Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Mar 1886, p. 5

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leek; shanty Boy. Advance Correspondence. Hon Roll .for February, 5th Class. Total number of marks 600.-1st, Agnes J. VVatt, 462; 2nd. John Brownlee, 455; 3rd, Laura. Palk, 4'20. ,5bh' Class. `Total number of .marks 600. ---lat. Alex Young, 468; 2nd, Ellen`Goode, 376; 3rd, Mary Goods, 346, 3rd Class. Total number of marks 450` --lst, . John Caldwell,,386; 2nd, Mary Campbell, 372; 3rd, Robb. l)oa.ne, 354. 2nd C.a.ss. Total number of `ma.r.ksl 500.~-let, J oe. Gra- ham, 461; 2nd, Emet Hubbert, 381 ; 3rd, Geo 'l a.'yne, 380. 1st Class ---lst, Joseph Packard, 2nd, Lizzie Muir, 3rd, Gordon Mal- colm, 45h, Bertie Sanderson. Bull Int Illlll-II . To MISS Esrnsa Coorna: We would take this opportunity to thank you for the inter est you have taken in the singing of `our con- gregation. You have presided `at the organ ever since it was obtained, and thus led the praise of our worship. You have been most regular in your attendance and have faith- fully done your part to promote this part of the service. We fully appreciate your kind- ness and most heartily thank you for your trouble. We would ask you to accept this ch min as an` expression of the congregations appreciation of yo ir kindness and would ewnestly pray tnauwhen earth has passed away. and the services of the church "here shall have ended we may together in courts above join in praising Him who has redeem- ed us and washed us in his blood. Signed on behalf of the congregation, D. Mc Bet-h, Uolin, Beeton, J. M. Smith. Alex Bell, Wm. Adams. Mr. Alex. Cooper, the father of the bride, replied to the above address in a snitab e manner eulogising the congrega- _tion, the pastor, and Mr. F. T. Mercer, for the work done in building up the church at this place to its present condition. The re- ceipts of the anniversary in all amounted to somewhere about sixty dollars. -On Tuesday evening the 23rd inst., a winding up social etc.. was served out in abundance and ample justice done theeto . by all present _Afl:er tea Mr F. '1`. Mercer called the meet ing to order and moved that Mr. A Gollan, of Utopia, take the chair, seconded by Mr. Jas. McMurray; Moved as an amrndment by A Gollan, seconded by Mrs.- McBeth that Mr. Mercer occupy the chair. - Mr. Mercer exhorted the audience `to support the motion. Mr. Gollan rcquested all present to vote for the amendment as -Mr. M. was looked upon by the most of us as being a gentleman who was the personification of goodness the ideal of perfection and being almost intallible and we should do `him the honor of placing him in that position for the evening. After the yeas and nays being called the motion was carried. 'lhe choir sang some choice selections of music in a pleasing manner. Mr. Smith Wood of Elk- hern, Manitoba, gave two humorous read- ings and won for him loud applause. Mr. Mercer gave a reading and `a short speech. The social came to "a close by all `joining in singing a piece of music entitled, Take me awn was held in the above church. Tea, cake, I L`1I:mM; ghanacy is visiting some friends at this pl`-ce previous to hxs deparmre to Minneapolis,` Minna. E `Mfg: N`. Dalrnn A` Any T1`:-no; Inna :n nur- I I VV IIQUIIQ Ill |-`ll LIVES: `lIQ3B Ll Elavbury, B. McLean, S. J. Maybury. a.u:uuValJU1Iu, .V.lLl.Il.lUo `Miss E. Paton, of New Lowell, was in our village on Sunday. - _ Advance Correspondence. On Sundav morning, Rev. Mr. McLeod of Barrie, occupied the Presbyterian Church pulpit. andtook for his text Isa.,`xxxv, 8, 9, and 10 verses, and in the eveniugfrom Gal , vi. 13 and 14 verses. - At two o clock in the afternoon. Rev. Mr. Geo, Hewitt, B 'A., i(Meth_odist), occupied the pulpit. He read the ixxi chapter of,Re've1a_tion for his lesson. and without taking any particular part of scripture for a text, took for his subject, f.'l:leaven._ During his discourse he stated that he met a. certain class of individuals who stated that they would be satised if they; only got inside the door. His discourse `was very interesting to all present. On Monday evening the anniversary tea-meet ing was heli. Adilrvsses were given by Rev. Mr Atcheson of. Clover Hill, Rev. Mr. COClll'8!.1(-.7, M. A., of Thornton, Rev. Mr McLeod of Barrie, Rev. Mr. McConnell of Craigvale, and the Rev. Mr. Geo. Hewitt, 8. A.. of this place. Rev. Mr. Leishmau of Angus, the pastor of the congregation, oc- cupied the chair. The singing was conduct- ed bv the Bariie' Presbyterian (lhoir with artistic taste. Readings were given by Mr. Mather of New Lowell, l\-r. Stevens of Bar- rie.iand Miss Bell of Creemore. Miss Bell made her debut before an Angus audience as an accomplished elocutionist with success. The impression made on a good many by her is that to see and hear is to like her. A very interesting part of the evening enter- tainment "was the following address and pre- s'entatiou.- In_ 1}... -I-.L_.'____ 1-4 , vuu -- . - sunny uscculugu U1 .uuc ll1l:`I.a y5ill'. The A" 0- U. W. `Lodge held a `very suc M cessful concert on Tuesday evening in the Temperance Hall. The building wascrowd ed. The outsiietalent was represented by the Misses Perry, of King, Mr. J Fax of Toronto. and Messrs. Perry and Brown, whilst the local reputation was. sustained by Mrs and Miss McDowell, Mrs. Crawford and Mr T. Collins. Col. R Tyrwhitt a!so added a neat little speech. Every piece was first-class. Mr. Fan: with his comic songs and recitations became at once a great favor- ite. Mr. P. H. Stewart, of Barrie, occupied the clzziir. V `st south end covere:l in like manner, the -whole being. on R R. ground with .500 feet siding; The total cost incurred for budding machinery. siding, all appurtenances. and running expenses up to 19th February was $3,863 96. The tenants, Messrs G 71?. Mc- Kay and A. Webster, reported the building and machinery as first-class. and the share- holders by resolution approved of every step taken by the Directors. Seven per cent in- terest was paid on all `fpai-`I up shares. The Board with one exception was re `elected, and now consists of Messrs. Gen. and J :hn Duff. Dr H. B. Nicol, J as. Dinwoody, Thus. H. Arnold, J Kidd, R J Coleman, J A. Kidd and P. H. Stewart. The following were re. appointed _by the Board :_ George Duff. President; Dr. H. B. Nicol, Vice-1'r'esliim.c ;` E -. H Stewart, Secaetarv. ' Miss S`. E; Stewart was given a. very handsome pretest v tor her kindness to the Board during their inany meetings of the last ysar. Th. A n. `H w r....i.... imm .. '........ ...,. THENORTHERN ADVANCE. . Checkers. There will be a meeting of the amateur checkers players of the town at the Me- chanics Iustitute rooms this Thursday even- ing for the purpose of arranging sides" for a trial of -skill in this interesting and popular game. . . T for our V _ Fire in Winnipeg. The Canadian Pacic Railway station at Wi mipeg was completely destroyed" by fire on Sunday, `inyolvmg a. loss of $150,000. I Medals for"Vo1unteere.' The` medals for the Volunteers will soon be sent from England to Ottawa for distribu- tion They Will be attached to a. handsome Rie Green ribbon, with red . longitudinal stripes, a sample of 'which `Capt. Spry showed us a day or two ago. v St. Pa.tr1ok'stDa.y in the Morning. We believe 1t is the intention of the Barg rie St. Patrick's Society to have their annual banquet on the l7t'n inst. Last year it was held at the Barrie Hotel, and, it would be t dnfiieult to exceed that in the _pleasures it atforded. --- - v------- uwuuugvogu Our pious brother, Deacon Cameron, an- nounces with the joy of a Spanish" inquisitor- of the six teeth century that rMr. Blake` has introduced anew system of Grit political surgery. The leader of the opposition Says the deacon, scaritied the 1 various ministers 1 in succession._ There is no knowing what i Grit genius Will` devise to aid `them into i power. ' LV| `I. ll JKIIIIIIJ CUIIIII l Comparing this month of February with` the same month in thesprevious 13 years, the lowest temperature, 28 below zero. was exceeded once only. In 1875 it was 29 be- low---the average of the 13 vears being 14 below zero, that of the past month was 14 below the average, while the highest, 78, for that month. The 12 days in which snow fell is justthe average, and the quantity, 13 inches, is below the average, 19 inches. The 4 days in which rain fell wasl above the average, 3, but the. depth of water froml actual rainfall, 1 1 in , increased by melted ; snow, 0 6 iu., makes the total quantitv,`1 7 i in., far above the average, 0 Sin. The total _` amount of sunshine in 13 days was 116 ; hours. This is a gain of 3 on the average, ` 113 hours. ~ I Fourth Form in W. W. b school. First C1a.=a-N.-llie Rayner, Roderick Mc- Donagh, Eanilv Anderton Gertie Lamoreaux, Mabel Membery, Bella Looker,` Louisa Pen- stone, James Herbert, Hattie Junes, Pavson Kehue, Emily Donalulsnn, John Gordon, Sophronia Palmer. Second Glass --(F`rei-tie McKay, John Barr), Maggie Cairns, Hector \ Milding, Fred Membery, Minnie White, i Charlie Lane, D Arcy Hines. George Haines, John Ormsby, Blanche Thurlow, Fannie} V 1 Pass ` ` , . d Balrnsfath give one of their Barrie, on Tuesdav, putation of this famil known through Canad h speak regarding th ` the evenn of t Mar ' i certs 1n A811 so" e`r"'i"amily will ` e Town Hall, 9th. The re- singers is so well 1: is needless to `It will be ry person he ason, come. Plan of t hall at Sanders. -..,_`Tickets 25 and 50 cents. nun vvlnv uvvvu vuv uvllavu IIJ ULAV W063. A northern wind_p1-e'v_ailed: on 5 days, southern 2 days. from westerly 6 aays, and easterly l.day; Theatrength attained each day ranged from 2 to S10ths-the latter from N. W. on Friday, 26th. (`.Vr\l'nt\nv-`now Itlnru vnnnf`-5 A` ':`4.:`-nnnnuutv II1:fL ~ IIll\IVI)\JlJ hllllljlllll CILIG ll] VVCCIX `II I)`, T The atmospheric depiessionin the middle of the week indicated [in some 40 hours a. range of 29 44 to 28 50--nea.Arly an inch, and in less than the 40 hours following, 29 45 was indicated by the barometer. ' A |.'..l-.1 ....:.. A` ........., K l..\...... .. `max. 1.. in 5 days measured 7 inches-which is_a. very IVIID LIJQIDZUDIL ll-y IIIJU IJQI\IILICUcln \ `A light rain of some 5 hours on '25th left ` as 0-05 inches. a1id'th`e snowfall `V of 26 hours moderate precipitation as our share of the atmospheric disturbance. Tho `!\.lI` nnrinu-nn l5: e1noIuu:u\n {u R .1`..- For the 8th Week EnTling February 27th, / - 1886. - ' The prevailing winds in the week came from anorthern direction and were impreg- 3 nated with frost at night to the amount of 10, ranging down to 14 below zero- 22 to 46 of frost, mean 34 or '29 below zero. The daily temperature register- ed from 93 to 44, a mean daily warmth of 34 -average for the week, 17 _ . v'l`h'e 27th was the coldest day, with the tempera- ture 14 below zero, rising in the day of full sunshine to 30 , while the temperature of the warmest day, 25th. registered 10 to 42 in a cloudy S. W. wind. - The shortest range in temperature was that of the latter date, and the longest 9 below zero to 39 above on 26th-extreme m week of 58 . mL- ..;._____L-._.- .1,_ ______ __ LL. _,:,1;1., 1 BII|.IJUBlJuI-I Av usuvuu IJII\.nV- The total amount of sunshino in 6 days \ was 34 hours, from a. Doasible 65-53 that the \ sun was above tho horizon jn the week. ` I BARRIE METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. kl - L 7 Thomas A. E ii\on, the mnchanical genius and elect.1:ic1an_,- was married last Wednesday tuvMies Nma Mler, daughter_ of the President of the Cinataqua Sunday School Assembly. ` ' I - 1 an ~ ""' ` - " "."' Q ` Dole Hinckley, of Wolfe Vlsland,` `drove an the way frum Kansas, 2000 miles, to Wolfe Island fur his wife and children. Now he is on the road back with them. He expects to be on the mad ten weeks. United States. The Ameirican Fnsheyies Convention` will be held in Chicago, April 13th, 14th 0 and15'h I United States Cengress is considering `the question of cnwpa mating Chinamen ` for lnsss arisrng out of anti-Chi`nese riot- ing on the Pac'tiu slope. '- rn. . `I?! - .1 q . Miss Sarah McGuiness, of Hespler, was shut in the cheek and had her jaw frac- l tnred by a. little nephew,.wl,1`o, like all `others , thought it wa.sn t lcaled." - rug. .- cu- u - ` The funeral of Jc;"m B. Grmgh took iplace last Wednesday at Boylaten, Massachusetts. Amau by thename of Ellis has been arrested in Niagara. charged _w1th the murder of Mr. and Mrs. 'Btes at Alia.n- ` burg. Htuskins, th e $ii;g;:i_i;;g;rr;;;t, has been cmmnittcd for trial by the Welland mag- istrates. - - . ` _'. can be Henry Sugden Evans, Dominiunan- zyst, died suddeniy uf}}he`dluO!1i8 in New York las` Wednesday; - ` nI,,,_,, h'.1 ' A ' Swlomnn Butler, 3.. very Old man, was found with his neck broken in the cellar ' of `a vacant house in Hamilton. The `fourth sessiin 111; ion parliament was opened, on Thursday. 71' `I ' .1. II `I A Bird's Eyb View of the World for Three Days-- Cana.d1an.'Un1ted States and General News. ` The New Brunswick and Nova Scotia 3 Legismtures were opened last Thursday. "VI. , t ,_,L`. , 1- .1 (tin! 1\ SIMMERS THE PITH OUT OF A DOZEN ' COLUMNS INTO ONE. V THENEWsc0NDENsIM3nH1N_Ef Grit Political surgery. ,,,A.l ,,, \ Scottish Song. _,,\4 , I I1 , A` .I Silks. Chenilles and Fa nc.v Wools of- all kinds Toys, etc. can ....II ....u...u.-_11_-n_______,,- , - 1s4nav`"ai5`i"e:fme ire bufo` Lugs). vvvo EA. call solicited before purclxasing elsewhere. THE QU EEV INSURANCE COMPANY of London, England. . . ~ \ 9 THE TMPERIAL INSURANCE comnxs V ' of London, England. V _ HF) Pvavlx FIREIOFFICF. or I.0N1>ON England. T ` . HE GLASGOW 8; LONDON INSURANCE Company; of Great. Bxitain. innmoviii DRUGS, PAT'EN'l? 1$iEi516f1I'1, DYE '3 STUFFS, SOAPS, COMBS; ~ AND BRUSHES. i-WINES Ivbeg tostate that I hafe oi`-emd a New family V VVine `and Liq" or Store. ' '--will be found--- '2 DOORS WEST OF THE BARRIE HOTEL. am` and. All orders sent by mail wi'1 be delivered free of freight charges every Saturday and Mon- day. to patrons from Baxrie and vininitv. `T l1I`l:l _ /_ . --w-- -. _,-_. MRS. _STEPHENS5 NEXT noon to anmc or comnssmzm GEO. DUDLEY, H0 USE, s IGN g FR I; am. 4 Large Tlntypes for 50 Cents. . 9 Large Genus for 50 rents. ` I8 Small Gems for 50 Cents. | 12 Sunbeam: Photo for $1. | Remember this, it takes an artist to make u good Tintype as well as a Photo. My gallery 5 has been thoroughly retted for work. None but rst-clu as work made. i N D *1 : :a um-u-H-. An- tn nan n.:.. :......--___. ._,.- I uuu .|1l'Bla'UlH.l8 WUI'K IIIHQC. ' _ . _ N.B.--It 18 worth 500. to see this lllstxunmn? \ \ work, and you get the pictures for nothing. 1 Note the address. ' g GEORGE MONKMAN, cnzmusr AND DEUGGIST; BAYFIELD STREET. NORTH OF SIMCOE HOTEL. [GIVEN Av:/AYE BEG LEAVE TO l.\'F"`I .M our nuulcr. us` cusromers and the public gem'rall_\. tllu my sons having entered 1:1-gcly mm the mnnu facturing business. and xiv: n u:`01`(lc1`etl w;u-k. I have om-nen up busire s in my old .<:'.`anH., 9.4 lougoand I':n'o:-ablv known, nrd will L.--. prepared to till all orders in the Boot amt Shoe line. I. am dctermmc d In k:-op up I - reputation of the rm {or ordered work using only rst-class: leather and ne-in s From my long experiencje as a w-u'tic;:l bent and shoe man, as well as my lrl'll`I`Ol`g]llnI1(*VV'- levge of all the requirc I)1L`l`lt.~`- of the L2 ad-'-. I run condently tell all my old r-uztonu-rs and xnmu new ones they can have a neat In, Sound and durub'e leather. and cheap bucts br tullil g at the old stand, where all orders can be lm-d with nratness and drspatch. Reuacxnber the place, one door east of Queen's hotel. Restectjfully yours, ref. INHTHINE LIKE EBTE Nails`, \lll`l`c an .n('ks, Knuhs, Hinrrr-s, . 0 ,u -` .. B 2 % Palms, 6:135. hiss, 3'uHy. X % AXES, Saws---X (`In Hand, p_&lll1'|, Rip, (i'haIn,%Rmw, I4`-HIh`ill$ ..-mus rs. Coal Oil. Jones .'~padv:~n ~Vlanu~!.<, F_"("<\1")E3`-5. B:'ee(*h and Man /.'/.!:~ l.rmrl:+;: :=~hr:! (inns, Spu|tingRi's+, `*3 i::(r!:<`S!m' E;<`:::::~:!*' CONS; i Bob Run1Ii's,?-*3:-ig`a rm... :~~a+.~l. ` PRFQSCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. FURNITURE MAI`,I.AUFACI`.URER IN :5A1>.. 7:1?` MARKET BUILDING. MANPl uS6T:'5TA.ND. TOILET ARTICLES-A FULL LINE. Barrie, J;.n. 1.1886. '%inITs`.-ni'.__E'.'_lC1c>"iiI =i6_\ai` F4"! .s0|.n) can mm!` T SLEEP on THE woven WIRE MATRASS. PAINTERS Mr. Uunc:31n -MCLE-an, one of the pioneers offl)_rap(~r, died suddenly 'a `tow days ago at; W` 3L'("(If 85 years. His funeral was largely attended. . ' - "V V There will he 2; Conservative demonstration `n lirzuifa-rd on .the 13th of March, und:'r the an~p;<-s of the Youn;:"Men s Conservative` "i*:H(A`h'lii()l). '_The ieaulicr and pupils of ` the Lefrny l'11Hi(~...'~'.-Im} 1 will give a. concert onithe` 5th aml 1.. nxpn ctui L0 be the event ofethe seaaon at that hamlv-.t. ' A T" The Baptist and Methodist bodies are go -my m'b:1iM new Clmrchos at Sundricige next Hnmni-r. The 1 :-o:_b).'te1'ia.u Church _inAnea.r- . `~_v completed. !`xmn.ss.is Qiliii to" Le booming in `Totten- -`muu. Tilvre are eight; stores in full- blast, ivrlil` Nxrug stores dealing out pills-and numere N15 gmccr1c8., V 1. -... as. Rumli`-rs, ."~*-1!:-ig-h SOLE AGE_NT8 FOR THE asvansuaus Wovr: wms nom MAT, {& :9"-w %-- I3-ta: . .,., In a. much larger scale ,th_an heretofore. OFFICE :-T CQll'ie~r Street, A_Barrie. AT}SUTTCN! Where she intends carrying on the -.L11 4-':_:. T . - van 5- V... 523 W1 s" 0'}i Ii1"'iE 271v, A call solicit? for all kinds of 4--AN Dj'\ ---AGENT FOR--- A ("L1`i;H\`(i(n`[ `party the other "``~'_'v `W1 hm upsets. ' demoralized the i`) " v 11" `Nils hnnsed and had to return `.1 it b0r1'nWc_d vehicle. Were they going t}. a tcunpcrance n)(`6,:ting '3 . ` Wire 'I` II 11. ` - I jnoasurr NEILL5 Has removed to LIQUQR: SUTTON. 0&1`. K` K old by D }T%lJ: ;;\ 1.3., 7ALLFl?2Y 9 l-`T1133 Rtlltl. _C_\r'C gwmrscs. These Spectacles and Eya G]:lSS"b have been usrd for t. e um: 1-5 years. and given in every instance un bounded satisfac inn. They are the best in the world. They never tire. and last: many years withuu` chnmze. Read the followin :1; test imnniul : ' I have great p ensure in certifying that I have worn `Spectacles v m9.m1moLuA ed by Frank Lazarus for fteen sea:-s, and they excel all others I have used for clrarness of vision and ease while writ.ing:.or reading`. JAMES Gun- FHEY. -A.B.. late Incumbent Trmity Church. Wolfe Island. ' . : Fursale by ' J. HENDERSON, V 49148 _ . klamwure Merchant. Bnre i` MUSKOKA BI1Anm1--;;m; NORTH. - Leave Barrie, A. 11.35 u.m.. 3.-in u.m. 8.40 p.m I Arrive at ()riIlin.- 12.20 p.m.. 5.20 [v.H'.. 9.25 p m .' Ax'r.at.Gravenhurst.l 35 u.n~.. 7.00 p.m ----`- ; uozxu :_-`(`l"l'H. T - .. . ]t `is said the Campana. is to be tied up at t"ni1n;_g\mo(l this summer whereat friend .i .m (af_t]1i8 enterprise `is mourning over the pro.'~'prct of business dk-pression. r (`rm-m-re is to have anewspaper. Mr Hull, of Eppin;,v, has purchased the plant of the Beaver Valley Tunes and is going to nmvu it to the above named village. T '1`l\.. A A 1.7 `tr an . I I - ' x.v_::'\'1 1_'.J'U.\'('.llIllHr'| ---~ --~ II .-nu IIV... z.~m p.m f Icszva ()r`.1Ii:x, 6 2'.` =-. m.. 8.35 .-x.m.. 3.58 p.m ' _`.2-ri~:oa!Rarr1'e. 7TL.3a.vn. .`*.:'.J.n1. 4.45 pm: 1 :~:;m'm 5.1:-.1cu_s:_ (:'l)I~.\`G NORTH. F Leave Rm-rie.nr. ' 1.l.Ma.m_.. 8.25 p.m 9 Ar1fivea.tPencia.m:nis)wm-_l.:~f>D.m.. 11.00 p.m x . - . . . ` . 4. . xcwruuvl L B Arrix 1- 9.t.Rax-v ie _L0.:'.x',a, i Cx1`ct.Vz:'z_'.;:,'.:i:r ; . "By waring the .o'1lv Frank Luz -n~u9 (Late of the rm of Laz nus & Morris) renowned spec- tacles and _eye grasses. Tlxnn Fnntstanrqlnn and Eva [lineman I-unrn kno- * Lee 19-. >,Yn.-.-w, I l.pv.~.- `Lemma. 8 1'\a.m..12 00 3.111., 5.10 ' Ar at. Barrie, l1.3;5n.xn.. 3 37 p.m.. 8.25 _.-.r at Collimzwood 12 40 p.m.. 5.50 p.m. 9.55 i E A some SOUTH. For 1 oronto. |' Leave Collingwood 6.05a.m.. 8 30 am. 3.35 p.m i Leaye Barrie. 7.30 .1.m., 10.2; u.m.. 4.47 p.m 1 Arrlvr at Toronto. 10.3. . a.m.. 2.05 1:-.m.. 7.55 mm anvvmivnrr . I\I\ A `Jun: ... . un-`mu- Du ! DJI! D lfl \ ' Trvinsl ave Ran-ie for Toronto at 7.1 i ; 10.27 a.m. nnd 4.47 D m. V O..l_il p.lll.; AH lX( (l ILXQU. St Louis 1 Limih-It iaxg mss, Montreal I<`._\'_; >rcss and Pav 2(: llx1;I:..<, llhilkfd ` run d'aIl_v including Sunday. ' T 6. AND B. I`.l\ IH!D.\'. (`III'dwe?l Junction -GuiIIg North -9 07 a.m. 6..".0'p;m Going South 9 07 am) ; 6.30 p In. C. V. R. DIVISION A Inglewood Jun` tion.-~ Going North 10.13 a.m.; 6.29 pm. Going South 9.23 8 In :61? p.m. QT?` -I '1'? A w -r- A -71- , . . UU1A\ Leave X1an~1}tm~:at A.-rrivs at Barrie; Leave Harrie 8] A rrive at Ifamton I . g For r;si.~n'n&z'_ calves without nlk. Tho t T greate L th}1`1(_,r or) earth. K0 farmer i shou d be wxthou` 1:. ` : Ground 0:. star `hells, Bone Meal, and `Eggino V "for PU ULT RY . Gound Oil Cak. Crnund Flak Seed. and (`m-- Y ton alto Meal, Worm Powuers. &c.. for 2 C A 'l"|`l .1:. ..........n- v -0-IND"! The W., of_ Beeton. are about to .-.iveagr;m concert. and the Nonpareil, .'h;uu:n.tic ("lnh have decided to make then` amuarnnce bcfmu a Beeton audience. `uv ha:-son : oultexf, VV K - IJ - V ; Barrio. Sept.1. 1885. l REaEWb1 YOUR ~T\IG.HT Sncial quorwiona _t.u dealers and others re` quirix 9; large quantifu-s. nun: -- :4:---__:_ _ 2iii6'."" f o1'HwELL, RARRIF. .uua.- -1-.v--o (All trains unlo. sa othewsis` spcr-icd arrive and depart from Lrnim Station, '1ornwto). I)m=Am'L'm:s.--Gm'ng V\'(=. St. Loms Ex- ress at *8 10 a.m.; Pacic Express, 1.05 p.m.: xpress. 4 15 p.m. Gumg East.- I iv.mt-d Express. 8 25 9.. m.: Mix ed (for I avcloc-k ard interim`-r1i te points). '4 25 p.n:.; Montreal Express. `8.00 p.m. ARRlVAl.R_-.F`rnIn1hs-I-`n:t-.>f Inuit Wvnrnin R3\fAL `gala; NiE_AL. -2 an p.u:.; 1VlUUl_l'l7l l`.xul't':u~, o.UU p.m. b ARRIV'ALS,-:-From the Eu=t-->t. '1 .ouis._Expresm. `8.30a..m.: Mn: (1 (from llnw Ec ck and mu rme- ;,dia_:te stations), 11-5Uu.xn.; Turonto Express. 9 4: 1 D m. p ul. F From the \Vost.-I i` \ Atlantic Ex;-1':ss 5.0. . 3 8.15 p.m.;'Mix(-(1 11.130. HI I'.n1q1'.vnm.uu l 99.'.(T5.FT?H5T.'`f-LKr. Tilt} i%?'i:%0'i PI%\\ l)ERS . . ~-- ~----- -v vu I-\-\4u\1I.J uuxnuuuvuo L-\\'o may :1 Lrrca deal in claiming that we Im'n- llw In-sl. nine In Dreams Goods `1`'" by illn" In se in T1`ormlo or mu m of 'l'ur0I:l0. ' `V. Gray & Co. I ".\. In. H` 1 rrv-. cANAn:AN PALIFIIZ RAILWAY. ONTARIO mvrsuou. [UH ' HKO` . ACA'l"l`LE. And F'a*o. Ppicc. Admited by (ill to be- the best in t_.h-;: murlu.`-t. ~ 7 Egg Food " A stimu?-mt which mnkea Hens lay in the coldest we ether. Nc- Poultry-keeper should bx : without it. NORTHERN R'Au.\NAv GOING N(.!I:TH. :'b.wn]mr.=rt . ..-` IN" 1: :1. "dxxu sor7:5iii' xoxxc; ..\'cI`:"rI.* win! ~ ' nd MAIN LINE. :3-hen ,,_.-.. .u. I M rs '1`. IL. (`3urmichae1,- of this COW; had 1 thv hnlmr ( f having: the first baby chrlsten--I ed in the new churh , and last yea!` the rs` birth registervd under village inc0!`P01`3t1"' -(`:u'd\ull Svntim-1, ` ' A lvcrure v.i1l be given bv Rev. Mr. Annie, entitled th e Huron Indians. 8-5 Zion `ILH. 1' . 1.. - f`. ;'-HM `IYL. '. l,;' .1 In 2. 3. 4 45 E8 .4; p. D. A7`n-/u.m,. H.233 a.m.. "PH. Tx;'.r(-:5 8.15 a.m.: '.\'.u:1r_-al Exmess. `n15a.m. 'S1\4l.n`l. Lv; 41) ` .-..-, b:I'ickct Agent . LSVO a.m . .6omin;,-'. '1`. \V. Gr _ of (Drill ,, . ..m.uu:g neram. -'o are sell {.5 to-day th uur In.-uvy all '00] 'l`weM cost and the lmla - The v nuust `The skating match or the of the C` ,nuu'ty and it silvermed last Friday at Midland betwe in, and 1. S. Cook of MI dvcismu was given in Cook's fa , _ 1 ~--v- 4. u. uulns Ul .LV.l.l(ll&lC!O. _'J ne `1=`c`1s1o1x Cook s favor. - [_ 1110 t`n_t:rtainmr:nt at Knox Church, 0ro',. .1 shurt tune ago was one of the most success v W ,"" 11t`] there. An Orillig Councillor- ]`.`f`*{`i t0 lime nm_used the audience by ` do-1' nc:r1x\.g :1 speech m two language`, 1 _ g * H11}: M fdlzmd Free P_n ss tells of -a. chi1d a`_; th"`i_-'tb'1Y_*-'_stglen up `In that village and; atrga enatfxf H; as `not taken back --to`_thaj; ofpe. wh )nce e urts wxll be` made to.`_(_i1aco,veTr 11:3 crcabouts and the ocnder wvxll be prose-, Spry Lodge. A. O. U. W. Parry Sound,- psvc :1 Ilmgmicent entertainment ' on" the `Mth. _"ll.e proceeds were devoted to charity. , - l V , As. spring in dis sire conning in ybu fan bu) on-rco: as from us an. a little over rohl prkfe. '1 \l'. Gray at Co. 3 I .~ n-1\| . I I "" `l`".`." '-``f"`'`""' " "' ' I\<~z1h (Irnse, of Egbert, has removed mto his rmnum-huus and beautiful residence, one of H11: In-st in that section of the country. - 1. v 1 .. .\ -Iv TIT 1-x nn 1 v. iil A21l1_i8. the at AZIOD MLt1mdi.et(`l;I1rch,(m 2nd of March. TM?- Ie' spoalzer- and` well iW3'th h98TiI1LZ --1 en(ttang Herald. -We sollulg the bn!anceo!' CHI" IIl`:I\'\' ull 7- I '-` ` The pm-liTn1iuary voters list `under the Dominmn }<`runchise Act shows Bradford to contain `_".N3 votes, and V\VeBt Gwillimbury 747. - M IROWS. an ATh<- (ic(=rs and members of Company.No. 10, 35th B:J.ttzx1i0n, Simcoeb Foresters, have a 5% to-1Ji;_'ht at the vil1a.,,re Of Midla.nd._ A corresp oudent of the Alliston Herald n)-jwcts in atrou;__r .`a'u;;uage to the Everett ."aiiv\':l_} station and its surroundings. V A big On.-luztc is advertised -to come off at -Ai1in{uIIM,H1l, m which Clawd Of the Burton \\ <{r]l t;tkL paft. G0 in boys. L ,._ x_.... '4v_;. .n.. _-... _----l_--.. .l_- _.--- Linnu \ .||;I| H, u.l,....u;..,... .,...u. J.t4vI-114:.- uqu ;, ;[u1I`!'3}'l('X'l I"xi<`:ay., -A 'I`..Hm11.~nr1_c-aw was fun over.` by d7itra.ip and 1:11}.-.1 th-;`(t}1v:1"(iay. There will be ex ) ix1'h{f;1` spilt niil'k. ' _ _ lh.~v. A. ("ax-.x.-au,`l). C.. General Superin- temlx ht f the Mctlmdist Ulllitich, preachedj hat .\';1bIath at Bradford. \\'3e1.ridg- buasts of haying had an e>x-_ emu-r huss r:we,"and with possessinga-lot ot. F` higeclulars at the Public School. 1. \r 1 1 I17__L n.;_:1I3___I_,,-,_- ,1, ,4 Suuth liver lms a new hewedllog School House, anal will have a new Methodist ('/lmrcll and a big store next summer. (n3V' In } I':u1f<):'C1 and \Vest Gwillimburv about 175 mum-s huxu been added to the list of votcrshy the new franchise law. .. . . 1 1'` na 1 nun-u Ivu-v- ._, 3' The \~'averiy Temp-3:ance L d other amusements has geogpaph; lggtcagggng, - AI Y\ `- b The Savage Bahd draws large audiences to` -the.chm`L:hcS they atbend.-Bradford `W115. 11658. .-\n- r 11 I I nu u o . ~ Skating. running and going to the Police (Jourt are booming inst now at Collmgwood. II 1 `I ,,_,_ I-_,,,, " [greatest Willimn 1411113, r M.usk_oka '1`o wns1.1ip,Vhad :5 cancer I`_o.'1uuvcd flom h1`s.arm'Iaet; VVedues 'JCu`.uI\.\n --J b~,.-~~__=` _V__ 7 Mrs Hazorge Reeve. of Alliaton, lately fell and broke her arm. -' _. . . ; f___- -_A. I-L.J.. I..J.l -4. `I'\.-_ ..)._ uuu\u u-Iv--av -v----v - - -- ` -... Revivali are going mi inT'the Methodist an Baptist Churches, Collmgwood. A . A young ladies band nf christian `workers has been established at Hawkstone. R( Vi\'81_SX`Vi(`PS at -_*'I_`hom'psonville have been attended with religious awakening. W7" 1,: . W, .,.---- N . . .. wTh/, entertuinlncnt lately held at Dunn's School housgnctted over $24. -_ .'__h.I._ \n-LL _'.1:_L _, 1 I`}1)rnp0!1Vine talks of organizing" a (build. of evumgelical wankers. , V -_ V ` Dnnkonon is said -to be af"ci;ed with ,...-ty and (lance craze. " . w A - Blunnrtireld ma a. successful tea-meeyting, mcasurc- by getting $40, A _ _ A1l:..A..._ |_,__L_ -IIVIII nf F: A new'ch:rrch is to be built at Fair Valley` this auunucr. ` . . in .,n, ,0 ',,- K-,','|.'1 `And `condensed into Intcrestlixg P:u'a- graphs for Advance Readerrwho " Like The Marrow of the Meat. ` Business is reported dull in Ma2a.neta wa.n. |{.mJ\v1:k has many of its denizens inthe sick list. ` Popular teachers and 3. good school la.`t IL. \`.unrn I u';\..... --. Port Sworn. `cuvrumzn BYSIMCOE AND ms-rmc'r; mxcnmams AS LOCAL NEWS, ` (Hm I"....-- --__._...-._.___._._. ,,__>`_ _ crdENTY%ii%EAM-n1sTRInT DEEDS, '1_1}} ' The I\`>t;tmv:mn;_ra Rm threatened `to do | M]. Lin. `u1i~;;x- at '1`hmnpsunvi1le durmg theil Mi` \.l\VI '1!!! DH ' \|mvwz1t lm.s 9; ` .-..mr;g, 8.` and 12; qmumes or ,.;... an-tore buy W (-lTse\\'lperc. '1`. WV. - 5- 1'. ..u,I\\ lalxllli , ,_ _`.. . ......,_... `JV . I'mif..x~1 Witness says . name A nnw (`.:r:.`j"(,'Il1fYl`I)g whu will be the nr f-_-2` F-u1.~Llz Rixncoe,` an appoit;tme'nt' mat lszxsj 1\l`(mliSed under the Scott 9 abovo der. L 0` chooO ,` ----2-~u fut um uuuuxpxuuuullr 13'1"") a n_dv s11vermedal_`tpok- place `*3 Mxdland between C. McNabL. `l: Midland. ` The uivnn in ("nnI.7.. 2....-- [arch 4, 1886. "i1'i2 King, of Tottenha_m, {lost his M an: _tlip'nt`.l1eI.`ia last 'l`uesday av1d_ . I ...`. Hull 5; [0-(lily `I10 blllllc Of '00] Tweeds, souls for no cc :1 mnall ndvn Inna nu .iTr\:;ths 'a`re reported from- W inst vr(:(-k. Namelvv.-Mrs. 1 : I , ll _ nL_; 1. - ` Y I4 -`LI v\\.\.I'\. .L\n|u\4LV.'.u4nuo *. 5:1: cnncet-:sinn, Mm. Brodie il\J1's'.` J. D," Boake ofv Shrub-. balance of '00] Tlvpoaln- nntnn n- UV] 1. II (20115, DUIIIU I01` 110 small advance ou an IilII" n ur urnnnla n no R); tvhvev championshi. VP? rnnrlnl `fnnlr, 1-`-Jinn {lull IIII VIIIIUU UII prlug goods are 30. - . Cookstown. . A . Advance Correspondence. The annual meeting of the Cookatown Warehousing Company was held last Friday, when statement of Directors was laid before shareholders. - The building is 318.232 feet, 53 feet high, covered with iron, capacity 35.000 bushels, is divided into two compartments with two sets of elevators elevating 400 bushels par-hour, scales, etc. .An addition of horse-power`bu_ilAdiAng,_ 32x31? feet, is made the Citizens ~Band serenaded Mr. H. H. Cook last night.-Orillna. Times. How does it happen if Mr. H. I]. Cook is. so_ popular with the peop|e of East Simcoe that it re- quired the iinmenseamount nf Scotch energy represented by Captain Mclnnes to raise the wind? A few of H. H s' bank bills. would have wonderfully assisted the harmony of the serenade.` If it reqnires the enerzv of Captain Mclnnes to get ups dolorous seren- ade for the nominee of that harmonious con- vention, how much will it need to get him into parliament?-Barrie ADVANQE ' We have but` one objections to make -to the VA nvANcE's criticism." The music of the Orillio band is not dolorous. even under `the most depressing circumstances.--0ri1lin Packet. We s_ta`.nfd corrected, Broaherale, We know the music `is all right. We were """" ""'n l""""o '--' r"'" -a~ Through the energy of -Captain Mclnnes I not" sure but the Dead March .i'nSaul was, `given on the occasion. " That always depresses Qreemore has had a little side show. It is said a man calling himself Rossine or Ross and professing to he an ( ntario Govern- ment Detective ' Hearrested Elias Leonard on a charge of keeping whiskey, and having stolen jewellry in l is h >use. When he attempted to hand cull` Lennard, he received a blow which sent him sprawling. He then produced a revolver which caused Leonard to run. The pistol was taken from_Ross by some persons standing near, Ross was brought before Squire Currie on the charge nf carrying concx aled weapms and attempt- ing to shoot. He was fine-J $20 and costs or 30 days on each cha.rge,.and is now with Gov- ernor Lang paving the penalty. as 4-- -1! l`AL`:` `|.f_`I.__-._ glven OCORQIOD. .1{I&b GlWG uvplrunvu us, and it might, have *indica.t.ed political ` burial to H.- . The following members of the York-Sim- one Ba.tta'1i on` have received the sums opposite thrir names as compo xsation for injuries to health in the North W est Rebellion : Pri vates William White, $61-50; J. .J .Prit' chard, $105 50; Theodore Swarz, $228 50; M. `B. Stewamt, $333 50; W. Peacock. 330`- `O; Captain John . Laudrigan. $334 76; Sergt. Major M. J. Dougall. $122 00; Pri-0 vates Wm Marsden $61.00; James Laerty $52.00. Total, $ 9 97.76. ' . re I Ir. ; At an early hour on Sun"a.y morning 9. re broke out in Kr-u:.e1y u block, Orillia, in the store occupied by Messrs. Warner & U0. Con- siderabledamage was done to the building and the music hall, whic'_1 is over the store and at present used as a roller skating rink. War- ner & Co. s stock was completely destroyed. Loss on budding fully covered by insurance- Frnm the nancial Jgtementg of the village treasurer it will-be seen that only twenty dogs wore tags last year. Hagl the by-law been enforced it would have read, one hundred and twenty-two. Beeton can pro- duce more worthless, mongrel curs to the square inch than any other village in Ontario. --Bceton VVorld. Beeton would be a. "very paradise for the sausage maker. ` tr 1: 1` I an .1 17 I at Good; at 20, 2.5 an 0c. The best value ever shown in Bax e. '1`. WI . Gray 6: -oee Eur` bcautxlul ail wool Dress C0. On Tuesday last Messrs. Stratton and Dudley, of the -I nland Revenue Department, Toronto, were in the vicinity hunting for an illicit still. They went northas fares the 11th line; then west-and south, so as to come out at Middleton, but they failed: to obtain any information which would enable them to arrest any person.-South Simcoe News. , I in 6V9 ! ; -If you waizt a ne nit of Clothes go to ~ the noted house, VV. . hillips & Co. ` _Mr. Black's `house in Spence got on re during morning service a couple of Sabbaths ago. The people left church and soon put it out. A good many houses in the village have taken tire from stove pipes in contact with the wood work instead of brick chim-_ neys, which shoulvli be built for common protection. I\ . ... . It I`: . . - Away u'p in Aapdte~ sccwlmaster has evidently baen abroad. 04 a.sta.ble up there are these words : - V T __#l`I, Y1 L ILV WU LJUUULUO John Doe. They evidently-do not tzke much stock in the grange. " 11-- -___.- u_,-__4\.- u 1` ,,, u --, ,,,` 1. --Go to'th`e chea. Q ,-ss Goods house I -r a new dress, W. R. `pa & ()0. --Mony ; .M !! Money H! to loan at, low rates. Mortgages purchased. Barrie I can -& Savings Company. 7 ` ll 1\I I I I v ' - R __-__ , ___--_---` ..- .. ... ....., .. .,., .. A_(3ollmgwcod f-.zm:ly,` that of Mr. John Brown, nearly perished from gas issuing from a coal stove 9. few; nights ago. The boy who attends the stove only partirally re- placed the cover." Temporary unconscious- ness and severe aft-er sickness were the re sults. ' ` -New Prints, ne ' `retounes, new Shirt' iugs, em, at W`. R P lnps 8: Co. Mr. H. Bell, Epplng,- has boughtrlthe plant of the Beaver Valley Times, and Will move it to Creemore this week, ' where he intends publishin, a. paper. Creemore is a lxvelit:t1e/town, and deserves a live paper, which, we doubt not. Mr. Bell will furnish l -Thornbury News. -~_--.--= ----- --- ----u: -Blg retfluc.-.tl s on Blankets and` Heavy Coluforte at '1`. W. Grav 6: Com. A111` `B --See our orde lothing. a perfect` fit; guaranteed, W. illips & Co. L Rev. Robert and Mrs. Morley were return- ing from a soci 51 at Broadbent a few evenings ago when the horse became frightened. ran away and threw Mrs. Morley out of the cutter by which her head received a. severe cut and she receiving other injuries. `III... -.A.I-...al`.-.. ..-- 'InI-..n__4_ __-.n .---- `v- ,-... -. `vtv Iwrunnua Evvunuu An Elmvale young man went into the house lately to smoke a cigar. leaving his girl sitting in a rig` outside. Sh with womanly dignity drove off home and left.- ` him to enjny a walk of some miles. Served % him right," and so they all say. S; -7-S4791`: 7G":1"a`1VyV'-9'sml-l"\vool Dress Good: it 20-.. per Vara. ew spring goods. A _ I'Bl....--I.. _-_.-_-4 ..A V . ---See VV. R. Ph' &. C:. s DressGOodsat 8, 10. l2Tand. 15, T value in Barrie ' J ohn` -SHIJFSOU, Alfred Morrison and Walter Gooalfellow of Moonstone, felled the timber, piled the brush, cut and split seven cords of two foot wood in `five hours. ` The Moonstoners `challenge any other three fllows to beat that. _.--..- --v---~v ---v- w: -v vvu --III; IN VIII Mr. E. Cooper, feeling for the poor of the town during the severe winter we are having, is willing to permit any person or persons to take otf lying [wood from his lot. between the old and new Bracebridge roads. T--G l`8.Vcll hursb Banner: T 7- iI(1`:i McIntosh of Alliston, who had his tongue tied some time" ago by John H. Dake, presiding in mission at Zone, has hadf the embargo removsd, be having made satisfactory explanation and restitution`. In.-- .......... *Inh.__--.. A..,-u- _ , - -- adopting it. A outed. This style of attegptinsz to frighten thieves and bnng them to justice ha; been eminent-ly successful. The }'inke_rt n Detective Agency might. ppotir. much by `full, It! . n vnulo. _._.._V._....--_ _._.. - V`-can-unu--Inna `four sues atthe noted Drss Goods I-louse k I. by '1`. . Gray 6: 00. ml. 1.1 n.._..--. :_-I:,. - IUIUD i Know Greange Hear Privet Stable. T Cedar Grove. Advance Correspondence. The following is the public school Honor `List for the month of February. Glass IV - Mary Agar, Eli Agar, Luo. Cunningham. IC`-lass II[-,(Jeaaie Agar, W. Cunniugha_m,) G. A. Wilson. E M. Mieksr Glass II-W. lu,--.|_.-.... D |l..I ...._ 0 1' ll'-_|_.____ The Martyr Ormwa, . March 2 -Mr. Landry, of VMontmagn.v,_g'ave notice in the House of the following motion on Friday: Resolved that this House feels it its duty to express its deep regret that the senteno;fot' death passed upon Louis Riel, convicted of high treason. was allowed to be carried into execution. 7.. LL- Q....-a... ALA .J..L_4.- __ L`. ,11 auuvvcu In: 11-1 uauiacu. auvu CAUUU.DlULIa In the Senate the debate on the address was concluded to-day, after a. violent speech from Mr. Rellerose. adissatieed government supporter, who appealedto race preiudiceu and` urged his French Canadian hrethren to ieaent what he believed was the gross in- justice which their race is receiving at the `hands of the government. Bellerose s senti- ments elicited no applause. and the address was passed without a division.

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