Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 29 Apr 1886, p. 7

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`rtuata 2 v` A Now an: A `- IOSWVBIIIIDIU uuluuuaa us al.5135- Oi1is that unlike ordinary Ln be safely and effectually y as well as applied in cases .zgation,__ore throat, rheu_I_na- arid injnijes. 1 ..`, .: My tax , (is bout do wise an `. ""`"` : ROI i ildsg A man who hgd been urchasing a horse and. cutter was _ eyeeter ay speeding the animal up and down Park street. when a policeman said to him : ` V "\n u `lnl `:IvInn C1I\I` `mono `soon iInn:I'|lo vwvn or I IIBII vvlII|,IlUl'UIIo I Although during the cold season Jack Frost" gets in his work lively, yet Hag- verd s Oil beats him every time. curing chil- blains. frost bites, and all their painful ef- fects.` It also cures V cr0.11P} sore throat. rheumatism, and most pnful affections. llLl\lI_rlLIQII,Ul\I IIU lllllul 0 That's four times you have been racing up and down. / You, just four. I f`And ou want to quit, or you'll get into tron le. * How `P 6 I ' I :.%.,`.3:"::I:`:=:" ` - And what,.ha p'eneVd,? _., ` f p _. -`~"l`hey` folle "me down tqthe wharf, and one of em called me his darling. . They left. pretty soon after, that, H~how ? - . . She exfended her hand. In the palm rested an iron slug-shot, weighing half a pound, which was made fast to her wrist by a string. I. 1-Iinnu yin-u an.--.3_ L #.-_.._. -L__-1 --- - '9 v";.IgU\`1`e:.you needn t ivorry about me 1" she grimly ebserved as he hefted the missle. Are there any other moonlight views around here wuth seein '1 ' Fast driving. At what rate Wlll you swear that I was driving l"l T At least eight miles an hour. T Will you, honest Injun? Will you say at-least eight l" _ I will, and the Recorder will ne you three dollars. ` . Say, said the man as he_ pulled out a $5 bill andextended it, take this and do me a favor. - Make a complaint that I was driving at least eight miles an hour, and have me ned for it. I bought this old beast for a four-mile-an-hour horse, and it it gets around among the boys that he -can step at the rate of eight I can sell him for $25 in cash and a second-hand over-_ coat! Go and, enter the complaint to- day, so that it will be mentioned in the morning papers, and. don t torget to say eight miles an hour-eight miles on your solemn aidavy I" ` L4, A Moohugnc View. , About 10 o'clock the other evening, as a number of passengers atthe Third street station were -waiting ` for. attain out, a woman about 45 years of age approached the special oicer on duty in the passen- ger rooms and said she guessed she"d go outiand take a view of the river by moon-_ light if he d mind her satchel. Not alone? he queried. Well, I guess I can take. care of my- self, she replied. ` 7 There maybe rough meljt about. . Then it` will be the wuss`for.them - She had been gone about ten minutes when two or three voices - were heard shouting. Theoicer ran out, and as he didso avmangwith a bloody ear passed him on one side while on the other he caught a. eeting glimpse of a `chap with both hands on his jaw. The woman was com- ing up from the river with serene` gait, and as she reached him she said '. -* `"l`lu. -4.... :. .'....l. L.__ 1-,, AI` - -'- auu. an auu reuuuuu nmrane 3810 2 ` The. view is just boss. Is that the .Ca.nada.ahore over there 1" ".Those two men ma`.dam--did yoil gee Dem 2 . . LILUBU DWU men In Benz. "Kmder seen em." ((1-3 _I_,; 1--.. A Living Question. Qneetion-Is this life worth living? Answer- It all depends upon the liver! If torpid or inactiveit causes a dull, tough, languid feeling. Dr. Uhaae e Liver Cure gives health and buoyancy. Sold by all In an: I ' C Superstition or the norse-shoe. The old notion that there is luck in a horse-shoe nds support in one case at least, thinks Capt. Stone, the horseman. When Maud S. did her first really fast mile at Cleveland, in 2:10a]_;, Capt. Stone, of Cincinnati, who owned her, pulled o` her shoes and stored them in. his desk, and sold the mare to Vanderbilt for a snug price. He has been making money ever since and capturing the best things of life. The Captain kept only one of the shoes. He gave one to Mrs. Swain, and she gave it to her larger brother. He hadn t had it a week when he was married to one of the most charming ladies in New York. He has been prospering like a green bay tree ever since, and has had .the shoe plated and framed and wouldn't take a Florida lot for it. Mr. Vanderbilt had` one of the shoes and used to think it had a happy inuence on his efforts to turn an honest penny. Cornelius owns it now and has it fastened on the front of his writing-table. The fourth shoe is in possession of William. Bair, Maud S. s driver. Barr thinks that if he had not had the shoe stuffed in the ballast of his snlky cushions, he never would have been able to have gotten the work out of the little mare 1 that he has since the piece of steel came into his possession. Esihetio yohn ilndy`-Can? ydu Hoon`-i coive of anything more and `poeti- vcally no1,mn_ than the denouement of Romeo and Juliet? Oduldfhe poet` :ha.ve ' made their iota. mre Jwerdly tragig: -7" :Gyn_iosl- bachelor-:-2'0; 4736.3 % H9 nqlzht 2' 2 -,_`,J ` "aw-nfaciigd`~th6m? 1, A [Be on _Yur Guard. - ` Don't allow arcoltl in the head to slowly and surely develops-itself into Oataarh when you can be cured for:25 cqnts, . _ _ . A` 5.... gnnlinnnnl will curb mclment ma curea xorza cenw, . V, * `A` few applications will cure incipient Catarrhw N. '_ ., 1 _ One to v_6_Lbo'xes'will' cure -ordinary Ca- tarrh. ; ,` One to vo,boxe'f 7vv!1il'f"Vt':i1_1V-7"':l`11:o%xi'1'< :' Gn- tarrh., n ' ` `Sold by a1l.dea1ra gt 25. A er .box. Try Dr._A. W. Chase : Cnadian atarrh Cures- takg no `othar-'-.-1it_ y_._ou. V For sale by I" ~, _`_1.`.'.'... `ona B31 ! '5'` 4* ::!uii.v2`=}1.i`-W 2" eqs;qw;5h{;;j{?2a:..mauhsr.:*. . ~ so: \ . `( JohnnI.z"kd . ..f ~_:,A*{a;'-3551!!!!` *1 *3` fy_ __u to, as it A mtpj --v vug. - -----.n. some salt. . y do 103,. nut 9! _I_a_l 3 , ll .4 M OIIDI1 V 1'f'0 Ufwxrrra '35: .-ms...' 1 .. I");\IT (9'\`;,;i'[1);I:>r; '1.-.3?-'n.,`A v.,-i 3 . ._, .'*.";'?`,:;;,1_[_f!_,7`i--3!. `EKG I10 Uyul ~I1d.,aIe%rs- A '1xI.uuul' men 6111.` And what.1::pened,2 -`~"l`l`lev ' fnlln ma `claim Min $_11`1i _t.l)et-,-`_-`0ht3'l;Oa 5931': Vb "kind on. pyv,ei;`LI. `EM? 7 ' l ` n-_ "n.....:..:.`...." 1.`. '.4}`.i&'u`.'n " }in`|I nainn\... Kln_(1 OIHI I1`0`W$l`.'4 ;a gang _r , A A . . Mr. Roaelilaxi. (3 y(Jii_'I'1'g_' d0l1`egian)-. Love, that in not: ower ; it its tobacco plant, . ,7 : , _ V ` Min smitherna-_`fQ_1;; hgfnibe it must iook when plug! a1.'e,Ea3;gin'z on it. I. ll UVILIEIICIII What for 7" ((13. _L -j_,A:,, _. --`, _,_ y~ u1'~1ow,'.aioh V ' ,.~T, .7 .. .,.;;\. 1....) Anhfa .m- .'.l'ha.t s What no wanted. Jack Frost conquered. ....I. .:.__.:_-. LL- , In A`3V16rh_ld7V1o!`v' __ot 11:. mild... . THENORTHERN ADVANCE. wlavvvnna unuvu-Q-vu- The ix husband got, but he went down to police headquarters and ex- PICLIJUII 0 If I ever marry another man's divorced `wife I ll be half-way white about it. If he comes around and wants an explanation I'll be gentleman enough to invite him into the house. I won't lean outof a window and blow and holler and lug out a pistol and make him all attened out, I Who~_is it, and what do you want 1 Is that you, Fannie? he" asked. yWho calls me Fannie? _ . - Your, husband. It. a me-Hem-y ; . have come`back. _ ` V Oh, it's you, then 7 You'd better skip. . Why '3" . V `Cause I'm married again. I got a divorce from you a year ago. .1.1......:.. 1...... ......1,1 .....- o nr......u. I `"7n`;Iu1i3,"i:3&'cEui&"}ou3' Wasn't 1 a. loving, ten----" ' T -..I_ .L...... I?) ..`I.---L...`l LL- L-__`l_ -u ovvoa- D ""` Look a-here 1 shouted the harsh voice of a man, as hisehead replaced that of a woman s, I don t want no fooling about this! Are _ you , going right off without any fuss, or inust I come down and carve you up 1 ' But I want my wife '3" . AYou haven s got any ! The Wayne Circuit Court divorced her, and a Pres- bytetian minister spliced her to me. Do you think we are going back on `court and church just because you happen to come back? Are-you going 1 V `-I'd like to talk the case over. Haven t time. I m going to give you just two minutes to get out of shooting distance. VIVI... .... 'I......I........J ...-L `I.-...L `an -..-.-.L .l.l.l.lp|l.l.`1|a.|.VB ()1. but: 1J1uuu.-1.uuuauru uwcuuu it is absolutely necessary that the uids an solids of the human body should be kept free from those impurities which are cantinually getting admission into the system by impru- dent hvin , unwholesome surroundings, or disorder stomach. The surest way to ex- pel all such impurities is to take Holloway s Pills, which have the power of cleansing the blood from all noxious matters, and at the same time removing any morbid changes which their presence may.have already `pro- duced in any organ. Ho1loway s_Pills expel all humours which taint or impoverish the blood, which they purify ani invigorate, giv- ing tone to the nerves. They are applicable to all alike-young or old, robust or delicate. Flowers at Home. Here is _a list, which is a very good one, of owers to plant about a country home. Many can be obtained from slips ; others grow from seed, which can be got -from friends or bought cheap from any good seedsman. By all means have some, if you cannot have all of `them. They will cover up every defect about a house and make it look, no matter how ugly it is, as if it was set in a bower of beauty. We have made the list small, so it will be in the reach of the means and strength of all our readers. Ladies and girls, we call your attention especially to it: `Annuals -Alyssum, ageratum, asters, balsam, candytuft, canna, calliopsis, convolyulus minor, euphorbia, lobelia, mignonette, marigold, pinks, pansy, phlox drum- mondi, petunia, tropeolum, Verbena, zin nia. Climbers-Hyacinth bean, scarlet runner, morning glory, ipomea, baloon vine, sweet pea, thumbergia, canary ower, perennial pea. Perennials'--Alys- sum, gold dust, aquilegia, yellow, white, blue, etc., digitalis. delphinum, honesty, cypress, linum, pyrethrum, rocket, sweet- william and wallflower. ` A `Year -"roe. Late. A citizen of Detroit went West about {three years ago in, search of fortune. He returned the other day, and after a. long search heard that his wife lived on Beatibien street. I t.- was 10 .o clock at night when he reached the house a,nd_1-apped on the - door. After a. few" minutes an up-stairs'win- dow` was raised and a. female voice cried out : ecu n . , ' - - - - The New Rose. Her Majesty is disappointing. The efforts to make her a rival of the peach blow vase proved futile and though she had admirers they were mainly of the anglomaniac stripe and they expressed their admiration in affected English that did not challenge enthusiasm. This par- ticular rose was so much talked about that visitors to the ower show at the Metropolitan Opera House expected a ower of rare and brilliant beauty. The producer of the rose, an Englishman named Bennett, has had honors innumer- able heaped upon him. His picture has been published in the London papers along with those. of great heroes in war and statesmanship. He has delivered lectures and written; papers about the ower and has altogether gained about as much fame out of it as a great writer could from a book or_a general from a successful war. `The people who arrayed- themselves instantly -for and against _the peach blow vase have taken sides on the rose question" with -` their usual vigor.- . There are no .hldd6_ n~ my_s_teries`abo_ut the, Bennett rose. It is_ .qu`i_te as `large as it . 4 wassaid ;to"b`e, rdaema ' 'ng"very much small c'at$l5slt i1_i?size;`l~ It was `described as rltavinga deep sea shell `pink, but itghas -'-..=.m.~:..% .:.*...:: 4:s..`~*...'..;..e. n...t....1.... a..al.ia..'.=nd' .1 .'-.._n u `B "nIVIng"3' Bap % 311611 911118, Duly lrvwuua vfw ' ` . `. `. "n"o%hing" `ruikrsbm theoolor saupatfa-nd' unsatiafactpry and` the "texture of the petals courge. If it were not for its .enormous me no one would pay the least ~`.Aa.-..'A.:3*._' L... :1. n V. I-ztmtiba _ : uv; um; um Eouowars P1115. Impurities of the Blood.-To ensure health L :_ _1.__I._:._1_ ____-__-_._ J.L-L Ll... A..:.1.. -....I H`-.3~,';_?r::Q:$ T - [ifuz airsazsriralzun .~ 55` * ` ma: uuuzuavavg-a ynsuuayovu, uuu, an I/uv VILLA vv trictly adher to in making new 'contracts After present contracts expire, there will be only one price for all: ` ' `-3 noon-avuuu In 5 Inches, 10 Inches, 1 Column 20 Inches, 1 Column llnch . . . . .....;..... zunohes .... zr_-1_-__ 1 n-u_____ av `awn vvnnu; I-\n\-vac | Preferred positions in the pa. er will be sold at an advance of one. third on a ove rates. This rule will be striotlv carried out. *For one mo nth-the three monthly rate with [ 15 191` cent. added. an ftxrn vnnnlrhnh I-`an GL1-an rnnnhiv I-nlrn I 10$: 6611! uuueu. ` ' or two months-the three monthly rate * with 10 per cent. added. l mQ`QjjL _.-..2L3-_.. 2.. LL- ___.._ --.21I L- , . co1inAbi%'cii;xsI V Advertiserswill please bear in mind that no- tice of intention to change advertisements must be handed in to the oice not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such nhmnan mnnt ha in the A nvANnI.`_ nfnn nnt lunar I auburuuy Ill: 10 U UIUUK, 111111 LIIU copy 101` SUUII ' change must be in the ADVANCE office not later than 12 o clock noon on Tuesday, in any week ; otherwise the advertiaer s announcement may not be made public until the week following. A J--..`_L........ -..2`lI _..L L- .11....) GA ...-A 4L..2_ I-L\QV\4l VIAVIJIIJ VVLLI IA\Ill |l\.I `.549 IV I/\A VII |-AI-Y\t Vlliull space for advex-ti_sing anythin outside their own regular busmess. Sho d they do so, l transient rnfnn will he aha)-and fnr Rll(`h adtm-- ' DWI! T681111!-1' DlllIl88B. anuulu H16) L10 B0, transient rates w1l1 be charged for such adver- tisement vvsvunasuuuu `all r Aanunaunuuaaani A\)' Condensed advertisements on First Page, such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found, Property for Sale orto Rent. S ecitlc Articles, Etc., Etc., must be accom anie with the cash, and will be inserted-F rst insertion. 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent r word (names, addresses, and gures counte as words)' but a reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions or the aging nnnffnr nvnno Wnlfn CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken at the tol1owing?ratels_inwhich are drafted on correct commercial p _ _ strictly adhered. to m contracts Affair nremnt nnntrm-.tn nxnit-A. there will he ciples, and, as they will be` GUFIIIUII; U UULILB PEI 11119.`: LUIS Oil-UH uuuucquuut Insertion 0,! the same matter. Legal: Olcial and Government advertise menta will be charged at above rates. nnvv uv agu.--Av yuwnnv \na-van uuv vI\.1\aLL_ Lvuv u .-an Advertiaers will not be allowed to use their advertising anythin`g nwn rnmnlnr hmainpsn- Shnnd thmr do an. R De IIJEQB wnen U18 nmnuer ( I same matter exceed FOUR. ADVERTISING RATES. The Advance has a Sworn Circulation " ol Thirteen Hundred and Twenty Copies, ` Almost, it not quite double that ofany other V Paper pubiished in Barrie. `H `AD-VEBTIBERS snout. NOTE THIS uc'r. ~:3 (12 lines solid nonpareil make one inch). TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS. _ First insertion, 10 cents per iine. Each sub ac uent insertion, 4 cents per Lm_e. ending notices, 10 cents per hne for first in- aertion; 5 cents per line for each subsequent i Insertion of Tnaol-' lininl and llnvnwnrnnnf. nvol-tinn IMPORTANH Removes 9.11 Unsightly Bunches. I in-unt Spinal Megitis. |"fiia NonTHiki"Anvi{N`L| IIULIUI Oalilri EH01-zh Ges Liniment Iodide Ammonia Sprung Knees. Quitter. . -.._=...-_... No_ stable should btTwithout it. ' Railroad, I mining and express companies_a1l use Giles Lmiment. and in the great racing stables of Belmont and Lorillard it has achieved wonders. One trial will convince.` Write DR. GILES. Box 3482. N.Y. P.O. who will, without charge, give advice on all diseases and also on the management of cattle. Sold by all druggists 2112-500. and $1.00 bottle, and in a`uarts_a_ $2.50, in which there is great saving. he Liniment in white wrappers is for family use ; that in yellow for cattle. Giles Iodide Amm<-);1-la Horse and Cattle -m-__...I-._-. \ln.lvw avian.-w-v Powders. USED by all the leading horsemen on Jerome Park, Fleetwood, Brighton Beach, Sheeps- head Bay and Bull's Head. Never disa. `point, are Tome, Alterative and Diuretic. esttoy Worms, Cures Indigestion. Colic. Bots, Sore Throat. Catarrh, Founder. Pink-eye and Rheu- matism. The dose is small and the power is great. The Powders are guaranteed and Pur- chasers failin to obtain a. cure money refund- ed. Sold by a. 1 druggists at 25 cts. a box. 1!.!'T?.I9,!",,.E":.i."p:?` 9 9 ' ion, Low Vita. ity, Poor Circulation, etc. As lm are Blood and Poor Circulation 1: cu clent to cause nearly every dis- ease, the Symptoms must varv accord- ing to the organs mostemacted. BAD Serofulous iloilsiltution or Hereditary Taint in the sys- tem, Bad Air, lmnro er Diet and Man- ner of Livin, Bad rainage, Inactive Bowel: and idneys, leak l.ungs,"l`or- pld Liver, and many other obvious causesdneluding want oi` Cleanliness. As im erfectorganic action makes Bad 13100 so too Bad Blood in turn makes imperfect aeuon-oi` every bodily organ. Obqervp `su-lc_tIy an the Laws ' . of Heglqhg Keep the Skin Clean-`; the Bo4wels.and-Kldne)` s in per- fect working order carry of poison- on; mnxtera; -Avo _d _ gh Living " Have access to l .ure A r and l1ea`lt`hI'ui_ Exer- eg `Eat Plain Nourlphing Fqod. and The Great'Key5t_o` Health, which 1111- ' locks allthe Seer_ell0.n_s'by_ acting _upon the Four Cardlnal,l._ olnlsboI I{ealtlx-the Stomach, LlveI:,. Qwels and Blood. In this ln8lIlI(_5l"'Bl DOCK BL00l) BIT- TERS mikes l'ure='Blood.' d plea,- oifaday. alifax. ym St. is with nhnlu ....;....;.mj~w'w`a.....;'*,......,.~";-;:.*;';;;m. mm mm aontherr` . x; 49"! ..`w','.F.T'.c __7a 5 .,LEAos_1'_ .;thai1kmg1:he public ot`Ba1-tie and, vioihit: 3 ftor thevlihgral yatgonse bestowedgnpon hin` ...tn the past. been toit.-. 119? has altl con side;-able * ex mile in ia`,b8king_ facili. pigs a'n'd1S 9 . _ '11? `larger memes.- .`; :I` H '.-`:4; 3!: .`u.;,, ;' 2 3' than _ . . I 0 (3 . . .. . . 4 7' ` <~ - . `:'. -1` L1 `tn L;`::`,}:l`,:3t" I - ,` . 1. .. 1 Y -r .. . - . - -- . . .. , \,-:14 La .,I.,~.:J4 . ...~ a.- _ _` ,1 ,...TI{If$1_r"V A. n .11-.!.. 1`-~: 4' yud 5; Maa in the `afilafestagnlzg tho` `bear n .: n .1 . ' ` ` aas1.4a3;:niuT.-am. =4 ; V ] " `us--...._. """".l`:~ V : " lo I -e,'_f7`v-.`, 13% No. as: Inches Space. Anemia? i T0 owmans gr srocx. nnue In IIIIU Vbnuua any Iva uuu q#:I;uy lane neg -D9117! inallnu-taoftheto g.~n- ~ 4, 1 - ~ . dmwi % A 7-I/:4! ' ' `A I " i 1_ M) Lin` E ' ' 4.11 . ,` . . r. (LIVXLQI :\1\n.. .... 41-eow-E CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. ` UL; uuuuuuus Cures Lameness in Cattle, BLOOD. -THE MCGLEAN, Founder, Weak Limbs. \ PRICE FOR ` A gent, Spavin, uingbone Barrie. Windgalls. "!-_"I..-...I _` 3 .Cnt` Its searching and healing properties are known throughout the` world. ' ` For the cure of Bad Legs. Bad Breasts. nun I11 I 9v! -.--v - my-una--up ii i_s_an l1lf;1l`ih-le-x::.medy. It effectually rubbed ' on the neck or chest. as salt into meat. it cures Sore Throat, Diptheria. Bronchitis. Colds. and even Asthma. For Glandular Swellinga. Ab- scesaes, Piles, Fistulas, [G-`OUT. RHEUMATISM. vu ..,...u.._,, v v ounuan; vu vuu f.:iVy"iaf',%8tomaci1U, f(iE1npys gmnd Bqwelgl ....- --_.._ -..._ -...__.._ -._J _. ...-.. - LI.-- .____ giving tone. energy and vigor to these great MAIN FPRINGB or LIFE. They are confident} recommended as a never failinz remedy in a. 1 cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. The * are wonderfully etcacioue in all ailmente incl ental to Females of all ages, and as 3 Gen eral Family Medicine are um urpaseed. \ vs &IID\A yuan. gun LII UHIBIIU 91W.53iids SW. and Plersa And every leind of skin disease, it has never been known to fail. TEA D3115 an:-I l\:v\fI-nnnf as-on `In-uuulnnfuc-un4I 3&3 U`I 3IIT 3UIIZI ' .2.`-V. And are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World: with direc- tions or use in almost every" language. 13' Purchas s should look to the Labels on the Pots and oxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London. they are suurious uuu muuulg necessaries OI mte. Th cse famous Pills purify the Blood. and act most. powerfully, yet soothmgly on the 7- 5 1:31 - u UUUII KIIOWD. [0 Hill. } The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured ` only at i 533 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, An nrn unl law all Vnnnwa nl Ila.-H:-{nan -&--:----- 3 - -jj This Great Household Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life. Th.-an fnrnnnn Di: nun-{r ohn Diana and ....a Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. Genuine wrapped only in Blue, with signa- _ ture on every box. Free trial package of these Celebrated Pills sent to any address on receipt of :1 2 cent stamp. . For Sale by . GEORGE MON KMAN , DRUGGIST. BARBIE. WE8T S LIVEB PILLS Silg Headache Vllll thoroughly care you. Tho] do not gripe or purge, but not m|ldly,~aml whouevor uood are considered prIco- Iess. They have provzn `to be tho To all sufferers from Indlgutlon. ; Disordered Siomaoh. GREATEST 01/er one-half million qf Dr. C /tau : Rea): B001`: 1 were 3014 in Canada alone. H": want every man, 1 rwoman and child w/to is troulzlcri with. Liz/tr C om- : plain! to try this excelicnt rained}. , LA DJ ES his a well known fact that an inactive liver causes a dull, sallow complexion, liver spots, pimples, etc. ; Chase's Liver Cure is the only remedy tha`. will most positively cure these complaints. . , Qnnrrumn NEIL nnltll IWAV `EFF use them and be relieved from your misery. 30 Pm: In a box, 25. per box, 5 boxes for $l FOR SALE 8) ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINES HAVE Yuu _ _ _ Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Blll0L1>I'lC.~\ jauundice, Headache, Dizziness, Pain in the l2:u_T-: Costiveness or any disease arising from :1 derangzed liver, DR. Csmsnfs L1vxnCu1 will be found a suzc :u.d certain remedy. NATURE'S REMEDY_ The unqualied success of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure in Liver Complaint rests solely with the fact that it is dmpounded from nature's well known live; re ulators MANDRAKE AND DANDELION, combined wit many other invaluable roots, barks and herbs, having a Ewerful effect on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and d- ' 500,000 SOLD , no-no nap Lnlflni-I/1.1) ! nf DY. C/last : Rtflvl BOOK ! W rapped around every Dottie ol_ur. \,n:_1se s LIVCF \.,urc Is a. valuable Household Medxcal Guxde and Recxpc -Book (84 ges), containing over zoo useful recipes, pronounce by medical men and druggists as invalu- able, and worth ten times the price of the medicine. - ----nnnnnu A An A I l,. I ,,-Jl,,,,I i"* l5i~' allu vvulsu. IIl\v\1 mu. rt nus: vs nu. luv u u |`EDMANSOlf&.~`C0.. _8o|e Agents,B}aVd`f;rd. ..r\v~:\ I"! 4 11- 1-\I.1YtNt\`l'c\l!\m We have recent! published a. new > ~ I edition of Dr. Cu verwellm Cele- ` S ! _b1-ated Essay_ on the radical and er- i J - n;an_ent cure (wzthont medIc1ne)of er- vous Debuity. Mental and Physical Incapacity. Impedimenta toimarriage, etc , resulting from excesses. Drhn `'11 n annln nntrnlnnn nnlv R nnnfn ni- excesses. _ %'Pr1ce in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. or | two postage sta-m s. ' not The celebrate author. in this admirable Essay , clearly demonstrates. f m thirty years` successful practice. that alar g consequen- ces may be_ rad icaily cured without the danger- ous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once `simple. certain and effectual, by means of which erer. no matter what his condition .mAvAhn. mnv cure himself chmmlv. m-ivntelv eight in numer- POSIUVCIY CUFC IDCSC COHIDIZLIHIS. Sommunc New. cwzu AWAY FREE Vwranpped around bottle of_Dr. Ch_ase's Liver Cure 3: n vnlnahie Household 1\1dlCa` RCCiI)C every--Bunerer. I10 llllabtil` Hub I113 COIIQIIJOII mg be, may cm-`e lnmeelf cheaply, privately an radically. 4 . w'l?hla Lecture should be in the hands of gvo y1o_nt.h.audl.eve .man in the land. .,A, dgeaalthe CULV RWELL MEDICAL Co. 41 An St.. New York. Post Olce Box 450. . L . 4.|..vonLvnw:|.L's GIMINM snavme mum _. _._-..._ ____.___ ...`g.,,\.'_.I. ayxgup ,L_v.4uu.LJ:`I uu,Luu, . .' ?;I}d gt on alart : 1:21`. 1 #9!-..LwA?sP-i-Ls ii>E2sn*i"B3nnri:'d6Ef uivvdvv ihun` ilnilu` -.,_...__ _ ._, 7 - HOLLOWAY S-0INTMENT THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AND A PERFECT CURE nvsPFs|K on INDIGESTION. WHEN wuv surran rnou -.-..- __-:_ OF THE AGE "$01.9 BY L{Lifi5i{1}2;E;'ii~'s'." BLESSING I-7!-iAVE YOU T\ ....\...u-.-. I "aim- 6wTzronn I Boacx-ea, fa min. venielnt 21 `33 ill vnrv h L.;'.' ?` III ntin ITE area) I. nden. 99.5 Jlclpu nu v--vv--v~- ~ . . SmLo`u s CATARRII REMEDY--8 positive cure Sold by John` Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allaudale. I wonder what makes these buttons burst off so ? Dora. petulantly exclaimed. for catarrh, diptheria and canker. mouth," David looked at her light dress. Force of habit, I think, he said softly. _-___u_ _n..... m.:I..1..v. (1..-- `m:ii'),_ ]v`ow`s` Pleasant Worm SympAn , cable, safe and effectual remedy to re- ?ri (:\e'e'all kinds of worms. A The papers say J av G_ould has.no right brings on stukes by bl! greed. _ .- .. h - tI();}:(;1;) heedoes, but a man always kicks when his Hox1e s g0r8d- . __y0,- rough `conditions of the kin, Sharp. poomg the head, Pimples. Eru hon and Skm Diseases, use Prof. Low s Sulp ur Soap. Lieut. Maus tells how `Geronimo escaped. This is very well, but `what thus country wally wants to heat 18 how he was re- captured and executed`. . \Y...u T\'_1m`.'rnR free with each bottle _ lamentable, too. 01 HHUIU, L pun... --_ _ Wm WILL YOU cough when Shiloh : Cm-e will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts. 50 cts., and 31. Sold by John Woods, Bar :-ie and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. ~ A lady. writer asks : Why don't-bach- clots marry ? That s 80-why.don t`the'y g Come to think about it, we have never seen a bachelor who was married. It s ~--`-` - 14-. T._.1:..,...a.:.... litluvutquau, yvvi Am: \'o1r WADE miserable by Indigestion, constipation. dizziness, loss of appetite, yel. low skin? Shi1oh s Vitalizer. is a positive cute. Suld by J ohu Woods. Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin. Allandale. ` 4 Au. 2-- \T.v__ .71, Llu.uu:. 4; ........ V. some one is todeliver a. lecture in New York to raise funds for the improvement_ ..f the newspaper men s lot. in Cypress Hills cemetery.` Alas ! Not even in the cemetery isTthe newspaper man's lot en- tirely satisfactory. -- `I\ 1\_,.. If nu. .u-an at Dnnmknn LIILIJ U u U A H L u v v v-J - . Tm: Iilav. (IE0. H. T1I.~u'ER, of Bourbon, lnd., says : Both myself and wife owe our. Knee to .\'hi10h s Consumption Cure. Sold by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. M . Suowdrhp ; Got my cabinet photos ready ?" Imotogzrapher : Next Wednes- day week. See here, this is a swindle. Your advertisement says `Cabinets nished while you wait. A Well, you're waiting; are you not 1 f`Eh ! Oh ! yes-I see. e times are getting better. This is showuby the fact that the days are not ' they were. __.Frecma}u s Worm Powders destroy and . move '0r[nS How s that cold of yours? umn I got rid of it. Tom'- , without injury adult 61- 8CIna-11,8 `VUTLU Luwusuu uvu ...Fr . . - rjmove worms wlthout mgury to t . : t. ' `f;n,,,Jk1ow's }.e,f_.`Oh, 1 got ,.Wh,,t did you take 2" Ber't-_-` as me. ~ I .. 1 .....`u T3Innsm.ni: Worm S` II have a printed guarantee on every bottle `Of .$h11oh s Vitalizur. It never: fails to cure. Sold by John Woods, Barrie, and M. `J, 1t1au11in, .-Xllzmdale. 1 I 7 ,,,, ,,._L -_._.__. For: D\`sI`EI >'lA md liver complaint, you um. u..-....- _ ,- . r washont-On the clothes line. The funniest thing about a mule race is me printed programme. . V _.Obstructions gowcls, are pro_mp "'11s. . H.-. L.'.-nu urn netting of'the'Stomach, Lifer tly removed by National ,-zmrke-Herhealing and Curing Sores, Burns, `neither. Where you goin' ten move?" .."_.-.-., ,. `A disciple of Blackstone was met carry- ing home a poesmn. He` was asked: "Hello, .1, what is that? Possum. What are You going to do with` him 7" he g,<>'tn~,; to have a big possum supper. "_HuW many will be there? Two, me and tl.e`pn.~zs11x1x. V T Hz1\'(~y(:u ever tried McGregor 85 I fu`ke'8 4.`artx.=lic (`o,-rate for sores of any kind! It is be- yond doubt the very best preparation inthe *.'ul.==. l imp`.-.~z, Hlotchms, and is the 0111 pro- :-cr nlellmul .(nfztpp1}ing Curbolic Acid. old at Monk-mun'.~.a In-nu Store _tTo'r 25c. per box. ll-23 "`Hc1l.., sz\_id a south end youngster to his chum. Your folks goin ter move; -ms is. Sds ours. Dad says he won't live in th` Ultl shell any longer. Mine V `jlnto your. house. Where are you T "Into your house. Wondtrfult-ure of paralysis. Merkle.` L/if Carlstadt, New Jersey, lost the use of his nght arm, `was useless. hanging by his elde ; med all the knowneremedies by direction of the best: doc"0rs `in `Jersey and New Ybrk, 01_ectricity, striuhnia. -- all failed. Giles htnlmcut. ;\um;mnia cured him. Sold by W. L`. McLean. ' They had been talking about the Thomas. concert, when he asked: "What. do you think of M<-yet-beer `I V Shh (\lV`\1 :7. .. I). ..L..-- --:.. Cl`:f.`uu:un`\runII' run [:3`"' 535611- an--F" i2oUoHEs fI3PATH"S~ ,w0u1dnoL be without. it, as it has donVe'!i1O !m}n s I)rn;,r More. ` ' . "u'32 -3. -.m'_ycL'uuu1 _ _ ` She (who is :1 Ht -stun gill)-"1"I6y9l'b.e31,'_! `J11. yes I Ur` course, I doa t pretend to 118- wjlidge in such matters, but I-P"f3'v `. alt Extract myself. V . Tltis is 10 cur-lif_V that I have used McGl'8' ' <:r s Smwlyr Cure fob Dyspepsia and LiV8l"~ `3mX)!u m, and do honestly an that if it '.G0ll - me out huudrul dollars (31 -0)'3` bI"I W0 good than all the medicines I ever used. and 1 feel like as. new man--Y0u"8 truly. ALEX- n;m., (_`ux-k-tun I lu.cc. Ont. This medicine 18, for sale" at, 501:. and $1.00 per bottle at Monk- `[ Little buy (studyin`g11is Latin lesson)- `py What does "u1ort~ mean 3 M P3 (a.\ ~Alderman and builder)-- `'18 that '01`f1 in your hor)k.~ . - Lmle b0y----Ye3,, _ V `Ir I?8--\Vel1, 21'. means `more nu~rfar,' but 1f9ldu`t know us wa}. 9. -Lama 'wol`d. '|`)mI..._ . - - - - -- ,3 r. me_ life. "1 & HIVHI 1816 m .00 M. to b.:;~%;'2' ' I L 37'7`*'3t`$.'i`3'aa5~9?;.hb`3?15'`$1363 }? ; ` `l. , mesmm, 5 n _ 0 '. V `w. -a't{I reads he-M V 1 u Warranted to last- D01 Yo aider 6 ` i. it rather r6m`;'1ab3:t1natahh'?h?:', Mr. Snaggs preac_8 1 ` \ frequency 'a& .110 151d f'$'y'ga1;r`.a"-`x :3I ;l ` Oh ! I dorit know: I don t ti; as soon as; frequency isnpt to "Pat ouggingov t':`;~ *- aome other parts of :15 `'` `:3 nu-ans`- -For perfect! _0l" `n 5 so tor V #- 9. ;.:`=:3 :"-`'3n8; 9-A'ua`h`o`w*'-`e `yez % ?*%i'a" 0 Ra` u`I9 3" I , . -l\ 3` `arty Irv ul nnmr 3:: I ty sayin graphs f gs Sandwiched with Pat or the Ser1o_us-The"Best4= - the Scissors can Find. I u,n,__1_-. .~\pril THINGS WHICH `MAKE LITTLE nonm wonnn KIN'._ THE W 29 1886. A saxidwxcned Para- . - :1 -..a -.... I'll!` n`-nu . of I `U. J.\III.I 3: lU3er't---;` `A fre;1: yours 3 I I I _'.l'o Whom lt'I'!ay c...`.m. .Geo. W. Platt, of Pioton, says he can eon.. dently recommend Burdock Blood Bitters to any who su`er.from loss of. appetite, con- stipation and general debility. that remedy having cured him, after severe illness from the same complaints. ' All-GIILUIJ CSCIII I What is that to you 1" y` = Oh, you"needn t be no cranky about it. I ve dealt in cemetery owers for the last fteen years, and I know ` about how `things work. If you are still a widower you want about $4 `worth of owers and a border of moss. If you are married again you ll pick out a "twenty-ve cent rose bush, beat~.me' down to fteen cents, and; send it to the cemetery by a_ oar-driver. I-To `A `\n IVl\-ID `angina-.nu.L --.21 -av-cu an In: vuv VVICIVUUIJ V wvou.-unsvvu He pretended to be very indignant, and went to` the other end of I the merket and bonghtftwo feeble-looking pink: for seven cents apiece. - \Il|I. IVES II` III} $14,000 each. FIVI... .._......I..... In :1. Mode 5! osehratlon. He placed his cane and hat on a chair and took a. seat, with the remark : HV...._ `gnu Luna A Imnnnhnn A8 iv-:1-I QIIII IJIIUE K ELITE" VVIUII III`? 5.953153 Your wife has. been a member of, my congregation for the last two years. Yes, I believe so. ` And I have felt it to be my duty to have a short conversation withyou` in re- gard to your own soul. J I desire to speak with you more particularlyin regard to gambling in grain. Do you realize the enormitv of the offence '1" l ` ent, oronto, Scott's Emulsion of-Pure Cod Liver Oil, with Hy ophosphites, its use in Lung troubles. Dr. in-am Cadoretto,' of Jacksonville, Fla, says ; I have for the last ten months prescribed your Emulsion to patients suffering from lung troubles, and they seem to, be greatly benefited by its` use. 1 ` A --v w--uvw or power . ISVVVUVUIU Madam, he said, after a long survey of a ower stand at the Central Market yesterday, could you recommend me eomethingto place on my wife : grave 1" I In -kn nun:-nu-AJ an -1--. u_v.uuuuuu5.uu pxnuu uu my wuu H grave I . ``I think no, she answered, as she. looked him over. How long has she been dead 2" Six years. . "Married again T w`|n` :n `LQ` Ln cunic 9 alilll III `Lilli. JII-I J enormity Voifence ` (Cf-J-I..'..L T An Tuna` I1 I Ulllll LLIIUJ UL IJILKJ ULIUIJUU I } -I'thinl: I do. Just read the . It was a. telegram from Chicago reading: Our loss in the late deal will be about \O A I\l\I\ ` I, . ` {JL'2,UUU UQUIII ' The preacher didn't stay for any turther weanling, being convinced that his bearer must realize the enormity and something to boot. ' -...._ _-v v vv 5 At thecriminal. court-4Ju_dge : How _is this, prisoner? _I' nd you are here again atthe end bf your ve years, not changed a particle. _ Prisoner (sadly) : ` `Alas very little your honor." (Then with politeness) Neither has your honor changed much, for that matter. * l Have you Toothache? Use Fluid Li. litning. _Have you Rheumatism ? Use Fluid Light- nm . e ` . _I-live you a still Joint ! Use Fluid Light- Ill!' . . , ` . Hive you Neuralgia? Use Fluid Lightning. l Have you Lumbago? Use Fluid Linhtninlg. Are yggu troubled with Headache? Use 8 ._ . _ Li htn . . . , gave you any pain ? Use Fluid Lightning . It will cure you the instant it is applied. T it. 25 . bottl t M k Sway` yo per e a on mans Drug A woman had heen _brought into court, charged `with an attempt to 'poison her husband. The magistrate: Have you anything:to offer in your defence '1 ? `She in a hesitating voice: Y-e-e-s your honor. My friends were all the time telling me how well I would look in black, uid no Felt It. _ _ Mr. Coldcaah-Say, have you heard the? news? L ~ _ Smith'ers--No, what is it T . Oaldcash-Why, the Argentine Bank ` has gone up. . q...:n...`...__un1. Hm gmnmlrnln ! I naa guuu uy. A . , Smithers-Oh, the scoundrels ! .I mlght have known such a raecally set of. l ` bank directors would rob the depositors. ` A 11 1, uII1`L_ ,'.I..J -..\.. `mnlvn nnu Uulux u|l'l'7UI:Ulu vvuusu suv vnv `our vvvvvv ... Co1dcash-Whv, dzd you have any. money in it "3 . ` Q'-~-&knuu ,,T4`.nnvv|-1 nan`: T maria OVA!` t0 era In! itsnw Inouey 111 11. 1 Sm1ther_s~-Everv cent I made over to my wife before I failed the rat time.` Oh", the scoundrels ! . wid ye, Mister 0 Ra'ertv. If I owned the whole wurruld I d be willin to give it` away for a little piece of landau a. cabin that I could call me own. - ` * ` A I n ll DIIUUUDIIIIQJ nuvwuovu Mr. Frank Hendry. writing from Seaforth says: .I purchased one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters to urifv my blood. It did purify "gt, and now have excellent V health. As a blood purifying tonic and system regu- lator the result of taking B. B. B. is always --_ _ ---..l..I Laws uuu no successful. `Much Improved." . Friend - How you do,. Mr. Schnooks 7" T V Schnooks'-"Goot morni g. Friend--You va.sn t so deaf as usual dis mornin . ~ . n-L_--I-.. uv.....+ mhnmdz 1|. lam-119 dis mormnu" Schnooks -- Youat schpeak a leedle loutQr." 1 V Fri3nd--1`aay you `don't vas so deaf dis- .' . . T -Sohnooks - Oxkuse me`; you vill schpeak lputer, blease. ` `l1'-=n-ul__HI- nit vm1.don't vas so teaf -4,-r".v,1' ` Uit_izen--Just think of the deception pi'aop1cdd_=gy_a1'y~day, it.. s . dreadful. N661, if you "could make $1750By"a lie,-A ur sense of honor wouldn't allow you Y0 . . to do it.wou`ld it, Wuhingfton Jackson '1. Washin ton J aokson--n-`;Du_hno, boss` ;_ dunno. ' oemsotome 451; an; a. matter ob bianeu' whin l1'0riuh' `ain t got nuin to. do man with do an . J38 boss who : $1)0,. yo I 1 I Isc}i'?::;f3?`?;a?t:e;?>:Addn't vas I o 7 ' mornm as usual. T 'du`;.:;;';`.1:..'. ~,unI.~`l `qnifni-'n-`nnf.'. `I417!!! Q18 an uuum. ' Schnoolrx-Oh `! achinfof ` -`not'. `I l!1ea.r.much patter as usual. A One of-the.mos`tf yard s~ Yellow Oil} liniments it can b tikn` internally ~ 1-` -1--- :...I..m.m. Inn vvn ----- mf '9: 'naniI93*.i"~.Pr9.*5f** :iI1l:=:19id`d1 p-W.` !PP1F`?9 '3 '- -`.2 ' . I Oivvv % .'"A.t{Iiun|ville. Al ' V` hoahshu, am dat I - -I2_|_ 0-- 0119 i>< V.` vs compelled to Yield. .9 Mrs. Sglter, bf .'F:-anktown, Ontario, win for four "air; baied 3 1 treatment until she tried Burd<>Aili ' nhiul 5 . ` g t . ., ' mt 11- 5 - 3.2 2.1.4.. alidted With` a tmr this bout demv _'_ | __ , nu.-lgQ, . no Ghiro` It Lviirhy. lnowevea-.~ f_.I-.._ 91L- , , * vgiggpggn-_,Feat1;re. 9 of-thevII`1oStvalna\>le features of `Hag- 1r-u.`... nn:. "thni: unlike ordmarv A suocessml .Resu1t. ,, _.-._. :-:6- yg1ngp19- Feature. , __ -..=I. ..._I:.m.\..'IA Coolant-1 Lrdagh

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