Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Mar 1886, p. 7

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Istov RIFLES AND SHOT GUNS. . E onaneeo knife:-pointing out a mod 5 every sufferer. no matter v. i We have recentl published a new ' *4. edition of Dr. Cu verwelvs Cele- I< brated Essay on the radical and er- manent cure (without medicine) of er- vous Debility. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc , resultin g from s. Price in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two posta estam s. The ce ebra author.` in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates. from thirty years successful practice. that alarming consequen- ces may be radically cured without the danger- ! internal medicinesor the. use of the e `of cure at once aimpl certain-and effectual. b means of which I this condition; 1nhv'ha. may cure "chesblr. privntelri Rates Moderate, Losses Equitably and Promqotly, Adjusted. JAMES anwnnos, A aunts` of nail!` every eniferer. matter wnatu ms concnuon ma `be, may cure himaelt'cheepl}f, privutely, radically. . , . an"l`his Lecture should be in the hands or evegy youth and every man in the land. A 4-`I1-mu: the CULVERWEEL MEDICAL Co. u~u ...-__ eve yont End A dress the CULVERWE ~ , MEDIGAI: 41 Ann St.. New York. Post moo Box 450. % FREEMAITS { _ worn: Pgwnnns. Are pleasant to take. Contain their own ?||rgn.tivo. Is a. safe, sure, and cectlul Inouww of worms in Children orldtll GEO. R. FORD, alscurrs THE LITTLE THINGS WHICH V MAKE THE WHOLE WORLD KIN. AMMUNITION, ac. V % ` I-I.Pu|.I.Au BREAD IIUII LIJD I VREDERICK J BROW N THE now pgstonsn I Fishing: Tackle, ? PULLAN'S I"Vl'IIIj" Agent at Barrie ` GO TO IOR -gx , \.........V...,._ v .\s:r. xm `.\1..x14~1; _miserable by lridigestion, wtlstnpatimv, clizziness, loss of appetite, yel- .-,w blxlll '5 >3hil(h s Vitalizer is a p'0s1tive .~11l`1-, Snld by John \V0O(]S. Barrie,and M. ='_.~ llzimlxn; .-\11:-male. - "\\'lm,t station do ydu call this ?"'-.a.sk'ed .:. mm as he crawled out of the ruins of a x-:11`; after arecent railroad accident. De- ...:muti 1, air. replied his fellow-passen- :;L'1`:s m clanrtw. ` ' ' "\\'l.at: LS good for a cold? is -a. question Vim :x.~;l but `seldom satisfactorily an-` NW1`: (1. We can answer to the satisfaction N7 All, [if tlugv will follow our advice and` my llagyaml-4 l :ct0ral Balsam, a safe, -,l-n.<:1nt anal cuI`la.lI1'thI`Qab and lung healer. 2 `V I-E 'l>y all =.lru_gr_11sts. ll-1! tnseruon or me same manner. - i . Legal, Omcial and Government advertise E mcnts will be charged at above rates. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contractadvertisements will be taken at the following rates, which are drafted on correct commercial principleaeand. as they will be strictly adhered to in making new cont-rat-ts after present contracts expire, there will be only one price for all: ` '1Inch .............. 2}Inches...._..;..;;. 5 Inches, } Column.. 10 Inches, 5 Column 20-Inches, 1 Column ngaamg 11011065, 1!! QBIIDB DC!` 11116 101` IIFBE 111- sertlop; 5 cents per hne for each subsequem lnsertxon of the same matter. Tn:-cl {if-Hninl and llnunn-nvnnnf nvnrfian V A_DvER'rIsiNG RATES. , 1 The Advaneeihas on Sworn Circulation ' -01 Thirteen illundred and ` * Twenty Copies, Almost, not quite, double thatl of any other 7 Paper published in Barrie. taunvmrrsnns snounn NOTE nus 1-`.u;'r.%) (12`l_ines solid nonpareil make one inch). 'rRANsu.1s'r ADVERTISEMENTS. First insertion, 10 cents per line. Fach sub se uent insertion, 4 cents per line. V nnino nntinm: In aenta nor line for first in. "Lulu Av `IBIS vuaavs uuuuuo a'Preferred positions in the paper will be- sold at an advance of one third on above rates. This rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. * Advertisers will please bear. in mind that no- I tice of intention * to change advertisements must be handed in to the oltlce not later than Saturday at 10 o clock, and the-copy for such change must be in the ADVANCE olce not later than 12 o clock noon on Tuesday. in any week ; otherwise the advertit-ex- s annour cement may not be made public until the week following. I A ;4__A:____ ...:II ....A. 1.... .-.I1........1 4.-. II!-f\ olnniu [rue uffnu AnvAuc| `For one month-the three monthly rate with 15* er cent. added`. an 1-urn rnnn-m_l>hn {In-on rnnnthlvtrnfp ` 1:) cent. aaaea. `gfer two months-the three month1y=ra.te 1 with 10 per cent. added. Au3I'\..-A-....-j _._..A.3-.._ 1.. 4.1.. an... ...:II kn uull UV Luuuu puusnv mung: \-'JA\4 vv \1\4An ..v.-vn---D. Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising anything outside their own regular business.` Should they do so, transient rates will be charged for such adver- tisement INCH 5 .|rL:uruu..-.u, xlny _. uutililwyjare dead vvu:.:uau can nu - .3`...-.-..4..u.... -... , Condensed advertisements on First Page, such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found, Property for Sale or to Rent. Specic Articles, Etc., Etc.. must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted--ls`u'st insertion. 2 cents per word.` each subsequent insertion, 1 cent fer word (nan) es. addresses. and gures counte as words); but a. reduction to 1 cent per word will be made [when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed FOUR. In the Matter of the Circulation of the V Northern Advance. COUNTY OF SIMCOE, } I, Samuel Vvesley. `To WIT: ' of the town of Barrie, In the County of Simcoe. proprietor of Tm: NORTHERN ADVANCE-l1eW8p8. er,_do solemnly `declare that the actual week y clrculation of THE NORTHERN ADVANCE is no fewer than THIRTEEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY COPIES. Ana flag}. 1 sun the nnhlinhp.1- nf the said THIRTEEN HUNDRED AN U 1 w1:;.\'1'! uurusss. And that I am the publisher of the said NORTHERN ADVANCE and therefole have full knowledge of the said facts. A n I mnltn thin nnlemn declaration c0nscien- . Knowxeuge or the sum uwus. I And I make this solemn declaration conscien- tiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the net passed _1n t_he_Thi1-Ly-seventh year of Her Majesty's re: 11 mtxtuled "An Act for the su pression of V0 untary and extra-Ju- icinl Oat ." hgnlnun hnfnrn *rnn\ 1018.1 UBUlB.' at the Town or Barrie, in the County of Sim- . Declared before me} coe. this 28th day or IPn'hwr|n*Ivv A D HIRE 1006. `I118 ZOL11 uuy U February. A.D., 1885. y HAUGHTON LENNOX. A lnrnn1ianinnn1' it A Commissioner in B.R.. 850:, for County of Simcoe. uAUGH'l'0N IJENNUIL. J LINIMENT [GUIDE AMMUNIM Weak Back. Enlarged Joints, Paralg sis. Rheu- 1 matlsm. Neuraigia. Di htherla. Sciatica. Prolapsus Uleri, `emalc VV`eal:- I l ness. . The best and only certain 1`: mcdy to relieve pain of all kind no matter of how long stand- mg. Instant. relxef guarautec d cripples. Swol- len Joints, Varicose Veins. Bites ot Insects or Sick Headache. No oil or grease ; is clean and sweet: will pot soil. _ _ ' Tnnmmnhnn nfth:>.I(1dne\'n.Hrm'ht's Disease. | sweet : wxu not son. Inammation of the Kidneys,Bright`s Disease, Diabetes, Incontinence of Urine. It is the only Liniment in the world possessing allexative powers. Can be takeninternally ; cures Cramps and Colics, Diarrhaea and Dyscntery. Sold by all Druggists. Trial Bottle25c. ._.,. -- -- -` .-. mu \\':lli:;m M. Giles, Hartford, Conn. =`~'.`LII'll :4. I57`). .\`ir`--I have procured one "lx`;A'{|1\/)tt`1e of your Iodide Ammonia. Lini- zm-UL oi \l<'s.`-n`S. Sisson, Butler & Co., your .14-rat 1'-n` this city, which I sent to an invalid irivnll in Zurich, Switzerland, who had been tllrcc )1-a1's conned to her bed with>rheuma- tiun, an-l 1 am happy to announce that I learn it has effected a radical relief. The mtient is now able to walk and work, and line cure is solely attributed tovour Lini-Z mcnt. I am now requested to send A another pzircel that others may be` `beneted; Yours truly, George Berg. _Sold bv W. 0. M05 ' l.o`.'m. .-...... .,..,u...._,.., .. ..-..-.. ,..,- ,...-. -...-.. ....., ne ueny msertgxon, lnxp. _ eadmg nouces, 10 cents Der lme for first m- as-tinn - 5 manta nnm line for ear-.h smhnpnnr-xnt ` Write Dr. GILES, box 3,432 N:Y. P. 0 . who * will give advice on all diseases free of charge. DG$'Dnu1nI-n nf nnm-mnnlmm dealers and will give auvlce on an ulseases tree 01 Uuurgn. @Bewa.re of unscrupulous dealers and counterfeits. The enuine has the name blown in the glass and acsimile of the discoverer s nntnn nvnr pnnh cork ' 40-eow-39 In me R1888 anu Iuc name over each cork TED FUNDS - .1 Over $30,000.00 `1J~T%sS INVESTED IN CANADA - 900,00: 91-.....-itv P1-nmnt Pavment. and Libernlitv in FUNDS LN V .l!i1`n.u 11V 1;.-u.V ADA :iUU,Upt Security, Prompt Payment, and Liberalgty m the adjustment or 1ts Losses are the prommem features of this Company,- nA1\T ADA BOARD OF` DIREOTORRS [6BIvI1l'0B U1 uun uvull-VWI-II ,- OANADA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2 Hon. Henry Starnes. Chmrman ; Thos. Cramp. ESq.._ Dep.-Chairman; Theodore Hart, Esq.; Angus C. Hooper, Esq.; E. J '. Barbeau, Esq. l'nsnn-nnnnn affnnted at Moderate Rates 01 Angus U. nooper, nmq.; n. o. nurueuu, nauq. - Insurances effected at Moderate Rates 01 Premium. Dwelling, Churches and Farm Properties insured at specially Low Rates G.F.0. SMITH, IOSEPH ROGERS. 1 - `Res.-Secy.. Agent.Po1ioe Cour . Montreal. ` Barrie 1 No. of Inches Space. V What say you to a Piece of Roast B6 and Mustard? xmi. there is much to be said. The qllcstinn being asked of the banqueter at`_th_0 average boarding house, calls up reln1!1l- sccuccs of close contiguity to the horns. and heefsteak three cuts south thereof. _Hs Of course, will pass, unless it occurs to him that he needs a hinge for his trunk. Sh0l!1d- there be any suffering. the eects of an H}' dulgence in such sinuous fare, use.McGregO1 .3 Speedy Cure, 9. sure and eectual remedy for dyspepsia, constipation and all a.'ectionB rf th e stomach and liver. Monkman. -Trial bottles free. Sold by G80|` _ fHEc00K S~BE;STFR|E%ND The speedieat and most certain medicine in the world. 'IVER1 0OL 86 LONDON 85 GLOBE IN- J SURANCECOMPANY. LIFE A175 mum. CONDENSED AnvIsm'xs.MENTs. -1 ALL FAMILIES USE IT. .-fL%Es Lessons given in all Branches of Painting, Drswin . &o.. ma. M Terms on app cation. -"!'.|%?`!i%`.`,-Up-sta.ir9. West of int straet. Barrie. '1 9z..m: on'rRA1'r13Am1'E1z 1 $0503 2501: 400}: .1m 5w sw . 175 375 1500 . 300 1000 2500; 1 500 2000 4600: What ! One inser- Inzsoer-ii {Inger tions. tions.` tion. (3mos) (6mos)( I I _ r- .l__ _:_._.__|. ' SAMUEL WESLEY. RICE Iron` B OIBCOVCFU ., 52 Inser- .' tions. )i(1 yr.) is 600 i!1400 4500 This Grqat Househol_d Medicine ranks aniongs! the leadmgz necessarxes of Life. Thnnn fnrnnnu pills: rnn-ifv flan `Dinar! nh uni D111: H58-lllll 116L't'Hb.li1'll 01 LJIIU. These famous Pulls purify the Blood, and act most. powerfully, yet soothingly on the Cl AI QQII1 -Iv` I ya ya .. v--..-- V--...--.D._, vu Inn`: KiiY9?P9m@i1Ei999Y8 and Bowls xizlxiucs. -'H`.(.`,1-Illln(`l')Bl 5 quantity of peanuts grown H1`wnI}1 2\fric:L,S America, and in W: -~>\\`\1IvI" 1 Status afford not only` a` '_1\:x.~<.'m1 zmiclc of food, but a very large ~.~>.un:u .1 all px`u(1\1Cti()11. The seed con- `Wm f1 tofty per can}. of 9. 3:`'1.\"<' 3. blzmd, xed oil, not un- -W '1\'*- ~ :`.,. and used for similar pur- `~-ws ;' fin` is z; non-dryingV c_>i1,` which :4)"-.15 r. .1114`: . 3.. ,~...\..........,\ on nil! unt` `I'D- "I""' I U" " ' ' ' 1 giving tone, energy and vigor to these great MAIN FPRINGS or Lmtc. They are condentlr recommended as a never failinw remedy in a.__1 cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. The ' are wonderfully efc acious in all ailments inci ental to Females of all ages, and as a Gen eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed. It-s searching and healing properties are know 3 throuzhout the world. For the cure of Bad Legs. Bad Breasts. run 1 III! I-CI it is an i1;1;l1ib1; 1;e'1ntd3t. - If eftecttlally on the neck or chest, as salt into meat, it cu:-on Sore Throat, Diptheria. Bronchitis. Colds. and even Asthma. For Glandular Swellings, Ab- scesaee, Piles, Fist-ulas, vnnav vs 5;:-u mu cu-u-uv {Old Wounds, and Uluers. And every kind of skin disease. it has never been known to fail. _ I 'I"kn Dln and nfrnnnf urn '\'nnnf'unh1v~nr\ * Deen Known I0 Ian. V The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only -at 533 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, A-`R nun A13 kw all Vnnnwu nf `:\.Tnr`il`I;hnA UUU UI\lUIIIl Ulllun-I, I-viva-no--, And are sold by all Vendors of Medicjnea throughout the Civilized VVor1d: Wlth d1rec- tions for use in almost every language. V .93!'DI1r4-hue:-1-u ahnnl lnnlz In Hm Fnhnl on G-OUT. RI-IEUMA TISM: uons I01` In axmost every mnguuge. . 1 a1:EB'Purchasc1-s should look to 1116: Labels on the Pots and Boxes. If the add:-c SR is not 533 Oxford" Street. London. they me spurious T ` i For Sale by -..... .. lnzuuu, un me nnesta `Q! 0111133 '93 costliest of plate. ` ' _ ' Why, J ones, said hts old- trlend, . I thought you had failed ! { ' So I have--given up everything; ab" ,'-< ` ;-. T`; 1: ;\n::.sg";=.";,~. ewe 3': . ` `Ii?-15".- 9_3, v-00.` .'s `7 >~ ' n. ~ .- '. ~ . 1.` ".:!:S3-,', and 1:45.-.m .-. . :2-.,;A `Ya ail HH_oL1.owHAv's PI"LI.`S Use `them and be rraiicvne-zl from . your misery. 30 Plus in -a box. 25:. per box, 5 boxes for $l ran 8.-`ME er ALL >.e:.~;c' 4.210. DEALERS IN MED/C;'.VE3 L Beware of Cnumerfeits 11 Genuine Twm_ppcd only lure on every box. `Fl Vlhcsc A C-1:.-1:-rzzta- V Pills s on recciu: c'.fT.1- 1 cents certain remedy. - NATURE'S REMEDY The unqualied success of Dr L'h.1sc's Liver Cure in Liver Complaint rests solely with lhclact that it is compounded from nature's wellknown live rc ulalors MANDRAKP. .-\.\'u D.\Nl)El.l()N, combinezl wit many "other invaluable roots, barks and herbs, having :1. owerful effect on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and um: . nnn nnn SOLD 'lJK- \,Hr\.\l'. 3 L certain remedy. u I owe_rtul enect on Int: x\1un::).~, -)t\.-Anu lood. 500,000 SOLD Ozrer one-lzal/' mt !/`icm qf Dr. (`fm 3'5 were :alz"z'n Canada alone. I-!'c nu: womtm and (1127:! 71'/I0 is trot:/=.r :v{ 2. plain! to try t/Li: excellent re//mi) . LA D I ES ; -.u_rA \ him _thirt _v- plaza! F0 (Ills L'.C(.lI.'nL Icuu,uJ LADlES It is a. well known fact that an inactivi a dull, sallow complexion, liver S])()t>`, 1 Chase's Liver Cure is the only remedy I positively cure these complaints. Qnnrrumn NEW- HWEN AWAY positively tncse C0mpI:unL~. . sommunc New. Gwen AWAY I-`as: ,Wrapped around every bottle of Dr. (iha. Liver Cuxc is a valuable Household .\_Iv;dica.l Guide and Recipe Book'(84 gages), containing over 200 useful r_ccipe.<, pronounce by medical men and druxzgists as invalu- table, and worth ten times the price of the medicine. - --n-nnnnin A AA l\_l.' l-.__1_ _;,|`__J EDIE, anu WOTUI Len lllIlL'3 LIIC }uu.I. -.u Lu\. .. -.\......... I. EDMANSON & 00.. sore Agents, Bradford. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. HuLLowAv7s7nNIMNT 115 am, To HEALTH; THEY ARE AN Ai3S`.I!l.UfE AND - j Unlocks all the clng ed avenues ofthe B-`xwels, Kidneys an Liver, carrying - nfnradnnllv u-hhnnl `weakening the svstem. n_)we1s, nxugxeyu `auu u_um, u---,---5 of gradually \\'nhout`\veakemng system, all the ixnpuriiics and foul humurs of the secretions; at the same time Co1_'1ecting Acidity of the Stomach, curng B1li- ousness, Dyspczg. ia. Head.a.c1=._es. Diz-` ziness, Eeartaurn, ,Cons*.,1pa.t1on. Dryuess of the skip. Dropsy. Dim~ ness of Vision, J aundxce. Salt Rheum. .1s.._-...:..-'l-...- ,Q.....:`..`ln T~n++.n1-i-no rt: 11385 OI V 181011: J aaUJ1llLUUs nun: U Avuc um. Erysi alas; Scrofnla. Plvttering oi the. eart, Nervousness and General Debity; all these and many other simi- lar Complaints yield to the Y1"-DY ihcllct ,.r nrrnnnnv 151' Ann 'p'rr'n'.='t"D';' Sample Bottles 10c ; Regular size $21. For sale by all (heal:-rs`. T. Dlll.lil5it`.\' & ('0..AI ropric-ton-5:.` Toron". March 11,1886. lilf \/(HIIIIILIHILW )'lL`Hl U} of mmnocx BL0O|1.')WB; I"'i":':;";.`E.l1;'....'.;". GEGRGE Mi:-NEMA N; - DRL'GG1S'1`. BARBIE, suf*erAers f:`!':-""_ _!v.'->' ' -.:`_`!ot9. Dsordg:-ed. $to:'na::~.. 533. `Tim; cui.'V. gs:-2=-.re:a to in 1.; .; nag-\f_r\,'l' Annu- I'f.lH'EUl UUSML i`c`5i_:;. Leaaahe .92 snuiczmtn, s_an,d Em. Imitation y in I`;I uc, with sign Free Lriitl pxckagc ; sent tn any uddre `ml me -910." V`.'.A\n'd `Ho 1'ofn. yr\1 -W1 "-'()}_1, no ; he 1eL.'1ue_1mve {ml tih.-1t -s why I _n1.dnd'ging _ PUipZC;V, Cl\.- ` ,' that wxll most: l?cr.";5e Books at wary man, '1: I iv-.-r (`nu/. mur- '{:'1ay J ~\\x-11 rho ` runce : ,,,__-__ ` A Sure to Make an Enemy. 1 :m to f1'ic11d V;-`I' d0n't1ike.that fellow ` vvahh owled. LV 2')? His ` ., .3 .x nuu.-uL_y1u`,;, uu, nun... v 3"} ` Ly (xpognre to air, and 1'8- aiI`I_\`-Ywn `degrees, "Fahrenheit. mu; v;_n:mtity of soap is-ma.nufac- mrn i'his' kindof oil ; indeed, some 1. . 19:1}? mu-`_,1A ;n, aevera.l degrees colder. Iincst toilet soaps import-ed fromT are uf this material. *`----$90 I Wife was Good to Him. FIGS -1 im -55:01.` asked him to U0 U1: uvuly uvuva.v UL never fails to `cure; Barrie, and M. J the muney, him." The Lumber or 1eo_o. The ltimberman of the present hour is a sharp business man-quick to note ad- vantages in the market alike of labor, pro- duce, nr lumber, and enterprising in open- ingnew channels of production or sale. He can size up a timber berth, lumber pile, or gang of men with almost unerring judgment. Hedeals with the seen and tangible, and sharp perception. `quick de- cision are qualities daily requisite. He is apt from his vocation to be rather positive of his knowledge and autocratic in his management of business. He is a great Improvement to the happy-go-lucky job- ber of half a. century ago, who hunted up a grove of pine in some accessable posi- tion, found a supplier to carry on the necessary expenditure, hired a gang, and came out in the spring alittle ahead or a, good deal behind, as the weather and market might determine. rm... 1. ...L.............. -2 UL- ........ 1mm ...:11` ll.IUIll\U|l LLIIEIIU \AU|aUllL|1llUo The ltmberman. of the year 1900 will" be still another style of man, and a great revolution in method of operation will "be the result. The white pine` like the In- dian is doomed to extinction ;' neither can bear cultivation is the dictum of a philo- sophic lumberman. Assuming that the present mode of lumbering is pursued` twenty years longer, little pine will re- \.main in either Michigan or Ontario, and we must look to some means of supplying our daily needs _for houses, cases, etc. That this may be by pressed pulp and peat there can be but little doubt ; and we trust that the change will even be to our benet. The range of `timber suited to pulping is annually extending, and the applications to the nished product to do- mestic use rapidly increasing. That ulti- mately all kind of timber will be pulped and pressed into required forms, without any loss of material, may be regarded as certain. Instead of saws. boring, morti- sing machines, planers, moulders, glue pots, etc , we will see extensive ranges of hydraulic presses, steel -moulds, and trim- mines for the pressed goods theyvprocure. The man that directs all will be a trained chemist, who cancall the appliances of modern science and technical skill to his aid-who can unroll the mazes of natural handiwork in vegetable life, and grasp the fibre at the stage suited to his pur- pose. Asbestos, talc, mica. graphite, kaolin and other mineral bodies will play a part in his operations ;oxides and chlori- des of the metals will be used to indurate the pulp board and. render it incombusti- b`.e--its hues may vie with rainbow tints, and its durability. outlasts the Egyptian granite. . Such we believe to be; the lum- berman and his material. There will be ti`. en little running of rapids, booming and ` all the romantic routine of the raftsman s life. Whole sections will be devoted to, the cultivation of pulp timber. and brous grasses ; and thus the gallant, adventur- ous raftsman will subside into the scienti- c farmer, and reap his laurels (and his prots) from the owery eld instead of the foaming ood;--Toronto World. ---vw.- -`,v- vv - v--v, Of Hvnnilton. 0nt.A, are themanufacturers of ' the greatest healingand purifying compound known for sores, burns, cuts, scalds, salt rheum, frost bites, etc. It is called Mc- Gregor & Pa.rke s Catholic Cerate- Be sure and get McGregor &. Pa.rke s Carbolic Cerate sold bv Geo. Monkman. at 250. a. box igoklzutely` everything,` to my reditora, as an honest man should,- replied the bank- rupt, in a tone of self-abnegation L \X7I1n- unn III \7\t1|I'lI n kn I;n;nrr rn-nI-u- "?5Zu`E."33a2"irTiIo}}"n`ii`s%aken `you; are! returned the 2-cent-on-a-dollar failure. Everything that .you .see' ;is my wife s--a.bsolutely everything; But she is too tender-hearted to deprive me of their use on account of my misfort'une.` `"5"\:'vi'yI' '$'u" J&1Z"? iiiffng pretty well, remarked the_ old friend. I `CAL -new -I- I-uni! vs-n:u5n`rAr\ 'UOI\n\ Purgatlve. 1 mm aw -*----~ ----~- -5-. -- --_- all varicticsof \Vorms. . , -- Every bonnet a. "b iniit. Ur. Low s Worm Syrup has removed ta. e V . - > P mrm from 15 to 30 feet in length. It also ` Liwr, r :?a all kinds of Worm. T A gentlemen of. color--_a`pa.inter. National Pills act promptly upon the 1-gulate the Bowels and as a purga- tive are mild and thorough. . u. 'I'}1cl1caviest.mashon record was when truth \\'as crushed to earth. ' V Prof.` Low s Sulphur Soap is `highly recom- mended for the cure of Eruption, Chafes, (`happcd hands, F1mples, Tan, 81.0. I ` , The dog star-'l`_he bloodhound with a. Uncle Tom's Cabin combination.` _ V CURE ,will immediately relieve .\`n'1.<-H's `mm, whooping cough and bronchitis. Sold by John Woods, Barrie, [and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. . . T "You. hired me,sa.id the laboring man, and now I want you to higher wages. .<:m.ou_ .~< (`A'rAizR1{ lh:MEDY-a positive vure for ca.tarrh, dlptherla. and_ canker mouth. 5./.1.l by John \Voods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allamlale. _ ' The dress coat must go. Every little- '.\'l1ll(3 a. 14431 H) clerk 1s mistaken for an $800 `Ailllril. V v V i A I\'.\.~ .-u. I.\.J1:('1`on freewwith each bott.'e _.2 ;' .\":.:1uh a (`:Lta,rrl1 Remedy. Price 50 cents. I I.-. \`(7,\,..In prnn-in an!` _T In Good Repute. _ James McMurdoch, writing from Kinsale, says :-B B. B., as a remedy for dizezses `of eblcod,1iver. and kidneys, has an excellent -reputation in this locality. I have used it; . and speak from experience as well as obser- vation. Itiis the only medicine. I want, and I advise others afflicted to try it. - . E Plunbus Unnm. 'The young` man lingered near the `mana- ging editor s desk, waiting for an appoint- ment on the _regular staff. LL11.-- .... n An-In`; 9 no;r` 4-Ha V'n1I \A(YA`I`, I Illellb Uu h|lU_1 cgu1a} nI.a.u. V I But.- you drmk 2 sad the manager, N wishing to 1et the candidate down easy. `bvnn vInr\`:L\r1 Han um-nna man, so did wlsnmg B0 16!: um uuuunuaua uuvvu vuvuic Yes, replled the young man, so did Alexander the Great. I! A `I _ ___- - 3...!` 9 . no`nr\I|:!'|(f at A16XIlut`:1' buu unuau. M And you are a dude 7" glancing at , the youth s dandiod dress. ' l , So was Disraeli. 2 ' `- And you are a liar ? So was Napoleon Bonaparte.` _ And you are head and ears in debt ? Like Alexander Dumas. And you are a glutton ?" So was Peter the Great. And you swear occasionally 7. So did George Washington._ You are liable toget drunk T "Like Daniel Webster. " You are not a college man 1 Neither was Lincoln. ' . . V ".`And theniyou write a . wretchedly ille- gible hand 1 i. ' l . Like Horace Greeley. . You cnn t make a. speech Z a hike Grant." , F Well, said the manager, plunging at a. heap of manuscript, anyhow we don t want you ;,you won t do. Good morning. The young man-turned, away exceeding- ly sorrowful. It s no sort of use, he said : a fellow combines. in his own brain I andperson the traitsgofv all the great men from Alexander to Grant, and can t even get a place. This world is growing too` fast- ` ' ' . 1\*lO nan-nu: " I U0 ll Plavu. for 9;en1us." '.l'll.Bl'B In uuuuug an... 7.. There is no remedy offered to snfferin humanity whose use is so universally anrgl frequently required as Hag)-'erd s Yellow Oil, for rheumatism, neuralgia, colds, sore throat, croup, lnmbago, and aches, pains, lameness and soreness of all kinds, when internally and externally used. .....::.--o-&o---------- `all over the world, that Mr. Gladstone Little Points on u_n.wuuu...u..... It was amusing to read lately, cabled kissed the Queen's hand; The custom of withdrawing the glove in handshaking is now a thing of the past. It had its origin in the knight of the olden` time taking off his iron gauntlet so. as not to hurt his lady s- hand, and has gradually become an obsolete tashion, .though. one `yet 9 gentleman .who,- eenlsiders it only _ due a- lady_ ` that he (her this }b5aI"e5_ hand. A fyounizf`to1d77;ine;;that she` incurred the displeasure `of fa1pr ovinoial- acquaintance because she merely bowed instead of shaking hands with a group of girls with some `of whom she had but. msteaa OI Bnuluug u-nu... ..-- girls some of 4 LNLLL I . .\'.\.~:.u. f1-ee.with each bot.'AeT .11` s Price 50 cents. >;\`.,1.1 by .)k.lm Woods, Barrie, and M. J. H;m11n, _-\H:nu1a1e. M Why are printers the most merciful of mm! vlieozunsc they -never k11l thmgs .-Ln ,_ ..-... .1,\.-..1 . , - .'C-"-'------ There is Nothing Like it. --An._ -a'..-...: 4.}. .. McGregor & Parke, I-El-LIIJJ EU GB IJ'J UV IIUGIIL an UVUI. IJLIU IUUIJI. A mistake often made in social greetings is that of introducing a. lady to a gentle- man, which is the reverse of correct. .When the sex is the same, introuduce the one you consider inferior in point of social position or, by reason of youth, to the superior or older. When introduced it is etiquette to bow, but not to shake hands, and it is optional witha lady to recognize the "gentleman at the next meeting. I think I could easily tella irt if I saw her shake hands, for the method ofthat character is to linger over every hand as if that particular one came nearest her a'ec- tions. In fact there is much to be learn- ed of human nature in the methods of social gatherings. T - '1'ne.'1'r1a1s of a. Sohoolmlstress. Teacher (in mental arithmetic)--If there were three-peaches on the table, `Johnny, and your little sister should eat one of them, how many would be left ? - J ohnny--How' many little sisters I wongld `be left? 1-117 1- . 1' I You VVUuL\A UV JUAU `~ '1`-eacher-N ow. listen. Johnny. If _ there were three peaches on the table, and your little sister should eat" one, how rnanv would be left '1 - _ uni, -:,-u 1.-.: ~_ _____1- :_, u__3 called i putting onggirs;- when in fact necessities of the occasion that was at fault. But the provincial young ladies evidently believed in hand shaking as part ofthe code of manners. Yet atathis same gathering my friend said the young pee in whispering or giggling in the room, or rudely staring at any dress that differed from them in style. What a very trying ordeal, too, is the loud-voiced greeting, where your hand is held and and inquiry made after your welfare and that of your` "family so as to be heard all over the room. A I\v\:`n`>l\ l`\`+t\'\ mnn :r\ an.-.nI tuuInn.':nnn slight Aaqqnaintanoelgwhen. entering a par,-; lot at` a country`y`_affte;r-noon They it was their own igrarsce of the social ple did not seem to see any impoliteness. IuTI|:>'111;'1;J);::`?V`;f;;U;.:i1; t had "a peach in the ! house this year, let alone three. I 'T`nnn1\nn_ WA nu-I'(\ nr-ulvv nrlv\v\nu~:r\ro `Ln ucaavucu uu U0 uu. gnu uuuau, vvuxzania Johnny --Then they wouldn t be real peaches? . Teacher---No-. J uhnny--WouId they be preservcd peaches ? ' ' Teacher-` `Certainly not. Johnny---Pickled peaches?" . 'l.`eacher--.No, no. There.Vvou`ldn t be any peaches at all, I told you, Johnny ; we only suppose the three peaches to be there. 11:11! .1 ,,I,`I, 91 1,, LLIJLAUU Ulla) Jvun, Luv uunvnnv lllIA\.I\lA Teacher--We are only supposing the ` peaches to be on the table, Johnny. 1..L....... h'l"|....n LL.-... .nnnIJn J- In.-. canon` UlLUlUc Johnny-`?Then fhefe wouldn t be any peaches, of course '1" - l r"nnnl\43II,_,,""N'r\Ilr ,'n1\nnu uni-, I-Bolt T \\'m~ \\`lL|. \'('nL' cough when Sl1iloh s Ome- xx ill ;_:i.\'(> immediate relief. ` Price 10 cts., 50 t`L.~'., haul $1. b azzd M, J. Hamlin, Allandale. . Sold by John VVoo ds,v Barrie, ' It used to be, See that my grave : kept green." ' The new and popular vcrsiml 1s, Olr, keep my ashes bottled, V PWQKJIIC3 `II. \lV'llllIIJ U Teacher--`:`N ow, Johnny, put that knife in yourpocket or I will take it away, and pay attention to what I am saying. We imagine three peaches to be on the table. 3 _ * Johnny-`?Yet-. e Teacher--``And your little sister eats one of them and then goes away. TAL__.- `rt\l kn!` aka vnnu\`Av-1,5 an UIIU Ul IIIIUIIL G_l.II.I. UILUBI `USP CIVVCJJO Johnny--Yes, but she 'w.onldn t go away until she had nished the three. You don't know my little sister. "l'1......l..... (`D-`L n n u n n A an rvnusu v\nr\-unit Ull uuu. II nuuvv I-ll. Lsvvav wuavvau Teach_er-But V suppose your mother !was theie and wouldn tlet her eat but one? 9 111] .1 5.. ,`-_L -c L-____ _...`l WUII ll UU UGUR Illll. IIUAU "ODD. Teacher (sternly)----Now, Johnny, I will put the question once more, and if you do not answerit correctly I shall keep you after school. if three peaches were on the table and your little aistcr was to eat one of them, how many would be left I / . - 1 . _,.-,_-_ .__\ tHl'1l.L.._.. `U110! `- .Tohnny-Mother s out of town and won t be back till next week. \ I \ l(\T.__ T-L_...__ T ` UV I-U10 I Johnny (straightening up) - There wouldn t be any peaches left. I'd grab the other too. I - ll I_,1'.\. urn! - ULIU UIIIIUI-' IIUUo ' ` Teacher (touching the bell):-'1'-I e scholars are now dismissed. Johnny White` will remain where he is. 1 Carl Dunder s Boy Jake. Dot Shake plays some more games on me again, said Mr. Dunder as he enter- ed. the Central Station. You knows l Shake? - Seems as if I had heard of him. - - Shake vhas a shmart boy. Dot time he goes to Toledo he trades watches mit a condence man und-gets one twice as big as his. One time he goes to Chicago und doan get lost nor meet some bunko men." What has he beendoing now `P `Vell. Shake sees some tracks in der snow, und he comes to me und says maybe some colored shentleman would like to steal our shickens. \ He goes oop mit a second-hand store und buys a big bear-trap, and I help him set her py der coop _ Dot vhas all right. If some . colored shentlemans get in dot trap he vhas a goner. I got oudt and look at himlund gif him avhay mit der police." see. u We keep dot trapset two days, und nopody comes aroundt. Last night - Shake goes oudt mit der back yard und sets re so some straw in a box. Eafery- podv begin to calls `re ! und a big pc- liceman shumps oafer der alley fence und comes down on dat trap. I neafer hear A ` such awful yells in all my life. It vhas j like two hundred lions screamin out in } `der night after beef. It takes four men to pry him _oudt, und he limps aroundt und shwears und says he can lick two tousand-men mit one hand tied behind him._ He says Shake put oop dot re to make him shump oafer, und dot he shall take him to shail for twenty years. We look aroundt for dot boy, but he vhas gone. I guess he goes by his uncle in Sprmgwells. Sergeant, I like to ask you -if Shake haf to go in_ a law-suit ? I 'don t think so. 7 _ p Dot policeman says -I vhas in der plot to murder him ; can he send me to shail 3 No. ' ' V Dot makes me feel tickled like a child. All last night I dreams of cow-boys und shails und supreme courts, und I guess i dot Shake doan shleep .9. wink. I goes - downafter dis afternoon, Sergeant! . : -weu." n S 3 Vhen. I _t Shake home 1 shall tells y 3him to] come owncellar und see if some 'oolored.shentlemenIdoan steal our pota- toes !. You tell'doto1_oer on dot `beat `if hear some awful whoopsfund shriek: und S yells to walk right on. It_ vhas mound 0 Shake lookin for derwcolored shentlemans f mit.a_st1_'aD 1" . -_:------Q . T - Iliuedlll Opportunity. I- am hard up," said a tough-look`7n g chap to {L resident of Je'erson~ avenue, whom he met on the street the other even- '7 DIV. ing. - OCH L:1\'c1.u. L)11uu_;u Hruucu-uuu v.. V.-- .......--- .. >'h1l()h'S \'ita1i'/4:1`; It fails` to Fnld by John \V00ds, Barrie, a.n(1_ Hamlin, Allaxgdale. j A .\ Troy business house advertises: ' -`L.`u11`ars a11C_1VcufYs.. Full wedding outfits. \\1.- MW.` smrprisd, We thought better of "I'r~_y c1\'i1i'/.ation. miserable by tlizzihess, .: ;.. u.;h.t. u \'i+nlrmr in :1 -rinszitivn IDE- ;, (`Sol din, was the reply. . - V . "l7d like to borrow about fteen cents. , So would I. Snv ! - said the men as he came a sten nearer; '_this is a piece of good luck. I was lopklng for Just such 9. man as you are. We are both -hard -up; we both THE -NORTHERN ADVANCIE CITY OF LONDON, ENGLAND, Capital 2,000,000; deposited with the Govern- ment at Ottawa $100.000. Reserve fund 50,000 Sterling. THE MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE 00 Capital $500,000; Government deposit made. JAS. scaoeens. convmancmz, COMMISSIONER IN H.C .1, Agent fortho following Insnranoe Companies THE Anovi: ARE ALL srodx compamms. THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE CO. Capital. $500,000. THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMP..AI:_.1bY_ i 013' ABERDEEN AND LONDON. Capital. 3,000,000 Sterling. LIILIJ o ' All right ! If. you had rather sleep under stairways and beg for cold victuals than roll in wealth, that s your lookout. Don t go whining around about hard luck, ` however. The man who wont kill an old shoemaker for 8250 must expect Provi- dence to go back on him and keep him under. V In thanking the public of Barrie and vicinity for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, begs to_ state that_he has at con- siderable expense increased his baking facili- ties and 18 now prepared to do a larger business 4-}: o n awn!` UUUUIU, unu. Wu 1!. wuuun cvuu. V The millionaire begged to be excused, and the stranger renroaichfuilly called after him : ` 1. .1! I I A | :19 ,_ `l___] __A]____ _]_A__ !0FFIOE- Up-staar:ZoNDoN HOUSE, 5 E _ on Lennow cf; Lennoac Flat. `l`I_In U65 uuu ID I than ever. l`m: lhcv. (inn. H. TIIAYER, of Bourbon, md., says 2 Both myself and wife owe our lives to >`hi1oh s Consumption Cure. Sold `my John Womls, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, AlIzLnd_a.le. A Money arid time are valuable; but a man may be mi;serab1e'with both when he has more of either than he can spend, ~Fu1{. [)\'sP1 and liver` complaint, you_ i:1\'e.z1 )riutcn1 rvurantee on ever bottle of 1 ,. .5 . . .-s..1..x,n. \ .+..1w.m It nr-ver fmlsr to cure.- Made in the vizrious styles a1'1d.qua.1ity the best -De1ivered in_a.1l narts of the town. T waht money, There s an old shoemaker -down` here _' who keeps $250 under his bench. Come down with me.` I'll _take him by the-' neck - while you grab the boodle, a.nd`we ll whack even. rm... ....:n:.......;.... I-.........-.A 4... `no Invariant` _LEADS _'_l'_I:I_E' VAN. F-`=r-L B__.1-`FPVV. N PIC-NIC PARTIESEOCIALS 8c WEDDINGS 1 supplied at short x:otice and on reasonable 3 arms. ' i 0oNvE YANCER, gm, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES . onion A1` um - -% -____..._ __-_- Avsvpw Q-.11-\1\v1 HUYAL msunmi COMPANY I % , Assms: . _`l'.!_I_!II x sznnga.-an-.;g V--v,vvv,_--- Has the argest Surplus of Assets over Liabili- ties of any Fire Insurancescompeny in the world. Barrie Sent. 11. 1878 Northern &North Western Railways. manufactured freshievery `day. Ask your grocer for them and you will use no other. T7t1'cHEsnF HUMOR mm PAZTHUS. cl-4--I-Jnvkrtr `an:-- 1 __> To all points East and West. and Manitoba. For tickets, rates. etc., apply to . `CAPT. SMITH. R081`. QUINN, Agent N. 8; N. W. Rys., General Passenger Agent. Barrie. M 1 9-tf. UNI lull 51 IL} POST OFFICE BUILDII`; G, BARBIE. nommlma man? Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Simcoe. Orders left at the Anvmvon Omce win he romptly attended to, and information will be urnished parties requiring Mr. Ford's services as though he had himself been consulted. Sales taken in prices to suit everybody. snscomneu AN n , FURNI TUBE BOUGHT ANo_ sonn. Auction Rooms and Oice. --Few Doors N o_1'th 1 of Wellington Hotel, Bavgld st.. Barrie. FAMES EDWARDS, now L081. saymgs Sandwiched with Fara- mphs for the Serious--'.l.'he Beat the Scissors Can Find. - W1ttY_ 3 A letter of i11troduction-I. _ s Worm Powders require no other Frcemzul rurgative, They` are safe and sure to remove . n .....-..+.ins: of

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