jiin. t:on(:"s. mason, GC\l\T'\"I'I'I\l Cheaper an` anv House in or north of To- ronto. T P. at Moons, .~._.- - up-...~-.- II5Im.= &nov39"imNEss ---- w-j-- v--- c - ---_- ---:_._.-_j..g For Heavy Drauht or_Ex`ght Carriage use, in L. anv onntlng reqmred, [ ALWAYS mAsIooK oi: mm 10 onnan. . . . . _-... __. -.- .-_ . -. Strin%Be1ls, Broad, Louble and Sinle Bella rushes; Curry Combs. Vvhips _ nee Pads of all kinds. Harness bus [and Va.rnishes.. V 7-1-;--vvil-.l.jbJe'f-ou1:d:-`--'-"-' ' ' ' 2 noonswzsr or THE name HOTEL. "DRUGS, PATENT AMEDICINVE7, DYE STUFFS, SO-APS, COMBS, AND BRUSHES. um noon To BANK orcommanez. IBAYF-IELD STREET. NORTH or smcom HOTEL. THE ABOVEARE ALL STOCK COMPANIES. THE VVATERLO0 MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE 00. Capital, $500,000. THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY 1 OF ABERDEEN AND LONDON. nn AAA AAA nu F4L11_1y:5_EI1s:A GEO. DUDLEY, Ho USE,.SIGN FRES00 1 capite12.ooo.ooo; deposited with the Govern- . ment at. Ottawa $100,000. Reserve fund. 50,000 Sterling. THE MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE CO Cn.pita1$500,000; Government deposit made. 01r1rI01v.'_- U15-stairs-I_40NDUNH0USE,4 on Lemmas (f: Lennooc Flat. GEORGE MONKMAN, % `DHEMlS[AQ__p:UjGG|ST. _J AS.-SC P.OGGlE,- CONVEYANCER,VCOMMISSIONERIN H.C.J. Spepiai attention; to Crash Eyes and Ca.tva1- aot_ nmur 1411413. v.19 '1`U- 1.Nls`Ul:{M our numerous V o customers and the {mblic generally. that my sons having entered argely into the manu- facturing business and given up ordered work, have opened uphusiness in my old stand, so long and favora.bl.v known, and will be prepared to fill all orders in - the Boot and Shoe line. I am determined to keep up the reputation of the rm for ordered work, using only rst-class leather and ndings. From my long experience as a practical boot and shoe man, as well as my thorough know- ledge of all the requirements of the trade, I can condently tell all my old customers and many new ones they can have a neat t, sound and durable leather. and cheap boots by callinv at the old stand, where all orders can be filled with neatness and des atch. Remember the I place, one door east; of ,ueen s hotel. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY .coM1oUN1>i:D. Agent for the_ following `Insurance Companies INHTHINELIKB LEATHER: TOILET" ARTICLES--A FULL LINE. EKMMDYYARDS. EYE, EAR, THROAT AND NOSE. \ BIG STOCK`-OFT HORSE BLANKETS. Lnium `Dnlln I)-and T n..|\1.. n.-(A G:..n.`| A D A 1 1. PAINTER! `nn-u in must be en- dastry. Both ership. As a or admission, der to select may be pro- ever knowing ed by friends ellowship. ';I'\ T ` "BEG LEAVE TOAINFORM customers` the nnhlin Qnnnrnllv mm CITY OF LONDON, ENGLANiD, wearil I `Run: 4' {ESE mi mug SIGHT A call solicited for all kinds bf -...-..--.~.a.-.4 . v ` ; an dd\JAV.IJ\A Capital, .-`.3,000,000ter1ing. uamymuam I3qcxsr_4I|1_n `_sno_r_ I` Moore's Block Dunlonp-st. Barrie. ound. Each ige and if he d blacklisted ation of the ROBERf'i' NEILLJ - the t.nr7n1 25i'r}Hfi-E .-n savour ID\OAIu T BARBIE Respectfully 3-'o`ur,s, _THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. asgb ha_ve been gnven m every 1. ' They are the 31` tire. and Inn!` 11-1! Am 5 :,`.iu...5?*;:E%;E:?e=E*.;Le;3Em:I::zE;IE:r:hX.:*v=~saw '. - V - = , _'orq1i1p1ysttgndedto. ` lnen. ` 1 STCJVZEIS 2. s1:-ovms 2 2 ALL THE MOST APPROVED lh gK_ES. WITH THE LATEST_.AND. BEST FURNISHINGS ` _A'1_` MANUFACTURERS PRICES. _.-.n.____ _; _ __-_, For which the hig.h'c-st price will be gold in Cash or Goods. Ah lp.rge' stock of superior goods to choose om at manufacturers` pmces. rican Locks, Knobs,H inges, _i Paints, 0i|s, Glass, Putty, ' 'Axes, Saws---X Cut, Hand, Panel, Rip, Jones Spades, Shovels, Scoops, , Breech and Muzzle Loading Shot Guns, Sporting Ries, Winchester, Kennedy,'Colts, `Bob Runners, Sleigh Shoe Steel. - i Chain, Rope, Lanterns,Lamps, Coal Oil, |15o,ooo WOOL WANTED, Bjnmms sTOVE&FURNAcE n|=;PoTJ BA.B.R.IE% I WOOLLEN AND KNITTING MILLS. All kinds of TWEEDS, F LANNELS, BLANKETS, YARNS and HOSIERY manufactured on the premises. ALUBRICATING OILS, INTI`-"'1 AK FILES GLJMMERS '_. c--._. 1 .7`; g? ave paid over But we paid ported about uced. China 3. These are ultry intete e the value 0 orth in 1883 as cotton DIO ast two year} made in ill! 'L -. Q4-AM ;FURNITURE7 MANUFACTURER IN REAR OF MARKET BUILDING. RUBBER, ASBESTOS, TfI\AT'r R.A. l)amms s. FGR SOLI D COM F53 R ? ' Mills on John Street, Barrie. . 10 BARS OF somoR'-.="=,.. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE REVEESIBLE wove WIRE noon MAT. pIef._. Caskts and `Cot -. ns of various design and prices always in stock. . Al1 orders will re~ ceive careful attentlon. -:20-:-- OPPOSITE man nm I up :1` nnnm: . Funerals furnished cum- 1 NEXT oqoa TO THE_n9AN1-'_ON TEA STORE. JOSEPH LEffGH_'l`0N, $1 EBEIITEQ I [I3 MI.u:sAs?!-AxI9!I';e:LBaeTE-9%rusuA9:s MILL SUPPLIES. SLEEP on THE woven WIRE MATRASS.` BARS OF DINGMANS ELECTRIC SOAP FOR V BARWE A.'!'R T.R.9J! D- SAWS, MILLBOARD, &c_, SOUTH. SIDE DUNLOP STREET, JAMES WILKINSON, Proprietor. _.v- ITAEIAN HEMP, &c, ; BELTING, BABBIT ME'1`AL, ---um. S7I`EAM FI'l"I`I..\`GS, 1'\I'\VA hers rned by a` dis- clude ve or istrict assem-` Sold by 1). DUUGALL, GARPENTER AND '66FF1Ns AfID_dA sKETs O1ALL KINDS ---- V--~--7 . v-.".l-"7 V And all Funeral Requisites Furnished. ` Orders by Telegraph or Otherwise, Promptly attended to. - . e ' G." 0. DOLMAGE, Manager, Stroud. ;\.-.o.._.. ---A__.... __._ _____A, 7 _ STEAM WORKS Aim sIfo{v ROOM, COLLIER-ST.,V BAR RII5; 9:: AT .1. HENDERSON S. BRAss'6d IRON PACKING, ' I_r;;tock or MaTd-e1tov(5rder. "JOHN PLAXTON GDLLIEJI st. BARRIE. '-.PLAXTON 10~lY { sum . I s. WESLEY,Pub1ishar and Proprietor . A FOR 1886, Published by the Proprietor, S. Wesley, Barrie. Copies 25 cents at the ofce ; or sent bytmail, postpaid, on receipt of that THE NORTHERN ADVANCE Is the beat One Dollar Weekly Published ' the County of Simcoe,` and has ` the largest circulation. . Blank Forms of any'kind printed to Iorder. - 'couN1'v or simcos, t`f"\' `l$Z@ [room IIIREGTORYI ASSIGNMENTS OF I CHATTEL MORTGAGE. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, ETC. DIVISION COURT BLANKS, % MAGISTRATES BLANKS, SURROGATE COURT BLANKS,` CONSTABLES BLANKS. ` FARM LEASES, RENEWALS or CHATTEL MORTGAGE, DISCHARGE OF EQUITY OF REDEMPTION, I STATUTORY LEASES. DEEDS, MORTGAGES, CHATTEL MORTGAGES, QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE AGREEMENTS OF AT TORONTO PRIOES. JUDICIAL_DISTRICT `NOTET HEADINGS, LETTER HEADIN-GS, MEMORANDUMS. WEDDING INVITATIONS, WEDDING `CARDS, VISITING CARDS I MEMORIAM CARDS, . PROGRAMS, _ ORDERS OF DANCE,` `MENU CARDS, LABELS up .I. 114: Ul.1'U L 14.3 11-3". iRECEIPTS, _ 1 _'CHECKS, AORDER&3 ENVELOPES J A full line at all prices. `.-,`...._ ___ _ _,, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS,m'm` PO.STERS-P1ain and Orhaxnental. DODGERS, FLYERS, {BHHKANHJHBPEINTINE ffl respectfuliy slolicit an opportunity to furnish estimates fog all kinds of i`_ `work i all the `styles of pri11tin9;, sixch I 7 3 CARDS, }PBINTING HOUSE, ----FOR` 1`HE.---- 1PROMPTV AND TASTEFUI. EXECUTION 1 1 '-~oI-` ORDERS or ALL CLASSES or-- `_ HAS )TH Nonmsnu Anvnucs _~--$TEAM- BLANK FORMS I886. STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, E NOTE CIRCULARS, LETTER CIRCULARS. mnnamq UNRIVALLED FACILITIES uumur ST.. BARBIE, [Always kept in stock assemblies- A trade as- n engaged at ry. `A mixed pf mechanics, 1-men and so ---V013` '1`HE--- A full line of MORTGAGE. SALE OF LAND HOUSE LEASES. SNIPES, ETC. V join, and if 1y. convenient 1 the printers ibcrty to join _e rule applies ause igiftvc: ' 51151331: ponth to ve -ve members e 003 .u-Avu HUD U) be started f} V ,_.. . ... .--x. A4nAA;|,' VVAULL SLWJCNV` .vI11]r.fiil`lI'Lr*IltV In In-:11th._ - .The lungs an v_\'c-.~'}~<-I11 . ,ArtiCia.l' ower-mak- er: :m_- in `.;nu,u-r. t}nfough the poisons .'1<'+-~'.~`:11`_\' in tM:\inin;; the colors needed, to;-nr:11_\'. A\\'}:i<'h- last long after work il :1'r'~:xmk>11e-I. ]l3:1('hex's of colors inhale u*hl:>1'ixu.-.;_r::;', w}1i(-11 is hal m1esB, ,While l'n~-i1'othm' unly danger is eruptions on t11e'f;>1'_*g1'111s (.':111sti-d by having towork .with hot water and strong lye, which cralc-k.~: and mm-e.~.; the skin. A ' T.`n...,..'....,, 11 ....u ..u_-.. uvcs are~sn0r17ene(1 .8110; made unomnfortzxbleby the p001'11935 0f [ fr.-c(l tlu-_v (,-onsume. Salt pork is" the" Chief article of Inut, and usually p001`1y ` cooked; _ _ ' A class thatare actually beneted _1!1 health by their profession is . the tanners 2u1dl0ather-drL-ssers, fat-renderers, 18-Pd`. reners, bone-boilers, g1uemakers,`p0!fk- Packers, soap.-Iuakers, oil-pressers and makers of cheese. 1 , l ' Thn -~~ A "' ' ....,.... uuu uanllllb me 511 Farming would seem healthful of all pursuits, from anxiety, but the` fa one that `their lives are- Inrx/L. ..._ _ ---- uu.A .3 UL CIICUSC. | anufacture` of tobacco would 1 Seem to have no dangers beyond that of the absorption of nicotine by the sy5t0}no (pr workmen (`laixn exemption from In- aum1ato1'y and epidemic diseases. _But- I ton-makers, and all workers in bone: 3'9 ` )v_-althy men. Another class Of 13039 Who ('I1j0}' pf()Hd_ health and 3 certain im" b I . The little dust caused Y me; coxxxbimg new.-1' troubles them-`New A.-.D 1:010 1:4 })l21-C811 POP t}? A f` to one end of th1sp0 lv twezn-ty or -tW6ntY'1 in weight , and upon the 0th with a pa 1]. ~A native or slavf to - the Sheikh opei`8_t_69 thi` which is called a shaklro. H` own, fiills lit with Watel the weight raises it UP aftel water is emptied into 13 Ch conveys ' _ _ . `1t over the land 8:11` channels. ' `J ...uL|I|DL Cpl (`rs in wool. The the never Yr.-rk World. ' . ' C untl'y' lrrigatiou in the N118 {Try . ; - " I1 ' Jrrlgutmn m the bile cC;)[1`1irst,' 3: hole 13 is carried (mas follows- ? {With the, dug in the ground toaleve Ni rect-_ le riw:1'. Tw01JI 1'ight POle1S):rrei: ex-' <:dz1ndm10t}1e1` I>91e Or 61-0581` Then?` tended frmn one t0_-the ot?:e'o1`bssbar- long pole is plzxce-(1 upon [ Atlzlclml ' ole 15 35 _ (*n(10tl:1EB. c-- -~*````' % (II I'1`0bab1\' t\\'M1*" " 1 < V "V U: mm! ? U - ; Ah. ah! E D0se.*"..Nev` `air_is `l = dust; v Origin, deg That . ` M H,,,.nha-'1`l1ose Least Hurtful. 1'q1.m' pc 'l'f(J1`il`lt'd. f3C.tOI'ies w}_1ere the ail. 15 laden with xrntatmg part1c!es of dust. \\~1;(-t1m- of xjeg-etable or mmera] Wm 0,. -1,.-roe pOlSOnO11S matters, such `Ira A re Exceedingly Dan_gex-o'm_ -i . . m c` will mj mercury are used for HF zn'. 1 /'1\]ln.i]1_i-r 01.1 :``mt(.[\' fur!) 111101` purposes, should . be "ab-. iddcn for children, and em- `1(,\-`:;-5 _~`h(,_ILl km. lmxcalltiurr to lessen the dangers fo; mhlh vU1'k(.-1'5 t11UITt`iIl. Thu _ . _ _ . `~.?:;1!:ui<>n of nmtzmng dust, are needle. __t.W._.` ].m-1minte1's, cutlers, grinders, ` ' ' . 41. ....' u`nYnn1n I3 'rn{1r{>111~g,`,'..I M be obliged to adopt every_ m..N.-1 ]wI`i]0uS occupationsgby the _. `e-mo Hfk _I` .;a_;.' T T'HE Njosf PERILOUS VOCATIONS, ,._..._..v------ Irrigation In ` ' infu .`=gin;;~ t:1HiL` :1I1< m':m_` }u1\'Li [ ,,it'1~.} ,--1 r.` ~`5 f"]"":~: scenery---trees, l`OCk5n nd: - thing, y k11ow. ah! Patent medicine ad? I -New York Suit. 4'` H ,~. :;m~.<~:zlm-11 11sua,ll`y work in .1, ,1 .~.-.1 1-; H nus mid tdk little ex: ,`-, 1:.-iii. znul <'lia1'1-lmaa are com- )l:]}r_ <-:n;.>. sl. -Rh_euma.tism 1'll".'J is V1:-' lut. Of the cooper. .,-\~ f'!'e'-'llu`l1ll_\' have hernia and mZ'u-:-.\ ;,n- subject to \;aricOcele. `nu >1u-nmkei's'work .under_ the gin-ill!` mmlitions. aind consump- _ of them. 1-311:1?-<<'-1'sA'li1u1. it -impossible to ;my l_-m1'.~:u<~11tivc days together. m: n "pl-1`sistc11t. cough. f _Nine tin. limit utythe trade of a cutter will- It is said that almost all lxtrvlw Ac-utters near Edinburgh n. and it is rare to see Will tlw :1;,u- of 50 years. The gr [lu(l1*l."_\' m1dTp(>1celai11 sooner nu-mu ;s*+Ih111a1fi('a1. The female -5 urw ;-ulllid and chlorotic and ants :'(iIl}<.l.\'t.'7t1l sc1'ofu_I0us, with Il~`;l; l!lU)`l.il1it}'. B1'ight s dis-T, 'ynmwzx :un0'ng g'1a_.ss-b10\\fers. Ih- l-=-f.n1e.- pre111a.turely aged; _\' tm t-_\`t,1'<-1 1'1c*` exertion, the ex- 1 :2? lwut of t}w.fo1'ge, the `pro- .;f:'*.`*im1~:1z1 of mv-. Hltllisis viSJl`LlId]'V' known `.`:~ ' '.< ()f'.tUi`lt'I`S. x.........---, ` l'H1'1 \"""7 .C--"""'_-:", W. t]1(~_V' inhal a mixture; of . ,-md -inimxral dust.` The height is in Hm grinding of forks and i \\'I:i<'h must be done on dry \\'u~.-`pmwn that do the Wet `grind-A 1, ;;-- mzm's, scissors, taTb.le-knives", w iixcil` 1'i_>']< also in their liability h:::?i>'n1. ])ue111n0nia and bron- ` :m :!4'llT(`f(,>]`1i]._ One`jaut_hOrit_V' .r m-i'm)it.\' :1n'1ong this class of _::.-mt that they die at or be- ` _v. I I 1 __ ____M `NW ,,, .,,.,.....u y t\\'(*n`t)' or -twenty-ve p011I1d3 upon other is a. r(_>p6 1. A slave belong_1118 meikh operates this machme. led He draws the ills it water, and than t raises up, after which the emptied a channel, Which t land and into other -Chicago Herald. -4 utt .u uu pr: out: uxuau pursuits. The. life is free '17 l...L 1.1-- 1- v A I ` . Painting in the l..A.L, rcm th of the wonderful` and In the increase. decided not to ,, kn ,_;__,A 1 A .Hm1r .-md meal to which uv1;+.t::1t;1y exposed has no ;imL<>1ry tract. The only :1 irrit:1ti011~ of` the skin. --.:;:_-tinu-s_ dyspeptic and" <~ 1:;-_ru.ti<;:n. of the liver; ~ nly rheu1natis'm to fear,` 9}`: finriul and robust in ap- 'i- .:1p]>i11g`of the vital V lrmltr of baker is thorough \\-1"<{]" 1wisti11g epidemic" ; xiqtixingz. J ' n.m1'11I mz1kAers, who are -1:," sulft-1' greatly, Three 1`:1 w is the limit with great- o,. 1.....m\ um. um... ....: 22, 1886. 1 "1:-.-1 suffer g1'a'tIy, and, the poison" affects` Women y.h}u1 men. Coppersmiths 4-1 1u,disea.se by virtue of .2! the .1na.1_{6,I'S'_0f bronze 1.; L: the filings of copper or_ H)` broken in health. `:14-h.i:x.1 cat;-11'1'}1 are C011:-~ 1.. -2. The adoption of re} ' we 11;. \\'hit(: in the nlaking: thef (.1ange1`s, .as _-this ':?.'?$i1T(`.l10ir?S7IlOt give `off 1 nu-f ;uisnno11s, even-,W11en '1-`oy. balloon nmkers \ V m.. vapor of carbon bi- : `fax:- aCt11a1 111,811- hv-zu'1fng bi1npa.i[1'ed and V 1e fact is apainful: \ are [shortened `and. i `I :1 ` to. be the most ` Country: l Largest Single Stone Ever Shipped. ` The largest single stone ever` shipped by any railroad in this country was lately loaded on a car at the Erie railroad in Jersey City. The stone is for a monue ment in Buffalo, is fourteen feet in diameter, weighs fteen tons, and cost $5,000.. The car was prepared especially ` for the stone, two of the center sills were 1 out off and braced, and this stone swung` i down through the floor. The `height of , the stone when loaded was fteen feet 1 from the track.--Boston Budgetl . l ing,' absent-mindedly, to light their ci- gars or cigarettes at the electric light, and, of course; they can t do it. If it had been a gas jet they would have had no trouble. The electric light forces them to use matches, which they would not have used otherwise. It takes only one matchto light a gas jet, at which per- haps a dozen cigars will be lighted latex l\U\ Ewnkonmn The 'l`op`of the Speaker : D991. A At the beginning of every 539310 f . congress a. new pine top t9 b9 Placed on the speaker s desk. P_me :3 used cause the ivory gavel produces. a loudef ' th u 11 some tough?! k `1I:\O..I}-let-onna::nnng:\l`f})`Ilt ` souna upon it man uyuu mu..- -- ..,,,--j wood. Oak was once tried, but the occu-e pant of the chair complained that a sharp blow produced a stinging sensation in , the hand, consequently pine has been } used ever since.---Chic,ago.Hera.ld.e . T -no vuuv wvvaovn vacuum- any vvaav- run. an %mbre11a cases, too are responsible % for the rapid wear of the silk. The constant friction causes the tiny holes that appear so provokingly early. When `not in use leave the umbrella loose; when wet,` never leave it open` to dry, as the tense condition thus produced makes the silk stiff, and then it soon will crack.-New Orleans Times-Demo crat. CD50 -IO-I Il """" V-5" on.-'-Exch8n89- .A.n_Engl_i_sh company l1as,pe1fe0t6d.;git8` arrangements for providing. @161` The bets with V telephoneti. give e'sons sufferin ,` b , A, _,,, V ` ~ `I ( 5 ;;T ,'t1t7fr1e.nds.f` . .:`3 V1 Speakihg-tubes are % niI.w!}1$S`*."1 %~-~-' - count of the .3jr"t'f"c`t-i' nzS "I13 I l-._....A;`l- T...4-nu (W.-uj-1 n ture `of `the Electric Lights and Cigar Smokers. Do electric lights lessen our trade? echoed a. maker of matches to an inter viewer s question, Oh, dear, no. You must have seen frequently smokers try- ' nun... - nknnm` `l\ 11:- % lU);eatl1.-Inte1'_ Ocean . LIJLU Ila. vans .37---- To Lengthen the Umbrella, Life. Umbrellas will last far longer if, when wet, they are placed, handle downward to dry. The moisture falls from the edges of s the frame and the fabric dries uniformly. If stood handle upward as is commonly .the case, the top of the um- brella holds the moisture, owing to the lining underneath the ring, and there- fore takes a. long time to dry, thus in- juring the silk or other fabric with which it is covered. This is the prime cause of the top of the umbrella. wear- ing out sooner than the other part. T`|'.....1....-.11.. nn.-nu. "4\I\ nun ...-m...-..-......:1..'l.. vv-v- uv vanv LAL4/ALA -`The women also have their hair dyed` and join the eyebrows with the pencil. All classes make use - of the bath at least once a, week, the wealthy having steam- baths attached to their dwellings. No Christian is ever permitted admittance to thebaths of . the Persians. The public baths answer the purpose of clubs and sewing c_ircle's; the women go in the morning take their sewing with them, and, after being thoroughly steamed and `scrubbed. `devote severalhours to smok- ing the kalian, embroidering, and dis- cussing the scandal of the neigliborhood; which they assiduously circulate on their return hon1e.-`S. G. VV. Benjamin. ,-__ _---.~.....-v a:u.A Iucl U1 1 Cfbltlm I A common sight -in the streets of Te- heran is the itinerant barber. The Koran enjoins the masculine Mohammedanto shave his crown. The Sunnees ' shave the entire head excepting a long look in the center whereby, it is said, the archangel may pluck them out of the 3 grave. But the Sheahs or Persian Mussu1- mans shave from the forehead to" the nape of the neck, leaving a hight1y- prized lock on each side. Itis,-therefore, common to see a man of the lower classes seated on the pavement, going through the operation of having his head shaved. The remaining hair and the beard are dyed, and it is rare that one sees gray hairs in Teheran._ The rst tintapplied is henna, an orange-yellow vegetable dye. Many consider this so] handsome as to prefer it without the further application, of indigo which most select, The last_ tint, combined with the henna, imparts `a durable and rather agreeable dark-brown color to the hair. l - V`..- ggb Kill. LIP After -`varied and T long-continued `ob- servations under the A most favorable cir- cumstances, it was clearly established % that many varieties of birds `live in the air thegreater part of the time without employing any muscular. exertion what? ever to sustain `themselves, That the heavier the bird the easier it can resist inequalities in the ' air current. That a hungry vulture can by no means, oat so `speedily as a gorged one. That a dead T calm is the best condition of air to. sus- tain -motionless wingight, and that the direction of motion, up or down, with or against the Wind, or at any obliquity too it, indifferent to the bird; That the only necessity is that the air and bird shall meet with more or less velocity. It if: (.1991. f_]1g{- 911:1-n'n -nnn.4-. nu --A -J ., ..... - ...-,,., VVLL`1L`1l1Ujlt7 Q1. Lczsa vmugluy. It is cle_a.r that shape, position, and weightT_are the factors conce1_in`ed in_ xed wing flight, and that mL1sc111a1' force is in no way concerned with it.-Pra.c tic'al 1 rogress. ` _ ~ . I V H held weekly, meet so often. '- xat the order .nrder s funda- iliicultics must `If a {trade trying arbitra- xcial support vvvocwblv , __ uv out: auubu. .l'nelI' seemed motionless after being stopped in i the upward swing, and the questionis 5 naturally suggested: Whence comes the force to antagonize `gravity and air Are- ! sistance? rThis question became more I emphatic as time passed, and culminated ` in the devotion `of ve years to observa- tion and experiment on the gulf coast of Florida, the home of many species of soaring birds," - V AM. ...u:.: - ~ -it 1 1 , gration made by sand-hill or whooping~~ cranes with the idle curiosity of a boy. | 3 These birds slowly ap their wings until 1 E a. considerable height is reached, when they suddenly cease such movements, and continue in great spirals upward for two miles or more, and at length oat off at a. tangent to the south. Their pinion seemed motionless after hnim. .-.+.m..~= --- I candy \I uvvno novnnvoavai vcnvow v -li-I .... -:...._..;.... -4. 4.1.... ..`I....4...:.. `lI...l.&. The Itinermxt lizu-1`)'Aer of Persia. ,.A_-.._-- -7 ` mRBER'r"sm'rH Iiaiiriixg laseh the stone Blacksmith` Shop, Clapperton-st.. next to the Simooe Hotel. is prepared to do all kinds of fvork, Hora?` Shogifgtgtttgie latcfast improved ven n o u re 11 . urging. con- '`.5{..`2'i':..'"3nd tegider. feet oa.rgefu1ly_t1-gated, v . *{oozvv1zLv;4zvaEtz.*%yc.. .'ss_u;RoI=MAnB.IAuLIo:I\Is:~ on-rxan ur in Ia-av Quin. `cc `anna- VPO..';1`(`)FFIOE BUILDING, BARBIE. Yvmnvoon Va: LONDON 8: GLOBE IN- SURANGEOOMPANY. LIFE AEB FIRE. INVEBTED FUNDS - - over $30,000,000 FUNDS INVESTED IN CANADA - 900,000 Security. Promgt Payment. and Libernllty in the M11 ustment 0 its Losses are the prominent autumn of this Company. n An? ADA IIOARD n`l' nnzlmvrnnn 2 Lecturer on the Eye, Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical Coll e, Toronto, Surgeon to the. Mer- cer Eye and or Infirmary and Ocuiist and Aurist to the Sick Chi1dren sfIospita.l, late cum. cal Assistant Royal London 0 htha1mic'Hospi- tal. Mooreelds, and Centre. London Throat and Ear Hospusal. 317 (`.hm-oh street. Toronto. May be consulted with reference to Diseases ot the Eye, Ear Throat and Nasal passages. 'e'3{s?a1%'&"1;``%& .3"St{'r'%n`f1`;5`a.cZ3Z Builders supplied spd eatimates furnished. 16 ISDPICD HBBULH` the general Jrotective` and of j members - admit that t allowed to ithout their