Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 8 Apr 1886, p. 8

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-Anni. 1- un. ennui.-122 Autu FARM FUR _ farm for sale or rent, Lot 23. 7th Con. Ves- pra, 1} miles from Barrie. on good road; land is sandy loam with clay bottom: 90 acres cleared and well fenced, all under cultivation. 40 acres in crop. balance seeded down; good well of water, a small pond in the barn yard; god house, large barn 60 x 40. stable under the rn that will hold 20 head of cattle. driving and im plement sheds. shee and p houses, 850.. a good you orchard. illbe so (1 on easy terms or rented or a number of years. Appltf` at the Annxcn Oioe, or to the owner .on e pre mines. - Teams :--10 per cent down and the balance in one month. Further particulars and information will be made known at time of sale. or in the mes.n~ time on application to L110 Vendor s Solicitor, Barrie. or to Mr. Morrow the auctioneer. Dated this 10th March. A.D. `S86. G. A. RADENHURST. ll-14 ` Vendor's Solicitor. Barrie. Out. | ARM FOR SALE.-122 ACRE FARM FOR. rent, 23._`7th niun `I1 In-|{`nn `manta nus-can 4-. n.-- _--_1 . i--- 3 l- can ue given 111 lame to go on wjun spring work. The prepert will be snld aubJeot to $2,900 on a mortgage w th interest from date of sale at 7 per cent. which can be paid off in 4: equal an~ nual instalments. or this present year at the ontion of the purchaser. IIUIUB. ILIUFU 01` 1888. _ " _ , This valuable farm _is beautifullv tituated within View of Lake Slmcoe, and about seven miles trom Barrie. The soil for the greater part is a good workable clay loan) and about _150 acres are arable and t for cultnvation. There are erected on this property two large barns and a comfortable dwelling house. with stone toundations, etc. The farm is well fenced, and well wateredowith two good wells. pumps. etc. There were about 30 acres of fall ploughing done on the farm last fall and there are about 11 acres seeded down with fall wheat. 'I`ha flu-m `Ill hlahlv `Imnrnvn and non ha In 1: acres nuuueu uuwn Wllll Iau wneau. ' The farm is highly improved and can be in- spected by intending purchasers. Possession canbegivenin timeto oon ith ' i . nronerty be sld augientsgnrsqirgmvxnoli HERE will be b'ered for sale by Public Auction at the Barrie Hotel. in the Town of Darwin nnQA'T`YTD1\AV Ivlnn 1391. Is` Annrr I Iumnn wux Dc oncreu I01` sale Dy Punuc at Barrie. on SATURDAY, the 16th of APRIL. 1886. at 1 o'clock, p.m., by J. W. Morrow, auc- tioneer. A rm... Ii` 1 and 13` 1 4.4127 x A: In; xv- nn.-.. 4.1.. 2;`. m"1*'1i:,; and E 9 of W ; of not No. 20in the 5th Con.. of the Township of Ora, contaming 170 acres. more or less. T l`}\a tvnlnn`-Jo fnv-in in `unnuulluulln al}unL..J The Scott Act. Complaints have been made against Mr- Ness of the Wellington Hotel, and Mr. Hewitt of the Vespra House, for violating tne Scott Act. The cases are to be invasi- gated at-the Police Court today. (Buptain McAd$&{, S} Evffia. '1, R. C0,, -was in Penetsanauishene the other day and mfnrmed the Herald that things are looking "up for tourist trade next summer. ' A LA-__4n4,I 1,4` 4 1.1 u -' - lat Division--M. Glennie, M. Curran, N. K Curran, .W. Findley, F. Somers, J. Mata; shall, A. Windsor,` M. Bennett, 2nd R Division--J. Marshall, M. Holmes, P. N Willette-,; C. Sholdice, W. Glennie, M. ; Windsor, VV. Somers. _3rd Division-G. Q Marshall, E. Dickinson, M. Smith, VV. .1 Holmes, M. Somers; 4th Division-G. E Sholdice. H. Bennett, V. Gazley, H. Dickin- In son, M. Kenny. 1' DUI), 12. IV lllllulnlll-I. b 71:11 Division -lstv Class--J. Jones, F. Graham, F. Kion, M. Greer. `Znd Class- M. Rogers, E. McMillan, A. Otton/, M. Rob- ertson. 3rd Cla.ss--M. Roliard, J. Ottaway, J. McMillan, E. Lowe. 4th Class--G. Lisle, F. Fields. W. Johnson, 0. McMillan. 5th Ulass-S. Wilson, M. Reid, E. Powell, L. Atkinson. ' I BI onie Brown, Frank Harper, Aggie Keenan, ' Ernie Purvis, Archie Woods, Bessie Caisse, u JJlL1D,>.l'n as. \JUUPUl, V. UILIIU, 1`. niuu. 5th l)ivision-Class 1.-Donglas Stewart, Annie Fletcher, Selina J nstice,Mortimer I. Lyons, Lydia Brown. Louise Orompton, . Olive McCarthy, Bertie Booth, Ernie Bar- ` rand, Annie McDonald, Edith Hubbert,.. Charlie King. .C;lass 2.-Beckie Ayerst,i Elsie Watson, Annie Haughton, Sadie Ran- , kin, Annie Rogers, Jack Weaymonth. H V MODEL scuoon. ' Division VI.--Seniors--Robt. Mayor, W. l Lile, J. Grant, 0. Story, W. Holmes, W. Smith, M. Sewrey, M. Wilson, E. Williams, J. 5 Henderson, R. Weaymonth, W. Potts, F. ` Lloyd, V. Morley, E Gillman, H. Leslie. 4 J uniors--T. N evilles, E. Davis, A. McLean,'I`. ' Kidd, W. Reid, M. Booth, F. Culverwell, : G. Manndrell, (L. Atkinson, E. ,Smith), M. -j Bingham, M. Cooper, E. King, W. Thomp- 1, son, E. Williamson. ' '74-}. n:..:..:..... 1.4. 111-..- I I'.._-_ n AUCTION SALE VAlUAI}L IMPRUMEP4 mm 6 n I`nvnne.L-. l\ J, Wilks, M. Janos, L. Whittendaig, 1.} Gordon, S. Ellis, N. Lafferty, A. Leighton, L Ellis,bF. L. Cooper, V. Gilrie, F. Kidd. M Kiln l\uann_{".I..=.'. 1 nAa`nh Q5...-.-...-L i in the Township of Oro. V EAST WARD SCHOOL. U. A . IVAUIIELV U U 1151', Solicxtor. nonmpkr HUBBERT V- -_.~. fm-.avy strong Shir ng, just I ne thing ~-`id?or l2;tVss. Y? can Bu a vie:-y mm boys and men wear at T. W . Grav N (30914. - _ A man caning himself John Ball admitted in the Orillia Police Court having passed Niven counterfeit $5 Bank of Toronto notes. He was committed for trial. Afternoon and evening, and on Friday duiing the day. A The favor of an inspecticfo is Ix-s}.ectfullyL solicited. E. 3- GROMPTON & coxs SHOW ROOM ()PENlNG THURSDAY", APRIL 8th,1886, SPRING-* NOVELTIES. 'Er'a?"o'6:5s'. 5' Cheap Wools and Braids A L ' 5'1:-A*.na:1-:-:I_:1'\-T;a:" FOR BRAIDING AND EMBROIDERYL Wits. Oammes. Panama, Chenille, Garcia. '1` Z.TabtoDr l|VQTlaIs-`:31! nan: T some grand Shrbnahire Rams and Ewes. All importe and direct from the; imported. stock. Apply to W. C. SCHREIBER, Or to Allnndnln D n .U. WILLIAM GRAHAM, II`.-`gang-.. `ll`.___ 1 .1--- -_....- _.....v .-....v. :-Ltwbvantlinll 10 of Embrolderleiatl *1 . H . Gran & Co Fe.E_..E.JI!I.e_I!'s McALLISTER. STORY & CO Y. ?SHROPSHIRE" SHEEP I F FULL STOCK OF SCHOOL suppuss. Direct from the Manufacturies in Europe A full Stock of HORSE `SHOES, HORSE NAILS, CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH WOODENW.-\RE eA lways on hand. Buyers wm nd the Prteee tntereettng. BAR IRON, MALl..lSTER, sronv & 00., Just received .a large stock of Wall Paper from the Amer. "can, English and home markets. > vv. u. Dunnmxnnin, Dr Allandale P. 0., _ ' . . Foreman Manor Farm; ` _ Shanty Bay P.0. Allandale. Sept. 8th. 1885. F , His long experience in the business has enabled him 1. `buy these goods at the Bottom Prices. [Desires to thank the citizens of Barrie and surrounding `neighborhoodfor their kind patronage during the past yeaf and begs to state that he is not behind the times with his ;large stock of ' ` SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY & WALL PAPER` FOR SALE THE BGOKSELLER umn FABM:Si|`.`A.NTYMBAY no. On; Dear West of Queen s Hotel, Barrie. NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES AND BLANK Bonus V AT TORONTO PRICES. .so0TT, NORWAY IRON 3; STEEL, 3-4-manta. E.B. OROMPTON & C0, T VA number of persons passed the free hand .31-awing Grade B Examination at the Pen_e~ -'-.1393 Mechanics Institute. V The License Cnmmisnioners for Muekoke .:u'9'J. `E. Clipsham, Gravenhnriat; Benjamin Beley and Ma'tthia&Moore. u'n._-_a-1...... -_ 114-11- ____`-__.Axn- AM,` Ilumlware I - AND risPI. AY or SCOTT, Have received 5 Large Stock of ordinary BEST PROOF COIL CHAIN, ANVILSAND vxsss. DRY GOODS IMVPORTERS. UEUIINII-[jun]; gruggmu ---' v nouanr AND sour. ` Auction Room: and 0-1530. --Few Doo N9 of Wollingtog Hotel, Bgyeld |t.. B85 Licensed Auctioneer for the Count) ( Simooe. T Orders left at the ADVANCE 01c0 7'35 gromsltly attended to and information ed requiring Mr. Ford's 533$ -as thong he had himself been 00 Salas taken in prices to suit everyb0dY- slgcoun-nan n runm will Iltwlfnalilll Ami: AIIICII. Apply to " i3;u;i-dvS'u;r:":; drew into our ward a load oontairing no less} than two cords of green cordwood. Who can beat this ?-1\' orth Star. Lee s B10011 nnlek sronfhi mvmm % BAYFIEL; sr1u:m'- Rn . J. 1.. E E 35 s Q N, ` FURNITURE DEA1._1S- - -.--ombined. In Gray Co : all wool Dress - moods at 25c. and 0c. per yard. I... fi_-_,,A_ 1'! II If I Jlealltlml nnlnlfxtu re and strength III! ' G. F.. Mart.er'hae received the n6mina- % non of the Conservative party for the next election to the Onfario Legialature.-Graven- flmrat Banner. ' _ I __ Mulrungs. For re able goods 20 to T. W. Gray '5: Co : 0 In Store. AIHI u ~~7Ivn;;TIZViVr-1V.;-nolherfot onhonoe ran elor -- v.----- -- ---~v v-u7 Cv 7`. guns`.- Mr. George R. McKay, of West _Gwillim- `-wry, sold -last week a team of Lochnsgax vc-olts for 8340, also a 3-year-old [stallion for 3500. * r- up. -- . .. . ... J. 1. Pearson, of the Township of Oakley. -was drowned on the 24th of March. He and Thomas C: se went that da to Bracebridge for household supplies an it apyifara got under the inuence of ii nor. `On t eir way home they quarrelled an aeparatedat Mor- . irow's Corners ; Pearson taking the 8th con- ceaaion. Pearson did not reach home that ' might and search was made for him, but no ' trace of him could he found till the 29th, when his bodv was discovered oating" in .Mne.koka river. It is supposed Pearson` must have fallen asleep and that the horse _. had taken the road to the river and had. ...)n-okeu through the ice. The horse has not ubeen seen since. but parts of the sleigh and. --.~i1a,contents were found oating among the nsmv.lo_us. _Pearson wasabout 35.1081`! of . and unmarried. - - i.Vt;;v7c;V)vo||r mea re for a suit of line eglollnlng at '1`. W Gray` & C099 Cash "M. `Oreo - _., V- -_-- _ _-__..v_.-, -._-. -------`--v. Tiuxuries must be baid for. Beeton has to pay all costs in the matter of incorporation, _a.nd there is no luxury more expensive than '.1:.w A -- -Bu; Gray & 00%: c. untearable Cot. mnade for boy-'9 ear, Smock: and ` soveralls. '0:--uIu\d\a -v -u---s. cu .._.. -...-.--.. -__.._ ..-__.__, --Jeruey9I and Jer y cldlh av!" T. W. ray as (.`o. u_Oaun ore. __-LL!.___ -_- -2..- _..J .'_. ,.--_._,-_- -- -v-v *1`. - -- ---.--..-- . The farmers ainout. Nottawa have been having interesting meetings under the lead- erahiu of the President, Mr. Laurence. --(.`.7r(a(;' Co. lmv made some very special purchases Dress Goods. New goods, new color and new nrleeu. II` I I `Y I I 54 Condensed into Interesting Pard- _..._-I.- D... A.--n--`A K4_.I--.. `CPL- I Dnkerron is now puttin ozraira audio determined to have axdewal 5.. Next `ham- Jet! Audit of the Corporation funds. T 7 Vliidlami talks of a writ of Mandamusto compel the Council {to publish as `proper A` 1\ u ---- ---r _..---- -------V. F`fv'.e ' members were raised {:6 the Royal Arch Degree at 8 special meeting of `L. O. L_. "No, 622, Vasey, on the 19th alt. V 11..-... I- 11- I__--1 _-__.l- _.____ _;__-__ A lad ten years ofage, son of Mr. Frank 3 o|ter, West Gwillimbury, was drowned whxle playing on the end of aculvert in front nf Mr. T. Fxshex- s farm, Sch concession West Gwxllimbury. He had just come out from mmhool. .--`Bondy-made do lug, cheap at_'l`.j `W. Gray&Co.9s Ca Store. ~ ~ V 1 1 n,,,_ L____ 1 ___ ._I,_,j:_.1 ------v ---v -v-J -v--vv ----- - ---_- `-..`75(-. to $3.00 at Gra --'l'he latest utylen _men9s null huu, & (03.0 The Bracebrid e acrosse club `is getting ready for sport w en the season comes. The Methodists of Dunchurch have de- mided to build a new church this summer. - 4; 4' 9-. cur vvu `>4--u- `Iv vwu - `rU-7- wvvu `- . en thousand dollars have been placed in . the estimates for improving the harborat Juidland. ' NvT~V!fl:~gilen, the teacher at` Betheadee, hai had to close hi` school in consequence of diphtheria. - I ___.._ ._-_-__ ...-..._ __ A-.. - .,__n4 -Anz3...- Tyrwliitt has been honie fror Ottawa for a few dayn holiday. ` ' 1V___ I. (1.. I..._ I... --.._-on-` ..I__..-- V- ._.._'_7-_, '_--(-:|-'n as 00. ha}; V he newest shape: 1 n men I hail; Average attendance` last month win the Tottenham Public School was 104. lam throat and colds are prevalent among the children at Gravenhurst and neighbor- hood. _ _ - -1- _ __ canunzn BY smcon AND hxsrnrctr xxcmuuns as 1.o_cA:.- Nnws. Lumbering operations in"the Parry Sound District are very active this sprina. ` uuv|-- 1...---` _.._.n_._ :1 ..--...c_. ..aIdD I...n_ ctiTi'u%iEKMn1srnIoT mus, _. -..-.-cg uuvv `R-.ev. A. Brown, ethodist minister here, r.a.a received a unanimous call from the Alliston congregation at a considerable in- reuse of salary.-Gravenhurat Banner. `The Indiana on the Gibson Reserve are `going extensively into the manufacture of Jaorosse sticks this season. Contracts have been made for 1.320 sticks` for which 3135?. 50 will be paid. ` . -111 I1` `I - 3 `Bradford claims to possess 73 business eo- `tabliahmentl. is 4:-.tm-mined to have mdewal VVZIUVZVVC oauvw Qxvwu vwvoxg UI graphs for Advance Readers who V II.` ML I.--.'-A--.-D LL- Igg ' 137 I'r'{i{3'ix'e.' 7 __. -_.-_ '--,- We are pleased to notice our old towns- man and aenisl friend, Mr. J. S. Whittaker, pending our principal streets with his ac- customed grace of manner which always make him so irresistible to the fair portion of A our inhabitants. Mr. Jae. E. Evans, formerly of the Barrie % at ooo, `and brother-in-law to Mr. O. M. * wards, now of N ew You-k, is lying danger- ously ill in that city. ' . -. e We have every now and then evidence that Canadian art is making pro ess. A few years have made a great ' erence in the attention paid to. it. __ The Countess and Earl of Duiferin, the Princess Louise and her husband and the Marquis of Lansdowne have all done something to encourage art ainon the people of the Dominion. Some capi pieces both in oil and water colors illustrative of the budding enius of Canada in painting will be exliibi at the Colonial | Exhibition. We have been led into this channel of thought by watching the interest taken .in `two pictures on exhibition in the window of Messrs. Crompton & Co's. store. The pictures are_ "Morninv Glory and Spring, the work_ of two pupils of Mr. Shaw. artist, of this town. One of these, Spring," is the work of Miss ,Vanaickle.a`nd the other, 'p`Moi-ning Glory," by . Mrs. Williams. These pictures have very con- siderable merit. and would attract attention in almost any collection by the beauty of the 'concsntion.'tha -aeciii-am: nH:lu.~m_......4.i....v .- -uuvuu duly" VUIIUUUIUII Dy WIIU nullity of the 2'.`5n`I.'a. -"' %%;`.`'nL" u' n33`}I lm nxmnhd um -...I.. L--- ..- ..--: - Advance Correspondence. I Another gone to become an Apelles. Miss Lulu Scales of Big. Bay Point who has been spending a few weeks with her friends in Aaron and N ewmnrlret has gone to Toronto to attend the art school where she intends .grsdua.ting as A professional. Success to you Lu and may you become ` master of the brush. I S. G. W. The annual election of . oicerse of the iieorqnan Bay Island Resort Company took - place on `Tuesday. The officers elected ~-were: Hon. 7 President. Hon. 0. Mowat; President, Mark H. Irish ; Vice-President, John Foy ; Sec.-'l`reas., A. McAdam ; Gen- eral Manager, Capt. J. T. McAdam; Direc- tors, N. Mccvilman. Thornbury; Wm. Ire- land, Parry Sound; Dr. Spohn and .'W. .J. Keating. Penetangmshene; S. Wesley, Barrie ; J. T. McAdam, L. P. Kribs, Barlow" Uumberland, and Wm. Houston, Toronto. Counsel, J. J. _McLaren. 7 ` .`IYT'\ -- -` VIII! Ill putic]. . The weather has been comparatively un- favorable during this last week, the roads being almost impassable. There is all pro-` bability of the weather taking up now. The woods now ring with the merry voice of the sugar-makers, but we are only too sorry that this work which produced so much enjoy- ment is rapidly dying out. I 77_:?.,' Vigo. Advance Correspondence, DIED--At her father's residence, on Tues- day 30th inst., Mrs. Farrager, aged 26 years. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. John Gray, a farmer in this neighborhood. Deceased fell a victim to that almost incur- able malady called Consumption, which has been lingering for some time. As spring is theimost fatal time of year for this disease, those who are so unfortunate astobe in- fected with it are very liable to succumb to it. Funeral which took place on Thursdav to R." C. cemetery was attended by a great [number of friends and neighbors. (R=quies- cat in pace). Tho Inna`-`mam `Lag. Lnnu v4--A----Al` " \rvAnvIIll\Il\IVI-IU LIUIII. nuuua 358580 "116 GIG. not see or hear tell of any more of the `elaborate . writings of Pro Fundo Basso. The reason he did `not see any of my writings was because he invests in the wrong kind of reading matter. I would respectfully re- Aqbuest you, `Mr. Editor, to send a copy of t is pa per to the Free Press oioe; Shel- burne, to be forwarded to their.correspon- dent at Banda, where` he will see writings just as ood as mine and receive 52 numbers for the ow price of one dollar. ` No doubt he will "embrace the opportunity to secure first- `class reading matter at a bargain. The reason he did not hear tell -of my writings was because 1 have been trying. for some time to nd out how many dudes were in the vicinit of Banda, also whether a hen- house, bui ton the latest approved design, would` pay for the `money invested. As soon `as I have arrived at a satisfactory con- clusion on the above two points he will hear from me but not before. i T`- A 111,. , `l'\ mm narness-mamng here short] . I was shown A copy of the She burns Free Press last week by a. friend in which their correspondent from Bands stated he did (It non AD `nnnn `nil at --- --A--- 5*` . an v auvv \JU1`I17B]JUllUl|UUa Mr. Thomas Fettes, of this place, has sold ` his farm of 100 acres to Mr. S. Milsap for $5,000. ' . Mr. S.` Sweetman, formerly of Lisle is to start harness-making here short] I was nhnwn ; nnnw A` 44... ul... 1.....- I3--- LIV UV] U9 The honor roll of Conlson school for March is Fourth Class. Chas. M. Leith, J. Lilli- crap, Alf. E. Oarscadden. Senior Third.-- ? Aggie Waples, Mary Waples, Geo. Cooke. Junior Third. -N ina Waples, W. Patterson, Lucy Patterson; Second Class.--Jos. Pat- terson, Lucy Seymour, Geo.. Walker. First Class.---Thou. Leather-dale, Mary J. Cooke, Willie Leith. Twentv-four pupils attended every day during the month. FrankTC. E Whitelock. 4 ..u u u-uvv vva I vw`:\lII_\IUl-l\}Co A promotion examination was held in the ublic school here this week when the fol- owin pupils passed from 3rd book to the` Fourt . Aggie Waplee, Mm y Wsples, Will1e'Waples, Geo. Cooke, Alice Cooke, Geo. Cooke, Minme Walker snd_J. Walker. The papers used were those set for the County of Peel, and were "examined by the teachers Mr.` Whitelock and Mr. Rix, of- H .. AIIICII KJII it ie with much pleasure that I write you those few lines hoping to find you well as this leaves ; me at present Know `peter you no I am in trouble and I want to no what y_on,. will give me for my share in the business if you give me any `thing Reasonable I will sell out to you and if you dont want to take. it I will let my brother Run it for me so write and let me Know what you What you will do and oblidge your partner give my kind Regards to all my friends i ' ---___.._ III , | Walter Telfer, the Collingwood barber and restaurant keeper, who lately skipped to Uncle Sam : Territory, leaving 5 nnmber_ or crediters to sympathize with one nnother over lost money, writes the following letter to his partner whom he lelt in the lurch also. The Collingwood Enterprise calls it an exhi~ bition of nerve: ` ' A _-_ .--_' `I73. `I I inns -AAA this riding. In view of the care exercised in having the names of everyone qualied under .the Act to vote placed on the list the absurdity of the statement that the new Franchise is ealculatei to giveponservatives an advantage is vex y -transparent.--0ri1lia Newe:I.etter. ` i` ` `W. G". Keown was the only student in| South Simcoe that passed the rimary ex- amination held in Toronto, and . G. Suther- iand, L. D. 8., of Allinton, was his teacher. -+ Gard well Sentmel. A___. 1* The Agieentnul Building: to be ereeted vat Stavner will be quite an ornuneut to that progressive village. The main building re- sents I ve handsome front. It is 72 eet square an has a height of 72 feet to the nnnva n` QHA nnnn I411: tnlnuuv I\Ann AA Cant {P-. C'.=C'nn;r_n~e_ron E Deair ir_ uniuusv uuu I10! I uunaulo VI (6 IUUII IOU llll centre of the dome. the gallery being 44 fee: square. There are four towers each 52 feet 3 high. The. architect is Mr. Thomas Kios- wetter, of Colliugwood. - ` III In 1': III a q vVVa An .I. St nicholia Hotell la orosae A ' Wisconsin Dont forget and write soon w vu-cvnai Ad vanqe Correspondence. .._..4.: ._.. __--_-:,, V Advance Corresponderic ......-.. 'l3..LL_.. -1 11 - I - 'X:{xKxn; Wu, March 18th 1886. 313 Bay Pqlnt .._-.. n_.._-__ M, II N yours Truly T A P30 Fuxno BASSO. Three T})nnson:Va"-ha. v(-. offered buildin lots - ='.-r the new English Church .a.t Totten am. The three liberal men are.Messra. Green- .;;w-ay, Bond and Lyons. -mm-.. Inn 3:.-. $7-.` ____ -.,,,. , ,1 LI-Ill V W. A. Telfer `I- .... .._ 3rd Division-`-Seniora--G. Booth, M. Ed- wards, M. Fletcher, E. Appelbe, E. `Packard, A. McKee, A. Miller, F`. Lower. A Lowe, 0`. Littlehales, A Sheirlock, M. Fmalay, (E Sdtton, E. Wilkes). _Jnniors-P. Law- aon, Rodgers, A. Muokleeton, F. Ewan, E. W11liaIn|wJ . ' lo, F. Brown, A. Fornyth. D. in ,, . Davin. ~ sen Diviaion--Senior:--`M. Lightfoot, s. 3...*-.*- ..u'~ %:`a'**.'.:*..*.....*~ 1:. <;':~zm -3.- Leslie, F. wad, E. Leiguon. ?mnon-I 2nd Division- -Seniora- Jenny Armson, Corangliah, Ernest Willers, Lucy Payne, Louisa Ayerat, Amelia Cross, Olntence Watson, (Fred Cooper, James Keenan), Jenny- Pearcv, J oceph Booth, Meaford Webb, Mary Soott, Albert Villiers, Emma. |VJohnson, _ Arthur Sanders. Edward `Cramp- ton, Mary Vickers. J nniors-Isnbella Ben- deraon, `Isabella Scott, Geo. Lambert, (Lewellyn Lewis, Annie Granam), Edith Arnold. V ' - ' 0)..) 'I'\!_!'_!--. II, I I: vs .u u an -- - Barrie Pn`buo_8ohoo1s--non'or Roll For _ lurch. _ hmrrnsn sonoon. let Division-(T. McKee, P. Hunter), M- Shortreed. (J. Findlev, W. 0. Hunter. S. Jsnea), (K. Lloyd, VI. Neill, H. Grant), (H. O. Carley, A. Young, A. Harper, A. Meek- .inga,. (K. McCarthy, A. McQueen, G. Steph- enson), (W. Harper, 0. Smith, M. Hunter, M. Rogers, `E. Rogers). `(E. Spotton, M. Woods, B. .Pln.xton), (P. Lyon, g_H. Booth, M. Grease, M. "Lennox, F. Murchison) J. MgMJilla . - - V I'\'___!_!_,, l\,, I 7 IIUIIIC II-I UILW LIIKIIVO ' ' I A comparative `record of the month of March duringthe past 13 years with the last month shows the lowest temperature of 14 below zero was just those gures below the average, 0 ; while the warmth of day 66 , was above the average, 60 `. The snowfall on 10 days of 18 in. deep, was below the average fall on 14 days to 21 in. ; the rainy days were equal, 6, but the` quantity` of water 2-5 in , nearly doubled the average, 1-3_in. The total amount of sunshine, 150 hours, fell 12 short of the average 162 hours. On 4 days we had a. southern wind, 3 days northern, from westerly 5. and easterly 2 days. Calm on 2 days,` attaining a force of 2. to '5-10tha, at times on other 5 days--the strongeat noted above lasted only a few hours in the nigh t. I ` A nnnrnnunl-I-nu '--..-..;I .3 LL. ...-..LL -1 wusuv av xuuucu UHIUIS. A full da.y s sunshine on Sunday of 12% hours, followed by 4 days without any un- 1:11 Friday and Saturday, added about 7' hours, makingalow total of 19 hours sun- shine; from a possible 91-21 the sun was I above the horizon. f\..A.`l_'.-.._._L-J-~-r- ' ` -` KJIII-ILIQJU The barometer readings of atmospheric \ disturbance in the week-, the centre of which reached us on Wednesday, indicated a range of .91 or nearly one inch. This was attend ed with precipitation of rainfall on 3 days for some 23 hours to 1.08 in. deep, and snow on 2 days for 6 hours, about g in. deep, thelatter falling in a temperature about freezing point, did not cover the bare ground. The -season s snow having nearly all disap- peared, we are now looking for spring, al- though the ice-boats are still merrily skim- ming over the surface of our Bay upon ice some 20 inches thick._ A L'.-'II .1-_J_ _.'.,,, A I A ...~ air on the last day in the week. The low- n IIUVO The week commenced with an atmospheric, depression, coming over in a S. E. wind, calm and slowly veering to S. W., foggy and cloudy with some showers of rain during Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, until midnight of the latter day a strong breeze came and cleared of! the unhealthy damp air of the previous three days, exposing again the clear `stars above, that had been `hid from view, together with the sun, since Sun- day. Again on Thursday, after the wind- storm in the night had passed, was calm and full cloudy with some urries of snow that continued into the following day, Friday, when the wind shifted to N. of W. and re- moved the atmospheric depression to other parts, leaving us a much clearer and colder est temperatureregistered the same gures 16 *3 on Sunday-the rst, and Saturday the last da s in the week, the warmest night being ednesday at 34 -mean 25 . The day temperature did not rise over 10 on the average above the night temperature on 4 or 5 days ; on Sunday a full day s sunshine gave the highest 48 _, Saturday with 5 hours was 50 , the lowest being 35 on Monday, giving a mean "daily warmth of 46 - average for the week, 36 . The shortest daily range was 32 to 40, and the longest 16 to 58--this latter also represents the extreme for the `week, and occurred on Sunday. Tho In...-........A..._ -..-...J3...... LA (LVN I mum: Miuiigiocigfkrwiizoig. 'l`or t1:1ev13th Week Ending Apru 3:-', ;:.'l`. =~`W.45ray as V` are {mowing a line 901 ol`men9natI a (1 soft hats. No u0vvu,_ I000-I Carrots, " . . .. Parsnips, Cabbage, per doz . . . . . .. Hay,perton Straw, per ton.-......... Flour, Baker- s, per 106 ll Flour, Family, Flour, Pastry, " Oatmeal, per 100 lbs . . . . 'Cornmeul, - -. . . .. Washed Won] . . . . . . . . . Unwashed Wool . . . . . . -. , . . . . . . . -- vvv---- ' Z - Vs` `General Produce Market Beef. hindquaa-ters.. 5 00 to $ 6 00 Beef, foreguar_ters.... 4 00.... 5 00 Beef, per sxde,-per cwt.... .. 5 00.. .. 5 00 Dressed hogs, per 10') lbs. 5 50 . . 6 00 Mutton, carcass, per cwt. . 5 50 . . . 6 .00` Lamb, per lb. . . . . . ..... 007.... 008 Chickens, per pair . . . . . 0 30..'.. 0 40 Ducks, perpa.ir'........... 060.... 060 Geese, pet-lb . . . . . . . -006... 007 Tm-keys,pe1_-lb... 009.... 010 Butter, tub, per .11) . . . . 0 14 0 16 Butter, roll, per lb 0 16 . . 0 18 Lard, per 1b.... . . . . . . .. C 00.... 0 9 'l`a.llow.......... . . . . 006.... 06 Eggs, per dozen . . . . 0 14.`... 0 16 Potatoes perbsg......... 040...`045 Apples, per. bushel. . . . . . . 0 40 ~ 0 45 Omons,perbushel'....... 040.... 050 Turnips, ` 010.... 015 `ngngg H H ' ' n an n on Spring Wheat... Fa.llWheat....... Barley-IR OOC.O Oats I1--- um swan: or ran umnrs nunma . um PAST wnx. - The prices sunny in the nooaa, 'ro:-onto. Itontl-out and lngunh Ha:-hots -A Resume or the Week. lyefualtoc 'GRAIN:LIVE STUGK AND PRUDUGE. Tun Nomnmx Anva NOE Ontcn, - BARBIE. Mar. 31, 1886, ` V33:-`rte Grain Market. I 111] AAAn.AnnA ' iidizbix Iunns. -- noun 5 V\IO .7&dge Aweigh, Revising Barriater for East Bimooe, held a Revision Court here on Tuesday and Wedneaday, when the prelim- enerv lieta fo: four mnnicipalitiea were gone b through. The court adjourned on Wednenh iny night till Tuesday next. and it will take tln-oa_or four dave yet to go through the on- ` 9'9 JIM Allil II Inna nn3n-5-l-3-- '_$0!`S.... cit per cwt...... lbs. as, cwt.. ---- .0 -9 .3. 0. O. it--0-{O0 II BI:.:nI 000.0 er.1b er . . .. `.'.""I.'.' b`g' OI II! mshel....... B1161 .. I O O I I II 0000- on I` 3.0!!!! [oz `l-T:II. -II`O.\ .per 10C1b3 It `I 4; cc 00lbs an o on 0.1-O'O.l.I. `bntu II II fv\'I1:1 4 -- .500 500.. 500 05 50.. 600 550.. 600 030.... 040 060 . . 006 ... 009.... 014 . . 016 016 018 C00: .. 006.... 064} 014... 016 040 .. 045 04.0 -~ 045 010... 030.-... 030 020 ..`. 025 030 . 030. 030 . 035 10 00 .1200 500,... 650 I75 200 200.... 200 240-on 200 . 250 200 . 250 018 . 020 010.... 012 u vuu cyan. --wv ..V$000to$000 074.. 076 `OIo-OIII 055C!!! 035... 037 THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. JOHN OARLEY. sou" BUILDER N the esplanade foot of Market Street. Yachts and aunt of every description in stock and built to order; Also for hire at low rates by the hour, dsy. week or season. Bout atsllutoront the soon. mulls. ours and paddle: In atoc and made to order. 11-ly L-usnuazcx ZZND.-2. 31. I5. upouon. M.A., F. T L.S.. "Water-. MARCH 22m).--3. Rev. W. H. Barnes, Hamlet Prince of Denmark. v uw vv . 6-D ADMISSION EVACAHT LECTURE 10 CENTS. -.....__._. -._--_ EOHANICB INSTITUTE COURSE OF LECTURES. T J ANUARY 26*m.-l.--Rev; D. D. McLeod, Rob- ert Burns. FIBRUARY 22Nn.-2. H. B. Bpotton. M.A., F. L.S.. Water-." m.A1sUn zzND.--3. nev. w.. 1:1. Barnes, "Hamh 1-'1-lnoe of Denmark. APRIL wrn.--4. Haughtpn Lemiox, E53 Law. The Midland Free Press says : Mr. P. T. McKay. of the Midland woollen m1l1, has uold 12,000 lbs. of yarn, thxrteen colors to (-116 wholesale house in Toronto.

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