Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 22 Apr 1886, p. 7

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creosote Used as 3 Fuel. An experiment is being tried at Ports- i mouth, in Engla_.nd, with the object of determining the practicability of apply- ing liquid fuel- as a steam generator to men"-of-ver. The fuel colisisteof creosote, which is proenrable at a penny a gallon; So far the system has `proved superior to others _prc`vi'oualy `tried, and it is believed that thedimculties in the way of the use of liquid fuel are in alfair way of being Exchange. u-`ee`;11`:g`":; tJ):a.1I> );b immediately rushing to it and kissing it. nan-In-vvuvurn l\ Insvn-rs I\n11ru11nI- n`- nu-n lxwrvrvu-|<:~r-ntv AI.|DLl.L.LL5 Irv Av Carrying a`l:1:.g bouquet-at an evening aannauggnb own andbmitting to ask her` partner. if he understands the language of ow-` `erS.-Tid-Bits. , Te Chhgese Coinsul at New York. se uenn 1n861`t_10n, -.1 CUULS 1.61` u11_e. ending nouces, 10 (gents Der lme for first in- sertion; 5 cents per lme for each subsequent Insertion of the samematter. = ` Tana] nmnznl and {.!n`vn1-nnqnnt nr1vo.rt.inp. I Anna Nonnusnn Anvnucal nnsernon or lane same.man_Ler. _ `Legal. Official and Government advertxse manta will be charged at above rates. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken at the tollowing rates, which are drafted on correct [commercial principles, and, as they will be strictly adhered to in making new contracts after present; contracts expire, there will be only one once for all: A 1Inch..................': 2} Inches .......... .. n 5 Inches, } Column. 10 Inches, i" Cdlumn 20 Inches, 1 Column ADVERTISING RATES. _l'h9 Advance inns a Sworn Circulation -ot_'l`hlrteen Hundred and - [Twenty Copies, Almost, if not quite double that of any other Paper pubiished in Barrie. . EADVERTIBERS SHOULD NOTE THIS FAc'r.`E3 ` (12'lines solid nonpareil make one inch). TRANSILNT ADVERTISEMENTS. . First insertion, 10 cents per line. Each sub 36 uent insertion, 4 cents per line. onainm nntinm: 1n nnnts: nor lino. fnr rsxf. in. *For dhe month--the three monthly rate with 153? cent. added. nvu finn nnnnfl-\n,,+I-un 1-Tn-nn I'nr.nfh1\1 I-uh: LITTLE -rmncgs wmcn MAKE frmn wnom wonnn KIN . . ' ID 61' 08110. auueu. * or two months-the three monthly rate with -10 per cent, added. A/.1=:11._..A!.....__ I LL- .......,._ ....'II I... vv pugs a.-v `Iva vvodvs qcuuvuo I V , V 3 Preferred positions in the paper will be soldat an advance of one third on above rates. ` Thisrule will be` strictltv carried 'ou*. A N ' 7 CONTRACT 'CHANGESJ ` Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- ' ` tice pf. intention to change advertisements must be handed in to the oice not later than 'Saturday_ at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such `change mustobe in the ADVANCE oicc not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, in any week ; otherwise the advertiser's arnou: cement may not be made public until the week following. A J_,___A.3___._ _._:11 _,.L L- ..n.._--.~,1 g- -._.. 4L'-:.. |A\4Iv my ......-~..v V-.-V--- .......-- ...-... .. V--- ...v--\. ..-.,D- Advei'_tisers will not be allowed to use their Aspace for advertising any thir-g outside their ' own _rcgu1ar business. Should they do so, transient rates w111 be charged forsuch adver- t_isementT w - V .- . uvgvugg.-u.... ..u . ---.--.. ........-- . Condensed advertisements on First Page. such as Wants ofallbkinds. Lost and Found, Property for Sale or to Rent. Specic Articles, Etc., Etc.. must be accompanied with the cash, `and will be inserted-Fi1'st insertion, 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent er word (names, addresses, and gures counte as Words); but a. reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the numberof insertions of the same matter exceed FOUR. ` A LINHVIENT [GUIDE AMIWOIVIA W( ak Back, Enlarged Joints, Penal: sis. Rheu- matism, Neuralgia, Diphtheria. Sciatica, Prolapsus Uteri, Female W'eal;- - ness. The best and only certain re` nu (1; to relieve pain of all kinds, no matter of how long stand- ing. Instant relief guarantee d c1-ip les. Swol- len Joints, Varicose Veins, Bites 0 Insects or Sick Headache. No oil or grease ; is clean and sweet: will not soil. Tna..mmn+:n- 1\P1~3~.n'Q1'Ano'rra TZ`u~'3rrl>\1'c nimnun I SWCBDZ W111 DUI B011. Inammation of the Kidneys,Bm'ght's Disease, Diabetes, Incontinence of Urine. It is the only Liniment in the . world possessing altexative. powers. Can be taken internally ; cures Cramps and Colica, Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Solduby all Druggists. Trial Bottle 250. Write Dr. GILES, box 3,482 N. Y P. O . who will give advice on all diseases free of charge. Dfnnvnorn AF nha.-1-nrn1n11Q rinsnrsl and wm g1ve aance on au uxseascs u`ce 01 ('uu.rgH. Beware of unsrrupulous dealers and counterfeits. The enuine has the name blown in the glass and acsimile of the discoverefs name over e_ach cork 40-cow-39 I Inactive or irregular __:_______ acting Bowels, Pain across the Bowels or in the lower part of the back; accumulation of wind; strain- ing at Stool, inducing Files, and often Fistula ; Sallow Complexion ; Headache ; Eruptive Sores: and nally, general de- rangement of the -entire e organism is the result of neglected Constipation. CONSTIPAT ION v-\ - .~.- ` ` 7 J V 7- 7: F` u! O V`,..:-M. snxtmn, D18 18 dc` secon 4 I` '.t\ fi`..;~ hL'1L , ` i.~.p: lh,':Le1(`.l'--N(\,`y.Ol1 are nxitakon. .i.1 l1\_t write :1 poem` called. the cu11u1's R-mtxrday Ni;.{ht." - T -.,r `mnrlx <`0I`1(1'1ti0I1SrOf the Skin; Sham- ; 111:: lxci-ad, l`imp1es, Eruption and Skin u--, 11.~': l 1`uf. Low s Sulphur Soap w is the time the straw hat smiles :~;.~- it did not `succeed __i%n. its desire .R--vL~1nh`e1-"to make itseif felt. .:`I', Wlmnpillg .Cough'and Broinchitis 1i:1t!_v I`v1i(;\'0 by Shi1oh s Cure. Sold im `._\'um1.~4, Barrie, 8.71111 J. Hamlin, cs Neglect ofmRegula.r Habits ; Food hard to Digest ;_Torpid river ; Spices, Stimulants and Astring- ents ; Too free use of Cathartics. &c., of a harsh nature, which destroy the tone of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. lgat ripe1F6uits an%5Veet3.vlIJlee1u; atmea , oarse rea , us and Molasses, Broths, etc. Shun hareh Physic. Be strictly regular at cbrts to evacuate the Bowels. C(l`1`CCt the inac- tive Liver and Biliary Organs with th t best of all regulators ~ BURDUEK BLOOD BWEPS Which tones and regulates the Bowels, promotes the ow of Bile, which keeps the blood pure and healthy, and secures a. natural action of the Bowels, without weakening in any manner. T .RIFLESfANn sm)'I` cums . AMMUNITION, 8:0 No. of Inches Space. _ .T_HEG50K7SfBES[?Ri;N:i jU1 ~&. -..._. .'-+1 The speediest ana `most certain mcdicin in the world. ~ -unnocx Loon srrnns ALL FAMILIES USE IT. I ; CONDENSED A`DVI G-ILEEQ '90 Tu _ txon; One Inser Ll5'9?9|5 H5 300 Inser- * 13 26? In_ser- tlons. . (6mos); tions. (3 mos) >3 25o'$ 4 00:: 500 325 '.~s75 1500 1 r 16 00 .25 00 26 00 46 00, `PRICE Roi TH. FULLAN L` l1`f-l*.i'Q`. Fishing Tackle. IONSTIPATION 2&3 I `Inser- ., tions. Q; 1yr~.)_ 45 00 80 00, V `air n V-gun. ifier, stomai'ci1]'KiEiii's' ziiitiowels. ...__ A LL __ givieg tone, energy and vigor to these great MAIN +x=m:\'Gs or I.I}~``-. The; are 'cond_ent1f recommended as a never falhmz remedy m a 1 cases; `where the cons_li(uLi_on, from whatev'r cause, has become xrnpzured or weakened. The ' are Wonderfully ei< acious in all ailments inci ental to Females of all ages, and as a Gen eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed. 'LLlU Leuuxug IIBCCSSE-T185 OI Llfe. V These famous Pills purify the Blood, and act most powerfully, yet soothingly on t_he '7!` `I I Its searching and healing properties are known throughout the world. ` ' . For the cure of Bad Legs. Bad Breasts. l'\I I I`? I "7' .s_f'= : .x`t`-\4`. IL This G rea.t'Hou;eho1d Medicine rankeamongst `the leading necessaries of Life. Thaen fnnnnna `Dill: nnudfx-.v u: D1.-unrl nun? nut .itAis an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck or chest, as salt into meat, it cures Sore 'l`h_rout, lliptheria. Bronchitis. Colds. and even Asthma. For Glandular Swellings, Ab- scesses, Piles, Fistulas, V _\.. \....v v 4\/fast` .1..- - -....._.-. W`0`I}_n(is:"gure% zyui UIf(':(_>_rs, And every kind of skin disease, it has`nevor I been known to fail. "I"|-in Dilln un f\3nf'nr\ont awn '.\:fav\nFnr-fur:-I` GOUT. RHEUMATISM, UCGD KIIQVVII (0 H1. _ ' The P1113 and Ointment are Manufactured only at 533 exrcnn smar, LONDON,` ` Aral` nssn .un1R 1-.1-7 n11 `row-manna nF Rfnhnna yew. Illllllliil \JIIi-ul -vI1-VI" 3And are sold by all Vendors of 1\.Icdic.in0a `l.t.hr(_)u rhout; the Civilized \Vor1d: with dlI`(:C- tions. nr use in almost every Iunguagv. . f l'5H`Dnm-`haunt-u a1nnn1r1 lnnlr tn Ihn T.nhr-via 'nn ? uonsmr use ID IHDIOSL vvny 1-unguugv. a'`Purchasors~ should look to the Labels "on ` the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London. they are spurious e aI_| sufferers frcm lmiigeson, i. _Dl_sor;Iered siomach. V Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. Genuine wrapped only in `Blue, with signa- ture on every box. Free trial package of `these Celcbmted Pills sent to any address on receipt of a 2 cent stamp. `For Sale by ; . GEORGE MONKMAN 7 L DRUGGIST. BARBIE. ..1m.~i.m-.uss wsm Mrs PILLS [VIII fhormsg}-.2y care you. Tho) `do no? gape or pufge, -ism act T mildly, an-er! \.*.:!ac:mveVr used - are casne-:35:-ezd; price- less. 22%} have . pa-cvzsra #0 be fit: Ra. zors and S_c 1asors.GroVnnd-and at on short Notice 6-] `@REATEST EJLESSII 0:: THE AGE ' lV'v'U put-lwgu hlll S. The celebrate author. in this admirable Essay. cit arly (ll monstrutes. from thirty years successful practice. xhat alarming conscqucn-` ces may be radically cured without the danger- ous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple. certainyand eifecti. by means of which every sufferer. no ngatter vhat his condition in . be, may cure himself cheaply, privately an radically. V ' ' t@"l`hin T.er-.hrm nhnni he in` the hand: nf unu -I'll (IIUHJ lyc "I`hi's Lecture shou1dTbe in the hands of ex` cry youth and evrry man in the land. Addrr-an nm ('VI.VIc`.l-`(W ml 1. Mmnrnar. l",n {How I !_:_~ VVQ have recent! published a new | :3-i`;-` edition of Dr. Cu verwelvs Cele- v!f_-`gg brated Essay_on the radical and er- ! T "A manent cure (WlthOt med1cine)of her- vous Debility. Menfal and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc , resulting from excvsscs. -0 1T`Y)u-3nn :n n nnnh-5:1 Anvvninrun (\r\`Iv R }.nvun nn UXCPBSCH. '8 'Px'ice in a. sealed envelope, only 6 beam, or ' two postage stam s. ' r The nah-.hrn.fr> author in thin nmirn hln `. ;;`.yH_.\........ V\{ .,f pr.nmsns---tr0users put up, .31. '\1'IL1uun- - 7 -_.1';: - \\`z~..~s__ the tirst; postman... He lmu>`1':s to T(;}reL'ce. U V . v_ .31 .~nvitcl1 - whon a. woman's Ly 4.13 iututhe hash. V A . `~ ,4`. mm] every European ought to .~,um1uur-~t11e' Mar de Glace. _ .- ;:{rt111ws_ never cQ111e- s mg1y,:re- .Iu!:.~-$4 yvhell the twms a.rr1ved. 32, lilac c0nd011c_8 men, ruins a ;.m-pig: hy_gettm2 Into themf .;:\.w Hlfgt the Oregon `was struc_'.k_ `:7\.l`:`) is now regarded as aCu1_1a.rd.A 1.: ;j,[;;.1as of thc St0ma.ch', Liver z').udT 1..;zxu;n,ly removed by Nationulj ` CVUTY )'OL'l.ll HUU l V! 1') H1111] 111 L116 Ianu. Address the CULVILRWELL MEDICAL Co. 41 Ann St.. N ew York. Post Office Box 450. - JITU |.vEnw|..|.'s {nun mm; a snwma mnwni Use them and be` rallovod from your misery. 30 Pills ln a box, . 25. per box, 5 boxes for $I F05 SALE 8) ALL nnuao/srs A/V0 mmsns IN /nsmc/~53 I HAVE YUU Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Biliousncss. jaundice, Headache, Dizziness, Pain in the Bzxck. Costiveness or any disease arising from a deranged liver, DR. CHAsE's LIVER Cum: will be found a sure and certain remedy. run-I-nnr-Q REMEDY certam remedy. ~ NATURE'S FlEMEDY_ The unqualied success of Dr. Chase's Lxver Cure in Liver Complaint rests solely with the_fact that it is compounded from nature's well known lxve: re lators Mmzmuucn AND DANDELION, combined wit many other invaluable roots, barks and herbs, having a. gowerful effect on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and lnnrl cnn nnn cnl I1 were sold in Lamzaa alone. We 'wa7u.ez/cry man, woman and child who 1': troulai 1w'th Litter C om- plain! to try this excelleut remcrt'y._ V _ . LADI ES _ _ . It IS a well known fact that an mactwe liver causes a. dull, sallow complexion, liver spots, pimples, etc. ; Chase's Liver Cure is the only remedy tha. will most positively cure these complaints. Qhucfunln IIEIAI nlltll IWAV `DIE %owerIu1 enecl on 111:: xuuuc) n, utuuncnyu, uuvn...~. nuu I ood. 500,000 SOLD Over one-half million qf Dr. C lzase': Rea /e Baal : sold in Canada alone. We 'want.ez/ery man, ............. .....J .-I..'I.J nnlm in Ionulzln? qnflh /.1'.~/rr F11)!!- DOSIIIVCIY cure Lnesc cuulpiauua. Somsrnmn New. GIVEN AWAY FREE Wrapped around every bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is a valuable Household Medical Guide and Recipe Book (84 ages), containing over we useful recipes, pronounced) by medical men and druggists as invalu- able, and worth ten times the price of the medicine. nuns. uuu. vvunu nu us, kn luv vi nu. lnnwsnnvnnnvu T. uMAuso`riE c6?.`sose Agents, Bradford. SOLD BY` ALL DRUGGISTS. _H_oL_[.owAv*s PILLS t3'0PPOSITE BARBIE HOTEL, ` v - DUNLoP STREET. , HOLLOWAY S -UINTMENT THEYFAEE AH ABSULUTE AND PERFECT cuna vsP:'.`3s:K biz mmcasnon, ' wuss ' wnv swan ram %MANHQ_._0__Q% rl-IAVE YOU `h ....... do Inrlinp iIT1w'nes'ronn 1 SSING 1mxc11c.~m1\1t is S _' ' - .. mu. _ Eu`i.t0 baa kirjd ._,-, _ ~ -.1 '2 1;z.\'u Lm_'(:1I can be sovquijcklv \hi1~h ;~s Cure. -'\Ve ga.ura.n`tee`it. Jnhn Woods, Barrie, and M. J. 1..1,. . H ... . WNW . ( Um; l[ and Consumption Cure is 5:1: \\'.o1s, Barrie, andg;\I. J. Ham- .-':;,1;-, on a. guarantee. It cures Hun .. w;\/\au .-...---- -.,-, 3 . I * \]`:m A n is 1x1i_{htier than the sword, ni`L11ifI\1`i11?I` when the smell of . 1 9 ' v put a .r.~,uzu1 of Sherman s fora-_ 1 A. :`c`.m:L1'y`1\Iai'ch`? asked the. ixh av. sickly smile. Perhaps \'.1't`,`\J .l.uiet man, _b,utAp1filj t- r l1L.d,. % rulvr the. cook is a. sup-rme`? J -sr '1-iuviexv contains an articl t:._Lc <-11' uH1de.` It should Ln, cuunt1`y school masters. _ wk, niJ,e0_r chess`, use_ShilJh s m. Price `25 cents. Scld by }3.jm-in, and M. J. AH`am_1in;. us never come sing1y,Tre-H .-92, when" a` young man sat his own accompaniment to a. '11-. :..=;z\.i1b \\'orm* Syrup+--An ::n`.l o11'cct.11z;1 remedy to my uf \\'o1*1'13s. mnyou riging ?" heasked .. .4.,\.. 'HT\i: in An nnnnh O -, . no-.=1' Party 1t .13 W189 to have is the man` who runs__your_ to a bull, so is a red iiose 3 . I _ . ` I _ /V} mans. ' f.1-. the Alzvxborineg m'an, * .Y.os but )ret`t poor. T ; 1_ _Y urn) l`m\w1er.s destroy_ and. `Th-;ml; injury to adults or ' ."1-9 L i1o d0*ubt _a.L_*I1G nu `as first: person} . y H _ ` I was the- Ward-ic tT .crushed_ u'nderf a j` .u1uu 11-E peaks in the United States. One of '_the l answers was : Pike's Peak. 7 Firemont s` Peak,~ Smith's Peak, Chesapeake and Peak-a-boo. _. ' i 'l`h s is to oertify thatul have used MoGreg- or`s Sveedy Cure for [Dyspepsia-_ and Liver ( Complaint, and do honest y say that it it cost me one hundred dollars `$100.00) a. _bo`.t'e I would not be without it, as it has done me more ood vhan all the medicines I ever used. and I eel like a new man-You~s truly, ALEX. 1 STEEL. Carleton Place, Ont. This medicine is for sale at 50c. and $1.00 per bottle at Monk- man s Drug F tore. 11-32 Lady (in 9. shoe store) : "`I would like; +I\ Inn`! oi" nnrnn n`:-`LL ..J:........._ E. - ' " 1 nun`-In-an \\uIIv& a.uu\.uvI_y ul DIM: ury guuus tune) I Yes, ma.da.m., something {all-wool and _a. 1 Yard ?wid'e-." . Z I % "Book slgciiiiiuff dl;z;..v.-'.:'i;;.1'e' the:`Lifo and Glorious Ttiumpha of Parnell which I should like to : --- -u o `.3 v vuov l.l"i`)Z Lady; 31.106 store) like`. to _-look at some cloth slippers, for myself. f Clerk (until recently in the dry goods line) : Yes. madam. nnmnf.11hn .m_..mn1 .....a .. ~ M 1'; ; is I n:|H`.~', made miserable by that M 1`; fi.`.. ..ii;,v`i:. .\`hi1{11 s Cure is the remedy ` :7.\'.i::.i .\v.l.i 1}'l]()hni Woods, Barrie, and `V3. 3. Hzuniin, Ailzmdale. ' L - Tiie sense (if humor has been described as the sixth sense, but a man who can rel- i:~:`:i :1 jnke mi himself` may safely `be credit- ;v`. with seven. , " 7 Wm. mi` SI" Fl~`l-IR with Dvspepsia and Liv- . ( .`mnp1:iints`. Shiloh s Vitalizer is. guer- imtcc- to cure you. Sold by John Woods, Harrie. and M. J. Hamlin. Allandale. ` The Smith College girls have organized- a society for the protection of birds. The Iatks of the young gentlemen will` receive their first attention. ' " - V . r -AL W Cap>tainVDr4. Will'VVal1ace,_is the atlthnt? of 9. novel shortly to appear, called Love's Ladder. Itbevidently-does not refer to `love at first sight`, for that usually begins with 9. pair of stares. T . ` , `iv It v- J ohn`W; "the bonanza. miilion- aire. declares tha.tsmonev is,a.n accident. Perhaps it is. Still it is an accident which a. man can generally insure himself _ against by` entering journalism. T\-_I_ _,, L. uAAU|4l\-L LIILU MU \ Our cooks: Tis.of Frinch exthrrctiory I am ; but ye re shure to sell wan of thim to the'Oirish servants nixt door. Have you 'I`oo1.h`ache ? Use `Fluid Lightning. _Ha.ve you Rheumatism? Use Flui Light- nmg. ` _Ha.\reyc11 a. stm`Jo1nt2 Use Fluid Light- nlmz. . Gexntletiian V( hid W 118.3-i;';a;r::1.~.tra.1np. temporary employment.) Why don't you go to work? Tramp--I would, sir, if I had the tools. Gent1eman--What. too1s`do_you; want?"V Tramp--Knife and fork, sun. ' . i higg` m`I \.I`a:11 (readihg fitle Vof :p`ict11r:.-) .5`: IIunn.--After Leech. What kind of an smixnal do you suppose a. leech is, Clara 2 - . Clara. _(doubtfully) Oh, I don t know. .Something!"like a fox I should think. lllh . . Hive vou Neuraigia '5 Use Fluid Lightning. Have you Lumbago? Use Fluid Lightning. Are you troubled with Headache ?` Use Fluid . Lightning. . ' V Have you any pain 2 Use Fluid Lightning. It; will cure you the instant itiis applied, Try it. 250. per bottle at Monkma.u's Drug Store. - . V 11-23 1 1 -. .. - '... Be 5:: Your Guard. ` Dolft allow a cold in the head to sldwly and surelydcvc-lope itself into Cataarh when you can be cured for 25 cents. - ' I A c...._ -....1:_-L:-..._ _:"n -._.__ -....:...:-._A. | yuu UHIJ UV Utll Ull LU]. U UU`-IJUWU T .A few appllcations will cure mc1p1ent Ca.tarrh.T , - f\ N. L, L,#_ I.,,,_._ i,!II ,,,, _ __ ,`,,,,,,, I1 u-ulna . V One to five boxes will cure chronic Ca- tarrh. V 0,1 1 I.__' -11` _1__1_,... -.1. nr-_ __-__ '|_,_ m____ .A\4lL Ill DU (NLLUILUILIIIO (`.~;r..\1:1--.11 <'l'RE[>, health and sweet brebh secured, by Shiloh s Catarrh Remedg. P1100 wucenta Iiasallnjectorfree. S014 _v Wnmls, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin Alum ialc. John , UG1 I llo Sold by all dealers at 250. per box. Try Dr. A. W. Ch_ase sCanadia.n Catarrh Cure-- take no otTher-itwill cure you. For sale by all dealers. `T - Not with that Show. 7 V An ad vortisement of" :_ A party wanted 1 to travel With aytheatrical company as` treasurer brought about a. meeting be-' tween a`D'etroiter and a. threatrical man at a hotel the other day. ? ' un:.J --A.. ........ ....J. :... ....,.1..` .....-...,.:4~.-. '1" \/CIUIDL I III One to tw talzh. ._- L. I`,,, 0 boxes will cure ordinary Ga.- ilola at UUUUL Iau.U ULuUL \A(NJo Did you ever act 1n such` capacity ?_" l was asked. No, but I feel cqual`to-theemergency. . Oh, you do`? Howwiil you go to work to get us out on the road.for our first stand ? . Why I Haven't you got any money 2 ? "Not a dollar. A We may strike luck the rst night, and we may do a poor business for a week. Can you arran,c:e'to keep us along until we hit pay dirt T ' I don t see how ? And are you a talker? Can.you get us out of a hotel where we are owing $25` and nothing to pay with? Can you give owners of halls the grand stand-`off ? Can you x it with ticket agents to. pass `us as dead-heads? When ' salary-day ` comes around can you smooth it over kickers '1 I--I don't believe I could. Nor I, either. Young man go hence I Go out and strike a job sawing wood, shoveling dirt or ditch-digging. You ll have less on your mind and more in your pocket. . . A with the t _ A Successful Result. Mr. Frank Hendry. writing from Seaforth says: I purchased one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters .,to urifv my blood. It did purify 1t, andenow have excellent health. As a. blood purifying tonic and system regu- ` lator the result of taking B. B. B. is always ; ..-- .. ...........I IGUUL IILIU I U successful. Gained 100 Per` Cent. _ Why should I give you money? re- plied 9. citizen of Sibley street who was struck by a stranger for a. quarter the other morning as he left his house. 9 t For my integrity, sir. I don t know anything about it. But I l_l'te1l you. Last night 9. man came to me and suggested that _we break i into your house. Oh I -1171 [,3 1'1. -11 ...`I-...~uuI -:nnI- `in!!! nu: ".D.U uuu. III (III. tlllllllovvu VJvu-- _-- .. .. __ ` were to get in. Indeed ! I was to terrorize you with a pistol l while be robbed the house. . ` VVIIILU LIV qvwwuv. ---- ._- ,, , , But you didn t come. . N 0, air. I eat right down and talked to him of the evil of his wa.ys.until he went off to bed. .Tha.nka. Here-ta.ke this. It is just double the sum you would have foundin the house last night. Good-bye, sir, and you must remember thet virtue is always e doubly rewa`.rded. .` And he held out" a. dimes--a poor, old battered ten cent piece, and passed on. , A Valuable IUCIIIILI we One of the most valuable features of Hag- yard- s Yellow Oil is_ that unlike ordinary liniments it can .be safely and effectually taken internally as well. as applied_ in cases of pains, inammation, sore throat, rheuma- tiem, and all painful complaints and injuries. I I . I I , . , - n r ' r.1:.~M.e (ll yr/.T and crush yez to death? .uu.. A lea1ing'nd\'nca.te `Of woman rlght 13 L11icm,;n has just married a `man nme I`i<-kens. He will be poor P1ckens when she gets dune with him. ` Snnx-n s \'1'1;ui7.1;n isrwhat V0 _P9d,fr 4'n;~:t.ip:Ltiux1, Loss of Appeti_t_9s D`z,Zm rmd all syxnpboms 0f.Dy8p0P53'-. Prwe 10 31111 75 L'(.`n't.\' pm` bottle. Sold bV J- Woods Harri:-, zwl .\l. J. Hamlin. An8I1d31- .\h'.aj. Murphy--`~"I say, `Pat: :wha't'A. -..u.n W. (1.. it the ould house would Pa: "I-`-.Li.\:, l`d fly for me 1oife`.- Hu_y( u (-\H' u~ied,McG,reg0r 35 P -` :uh111- H-lulu for SOI`(`S Of any kind? It is be` - :~uM. mum lhu very best p1'epara.t1on in the I nzwktl for }wulil)',: and "Curing Sores, Burns. t` an. l* un1-`M, P.]on:_1u s, and is the_ only pro; ""`1`1`-3:1!!!Ul'u]:pl)`ing (7zu'b01icrA(`1d. sold ~1(11i\11.:LJ{5 ln'm,r S1orcf0r`25c. per box. '23 1 mm mm .;cm1ndre1 in your face 635' .:~.`m1e.~'L 111;-jx1. !,_;e to the prisoner, I M r:`a<~n. M int"-'*" " was the response`! .h`"` ~: ` 7 . -v - I ..p.; 9: -I. :1" gm; snzm1_ recct1on,.a1u h xt- \\'_`:H11(H"111 (re hf paralysis` . D0 j m 1.1:;.1t,, xgw Jersey, lost the use of hl :z=_:;: :;m., \}";;_L: u,,(1(,_qg, hanging by h1s1de ; 'g!'1l<? :21} mm: 1.m..w11`rt-medics by direction Of. the 1"`-`L l`I\3'\>l'.%` ill JQISCY and New Y9rk3 "],`t"-`~`it_`-'. 5.-Cl`iJhHiil.`-- all failed. Gllea I.`m1n.-r-uh Anmumia cured hirfl. 301d by W` ` -A.\1<;I.:,-an. T V . 2: `Tx Are you %pretty well acquainfed with your mother tongue my boy ? asked the school-teacher of the new scholar. . . ""~- ~=- " nnnwnraditha lad, timidly. school-teacner 01. uuu u... - Yes, sir, answered ~ th Ma. jaws me a good deal, 1 ii. "on ,.. He had it 3.11 planned V just how we L- ..-L a.. _ Valuable Feature. ` L `--1--`v-`A gnnflll W Scnuxur. the lad, timidly. 3], air. " _ ' uul vulus ayuuuu up yUUl' "way, UUUIIUIC { "Maxi fell from -scaffolding and broke. `his neck two days ago, still alive, may -get over it. Pleased to have you call," : d00t0l". .-(nu 1 u- .u- . . -u - - ' ` Scott : Emulsion of Pure "Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites. its 'use`in Lung troubles. Dr. H iram Cadoretto, !of Jacksonville, Fla}, says ; I have for the last ten months prescribed your Emulsion to patients `suffering from lung troubles, and I use. thyoseeum .to be greatly beneted by its -_,\1_i` . :`A_nd how am you to-day, doctor? F u'st rate,_ and how are 'you,Adoctox T I'm_ 911 nght. Got a. good case of I memngttls-at your hospital, doctor. V I V You, come dowxr andtake a. look at it. Anything special 11 "our wa doctor "` I `Mnh fan A-..mp..y;..'..1.:a3'.. . ...;.: 1..?..1',.. vsvv I w - ` \ U . Thank you, Iwill. doctor. (\v`r0od day, 1 doctor. - V ' ` -V I LGoo d day, doctgor. . in School Boys Strike. ' , TROY, N. Y ,, April ,12.'--About half the male scholars at the V Eleventh Ward- School struck for shorter hours this,after- noon, and refused to continue their studies. They demanded only one session a. day, and that to be from eight` o clock until noon. The boys held an open-a r mass `meeting, and then procuring laths and sticks,rswarmed through the neigh- boring _ streets threatening violence to pupils who did not join tllefn. The re- serve from police stations was sent to the scene to give whatever protection was ne- rcessa;ry.. The strikers tried to induce the boys in another school to follow their ex- ample. . mtrn \r.'.1vn\rn\vm nnhn A `I'u'I\Yr1 I. f THE Movnm-:'Nr SPREADING. GREENPOINT, L. I., April l2.--A strike of; extraordinary nature occurred here this "morning. About 100 boys of all ages, pupils of public school 84, made .a demand upon the Principal-that the usual" morning and afternoon recess. he extend- ed from 15 to 25 minutes, and that on Fridays the afternoon session closehalf an hour earlier than at present. Their demands not being acceded top-the boys refused to return to school after the morn- . ig recess, and picketed the entrances to assumed such threatening proportions that the Principal sent for the police, _and a. sergeant and. several oflicers were soon on the spot. Finally the mother of the chief ringleader arrived and succeeded in for- cing her son into the school. After `he had gone in the_ rest of the boys quietly marched in and novfurther trouble is ex- V pected. ' l prevent others from entering. The trouble 4+0-jg The Lostgestored. ' alra McNei1l of Poplar Hill, Ont. , states that his brother aged 12, was aticted with a. terrible cold, from the effects of which he `lost his voice. Hagyard s Pect0ral Balsam ,cured the cold and restored his voice in the most perfect manner. He says it cannot be exceeded as a remedy for coughs and colds. A Warm Wa.ve.- V `,`I m looking for No. ---, said a. bill- collector to a. pedestrian on Grand River avenue the other day. . - "Got 9.- bill, I suppose 2 Yes, sir. `Well that number is two blocks further up, a.nd I can save you the trouble of walking. A Family moved l . . Oh, no, but. I m the party you want, and I ca.n t pay the bill. PleaseAdon t go and ring the bell for my wife has just gone to bed with the sick head-ache and you ll disturb her. Fine weather for winter, isn t it 1 ` . Am,` 1an1:n`\L..A A `event-\`t1_I|nI'\+ t\:l ltI'lU VVl,l.lIIUI.' 151]. II III I `And,he lighted 9. twenty-cent cigar, took` a new grip on his gold-headed cane, and Tsmilingly wrenched himself away to pursue his ` walk. ----.--vn- Jack Frost: Conquered. Although during" the cold season Jack Frost gets in his work lively, yet Hag- vard s Oil beats him every time. curing chil- blains, frost bites,- and all their painful ef- fects. It also cures croup, Sore throat. rheumatism, and most painful affections. auv hlnaovunn rvgu Mamma. said the small boy, in the words, but not precisely in the spirit of Flanagan, of Texas, What are we here for? Here for 2 she rejoined vaguely. Yes. Why did God give us arms and legs and ngers and eyes and noses, and put us here 7" ttwku mu Angus `vim Iznnw_ "l`n Am-va God and to glorify him forever. U U5 ILUIU I Why, my deer, you know,,`,'{`o serve What's forever? Here and hereafter." Where s `hereafter? The small boy went tobed. A Living Question. Question-Is this life worth Aliying ? Answe;'- It all_de13ends upon the hver I" If torpxd or Iuactxve It causes a dull, tough, langmd feelmg. Dr. Chases Llver Cure gives health. and buoyancy. Sold by all - ...... -4- Principle of Hygiene. What`. should one do while he is waiting for the doctor 7 Make his will- To Whom it May concern. Geo. W. Platt, of Picton, says he oan`con- dently recommend Burdock Blood Bitters to any who su'er from loss of appetite, con- stipation and general debility. that remedy having cured him, after severe illness from the same complaints. ` I , . --1VIen s sun: at $6, , $9, $10, $12 and $15 up at Gray at `C09 Cash Store. _ Inllilttllllrss amuse: ---.-u.-.-...-. -. Perhaps the most extraordinary success that has been achieved in modern medicine has been obtained by the Dixon treatment for Catarrh. Out of 2,000 patients treated during the past. six months, fully ninety 1' cent. have been cured of this stubborn ma a_dy. This is none the less startling when it is remem- bered that not ve per cent. of patients pre- senting themselves to the regu`ar practitioner are beneted, while the patentmedicines and other advertised curl -never record a sure at all. Starting with the claim now generally be- lieved by the most scientic men that the disease is due to the `resence of living para- sites in the tissue, r. Dixon at once adapted his cure to their externfnation--Lthia_ accom- plished, -he claims the Catarrh is practically eured,and the permanency is unqnest_ion_ed.as cures eeeted ye him four y`ears'Iag,o are enrea still. N on one_else hasever attempted to cure -Catarrh in this manner. and no othertrest- ment has ever cured. Catsprh,__ The applica- tion at tho.`-`l`.0m0d'!;i_l.. simple}; be done at hem and the resent season of the year at fshe mos lavourii. lejforfa, sed"pertns-, nent gIre.the$`msiority of sjaseg* hsflng_eured tn onegtreatmentg 1-. :snum--,.<:. shehld :7 ' . f d 'i*.l!..H9!,-I'- A He DIXON & son. ins street vest,` Canada`; inelou gtamp for on Catu`-:n.. -.1... am: Star. Nos. -17. area s 3}I:`;'ga tT` OA'l'ARBP-A iucw rnnarunxr. _ _; __L.._- ;_.I!._-_.. --_-. The Small Boy. THE NORTHERN` ADVANCE. -.-v `.-.---`--.-v ~----. g... _-_ ...'_.._- I `At-a,recep`tion atMrs. Horetio` Kingis i `I met our consu1,- Huang Sih Chuen. He is small and quiet, even shy. He was in full toggery and I hardly know how the snipping scissors of a crazy-quilt iiiend could have been kept off from him had he appeared in some of our small towns. The ricliness of _the stuffs, heav- ily braided and embroidered, would have been a. great temptation. Indeed, the V tout ensemble of the little man would have made a. very gorgeous center-piece 4 for a prize quilt. ' ' rm, ,.,.I.... *r1:1--.J L-..L .._.... 1.1-- ....a.-_... -\p1`i1 -2 '7 1886.. av vv r --.-V \1\poAvI :1`he color I liked best `was the coffee .tiI1t"of his highly polished skin. Of- ` course not a spear of hair was allowed to wander away from thelong cue. It was drawn so -tightly I think it must be di- rectly responsible for the upward. in- clination of tl1e corners of his little, black, velvet eyes. We are indebted to Bret` Harte for that expression so con- venient on some occasions, childlike and bland, ' but since I have seen other : than;the heathen Chinee I can t help- thinking how admirably "it `answers to sum up the marmers of those who do not ` use their capacious sleeves to secrete the missing cards. They are, as a race, it [seems to me", most childlike, simple, and tmaffected. Imagine any one of us, of such ancient pedigree that we could trace ourselves back to Confucius, taking, lessons `in English as calmly and un-' consciously as this consul. rm-.. _AA..Ai..-.-- .....,J' ....J...\.....-.nJ.A.. 111.. " VVVV `="" ":`J --~ "'0' ~".'--~"-- . The secretary and interpreter, Mr." Wing, Wore his -store clothes so natur- ally that I asked how it happened and was told that he was notexactly bornin them,Vbut,' coming here to school when the was very small, he had grown up in the clothes of an American `tailor. He is one of those whom Mr. Burimgame in- duced. the Chinese governmentto send here to be educated, and he isia graduate ` of Yale." With the permission to dress" ; as our men do came the royal consent to the Melican man.--M1's. E. B. Custer in Chicago Tribune. ' - ~ cut off the cue, ashe wears his hair like 'l`he_Phonogra.ph of the Future. Inventor Thomas A. Edison` has been working on the phonograph, which has heretofore amounted to nothing but a toy and which he proposes to make useful. ` 3' He is building a phonograph with a ve- : foot wheel to be driven by steam, and 1 by means of a funnel thirty feet long the i sound imparted to . the phonograph is to _ be magnied forty times. . Thus sound will be carried to a distance of two blocks from the speaker. - . \ `l`).-L .' II `[)I.'....._ A-.. .......`l.... '31. .... ..A naxlucn u.-v u1J\.uu-v-u But if Mr. Edison can make "it repro- duce the - tones and manner of the orator as exactly as it will repeat his words, the decay of American oratory may be ar- rested, for it will `be easy for a city full of people to hear a favorite orator with- out having to crowd each other and get their pockets picked in order to get *within hearing distance. The phono- graph wi1l,vmoreover, become a valuable I assistant chairman of national.conven- tions. The permanent chairman, who now smashes gavels and howls himself hoarse in the efforts to stop the uproarious applause that has greeted somebody"s speech nominating the other faction s candidate, will be able to make a sugges- tion tothe phonograph in an undertone and have it repeated in a thundertone. A .. .. .......1L..`. Al.` If\Ill\"\fO '4-Ln U\l\Ir\r\t\nInt\v-st` uuA\4. aauuv \l 4.-4 Q\/tJ\4\aJw\4\a can u: v vnAQvI\4Av\rAA1./I As a queller of mobs the phonograph will also prove useful. The able chief of police can stand inside the barricaded station and tell a mass of rioters in the 3 street, via_ the phonograph on the station house roof, to go home by 2 o clock, sharp, or they will be" fired into. Science is a great thing and Mr. Edison is a great yman of science.-Phi1ade1phia. Times. Errors Concerning Opium-Smoking. . Dr. Earle read, before the Chicago Medical society, an interesting paper on opium-smoking, in which he held that there are many popular misapprehensions. concerning this vice. There are 2,000,-000 opium-smokers in Chin_a,or less than tWo-. : thirds of 1 per cent. of the `population- not so great a. proportion as people. gener- ally believed; In Chicago he held that there were less than 200 habitual opium- smokers, and these in every case were dissolute members of society. __:j LL-;. -11 4.1.- L..`I`I- ..1..,.-;;. -1- lI.LDB\IIl.I-U\/ ll\llllll\.1l\) VA y.r\J\1A\IvJ He said that all the -tall: about ele- ? gantly-dressed, respectable women being driven to opium dens in their carriages to `hit the pipe, was mere rubbish. The symptoms characterizing the recovery from the eects of a smoke were similar to but less severe than those in opium` eating. Opium smoking had no particu- larly harmful effects physically, but it resulted in moral wreck-all opium smokers being liars. Legislation against the smoking of opium had been very suc- cessful in Nevada, and the police here had done much to check the habit. He contended that it is a vice and not a. dis- ease, and that opium smokers do notcare to'reform.--Chicago Tribune. to an awum. V _ Generously praising the attractions of that affected creature who always cuts her out. i f ' i Not ridiculing the man she secretly t _prefers-nor quizzing what she seriously adgiires. 1 `us 1 II !,__JH The Seven Wonlderse of a Young Lady. Keeping her" accounts in preference to an album. 0 0 ` :1 :1,___L_|,_._ _A `IRA ot changing her dear, dear friend quarterly--or -her dress three times a. day. Reading a novel without looking at the third volume first; or writing a. let- ter without a postscript; or taking wine at dinner Without saying the smallest dropin the world; or singing without `-`a ba.d"co1d;" or Wearing. shoes that were not a. mile too big for her. ' r (I'._-._..`. .. `I....`L.. ....'J.'I...-...L .'.~..~..~.J3nL.-J.-. W sayings Sandwiched with Para;-' g1`.'1}_)hS for the Serious--'I`he Beat` the Scissors Can Find.

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