ISIIUVVLI Ill U16 (H.116 U1 58-18. . Further particulars may be obtained from the auctioneer. or D._ Burke Sim` son, Ven or'a Solicitor. . Bowman_v1lle, or. Me arthy, Pepler 8c McCarthy, Solicltors, Barrie. Dated this 19th February, 18:56. ' 8 11 xvamu onsT,ExLAaeIsaInx1. NOTICE To c0N'rRA0T0I{s. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTIPE, Chancery Division. Bell vs. Bell. Pur- suant tu ajudgment of the Qhanoer Division of the High Court of Justice ma e in the action Bell vs. Bel],. the creditors of Lachian Bell, late of the town of Barrie. in the County of bimcoe, who died on or about the 29th duty of March. 1882. are on or before the 4th day of` March, 1886' to send by post grepwd to Messrs, MCI arth . Pepiersc Met art 3`. of the t wn of Barrie. t e_ solicitors for the nlaineiff. their christian and surnames. addresses and de- scription, the full particulars of their claims, a stateme-ttof their accounts, and the nature or their securities (if any held by them. or in de- fault thereof they will pereyuntorily excluded from the henet of the said Judgment. Every creditor holding any se urity is to produce the same before me at my chambers at the Court House. in the said town of Barrie. on the Twelfth day of March, A.D., 1886. at -eleven o'clock in the forenoon, being the time appoint- ed for 3:] udication upon the claims. Dntad thin lllth nv nf `Rah IRRR u -Aruu. run a.o.un.-1zz Autusi EAHM. FUN farm for sale or rent, Lot 23. 71:]: Con. Ves- pra, 1} miles from Barrie. on good road; land is sandy loam _with clay bottom; 90 acres cleared and well fenced, all under cultivation 40 acres in crop. balance seeded down; good well of water, a small pond in the barn yard; nod house. large barn 60 x 40. stable under the arm that will hold 20 head of cattle. driving and im plement sheds. sheegand p houses, &c.. a good young orchard. illbe so :1 on easy terms or rented for a number otyears. Apply` at the Anvwcn Ofce. or to the owner on e pre 3 mines. I ---------'- _ I FARM FOR. 8AE.-122 ACRE FARM FOR I for gen, nun `I1 rn{Iun Cnnvn Dawn-in no: man ! -A . 1-..; ' AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. rcmcx In cne Iorenuon, Demg we mm :d aj claims. Dated. this 10th dav of Feb.. 1886. Had. J. R. comma, M amznr n1 '.Lu.lulll.l1'5_l;. AV] and Fr1dav.. DA -MAILS` FOR "ROBERT HUBBERT P3115. The creamers that have been made have one or more cans for the milk, with tanks about them for ice water. Thoroughly cold water will also do very well. After the cream has risen the skim milk is drawn off by a tap from below. Another tap draws ` the water o. T We have secured illustrations of two ap- `ovei creamers for our agricultural eadex-9' benet. They are, or ought to be, M advertised in all papers that go among farm- ; awn . l JU 1'1'nan, M aster at Barrie. 411412 1 , . Secretary. 1 ) . |11'05 3 in` `ll05am1 I MOSELY. CIEEALIER. Anotbernpprovoil c1'eame1?is SIJOWI1 in the M second illusn-ation, After the minute ex- planation of Fig, 1 this needs not the` going into of data 19. It has several compart. ments, so that milkof different ages may be kept separate. ` ' Qnrnn nf tho nvnnfntrnu A, n nu`-dual: 400pm CLOSE. Be 91` Choking and Less Work No Steam insthe House, No Oensive Odor. No Burning of Food o No Frost on Windows. N o Dampness on Walls, ` s V o No Tough Meat- `Three kinds of meat, four kinds of vegetables and two puddings may be CM, at the same time and over one hole in the stove, by the steam of one quart of Wm: consequently about one half of wood is saved in preparing dinner, which gm, :1 aboui one-ighird lesitizpe. . P `l'\ ,,,, 3,, , , A ,1 J ' - V o ` 7` , COOKINGMADE am` DIAMOND STEAM GOGKERI lomey of the advantages of a cabinet creamery are in the butter making. It keeps the cream of u1iform_.temperature and allows [it all to rip -n or sour at one time, when wanted for churning. T It saves the back-breaking work of lugging milk and milk pans up and down cellar and all around, Itsaves three-quarters of the laborof wash- ing mnlk uteneils. It helps to make dairy work, the heaviest of all labor farm women have to perform, easy. The.crea,n1ers~are of daerent sj'z s and prices. from those holding milk from four cows up to thirty or forty. More um can be got `fl om milk by thin method ban in any other way. The cost of _ _-I.:,_ Ann -.. I-I7IW III IIIILVI-J I , It is the only Cooker that has Stationary Steam Signal. It can be heard in 3.. part of the house, `thus absolutely preventing the possibility of any danger of burn? `from forgetfulnesa. . TL 5... LI... .....`I_ fI....'I...'.. LL..L L-.. .. ...... ........-`I..L2...... _-..L_ ....1_.. LL_L __-,|, , ll VIII JUL `V VI IIIIJUDB It is the only Cooker that has a safe regulating safety valve that needs no care; attention and cannot possibly get out of order. ' It is theonly steam cooker with an escape steam tube that is equally adapted? use on a gasoline stove or common cook stove. - " T` In `Inn Anlrv nnnirn In-vii-I-n v\nn`AnnLn:: Acnkmm an n_-an-nun : cl`.-.L 1-1..` A, _..I I-IUV Ill: II alxvusulv nvvvv VI. \J\llLllI.l\Ill vuvn. nlnlvvo It is the only cooker with perforated dishes so arranged that the conalcnsi; steam will not mingle with the food as it passes down from one apartment _to almther WA fn Ann`) I-nnnlva nI1:`tl1'nn; r\r\:r\r\n nv\t1 n41\nm nnz.n6nL1r.n ..L _, uuvulua nun uvv nan-u,-.-,u.; vv;vu sanv Lvvu no AU kvuuuvu uuvvu LLUILA Uuw oyax uuu.7uu_uU aHULllE' WARRANTED o cook meats, puddings, onions and other vegetables at 33;`: time without emitting anv unpleasant odor or mingling in avor. The average c.. of the .Cooker will be about One Cent per week and will save about fty tl'lI1t"i'.';`. much. ' ' T 1.1 I 1. n 04.; I u. o - 1`: `I JUST AERRHV9: 3 % G.c+. SMITH, UNDERTAKER, CIJUIIII I-Il.IV'IMIIl\l AUDI! IIAIIIVO The Diamond Cooker is constructed on a. common sense princxple. It has st:-a tight covers that prevent steam and odor from escaping, without rubber packing N. useless machinery. T` :a `turn Admin. I`;-\n`rnn lkn` Lug Q`-n`:noun-no Q`:-\1|v\n TL luau-5 l\r\ 'L--_j - -------:o:------ . T 3'1:-ov1=:.s T: ST-ovEs=a 2 2 ALL THE MOST APPROVED MAKES, WITH THE LATEST AND BEST FUR. Vi.` AT -MANUFACTURERS. PRICES. % JOHN PL.-\.\`Tv . R. A. Dlltt0n s. BARRlESTOVE&FURi`iA8E an: ywu wv SUN LIVLLI lllltlt U] Ill-III ;1o:;.odvl;.za.u _of a cabinet creamer is frozu $26 up, according to size. [0 BARS OF SOAP FOR E $_g._I?@m@ 4m; @a1@m: oaoss CUT_SAWS AND AXES What We claim for the Diamond Steam cooker; TIME, LABOR & MONEY Sm/::o T - SOUTH SIDE DUNLOP STREET, NEXT noon TQ TTHE_n_CAN*T%ONi TEA srozr "ft: has receivedtwenty-seven State prizesand ten prizes in Canada. Patented March 1st, 1882, and [November 27th, 1884. AGENTS \\'A.\'TE!, nu-uv on I -nnlvli U Ulul-I.IJIIl'll lill I'UlIlIUE.U A n at short notice. A full stock of Iron Pipe tor Steam. Water and Gas. Globe Va 1w.= _ V and Check Valves. Steam Gausres. and Water Glasses. All work in this line prompy attended to. _&!!EE$..7. 15XT9N'S._GEIEBRATEB muncss 1 Whicl%1 weare now selling at :1 !':`:i Uiscou nt. ` Farming in Colorado. The eastern farmer depends sovfeiy upon, , and thinks he can raise nothing without`; rain, while the farmer inColorado, who can take water from" thevnutural streams and" distribute it over his land, wants no rain- wouid not have it. He never loses a crop it he understands his business. He fears no , drouih, but rejoices in the bright sunshine of a cloudless sky, appiying moisture when `needed, and keeping it oi! when not needed. To those who think Colorado is a vast, dry, sandy end desolate desert it may sound strange tempt that a drouth `is ` unknown. But it in-'eve'n eo. Our soil is never too wet to plow, endnever too dry andvhard to lnrn. nun nnahnvnu nlln nlunnm tuunlnun ....-._- ` SKATBS; SLEIG-IE3: BELLS PLATFORM Aums. omnn sclmzs, BARS OF DINGMANS T`? TTEITTTEI 3:3 A 1-; ___;__ STOCK OF W Al.'i`H. 'I'T....N 33.1=t.,<>A.-9-4 ...l1D' UL" .lJ.LL`l Ur1v.LALV b` "" ' ELECTRIC SOAP FORCE R. A. DOUGLAS , BE ||I.|.8 IISE, Vl|l.|. GLOSE DOORS` V|'l'l0UT SLAMMING. BARRIE AND STROU D. NEW} AND IMPROVED vv .1-V". wuvu, now vvo vvv uni Iilhll-I I-IDIWI IN) tum. Our pastures are always grlen, crops always fresh and vigorous until the period of 'ma.tul'ity` ripeua them. ihnipunffnn Ca g I `-.4`.......lA.__ `in. n A % T BY USING THE-'---- THE V JEWELLER. -Ma.nufacE1re_>rs and (Szowle ;X_gi1-1:s forthev Emm} nf .\. at--' -L I.\J u_:<.7, V 5.2;. cu And all Funeral Req-uisites Fm: ` Orders by Telegraph cr Otlxersviso, 1` attended to. _ d _ V G.` _O. DQLMAGE, Manhger, S11`- % STEAM wonxs AND smww 1:~ , _coLL1::sAR.s'.r:., BA.R = COFFINS AND GASKETS OF ALL }\'.'.\'I (io-9.) "' J. HEuDERsoN 5 ' 1}Ts3c1{ ;>V1:I;iz:df3 `to '6raI. March 4, 1886 suuuuasvy pcua uuvlllo Although. irrigation is e `necesslty,`it is by no means so expensive as one would sup- \ pose. It is really a blessing no other people ` enjoy,.because it places the making of all crops in the farmers` own hands, and saves them from all failure. It also makes every crop an average crop, and otten doubles it. While. rain in all sections comes free. to oil. the want of it is a hundred times more expensive than all our-great canals, ditches end means of syplylng water articially to the crops. While our nwlghbors on the east IOHN PLAXT07` 011? Witt al`l d C 11.,` L:I.`he first is the \\ \\ \ \\ R \\ The Pasture. > Every -farmer knows the importance of sunlight, and `plenty of it, with his growing` plants. No man would be foolish enough to ' attempt to grow a crop of wheat, corn or. oats` in the woods.- Indeed, every care is ' taken to always out down all the` trees that in any measure tend to shade the elds where these grains. are grown. It is` agreed that grass is a' patient and long-suifering plant, that will thrive better than anything that i not actually a weed, under the most adverse circumstances: but this is no excuse for the neglect and .abuse it often meets with. The {AOL rest and rockiest hillsides are set apart for it, and even the woods are only trimmed, up-a little to let in enough light and air to encourage a spindled and sickly growth. . Such grass makes very poor `esh, and still poorer milk. The cow that fatten; on it does so at such an expense of labor in nding it and in the effort to assimilate it that her esh becomes as hard and stringy as vulcaniz d rubber. That she knows better than to feed upon such stuff is very evident by her constantly feeding in the open sunshine when she can, -and in such spots the ` grass will always be noted as very short and making a thick sod. Now take a hint from this, and cleurout all the Lrush and spare trees and add a little manure to the bztre spot<, even if you have to buy it. Sow more seeds on the snow, and pick up the l`u('l{s t give more room .for the gm-s to grow. Now is a good time to do the tree trinuning and seat! sowing, before the rush of ork logfns in the sp1'i`11g.- I American Dairymun. Tough, oh the Farm Lziborer. _ We are not mistaken in the d1t'fereuce in the economy of conmrm lab;)re1's titty years ago, and at prevc-n. They used to try and I save nnd 'su ceeded wonderfully. At this period in5hi'story, aftel.` a perso 1 has worked eight months in_ the year at" good wages for vuyea1's, if an; inventory be taken at the beginning of spring` of his capital stock, it _ will be found that he has an o d- pipe, an old 3 winter boots. `I ? I greasy yockeb book, a jack knife, a fancy necktie and proL_ab1y an old extra pair_of .u '1...` `lint vv Ann hub I~J\I He can lose` the axe [off the lvohsled in going to the timber, and the end board to the wagon box in going to the mill. "It is just as easy for him to lose as it is for a mosquito to bite. \.I can i forget more in one day than `you can think j of in a week. He can exhibit his strength by breaking a twenty-ve cent` fork handle in pitching hay, and display, his weakness by setting a steel trap for a weasel and catcha $3 hen-dead. He makes a $1 ' for you to-duy and loses it to-morrow. -Iowa ` Register. Crushingand Cutting Corn Fodder. Ind by practical experience that corn (fodder is more than doubled in value by crushing and cutting it. I use a cutter that crushes before cutting, and that cuts one- fourth of an inch long, rendering it all pal- atable for all kinds `of stock, and eaten readily without the least waste. And for me, a pound of stalks that have been har- _ vested at the proper` time, andwell cured, is equal to a pound of the best shay. This may seem to many a little overdrawn. Before I had learned it by experience, it would have appeared` to me absurd. A vast amount of stalks are thrown away, so to speak` by `being thrown out in barn yards and elds in the fodderingv of stock, and in` the majority of cases but very little benet is secured from -the practice. The leaves and husks are eaten, and what I have found to be better, the stalks, are wholly lost as a fo`od I And then again he can i enter ,untole1M1'o#sses from `dry seasons; fhe M 4 farmer here, with his foot or two of water, * makes his sure a.nnuai`o.'vex,-`age. `In Colorado there are many strea A s under whose flow of water millions of acres are yet unfenced and unbought; Although there are now in the state over 1,000 miles "of canafs, capable of irrigating over` 1,500,000 acres, the half is not yet surveyed. In the southern part of the state canals are being projected that will furnishland for thousands of families. ,nA,; _. _.,-__.__-J 4.`. ._..`....&n This `Season of the Your. Manure should be put around` rhubarb roots and the small fr_uit.=, `and upon the as- paragus` beds, as soon as the ground thaws, 1 if ibwas not done last fall. _ All of them" will bear liberal manuriug, and w_il1 pay well for i it. Pr.ep_zu'e thevhotbeds as eurlyus possible. *{Eve1'yAfn,1`I11er should have one, in which to grow his supply of lettuce, clabbage} and tho- mato plants. If "a few potatoes are sprouted in the hotbed they can be` transplanted when others are planting potutoe`~',' and about two Some farmers also go so far as to start their - sweet corn, cucumbers- and ' a_ few other, vegetables which they wish to obtain early ' in this way. T V A weeks can be gained in the time of growing. V soil, lay of land and _the methods or using it, the coat of water varies `from $1.50 to $8 per acre annually. The com-lui ions reached by the state engineer are that upon `an average a cubic foot of water per second will irrigate about fifty-ve acres. This; how- ever, appears to be a. very small area, for in some countries a. cubic feet will irrigate seventy or eighty acres.-`-Prof. McCloud. : lul L11-U1-I_lal-JLI LUI. |l.l.Ul4|3rl.Il4l UL Laolullivo The amount of water required to irrigate 100` acres ten years ago will. now irrigate double that area, from the f that we have better facilities for distributing water and apnlying it. Owing to the character of the soil, lay of land and the methods of using 4+ +1.... nn .+ A: .....+.... um-inc 'f1vn'rn 5:1 an tn 3 Earth in the Stable. ' . Nothing will purify and keep a stable so free from odors as the free use of dry earth, and every one keeping horses or cattle will nd it pays to keep a heap of it` `at hand, to be u_sed d_aily.- A few shovelfuls of earth scattered over the oor after _ cleaning will ; render the air of the apartments pure and V wholesome. The value of the season s l manure pile may be largely increased by the 5 free use of such absorbents.` The strength I of the gases and `liquils absorbed is re-_ talned, and is the very essence of good lmnnure. v Sweet Clover. "Professor Alvord states the best time for- cutting sweet clover to be "when it is in full "b`oon. A few plants will scent .a whole I barnful,eand thus give the requisite avor i to the buy without the cattle ever coming into contact with it as a food. .`Sincea.1l- ` these avors are caused by volatile oi.s, it may he that chemists can furnish the requi- ' site oils without feeding anything specially R to produce them. _' Things to Do and to Know. This is the time for building hot beds} North America produces, annually over 100,000,000 pounds of honey, worth $15,- | 000,000. > - 0 .. C'hlox-ide of `lime in the runways` ef rain will both drive yhem away and serve as an excellent disinfectant. ` `Haul ot lanum for your Aorcliard this 1 cold weather.. But don t put it close up to "the trunks of trees. ' Put it mo to three feet away. ' V V him a. pailful of slop which he drank all` up. and I picked him up and put him in the bucket, and the blamed thing d1dn t fill it half iulll ' . F:a;cmer-That is a voracious p.g'. I gave 1 Wlewa trying to revive the grange organ- ization. It should never have been per- mitted to die our. in any at the states. Th- south seems to e going ahead with it bette. than the north. , Appended is a short abstract of those qualied to vote under the new act. "The qualcation is not in any way dependent on the Assessment Rolls. Real property is referred to in every case except In- come and f`Fisherma'n. ' 1. Owners in Towns . . . . . $200 00 In Villages and r A Townships`. . . . . 150 00 P` l 7 l'\l\l\ l'\f\ The Secretary or, other oicers of the local Liberal-Conservatiives Associations will, on application, be pleased to gender them. every assistance. ` .2. Income.....l.- . 300 O0 3, Farmer's Sons. 4. Sons of Owners. 5. Tenants V who have paid one years - rent (inymoney or money's worth, -on one Jr dibrent properties (including lodgings &.c._,) at $2.003. month, or $6.00 a. quafter, T_ , Or $12, 00 a. half year, or $20 00 a. year. ' T 6- Oclcupants of property of the values above stated for Owners. OICEDITORS of Nelson Courtemanche, of the ~ vi1leg..aofMidlund. in the County of Sim- ez c, mun.-hunt, (hereinafter called the debtor), are notied, that under the revisions of the statute 18 Vic.. chap. .26. the ebtor has made an assignment of his proncrtv to me the under- signed, Thomres J. Jermyer, of the city of Toronto. merchant, and _the creditors are re- quired to rove their claims before me on or uefore the 1st day of March; 1886. -` A mmatinnr-nf thn amid nrpditnrn will Inn `hold You are reminded that the Revising Officer for this Ridingis now at work pre- paring the Preliminary list of Voters, and that all who, are entitled to vote under the New Franchise Act must at once apply to have their names inserted, otherwise they W111 lose their votes. I Liberal -_U6Ii 8_I l;1i-Vl;f- " `intention ! 7. _F1_shermen ' o.wni1_1g land and goods -wort}: $150.00. ' ` 8. `Indians . FREE M AN '3 UULUIU LU? OISE UH) U1 JVIBTUII, _1OD". . I A. meetmgnof the said creditors w1ll be held at the oice of Ker-` 8:. Bull, No. 62 Wellin ton street wrest. Toronto, on the 95th day of 0b., 1886. at 3 o'clock p.m.. for the appointment of inspectors, and the giving of directions with uefere nce to the disposal or the estate. Dated this 10th day of February, 1886. T V . THOS. J. JERMYER. KERR 8:. BULL, _ Txustee. 6:. Wellington Stzeet, Toronto, solicitors for Trustee. - . --p .w. v. - I. -cv own up nun a--g Lecturer on the Eye, Ear and Throat. Trinity Medical Colle e, Toronto. Surgeon to the Mer- oer Eye and `er Inrmary, and -Oculist and Aurist to the Sick Children's Hospital, late Clini- cal Assistant Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospi- tal. Mooreelds, and Centre London Throat and Ear Hosp...c..1. 317 hm-oh Street. Toronto. . May be consulted with reference to Diseases of the Eye, Ear Throat a'nd Nasal passages. FANCY GOODS. Cheap Wools andBraids jfi Q; `Inti---n*r'1WI5~a . . *I:`A.1v.:J.=-I1\TG- FOR _BRAIlJING AND EMBROIDERY, Silks, Canvases, `Patterns, Chenille, ` Cards, Tassrls, Tabs: Draper, (5-_c. -, .Q1I-.J--- LEI Qj gjn-_:- Emcaoncz s. mason, L- `R- C- 'P._ L- R. (I, Q. 11!. ..... __.._... _ V -.-......- ANUARY 26'rI1.-1.--Rev. D. D. Ma-Lcod, Rob- ert. Burns. `, V Fnnmmny 22N1),--2. H. B. Spotton. M.A., F, L.S, "Wa.ter. ' ' Mmcn 22xn.-3. Rev. W. Barnes, Hamlet Print-.0. of Denmark." , a:mrs1AL9ALAc:e swam _{'J.\l.\.iVJ. IEUIL DILUIL UH. `LU I1.l`u\'l'.--4`\Xl 1. excellent farm of ft '-four acres isnow for _sa`n or to -xfmxt. It compr .508 the N. R. quarter v of lot 18, ixrthe 7th.uon. of Oro. Fort) acres lared.and the remainder woodlnnd,mostly lm-cl) and maple. Also twenty-v'e news on ` the opposite side `of the concession lino ve Nacres of whicll are cleared and the relmlindcr heuvilymhcrcd. A0n this lobis a good log house. 'l`heolund is of the very best quality. All necessary information can be obtained from | Mr. Duncan McIntyre. Ooulson P.0. - 5211 lV1A.NU{l lN.l).-O. EKUV. VV. 1']. DILPDBB, "1'1&DH( rrmce of Denmark." APRIL" 29'1'1I.-+4. Haughton Lt-nnox Esq uLaW n . I ' . cs`-up-~.w4\`U lung` -a . A.-- - ._.._._-__ ._ _ ADLii3ioN TO EACH LECTURE 1o CEN':s: HERBERT SMITH having leased the stone Blacksmith. Shop; Clapperton-st., next to the Simcoe Hotel. is' to do all kinds of work. Horse Shoemg of the latest improved styles, preventing of interfering, forging. con- traction and tender feet carefully treated. Builders supplied and estimates furnished. A 16 Razors /and Scissors Ground and A at on short Notice _ V - _ 5-1 J. ouLvEnv\TT.|.'s uA1n0mIM;& summ: PARLOHN ; `UK. sAmz:.-L_0'l` 6, CON. 8, VESPRA 200 i _ acres, w_el1t1mbered. w1thin halt a. miie of runway statlon. There is a. house and some im rovement upon the property. Also West ha of the East half of lot No. `I0. nn, m m... uu ruvumenu upon me property. Also West of half of lot No. 10, Con. 10,. Ves- pra, consisting of 60 acres, twentv cleared. A never failing stream runs through theproperty. Terms easy. Within a mile of churches stores, post office. 850. JOHN KENT. Minesing. 49-tr AL_UAD1Jla nuan rnnm EUR. SALE IN the Townshi of Vea re, consisting of the West_ } of lot 6 in he 4th on., containing 100 acres more or ess. A good creek runs on the lot. For further particulars a`p_l1y at the An user; 011109. or to the owner. BANTING, I Oookntown . 824:. I on SALE.-L0'I` 6, com. '3, well timbered. w_itl3in a _mi1e nnntnnv nfnl-Inn flhunu. J... -_-_- - - ALUABLE BUSH 1e-ARM: F ' 1 V the TW9*9..2*XsJ2*:+ co35sz. 3&3 `Vanni 1 1`! 14.6 R ls: --_ --.. % 16 MoKEI'i.-- For all the nc rinnnnnlin (`Hanna A`U.' ' To the lcfb oi` the main illustr.-ition you ob- .serve No. '5, 1110 cover to ihe milk pan. _'l`his. fits clown light over the pan, and also has a I`il111`0uH(l<`(1 `up on the outside, forming a. cup to ho L1 more cold water. It has a little tube-lilxe round opening, 0, with raised rim` for ventilation. This has a little cap, 7, which lis over it when desired. Thus the vshole can be sealed. Leave` No. 6 open while the milk is cooling. ' No. 8 is the tilting lever. By lifting this ou tilt the milk dish and the` water coo'er orward, letting the skim milk run out clean. The picture shows the crennierwith its top tilted forward. When it is in use the top part sits upon the lower portion, straight up and down. The hole in the cover of the cabinet is to admit the hose . that conveys water from the spring or windmill to the creamer, where farm houses are so fortunate asio havee. "running spring or. windmill. The compart- ment lelow in the creamer serves as are- trigeratorto store cream and keep it cool. With the Delaware county creamer` : he skim milk is drawn o twelve hours aftereach milking, the pan is "cleansed and thoroughly scalded, ready for the new milking. It would be well to have an extra pan or crock, so that one may be sunned while the other. ,is in use. The manufacturers should act on this suggestion, it`. they_ have not already done so. The sun's rays are marvelously purifying for milk utensils. ' 'l'mU`i$ ouea B d t 1 or a 11 ran Domeslic Cigars. Tobaccos,s1:[eex?s1<)1(1)o!.'1t1$1(1i :33 G. B. D. Pipeu.&c., 8230.. go to the Central A 1 'l`obacco.Depo S of th Indian Chief, Pound e : d:;o3'; . E5 '8 T LL. Dunlop Street. Barrie. TURKEY FEATHEVS V_VANTED.-"`he l , high st cash uric-e will be pmd tor %ure white at light. colored Turkey Feathers y G. `W. EVANS. at the_ Cigar Btore,`Ba.rrio. 5-tt FARM FOR SALE OR` -TO 11`F`}IV'i`..:!&x1 Jzvr-n"tinf_ fnrrn nl N'\,'_?n|'nv nu:-nu in nnuv Fnn :3-OPPOSITE BARBIE Howg . A DUNLOP STREET. Spcihl attefhtion to Cross Eyes and Catargcg EYE. EAR, THROAT AND NOSE. [mo1IA'NI INSTITUTE Comtsm or V LEC'l`URE_. NEW FRANCHISE InLAcKsrgmn wsnor I` DELA W A RIC COUNTY .CREAMF.R. _ - Itvis, as you $00,. a 30x with a Iiiilk can .n~ide._ Tl.-e tap,-or fun: 9`, is nickel p`.ated, and can be taken apart: and sczildecl. The, water tank" is zinc lined. In-`the illus.t1'atinn, 1 is the \\ ut~rtm1l:, or cooler, at d 2 is the milk pun. T You will oljxsi-1'V'e,' in the ('L`-mm`, a tube or well, markeal 3. '1 his i4 a tube from the uju e:- tank that rises in the cen- ._ ter of `the milk pain. As the xijater is poured into No. '1, it risgs in the tube No 3 to the sn me lav:-1. Thus the milk has :1 cold temperature [all around the outside and in ' the center. Thi helps on tliequicik cooling, which is the main thing to niako the <-re.-aim .1jH_15; _N`(_)I_R'_1`IJ{E1VN% ADVANCE. 150` Toronto... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Toron_to.. . . . . . ._ . ._ . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'l`oronto.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . .. Northern Railway South . . . . . . . . . ..- . N ewmarket . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . .V . . . . . . . Newmarket . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allandale .. Allandale .. .. .. .. .. .. Hamilton 85 Beeton Brarich Railway Penetanguishene, Midland and `Hunt Rim;-,nn Rail wav _ . . . _ . _ . . _ _ u;uvvan ya; go - ..-..._ -- _-._ i;e:netanuish'I:`," Midfand -ii.i1E1| Nort Simcoe Railway . . . . .. 1 Grand TrunkEast.........' ._ 0tt8.W8.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z .. Orillia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Orillia. ..4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Collingwood . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . Collingwood .............. .;. . . Northern Railway North ..... .. Meaford Branch Ra.ilwa.y..... Hillsdale, . Craighurst, Dalston.a'n'd 1 (`J-nnrn `I -Iill A , _ _ _ _ 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Craighurst, Dalston and` Crown Hill....._ ................. .. 1 Rugby, Edgar T Steele, Mitche1l s 4 Running and .nnf. nrn , . _ . . _ _ . _ . . . . . no. rrluuy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Britgsh Mails. ma (N. Y.,) Mo; and Tuesday ............... .. ma (Halifax,) Friday ....... . . DAILY MAILS DUE FROM l.&I-I-I-lcllll-I wuu Aavvvvnn aanu--u way ..................... .. Meaford Branch Railway... Collingwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Collingwood ............... .. Orillia. .......... fl-n'H-in Mitchell's Square and East Oro. ........... .. ; t-Grenfell, Tuesda and Friday.... j :-Midhux-e3 Mon ay, Wednesday and Fm ay . . . .. British Monday V . V 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. and 'l`11m:n Toronto ............ ....... ..' ..... .. 1 Toronto.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Toronto.. ................. ..... Ottawa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I NorthernARailway(North) .......... .. 7 Grand Trunk East. ................ .. 2 Northern Railway South).... ...... .. `.`.. . .E`!..?. 3`.-`.`a`:`. .'.`;`.f r . r".`?`. ?7`_.`_`T`. .' . moron 51111006 n._u1wu , rcuuuzug Iu-I shene and Mxdlan ..._ .......... .. Newmarket ....... . .. ........... . . . .. N ewmarket ........................ .. Hamilton and Beeton Branch Rail- twnv ` Cabinet (`-rea 1Ane`1"[sV3. It is ctaimed that _quite*one-third," if not` Aone.half, the IaLo1_go_f: taking care of `milk is" saved by the use of one of the ' cream.ers"` lately invented; ' They are coming `into use steadily, but very slowly. Farmers are cou_~ servative. - rr\._ ___.-_ _':__1- ___.-_. _.L:;L 4I...... ...... I....':1l-7 excepted. V . Money Orders granted on ah Money Order Offices in Canada, United States, Great Britain Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland - and India, and Savings Bank deposits received be- tween the hours of 9 3.. m. and 4 p. m. Dnrriatny-ad Lnnma rnnuf ho hnnp in `IS min- [W861]. [J10 Il011I`S 01 3 ll. Ill. unu 1 p. H]. . . Re xstered Letters must be handed m 15 m1n- utes efore the close or each mail.- l`1\n lnH..-2. 1...": 111' nnnn moi] vnoffnrd cn-A ULCS UU10l'6 LL16 C1036 01. 68011 lull-ll. ` The letters (and all other mail matter) are taken from the street - letter boxes every day, Sundays excepted, at 7.30 o'clock a. m. and at 3 o clock and at 8.30 p. m . 36-11 M V J .. EDVVARDS Postmaster Ufllll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . " Hillsdale, Craighurst.Da.lston, Crown _ `I-[ill . _ , , _ _ . _ . _ , A _ _ A , _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ Illllu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . .3 ` `Rugby. Edgar, Steele` . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 :_ idhurst. Monday. W dnesday and I-1`ridn.v _ , , , , _ . _ . _ . . _ . . . _ . . . . . _ Office hours, 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. - Sundays excepted. 2 Mnnnv rnm or-n.nfp.r'i nn ah `Mnnev Order EALFID 'l`li)_l'l)ERS aclrlressed to the tinder- signed. and endu'i'sed."ender for the \Vel- land Canal, will be received at this office, from skilled, practical contractors, until the arrival of the lmstcrn and VV'estern mails on 'I`Ul4JSD.'LY. the l\IN'l`H day of MARCH next, for raising the walls of the locks. weirs, 850.. and increasing the heierht of the banks of that part of the Welland Canal between Port Dalhousie and Thorold. - The works throughout will be let in sections. A map showing the differe: t places, together with plans and driscriptive specications. can hewseen at this ollice on and after 'l`uesda.V, the 23rd February instant, where printed forms of tender can be obtained. A like class of infor- mation rela.`.iv.eto1he works will be sup lied at the Resident Engineer`s Oice, [`horol . - - Dnrna tnndin-inu urn rnnnpntp. tn nYni'ninn EL L110 IiL`Sl.(l(iI1L Jyllgllluf H UlllUt', luUl`Ull. Parties tendering are requestvdv to examine the locality and bear in mind that the season and circemstances under which the works have to be done render some of them of an excep- tional natvure. T 'I`nn:-`nun `(VH1 nnf kn l\I\'\D:l`l)I9At1 II:-\1nca rnoan 4 LIUIRU DHIVUFB. Tenders will not be considered unless made strictly in accordance with printed forms and. in the casa of firms. except there are attached the actual signatures. the nature of the occupa- tion, snd place of residence of each member of the same; and further. a bank mpostt retail?! for the sum of Ta 0 _TIwusand Dollars or more--a,c- cording to the extent of the work on the sec- tion~mu3t accompany the respective tenders, which sum shall be forfeited if the part ten- dering declin s entering into contract or the Works at the rates of prices stated in the offer submitted. The amount required in each case will be stated on the form of tender. I`}\n dunnuif Ivnnoinfu thus: can! in twin ha ha. W111 U6 Bl-U.lzC!.l. UH l;I_lU lU!'1L| 0|. "UlllUl', The dcposlt recexptg thus sgnt In will be re- turned to the respectlve parmes whose tenders are not accepted. Thin do.nn.rt.mnnt. dnnn nnt. hnvvpvnr hind if. '.`l VtI.Ul,VL'- v The priniple upon which they are built" is that of cold, deep setting to make cream rise. That is to say, instead of using ten shallow milk pans that all have to be scalded and lifted separately,` use one deep one, cool the milk suddenly. by ice .or very ,cold` water arounl the can, let it stand twelve to v twenty-four hours, and you will get more creem than by the shallow setting in the ten pans. ' ' A ` Tho nrnnmnrn that hvxvn hnnn made have In the Township of M_edohte. inTthe County of SIIIICOC. - NDEF? instr11dtions from the Vendor Mtherue will be olfered fur sale by public u.u,ctiun at Athc Queen`:-3 Hc-tc1.ih the Town of Barrie. on SA '1` U l{I)AY, the 20th day of MARCH. 1886. at .12 O`L7lock. noon. by E. S Mocking, auctioneer, the following property : ' AH nnd ehmrnlnr thnf. nnrfnin nin-rm! nn h-ant BARRIEPOSTOFFICE lift? IIUL ucccpteu. V . This department does not, however. bind xt- self to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, A. P. BRADLEY, ` Rant-nfnrv De artment of Railways 8L Canals! ttawa, 17th February, 1886. J Luv IUIIUVV Jug -p1'upt'1`by . All and singular. that ccrtainvnarcel or tract of. land 0. (1 pro miscs, situate. lying and being in the Township of Met -onte. in the County, of Simcoc. containing: by admcasu'rem_ent ninet acres. be the same more or less. -and being com- Osed of the V\ est Half of Lot 1\` umber B fteen m the Fifth Conccssxon of the sand Township of Mcdonte. vxccming thereout ten acres o` the South ,VVe: corner of the said west half. n fhn vn-nv~n- in thorn nrun n ndrnfnu-tnhln Fnnnanr I} wanna, um. Ink: LL10. DUIU ll . VV UP l UU-|'L|Ul' U1 U16 uzuu WCSL Illllf. On the propc: t_\ there are: acomfol-table frame house with woodshed;~..ched ; a. frame barn 35x60 ft nem`ly'ne W; and an old post frame burn 30x40 ft ; also a smail orchard and garden. Sp.vnnf,v acres are 1-.1n1rc-d and the hnlnnr-o-in OUX-.lU II; I, l1}5U U. 3Il'uu1 uruuuru uuu g'&.[`uCI], Sevent;_v acres are clam d and the balance-is hardwood bush, principally maple. . The land is rollir g ; svi];_a good clay loam ; well watered with novel fallma springs. Property is distant one and a half miles from a. church and school house and nears. market A . 'I.`n nh nnnrnmfin vnun fir}: `nwnnnoolrn u-uud HOUSE U110 1108.!` 8. IDHFKCL To an 8IleI'%('tiC man thie `property would prove an excel ent purchase. . M T +4 RMS :--'I`en er cent of the purchase money at the time of 38. e. and suicient to make up one third within thirty days. when purchaser wnl be let mu possession of property. the -bal. sure to he secured by mortgage payable- in ve tears, wxth mtercst at seven per cent. per an- nnm. - ` ` ' um. Other and paficular conditions will be made ` known at the time of sale. 1-T111-f}:nv not-1>nnInm: vnntv I-\n nkn.'..n.1 l..-... erfq.