Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 25 Mar 1886, p. 1

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|;;1;.;n'~.:.1` .. . . . . . . .Ori1lia . . . . . .Sto.yner .. .. .. ..OrF11i: . . . . . .AlIiston . Braccbridsze ~ ..... ..Innisl . .. .-Muskoka . . . .Penetang . . . .Creemore .. ..Bradford . . .Craighurst .. .. nstagner 1'. :2 ::E1mvale .. . . ..AlIistoq T ,('hvillin.| lwimi may appu Our rates .. . .0rillia. . . . . Barrie . . . .01-illia .Co. York . I . . .on foot ..2 horses ..on foot 4 .1 horse . .on foot ..1 horse ..1 horse . .on foot . , 2 horscs .2 horses . .1 horse 1 . ._1 horse . .on foot . .1 horse . :1 horse . .1 horse ..1 horse . .1 horse ..on foot Axlluwlg .Orillia n (iIIvt\l'\r` kJ\l\. Lll. ` 8. Army. Nzny and Volunteers~- Song--A \\*'a.rrior Bold, `J. .1`). EdwarC1_s. l. .esp0nse---MaAjnr W'ard.' .9 Sister Societies-.-- 4 l Song` by Mr. J. Craig. "Responses by D. F. McWatt and A. T. Barraud, Eeqs. 10. Municipal Institutions-- Song--Mr. Nicholson; Response--Mayor | Sewrev and W. C. McLean, Esqs. 11. Professions-- . ' Sons --Mr. J ames Purvis. I{esponses--- !J. A. McCarthy, .1. T. Sproule, Thomas -Kennedy. , .12 The Harp of Tara-- ' Song---Mr. Clayton. l-{esponse-A. Mc- Carthv, Esq. 13. Education - ` ' ' Song-Mr. -T. W. Gray. Response.-H. B. Spotton, M. A., and-John Rogers, Esqs. 14. Banking and Commercial Interests- _ Song ` by Mr. Nicholson,` British Lion. Responses-Messrs. J. A. Strathy, F. Dow- ler, James Purvis and B. Hinds. 15. Agricultural Interests-- c Responses-Dr. McCarthy, J. M. Both- welleand John Coffey, Esqs. ' 16. Press-- . . ' Song-Mr. Clayton. Response--A brief I one by Mr. H. Edwards. V I 17. The Ladies- . Response-J. A. McCarthy. 18. Host and-Hostess-.~ Song--T. W. Gray. . ` ` The party broke up at 9, . seasonable hour. each feeling that the cares and sorrows of life's dull round had _fo_r. a time given place I. to rational enjoyment. . night of the 2nd of March the Presbyterians held a tea. meeting at the Orange Hall in the village of Stroud, and `after tea the audience repaired to the Temperance Hall to hear the speaking which follows that part of gather inqs of this kind. The prisoners, Gregg and Rumble, had been drinking and went to the Hall, and by their noise and unseemly con- duct disturbed and interrupted the proceed- ings. This ultimately led to a, general row, in which the stove pipes were knocked down and a general stampede through the windows followed, accompanied bythe yelling of men and the screamin of women and children. For sometime t e men eluded arrest, but nally they were caught and brought be- fore the olice authorites at Barrie and were sent up; or trial. They elected. 30 be Blim- marily tried by the County Judge and the trial came off on the 18th. _ . Rev. W. McConnell was chairman of the meeting, and the first he noticed was talking, ` i whispering and buzzing sounds toward the \ door at the far end of hall. .Theha1l was well OI asalllv. LII uppuuuu Luau uu vuv ` lled, there bein` about 300 persons, about half women an children. `It was a httle time before I found out the cause of the noise. I noticed a young man 3150115138 59' hind the last sitters make a contemptuous bow towards the platform. . There--W88 MW confusion in the back part of the -hill-T I_ heard the names of G1; and Rnmbh II e_. {went back.` being those giving the tron V A and putting my hand vgentl W`.`blY on Gre'_cg s shoulder, `liked _ 0}`. -11. W031`! not be qnliet .a:.1,1ov: 3-. :0 f;1=ygf,,?;- . . . . ' .9 1 . iiiag-l?4:i|t1x'{:hm(lf::`eibly toward`m!`f`,-' Is |_ _Thebfol1owing program was admirably : carried out : - ' ' e - l n 1. The Queen and Royal Family-- . . l ` Song-`The National Anthem. A .2. The Governor-General and Lieut.- `GAovernors-- - v ` 2' Son`g-Mr. Martin. 3. House of Commons-- . Song--Irishman s Toast. I D Alton McC`ra_rthy,"M.' I ., waste have respondedzto this toast, but the court being in session ' till a. late `hour at which he was engaged; prevented his attendance. I 4. The Prcvincial Legislatu1'es--, Response -`-William` Lount, Esq , Q. C-., Thomas Long. Esq. ` , < V 5. Song-Oft'in the stilly night.<- I Messrs. Purvis, Clayton and Nicholson.` Res_ponse+John'Dickinson, Esqi`, B. A. '6.~TheDay we ce`.ebrate--- T _ , Response-The Very Kev. Dean O Connor. The speech by Dean O'Connor. was a. very` admirable one. ' Be sketched the history of Ireland and-showed how much literature and `learning owe toher early institutions. The rev. gentleman spoke "of Ireland s troubles and grievances, some of which a State Lhurcli in which the people did not believe being one. He claimed that Ireland had not received the same conmderationat-the hands of the Imperial Government as England. and Scotland, and that she was entitled to Home `liule as `far as having a local parliament with `powers similar to that of Ontario. That amount of Home Rule, is all the Irish. people want. The rev. 'gentleman s speech was really the speech of the evening, and cone `tamed many pleasant reminiscences of `the land. of.St. Patrick, of O Connell, of "Burke, She1'1(lan; Urattan and other men whom lrislimen` everywhere delight to llO'.10l'.~ - 7 Land of our adoption- ' - R ' `Song-A--x - ilieszponse lay II. - Bird, | E` Couty Judge *s'(3.1:;1;l_:ai Court. Last Thursdav John Gregg and Charles Rumble were tried by Judge Ardagh on the charge of assault. It appears that on the .....1.+ ,.4: H... and nf March Presbvterians' ing quietly. He said "wno Ira ,u.. . .. pushed his head forcibly toward my face. KIWI-IU U1 KJUO \J\J\.lls\3 3 K U\JlCUJ Mr. F:-awley wore the `very Ahandsome `badge of his otce, which had lately been made by Messrs. Ellis & Co., of Toronto. The badge is the harp surrounded by maple leaves and the beaver. AEL___Ll._,, ,,,I -LI '1 Al `I llall V V-(U 9UIJ\A U116 IJSJIAV U50 After the removal of the cloth, song and _speech au_g1 sentunent were the order of the fcvening. ` . 'l`l~.n #'n'|Inn-inn `1\vvr\nvnnrv\ nvnn n.-'l.....`L.1..l DIIIIII-Ill \l\.llLj Mr. Frawley, President of the Society, occupied the chair, Mr. Spotton lst vice- chair, Mr. Clavton 2nd vice-chair, and Mr. Nicholson the 3rd. At the President : table were -aiso Rev. Dean O Connor, Mr. Dickin- son, late President oi the Society, Mr. W. Lount. Q C., Mr. Mcwatt, President of St. 'Andre\v e Society, and Mr. Barraud, Presi~ dent of St. George s Society. \ K/1v H`;-nxtvinn uvnrn I-Ln uuuu :1 Lam.-Ins-tan gmm MAVDURNEEN, ERIN en men | THE DINING HALL BEAUTIFULLY DE- CORA'I`ED_ FOR THE OCCASION. Dean O'Connor - Delivers Van Admirable T Speech--Good Singing and Interest- _ ing Responses to the `roasts. The second" annual dinner of, the St. Patrick's Society. took place a; the Barrie Hotel on Wednesday evening and was a. most successful a'air. Over 100 of the sons of the Green Isle and their friends sat down to the banqnet that had been pre ared. The spacious dining room was tastefu y decorat- ed with nintnrm: nf lrigln and nann annnnncv ayuuluun uuuus IUULH WIIS uuawluuy (.l.8U0l'3F- ed wlth plctures of lush and other scenery and mottoes appropriate to the occasion. The tables were also `very nicely adorned with owers. Theomembers of the Society wore its badge and nearly all wore the shamrock. 1].. I__----1_-- `l`n_._._:.1--_L -1 `I n Iill (Perkins) large watml 6 cost of the eld and Dal igelow prop ms easy. th of Ander aok, suitable) mi n Ann. THE INTERESTS or BARRIE. THE COUNTY 03' SIMCOE AND THE DOMINION or CANADA OUR CRITERION. BARBIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY; MARCH 25, 1886. B. (2. 1'; Liielryslliety. The ordinary weekly meetings of this So- ciety was held on Friday last. [After routine business _a motionwas made to censure the" Society reporters to the _ADVANL E and the Examiner for neglect of duty, `but was lost. The programme was very entertaining and instructive. ' ` T I7 I `n , 1 1' 11 ,1 ,,-,,_ a. vocalduett (Scotch) ;, 1. McClung, read- ing ; Chas`.-' Ward a violin solo. He was de- servedlv cncored. iV.iss Freeman read an [instructive `essay; then followed 9. vocal duett by Miss M_cKe__e and Mr. \V. A. Boys`; areading from Miss H, Swinnerton; a piano solo from Miss` F. Dean and a chorus by the {Glee Club. Miss E.nLitt1e, the critic, gave en intelligent criticism. She said the first duett was good but mightsbe improved. ].t appeared to lack the proper Scotch accent. The other pieces ranged from fair to good and the club s chorns Was `excellent. There were "a good number of visitors present. Next. Friday there will be an open debate. Vsitors always welcome. 7 u 5 -..::j.......-.__..j- {miwf.;:?sI.'\\'. A. -Boysand J; E. `Bird gave Wine and Beer Licenses. - I { We notice that the Colliugw ood Town Council passed a resolution at a meeting on the 11th inst. to petition the Dominion gov- ernment to allow beer and wine licenses to be granted in Scott Act counties. The Not- tawasaga Township Council has also unani- mously` passed a similar resolution. We think our own Town Council should consider this] matter `also. Everybody knows that intoxicating drinks are as openly sold in this town, at the hotels, many of the shops and at ,certain privatehouses, as though there was no Scott Act. Under the Crooks Act, l during Saturday nights and Sundays, at all ' events, liquors were not openly sold, but now there is no restriction whatever. Something should be done to change this" unsatisfactory state of things for the (better. We therefore call the special attention of the Councilto the subject, and hope they will take some action in the premises at the earliest possible date. {- Barrie Literary Society Socials. During. the winter the members of `the Barrie Literary Society have by invitation of a number of its members been invited to spend a social evening. _The last of these was on Friday night at the residence of Mr. L. S. Sanders. The gathering was just what they have beenat other places, pleasant as social converse andvliterary -chich-chat can make them, `aided by music and oyster soup. This brain food partly accounts for the ex- cellence of the papers read, the piquancy of the criticisms, and the liveliness of the Society s debates. Whoever suggested these social evenings deserves` the thanks of the Society as Well as the gentlemen who give them. ' -'....j_......__ `V VI! ' CV \\.aIn:vn-an | The poets who live all winter on hash, In spring time are always oh deck ; `But the idiots and numskulls and those who _.__:._ .1 J..__...I_ uuv UUU Lunuun uuu. auuu.-.4-.u.--.. ....... -_-_- .. ..., grind trash, _ Should be killed by a crack on the neck. And yhat/s what we mean when we say orjwe sung - Of _the fools who` turn lose their vxle trash in the spring, . ` _ That a. crack on the neck` is the very best thing ` A `To knock silly the ends who` such rubbish .1- ..1:...... Anvnwnm nhvil IJJULIULIQ ILL` llU\ll-ILLIKIJ-III ILL UIIG DUIJIIIJULI BIIUID . Rumble. was found guilty of common_ assault. There was a petition in favor of this pnsoner. Verdict, one month in the common gaol. ' . _._-.,..t...-. _-.._._ _. ' Mechanics Institute. About a hundred attended the lecture of the Rev. W. H. Barnes on Mondayeveniing. The rev. gentleman took up the plav of Hamlet and pointed out its chief beauties, analvsing a number of the characters of Shakespeare. He 1nterspers_ed his observa- htionswxth numerous quotatlons. A vote of I 1 thanks was unanimously given to the lecturer at the end. The next lecture will be given by Haughton Lennox. Esq , on law and what the people should know about it. Me double D Urrposite North Ulatede Auction Sale. surcnnu, APRIL 10 - Valuable improved fgrm in the Township` of 0:0, at the Barrie Hotel, jn the Town of Barrie, at one o'clock "m. G. A. Rndenhu:-at, vendors Iolioitor ; . W. Morrow, Auctioneer. IS. J. IlEeid slt::gtithony confirmed what had a. ready een given-. He said_a bench broke and made areport something like a. pistol shot, which `was probably the cause of the people getting out of the windows. There i were 80 or 100 men `present. l`l......J.m nnvnnn .1 nu...-.I.. Q6-....1,. \`l7:I1...~. I DUI IIUQ -LVI.\.I\J\Jl-I VV\/IV UV UL LUV I.I.l\-all PI veuuu. Oharles Cross, -Joseph Steele, William Cross, Rev. J J. Cocliraue, Rev. Mr. Dun- cajn, H. Warnica, Peter Spring. Samuel Lattimer, `John Guest, Robert aRedford, Frank Robertson were examined. Rumble was also examined, but was proven guilty of commoniassault on Peter Spring. _ The jprisoners were defended ` by Mr. Stmthy, while Mr. Pepler acted as private prosecutor ' for the Church, and Mr. Cotter conducted the prosecution for the Crown. aroma n-you Fnnn nnill-11 nF oaunnlf: nnnn BIL`? |:llVJ\.4\J_\-lUL\ll.I l.\ll. IIILU \/l\l"|-| Gregg was found guilty of assault upon Rev. W. McConnell, and osent_enced to six months unprisonment in the common gaol. `Inn-1-`:1-uln TIVGG `Anna nun}-n nf nnrnrnnn uxu W 11.: uuu Jamc LL .1. uaau uuj.u tWLl, Udlin. Roderick McConkev was door keeper. His testimony went to show that Gregg and Rumble were determined on.a row.` Gregg strquck McConk ey. I D..:,va +'.,..+:...'.... ,.-..u........: ...1... 1.-.: nuu uvnptug cuuu UIIUUI. - Cross-examined -I only saw one man at first. Prisoner was verymuch excited when '1 put my hand on his shoulder. My impresl sion was that he did not know me at the time. The young man who struck down his hand was at prisoner's right hand. I felt the weight of prisoner's hand on my body when he broke my guards. Had the thing stopped there I would not have thought any- thing more of it nor of laying any informa- tion against Gregg. When Gregg struck me I had not seen Rumble. I3- ______Z____`l 1`l7__,1,1 I `A- `I ` drew back or would have been struck in the face. His intention was evidently to strike me. A voung man either struck up or cal? ht his arm, and Gregg s arm falling down roke the guards of my chain and glasses. Confusion and trouble proceeded, and the next thing I distinctly noticed was the falling down of the stove pipes. Gregg or Rumble. put his arm round the pipes. Gregg .was in shirt sleeves and trousers. I `then went back to the platform and saw `Greg and Rumble coming back to the plat- form` and trying to push over the organ. I saw Gregg kick at the table which would have gone over as well as the organ if some one had not held them. Some one had previous- ly taken off the lamp. Some persons pushed them back and they retired; some time after I left the hall. Great; and Rumhle were act- ~:n n +nnn-n41. an (-1: en. ".1. Ann` I- ........... .. A.........A.L ._ L &ULU IIIAV llllu \IlUKK uuu. LUULIAUIU WUIVU GUI!` ` ing together throughout, keeping together 3 and helping each other. (. I\Q_13l|I-v|:vu:\4: T .....'l-. nadir 4...- ....-_ -1. l.laI\i L Illlbl I-IUU DUCK-I LUIIIIJUIU; Re-exa'mined-Wo.u1d' have received a. `blow in the face if Ilhad nohirawn back. D.-.,`l.._:..1. Ml ..!`1....I..--- ....... .1--- I . . . _ .... rr:_ RI-IVUB BILAJ o sling. Imrt of LOT} 12- lcrcs cleared 1 timbered. ` c . buildings urm being 0119 TWoe To Genius. IIIU IIULILID VVJIU BIIUII IIIIJUIDI ADVANCE Devil, A whole corps in himself. mm %wmwm T + see \V\*'."1:`P1n11ip Gus Dtesscoodat 1 8,_1'0, 1232 and 15, bass value in Bax:-i'eT ` __ 'n_- r1\n..` n--` L. ....a........ LI- (`r\` l ............. -..v. ...... ..--.`.r -_ , __ __ --Collier St. Methodist Church, Rev. J. W` Annis, B. A., pastor. Services on Snn-- day, 28th inst., morning and evening by the pastor. Subject in the morning Pau1 s Creed ; Subject in the evening, AJewta.moug the Moabltes and a Moabitess among the J ews, Strangers always welcome. J .__._,E i ` -We are plea | attention to the fa. Saturday, 2nd `and 3 from Dr. J. D. Ker cal Institute of Det io the-Queen's Hotele persons in need 0 . cal treatment. those who res' - make necess , arrange -- -Gray 6: Co.` ve made some very special purchases Dress Goods.` New goods, new colors, (1 new In-ices. 731- 1 .1 00;. ll_LL l`1L.-..'_L C`..._.-f-__ our reader s Friday and - J. edicaliand Surgi- `Mich.. will be at medical or surgi- - notice gives . -- ample time to ' for a visit. ---.. _._,--~- __-,.V_,' . I, -wheaveyo rnneasnrelbransuildfue `(Honug,al ,\V.(hmy & Cow Cudr Slore. -~-. q o o .-a 1 1 .1 1 ; ngwv -Mr. `B. Hin(`1-s bTe:\utifulT `dog t1.1at s`vas -poisonedjsometime ago has been st:u'ed`and_ now looks almost as natgral as life. . ---- -~ v` )\ -` \l, -v, ..--J .._.\- _v, -7`- 7 '-fBuv Gray & C sT2T5(3.. uutearabie Cot. tonade for bows Year, Sxuocks and Overalls. . .~. u.-mu 1: 1` run 9 etc., at-G. Ma.und.rells. 1; I \/J unma- -Fresh [gna Salt ';sa1mon, u.d, Trout, White Fish". Herring and Shad, Finnan Haddie, _Bulk and Can` Oysters, Lobsters, .-0 1 1 I .A`,,: I,,1,'__, .,,-,L ___ f Lot 3 in 1_uw~~ 1. good bulldilll class farm 689` of 1 in 8th 0` red. d bill` a. neiigzg 1331. ; --Two btf.al1tifl11])`)0kSfOf ladies sent `on j receipt of four cents, in stamps, by address- } ing R. H. McDonald Drug C0,, 532 Wash- } ington St, New. York. We have received ` the book and can highly. recommend it T K -.-l3(31ll lllfll] nis exture and strength 3 connblned, In Gray 09s all wool Dress Goods at 250. and 30 per yard. `Ix 1 . --An entertainment consisting of_ music, I readings. etc., will be given in the lecture \ room adjoining the Collier St. Methodist f Church, on"]'h1.1rsday 25th! at 8 o clock, by y the Young Ladies Aid assisted by others. ` Miss -May Blackstock, of Toronto, has kindly consented to give two readings during the evening. Admission 10c.` . _ rn 1 .,1 ;_ 511 A`:__,, ,,__ 1,1 frvwnwgnnvuu yv-v-~ __-__ .__-___ --Elizabeth St. M et:Ohurch.- Services next Sunday, March 28th, conducted by the pastor. In the morning an address to the Converts, in the evenings short sermon on Neglected Opportunities, the Harvest is Past, ect., followed by a. testimony meeting in which all Christians are invited to take part. All are welcome. n n . iax-n_- v.--- 1:`{.....:.1....a. ..c-h.. _ - esident of Dr. I _.7 ical Institute, in professional, :< this town is to be present at the Que I Hotel during the l coming visit of Dr. K n s B. A. "Surgeons and will be pleased t a. ` all old patients and as many other rso as desire the opinion or treatmen ' s wellknowu and successful med 1 counci call early as possible on days ppointed. -`-For 12} ct Youvcan Buy a very heavy strong lrtlng, just the thing for boys and me weal-at '1`. W . Gray & 00 lo ' . ,3 run9_L ow\._-_-|_ -r\-n_`_._--.1 I%\J"'EI ` Announcement of Christ Church, Reformed `E iscopal, Collier Street, near Owen. Rev. illiam H. Barnes.Rector- 3rd Sunday in Lent. Morning subject. _The Power of an Invisible Presence. Iozvemng subJect, Has a man any right to say that he knows he is saved _?" Sunday school and adult Bible class at 3 p. In. Conrmation studies and evangelistic services Wednesdays at 7.15 p. m. Service of song, Fridays at 7 p. m. and conference for | Bible studv at 7.45 n. In. Other Lenten ser- vices Tuesday evening. Thursday. afternoon at 4 o'clock. Special after services or. an evangelistic char-act-r held at the close of Eyenin Prayer. and sermon on Sundays and at e clo.-e of the Frida evening Bible stn . The Gospel Male Cho assists in the I 5 * ' * : ' ' "`WVV" -A splendid Va.ssortm"% of `(Baby Car- ` riages just received at O Bros, "3r_ea.r possible, namely, two, both ofithe sun. -The smallest number cf eclipses this` -l`he Grand Rapids 0 T Sweeper is the best in the World, see th Otton Bros. --La.rge impo us of American and English \Vall Pa ust received at Caponls. ` --Don t forget that \ R. Phillips & Co. have a. beautiful stock `new Embroideries. -Lea.ve -y`(-n."1r'-'-<)'1'de1j Shades and avoid the 1 are selling fast. 090:` m;ou wgt Z ew`-:1.it of" Clothes go to the noted house, . R`. Phillips & Co. V ____ 1--.. .__:4 ..r1__.. W`-alifejor Ward has juet received from the Militia Department for the nee of the 35th ' Battalions full set of the new regulation copper bnglee of the Potter make, and it is -Great change in the tempeniture On vTuesday mormng and the spring bird-s hid: themselves- T T .--. _._.----,-~ _- - --'l`he besl 201-. l wool Dress Goods at '1`. \V. Gray & L s'Cusln Store. 1 J 9 11v- 1 VJ "_' """' " """" 'd ' F --The small boy has taken his marbles otf ; the sidewalk for a. ttle while. ca... .....~ .. ...-.. _v_ --A beautiful fl\_ ]K.lll'l)l`0id0l'leS at '1`. w. Gray 6c C 9s. V . . \ -Capon s sto VVa.11 Papers is all new. Call and see for self. . - A . 3 -_See our dered Clothing, 3; perfect t gua.ra.nteed,T . R. Phillips & Co. . 1 1- .____L..-l.'. -2 1)_1._. r1-_ Z .Xix1ce shu-ungxr 9c. at '1'. W. Gray?` 6.: Co ; Cash Store. - 7--7I4z7\7tst`di*;Z;havin,&1l Papers jvust re- ceived at Capon s. \ - I1 1-,,,_.,___',, - c\,,e. ; ; [;,;a`y& Cg. lnavle assortment of goods for tne spring (19. rnL -.__ __.. ..,\.....2,1.......`L.l.. LI...\.J.'..... .1 .-..\ll...... '\I\II.I.$ avg. cu-V -.zl_---_.$ .i_.... ` ~--There was considerable ooding of cellars by the storm of Saturday. T ,-_-`lI L--- `L-.. L..I..,.... LI... _______`|,],___ __L[` -:B;';s:;;oo c1,s ! D ss goods very cheap at` W. R. Phillips & . V Wh1oh, Linked Togethexf, Congtruct a! Very Interesting and Gossipy I l`,`uno\On- 4:6` I An`! 31-5-...- v -- nnvvn v Gha.-pter o;` savwwayg Local History. . -C_oming! Dr. Kewfs Surgeons. -The market was small on Tuesday. -This is Annunciation, or Lady Day. --Gray at Co : 100 lrtlngs are good. `i .-Spring building ope ations will soon he- gm. -Buv Gray Jr. Co tine Safeens and Prints. endfd._ '___ J 1 ` _ Hi i \ I '--The ice haivest on the Bay is about M ;iV':c>t'e---<;1_1"}:i1;" L2;ndry resolution `at ` Ottawa. expected to-dig. -YI:e:V:-.v\VreVy;-Lluzur qder for a new spring Suit #1; W. R. Philli & Co.\ . _,4, , A .. PARAGB.APHER S PENGIL POINTS. -The days and nights A are now about equal. ` ~ vs a u -H--The equinoctial storm was on time this an`; MINOR LU l11lDlUl 1VUo_ ah Money 0 cs, Great Bri ` Wf011I1_(11i1nd sits received 1 p. 111. landed in 15 ' mil. . mail matter} yoxcs every 001; a.._ m.` "ands; Ev for"\Vindow later on, they as uvcnu The Savage Band and Revivals. The Savage Band finished their lal)-)l'S'lI1 this town last week, and during their stay nearly two hundred persons, it is s Lid, have meetings were held in the West End Methodist Church, t~.vo or three in the Town Hall and some in the Collier Street Methodist Church. Already 70 have been added to the membership of the West End Methodist Church, 40 to Collier Street Methodist Chuvch, 10 to Trinity Church and a number to various other churches in town. This revival has done a great deal of good in the surrounding country as well as in town. Uiuwards of 20 from the country have pn- sented themselves as seekers. In many 1e~ spects it i_s the greatest movement of the kind in town, and much credit is due the pastor of Elizabeth Street for his earnest ex- I I made a profession of Christianity. The hortationsa. id untiring zeal. ` % _ ' Canadian Lynx. A few days ago one of the finest specimens of the Canadian lynx was caught a. short dis tance from Sundridge. It is over five feet in length when in the attitude it often assumes in the woods. When standing on its hind feet its fore feet would touch the shoulders of an ordinary sized man amd his face would-be on the level with his. I_t would form a verv formidable antagonist in close quarters. It was caught in a trap and when the trapper approached the trap it made a spring for him. _ It was despatched by shooting it with arie, the ball entering" the mouth and going out at the left shoulder. Mr. Jackson, hotel keeper of Sundridge, brought the animal to town and it is now the property of `Vlr. Brown of A the Queen s Hotel, who has had it stuffed and it will I ; shortly form a natural history ornament of I that populax hostel-`y. ` ` Curran vs. Ingram and Ciark--This is a case which caused a good dual of amusement m Court. It was an action brought by the Editor of the N cws Letter of Urillia; who had been distrained upon by one of the`de- fendants for rent, and he sought to re zover some $5,000 damages, for as he` alleged, wrongful distress,` claiixning amongst 0 her things that they should have seized his wife s millinery and goods insie \d of his printing magchiuery. After a very amusing triallasting nearly half a. day the Judge held against the plaintiff both in the law and the facts, and dismissed the action with costs. A.- D. Kean for plaintiff, Lount and Strathy, Q. C s., for defendant (landlord) Peplcr for i defendant Clark (3-ma`). 1 '- l`l.... .-.4-L-.. ...'..l..nn nnn1\n atn-1.1 Aurnn Ln 4-Ln LIUICIJUGIJU \JlolA \IJsbl`lLl}. "The other six been cases stanvl over to the .adjAourned-Court on the 11th of May. i . - I ALL .__.. Tdnlinsou Va, .I\'-urthern Rziilway Cu.'-_ .Pl-aii1ti"s. sought to recover from the com- pany the \_'a1ue- of, IS lmrses wbumt on the j staIi1r_ `.`City of Wit.-ni peg"- at l)nluth,_ on J the ground of `de`f;1r.l:u_1t. s, npg_;l1,L_;Tcnce. De Vfendu._nts set; up a wxritten contra".-t with plaintiff contauiiug a condition tha.,t.the do- femlants were not. to be liwlolc in a-'.z_y,"_e\'eLt, which plaintiif, }1')x\*c$'e1`; said he l1a.1 never read. A` good deal of evideuc_c was men as . *bo'ats, &c.` The a nally dis,miss<-.d,'.v 'McCa`rtl1y, `Q C-.,' and` `Pc.p1cr fur plaintiff.- I to the cause oftue ac4c1denf.~,-racllxg of stc-zuu~ i Louut, G1,-B;)ulto1_1,-QT C'., anCt 1`L1c, Q C_._, far 'd_ef ex`_1`da.n ts. ' - VF! V t P` 1 . La..idl-aw vs. Lung --This was zm action of {trespass betxgecn two flrlnrf in F103. _ It: ;was nally sctcled between the parties. i ` Pepler forplainti, Hewson for the defend- ` pug` . 4 . ` ` ' < -r 1 rn I `n-u - S_a.tnrda.y s market was a very good one, being` well attended by both buyers and sellers. Luge quantities of potatoes are ,coming in, the price being 4) centsa bag, `some eommandnng 42 cents. Bay is from SIO to $11, All other stu the same as last I mean`: ,1: n I`I.I\`h `sans: ' .................... Dvment vs. Wright. --This was an action brought to recdver the Value of a certain quantity of sidewalk plank delivered" to the defendant for sidewalks in St. 1`homas. The defence was bad quality of plank. A good deal of evidence was given pro and con, and judgment was reserved. McCarthy, Q. C, and Fepler, for plaintiff; Lount, Q L3,, for defendant. Inns Post: vs. Muskoka _M'illTand Lumber- Companv`~This is an action of of some in: terest to` Muskoka scjttc_1*s.` The plai-ntls sought to "recover the value of a. lagge (luau; tity of saw-logs bought by him f mm a settler. The defendants had _ taken them, cl :u'miug them` under their timber license. '.l'lu:- main question. tried was whethersthe `settler lxml _cut them bona fide. in the.])x`0c(ss of cl`c3.1'i1lg. Judgment for pl;uIntiff.. Mc(_`:u'tl1y, Q. L,` and l ep.l2r for pIa.in-`.i.`} , Czunpbell of '.l`uzouto for deft-ndants. V ` V Ullvllo `lulu. uu week's quotations. LIJDII JHJLIU . Tait vs. gCounolIy--This was an action ` brought torecovcif possession of some town lots in Orillia. The defendant claimed them by length of possession. The evidence was M very contradictory as to the length of occu- pation. T J udgmentwas given for the plaintiff with costs. McCarthy, Q. .C., and Pepler for plaintiff ; H. Lennox for defendant. proposed to forms a. bugle band for the Regi- l ment. VVe understa.nd',several stout youths j "or small men are wanted at once to till up to the required strength. A new issue of cloth- ing will be made shortlv to the Regiment, so that with its splendid band and a bugle band 3 we expect to see the Simcoe Foresters go to ` camp in June as smart and sprightly as they I have proved themselves serviceable. I ___.g 1-- __- .\.I--..I_4A1-41---.-.-,_ -4 , , . ,,, . Spring Assizes. The first case tried was Cooper v. Shaw. This was a. case of crim. con., in which Cooper, the plaintiff, sued Dr. Shaw, the defendant, for $5,000 damages for the loss of the society of his-wife owing to the alleged adultery of the defendant with her.` The case excited the `greatest interest and the court room was packed to its utmost capacity. As the case progressed it was easily seen ` that the plainti really had no case. Much of the evidence was not fit for publication Judge Armour administered a most scathing rebuke to Cooper for the part he had played in this "disreputable matter and clearly showed the inconsistency and improbabihty of his evidence and showing that the char. acter of Mrs.` Cooper was entirely vindicated even by pla.intiEi"s own testimony. The address of Mr. Mahalfy, '.\I1`s. Coope: s coun- sel, was admired by everyone who heard it. It was indeed a brilliant vindication of his client s chastity and integrity of character The maj irity of defendant s witnesses were ` not examined, the judge deeming it uu. necessary. After a few minutes delibei-3,. tion the jury returned a verdict for the defendant. uvnvuuuu II. The tollnwing are the cases tried since our last issue : ' fl` `A /'1 `II IIVI ' - Jlisi in, ano Aer lot ofthose fast color ` Shirtings. For liable goods go to '1`. W. Gray ac C095 11 Store. :1`e to l_i4:`ulc a:zy,'\'ex:t; tiif, howcvel`, snail h_e'l1a:1ne'vc1' )0d[ 'iv'cn 5 'ac,cident~,- racing steam- j_The C-.,'aud~Pc.p1c,r plaintiff, 3.,-;BUl.1lt(_)I_1,-:Q, C';, `a1,1d"1`L1c, Ci .;.. ` Local Market. I A LLIUU vv uxlu, LL. vv uggg `-;u,_u1u,. 3 Dea.Clywood, Owen Soun d. ' I. 4 Gerald, Toronto. . T ' ' , _ In this trot Kitty Wells took the first and second heats, and Cork Foot Tom the next three. 7 rru, , _,,__L_ _._- -11 ........1...J ;. .....J....,..5.....,J lyA;t!i5`l \ Us The sports are all [puzzled to understand. Corkfoot Tom. They neither know where to place him, not what he can do, cons_e-- quently they are shy of him as a sort of "hose mystery, that might possibly get away with them. He has been round the country winning` at three minute races, and here he seemed as though he could do al- most anything he liked. The best time in this race was 2.49;. Barrie I.c'e Meeting. . N0t\v'itl1standing the Sloppy condition of the track and `the disagreezmle sensation pro. duccd by sta11ding over one s shoes in slush, 1, lawge number congregated on the l{e1upeu- fcldt; Bay Ice Con-rse last. .\Vednesday and Thursday." [Local sports were well reprc. sem:e,d as' welllasa good sprinkling from :1. distance.. - Debate. The "debate between members of the Col- lingwood Collegiate Institute Literary So- cietv and members of the Barrie Collegiate Institute Literary Society, which took place atCol1mgwood last week. resulted in a. draw. In marking, the referee for Collingwood had twomarks more for the Callingwood de- baters, and Mr. Spruul, the referee for Bar- rie, had marked considerably higher for Barrie. The matter was referred to Dr. Harper who pronounced it a draw. Ponce Court. Pat. Conroy and a man named Shields, under the inuence of potato whiskey, be- came playfully pugilistic. In their sport they broke a_window in Miss Cavanagh s millinerv shop, for wlnch they had to pay $5. They were invited to the classic chamber; of the town beak last Thursday, and had to pay one dollar each and costs, or a . term at the castle. They paid and went l aorrowfully away. B. G. 1. Literary society. This society held a special meeting `Tuesday, March 23rd. It was decided have an entertainment on the evening Friday, April 2nd. It was also decided an-`J an inniltnkinn in than Innrnknun A` I`. rnuuy, nyux auur 1|: woo annu ucuxuvu BU send an invitationto the members of Col- lingwood U. I. Lxterary Society. asking any three of them to take part in a debate on that evening. In the meantime they wait to hear from Oollingwood. v|v._ 11-). From the standpoint of the evolution: of tastes.anr_1 ideas, the woman _ seems to follow `the man at a distance of about a century. She seems about ready to traverse the stage. -s througiz which we have pa.ssed.-arts'. letters, `sciences a'nd.philosophy`.' Theeartistic and literary pursuits which man is tending" tu a.bandun'for scientic pursuits are now b_ein`:__g 0vc1"1`un,1)y'won1en. . `V V. V ' ` Frurnthese remarks it may be seen that A-"Au;_gusta -s assertion of equality should 1;-_;. taken cum mrzgno gram) salis. In regard tu the sphere as this seems in very 11npalatable..subjv:ct to the fair Aur gusta. 1- will not attempt to discuss it, but i she evidently knows that when we have ' ti: M10 :1 thing, and yet do. not know" how to dv it, it is certainly (il_`ll(i,C_{(3I`__V. For as every- bQ:i_\'. is u.w`arc a goodly `per cexitagc of ti:-: ypuu~_; Imiies who marry n()wada.)`% -z_u'e zilvout as cz*.1u'1i)iC of inizznagirig a lx011scl1oL.17as a L'rL~e ; [;;.,1i;=,`u is to diivca locomotive. , - 1 in V . . ' Yours, etc., The Admission of Correspondence Does. Not Necessarily Imply that We Hold the Opinions of the Writer. _The following letters addressed to the Editor of THE NOR'l`lIEi-`.N ADV.~\.\'('I-J, have ` Jeen received tor publication : Woman's Rights. SIR,-111 your issue of last week I noticed a letter ovei the nom de plume of Augusta in which some lady airs her views on Wo- man s Rights. Without attempting to dis- cuss the Whole of her letter, I will simply bind myself to the passage which particularly attracted my attention. She says, ``It has been proved that in our colleges and univer- sities woman is quite the equal of the proud lord of creation in the attainment of scholarship. Now, this pet assertion of a certain class of sentimentalists. lacks one needful essential and that is truth. Of course, if it only meant that girls are equal to boys in early years, there is some ground for this assertion, as it is well known that girls develop taster than boys, and up to twelve years, or thereabouts, they are leaders lii their classes at school. But if "Augusta" means that women are equal to men intei lectually, after they haveattained their ma- jority, or in middle age, she is quite Wl`O!1g_,. For instance, if a list were prepared of the men and another of the women most dis- tinguished in poetry, painting, sculpture, science 01 philosophy, each containing only a dozen names. these two lists could support no comparison. But it might be said that women do not receive the same education as men. This is false. l)o not female music- ians, for example, receive exactly the same instruction as males in conservatories, etc. '3 Therefore. how does it happen that altliouul. they are iucomnarably more female than male musicians, that women furnish the best exccutioiiists but no coiiiposcrs. What i have said of music, is applicable to painting. and even to cookery." How does it liappei; that all the men who deyotc themselves in this latter art are good cooks, while ainong, the tlioiisauds of women who exercise the profession of cook they are so few cord." blvus. WHAT THE PEOPLE HAVE TO SAY. LETTERS ADDRESSED TO THE EDITOR I ` . THIS WEEK. Iusite Dr. 4 First race, three minute race. Lennox's, Raan Chief. J ohnson s Puzzler. Liarry Moore s Mare Maud. Moore s M and Leunox s Roan` Chief Matched trot. Dutton s Bay Mare, Nettie -D. Hines Bay Mare, Nellie. _ VVa.s won by Hines Nel ` ` I`l{I_`RS1).\\'. `V 1 'I'\ , I Ill. l\v3ll.\ I . . Named Race. Lennr)x's Roan Chief. Middleton's Bob Ingerscll. Hines Nellie. Duttou s Nettie D. Open Trot. l Cork Foot Tom, Jack Fleming, Toronto. '2 Kitty V\'e1ls, R. v\Vells, Aurora. 9 IX:-.n.In1nnA (`man .qnr1n:1 {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. SINGLE COPIES, FIVE CENTS. \\'EDl\' ESDAY. Nellie. .|.V 3'1: 1. -:3 zioxrfs. I103 hug \\'oBt SW9 F). m. :-Sundn Fnngui- EI31':'>.'T1'ms': ? I-3ZB,AI paaa;f D bI`&uLu:;u Fzerelda toun ou. . Ea of Owen atn out convenien ad [;n'v`a& any} 1 an and` by con, 90 80`: from stumvsl` H1105, B Luluuulv I mass. 11 Bradford! -....a.,m!u fmmd o..ouu. Drown and cottages opportunity for ble hoine oath mall monthly :5 $150 to 8400. walling ocoup mall office in! 91:`-ztreet adjo .7 4009' fr<.|4)1% l".I'("i`-L:0ll_I'5(' witvh Uhrii L'u.vm-ssxon S, \ cspm. %%iJ_1 Z%iUNEEFSANDPEBLARS Mortgaf.-zen, No'teI, arc... Purchased. - . Collections made, Conveyancing done. did Pnmrances of all kinds eifected. \ '1`) (7.~\.\' LENI) `MONEY at rates consider- ,0VuntI;1')2'u lower than any one else in the _,0we,,s_ liiiagvn terms of reps ment to suit bor- -,, `"8 at our isposal- 9. large t Of old country funds, we can advance mo A . W8 as low as 6 per cent. ,0 Gnnninlln :....u.. LI. ___ 1 . ;' Conveyanoers. 0 - . V ;m::r::s2., 3:::1.5::P*"" *'%sfa" .'\l .._u pruporny for sale, and h.ir,e'3 by intending purchasers. Will be to und liberal. llliilrnn--~ "' ' `V - X "' `WV rm uuuu. - Weespeciaxl in it th " 5,. saw or desfmuz O? nuciitigcgink real estate ; , , g to call upon `3 We hme a lame amount (3! farm and no ::,..J,`,,`;", ,*;"> 101` have many appli- will `In o-.._1...:d11_18 Our rates liilkavl {~\i "o:s1i\1 Junlq E I) ~ . .n,|v J`_Ull . 7_uh1l \\_'.`.\lm` :'U `u 1'0 \\". ifuon Lindscv. ` ' {. }<'m-d- 'o`l'lL'l-1. The people o_f urrie and vicinity. ' are czuttioucdand adv ed to consult Messrs. _.\_ 1,.-nnox 8.: Co.. Co '{.-yancers. etc., Bar- ),.,-nmi havxnguny almgs or commercial ,.;,m,,,m. Wm. uhru-3 pherscott. of Lot 21. ..-...-Jinn ~ \'usm1`u.. . -12 1) ' null] 1mmz(:l`S..v- '1rmm~' llxrlong. um-.~s_ I 1101'.-x0n' ..\I. \ oolc,()c.l;_= Hug ;11n|_vnn . 1' mu-I-. . . .. 1- :\1. Ljhisholln. J.. A-1`n1sL`ro_r 1.5.. ----: NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. ..__ \'uI.. x.\'.\'v. xo :2. V WHOLE No. 1770. SA .\1 l.'1-.`I.V W 1-zsucv. Pronrietor. `I. -&"N'l`}<:l) immediate] .u,good plgin. Cook.` must he :1 2ood_ 1-u dress. Apply to Mus. :_-(`uI"1_`ER. an-xc. . . V V 12.13 ` hsion, 1 oc`cf iC nnnrtv `J lL:"_ Mu: ~;L1'u<'li0n.g \_\`. z_u1(i (.`0' :1" turns, 1:] 91. Harljiv. MoNEvT;o i'6;AWi'}: I~-zszlccl Since June session/1885." maria uy:.i:~r1Iu?1n; i`7.` 2g\)L)lL`)C.I_' 6u1.~s:m.. Rowen ._Hi4,'.kS. |'hnm.s_on- PHI"/{ ' ch. `\ LICERSED L\\`.\I:I). MARE .()LEN.--Sto1e1V1 the m'~,.;hL of Marc 13th." 1886. from .,..1-.:. Innis1il.uM re color light bay. unuls high, blu`cl' tail and mane. no I`.-m~ slightl) uoked on one from x mm! on the c oked leg. aged .10 or um-d frmn hen _\' l)mu;:h1. Taken at} 2: ~:;u11l1(*. bl` Li bx-idlc.,.blanket and w\\'u1`d of. U will be paid for thief m- 52.3 for 0 nmre, or apply to Jos. 'hi(,*l' (_`mn~, able. or to \\'M. GREFR_,; Hz;I`1'ic.T '. 12-1411 1 - ~ 7 v - { S iifx jxH:.\"r: Ten percent of the x.g_\.- on Hm any of sale and the bal- nx.)'1-')ImM11lllflrcuftr, VVH1) iI1t8l`G3t :.:,; z1,.:x- twin!-x and conditions `will menu :11 ti11m()f's:1le. or in the mean- `,-Anwlimu-m': In Capt. Cooke, COOkS- on -\1.-(`A n'I'nv -DI`.P1.l4`.R R: M1- 1./\ uwllom-H`: In Liapt. LJOOKB, LOOKS- Pu ';\l'l_3.~\]i'l'lIY.' PEPLER & MC \'.-mlm-'5 solicitors. . _ H !'_i(, I\1z1I`C1.I '2~'_ nd`, 188$. _ 12-14 .+5 A 1 1 3 m E .g.=m;x~ E1?'F'r1:Rs .1:.m.\.\`.~`u11*..~Inlhc 1 tter ofthe 1;: 0['.I1n- il1f;1ll1I, chil cn of Alex-. \l(`l.'!'ll.?'l.'U. ` ,\ill be made L (`mmty of Sin ziulu-1-.+ on Ow 1 Street. in the -. Mwr the ex u-ation of twenty n-at publiuut :1; hereof, on be- \ iI.\un. 1111* 'idow of the said --`ml, dccou d-.for an order ap- id Hmm. Vilson guardian. of 2.` Annie _`:;':.1ri1'c11_ f the said Alexander the Surrdgnte -0c. bvforc the 'i1sou. and 1~`lox'cnce" 1 ,-Mwn. ".l`lu3x'Lr is a splen- ?:x1_4;':.1()xng the vwlmle` of the : .,.`.E`\`,``. `C - . ~' .' -` ;13.?Ef1 {`|_\'3?-l1UTI'.C'dln11le Centre 1110 lot, w11ihTcon-' x-.-._t.iInhl.- timber. A stream of_ mm L the m"operty.` The soil is. i.{;T,~.1..;rIx1 is partially .drain`ed. m;1 .;mni)`1on at _I\'orth-Westernv any)` is L`_1l one corner of the pro.- ' will` Con y UU IIV from od, balance of in the 12th '<:Jin'1oth con: hard in full f Lot 3 in 1830 1 nvnn hu ill HI` l_ll}).>`u_.L(10Sl IL`, unu CUlHulH:9 two of wh- 1_b.a!zuu:,o f the -propc.rty is ru1.vr1y xvi : J of the (n`1h'~_ 1;. Molt; m c1'ca"c-F1 b(;.ing~$30_00 . - -/ ` 12 H101`,-_(',{1vl`6d\\'(']1`, be sold s'u-b,ie.:t. to , 11_lup;oA lots." wh'ijL-h" 0111; day of Mu'ch.1 v ].)'L)`,)(` V3` b`Q$'iE\lC '-`t-1\_e 31011-`S(S. rzum;'h:u'n :lUx.")'.') and ... . I. , -.. . . , .... .:`.\n\n.. : '1 his %id day of Ma.x'c-11. 1886; l)LJI4`\' A `XVII Ql'\\' M:1?F1ea.- L #1 .-\`x+._\15 mp. SAL1 ' I`uhIi<;_ _\\1`c \io11 at t e Man-j .- .\~il1u,'.rc of COOK TOWN, l"_ fh'duy 01' APRIL f` 1886. at uI'u~mo by Mr. P ter Ital- ho follo ving val 1313 pro: nsw! of rhm part 0 Lot-Nn. 1. mm of the townsh Sim -00, _ west of ' x-i:`l:l nf \\'ay..e.\'C ll, 15.. 17. IN 8.! . 19 on the Ljn Street. and Nilluge lots 2. i 1.3011 thc I\'rth side of cl-I. &N. of Essa." ting there- u`.l.in Ilm \`il1 70.0? Cooks-V rm :1 plzm mm c for games m.un, P.L.., m1r_<-g;sto1`cd iv: l`u1'lh<- (To nt_\'ot'b`1mcoc. Jum-, 1>TT, )l_`1u._1-cont,uix`iing- Lin it c Je.mes umn.Tl .l;.s., .m11j<-giste1'cd .- fur the my of Simcoc. ~ 3. 251% Cook; ' m_1- contai1_ii1_1g. ".11-d fusz 0 1;)` me avdmlin -~ <>1`1ho 1a . James (70u.l_ ..~'u,id cs! Hr. and c0nm1ns' o of"w1r .y iV.2Lmt_(` vrly '1: I rihn oh: or each b(;.i_ng;$30_0O `I 1l1cr;on1'ed\\'(-11+ s11-b_ic(_:t. `mh. Mzu'ch. y '-`t-1\_e.}1011-`sbs `1'z11m:'h:u'l1 4Ux.">_5 ; -;-m<; hr_u:'e,_ v.nd-.o.th31{f I Hll UH) U] Jl.l'L'l_l. IOOU. I HEI\'A WILSON, & l\IcCurLh_\',he1' Solici- 1'~),'lr'\ C`1t0 Dunlop T 12-37p _..f_. _. _- . . . . . . . LVLIUIHHU I . Collinzwoqd .......Ba}:r1cI .. -- -- - .Uruuu. . Collingwood .. .. ..Midland r`n1`I--uruutvnn

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