U wuuzu unvv vvau Jvu. " ' H`d1dua11 tc1-ied'Mand' . "Plan: nhnwn u'hnuf.le"l'n1n in!" ` CHAPTER vl$QJ8g'lV; TC '3 IWUVJV '1'}: who]: esrlblishmant was `upset, ind the octor, in truth that V tho funily should depart. Mud Neville T made on hold proposal to nurse Vanity har- j malt, but this Ins sutnly forbldg:n, and SilterCltherlno, wbohsppanodto in tho neighborhood, ' declued that she would unit tuponVnnitynnduoh'nr through thodisease. 3 Accordingly the bout was vacated, and the :1 sister, who found neither death nordis- QL- R-n--n...o 1`: -Jga-4' I'- -n6LA-:b- vii TI UVIIV IVKDVIQ IIULUIICI KITUIIIIKII \`J- L gurament, wu placod in authority. Sho jwasanistedbyphocpitslnnrne, andtwoold ; temala servant: undertook the slander house- ` hold duties. In this manner the tfnl life of 3 Vanity Hardware wound its way into the dvnlleyolthoshadowofdecth. ' `Y--nib-r -...1.-gA L..- _....u 6-u'.._ FL. .I.'_....' x".`."` '"`f'%"L"`:"* . T . F , It you live, she and. speaking` aloud, ;poorwn'nderingchiIt"l, I will tryto teach % you that gay.` am this? ; "`Oh,`W.iI1_iG,-it in-toohun ' an an :3. ~ % 4 % ' , Poor Vanity! The doctor hadprononnced lIorato`fromnl1dn'ngu-,butsoIno inscruta- bhspock of infection had found its my ijintobr blood. nndtho face, when hearty shohadanhourbetororegudodwithn fthri1lot.vindictinfrido, wast tho mercy L445` 1|` bk`: JAM lIH$A snout I-5:-av uuv yuuaauu nybuunulw npvuu Lilli] tinny, ' `d notobscura thegreat stanng tact her lilo. Bier beauty was her all. not tag `-41- male: xagnnnn In `LA -I.L $."u"k. 2:;.:`i`.:`;.; 32:3. 51.. --_`I.I ._-A n_2-L A.`_, _, A Lovixr s'i'R'4'rHY ac LOUNT. HARRIS- terl. olicitorn in High Court of Justice. wanna: Dnhlin, nnvnvnncan- Omcaa aver vvij-lA-caC\o%L Aho could not .:I;'h'h-wtho_:ontenco. Sho drew in her breath with n shudder of test. ' Bistet Catherine overheard this outbtnit, bntjnw nothing morn intt than an oxpression ? of passionate concern for her im beauty, which was nntnrnl in a. pr_etty woman. A: the mnlady progressed Vanity grew de- Hfillll "SP ffndnfinn `Zn: nou'n`amnAa ll`5V`|"O 55`-'0 lI|I|ll'.F4|1_UU\ I-I .'V-C prudence no longer guarded her tongue, and in her wandering: she told, in `hot, restless eeutencagthewhale Itolryot he:-heart. A few of these sentences, such as most conveyed hex-feelings, she repentedngnin and again, until 8isterCatherine kneweoch byheart, and, thinking the words over, the sister lled in the spaces between and interpreted their Iuu-iv ulvwu vuvusuuuuw vuuucslauuuul; I"' I And you shall bo mine again! So collbctod vvhiher tone thgt Sister Cah- Grins thought she` mine he in her senses. But no_; the sight` of the sister s face sent her `lacy back on the old truck. V "l'he old dream dull comet:-ue, Wj11ie.. `When I 1o`ok'ae you you will love Youand Iwill y` sway togetlmg to live and lova-awa~y_n-ou_1,this.horrh1,Enginnd. Just as we always aid---to Nemzanhpdl "'0 vim ah-pp: place! ` F J: iifh n AAXI city`: OR; --L-K -CAI- `_-.& vu, WIIIIU II Iluyyj yw-vb Thenivithadoepsightheretrninstoloout tmmthe hedngain, lownnduott nndnreet: "foat thesis, ova:-the teal . A - Hear what a'bon;;ybirdwhispgxjed to me! '__ ;sisearqatherfn;a knew vgrcatdearotvan, Atty ; !orxhgrf':l!sta'r y.'vLilfening tot1ieson2an- daring; wmtpeuted with u again." cant persistamcy, shag:-ad` tally` ` "discs:-nod 5 thd lament ot__ 1_'gn_l"feeling'n_11d intantion` on wpjch, the whole 1u_:threaded. To her, socnstognetiasjha was to-regard lia stud` charactartromth`enl1gious point :11 vibw; theendot npoh`thedali1-tough-L " . - ~1`ll um...-n.'..n.:.4 ..a.a ...~..:.:... 4.... bcoamsxnvutoi withanew and- "v.. r., ,...a.,"1,:;`,,;:..?*.,-2?... 1'ho,disease' brought with it I certain stupor; but while` this undo the patient apathetic about many thing: H! Hid nnffnl-nanny-n flu: an-ago -on-3-`n TU 95 TI I-55`: `-53. `W J `V X B6 Her liuuty was her solo weapon in '_tha.g-ht . She hnd resolved to win! ` J LL ? j__JL _-__- _L,-_A Ind, cc 1 1 Eli In IWTIIVTI U`l,"`-H` I don t cu'oabonI1i o,she mtirmnred impatiently to the doctor, when" he aid some h`opafu1vword..-.But if my face he- 77 Llldlllio ' W1l1io, Willie! Vanity murmured, in .1 V voice deep -as the`note-- of 3 nightingale, and just as thoughshe were `breathing {him uvnrrk` ran his: h1-and-. rug -m In; an Wvluil VI) ll-ID Ynppy -far away--over the ago, living `and Indium fnahthmv Ill W Aurnw U~V'l-LI IE 5) .2317 Inn-n bid- n--yr on-A In-vv vvvl VIJII ., ...., ......, ....... I together. Awpy, away from this horri England! Oh, how I hate England! She threwthat out in the lnidstof he dreamy speech, and struck the cove;-let with nherclenched hand; but shoforgot thenext instant, and wanton es it she were chanting: Ova-thes`eo.,overtheeeu! ' Hear what _n bonny bird whispered to me! JJ I63 . BOHOIKOYI In Vzugn your: UK JIIBUCB. Notaries Public. Convoyancors. Omces over bho Bank of Toronto Barrie. 9rUv-;_I\t~I'II'I1-u__._:Anc-wvv-____ a;:...,;.f;,1.;,{*;.;..'.;... 7...n':.....,.....A strange, coming from the sic:-bed. A long nvenoe-followed; than Sister Catherine was 4du'tliod to hear smacking lsuu No, Willie, nothers. lino, tonver mine! They might read words. and you might say. `Itch thoo, Nnncy,'to_bo my wedded viileg hut tin: tin-llnimllnnnnunn van -.-. .n,n-v an-uv, nanny , vu nu any wuunwu wuug ` .butthowbrd:h1dnOpo'wa1\ Youwore 3.4` _ _ . , ___I A` I l , o 1 cu q `"-"'o"3"u""mm"" z'?o'c'"n Iv': Innrrid my` IIrot& it hohaduhad_youl V ` Ito, indeed, Vanity answered bligh- jngly. Shocking &o,Iknow,butl wonldnot. V` And&ton_lyuhownthatagood_heu-3% yon:-:mnsthe,l[aud snid,onca agam 31- ; lowing-hucldmirctionathcltothctoautr ldghdJotha'cmIIIlarItial. `flhqpoyou _wnlbohnppyinjourlovo."V Vanftycould say ndhing in ruply. But lhohadherownnocretlochd inha-breast. l'hostnuthol'harpurpoo,tlu conviction that her wrong in thaput jnstied her pnnmtschnimaamnahledhartocccaptand Nevi1le?seonntnlntionswithperfectcaIm- nus. Vanitywuchwuntohersalf. But another 1nd 3 mightier handtlnn Juan A-nbffl -n nn On-hi`. I... 0.5.... vuu way no mzunnl ucr LIIBIIIB. night the smallpox kid but ow! _ ! mo. . _3'.1`c`o," yrni:y..aia I irbuld not ` _ ' -, . .. _ no tell rnetoruking. mu Radium?` 0, more tlnnimxisaunek Vanity brsthed sigh. _Is'ne1-ism" uauatn ;uina,nacwm' anptycnriosity, utsuchnsasitermizhtshow. - _No, poo:---qu_itopoarVineyes Iikeyonn. "Ihop9heknowswhathohuwa:P' cried Ind. I*hopphgwill`transuroyour` _Heisu'xytnncy," -Vmltymwemd light- ly. &,I--l_IDllIbiI-ihO1IIt00i ntuxcyto.- u_touchoaaton1k'ii: ms Iny,Hsnd' Ncvilla said; but you: musthoadoep, tn: hurt. 'Ql.llJJUu.|z.I.n5Au|uv:xusn cuss: 1-guano:-cu an oecunbinwhichsheexc1aimo_d,Notmarry_ Tom! . . .n.tv- sq 1-r__:;_ ...:.1 .1._.._3..- u`! `_L._1.a .4 KB. svuuua-I1 LII-LIL . `For,runemher,1-coder, Tan In cues-Ps daughter. land always and so. { And Tom might haven: an-Ps daughter it ` I..b_'....I `II-gun` Q-{A Ola-5 fan anon: tin` ` lnythingelse. IwouIdnocnnrr_yhimitheT jskedme. _ ' ' . - What! enaimed Maui Neville. She wnsfstedtotargetherseltinthis convex-sh tin, Not mnrryTTam! B... nngnnrniuap nnntlgo 1';-an tun Hi It- 's'1'nS";:$:d; than in 3 lowvoce she added: 66 And ....u. `In ! In. -.1..- ...._.`.. m CHAPTER nv. I Ac I$AUl'4LV_l1_UIi-El", IJAIIII-Lllnl, A1` . attorney Solxcxtor in Chancery Conve an- o. . Odce-F11-at Door South of Post co, Wind : Rlnnlr llwnn Rn-ant Rnrr-in- 19.49 THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. qvvv lgvvvo` It And I have been happy eveI";1"nce` in myt- o_wn;1ny._ People, say All sorts of thing: ` sboutieligion; Iouly knbwfirhat religion has,b9ento`. Inc. A heir lile-a. new life when tha qldpna wg withered and blasted F:oral*I tjiqt Itail, you cuneh-om .1.-.=>1.-.<`= -`f 01. 1.01.9 ""1-1" N * W 4vvguunnwx: `LVUIUQWI LVO ' "Then for the rgt lm I realiied that`! . only pin in _s great fellowship at grief. .I was overwhelmedrbut with a blessed 501'- row yaw. ' v .....-. - L uA..atI...... 1.... L-__`- --r~ v - - 1:: _me te1l yon a ftct-.; As I knelt that-eriteeeined tome thahane invisible hand input into mine. 71 didatrnly. and actually meluitt land clasped me. Ilookednp. No one was near. me, The clergyman was somewsyo..~';hen_,I seemed to hear a _vo1ce saying, `Are'_there* no sorrows beside e '.y@0_'n? No,,bteA_ hearts bntyonrsl Nojsicknes! -VNohungu-I No _~ a:aw._yl.I.rJu, us] Vuuut f I mean aationgyou know, I amlura you were not always serious?" .Why arp yo}: aura? T - Somothmg 111 your voica. V T You. In 14853." Shot said quietly. I was not always nations. ' Of course not, Vanity rejoined. Be- aidea, you are too good-looking. Indeed! Sister Catharine remarked, amused at this frankness. Ara good-look in; people never serious? _ T N006 thlt I have seen, Vanity gngwgg-ed _Avnnnt Iran I wanna Aoulgnn ..-I . 1...... yv xuua In vusrllt llU'l1l'! ant-futhey did not tmch my "heat, butlfelt (kind of cixrioeity. Isa.id* tomyaelf,"`L`etmytry it this rullyinenns : nnythling.- {went up to the altar asifl tilled by lame, and knqt down in ` uortofh-moo. AA`T-_I-L -_,, A II A A ~ -- ` * wincateyouwinreeover. Idon tmeanthat;.shereplied. hll bounded? . K Retest: auwill. Andlshalllookintotho undese- harrot! Vanitymmaad. Ietmodie! &ste1-Catherine spoke no more at that tune. Lsteronshetookan tyot tohetclnrge, v'rithusooihmg,halI- ` lntmosttendetmanna" wuastholightoflife.--- ` _ 'l'hcr9is, Vnnityrcpliedllutiljj-` youtha-oi! A V - - Whoe:nthntbe?tho:ista*akad.b Amnnwhanllovvad, andI'holovedma._ .Wehdp'omiaad ouraelvesto each other, _|ndawounncnnnau:dstolohi:hen.rt. En husband. . You:-h_nshAndP' V Yaa,bya1lthntmakatrnemnn':3,by vows. bytqndernaghy all that w you nnmnrringacgmwthnnro.` - 5 :"l`I;,Iomnrrythi|womanf' I'hcnhoishon'-notyou'!I. No; hohm1no-not hen. Vtnity, thhiswtcked. ` A lmocntto win him back, Vnnityeona nuad;Iknewhocon]dnot1-esistme. But now my face is destroyed, uaddlisover, :ndIwanttodio." . l`hnnk God,'whoha givanyontimafor nputanco, thnnister said gravely. His waynaro not ourwaya. Heisleadingyou bypnthsyouknownot. I don't want to repmt, Vanity In- stead. lcannotdowhntlwould. Inn bnnttbntlhan not npuntad-no,nnd I wmnotropont. Another time, uVnnity1ayinthoVdu~-` in-, the am: head but say: . Tell me, were you dwuvs good?" Alwsylgood, my child? ~ I inggn gage ;-nag ca-an L-:4: 7 A-. .-cg ;vvu.uu uuuu L u-vvvvuu, Vault -exoeptyou_, Imun Andjon only hegnn when-- , `Here she stop , and said no more. Two or three ours htar, Sister (Catherine, nding her a. little usier, said tolmfz Would you like me totell you about: nnnjwho-once--wa.nted to marry me?" ' ` There was a strangotremor in that usunlly calm voice u-the sister spoke . ADo let me hear it, vanitykgid. I hop: he was nice I * - 17___ _.,_1` o 1 n on a cup . - Vchm-ch, with its tgw; won `white altar at `Aslentemad the XIV? I-l\lIJl, `La 3L|-cl Q`! { I know it, Vanity answered from her darkened bed. '."Oh, how bitterly I know it! ' My strenzth failed. my face grew used with anguish, my heir turned white. I watched the signs, and was glad of them. I had been well taught, or I might have killed myself. Perhaps family pride restrained me. So I went on day after day,` hating the lightuitcunem bymorning, lying down. with the wish that _I might never weken my more. ' ""Wewerelivingin the cxmtry,endone Sunday gnorning Iwent out for an early Since myvsorrowl Ind never gone tochnrch, endlheerd the hell: '1-inging'in thovlegeforen` enrlyeervice. The idea strnbkmethstlwouldgoinnndeeeifthere Icouldcalmmymind. 8oirreeoh1tew|s I, thntforatimelwanderednpanddownand did notentar, but itlaet Icrept intwithmy r ' . ` _ Wel1"I `thn_t, goId Norman hipcrs. and the I cle! Y!naI_1:1'nereeding. `Come untoe, all `and lwill giveyou-est.` Thewords brought notars. in than am mu. o. .....n. ._..t E51". $0: U310?! "735 I100! 0lllon UI Hind : Block. Owen Street, Bgrdo. You shall judge, child. jW'e met when he was twenty-ve and I twenty-one, and we both were poor. We tell in love. 1 thtnkhe reallylovedme. I knowl renlly loved him. The story is commonplace enough---at least to the ear. After we had waited five years for formneto enable In to marry, be secured Q good -appointment. Myehelrt was throbbing with bliss when I received a letter from him, written in a style of cold justice and formal honor, which Ifnhha mn fn H-no Bans-4-. . Z"c`2i7bE`a737s$ thejhezl ATI`P_ _,___ ..ucauu u_uu1I.u U The coldbusiness-like ton the surface common sense of the letter was` killing. I wrote and released him, and when I closed thalctter I looked up, and there was my lifl aroundme,sdasolatewi]derness. " IV!-1'13 J- --;. I._.._.. _L_L 3; 2- A, L `, Buivuvb LLIU vv Iyui We were engaged love:-s-that be ad- mitted. Morally and legnlly he was bound to me, bathe had ceased to care tonne; the thought of 3 marriage with me, he must frankly tell me. was repugnant to him. What would I desire him to do? ` 1L"'I__ --IJ`L-_._ _,, I, . .9 - 77E:ui1Z:`Z:.' }o{{`i"o'Jr"$`.-133: n is to mg thedull aching of brain and heart, hour nfta hour, `day after day?" `'1 `ff `rot-uI'1r cyan-u-nu-4. I---- `L... talinnnwhichwas toxecovc _L.-nnldlndauln `r'E1"t'e}1_ "5" . Vi -' '_ "l'all[me, to Catherine onedav,a(h"thadoctm_'hadgu_Ia, isthera TEX. IIX, DB! HJLU uluxuav, use whichwns to recover he:-'Wi|lie[s -w!ntwou1dhwnc( ha-hauqt|- rug! 141003156! waned. umce--uver uunaunu Bank of Commerce. Dunlap street. - 5-ly 2 vA1I'rrY- nnnomwomg Dov! . Itdias the _1s% of-December and the 'NeviIles,were~ba<':k in their ham. They had a family party, and the vanilla: W08 8.0` mild` that they shelled out uponthelqwn._ . .`.L~.s.V`Ha,rdcastlo uni `Ara- lielhnnd Tom APembrok_oru'e there: and tl4|o'9ld`1n`g!y'-hapedA utlast her gnnd Jehemovmsabout to ho crowned with no-- A-fow scill'_linge_rcdonthe `.____ 1.), L mugs . _ Vanity s full heart emptied itself now. `fllnvgboen so wild andsinfuJ.nndmy life issobroken up, and ' hasgone wpiecesandthemisnothmgl ! Butit you willlielpnxe, I wllive as youtell me," andnotbe `afraid, and try todzothe best I .cnnl, . A `A`.1itt1e incuesheui sealed Vanity s reso- She felt hex-hand drawn gently to~ ..w`nrd clasped it last, after whichthesickg'r},.fe1t tears falling-down Luponitliko;-rain.. And Vanity knew..that thasg'.wu'otaarsot.loveand joy, andall that the about goodness ba- .:cam`oa.red`!ity1f1_u moment; and from that @'h91 -f0d';W0l'Osetup()j1the way tolitg. A_ I-I `IE!-U I-IIIIIJ . I have nod in Biswornha I -.7-?_ `IILIIIJ UL LUVVCLUJLC- ` That word sunk-into Vanity's heart, but she veiled her feelings so carefully that Sis- ter Catherine began to dspair. All the time the girl s wild recklem dream of Wlie Snow-her passionate resolve to realize her ideal, if she perished afterward'--her mad- ness of anger at the thought ot being bemed by the destruction of her beauty-were yielding to nobler impulses. 'Vanity's na- ture was not intrinsically evil. She saw the M beauty of goodness as sometimes they see it : who have never denied with it, facing both 1 ways, but have lived in honest neglect. Still, therebellion of her proud nature was 1 not soon subdued. Shehld ha` better self, 2 and would answer with pride md mockery. 1 Atlnst Sister one day sadly: Vnnity, I must give you up. Hnlfanhourlatershe mine back to the} dark-room, nndhear the girl sobb' on , ha-bed. Itwestherstsign 0! mg` .3 and n lln want hr. bl... .4..A._a- 1.2;)` int Eolovsvme. Ihsvouhd to weeps mylovo in rukumund duct may love otharsa.ndaarvothoIn.uEodid'mo." I don tunderstIndit,"Vu:ity answu-ed; "`andInevershal1." Yoncanundentnndtlnt for Ioveotns Hema'edanddied,tho dstar continued. Itinquitoheyandmo.- Bntthogoodsistennot dumtednuaewad arts and her infractions timonfter andshofoundthaa Vqnitybegmto nndtonskqnestioln. Theoddreck tranknass oftho actress sometimes Ihochot_l tho a1s.ter,but qni'kenedherin- \JV)I.I.XIIuIlLl ;`o'nn"'z'1ed"": '::;y in w!` hich Vuuty wouldpnrryherthrnstl. Yes, Vnnitynid scarnfully, Inn not deceived. Ifevarltnrnedserious, it would gyrgome sboutbecune rstlhndtnmed Y _ . `m..L.-`L_a. 91 G.`_`._ tV_sL-...:_- __.. __l__,x u.J_y 5 . VBetterihnz, Sister Catherine remarked, thangothroughlife withafairtaceand a Igrd and hardening heart. You, Vanity rejoined, fit]: impetuoui scorn, `-`but what is such goodnes warth" Another. time she said: -You talk about giving up my own will. Well, if I had turned serious when I was admired and all that, there would have been my side to it; but now--" ' ll- ...-..-nu ..I.1.lr" 4!... ..:...`... ...__1:-_1 .L_-_ UWI-lo u?;tT:h7o:1`i:l never have even looked at it." Vanity was careful to Idd,."if theold 1ife_hnd` not own outof my reach, I should have no merit-no'- bravery in taking it up. '6-Ab 1---; t7-..:4...`9 ca.-_;__ IVA`: 3. now. nisuruxcs BROKER AND Genenl Agent. Real Estate bought and sold. Collections made in any part of the County. Money to Ian. Omoo-Bothwell's `mm-_lr, mmnnitn than Rnilwnv -Stgtinn, Ru-I-in at say- At least, Vanity, Sister Catherine re-H `plied, if you do not take it up you aro_ guilty of cowardice. TL-6 cup...) ...._3. .'_4.- 17-...-;IA 1 , { lost patience with E V'nity`;,_:ho'ncver shrunk from reprqving and she never Iostsight dAe1?m_?tliddhyw',hichsheVmust lead this of nature into the Mayo! 5' In.a..at1-aaavocianx books, the sister The expnlsive power -ofsnewnectim. Sheknewthatit-Va.n- .`ity :I'ildlongingwer9tobecastont,some- its place. With swomnot Sister Cntherinds stamp there iconldbsnodmxhtutowhatthisnew anac- ; `..ThereisnoliIewithotrI5Iove, my child," nheniionedsy. Wemnnotlivewithout IjmIooiingat Hisi1nageno_w,Ier Cathainanid. $1311 I dumb: It to you? ' , Plugs, Hktneaispde. Hnleyesarecastdown. Cy 335T `NJ CU YIIU II\J"jj I My poor child! tho sister replied, my poor nntsught child 1` Again Vanity remarked: .- V1n one ray I am serious enough. I feel dull. All the serious people are dull. ' Now; Vanity, Sister Catherine said. `fyon told me when you heard my Laugh out. side in the garden that you never heard any- tliing so merry in your lilo !" Q). Q1199..- t"\_oI..._."_- __1._.n_ ; ground. She never lost `an opportunity, and she read Vam'ty s character with rare insight. In spite of all the sick actress ' would pour forthtn her pasionate, broken- hearted way, the sister kept repeating that jlifewas love,and thatthae was a life of love open to Vanity. At times, with accents of scorn, she would contrast this with Van- ity : oldtidealg and at last Vanity fairly con- fused that her sister's conception of life was her than her own. ` `But I should even looked at "bS'EY T0 LOAN.--8250.006 ace and 65 per V Rucent. I J. '1`. SPROUL, Solicitor. etc., '"'6'u,:..a~ Vanityspokeinsdhppointedtone. l heAon1yrfnge for 8 byokmheart. my L.'1j`n bk. -Satan 1-hi nnrnlnlalv `VI Hutu TI-ll-IUI "V LLLU. So Sxster 0athenne- gradually gained Tntrnd, SIM navnr 1nat`nn nnnnwhunibw , CHAHER Axvn. . --v -uI:vIiI5&l vu av; went to the sister : U$IuynnI I lnve lF!1 un - _a\n,.. , Med . r vg - . \ .\ \\ \ . ;\ .\b` C W D` lu.. "uni? `g `N . `I; K QVN NW` `N N, `h `tonal: ` W1: VIIHJG-I C KIRI F.SlLlUu. RX] 1 Gt-l".. nothing. 9 was tolerably kind to rnv`. - ' am! Ihad tyof friends.~sucha.<:beF "Ok).!'__l3 9 for the next seven years '3-3; 01" chants. `Sometimes we had met. M Iometmee we had none. S0met1.'neS::` tvrentygdx-asses. sometaues only ow? V. i at time [never enterel a chv.1rvi'-3"_`__ yfbought of anythin `but ga_vet}' -`1,,;_. I t. Then bad ( ys came. ` V? -9 to y `and hide himself. h ; ."Ihin8.-:. "concealment and 501 ;.; met : maznvho was struck by me. and m;, Oh, what a time that vwaef He st`t`~_"f`; T hunoall thnt heart could WiSh- .H ff": 2 me tomarry him. Iwax-mgd h1II1' i { wanottforhim. He pers1sted.I}::lkdff: f Ilttnnyheu-tgo let me D*",td in was t' iii A T313613 BEG UOIDIDLKLUB A50! 10:: 0110 I310 o ouses. Lands.` Farm Stock, Household Furniture. Goods, Wu-es. kc.` lAlso for the collection of Rents, Notes and Accounts; Ofnco-'Pollco Court Barrie. "God I `Ye mefor what Iwas grrinz Y:.`< ` :Ey," Maud said with ',e2:."~f 1: 0 I know all this. l5on`t say ..:;.- sit still." Vanity said. "321 `.;<'~:: uh. . Mamma knew for 3 long um: tbs; jnustdie. W-hat she took :.~ t:3;=.c: allshe could! Even nice little war Above all she tr2~>~1 t ~'f lnogood. I well remember when rm," '- .hgr`_ont ot the house--I was not Eet 7'? {tmonl--how I cast mvselt d-TWI: --"- room and prayed_ the _:~rt}}"j?'7 -taught me.-and vowed that I woul j. .1 ha` and 65 to her assooa 'as I cx.'1.tl nnifv lnn1\nti "PL-nu.` n-n - v\.\ P?`1."`{`-_- ' UT `1.l\J`UU IJIJUl`SS()(_) 1 L`l,`L` mity stopped. There \\'a_.- no Ir xnjdancholy voice. and her e_v->< or so much cr>u!`. ` or Esud Neville. " ' Ln. n..s .......,.,a -2 H t`-._A.-. .-~ Lug. nun nub gucn Ieeung. tnC'.:g: . Had an sugared we.I for Tom; 31:1: aw` 111 on sit. down?` `Tani? -' ~. : Maid . come _in_to her guest} :' _wassta.nd1ng beside her. 51': `:.~_-~ ,tbowtndow, a.nd settling hersei: " Ihnve 3 great deal to say to _v::.'` Hand sat down. Vanitv wane: and resting her face 3;-2.` pane, in a tone as or s0Iil:q';}' I wonder how I ought to b_-g:;. ` lhndnid nothing. not 1 . xvwzxz.` ' . Preamtly Vamtv ion`;-d at be. . likoyou. I shalf speax freeyv 3 "nimik Ynrl," Mnnd aid -~V'm- : ZAl.Il.Uy0l1. 1 snau spew: tree. -' '.-' "nnnnk you," Maud said. Yea: 3"` =" I $* IH Itoll you what I have been?-'*:`J "11 you please, Maud said again. ::i'.:: V` in &' wonder nothing else to say. Fifteen yen`:-saga I was a 1;?::1~: 5;`: Qd wiha dying mother. who W3. _~:C. `~ pumtcndgaloqd! Now she has been :::~. In Jams an an heaven. And a fazhn.--2 God! vemefor whatlwas .i:::r..~=a.` 'Vn`:Elv_" Mgnd said I.'i?'r~og'..n.. "s` ` E2. Iua uxcnus, Dun now you CI.~:; Maudbad scareelylook , at Ya; time`; now raising her eyes, she n-.21" nctzua waspnle, `tamed and r-.a.;;: into tear. Som ow this pi-.=e.- `Item was n no mere feminine -3 about Vanity, nor" any gufecre . - It was real feelin that was ex; :`:=<~.. face. End not 511` feeling. thougif ' Hnnd. as nnsrnrpd we I rm Tr\n~ :2- LUI suauu ;`Vu19_ _ `But that passed off. Vania :vnti:1I"- At were fairly :rC~a`1fF'-5 . `-BICIICO was much todivert :11 mm3 ._'. Wlstnug-Into sixgnnd dance ani to mif; znynel .n.ttractiv'e. `At fourteen I W937 ;,'_ {ll than my father had Lnmhi nom-ad n.-wih`n~u gnu? I want As Vanity was`:-guest 2:: ::.e : Navla mdvan orphan vv1 t'r.c;: z thsynll agreed that to take her would beimproper. So Elam: I the would acquaint Vamty '7`-'`. .'_ Dent: of her brother. and ;.';.;';.r 1 would be such as she 'r was well-bred behavm:-. ':v=; xanarked that of course a. _r-:- lb Hardware must jump at _+ oar; lhud, however. maxi * Widn hi hnhrifvnnl I1-n|vv.4.<; guwt u_u,_uw Lmporulnc que~'.; brothatjnow 13 not what his sL<:.~.- his menu, but how you he 1;; Q1113 Ear` enav-nnlw 1.-\,.}-.. Ah Y , _ was-; zuuu, uowever. nan: :~p- ; .:'. W% hat habitual fra.n.knes.~'. but v-.;'.'; %!G decacy, Maud told :35 :1. `:-.-.s: ; '- marl stood; but if Vani:_v :1.-;i ':r.~.:.-; curl : daughter she could n-;: ;.;':+ Cal" treated nth greater cou:1'i-:-r3`.:7; 11- EYE? never hinted that. her c-r"/.:-`.' tr: Q handioue young soidzer wash :::;~ :;.A- land 5 year, and Vanity a nan-1 ..-7' nlgrnr with n nu-nffv fem. hw `um. `-70, Athonk ` Gjojl. warm-fa-~ M ` .\ n-file called cm`. A vs uounuy Dace at In: HUI? BUVIILU LLIB }'J`2sL.lULl H111 ELL`. .1. that wound u gracefully; After all. an important q1_1e~ .; brother now in nor. whnr ha`: .~-._~.s- . `There you are wrong, Xfam,-7 glxn of the Old viyacity plan-71 W tears; there is one mark" le showed place on her fez : ,. of her old self, said: Look here? ` And `when she smiled, tbs, ma, IWII into the-daintiest dimple m L and she looked prettier than Aw;-, . Tom Pambrrke fell in =._ fwtzavamzy Hardware. hm 97;, mg"? `phinfolkrsav. Augustus _\'--.-.;;., ~m,`,g_ ` Hissister Maud knew it. .L:.j :`r.e smarts. 21.m1casuekn'ew;r. "` ' Lnlthllstomlhwllnt was 1': a._-L-in ltlg stawappea in nu-ra.:.n_ 95 37:; Tom P-':m.`.r.L-La .':.a.ie ; Ihlnindtoask Vanity Hardware. :- ' r. .-7: `fan "A nnnnanhnd -u~.ok?.... 1'7 a 1k `Ma: . 113 Over hr _ Pit; nd with yet another -an u _vuu, uuu vuuuj 5 z.".u-.-.-~-. yet with I pretty face for her lucky am: .0; she Spoke or h.=,r7_f-<. with aection and admiration. sa.;i 51 `words stout h.is'poe;tiOn'an`1 *'= 11'. :- tlnn wcmnd nn mamfnllc - -clan:-unumaux VCLLIU LJIFLWETQ '_v', 3`; him. 35 concealed nothing. Fe 7". 1- Kind, hocollsuled Augustus; the cw: vbd togethc, as husband and w::'e : "'i:hich sale did; then, genty -5,, by backs-little, shelooke-1 at her |L"n&nfs-angg Y .-J.` ....'-_x . 2'-E-.I,"'*'9*"""" Y'.Y-"- IJJOR E ` A a. mother h'.f:.=. a Vail she raised the C0'. e and there was 3,11 (; - touched;_enhanced, it seemed, - - - 4 . ingpaor other .ii.1r.e=s, am`. to Maud 3527111 :1.` Joukedsolovely, av) sw_~r., 3., ._ {glue have sat for a pmtu; : ;.;.,: `sat y..;; ..:;e &. Oh,A.Vanity, Imustg.-, the you? 1l'l.%.-.1. 3'1!-/L 441.44. LL.- 3 `ion; thank God.!" -mm 5% 'N6vie `called our, hafrjiy `non! "n-O can on...` ...'_,L_' B may tolend allowed ntesy Agentlor Dominionanngennmuuam succi- 3 Cuadisn Mutual Aid Life Insurance sud eneu-vul'nndAacidcntAa|ooiuiou|.A T1108. 3. McLEOD, Dalston. Omee aver Connor 8: V312 ; Barrio, Tues`? ' and gtnrnv, `L `: 5 nu-3: Sister Catherine HOW can I 3.9. lQ'.8 lt f-nbt our (ways, ivlunf`-n..- 1:1, vi} L.00k he I`? -J -u-._... -V:-11:3,, on-7.-;u-ru -11. cr- C5 3 _ Not 8 3 5 Sh Cmeds exuln Inna! theix had mi pmitiou, and I wanted 1 rna tnlorn hhr I.-ind tn nit`. 3` 1APPi1 29 olding VI: Uul UVBI U0 and Saturdsv. r U umuzums.-.9. - Fox: 311 the noted Brands of Imported and Domuuc _Ciu-I. Tobsocoo, Meerschunn and G.B.D.P1.DeO.&c..8cc.,go to the Central Al Tobacco Depot. of the Indion Chief, Pound I later. I. B _ Dunlopstroet. Barrio. nntnuln 1.1 ucuzor. Uonve oer. awe suuue ya): I 50 LDIB. . Oce, Corner Dunlap sud Owen Streets. But- do azure OI Untlno, rrocwru. Lwuiuru.-.3, uuuva - ace. Mono to Lou. IBOOEI, V V011 ! Block. 09 36 N. 3 N. W. Ry. Station, Bu-rig. . Hlg an MURCHISON. BA 8. c 8: to 1.... n.`E.?.?'3'n.2. 3':`%7`J`1n'a',;..a.i`....-."..,. . W A. LENNOX an co.. CONVEYANCERS, . etc. Money to-loan. Notes discounted. Collections made. Inaumneueected. Estates ed. O! F uhsr:o' Ito mgnaogmmh eager u-qV nu;-e, 11; DD!!! 183033. 5011015033, HUIIITICU. $0., 51030} to Loan. Barrie. Alliaton and Grsvenhurst. D A1.'roxMcCAn'rnY. Q.C. F. E. P. Pnpun. J. A. Macanmv. D. F. McWu-r. J T. SPROUL. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . of the Sup:-cme Court. Convoyancer. &c. Hone to Loan. Olces over Sanders Bros.. Jewe eta. Dunlon Street Barrie. C nmxnv. APPRAISER as BILL posmn. ' . O arc. Rents Collected. Sorvunu Provided. Once OD-Itli opposite Bank of Commerce. 0N"EY.--A large amounts! rivate funds. to land on strai ht loans, st owest rates. 13 Mar`. A RTHV. F`.PI.F.R&_ MCCARTHY. U.Vno.lc'-o1 usrc uxuuuula UL ILVDUC Luuua. ad. 16 MCCARTHY. EPLER& MCCARTHY. J"sii="aioE1iseFw**'"`zYmcna; Tm. miaaionerv in Queen`: Bench. Auctioneer. A.p%-user. and Commission Agent for the Isle Anna: I.n.ndr-I,` Fnnn Snack. Hnnnnhnld OHN MACKAY, AUCTIONEEB. COMMIS- nioner, Conveyancer, Inner 0! Manage" comes under the new Act." Money to Loan est Moderate Interest. Creemore. Out. 61: O SMOKERS. For nu Tlnannan (Hanna ENNEDY. GAVILLER 8: HOLLAND. Architects, P. L. Surve on. Valuatora,` to. Plans and specications or buildings pre- mted. Town undVil1sgeLota laid out. Farm at caretullglocated. Timber limits examin- ed. am. am. or-onto 0mo_e-4 Mu! Buiidingn. Bu-rle bmoo-McCu'thy a Block. comngwood Oloe-Long : Block. A - Taos. Knxnnnv. Mumxc: Gnmzms. AW. MOVITTIE. D. L. SURVEYOR AN D Go Real Estate Agent. Calgary N. W. T. ndenco solicited with re toinveav menu Province of,-Alberta. .W.'l'. A. W. MOVITTIE. Addr (381835. via Benton. (Gx-sdtnte Ldpzig `Conservatory of-Music. Allrpnpot ' ' ' CARL_BEINlCKl,R!CBTCA1i DDB.PLPPl3lTZ. Instruction given inPia.Iiotorto plaiint. H8! 01' . . 5 `;'to`x.:|. I last Mas r`recsmr's Dunlap 8008!. B833. A ' _ IFND .U WonKa.-H. SI Mu: . ovary dncdtion otwfnyzine Botlilgtuusog arm :11, Shingle, Lih, .1 00.1. In 2 Muzhinart - T V `,=l`a"`*`z`:`*....*""":?'*"~'*".r.a-;,` 3 no in as tonlv. Factorv. John atx_'oet.DBa{-tie. y Send to T:3_r_ot__o for BARBIE PLANING MILL.--GEO. BALL. of utaotm-er n33.i`.`2_``?sa`?3`%:n%33.;`5`. ..~..-..; so. T A`H.~B_;'.V'NET'l` pmxnsr. QB...-.,...B"== ' 2.:*:.':.;.~:-s3:==' van: 337:. ' .. '5 the first Wednuds otevery-month. Wyo- btidz d Midlan the. t Thu:-eds Pgnet.is1::theto:lowin:z'dnly( 1`l'1-iggsf 'VltnIlu:2i I m:.*,......::::"' UL cvcry C3511 Entrance to zreennon`2"3 %V am. ` - may Dltu . C. E. Rzwaox. - A. E. H. Cnnswrcxz. Barrie. lat Oct.. 1885. osrcpa sway AUCTIONEER ron 1'11: County at Sfxncoe. Terms reuonable. Inn At mv tnrn, ('1n|.iahn1-nt. (LIV ABCKITEGES AND SUBVBYOBS. OBBPH ROGERS. CHIEF CONSTAB Lu(_Jigunty of Simcoe. Omoo-Polioo "&&II$I TCKTIX VTVVIU RE PREPARED to furnish waddiI8 cottage bouquets. Mxttda-hola cut flowers in quantity o in every detail at m and oral decoration ante prices. designs of every descri tion 8 special . Entrance to m-nenhnngn on Woltingttcaytn Street. 3ARRIE FOUNDRY. ENGINE & BOILER WonKs.-H. Snwnmr Mu: tun rm-v datum,-intinn of Etna-has Hllnllnsl-Er [EWSON 3 CRESWICKE. BABRISTERS. nlinifnvn nf [ha nnrnmn nmu-t nf Judi. AUGHTON LENNOX. BARRISTER. 80- 't .00` 'cer.etc.- Mono tolosn. nc"1|-5-nap And Owen Sttzetn. Bar. .. Licentitndtfn of the A. RADENHURST, BARRISTER, yr- tnrnnv Rnlinifnr in hnnnnrv Cnnvnvnn. IESSIS. IOIIGAI It IeV|TTIE an not-n.nnn g- ..._.i..|. ...-aax._ . '1'. 13X14:1'1zs:`G. ci;Ei1K'cduNTY. or 8111- con. will b`e,Vs.t his omce at.tho Court use. Bu-1-lo, everyssturda Residence and , ). Ooohtown. '0 810116] 00 1131!: UIIIII-I!-DOIIIWUJI I ` oppoui the Railway -Station, B5:-mo, o. - - y F. a. comm.-'.n, T :na:o1vE:'s?I" vv -ru---vv 1-1. H. Srmmv. G. W. Lomrr. ._.. ._..__.. ;._j....._...._...._.__..____.. AUCIIONEEBS, ETC. 5] or auncue :1: Store. Cg; naxuramwuzf FINANCIAL." - PKYIIUILNB. .2!'_!'19l1--`- b'1'umhm.' V Moat . Mas O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN on Real Estate at lowest rstes. Farmers Notes Discounted. T Collections made in an port of the County. Res! Estate bought on sold. Conveyancing in all its branches. Ms:-_ rugs Llcenssi Issued. O1ce--0ver Csnsdisn Rank of Commerce- Dunlnn street. 45-Iv V1111 7. 0-11 01180] EYANITY .HARDWARE:. nnity uhuddered. Then she remembered `A. tutu: In-wanna Olnnnun`-0 vx.|.u._y uuuuuusvu. alwualw IUHIOHIIEKEI her on former thought. Hood or Fate had wanted my beauty, -itwould hnvoboen taken. Now Iamtwica ___-__. "7t'i&;wu am: to mud; but so ha W say,hanq1, and, torthg own roman, omamgodtomention name othorbrotlmr.` Vnnltywustillstandingst the window ` into thn garden. At Inannn nf tin` and inc-3. ning "Ana. an-. .. calm W-A-nnvvv I AHUU I1 `Ill-LEI}. QB mantion .-of thvovmierh nuns Msnd saw 3 arcade Imilo upon the lips of the actress, but it vanished quickly, md when Vanity mrnedm reply her oxprauion was one of nag-fgnlz Intlins-Anna `lain! hnnn-L6 .l.- Judtdlcrjustfhowomnntohtigugamu Ioomnndtobo toostn1id,1aoounti:i_lad, todetectthewearinaldu provoked. This jrovincial Nancygnonnt of tho Art at ..I....-..- nnill warns rnkintlln an nu-film 'FUVIlnalQl AV-|.l'u_y_, Agni-10! VI In-It -nv Isl pleading, couldncvet rekindle an mecca? whichat thent she could not` hepaliva. 3 TWall Vanity knew with what -dually j her rival now.. Hera:-moryvaanotameu-ostoroot clumsy ; rusticendeannenta. Williohnd knownhex ` qellanca. Bhnknovanctlyhowtoapti; vatahim. Aa.towhatn:ight,tollow,Vanity` didnot graatlycmcarnhorsall. Williuha eculdend he own. an her right 13} reasoning, to; which convention ; nu-religion irerlldlnltfnd, butwhich ratio} and Vanity well enough. ' Ifwas this wicked, reckleupurpose which !nadoVanity grnveand calm andmpuior aadntaIhadwith'lIandNcri1lo;andintho whole conversation honest Maud was alto- gothar at fault. I `ll.-.-I A ._a ..._`.`a.-_;_ _...x....| 17.- uvnnsy. Bloc or On vv-u- Vb VIZ wlul WUEI Hind ! zm lgoking into eon eon tnrnedundw 1orshecou!dnot~keepstiIlw1th herown heart was not like Hand's. She nms.t.go her own my, end speak as little as possible with this bright, Venn-hearted, honorable Q4-nnn Q.s:_ "1 unmv'o,~aho said um looked out of thc window. ; "Alive!" repeated Maud Neville. Bu -Irluuux was-Ir Egan`: L43 .4-u-nu! 0 awya] uva CG AZAUH WK uuu Ul. Kc":-97: vindiamnco. "Maud thought an -couldroad hat thx-oughV ma, .m32.ag5:?.2% .. u. 33.; _ It . . If an so proud of my brother! , No wonder, Vanity replied. He is 1 handlomo man. . A But Ibo might have been talking of a statue. YoI;1n that very tone the might have said, -It is I handsome statue. ` V Maud consideredthis indierence overdone. Vanity means to give me a quiet hint," thought Mist:-es Maud. Vanity mean: to say, `Yes, your brother isa wealthy, handsome soldier. Such are apt` to fancy` that any poor girl they look at grows con- scious and agitated and so forth. Such a girl am not I. " - ' cu: uv\I'a1'i|OnI-r\9A*:no- `Yaw-36--7,. -...-.._.... ~r5'z; is good as well as handsome. Oh, he has 5 nobleheart! For all his easy,.se11. indulgent ways, he think! more of other peo- . ple than at himself. I am mre"-Maud for- got artisticprudonce in her wa.n'nt_h--that if you think that Tom would trie with the l happiness of another you little understand ; his character. Would Vanity notice an; sigziicant can ? utoi Yes, again the arcutic sm1le_ played over hartllpo. Maud law all now. Then ` ltoodbetoroher 3 virtuous young act:-ea, _1.___ _....4. `...._L_ I_-.I _.._I_I_j LL- A. u glad wn III But! Vilwrpo-at Onquor,|ou Indeod,iw,ou1dbeh'ardforh1m tosee-yon nndnot admire. ,But`let me tell you my brother is not the style or man who can fancy T one woman and love another! ` 1'7-__n._ A._-..__.J _I...;a. '_-1. AL- 1-'._4 -_..n4- 2 Vvvl I-I95 yaw A-Indu-In -wvv nu uvvv. gjjj ltoodhetoroher whosqgreanbeautyhadenabledhertokncw the ways of the wicked world, and who was dbdainfully incredulous of muculino o`od- j avu nun} can-uv, -I-In vuuluu Null 1 growing ' arms. _!or hot am; out- came her, though her mood was generous. I suppose you have guesed that my brother 1 admiretyan? V We11,he doeaadmire you! Indeed, itwouldbehardforhim tosee yaui --A van` nAvu|`In novla run` `A ! cnun -.- I I-IUIl.II$I uulnuavs stun-In Jar faction being ver-_sothedocm1-said-l(ap_nd .Novi1le wasable to horbendachun , _ __._ llVI..A. ._-.__..A_4 `__:_` ...-g._ KWBULV 5 UISEEW IDLE; DJXISISLDLEISD. H Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judi- cature of Ontario, Proctoru, Notaries, Conva- gmupn bn llmmv tn Lngn- Olcu-|._Bn . eVanfty s manner; And. full -of generous enthusiasm for her btother, Maud went on cleverly, as she im- nndnn o 9? Wvlljll KIN-I CV79 KCJIJUIJCL I - Vanity turned about, not the least exdtqd, but with an expression of animation." He looked twice at my when once would Inn been enough. This she said with graceful gayety. But I vow I dtdnot think hoifould hive told you. - HE.` All 5.11 -.-l '.-I.4I II...) .`._._I_. Hg UIIIIVVU `VII-I ID` `All at one; bq,;eeoHected that she had gone very far. With ano tranknes, which Vanity far more admired" than land had Idmiredher pretty ways, Hrs, Novlotook ` theha_ndotheactressinher'own.` I hnva not been vim.` Tom anlv `hut b. vAiu'rr1sQu7rnin.u%o1n.n _ `miuctaeurtbpnziantwudisch-rgea tromhorhospitaI,uxd`,IlIdangetfroIn in- l.4L.\_ `\a<:vIII t{IrAsI_At\ LA Janina Q11.` _jQ`lI` "?q".;:.:*;;: ";..."`..; '"'r:.:.."'....., ,.... mcntionedittome in passing: 0! course, you know, she stmkad Vanitfyhand, fund ...... .m ...-.9. |~..'.A.n...a..| _-m.~-....- . .....' `g s`t:<`>-wsvTJv`v`ha_tW1.'omui:?".` A11 .5 --'__. `LL- _---I1-_A `xnspuytuxne-s-a A uu nuvvv, nua uusvnuu vuILsu_y_II-IDIIVI you will not be oanded. with"me,' would be many, `things to bathought -1 of beforo'-betore:-,- , . . \ *+Betoroheman-iodine. ' . .} gnity nished the azntenco wlchcharm--j You really are goodnacuredl" ma .x. ? `chimed. Itisaogood ot yon'.to:tabitin ` that-kind ofwgy. Iwishadtohoutn-night-* torwurd,`-hntyoumightuoeuilyhnvofakon` nnnrnnn '7' `l ' Vllflli ` This inexplicable vinicy seemed r..aT, Q 4 x vbununtour`inn.ac om 51 .....A._4._z _._. n 4.- A, u . .._. T`-.You my Vanna, the continued, with antique: III-nu-nnnnn 'A`I RAID Q;-anon A-m Ll. uoucxwrl. Uonreylnceru. ac. money no Loon. Olce-Over D. J. Murchison`: Store. lnrket Street Barrie. Branch Once-Potter : Block. rouenbam. lnwmn J. Hume. D. C, Muncmsox. _