crease, vice Charles Frederick McKenzie, left limits. N0. 7 compuy, ORILLIA. To be Captain :--L1eutena.nt Thomas H. Drinkwater, M.S., vice Bnrnet, promoted. JAMES WARD,` Captain and Bt. Major. Adjntaht, 35th Battalion, S. F. ` York. The Free Concert. Last'Friday night the Town Hall was packed, as was anticipated, with the patrons and lovers of music, and we have attended many a fty_ cent musical entertainment very far below this in merit. The voices of the singers were in excellent train and they immediately secured the sympathy of the large audience. The following pieces were admirably rendered: Chorus,--Oh! Hail us ye Free. Anthem,-Rest from your labors. Soprano Solo,--Waiting, Mrs. Ketcham. Duett,-The Pilot, Messrs. Ketcham and Cheney. Solo,--The Old Lock, Miss Lan taff. Duett,-Come Haste and seek, Miss etcham and Miss Langstaff. Quartette,-Come where the Lilies Bloom. Solo,--When the Tide comes in, Mrs. Ketcham. Anthem,--The Golden Gate. Solo,-Bid me Good Bye, Miss Langstaff. These. pieces were loudlyapplauded, and gave evidence of a true conception of that ex- pression in music, which is so important to its just interpretation. 0! course, there was an ulterior object in giving this concert, which we hope will be realized. The re- marks u_ on the importance of congregational singing y Mr. Ketcham deserve the best consideration of his hearers. As a rule Canadian church congregations leave the singing to the choir. and therefore one of the most important portions of worshi is life- less and depressing. Nothing can be grand- er than the congregational singing in Ply- mouth church, and in Dr. Talmage s in New In Beecher : church the music is on one page and the hymn on another, and the worshipers have learned to read music, and consequently everyone joins in the service of song. One of the grand old tunes, sung by a choir of three or four thousand is worth going many miles to hear and join in. Every child should be taught to read music at sight just as he is taught to read a book at sight. Without it general congregational singing is out of the question. tinn in the hall on Friday night was the best the company ever had, amounting to up- wards of $24.00. V - ` The collec- ` Local Market. 0111' local market last Saturday exhited as `much activity as is usual at this season. There was a fair supply of what is seasonable and prices not materially ch ed from past quotations. Butter brought tom 20 to 23 cents and 10 cents per dozen. Potatoes from 30to cents a bag and hav.from 8 to8l0 per ton. ` V Big Bay Point, May lt, {s1.oo PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. , SINGLE COPIES, FIVE CENTS- I i~;.~`H)1\'(`} FOR SALE ORTO BE LET.- l 1`hutuxu-t`m~u.blc ville. residence now oc- u;.`.u1 by In-. Ulivcr. situuse on Bayeld Stree \\"H'l1t-xx-1,-|l('I)I rambling` and 90 acres of goo .-u'u}-llv lzmd. S'l'l{A'l`HY 86 AULT, Barrisggrg .'.v.. I...-u-I. . M1`. \\'11|u.uu 1 a........, .,, _ Died. `:o><.:~.\t Sluu t B 1 Alice, 1 y Y on Saturday. May 131;` Ross, aged 15 years and 4 months AA` his residghe Russ? V . ' u T9"?-06, on 1!0II.\l4b2;l.-: D 1 10 t 1nst., avid Holmes in hi ' 3 year Thc furwrul . On Thursday and W o'1`I0t',`bp.lIl. 1_.`.c.;t..L.a \{'`1111g 1tfe ?(:1:sh:x{Jdni$;cgeut tgrder of eme Ivy. eldest daughter of Jgmes Wi'10!1\'e his late resi ` deuce at 2- SV} abs and . Heroes of. -Batoche. V A yircliminary meeting of the committee m-u.matc hy_the council _to make arrange- !nL_-utrd for the reception of Royal Grenadier: on the 24th was held in the manager : room of the lizmk of Toronto last Tuesday night. `l 1`cscr1t--I\Iay0r Scwrey, J. McNabb, D. V:\rqu11:1x`s()x), J . M. Bothwell, Major Rogers, J. A Kr.m+1.u ....,1 12 A n......1.. ml... ~ -vs-luunu Dull, 0. AV}: JJUUIJWULI, .LV.IClIJUl' JJUKUI "9 -i. A. Strathy and R. A. Douglas. The nmyor in the chair with Major Rogers acting as secretary "pro tern. The committe then Igrocecdcd to elect their oicers:--Mayor Scwrey, chairman; Dr. McCarth , secrets ; `J. A. Stmthy, treasurer; J. - . Bothwe , l)._ barquharsoxx and R. A. Douglas were" up- P0mted a printing committee ; Dr. McCarthy and Major Rogers an Oddfellows committee ; afld the Mayor, J. A. Strathy and C. H. 3:039 3_0_I1mittee to look after subscriptions. "3 Dnutmg committee were instructed to at OUCI`. Alivnr-Ho . t`-.;. A..._.'l-_.. 1... LL` -.--ilnnuuu "' k`llg UUIIIUIIUUBQ W975 IHIFFUUUUU IOU DI! once advertise for tenders for the pnvileges. 0f Park grounds on the 24th, also to prepare Pmglamme of sports and entertainments and h.`' same ready` to submit on Thursdiv mght. Mr. William Downev s name was added to the committee. A great deal of ethgsiasm was manifested and a strong im- Dmslon seemed to prevail amon at those Present that if the weather will ongly be the giuf `(. 1100n _s we will witness the greatest out t_h.fit Barrie has ever seen. We trust all and Clltizens will cordially take up the'mett_er an ' W1 _a helgma hand to the eommlttee In ~` `WY In Whlch they canbe of service. }.',l ' :1} (`n upH.- In via, County Statistics. Matistical returns of the County bf Sim- `.' fur 1885, including all the municipa.li'tiesT 3" W: Countv nvnan n... vmm... ll` llv-anon- `:l*J&' W .-\.\."l`I<`.l) Jthis Ofce to learn. the .),p~`m:in1;lmaihcss,one who has assed the. -n!x`.~m('-u-xrmlination preferred. an about 15 -. nf nan- LU! ;Xuw;UU1e, ' . V $.1`42'::"91;)I'1t collected for achool_ purpoeg,' ff;.'1`aXes. $273,946. - 521. "33 and Municipal Government, 839 Roman 1'1 mm ' JUN U9: urge '3 '11 '1 UK] Conveyamccrs. ()H 1`I-`.57 -Over Fv.rquhareon s Groccrv Store, 4 Hunlop 51., Bn.r1'ie. Ont. 5124 F H0 W IVLIUI E_\'('E--PAI_..\iER. u the resulanc the Rev. J hilus R me. Wilkinson, B. eot anhnlph Lawrenc ('ia.ughter_ of to Miss (Jaroline illiam Pa.1mer. of -Ou Wednesday. April of the bride's Palmer. Barrie. 3; rents, Mr. awk- i|`12)vI0dV5y' the Masons unu Auuwub uruuz `nixed \\ orkmen, to the Union Cemetery. ; M9: .~'.-\1.i1. Lot in the-.'l`own of Barrie.) Mm. -m"1*.u.k containing 24 acres, first-T `aw .~_4)U and ralutc of cnlti\'u.ti0n. Good fences. -:'Mr~` -.1~_\`. ;\p1J`.)' to CAROLINE E. H;cm.1):G. H.--.~,,1I1;.:, I`. U. -` ~ ' 17-201) NOTICE fro THE PUBLIC. ;:_.-------------~ 3* `VOL, xxxv. -No 18. WHOLE No. 1776. SAMUEL WESLEY, Pronrietor. [1 ` "'5 ---v-uuxus nu. VIIU uluutvlpwstvlwu ms`: E;_`;l`3ltV except the Village of Graven- __\ eggs am 1_ has not been recelved : 3'0 R feserl. 1,162,429. neg: V" .r8 18.904. pe,s0n11u1;=. 517,038,955. , Income, ${83I:<%1r5tg.. $859,855. Am ' ' L1 42.4`fq1}]nt - school purpogeg,g '.-\ .\"l`M> :1}: Q-hlerly sing1c.man to attend to I lmr.\`v.-urn} cow and nu_a.ke himself useful- `- -.,'.u":`.:-11. Apply _at,th1s-oice. ' --q LU!` uufu. . Bu1`1'1Q. MONEY TO LOAN. I _ 1'UlV_lJ11I. H19 01' `\I.-\ Y. fol` the erectx` of a residence . Whole or senat- for the following work, carpenter .imz, plumbin . hot .,. 11.-axing. gas iigti ,'tin work and 3 ating. V and 8pc('i[1(`:ltlO can be seen at our ,.\-, vilhc1"|'m`Om() or Barrie. KENNEDY zT)|.l..~\.\'I),Archit.e<:ts. , ` 18-19 ..u1.;1`s will be receiwf {,4 5`mpo and bI`l ;, ;.1in1mg und l'.\'o1i 2.] -)lu NEH AJnvEn'r1sE1vmN'r_s.J .\'mi v in l1crc1)y 4 ::1.=I.du_\'nf-M iven further. that after . A.D., 1886. the Estate .<.u1 liobvrt umbers. will be distri- ;mmn;{st the attics entitled thereto. : 1:c5_:;n=:l only to the claimant which mall haw 13 .11 given; This noticq _is ;ur~u:mI In wised Smt1`1cs,`0nta.r1o. ,-1- H; .~'-min 34 and amcndmg acts. T1>h`r`. A `.\I'O`REILLY. _ Master at Ilamilton. (`lI;\.\`(`Ill_Y- Dl\'iSI(: '.-\I:In` J11` Etiur ; 1' -ldstate. . uuu \aAo\r\/vutioi "A"['L1-:N1\I_o~x & Go-. -vsu-71. ma 1 1 . 24322866` Married. I\_. `III 18.20? EIUFE, 16-28 Grenadlers are com.Ing-V-A Big Day on the 24th lxpeoted- No cow ' By-law Yet. The regular meeting of the Town Council was held at the Council Chamber on Mon- day evening. His Worship the Mayor open- ed the proceedings at 7.30 o'clock. All the members except Councillor McLean were present. The minutes-of the previous meet- ing were read and approved. rwrlrrous. _ The petition of L.` S. Sanders and others prays that the fence on Berezy street, be- tween McDonald and Worsley streets, be removed, and that needed improvements be made one Berezy street. V A petition from J. S. Crookshank and others prays that a plank sidewalk be placed` on the north side of Ross street; calls attention to the central position of the re- sidences of the petitioners, and complains l that although they have been paving taxes forthe last 12 years, scarcely any expendi- ture has been made adjoining said properties. This the petitioners regard as unjust. and pray that relief be granted in the premises. William Wu-only -no-nun O-Mn n.ir.+.nn+.inn nf flan IIU UIIU LUWH .lLIBPUUIlUl'Blllps ' ' John Barrnnd asks the Council for $24 to compensate him for the los_s of potatoes, shorts, chickens. ,etc., by the ooding on Sophia street, and hopes the Council will settle without further trouble. _ Various accounts were read, and on motlon tall the papers were referred to the proper committees. Ix v-v\o\I-unit` `TOWN Ann TRIBUTABY was I p1a_y IILIGIIU IUIIUL IJU SIG]-IUULL III UIIU lllUI.l.IlBUo William Freek prays the attention of the Council to Mary street, from Wellmgtonto Dalton street, which wants grading prepara- l tory to planting trees. Tho nnl-inn nF Alnvni-uinuv hnnnll and" IJUI DU FIRM UILI UL U950 ' . he petition of Alexander Doneli and" 1 others begs attention to Ann Eliza. street, it i being almost impassable in snring and fall. ` I P F` Tnrnn and nthnrn nn1'.If.1nnn'f.hAf: thn ` |uLu west end of Oliver street be 0 ened, as con- Illlll-IUU IUJPDHBEUIU ll-I DIJILI-I GHQ llln uP.5F. Ewan and others petltlonid that the 1 eiderable butldingis about to edema in that _: } locality. RE... I] Q Qt-.N~n.L vu-nun `A `-\nnnnn:nI-.1111 v-apes...--wvv-u. REPORTS. Report N 0. 11 Finance Committee re- commends the payment of accounts to the amount of $188. 46, which had been found to" be correct, to be paid. It also recommends that the petition of Mrs. Tracey for compeu-- sation for planting trees be not entertained. inasmuch as no By-law exists which covers her case. On motion the report was adopted. r - Report No. 5 Public Works.-This report recommends various improvements to side- walks and culverts in different parts of the town. A number of petitions to which the attention of the committee had, been called, could not be entertained. ._ CVL___LL-- _.-.. 51...... An;-.3 nnnn in in- Loon. l:v'nm's rnou wan runs; or ` ADVANCE nnronnns. IUUNUU 0 Mr. S. Stritch prays to be appointed to the Town Inspectorship. .Tn}\n `Ravi-urn-I nnlzn lthn manna?` fnl` $94 tn coma not De enwrualucu. Mr. Strathywvas then called upon to in- dicate what new developments had arisen with regard to the proposed visit of the r Grenadiers on the 24th inst. g Mr. Strathy said he had received information from the r railway authorities with reference to cars for transporting the soldiers, and the report was highly favorable. He said the men will arrive in "town between seven and -eight o'clock on Saturday evening and leave at 6 o clock on Monday evening. `n:........:..... .. .. .......n on +11 what should N at 0 o'clock Mommy evening. _ Discussion no N arose as to what should be done in the meantime to be prepared bfo_r the festivities and games of the day. nnnnnlnr Marvin thollht would mormng and went away on u.|u_uua_y ._..,,..... `Councillor Ross thought that as nme out /of every ten of the men had voted to come on Saturday, the arrangements could not be interfered -"with. n___:.1-..-L`I.. .I.....N-an-u I-All: ghnnl: {aha nra. I interterea wiun. , Considerable desultory talk about the pre- paration of the parks was indulged in. ._ MOTIONS. The following motion was put,and after re~ . marks thereon had beenmade by Councillors Farquharspn, McCarthy, Ross, Cross and the Mayor, it was carried without a division. 1m..\Tnh__'Plgrfnn--'I`hn.l: the following] Mayor, it cameo. wunonu a uuvuuuu. "members of the Council be appointed a com- mittee to co-oi erate with a like number of citizens to ma e all arrangements for carry- ing out the celebration on the 24th inst., the committee to be composed of the Mayor, .Reeve, 1st Deputy Reeve, Councillors Ross and Farquharson, and Messrs. `J. A. Strathv, Major Rogers, R. A. Douglas. L. S.,Sanders and J. M. Bothwell. c Ross-,-McCarthy-That the Park Com- mittee be authorized to make some arran e- ments at as small a cost as possible` or 1 wateringthe park arrounds by the 24th of, ` May next. . Thu rnnnfjncl thll diufned. McNab-Plaxton-That the following] the teetlvmee and games 01 um guy. Councillor Marrin thought that it be enicient if the men came on Monday morning and went away on Monday night. 1 nn......n1m. Ron thnnoht that nine 3 IIIU VVW -I;'nu-vv v We notice places where trees have been planted on the streets. and unless restraint is put upon cattle running at -large, the greater number will be destroyed be are the end of summer. A gentleman informed us that he saw a cow browse 011` and destroy two ornamental trees in the town only a day or two ago, and though he tried to prevent the damage, the active quadruped had broken them before he could get near dnou h to drive her of. If no member of t e Council has the courage to advocate the re- enactment of this necessary measure for fear of losing the votes of those -who oppose it. let the matter be submitted to a popular vote, and let us see what the majority of the eople of the town think about this matter. ghis can be done when an election is order- ed for a Second Deputy Reeve. We feel sure that a,1arge maiority would vote for the By-law`. Permitting cattle to run at large in a town like Barrie is indicative of back bush uotionsof half a century ago. host an Ann. . - A few days ago a man -named Mark Bil-A lin , was doing some work at Wilson's saw rni in Vespra, where, by some means his saw which took it clean off in a diagonal direction from the elbow down. Dr. Allen of Phelpston, who had been called` to attend the case, telegraphed for Dr, Ross, of Eliza- beth street, to goi to his aid. Ampntntion at the lower thir of` the humerus` was con- sidered necessary. which was done by Dr. Ross, assisted by Dr. Allen. The man is getting along satisfactorily. KW D 0 eldest dmchtqr of of Shanty any, I my next. The meeting then adjourned. % The cow By-1 raged Awli. _uc - _|.1...A. Anna! V`!-we '1`HEAIN'i`EREST'S or nAtmm.'.'rm:: coumt ' or smcon: AND THE nommon or c.m.mA om: cnrrmnxon. BARRIE, COUNTY OF SIMQOE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, -MAY 6, 1886, Last Sunday the members of Lodge, No. 63, I. O. O. F., and a few of Mizpah Encampment, making in all between sixty and seventy, went in procession to the `Presbyterian church and heard a very im ressive dis-_ course by Rev. D. D. Me The text chosen was the 4th chapter, of Paul's letter to the Philippians and the 8th verse. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, what- soever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, what- soever things'are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise. think on these things. The speaker commended the formation of societies for mutual good, Ifor the relief of the distressed, and for the amelioration of the suifering and woes of hu- manity, and indicatedthat by such union they could accomplish what it would be impossi- ble as individuals acting as separate units. He deprecated a union in name merely with- ` out that union of heart and spirit, without which societies are essentially formal and lifeless. '_ Nothing can make man what he ought to be, whether a member of the odd- fellows orany other society but the love of Christ `shed abroad in his heart. Suffering iand want and distress served to develops in. man those high and noble qualities. of his nature which served to make him a good Samaritan. N o combinations of men, no laws, no power of governments could possi- bly settle the troubles which are agitating the world. Nothing short ofthe religion of Christ working in individual hearts would do that. The speakers emphasized the im- portance of seeking the true and the pure, and this the word of God supplies. The religion of the Bible alone can lead the seeker intovall truth and purity. Hereis the solu- tion of all the world s troubles and the way in which true happiness is found. This line of thought ran through the sermon which was delivered with an earnestness that could not fail to arrest and secure attention. ithe Methodistohurch, and was an earnest worker fo_r the Master for one so young. Much sorrow isfelt that she has gone so soon from the companionship of those who so dearly loved her. Her funeral `which was `largely attended took place on Sunday to the Union Cemetery, and a very im ressive sermon was preached b Rev. Mr. ilkin- son on the occasion. rs. Ross, mother of the decased is the daughter of Mr. John Lunnev, of Calling-wood.` . ' Liberal-conservative Association. It will be seen by notice elsewhere that a meeting has been called for next Monday evening by Mr. "H. H. Strathy, President of the Young Mens Liberal-Conservative As- sociation, for the purpose of reorganization and the election of ofcers. ` We are glad to see this and we hope that a very large number of the young men will be there. It is the duty of every young man who de sires to see good government to fully prepare himself to sustain it. By the extension of T the franchise there will be a large addition to the electorate throughout the Dominion, and it is of the utmost importance that they be well prepared for ' the responsible duties thus devolving upon them. The rightto vote means something more than merely goinggto "the polls on the day of election.` It means an_ intelligent conception of the issues before the country. The young Conservative voter should be conversant with the political history of the country and es cially with the benecient legislation w ich the country has received from Gen- servative rule. He should be able to refute the Vmistatements and slanders of Grit politicians with reference to the government and to be able fully to give reasons for his political faith. As a rule Conservative voters have an intelligent appreciation of their duties and responsibilities, but the only way to perpetuate those grand princi- Iples which have aided so much in the pros- nnriden A` {than nnnnltrv n!` ma. IIUIIDII Ill LII! lu uznu nuu vuv uvvvnv uavn-Iv , I of its boundless resources is thorough proper - organization. , Every Conservative young man should be thus prepared to do his duty when the time comes for exercising the greatest privilege which can be conferred on ` the citizens of 8 free state. pws WHICH IIDVU Iuuuu BU l.uuUI_s us uuu inun- pent of the country and assisted so ma- teris ly in its progress and the development at :6. 1..-.n-m-nan unnnnrnn in than-nuah nrhnor `of him to aid'him t Ponce court. - The Police Court `authorities have been lately en aged in settling some diiculties between elle White` and Richard Drurv. It appears that one evening last week E. V. Hanmer and Drury were having a little friendly trial of phvaical strength _in a room at the Barrie hotel. Richard playfully asked Hanmer to e home and- took hold rouoh the door, Han- mer resisted, being made in that peculiar ....... u..4- :3 Inn in nnnnmznnnrilv n1-and in an U18? IBBIBEOU, UUILI3 u.luu.u_ nu. vunu pwvuuau. way. that if he is unnecessarily urged to go in one direction hewill always try to go in the opposite, Wells White and his dog were standing in the doorway, White hav- ing a pither of water in his hand. As the men in their playful scule neared the door the dog yelped, and Wells in sympathy with his canine, thinking he would be hurt threw the water at Drur , who fora moment fancied the Barrie h been struck by a ___L-._ ._.-._L A - ........ An I... -nuuurn-nil QAIYIA. IIIICIBG FEE ".DIl'l'lU uuu uucu nu uvn u; u water Ipont. As soon as he recovered some- what from the shock a duel of words, more emphatic than polite was fought between Wells and Richard. The following day White charged Drury with being drunk and disorderly, but the charge was not "sustained, and White was mulcted in the costs. Dv-nry then charged White with assault and White made a counter-charge against Drury for min obscene lang e. The cases were ' on Monday and t e magistrate found | both parties guilty. White was ned $1.00 .-.'.-I an-Gm nun-I nrnrir $3.00 and costs- D0511 WWUU guuuy. VI uupv wt uuvs l and costs and Drury $3.00 and costs. The regular meeting of this society was held on Frida evening, April 30. The president. Mr. .`M. hunter was present to occupy the chair. The Rev. Dean O Connor and His Honor Judge Boys, were present to act as judges in the speaking competition. Programme. -Miss I_..aura Harper gave a vocal solo. N. Morrison was the only one who appeared in the speakin competition. Miss MoKee.gave a vocal so 0 ; John Mc- Lean read his essay which had been awarded the prize ; Miss F. Deane gave a piano solo. The prize o'e1-ed by his Honor J udze `Boys to the most useful member of the. society, was awarded to L. G. McQarth.y. The next meeting will be the. last this term. A G Vb-wu-:- The Collingwood Football Club have sent a challenge to the Barrie Cyclones, which ha been accepted and a. patch arranged for next e .l'hu1-Idoy. Play wxll be commenced at 5.80 .m. It in to'be ho T thaterrie will got allow carry sway ghghonen of the day uthey dnd in a reeent debate. , Put forw '_yon_r but leg" boyi. The bddtnows at Olniroh. 3. O. I. In. and H. B. `lootban. ` .n no A '5 (J.-D1 LE.\'l) MONEY at rates consider- ably lower than any one else in the ('o'.'.my. and on terms of reps. ment to suit bor- mxvers. Having at our isposal 8. large iunount of old country funds. we can advance moneys as low as 5 per cent. ' \l'.. .....~...\:..I\.. I.....:L.. LL--- |......!....'.. _....1 Ant`!-A lam immmum u v- ---uw- v-u w-v-on-rd Chapter ot'i?1sa1 mm . -'-Rogation Sunday on the 30th. n -The finest spring in many years. -Fine shower of r ' on Tuesday. -See Gray as Co : 6.00 men : suits. -Gentle showers and rapid vegetation. -The site for the elevator still nnsettled. --Boys9 Sailor Ha for 15. at Gray an Co Uo -Wa.ll Papers Viving almost daily at ` Capon & O0. ' --A change from May to April occurred ` here yesterday. \ \ '__ 15..--.. l`1___1._ -1. `T7 V`.-:4-'l`he sidewalks an-'6 in a hocki ng condi- ` .t'"_'____T_TaT_ .- _ -Nobby Hats, lat I: style: at Gray dc C0 Io ' ' u -u` . - A . -Bos9 Suns alw a hen el; at Gra 6: C098. 0 P y ...-... 't .. . .... ' -A special drive ' Dress Goods at W. R. Phillips & Co. ,:,_-__1 L_____ _L --. -----_-rv - vv --Cattle still roaming arbund town at their own sweet will. -- carriages selling fast at Otton Bros. , get 0 fore its too late. T --Boys Sailor Hat 5c. 20c. 25c. and 30c. up at Gray 6; C s. , X 1 , ,, , I11 AI` L ,_,1 -,--_l_, ____J- __-_._ -;1e-e;i_1_1`gTFoE St; George : Society next Wednesday evening. It 1 I 5 DTI"'I'I'I'\,,.i,,,`_I,!`, ..u..V_.... .~... .v n -w.. II r`... V..." We especially lnvitc those haviniz real estate or sale. or desirous of purchasing. to call upon us. We have a lame amount of .farm and town property for sale, and have many appli- (`nlluns by intending purchasers. Our rates will he found liberal. Jlortgxxges, Notes, are... Purchased`. (`Ulla-4-tions-x made, Conveyancing done. and ln~.=..'.mccs of all kinds effected.