IIIIU IIUCLI 15 GB WUUIl CD ULI IILIU Ullll BIILU. Mr. Hearn was the critic, and he criticised. the lecturer s work at considerable length, but generally in the spirit of commendation. He was followed by Messrs. Hay, Lennox, MuKeggie, Blackstock, Jack, Purvia, Duck, Gunn and the president. There will be no meeting next week, but in two weeks the president will read an essay on Capital and` Labor. The Society will then close for the I mmuier season. i \lb.lKB ' < Whenwill correspondents learn that per- sonalitles are of no interest to. the public ? V? `Judge : Interim Court. ` There was an interim court on Tuesday, and a. manwas convicted of house breaking. _aud sentenced to a. term of imprisonment. ' Huw much 1.x:<;1Te-Es` :<;i(i'-i'1'1 any shop in Ttosn by exposing the goods on the side \ ks? xx-n,_,, _.,_-I1 _-._._-____.`l-_L.. 1--.... &l....J- v\nu . Our "story. The attention of our readers`. is directed to Booth 3 Baby, 3 new story commenced in to t]ay s issue. Our stories are always good. ll ESSG00ll$ AN PRINTS % ARE SPLENDID VALUE THIS SEASON. The steamboat Africa, lying at Owen I Sound, was said to have been on re on Thursday night and in danger of total" de- _a....- ..J.2 A'\ .oou-..--..-`, struction. 'LLiNERY STOCK umPLm` `. l . . } THE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY of London, England. View of the `World for {Three A Bird's Eye T Days ~- Canadian. United states and General News." [\1`_.lH]1ll Mclielcan of Halilton is THE IMPERIAL INSURANCE COMPANY ` of London. England. ` THE GLASGOW Sc LONDON INSURANCE I Company, of Great Britain._ \ _._.__.._._._._._.__.__._.. ARM FOR SALE.-122 ACRE FARM FOR7 farm for sale or rent, Lot 23. 7th Con. Ves pro, 1} miles from Barrie, on good road; land is sandy oam with clay bottom; 90 acres cleared and well fenced, all under cultivation. 40 acres in crop. balance seeded down; good well of water, a. small pond in the barn yard; ood house, large barn 60 x 40. stable under the rt- that will hold 20 head of cattle. driving and im plement sheds. shee and pi houses, &c., a` good youn orchard. illbe so d on easy terms or rented or a number ofyears. Applti at the ADVANCE Ofce. or to the owner on e pro mises. 20-tt ROBERT HUBBERT _ Land and I m~ora:z-ce-agent, _L'1'f;,* Ffe'and ' Agcident. ' `-5,, L- th(gt;!3<;c:ikB3)::s'E`:l1_: <; Street. `next door to Bu-`rie. Blot March. 1888. 12-1y "1-i. PIEKNDERS, E umcmwwq TAILOR, O RENT.--A ZLU Aumu ranm, oemg 140$ 22. Con. 3, in the Township of Flos. well situated on leadimgroad to Stayner. There are a good house and am on the pro erty. and a clearance of about 15 acres. The arm will be leased for a. term of years, on an improving lease at a nominal rent. to_ a ood man. Pos- session immediately. Agiilyy MCCARTHY. PEPLER & MCCART . Solicitors, &o. Barrie. 13-1 g TRAYED. - strayed into the premises of the | 6. rs! ed Lot 14. Con. 6, Innisl, bo 1: meggtot glctoiaer last, 3 calves. the owngr cgn :.'?...*~v .*::i,:*::. 3325" `3 sawsz 'r ORN ER. Innisl P. 0. V 15-18p a FARM*l'0R sum: IN 1 wnahl I V I the w..3.1?.e1;?n. 6.111211% 4the'8::1 ..ooon on 100 -Englaud. There has been 1'11": zit Montreal. .\{n1'1tr0ul.is duiscvun I'mtmliC _s:a1'de11s - Mr. L`. H. Sproul: Pmvinciul Auditor. ml. .`\Yi\r-H1 [j ALUABLE .I:SUUn l.".A.l:Sl. Jun 5414:: 1.11 V the Townshl of rs, oo tllnog West i of lot 6 in 34th 011.. 01:01! 8 th more: Inoreor ens. 8000- 0186 NM OIIADO 10; for further particulars trip}! at the um: Once. or to the owner. BANTING, masgm; E} MORROW THE P}! (ENIX FIRE OFFICE OF LONDON . England. ' Gomparison and Inspection invited. Dress and Mantle Making in all its branches. 0FFIOE:-- bozzm Street, `Barrie. unj- essons given in all Branches of nmznnna nu-nwimz_ &:c.. ace, Lessons given m an nrauuuuu U1 Painting, Drawing. 820.. 850. Terms on a.pp11cs.tion West of STU D IO :-Up-stairs. Fire Hall. Co1_1ier_street. Barrie. v*j~%~- Current Queries. --AGENT FOR-- `JUST ARREVECI)! Our Low Prices! i We are bound- to sell Boots and Shoes at lower rrices than they can he ` bought elsewhere in the county. The reasons why we can do this are these : Ouriexpenses are very low for the business we do. We pay cash for our goodsiand get the largest possible discount. We have a lsrge and co mnodious store available and convenient in every particulzvxyr: L `We have experienced and accomplished salesmen who take the greatest i pains to fit people well andshonestly advise "them as to their requirements. ` . l ` We make no losses in accounts, for we have none. We sell es we buy , for cash, and for `cash only. We carry an immense stock of good, serviceable and stylish Boots and Shoes that can be thoroughly relied upon. N.B.--Y0u will nd Clayt< `Grocery, having re-leased his new rr_:._ 9_.D..-n.. ` vv\...J , ..... . -._: {air 85 ' Booth. Old World. The Igswcxx will open the Colonial and lmlizm lCx'11i_bition. 'I'hc Alxxmpcrial budget Was introduced on VH1\1rsi`z1y t.-Vening. ' The Crown Prmce Frederick William Prussizl has the measles. Mr. (:1`:1+1st0x1e is going to his country ` -I\ 8if1v:?<:t- for Lwo'weekS' rest. Boo=i-s Az%~$ %%`sEOE$! w TOOK 1 a 11 th V? ltiesiand lnest qualities in LADIES, U'%1NETS End CHlII]4(l)uI F8On'l0W(:ARE, and all articles usually included in 'aFIRs'1`.cI .Ass STOCK. LOOK AT THEM--I I` WILL COST YOU NOTH- T171`! " '1'1'~I<'3.` DUNLOP STREET `Eight Doors East orofa Stand. McCarthY s Block, `L % I BA.:a:n.I12:. Which we are now seilitng at a (ireat % Discount. V J O H N C L A Y ' DUNLOP STREET. ST 0 C K 0 F \' `v./ A If!` H A NI wl-wt` no YOU wmwr '-. BLA CKM our), m uEwsLco msimI@inE. R. A. DOUGLAS, P. F. EWAN, W. H. MYERS & s01\T._ FOR SPRING AND SUMMER? MERCHANT TAILOR, find Clayton at his old stand, next door to F-arquhareotfs -l_easei3 his otore in Brown s new block to Messrs. Coulter, THE JEWELLEB. -- 1N THE LINE OF----- .all the noveltiesfand .nest qualities n-nu 'I .Vl\r\l'IYI7AI11Z1 _-_.1 -11 .....L-.`.\.. ........`l1.. :.....I..A...J sxmmns THE rrrn our or A ndzmi. COLUMNS mro onn. V IMPORTER, &o., BA RRAUD IS NOW MAKTNG DIRECT PHOTO- GRAPHS FROM CARD SIZE UP TO ll X I4 CABINETS ZBCDTI-IVKTEILIRS BLOCK, raznwa $3.00 PER DOZEN. THE PH|lT|ll}Bl'IllIli, .B.LI?.IElII-2'1, BARBIE {on me l1;1\'c only ouo case more to hear. Provincial Auouox. The N orth West medals for the Kings.` n have arrived. ` ,\[m1trc.1l`tllreat_ens to stop all com. ;m1uic:sti<.>x1w1tl1- Longueiul. " _ _ ` Milton Council has resolved to petition. ;1.rtl1e repeal of the Scott Act. T119 Nia::ax'a Falls Park arbitrators ll. ll:-y, teller of the Stratfordf ll1`zmL'll luau}; of Montreal, has 'diaa.ppea.r- un_ I a\u\.na n-uvv nu gu vguvvu -- -_._-_-.. `H111 lamd ::f'!`VzLM)iI1g intentions. ' "m- Urn-gun has commenced at Liverpool. I...mx:yint.<.t`11e cause Of the wreck of '1!-,.- l~`n~m-h uiwernment proposetitd de- ` 2 `;"'|/UH frzincs to the Pasteur Insti- `-'r.mlru1 di\'vx`cu case- .\n ..n.H2I'C&t1 Hf cholera. ant" ':1\1:-ivs srm.- 1L!;u`1n'in France. 3 W13 gmdtox be trm- .\.si:Ltic clxtnlera. . _ The mm uf a general has been arre_sd 231' up-rnplicity in the recent plot to kl `Lu l".m;m~u1-ufhlxssia. V ` T 71 ` - - - V ` ` Ihu p1;_'_1Ifn11 mzmufacturers of Great I`-rimin lmvu agreed to 1`6BtI`l_Ot the olltput _m uI".`l4-[`VfH llliliintifl prices." , I.u- l(:u1lul111 C11t11'ch.i11d6c1.ares thlit. Hg: 1:?-`...~x`.1,,., Home `Rule 1311.1 mean n.w. `..;".- 1'}-1u.:z.1 uf H10 (7I1iOll. .`.1r. > will `contest Brad-A znv,.1,-.1-mi vamuxt. by the death `Of. =~i;T. 2'. :.."`-`C. F. l"m'atcr. ' . { \ kw". {i.:.:M;~;m_zx Mtcxaclckl a. meeting Of. ` "" !` en: ..:.i l':LCI` 1nLi0 UlliOll In {, -.;;..'v :1 ~l_;.|. \\\:dImau1ay evening. `x-11A:L;- .. -. . ..-._._...` _' 1:33 2:. 1:3" :.:i;"z~:2:k$'R'oLoG1cAL REPORT. pm; : um Thu Frulnch eet is reported at Tahiti` .'.L 1.. ' ..] 4;...`-1.1-v\.v :v\C~nnI:nnn ' luuu. new ' V . _ more Custom s sen /.ures {onh nun I11 [1Llkur--4 --7' _ V . ' `wardens ` 4 _ . Iltfg Sproule has been appomter` - I l nrJ1'fnV' . -u_n u riloose I .-ti-1Sir(_`}1:1rles Dilke has asked -11.';,1r:;ct)r to iu_t6;`\'en6 in the 7 I ` ; 1.3m.`Wecl:eEnd1ng April 17th, 1886. e mi :-;r1Env,,;e1ikc temperature pre\?a.i1ed Um: \\m`}\', OUG {I N. E. Hm il`l(.`,\ to 24 O, the following six m1:.y to ..\`.'1tu1'day, there has been m the uir-the mean night tempera- "Li 34L . There was three full cloudy th n rs`. ll. wind but the mean tem- : ha-1.1 the comfortable range bf forty- H K1-\'.nu,5'nn1-_u vhonn nvnrrnfh hf Qua! rcA-nding of_t;11e _Home Rule '~--ll`1ms1puIl_Cd till the 101411 Of -\:._,ldwin,S_u1"1th is going 0` 1, , .is discussing the question. of ~i'5'1u'~x the Bill for the exprop-I .- land of. the Poles :1. defen- Luv bu uu: vv uu a In 1Ja1'vucu".' The three other men stared at one another in surprise, for Bootles was one of the best whist players in the regiment, and" in an ordinary way would as soon have thought of counting honors as of -settling the question of partners other than by cutting, except in the case of a. revenge. W111! I-nlrnn nnv-A AP nniiv-an nan #..u'-u.l| H U510 `-3959 \IL (I IIFVUIJEVJO Why, take a card, of course, my friend, laughed.Lacy. in a ridiculously soft; voice. Lacy was a recent importation from the White Dragoons, and had taken possession of the place left vacant in Bootles every- day life by Scott Laurie's nlarriage. Ah uvnno 1-A kn c11rn;_n11f nf nnunu-n T %,;;;7y:;;t;"1:e:.`:,:::;:,"aiszzmse. I believe, said Bootles, looking at the three faces before him in an uncertain way-I [believe I ve got a heada'che. Hl'\Iq A41-u'um HI. I'Iv`\-:m`- 67.. .. I......l....I.... )9 IJUJ-ICVCL VU SUV (N I4IW\I(4U\4I-ICU Oh, nothing like whisb for a headache," answered Harbog, turning up the last card. Ace of diamonds. . However, after stum- bling through one gan1e--after twicevtrump- ing his partner s trick, a revoke, and sev- T eral such like blunders-he rose to his feet. (743-..- -__- _-_.- -'lI...-.... 1'1... .... _.--.J L- in| CIGL nuuu Lino Ill uuuoa D`-'uU L U00 UU IIIG LUUU. It?s no use. you fellows; Pm no good to- Tnight-I can t even see the cards. Get some one to take my_ place and make a fresh- start. ' 111171, _ __.__I.__ ll` `l)._-LI-.... I` .....'-.`l `l3.-....A._-- yv uuv an nu It s `a devil of a headache, answered Bootles promptly. Here s M1les-the very mau. Good night. hr: _..1 ...:...l.L H ....n..,: LI... 0-11,-....... ..N-an I-\1'vu\ luau. Uuuu LlLLlt'n Good night, called the fellows after him. Then they settled down to their game, and Preston dealt-. ` LL-\1',__`-_. ...__.. `l1--LI-_ ____'I__ L-6-_..1! .....',I ouuusu. Luucsn, Juun Avuu. Meantime Bootles went iwearilv awav. al- most feeling his road under the veranda of the mess rooms, along the broad pave in front "of the oicers qua:-tens, and up t-he wideight of stone steps to his rooms fac- ing the green of the barrack square. Being the senior captain, with only one bachelor eld oicer in the regitnentfhew had two large and pleasant _ rooms, not very grandly furnished, "for, though a rich man, he was not an extravagant one, and saw no fun in having costly goods and chattels to be at the tender niercies of soldier servants; but theyewere neat, clean andecomfortable, with a sufficiency of great easy traveling chairs, 1 plenty of fur rugs and lots of pretty little 1 pictures an'l kniclbkuacks. _ . i vmm Hm: in his: nittina-rnhln was fast dv- It was considerably after midnight when one of three oicers seated at a whistz, table "in the messroom of the Cavalry Barracks at Idleminster, where the Scarlet Lancersiwere quartered, called out. "Bootles, come and take a hand--there s a good chap. nn.nf A la-urn nn "Porno:-o rnnuvn nnrn-ma-.`l.. known as Bootles, looked up. wsnv u uu.uu'-"vuu1U 3 cl. guuu. uuup. ' Capt. Algernon Ferrers, more commonly T Ann: vninr} 1'? T An 7 Inn uni.` u.-Im'n... nvlrl na-Iv H u an J-JUUULU-3, IUURUU U11. I_don't mind if I do, he said, rising and movmg towards them. ~ What do you want me to do? [Who's my partner? T 'I`1'|n +}n-no nl-lnznv vnnn efnv-arl .nl- nun l\u`r\+`-\Ik1 ys; he gets tese `headaches some- times," answered Hartog. Not often, though. Miles, your lead." - Nfnnnl-.u'n1a 'RnniJm: went vumn]`I']V mvav. Ill- plcnures uu'l uuwn-nuuuna. The re in his sitting-robm was fast dy- ing out, but a bright and cheerful blazed]- lumined his sleeping-room, shining on the brass knobs of his cot, on the silver orna- mentations at the corners of his dressing- , -.. ;1.-...- .-... Onnm cu-sand-. hnfttlna nn the BOOTLES BABY. 7' JUII What is it?" ` `mtg- - _1A_'..' IIIOIIDIIDIUIIH am 7 vuu vun nuns: u; sue: uuu.uub- case, on three or tour scent bottles on the tall, vcxfetonne-petticoated `toilet table, and on the tired but resplendent gure of Booties himself. ` YT .1--- ..,.....`I $1. `Lu ... ulna! nnvsnd-in 1m-son n` DOODLBH uuusuu. He dragged the big chair pretty near to the fire, and dropped into it wit/h,a. sigh of relief, absolutely too sick and weary to think about getting intzobed just then. Hartog had said, sometimes these headaches ~ seized him, but it did not happen often; in fact, he had not had one for more thau' a year--quibe often enough, he said. run -hn hm! been lvinq {in the biz: As` ULLULI ULIUUSU, U P9" we11,.he had been lying J11 Ltthe big and easy chair,:his eyes shut and his hands hang- ing idly `over the broad straps which served om. um: fnr net-bans half an hour.` when mg lly uvur hub Luuwu. mu Kay: . for arms, for perhaps hour, to his surprise he heard a soft, rustling move- ment behind him. His first and not un- natural thought was that the fellows had come to draw him, so, without moving, he called out, Oh! confound it all, don t come ` boring a poor devil with a headache. "By Jove, it s cruelty to animals, neither more nor less. ' c l - . l The soft rustling ceased, and'Bootles closed his eyes again, with a devout prayer that they would, in response to this appeal, take V I-nun: nun v `.11.. -again, accompanied bya sound which made I beat so furiously as tobesimply suffocating. 7- VL -___ -.l "nu: avnnnafnd-- rlL--DEvIL. ,, themselves off. But presently it began, his heart jump almost into his mouth, and , 83 HQ UUDl1|l1.;J`y nulzuvuuxusq It stopped--was repeated-1'he--DEVIL,. muttered Bbotles. . n__4. :4. -.....u nnt Hun Anvil at 811-m01`6 like muttered booties. But it was not the devil at al1.-n1ore a little angel, in truth; for after a moment`s irre:.~olution he sprang from his chair and faced the horror behind him.` It really was a horror to him, for there, sitting up among 5 the. pillows of the cot. with the clothes pushed back, was a baby, a baby Whose short golden curls shone in the re1ight--a little child dressed in white, with a pair of wide-open, wondering eyes, as bright as stars and as blue as sapphires. ` Bootles stood in dismay staring at it. "Where, in the name of all that s wonder- ful, did you come from? `he asked aloud, keeping at a safe distance lest it should sud- denly start howling; V - ' But the little stranger did not bowl; on the contrary, as its `bewildered eyes fell upon Booties resplendent gure, his gold laced scarlet jacket and gold embroidered waist- . coat of white velvet, his gold laced overalls and jinglzng spurs, it stretched out its little arms and cried, B00. b00. b0.0-1" ` ' Booties took a step back in his surprise, and his headache vanished as if by magic. By-. Jove! he exclaimed. _ Boo-'-boc_--boo!. crowed the usurper of I/LIL! bun, ya... , Bcotlos wentvatstep-nea1'e1'. "Why your 8. queer little beggar," he remarked. `Where A did you come from, eh? e ~ Tte queer little beggar suddenly changed its tone, and started another system of crew- ing more triumphant and `cheery thap the nal. 1. .4 -1- m :4. u?`l\'Thy, you rill, Bootlos, cried_ Presfon. rmknf `a 1112', I Unuuu. uu_-_|_a v. NeV61` Saw `Booties seedy before, said luuv \ ........n -n.- V ` Sixt.y-seveupersons are known tb have" been killed by W ednesda.y s cyclone In, 3,, __1.1.; `I)nA`-`nu want ;m. . co Chucka -- chucks. - cbucka. - chuck ! it went. V _ Booties began to laugh. Ca.n t talk, hey: Well, what do you want? as it ct:-uggled ercely to rise, _and stretched out 1123 V small 1. U The oan.{,,.;;d` CHAPTER I. I. 4- chucka - "Why, you r _ Lrked. Where t -4 chuck it_ gobbled the baby, as it it were the best joko in the world. Bootles positively roared. . - You don t mind? Well, come alongy thei" 5DP1`&0hi11g Very gingerly, and won- d"m8 where he should begin to get hold of it : S0 to speak. TEA hnkw 3...... _.-A.4.1-'; A`, . . o 1 1 3 av, 5 \_I vu apulut. ` The b?-by Soon settled that question, hold- ing out 1ts arms towards his neck. Then, 5mhW he gaghered it up and carried it . in doubt and trepidation to the big chair by *9 re Where the creature sat contentedly P011 his knee, the curly golden head resting . against his scarlet jacket, the soft ngers of one baby` -hand tight twined round one of 1115: the other picking and wandering aim- 13881Y about the serous and curves" of the gold embroidery on his waistcoat. Ru .TI\\r:x' ~m-...1.... .. 4-11.. run- ..1.__. n --:.a Ex-Tl reside11t Arthi1r's.health is said ' tb ` he in :1 very unsatlsfactory -condition. * rx 1 1, I,,_ ,_______1 _\ EVA cu: u1'U1ul'_Y OD Ill! WSISECORU. _. By Jove! you re a jolly little chap, said `Booties, just as if it could understand him. But the question is, where did you come from, and what s to be done wxth you? You can t stop here, you know. The babe s big blue eyes raised themselves to his," and the ngers which had been twined round his made a grab at his watch > chain. Gar-g'a1'---gan--ra.h! it remarked, in dsuchfevident delight that Bootles laughed again. uni. -._}_ 1.-u`__ ,-. -. . v-- -- I-05005510 Oh, you like it, do you? Well, you r0 8 queer little beggar; . no mistake about that, I wonder whom you belong to. and where you live wli-in you are at I ome! Can't be 3 barrack child--tooi dainty`-looking and not` slobbery enough. `And this dress--taking hold of the richly, embroidered white skirt-- this must have cost a lot; and it"s all lace, fnn, V\I\J He knew what embroidery cost by his own 1 mess waistcoats and his in: ice. Then not only was the dress of the c 11d of _a very costly description, but its sleeves were tied `up with Cambridge blue l ribbons_ that were evidently new, and-its waist was encircled by a broad sash of the same material and tint. Altogetherit was just such a child as A he was occasionally called upon to admire in the houses of his married brother oloen; yet that any lady in the regiment would lend her baby for a whole night to a set of harum scarum young fellows for the purpose of playing a trick on a brother officer was manifestly absurd. And besides that, Bootles was so good-natured and such a favorite with the ladies of `the regiment that he thought he knew all their babies by sight, and he became afraid that this one was in- deed a little stranger in the land, welcome or unwelcome. . . ` 1T,A_3n_-1, AI :01` one I.,,I_,IV ua V cu..uu.|v. ` they got it? And if iwas not the fellows doing, `why should V any one leave a baby asleep in his cot? The whole thing was in- xplicable. V . - T ...o- H"... 4.1.- .;Ln.a- :... ..1....:..... ...:n.. :t"it it was the renews doing, whre had WULIJC '7 LIUI `J fllltil-I I UL]~7 CIIIIJE \.'l| AC1. \}\I 5311 V ; A note. This grows melodmmatic, said Bootles, craning his neck to nd it. Oh, ' here we are! Now we shall see. n'_. ._...a. _.__... ___.:J.A.-__ __. n__`__- 1,, I. Q!.;An\/calltvu Just then _the child,` in playing with his chain, `slipped a. little on the smooth cloth of his overalls , and Bootleg, with a. Whoa! whoa, my lad! hauled it up again. In doing so he -felf a piece of paper rustle somewhere about the emb;-oichlered skirt. llA __-4.- rIu__'_ ____I_:l___,__-L_"_ n____I 1101!.` vvv uavs Lilli! VVIJ-VIJIUII aux}. , \ The `no'e was written in a[ firm, large, yet`; thoroughly femmme hand, and ran ` thus: v V ` or go to the work house. I cannot break my You will next absolve me from my oath ! of secrecy resyecting our marriage, though now that I have offended you, I may starve `oath, though you have broken all yours, but , I am determined that you shall acknowledge 1 your child. 1 am going to leave herto-night ` in your romns with her clothes. By mid- night Ishall be out of the country. I do "this because I have obtained 8. good situa- tion. and because when I reach my destina- tion I shall have spent my last shilling. I give you fair warning, however, that if you desert the child, or fail to acknowledge her. I will break my oath and proclaim our mar- riage. If you engage a nurse she will not be much trouble. She is 0. good and sweet- tempered child, and I have called her Mary, after your dear mother. Oh, how she would pity me if she could see me now! ' Fare- well. ' From that moment Bootles absolved the follows from any share in the affair; but * what todo with the child he had not the ! least idea. LAVA. .-_ LL- -..-_..' .3--3| 9, Ian nIu:l'I n`nnt1 ~ uausu luau. _ - _ It is the very devil, he sald a.lo1_1d,- watching the busy ngers still playing with his chain. ._A_L-_.-.l IA. __.1_........!1.. :1` `...'a Among .`~nn:L. _ , A The nlnmluls given for service in Egypt by the_l\x`.o vuyugeurs have arnved at Mttzxwzx. = . All true <,`;uxad1:u1s_s will be glad to learn I that Sir Juhll Mac'dona1d sA health is_ much _m1)[`uV L`d. . I Thu m1m.l;_;:m1a.ti0n of -t_he Kingston and Tnrunto Womo1'1's Medlcal Schools will _J,,.rt]y he made. ' I turn ' ._ `____ __V U-I5 cuuxu. He gathered it awkwardlv in his arms` e and rose to look for the clothing spoken of i in the letter.` Yes, there it was, a parcel of goodly size, wrapped in a stout brown paper cover, and on the chair beside his cot lay the outdoor garments of a. young child--a white coat bordered with fur, a f~ur-trimmed cap, and some other things which Bootles did not quite uiiderstand the use of; white wool ngerless gloves ` (at least he didnot know what else they could be), and some longer things of the same class, like stock- ings without feet. . nnnnau chnnlr hie hand hnwilrlnrina-Iv- Lugs Wlbupuu Luau. Bootzles shook his head bewilderinglv. Mother means it to stop; I don't know. what to do, he`sa.1'd helplessly. ' . TL 4sl\r|1Ii`I`l\I in `min: 4-`Inn .I\n". I\nI\"Iav\:I wuuu LU uu, no muu. uutluoaazj. It occurre.l to him then that perhaps ` \- some of the fellows might be able to make a suggestion. He did not know what to do with the child for the night, nor, for the matter of that, what to do with it for the moment. He had the` sense not to take it out into the chill midnight air, and when he attempted -to put it back into the cot it re- helled, clinging to -his watch-chain with r mightend main`. - HXATAH hnvn if`. than hA mid- slinnimr it mlgub lulu. uluul. `Well, have it then, he said, slipping it off. ' , 1__I.__ ..1.....'.,..`l ".3411. `Jan 1.114-I-or-{nu fnv Ho ' . . , The baby, pleased with the glittering toy, `set up a cry of delight, and Bootlestook the opportunity of slipping out. He entered- tbe ante~x`oom with a very',rueful face, find- ing it pretty much as he had left: it. Lacy was the first to catch sight of him. u1*r,_n.. 1),..`1..... ...hnd-Ta Hm; sun!-..J".nh2 11 was But) ursu l:U Ctuuu bnduu u; uLuu Hello, Bootles, what?s the Inat-tab? he tisked. Is your head worse? T A umn. 'I.......-H til. `I ` {"nmrnf. all nhnnf. .1'f.,'" GSKOH. "LS your lluuu. wux bt`: My head? Oh, I forgot all about -it, Bootleg replied. But, I say, Pm in amass, The1'e s a, baby in my room._ . V - "`A what?" they cried, with one voice. ` A - A baby, repeated Bootxles, dismally. A1--ive?Aasked' Lacy, with his head on _ -_'_I.. O `LI-*' o v no side. at A 1.`-.- one slue. Alive. Oh, very, very` much `so. and means to stop. for it has brought its entire wardrobe and a. letter of introduction - with ` it,` holding the letter for any one to take who chose. Itwas Lacy who did so, and he asked if he should read it up. (.`I`f... .1. 5.1.1 Rnnflnu rlrnnnino info A wllc.-1Ya`;;.zfe"alad the latter` in hin ridiculous drawl of atvoice, and ceased amid profound silence--Fa-ah-well! A j Well? said Booties, nding no one seemed inclined to speak. Welli. 1.117.111! mm 'Pn-anfnn, nnlamnlv- it 17011 5;;-;|u\ -u, .......--. , _\1aynr Eluwlaud, of Toronto, has ap- ;-c:-tlcnl ta have the 1_1ames of 024 women put nu the votersl1st. .\ mzm nm_ncc1 Arthur has been arrest-. ed in Halxxlltnn changed with fraud in- \~.mn`cctiu11 with advertising dodges. ' United States. 7 " A strike among the New `York street mu` workers is reported. ' ` V 'l'nml>l.,-. seems to-be looming up among ; the C11-iczunro railway employes. I I , RSKGG II He Bl10ulu luau Lu up. * "Yes, do." said Booties. dropping into a chair with a groan. P'Perhaps some one else ' to it;., . T 1 w1clnl.o1-v`:`1-. .......l 4Lla.s `IAH-on in his ridir-nlnna i lncllllfau IIU sputum. VI cu; . \ v "'We1l, stud Preston, solemnly, it you want my opinion, Bootles, I think you ought to be ashamed of yourself.f .3 5wuu. ' protested. Oh. don p1`0l3BSI'o6(1. oh, donzt 1m3gineit s, me. I ve nothing ' to do with it. I shouldn't have come to you A f11wsitIhad. , T W euoNo no, of course not, returned Miles, promptly, but wtth an air which ra.!sedV t-Ler shout. . , anL`?`L-n ((-9: n rnnf. Anhllm Pft- in anot-Ler snouu. Then it s a plant, announced Preston, in tone of conviction. 3 "Of course it : a plnni5, . cried 30031936 %..W why in thevwide world should it be 1zedonmel` - - P `Wvuy, indeed?" echoed Miles, reeungly. ~..1.-_.-,1..- n n....n.-.. '...mH-.nuI` Hanna 1* pin`-1300 on me!" _why, indeed? ehoeti ."Besi'J.es, Booties continued; "some at -on know my mother. and that hit nun. "was not Mary, but Margbrob. V X nera1w1:"}ci3weq, but Bootles .n:\`-nufjia ;THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. Barrie Literary Society. There was a large attendance at the Barrie Literarv Society on Tuesday night. Several old members whovwere in town on a visit were present, and many ladies showed their interest in the Society by their presence. Mr. Baikie nished his lecture on a Trip to New Zealand, and acquitted himself well. The lecturer gave a most interesting des- cription of Tasmania, the Mauritius, the Seychelles and Aden, presenting life like picturcs of natural scenery, dress .and the customs and habits of the inhabitants. Port Said, Candia, Marseilles, Paris, Versailles and the great world oi London were present- ed to the audience with such a richness of, phraseology that one could almost fancy he was an -actual spectator of the scsnes and persons described, The description of the Catacombs in the city of Paris was particular- 'ly instructive. Thosevast chambers of the dead embrace about ve acres of subterranian space, and it is estimated that the bones of at least six :1 illion human-beings are piled up :here, the skulls occupying one department, the long bones another, and the irregular ones a third, put up in a style so artistic, that one almost forgets his own mortality in contemplating these relicsfof the inhabitants of past ages. There are regular streets be- tween the piled bones. and the lecturer says the atmosphere of this underground city of the dead is as sweet as on the out side. \I, 11 ,, , ,, , _.__'lL_ _..2L_'_!__J Opposite ma. R., Staombunlop-$1., Barrie. nu. nu .. . ...J --------~- (`Ill for menus to Help the Gould strikers. .a`1.riu_v_t .eld,.ll1., observed the anniver- my Hi` tlm assassinatloii of Lincoln by ,xl,.~lic s T Tllmlduus Fziirbanks, the noted scale {:.;un:1'; l.-mi'o.-1'uf St. Johnsbury, \'t., died .. tcw dlys am aged 90 years; "l3nIh.l.s.g" Kelly wanted in _Ma.nitoba t 4; ililt'r;l'(i iuurnler will notibe extradited L. ll-xv l nixed States authorities. (lrmd Blaster 'P0iNder1;' has issued al .\`.;-y1':`l.:11`3' lluyard has made` representa- -nuns In the liritisli ggovernmentl regarding rm: l1`r;Ll1m`I)t accnrdedto Britisli shing wersclrs nu (_,`:umdian ports. -