I,OO_O Yards of damaged sliirting, `one of the best gra de_s..": This lot was slightly damaged by water in a Warehouse under- going alterations. It will be cleared at llgc. a yard. - Large lots` of cheaper shirtings at 90 and 100 and up. 750 Yards beautiful Bleached Cotton at 50 ea. yard, never sold before by us at less than 7 Cents. . . - ,\..,1 1...... :~ _ 'n1___-_ 1- ._, _ -11 _____ ____ 1:1__1__i L`- I,2OO Yards nice quality Grey Cotton at 25 yds $1.400; - __ E?'i`H.Gc6ci,-B eic;g'_ii1"3cdo 1313i-s 's'1:o'c]E.7_s-7-i_1l_c>_c-c3-u'1_)3_/the Whole centre of the Store, as far as practicable and the prices will be plainly marked thereon. A _ `V tun: --- u--- uw cu: ------T cw-- cw--- u: 1 ----a , T ---- " *1" T r:1%- --`:2 Irv an-unuilv-In J-I-\I I10 Early Sprircfg Parceisiwovm England. Large ai{{e"Bo'i1vht from men who needed to sell. Goods bought in many cases at our own price. Large lot from the estate above named, bought at less than 500. inthe Dollar; andwe have bought them to SELL, not to keep and look at. The Goods and purses are such as to DRAW OUR CUSTOMERS IN CROWDS, making our store like a market. We have the__GC_)ODS,_ I'I_`__'VVILI.g__`PAY- YOU IQ COME, IT WILL PAY YOU TO MAKE A NOTE OF THE I Every year for NINE YEARS our GREAT MARCH SALE has been a. grand success, and this ore We intend shall be no exceptmn to the rule. Wehave p11ed up SOLID BARGAINS for our customers, Jusii. S`%h,.ba"9=" 3113.3 35935111 3n.7Pri`}rf= {lb.in9?1 `?Yi1' h 1311? T013191 1:01 3 market-. GIHMTA AT E. B.CROMPTON& co s COMMENCING THURSDY, non 4.1886, ? AND TO CONTINUE ALL THE MONTH. Also a. GRAND SALE of a. lot of Staple and Fancy Dry Goodsbelonging to the BANKRUPT ESTATE 05 J. MACKIE, Woodbridge, bought at alow rate onthe dollar. A11 to be cleared out W1thout T T T reserve at thisour NINTH ANNUAL MARCH SALE, The People s BARGAIN HOUSE, Barrie. 1 ,.__:._& `nus sA|.EWILL1coN1'INUE% DURING THE MONTH: -T_...._._;__.-._ Don t forget the date, THURSDAY, 41:1; mac. DOI1 t f01`8`9 0 the P1306, G-OLDEN BEAVER, Two doorswwest of Hndersos (lorner 1301113 forget the name,` L % ~ % T} A % A A % ' he Peon1e a-RAn.r1A%'r'n' i:rn1-1-m-41% A syn.-.4 v--wv-- "`A1'1vc1"l1<::f;eWi`/sQlgiilm for you v]1.$7ma1 l you are likely to` want During This Sale._ _ur regular 100 -White and%Grey Cottons will be sold at 8c. a yard. V ` "ulna v-_.:n~ _-_:q- ___:.1n- -n__:-_._ ____ _._,_L__1 D-_L __1._._ _;':-j Lot No. 2-STAPLES. BARBIE, ONTARIO. V rA large lot of cheap Laces, Frillings, and Cotton Trimmings. 120 pair Corsets,ms1ight1y soiled, at 350 per pair, all sizes. : 10O1pair best class Cromp-ton Corsets as F lexable Hips and` other good makes at 75c regular $1.00 and $1.25 goods. LOT No. 6--DRESS Goons, PARAASOLS, &c. A lot of checkTSun`1mer Silks to be `sold _F;cfV;of1't l1"41'(;c to 50. , ' - % s V - line. LOT NO. 5--'LAGES, EMBROIDERIES, COL- . _ C ` &G. I 1,000 Ladies White and Colored Linen Collars at .50. each. 400 do. with capes at 8c and 10c worth 15 and 20c. 0 ` 600' White and Colored bordered Handkerchiefs at 5c each. 480 ' 0 ~ superior goods, at 3 for 25c. 0 . A ` Specialcheap lot of Linen Handkerchiefs in 2_ancl 5- sizes. About 240 Dozen Linen Torchon `Laces at 25c a dozen, `worth 40ca=(lozen. , ` 0 r ~ 750 Yards Embroideries at` 5c worth 7c. V 600 - T " 7c and 8c Worth 100. 250 Yards Flouncings at 15 and 200. V ` -_ C 200 Yards"Wide Flouncings to be sold at 250- Special cheap `dun J ' About,_1_50 pairs misses Hose, quality same as last, at 15c perpair, usually sold at 250 to 300. . ' ' Big `lot of Lisle Gloves at 50 and 10.0 _a pair. About 75 pair Lady s Taetta and long fancy. Lisle Gloves at 250 per pair, regular 40 and 500 goods, " 240 pair 2 button Kid Gloves at- 25. a pair. And Here s thebargain I About 125 pairbest quality Kid fGloves imported. in 2 button length at 500 a pair. ; 250 Pairs children s so): and odd hose at 5c a pair. A520 Girl s fancy stripe Hose,` all sizes at 100 a pair. 1, 400 VVomen s solid color Hose, 3 pair for`25e ` _ 480 ` L A , `fancy stripe at 10c and 12e a pair, lreg11_la1*12;1,-a1id~18c. goods. Also about 50 `pair women s Hose, solid colors, `full fashioned feet and ankles, at'25c a pair. These goods have nexfer been sold before at less than 400. A L-__`;_ 1 znl__-_ ' Gmeen, Scarlet and Crimson window bliiid Tasselsiat 2 for 50 Large lot of curtaill bands at half price. ._ 150[Combs at 5c'eac11,eI0c, 120 20c Combs for 10c each. ' _` 750 cakes ne Toilet'Soap at half usual` price. 4 Papers_1a,rge size pins for 100. 1\-,_,L _- - ., J1 _ _ D, v--v--uv --- vvv uuvovu `away a I vva-vs` 750 Yards wide width Prints, warranted fast colors at 50 per yard, worth 80 of anybody s money. Big lot of Cottonades very cheap. . . w"Here s another Plum'for you, About 500 yards ,of all wool Canadian Tweeds at 40c and 450 a yard. Really a won- derful line. Just the thing for youngsters who go in pursuit of knowledge aroundthe tops of fences. - ' "11 "e'.*"'o' "'-' r`" " "' 4 ' , best needles for 100. , F _ . 50 Gross Buttons 10 and 150 goods at be a` dozen. Large lot of cheap purses, hair and tooth brushes, etc. Lo? No. 4}-Hos{ERv Ann cL61Vi3:L.f LOT No. ' 3--SMALL WARES`. THE NORTHERN MARCHCLEARI of an elegant Monogram, Initial or Fancy Brooch to p111`cl1}19' ers of the same amount. __._ -__.,~ rrv-mu, vvvv, LIN! VV U11 COD \.l\J SOUL`. -1. - To be glven away. to mothers and fathers who have 1o)':< and who buy goods from us to the amount` of $2.00, and also a ' About 150`pairs of Ladies Scissors, assorted sizes at prlce. V . ` ' ' A _ ' V About 100 pairs assorted pen 'and paper Knives very cl and ` . . - 150 Magnetic blade pocket Knives that will attract and pirli up needles, pens, etc., as Well as do good service. Tn 110 l'Y`I1T(\1 \ l'III ?l\'I ?,, J-A .~...L`L .._-- _-- J 1` I` .With every Bankrupt Stock picked up there are al\Vz1)'.s gs. lot of Sundry articles--some, such as we do not 1`0g11l;1rly keep-an'd so do not care to hold over. Some of those xx- Ishall Sell, some we shall` GIVE AWAY. QU|LT$.--White Honey-comb quilts for single beds at 65c. Larger size quilts at $1.00, $1.20 etc. up, worth in .-each case 25 per cent. more. About '30` ne quality, large size. Marseilles Quilts at $1.90 and $2.10 each, regular $2.75 and $3.00 goods. . ' T A " . AL.__;_ 'nnn ---__J- 1...____ run :__ _,,3:I- r`1,-_,, on _.- ,, ,. -nn, i ' Alot of Men s Driving and Kid Gloves at 50 per pm 1-. Special lot of (beautifullpattern) Silk Ilandkercliiefs to 1- cleaired at 48c each; i - .A Job lot of Braces, (mixed 1ot,) special value . 60 `Felt Hats, soft and stis, at 25c and 500 a clearing 101. Men s and Boy s merino feet sox at 10 to 25c, worth dimbk: the money. - ` T 20O i1e'\\;' Silk Scarfs, latest styles and patterns, to In at 250 each, worth 40. . ' About 50 un1a,unde1fed shirts, wonderml value, at 519(- A superior lot of Men s Ileavy working Shirts at am- ` extra value. A nice lot of Dress Goods at 10c worth 150. 500 Yards superior patterns and colors, Dress (}... 1250 Worth 17c. T V . g I; l Special drive in VVoo1 Cashmeres from 3Tc yanl and 12; 730 `Elegant Electric Rubber Circulars for I[.a<.lic.`~:, lim-- .9) I I ported goods at $1.75, sold formerly at $3.00. -7 Special lot Ladies durable rain umbrellas at 75c \\'Ul"lll >1 ~= . Some special cheap lots of Satin, Silk and Alpa:a' un1lz~`.-}~- and parasols at very low prices. "300 Printed Callibfic Scarfs for s11n1111e1*w3211-, to 1: at for 50. _T LOT No. 7---MEN S FURNISHINGS. PRESENT FOR `THE GIRLS our patrons will go % away 9% FUN FOR THE aovs. LOT No. 8-$UNDR|ES. NOTICE ! make $51.00 do duty for $3.00. ivy-.. About 200` yards heavy '72 in. wide Grey Sheeting at.'20c per yard, cheapat 25c besides many other items We have not space to name. These are some of what E. B. Crornpton & Co. call bargains. Genuine bargains that will in many cases March 11, 1336 \ Very I L`1m]'. .250 Yards of ble_ached Table Linen, wide, at 620 and 73c; per yard, regular $1.00 and $1.25 goods. _ . j 250 Linen Towels, 45 and 48 in. long at 11 and ]2c eacl1._ _ I75 Bleached Damask a11d Huck Towels at 17c 18c and; 220. each, regular price 250 and 30. ' A T I - - Cotton Towels at 30 Worth 60." . 7 4: V :4 80 cc _g A g _ A I Grand line of Linen Towelling at 50 7c and 90 Worth half as 1nucl1 more. - . ` Largelot of Glass Towels .25 percent`. under value. w Big Plum. l 240 yards elegant` coloredaMadras `muslin eurtaining, really beautiful goods for 200 yard.Well Worth 300. LIIII T3 `IITLIL- T1`--- ___ -'-__._ | We have not space for further enumeration, but feel satised that all delighted. In this department We show some wonderful value in Linens, 1 eo111p1'ising' about 950,pure linen 3; and Table Napkins at` 6c 70 8e 9e me 130 and 15c'each up, bought at 30 per cent. e. These are not dzuiiaged, but quite perfec.,t, but are a Bel- fast ;\Ia1111factnre1- s odd lot ;" "in many cases from 4 to 12` eanbe selected of 01-iepattern if't11e selection is made early. 323 T"-_.-`I~ AL 'L1..,...L--`I VI`nL`I_ T_'_- ___ _.___'-J- .L (on. __- J Inn - |.o'r No.|.-- LINENS AND HOUSE Funmsnme % L coons; % v--- V - ' ' " - ' ' - -- --~ -I--I--Lu:-L A .LLCU V: the "G'E6b'1'js,' `IT "v PAY YESIT "T6"66ME,"I"I"WIEL";5Ai? 3`r'c3U" $6 MKKE NBTE "0? THE DAY. 13,. 1.3.*`~.'-PE?,i.`EM` `Zi.1_1 1?3;3T X93129 0%9ME..EAR-LY-.. IIIII Asa. A